Development and Application of a DNA Microarray-Based Yeast Two-Hybrid System Bernhard Suter1,2,*, Jean-Fred Fontaine1, Reha Yildirimman3, Tama´ S Rasko´ 1, Martin H

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Development and Application of a DNA Microarray-Based Yeast Two-Hybrid System Bernhard Suter1,2,*, Jean-Fred Fontaine1, Reha Yildirimman3, Tama´ S Rasko´ 1, Martin H 1496–1507 Nucleic Acids Research, 2013, Vol. 41, No. 3 Published online 28 December 2012 doi:10.1093/nar/gks1329 Development and application of a DNA microarray-based yeast two-hybrid system Bernhard Suter1,2,*, Jean-Fred Fontaine1, Reha Yildirimman3, Tama´ s Rasko´ 1, Martin H. Schaefer1, Axel Rasche3, Pablo Porras1, Blanca M. Va´ zquez-A´ lvarez1, Jenny Russ1, Kirstin Rau1, Raphaele Foulle1, Martina Zenkner1, Kathrin Saar1, Ralf Herwig3, Miguel A. Andrade-Navarro1,* and Erich E. Wanker1,* 1Max Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin 13125, Germany, 2Quintara Biosciences, Albany, CA 94706, United States, USA and 3Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin 14195, Germany Received September 14, 2012; Revised and Accepted November 21, 2012 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Networks of protein–protein interactions (PPIs) underlie The yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) system is the most all cellular processes and are highly predictive for func- widely applied methodology for systematic tional relationships among gene products. Consequently, protein–protein interaction (PPI) screening and the one of the principal goals in modern systems biology is the generation of comprehensive interaction networks. generation of comprehensive maps for PPIs in human and We developed a novel Y2H interaction screening model organisms (1). The most important tool for system- procedure using DNA microarrays for high- atic mapping of binary PPIs is the well-established yeast throughput quantitative PPI detection. Applying a two-hybrid (Y2H) methodology (2). In the classical imple- global pooling and selection scheme to a large col- mentation of the Y2H system, a split transcription factor, lection of human open reading frames, proof-of- consisting of activation and DNA-binding domains, is principle Y2H interaction screens were performed functionally reconstituted via the physical interaction of for the human neurodegenerative disease proteins bait and prey proteins (3). The reconstituted hybrid tran- scription factor drives the expression of reporter genes huntingtin and ataxin-1. Using systematic controls that are scored by growth and color phenotypes (typically for unspecific Y2H results and quantitative bench- HIS3 and lacZ). Traditionally, a specific bait protein is marking, we identified and scored a large number of combined with a cDNA library encoding prey fusion known and novel partner proteins for both proteins, and interacting bait–prey combinations are huntingtin and ataxin-1. Moreover, we show that identified from yeast colonies that are grown on selective this parallelized screening procedure and the agar plates. Crucial for the generation of entire protein global inspection of Y2H interaction data are interactome networks have been matrix-based Y2H uniquely suited to define specific PPI patterns and screening procedures using libraries of annotated open their alteration by disease-causing mutations in reading frames (ORFs). These have been applied for the huntingtin and ataxin-1. This approach takes advan- exploration of PPI networks in eukaryotic model organ- tage of the specificity and flexibility of DNA micro- isms, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (4,5), Drosophila melanogaster (6), Caenorhabditis elegans (7), and also for arrays and of the existence of solid-related a first overview of the human interactome (8,9). Moreover, statistical methods for the analysis of DNA micro- a number of other screens focused on specific array data, and allows a quantitative approach disease-causing proteins, and signaling pathways were per- toward interaction screens in human and in model formed to obtain increased depth and coverage of relevant organisms. PPI networks (10–13). *To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +1 510 558 0368; Fax: +1 877 835 2534; Email: [email protected] Correspondence may also be addressed to Miguel A. Andrade-Navarro. Tel: +49 30 9406 4250; Fax: +49 30 9406 4240; Email: miguel.andrade@ Correspondence may also be addressed to Erich E. Wanker. Tel: +49 30 9406 2157; Fax: +49 30 9406 2552; Email: [email protected] Present addresses: Bernhard Suter, Quintara Biosciences, Albany, CA 94706, USA. Pablo Porras, European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SD, UK. ß The Author(s) 2012. Published by Oxford University Press. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( by-nc/3.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Nucleic Acids Research, 2013, Vol. 41, No. 3 1497 So far, Y2H data have been reported as reproducible MATERIALS AND METHODS outcomes from repeated interaction screens and are not Yeast strains and Y2H matrix based on quantitative measurements, which contrasts with gene expression and protein–DNA interaction data that Individual bait strains were constructed by cloning DNA have been extensively addressed with DNA microarrays sequences encoding the huntingtin fragments HD506-Q23, (14). The DNA microarray technology has also been in- ATXN1-Q32 and ATXN1-Q79 into Y2H plasmid strumental in other applications, such as the high- pBTM116-D9, derived from pBTM116 (Clontech). Baits throughput screening and quantitative measuring of selected to perform the Y2H screens are the N-terminal drug sensitivity and resistance of yeast deletion strains fragment of the HD protein with a short polyglutamine (15,16). For these experiments, large populations of tract (HD506-Q23), wild-type ataxin-1 (ATXN1-Q32), yeast strains comprising thousands of barcoded deletions and mutant ataxin-1 that has an elongated polyglutamine are grown in the presence of diverse chemical compounds. tract (ATXN1-Q79). The bait constructs were trans- The barcodes from compound-treated pools and un- formed into yeast strain L40ccua (Mata). Identity of the treated control pools are amplified by polymerase chain individual bait clones was confirmed by PCR. The prey reaction (PCR) and hybridized to DNA microarrays to ORFs are in vector pACT4-DM (derived from pACT2, score deletion strains that are under- or overrepresented Clontech) and grown in strain L40cca (MATa). Plasmid after selection. The same strategy is followed with pools of constructs and shuttling procedures are described else- yeast cells that overexpress large collections of ORFs (17). where (22). A large number of template ORFs of different sizes can be PCR amplified in one pooled reaction when using a primer Composition of the ActMat v3 matrix set that anneals to adjacent vector sequences. A large matrix of prey strains (ActMat collection, version Here, we apply a novel Y2H screening scheme that is 3) containing full-length ORFs was constructed by based on pooling and competitive growth on selective recombinational cloning using the Gateway system plates. For proof-of-principle experiments, we explored (Invitrogen). The ActMat v.3 is an expanded version of a PPI networks for the neurodegenerative disease proteins prey matrix described earlier (8), containing a total of huntingtin (HTT) and ataxin-1 (ATXN1), which, as 14 119 full-length ORF clones from four different re- mutant variants, cause Huntington’s disease (HD) and sources. The full MGC3 collection (23) comprises ca. spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), respectively 80% of all clones, and additional clones are from (18,19). Both proteins contain polyglutamine tracts that, Harvard, SMP and RZPD clone repositories, as well as a on expansion to a pathological length, cause protein collection of ORFs that were assembled in our lab (1–22 misfolding and aggregation in neuronal cells. PPI collection) (Supplementary Table S1). From the assembled networks for HTT and ATXN1 have already been clones, 13 405 ORFs are Entry clones that were transferred generated previously with high-throughput Y2H screens into pACT4-DM via Gateway LR-reactions. These entry (11–13). It was suggested previously that the underlying clones in turn correspond to 11 083 unique Entrez GeneIDs function of polyQ tracts in proteins is to mediate PPIs and according to NCBI annotations, and 11 685 unique gene that alterations in PPI patterns due to polyQ expansions annotations in the Ensembl v.58 release. Comparing the are important for disease pathogenesis (20,21). annotations in the ActMat v.3 collection with the probesets By screening the bait proteins HTT and ATXN1 against on the ST1.0 array that were mapped with the Ensembl v.58 a large preassembled library of ORFs, we achieved an release, we identified 10 929 corresponding Ensembl gene unprecedented throughput and parallelization of the IDs (10 500 Entrez GeneIDs). Y2H procedure. Quantitative benchmarking and receiver operation characteristics (ROC) via repeated sampling Pooling and selective growth revealed the distribution of known PPIs among the micro- The ActMat v.3 strains were arrayed in 384-well microtiter array scores and determined the empirical cutoffs for high- plates and stamped out onto seven minimal medium confidence PPIs. For HTT, a larger number of PPIs Omnitrays. Arrayed strains were grown in 45 ml SD-Leu identified by microarray Y2H screening were further con- (384-well plates) until saturation and stamped out on firmed by LUminescence-based Mammalian intERactome Omnitrays containing SD-Leu agar medium using a KBio mapping (LUMIER) co-immunoprecipitation assays. Systems K4 robot and grown for 2 days at 30C. Freshly Importantly, the interpretation of Y2H interaction
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    Supplementary Table 2. Non-synonymous somatic mutations identified in the Discovery set of four NKTCL cases. Gene Sample Transcript Amino Mutation No. Nucleotide (Genomic) Symbol ID Accession ID Acid Type 1 ABCA4 7 CCDS747.1 g.chr1: 94564391 T>C p.T243A Missense 2 ACOX2 7 ENST00000492530 g.chr3: 58517538 C>T p.G7R Missense 3 ACSS3 10 CCDS9022.1 g.chr12: 81503369 C>A p.Y114X Nonsense 4 ADAMTS2 7 CCDS4444.1 g.chr5: 178540908 A>C p.I1199S Missense 5 AKAP8 7 CCDS12329.1 g.chr19: 15483121 C>T p.G300D Missense 6 ANGEL2 7 CCDS1512.1 g.chr1: 213168445 G>A p.P525S Missense 7 ANKZF1 59 CCDS42821.1 g.chr2: 220100475 C>T p.R617W Missense 8 APBA3 59 ENST00000439726 g.chr19: 3751342 insG fs Insertion 9 APLNR 7 CCDS7950.1 g.chr11: 57004458 A>T p.F7L Missense 10 ARMC7 7 CCDS11714.1 g.chr17: 73124795 G>A p.D87N Missense 11 ATM 7 CCDS31669.1 g.chr11: 108192038 G>A p.V2155M Missense 12 ATP6V0A1 7 CCDS45683.1 g.chr17: 40666340 A>T p.H762L Missense 13 BNIP3 7 CCDS7663.1 g.chr10: 133787372 C>T p.G41E Missense 14 BRCA1 10 CCDS11453.1 g.chr17: 41246517 G>A p.A344V Missense 15 BRI3 7 CCDS5656.1 g.chr7: 97911710 G>A p.V64I Missense 16 BSG 7 CCDS12032.1 g.chr19: 571548 A>G p.M1V Missense 17 BTAF1 7 CCDS7419.1 g.chr10: 93713569 A>G p.R214G Missense 18 BTBD11 59 CCDS31893.1 g.chr12: 107914407 G>A p.E427K Missense 19 BTN2A3 10 ENST00000465856 g.chr6: 26423337 G>A p.E86K Missense 20 C13orf23 31 CCDS45041.1 g.chr13: 39587665 delA fs Deletion 21 C2CD3 7 CCDS31636.1 g.chr11: 73753262 T>G p.S1833R Missense 22 C3orf63 31 CCDS46853.1 g.chr3: 56681175 A>C p.F530L Missense
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