Pathfinder Bestiary 1

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Pathfinder Bestiary 1 Pathfinder bestiary 1 Continue The following creatures are presented in alphabetical order. The monster version is listed with their main content. B C D E G H I J K L M N O P T U W W Y - Bestiari Bestiary 2 Bestiari 3 Bestiary 4 Bestiari 5 GameMastery Guide Monster Code NP Code 1 Aatheriexa Abaya Abaya Abaya Abolet Abrak Viparner Executed Fisherman, halfling simplicity 4 Achaierai acid drop traps acid terror, human sorcerer 9 / Dragon Apprentice 4 Acolyte, man adept 1 Acolyte, human clergyman 1 Adaro Adherer Adlet Adventures of the Blacksmith, semi-elf fighter 6 Adlet, Shaman Agation, Cervinal Agation, Leonal Agation, Reptile Agationion, Silvanshi Agationion, Vulpine Tasteless Master, Human Monk 20 Akhat Akhuizotl Akaname, Giant Akanam, Giant Akanama Ahlu Alput Almiraj Allouf Archer, Elven Warrior 8 Aulof Scientist, Human Bard 7/Patfinder Chronicler 2 Allephihra Alrau, Giant Amphisbaena Amphiptere Ancient Gravedigger , Ghoul Oracle 10 Android Rogue 1 Angel Slayer, Half-Horde Ranger 15 Animal Lord, Bear Man Ranger 10 Animal Lord, Man Ranger Dog 10 Animal Lord, Cat Man Ranger 10 Animal Lord, Crocodile Man Ranger 10 Animal Lord, Dinosaur Man Ranger 10 Animal Lord, Raptor Man Ranger 10 Animal Lord, Rat Man Ranger Snake Man Ranger 10 Animal Lord, Human Shark Ranger 10 Animated Hair Animated Object (Colossal) Animated Object (Gargantuan) Animated Object (Huge) Animated Object (Big) Animated Object (Middle) Animated Object (Small) Animated Object (Small) Animated Object (Small) Animated Object (Small) Animated Object (Small) Animated Object (Tiny) Giant Adult Ant, Giant (Drone) Ant, Giant (The queen) Ant, Giant (Soldier) Ant, Giant (Working) Ant, Ant Knight, Megapon Aoandon Aoandon Apalli Monkey, Chimpanzee Monkey, (Gigantopithecus) Monkey, Monkey, Monkey Gorilla , orangutan apprentice jeweler, human expert 1 Aranea Arcane Experimenter, dwarf barbarian 14 Arcane Challenger, halfling fighter 14 Arcanothief, Half Rogue 4 / Sorcerer 5 /arcane trickster 4 Archaeologist, rogue man 7 Archaeopteryx Argus Oweker, man sorcerer 20 Army Ant Swarm Ascomoid Assassin Error, Giant Killer Bug, Great Killer Vine Astomoi Psychic 1 Athach Atomie Diatrima Beak Axe, Bird Terror Axe Dancer, Half-Orc Half-Horde Barbarian 3 Azer Azruverda Azure Bolt Sorcerer, Man Sorcerer 13 Badger Badger, Dire Bagiennik Bakekujira Baku Bandersnatch Bandersnatch, Confounding Bandersnatch, Frumious Bandersnatch, Lesser Bandersnatch, Magicbane Bandit Lord, human fighter 8/rogue 4 Bandit, man-warrior 2 Banshee Barchip , human expert 4 /warrior 1 Barmaid, man simplicity 2 Barmaid, man simplicity 5 Basidirond Василиск Bat Swarm Bat, Dire Bat, Mobat Bat, Skaveling Bat, Sootwing Battle Mage, эльф мастер 3 Битва Маг, человек evoker 6 Битва Монах, человек монах 5 Битва Skald, Skald, Barbarian 6/bard 4/Pathfinder Chronicler 10 Baykok Bear, Black Bear, Dire (Cave) Bear, Dire Polar Bear, Grizzly Bear, Polar Beast Master, Man Ranger 7 Bees, Giant Bee, Giant Bee Bumblebee, Giant Beetle, Bombardier Beetle, Dark Beetle Spitter, Fire Beetle, Beetle Goliath Beetle, Goliath Deer Beetle, Juggernaut Beetle, Mountain Beetle, Slicer Beggar, Semi-Elf Simplicity 1 Beggar, Man Simplicity 1/Rogue 1 Decapitated Hippopotamus, Storm Hippopotamus, Thalassic Hippopotamus, Thunder Behir Berk Berbalang Bhole Bhuta Bhole Bhuta Ga Tsuku Black Ice, Dwarf Illusion 10 7 Black Pudding Sorcerer 10 Blackstrike, Man Fighter 7/Shadowdancer 2 Blade Lord, Rogue Elf 20 Blightspawn Blindheim Blink Dog Sage Bloodfire Sorcerer, Half-Dead Sorcerer 7 Boar, Dire (Daeodon) Bodak Bodythief Bogeyman Boggard Boggard Abissal Warrior , Boggard antipaladin 7 Boggard Brute, boggard Fighter 1 Boggard Champion, boggard Fighter 5 Boggard Farcroaker, boggard bard 2 Boggard Hunter, boggard ranger 3 Boggard Priest-King, boggard priest 10 Boggard prophet, boggard sorcerer 4 Boggard Savage, boggard barbarian 2 Boggard Scarred One, boggard barbarian 4 Boggard Stalker, boggard Ranger 7 Bog swampe Blindbourne Boilborn, Hell Boilborn, Plagueborn Bone Ship Border Guard, Half-Orc Ranger 4 Bounty Hunter, Man Ranger 12 Bounty Hunter, Man Ranger 12 Brain Mole Brain Mole Brain Ooze Bra Bumblebee Sorcerer, Semi-Elf Sorcerer 5 Brete Man Warrior 2 Brownie Brutal Warlord, Semi-Ork Fighter 13 Bugbear Bugbear Ambush, Bugbear Ranger 8 Bugbear Bloodmage, Bugbear Sorcerer 10 Bugbear Cultist, Bugbear Oracle 6 Bugbear Flesh Glutton , giant bear beetle barbarian 5 Bugbear Gnasher, bugbear barbarian 2 Bugbear Lurker, bugbear rogue 7 Bugbear Shadow Sneak, bugbear ninja 5/shadowdancer 4 Bugbear Stalker, bugbear ranger 3 Bugbear Tyrant, bugbear antipaladin 12 Buggane Bulette Bullying Brawler, human monk 2 Bunyip Burglar, rogue man 3 Caligni rogue 1 Caller in Darkness Callous Rake Man-Barbarian 2 Cannibalistic Hunter, Half-Doded Barbarian 10 Capramace Captain, Human Expert 3/Fighter 9 Caravan Guard, Human Fighter 2 Human Monk 1 carnivorous Blob Carousing Champion, halfling cleric 6 Caryatid Column Castaway, half-horde druid 12 Cat, Cheetah Cat, Leopard Caterpillar, Bloody Caterpillar, Horn Catfolk Ranger 1 Catoblepas, Elf Fighter 5 Cautious Hunter, Half-Orc Monk 10 Cautious Magician, Man Wizard 1 Cavalry Soldier, Semi- Elf Warrior 9 Cavalry, Man Fighter 6 Cave Fisher Cave Stalker , Dwarf Rogue 6 Cave Wizard, Dwarf 9 Cave Defender, Semi-Elf Druid 5 Cecilia Celebrity Bard, Man Bard 11 Celedon the bat of Heavenly Cat Heavenly Hawk Heavenly Hawk Heavenly Monkey Heavenly Owl Heavenly Rat Heavenly Crow Heavenly Theurge, human clergyman 3/sorcerer 4/mystic theurge 2 Heavenly Toad Heavenly Nastiness Heavenly caress Centaur Centaur Centipede Swarm Centipede, Giant centipede, Giant Whiplash Centipede, Great Forest Centipede, House centipede, Titan Cephalophore Ceratioidi Cerynitis Cetus Chain Mauler, Rogue Man 14 Chameleon, Half-Ward 11 Champion Of Magic, Dwarf Paladin 2/sorcerer 7/eldritch Knight 4 Champion, Man Barbarian 5/Fighter 5 Chaneque Changing Witch 1 Chaos Arrow, Dwarf Rogue 6 /sorcerer 4/arcane archer 10 Charda Charlatan, rogue man 4 Chary Bdis Cherufe Chief, Man-Warrior 12 Chimera Choker Chupacabra Chupacabra, Winged Chuspiki Chuul Cloaker Clockwork Dragon, Acid Breath Clocked Dragon, Destroyer Clockwork Dragon, Flaming Tar Breath Winding Dragon, Infiltrator Clockwork Dragon , Митраль Заводной Дракон, Ржавый Дыхание Заводной Дракон, Сон Газ Дыхание Заводной Знакомый Заводной Заводной Левиафан Заводной Заводной Заводной Заводной Солдат Заводной Заводной Заводной Заводной Заводной Заводной Заводной ЗаводНой Кокатрик Таракан Таракан, Dragonroach Таракан, Гигантский таракан, Гигантский Hissing Таракан, Sawback Сфинкс Колосс, Каменный Колосс, Деревянный цвет из космоса Con Исполнитель, полу-эльф бард 6 Созерцательный колдун, человеческий колдун 7 Констебль, человек простота 9 Контракт Убийца, эльф изгоев 11 Труп Cat Труп Lotus Couatl суд поэт, человек бард 5 Куртизанка, человек бард 12 КрабОвый рой, Кокосовый краб, Гигантский краб, Краб , Акула-Еда Краб, Акула-Еда Краб, Кораблекрушение Краб, Кораблекрушение Ползая рука Ползая рука, Гигантский Ползучая Смерть, эльф друид 15 Преступности Господь, гном истребитель 19 Крокодил Крокодил, Dire (Sarcosuchus) Крона Королева жестокий колдун, человеческий колдун 15 жестокий преданный , human monk 5 brutal instructor man adept 10 Cultist, human clergyman 3 Damned King Cutpurse, rogue man 1 Catrot lawyer, semi-elf expert 9 Cyclops Cyclops, Great Cyclops, Kabandha Cytillipede D'ziriak Dagger Master, half rogue 18 Dancing Dervish, rogue man 10 Daredevil Hunter, Elf Dwarf Fighter 2 Dark Caller Dark Creeper Dark Fighter Dark Stalker Darkmantle DarkMantle DarkMantle Dark Nature Priest, halfling druid 18 Darkstar, halfling rogue 10/shadowdancer 10 Deadly Spy, rogue elf 9 Dealer, human expert 1/ Rogue 3 Death Trainer Death Dealer, Semi-Orc Barbarian 19 Death of The Dog Death Dog, Worg Death Initiate, Human Monk 9/ Killer 4 Death Of Master, Semi-Elf Clergyman 5/5/Evoke mystical theurge 7 Death Priest, Human Clergyman 9 Death Whisperer , Rogue Man 19 Worm Deathweb Decapus Deep Marshal, dwarf abjurer 16 Deep One Deep One Hybrid Clergyman 1 Deep, Elder Delgate Demilich Demilich, Awakening Demodand, Gristly Demodand, Shaggy Demodand, Slimy Demodand, Strings Demodand, Tarry Demon Hunter, Human Paladin 20 Demon-Blood Sorcerer Semi-Bloody Sorcerer Man Sorcerer 10/Loremaster 10 Denizen Leng Derhii Derro Desert Defender, Human Paladin 8 Desert Stalker, Semi-Ork Ranger 14 Destrachan Devilbound, Pete villain-related man sorcerer 13 Devilfish Dhampir Fighter 1 Devil Charmer, Man Wizard 15 Digmaul Digmaul, Silver Cat Dilettante, Man and Rogue 12 Dinosaur Dinosaur Ankylosaurus, Dinosaur Brachiosaurus, Dinosaur Ceratosaurus, Dinosaur Compsovnathus, Dinosaur Deinonihus, Dinosaur Dimetrodon, Dinosaur Dimorcodone, Dinosaur Diplodocus, Dinosaur Diplodocus, Dinosaur Elasmosaurus, Dinosaur Iguanodon, Megaraptor Dinosaur, Pachycephalosaurus Dinosaur, Parasite, Parasite, Spinosaurus Dinosaur, Styracosaurus , Triceratops Dinosaur, Troodon Dinosaur, Tylorzaur Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Dinosaur, Velociraptor Dinosaur, Velociraptor Diplomat, semi-elf aristocrat 8 Dire Corby Dire Corby Corby, Dread Disenchanter Divine Keeper, halfling paladin 7 Dog Ryder, half-barbarian 4 Dolphin Dolphin, Orca Doom Prophet, half-horde adept 4 Doomsayer, man adept 3 Doomsayer, man bard 20 Doppeld Doppelrekd Semi-o Barbarian 11 Dracolitic Dragon Chief, Half-Ward Bard 10/Dragon Apprentice 7 Dragon Dung Trap Dragon Dragon Dragon Smiter, Man Paladin 13 Dragon Turtle Dragon, Black (Adult) Dragon, Black (Ancient) Dragon, Black (Great Wyrm) Dragon, Black (minor) Dragon, Black (Mature Adult)
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