Introducing a New Lexicographical Model: AlphaConceptual+ (and How it Could Be Applied to Dictionaries for Luganda) Deo Kawalya, KongoKing Research Group, Department of Languages and Cultures, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; and School of Languages, Literature and Communication, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda (
[email protected]) and Gilles-Maurice de Schryver, KongoKing Research Group, Department of Languages and Cultures, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; and Department of African Languages, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa (
[email protected]) Abstract: In this article we explore the possibility of amalgamating the semasiological (i.e. alphabetical), onomasiological (i.e. conceptual) and visual approaches to dictionary compilation, here termed an alphaconceptual+ (i.e. alphaconceptual 'plus') dictionary, using Luganda as a brief case study. Such a dictionary would combine the strong points of alphabetical and conceptual lexi- cography, with all entries also linked to relevant picture plates. In Section 1 we expound on the his- tory of Luganda lexicography, highlighting the different types of dictionaries in the language since the early 1900s. Section 2 is an exposition of semasiological and onomasiological lexicography. In Sections 3 and 4 we study the actual dictionary market and scholarly lexicographic literature, in Africa and the rest of the world respectively. In Section 5 a case for language-independent alpha- conceptual+ lexicography is argued, and its proposed compilation approach is sketched out in Sec- tion 6, followed by the conclusion in Section 7. Keywords: SEMASIOLOGICAL LEXICOGRAPHY, ONOMASIOLOGICAL LEXICOGRAPHY, THESAURUS, THEMATIC DICTIONARY, TOPIC DICTIONARY, SYNONYM DICTIONARY, PICTURE DICTIONARY, VISUAL DICTIONARY, NEW LEXICOGRAPHICAL MODEL, ALPHACONCEPTUAL+, LUGANDA Ekifunze: Okwanjula Enkola ya Kannankuluze Empya: Ennawalifu- Bitegeero+ (n'engeri gy'eyinza okukozesebwamu mu nkuluze z'Oluganda).