Alice BONOU FANDOHAN, Ph.D. Email:
[email protected] EDUCATION - 2016 (April): Ph.D. degree, Economics of climate change, with Best Distinction, Université Cheikh Anta Diop; Senegal; Advisors: Prof. Adama Diaw - 2008 (January): DEA degree (M.Sc.) with Best Distinction, Natural Resources Management, Specialization in Environment Econometrics, Université d’Abomey- Calavi, Bénin; Advisors: Prof. Dr. Ir. Brice SINSIN and Dr. Ir. Anselme ADEGBIDI - 2006 (December): Engineer degree (Ir.) with Best Distinction, Agricultural Economics, Université d’Abomey Calavi, Bénin; Advisors: Prof. Dr. Ir. Gauthier BIAOU and Dr. Aliou DIAGNE - 2005 (August): Bachelor in General Agronomy, Université d’Abomey Calavi, Bénin - 2001 (July): Baccalauréat (Mathematical and Physical Sciences), Lycée TOFFA I (Benin). RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES - 2016-2019 (on going): Assistant Professor and Senior Researcher in ASE (African School of Economics). - 2016 (March-August): Consultancy works in ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics), Bamako, Mali, Impact Evaluation of agricultural policy. - 2013- 2016: PhD student (WASCAL), Research project: Modelling the livelihood of farmers subject to extreme events: Case study of flooding in Benin, Supervisor: Pr Adama DIAW (University Gaston Berger, Senegal) and Dr. Tobias Wunscher (ZEF, University of Bonn, Germany). - 04/2010 - 12/2010: Consultancy works in AfricaRice (Center of Rice for Africa) Impact Evaluation of agricultural technology. - 01/2007 – 01/2008: DEA Student, Natural Resources Management, University of Abomey Calavi, Benin, Supervisor Prof. Dr. Ir. Brice Sinsin; Research project: Estimating the economic value of Non Timber Forest Product (NTFP) in Sampéto (Banikoara District). 1 - 06/2006 – 12/2006: Engineer degree Student, Agricultural economics, University of Abomey Calavi, Benin, Supervisor Prof.