United States Department of Guide to Common Agriculture Forest-Zone Forest Service Pacific Willamette, Mt. Hood, and Northwest Region Siuslaw National Forests 1982

• PROPEWN OP: FOREST BEIRMIE MAW 11.51 U.FORESTRY S. SCIENCES LN.,i3ORATCRY CORVALL,R,, OREGON Guide to Common Forest-Zone Plants Willamette, Mt. Hood, and Siuslaw National Forests

Compiled By Christopher Topik, Graduate Student, University of Oregon

Miles A. Hemstrom, Area Ecologist

United States Forest Service R6-Ecol 101-1982

Department of Pacific Northwest Region May 1982 Agriculture

ri r ir-Ir

This guide contains brief descriptions and line drawings of the most common woodland vascular plants of the Willamette, Mt. Hood, and Siuslaw National Forests.

Site descriptions will be less accurate for other areas, though this booklet will be useful throughout Western

Oregon north of Douglas County.

The guide is intended to aid land managers and forest technicians in making accurate floral identifications.

Knowledge of the vegetation is the first step in applying resource-based land mananagement including the land management guidelines developed by the Area Ecology

Programs habitat-typing projects. The floral composi of a site is largely due to environmental effects; the species composition persisting in our woodlands has integrated over time climatic and soil interactions.

Therefore careful observation of a sites flora can provide productivity and environmental sensitivity information. LL

saqe4S a!-J!-PPd aq q jo e.AoLd paqe.AlsnIAT uo (696I SS@d

P P-A0 P-L P D Jo kl!.s.,tatqun zunw 2JoLd e!.u.k04qe3 V t4s!.nbuo.A3 pue looxiol!.H u!. papnLaq lou 0iP pup uo!.6aJ

Le.Aoij nok!As!.s aqq oq pane a.42 q p !.qm sapads 1.1equop

sqsaJoj Leuo11eN meLsni_s pu p aqqawemm aql io suo!.q.,kod

uJaq;nos aqi (aLlleas uoq6uNsem jo RIA.s.lan!.un

6961 P uP 1961 6561 ` SSW uosdwo q l M •p pup

Aaqumo -w fiq sued pue ls!.nbuo.43 >100D(4014H 4qsamii4JoN

D LIP P ci @Lig 40 squeLd xeLnoseA eJoij awnLon 9 agaLdwoo

auk woJj uo!.sspi.Aad qq!.m ualel a.Aam sbu!.me.Ap au!.L aqi

(EL6I ssaJd uoqbuqsm jo Aq!.s.Aan!.un) qsobuo.A3

Jnqq..tv pue >IDODL/D1LH oaf D fici lsam41.10N PJ!-PPd

@Lig jo e.AoLA 4 uo , 6a.,4 SQL Joj 2JoL4 a/q1eqHoqqne

aq; 6u!..11. nsuop @AIL OAUL ppoqs suoyleD!.j!.quap!. a/qq!.sod

Lio!_1231.1uap pue uo!.qeJedas k!.unwwoo lueLd

JOJ sauo aqq Janamoq axe paq!..Aosap sapads aqi

-sapads paJa6u p pua xo paualeaJql jo suoy;d!...ipsap

u!..equoD qou saop 1i pu psapads JO 2.4aua5 40 6u!.qsH.

alaLdwop P qou tseaJe paqsa.loj ui punoj sapads

UOMOD sow aq; XLuo @JP asaqi • (squed Dq!.se.ted 8

pue squeid a)m. sse..16 6 sq...taq E9 SUJ@J. 6 sqn.Aqs 89

`saa.Aq 8z) papnpu!. @JP sapads 98T jo suo!.;d!..Aosao (by Leroy Abrams, in 4 volumes, 1940, 1944, 1951, 1960;

Stanford University Press) are suitable references for that area.

Organization of the guide is first by growth form

(tree, shrub, fern, herb, grass, parasite) and second, for the herbs, by systematic ordering of the families as done by Hitchcock and Cronquist. This ordering of plant families places simple or reduced flower types first and complex, specialized flower types later.

Because the first separation is by growth form (an arbitrary character), members of the same plant family can be found in different sections of the guide.

We have attempted to keep technical botanical language to a minimum without sacrificing precision. Some words will be unfamiliar to most casual users, but they can be readily found in a dictionary. Before using the guide in the field, we recommend that the user check for unfamiliar words and jot down key definitions where necessary. This booklet can not substitute for a botanical education, but it can help refresh and guide the user to the most common local species.

iii 1 I 1


sapads L pp oL llp JOJ sLaciel. ;ua!.uanuop puP anbqun

JaJJo sapo p Jalndwop eq t)poq leg; woJJ ost. p axe sapoo

,Aagndwo p s xo ti aqi W I P UP U0SlJJP9

V 9 kg 9L6I 4 9V-MNd 1.1@9 SJ vasn `Pa qqt) s!.skLeuv pu p AXoquanui waqskso p ] ..AoJ sLoquiSs pup

sawPN lueLd 4samii4..10N 1.114m aDu p pJone u!. 4. 12sow axe ap!.n6

aq; ;n0q6no..tql pasn saweu U0WWOD aqi • sapads luaJaJJ!.p

of padde s!. aweu uowwoD awes aq; sawo. 4e pue sapads

awes aql oq yq. cldp sawp u U0WWOD LPJ@A@S tsawPu

1!.o!.!Axa pue anbun JaJJo auoLe kaqq asne.p aq paJn1PaJ

axe SOWPU Thp.quaps aqi • (sal!.sP.led 4slueLd

mill- sspx6 SUJ@ 4 sqn.Aqs 4 saa..11) apo6 aqq Jeadd p Aaq; q p !_qm u!. pals!.1. aJe sapads aqi

suo!ld!...i p sap sapads aqq sapa paJd s;uaquo p Jo alAP2 V

squeLd ;uegaodw!. sat Jo uot.lpow.;uap!.

p!_ p o; papnpul axe sapads (sa!...uagailDnq) wnoppeA

puP t (sa!...uacpi pp Lq) snqnd 4 (s,..qJ an.4) S@lCIV UOWWOD

aq; Jo sols!....lag pexeq p p !.lsou6e!.p Jo saLq p ; XXemns

pasnJuo p ualJo axe t♦DNm saioads Jo Jaqwnu P uyequoD aq .; 1.4 PJaua6 lup punqe ;sow aqq Jo aa.Aqi r

Each species description includes:

the scientific and common name

the computer code

a brief on the most likely sites where the plant

will be found in this area

key identification features of the species,

focusing particularly on those characteristics

which separate it from other similar species

its plant family (according to Hitchcock and


illustrations of key features.

At the end of the guide there are 2 indices of all

plants. The first orders the species by their common

names and the second orders them by their Latin names.

We thank the University of Washington Press for the

use of the excellent drawings by Jeanne R. Janish

(Compositae by John H. Rumely).


91 IS1V G PO e >.:O seqPnui.s snuiv si alv -4a P1 P P a e.Acin.4 snuLv poomuoqlooVI alOd >i p eN ed..A2poLip4. snindod aLdew 4eaL-Eqqv1 VW3V wrILL4gdo.lopw .4@DV EI 3M3V auo,pewLsa4zuaw sn4nqJv >leo arwAm uo6a..ioET von0 euTAB snpJan0 ZI 30V1 to.AeL u.,aqsam sie;Liapppo x!..he; JepaZI ONH3 p moL1a4 e>,,seLy ssual,,e)qoou siJed5ewe4.40 ,epaII E30V3 p asuap ut sua,,,noap srupapote3 IT ldHi Jepao pa.4 u.Aaqsam P;PpiclTrTITii auto )1..Aecia;qmCI 1Vld sLnepiat snLqd au0 auoOT IVId p ciou) e;enua4;.2 snu!:1 6 031d au!.d aLoda6poL 2",..40;u0D snL4ci 6 OaId aiqd esoJapuod esoJapuod snue 8 OWId u4 a:;.NrA uxaqsam Pipp!.;uow snud 8 VlId au0 Je6ns eJei;.AaqweL snu, L ISIc aonJos e>;:,9 ssua4D-..,,i.s eapj L:...._Uu26.1aDua PaDid L N3Id apn.4as uue4uLa6u3 mai(9 aVi p j.ped PLoj.:Aa.Aq snxei 9 3WSd ..A!.-seL5n0G 1.sa,zuaw epns;o2.1.?si S 3WSI >polwau, uleg.unow eueLsua;.4au 2T u.ia;samS 3HS.1. eiAdo.la;a4 erTisi V SDIISIdILDVbVH:i 13 -",.:.- .10 Ya/..;_AwAriE____ .414 pa...4 e;setisE SVNOV SiSua4S2LiS • .A2A 2D14iUD2w bdOV allou eJaPPA saqv bOOV pup ,n -s:puPa ODSV ;!.1,14 -A010DuOD SaiqV auo I ZV1EIV L eqns ed.4eoc:seL sagt4 JaALWV8V ! s D !. j,Ded SL:tg2w2 SaLqv

3001 3WVN NOW-OD39Vd b31AdW03 SWV%

laplooq ui ap ueJeadde UL s7.,e,G

SiN3iNO3 30 318V1 !It 1[11-11-

Table of Contents cont.


Salix scouleriana Scoulerss willow SASC 16 Cornus nuttallii Pacific dogwood CONU 16 Corylus cornuta hazelnut COCO 17 Castanopsis chrysophylla chinquapin CACH 17 Berberis aquifolium Oregon grape BEAQ 18 Berberis nervosa dwarf Oregon grape BENE 18 Ribes sanquineum red currant RISA 19 Ribes viscosissimum sticky currant RIVI 19 Ribes bracteosum stink currant RIBR 20 Tiles lacustre prickly currant RILA 20 Philadelphus lewisii Lewis mockorange PHLE2 21 Whipplea modesta whipplevine WHMO 21 TifieTa-rTc—hi 7ii7-71711-folia western serviceberry AMAL 22 Holodiscus discolor ocean spray HODI 22 Oemleria (Osmaronia) cerasiformis indian plum OSCE 23 Physocarpus capitatus Pacific ninebark PHCA3 23 Prunus emarqinata bitter cherry PREM 24 Rosa gymnocarpa baldhip ROGY 24 Jbus pedatus strawberry leaf blackberry RUPE 25 lasiococcus dwarf bramble RULA 25 Rubus nivalis snow dewberry RUNI 25 Rubus Teucodermis blackcap RULE 26 Rubus ursinus trailing blackberry RUUR 26 Rubus spectabilis salmonberry RUSP 27 Rubus parviflorus thimbleberry RUPA 27 Rubus procerus Himalayan blackberry RUPR 28 Rubus laciniatus evergreen blackberry RULA2 28 SUMRARY TABLE OF RUBUS CHARACTERISTICS 29 Sorbus sitchensis Sitka mountain ash SOSI 30 Sorbus scopulina Cascade mountain ash SOSC 30 Spiraea densifora subalpine spiraea SPDE 31 Spiraea douglasii Douglas spiraea SPDO 31 Rhus diversiloba poison oak RHDI 32 Pachistima myrsinites Oregon boxwood PAMY 32 Acer circinatum vine maple ACCI 33 Acer glabrum Douglas rocky-mountain maple ACGL 33 CEYFlous sanquineus buckbrush CESA 34 Ceanothus integerrimus deerbrush ceanothus CEIN 34 Ceanothus velutinus snowbrush CEVE 34 Rhamnus purshiana cascara buckthorn RHPU 35 Oplopanax horridum devils club OPHO 35 Penstemon cardwellii Cardwells penstemon PECA3 36 Lonicera cillosa trumpet honeysuckle LOCI 36


1 1 1 1 1 I 1! I C 11111


IS ?MO:: iveqasJou, UOMOD eSU@AJP wriqasnb3 TS V100d iLial ao!).00!.1. ez04.A.A4o,CL6 wrn.podA-Lod TS OVid UJaj. UDY,DPA1 WrIUMnbP wr-qp!..Aal OS HAS uJajpoom s!(aqdo4Jp wn0,Aeoouw49 OS dS1E waj Jaap lupo!As wnaloaLs 6V 3d0V UJej ...ququalo!.ew wnala2g Eagla 61 HIV iwaj Xpei euiwaj-xLL@J wni.441.V 8v Inw0d u-ID JP ,Aoms palPa l ugwl SUR3l.ACIWI. .APA wrrilunw wrmio!.1s4Lod 8V mu UAAJ p.Aoms wrilpinw wrigo!lskirod

S1I11V ONV SN211,1

LV l9Hd Jagle2q moLta4 2.,tomplputi.6 apopoLL4qd L5 = {!ilea u,) ,laqqPaq y u0 s!AwAop.xladwa apopoLi7lij Lt Puel.sual—taw .5To!.ssp o 9v 3wH0 au0 sigiuTladq4:1;IX. H.se!.zuaw p iN dm 0,10 9t wniA3 au0 s,aou!...td P1Pli2a2le_LLYOwN3 9v envA kuaciapono uaaJ6tana wrileAo wripp,00p A St S3133dS A2Jd3831)i)OH 210d 318t1 aVWWAS tV 30VA SJJaoapiDn q J.Pa P n l q wnsopIpp wniupoeA bb OSVA 4,AJaciapiono asno.A6 wrq.Ap doos wniutmeA VI?,VdVA kuaciapong pa.1 wnqop.A,Apd wr-qupopA EV kuaqapono 6(:1 wriaopup.Aciwaw WrILUMPA EV Tkg fiJJaqapiono p>!spiv asuapIspLe wn!.upoPA EV AOVA kuaciapiong jPai-LpAo wrqLompAo WrIlUpDPA a An a, ( k-AJaqxe@c1) o ppipupi i.s,An-Pin soAdeqsoqoJv Zt 3Nn, ellAiezuew lewau!d s!.suapPAau soAdelsol0JV Pllupzupw kqpq pue!.qwnLoo COITideqsolDJV Z1 qV (f)Ig91 uaaJ6Jaq.um auOLP esnp.wnq P!laqi.ne9 It A0V9 uaa.,(6.,Ial.u!.m PW)J41PA0 e!--talilln29 IV HS V9 uoLipLis p!JaLiql.ne9 Ot ltil-i POIPZP SOpPDSPD wruol.p.oLp uoJiouapopoim OV VWHd ucupuapopoip oLj o p d wniLiNdoJoall uoJiouapopoilb 6E 3d3W XJJaciappoq sToO js eauOrwaj p!.sat.zuaw 6E lassP1)11Js luowaJj L o.uowaJj 24A.A9 8£ 11di2 4.1Jecimous eqp sod.Apo!—Ioildwfis BE OWAS kuaqmous 6u!daaJo smow sodJeo!_toiididS LE MS 4JJaqJapta pa./ esowaoPJ snonqwes LC 33VS 4.A.Aaq..tapLa aniq pap.tao snonowes 3003 39Vd 21310dW03 3WVN WOWW03 NNW 3IJIIN3I3S

( • 4 u0D ) SSUYHS


Urtica dioica stinging nettle URDI 52 Asarum caudatum wild ginger ASCA 52 Claytonia lanceolata springbeauty CLLA 53 Montia sibirica Indian lettuce MOSI 53 Arenaria macrophylla bigleaf sandwort ARMA3 54 Actaea rubra baneberry ACRU 54 Anemone 70Toidea 3-leaf anemone ANDE 55 Anemone lyallii Lyall anemone ANLY2 55 Coptis laciniata cutleaf goldthread COLA 55 Caltha biflora twinflower marshmarigold CABI 56 bleeding heart DIFO 56 triphyl vanilla leaf ACTR 57 Vancouveria hexandra inside-out flower VAHE 57 Tiarella trifoliata var. unifoliata coolwort foamflower TIUN 58 pig-a-back plant TOME 58 Luetkea pectinata partridge foot LUPE 59 Lupinus lati f6Tii broad-leaved lupine LULA 59 Viola sempervirens evergreen violet VISE 60 Viola orbiculata backwoods violet VIOR2 60 yellow violet VIGL 60 Oxalis oregana Oregon oxalis OXOR 61 71-Tobium an9ustifolium fireweed EPAN 61 Osmeza chilensis sweetroot (sweet cicely) OSCH 62 Cornus canadensis bunchberry COCA 62 ;rola asarifoliafo alpine pyrola PYAS 63 Ey1 6:1 ra:pieta ssaii white vein pyrola PYPI 63 Pyrola secundaill sidebells pyrola PYSE 63 TrienfaTTs latifolia starflower TRLA 64 PolemorTium carneum salmon polemonium POCA2 64 Phlox diffusa spreading phlox PHDI 64 Mimulus lewisii monkey flower MILE 65 -S3T1Thyris reniformis round-leaved syntheris SYRE 65 Pedicularis racemosa sickletop pedicularis ?ERA 65 Galium oreganum Oregon bedstraw GAOR 66 trltiorum sweet-scented bedstraw GATR 66 Linnaea borealis twinflower LIB02 66 Valeriana sitchensis valerian VASI 67 Campanula scouleri bellflower CASC2 67


x 16 4 sawp u u0P1 jo JapJo LepopyeydLe X3ONI 4

98 saweu UOMOD JO Japo Leo!.lacieqdLe X3ONI

SS EVW03 looJie.AoD palgods elep pew ezNJoneJo) S8 3W03 looJLeJoD uJaqsam euesuai.Jaw ezNJoileJoD 178 OWAH desau0 edoJlouow sR1Ood4 V8 033H lueid awou6 wri1sa6uoD sawol!.waH t78 NVId sdoJpau4 eapawoJpue eJodso.laid E8 Nnow adO eJoujun edoJlouow E8 IA1V >,D2s4pueD e4e6Jp Y666T51(v ES dVAd eioJkd ssaLjeal P11 4-10P PjoJfid

SINVld (N3389-NON) 3IIISVdVd 4

Z8 30V3 a6pas iCamap eue4amap xa.AeD Z8 vdn7 ilswoom eJoijoJed epzni IS elNw) a6pas sueo1i61u xaJp^ 18 e3WV3 a6pas s,ualJaw HsualJaw X@JPO 08 nitro a6pas iisrupoom euunzni xa.4e3 08 80V3 a6pas 11P1 xaJej 61 1913 afi.ipLm arlIg srlDneLB snwki.3 6Z nno awo.4 et.ciwnLo) s1Je61nA snwoJg 6L )013 aflosaj uJalsam sH. eluappDo exIlsad

s3Hsna PUP S3903S s3ssvae 4

81 znoto NIADJo osd4ipp esoqinq osdifie) 8/ 8009 ul. p luPLd a)ieusaLlleJ P I-1 0J E,u0 1. qo eJakpoo9 IL EV311 eJals!i 1Samii1J0N eimmeo eJalsil LL 31211 s!..4 uo6aJ0 xeual 91 OR3 Smumel apueiene wnueluow wnpo-u44S.J.3 9L aft% fiaLL PA -a1-14-3 0 -k 111 rile; wrileletjp wnwaglue!.ew 91 OHIO suaq4-424 !..1a>looy wnaodsw S/ Nni) smpeaq driDuaanb eJomun e!.uoi.u!L) S/ AU1 wn!.1.11-11 0141.0ed wnleno bL 1636 aJoclatiali rile; appl.A wn.11eJaA 17/ V336 aJoqauaq rile; P111-10411P3 WnDlUJOMPO wn.APJa6 EL 1SWS awniduowotos XJJP1S P l e lLa l s PulDeLlws VANSEL awnlcluowoios Jaullea; esowapeJ PuPPIA-wS ZL WVIS )11.Pls Pals!ml jeaLdsep sn11oj4xaLdwe sndoldaxls snasoJ sndo4clai1S ZL 081S 111 P 1 s PalsPA4 IL 313X sseJ6Jeag xeual wnLiAidoJax a6 pcigeo )1urix,s wnueopawe wrI14D!.s41 IL WVA1 OL 2IVID allsul PPPUP) 3SUaAJP wrIls.q) OL 061) @ LI S P-41 Lpq aJe6inA wrqs.q.) 69 VWNV 6(4qs p pana Apead eapel!..a6Jew steLideuv saWassnd knoom 69 V1N V P4P.YE121-J"1-21-LV 69 1VIR paamreq wn,Ao L41.cli P wnpPJa1H Laspuno.16 pueLpoom sn p leALAs opauas 89 AS3S V1 1V POlUJP u!elunow Pl 041.1PI ep!u..tv 89 89 190V ..tapiqjqled AotooN uopepoupPV 3003 39Vd a31ndW03 3WVN NNW) 3WVN )13111433S

REPRODUCED fry PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Co pyrights: C)1955, part 5; C)1959, part 4; C)I961. part 3:0 1964, part 2, Q1969, part I

Ables kmabilis

ABAM: p acific silver fir SITE: very abundant at middle elev. (3,000 - 6,000 ft.! of Western Cascades. Very moist to moderate- dry sites. Found from S. Alaska to Siskiyou Co.. Calif. ID: to 60-70 m tall, with dense foliage, tolerant. Needles bright green, no stomata above, fairly flat 1.5 - 3.0 cm long, asually notched tips :pointed on cone-bearing branches) spreading horizontally with some Pointing forward and oppressed. Cylindrical, purplish cones 3-10 cm long , 3.5 - 4 cm aide. 3racts shorter than scales. Resin pockets in smooth, white outer bark, becoming scaly on large trees. FAMILY: P i naceae (pane)

Pacific silver fir needle cress section no stomata: bands 2 below

Abies LELI9ara

ABLA2: subalpine SITE: higher elevations, i n Oregon Cascades 4,000 ft. to treeline, •here fairly moist. ID: small, to 30 m tall; snort stiff branches make a narrow, church-spire like Crown. Bark 1 stonatal band above thin, grayish, with ,sin pockets 2 Won in inner bark. Needles RIO:A-B reen . tending to turn u pward, tips notched or blunt. stomatiferous :white lines) top and bottom. Very large resin ducts in needles (1/2 as aide as midvein) seen in cross-section...cooes purple, 6-10 cm long, 3.5 - 5 cm thick, tips of bracts orojecting at Pollination time, but concealed by scales at maturity. FAMILY: Pinaceae (pine)

needle cross section. subalpine fir

1- 1 I 1 1 1 IH 1 1 I - 1 1 1 1

uOil,OS SS0J, apa, • - `ti..?

J puei6

:AlIWVJ .sairos AC pe;c6Ducc sz,t,c 1DiMi - Si. LLD 1:-9 .00aaJ6 6umeaJds out sat, patina: 6.1 WD ii . anocu ucewols OL 011.) ALJOBJ 5a;c54: Pa-. us , le..0 m.e :azs iis /1,,s 6u!wo.e . pamoJ., put Low., I LL S, 5J5; uq ;L10 tis!.Ae..46 y; 1r: 10E 0; O, .StUPOJ25 06JP, S .,05 SC UOUIWUD SOILS s,6. - .0Pa,L CI f,c •Ji, OnJ: .Aele Jflo 0009 WP1 6 : :3.:S puss! :599, -$575Drir salqr .01ec 2 aAoge spo, Itle0015. OU

.0L.0 Z amle puec telewols

_ - •

,• 7, DPO,PUI, W07.20O Ds CO; S5,4i 5100 Zlieluozaou 6u/peu.s .6ucq w, ;-, salpaau .au:eleculs JO .1gou -5"0 Oka Jt, putaf ueL11 uomAeia JeuL;c cc spas. tsal!s i C: e!"-- uvspas, !lsea pus Lanus pup u064,0 :e.uac .uo,leAeie :011s 15 53 .4 P., :009Y Jcle Duc-, s.,qt uowas SS0J3 J !J al!Lim CD

1 Vee E9EIC0 ! 2 • i t C: ; C ,,, • 153MH19. • - i ll is ••- REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL, VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHwEST Copyrights: OZ1955. part 5:01959, part 4: 0 1961, part 3:01964. part 2:00 1969, part 1

2 stomata l bands above 2 below

Abies orocera

A8PR: noble fir SITE: moist woods, mostly 2,000 - 5,000 ft. elev., in Western Cascades, and higher soots in Oregon Coast Range. ID: to 70 m tall, loses lower branches. Crown with short, stiff branches, "herring-bone" appearance from below because noble fir of oppressed, upward pointing, crowded needles. Needles bluish-green to silver, 1.5 - 3 to long, stomata above and below, tips blunt. Sark flaking, grayish outer and reddish beneath. Often have slightly buttressed base. 0+cones 11-18 cm long, 6 cm thick; scales reddish-brown and nearly concealed by exerted, ruffle-edged bracts. FAMILY: Pinaceae (Pine)

needle cross section

Shasta red fir

AblaashiNVAI var.

ABMAS: Shasta red fir SITE: drier, upp e r slopes of central Cascades, S of McKenzie :• y er only. i2: upward pointing needles like noble fir, but are distinctly 4-angled in cross Section, cones with long bracts, but shorter than noble fir. Bark more reddish than noble - but these 2 s p ecies do intergrade widely. FAMILY: Pin aceae (pine)

3 ca ; 3 4EPRONCED on PERMISSICS FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC HORTWEST Copyrights: c1955. part 5:0 1959, part A; (i) 1961. part 3,005a. part 24)1969. part 1

Washington State rasa

TSHE: western hemlock SITE: common, especially in moist areas and shady woods. Sea level to 5,000 ft. elev. 12: large tree 30 to 50 )r 00 m tall with drooping leader. Needles flat, alternately long and short almost in a plane, not white above. Very abundant off-cones 1.5 - 2.5 cm long. Fairly thin bark, with tannins, in sm. scales, becoming thick on large trees. Retains lower branches. FAMILY: Plnaceae (pine)

western hemlock


lila mertensiana

T5ME: mountain hemlock SITE: alpine and sub-alpine, in Cascades from 4 ,000 to 9,300 ft., to treeline. especially in cool areas. io: tree to 30-40 m tall, drooping leader. Needles thicker in the middle, basically four-sided. spirally arranged on twigs, of blue-green or dark green color with white stomata above and below. Sark furrowed and cracked, fairly thick, purple or reddish-brown. Or cones sylindrtc. 3-6 sm long. FAMILY: Ptnaceae ;Pine)

mountain hemlock

5 ▪ ▪


maA owoed

(mai; amexel :A1:4t .(0u-A.,Jap) 1)-4,. pa. 10■4 P 10,1 !;snou0Son aaa SOdeS tauto r Ailsow . buol w, 8.117.1 sanett pampa, Z !Flan pay X6p ocl ..!41 )1, p g ! lt , 1 ( 01-S ALM., a y tl-pnJws Llews a . 1sou XIJIVJ 1. 0 .9 1 9 Nu, 01 .01 ma! D{4,Dp d JO Mal UJB2Sao.

e,tolp.,94 snxe,

U0,118$ SS0J, ape.,

■ . t e ) .P.,,uid .51.4 Iaa . palu,ot [ luaulmo,C uiot w, sauo, .MOI.0 AT,UC. Cleag :S sa01 OP. wl! P. s0,4 5I.1,1,0d Cl l un i g Pa6uy .,re XileJiJcs salpaah . saou0.41 JiMO, :sa,c4 ul -t,PC umo..4 04,Pa., op 0605.1 )43N1 AJat ulc p a6.4. 1 pui Ur: II .Salt5 C, Se,dc, xew.;, au-, Si 0.1014 sez:s apotpons C: .pea,Psapt. Aaat :3 :34St a2r1c uo6aao... Jil_sei6noG !!sa.zua... atrslovna,c

— . t961E 1,, • 7 65E1• :SWAM 3111DVd 3111 AC SlUVIc b. 1, ,001HLIM WObi NCISSIwai, AG 13:1" REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK MAL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF NZ PACIFIC 4ORTMEST Copyrights: ©1955. Part 5: (D 1959. part 4: 01961. part 3,01964. part 2:(01969. part 1

Picea et.j3eLnarinii

PIEN: Engelmann spruce SITE: montane, often near swampy areas, higher elevations; mostly 4000-6000 feet in Oregon Cascades. •; needle cross section ridge tops and frost pockets ID: straignt, spire-like trees; thin bark, loosely scaly, exfoliating like potato ,nips. needles 2-3 cm long, sharp but not very stiff; cmmcones 4-5 om long, yellow to purple brown. FAMILY: Pi naceae :Pine)

Engelmann spruce

Picea sitchensis

PIEI; sitka spruce SITE: sea level and adjacent slopes and coastal valleys of Oregon. DI: to 70 m tall with thin, grayish bark in peeling small scales. Needles light-green, flattened, very stiff ( . ouchl when you handshake twigs"), radial, 1.5 - 2.5 cm long with prominent u pper stomata and less evident stomata below.C, cones 5-9 cm long, rounded scales, papery. FAMILY: Plnaceae (pine)

Sitka spruce

needle cross section.

8 auoo pauedoun

Vlc-\7"c--" ,

(au!d) ampu4 .4ionJa.a6 pananD A il .. 90341 W3 6 - 9 pue 6.1 10 SZ - so Ouapuad sauoD 4-0 • 40 .015 pu p 0906900 6uo; 00 - 5 .aoal,se, aad sapaah • 6unof uatim uoows ao 06e 143 1 0 woo a p t/Awe: pa, u!. Napo 43.0 SNun40 39610400 03400045 mot sasoi I l e i Li, es 03 .aanlsow wu ! PuW •06a,0 u ! 3, 0009 145ow .. Aaoa wn!paw - 0050 1 :3110 0604 al!le :01.1;c1

e l o, O uou snu!.d

avid align\ uJelsam

(BUO) deRDF,,d .30N; 90 Gr .6U0/ U. 04-53 say)up,c; Jador 40 SOn le luepuac g ar; faat. 590034-o:60o1 00 01-9 .a;n,t, "aapuals 5,3 Ul saipaav 40 040040400 I.Y U0 90010 [F3Piu04S pa6p, pa3,19 05 oV, aall Lie: :01 .0.nos aalalan; lueounge aaow aanq weoues 50 44400 40; SF ..140 sa6pi, US S9053503 uo!lrAala pLw-mol ;0 saps aauo :3110 06!.0 40600 :4114

eue0; p 00E0 Suu•61

auid JP6ns

13 a. 696: O : z 1;04 7961 Q tE 1,e4 . 1961 (D 10e6 6001p , S 1 ,,d 0061 (D :S146 Wcop 103941600 )131)04 301 30 SlOOld 190103090 , 1913 37071.0116 6093 9010519034 19 03)0009436

REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET.AL; VASCULAR PLANKS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: 1)1955, Part 5; C)I959, part 4, ® 1%1. part 3;01964, part 2;01969, part 1


ponderosa pine

Pinus ponderosa

PIPO: Ponderosa pine SITE: drier areas of west /1/ Cascades and widely ranging east Cascades and southern Oregon. ID: large tree 50-60 m tall, thick bark in huge rest. plates on large trees; needle usually in 3 . s, sometimes 2s and - rarely in a s s or 5s; needles 12-20 cm long, yellowish green; Owl- cones 8-la cm \\\ long, broadly ovate. FAMILY: Pinaceae (Pine)

lodgepole pine

Pinus contorta

PICO: lodgepole pine (also shore pine) SITE: widespread and highly variable, but in Oregon often in extreme places and young successional post-fire sites. Along coast (shore pine) and abundant at high elev. and east slope of Cascades. Dry to moist sites, even swampy. 12, to 30 m tall, or contorted shape near coast. Bark thin and scaly. furrowed and ridged. Needles two per fascicle, green or yellowish, often curved, 3 - 6 ,m long.°, cones 3-6 Chi long. lopsided shape, some remaining closed until fire occurs. FAMILY, : Pinaceae (Pine)

9 aPa.,4,1 :111KV, dasoic 6up!ewe, ysopa, .6uo: - 5 SOUDO 4.0 . Spur 4DUPJC JeaL Aim. 6.; L. - t .01m0l4af appSej Jad ant; sapaah .Jauu! OppaJ . sate,s ps:;!ge 4c Lim; )Jes . zto4wb.2)G au1laaJ1 Jeau luelc a>,,L-qn,ws .pa;JOlu. ALLensn ;nq tie; w GI o3 :-(17 aaJ; nata ;5.4614 Jno •.41aaa3 c l oocs O N aoc 5Jecle:141. :1Vie sp.rirDole snu}d


(au4: apaDeu,d Y,unJ3JC sa43us4 passa,ddu 6Wels sJeat Auew Jo; aaJ; up lue;s!saad Ir34u00-Not,b buo, w3 ST-0: sauo, uaaJ6-6otia4 6uol 02-1 aibpsej _Lad sa,paau E • 1.11JOJ 6U443UtAl li 001 ueql SSal aaal 42bos JaulJnj uowwo, aJow 61.4wo9aC pus Jarq/ a;zuax,w Se N JEj Se sadois 6ui0e; S XpoJ pur daa;S ` p atio AJan :311S au:d auo,qour,

elenualle SnL4e

1 ;Jed 6961 (D , z ;Jed 4967©,C ;Jed T96I CD 1Jrc 65610 , S ; ,, d SSC :5;q6!,,,ccD ISPPlidOm 31317Vd 311; AO SINVld 31131390 A907H311,1 Wm: NOrSSiw03d Al 0330008436

REPRODUCED BY P ERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; vASCuLAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST C p pyrignts, Q1955. part 5:6D 1959, part 4; I 1961, Part 3401964, part 2.1D1969. part 1

Thu a 1p western red cedar NFL; western red cedar SUE; moist to swampy soils, sea level to 4,500 ft. :0: to 70 m tall, with huge diameter in age due to buttressed and fluted base. lark thin, reddish, fissured, peels off in long strips. Scale-like needles. very flat Ind oppressed to tip. Scale segments as broad as long, butterfly appearance beneath. Oncones .3 to 1.0 cm long, ovoid. FAMILY: Cupressaceae (cyprec^;

Calocedrus decurrenS Libocedrus

CA0E3: incense cedar SITE: in drier areas of E A Cascades and South, mid to low elevations. ID: pyramidal trees with thick, smooth reddish brown ba rk .C.rcon es 2.5 cm long; scale-like leaves, strongly decurrent, and longer than wide, yellowish-green. wine-glass shaped scales. drought resistant. F AMILY: Cupressaceae (cypress; incense cedar

,10 eQ


A 11

1 ( 1

yoJei inalsam

(au4d) aeaDeui,d .u01133$ u!. JeinbuelAz Alpt04 . 0u01 U. s . r-s . z JfldSJd 0E-51 LlaaJe a i d sopa. snonpoop -Aluoo: salflusaC a3105 Ipt a ss S St Adulems aJay. ualIc . sa00:s 40.0, put skaLtt, Lqtaunow ■40 a00is ALteJaua6 4DJP, walsa. sHtsua0:000

, I I \

Jepao moila7C eNsely


(ssa,aAD) ata pcssaJOnD :A1ll5J ,44 .6uo ., W3 1 03 as000tE saucD ,A4 uaa.16-ustntc uau. snoaopotew .ay.1-aLv ps sanyal 00tL0f.Jaws :51000$ UN1 4JC 600100 . 0,41 ,JPE .AL6up.,:s 0004 satpus, 6u000.4 put u.0.. ACJJPI. .11r: C Or 02 :0: opoL 0: DOCZ WC.A . 500e5503 ;0 saools Apsou . s paJt tooD put lsocm :311S JepaD moLiai tIssit :ONO

55081 ,2313006 SJP0/.30005LIJ

24. 696Z , Z t95IO,E I.PI.I9E: p w .656:0S I.0Sse:Cp :ssu6,,Aft: ISAildOs" 01A1). 3H; 10 SIP/Old tv10:st, , it 13 300DH1Ai. IOU NO:SSILitid AB 03)000bd3B REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET.AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF TEE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights:01955. Part 5.01959. part 4; 0 1961. part 3;01964. pert 2.01969. part 1

Oregon white oak

OUGA: Oregon white oak SITE: driest sites of Cascades, S facing slo pes with grasses, and in large valleys: mostly low elev., up to 4,000 ft. ID: to 30 m tall with thick, furrowed bark. Leaves deciduous, green above and paler below, deeply lobed, 3 - 7 per side, entire or slighly toothed. Fruit an acorn, 2 - 3 cm long and 2 cm broad, eatable after tannin removed. = lowers April - June. FAMILY: Fagaceae ;beech)

Arbutus 416,121H6ii

ARMS: madrone SITE: dry sites, r idges and S facing slopes, lower elev. and up to 5,000 t., becoming much more abundant further south. to 30 m tall or shrub-like. Very distinct sm000th, exfoliating red bark, Leaves evergreen, leathery and shiny green, 7 - 15 cm long, entire Or serrate. White flowers and red-orange berries 1 cm wide. Flowers April - May. FAMILY: (heath) vt

avadvdi.las :Allwv3 6uol wd 08 - 8 suppro •salooad Ouot soo P.7u!o0 adell, 6 - 6.0 1 w7 SI - 5 uPul Jaled a pepos Jo/4N 7urA6eJ3 soneel • spnq 1ueJ6eA3 .snOtqsa., !a7!.s h,,C 31.3 11 ,1 wog o; do :01 13 DOCS of do lnq ,.00 1 013sou soet pue swea4s 6u01e kilsom s p a. ;sow poomuollod peo ecJeOloopl

poomuonoo Noeiq

(a0m) RP03,101t :Aliwtj aunt 43.1 eW SJamOid • 6uo1 113 s - E 6up,. oee .VJEWPS 1. cinop e l!rui !Sawoot, luapuad ul s...moLj duew • motao ouc anociv sJ!en bull .paoc;-an11 Aoaap pvcag wd 0E - 0/ SaAea-: ssow Am.! 431M uo7.4c abe yl,m pamoa.4 6,4wooac aged yloows 144!.• ile3 . OE ol silos pau!e,p li ar. uc • 14 005S .1 lanai vas 9:5a,04 snoAapuoo ari:onpoJd . AJp A140 ,15. 01 1SlOe :31:5 aldvw 3va161C :tr900 E)Icew lea -.6!ci UVE-770-oidew Jadv

7 ,0 696I(D , 2 V ed . r961CD , E 1964(5) . 65610 , S V er SS610 I53Pai1d0N )13130d 3H1 AO sluvle middsw, : 1v . 13 30001114 W003 N0:SSI633d Al C3011008d3, REPRODUCED BY PERMISS1GN FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: Q,) 1955, part Si 01959, part a; 1961, Dirt 3; 0 136a, part 2; o 1969. Part 1

red alder

Alnus rubra

AIRS: red alder SITE: moist sites, along streams and seeps, and in the dam p Coast Range. Sea level to 3.500 ft. 2: to 25 m tall, thin gray bark • 1, 40 covered by pale crustose lichen. Leaves ecliptic, 5 - 15 cm ong, edges slightly rolled under (revolute), upper deep green (high nitrogen content), lower Surface rusty and slightly hairy. Winter buds blunt or abruptly short-pointed. Catkins out before leaves, 5 - :2 cm long. 1.5 - 2 cm long, ovoid and woody. Flowers on previous years growth. Nitrogen fixing bacterial nodules on roots. Flowers March - April. FAMILY: Betulaceae ;birch)

Sitka alder

Alnus sinuata N. ALSI: Sitka alder SITE: moist to very moist signer elev. 3,000 to timberline. usually indicates snowslide conditions; snow creep or avalanche paths, or along streams and lakes. tree or shrub to 10 m tall, bark reddish-brown then gray-black. Leaves narrow to broadly ovate. 3-10 cm long, edges not rolled under, serrate to sinuate, bottom slightly paler than top. Winter buds shar p ly pointed. Catkins appear with leaves on current growth, to 10 cm long, 1.5 cm long, 3-6 per branch. Flowers May - July. FAMILY: Betulaceae (birch)

u,00m6op, aeaoeuJoj :0194vj aunr saamoid amelea lou adn4 pa.. 146.4 e ;01.1j o; allum Am.s 41pn speak, sno,!Osuo; o1 s,aNOld • luapsauas uate. Mu l D 614;..115 6u,w03.1 .144; k 1 , 18; "oc3c411a-al.no s.ne07 •01001C 5.1.VJG 6unof . ),Po umo..4 uloows OZ 40 100,1 11 . 1 01 AQQ0,45 :UT 14 00SS .1 On smaals JPau put. spoo0 sno,o,luo, u t pauieJp-IRN "ls,ow :31IS 00004600 :ONO: 1111.11nu snuJo3

poombop owed

( .0 1,11 N ) 0.3.11 1 .S :41114%13 snopaeLD • SJi p g 1J00 lualS.SJa0 op, pavan 6uoi quo to 8 . - s . sainsde; :6uok wD 9 - s.3 6uoi •6m,ds ut sanest aJoiaci -Anon 1 1,1 s,014011 11.111001 sde4Jac JO aJoua X11ensn .44. 1PD - I PUP 6uo1 wo $ - 9.E apt. se 6uo1 se saws; - `1JaaJ6 spec) saneai aJnlew •Nola; aJow uasit, AJt04 saneal .Ltel o 3I o; aa,1 JO qn./0 :01 uousuop sno,ajpuop paOJnyspun 14 aJE, ;Op peaJdsapi. — le 000S 01 ,1":1,,o1, iLlepaOsa seaut paute,p -IL . 01 Sauequiva,ls seaa lsOow :31IS M OLIt M , . ,o l oo3S :DSVS

eueJaino p s xylPS mown s,Jeinoos

I 1 ,.. 6961 03 1,.o 096 CDS 3-1. 1961CD 1,.0 6S6i 09 , S 1,.0 SS61Q,s1461,A00: 153101160N D11101N1 3111 00 S1Neld avinnvA le . 13 /009.1114 NOW NOISSINe3d AS C330066139 REPRODUCES BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: 01955. part 5: 01959. part 0 1961, part 3: 0 :964, part 2; 01969. part 1

CoraltA cornuta hazelnut COCO: hazelnut SITE; lower elevations on well-drained soil, fairly dry sites of western central Oregon Cascades. shrub 1-3 n tall; petioles 5-10 net long; leaf A-10 cm long, _41xJ01 serrate , ver y Pubescent;zig-zaTEM7. staminate catkins before leaves develop; nut edible,hairy 1.5 cm long; ours is variety californica; flowers, January- March. FAMILY: 3etulaceae ;birch)

Casianops is chrYs.PnYna

CACH: cniimapin SITE: low-mid elevations as a tree, Signer elevations chinquapin as shrub only; slightly dry sites of western central Cascades. ID: large shrub to small tree Jp to 30 m tall; ;nice furrowed Dark; leaves lanceolate. 5-10 cm long, entire. yellow-green to ISLIta •uzz underneath ; fruit in splay,, buTinvolucre; flowers, April-June. FAM1L 7 , Fagaceae (beech) If ICI 111f111

iAJJaWe a p aosp,,a p Aa :A-$155. aun • - low s.a.oli 8 .6uol wd - e . • SaLAJaq aniq dear atotdtg 21. usaas PP( sluawtiji • sawasr, :DaJO 1eJa6as 6L • .olEai sJamoid •Au!ds wo g - E slawal (is 0: Co) slaLleal II ALI g nsr 410. busman,. Aloieuutd ,,suassauas uaur paJ sub,,S; uaaArsAa Xss0L6 pus uaaJE 4Jep 4Jah • ssoirwmu, Al6uoads ! 1 , 1 wd 0? 01 dr gnAus moi 2 d,4 0005 0: dr saris Pou!,,P -lien Aa.Ap uo aJou s:SaJOA .,-...■, \ ! :,- r _ 7 .1,77]? snora;uco uo5aJo uJadsaM -, -.• sueousse sus seardsasin !Jan :31I5 - a00.61.:1014 aprsse:,. JC, adS.L6 U05e.10 ;Asup :3%3E

C- 411, psor,au sJasJas


adei6 uobaio liemp

;X,..adJto a y aded.,acpas :4-aw5,

- 4:Aev4 sAa.o, .Ouol wo v•1 sa.JJac ante dear aiardcs sJaudue koac; :so: oda,. lAouS o.: ul,. sluawt;., •soplad pado;.c • Sawa)!. !EJ3.5 6. Amous sadtds luaLtwoAt • PPOJC W, C - Z. DUE bus, s - E aJt odtd. sda■Pa. 6 - S ulL n punodwo: tia:euu4 uaaJ6Jasa Xssoi6 pus uaaaO xJep AJOP Sawa- • paudue. i4L55 Ltt, w s drums aA.:de.,..dy

p0c; ao;oq: t assrsas sassJac P,sO ta p apad pa,adsrl: ual4E 1, DOVE c: • salts Xrp AL.qr, allaweilm • s6uiva0o put spoon sroJa,Luod • 6ata Jamoi :311S adeJ6 Alloy uo6a4p JO adore U06,10 ,py3E adeJ6 uctheio

.11040M. S/JaCJai

7.. 6961CD t z 7J ed 1,961CD t f 1, to —:96: 6561 Ca ! S : ,1", SSE OD :s1u6,,,d03 I531011110A, 313:3Vd 3111 AO s5v714 0rr3sv. 13 AD03H311. au N0ISSIWt13d AS 0300006d3. REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights:Z, 1955. part 5,01959, dart 4; © 1961. part 3; (21 1964. part 2, g3 1969. oart 1

Ribes sanguineum red currant RISA: red cur-ant SITE: low-mid elev., open to wooded, dry to moist, productive areas west of Cascades. 12: erect, unarmed Shrub 1-3m tall. Leases 2.5-6cm broad, 5-lobed,pubescent. Flu. pale to deep rose. 3erry nearly globose, 7-9rmn long, dark blue covered with white waxy coating. Flowers March - June. FAMILY: Grossulariaceae (currant)

Ribes viscosissimum sticky currant RIOT: sticky currant SITE: variable, along creeks and in open to heavily wooded, moist to fairly dry areas. .ow to high elevations. 12: straggly unarmed shrub to 2m tales 3 or 5-lobed, 3-6cm broad, toothed puberulent S glandular(sticky). Petals cream, calyx greenisn or yellow-gr. hypanthium tubular. berry ovoid, 10-12mm long, deep bluish-black, bad taste and sY smell. Flowers May - ,tune. F AMILY: Grossulariaceae •.currant) vOr

I r 1•1


:7:wt, aun - Leh lettmawos vep bunt WUJE, -9 AJJOE aleJJas paspu, FlOaap polo; S-E Alalowiedpoo4 wog-c 5A• slecas st 6uol St En-V1 511, 2ad . 6u01 wucl 0: dr SauLdsleimu JaA, put %LP: buippasol ol 2)a,a :TT `;; • . .5a6p,J OutOttlir, • : Sado15 7,5aJo4 ,a,rp ol WtO4S pU Sp00. sQt :LAS F;17!.. i.,,aoasoof charms :yin! luenno Apto!id aJlinDr, saqq

(aut,n,; ana pv,JtInssoJE, :771-47: aunT .a;sr, aLcitaaJbes,p Ivo; 6o;leo: irom ult. i,,a8 •PadaUS-JaDnes wnLyluediy . xLPD uspJ06J6 ol aLdJrc-145uotorq put slolad — e/w. sato pt, 1DaJa u, sJa.oL4 Z111%=r1 lsow,n sago; ao,.; JC aDuo pogo, 1-9 AlOaap 2 .1 - t San., •pau..toun • an,us A 6ht,:s :TT .sabpdaes amput uallt •WS • S 0: on s;saJc, AdtleMS 6s,utquea4s put spoor snoJa,,uo, 7spi. .; :31IS 3.40. NOS :bob wnsoalOO., saq,b

: C. • C

REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL: VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights:019H, pal-CS:01959, part 4; 01961, part 3:01964, part 2;iZ) 1969, part I

Lewis mockorange

Philadelphus lewisii

PHLE2: Lewis mockorange ) SITE: in gullies and stony soils of watercourses, and rocky cliffs, talus slopes. Lower elev. W. of Cascades, to 7000 ft E of Cascades. shrub, rounded to erect, 1.5-2.5 m tall. Opposite, decid. lvs; new l vs finely serrate. Dichotomous branching, almond smelling twigs. Fragrant fins, 3-11 in terminal racemes, petal white, inferior ovary. Flws May-July. FAMILY: Hydrangeaceae ,hydrangea)

whipplevine r(14. -77 Whipplea modesty \l r (.\ WHMO: modest •hipplea or whipplevine. SITE: mid to low elev., slightly dry sites, some- "<„, times open and rocky f orests ff,-72.2, of West Cascades. !L. ID: trailing shrub mat \s forming, up to 1m long stems ----"-.------ 2 with numerous short erect -i\1= -------y----,_ shoots with terminal flowers. Flowers inconspicuous, 5 - 6 iihA —.77s"...._. —71-1-7 • ; I 1. white petals, • # stamens. ./ Leaves ovate, 1-2.5 cm long, . .5-1.5 cm broad, remotely serrulate, opposite . Flowers April-June. FAMILY: Hydrangeaceae ;hydrangea)


fit 1( 1! 1 fl( lfIll

(asoJ) ava pesob :Aliwv3 15n5nv aunr J0107 umaJ3 .aP,. wps • 5.1a. p u • Amous kap. SSPLL J0t01L:suovat40 0MS1 71001 su!.aA laap oadJ, daap az sadol motleys sz-s: .6uol 3 .17 Xilsow . a4sloa7up t-aleo 03 a;vAo SaAPal qIUOL sa(o(;;d • 5a47u04 6u147A, Japua;S . ile; Lut-1 gn.145 :01 0vaJds0P0 AJa p. !sa6pp 6u13e uazIo sal;s Ja!Jp--sadols 4 11 ,AeJ6 Jamol ;31I5 XeJc15 upan JoLcosp sndsooloi.


Sa0V7SW, wa3 siq •t upJa07L

(asoJ) avappsot kpr - (.4c1v 5Ja001 ., •aw0C 51 41.3 •4,en0 Sai63s (p ,o) 5 suawy ls (oz ,o ) 51 . Z1 arq. ww9-Z 6uol .04s }9u 0 Jo; ,714, 515, ad • 6uo; tuDy-Z sanyal .6pot s.L.Ilaa JapualS oppa- SauDuEol bun0 0 (1,3 wS-I .saa.41 satullawos 4scuys 13aJa c; 6uippaJds paaJdsapp. Liar. .sal}s a0t:7npoJ0--.4Jew XaLlet, SapSLLN .SuoAue, spoo. uaat •.00e0aia Nu-larva; Pat :31:S AJJapa p p,Jas uJa/sa,


Aiiaqa p inies waisam

1 ,,,d . 696I 0 , Z , ,,d t,961C9 1 1 1 ,,c 1967 (5) 65610 , 5 2,eo .s561 Cp :s1461,,,Mn ISPitilaug )1313u 3,1: JO S100la dylr3005 : lc 3 )00:4%1, uOti riCIS51N113. 90 0376C0ad3a REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL: vASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights:01955, part 5;01959. part 4; 1961. part 3,01964, part 2,01969, part 1

Oemleria (Osmaronia) cerasiformis

OSCE: Indian plum or osoberry SITE: widespread, low to mid e l ev W Cascades to coast; stream banks, roadsides moist to dry woods. 12: shrub to small tree 1.5-3 m tall. purplish-brown bark. lvs 5-12 cm long, to 4 cm broad, glab above, when crushed smell like cucumbers. flws green-white, fragrant, in axillary pendant racemes. Flws March-April. FAMILY: (rose}

Physocarpos Pacific ninebark

PHCA3: Pacific ninebark SITE: moist sites at low elev W of Cascades, along streams, scamps, lake margins. ID: spreading to erect shrub 2-4 m tall, angled glabrous branches; lvs 3 or 5 lobed less than 1/2 length biserrate, dark green above paler below. Petals 4 mm long. Flws May-June. FAMILY: Rosaceae (rose)


auansot -1sn6ny aunr sJa•olj .a/qcsea paJ-a6uuJc Bun/ tu: z - I SOO,. .Jalsni p ul Jr.; n: On Jo a/6uks i / lensn u60,. s, u/0 sJamol, boot ; s . r - s . / anJJas ,(ionoc Jc anJJas S20J.OU L - s ..appaLs 3u61ea10 s6LP1 . tuJoA ulmc,J6 %Pt !P: 0 0: Of 0,0 Japua/s:01

u 6n641 Salks u, Xu,kDads 74 0009 cl AGI S:S.JU; SIOJP.I.UOD U1 311S PS, Ok4PI,Q :A9,1e 890.1 diqpieq PGA. ..At Tircii


sinow 10f, Now6Jotua sound

Of0O,640We,rm sapeDsvp 3

(asoJ aranso :771140; A.00.6uo. ..ZI -E unic Cl 01p0, •01CJJaS boot Los— E. aselnaDucl-buniqc. .2 adeo pa -, 11,1 uS: 0; Or saa 6uknaJos 1 paJa O 1t 0, ,LZ wc-A scirJus 4166eJis .suoknuata pku 01 00 sou.05 pa sureaJls 6u0i0 JC 1S0,4 AJJOU: 0311

A.1.101.10 17517maru. snun,

111tqt ,APd 661 Q , p6 • 550 gj si.d:: /S3F14:110ti 511,16 Ir .i r.,0)+1,1..,WbAE

REPRODUCED AC PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Co pyrights: 0r.955. part 5,01959, part 4; ©1961, part 3:0 1964, part 2:01969. Pa r t 1

strawberryleaf blackberry 7"

Rubus Regalul

ROPE: strawberryleaf blackberry SITE: moist forests, widesp read from sea level to subalpine. 12: unarmed trailing perennial, 5 leaflets or 3 with deeply dissected pii77fT;i- ig. 1e only, white petals 5-11 mm long. 717,4—May-early July. FAMILY: Rosaceae (rose)

Rubes asiococcus dwarf bramble PULA: dwarf pramole SITE: widespread, low to high elevation forests. moderately dry to fairly moist. ID: unarmed trailing Pere n nial shrub, leaves strawberry-like. 3-6cm broad. shallowly to dee ply 3-lobed; doubly serrate. white f lowers, p etals 5-3mm long, many stamens. "owers June - August. FAMILY: Rosaceae (rose)

snow dewberry

Rubus nivalis

RUNI: snow dewberry or varnish-leaf Blackberry or snow bramble. SITE: low to mid-high elev.. deep woods of moderate moisture. Wides p read though never abundant. ID: trailing perennial with bright green, varnish-like evergreen leaves prominently 3-lobed and prickly on undersurface of veins. Flowers June - July. F AMILY: Rosaceae (rose)


9 Z

(as0J) aPa,os,4 .1Sn6nv fiJto - sJamols a.tiou ituo JnC !two, s 5 . E 0: dr AJJadID.III •101.0 us!, sJanoL$ Isnop20,0 SdOO •swals uo wooto 4;.c ..nL8 .aqsJJas Xprop Jad slausai Jo) E IsaLAD!Jd Da,loc.4 431. patwo • Ouol u 5 0: do saue gnaws 6u,t)fa; .0 • :17 - •Sadott ,CJ; lia/tJapoa ul uouu. aJOJ ••A.1; ;, pot . 5 0; .0, :aduacJn;sE us! . aDueducult u! 10 4, •ssndJeap put spoo. sPcJal!uop s !!`,.; % paw:spun u, • ppaJdsap!.. :31IS AJJao.ap JO AJJavidelq :mu

snu,s, snqnt

AJJaqNoelq 5uweil

(asuJ) aoadosot ilJra L,Jdr ale; sJamold paID:d uaw. motto,) XJJaddseJ • 13p iq o; old:aid-0pda, 11223 .114. sielad • uleauaq nr, al!.. .t 5000 IC 0.1 • Ouol wau5 0; Or pa,!opu . L;sao out snoJaumu sal.,Jc . sau3usJ0 us olo 40,40. .14.• LoLuua.ac soonpidap .06,2-;!am :01 —aJP;s,ow azepauJadu o seaJo uado u, iilensn nala N. 04 nOL :31IS rr\tt:1\,c, AJJaoossJ uJalSa. JO dedDolci :31011 s,.Japo pnat sno, deDNDelq

I IJec • 6961 CD , z !C .1961a) .SC.61 CP 153.41.0s 3.1 3C sornd a:1,05v 13 xxo.o.D. WCd 140ISSIA3d AE c3xxic.3, REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL, VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: 1955, part 5:01 1959. part a; 0 1961. part 3:0:064, part 7,01969, part 1



salmonberry SITE: in moist and very moist coniferous woods, along streams. Most abundant below 3,000 ft. and in Coast Range. 12: shrub to 3 m tall, forming thickets and strongly rhizomatous, armed with prickles that come off of older branches. Leaves pinnate, 3 ovate leaflets, terminal one 0 - 9 cm long. 1 or 2 flowers on short leafy branches, showy red color. Fruit r aspberry like, eatable, yellow to reddish (salmon). Flowers March - June. FAMILY: Rosaceae (rose)


Rubus parviflorus

RUPA: thIreeterry SITE: moist and very moist sites on coniferous forests, along streams and see ps; up to subalpine areas though common at low elev. 12, erect shrub to 2 m tall, married, flaking bark. Leaves palmately 5 lobed, 6 - 15 cm long and a little broader, doubly serrate. Flowers with white (Or pinkish) petals. 3 - 7 in terminal corymbs. Berry raspberry-like. red, eatable. Flowers May - July. FAMILY: Rosaceae (rose)

27 (as0...) aeapesom b ny - au nr Sm 14 M 3 IW1 w3 51-1 sa 1 1-1 1 A 1s01 d01 let/ s.14( snos.m 7! am4tur1 10apad snwawnm .pacmt riaig17, a3e 43 1 110 slal3eal 5 4 14.41. 1sx1 uaaa6aana tetuuaaad pawue 14 t6u0.11s sapads panp0.1104 de sra, p paq.emstp ut .5U011e nala 1044 6o3da3xa praJdsapo, :31IS X,,aqmtq ;poor. .10 0aa.,6xaxa :zyigm

snletutdet snqnm

Anaq)peici ueeibiene

Atieq)ioelq ue/Celew!H

( aso, ) aea1esoa :11110d s.Ja0ool4 6ov ol .asocidt6 PUP 93443 w3 5 . 1 sa4.1aaq Aysel NDUng Jad 02-0 sold Xtd.mo Due uaaJE 146.4 s 1. 1/ 2. 1 5 Ailsow • sAl . sapp!Jd dell 444m paw., Awray I slamdlo asuap pue tie] SaLmj salads papflpoxtu! kJan PUP sapispap, 4 .0 11 ana t a not 30 seair paq.ollsyp u!, ArJappr ..q mAriewm :bob

TrT32505d snqnm

6961 CD ! 2 1 ,0 09610 : 1 1,a0 1961a. :r 656I(:),S .‘", • iS6: m ,11.161,003 1S3M31d0N OI41JCe 3441 30 S11155e dy1U1SV1. 1 10 13 A3C0031I3 SOMA NOMIK,O, 43 C31010M336 RUBUS SUMMARY TABLE

O O j:


3, 3;, 37, a -a l a 5 D lc, „z, ,;"




111111E1 r 1 r i flrl

(asca) aeaaesoe 4inc APIs saamou • 4ssol5 pue ;alatos 01 Odra° 4 6uo! Le7 1 44NA4 tOOZ - 6u0o0 klmoaaru Pu. 6u. 1 w0 L - E U.1 1.47 s3. 14.. I - 6 434m .soorippao saAP.1 awos y36 M1 5n0p 3n16 sprig Jaau!p, paa-Aea6 o; atdand oppaa vaq ...plc! Lie; w s a; qnJ45 ;oaaa a; spaar pau!eap-ttam .3501 Almv4 o; sXatier. MOi wo,, spoor. 54.11,JapA01 ut :311S u!V1UnOw ape3se3 :VSOS

PU(lndin5 snqaos

Lise u!elunow apeoseo


I A0:5 ion IG (aso,) aaaarso :41114n A i n p-OU nr •smtj 1SeD arici 446!45 gl!m 5 W. J. Pa, em43 138-5.1 ela li.. t it-L aveuu!d SnOnP P.P •A.4 e 4 4 s !Poaa g3moa6 6uno( pde sprig aaltflm aidand-ys!ppa, tie; w gratis paturals !ea.. laaJa :c: eaf).e. M o ! 34 000S-030E 441e0,!3aed .ppaadsaNm Alan s6u!uado pu p slsaao, snoaa,! poa up ;enala aaddr cl :311S gee umunow p%;!s :Hos

5!Suat4,1!5 srupos

gse t_nelunow e)ius

3J. 6961 CD tz wed . 096: Q , f 1J. 196:CO 3Jed 6561 l9 , S 3 1. 5561CD :,346,JAcaD DIA3tlt 314 1 ,0 svire "13 NJ0D14:111H W36: tI0ISSIo.fd3d 18 03)100bd38

REPRODUCED an R EMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights:01955. part 5;01959, part 4; 01961, part 3;01964. part 2:QD 1969, part

subalpine spiraea

densi flora - • • SPOE: subalpine sniraea SITE: widespread in moist areas, stream edges, swamps; low to subalpine elev.; the more common high elev. spire, 10: low, spreading to erect shrub, to 1 m tall, freely branching, no hairs on branches. Leaves 4 10 cm long, bright green above, finely serrate 1/2 length. Flowers pink to rose In dense flat-topped corymb: late Cone - August. FAMILY: Rosaceae rose)

Douglas spiraea

§211122 ARaillii

SPOO: Douglas spiraea SITE: moist, along streams, swamps, lake margins; low to subalpine elev. more abundant in valleys. [2: erect shrub 1-2 m tall; freely branching, fine hairs. lvs 4-10 cm long, dark green glab above, paler below, remotely serrte no more than 1/2 length. Flws white-purplish in Flws June-Aug. FAMILY:tlegaceTrti Z£

(aaJi-jgls) atanriS4ia: LIJar SJOmOLJ •1PlUDWPUJO ut • puoJq Le, r • - c• sJa.o,j • 6uo1 Lin E - 1 .1!SOddc 9U( AJa4;PeL 6 aler.tas .uaaJf tires, put isso!B SaAtat !//c2 a t .142 ssa/ uaaArd. :Z7 1JG 402e.tauou,(itensr s il os pau!sap-uap . sa:0 JO,Jp uo Ja4614 ziK 0009 01 du spoor. snoJapu. :311S poomxoc uo6,10 !AWtd

SallUiS,Au Pw.:Silptd

poomxoq uob0J0



( ,,,,,,S .a.!.B.,,,,ut !,,11WVJ firlf! - 1.4or s,amol, 11 0 UL!1e0/, A;1!!61 Is 0-. DIWallt, aidoad Fuea 6uoi ww 2-1 ,,, t Bu ! ,05 put 11 u$ u! usippaJ ua7.4o sal:61,42 pup sni atortm2A KJan_LLLy! 6uu l wog-E azeno E slalleal Lie: asl-I sailLe 5ulgalt .,, rc WAIS sauco p i s ua;lo .paotAp-//am .SOpeps2 uo6arc 2sap 0 sails (717:/‘. Ja!...ip .. .la pp. cr. .ei :311S Ito u0sod :101.ft

agoLlsAatip Sny

ti )Ieo uospd

1 .696:0,2 1JPC .:461C9,t wed •/9610 WA. IS :J. • CSfit CZ, :S2y6kJR007 IS3Mtit 0a DMA: 3H1 JO StWeld tivinDsyn , iv 11 N103B311u BOISSIWa2d AB 037000adia

REPRODUCED an PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL: VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTmwEST Copyrights:0055. part 5:01959, part a; 0)1961. part 3,01964, part 24:11969, part 1

Acer circinatum vine maple

ACCT: vine maple SITE: widespread in coniferous forests, very low to 5,500 ft., prefers moderate moisture. well-drained sites, common in younger. disturbed areas. 2: shrub or small tree to 8 m tall, forming thickets with large prostrate branches, bark smooth and pale; leaves deciduous and thin, 7 - 9 lobed, serrate, broader than long, 3 - 6 cm long. Few flowers. .5 - 1.0 cm broad. stamens inserted at inner edge of round disc; fruit p samara, wings almost 180 spread. FAMILY: Aceraceae (maple)

Douglas Rocky Mountain maple Acer 11APJ2In far. illisitELL ACGLD: Douglas rocky mountain maple SITE: fairly widespread, tends to occupy drier sites than vine maple; in Oregon Cascades up to 7,000 ft., especially on rocky ridge top s and talus slopes. ID: shrub or small tree up to 10 m tall. (In Oregon, usually smaller than vine maple.) Grayish to reddish pale bark. Leaves thin and deciduous, 3 or 5 lobed, twice serrate. as broad as long, 2-14 cm long. Few flowers. about .8 cm broad, stamens inserted on outer edge of lobed disc, f ruit double samara w ith wings spread less than 90 spread. Flowers April to June. = AMILY: Aceraceae (maple)


1 r 1

(.50.1)00(/) aea,euwe. :11114v. VC 15 06 0V - aunE letowaa; asua • u, 0154. Saa00,; • 0650, pal 1.0.50+d aaa01 • aleaaas 1./au5a . 660 I U. 01 01000 .sanea/ uaaa6aa.a uaaa6 ,/aep pa45l1JJYA — 400013 AXDOS . 2UPJ6PJ; X., put 654peaadS 5101 w Z 0 1 00,0 sisaao, paganlsiptio Lop u/ 1S500 fp;e4 01 la p eapoose) U : :1 0009 0: 001 aa001n3 ui AltepacIsa . praacisap5. :3113 usoaq.ous :3333

qSrucimous snu 51 0 I a, snulougao

( .,041 ,P0 0/ aea.ulleNd :Aliwyd .AinE, - AeK saamoLd • 35,,56e.; aplue0 I ,0 5 .,0 4 03,0 / u5 3 0 0 lieWS .anic 0: .1 y0 saaoold •06500 46060.00 E ill., •0601 .,9-SI 0+5160 80,,jp,,,, P4PA0 o: 6u0/00 . saAeaL 11e / /0; eq . : qn.Ays Snonppap 0u 5 peaJdi 01 130. :TIT .0!, M 40 .0000010 \sni.lioueeo qsnicpeep 055e-.01 uaoo 44,J0 sapeDse: i0 0350 3 :31IS snylouea .SoaciaaaP :9133 4 Snw!.4aa6aluy Snopuee.,

(u joy,,,ng: :75,y; 40/.• 01 Aek :41.0.16 5.3001 snol.AaJC u0 0154 m • Iews 5.411.03, •03000 ale-aes /1.5, uaaaf. Pet, put u550 lea/ 3uau4.44 E • 6uo1 u: OI - 5 SnonDiDaP 11;41. saneak /43030 . //e; E 01 0 0, 0 :UT sapose: uo6aac u5 s330051 MS put S ua;40 • aarilslow aleaapow 01 kap •• 31 0095 .2 sIDPV. Lisnicpionq pue 001 30 s3saa0, snoaai/u0D aanogno uo AlaLa, .a/cle5ae0 :31IS sny;ou p ao wa:spaa JO 00.193140 :Y53-3

TEIFFF.51 snylpue: T 2+. 69610 , 3 0961 04 2 +. 19610 , 0 2+ . 60610 , 0 2 +0 5961 CO :02465,003 1S3m1/10,4 31i13Ve 3041 JC 519014 0013355: ! le 13 )1J07.1711h bi0a3 N0ISSII4S3d AS 03:51003130 r_ 1

REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. Ali VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: 1955, part 5:45 1959. part 4; (i) 1961, part 3; OD :964. part 2:01969, part I

Rnamnus 11 ■ LAI

RHPU: Cascara buckthorn cascara buckthorn i SITE: lower elev. Cascades and Western r\ Oregon valleys, in warm well_ drained and moderately moist soils. 10: shrub or low tree to 10 m tall; bark gray-brown or gray-reddish, mottled, with yellow inner bark and bitter taste (collected for medicinal value). Leaves deciduous, dark glossy green with 10 - 12 Prominent parallel i ------T-7:,N. veins on each side, 6 - 10 cm long, very finely serrulate. ,4;;),.,,_•:, ,..,.:...... w, Berries purple-black POISONOUS, thougn eaten by band- "arra ,,---,,...... :„...,„,,-....,.... p., Flowers 8 - 50, small.-pi greenish, plant may be monoeicpus, April to June. FAMILY: Phamnaceze (buckthorn)


Oplopanao horrldum

OPHO: devils-club SITE: moist and very moist coniferous forests, along streams, swamps; usually at intermediate elev. in Western Cascades. ID: Shrub to 3 m tall, erect or semi-prostrate. Heavily armed branches and leaf blade veins. Leaves huge (10 - 35 cm broad). Palmately 7 - 9 lobed. Many small flowers in sm. umbels in elongate racemes or panicles. Berries bright red (POISONOUS), devils club flattened, .5 - .8 cm ong. Flowers May - July. FAMILY: Araliaceae (ginseng) 41-A. A 77-7

35 iy 1 r 1 I 1 r 1 1 1 f 1 1 1

9C de0.1!0 DAD0!u01

(alP"SA...4; 4Lnc - 414, 5JamoLj 6un Jor-5 • 2 •paJ-a6urJo of no1lai-a6ut. Jompu 01041 mniinH ! LI6N_LTLE o: On cmp AY. anv 6At1u1M1 sa;s amlopou soorasr,D 4c. 15• sisoJci Aata al moi:ails EI,DnsAauOy ladwn..1

PSCLO eJaDyuoi

oPlo n s A auo g ladwn4

(1Jom6sJ; :A1114V1 . Alnr - Aek ales sJamoL4 • AL AJar. ,J.41 .Y • a3eLnJ4as soneoi S,..0 :4 clOOP 01 a;OJnd laiJE • slew WC, 4e. w00£-ct .sapy ,sr: uao4sam ! saNspen, sloowns woo. Jo 000 46!4 Pu, DI LL:31IS unualsuad s • ilomparj !E533d


uowalsuad smempie0

1961e 1 1JYC 696100 ! Z lJea r9n1Q) ! E 1,Pc !, 1.0o •656;0:5 ved . 5561 (2) tilmoldcei D1313. 14: JO EINEl4 ler,EvA ,111,1 )0011,11E wns, NOBS/wale 19 C7ina0bdlt REPRODUCED Rn PERMISSION FRCP HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: OD 1955. Part 5: 01959, part A: (t):961, part 3:0 1964. part 2; © 1969. part 1

Sambucus cerulea blue elderberry

SACE: blue elderberry SITE; moist to moderate sites, usually in sun, near streams or roads, and in clearcuts and occasionally in woods. UP to 5,000 t. elev. ID: tall shrub or small tree to 5 m tall. Bark rough, dark. Leaves deciduous, opposite, cmod with 5 - 9 lanceolate. serrate leaflets, 5 - 15 cm long. Flowers unite or cream, .4 - .7 cm wide, in flat-topped terminal clusters 4 - 20 cm wide. 3erries blue-black with pale waxy coating, eatable and good in wine. Flowers May - July. FAMILY: Caprifoliaceae ;honeysuckle)

red elderberry

Sambucus racemosa

SARA: red elderberry SITE: moist areas, often near streams. Occasionally in forest but usually in sun. Lower elev. to about 5,500 ft. locally. ID: tall shrub or small tree to 5 m tall. Smooth bark; opposite cmpd leaves, 5 - 7 leaflets which are lanceolate. sharply serrate. 4 .5 - 17 cm l ong. Flowers white, .3 - .6 cm wide, in rounded topped clusters 4 - 10 cm long. Berry color variable, usually red to dark purple: not choice human food, some varieties may cause discomfort. Flowers March to July. FAMILY: Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle)

!1 r 1 f 1 1 I 1 1 1 r 1 1 1

(apons4au0o) asa0P;10;iroe:1 :Allwr, .200600 0; As sJamoL, sitald uc lso,Jad w: S I - S aliv. Sa.,JJOE sawa pe, leu!.w.; asuap ul ma, anoqe ssalJp,u 2004010 • .1040 alOP;JVA AJBA 00,001 • 140 mon.. 411 m 06101 00Je0s tie: w 2 01 qn.Ns 230.00 COT 6upP, S JO Lip a.Lagm 0009 03 On JO $4 01105 ,1i -5016002 JO $1P0 put Sauo.ippw ulyr :s6uluado 4sseA pus slsaJoi snwaitu00 alsJapom 01 Lo p : 3I :5 g,,agmous : 1 VAS

sncILE soci,eDJou.wfS


(appnsiauoy) aea3euo)LJdep .Xpr-aunr s.[3 . 6uol ww 9-S 5110,1 .114 awa3LIfuLwal asuap u; sALI mai • 00000 sJ!.ey au!.; paQOI JO aJilUd k11005n • 6U01 u10 (-1 OlOv! ,,A SA L C - I cin Jus 5uwex. : C: AaLa pLw 0; moL 20 $910 JaJr, .42000 puy sape p st: 0 113000 :3115 k,JaqmOuS 6u10040J3 :OWAS,

st;:ew scd,,,,sudwAs

knacimous buidaaio

3,so . 6961(5)13 3.L. 1, 961 a. • C O A. 1961 1 2, 2A00 6561 (;) 3-.1.0 5561 (:LL :s3u61A,d03 iS3m0i601: 31All/to 301 10 51HVlo eylnaStA : lv 13 3)030011H W3bi MOISS1w1131 A6 03)300bd36 REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL, VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights:Q1955, part 5,Q)1959, part 4, Q)I961, part 3;/D1964, part 2:Q1969. part 1

Garr•a fremontii

GAM Fremont silktassel or bear brush SITE: in moderate sites, lower elev. mostly in open areas , clearcuts. On Columbia River and in Lane Cty. becoming more common southward. ID: shrub 1-3 m tall, lvs beneath fine hairy, 4-8 cm long, not undulate margined. Plants with separate sexes: unique silktassel . pendant racemes. Globose purple berries, 5-6 net thick. Plus Jan.-May. FAMILY: Garryaceae (silktassel)

Fremont silktassel

fools huckleberry

Menziesia ferruginia

MEFE: fools huckleberry SITE: moist to very moist and cool coniferous forests and along streams. Intermediate elev., 2,500 - 5,000 ft. mostly. Becoming less common S of McKenzie River. ID: deciduous shrub up to 2 m tall, fine hairs on young branches. Leaves thin, clear green, serrulate, ovate-elliptic, 4 - 6 cm long. Flowers yellowish-red, capsules .5 - .7 cm long. FAMILY: Ericaceae (heath)


1 1 r 1 1 r r r-iriri


(47eaq) aP2DED!..12 .1.60V - aunr saamot, snouosod sancta; pue saa.o;,i 1,04s satnsdeo tsuawelo OT .swals 6uote q - l jo saalsnio t“ a:UV 5 ,am 013 •s, 1 , 6 Pa, 8,1400 qp!.. 561rq 6unoA •6uc, wo - s • satotpad 6uo1 wo 6 - e 3 13 0 111 0 o 147 saneat snonppap !top w 0 op qn.nls :01 ..48Alkj D71DUR 40 S UOMODUn 61.11W0D.q 0089 03 00CE wo..; 61JaO12 sdaas put sweaaos PuoLe sosaacj snoaajtuoo ;sou Aaah pue Isom :311S uoapuapopcoo alom Jo eaten, sa peDse3 :18H5

wnaol4ote uoapuapopotte

e aleze sapeoseo

(41e.4 :AllRe.t. - Aek saa0ot3 •pa2e.o1ro ftap!K • 6uo wo ? s • I sainsde• APoom luals)Saac asoa of ;Rio al gid . 40oys saamoi wo s - ? alooac onops til! m aaoua wo 0? - 8 !1e411a.-6uoloo -sa.eat uaaa6 oJET Lla4DP- .,JPC U .0.1q-Ae,6 4700WS S 03 do gnats uaaa6aa.a tol :01 AlIntIOnpoad Opts 40 uooeopu! ue azo aPe aeltwo lo sa;ts u1 !nate 7; 0009 01 mot LI P ol 351ou :sosaac .; snoaaitu0o aptaapou peaacsap!r pu p uowwoo Xaa. uo, Puo PoPoti, :VWHO

,a0o t3 OM oo76uOsoM wni;Audoapew ucapuaPoOo4O

uoipuepopow oifiDed

t951 (2) 1 1 .. 696: CD Z . ec 1,90 CD laed . , 9 i+ K . 6s610 , 5 1J pd CI) :s1u6,J,do) IS3M,OH0N DIII3Vd 3H1 AO SINVld Ovinser. oopOo011i. WThi N0IS1012e AO OOlonOudie REPRODUCED BC PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: a1955, part 5; 01959, part 4; ©1961, part 3,01964, part 2; QD 1969, part I

Gaultheria shallon

GASH: salal SITE: variable and widespread, dry to moderately moist coniferous woods, usually slightly drier sites in Cascades. Plant size indicates site productivity. ID: erect or creeping shrub .5 to 3 m tall ;lush coast range). Leaves evergreen and glossy, ovate, 5 - 9 cm long, sharply serrulate. Flowers pink, .7 - 1.0 cm long, in terminal or subterminal racemes, 5 - 15 flowers. Fruit purple, sticky, .6 - 1.0 cm broad, eatable. Flowers May - July. FAMILY: Ericaceae (heath)

Gaultheria ovatifolia antners GAM wintergreen SITE: mid elevations in wintergreen moderate forested sites, (S1 widespread, especially 3,000 - 5,000 feet in Oregon Cascades. Mostly damp cold places. ID: low shrublet, less than 3 cm tall. Leaves ovate. 2-4cm long, I.5-3cm broad, persistent. thick,serrate margins.Bright red berry. Flowers June - August. FAMILY: Ericaceae (heath)

alpine wintergreen

Gaultheria humifusa

GANG: alpine wintergreen SITE: subalpine to alpine ; in moist sites, near ponds, etc. ID: low shrublet, leaves oval 1-2cm long, .5-1.5cm broad, entire or slightly serrulate, reddish fruit. May form small mats in open areas. Flowers July - August. FAMILY: Ericaceae (heath)

0;ea4; aca3c0J3 ) XnC • SaweNJ ieuituJa; ul niq SJam0L3 •sq ppiw pup suICApu 00 SJyeq Hews 6u01 WD

• tuJc, /, ,„9 4, 4VeJ M J, E Slew l !lu : 0: -qns al sat", oup.ss=eo!ulco4: SJO41U.

o!upfluupi 6"6".;:g:410=1

s,n- pAn sot Aidelso;a,v

( ineam) aeaND,J3 :Aliwtj ..1sore81 S W . CHJ-unC 4 XJJag paluoc sar.eaL 3nq 4 3011Ampi amt :73-1 sa6D1J Apo, uo uu:lo sails Loo p PUP X.Ap "Aala au01Q-OnS .1 .LPP!.. :31 I $ SlutZuew leuauld :30bv


elpezuew lewauld

g3ea4 aVaDfDlJ: tne - hew •peo4 w0 p • - 9 • XJJOS XJ1 p 4 tJar (JP., 6U01 W, 9 • . 9u4 Jo 0:14. sJam013 • 5U01. WD S Nloauaq Jyeu Ar,6 au!) 010100 0u0i 0; a;cA0 Santa; •AJ!eq Sa10,1001 put 56p. 1 6u00 ), •,ap,o uosin pHJ-atdowC ,Jpe E c; qnJqs 1 pa,a uaaJEJa.a 51n0JVa1; nap moi AJ; ul U0WWOD . 14 000 . 17 MO P ,. X 13SOLI. salts (Jp otialeJapou. :3110 el!uezup w AJIto ,EC721Y

p ueownio, soiAt0elso2Dxv

.6961 CD , z 1 Jeu t967 t ; J. • 1961(3) , t .6561 CD , 55610 :s1461,Jco3 1S3MH100N 31313Vc 3H1 10 S 1NVid drl DSVA , lv 13 A )034)11H NOISSWod A O 033000ba3a

REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION PROM HITCHCOCK ET .AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: 01955, Part 5; © 1959. part 4; (D1961, part 3; © 1964, part 2, (D1969, part 1

oval-leaf huckleberry


VAN: oval-leaf huckleberry SITE: intermediate elev. in dark coniferous woods, moderate moisture, mostly 2,000 to 5,000 ft. elev. ID: spreading deciduous shrub to 1 RI tall. Twigs much angled. Leaves ovate-elliptic, 2-4 cm long, hairless veins, entire Or very finely serrulate. Flowers when leaves beginning to expand. Flowers single, on curved pedicel .1 - .5 cm long, which is not enlarged beneath berry. 3erry purple-black or anther blue-black, tasty but dry. Flowers May - July. FAMILY: Ericaceae :heath)


Vaccinium alaskense

VAAL: Alaska huckleberry huckleberry SITE: intermediate elev. in dark coniferous woods, often cooler sites of moderate moisture, mostly 2.500 - 6,000 ft. elev. Lg.: shrub to 1.2 m tall, deciduous. Twigs slightly angled. Leaves ovate-elliptic, 2.5 - 6 cm long, ,— small hairs on underside midvein, entire or slightly serrulate. Flowers ,hen leaves expanded. 77/ Flowers single, on straight pedicel usually 1.0 - :.5 cm long, enlarged below ovary. Berry pur p le-black to blue-black, tasty but tart. Flowers may - June. FAMILY: Ericaceae (heath)


big huckleberry

Vaccinium memoranaceum

VANE: big huckleberry SITE: intermediate elev. on west slope of Cascades, mostly 3,000 - 6,500 ft., sites of variable moisture. ID: deciduous shrub up to 2 m tall; twigs somewhat angled; leaves oblong or ovate-elliptic, 2 - 5 cm long, finely serrate nearly entire length. Flowers single, on pedicel .5 - 1.0 cm long. Berry purple, very tasty and widely collected. Flowers April to June. FAMILY: Ericaceae (heath) bb

(41e.u) ara3rt43 taunt: - ke, sJanou IsnoptLap :apt,. 1. 8 - 9 .antq Jali3 ut te.trag • 6uol L • - 9 •Ustautli l at6uts S.48.01S - VI Jean u0 aletrwas aq Lew (aot. tie; paJ 6uttit.t1s) ttaa46 ales .6 p ot w3 5 - 5 . 1 0200oqc Sanaa-, • pat6u, f:SnOn3t9SUODu, SitOUTJE •snonppap Il e : wP Or 0 1 04 0 Palle. •mpt Jole p t p ut arts ptoD ,(4aA pue ptc6 Isape0se0 uo6,10 u t "44 005i - OOSt Al1sow l s6utuado autdte-qns • Aata Jaddr :31IS g., ,a0aim3n4 4va t .n l g :30V1.

w,S0l3:lap tOrtut3394, Anaqapiony jeeianiq

Anocialooym asnoi6

Oneat, , apa1v31J3 3,n6nt s 1.n0I4 ,(1.3 paJ 3ti644q .pvo4q w: 5 • - uns 03 rt i n3 t puad,ac aDepns u t vlu i em 03 ahoL snooPt).F oaaJO 3u6t1 aletn.oas itauti .6uot w3 s • t - B . stews sanea-, SagoueJo altt-woo4q •ttaa46 :t e a w3 so 0 : OnJws slaws :UT M pOlutaL, atellotc. ql!r t:teesr lsape,seD uo6a.t0 ut 14 DOS: - DOVE "Aata ,aubtu Pl op :31IS AJJactaLlJoy m esn0J6

ZFC5-117-.165T wntupPea

(Wear; aea3c0443 aunr - t444 sJamoL3 .3491 l nq 43se3 . oa, 10,4 w, 6 • - 9 • sat..a9 •(savue.N 6u1tme.o tows uo saAeal aleJaas tatoo• 3499JOw 4 p A", mot SPODO lflq ) 9.4140 . 6.1 WD 9 • 2 - tea° saA p al • pat6uf A(luauttuo,c put ttaa46 sat3de4 L tel w t. 03 on qn.A0 snonptlap 330Ja :171 .1) DOSt 1 n0 0, 03 do snoJajo. lstott ,(1.2,a,L,alot ut oPaAsaot. :aliS pa, ,Ydvt.

Anaqappny paJ 1,4 L O 4 t ^ ,ed wntot33,A

I 3,e0 696I0 : 3 , f , . p961CD,E LIPC ,196I ,t 1.nd . 65610 ts 1Jec s56: 0,sluOtJAco: 1S3MNIV011 31JI3vd 3H: JO SINtld drin)sv• "13 J3031011H WDIJA N0ISSIW3J A9 03)400td3e 1




O O O 2


45 IIIIII!1!1(11111 REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; vASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights:0190S. part 0;01959. part a; O1961, part 3; 0 1964, part 2;4D1969, part 1

aP anther ==0:;,7 evergreen huckleberry

Vaccinium ovatum

dA00 ? evergreen huckleberry SITE: coastal species, sandy and silty loam soils, occasional in low elev 4. Cascades. 10: evergreen shrub .5-4 m tall, dark green glossy lvs with sharply serrulate margins, 2-5 cm long, in horiz. rows. flws pink, 3-10 per raceme, berries purplish-black, tasty(musky). Flws April-Aug. FAMILY: Er i caceae (heath) co-4z, Ckik

Chin ipt■111 umbellata princes pine

CHUM: p rinces pine (PiPsisse.) SITE: widespread in coniferous forests; mostly at intermediate elevations; medium to dry sites. 2: plant 10-30 cm tall, 5-15 flws :umbel-like) filaments not hairy. Leaves elliptic-oblanceolate, evergreen. Flws June-Aug. FAMILY: Ericaceae (heath)


Chimaphila nenzies" little princes pine

COME: little Princes pine SITE: widespread in coniferous woodS, especially at middle elev. and moisture. :0: plant 5-15cm tall, 1-3 anther flowers, filaments have hairy swollen base, leaves elliptic. sometimes white-veined. differs from Sig pr. pine by having darker green Ivs,smaller Ivs and entire plant stature Is smaller .(than CHUM) FAMILY: Er (heath)

46 1 I 1 r--


( 47 . 4) aea3eo 1 a 3 .A11WV4 .zsn6nv o; 4inc sJamoL4 . a414w usluaaJ6 01 moll. AlJsp sJamou • S.11" JO SPUVIE, di44 6uo1 WO Z . I - 9 pue PP0 -0 111., SI - saneel . 11 O 1 O. Op of qnJus uaaJ6Jana 6us.wJc-feu Lie. :TT es ,0 saauleau Ja410 SC awes LausOse pue auldte-qns :911s Jailleau mosiaR :198d

11,0,4L1nPurir Jegleaq moneA

( qleaq) aPO9P0lJ9 —4Sans, - aurT sJa.olA . es p 4,1u0 deer) 41 00w $ Nleauaq panooJE AL.. .6uol WO 9 • 1 - s • pue 00030 wo Z - I saAeal L. O P On ge...45 Ls...16Jan; 6uLLuJo4-few silos pauseap pso; AJan--aull Jaquql anoqe pue le lauLdle pue auldte-qns .311S aagleag visd 1W3Eid

Jaylea q >iLnd s!uJo ,nnadwa I5(7.777;

( 41.4) aedoe3LJ3 .A11$04J lsr16n9 - Apr sJamosA •6uoi w; 8 . - s • . stelad a114 M s011 oueJo aea4 teJanas sJamoij 6uoL ww 5 - 2 saLpueJq ol passaJdde palueJ-Jn04 alcsoddo sanea-. ...al Aq palea;uo; sa400eJ8 • Le; LO U 01 do gnaws uaaJ6Jan; 6uLswo4-leus .Lsos paus.eJp lnq salts po; . 2 ,3 1Po L taus. laaal anoqe pue 4V :ausdie pue auOle-cins .311S -044.4 e21.40 .31.1VD

eueLsualJaw adossy)

I 1Jed 69610 , Z 1 , vd 1,96T m , C laed 1961 CD , t laed 656I t s 1,eu 5561Q:s3461ad00 IS3WHIW0N 3131303 Ni JO SINVld 9e103S0A J P: 13 9303H011w WOW N0IS51Wnd ke 0331100/1d38 REPROOCCEO an PERMISSION rROm HITCHCOc g Er.AI vASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: OD 1955, part. 5:Q1959, part 4; C) 1961. part 3: Q 1964, part 2; 611:1 1969 . part 1

sword fern

Polystichum munitum

POMU: Sword fern SITE: common and widespread in moist forests up to 4,000 feet. Usually in fairly warm and productive locales. 2: tall, r obust, dark green evergreen fern to 1.5m tall. Leaves in large clusters, coarse, and firm with stout petioles • et,i, with chaffy base. Pinnae (leaflets) offset. Fronds l,31aar x t;l:ca tir. .loral use. A nice

FAMILY: Polypodiaceae (Common fern) st

imbricated sword fern

Lolystilurn munitum var. imbricanS

POMUI: imbricated sword fern SITE: fairly dry forests, especially on shallow, gravelly soils and ridges, to 5,000 feet. :0: like common sword fern, but lacks chaffy pe tioles and has more over-lapping and thicker pinnae (leaflets). F AMILY: Polypodiaceae (Common fern) 48

1 r 1 1 1 l I 1 r 1 r 1 r 1


(d4a3 uoamo)) ataptIpo0..16d :41114VA .lods uad4e6 Owe. .1 a0o44) • 6440.4 put> .6uo1 se app, se atollad a l d,nd 431 K sd A.al 4,401s .6u4dada0 sAdws .07 446 11.4 un 0 0 u,a, au6e43 toms .a6us, lseod u4 dom. sapepse:4 lsdM . 1 4 . 4 005E ALiaND :sdaas pdt smopta. la. .SWia0S 6uoit pue 0.40 ;sow :31IS d4a3 Jleguapiew :3d0Y

w 6 1. pad wrIluppv


(uJaj dowwoo) ataDe4 p0dA 1 0d 1411WVA sa.caL ,weal snopsdAC 30 saseq . aic:sad x4ep 04. pa4a.op • IdaAa-tins Ac butpuadst .1no3s .;,00 awczNb •pa4n100-44o5 .1464 . .4 6.01 4. 002-03 sndnppap a6Av1 :bi 4 00 4 DOCS 01 dn smopraw la. SlSiJOi 254oW SWV5J1S buoLt pue :31IS u4a1 Opel :141V UJej Ape! E 4 0. 3" . 1 Li/ ---71741t.Th

I 6961CD Z 1,Yd 1961 0 E 1 , Pd 1961 0 2,P, 6561 S l a ed SSC $1461a500) 1S3MHIYON 7111194 3141 40 SiNV -IA avinpsyr 1Y 1.3 9DOND1141 NOWA NO:SSIWnd u9 033000043t REPRODUCED EV PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. Al.; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: (0 1955. part 5; P1959, part 4; 01961, part 3.(13 1964, part 2.0 1969, part 1

8lechnum giant deer fern

ALSO: deer fern SITE: very moist and productive forests an to 5,200 feet And Along streams, seeps, etc. Lj: fairly thick and glossy evergreen leaves to 80cm tall. Petiole 3-25 cm long, reddish. Pinnae (leaflets) in 35-70 pairs, opposite or offset. Important browse for domestic and wild animals. Choice garden plant. FAMILY: Rolypodiaceae (Common fern)

%MI. panne

wood fern

Mgg7 tiEg1ii) GYOR: wood fern SITE: moist forest sites and along streams and seep s, etc. 10: Del icate deciduous fern; scattered leaves •o to 18 cm long and 25 cm Hide, usually alder than long. Petiole 10-30 cm long. 21111t : Pol ypodi.e. (common fern)


r r- r 1 r 1 r 1


ara1r1a5103 .A1110t3 aw96 6!. Xo u plo p . sasaoo o; snoposlod uoos . 1004 01 .14. 9... a 111 ,a 2 •.01 , Z1- OI %le; in/ co o: s pur auao:s a 41 • 014da0w4, .L.nuut swa1s :01 oarlsom uos 6t4ads luvpuncin sa1 .1 1P. 1sals 1a. 01 1S10w JO se p al, Pa O,r 1 s 1P A ll a,a4a6 :3119 11.1as" upwwoD :3963

aSuan..41, wrITol 3

irelasioLi U0WW00

( pap; uopuo p ) anaor!..dk l.d :A1107L, (slaileaL) aeuu!C 1044c saml w: U13) 30110011 09-01 co- 5 puc 6uoL YJ OS-St 0.1. ;ea; . paaone,, all a0J11 PP, Saw0Z14, ivouuo sany aL :17 sveq ,(ssow Jo s0o1 ao slunal p aa/ u. 11 000Z .oiag XuSow went, 4.0; Pu p iels000 .2510u Xtalarapou .311S urar ao ,c),1 .9190d


u0wwoD1 a pp oepodZtod :J11wy, algelea ape spoauaipp!r 17457 :souou nano .11 1, 1 nun D - SDIONOSIOd sanaal • sapvio Iva; ralrous 41 9.sr 1O091-001 01 dr. a10110 snOop0ap pus ll ,1 lap; Z 01 do sanvot spuels 4spao4 aa6una pus se p al, panianzsp ul k1I9;oads3 • silos p006 Jo salls lsaaoi 4ap 1sowlr of alarapow .311S urar uaNDerci :bold

707176i wop!.razO


I la. 69610 , z .E IJpd 1961 6561 ! S 2J. SSC O :s.61..,00D 1S3M1b01: D141117d 3H1 30 Slfarld nonasvr, iv 13 MD0XID11H NOOL WOISSIRI30 AH C31n0021d36 REPRODUCED Al PERMISSICN FROM HI ICHCOCK ET. AL. VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE 4ACIFIC 4ORTHidEsZ Copyrights: (5 1955. part 5:0 1959 . part 41 fiv Q51961. part 3:01964 , part 2;ED1969. part I


stinging nettle

Urtica dioica

UROI: Stinging nettle SITE: Wet to swamp y sites, usually i n open. u p to 5,500 feet in wet meadow but tore common on low woodland see p s; On deep soils. ID: Rhizomatous perennial 1-3m tall. Lvs 7-15cm long, coarsely serrate, o pposite. Stems with stinging hairs (NASTY!). Flowers inconspicuous, greenish, monoecious. Flws Nay-Sept. FAMILY: Urticaceae (nettle)

wild ginger

Asarum caudatum

ASCA3: wild ginger SITE: fairly moist forests at low and mid elev.. widespread. ID: Short herb with extensive rootstocks, may form large mats. Deep green persistent leaves 4-10cm long, up to 15cm broad, heart-shaped ;

FP44411; wheinvi!=to greenish-yellow, very long, tapered calyx lopes. Flowers April - July. FAMILY: Aristolochlaceae (Dirthwort)

1 I 1

ES (aueisJnd j ava3eaeinl4od :caws 2das- • J144 • SKij • 6uot input-9• striad a: pr. 40 S , 1 ,0a$ Z sJamol, kin Idols butJamot, uo sn, aztsoddo 2 .peoJci a;etoaDuei ol alettogo • snt /es. Fuew • sanp a: atgelea snoJcit4 -uou • seals me. 11 . 1 .D05-01 I ,nuut Soso, • aldviJeA :01 .4120 leumawos dump 0.A84. sem pawlstp ut oste ! Zddi 005s 01 Pu ll m ot S/saJoi snoJa,tuo p lstau ul PdaJdsadtM :31IS ( , 11 .0u urJa,11S) a),11dtu,Pul


avaprmln,Jcd saole4oO amtt itorled paleas-dadp dui4J03 • sledas 2 !, ut s sielad (abuti, Jc Jo) ttutd 01 d 1)4 . •A.00 paJa.oLl 02-( sawam •(6uol tu)9-s • I) S J 1 d1tsoddo 2 411 . 11,1 4.0z-9 • 1eJands Sams 6uiJd.Oti (6u0; tos: 0; dr) snl meg f;lensn • 4Jau letutiaJad uddJ6 AJ, P • .4 , N-41 0ous :01 silos poof, uo lad, 000S 01 do slsaJoJ snoJailu. ;sod 4/a30Japow u, praxisapw :311s ilneaq buirds

LOaDut; 177.471,175


9.19,1 6961 , Z 9 ,1•U • 9961 CD t t laud • /go Q) 6561 m , S 1 41,9 5961 CD ,57,16,,k,103 1S3PUI10ON OIJIOVd 3H1 j0 SaYld HrIODSVA ! IV 13 N103,13.11H 053. N015511034 A9 033100.321 REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST 4; Copyrights:QD 1955, part 5,01959. part (DI961. part LID:964 , part 2;019 69 . part 1

bigleaf sandwort

21L:aarlia ARMA3, bigleaf sandwort S17E. widespread, dry to moist forests and meadows, most elev., both sides of Cascades. :D: may form loosely matted Patches, stems 3 or A angled. 5-15cm long. Many leaves, linear-elliptic to lanceolate. acute, 2-5cm long and 3-15mm broad. Petals khite, sepals acute. Flowers May - August. F AMILY! Caryophyllaceae (pink)


Actaea rubra

ACRU: baneberry SITE: moist and very moist forests and streambanks at On and mid elevations. 12: 40-100cm tall herb with comp ound7,7,7e?-177 3s and semi-pinnate. Many small fl owers, 2-Imn long with white Petals. Striking berries elite or red. Flowers May - July. F AMILY: Panunculaceae (buttercup)


(droJallng) ap a p etn)unuft :Aliwy, SS -1So6rry - LiJOy Plet sJamo/4 loNrci Lip slooJ 6uo, w72/-5 • paJamol; 2-1 a2einJJas XOJegs • 6.1 10 t-2 slalleoL ulew 1:44!leuuld 5 .1 UI son. pU000W07 gJa!, !on w/pE 01 On :ET pea11.4 410106 jealino ,0 1 0 NPN aJn/StOm poo6 plw 01 .01 le szsaJoj 1s1ow XialeJopow :311S Pea, 41P1 06 1 ,o 11 0:0103

! De !

( 1.7Ja ll ng ) a,..1 03uno.6 : All Ktj •• [ rT - IJDJek sJamoid • (aso, Jo am o3) ali g• •.,a.0 14 i DWI .1 01 Jled te22111112unoclwo: S l a live l E olu! PaP! A le U1ii . E ,c !Jou. o! sawozNJ X/eDs :Fr aJolsiou aleJOPow 10 slsoJol sn0Ja4!u07 SA113np0yd U! 41AP1030..0 0VaydSONm su017eAata p!w ol mo! :31I5 auowaue lieX7 :20Nt

777:777 au0wau,

(dnoJellnq) peopelnounueb

IV JAS sJamolj boo1 w752-5•1 sivd.O111.1.5 SW. : , OleJJas-azeuaJD Ali5APC1 01.1S2.1001E 6uo, w79-2 itrip;mpu t y0 IANy u! soneal :ET sal t s 04,,000w .07000,0 u, XlJ p inN4rec •peaJdsapim Ao : a N o 0 1 ^0 1 :311S dUOulaut 001-E 7.30Ny

Pap c,1;ap auo,uv


Caltha biflora

CAE: Twinflower marsh marigold SITE: Wet and swamp y areas, in standing water. Mostly sub-alpine and alpine where common. 12: To 15cm tall. Showy yellow or white flowers, 2 per stem on long Peduncles to 34cm ion,. Leaves as broad as long, kidney or heart shaped. Flws late May-Aug. FAMILY: Ranunulaceae (buttercup)


Dicentra formosa

DIFO: Bleeding heart SITE: Fairly moist very shady coniferous woods, up to 4,000 feet, but common lower. 12: Up to 45cm tall, thin compound light green vs, brittle rhizomes. Flowers 5-15 on scape, pink-purple corolla, heart-like appearance, Outer Petals with spurs .2-.4cm long. Shiny black seeds in capsules 2-3.5cm long. 4ice in garden. POISONOUS foliage. Flws TiF=51577 FAMILY: Ranunculaceae (buttercup)

56 (4JJapJvq; aeaDeplJa0,a8 : AEI Hbd aurT-kvw vqj ll . 1 11.017-00 adv65 ssoLool uo 0E-01 800; altum sJ0m014 saaLpol . sAl a1e611ap pub u043 t sawozi4J 1,,uuaJad snoappgJak ,01 -silos pooh uo 3004 005y 61 SputImOt 5.0m sn0Jaiiu0) 1p40awoS :311S Jomo U 1 n0 -a Ol s o: :3HOh

8.muuxay PpannODU,A

Jemoll Ono—emsui

(AJJavvq) atoDemJacpae :A - Fprg.3 ALnr-AV luesealC sAL paL.sp quo, 8. 8-5 • 2 axL08 uo s i t, flews 00-00 adeDs SSaLoa, u0 sriftou • ptoJci w602-5 Due 4 11 . 1 u. 0E 01 On 6u1puels ale!lol-E A1on61un saAvai O ,au 6u1DvaJds snoluwozoib :01 -laa ooss 0: spueLmot L po06 A11ensr •slso.44 Sno,ai!uo, AAP leunawos 01 (10,0j leap) ;stOu Alalt,apow u1 peaJosap!.p. :311S (1004-,..P) leaf.1 :617V

7177-d-1 -877—:In lea! eiNuen

1 1JFC 6961C1 : z wed t,9610 , ( loud I961(D 6561(D t S 2 A uu .888ICD,s1461,Au07 18388180u )1117Vd NI JO 51NVld urroSto, : 10 13 3)0707110 w063 801885483d A8 0371008138 REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights:01955, part 5;451959, part 4; 01961, part 3:40196 4 , part 2:e 1969, part 1

coolwort foamflower

Tiarella trifolata var. unIfoliata

TIUN: coolwort foamfIower SITE: mid elevations, coniferous forests of moderate to considerable moisture, productive sites. :0: basal leaves uo to 12cm broad, 3cm long, palmately lobed. Flowering stems 20-45cm tall. Flowers small, white; calyx 1.5-3.0mni long. Flowers June - August. FAMILY: Saxifragaceae (saxifrage)

pig-a--back plant

Tolmiea menziesii

TOME: pig-a-back plant, tolmiea SITE: very moist coniferous forests at low elevations and especially along streams and sandy soils next to rivers. 1000-3000 feet. to: attractive, hairy perennial herb to 40cm tall with green-purple- brown flowers in raceme up to 30cm tall. Palmately veined and shallowly lobed leaves with unusual vegetative reprod. by buds at leaf base. Common choice house garden plant. Flws May-Aug. FAMILY: Saxifragaceae (saxifrage)

6 S

(cad) peso p .woPal 1111WM4 64-aunt sold • auicheons sl Snuolieons au(01.10S .01.1 s ts1, 11 0441 t 1 A3.1,tA woe .6uol ta, E-z spud •Sawapt, Puol w,0Z-01 u o uana JO .4s19u id a n i q s..a.oLd .0704 1. 2-: Poo 6u01 .D9-E 1 1 3 10 . 1 6-L 1 sanea( e-9 411sow 1(0,1 Lei of dr :ET pue(poom u puem01 lsco ole 51S9J06 0.14 , 4-11 . Ag put s6u1Jval, We 1 sa6p(, auOlepos JO WC ul semuado puelmol . 41a.,er. up 6...p...fop alpel,sA :31IS a p oni :yini awcini paneei-peoiq 1.10J11el 5,177

(as p ...) aea pesod :owed .6nv-aune seq, wp E . 1s(e2a0 a1140 asuap uI s,a.01.1 slyn3 lesep ul pap.o.0 saAeal 11 ,1 LoSIuo 41 ssa( 1sno3varoz14, prups-fuss u pa..6.04a 6 p (Luol-lew :UT SwavloJd uope,app6a, awa,1e3 1 s110S PLOD o SVaJp puiNAOui al.1 5.4.041 ." au.d.c - pos J O X DO t w.4 uleiunaw 10 sa4.6 u0CicliJ JO SOWNO uaa^lag .110 pue 1 00 1 a614 , 1 ,1,0 oa411. 0 1 :3611


Soo; a6pHoed

1 3,Pd 69610!? 3J Od 1. 961 OPE 2 J. 1961 69610,S 1J 90 59610 ,s3u6L,k. 1S3194.001. 31,17Ve 3H1 d0 SiNVld 5V1P35V1 ! Iv 13 11302H311H W041 NOISSIMIffil AS 033(104321d39

REPRODUCED Oh PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: 01956, part 5,4:, 1959, part 4; l 1961, part Ii01964. part 24,1969. part

evergreen violet

Viola semperyirens

VISE: evergreen violet SITE: in medium-moist forests at low to mid elevations, widespread west of Cascades. ID: perennial with Isla rhizomes , -7ives usually sac d cordate-lanceolate to nearly reniform, I-3cm broad, serrulate-crenulate. thick and leathery and Persistent. Petals 7 R lemon-yellow to gold, lower 3 purplish lined, u pper 2 bearded. Flowers March - V. sempervirens June. FAMILY: Violaceae ;violet)

backwoods violet

Viola orbiculata

710R2: backwoods violet SITE: moist woods at middle and higher elevations. ID: Short herb without spotted leaves; leaves ovate-cordate to nearly orbicular-2.6cm broad, serrulate-crenulate and fairly thin, usually not persist thru winter. Not stoloniferous . Viola ortuculoto Flowers TTe V. sempervirens but much longer stigmatic area. Flowers May - August. FAMILY: Violaceae

yellow violet

lip la label:a

7IGL: yellow violet SITE: moist forests and along streams at low to middle elevations. Moistest sites of these 3 violets. ID: perennial with leaf blades reniform to ovate-cordate, usually abruptly acute, crenate-serrulate. Flowers 3-16mm Tong on stems 5-30cm tall, petals clear yellow, lower 3 purplish lines and lateral pair bearded. Flowers March - July. F AMILY: Violaceae ;violet:

60 (as04tr,40 Quluana) avaar4bou0 :41INVA sN,A •u4ocia,p pur spa ald4rd 00 aso4 Xmogs au,a3e4 6uo, u, Amu s4a0oid •.lISs.sqrs 6uol .1r10a0u01 Almo,4ru ssapirg saneal • 51034 avitatrozo44 iriuua4ad woJj ,,r4 LE-/ :01 3 .. 4 0009 a; do Issr p 4rato pau4no sea4s pagan;Stp u1 FurpadSa "sIl .41 l roOno441 uowwo, pur pea4dsapIN :31IS P..N., I4 :NVd3

wrilojosn5ur da"--10-1735



(SI t y ro) ar.Drp, Len :7,7T.1t,3 "1 Q0 S- AV sNI4 11 r 1 w35I-5 sade p s uo SledOS pus slrlad 5 vu,d 01 .1,4N Amoo s4a0o1j • (alll,i lea) ,,,,x0 411 M 24e1 l rQ .01P. pro4q u.s • t sla,yea-1 Flex ,Lel w000 E .saara, snonppap 411 m squag Isoua4ad :01 • sales an113npo4d pur s,tos pock uo spusluoL us Liam. 1•11 °Orr Q1 do Sp.. sno4a4,uo: 4, 4 3 P. OSlOu A I , I ,4 :311S (1.44os pooh) S,,evo uo6a40 :d0X0


S Il ex0 u050.10

19610 69610 , Z 1 40 r9610 , E 1 4‘. I 1 4,0 SS6I0,146I,AQQD t r 1 4.3 656ICV5 3 ,v3 1S3M1110ON 0:313Vd NI 40 SINVld 0r10DS9h wObi HOISSIWOd AS 033000.13a , 19 13 330DH31114

REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET .AL VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTAIEST Copyrights: (1) 1955, part 5, OD 1959, part a; q) 1961. part 3; CD 1964, part 2;l 1969, part 1


Osmorhiza chilensis

OSCH: sweetroot or sweet cicely SITE: moist forests from low to fairly high elevations ID: Sweetsmelling root, leaves ternately to pinnately 1-3 times compound, leaflets lance olate to orbicular. Flowering in loose compound umbels. Flowers April - June. = AKIO: Umbelliferae ;parsley)


Cornus canadensis

COCA: bunchberry (dwarf dogwood) SITE: Cool coniferous forests, moderate moisture. Usually on thick duff or old rotted logs; intermediate elevations mostly, but from 1000- S000 feet. ID: Short, creeping rhizomatous; less than 20cm tall. Leaves 4-7 in terminal whorl, 2-8cm long, Prominent pinnate veins. Flowers small, greenish-white, in condensed head-like cyme with four large white to pink showy bracts. Fruit bright coral red, .6-.8cm tong (edible). Flws June-Aug. F AMILY: Cornaceae (dogwood)




(41 Pau) apaPepli3 finv-aunp Pm/4 • ilf3 w pot 01 awapeJ u!. SAamO lj vs!uaa.J9 • asPq ap Papuno, .uaaJ6 Jeal p •alptn,Jas pup aleinuaJ p . saApa/ AAaLaPai sno.lawnN • 1021 Lu351-5 uaaA6Jana :ET 1.4 0009-0051 PPa,dsaMM 11,11P P , 41 uo ALLensn sals Op 0 partlsow wnpaw slsaioj snoJa;!uop daaP u ! .31IS p lo,40 sLiaciapqS .3SAd ppun pas 71757:

eloiAd sileqems

(4;994) a p anDiJ3 : A- 4 .1sn6n0, - aunp saamotA •peoJci wp/ sJamoli pa,amo/4 so-0: sawa p,• •6uol wpz-2 . 00,1 40J -D;10!.10 03 aleno P:=-iiiir=: ,,1t :ET SlSaaOJ snoJajidop up opAai p app!.w azt,apou ul pea,dsapi.m :31IS p to,Ac u!aA aloe. :IdAd .E 75 )7F

eloiAd wen entinn

(way; ap aPeP1,3 :A1114V4 aaciwazdas - aunp s,amo,, • tiel w)0P-SI swats bui,amo,;paaamol; sz-o/ sawapp Pa illow 2ou X.,. 47,Puag 4stltland legmawos 11)7 uaa.,6 vep samPa l :ET S00 0.9Aa t a Ite le szsa,04 u! puno.16 4S1Pw :31IS eloaAtl au!.d[t.:svAe

vuolJese 175.W 4 eioiicd ewcite

1 ... vd 6961‹D t Z laed v961 C.VE iced 1961CD 4,ed 656TCP.S laed SSWD ,s2u6,4003 I53MHI90N DIJIDVd 3H1 JO SINVld tiVirSVA 13 )1703,131IN WO6J N0ISSI0093d A9 033r100/sd3e REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET.AI ; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST CppyrightsAD 1955, part 5:ZI959. part 4; QD1961, part 3:Z 196 4 . part 2:6D 1969. part 1

Trientalis latifolia

TRLA: star flower SITE: fairly moist coniferous forests, in shade up to 4500 feet elevation, widespread, occasionally in prairies and star flower dry openings. 12. small plant up to 25cm tall, leaves from terminal whorl, 4-8 in A, 3-10 cm long, entire. Flowers on slender pedicel, pink to rose color, .8 to 1.2cm broad, 6 or 7 petals. Have erect tubers. 1-2cm long. Flws Apr-July. FAMILY: Primulaceae (Prlmrose/

salmon polemonium

Polemonium carneum

POCA2: salmon polemonium SITE: fairly moist sites in woods and openings, mostly lower and mid elev., productive sites. ID: pretty salmon flws, or yellow to white or purple. Leaves alt., pinnately cmpd. 30-100 cm tall, woody rhizome and loosely clustered stems. Flws May-July. FAMILY: Polemoniaceae (phlox)

spreading phlox

Phlox diffusa

1, 1101: sp reading phlox SITE: natural openings at mid to upper e l e v ation, sub-alpine and alpine; dry harsh sites (serpentine indicator). ID: mat-forming perennial herb up to 10cm tall. Leaves opposite, .5-2.0cm long and .I-.2cm wide. Flowers solitary, tubular base and abruptly spreading lobes, bluish fading to white. FAMILY: Polemoniaceae (phlox)

64 r 1 r 1 r 1 r 1 I r-

(1Jom5t4; aeaPe t JetnucloJn :0101v3 Jaqwaldas - aun; sJamotj •tottOand-mutd papas AL;Putlstp sJamotj ale,Jas konop .aletotlad 1Jotts 6uotclo-Jeautt a;etoaDuet pa2ncitJlstp-ttar sanest swats paJa1Sn13 . ttel tupos-sE Oa t s atpptw pue mot le snlels aJn;stom CJp of wn/pau Jo skopeaw Jo slsaJoi ut :31IS s I .M. n 4tP.O (104 . 14 4 I s :013d


speino!ped dolepio!s

aeapetJEtnupoJps Xew - 4:JenJqa3 sJa,,,otj •awa,eJ :Jogs ut sJamotJ alchAnd ma2 apto. pue 6uot wig-z .pautar. 4taletuted put a2ep.top-woJtupJ of steno-alen•04 sanest . uaaJ5Jama Co-T suotlemata atpptu, Jamoi put mot le slsaJoJ zstom Ata3eJapow :311s sI,A ttlu ks pamea t pun, :3bAs

sttuJoituaJ st.att,uks s!JAgluAs peneal—punoi

(4Jom6t4) aeaDetJetnucloan :111wpo 6nv-aunt swid s6ut1Jew motta/: Eat. atd,nd-mutd .Amo45 kJam sJa.ot • aseq woJJ saAJau teJamas • aptim utDs • E-/ pue 6uot .attssas .altsoddo sanest !sawortto 6uttpueJci 1M ..001-0E tetttuaJad samet pue sama.:45 6uote JO uot2e6tJJt-qns spa. JO sPutuado tealleu ut 4 .. 4 000IL-000E 4sIow :11IS Ja9otJ-4a0uow :31IW 41 ttstwa: Sninw4: Jemoi; itenfuow

aJed 6961Q) t2 3Jed 096i CD , E Jed 19610, ! t• 3J0 WI m ! S 3J ea SS6I fl :534606do3 1S3MH11I0N J1313Vd OH! 30 SINVld zw- nsvn 3303,1311H MOEI3 NOISSIW/333 AS 033000dd3b EH r r

REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; vASCJLAR PLANTS OF 7HE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights:0:955, part 5:0 1959. part 4; 1961. part 1:0 1964, Part 2:0 1969, part 1

Oregon bedstraw

Gal i um creganum

3AOR: Oregon bedstraw SITE: widespread, moderately moist forests and meadows at low to 5,000 feet elev. ID: Stems arising singly, erect, 10-40 cm tall, leaves in 5-8 whorls of 4 . Leaves elliptic to eITTpEic-oyate, 1.5-5cm long. Flowers June - August. FAMILY: Rubiaceae (madder)

sweet-scented bedstraw

Galium triflorum

GAM sweet-scented bedstraw SITE: moist woods at low to middle elevations. ID: stems prostrate or Perhaps scrambling over other vegetation, 20-80cm long. Leaves moltly 6 in a whorl 77Wsmaller branche-s77-- narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, 1.5-4.5cm long. Lvs vanilla-scented. Flowers June - August. FAMILY: Rubiaceae (madder)


,innaea lorealis

LI802: twinflower SITE: very common in coniferous forests, low elevation to 5000 feet intermediate moisture. ID: low trailing evergreen, very shiny leaves (many have small teeth), .7-2.5cm long and .5-1.5cm wide. Flowers tubular, small, in pairs, on long Peduncles, pale pink. Excellent in garden. Flws June-Sept. FAMILY: Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle)


(ttagaJett; avadetnusdwvo :Alistvj 6uot tuort-g. an ts al gid • 11,1dAdS s.tastotj ...40JJeU saAvat Jadd0 att1 .a2sA0 soul ramot aol •44.; kidn0 . U141 pus llos s.A,. 1 02-01 gll,nsr) tt 0 1 11,0017 uOW SSit y et Afar. .tetuuaJad tows :ET sadots snts put sa6p1. uado ut put 1 a0 4 000S 01 5z...I socualtuo0 1 S t . l00005AS ut Psa,dsapt• :31IS ,..0 1411 0 6 :Z3SV3


Jam ono ci

(uspatsA) asa7su p tJateA :11IO00A .6nv-aunt ststj • nuadsattotiut 13.3u00 ut .04t40 smte • pa p ritsaJ ape Jaddr pus Jamot 4 sJted 9-2 punodwoa .altsoddo sarmal 11 0 1 w)0Z1-06 !sawortto tetuuaJad tatm spay : 01 uolleAata 0001-000E A llSow S.F.. damp pup 5p0Om loop U l •Sa il s /SO. :3115 0. 1 ,0 1 ,A :ISVA

sts u.4071$ vustJater


/ 2,so • 690 qb ! Z 1.0 p96I

REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET.AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF IHE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights:0 1955, part 5; qb 1959, Part 4; 01961, part 3:4D 1964, part 2: t 1969, part 1


Adenocaulon bicolor

AD8I: Pathfinder SITE: in moist woods, mostly at low and middle elevations. herb up to nearly lm tall, usually 30cm tall. Leaves long petiolate, large and thin, deltoid-reniform to subreniform, 3-15cm wide and ttoF white -.o_ ol_1Y

FAMILY: Compositae (aster)

mountain arnica

Arnica latifolia

ARLA: mountain arnica SITE: low to fairly high elev., moist w000S, meadows or even rocky places depending On the variety. :0: perennial 10-60cm tall, glandular and may be hairy, long petiolate basal leaves. Cauline Ivs mostly 2-4 pairs, lance-elliptic or broader. Flowers June - July. FAMILY: Compositae (aster) N

_^^ ` ill

J rat.

woodland groundsel


SESY: woodland groundsel SITE: common weed in disturbed areas at all elevations. ID: annual (Introduced) 15-80cm tall. Leaves pi nnatifled, 2-12cm long and .4-4cm wide. Flowers in heads yellow-orange, less than lcm wide, with minute ray flowers. F AMILY: Compositae (aster) 68 69

(.false) ae4lsodwo: :AlIWV3 .1das-ktnc sold s; pex/ Xaaded altym .(head twm aptm wol uegl ssat nay ut sJamotd . aPl w Hoz pue 6u0; w0ZI Jeautt 01 aletoaDuet sane, ttez Le006-0Z Pa Aeat Xpoo.-a144. :01 uotleAata 10a4 0055 01 m01 - s3n/Jeat p ut pu p spec.., 5uote • SeaJe pawlstp Atlsow :31IS OutlsetJaha AtJead :vt.ppv

wna pe,4aetJew TITIFLTE,7,

51.111Seli 0 A 0 Apeed

(Jaz.) aeltsodwoo P0, aug o 4oedwo p p u: speap teJaAas ut sJamotj • (ated) ((Jan 6uot w,s1-E sanest !pa4pue4 43,edwo p . tetuuaJad ttel .10Z-OI sdo3a6ptJ sdcupino )po, pup S IOS 001)045 UO SPaJC uado !autdt p -qns pue autdie :31I5 saol,essnd Avow :01N0

eleue; pi.aeuualuv

seol ytessnd !loom

(.false; 0eltsodw00 lsn6nv - aunt` sAawou speay Alm of LeJanas ul a p ua,saiot)ul uado ut . 0.0 1.4 01(4r .P!.. Puy 6.0 : wail-9 luals!sJacs

st.+ a TIta natv4 not 01 1 saneal . as p q ;t X.4v4 kiasooL wa r s 11 , 1 wDOZI-OE :GI spoor wado u t. 500;1 ,Aa t a - p t iA 01 mOt le sals 0;,,01)0w 01 .Cap :31IS A,104 4204M :10IK

wnAotItote w0,Dp,atti

peemvney A.ney euqm

I 1, ,d 6961CD : 2 a,ed .1,961C4:E 7a ed t96I :t 2,ea 656I0 : 5 ,,ed . 5561 CD:s,46,A4d0D IS3nH10ON 313Iled 3H1 30 SINvld tionosvA : 1V13 NJODHDiIH W043 NOISSIWII3d AS 0330004d3b


REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCRCCCA ET.AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTWEST Copyrights:451955, P4 rt S, 01959. part 4: 01961. part 3:01964. part 2:01969, part 1

bull thistle

Cirsium alma

CIVU: bull thistle SITE: disturbed areas, low to 5000 feet, mostly in clearcuts and roadcuts. ID: 30-150cm tall, biennial introduced weed heavily armed. Leaves pinnatifled. Flowers Per f ect (bisexual), Purple, bracts spine-tipped. FAMILY: Compositae (aster)

Canada thistle

Cirsium arvense

CIAR: Canada thistle SITE: widespread in disturbed areas, mostly at mid-elevations and below. ID: unisexual heads plant 30-12Dcm ti1T7— leaves white - tomentose beneath. Flowers pink-purple to white. Bracts spineless. Flws July - August. FAMILY: Compositae (aster)

t 111 f:// • t t ,„. 1 WV44

a. 70 1 f 1 r - 1 r 1 f 1 r


( A l l [) 0x.atIti 6nv-Aeu 58L3 POOL uatiod AA9ap 411A sramol, JoloD uma, 0x 0al, uopSI 03 do stuals JamoLj . pa6pa-dJeus SOOOO Leseq snoJawnu tato lepu9,ad uaaAJana Aalm pm Onol :01 seEtpt, Lap uo smopeaw SUIJOI 131. 0 : 100D pu ppat“,ip-tia, .A.tp uc ALle310A1 lsow 1 .a J 0052 anogt sape3se3 to Al.lein311Jed .peaJdsaptm pue UOUWOD Lien (551,64,unc) sseJoreap :313X

yp ua; wn[lKudoJ9S


( A IL[ , 11 , 3) aeaceao :7175TW

lursealdun pia (poou; auaeds mo;la, 86Jei ylim Jot u30e-09 x iDeds 06JeL uo .m0LtaA-ustuaaJ6 saaMOld • 1 7 101 kl,ta4 .altioaDuel 60 01 1.001-09 ills.: .saneaL a6nti oto qJag tetutaaa q :c7 1.. 1 005t 0 1 On Inc HOO9Aata not ALlsou. 59,a lam 4JaA pu p Adwems uo uottwop a6e0or, )unNs

u.,0r D .+?6, W031L-1

a6eqqeo iunNs ,

2- /

1 3 ,9d 6961 2 WC, 9961@ t f 1 ,,,H 1961 0 6561 9 2., ,d 556t,3461.1A10 1S3M18ON DI3IDYd 3H1 JO SINVld 89l11350A 3903H311H loCHH HOISSINH3d Ae 03)11009d311 REPROOUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK IT.AL, VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights:Q 1955. part 5,©1959. part 4; Q1961. part part 3:1964 . 2; Z 1969. part

7t twisted stalk

Streptopus roseus

STRO: twisted stalk Si -E: moderately moist forests, deep soils and good or very good productivity; up to 6,000 feet. becoming less common S of McKenzie River. 12: stems 15-30cm tall; unbranched Or occasional l y branched. leaf edges with small hairs. Flowers 1 or 2 per peduncle, white or greenish-yellow ( V red streaks), anthers Omm long. Pies June-July. FAMILY: Lillaceae (lily)

claspleaf twisted stalk

Streptopus 8mPlexiflus

STAN: c l as p leaf twisted stalk ,o,s, f orests and St r eambanks, mountain thickets. ID: Stems 50-100cm tall,

ilifM4iflIWIlOwerS.T all hates g r eenish-tinged white. anthers 3-3.5mm long. F lowers May July. FAMILY: - Liliacede (lily)

72 1r


(A111) aQaDP llIl 4.1114Vd aunr-Aaw sJamoLi • 6uy7loo0 411 .. JoP110 : 0,106Jnd 6u0J1s 1 n0 010.1.a saL-Jas • 6uol WD ot-z a.00.0 1 .41 MOLIOA-4SpJaaJ6 58;,..13 • Jacaunu uL CI-S .awaDEJ ul aaiou Aupa, sJauoLj OU "Looms sa6pa }pal 6uot wm-s . a/Lssas saneal LUD 09-02 iwali 6 uHamot.4 :01 la.) 0005-000.E u0=107 FILPIDadSO salts .44DripoJd Xp!e4 :6uL6up.L-apiu 1004 000 : 9 01 do SliaJo4 snoJa,LLuo0 3 . L0. X 1 01...0°. :LIS awnlduowotos AJJ01S :1Sl.1S elp iiazs pu11.110S

etuniduowolos AJJRIS


(411) :717; Vi ",\\ Xine - u.Ldif sJamolj pus 6001 7 P0P00, 2-1 Sno!ls u,n: C 4u=J;Ts ::J}L /5/ SaIDP,d • 41 001.5 aJa 1 , sa6pa •aseq (ssal-Jo-aJow) 6u0sep 41Lr aossas k4, 04 aLlssasons sa n.al :L1.3 LuDD6-0E 6u1Jamoli ? s.1011onata alppuL 0; uoL put spoor 3sLow :311S autniduoloolos Jaylva :Vb1,6

250.3EJ RUpPipOS

alUrlidUOU1010S Jegleej

1 ved 6961 Q3 : 3 3J.d 9961Ca t0 1,ad 1961 co .K . 656.1Q) t • 5561 (5):ssu6,.u(do3 ISAHRION 31113vd 301 30 SlOvid tivinosrA A003H1:11+ wOni uOISSIW63c UP 0333006436 REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Co pyrights: dr) 1955. part 5;65 1959. part 4; 1961. part 3:01964 . part 2:01969. part 1

California false hellebore

Veratrum californicum

VELA: California false hellbore SITE: very net places, swamps, creek bottoms and very moist woodlands at all elev. ID: stems 1.5-2.0m tall, numerous lvs, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, 20-30 cm long, strongly sheathing at base. "lowers greenish-tinged white in freely branching dense panicle . Flowers June - August. FAMILY: Liliaceae (lily)

false hellebore

Veratrum viride

REV!: false hellebore SITE: net to swampy sites, in woods or more commonly In swampy openings: upper elevation and sub-alpine areas, le ss comm.. at lower s:ooes. co: annual stem 1-2m tall; few leaves oblong-elliptic, to 35cm long. Flowers yellow-green, in open, loose, and inopping panicle. Flws late June-Sep t. ,OISONOUS to animals and oeoPle. FAMILY: Liliaceae (lily) 74


(FLI LI ....t01 tAlIWVJ snouostoe • ouoL woC•:-9• . r1 1,1 S fl o4s n , AJJag •aE6u■s FL LYnSn padeLls-ua; •al(q. r kmous Jam0;4 • 6uoi wo5I-L E Jo z • uaaA deap Xssol6 Sa.eal !weld soolewoiltp a.11DeJ11, 01 411M1oopoJd \, p006 ulim. sips p006 tr0 1.a , 000 . 5-000E AllriD.0sa uowwoo laa; 000 • 9 0; do `else.; socJaiuo p lstou AlaleJapou aus FLiLoraO cloouaanb :141110

eJo,pun rtuo1oi1D

Apipeeq cinpueenb

(AM) s.0 11 rna l a JagEqs, le ,.11rt 041 AirT-Jew smE3 1, mil , pa.. Jo 4u0 01 .1Nrr .iaDpad uo sJamou Paplow lou pue paquiod (s Jo 0 aq Few) s,E ui ktirrisr S.ral Lirl w34DE 01 swats tenuur :TT silos poo6 ol(r spoor sooJaluo, PaP, 0 P., la. 02 2$10. Xple; ul 4 li0 0 s 0 200J 005s 02 Stu( papoo. purimo, 11,0,4 praJOsapp. :31IS wrMIJ2

wnsrAo wrItuJi w n !IIP1 0Woed

: 696I CD , r961 Cb 196: t r 1,rc ‘6561 •s 1Jx SSC 05 :s1u61JArn0 1S31.1.1006 01J13VJ 3H1 JO S1N114 belODSVA le 13 970311011H wOdd NOISSIeind Ad 03319100d3U REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF tHE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: lz 1955, part 5;451959, part 4; . (2) 1961, part 3; 0 1964, part 2; qp 1969, par, 1

O15 drum hookeri fairybells

OIHO: fairybells SITE: moist and very moist woods, low to middle elevations, both sides of Cascades. to: sparingly branched stem; lvs ovate to ovate-elliptic, 5-15cm long, strongly cordate and oblique at base. 2-3 creamy white flowers; stamens protrude from tepals. 4-6 seeded red berries. Flowers April - July. FAMILY: Liliaceae {lily)

false lily-of-the-valley

Maianthemum dilatatum

MA0I2: false lily-of-the-valley SITE: moist and very moist forests and wet openings, along streams and seeps, up to 3500 feet. 10: attractive herb 10-35cm tall, usually 2 leaves (or a third small leaf); leaves 5-11cm long and broad. Flowers white, berries red • POISONOUS. Flws May-June. FAMILY: Liliaceae (lily)

avalanche fawnlily

Erythronium montanum

ERMO: avalanche fawnlily SITE: subalpine to alpine forests and meadows and rocky areas. I0: leaves broadly ovate to oblong-lanceaolate, not mottled, 10-20cm long, 2-6cm broad. Flowers 1-3, tepals white, fading to pink. Flowers late June - September. F AMILY: Liliaceae (lily) 76


( p {4 3J 0) avaDep143A0 .A11WVA finv 4LAea-aunt sAa.o1.4 pogo[-duo c4i 6441 ww Z J01,1UP • ulooLOD .SAL anoge iTaFiTia-Aelnpuello LIbuoJls wall .11 91 43 SE-OT lueLd :ET aul.dieqns o; alpplw Aamoi •sluequmaAls issow puv S1S0J01 /Sp. am EA4 1 s 11 3s00gUJON :EV311

001,01,3 vAa;so

eialsu isamylioN

01 , 1) ... 41 , 1 :A114113 aUne 11.1V 11E1 w;sE 0 On woos 6utAa0o1A 6uol woor 03 On peoAq wws-z SA( T moltaf JO a:14. a4 Aft vul . aidAnd JO 0niq 03 Aapuanei i13so4 sAawoij :131 5u041,A0t0 J0.01 30 aoeus OnW u, Jan., svaAt uado .311S EIJI uo6a.A0 :31b1

s!J! uo6olo xvua:

T 69610.7 3.md 19610/ t E 3J ed 19610 t r 3Jed 6E61 11:t.! S ; ,K 5E61 CD.s1461A,400 1331411404 31J11VA 3m1 AO vmeld sylnpsvA 13 x30143114 1.34A NOISSIWV3d AE 03)(100d39 REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET.AL ; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC MORTHHEST A; Co pyrights : CID 1955, Part 5; 4:1 1959, part (L) 1961, part 3, © 1964, part 2; ©1969, part

rattlesnake plaIntain

GOOdyera oblongifolia

000B: rattlesnake plantain SITE: widespread, moderately dry to moist woods at all elevations up to sub-alpine. [2: 25-40 cm tall with basal leaves that are ovate-lanceolate, thickish, 3-7 cm long and dark green white 211111,11 , especially on midiiin7.--Many flowered raceme with greenish white fc flowers. FAMILY: Orchidaceae (orchid)


CABU2: Calypso orchid SITE: moist, shaded woods at low to middle elevations. ID: 5-20 cm tall herb from ovoid corm. leaf ovate-elliptic, 3-6 cm long. Single flower, hooded over opening to lip, yellowish-purple; striking. Flowers Mar-June FAMILY: Orchidaceae (orchid)

calypso orchid

GOOdyer0 oblongifolio

78 Calypso bulboso 6L .101,0”X (Ss,

Jac S1i.AOS00s1-5 put 13a, • lel

01/4.... M.4.0 . 64 A. Jane ilaJEJ SCWO,D 6UpAJC, 120LOJae asclicsaeD /i! suo,leaala „ a;;nttu c; mol WOJ, sp000 Arp Aptv4 pin SalJleJC :31is ■,\ aZJ P.1 . . 10 :1913 • SOUIA 3 aAiplim aniq

mcn .n.44


- -10.111\

(sseJ6” apauwer; :71507; paJamoi) 0-0 slalav,/ds .sapkued (sseaE) OPaUlWrJT, :75F; 6u,noo4 Il e a 001-09 15n6nv - aunr ale/ sranc/A sw1n3 JapualS pue 000.1 paJa.o/i 1-5 .Puo; /POPS ,0 slinl a6Jri slalauds • 6u0ooap u.:10 i p luuaJad aso;Osapp :UT saomiq Januals quo/ tap suoileAaLa gl-DI . a/Doad uallo •sap06 044 00 001 If spoo. A•Jr, i i r!. p i 01 1 ; l u.s.gn< ll , 1 0)001-09 :sow pup $146Jew sat, .snolmozI4J-uou alit/ .sweqweaxls :31IS .0,LunaJaC annai uJa ; sa. :0033 spoor uanc l.Jp o; spoon 00100 pawns u/ • na/a laa, steluap!1)0 v3n15a2 0009 01 00 5.0015 4/304 put SmOpeaw aueluOw 00 laAateas InaJdsa p l a Ltat, nose UJSISOM awoug pownloo

51JVUTT7 snwoJE

awolq eiqwnio0 I 1 ,,,0 6061 I,. 19610 ! E •.3r3 19610 tp 1 .0 69600 SSC. 0 ,s1461,4003 103011004 0130003 301 30 SikYle 0v11)500 10 13 000)0)110 11004 ADISS1h1133 A8 C300300130 REPRODUCED EtT PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL, VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights: IW965, part 5:01959, part 4; 4E)1961, part 3,01964, part 2, CO 1969, ,art 1

tall sedge

Carex obnupta

CA08: tall sedge SITE: in water on very wet ground, net meadows; often with willow. Coastal swamps and riverbeds to riddle elev. Cascades. ID: 60-150cm tall, in dense tufts with long, stout, creeping rhizomes. Coarse and stout stems. Terminal spike has staminate flws below pistillate; lower spikes all pistillate. Flws Apr-July. FAMILY: Cyperaceae (sedge)

woodrush sedge

Carex luzulina

CALU: woodrush sedge SITE: bogs and wet meadows from on elev. hills to near timber line. ID: 15-60cm tall in small, tight tufts; leaves crowded near base, .3-.9cm wide and 6-15cm long. Terminal spike staminate, lower Pistillate. Flws June-Aug. FAMILY: Cyperaceae (sedge)

80 (a6paS, aea1e4.(6(0 .6nv-aunt, 5. IJ .1 e 11i3 S 1 d anoqe s4arrot4 a:Pupae:5 411 . a,POS x,el!los lute, Jad 6-6 aseq Jeau PaP.041 saneal • pa peds JO papmo, swa:s s n o3ewoeI4, Ll . 1 .1SE-01 :i3T SPIO4 OUS Oet ui uomwo, :smopeaw A:J0 JC 1510W 01 seaJe auIOIe ol 56uoado 1sa4o4 autete-Oes :31IS a6pas X pe lO :ZINV)

sue,t,tu xaJe:

a6pas Nosiq

(a6pas; aea5e4adA0 :5715F,- .6nv .6ew soL3 .O2,11.!1510 8A00e s4.amot4 aleutwelS 6uIPO0u .01-9 sarpds . a6Jet sanea7 awoetsp viols pue laoas u0 P OJa l Sn l , • 4 no3 5 II . 1 u1OZI-Ot :ZT 1 .. 4 DOSS lnocle ol spueimOi w0Jj Outuado 15040; ao 52sa404 soo4aj1u03 ui I3115 a6pas s,ualJew


a6pas s,ueliah

I 1, ,d 6961 C9 z ,Jed r961 CD 1 6 Inc 1961 C9 66610 1 6 3 ed 9561O:s346144003 153MAIKIN 31JI3Vd OHS JO SINVld 60103Sv6 ly 13 :1303o311H WOP4 NOISSIA3a AO 0331002W3H REPRODUCED BY PERMISSION FROM HITCHCOCK ET. AL; VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Copyrights:0195S. part 5,01959, part 4; a)196I. part 3;0 1964, part 2; © 1969. part 1


41 "am" a2Ln211 woodrush S:TE, very var • able climatic sites from noist coastal forests to alpine slopes and dry coniferous woods; in upp er elev. burns. 2: 20-50cm tall, nodding branches. 2-4 leaves off of stems, .3-1.3cm broad. Flowers single or in Pairs; often occurs without flowers and looks like a grass. r lws May-Aug. FAMILY: Juncaceae (rush)


dewey sedge

Caren It..It/2a CAGE: dewey sedge SITE: very moist forest sites and in wet forest openings, streambanks: sea level to timber line. 12: 20-100cm tall, in clumps without rhizomes. 4-10 spikes, staminate ( cr ) lowers below the Distillate (m.e). flws May-July. FAMILY: Cyperaceae (sedge)


wolpun odo,ouoN


(42.4) PPe ),D 1 , 3 :A11 -6nv-Xlnr s,amoil •6u,docup ro apls auo 01 panmo n0 02-51 s,akoLj WD 90-S J swats • s,a;snp u, XLiensfl prendn 6u1o.0n1 X,Leull puk aft 424 0 VLq 6140,n1 swals P114. X.P. suotlenota aLpmw ,addn 02 moi •spoon sno,ajpo p 400 000p .31IS adld ue,pul :mow

eJoulun TaTilTuu; Duktdo 0000Ad edid ue!pul

om6.ur, cdononv (42 TV,1-::: 12a:3 ,0tdt"3 :Ain sJamolJ 4sIlutd Jo altym PI g3 a. _Q:1-S sad,,IS al p40 pue pa, 6 u414,1s 41,m 000 1 0 . 1.1 , 1 I. 00-0i :01 .100J0) snoJaltuop 4.,,, ls,ow Atale,apow .suoilenala P PP!. ...0 l PL. No l .31IS ,) 120304pue3 :1010 0,4 jaiKTRiT5 1 ,s,t .i.) mo!IsApueo (../., -)Li V

Iii....1.4‘ . .c„.;.,.. .6ny- au nt s,amol d:10A,. s .01 1,00 k,an yo sap,s u0 I C---.) A saJod L3 :::::::::::::M 3AliR".. 8-9 031:77440104-arJrupt,: i,, sodas us,ppati .pa,a.o14 /..- \ .slsaJo:VoS.,:iFursojtOiF::7! :111 i alppit. puv mot 12 b jl\ eto,Fd ssaileal : fi IRPh T1.07ird 4 • eloiAd sselieal

1.v d 69584,p 1 2 lar d 796Ig I C Jard 19680 ip isYd ECWID I G J.00,1 .00580:".."Ad° 1021.0 1!^N 01310 J 7A1 JO SINVld lylnDsvA V9Y . 1] 03020211H 0004 N01561.21,1 AO 03311000410 I - :

REPRODUCED BY PER/41950N RON HITCHCOCK ET. AL: VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PALINC NORTHWEST Copyrights:01955. part 5:01959. part 4; ©1961. part 1: 0 196 4 . part 2,0 1969. part 1


Pterospora andromedea

DIAN: pinedrops SITE: coniferous forests at low to high middle elevations. Widespread in Doug.-fir and Ponderosa pine forests. ID: unbranched stem, 30-100 cm tall, many flowers and reddish-brown, somewhat sticky stem. Dry stalks may remain 1 or more years. Flowers June-Aug. FAMILY: Ericaceae (heath)

1 le Ondromedeo

gnome plant

Hewitanes 2mgellm

HECO: gnome plant SITE: low and middle elevations and intermediate moisture status, in deep humus. 12: bracteate flowers, pinkish-yellow, 1-2 cm long, Petals connate over half length. Stems 3-10 cm tall. Non-green parasite. Flowers June-Aug. F AMILY: Ericaceae (heath)

Hemitomes COngestum

pine sap

HYP0P itYs 2E19.111R!

HYPO: pinesap SITE: in deep coniferous forests at low to middle elevations and intermediate moisture status. ID: 5-25 cm tall, pinkish-straw colored and drying dark brown. Racemes recurved and becoming erect in fruit. Oval anthers. 1 mm long and hairy filaments. awile placentation. Flowers May-July. 1RJ FAMILY: Ericaceae (heath) 84

HypopayS mOnotrop0

OyCrinDOuJ OZNJ0110,00 OuOiSual.W 01114.10110.9 58

(n14 d,0 ) 8e8d6p14d,Q:7-1114.T4 Ionv-LeN saamold • It 7557,7E kt6uoa4S du, Stesad Lis!mud daap •saam013 oc-ol • slaed uaaa6 oN •swals (teaoo) umpag ystppaa 01 usitdand ttel 0e-OZ :UT suo4eAata atippw pup mot 4e SPOON X, P 1eNmawos ol 1$0. :311E lonateaod p allOds :C5W03

e4etn p ew ezNaotteao0

loornewo pallods

(P1 LP,0 ) aeadeptyd a0 :AlIWV3 6nv-aunr alet saamot2 slaeduaaa6 ON .3.10, aapuaLs pue ands luauwoad pal4odsun - Auld daap dit pue stelad • saamot.; OE 01 do •11.61 wd SV-EI :01 suo9eAata a114,1. 01 mot le spoom 4s!otu leumaums :his 100a10JOD IlJa450M :31403

OUOLSUalJaw P21.14.40i [P.100

100.1re.100 LJJOSOM

8 save 1961(1) 1 1,0 6961 Ott 13ed 99610 : w ed . 686109 : 8 13ed .9581CD:s1N6WOoD 13388180N 3131305 3m1 30 SINV13 atl1n0Svp. : 18 13 8303553111. W083 00155110,33 A8 0330008,134


INDEX (all species listed in alphabetical order of their common names) (adjectives follow the more general common name)


Alnus rubra alder, red ALRU 15 Alnus sinuata alder, sitka ALSI 15 one deltoidea anemone, 3-leaf ANDE 55 Anemone lyallii anemone, Lyall ANLY2 55 Arnica latifolia arnica, mountain ARLA 68 Rhododendron albiflorum azalea, Cascades RHAL 40 Actaea rubra baneberry ACRU 54 XerophyTTUiTtenax beargrass XETE 71 Galium oreganum bedstraw, Oregon GAOR 66 Galium triflorum bedstraw,sweet-scented GATR 66 CASC2 67 Campanula scouleri bellflower Rubus summary table . blackberry summary table . 29 Rubus laciniatus blackberry, evergreen RULA2 28 RTIEJ procerus blackberry, himalayan RUPR 28 Rubus pedatus blackberry, strawberry leaf RUPE 25 Rubus ursinus blackberry, trailing RUUR 26 Rubus leucodermis blackcap RULE 26 DiEeTitra formosa bleeding heart DIFO 56 Pachistima myrsinites boxwood, Oregon PAMY 32 Rubus lasiococcus bramble, dwarf RULA 25 STOFIJs vulgaris brome, Columbia BRVU 79 Ceanothus sanguineus buckbrush CESA 34 Cornus canadensis bunchberry COCA 62 Cal so bulbosa calypso orchid CABU2 78 A otropa vir ata candystick ALVI 83 Rhamnus purs cascara buckthorn RHPU 35 Chamaecyparis nootkatensis cedar, Alaska yellow CHNO 12 Calocedrus decurrens cedar, incense CADE3 11 Thuja plicata cedar, western red THPL 11 Prunus emarginata cherry, bitter PREM 24 Castanopsis chrysophylla chinquapin CACH 17 Corallorhiza mertensiana coralroot, Western COME 85 Corallorhiza maculata coralroot, spotted COMA3 85 Populus trichocarpa cottonwood, black POTR2 14 Ribes lacustre currant, prickly RILA 20 Ribes sanguineum currant, red RISA 19 Ribes viscosissimum currant, sticky RIVI 19 Ribes bracteosum currant, stink RIBR 20 rTanahus integerrimus deerbrush ceanothus CEIN 34

86 L8

IS 23V0] UOMOD ueqasJoy asuaAJe wnlasob3 9E 1301 4adwn..14 aponsiCauoy PSOlip PJ@DIU01 3HSI u.Aa4sam )DoLwaq eLAldoJa4aq etnsi 3WSI i4e4unow >poiwau PUPlSUalJOW etnsi Lb 19Hd mouak ..taipeaq eJoLmnpueL6 ° p op° 11414d Lb 3WV3 a4Nm eueLsual_law adolsseD L17 W3Hd (H4Pa y ) juid Jat.i4eaq s!.w..tol!..qadwa ampouSqd LI 0003 4nuiazeg elnuJoo snp0o0 69 1VIH LqP 4 a4N m Paamral wn..401. 44(lie wnipe.AaLH 89 AS3S pueLpoom Laspuno.A6 sno4eALAs opauas SS V103 4PaL4nD pea.,appio6 s!.qcloD V8 033H 4ueLd awou6 wn4sa6uoD sawollwaH ZS VOSV p[A.m Ja6146 wn4epne p wn.Aesv 89 Nnii 4.A0mLoo p, ...iamol. p.204 P4PH. o.ilun ,APA P4PUOP—A4 19 NVd3 paama.44 wrqLoj!.4sn6ut. wnIciouda 009V a4!-Lim ..toLo p uoD saLqv ZV18V au0Lecins Pci.APDOlSPI S@NV 23d9V allou e.AapoJd sacty 2:198V s[pue..16 sa!.qv pa.AE SVW8V P4t-S1P4P `Al}4 s!.sua4seus • .APA eD13p6PW SeNV WV9V JaAUS 3!.1!-DEd smciewe saciv ti • aole4 kaewwns .44 • aLcie4 /C.Aewwns saNv 6L 3033 uJaqsam anosaj sqe4uap1000 eDnqsaj OS 210A9 pooh u..ta4 s!...ta4do4ap wn4lepouwX9 8V IMOdPaTeD!--Agw [p supp!.tqw AeA wn4unw wmposkiod 8V nwod p.AOMS.toms wnqpnw wnip!.4s/(10d 6V 3d0V ..4!.equai4ew wnP4ID@d PP19:UPd IS V190d aD!..Aop! LLAal 6V kpeL eL4wa3-x!.La3 wn!..dirpi OS dSl9 Jaap LLAal queDids wnuipaiR IS OVid ualpe.Aq wnumn6e wnppa4d 9L OW213 all3uP1PAP YCH-lumPJ wnuequow wr4uo.Aqq4.A3 VL V33A 4!-L P 0 aJoga lL aq as1PJ wnop.AolueD wn.A4eJaA VL IA3A aJociamaq as1P1 ap !--A !-A Wr1J4P.A@A 9L OHIO !...Aa)ioot4 wnJods!-0 LE MS PSOW@DPJ SrlDINWPS LE 30VS aryl : taarapraP eaLnJa p snpnqwes 9 3WSd -4!-4-sPL6noa !Jsa!.zuaw e6ns4opnasd 91 nNoo elqnu snu..lop SE OHdO pl-IPTP161D‘Ps7-61: wnp!..uoii xeuedopdo

6i4Japo @WPU uowwoo • quo3 X3ONI

INDEX cont. common name ordering

Vaccinium summary table huckleberry summary table 45 Vaccinium alaskaense huckleberry, Alaska VAAL 43 Vaccinium membranaceum huckleberry, big VAME 43 Vaccinium deliciosum huckleberry, blueleaf VADE 44 Vaccinium ovatum huckleberry, evergreen VAOV 46 Menziesia ferruginea huckleberry, fools MEFE 39 Vaccinium scoparium huckleberry, grouse VASC 44 Vaccinium ovalifolium huckleberry, oval-leaf VAOV2 43 Vaccinium earvifolium huckleberry, red VAPA 44 Montia sibirica Indian lettuce MOSI 53 Monotropa uniflora Indian pipe MOUN 83 Oemleria (Osmaronia) cerasiformis Indian plum OSCE 23 Vancouveria hexandra inside-out flower VAHE 57 Iris tenax iris, Oregon IRTE 77 ATEfoTfirTylos uva-ursi kinnikinic (bearberry) ARUV 42 Larix occidentaTii- larch, western LAOC 12 Maianthemum dilatatum lily-of-the-valley,false MADI2 76 Listera caurina listera, Northwest LICA3 77 Lupinus latifolia lupine, broad-leaved LULA 59 Arbutus menziesii madrone ARME 13 Arctostaphylos columbiana manzanita, hairy ARCO 42 Arctostaphylos nevadensis manzanita, pinemat ARNE 42 Acer glabrum maple, Douglas rocky-mountain ACGL 33 Acer macrophyllum maple, big-leaf ACMA 14 TEe-7r circinatum maple, vine ACCI 33 Caltha biflora marshmarigold, twinflower CABI 56 Philadelphus lewisii mockorange, Lewis PHLE2 21 Mimulus lewisii monkey flower MILE 65 Sorbus scopulina mountain ash, Cascade SOSC 30 Sorbus sitchensis mountain ash, Sitka SOSI 30 Urtica dioica nettle, stinging URDI 52 Ph socar us capitatus ninebark, Pacific PHCA3 23 uercus arr ana oak, Oregon white QUGA 13 o o iscus iscolor ocean spray HODI 22 Berberis aquifolium Oregon grape BEAQ 18 Berberis nervosa Oregon grape, dwarf BENE 18 Uxaiis oregana oxalis, Oregon OXOR 61 Luetkea pectinata partridge foot LUPE 59 Adenocaulon bicolor pathfinder ADBI 68 Anaphalis margaritacea pearly everlasting ANMA 69 Pedicularis racemosa pedicularis, sickletop PERA 65 Penstemon cardwellii penstemon, Cardwells PECA3 36 Phlox diffusa phlox, spreading PHDI 64 TOVITea menziesii pig-a-back plant TOME 58

88 F l i t 1 i r 1


ES V110 Agneaq6uHds p 4p LoaDuE . ppo4ApL3 TE 30dS au0L p qns papOs p„to44suap pat.ud TE 00dS s p ifinoo P@PJOS !4sPifinop p a2.,4!- S EL ISWS A,A.A .24s awnLduowoLos t4tna4s PULDPLLWS EL VUS ,Aaq4 p al awnLduowoLos [email protected] pulopijws t£ 3A33 tisn.qmous sruqlnLaA sni.pouPaj 8£ OWAS 6u0aaJo A,AJaqmous smow socLAPD!..AoLidwAs 8c 1VAS AJ,Aaqmous snq LP sochApopoydwAs SZ INna AJJecimap mous SLLPALU snqrqi IL WVA1 a6 p ciq p o >iun>is Wr1UPOLJ@WIP wri4N3!.sAi 6£ UJV9 4uowa.Ad Lasstpus !A4uowa.A4 ek.A.Ap9 ZZ 1VWV u..4a4sam kuaqapp.Aas P !-L o API LP -AallouPPwV 08 Fin usrupoom a6pas ei4Lnzni. xaxe3 08 MVO LL p g a6pas p gdnu o xaJej Z8 MVO Aamap a6pas PUP aMep xa4P 3 18 ZINV3 >p p Lq a6pas SUPDH6LU Xa.AP3 18 Z3WVO s,ual—taw a6pas LISUD4.A@W [email protected]:) VS EVWdV 4p aL6N 4,Aompups PlAklia0.0PW PLJPUO.AV a dsna kwaquowLes smciP4oads snqmj It HSV9 LpLes uouPuis p!..Aail4Lnpe VZ A9ai dNpLeq 2cLue pouwA6 PSC8 OV VW1-123 DLIpPd uo.Apuapopoip wrI LI fiLidoJom uo.Apuapopoild 8L 8009 uve4uveLd a)teusaLq4p.A tm. o .J46uoLcio e„taApoo9 SL Nnia Ampp aq driDuaanb e.toLli.un t!.uo4u!.L3 E9 IdAd U0A a4p4m pLo.Akd P430 pLo.dd £9 3SAd s LL eq@ N s pLo..14d PpunDas pLo„ad E8 dVAd ssa14PaL PLoJfid E9 SVAd au0L p pLoJkd P H.°J4-4PsP Plo,Akd 69 V1NV k [l oom sao4kassnd P4PUPL t!...tpuuaguy 9V 3WH3 aL44H. au0 seapu!...td H.sa!.zuaw PLIudpwl.HD 8t7 WOH3 au0 s,aouLAci p 4 p uaqwn PLLOPWIAID t9 ZVOOd uowps wnpowaLod WrI@UJPD wnpowaLod ZE IOMJ )1P0 uos!.od p cioLsJaAw Sfl08 V8 OWAH ciPsau0 p do.A4ouow sk4OodAH 178 NVLd sdo.Apau0 tapawo.Apup tJodso,Aald OT lVId >peqaq!.qm auvi s!.Lripp NLP snLqd 8 OWId a4Nm uJa4sam au0 eLoo!_4uow snLqd 8 rid JP6ns au0 p up !.4„taqweL snut.d 6 OdId p so,Aapuod cau0 Pso.Aapuod snLqd 6 03Id aLoda6poL au0 24...to4uoD snu!.d OI 1VId auoDclowl au0 tvenuallp snt4d

6i4JapJo @WPU UOWWOJ • ;uo pX3ONI

INDEX cont. common name ordering

Picea engelmannii spruce, Engelmann PIEN 7 Picea sitchensis spruce, Sitka PISI 7 Trientalis latifolia starflower TRLA 64 Osmorhiza chilensis sweetroot (sweet cicely) OSCH 62 Synthyris reniformis syntheris,round-leaved SYRE 65 Rubus parviflorus thimbleberry RUPA 27 767-Sium arvense thistle, Canada CIAR 70 Cirsium vu gare thistle, bull CIVU 70 Trillium ovatum trillium, Pacific TROV 75 Linnaea twinflower LIB02 66 Streptopus roseus twisted stalk STRO 72 Streptopus amplexifolius twisted stalk, claspleaf SIAM 72 Valeriana sitchensis valerian VASI 67 Achlys triphylla vanilla leaf ACTR 57 Viola orbiculata violet, backwoods VIOR2 60 Viola sempervirens violet, evergreen VISE 60 iTdT glabella violet, yellow VIGL 60 Whi lea modesta whipplevine WHMO 21 ymus glaucus wildrye, blue ELGL 79 Salix scouleriana willow, Scoulerss SASC 16 Gaheria ovatifolia wintergreen GAOV 41 wintergreen, alpine GAHU 41 Luzula parviflora woodrush LUPA 82 TiTTsbrevifolia yew, Pacific TABR 6


f f 1


T8 ZINV3 a6pas >ippLq suPDp6p 18 ZNVO a6pas s,uaq.taw xa.te3 08 nivo a6pas qsrmpoom XaXe;) Z8 30V3 a6pas Aamap p up Aamap xaJp3 L9 Z3SV3 .lamoLjnaq HapoDs ppupdwej 8L novo pNo..to osdki.Po Psocipq osdkip 99 19v3 pLo6!..A p wqs.A p w ..kamoLp4m4 p .AoLJN pqqLej TT E30V3 ,APpaD aSUODUL 6L 0/q18 awo,Aq pciwnLoo spp6LnA snwo.A0 OS dS18 uJaj Jaap 1 6T0Ta wnuipaLs 81 3N38 adp.,46 uo6aJ0 4xemp esoimau sHapao 81 OV38 ade.A6 uo6a.A0 6t HIV Waj kppL Piqwaj-x!.Laj wrqJ q4v ZS V3SV aa6(46 pijm wn4p pn p o wrupsv 89 VlbV PDLWP uLequnow PLI. o414eL Potimv tS EVWdV i—tompups jpaL6N p LL4qacuDew PLJPUD.Atl Zb Arm (A..A.laoJeao) DLUpilUUll !.s.Ari- p An soLkqdpqso4p.av Z17 3NbV PlIAIPZU2W gpwau0 sLsuapeAau sol4qdp4so4341 Zt 03bV P4LUPZUPW p ue!.ownLoo soLkqdpqsoqaJv ET 3LOV our:mom li.sa!.zuaw srlqno.,05, 69 V1NV saWassnd knoom p 4puPL el—leuuaquv SS ZA1NV auowauP LLpki [HA PAI. auowauv SS 30NV allOWaUP jpaL-E p allol.Lap auowauv 69 VWNV 6i41.sepaAa kLapad p aDel.Hp 6Juw s!.I.Pqdpuv ZZ 1VWv kmapopuas ima4sam P!.Lo .fluLP ,AalloueLawv ST ISIV „(apiP p 4Pni4s SnULV ST ndiv ,AepLP PaJ E8 IA1V lot.qs/Cpueo 2126,ALA Pd0J4OUV 617 ]da y UJBJ ..(!_pquap!_pw wri4p pad wrquppv 89 Ha y ,Aapuuqq.ed JoLoD!.o VS fly 4.,maqauPq p .Aqn..4 PaP4Dy LS 2:113V 4eaL PIL[PPA I. X 14-44 SXLLADV VT VWOV aLciew }Pal-Eqq wrI LIA_4(2-11FIJ JaDV EE 193V aLd p w 14elunow-OooJ spifinop C,,CcT6 Japv EE IDOV aVieW aUlA wnTeup.qo kApwwnssalgv ALA aLqou PAaooA saNv bd8V paJ P1SPIAS ssuaqs p qs ,APA PDLJLUE,PW SaLqy SVW8V J [4 ALA auOLPqns ZV1EIV Pci -J RL sa[qV ALA pup,A6 sLpuPJ saNv 2198V 038V J [4 al[qm JoLoouo p saciv WV8V .ALA. -( aA L[ s D4P2c1 sHjoPure saNv

3003 39Vd 21310dW03 3WVN NOWW03 3WVN 3IJIIN3IOS

(awp u 144 p 1 Joql to Japo LPD!.lacieqdL p u!. pals!.1. sapads LIP) x]aNI INDEX cont. Latin name ordering

Carex obnupta tall sedge CAOB 80 Cassiope mertensiana white heather CAME 47 Castanopsis chrysophylla chinquapin CACH 17 Ceanothus integerrimus deerbrush ceanothus CEIN 34 Ceanothus sanguineus buckbrush CE SA 34 Ceanothus velutinus snowbrush CE VE 34 Chamaewaris nootkatensis Alaska yellow cedar CHNO 12 Chimaphila menziesii little princes pine CHME 46 Chimaphila umbellata princes pine CHUM 46 Cirsium arvense Canada thistle CIAR 70 Cirsium vulgare bull thistle CIVU 70 Claytonia lanceolata springbeauty CL LA 53 Clintonia uniflora queencup beadlily CLUN 75 Coptis Taciniata cutleaf goldthread COLA 55 Corallorhiza maculata spotted coralroot COMA3 85 Corallorhiza mertensiana Western coralroot 85 COME Cornus canadensis bunch berry COCA 62 Cornus nuttallii Pacific dogwood CONU 16 Cor lus cornuta hazelnut COCO 17 icen ra formosa bleeding heart DIFO 56 Disporum hookeri fairybells DIHO 76 us glaucus blue wildrye ELGL 79 p op ium angustifolium fireweed EPAN 61 Equisetum arvense common horsetail EQAR 51 Erythronium montanum avalanche fawnlily ERMO 76 restuca occidentalis western fescue FEOC 79 Galium oreganum Oregon bedstraw GAOR 66 Galium triflorum sweet-scented bedstraw GATR 66 Garrya fremontii Fremont silktassel GAFR 39 Gaultheria humifusa alpine wintergreen GAHU 41 Gaultheria ovatifolia wintergreen GAOV 41 Gaultheria shallon salal GASH 41 Goodyera oblongifolia rattlesnake plaintain GOOB 78 Gymnocarpium dryopteris woodfern GYDR 50 Hemitomes congestum gnome plant HECO 84 Hieracium albiflorum white hairy hawkweed HIAL 69 Holodiscus discolor ocean spray HODI 22 Hypopitys monotropa pinesap HYMO 84 Iris tenax Oregon iris IRTE 77 Larix6Eidentalis western larch LAOC 12 flea borealis twinflower LIB02 66 Listera caurina Northwest listera LICA3 77 Lonicera ciliosa trumpet honeysuckle LOCI 36 Luetkea pectinata partridge foot LUPE 59

92 1


Ot VWH2i uo.ApuapopoqJ Dljped wn ll kqdo.ntw uo.Apuapopoq Ot 1VHU PaLPZP sapupspj wruoLql.p uo..tpuapopoLoj YE adH2J u.,,oqpi p nq PJPDSPD Pup Hs.And snuweia vont) >1e0 al4qm uo6aJ0 PUP4JJP6 sno.Aan6 £9 3SAd p LoJAd sLLaqapl.s Ppunoas PP:° £9 Idled eLo.Jd UL@A aqi.qm PLOW £9 SVAd eLo.dd au0Lt £8 dVAd tLo.tkd ssaLjeaL P Li kLide PL0-14d t8 NVid sdoJpau0 Papawo.tput e..todsoJa4d TS OVid Luaj ua>pe 4 wnum.nbt wm.N.Jaqd 9 3WSd .4 4-stifinoo H.saizuaw t6ns4opnasd t? W32id k.uaqD Ja414q Pgseu0xewa snurud VI aiod poomuolgop 1puLq ecixempL,A4 snindod 8t uJajpJoms pa4.23!..Aqw[ sutp!..tqw!. • lei\ wnwinw wnqDM716(71 8t AW0d uAeJ poms wnqlunw wrip.q.s/fLod TS t190d @DL.AODLL Pfl.q.ukoyq. 6 wnwodkLod t9 ZV30d wrquowaLod uoiuLts wnauxeD wm.uowaLod 6 OdId au0 Pscuapuod tso.Aapuod snul.d 8 OWId au0 au.qm iLlaqsam tLoon.uow snLqd 8 VlId au0 xe6ns p ue!.q.,taquel. sruqd 6 ODId au0 aLoda40L P4J04UOD snuld OT 1VId au0 auopqool tqenuaggp snui.d OT 1VId au0 s!.LneoNLt sni4d ISId eonAs t>i4S s!.suauol!.s peo!_d N3Id aDnAs uutwp6u3 14uup itipieua pap!.d £Z CV3Hd )1...eqaul.0 o!.jppd sn4e1A.de p snd.(eposkqd Lb 19Hd Jaq4taq mouaif 2.4ol .n.LnpuP16 apopoLl4d Lb W3Hd (44Pa q ) Jetiltaq >iu0 splAo .11_,Aqadwa ao_o_p_oLL/Nd t9 IaHd xoLqd 6uptaJcis esnllp xoLqd IZ Z31Hd e6UPJO)pOW s!.mal LLSLMaLIL swiLapp INd 9E EVAd uowaqsuad sdpmpt) ampto uowa4sued 59 v83d sHtLnDpad dolapp!.s PSOW@OPJ SLJPIJIDLIDDd Z£ AWVd poomxoq uo6aJ0 [email protected] 21.144SHOPd 19 tIOX0 si.Lpxo uo6a..t0 PUP6eJ0 s!.Ltxo HMO ( c P D P gaams) loo.qaams s!.suaLLID tflApowso SE ONd0 qnp s,L1.Aap wnp!..uoq xtutdoLdo 30S0 wnivd utpu!. SLWOJI.SP.AeD (2!.uoJewso) pLAaLwao ES ISOW aon44aL utpui pol...qq!.s u!.4u01,4 £8 Nnow did uepui .2..toL4I.un edoa1ouo N 59 31IW ,AamoLj kaluow LLSLMaL sninu414 6E 33314 kaJaqappnq s,Loo4 eaul6n.A.ta4 El.sa!.zuaw 9L ziavw k@ LL pA-at.14 - j o-k iji asLej wriqe4pLp wnwaiiquyPw IL WVA1 ebtqqtp )1unls wnupopeue wri4No!_sP1 vdni qsrupoom eJoLJI.A.Atd eLnzni 65 vini auOni. paiveaL-pto.Aq p!.Lo4!.4.21. snuLdnl

Japo DUTU u!.;e1 4 UO3 X30NI

INDEX cont. Latin name order

Rhus diversiloba poison oak RHDI 32 Ribes bracteosum stink currant RIBR 20 Ribes lacustre prickly currant RILA 20 Ribes sanguineum red currant RISA 19 Ribes viscosissimum sticky currant RIVI 19 Rosa gymnocarpa baldhip rose ROGY 24 Rubus laciniatus evergreen blackberry RULA2 28 Rubus lasiococcus dwarf bramble RULA 25 Rubus leucodermis blackcap RULE 26 Rubus nivalis snow dewberry RUNI 25 Rubus parviflorus thimbleberry RUPA 27 Rubus pedatus strawberry leaf blackberry RUPE 25 Rubus procerus_ Himalayan blackberry RUPR 28 Rubus salmonberry RUSP 27 Rubus ursinus trailing blackberry RUUR 26 Rubus summary table 29 Salix scouleriana Scoulerss willow SASC 16 Sambucus cerulea blue elderberry SACE 37 Sambucus racemosa red elderberry SARA 37 Senecio sylvaticus woodland groundsel SESY 68 Smilacina racemosa feather Solomonplume SMRA 73 Smilacina stellata starry Solomonplume SMST 73 Sorbus scopulina Cascade mountain ash SOSC 30 Sorbus sitchensis Sitka mountain ash SOSI 30 densifora subalpine spiraea SPDE 31 SI-575"Ji douglasii Douglas spiraea SPDO 31 Streptopus amplexifolius claspleaf twisted stalk SIAM 72 twisted stalk STRO 72 s alba snowberry SYAL 38 Symphoricarpos creeping snowberry SYMO 38 Synthyris reniformis round-leaved syntheris SYRE 65 Taxus brevifolia Pacific yew TABR 6 !!!ulccisaac!seu is western red cedar THPL 11 Tiarella trifoliata var unifoliata coolwort foamflower TIUN 58 Tolmiea menziesia pig-a-back plant TOME 58 Trientalis latifolia starflower 64 Trillium ovatum Pacific trillium TIT4 75 isuga heterophylla western hemlock TSHE 5 Tsuga mertensiana mountain hemlock TSME 5 Urtica dioica stinging nettle URDI 52 TiZTirTiTJE—Tiskaense Alaska huckleberry VAAL 43 Vaccinium deliciosum blueleaf huckleberry VADE 44 Vaccinium membranaceum big huckleberry VAME 43 Vaccinium ovalifolium oval-leaf huckleberry VAOV 43 Vaccinium ovatum evergreen huckleberry VAOV2 46

94 96

d 313X ssE,J6.APaq X2Ual. wriLLINdo-laX IZ ONNM auoaLddp.im Eqsapow PaLdluy 09 3SIA 4aLo0 uaaJ6::Aa suaJo.ladwas PLc4A 09 1091AA 4aLop■ spoompeq pqeplo[qao 211:4A 09 PlAacteL6 elolA VL IA3A aJOciln%Iga appo wrIJI.P.AaA 17/ V03A a„mciaLLaq asLe4 2 .40.1ILPO WIDLUJO .M2D wri..44eJ@A L9 3HVA ,AamoLj grio-aNsu!. e.Apuexpq el...tatlopue L9 ISVA UPpa[PA s!.suatpl4s PuPpaieA St aLcip4 kamuns wnop-wA t ti OSVA A.JJacianong asnoJ6 wnpPdoos Wn i- U P DP A bt VdVA kuacianong pa,,, wrqiow.ad wm.upopA

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