English Transl. by H.W. Clarke
THE AWARIFU-L-MA'ARIF. : : From the perfume of (His wine-) dregs, wise this one becometh ; From its pure colour, a traditionist that one becometh From half a draught, pure this one becometh ; From (drinking) a goblet, a lover that one becometh At one draught, another swalloweth— The jar, the wine-house, the Saki, and the wine-drinker: All swallowed, —yet open remaineth his mouth ! ocean-heart, mighty drinker ! well done I GuIshan-i-Raz, c. 832-836 (ans. 14). rj!^, a uU\^'^_jfiU^J-tx/\JiC THE AWARIFU-L-MA'ARIF, WRITTEN IN THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY c S/KtJTch Shahabu-d-Din 'Umar bin Muhammad-i-Sa/n-trrrdl, translated (otit of the Arabic into Persian) by Mahtnud bin 'AIT al Kashanl, Companion in Su/T,ism to the I>ivan-i-Khuaia Hafiz. TRANSLATED FOR THE FIRST TIME OUT OF THE PERSIAN INTO ENGLISH, Lieut.. Col. H. WILBERFORCE CLARKE, ROYAL (late Bengal) engineers, LIFE-MEHBEK OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND; MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF BENGAL. (OUT OF AUTHOR OF "THE PERSIAN MANUAL;" FIRST TRANSL.\TOR THE PERSIAN) OF "THE BUSTAN-I-Sa'u! ; OF "the sikandar nama-i-nizami"; anu of "the divaN-i-hafiz." author of "notes on ElEPHANTS"; OF "THE SEXTANT;" OF "LO.VGITUUE BY LUNAR DISTANCES;" AND OF "the TRANSVERSE STRENGTH OF A RAILWAY-RAIL." AU rights reserred. — — PREFACE. HE sources, whence this note on sufl.ism has been derived are : T"! The introduction (pp. i — 13). (a) Disquisition on sufi.ism by Sir W. Jones. (d) "Soofies" (History of Persia) by jMalcolm.
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