APRIL 1995 R!' A ! DY April 1995 Number 936

I Earthquake epicen.,.s -IN THE SEA ?ABOVE THE SEA

4 The wave 22Weather prediction 6 What's going on? 24What is El Nino? 8 Knowledge is power 26Clouds, typhoons and hurricanes 10 Bioluminescence 28Highs, lows and fronts 11 Sounds in the sea 29Acid rain 12 Why is the ocean blue? 30 Waves 14 The sea floor 31The Gulf Stream 16 Going with the floe 32 The big picture: blue and littoral waters 18 Tides


34 TheKey West Campaign 19 Navyoceanographers 36 What's cookin' on USS Theodore Roosevek c 20Sea lanes of communication 38 GW Sailors put the squeeze on trash 40 Cleaning up on the West Coast 42Whale flies south after rescue


On the Covers

Front cover: View of the Western Pacific takenfrom Apollo 13, in 1970. Photo courtesy of NASA.

Opposite page: "Destroyer Man,"oil painting by Walter Brightwell.

Back cover: EM3 Jose L. Tapia aboard USS Gary (FFG 51). Photo by JO1 Ron Schafer. so ” “I Charthouse

Drug Education For Youth program seeks sponsors

The Navy is looking for interested active and reserve commandsto sponsor the Drug Education For Youth (DEFY) program this summer. In 1994, 28 military sites across the nation helped more than 1,500 youths using the prepackaged innovative drug demand reduction program. DEFY reinforces self-esteem, goal- setting, decision-making and sub- stance abuse resistance skills of nine to 12-year-old children. This is a fully- funded pilot program of theNavy and DOD. DEFY combines a five to eight- day, skill-building summer camp aboard a military base with a year-long mentor program.

“There is no question that DEFY is -great for the kids, but it is alsoa great leadership and self-esteem builder for our Sailors and Marines,” said LCDR Wallace Lloyd, DEFY program manag- er for the Department of the Navy Drug Demand Reduction Task Force. The excitement which DEFY has created among Navy and Marine Corps communities is evident by its rapid growthfrom two to 28 sites in one year. Lloyd hopes for 60 programs Persian Gulf conflict can apply for this year as the program continuesto Expedited citizenship expeditednaturalization. evolve.’ available for PresidentClintonBill signed an For information packets on the GulfWar vets ExecutiveOrder Nov. 22, 1994,that DEFY program, contact LCDR Wal- ’ authorizescitizenship for eligible lace Lloyd at the Drug Demand Sailors. Members of the armed forces Reduction Task Force at DSN 226- Aliensand non-citizen nationals must have served honorably between 1157/58/59 or (703) 696-1 157/58/59. who served on active duty during the Aug. 2, 1990, and April 11, 1991.


Physical presence in the Persian Gulf training; and logistics and sealift. most personnel agree or strongly during that period is not required. Unrestricted line officers must be agree that they have an equal chance Personnel must have been induct- commanders and below. Staff corps to serve, learn and progress no matter ed, enlisted, or reenlisted in the US, officers applying for transfer must be what race or ethnic group they belong the Canal Zone, American Samoa, or lieutenant commander and below. to. All groups surveyed had generally Swains Island, or have been lawfully More information is available in positive perceptions of the Navy’s admitted to the US. for permanent NAVADMIN 007/95. equal opportunity climate. residence. More details about the survey are Personnel applying for expedited i available in NAVADMIN 005/95. naturalization must submit three gexual harassment Immigration and Naturalization Service pontinues todrop (INS) forms: INS Form N-400 (applica- Safety Center advises tion for naturalization), INS Form N- against foreign port 426 (certificate of military service) and two-wheelers INS Form G-325B (biographic form). The forms can be obtained and filed at any INS office. As a result of several serious More information and assistance mishaps involving deployed Sailors on are available from Naval Legal Service rented motorcycles, scooters or Offices, Navy JAG at (703)697-9161 mopeds, the Naval Safety Center or DSN 227-91 61,PERS-662 at (703) recommends that commanders 697-6621 or DSN 227-6621 and prohibit rental of two-wheeled vehicles NAVADMIN 006/95. in foreign ports. Host nation traffic laws, signs, driving on the left in some countries Fleet support lateral and speed laws are often misunder- transfer criteria set stood. Most rental companies do not furnish the personal protective equip- ment (helmet, eye protection, reflective Officers may request transitionto Reaults from the 1993 Navy Equal vest, etc.) required by Navy and the new Special Duty Officer (Fleet Opportunity and Sexual Harassment Marine Corps instructions and orders. Support) Community beginning with (NEOSH) Survey show that the Navy is Requirements for motorcycle training the April 1995 Lateral Transfer and headingin theright direction inmay not be waived. Redesignation Board. The community eliminatingall forms of discrimination Rather than risk individual mishaps, is a gender-neutral restricted line and sexual harassment from its ranks. off-duty groups should do their community that supports shore Sailorswho participated in the sightseeing by bus tours or car rentals commands and staffs, in positions survey, conducted Navywideevery while in foreign ports,the Safety from division officer to major com- otheryear since 1989,said theyCenter recommended. A mand and beyond. believed sexual harassment has Officers will be considered on the decreased and their commands are merits of their past performance and taking equal opportunity complaints professional qualifications achieved. seriously. Officers in the surface, submarine, The percentage of women who special warfare, aviation, and special said they were sexually harassed in IC- operations communities must be the last year was the lowest since the warfare qualified prior to applying. 1991 survey, dropping 25 percent for The board will evaluate officers on female enlisted members. The number their prior experience in areas of of women officers who said they were specialization such as activity man- harassed dropped 40 percent from agement; space and electronic the 1989 survey. warfare; manpower, personnel and The survey results indicated that

APRIL 1995 3 I The wave remesents

The + wave + is + propelled + by + weather.

The +wave +breaks +when+it +comes+ Iashore.

4 ALL HANDS o sail safely at sea, the Navy has alwayshad to un- derstand, describe and predictthe ocean environ- 1 Tment. This knowledge allowsthe Navy to operate successfully in the planet’s most dynamic environment: the ocean.

In this issue of A// Hands, you will be introduced to some of the knowledge of the oceans accumulated during the years. You will become more familiar with the environ- ment in which you operate andrealize the Navy’s world- class science efforts are continuing to expand the knowl- edge of the use of the oceans in naval operations. The Navy’s knowledge of the oceans - from space to the bottom of the sea, and from the open ocean to the

complex littoral - equates to a very real kind of power: power to ensure we prevail as we move “Forward ... From the Sea.”

APRl L 1995 5 The The oceans cover more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface and affect every aspect of our lives- from the traditional fish and shellfish harvesting, to producing the world’s major weather patterns. The ocean’s bottom is divided into the continentalshelf along the coasts, the continental slope extending downward, and the deep ocean floor. The ocean is much more than the blue water uDon which we -sail as


1. The littoral zone extends along the continents from the beach seaward to a depth of about 200 meters. It is an oceanographically complex re- gion that challenges Navy operations with factors such as tides; seas and surf; reefs and sandbars; sediment I variations and submerged features; sea life; and highly variable weather. Nearly 200,000 varieties of organisms live here and account for90 percent of the world’s fish and shellfieh

2. The Gulf Stream is a massive warm ocean current flowing northeast alongthe eastern seaboard - and across the Atlantic Ocean. Spawning the dangerous nor’easters that mariners dread, warm and cold water eddies form along its wall and complicate anti-submarine warfare training and operations.

3. The abyssal plains of the deep ocean are extremely flat and extend for hundreds of miles. The extreme cold, intense pres- sure and total darkness require adaptations to see and be seen and forced evolution of bizarre creatures, such as theldiacanthus panamensisshown here with body studded with light-producing photophores. Oceans

6. The interaction of the cold Labrador Current and the warm Gulf Stream around Newfoundland's Grand Banks brings abundant nutrientsUD from the bottom, producing one of the richest fishing groundsin the world.' The boundary between the two currentsis so sharp that the bow of a ship can be in one current and the stern in the other. Constant, densefog is so thick here that you : likely could not see from bow to stern.

. 6.

5. In the polar regions sea ice forms from freezing seawa- ter and icebergs breakoff from land glaciers and drift out to sea. If both polar caps and the Greenland Ice Cap were to rral?, oceans would cover90 percent of the Earth. The first under ice transitto the NorthPole was made by USS Nautilus (SSN 571) in 1957. Navy ocean- ographers map the iceto ensure safe passage for ships and submarines.

4. As crustal plates shift on the ocean bottom, earthquakes result and volcanoes erupt. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge extending from the Arcticto the Antarctic is the longest mountain chain on Earth. Smokers and vents appear where hot magma is forced from the Earth's interior and 4 allows animals, such astube worms, 1 to thrive and grow to nearly10 feet in length. ‘1


Knowledge ‘1 is power . Naval forces needan intimate understandingof the mar- itime environment to prevail from the sea and that begins with the surveying of the shape and com- position of the oceans’ bottom. The full spectrum of biological, chemical, geological, physical and dy- namic oceanographic information is collected, interpret- ed and applied globally by the peopleof the Naval Meteorol- ogy and Oceanography Command to provide vital information for safety at sea; strategic and tactical warfare; and weapons sys- tem design, development and deployment. The command provides meteorological, oceanographicand mapping, charting and geodetic services for all naval operations worldwide. The Na- vy’s officer, enlisted and civilian oceanographic personnel serve aroundworld the . and aboard the ships and aircraft of the operating forces to provide on-scene services. .%


Hydrographic Survey Legend

NAVOCEANO - NavalOceanographic Office LANDSAT - LandSatellite G PS - GlobalPositioning System Satellite P-3 Orion - NavySurvey Aircraft COMSAT - CommunicationSatellite ARGOS - CommunicationSatellite DGPS - DifferentialGlobal Positioning System HSL - HydrographicSurveyLaunch ROV - RemotelyOperated Vehicle T-AGS Vessel- Auxilliary General Survey Ship Helo - Near-shoreHarbor Survey Helicopter

APRIL 1995 9 9 .. .. ', ~I :$r ;:.,: 'a I GIowing in the dark ‘ireflies sparking on a summer’s evening. Jellyfish glowing in night waters. These are examples of bioluminescence - light emitted by living organisms. Unlike incandescent light, the light produced by luminous animals and plants Fresults from a biochemical reactionto oxygen. Among the thousands of species of bioluminescent marine creatures, the majority are planktonic organisms. Fre- quently found in immense groups, these creatures glow in the wake of swimming fish or passing ships. The Navy studies bioluminescence because when ships pass through concentrations of bioluminescent creatures, the ship’s turbulence may disturb the creatures, causing them to emit light and reveal the location of the ship. Some luminous speciesof saltwater bacteria cause decaying fishto glow in the dark. Certain animals such as the “flashlight” fish culture coloniesof these bacteria on their bodies and use themas their own light source. At levels where the sun does not penetrate, luminous animals give the effect ofa starlit night. Scientists estimate 96 percent of all creatures found at these depths possess some form of self-light generation. Some deep-sea creatures develop photophores, light-producing organs which may be arranged in symmetrical rows along the fish’s body or in a single unit overhangingthe mouth. Studies reveal that photophores are con- nected to the nervous system and are biochemi- cally activated. Why does biolumines- cence occur? Scientists still aren’t certain, but there a. are several possible reasons. “Blinking” pat- terns observed in many species indicate that the light serves a communica- tion or courtship purpose. The light may reveal food or lure prey. Creatures with poorly developedor nonexistent eyes may use the light to blind or startle predators. In the past, biolumines- cence caused superstition, awe, and even fear. Today, it remains one of nature’s most fascinating phenom- ena. Bioluminescence can be used as a toolto locate ships and schools of fish and detect illegal fishing or chemical hazards. & Blolumincrt- mce WQS once confused wlth phospho- rescence in the belief that It The luminescent dinoflagellate, was caused by noctiluca is large enough (0.5 the element mm) to beseen with the naked phosphorus.


Why is the ocean blue? I he calm blue Gulf Stream. The exotic turquoise can change a bright blue laketo a-steely gray. Caribbean Sea. The Pacific Ocean reflecting a brilliant Light absorption explains blue water, but why is the Red Tcoral sunset. Although sea water is usually thoughtto Sea red and the Yellow Sea yellow? These colors are caused be deep blue, theworld's waterways actually form a by microscopic organisms, silt and mud suspended in the rainbow of colors. water. Near some coastlines, microscopic floating plants The sea appears to be blue for the same reason that the exude yellow pigments which turn the normally blue waterto sky looks blue. Sunlight, composed of electro-magnetic green. Some algae release brownish-red pigments, hence the radiation ranging in color from redto blue, is scattered by Red Sea. The Yellow Sea owesits hueto mud carried in by particles suspended in the water.The shorter blue wave- its contributing rivers. The color deepens duringfloods. lengths scatter more effectively and are absorbed less Unlike most major bodiesof water, the Black Sea is quickly than the longer red and orange wavelengths. landlocked with only one narrow, shallow outlet connecting it Sea water appears blue for about100 feet under the to the Mediterranean Sea. There is little oxygen in the water surface although a small percentage of undetectable blue except near the surface, and the result is a heavy concentra- light remains in the water upto the 600-footlevel. At about tion of hydrogen sulphide near thebottom which colors the 400 feet, color becomes indistinguishable and shadows water black. Despite the many scientific reasons for the disappear. After 600 feet, light absorption isso complete shifting colors of the oceans, the sea and its hues remain a that the ocean appears black. subject of mystery and legend. As seawater changes from Because the sea is a mirror of the sky, clouds or a serene blue,to vivid aqua, to turbulent black, the sea often sunset can further alter the water's color.An overcast day seems as moody as the humans who sail its surface. & Oceans and Major Seas

" Weraw knrGreat jepr deptt ram4 /fMt!

12 ALL HANDS d m Global chart of dynamic ocean heights. Redcorresponds to the areas of ocean higherthan theglobal mean (i.e., warmer) and blue areas arelower relative to themean (i.e., colder).

This imagedepicts thesea surface temperaturesof the world's oceans. Redand yellow indicate warmer temperatures and purpleindicates the coldestwater. APRl L 1995 13 The sea floor ,_ I

The deep submergence vehicle Alvin is lowered from the research vessel Atlantis /I, after preparations for a 12,500-foot descent to the wreck of the Titanic. GiantFloe: 3,000' - 5 milesMedium Floe: 600' - 3,000' Go with the floe

At first glance, sea ice may seem to be a simple subject avoid the ice completely, to understand - the poles are cold and ice-covered, and Patrol aircraft have flown throughout the Arctic for many the ice caps are permanent features. Unfortunately, it is not years and must know the ice characteristics for sonobuoy that simple. The ice-covered area doubles every winter deployment. And the personnel who are stationed in Thule, before shrinking during the warm months to its minimum Greenland, and McMurdo Station, Antarctica, rely on size in September, and the ice edge can move up to 200 resupply ships that need to know the ice conditions. km in a single week from the actions of ocean currents and Also, there are many interests outside of the Navy who storms. are studying the ice or using ice information for many For nearly 40 years our Navy has deployed submarines reasons including the effects of possible global warming under the Arctic ice, so we must understand the ice and climate change; where schools of commercial fish can conditions where it is thin enough for them to surface for be caught; shipping along the Alaskan North Slope; and operations and in an emergency. Surface ships operating transport of pollution in the Arctic from freshwater river near the ice edge need forecasts of the ice edge move- runoff. ment because most are not ice-strengthened and must

Ice in the Sea Ice in the sea consists, for the most part, of either sea Except in wind-sheltered areas, the slush, as it thickens, ice formed by the freezing of top layers of the ocean, or ice breaks up into separate masses, frequently in a character- bergs originating from glaciers or continental ice sheets, istic pancake form. The raised edges and rounded shapes Sea ice accounts for proba- result from collisions of the cakes. With continuation of low bly 95 percent of the area of temperatures the cakes freeze ice encountered, but bergs ... . into a continuous sheet. Ice may are important because of the grow to a thickness of four or manner in which they drift five inches in the first 48 hours, from their point of origin, after which growth becomes constituting a navigation -- progressivelyslower. Sea ice hazard. seldom becomes more than five to seven feet thick the first A certain amount of ice encountered at sea originates in " winter. rivers or estuaries as fresh water ice; however its impor- tance is local as it is already in a state of deterioration by As stresses are relieved, long cracks develop which the time it reaches the permit movement of segments within the pack. With the open sea. The first sign shifting of the ice, crowding may cause the ice to pile up that the sea surface is into pressure ridges and hummocks. Rafting (overriding of freezing is an oily opaque one piece onto another) is the appearance of the water. most common effect of pressure. This appearance is In spring or summer as snow or caused by the formation the surface of the ice melts, the of spicules, minute ice ice becomes covered with water. needles, and thin plates Continued thawing of the ice of ice known as frazil develops honeycomb passages crystals, which develop and holes into which the surface into thick soupy slush. water drains. A

16 ~ ''*' .I ' q?"+/" a a*....' Ice cubes: Sm all Floe: Small 30' - 600' Block: 6' - 30' Brash: 6' 1 " c Icebergs

Icebergs are products of ICEBERGGROWLER BERGGT the of not land,and the Ice of land origin in the sea, though often spiectacular, is sea. Arctic bergs originate of minor importance in arctic operations except in localized mainly in the glaciers of areas. Icebergs are large masses of ice detached from the Greenland, which has 90 fronts of glaciers, from glacier ice tongues, or from the shelf percent of the land ice of ice of the Antarctic. Smaller masses, termed growlers and the north polar region. At times an iceberg will bergy bits, originate, like bergs, from glaciers, or are appear dark in contrast with formed from the disintegration of icebergs and other :he sky or with other bergs masses of land-formed ice. n the direct sunlight, and Bergs are irregular in :his phenomenon has often form and take many varied ed mariners to report shapes. Most cbmmon are slands where none exist. the irregular dome-shaped bergs, produced by glaciers " Measurements on Arctic Whenthe fog isdense that have Plowed aCrOSS the bergs show that the draft is butthe sun is shining the Uneven land On their Way to seldom more than five times first appearance of a berg is the exposed height for the in the form of a luminous blockiest bergs, and may white object. If the sun is be as low as one or two not shining it is a dark, times the height for the somber mass with a narrow pinnacled and irregular streak of black at the water tvoes . line.

It is often ekneously assumed that a berg with one-eighth above water and seven-eighths submerged should be floating with a draft seven times its height above water: but these ratios hold good only for mass, and not for shape.

Ice off the southeast coast of Greenland. Com- posite satellite imagery shows visible pack ice (upper center) along coast. The multi-color bands indicate ice measured by passive microwave radiation, which allows satellites to chart ice even through cloud cover. The vertical bars indicate thickness of ice. II APRIL 1995 17 Time and tides ...

lthough the effect of the moon’s gravity upon us is Conversely, disaster struck the Marines at Tarawa in only one ten-millionth the Earth’s own gravitational 1943, when unanticipated low water over the barrier reef A, ull, its power is enoughto drag the Earth’s oceans grounded an entire wave of landing craft hundreds of yards from their normal boundaries. Luckily, tidal forces can only short of the beach. With the Navy’s increased focus on the affect large bodies- such as the oceans- and this ex- littoral, knowledge of the tides becomes ever more critical. plains why soup tends notto spill over the sides of the The actual speed and height of tides is not only affected bowl when the moon is full. by the moon, but by land masses, water depth, winds and Tidal swelling occurs twice a day onboth sides of the barometric pressure. When the barometer drops by one Earth, once when the moon is directly overhead, and once inch of mercury, the seas rise by 13 inches. The effects are when the moon is on the other side of the Earth. Tides even more amplified when the moon is at perigee, or typically have ranges in the oneto two meter range, but closest distance to Earth. Not only will this coincidence there are some areas which show no tides at all, and bring the highest tides of theyear, it can also cause coastal others which have ranges upto 10 meters. flooding. Although the moon’s distance from us varies only In times of war, considerations such as the phases of from 9 to 14 percent closer at time of perigee, it can cause the moon and tidal forces can have critical influence. tidal influences that are30 to 48 percent greater during Knowing they had only a two-day window of opportunity, times of perigee. World War 11’s D-Day Allied forces hitthe beaches of Because tides continually change the depth of the Normandy on June6, 1944, knowing the low tides and the water, any depth measurement taken during Navy hydro- moon’s brightness would reveal the full extent of Hitler’s graphic surveys will depend upon the time that measure- “wall of death.” Thus began the end of the war. ment was taken. Since a chart can only reflect one depth value, soundings obtained during a survey needto be corrected for the state of the tide. This is done by continu- ously monitoring the tide using tide gauges, and adding n correctioD values. This becomes the charted depth. Any mariner using that chart later will adjust the charted depth for the stateof the tides needed.&

1 A 1 I i

The Bay of Fundy, between Nova Scotia and the .’ Canadian mainland,exhibits tidal ranges up to I! 60 feet.

18 ALL HANDS Navy oceano~~phers: surveyors. of the seas Story by JO1~Ron Schafer, photo by Patricia Lama

hen the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in can get it.” Newport, R.I., chose Onslow Bay as Ohe site for The survey area measured35 by 50 nautical miles, Wtheir proposed shallow water undersaa warfare approximately 200 percent larger than the proposed range. training range, they realized they would need to know every Water depths ranged from 20to 200 fathoms. Among the inch of thearea. They needed a team of expertsto obtain data taken, according to Glydewell, were measurements of the necessary information and data about the site. Enter conductivity, temperature and depth, side-scan sonar and the Naval Oceanographic Office. sub-bottom profiling, bottom samples and gravity measure- NAVOCEANO, headquar- ments. More than 480 nautical tered at the Stennis Space miles of continuous data were Center, Miss., is the largest collected along with 164 single element ofthe Naval bottom samples. Bottom Meterology and Oceanography composition affects acoustics, Command. The office con- anchorages and landings and ducts oceanographic surveys must be considered inany in the world’s oceans using survey taken. ships, aircraft and other Operating on board USNS platforms to collect hydro- Kane, one of eight Navy graphic, magnetic, geodetic, oceanographic survey ships, biologic, chemical, navigation the 11 -member crew from and acoustic data. NAVOCEANO included physical The survey ofthe Onslow scientists, geologists, physicists Bay site, locatedoff the coast and oceanographers. “It’s fairly of Morehead City, N.C., was a typical,” Glydewell said of the general oceanographic and team’s makeup. “For this bathymetric surveyto fully particular survey, I wanted to be characterize the area and sure we hadthe proper mix of determine if there was anything talent, so I chose people very to prevent the installation of carefully.” hydrophones and underwater NAVOCEANO also provides cables that would constitute service to international custom- the proposed range. The range ers. Agreements with other would be used primarily for nations, including Morocco, underwater weapons systems South Korea and Indonesia, training but would include some enable NAVOCEANO to supply evaluation and test compo- them with a minimal amount of nents. equipment and personnel to “Our job,” explained Jim help them begin coastal Glydewell, a senior NAVOCEANO representative’andhead surveys of their own. The data obtained in those surveys is of the Onslow Bay survey team, “is to collect, process and then added to the NAVOCEANO data base and is made establish a data base [ot] oceanographic data. We give the available governmentwide. a data to the customer in a nice processed form, put we also put it in our data base so that anyone who need$ the data Schafer is a Norfolk-based photojournalist for All Hands.

APRIL 1995 19 Fre n I 6o 1World Fish +/ 1loo Catch 90

u Tons) 30 50

10 Fish Major + 20 Recources 10 I Jo 1980 81 82 8384858687888990 “source: Natlond Fisheries Institute, Inc. P


,u 1945

U.S. commercial fishermen caught 4.4 billion poundsc ch lnrl ehdlfirh in 1QAF; lnrl lfl 6 hillinn nnlmnrlr in 1QOR Predicting weather

ariners have always realizedthe tactical impor- tance of weather and, from the beginning of Mtime, have tried to forecast it. The invincible Spanish Armada owed its defeat in the 16th century to the violent storms it encountered off the coast of Britain en routeto its invasion of that country. The weather’s effect on military battles elevated meteorology to a science during the mid-19th century. The French were responsible for the first weather map. During the Crimean War Emperor Napoleon 111 commis- k: :,. : ’ sioned his Royal Astronomerto study weather forecasting after the Black Sea fleet was downed by a winter storm. The astronomer gathered all available weather reports preceding the storm, traced the path of the disturbance across southern Europe, and put his discovery in the form of a series of weather maps. Withthe invention of the telegraph, systematic collection of weather reports began. US. naval officer Matthew Fontaine Maury is considered the father of military weather forecasting. During the mid- 1800s he studied ships’ logsto determine wind and weather trends. Using these findings, he madeup charts and sailing directions that cut the sailing time from New York to San Francisco by almost 50 days. During’World War I, CDR Francis W. Reichelderfer, a

22 Weather and the Sun here does the weather come from? Why is it warm and sunny one day, cool and rainy the next? The answer is the sun. As the power source for our entire solar system, the sun has a dramatic effect on the weather even when wecan't see it. Fluctua- tions in the weather result from differential heating of the earth's surface and the atmosphere's effortsto distribute the heat evenly around the globe. Although it feels like the sun heats from above, warming actually occurs from below. Concentrated radiation from the sun passes through the atmosphere in the form of short, ultraviolet rays. The earth absorbs this energy and turns it into heat and reradiates some of it back into the atmosphere, which seals it protectively around the earth like a blanket. U.S. Navy pilot and meteorologist, applied the ptill-evolu- Because this incoming radiation is concentrated along tionary concepts of fronts and frontal activitytq naval the equator, the atmosphere must also redistribute this weather forecasting. Military forecasters soon qdded the heat to rebalance the unequal heating. It doesso through latest mass and front movementsto their daily imaps. air masses and fronts. Air During World War 11, the Japanese usedthe~weather to masses transport heat, great advantage during their surprise attack on^ Pearl and fronts separate the Harbor a storm moving across the Pacific prqvided the - different air masses. cloud cover that helped prevent detection oftye Japanese Most heat redistribution fleet. The Normandy Invasion, Operation Overlord, owed its takes place along the success to a specific set of weather requiremebts. D-Day polar front, the line had to fall during the period one day beforebo or days separating the after a new or full moon, followed by at least ttdree days of northern coldair light and clear skies. Had the invasion not taken place on masses from the June 6, 1944, it would have had to be postpoqed at least southern warm air two weeks. masses. As the Today, the environment is acknowledged as1 a determin- low pressure ing factor in all military operations from cruise Tissile strikes systems move to amphibious landings to special warfare opedations. along this front r Knowledge of the weather, which controlsthe beas, is to they drive cold air the advantage of military decision makers. Na$ aerogra- to the south, and pher's mates, aided by technological advancesi, still provide push warm airto that face-to-face customer service that aided $uccessful the north, thus operations of the past. & maintaining a heat balance. a

APRIL 1995


Cloucls veryone has heard the expressions “Cloud9,” and freezing temperatures are said to be super-cooied. Occa- “castle in the clouds.” Although clouds look like sionally a very small number of these will freeze. However, Edelectable whipped cream and spun sugar confec- ice crystals absorb more water vaporso that they quickly tions, they are actually masses of condensed water vapor.grow, shed splinters, and multiply. Eventually, the water Clouds form when moist air rises through the atmo- droplets completely evaporate and the cloud is composed sphere. As the earth’s surface warms, water evaporates entirely of snow and ice crystals. until theair is saturated. As the air rises through the atmo- There are many different types of clouds. The most sphere, pressure decreases, and air expands and cools common is the cumulus, a billowy cloud heaped high on a rapidly. Water droplets condense and become visible as flat base. Cirrus clouds are wispy and streaked. Stratus clouds. clouds are layered, dark, and hang low in the sky. A Dense clouds form during storms. Water droplets inside nimbus is the black sheet which covers thesky during rain the air grow heavy and eventually descend as rain. In time, storms. There are many variations on these basic types this moisture evaporates and reforms in the atmosphere as including the fleecy cirrocumulus, whose delicate rows clouds. This process is called the hydrologic cycle. resemble the markings on a mackerel; the cumulonimbus, Clouds may develop in other ways. When air passes an extremely large, anvil-shaped cumulus cloud; and the over a cooling surface, such as the dewy ground at night, stratocumulus, dark gray clouds associated with winter. the wind may stir some of the coolness upward, creating Cloud shapes are affected by several factors, notably fog.. Artificial clouds form when damp air masses of the wind. As the high-piled cumulus hits the bottom of the different temperatures mix. Examples include the steam stratosphere, a ceiling effect occurs; the top of the cloud . made by your breath incold weather and the exhaust trails flattens against this invisible surface and spreads. into an produced by high-flying aircraft. oval. Winds can further stretch and pull the clouds into What about snow clouds? Condensing vapor rarely fanciful shapes. produces ice crystals directly. Water droplets at below

26 ALL HANDS / Typhoons and hurricanes


Highs, lows and fronts

o weather forecast- uct of a strong low-pressure system. ers onthe evening In a high-pressure system, winds nearthe surface spiral D news seem to be outward in a clockwise direction. The weather is generally speaking a foreign language? fair, but there may be some showers or thunderstorms When they saythe area isoc- nearby, especially in hot, humid weather. cupied by a low pressure sys- A drop in atmospheric pressure signals the approach of tem, will it rain or stay dry? If a low-pressure system or the departure of a high-pressure a cold front approaches, system. When pressure rises, the opposite is true. The rate should you get out your mit- of this rise or fall depends on the speed of the movement tens right away? To under- and intensity of the systems. stand meteorology, one must A low-pressure trough often goes hand in hand with a become familiar with the cold front - a mass of advancing cold air pushes up terms highs, lows and fronts. against the retreating mass of warm, moist air. When this When the surface pressure occurs, the wind shifts. Pressure falls as the trough ap- in a given region is less than surround-proaches. The cold front often brings with it a line of ing areas, it is occupied a by low-pres- showers followed by a temperature drop. sure system. Ina low-pressure system A warm front occurs when a mass of warm air advances in the northern hemisphere, winds nearagainst a retreating wall of cold air. Pressure falls rapidly as the surface circulate inward in a the front nears. The weather is cloudy with steady precipi- counter-clockwise direction. Air tation. It the front passes directly over, temperatures may moving inward rises produc- rise until the nextcold front comes through. ing clouds and precipitation. J-L Stormy weather isa byprod-

2% Industry-Transportalion Acid rain

he atmosphere is like an enormous chemist’s beaker than 7 means greater alkalinity. Rainfall with a pH lower - a vessel where gases mix, mingle and rkact. Often than 5.6 is considered abnormally acidic. Tthey turn into poisonous substances capgble of Acid rain releases chemicals from the soil into rivers and returning to earth as rain or snow. Acid rain has been lakes, restricting the growth of aquatic plant roots. These blamed for the death of several lakes and rivers’ in North chemicals also clog the gills of aquatic animals, attack their America and may be partially responsible for worldwide bodies and causes life-threatening deformities in their forest depletion as well. young. Each day, thousands of tons of sulfur and nitrogen As plants, insects, fish, amphibians and reptiles disap- oxides are pumped into theair by fossil fuel-burning plants pear, the structure of the lake’s ecosystem weakens and and automobile exhaust systems. Sunlight converts these collapses. When the lake is completely unableto support gases into sulfuric and nitric acids which then are ab- life, mammals and birds which rely on the lake as a food sorbed by the water particles in clouds. Mixed with rain source become endangered. Sadly, dead lakes and and snow, they fall back to earth, usually hundreds of miles streams often appear clear and beautiful. from the original source of the pollution. Some scientists think that acid rain affects forest growth The term acid rain is somewhat misleading. In addition by weakening trees so that they are less likely to survive to the ‘wet’ substances of rain, snow and fog,dry particles droughts, insect attacks, diseases or storm damage. of sulfur and nitrogen oxides also fall and are absorbed by Natural habitats are not the only ones endangered. plants and soil. These particles, known as acid deposition, Man-made office buildings, houses and automobiles also turn acidic when mixed with surface moisture. erode due to repeated soakings of acid rain. A substance’s pH factor, a figure on a scale of 1 to 14, Several government agencies are investigating acid rain. determines a substance’s acidity. A pH value Of ~7is Through the use of new technologies, we are beginningto neutral. A figure less than 7 indicates higher acidity, more clean up sulfur emissions made by factories. a

APRIL 1995 29 Waves Where do they come firom and how do they affectnaval ops? aves originate from two sources: wind-driven, foam cascading down the front. They formon gently called seas and swells, and geological distur- sloping or flat shores and roll great distances before W bances, known as tsunamis. breaking. Breakers that form from a steeply slopingbottom A wave’s size and shape reveal its origins.A breeze of are plunging breakers. As the crest folds over, it creates a only two knots cancause small ripples to grow on calm large air pocket, followed by a smooth wave front. Experi- water. Whitecaps are seen when the winds reach about 15 enced surfers can sometimes crouch under the falling crest knots. Choppy waves that are still being pushed by the and “ride the tube.” Surgingbreakers peak up, but rather local winds are called seas. As waves leave the area in than plunge or spill, surge smoothlyup the beach face. which they were generated, they are called swells and can Tsunamis, erroneously called tidal waves, arethe most travel thousands of miles over the open ocean. destructive form of waves. These result from underwater No two waves are identical, but they share common earthquakes or volcanic eruptions that disrupt the water’s traits. Every wave, from a tiny rippleto the largest tsunami, surface. has a measurable wave height, the vertical distance from The tides have nothing to do with their formation. its crest (high point)to its trough (low point). Wind speed, Tsunamis can travel at 400 mph and be only three feet duration and fetch (the distance over which the wind blows high in the open ocean. over open water) determine how high a wave grows. The However, a tsunami’s wavelength - the distance from maximum height a wave may grow from a steady wind the crest of one waveto the crest of the next wave- can over 24 hours is usually less than one halfthe wind speed be 60 miles. As the water quickly piles up on the beach, it in miles per hour. When a wavebottom begins to drag on can reach a height of more than100 feet. the bottom, thetop continues forward until the wave Wave forecasts are made daily with Navy computer “breaks” on the shore. models. Surf predictions for amphibious landings and sea When waves reach the beach they can form three types and swell forecasts for tactical ocean ship routing services of breakers, depending on the beach slope. Spilling are examples of integrating wave predictions into naval breakers, a favorite with surfers, are turbulent water with operations. A

30 ALL HANDS DivingU and messure1~

or centuries, the prospect of sunken treasure and an unexplored frontier have lured daring adventurersto Fthe deep ocean world. There, the pressure exerted by the water column (seven tons per square inch at the deepest part of the ocean) could easily crush anyone not in a specially configured deep submergence vessel. Below 300 feet, the pressure exerted on divers is nine times that at surface, and the increase of nitrogen bubbles in solution in the bloodstream may cause nitrogen narco- sis, a condition of increasing mental disorientation. Divers suffering from nitrogen narcosis act drunk and become dangerous to their diving companions and themselves. The bends occurs when nitrogen bubbles collect in body joints, bone marrow, muscles and nerve centers and expand during rapid ascent.If the pressure is not immedi- ately increased, redissolving the gas, it may result in brain damage, crippling or death. Following a long dive, divers must undergo a gradual decompression processso that the nitrogen in the blood may be released slowly through b the lungs. The deeper the dive, the longer the decompres- sion time. Pressure is a major diving hazard, but precautions, such The Gulf Stream as proper diving instructions, safe equipment and the he Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current in the North awareness of pressure-related health symptoms can help Atlantic flowing from the Gulf of Mexico, northeast ensure a safe exploration of the ocean world. A Talong the US. Coast to Nantucket Island, and then across the Atlantic to the British Isles. The Gulf of Mexico, once thought to be the sourceof the Gulf Stream, actually contributes very littleto its flow. The Gulf Stream really results when two strong currents, the North and South Equatorial Currents, mingle in the passage between the Windward Islands and the Caribbean Sea. The true Gulf Stream flows between the Straitsof Florida, and the Grand Banks. However, it is part of a much larger Gulf Stream system, which covers the entire north- ward and eastward flow from the Straitsof Florida, includ- ing the branches crossing the North Atlantic from the region south of the Newfoundland Banks. Water flows through the Straitsof Florida at a rate of approximately 26 million cubic meters per second, about 1,000 times greater than the flow of the Mississippi River. It increases to 75 to 90 million cubic meters per second by the time it reaches Chesapeake Bay dueto the additionof Sargasso Sea water and a contribution from the Continen- tal Slope. As the water turns eastward, beyond the Grand Banks, the flow decreases to less than 40 million cubic meters per second. The boundary between the Gulf Stream and surrounding water is extremely sharp, often resulting in a temperature difference of If3 C, and abrupt changes in water color and sea state. Crossing the Gulf Stream can be difficult during underway replenishment and makes the ASW problem more complex. Infrared view of the Gulf Stream as seen from spaceNOAA's by polar orbiter Tiros.

APRIL 1995 ABOVE THE SEA I 1 The big picture

he knowledge gained through applied scientific study providing warnings of approaching typhoons or hurricanes. and oceanographic data collection is of vital concern Every aircraft flight or ship maneuver requires consideration Tto the warfighter. Getting this informationto the of what the ocean and atmosphere are goingto do. operating forces is the responsibility of the Naval Meteorol- Each day, the Navy's super computer center at the Fleet ogy and Oceanography Command. Safety is always top a Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center in concern, whether routing ships across the oceanto save Monterey, Calif., receives up to 2 million observations from fuel and time and to avoid hazardous seas and weather, or around the world. Based on these observations, computer- Blue water


L :s


32 ALL HANDS Littoral water A. =.-AIR TEMPERATURE




based predictionsare then made of the the Navy’s ships, aircraft, weapons, sensors and opera- ture, circulation, waves, ice, and the tions. The Naval Oceanographic Office uses survey data atmosphere. These predictions are collected from ships, aircraft and satellitesto provide highly oceanographers on ships and at specialized products for the littoral environment. who then provide forecasts for The littoral zone became of great concern during the Since the end of theCold Gulf War as Iraqi mines, oil spills and smoke from burning shifted its focus from oil wells drifted down the coastline of the Persian Gulf. (ASW) - where large Predicting the motion of these hazards required highly changed slowly - to detailed knowledge of the water, beach, currents, winds, near-shore rain rate and a host of other types of data.

APRl L 1995 33 * Naval Research Lab scientists take ocean floor measurements with a trident spear probe. v A scientist sets up a model of a sediment experiment which will-place dyed grain-sized particles on the ocean floor to track sediment.


ALL HANDS The Kev West Campaign Helping the Navy’s vision


Story and photos by JO1 Ron Schafer

aiti. Somalia. The Persian Gulf. As the Navy in- third exercise of the Coastal Benthic Boundary Layer creasingly operates in shallow water environments Special Research Program. “The Key West Campaign” Haround the world, maintaining a ready and capable included three ships- one from Germany andtwo from mine countermeasures (MCM) program has never been the United States - and more than 100 scientists and more vital. To that end, scientists from the Naval Research technicians representing six nations. Laboratory (NRL) are halfway through a five-year program According to Dr. Michael D. Richardson, the project’s to study the coastal environment’s influence on MCM lead scientist, the objective of the exercise wasto gather operations. data from the abundant carbonate sediments found at the In February, scientists from NRL were joined in Key site. The data are usedto improve the ability of the Navy’s West, Fla., by an international group of scientists for the MCM systems to detect, classify and neutralize mines located on or in the ocean floor. Carbonate sediments consist of small particles of algae, broken animal shells, skeletons and coral that result from nature’s process of breaking down coral reefs. Environ- mental processes such as waves, currents or marine life control the distributionof properties that make up the structure of each type of sediment. Using data from the Key West exercise, scientists can create prediction models to determine the sediment type in similar shallow water environments, particularly those in potential areas of conflict for the Navy. “Essentially,” said Richardson, “we’re looking at environ- mental processes such as tides, waves, currents or animals that would be there, primarily the chemical pro- cesses that go on in the sediment. “By understanding how the environmental processes control sediment structure, we can predict what the sediment structure may be in areas that we haven’t operated in or we don’t have information on.” Predicting a specific sediment type can provide tactical aids that will help to make informed decisions whetherto hunt or sweep for mines. “They can better predict whether mines will bury or not and they can better know howto make settings on the sonar system which is integralto the MCM 1 Avenger class,” said Richardson. Having moved from a blue-water battlefieldto coastal regions, information gathered during this research program < A Scientists from the Naval Research Lab prepare and will have a profound impact in leading the Navy’s mine launch a duomorph, a probe which measures the rigidity of countermeasures program into the 21 st century. .rf. sediment. Schafer is a Norfolk-based staff writer forAll Hands.

APRIL 1995 35 IENVIRONMENT A special treat for Mother Earth Story by JOC Martin Fucio and SN M. Taylor Clark, photos by JOC Fucio

omething’s cooking aboardUSS NAWC Point Mugu’s Hazardous Inven- Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) tory Control System (HICS). CHRIMP es- Sand it’s not in the galley! On tablishes one central location as a haz- Roosevelt’s last deployment, the crew ardous materials minimization (HAZMIN) grease, washing them in a commercial developed a cookbook of environmen- center for the issue and return of haz- washer and reusing them, Theodore tal recipes titled The Environmental ardous materials such as greases, brake Roosevelt reduced the number of rags Compliance Program Cookbookto help fluids, anticorrosives and about 250oth- used during a six-month deployment other ships comply with local, state, fed-er commonly used items. from 2,800 bales to 1,600 bales for a eral and international environmental If a Sailor needs a quart of paint, he purchase savings of $58,735. They re- rules. or she goes to the HAZMIN center, fills alized further savings of $78 per barrel “We called ait cookbook because theout a short form and receives a num- for disposal of .the rags as hazardous Navy puts outenough reports and man- bered paint can. An easy-to-use HICS waste. And, of course, the rags didn’t uals,” said CDR Stu Paul, editor of the computer program tracks the can, find their way to a landfill. cookbook and a former aircraft mainte- which mustbe returned within 48 hours. Altering PMS oil change intervals for nance officer aboard USS Theodore When the can is returned, it’s stored for aviation support equipment, laser parti- Roosevelt. Paul and LTJG Mike Gallop, reissue if it still has paint in it, or prop-is cle counters in lieu of patch testing for who literally wrote thebook on trash and erly disposed of if empty. This eliminates hydraulic fluids and many other good hazmat handling while serving aboard the half-empty cans of paint stored on ideas are highlights among the recipes Roosevelt, wanted a user-friendly ap- shelves here and there throughout the in the book. The cookbook has helped proach to sharing lessons learned. As ship which might have created a fire spawn an official “Pollution Prevention Roosevelt and Air Wing8 tried ideas thathazard. CHRIMP is also user-friendly. Opportunities Handbook” being printed worked, Gallop and Paul wrote a step- “We tried to make it simple,” said Gal- and distributed to all commands this by-step explanation of how to replicate lop. “When a system is easy to use, spring. Look for it as a great place to the 28ideas aboard other ships or shorepeople are more likely to use it. think up some ideas you can use aboard activities . The results read like a cook- Anothergreat idea Theodore your ship or station. book- with the instructions resemblingRoosevelt Sailors usedto save the earth LTJG Mike McDowell, Gallop’s suc- recipes. (and taxpayers’ dollars) was purchas- cessor as environmental compliance of- Theodore Roosevelt sailors devel- ing reusable rags. Shipboard house- ficer, and the rest of Roosevelt’s crew oped many of the ideas themselves, butkeeping consumes a huge numbers of continue searching for simple solutions. others were adapted from other places rags, which are normally used once and An important lesson -is write down your in the Navy - for example the Consol- then discarded. By processing used good ideas, so others can find out about idated Hazardous Material Control Man- rags ina specially developed rag-oil sep- them. agementProgram (CHRIMP) uses arator to remove most of the oil and

36 ALL HANDS The Navy will invest more than$1.5 bllllon on environmental programs In W6.

4 AS2 Phillip Hardy uses the aerosol can puncturing device, which collects residual waste for proper disposal. After puncturing, aerosol cans are flattened for easier disposal.

USS Theodore Roosevelt has sent more than300 copies of the cookbook to commands throughout the Navy,con- tinuing the work begun by the ship’s namesake. “President Theodore Roosevelt was one of this great nation’s first environ- mentalists,” said CAPT Stanley Bryant, USS Theodore Roosevelt’sformer com- manding officer inthe introto the cook- book. “We hope we are following in his footsteps.”

AE1 David McCarty, removes rags from the commerciallyavailable washer and dryer aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71). Fucio and Clark are assigned to the public affairs office,USS TheodoreRoosevelt (CVN 71).


GW silllots put the squeeze on shipboard trash

Story by JO1 Lee Bosco, photos by PH2Troy Hoagland

t’s been a seagoing habit for thou- opment, NAVSEA A Airman Tian Chen (left) and Airman Brian Detrich (second sands of years. Ancient marinersdid approved the pro- from right) get a first hand look at the future of shipboard it. The Vikings did it, even the Span- plastic disposal. Civilian technicians Doug Vaughters and I Of the MikeMurnane hold a plastic disk produced by a Com- ish Armada did it. But the U.S. Navy is tics processors~pressed Melt Unit plastic processor installed on board USS doing something about dumping trash whichcompress GeorgeWashington. and garbage at sea. shipboard-generat- For centuries, thousands of pounds ed plastic waste into of garbage were dumped into the plan- 20-inch disks. Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center et’s oceans with little thought given to George Washingtonis complying with (CDNSWC), Annapolis, Md., embarked the damaging consequences. A new- the Marine Plastic Pollution Research George Washington,preparing the ship found wisdom, coupled with some com-and Control Act enacted by Congress for the arrivalof the first CMU plastic pro- mon sense, has prompted the world, in 1987. The act prohibits the overboardcessor in the fleet. and the Navy, to take a closer look at discharge of shipboard plastic waste. The CMU plastic processor is revo- the age-old practice of tossing trash overNavy surface ships are required to lutionary in its design becauseof its sim- the fantail. complying with this act by Dec. 31, plicity. The CMU heats the plastics to USS George Washington (CVN 73) 1998. Through a massive effort, the the melting point while compressing took a major step toward an environ- Navy will have plastics waste proces- them into a smaller volume. Any water ment-friendly solution when it was se- sors installed aboard all surface ships contained in the plastics is cooked off. lected as the operational test site for theby that date. The temperature of the melted plastics Compressed Melt Unit (CMU) plastic Doug Vaughters, an engineer, and is high enough that most odor-cause- waste processor. technician Mike Murnane,two members ing bacteria are eliminated. When cooled After 21 months of intensive devel- of a five-man team from the Carderock under pressure,the plastics wastes form

38 ALL HANDS a dense disk, slightly smaller thana man- “Dump1. all trash clear of the stern” will hole cover. someday be reserved for sea stories and “The volume reduction ratio 30-to-is chanties about those who sailed be- 1 ,I’ said Vaughters. “That means fiveto fore. & six large garbage bags make one disk. Without these plastics processors, mostBosco and Hoagland areboth assigned to ships would haveto stow those garbage USS George Washington (CVN 73) public affairs office. bags and that takes a lot of space ,. , not to mention the sanitary conditions of the area where they are stowed ... )USS George Washington’s BM2 and the smell,” added Murnane. Thomas Whitesell shows the result of “The CMU is going to make Sailors’ the ship’s glass and metal waste shredder. The shredder reduces waste jobs easier, living conditions better and volume by a 2:l ratio, allowing more keep damaging plastics out of the envi-material to be held on station in limited ronment,” he said. “We’re looking at shipboard space. ways to recycle the plastic disks, so in the long run the Navy may even make v BT1 Michael Taylor of Jacksonville, money selling the disks.” Fla., navigates the aisles at Naval GW also has pulpers that grind a Station Norfolk‘s HAZMIN Center. combination of all paper and food prod-Taylor will retrieve hazardous materials ucts and sea waterto make a fine slurry with a specially designed order picker. (garbage mixture). The resultis a 98per- cent liquid solution which is returnedto the sea at a rate of 180 gallons per minute. The slurry disburses and de- grades much quicker than the paper and food would have had they gone over the side in their original form. Plastic, paper and food aren’t the only solid wastes George Washington gen- erates. At sea, the ship is home to al- most 6,000 crew members who seem able to generate more trash than party- goers on New Year’sEve in Times Square. Sailors go through metal cans and bottles at such a rapid pace that the Navy, early on, realized it needed a separate systemto cope with the denser waste. The glass/metal shredder is an ac- ceptable solution to storing this solid waste. The shredder breaks up cans and bottles so, when put in a container, they take up much less space. George Washington’sfuture plans call for collecting, washing and shredding all aluminum cans. The aluminum will be held on station until the ship returns to port. Then the waste will be turned over to a recycling plant. This could be a very profitable venture, in addition to being environmentally sound. With additions like these, the words,

APRIL 1995

I ENVIRONMENT I Whale flies south after being’rescued ~~~~~~ ~~ I Navy transports whale thatwas ’I found dying ona New Jersey beach

Story by JOl(SW) Jim Conner, photos by National Aquarium, Baltimore he Navy’s C-2 COD (carrier onboard care from aquarium veterinarians, marine delivery) aircraft are best known by mammal specialists and numerous TSailors aboard aircraft carriers for volunteers, the whale was rehabilitated carrying people, parts and mail. However, a and readied for release offthe coast of C-2 from Fleet Logistics Squadron 40 (VRC Florida into its natural habitat. Upon final 40), Norfolk, last year had the opportunity examination before leaving the aquarium, to transport a female pygmy sperm whale, Inky weighed 323 pounds, some 116 cargo not usually associated with any naval pounds heavier than when she was aircraft. found. The whale was given the nickname The Navy’s assistance was requested “Inky” by staff at the National Aquarium in to transport the whale from Baltimoreto Baltimore. The nickname came about Florida. The air crew involved in trans- because of the ink-like dye this species of porting thewhale on theC-2 were pilot LT whale releases as a defense mechanism. Drew Basden of Virginia Beach, Va., co- Inky was rescued from the New Jersey pilot LT Tami Fennel1 of Boulder, Colo., in- coast on Thanksgiving Day, 1993. She was flight plane captain Aviation Structural first brought to the Marine Mammal Strand- Mechanic 1st Class Alan Slifer of Freder- ing Center in Brigantine, N.J., then trans- ick, Md., and Loadmaster ASMAA Jody ferred the next day by a Coast Guard Giordano of Harding, Penn. helicopter to the National Aquarium. Inky was transported in adry sling that At the aquarium, medical staffers required attendants to keep her skin determined Inky was suffering from stom- moist and cool continuously and her ach disease. After a basic examination and temperature stable by rubbing her with six endoscopic procedures during a 19-day ointments, spraying her with water and period, aquarium medical staff removed a covering her with ice packs. large piece of mylar balloon, as well as Upon arriving in Florida, Inky was pieces of clear plastic and parts of plastic transported to Marineland in St. August- garbage bags from Inky’s stomach. “It’s ine where she got used to the sunshine almost like she ate a small trash bag and warm waters before being released containing these items,” aquarium veteri- off the coast of Florida. a narian, Dr. Brent Whitaker said. After five months of around-the-clock Conner is a photojournalist for All Hands. I~ 42 ALL HANDS I APRIL 1995 43 6uam lends a helping hand in Kenya hanks to the Sailors and Sickler, said thatthe Sailors and Marines assigned to USS Guam Marines brought many items for the T(LPH 9), some special children orphanage. “We had books, first aid in Mombasa, Kenya, will find it hard supplies, medical cleaning agents and not to be “tired” when they play. dental kits.” Sailors and Marines aboard Guam In addition to the material support, helped improve community relations Sailors and Marines played with the when they visited the Salvation Army children and took plenty of photo- Children’s Home in Mombasa. More graphs. Loud cheers erupted from the than 50 volunteers installed tire swings children whenever a photo was taken. AChildren at the on the playground’s trees and built an “Children are the purest part of Salvation Army Mombasa Chil- additional swing set for the children. being human,” said Lance Cpl. dren’s Home wait The volunteers also painted the Richard Gutierrez, an infantryman on to swing on a tire orphanage’s kitchen and several other board Guam and volunteer at the put up by crewof rooms. orphanage. the USS Guam The orphanage is hometo 61 The presence of Navy and Marine (LPH 9). children, ranging from threeto 14 Corps personnel definitely had a 7Constructing a swing set are Lt. years old. “We meet the needs of positive effect on the children. “When Timothy R. Quiner (left), LCPL Richard every child,” said Salvation Army they heard Sailors and Marines from Gutierrez and FN Shawn L. Jackson. Captain Bilha Rewa, superintendent the ship were coming, they were very of the home. happy’” said Rewa. “Having the Story and photo by JOSA Eric M. Wagner, The orphanage relies totally on Sailors and Marines here doing so assigned to USS Guam (LPH 9) public funds provided by sponsors.The much for them, it really makes them affairs office. ship’s chaplain, LCDR Bradley R. feel loved.” &

L 44 ALL HANDS DS1 (SW/AW) Stefan E. Valian I is realizing his childhood his realizing is & dreamof being a train opera- experience with trains could become a tor. “This is my childhood volunteer and was pleased atthe dream come true!” resDonse. “Anvone can go there and get training on different aspects of the museum. Everyone there is a volun- teer, from the engineersto the grounds 6oing locurnotiwe keepers,” Valian said. He has qualified o you remember what your re- on 12 different pieces of railway ply was as achild when adults equipment during the past three years. Dwould ask, “Whatdo you want to “This is mychildhood dream come be when you grow up?” Data systems true!” Technician 1 st Class(SW/AW) Stefan E. The Los Angeles native not only Valian remembers. “I’ve always wanted operates the museum’s trains, he is

I APRIL 1995 45 want the truth,” yelled Engineman 3rd Class Kenneth Hamilton as Jack Nicholson climbed the ladd,. to the flight deck. Without missing a beat, Nicholson responded, “You can’t handle the truth!” After repeating his ever-famous line from his box office hit, “A Few Good Men,” he turned to the crowd of 60 Sailor! Id said, “Oh, by the way, disregard my ’ comment about your white uniform: really love you guys!” Nicholson wasn’t joking either. While USS San Jacinto (CG 56) anchored in Villifranche, France, Nicholson pulled his 25-foot spew boat alongside San Jacinto’s ladder come aboard. Not recognizing the famous actor, the petty officer ofthc watch turned him away. Yeoman 3r Class David Scott and LTJG Ch+ Swnnnev. who did recoanize hin ,

or most crew members, the day eased the woman from the car. “The included a bus ride and tour of woman had several cuts on her face Fthe Louvre museum, Eiffel and her hand was bleeding. It looked Tower, Arc de Triomphe and many like it had been crushed,” said Soto. “I other sights in Paris. For Operations found a first aid kit in the back of her Specialist 1st Class Brian Dailey of car and did what I could for her Augusta, Maine; Hospital Corpsman hand.” 2nd Class Benjamin Roberson of After bandaging the woman’s hand, Jamaica, N.Y.; Yeoman 2nd Class the Sailors took herto a nearby hotel Jose Soto of Aguadilla, P.R.; and and called paramedics. “She spoke USS Deyo (DD 989) Sailors, on liberty in very little English and none of us Personnelman 2nd Class Gary Paris, help a woman who was trapped Simmons of Monroe, Mich., the day in her car. speak any French. But we all spoke to would offer much more. her in a calm voice and it seemedto While waiting for the busto return see the woman was alive, but it was relax her,” Simmons said. them to Le Havre, France, where their obvious she was going into shock. I The paramedics arrived a short time ship, USS Deyo (DD 989), was making knew we had to do something quick,” later and provided medical assistance a port call, they heard the commotion Roberson said. before taking the woman to a nearby of a car accident nearby. “We heard While Dailey tried calming the hospital. The four Sailors departed to squealing brakes and crunching metal woman from the passenger’s side of catch their bus, never knowing the name and went to take a look,” said Rober- the overturned car, the other Sailors of the woman they had helped. pried open the mangled door. Once son. A small Renault was overturned Story by CT03 Paul Waz and ENS Douglas with a woman trapped inside.“1 could the door was open, the rescuers Sasse, photo by PN2 Gary Simmons.


Back together again ost family reunions are Lincoln, Neb. an orphanage run by special moments. You get a The last time they the Daughters of Mchance to share time with were together was not Charity. Gary grew up relatives youhomes. have foster not seenin in pleasant many such under I years, or only see every now and then. wentcircumstances. Their of couple to a You might evenbefore meethomes foster relatives and prison for thein wasfather first time. sent abandoned being were they to Father ManyTown of usBoysFlanagan’s take for“For grantedmother. their how by precious thiswhenNebraska shared in time were with we family days three I members is,was but not supervi- Senior Chiefadult without IO.” Cryptologic Technician (Collection)or sionsaid fobd,” Coincidentally, Ed. both Charles “Ed” Garrison of Naval andsister “My I had to andLuella Scott Technical Training Center, Corry knock on doorsand ask our neighbors wrote to the adoption agency at about Station, Pensacola, Fla., who was for food.” He was 6 and his sister was the same time asking for information reunited with his sister and three 8 years old. other. each on brothers in Wichita, Kansas. Thechildren were placed in a child Luella always worked to keep the For the first time in32 years, detentioncenter. From that point family together. “She has been the Garrison met with brothers Gary Garrisonsaid the family split up like mother hen gathering up her chicks,” Garrison, also a senior chiefcryptolog- the four winds. “My youngest brother, said Ed. “She was the one who kept ic technician, from Cambridge, Scott,who I lastremember seeing thethin strands of our family held England; Scott (Garrison) Schulle from whenhe was 17 months old andin together. I’m justglad our reunion Arlington, Texas; Randy (Garrison) diapers,was adopted,” hesaid. went so well.” Becker from Wichita, Kansas; and “Randy Went to several foster homes story by ~03Travis con/ex Naval sister, Luella (Garrison) Mendoza from before he was adopted. Luella went to Technical Training Center; Pensacola, Ha.

APRIL 1995 47 award is the hotel industry’s highest standard of hospitality excellence for professional hotel executives and leaders. Matthews manages the Bachelor Quar- ters at the shipyard.

HM2 Benjamin Smalls was named Sailor of the Quarter, for 1st Quarter 1995, at Hospital Corpsman “A School, Great Lakes, 111. The Atlanta native also won his fifth Weight Lifting/Bench Press Title within 12 months at NTC Great Lakes. Smalls’ goal is to com- pete in the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta.

LCDR Kathryn Hire, a naval reservist stationed at Patrol Squadron (VP) 62, NAS Jacksonville, Fla., is one of 19 new astronaut candidates selected by NASA for the Space Shuttle program. Hire, a Mobile, Ala., native, was chosen from among 2,962 applicants, and was one of seven Navy selectees. I

SMl(SW) Kevin D. Futrell recently qualified as USS Robert G. Bradley’s (FFG 49) first enlisted officer of the Administration: YN3 Ned Prusila;Distribution: deck under way. The Kentucky native developed his Garland Powell; Editorial: Jan Kemp, Dennis I skills while standing under-instruction duty duringboth Everette. A// Hands (USPS 372-970; ISSN 0002-5577@2; Operation Support Democracy off Haiti and USS (Number 936) is published monthly by NavalMaG; Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Battle Group’s pre-deployment dia Center, Publishing Division, Naval Station An- acostia,Bldg. 168, 2701 S. Capitol St. S.W. exercises. Washington, D.C. 20374-5080. Second-clas: I postage paid at Washington, D.C. 20374, ant additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: For sale by the Superintendent LT Lisa M. Truesdale assumed command of the of Documents, US.Government Printing Office, Navy’s Ceremonial Guard in January 1995, becoming Washington, D.C. 20402.

Postmaster:. ..~~ Send~ address chanaes to A// the first woman to lead any of the five services’ premier Hands magazine, Naval Media Center, Publish- ceremonial unit. The Ceremonial Guard performs all ing Division, Naval Station Anacostia, Bldg. 168 I official duties and represents the Navy in parades and 2701 S. Capitol St. S.W., Washington, D.C 20374-5080. ceremonies held in Washington, D.C. Truesdale, from Editorial Offices: Send submissions and Cor- Endwell, N.Y., joined the Ceremonial Guard in June resDondence to: Naval Media Center, Publishin I 1993.

OS1 (AW) Charles K. Briggs of Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center RDT&E Divi- sion, San Diego, was selected the command’s Sailorc the Year 1994. Hailing from Philadelphia, Briggs was cited for his expert supervision and completion of

48 ALL HANDS I Oceanography as a career

he Navy’s Oceanography team consists community throughlateral transfer with awarfare primarily of Aerographer’s Mates (AGs), specialty; a feware directly accessed through TSpecial Duty Oceanographer Officers USNA, NROTC and OCS. Re- (1 800s), METOC Limited Duty Officers quirements include having a (6460s) and civil service personnel in bachelor’s degree in ocean-

several professional series. Otherratings 1 ography, meteorology, and officer warfare communities are also mathematics, physicsor involved withoceanography applica- 1 a related science fieldof tions to fleet operations. study. Nearly all 1800s Most of the officers and enlisted are will attend theNaval serving aboard ships in the OA weather1 j PostgraduateSchool divisions, afloat staffs or mobile environ- as a lieutenant to mental teams, stationed at naval air earn a master’s activities worldwide or working in several ’ degree in meteorology production andregional forecast centers and oceanography; a to supportforces and provide data and few will be acceptedfor products. The civilian team is sDread throuah-” further education toearn out these centersoffering longiterm lr adoctorate. LDOs (6460s) continuity and providing specialized V are the technicalexperts in services. They also serve aboard meteorology and oceanography oceanographic ships to conduct dat- 1 I and are selectedfrom within the AG rating. collection surveys. AGs attend “A” and “C” schoolsat To provide services for safety Keesler AFB, Miss., in a joint Navy-Air at sea, strategic and tactical ~9- Force training programwhich has “Navy- warfare and weapon system / unique”phases for specific Navy applica- design, development and de- ’ tions. A series of fleet or supplemental ployment requires personnel schools and tailored oceanography courses aug- with highly technical education ments the skills learned in the rating pipeline. and experience backgrounds. Through the Apprenticeship Program, manysenior The fields of expertise includeall AGs obtain qualification as certifiedcivilian meteo- aspects of oceanography - rologists. physics, geology, chemistry, Civil service personnel focus onall of the disci- biology, meteorology, geogra- plines required of military personnel. Most have phy, geodesy and many related bachelor’s or master’s degrees, and afew have fields of applied oceanography. doctorates, in fields related to their specializations. There are billets atsea for all Job opportunities cross theentire spectrum from AGs and 1800/6460officers real-time operationalsupport, toresearch and through commander to provide development in state-of-the-art systems, to at- real-time weather and oceanogra- sea deployments around the world collectingall phy forecasts to supportstaff, types of oceanographic data. group or independent operationsin A growing number of colleges and all warfare areas. Unified ClNC staff universities are offering courses in oceanog- billets are available to those who raphy and related fields to meet increased have the right experience to apply demand for understanding the ocean envi- Navy skills to joint requirements. ronment. Applications in addition to the Shorebillets. in addition to fore- 1 Navy’s needs include diverse areas from cast centers, include all major global warming and climate change, to staffs, systems commands and environmental protection and ocean clean- research laboratories. up, to predicting the effects of the oceans Most of the officers (1 800s) enter theand atmosphere on the future of our society. a

APRIL 1995 I 49 NAME: EM3 Jose L. Tapia

SHIP USS Gary (FFG 51)

HOMETOWN: New York City 1 JOB DESCRIPTION: “I work on anything that is etectrical 1. on theship. I stand theCCS (console control station)watch, I that’s the second highest [senior] watch in Engineering.”

PLACES VISITEDWHILEIN THE NAW: Thailand, Pakistan, Australia and the PersianGulf.

HOBBIES: Drawing

BEST PART Of THE JOB: “I like all the training and oppor- tunities for school the Navyoffers.”