February 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E89 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

IRAN TERROR FINANCE RECOGNIZING NORTHWEST INDI- on February 5, 2016. They, too, will be Amer- TRANSPARENCY ACT ANA’S NEWLY NATURALIZED ican citizens, and they, too, will be guaranteed CITIZENS the inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the SPEECH OF pursuit of happiness. We, as a free and demo- HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY cratic nation, congratulate them and welcome HON. BOB GOODLATTE OF INDIANA them. OF VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, February 2, 2016 REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF COACH C.D. ‘‘LEFTY’’ ANDERSON Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure and sincerity that I take this Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, this Admin- time to congratulate thirty individuals who will HON. BRADLEY BYRNE istration is giving Iran another free pass. It is take their oath of citizenship on Friday, Feb- OF ALABAMA irresponsible for the Administration to lift sanc- ruary 5, 2016. This memorable occasion, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tions on foreign financial institutions whose ac- which will be presided over by Magistrate Tuesday, February 2, 2016 tions have knowingly resulted in support for Judge John E. Martin, will be held at the terrorists or have contributed to Iran’s pro- United States Courthouse and Federal Build- Mr. BYRNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to re- liferation of nuclear weapons. It floors me that ing in Hammond, Indiana. member the life of Coach C.D. ‘‘Lefty’’ Ander- we are even having a debate about this. We America is a country founded by immi- son, a beloved long-time football coach, ad- should all remember the attacks on Sep- grants. From its beginning, settlers have come ministrator and family man in Mobile County, tember 11th very clearly as well as President from countries around the world to the United Alabama. Bush’s words afterwards. He said, ‘‘We will States in search of better lives for their fami- Coach Anderson was born on July 17, 1929 make no distinction between the terrorists who lies. Oath ceremonies are a shining example in Coffeeville, Alabama. He attended and committed these acts and those who harbor of what is so great about the United States of played football at Jackson High School and them.’’ And that is true today. America—that people from all over the world Livingston State, where his love of football Financial institutions that have assisted in can come together and unite as members of began. After college, he served a two-year transactions to support terrorism are not inno- a free, democratic nation. These individuals stint in the Army and then later went on to be- cent bystanders, and I take our Constitution’s realize that nowhere else in the world offers a come head football coach at Frisco City in directive to ‘‘provide for the common defense’’ better opportunity for success than here in Monroe County, Alabama. very seriously. The Iran Nuclear Agreement America. After being named the head coach, Coach was a bad deal, and it’s clear that Iran has no On February 5, 2016, the following people, Anderson immediately began to instill the be- intention to hold up its side of the bargain. representing many nations throughout the lief in his players that they were winners. Dur- I am proud to be a cosponsor of this legisla- world, will take their oaths of citizenship in ing his time at Frisco City, Coach Anderson tion, and I urge my colleagues to join me in Hammond, Indiana: Gemma Ramos Laberge, accumulated a total of 53 wins, beating teams voting for this important piece of legislation. Araceli Ambriz, Ozkan Akkaya, Syed Muham- much larger than his. mad Shan Ul Islam, Fernando Romo Vera, In 1963, he became the head coach at Mur- f Patricia Caroline Njoki Singleton, Clifton phy High School, which was one of the state’s Seaford Wade, Aldar Odin Escamilla Velasco, largest schools. At Murphy, he did what he COAST GUARD AUTHORIZATION Nastaran Saramaghan, Milad Sohrab, Ali was accustomed to . . . he won football ACT OF 2015 Abdelkadre Mahamat, Julio Cesar Carmona, games. In his first year, he led his Panther Sylvia Iliff, Miriam Muthoni Kirori, Henry Irungu team to an 8–1 season, a major improvement SPEECH OF Kirori, Abayomi Eyitayo Oloyede, Ivete Baldo from the five combined wins the school had in Wahlen, Annamaria Mittiga, Ljupcho the three years prior. He would go on to win HON. JOHN GARAMENDI Todoroski, Monica Cordeiro Ramey, Juan 32 games during his six-year tenure as head coach, before making the move to an adminis- OF CALIFORNIA Manuel Almonte, KB Chhoeun, Chunlan Jin Chung, Lucila Diaz, Auribel Mileddy Lester trative role at the school. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Perez, Yue Min Li, Omkalthoum Hassan Coach Anderson would go on to serve a Monday, February 1, 2016 Muhamat, Sunisa Phongpichit-Alexander, year as the school’s assistant principal and 10 Aqeela Yasmin Sheikh, and Sergey more years as principal. I’ve heard that Coach Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I would like Gennadyvich Shylin. Anderson took the same hard-nosed approach to recognize the hard work of Dave Jansen on Although each individual has sought to be- he had as a coach and applied it to his role the Coast Guard Subcommittee, as well as come a citizen of the United States for his or as principal. He ensured that his students fol- Emily Burns on my staff, to make this bill a her own reasons, be it for education, occupa- lowed the rules and behaved properly, but just success. tion, or to offer their loved ones better lives, like his players, there was never any doubt each is inspired by the fact that the United how much he cared for them. f States of America is, as Abraham Lincoln de- After his time as an administrator, Coach scribed it, a country ‘‘. . . of the people, by the Anderson served as the Mobile County athletic PERSONAL EXPLANATION people, and for the people.’’ They realize that director for eight years until his retirement in the United States is truly a free nation. By the early 1990s. He also served 13 years on HON. TIM RYAN seeking American citizenship, they have made the Alabama High School Athletic Associa- the decision that they want to live in a place tion’s (AHSAA) Central Board of Control, in- OF OHIO where, as guaranteed by the First Amendment cluding two years as president. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Constitution, they can practice religion Outside of the classroom, Coach Anderson Tuesday, February 2, 2016 as they choose, speak their minds without fear played a vital role in the development of high of punishment, and assemble in peaceful pro- school football throughout the state. Anderson Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise today test should they choose to do so. was instrumental in the creation of the Ala- to correct my vote from yesterday, February Mr. Speaker, I respectfully ask you and my bama-Mississippi All-Star Football game in 1st on roll call 46 (H.R. 2187). While my vote other distinguished colleagues to join me in 1998. Due to his contribution and dedication to was recorded as a ‘‘nay’’ it was my intention congratulating these individuals who will be- the game, the MVP award was named after to vote ‘‘yea.’’ come citizens of the United States of America him. He later achieved the honor of becoming

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:52 Feb 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02FE8.001 E02FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E90 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 2, 2016 part of the first class inducted into the AHSAA HONORING OFFICER DOUG BARNEY Today, I would like to thank and recognize High School Hall of Fame in 1991. the McConnell Center for their exemplary work Although retired, Coach Anderson’s love HON. JASON CHAFFETZ and mission in educational and civic engage- and knowledge of the game continued to OF UTAH ment, building our future leaders on a founda- shine. He was always willing to help mentor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion based upon ‘‘Leadership, Scholarship, anyone who sought his knowledge about the Tuesday, February 2, 2016 and Service.’’ f game. Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to During the last 5 years of his life Coach An- honor Officer Doug Barney. Officer Barney HONORING ALAN DUNHAM derson fought valiantly against Alzheimer’s, was killed on Sunday, January 17, 2016, in never letting it inhibit his view on life. Sadly, Holladay, Utah, while working overtime in HON. JARED HUFFMAN on January 21, Coach Anderson passed away order to fund his cancer treatments. While on OF CALIFORNIA after a battle with pneumonia. duty, Officer Barney was shot fatally by a fugi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tive who was missing from drug rehabilitation. Coach Eddie Robinson put it best when he Tuesday, February 2, 2016 said that ‘‘coaching is a profession of love. Unified Police Officer John Richey was also You can’t coach people unless you love shot, and has since undergone surgery and is Mr. HUFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to them.’’ I believe this was always the mindset expected to improve. recognize Alan Dunham of Novato, California, of Coach Anderson. He always cared deeply Officer Barney became a police officer be- for his exceptional commitment to public serv- for his players and students. cause he wanted to help people and loved ice and civic engagement. For nearly 40 children. He had formerly served as a school years, Mr. Dunham has gone above and be- Coach Anderson leaves behind a legacy of resource officer and worked tirelessly as a yond in his dedication to effecting change in love and humility and his spirit will live on in member of the Unified and Taylorsville, Utah, his community, serving in numerous leader- the countless individuals he impacted over the Police Departments for 18 years. His cancer ship positions and volunteering countless course of his career. The city of Mobile, Mo- was in remission at the time of his death. He hours of his time throughout the City of bile County, and the entire State of Alabama is survived by his wife and three children. Novato and Marin County. will be forever grateful for the life and service Officer Barney gave the ultimate sacrifice The Rotary Club of Novato annually selects of Coach ‘‘Lefty’’ Anderson. On behalf of Ala- while in the line of duty. His colleagues have a ‘‘Citizen of the Year,’’ which distinguishes a bama’s entire First Congressional District, we remembered him for his humor and caring na- resident who has given exceptional contribu- extend our greatest of condolences to his son ture. He was an accomplished officer who had tions to the city across a number of different Chuck, his two grandchildren, Laura and Sam, overcome the odds of cancer. I honor Officers areas. Their selection this year in Mr. Dunham as well as his two great-grandchildren, Ayden Barney and Richey as heroes and am grateful could not be more fitting. and Caroline. Coach Anderson will be deeply for their service to the State of Utah. Mr. Dunham moved to Novato in 1973, and missed. Today, I ask all Members of Congress to quickly became involved in his new commu- join me as we honor the life and legacy of Of- nity. He joined the Rotary Club the following f ficer Doug Barney, so that his sacrifice and year, where, along with serving as president service will be remembered by our country. for a term, he led several trips and projects REMEMBERING THE LIVES LOST f throughout the decades. For many years, he DURING ‘‘BLACK JANUARY’’ AND has been active with the Presbyterian Church THE KHOJALY MASSACRE IN RECOGNITION OF THE MCCONNELL of Novato, and he regularly volunteers with AZERBAIJAN CENTER local children and youth. HON. BRETT GUTHRIE Additionally, his talents as an architect have beautified spaces throughout the city, includ- OF KENTUCKY HON. DONALD M. PAYNE, JR. ing housing projects and gardens for seniors, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW JERSEY group areas at the Marin county Fair, and the Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Stafford Lake Gate House, among others. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. GUTHRIE. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Mr. Speaker, it is fitting that we honor and Tuesday, February 2, 2016 recognize the McConnell Center at the Univer- thank Alan Dunham for his many years of self- sity of Louisville on its 25th anniversary since less volunteer work and leadership in the Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I ask my col- its founding. The McConnell Center was es- North Bay. On behalf of the many residents leagues here in the House of Representatives tablished by Senator MCCONNELL and the Uni- whose lives he’s impacted, I am privileged to to join me as I rise to honor those who were versity of Louisville, his alma mater, in 1991 honor and appreciate Mr. Alan Dunham. lost in Khojaly, Azerbaijan on February 25, with the mission to help nurture the next gen- f 1992. On that day, 24 years ago, over 600 eration of great leaders in the Commonwealth people were brutally murdered. They were of Kentucky. HONORING THE LIFE OF MICHAEL mostly elderly men, women, and children—in- The McConnell Center has helped educate, HOKE nocent victims that should have never been inspire, and motivate more than 200 McCon- part of such a heartbreaking tragedy. nell Scholars and has given more than $3.5 HON. BRIAN BABIN I would also like to recognize the night of million in scholarships to more than 230 Ken- OF TEXAS January 19, 1990, as ‘‘Black January.’’ This tucky students. I am proud to say that three IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES McConnell Scholars, Andrew Stewart, Natalie event has been memorialized as ‘‘Black Janu- Tuesday, February 2, 2016 ary’’ because of the invasion by 26,000 Soviet Smith, and Sean Southard, have interned in troops into the capital city Baku and sur- my office. The McConnell Center has also pro- Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rounding areas. By the end of the following vided thousands of hours of professional de- honor the life of Michael Hoke. Michael day, more than 130 people had died and over velopment to Kentucky’s teachers. passed away on January 13, 2016, at the age 600 people were missing. The McConnell Center’s successful program of 67. has demonstrated the profound and lasting im- Michael was an active and accomplished It is necessary to take the time every year pact it is making within our Commonwealth, educator in the Orange community. After re- to remember those who lost their lives during the nation, and the world. It has been named ceiving his doctorate, he went on to start the these two horrific events in Azerbaijan. Their one of the ‘‘Oases of Excellence in Higher Orange chapter of the American Federation of unwilling sacrifice continues to serve as a re- Education’’ by the American Council of Trust- Teachers, and continued to be a leading advo- minder to hold fast to the principles of democ- ees and Alumni, touching the lives and ca- cate for teachers within the community. racy. reers of thousands of students, teachers, re- His dedication and expertise were recog- Mr. Speaker, Azerbaijan is a strong partner searchers, and citizens. nized in 1989 when he became the Texas re- of the United States in a strategically crucial This year, the McConnell Center will cele- cipient of the National Science Foundation’s and complex region of the world. I ask my col- brate its 25th anniversary with the theme ‘‘Citi- Presidential Award. Michael later went on to leagues to join me and our Azerbaijani friends zens and Statesmen,’’ continuing its great instruct at Harvard University. in commemorating the tragedy that occurred in work in shaping our nation’s leaders, politics, Michael was committed to sharing his in- the town of Khojaly as well as Black January. and communities. credible love and mastery of scientific teaching

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:52 Feb 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K02FE8.003 E02FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E91 with the community and future generations. He HONORING MS. GLORIA FLAHERTY RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF founded ‘‘Science Superstars’’ to engage chil- JOANN STINGLEY dren and encourage a passion for learning, HON. MIKE THOMPSON and ‘‘Bios, a School on Wheels’’ to help stu- OF CALIFORNIA HON. PETER J. ROSKAM dents explore various scientific research cen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ILLINOIS ters and programs across Texas. Under his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leadership, these educational programs have Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Tuesday, February 2, 2016 now spread across the nation. Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, Michael was also a faithful Christian, and at- I rise today to recognize and honor Gloria Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tended the First United Methodist Church in Flaherty, who is retiring from the Lake Family recognize the service of JoAnn Stingley. Orange. My prayers and condolences go out Resource Center after 19 years of service. JoAnn coordinates the social service unit, also to Michael’s loving wife, Sandra, his daughter Ms. Flaherty’s resume of community service known as the victim’s assistance unit for the Julia, and his son Robert, and his two grand- is impressive. In addition to being a Founding Elgin Police Department. children. Michael will be sorely missed in our Director and Executive Director at Lake Family JoAnn has been a social worker for the community, but his passion and legacy will Resource Center, Gloria has held numerous Elgin Police Department for more than 24 certainly live on. positions and titles within the Lake County years. She was hired by former police chief community over the past two decades. Among Charles Gruber in 1991 and at the time Elgin f other endeavors, Ms. Flaherty served as was one of the first police departments to hire President of Kelseyville Sunrise Rotary, Board social workers in Illinois. Since that time she RECOGNIZING HERO OF THE YEAR, President of Kelseyville Unified School District, said she has never considered doing anything OFFICER JEFF SCHLEE and Commissioner of First 5 Lake County. else but helping others. She has recently served as Chairman of the JoAnn’s salary is on the Elgin police depart- Lake County Continuum of Care, as a mem- ment payroll; however, there is no budget allo- HON. PETER J. ROSKAM ber of the Boards of North Coast Opportunities cation for client related expenses. This means OF ILLINOIS and Friends of Mendocino College, and as a that JoAnn must hold numerous fundraisers a year to support the programs she runs free of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Board member on the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence. Most recently, Ms. charge. These programs include crisis inter- Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Flaherty has been heavily involved in Lake vention, counseling, legal referrals and refer- County fire recovery efforts, working tirelessly rals for community resources including shelter, Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to mental illness, substance abuse, parenting, recognize Police Officer Jeff Schlee, who re- to set up a ‘‘warming center’’ to provide shel- ter and respite for those in need. and youth anger management courses. Lt. cently was awarded ‘‘Hero of the Year’’ by the Rick Ciganek, an officer in the Elgin Police Palatine Chamber of Commerce for his work In 2015, Ms. Flaherty received the Lake County Childcare Planning Council’s Lifetime Department, was full of praise for JoAnn, stat- preparing schools, teachers, parents, and the ing, ‘‘She’s truly the unsung hero of the police community for a school shooting. Achievement Award. She was also named the 2015 Woman of the Year from the Third Con- department. Anybody who comes here and Officer Schlee works with schools in Pala- gressional District. Ms. Flaherty has consist- says, ‘I need some help,’ they get help. JoAnn tine, IL and has consulted with numerous sub- ently demonstrated kindness, compassion and is incredible. She’ll provide services for any- urbs in the Chicagoland area and across the integrity, and has worked for years as a tire- body.’’ JoAnn is truly an inspiring woman and country to prepare them for the possibility of a less advocate for children and families. The one of the many reasons Elgin is such a great school shooting. Officer Schlee has been a citizens of Lake County have benefitted enor- place to work and live. school safety officer for ten years and has al- mously from her efforts. Mr. Speaker and my distinguished col- ways had a passion for protecting students; Mr. Speaker, Gloria Flaherty has served her leagues in the House, please join me in recog- however he credits the birth of his children for community with admirable commitment and re- nizing the service and dedication of JoAnn increasing his dedication to defending school solve. It is fitting and proper that I honor her Stingley. children. here today. I wish Gloria Flaherty the best in f With dedication and persistence, he has her retirement. CELEBRATING THE 50TH ANNIVER- studied past school shootings and works SARY OF LEHIGH CARBON COM- alongside his colleagues at the Palatine Police f MUNITY COLLEGE Department to develop response plans which RECOGNIZING COBWRA ON THEIR could save student’s lives. One of the prin- 35TH ANNIVERSARY ciples of his plan is having the whole commu- HON. CHARLES W. DENT nity respond as a unit to make sure everyone OF PENNSYLVANIA is on the same page. Office Schlee believes it HON. LOIS FRANKEL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF FLORIDA is essential to study the tragedies of the past Tuesday, February 2, 2016 to keep our children safe today and in the fu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to ture. Tuesday, February 2, 2016 recognize the 50th Anniversary of Lehigh Car- Mr. Speaker and my distinguished col- Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I bon Community College (LCCC). LCCC was leagues in the House, please join me in recog- rise today on behalf of myself and Mr. DEUTCH founded in 1966 and for 50 years it has deliv- nizing Officer Jeff Schlee for the work he has to congratulate the Coalition of Boynton West ered quality, affordable two-year degree done to help protect students in Palatine and Residential Associations, or COBWRA, for 35 course programs, certificate and specialized across this great nation. years of diligent work. COBWRA has played diploma programs to students from Lehigh, an important role in the growth of West Boyn- Carbon, Schuylkill and other counties. f ton Beach, an area in both our districts. The College has an enrollment of over Since 1982, the officers and members of PERSONAL EXPLANATION 7,100 students and offers more than 90 pro- COBWRA have served as a voice for the resi- grams of study. dential communities of West Boynton Beach, The Lehigh Valley community has long rec- HON. LUIS V. GUTIE´RREZ ensuring that resident’s concerns are heard ognized the outstanding asset we have in Le- and addressed. COBWRA has played a cru- high Carbon Community College. The College OF ILLINOIS cial role in bringing parks, schools, libraries, gives students a great start for gaining the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES businesses, and hospitals to the area, while skills they’ll need to find and succeed in de- Tuesday, February 2, 2016 also serving as an advocate and educational cent, good-paying careers and provides the source for residents. employers of the region with skilled and well- Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I was un- We are pleased to recognize COBWRA trained workers. avoidably absent in the House chamber for today for their service and commitment to their Mr. Speaker, I warmly extend my congratu- votes on Monday, February 1, 2016. Had I community, and look forward to working with lations to the students, faculty, employees, ad- been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on roll them in the future to continue the growth and ministrators and alumni of Lehigh Carbon call vote 46. achievement of West Boynton. Community College on the happy occasion of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:52 Feb 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K02FE8.008 E02FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E92 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 2, 2016 their Semicentennial. Thank you for providing her dedication to the Poquoson community been joined by Texas State Representative the Lehigh Valley with diverse educational op- and wish her a happy retirement. Patrick Fallon. He recently raised money for portunities that provide a firm foundation for f pediatric cancer by running the World Mara- solid, fulfilling careers. thon Challenge, consisting of 7 marathons on CELEBRATING THE 50TH ANNIVER- f 7 continents in 7 days, and he had never run SARY OF THE 60TH AIR MOBIL- a marathon before. During the races, Fallon HONORING WILLIAM A. MORRIS ITY WING carried a photo of Jonny and his brother Jacky in his shoe. In fact, Jacky even ran with him HON. DANIEL M. DONOVAN, JR. HON. JOHN GARAMENDI in the U.S. race in Miami, Florida. OF NEW YORK OF CALIFORNIA I can’t think of a better reason to run a mar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES athon. Together, we can beat childhood can- Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Tuesday, February 2, 2016 cer into the shadows with each step. And that’s just the way it is. Mr. DONOVAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today f honor William A. Morris for his courageous to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the service to our nation during World War II. As activation of the 60th Air Mobility Wing at HONORING BRUCE SANDERS ON a lifelong resident of Staten Island, New York, Travis Air Force Base, in the heart of Califor- THE OCCASION OF HIS RETIRE- he deserves recognition for the dedication to nia’s 3rd Congressional District. MENT his family, community and country. On January 8, 1966, what is now The 60th William served as a sergeant in the all-black Air Mobility Wing became the host unit at HON. BRIAN HIGGINS 369th Coast Artillery Regiment and fought on Travis Air Force Base, and its emergence as OF NEW YORK the front line in Germany during a period of the principal military airlift hub in the western IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES segregation. Overcoming the deep racial divi- United States earned Travis the moniker of sions in society to fight for his country during ‘‘Gateway to the Pacific.’’ Tuesday, February 2, 2016 such momentous historical events like the in- The wing is responsible for strategic airlift Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to vasion of Normandy shows his immense cour- and air refueling missions around the world pay tribute to Bruce Sanders, of Buffalo, New age and loyalty. and controls more than $11 billion in total re- York, on his retirement from the position of It was during this time in Europe that Wil- sources. It handles more cargo and pas- Chief of Public Affairs of the Buffalo District of liam formed a special bond with a stray dog sengers than any other military air terminal in the United States Army Corps of Engineers, he met named Trixie. Trixie provided William the United States. and to express gratitude for his forty-one and the rest of his company not only with an The 60th Wing has been involved in some years of devoted service to the United States indispensable companion, but, in an aston- of our country’s most recognizable military and of America. ishing act, also bravely aided in their protec- humanitarian efforts in its 50 years of oper- In his public affairs role, but also previously tion against three German soldiers. Serving as ation. It was a major participant in Operations in his role as Management Analysis Officer, an unofficial mascot for the regiment, Trixie Homecoming and Babylift, when Travis Air Mr. Sanders conducted himself with profes- traveled back to Staten Island with William Force Base became the main intake facility for sionalism and dedication in furtherance of the where she quickly fit in as a member of his POW’s and refugees coming from Vietnam. It important work of the world’s largest public en- family. flew 1,280 missions from Travis during Oper- gineering agency. I was not surprised, there- Upon returning to Staten Island, William’s ation Desert Storm. Its planes and personnel fore, when it was conveyed to me that the remarkable commitment to giving back has provided much needed relief after earthquakes Buffalo District Commander wrote in Mr. Sand- been widely recognized and celebrated. He in Mexico City, Armenia, and Haiti. Most re- ers’ final appraisal that Mr. Sanders was served as a Boy Scout leader for Troop 47 for cently, the 60th Air Mobility Wing provided air- ‘‘proud of being a public servant; exhibit[ed] 35 years and, along with his wife, ran a food lift and refueling operations in support of Oper- pride and complete dedication to the District; pantry for 30 years. This commitment earned ations Noble Eagle and Enduring Freedom—to [and was] honest and trustworthy; a person of them both the Silver Beaver Award for their support our ongoing global war on terror. strong character.’’ distinguishable work in scouting. At 96 years These are just a few of the achievements that Again, I am pleased to congratulate and old, William has continued to share his story have earned the wing multiple Air Force Out- thank Mr. Sanders on the occasion of his re- with his community through an inspiring book standing Unit Awards. tirement and wish him well in his future en- written by his daughter Dolores, The Soldier Mr. Speaker, I am honored to congratulate deavors. That Wagged Her Tail. the 60th Air Mobility Wing on its 50th Anniver- f Mr. Speaker, William’s dedication to our sary, and I ask my colleagues to join me in country and his community serves as an in- recognizing the extraordinary dedication of the CONGRATULATING CAPTAIN spiring lesson to all. I admire his outstanding officer, enlisted, and civilian personnel who BOSWORTH ON HIS RETIREMENT sacrifices and I am proud to honor this great have served our nation. They have given FROM THE NAVY RESERVES resident from New York’s 11th Congressional Travis Air Force Base a renowned past, excit- District. ing present, and a very bright future. HON. ANDER CRENSHAW f f OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COMMEMORATING ELIZABETH S. TEAM JONNY TAI’S SERVICE TO POQUOSON, Tuesday, February 2, 2016 VIRGINIA HON. TED POE Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today OF TEXAS to pay tribute to the incredible service of Capt. HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES William P. Bosworth, MC USNR (RET). Cap- tain Bosworth served on active duty from OF VIRGINIA Tuesday, February 2, 2016 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sept. 1953 until Jan. 1958. After attending Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on Christ- medical school at the University of Health Tuesday, February 2, 2016 mas Day 2014, 7-year-old Jonny was diag- Sciences in Kansas City, Missouri, he joined Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nosed with brain and spinal cancer. On Janu- the Navy Medical Corps and again served his recognize Mrs. Elizabeth S. Tai. After 36 ary 2nd, 2016, young Jonny’s family laid him country with distinction from June 1972 until years, she has retired from the position of Di- to rest. March 1999. rector of the Poquoson Public Library. Under Roughly 1 in every 300 children in the As an Osteopathic Physician, Dr. Bosworth her leadership, Poquoson Public Library was United States will be diagnosed with some provided operational medicine and primary accredited by the Library of Virginia, and start- form of cancer before their 20th birthday. care to hundreds of patients at his various ed receiving state funding in 1980. During her Jonny always said: ‘‘I don’t want any other kid duty stations. He retired in 1999 as a Captain tenure, Elizabeth S. Tai spearheaded many to have cancer.’’ but continued to serve the Navy Reserves initiatives which resulted in Poquoson Public Jonny’s family, with the help of their Rep- three to four days per month here at NAS Library becoming one of the busiest and most resentative RODNEY DAVIS, are making sure Jacksonville until today. In fact, Bill Bosworth respected libraries in Virginia. I thank her for Congress hears this message. They have also volunteered as a Reserve Medical Officer for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:52 Feb 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K02FE8.011 E02FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E93 456 consecutive months from 1976 until 2013 IN MEMORY OF KATHRYN survived by her sister-in-law and spouse, and logged approximately 792 drill weekends BURKETT Jeannette Burkett and Owen Livingston and her children and spouses/partners: Jimmy at our military bases. He is the epitome of the and Debbie Burkett, Donny and Jeannie dedicated officer. HON. JOE WILSON Burkett, Ronny and Mary Burkett, Tim It is his voluntary reserve service that I OF SOUTH CAROLINA Burkett and Lance Wilhelm, and Andrea and would like to applaud. Dr. Bosworth applied for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bobby Lange. She is survived by grand- children and spouses/partners: Sarah and permission to participate with the Navy Re- Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Heath Maner, Laura and Zach Moore, Tif- serves in a retired status with no points ac- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- fany Burkett, Brandi and Mike Dixon, Mi- crued for retirement, with no payment author- er, yesterday, Kathryn Louise Spires Burkett of chael Burkett and Lisa Walner, Patrick Burkett, Meghan Burkett, Ian and Jenn ized, and with no travel authorized. He served Edmund was properly eulogized during funeral because Bill loved the men and women in the Burkett, Jesse Bundrick and Jada Lange. services recognizing her legacy as one of She was blessed with great-granddaughters, Navy and wanted to assist them in any way South Carolina’s most beloved civic leaders Micaiah, Anna, and Alexis Burkett and Char- he could. Year after year, he performed and homemakers. ley Dixon, and newborn great-grandson, Eze- physicals and primary care for all the sailors in She and her late husband Horace raised kiel Burkett. our local Naval Reserves. their children to become some of the most re- Visitation will be held on Monday, Feb- spected professionals of the Midlands of ruary 1, at Cayce United Methodist Church Of course, that kept him busy on weekends, South Carolina with her grandchildren now from 1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. and followed by but he also remained an active physician on services at 3:00 p.m. Private interment will achieving the highest standards of community follow in Southland Memorial Gardens. The the staffs of two local hospitals. He was li- service and success. censed in three states: Florida, Georgia and family will receive friends at the home of In January 1984, her passion for excellence Ronny and Mary Burkett, 87 Holly Ridge Tennessee so he could better serve his sail- was crucial in launching my successful cam- Lane, West Columbia, on Sunday afternoon ors. He is a Lifetime Member of the Duval paign to serve in the State Senate when she from 2–5 p.m. Memorials may be made to the County Medical Society and the American was a co-host of a reception at the Farm Bu- Crystal Bradshaw Foundation, 17 Abberton Academy of Family Physicians. He is Past reau in Cayce. The Burkett Family endorse- Court, Chapin, SC 29036. The family wishes President of the Duval County Academy of ment made the difference in a very chal- to thank the special caregivers and residents of Oakleaf Village who were family to Kath- Family Physicians and Former Chairman of lenging effort for victory in the October Repub- ryn in her later years. the Duval County Hospital Authority. lican primary replacing an incumbent. A fitting tribute was published on January f One Commanding Officer wrote that Captain 31st in The State newspaper of Columbia, HONORING THE USO FOR 75 YEARS Bosworth ‘‘demonstrated unparalleled leader- South Carolina: ship and skills in the superior performance of OF SERVICE TO OUR TROOPS Kathryn Louise Spires Burkett entered AND THEIR FAMILIES his duties.’’ I couldn’t agree more. But there is into eternal rest on January 30, 2016, fol- another side of Bill Bosworth that many may lowing a brief illness. Kathryn, born April 11, not know. Bill and I share a love for the game 1929, was a daughter of Drayton and Sara HON. ANDER CRENSHAW of basketball. Yes, Dr. Bill Bosworth is an ac- Spires of Cayce, S.C. She attended BC High OF FLORIDA tive participant and officer in the National School where she was Homecoming Queen IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES representing her lifelong sweetheart, Horace Men’s Masters Basketball Championships. Olin Burkett, Jr. She attended Columbia Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Every year, he teams up with such basketball College before she and Horace married in Mr. CRENSHAW. Mr. Speaker, I rise today greats as Artis Gilmore and Sam Jones and 1949. They were proud parents to Jimmy, to honor the hard working men and women of Donny, Ronny, Timmy, and Andrea and pur- brings the game to Jacksonville. Just two the USO in celebration of their 75th Birthday weeks ago, the games were played at the sued their dream of raising their children in the country. They moved to their beloved 17 of entertaining and supporting our troops and Jacksonville Sportsplex. This endeavor has acres in Edmund in 1962. Their home was a families. I especially applaud the work of the developed into national events and has been place of welcome to all, an endless source of Greater Jacksonville Area USO which makes included in the World Masters Games and the adventure to their children, and the site of it its mission to lift the spirits of our service World Senior Games. Bill and his wife Wanda countless picnics, fish fries, and family gath- members and their families. This small army both serve on the Florida Division of the Na- erings. Kathryn’s boundless energy was de- of mostly volunteers reaches out to active duty voted to home, family, church, and commu- military at our three large navy bases, Naval tional Basketball Tournament Committee. nity. She planted, nurtured, and harvested an acre vegetable garden every summer and Air Station Jacksonville, Naval Station Mayport There is a saying in the United States Navy and Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay. They when a person retires that ‘‘this sailor stood proudly canned enough food to feed her fam- ily throughout the year. She was a mar- also support our United States Coast Guard the watch’’ and today, Mr. Speaker, I ask you velous cook, and her hand gently stirring a men and women, the Marines at Blount Island and Members of the House to join me in salut- bowl of flour into mouth-watering biscuits Command, Army personnel stationed in the ing my longtime friend, Dr. William P. was a wonder to behold. area, and those serving in the Florida National Bosworth, MC USNR, for a job well done. He She served on the Governor’s Beautifi- Guard. has faithfully stood the watch all these years cation Board and volunteered with the The USO was formed in 1941 at the request American Heart Association, American Can- and now his watch stands relieved. cer Society, Little League, Cub Scouts, and of President Franklin D. Roosevelt who real- PTA. She and Horace also served in many ca- ized he needed a civilian organization to han- f pacities at Cayce United Methodist Church dle on-leave recreation. This call to action led and the Edmund Community Club. Kathryn six agencies to coordinate their civilian war ef- PERSONAL EXPLANATION was devoted to the cause of mental health forts and resources to form a new organiza- and was a catalyst in starting the first Lex- tion—the USO, United Service Organizations. ington County Mental Health Center. She Today, the USO is a private, not for profit or- also had an avid interest in politics, volun- ganization, supported entirely by donations HON. JOSEPH CROWLEY teering for Strom Thurmond, Floyd Spence from citizens and organizations. OF NEW YORK and Ben Carson, among many others, and as a poll watcher and precinct captain. Since its inception, the USO has been that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Kathryn and Horace left a legacy to their ‘‘Home Away From Home’’ for our military dur- children, grandchildren, and great-grand- ing wars and during peace time. The Greater Tuesday, February 2, 2016 children of commitment, faithfulness, and an Jacksonville Area USO was established as an Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, on February unfailing knowledge of the difference be- independent branch of the national USO in tween right and wrong. We thank them from 1, 2016 I was absent for recorded vote Num- 1979. Today, its three centers continue to the bottom of our hearts and proudly carry serve over 250,000 military and families with bers 46 through 47. all they taught us into the future. Kathryn quality of life and morale boosting programs. I would like to reflect how I would have was predeceased by her parents, Drayton and Sara; her husband, Horace; her brothers, Col I have had the privilege of working with the voted if I were here: on Roll Call Number 46 and Fred Spires; her sister, Margie McNair; USO and its many volunteers in serving din- I would have voted yes, and on Roll Call Num- brother-in-law, David Burkett; and her ners prior to pay days. They are called No ber 47 I would have voted yes. granddaughter, Crystal Bradshaw. She is Dough Dinners and are hugely popular with

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:52 Feb 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K02FE8.017 E02FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E94 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 2, 2016 our junior ranking families. In addition, our ership to the city of Thomasville, North Caro- and Safe Schools Foundations. She has a USO mails over 15,000 goodie boxes to front lina through his work at the Thomasville Area long history of social activism, supporting line troops and distributes hundreds of calling Chamber of Commerce. I have seen firsthand charity and nonprofit programs like Shop With cards for deployed troops to call home. Here the positive impact Mr. Croft has had on his A Cop, Community Action Napa Valley, and in Jacksonville, the USO operates Internet community, and I know I will not be the last to the Napa Valley Education Foundation. Lieu- cyber cafes, assists families and troops with say how much he will be missed. tenant Peecock has consistently acted with re- programs like United Through Reading where Under Mr. Croft’s exceptional leadership, markable dedication and character, and resi- the deployed member reads a book on a DVD the city of Thomasville rebounded from a pe- dents of Napa and the surrounding areas have to his or her children back home. Two of the riod of manufacturing and furniture-building job benefitted enormously from her efforts. USO’s most popular programs are the Wel- loss during the recent recession. He success- Mr. Speaker, Lieutenant Debbie Peecock come Center at our airport and free or re- fully helped turn the city around and create a has served her community with admirable in- duced cost tickets to local sporting and cul- business-friendly and job-creating center with- tegrity and commitment for three decades. It is tural events. in the state of North Carolina. In addition to fitting and proper that I honor her here today. On February 4, 2016, the Greater Jackson- his impact on the local economic recovery, Mr. I wish Lieutenant Peecock the best in her re- ville Area USO will celebrate 75 years of serv- Croft played a critical role in the City of Thom- tirement. ing our military and providing help on the asville’s selection as an ‘‘All-American City’’ f home front for those who give their all for the for 2013, by the National Civic League. security of this nation. The Greater Jackson- Mr. Croft has also been instrumental in the RECOGNIZING THE PALM BEACH ville Area USO is 100 percent self-funded and development and implementation of two key TOWN SQUARE PROJECT relies on donations from citizens and corpora- city-wide initiatives, the ‘‘Envision 2020’’ stra- tions like Boeing, Jacksonville Jaguars, W.W. tegic plan and the ‘‘Thomasville on the Move’’ HON. LOIS FRANKEL Gay, VyStar Credit Union, Siemens, Northrop capital raising campaign. In fact, as a result of OF FLORIDA Grumman, Florida Blue, Jacksonville Inter- his hard work on the ‘‘Thomasville on the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES national Airport and the PGA Tour among oth- Move’’ campaign, Mr. Croft was recognized in ers. 2011 as the Chamber Executive of the Year Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Mr. Speaker, I ask you and Members of the for North Carolina by the Carolinas Associa- Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I House of Representatives to join me in ac- tion of Chamber of Commerce Executives. rise today to recognize the unveiling of the knowledging the 75th Birthday of the USO and Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- newly renovated Palm Beach Town Square, its commitment to our active duty military. lating Mr. Doug Croft for his successful tenure and to thank those involved in the project for f as President of the Thomasville Area Cham- their hard work. On Sunday, January 31st, the ber of Commerce, and wishing him well as he Town of Palm Beach dedicated the newly ren- OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL begins the next chapter of his already distin- DEBT ovated Town Square, a symbol of Palm guished career. Beach’s rich and unique history. f The Palm Beach Centennial Commission, in HON. MIKE COFFMAN celebration of the 100th anniversary of the OF COLORADO HONORING LIEUTENANT DEBBIE Town of Palm Beach’s incorporation, spear- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PEECOCK headed the effort to renovate the square. Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Plans for the Town Square were first approved in 1929 by the Garden Club of Palm Beach, Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January HON. MIKE THOMPSON an organization which played a role in this re- 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- OF CALIFORNIA cent renovation as well. fice, the national debt was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The project restored the famous Seahorse $10,626,877,048,913.08. Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Fountain and the surrounding architecture and Today, it is $19,012,827,698,417.93. We’ve landscape. The fountain was designed by added $8,385,950,649,504.85 to our debt in 7 Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, Addison Mizner in 1929 to honor the two Palm years. This is over $8 trillion in debt our na- I rise today to recognize and honor Lieutenant Beach pioneers: Henry Flagler, the founder of tion, our economy, and our children could Debbie Peecock, of the Napa Police Depart- Palm Beach, and Elisha Newton Dimick, the have avoided with a balanced budget amend- ment, who is retiring after 30 years of service town’s first Mayor. Funding for the original ment. to her community. Debbie Peecock joined the Napa Police De- fountain was a community effort fronted by f partment on September 9, 1985, and eventu- Harold S. Vanderbilt and other Palm Beach PERSONAL EXPLANATION ally became the first woman in Napa police residents. Along with the fountain, this historic history to earn her current rank of lieutenant. square includes a Memorial Park and reflect- In this role, Lieutenant Peecock oversees the ing pool and Veterans memorial wall. HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF Just as the original fountain was made pos- OF CALIFORNIA Special Operations Division of the Napa Police Department. She manages the department’s sible by Palm Beach residents in 1929, this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Investigations Bureau, Youth Services Bureau renovation was a community effort. I would Tuesday, February 2, 2016 and the Homeless Outreach Program, while like to thank the local clubs and organizations, Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, during Roll Call also heading Napa’s Canine and SWAT Units. town officials, and those in the community who vote number 46 on February 1, 2016, I was Lieutenant Peecock further serves as the liai- donated their time and funds to this endeavor unavoidably detained. Had I been present, I son between the Napa PD and the Napa Val- for their commitment to the Town of Palm would have voted aye. ley Unified School District, the Napa County Beach. Office of Education, and Napa County Health f f and Human Services. PERSONAL EXPLANATION IN RECOGNITION OF DOUG It is difficult to overstate the impact Lieuten- CROFT’S TENURE AS PRESIDENT ant Peecock has had on our community. Her OF THE THOMASVILLE AREA consistent leadership and activism have made HON. MIKE POMPEO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE her a well-known and well-liked figure, one OF KANSAS whose advice is often sought out by commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity members. Her influence extends beyond HON. RICHARD HUDSON Tuesday, February 2, 2016 OF NORTH CAROLINA her work in the Police Department, as Lieuten- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ant Peecock also works with numerous organi- Mr. POMPEO. Mr. Speaker, on roll call no. zations and foundations, including the Con- 46 and 47, I was unable to cast my vote in Tuesday, February 2, 2016 tinuum of Care, the Napa County Advisory person due to a previously scheduled engage- Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Board on Alcohol and Drug Programs, the ment. Had I been present, I would have voted honor Mr. Doug Croft for his 28 years of lead- Catalyst Coalition and the Napa County DARE Yea.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:52 Feb 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K02FE8.018 E02FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E95 A TRIBUTE: NATIONAL FREEDOM Many of the events and activities for which and his team have done everything from trav- DAY ASSOCIATION Trenton has become known started with eling down to South Carolina to assist families Joann. During an internship with Wayne Coun- recovering from the historic flooding that took HON. ROBERT A. BRADY ty Parks 31 years ago, she designed the place last year to building wheelchair ramps at OF PENNSYLVANIA ‘‘Somewhere in Time’’ event which captures the homes of disabled community residents. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the spirit of the iconic Elizabeth Park in the Mr. Holloway is an inspiration to all the Rich- Tuesday, February 2, 2016 early 1900’s and engages residents with the mond County community and this award is history of their city. Joann has also been the truly a testament to the appreciation he has so Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I driving force behind the ‘‘Community Builds’’ rightfully earned. rise to celebrate National Freedom Day 2016, program and the ‘‘Healthy Trenton Initiative’’ Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- a holiday established to recognize the day which both promote healthy and active life- lating Mr. Dennis Holloway for receiving this President Abraham Lincoln signed the 13th styles by emphasizing teamwork. prestigious distinction, and wishing him well as Amendment freeing enslaved Blacks. On Feb- Joann is instrumental in the success of he continues to serve the people of Richmond ruary 1, 1941, Major Richard Robert Wright, community events in Trenton and is well County, North Carolina. Sr. invited national and local leaders to meet known for her ability to organize and inspire in Philadelphia to formulate plans to set aside volunteers. Many projects, including the recent f February 1st each year to memorialize the addition of a playground to Affholter Park, are signing of the 13th Amendment to the Con- finished in record time due to the groundswell PERSONAL EXPLANATION stitution by President Lincoln on February 1, of community support Joann encourages. It’s 1865. One year after Major Wright’s death in because she practices what she preaches, HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF 1947, a bill passed both U.S. Houses of Con- and generously dedicates her time to organi- OF CALIFORNIA gress making February 1st National Freedom zations throughout the Downriver community, Day. such as the International Wildlife Refuge Alli- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Major Wright is recognized as a post recon- ance where she serves as a board member. Tuesday, February 2, 2016 struction pioneer and trailblazer who dedicated Joann is part of the heart and soul of Tren- Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, during Roll Call his life to establishing this national day of ton, Michigan and the Downrivers. Tonight, we vote number 47 on February 1, 2016, I was commemoration of freedom. Each year on the recognize Joann with the Duane Brannick unavoidably detained. Had I been present, I first day of Black History Month, National award for outstanding service to the city, an would have voted aye. Freedom Day Associations in cities and states award which is annually given to leaders in across the nation come together for this an- the city that go above and beyond. I know that nual observance to promote goodwill, harmony Joann is the perfect recipient of this pres- f and equal opportunity and to rededicate the tigious award and I am proud to call her a PERSONAL EXPLANATION nation to these ideals. friend. And, as we look back at the life of Major Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Wright, we discover a true American story of today to honor Joann Gonyea for her 31 years HON. DIANE BLACK resilience, foresight and faith. He was born of service to the city of Trenton. I thank her for OF TENNESSEE into slavery in 1855. And, as a child he en- her leadership, and wish her many years of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES countered retired Union Civil War General Oli- success. ver Otis Howard, in an Atlanta classroom. Tuesday, February 2, 2016 f Summoning up unbelievable courage he said, Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Speaker, on roll call no. ‘‘Sir, tell them we are rising,’’ as a way to help IN RECOGNITION OF DENNIS 46 I was unavoidably detained. Had I been northerners understand the hope of newly HOLLOWAY’S SELECTION AS THE present, I would have voted yes. freed Blacks. These words came to be Major RICHMOND COUNTY CHAMBER OF Wright’s lifelong mantra. COMMERCE 2015 CITIZEN OF THE f His personal ‘‘rising’’ included: serving as a YEAR major in the Spanish-American War, founding PERSONAL EXPLANATION and leading Savannah State College; attend- HON. RICHARD HUDSON ing the Wharton School of the University of OF NORTH CAROLINA Pennsylvania at the age of 67; and, founding HON. DORIS O. MATSUI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Citizens and Southern Bank and Trust OF CALIFORNIA Company, in Philadelphia, the only northern Tuesday, February 2, 2016 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Black-owned bank at the time. Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Therefore, I am proud to honor the life and honor Mr. Dennis Holloway for his selection as contributions of Major Wright, a great Amer- the Richmond County Chamber of Com- Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I was not ican visionary and trailblazer and the National merce’s 2015 Citizen of the Year. Mr. Hollo- present during roll call vote number 45 on Freedom Day Association as it stands as an way represents the best our area has to offer, January 13, 2016. I would like to reflect that historic reminder of our nation’s promise of and this selection illustrates the profound im- on roll call vote number 45 I would have voted freedom and justice. pact he has had on our community. No. f Mr. Holloway decided early in life to dedi- f IN RECOGNITION OF JOANN cate himself to helping others in need, and he GONYEA’S SERVICE TO THE CITY has not stopped that mission since. Mr. Hollo- PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF TRENTON way served in the United States Army as a member of the 82nd Airborne until he was HON. YVETTE D. CLARKE HON. DEBBIE DINGELL honorably discharged in 1967 after serious in- juries he sustained during a training exercise OF NEW YORK OF MICHIGAN hindered his deployment. After surviving this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES harrowing ordeal, Mr. Holloway worked in the Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Tuesday, February 2, 2016 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to for 30 years. Ms. CLARKE of New York. Mr. Speaker, on recognize Joann Gonyea for her 31 years of The list of charitable acts Mr. Holloway has February 1, 2016, I was unavoidably detained service in the Parks and Recreation Depart- carried out and the number of leadership posi- and missed recorded votes Number 46 ment of Trenton, Michigan. tions within several community service organi- through 47. Had I been present, on Roll Call Joann began her career with the City of zations he holds demonstrates the commit- Number 46, H.R. 2187—Fair Investment Op- Trenton Parks and Recreation Department as ment he has made to serving those in his portunities for Professional Experts Act, I a Program Coordinator in 1985. She became community, and beyond. As a recovery team would have voted YEA, and on Roll Call Num- the Assistant Director in 1990 and served in leader for the North Carolina Baptist Men, a ber 47, H.R. 4168—Small Business Capital that role for 20 years before being appointed nondenominational organization dedicated to Formation Enhancement Act, I would have Director in 2011. providing relief to those in need, Mr. Holloway voted YEA.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:52 Feb 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02FE8.014 E02FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E96 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 2, 2016 TO HONOR THE LIFE OF SHERIFF the orphanage when the area was seized by of his commitment to goodwill, General MAYNARD B. REID, JR. Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists. Snowden was here in this chamber in April, We memorialize Mike’s life by honoring him 2015 as a guest of the Prime Minister of HON. RICHARD HUDSON in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD here today. Japan Shinzo¯ Abe when he addressed the OF NORTH CAROLINA But we honor his memory by recommitting Congress. At his side was the grandson of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ourselves to the truth shared by Dr. Martin Lu- commander of the Japanese garrison on Iwo ther King, Jr., and a testament to how Mike Jima while General Snowden’s efforts were Tuesday, February 2, 2016 lived his life of service: ‘‘Darkness cannot recognized by the Prime Minister. Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate As a 25-year veteran of the Marine Corps I honor Randolph County Sheriff Maynard B. cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.’’ am honored to recognize the historic anniver- Reid, Jr., who passed away on January 5, Mr. Speaker, while Mike Riddering’s life was sary of the Battle of Iwo Jima, and I am 2016 at the age of 69. We send our prayers cut short by those hoping to instill fear, hatred, pleased to call attention to this great Amer- and sincerest condolences to his wife, Sandra, and darkness in our world, his life of service, ican, Lieutenant General Lawrence F. and the entire Reid family. light, and love will never fade. He will be Snowden. I applaud his contribution to the Sheriff Reid began his life of public service greatly missed by his family and friends and past, present, and future of our great nation as in the United States Marine Corps and served all the lives he touched both in South Florida a Marine and a statesman. his nation during the Vietnam War. After re- and Burkina Faso. It is through them that his f turning from his service, Sheriff Reid joined light will continue to shine on. PERSONAL EXPLANATION the Asheboro Police Department and eventu- f ally moved to the Randolph County Sheriffs Office. In 2006, he was elected Sheriff of Ran- RECOGNIZING LIEUTENANT HON. STEVE KING GENERAL LAWRENCE F. SNOWDEN dolph County and served in his post for 10 OF IOWA years. Under his leadership, there was a great IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES emphasis on community outreach efforts and HON. JOHN KLINE Tuesday, February 2, 2016 enabling those under his command to better OF MINNESOTA serve the people of Randolph County. This IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I was un- able to vote on February 1, 2016. Had I been could be seen through his efforts to modernize Tuesday, February 2, 2016 officer’s patrol vehicles and the creation of a present, I would have voted as follows: YES task force designed to combat internet preda- Mr. KLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- on Roll Call Number 46; YES on Roll Call tors that targeted children. ognize a great American, a great Marine, and Number 47. Sheriff Reid was a 40 year veteran of law a champion of lasting friendship between the f enforcement who spent nearly his entire life people of the United States and Japan. As our serving and protecting his community. He was nation prepares to recognize the 71st anniver- PERSONAL EXPLANATION an inspiration to all who had the honor of serv- sary of the Battle of Iwo Jima, it is timely to ing beside him and under his leadership. The recognize a veteran of that iconic struggle in HON. BILL FLORES Randolph County community will always re- the Second World War. OF TEXAS member the man he was and the legacy he Lieutenant General Lawrence F. Snowden IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was born April 14, 1921 in Charlottesville, Vir- has passed down to future public servants. Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Mr. Speaker, please join me today in cele- ginia and graduated from the University of Vir- brating the life of Sheriff Maynard B. Reid, Jr. ginia in 1942. Prior to graduating, General Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I rise to state and honoring him for his profound commitment Snowden enlisted in the Marine Corps Re- that I was not able to be on the House floor to his country, his community, and the numer- serve in February, 1942 and was called to ac- for roll call vote 46 to H.R. 2187 taken on Feb- ous lives he touched throughout his life. tive duty in May, 1942. He was commissioned ruary 1, 2016. Had I been present for this f as a Marine Second Lieutenant on July 18, vote, I would have voted aye. 1942. Assigned to Camp Lejeune, North Caro- The Fair Investment Opportunities for Pro- HONORING THE LIFE OF MICHAEL lina, he served initially with the 23rd Marine fessional Experts Act expands the definition of JAMES RIDDERING Regiment, assigned to the 3rd and then the accredited investor to also include professional 4th Marine Divisions. experts. This ensures that investors in my HON. PATRICK MURPHY From February, 1944 until March, 1945 he Congressional district have the right to access OF FLORIDA saw combat as a Company Commander with suitable investment vehicles and is critical for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the 23rd Marines in the capture of Roi-Namur markets to operate efficiently. in the Marshall Islands, the capture of Saipan f Tuesday, February 2, 2016 and Tinian, and the legendary assault on Iwo Mr. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise Jima which commenced on February 19, HONORING BARRY COATES today to honor the life of Michael James 1945. It was Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz Riddering. Mike, who dedicated his life to who, when speaking of the Battle of Iwo Jima, HON. TOM RICE serving others as an American missionary in stated that, ‘‘Uncommon valor was a common OF SOUTH CAROLINA Burkina Faso, was tragically taken from this virtue.’’ General Snowden is the senior sur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES world far too soon at the age of 45, a victim viving American veteran of that battle in which of the terrorist attack that struck this West Afri- he was wounded twice. General Snowden re- Tuesday, February 2, 2016 can nation on January 15th. My thoughts and tired from the Marine Corps after more than Mr. RICE of South Carolina. Mr. Speaker, I prayers are with his wife Amy and their chil- 37 years of active service in 1979, serving his rise today to honor the life of Mr. Barry dren Haley, Delaney, Biba, and Moise during last years as Chief of Staff, Headquarters U.S. Coates, a United States Army veteran from this most difficult time. Marine Corps. McBee, South Carolina. Five years ago, Mr. Riddering and his wife His commitment to our nation and healing Barry passed away last week from terminal Amy left their home in Hollywood, Florida to the wounds of the war did not end at his re- cancer that was left untreated by the VA for move to Burkina Faso to run the Sheltering tirement. General Snowden became a regular over a year. Even as he battled his illness, Wings’ mission in the town of Yako. Together, traveler to Japan and to Iwo Jima leading a Barry remained a champion for improving they helped women and children in need, run- ‘‘Reunion of Honor’’ with his fellow veterans of medical access and care for all veterans. ning an orphanage, school, and medical clinic. the battle from both the United States and Mr. Speaker, I join with the people of South While in Burkina Faso, the couple adopted two Japan. His mission is a solemn one of rec- Carolina in recognizing the life of Barry. To- children, 15-year-old Biba and 4-year-old onciliation. As the widow of the Japanese gether, we honor his service and dedication to Moise. commanding general said to him, ‘‘Once en- the fight for better treatment for our veterans. It was this commitment and service that led emies, now friends.’’ His contributions to this fight leave an indelible him to Ouagadougou on the day of the ter- General Snowden himself has stated, mark that will always be remembered. rorist attack in the nation’s capital. Mike had ‘‘Those men didn’t want to be here any more Barry will be greatly missed and I ask that gone to greet a team of missionaries who than we did. They were doing their duty. You we keep Barry’s wife, Donna, his five children, were just arriving in Burkina Faso to work at don’t hate anybody for that.’’ As a further sign Scotty, Breanna, Shane, Troy, and Tyler, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:52 Feb 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02FE8.021 E02FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E97 the rest of his family in our thoughts and pray- Dr. Moose also serves on multiple commit- the subjective and permanent exclusion of ers. tees and boards for the state of North Caro- large numbers of minorities from the demo- Mr. Speaker, we must do better for our na- lina, including the Medicaid Pharmacy and cratic process were a particularly potent weap- tion’s veterans. Therapeutics Committee as well as co-chairing on in their efforts to undermine African-Amer- f the Medicaid Drug Regimen Review Board. As ican political power. a result of his tireless efforts, Dr. Moose has Those who championed these bans were PERSONAL EXPLANATION been the recipient of multiple awards and hon- clear on their intent. In 1901, disenfranchise- ors, with his latest being the NCPA’s 2015 ment in Alabama was extended to all crimes HON. BILL HUIZENGA Willard B. Simmons Independent Pharmacist involving ‘‘moral turpitude’’—applying to mis- OF MICHIGAN of the Year. This award, according to the demeanors and even non-criminal acts. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NCPA, recognizes an independent pharmacist president of the constitutional convention ar- gued the state needed to avert what he called Tuesday, February 2, 2016 for exemplary leadership and commitment to independent pharmacy and to their commu- the ‘‘menace of Negro domination.’’ Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I nity. Dr. Moose received this award at the In 2016 we are still operating under some of rise today regarding missed votes on Monday, NCPA 2015 Annual Convention on October the same laws that were cornerstones of Jim February 1, 2016. Had I been present for roll 11, 2015. Crow. Our nation’s existing patchwork of fed- call vote number 46, H.R. 2187, the Fair In- Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- eral law disfranchising people with criminal vestment Opportunities for Professional Ex- lating Dr. Joe Moose for receiving this pres- records perpetuates entrenched racial and so- perts Act, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Had I tigious distinction, and wishing him and his cioeconomic discrimination. We’ve clearly fall- been present for roll call vote number 47, H.R. family well as they continue to serve the peo- en woefully short of achieving our ideals. We 4168, the Small Business Capital Formation ple of North Carolina with high-quality care can and must do better. Enhancement Act, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ and exceptional customer service. Rep. JOHN CONYERS has introduced a great f f piece of legislation to restore voting rights in federal elections to the millions of Americans PERSONAL EXPLANATION URGENCY OF ADDRESSING who have been released from incarceration, FELONY DISENFRANCHISEMENT but continue to be denied the right to vote. I HON. RODNEY DAVIS encourage all of my colleagues, from both OF ILLINOIS HON. TERRI A. SEWELL sides of the aisle, to support the Democracy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ALABAMA Restoration Act of 2015, a bill to restore voting Tuesday, February 2, 2016 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rights in federal elections to people who are Tuesday, February 2, 2016 out of prison and living in the community. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- f er, on Monday, February 1, 2016, I was ab- Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I sent from the House because I was unavoid- rise on the first Restoration Tuesday of Feb- RECOGNIZING ROSE STRONG ON ably detained. Due to my absence, I did not ruary to talk about the issue of felony dis- HER 70TH BIRTHDAY record my vote on the first vote of the day. I enfranchisement, an issue that is critical to would like to reflect how I would have voted voting rights in our country. HON. DAVID G. REICHERT had I been present for legislative business. Felony disenfranchisement dates back to OF WASHINGTON Had I been present, I would have voted before the Jim Crow era. It is inconsistent with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘aye’’ on Roll Call 46. the values we cherish most in our country Tuesday, February 2, 2016 f today and it contradicts the narrative that we’ve moved beyond the sins of our past. The Mr. REICHERT. Mr. Speaker, It is my dis- IN RECOGNITION OF JOE MOOSE’S United States should not be a country where tinct honor to recognize Ms. Rose Strong on SELECTION AS THE NATIONAL past mistakes have endless consequences her 70th birthday. COMMUNITY PHARMACISTS AS- with no opportunity for second chances. Born in Minden, Louisiana, the 12th of 13 SOCIATION’S 2015 WILLARD B. 5.85 million Americans are denied the right children, Ms. Strong grew up to defy the odds SIMMONS INDEPENDENT PHAR- to vote because of these laws. 4.4 million are of her time and distinguish herself as an effec- MACIST OF THE YEAR out of prison, living in our communities, paying tive leader. taxes, working, and raising families, yet they Known as a pioneer among women in the HON. RICHARD HUDSON remain unable to vote, shut out from our de- 1970s and 1980s, Ms. Strong was elected as OF NORTH CAROLINA mocracy. a City Councilwoman of Columbus, Georgia in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Denying this right of citizenship further pun- 1984, making her the first African American ishes individuals who re-enter our commu- woman elected in Muscogee County. She Tuesday, February 2, 2016 nities and counters the expectation that citi- went on to be appointed by President George Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to zens have rehabilitated themselves following a H.W. Bush as Deputy Director, Intergovern- honor Dr. Joe Moose for his selection as the conviction. The United States should not be a mental Affairs of the U.S. Department of National Community Pharmacists Associa- country where past mistakes have countless Transportation in 1989. tion’s (NCPA) 2015 Willard B. Simmons Inde- consequences with no opportunity for redress. At the age of 70, Ms. Strong continues her pendent Pharmacist of the Year. Dr. Moose My home state of Alabama is one of 12 impressive career, currently holding the posi- and his family have been providing top of the states that do not automatically restore voting tion of Vice-President and Spokesperson of line care to residents of the state of North rights to people who have served their sen- T.E.C.H. for the World, Inc. Carolina for four generations, and this most tences. Alabama has one of the nation’s high- Aside from the contributions Ms. Strong has recent honor illustrates yet again the profound est disenfranchisement rates. Nearly a third of made in her professional life, she has recently impact he has had on our community. African American men in my home state have been honored at her local place of worship, Since receiving his Doctorate of Pharmacy permanently lost their right to vote. Regardless The City Church in Seattle, as one of its ‘‘Pil- from Campbell University’s College of Phar- of the amount of time they’ve been out of pris- lars.’’ macy and Health Science, Dr. Moose has on, they have been completely excluded from She is also the proud mother of two children dedicated himself to providing the best care the electoral process. who have followed in their mother’s footsteps possible for his patients while also focusing on These state laws that bar 5.8 million Ameri- of serving their community. Rozalyn Strong is helping future generations of pharmacists. Dr. cans with felony convictions from voting date a Doctoral Candidate and an educator in the Moose currently serves as the primary instruc- back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Lake Washington School District. Mack tor at the University of North Carolina’s During the decades following passage of the Strong, Jr. is a retired Seattle Seahawk full- Eshelman School of Pharmacy’s Community Fifteenth Amendment, lawmakers across the back and currently works as the Western Pharmacy Residency Program, while also vol- country worked tirelessly to invalidate the States Director of the NFL’s Legends Commu- unteering his time to instruct future pharma- black vote. As the Jim Crow era began to gain nity. ceutical students at his alma mater, Campbell ground, these bans were strengthened. I admire and thank Ms. Strong for her life- University, as well as Wingate University’s While poll taxes and literacy tests were ef- time of leadership and dedication to country School of Pharmacy. fective tools in their arsenal, statutes allowing and community. I am extremely proud to call

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:52 Feb 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02FE8.026 E02FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E98 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 2, 2016 her a friend. May she have a happy 70th birth- 15,000 through mobile outreach. The Order manned aircraft systems (UAS) and will facili- day and enjoy many more to come. has a strong foundation in Christian ideals, tate the safe integration of UAS into the Na- f and a motto of ‘‘Pro Fide, Pro Utilitate tional Airspace System. Hominum: For the Faith and in the Service of While the Federal Aviation Administration INTRODUCTION OF THE FAIRNESS Humanity,’’ which speak to the inspiring scope (FAA) is in the process of creating a regu- FOR BREASTFEEDING MOTHERS of their global contribution. latory framework for commercial UAS oper- ACT OF 2016 The Order also features a diverse member- ation, the FAA’s existing approach to UAS in- ship, who vow to ‘‘serve our lords, the sick tegration and regulation has been piecemeal HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON and the poor,’’ and to fulfill this promise at best. As a result, we are behind other coun- OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA through volunteer service, fundraising, and tries in developing a regulatory regime that en- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES monetary donations. I would like to congratu- courages growth of this burgeoning industry, Tuesday, February 2, 2016 late Priory/Regional Chair, Julian V. Brandt III, and U.S. companies are being overtaken by Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, I intro- CStJ, of Charleston, South Carolina, for his competition in Canada, Europe, and Asia. This duce the Fairness for Breastfeeding Mothers dedication for the significant work that the legislation offers a uniform and comprehensive Act of 2016, a bill that would require buildings Order is accomplishing around the world. approach that offers our drone industry a sen- that are either federally owned or leased to f sible path forward. The UAS industry expects to produce more provide designated private and hygienic lacta- CELEBRATING THE 10TH ANNIVER- than 100,000 U.S. jobs, with $82 billion in eco- tion spaces for nursing mothers. For years, SARY OF THE SCHOOL OF nomic impact, within a decade after these reg- federal agencies such as the U.S. Department SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY of Agriculture and the Centers for Disease ulations are complete. The potential social and Control and Prevention have encouraged economic benefits of this technology go far breastfeeding—the benefits are so great that HON. LAMAR SMITH beyond package delivery and capturing photos the Affordable Care Act amended federal law OF TEXAS and video footage. Around the world, UAS are to require employers to provide a designated, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES being used to inspect critical infrastructure and non-bathroom space for returning employees Tuesday, February 2, 2016 conduct land surveys, fight forest fires and support emergency and disaster response, to pump breastmilk for their newborns, ensur- Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, 2016 ing that new mothers would be able to con- transport medical samples and supplies, ana- marks the 10th anniversary for the School of lyze and manage crops, detect oil spills and tinue this essential practice even after return- Science and Technology (SST) located in my ing to work. My bill would extend this require- predict volcanic eruptions, catch poachers, district in San Antonio, Texas. SST provides a and deliver high-speed Internet to remote or ment to include not just employees, but visi- K–12 curriculum concentrated on educating tors and guests to federal facilities across the underserved areas. Full integration of UAS students in science, technology, engineering, into the national airspace could revolutionize nation. and math (STEM). In the rapidly changing In Washington, D.C. alone, there are mil- the way entire sectors of our economy and world of science and technology, it is critical lions of tourists who visit federal sites, such as governments function. that our students receive STEM education the Lincoln Memorial and the Smithsonian In- The Commercial UAS Modernization Act from an early age. For a decade, SST has stitution. Increasingly, families understand the provides a much-needed update to federal provided students with such an opportunity. unique benefits of breastfeeding, and visitors rules, making it clear that flying smartphones SST has been ranked among the top high to these buildings who have newborns and ba- should not be regulated like Predator drones. schools in Texas for multiple years and has bies should have a private space to received the Bronze, Silver and Gold rankings breastfeed or pump. The benefits of f from US News and World Report. This is a breastfeeding are well documented— testament to the school’s dedication to pro- IRAN TERROR FINANCE breastmilk contains antibodies and hormones viding STEM education to students in the San TRANSPARENCY ACT that boost babies’ immune systems, and stud- Antonio area. ies have shown lower risks of asthma, diabe- As Chairman of the House Science, Space SPEECH OF tes, respiratory infections, and other diseases and Technology Committee, I am committed among breastfed babies. Moreover, to ensuring that our nation’s youth have the HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN breastfeeding also has benefits for nursing scientific and mathematical skills to thrive in a OF MARYLAND mothers, who, research has shown, have technology-based economy. And I commend IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lower risks of diabetes and certain forms of SST for its continued efforts to provide ad- cancer. Given the significant public health Wednesday, January 13, 2016 vanced STEM education to K–12 students. benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and In appreciation of all they have done, Mr. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in op- baby, already recognized in federal policy, my Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me in position to H.R. 3662. bill is a logical next step to ensure visitors to celebrating the 10th anniversary of SST. The focus of the JCPOA is to achieve the federal sites have access to clean, hygienic, long desired objective of preventing Iran from f and private spaces to nurse or pump. obtaining a nuclear weapon. We must be vigi- I urge my colleagues to support this bill, INTRODUCTION OF THE COMMER- lant in our verification and enforcement of that which would provide access to designated lac- CIAL UAS MODERNIZATION ACT agreement. tation rooms for guests to federally owned or Iran’s breach of the UN Resolutions regard- leased buildings. HON. EARL BLUMENAUER ing ballistic missiles is serious, but it is a dis- f OF OREGON tinct issue that requires its own targeted re- HONORING THE MOST VENERABLE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sponse. That is why President Obama was right to impose separate sanctions on Iran for ORDER OF THE HOSPITAL OF Tuesday, February 2, 2016 SAINT JOHN OF JERUSALEM its ballistic missile violations. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, the UAS As Mr. ENGEL has indicated, this legislation HON. JOE WILSON industry is booming in Oregon and nationwide, is nothing but a blatantly partisan attempt to but our laws and regulations are stifling inno- re-litigate the JCPOA. It was drafted without OF SOUTH CAROLINA vation instead of encouraging it, forcing Amer- consulting a single Democrat on the House IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ican companies to look overseas to test new Foreign Affairs Committee, and passed out of Tuesday, February 2, 2016 technology. We must not miss the opportunity Committee without a single Democratic vote. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- to harness the benefits and utility of UAS tech- Let us focus together on holding Iran ac- er, since 1888, the members of the Most Ven- nology, which will bring advances in safety countable for all its actions—with respect to erable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of and efficiency in nearly every sector of the JCPOA, its ballistic missile program, and its Jerusalem have promoted peace and health in economy. support for groups in the region that have en- the Middle East through their hospital in East Today, I am introducing the Commercial gaged in terrorism. But it is a sad day when Jerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank. UAS Modernization Act, which creates an in- our Republican colleagues play political In 2015, the hospital and associated clinics terim framework that will promote American in- games with important national security and treated over 125,000 patients—including novation in the rapidly growing field of un- foreign policy matters.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:52 Feb 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02FE8.031 E02FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS February 2, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E99 ADDRESSING THE COSTS TO Malheur National Wildlife Refuge—a national this ordeal. Ultimately, those decisions have LOCAL AND STATE LAW EN- treasure cherished by birders and other out- been very expensive for Oregon and the local FORCEMENT OF THE OCCUPA- door recreation enthusiasts and a model of community. My bill will allow the federal gov- TION OF THE MALHEUR NA- collaboration and partnership with the local ernment to ease this burden within 180 days TIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE community. by reimbursing reasonable costs associated The situation has been allowed to continue with state and local law enforcement’s re- HON. EARL BLUMENAUER for far too long, and the costs of this dramatic sponse to this incident. Under my bill, the fed- OF OREGON and dangerous incident will be innumerable to eral government will have the authority to pur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the federal government, the Bums Paiute sue civil action seeking to recover those costs Tribe, the state, and the local community. Tuesday, February 2, 2016 from the armed militia members to make sure One particular manifestation of this cost is taxpayers aren’t on the hook. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, for 32 the financial expense to state and local law days armed militants have occupied the enforcement, which has spent an estimated Placing the burden of these costs on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney $100,000 per week responding to this incident. militants is the right thing to do. It will send a County, Oregon. Acting on behalf of a mis- This is why, today, I am introducing a bill to strong signal that an armed takeover of a fed- guided anti-public lands agenda and against help assuage some of the financial hardship eral facility is unacceptable and will result in the wishes of the local community, these ex- borne by state and local taxpayers in pro- consequences. In the meantime, however, tremists have endangered lives, damaged tecting the community during this challenging these communities already face resource con- property, and disrupted society. time. straints and an immediate federal reimburse- The armed takeover of a federal facility is Because the incident involves a federal fa- ment will help to address at least some of the simply not the way we do things in Oregon, cility, the federal government made decisions hardships caused by this irresponsible and un- and is not how things have been done at the about the timing and manner of addressing fortunate incident.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:52 Feb 03, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02FE8.037 E02FEPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS