GDR Bulletin Volume 7 Issue 1 Winter Article 6 1981 Recent Publications various authors Follow this and additional works at: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. Recommended Citation authors, various (1981) "Recent Publications," GDR Bulletin: Vol. 7: Iss. 1. gdrb.v7i1.554 This Announcement is brought to you for free and open access by New Prairie Press. It has been accepted for inclusion in GDR Bulletin by an authorized administrator of New Prairie Press. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. - 4 - authors: Recent Publications LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION E. John. Probleme der marxistisch-leninistischen Ästhetik. Leipzig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut. Bd. 1: 322 S. 42,- M. Bd. 2: 260 S. 38,- M. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GDR LITERATURE IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION Anita M. Mallinckrodt: Die Selbstdarstellung der beiden (supplement) deutschen Staaten im Ausland. Köln: Verlag Wissen- schaft und Politik, 1980. 350 S. DM 38,- Anthologies Jürgen Radde. Die außenpolitische Führungselite der DDR. (Veränderungen der sozialen Struktur außenpolitischer East German Short Stories: an Introductory Anthology, Führungsgruppen). Köln: Bibliothek Wissenschaft und ed. and trans. Peter E. and Evelyn S. Firchow. Politik Berend von Nottbeck, 19Ö0. 240 S. DM 28,00. Boston: Tvayne Publishers,,1979. (Paperback) 20 works by 20 authors. H. Redecker. Grundzüge einer Literaturästhetik. Leip• FIELD: Contemporary Poetry and-Poetics. Nr. 22 zig: VEB Bibliographisches Institut. 260 S. 12,80 M. (Spring, I960). Contains: Sheep's Wool is Left Hanging, In the Picture by Elke Erb; Reasons for Günther Schraid. Entscheidung in Bonn. (Die Entstehung Taking Care of the Car, Refuge Even Behind Refuge der Ost- und Deutschlandpolitik 1969/1970).