QAULAN, Vol. 2, No.1, Juni 2021 Zida Zakiyatul Husna, Media Commercialization.... MEDIA COMMERCIALIZATION: INDOSIAR TELEVISION STATION EFFORT TO INCREASE RATINGS Zida Zakiyatul Husna UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
[email protected] Abstract: Media is an industry that can produce commodities that make commercial elements more prominent. Commercial it self is an implication of the media revolution that encourages media with an economic vision. The party that determines the communication process, from information coverage, information packaging, to information marketing is the owner of capital, where this condition affects the vision of a media. It can be said that the idealism of the media really depends on the owners of capital, because the form of journalism that is packaged is focused on dealing with market opportunities. Seeing this background, this research focuses on how the efforts of an Indosiar television station in increasing ratings. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by observing the Indosiar television station. In this study, it was explained that one of the efforts of Indosiar television station in increasing its rating was from the rising artist performance factor. Keywords: Media Commercialization, Rating, Indosiar INTRODUCTION In the reform era like today, press freedom provides space for the growth of mass media in Indonesia. This creates a new atmosphere in the field of print and electronic journalism and television is no exception. One of them is the emergence of a variety of private TV. And currently there are 17 national television stations in Indonesia. With the large number of TV industries, each television station is required to be able to develop its programs so as not to be eroded by the existing competition, without exception the entertainment programs that are presented.