OKANOMasao and OHKURAJozaburo

Several’forms’ allied to Troides rhadamantzas have been described from the Philippines and Talaud lslands, Ndrthern Sulawesi: rhadamantus LucAs (1835)’ and nePhereus GRAy (1856) from the Philippines, hesiodus FRuHsToRFER (1911) from Mindoro,. bazilanicus FRuHsToRFER (1908) from Bazilan, belzanor’FRuHsTbRFER (1911) from Joro, Plateni STAuDIN.GER (1888) from Palawan, and doherty.i RippoN (1893) and vordermanni SNELLEN (1895) from/Talaud. lt is・very difficult problem to determine their taxonomic situation, ’ ≠獅п@opinions about the determination are divided amopg. different entomologists. JoRDAN (1909) placed nePhereus and ba2ila- nicus in symonymy with PaPilio rhadamantus, and regarded Plateni and dohertyi as of P. rhadamantus. ERuHsToRFER (1911) treated hesiodus, bazilanicus, belzanor, Plateni, and dohertyi as subspecieS of P. rhadamantus. BRyK (1929) enumerated all the forms as follows: TrOides rhadamantus.(=nePhereus); var.’Plateni, Var. ba2ilanii us, var. hesiodus, var. be12anor, and var. dohertyi (=vordermanni). D’ABRERA (1975) placed hesiodus, bazilanictzs, ’and belzanor in synonymy with T. rhadamantus, and restored Plateni and dohertyi to specific rank. ln this . paper we treat bazilanicqs, belzanor, ・Plateni, and dohertyi as the geographical races or the subspeeies. of T. rhadamantus. Before going further we wish to express ou; hearty ehanks to Mr. T..G. HowARTH and Prof. Dr. TL SHiR6zu for .their・ kindness rendered in various ways; thanks are also due to Mr. K. OKANo and ・Mr. Y. NisHiyAMA for their valuable counsels.

Troides rhadamantus rhadamantus (LticAs, 1835)

(Pl. 1, figs. 1-5, 8;’ Pl. 2, figs. 1-8, 9; Textrfigs. 1, 8 hindwing, 2, ’9 hindwing, 3,

g ’・ genitalia)

伽物伽・脚伽…S・MPER・.1891・264(P・・tiゆ・L…n・P・1i11・・Mi・d・…Samar・Guimara・・ Negros, Cebti, BQhol, Pariaon. Papilio rhadanzantus rhadamantus: JoRbAN, 1909: 25-26 (partiM), pl. 12c, Cb. Philippines.

Papilio rhqdqmqntus: FRuHsToRFER, 1911 .: 177. Luzon, . Norqphilippinen. PaPilio rhaddmantus hesiodus.FRuHsToRFER, 1911: 177. Mindoro. Troides rhadamantus: BRyK, 1929: 49-50. Philippinen. Troides rhadamantus var. hesiodus: BRy’K, 1929 : 51. Mindoro. Troides (Troides) rhadamantus rhadamantuS: NAKAHARA &. KuRosAwA,’ 1958: 19, pl. 20, figs.

* Shakujii-cho 4-22-7, Nerima-ku, Tokyo. . 96 Artes Liberales No. 24. 1979 ’

1, 8 (Negros), 2, 9 (Negros), Philippines. Troides rhadamantus hesiodus: NAKAHARA & KuRosAwA, 1958: 19. Mindoro. Troides rhadamantus rhadamantus: HiuRA & ALAGAR, 1971: 32-33, 42 (partim), pl. 1, figs. 2a-2, 8 (Negros), 2a-4, 9 (Negros), 2a-6, 9 (Luzon), text-figs. 2, 8 genitalia, 9, distri-

bution map. Philippines. Troides rhadamantus : D’ABRERA, 1975 : 234-235, 242 (partirn), figs. 8 9, 8 genitalia. Philippine Archiperago.

Male. There is considerable variation among individuals in the extent of black scaling on the golden area of the hindwing recto as shown in text-fig. 1, A-C: among 32 S we examined, 9 S as A, 178 as B, and 6 S as C. The golden area near the distal margin of the hindwing verso is not invaded by black scaling. The hindwing is sharply produced at the tornus. 匪


ア モへ ・.奇、層 ・= .、rぎ.. ; 〆、、〆 ’.“・、 ・穿, 畠玩、 ・.・満 ヒい ロユメ コ A ’ B C

Text-fig.1. Hindwing pattern of Troides〃zadamantus,♂. A-C, subsp. rhada〃zantus;B-D, subsp. bagilanicus.

Female. The ground colour of the forewing is black slightly tinged with brownish. A golden discal spot in space 7 of the hindwing is present or not: among 29 9 we examined, it appears in 15 ?. Submarginal golden spotting on the hindwing recto also varies among individuals as shown in text-fig. 2, B-D: 3 9 as B, 10 9 as C, and 16 9 as D among our specimens.

Text-fig. 2. Hindwing pattern of Troides rhadamantus, 9. A-C, subsp. bazilanicus ; B-D, subsp. rhadamantus.

Male genitalia. The uncus is beak-shaped and curved downward. The saccus is well developed. The valve is much longer than width, armed with a short apical process. The harpe is nearly equal length as the valve. The head of the harpe is turned upward, armed with a row of teeth. The aedoeagus is short.

’.,ftrT, 5 .: 叫 3 二底ノ Pガτ’ ド,{ F 、 『 疋 - 鳳 ン・1 ’コq ., ・・イ、』1』._~・

’守ード ”FF . ご1二5 ’//t’/’t”’t’tff”’t’tt’t/t’t’) 11 石囁 」 」 ’ , ..

一 、 周 」圃 ■ . ’

Text-figs. 3-6. Male genitalia of Troides rhadamantus. 3, subsp. rhadamantus; 4, subsp. baiilanicus; 5, subsp. Plateni; 6, subsp. dohertyi. OKANo & OHKuRA’: The geographical races’of Troides rhadainatus 97

There is some vdtiati6n among all the geographical races of this ’species in shape of the male genitalia. lt seems to us that the differences are subspecifie but pot

specific. Length of forewing: 59-70 mm., 8 ; 64-82 in.fri.・, 9.

, ’@Distribution:・ Luzon, , Polillo, MarinduqVe, Mindoro, Masbate,, Leytg,

Guimaras, Negros, Cebu, BQhol, Panaon. Specimeris examined : 4 8 ’4 9, Baguio, Luzon; 2 8 2 9, Asin Hot Spring, Lyzon;. 10♂.6♀,B・ac・M・・i・dゆ・;8..♂7♀・Pi・・m・1・y・n・Mi・d…;282♀・.Vi・t・・i・・ Mindoro;2S29, Masbate;4 as 49, St. Berpard, Leyte;29, Negros. FRuHsToRFER (1911) described hesiodus as a subspecies ・of PaPilio’ from Mindoro. The specimens before us from the isltind are.exactly identical wit’h those from .Luzon, Marinduque, Masbate, Leyte, and Negros, th’ 浮刀@we believe hesiodus inust be sunk as a synonym of rhadamanins. We could not exarpine the specimens 丘om Polillo, Samar, Guimaras, Cebu, Bohol, and Panaon, but it appears to us that they belong to the n6’minate subspecies by the geographical situation of the localities.

Troides rhadatnantus bazilanicus FRuHsToREER, 1908

.(pl, 1, ・figs. 6-10, S 1 Pl. 2, figs. 9-16 91 Text-figs..1, S hindwing,. 2, 9 hindwing,

4, 8’ №?nitalia)

Ornithoptera nePhereus: SEMpER, 1891: 264 (partim). Mindanao, Mindanao. T・磁・吻伽・伽・.∂・zilan郷FRuH・T・RFER・1908:39・.B・・i1・nl Papilio rhadamdntus rhadamantus: JoRDAN, 1909: 25-26 (partim). Papilio rhadamantus bazilanicus: FRuHsToRFER, 1911: 177. Bazilan, Mindanao. Troides rhadamdutus var. bazilanicus: BRyK, 1929: 50-51. Bazilan. T・・瀦(Troides)吻d・翅鰍・わ・・伽・…NAKAHA・A&KuR・・Aw・;1958:19・B・・ゆ Troides rhadamantus rhadamantus: HiuRA & ALAGAR, 1971: 32-33,42 (par’tim), pl. 1, figs. ,2a-1,

8, 2a-3,’9, 2a-5, ?, text-fig.’9 (distribution map). Mindanao.

Troides rhadamantus: D’ABRERA, 1975: 2’ R4 (partim).

This race is very similar to the・・nominate subspecies, but .is ’charqcterized .by the

following features:’ Male..Black .scaling on the golden areq of the hindwing reeto varies among. individuals as shoWn in.text・fig.1. B-D:a血ollg 17♂w.e.ekamined,3舎as B.,8♂

as C, and 6 as as D. Female. The ground colour of the’foreWing is blackish brown, llghter than in rhadamantus.’A golden ’ р奄唐モ≠戟@spQt in spage 7 of the hindwing is generally presept: a血on琴1!♀we examined, it appears i1110♀. Submarginal golden spotting on.thg hindwing recto varies aniong individuals ds’shown in tex.t-fig. 2, A-C: 3 9 as. A, 69 as B, ’and 29・as C .among our spe6imens. The .white ’striPes along vein lb of the forewing verso are inuc.h more str6ngly developed than ’in rhadamantus. ’ Male’genitalia. As compared・with rhadamantus, the uncus is somewhat longer, less stronglY curved downward, qnd the・ valve and. the harpe are visibly longer.

Length of forewing: 61-71’mm., 8 ; 76-88 mm;, 9. Distribution: Camiguin de Mindanao, Mindanao, Ba2ilan. Specimens.examined : 5 S 2 as, Sutigao, Mindanao ; 12 8 9 9一, Mt. Apo, Mindahao. 98 Artes Liberales No.. 24, 1979

As we’ co.uld not examirie whether the・ Mindanao. fQrm is. ex’actly identical . With

bazilanicus. or npt, our treatment of it in this paper. follows FRuHSToRFER (1911). It seems to us that the・ specimens froin Camiguin de Mindanao belong to bazilanicus

by the’ geographical situation of the locality.

Troides rhadamantus belzanor (FRuHsToRFER,1 1911)

PaPilio rhadamantops be12anor FRuHsToRFER, 1911: 177. Jolo-lnseln. 一. Troides rhadamantus var. belzanor: BRyK, 1929: 51. Jolo-lns. Troid, es (Troides) rhadamantus velzanohr [rnisspelling] : NAKAHARA & KuRosAwA, 1958.: 19. JolQ 1. Troides rhadamantus: D’ABRERA, 1975: 234 (partim).

Distribution: Jolo. As w.e co.uld not examine any specimen of this race, our treatment of it in thiS paper follows FRuHsToRFER (1911),

Troides rhadamantus plateni (STAuDiNGER, 1888) (Pl. 3, figs. 1-10, 8, 11-18, 9 ;’ Text-fig. 5, 8 genitalia)

OrnithoPtera Plateni: STAuDiNGER, 1889: 3-4. Palawan. OrnithoPtera plateni: SEMpER, 1891: 265. Palawan.

Papilio rhadamantus Plateni: JoRDAN, 1909: 26,’ pl. 10c, 8 Sil. Palawan.

Papilio rha.daman’tus Plateni: FRuHsToRFER, 1911: 177. Palawan. TroideS rhadamantdes var. Plateni: BRyK, 1929.: 50. Palawan. Troides (Troides) rhadamantus Plateni: NAKAHARA & KuRosAwA, 1958: 19. Palawan. Troides rhadamantus Plateni: HiuRA & ALAGAR, 1971: 33, 42, pl. 1, fig. 2b,’ 9, text-fig. 9,

distribution map. Palawan. Troides Plateni: D’ABRERA, 1975 i 236-237,’ 252,. figs.1 89. 8 genitalia. Palawan, Dumarab

(?), Bugsuk (?).

Male. The white.stripes along the veins of the forewing recto are much more teduced than in rhadamantus or ba2ilanicus. The golden’ spots on the hindwing recto varies among individuals aS shown in pl. 3,’ ?igs. 1-5; The golden area near the distal margin of ’the hindwing Verso i.S invaded by black scaling excepting a few individuals as showri in pl 3, figs. 6-10. The hindwing is’not sharply produced at the tornus as in rhadamantus or bazilanicus. Female. This is similar to balailanicus in colouring of wings. The ’golden discal

spots Qn t! e hindwing are’smaller than in bazilanicus. Exqep.ting a few individuals, the spot in space 7 is present and that in space la is absent. Submarginal golden spotting on the hindwing is by far less sttongly developed than in bazilanicus. Male genitalia. The uncus is’ strongly curved downward as in rhadamantus. The valve and the harpe ar6 in bazilanicus. The.harpe is.ar血ed with teeth over a greater area of’ its surface than’in bazilani. cus. Lerigth of forewipg: 61-71 mm., 8 ; 70-79 mm., 9.’

.DiStribution: Palawan, Durtiarani (?), Bugsuk (?). Speciniens examined: 12 8 10 9,’Olanguari, PalaWan, OKANo & OHKuRA ; The’ geographical races of ’Troides rhadamatus 99

Troides rhadamantus dohertYi (RippoN, 1893)

(Pl. 1, figs.’11-14i 8, 15-18, 9;Text-fig. 6, 8 genitalia)

Papilio rhadamantus dohertyi:JoRDAN,.1909:26, pl.13a,♂, b,♀, Talaut Islands. へ 1)aPilio rhada〃zantus dohertyi.ab。 fasciculatus:JoRDAN,1909:26. Talaut Islands. P・卿・rh・d・mPantu・d・h・rtyi・. F・u・・T・魎・・1.911:177・T・1aut」ln・e1.n・ Troides rhada〃zantus yar. doherり’i:B良YK,1929:51. Talaut. Troides rhadamantus var. dohertyi ab. fasciculatus:BRYK,1929:51. Talaut. Troides(Tr(ガdes)rhadamantus dohertyi:NAKAHARA&KuRosAwA,1958:19, pl...21, fig.2,♂. Talaut Islands. Troides dohertyi:D’ABRERA,1975:238-239,252, figs.,♂♀,♂genitalia. Talaud (Talaut, Salibabu) Islands.

.MaleL The white. stripes along the veins of the hindwing recto are developed as in Plateni. The recto surface of the hindwing is uniformly black .qs shown in pl. 1, fig. 11, but in’a few individuqls a vestige of the golden area is present. The .golden spots on the hindwing・verso vary among individuals as shown in pl. 1, figs. 12-14. The hindwing is sharply・ pointed at the tornus a$ in rhadamantus or bagilanicus. Female. The ground colour of. wings is lighter, and the White stripes along the veins’ of the forgwing recto are duller than ip Plateni. The golden discal ’spots on the hindwing recto are much ’ 窒?duced. The discal and submarginal spots on the hindwing verso are more strongly developed than on the recto sgrface as shown in pl. 1, figs.

15-18. Male genitalia. This race is similar to rhadamantus in general structure of the male genitalia, but the valve is rather 16nger, and the harpe is slightly narrower.

Length of forewing: 66-72 mm., 8; 74-83 mm., 9. Distribution: Talaud lslands. Specimens examined : 5 8 3 9, Salebabu, Talaud Islauds, We・ cbuld not examine any. sipecimen 6f ab. fasciculatus.


BRYK, E 1929. Papilionidae I..Lepidopterorum Catalogus,35. esp.:(49-51)。 ド D’ABRERA, B.1975. Birdwi耳g of the. world..(esp.:234-239,252).

FRuHsToRFER, H.1908. Eine neue Ornithopterarasse von den Sttdphilippinen. Int. ent..Z.,2:39.. FRuHsToRFER, H.1911。 Neu年Papilioniden aus der Sammlung Staudinger d. Berliner zoolog。 Museums. Ent. Rundsch.,28.(esp.1177). HluRA,1.&ALAGAR,.R. E.1971. Studi6s on the Philippine .chiefly collected by the co.op6rative survey by the Osaka Museum of Natural History and the Natiohal Museum of the Philippines,1969,1。.Papilionidae. Bull. Osaka Mus. Nat. Hist.,24.(esp.:..32-33,

42,p1.1). J6RDAN, K.1909. In Seitz, A., Die GrosS-Schmetterlinge der Erde,9.(esp.:25-26, pls.10,工2

-13. NAKAHARA,.W。&KuRoSAwA, Y.1958. Selected butterflies of the world illUstrated in cQlours. (esp.:19-20, pl.20-21). SEMpER, C.1891. Die Schmetterlinge der Phili’ppinischen Inseln,1. Tagfalter.(e$p.二264-265). STAuDINGER,0.1889. Lepidopteren der.Insel palawan. Dt. elltr z. Iris」2..(esp.:3-4). 100 Artes Liberales No. 24, 1979

ExplanatiQn of Plates

Plate 1. Fig・・1-5・T・・ide・rh・d・T・z卿S.吻卿幽(L・・A・,.1835)・♂・(Fig・1・Pi.・・m・1・y・n・ Mindoro, Oct., 1976;fig. 2, Catmon, Leyte, Aug.,’1978; fig. 3, Boac, Marinduque, Sept., 1978; fig. 4, Baguio, Luzon, Jul., 1958; fig. 5, Masbatel Sept., 1978).

Figsi. 6-10. Troides rhadamantus bazilanicus FRuHsToRFER, 1908, 8. (Figs. 6-9, Mt. Apo,

Mindanao, Apr., 19771 fig. 10, Surigao, Mindanao, Apr., 1977).

Figs. 11-14. Troides rhadamantus dohertyi (RippoN,1893), 8. (Figs. 11, 13&14, Salebabu,

Talaud ls!ands, Jul., 19761 fig. 12, Salebabu, Talaud lslands, May, 1978).

Figs. 15-18. Troides rhadainantus dohertyi ’(RippoN, 1893),. 9. Figs. 15 & 17, .Salebabu,

Talaud lslands, Aug., 1978; figs. 16 & 18, Salebabu, Talaud lslands, Jul, 1976).

Plate 2. Figs. 1-8, Troides rhadamantus rhadamantus (LucAs, 1835), 9.(Figs.1 & 5, Catmon, Leyte,

Aug., 1978; 2 & 6, BagUio, Luzon,. Jul., 1958; figs. 3 & 7, Masbate, Sept;, 1978; figs.

4・& 8, Victoria, Mindoro, Oct., 1978).

Figs. 9-16. Troides. rhadamatus bazilanicus (FRuHsToRFER, 1908), ?. (Figs.’ 9, 11, 12, 13,

15 & 16. Mt. Apo,’Mindanao, Apr., 19771 figs. 10 & 14, Mt.. Apo, Mindanao, May,


Plate 3. Figs. 1-10.. Troides rhadamantus Plateni (STAuDiNGE.R, 1888), 8. (Figs. 1, 4 & 6, Olanguan,

Palawan, Oct., 1977; figs. 2 ’& 7, Olanguan, Palawan, Sept., 19761 figs. 3 & 8, Olanguan,

Palawan, May, 1974; figs. 5 & 10, Olanguan,’Palawan, Sept,, 19731 fig. 9, Olanguan,

Palawan, Jul., 1977). Figs. 11-18. Troides rhadamantus Plateni (STAvbiNGER, 1888), 9. (Figs. 11 & 15, Olanguan,

Palawan, Sept., 1976; figs; 12 & 16, Olanguan, Palawan, Aug., 1977; figs 13, 14; 17 &

18, Olanguan, Palawan, Oct., 1977). OKANo & OHKuRA : The geographical races of Troides magellanus Plate 1

リ ドヨ 皆 i 窯週謡/ら ㌦嘱 Ml; t eSs 呂 甲 皿 自 臼 ヨ 一複製…一穿…ノノ ・ \ V 評即 聴 誌 メd

@ E

’ | ノ〜ゼ尋


毛 E 漉鐸 ’ 2」 {

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’『 6

毒磯鋸ギ ru 呂 X7 e OKANo & OHKuRA The geographical races of Trotdes magellanus Plate 2

ド T b 携

陀 き 絵監 di L 臨ノ 噂 〆‘


や 騒物 尋 翼 k

由 e


…農 / 〜 沁 ㍉駄 奪

諺 声 M 嚢

di e.,

聾 響 馨 強 醐麟

腫 巾 嚢 ? 遷 亀 e b ず L

晦毒 Zl 緯 タ di 電 1 ,1、、

巴 拳螺奪 し

由 b 也 屯 彦 毫 曲F噂巨 三鞍 磁 繍 OKANo & OHKuRA The geographical races of Trotdes magellanus Plate 3

隅 羅島

諺 哨 甑∴,齢 ぜ ・

即 藁

陶 蔓 ~ 縛 調曜 、 譲 樫㌔ 鯉 ㍉ 晋 篤ボ禧ン 弩

ピ 屯 串 乱 即 即 も ・諺 監 ・也・ , ’ 酔即 ㌍ 曲 ㍗ 陶 聾 誇 哨 卑駐 駐

碍 曳・∵ノ 電 』 臨ご

畔 鞭響∵ 、 響野 ・獣㌔

け 、∵ ㌦貼夢 詑 ざ 認寮 攣耐 沸 勲隔鵠。憐♪

写 陀 晦 Pt ¶ 了冊一 壷 、 ,零 臨 1惣巳 疑義N


弔 pt 酔弔目溢 Ut醒葺

鉾’ 弱 》織藁総綴誤葦縁

麗 zre ? bPt 壁 輔 葦

聾 噂 露 } 駐風 st1>,,r 即鼓舞乱離華麗 声諺皿艦禰,・ 距鍍麗gge 諭 華器 勢邑 艶即 由鮎 輪

th鴨 聾麗諺 盛ヂ 喉

榊詳 乱 曙

稿 譜 翻喚 鱗 欝 鰹 鑛 漣