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Download Article (PDF) Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 203 International Conference on Life, Innovation, Change, and Knowledge (ICLICK 2018) Indonesia Media Broadcasting Regulations In An Accelerated Innovation, Creativity & Development (Case Study In North Sumatra) Evie Ariadne Shinta Dewi1 Suwandi Sumartias2 Faculty Communication Faculty Communication Universitas Padjadjaran Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia [email protected] [email protected] Abstract—There is a significant need to develop a Media The new concept is more clearly, it can be seen in the Broadcasting Regulation, especially in the context of local broadcasting practices of radio and televisions. If during the shareholders for TV networks and local TV in Indonesia. The law New Order regime, the broadcasting system in Indonesia tightly is expected to regulate all about TV's programs and the controlled by the Ministry of Information as well as pro- Operational Lisence. The study which did at North Sumatra, and government professional organizations, then with the birth of data's collected by focuss group discussion among the Local TV's Law 32/2002 on Broadcasting, the system meet his own owners and Board of Communication & Information Technology freedom. Although freedom is not the same as press Ministery in Medan, showed that there were many problems arise independences, but at least the two pillars of modern democracy regarding the regulations of TV's operations. The Alocation of has been metamorphosed into a new form, more force can be advertising portion between Local and National Television is one able to move free to face the pressure of power. of the crucial problem. Facing the Digitalization era, government should revise the regulation to build a fair bussiness in There is an interesting fact behind the birth of the broadcasting media. Another problems were found that the Broadcasting Act through initiatives of the DPR. There are Ministery of Communication and Information Technology as a dozens of discussions, seminars, symposia and dialogues born regulator seems acted too dominant, the rules was made without before the birth of the Broadcasting Act. All stakeholders feel Local Government's involvement, even they have different need are invited to attend discuss the Broadcasting Act which turned and interest in Media Broadcasting Policy. So far, broadcasting very different from the old law. Discussions and seminars aims modernization should be submitted to Local Government to find the right formula to set the broadcasting system, and able regulations because of the rest regulation had lead all the economic to provide a new vision for radio and television in Indonesia. benefit flow to central government, while local goverment did not Discussions were then put forward various new thinking about get anything. Others problems were about the TV's content, its Indonesia's broadcasting in the reform era. Broadcasting Law should not just be shown in the local TV but also must be No. 32/2002 is based on the premise that frequency as the produced in its region using the labor from the local area and broadcasting infrastructure is belong to the state, so it should be consider the local communities's value of life. utilized as much as possible for the public welfare. Frequency should not be monopolized by a person or group of people for Key Words: brodcast media, digital television, regulations. their well-being such as all this time. The principle of frequencies should be used for the I. INTRODUCTION greater public welfare then encouraged the birth of the concept The blowing tide of reform in Indonesia era of the 1980s has on diversity of ownership and diversity of content, which has spawned a variety of new concepts in the life of the nation and been echoed by many practitioners and theorists of broadcasting state. Politically, Indonesia experienced a socio-political in the country. Diversity of ownership implies about diversity revolution substantially similar to those of semi-democratic ownership of radio / television, as well as an opportunity for countries which become the most prominent multiparty state in many people to strive in the field of electronic media. While the the world and indeed, Indonesia also successfully held multi- diversity of content is a consequence of the diversity of party system, the most democratic election in the world. ownership, ie, diversity of broadcast content of radio / television Government of the Republic of Indonesia is composed of ruling in Indonesia. Thus, the practitioners and theorists broadcasting parties, to deal with the opposition party. It is a taboo in the vis that regulation of broadcasting in the future will be more Suharto period during nearly 30 years. democratic and refrain from monopoly and oligopoly in using The new concept also blowing in the broadcasting and broadcasting frequencies. Another message contained in the press systems. Many observers regarded Press as an advanced democratization of broadcasting is provide ample opportunity power after executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Press for the region to work together draw up a national broadcasting and broadcasting during the New Order era overpowered with system healthy. The concept later known as decentralized in the rules . The press no longer have breidel dealing with the press world of broadcasting, ie an opportunity for provinces, districts and permits from the authorities to conducting business of and cities to take care of The broadcasting in accordance with publishing newspapers and magazines. their respective interests. Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( 156 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 203 Thoughts on the democratization of broadcasting, Licensing issued in these areas has spawned the new diversity ownership, diversity of broadcast content, as well as era of broadcasting Indonesia in the form of growing challenges the Delegation of Broadcasting is the foundation on which the of the industry Local television broadcasting in the regions. In Act No. 32 of 2002 on Broadcasting which we know so far. West Java, East Java, Central Java, Bali and other areas, a Because it must always underlying the various regulations television area grows spirit fills the opportunities provided by derived from these laws. Person call it the spirit of the the Broadcasting Law to expanded opportunities for local people Broadcasting Act. Law No. 32 of 2002 on Broadcasting to do business in the world of broadcasting television. This has mandated all broadcasters who broadcast with a national reach become a new phenomenon in Indonesia broadcasting, which to immediately implement broadcast networked spread in parts even the New Order era was simply unthinkable. of Indonesia, at the latest on December 2007. The spirit of the In accordance with the byword that new phenomena Broadcasting Act is very clear, to develop the local media will be followed with a new problem, it also happens with the existence. The more local coverage deployment the media birth new local television stations in Indonesia. Birth content they are presenting the more they are getting close and broadcasters Television then becomes problematic when the aspirational for the local community. television station during the broadcasting of Jakarta called Broadcasting Law expects, the media can perform the "national television" refused to bow the law mandates the Local functions of social control, educational function as well as the TV stations. Following the pattern of the old broadcast, Jakarta function of entertainment that can be enjoyed by people who it Television still using models which use a relay to radiate serves. Important mandate delivered by the Broadcasting Act is broadcast to all corners of the country. Therefore Interesting to their new national broadcasting system by placing an note the tendency of unfair business competition when "national Independent State Institution that is assigned to take care of television" competing with televisions that only have local everything about broadcasting. As is known, the agency named broadcast coverage in a particular service area. Unfair the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (IBC) or Komisi competition is likely to occurs in almost all Indonesian territory, Penyiaran Indonesia / KPI, which also act as community which later gave birth to a new creation of the Local television representation of radio and television broadcasting. History then managers to reduce inequality of competition which tends to noted that the person in charge of broadcast systems this time in unbalance it. the hands of the Ministry of Information and Ministry There is a new born groups that make the new local Transportation, replaced by IBC members elected by the Board television networks , similar to what was done by the "national Representatives (DPR). But then, the broadcasting shifted to the television" in Jakarta. What was done by the Kompas-Gramedia Supreme Court (Mahkamah Agung/MA) towards another post Group, for example, conducting a Reuters TV broadcasts that lawsuit filed by several professional organizations (PRSSNI, can be accessed in the cities across Indonesia. However, the ATVSI and others). They objected to the authority of the IEC creativity of the local television still produce problems. considered potentially be a super regulatory
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