Gow Ayrn Join in Kiaull Manninagh son Keim 1 & 2 Manx Music for Key Stage 1 & 2 Undinys Eiraght Vannin Manx Heritage Foundation 2008 Acknowledgments Grateful thanks to the Manx Heritage Foundation, Isle of Man Department of Education, The Voices Foundation, Centre for Manx Studies, Mooinjey Veggey and the Manx National Heritage Library. In addition to the musical material recorded especially for this resource, permission to use selected tracks has been granted by individual artistes and ensembles with the proviso that they will only be employed within the classroom and in the Isle of Man. Sincere thanks to all of the musicians who have kindly contributed music from their own albums to this educational resource. Please support these individuals and groups as much as you can. This compilation © Manx Heritage Foundation 2008B [2nd edition] The extracts used remain the copyright of the individual artistes. Dr. Chloë Woolley Manx Music Specialist Oayllee Kiaull Vannin Manx Heritage Foundation PO Box 1986 Douglas, Isle of Man IM99 1SR Website: www.manxheritage.org Or www.manxheritagemusic.org [database] Email:
[email protected] Guide to using Gow Ayrn This music resource book and accompanying CD have been designed for use in Manx schools. All of the songs, tunes and dances are related to the Isle of Man and Gow Ayrn has been designed for music coordinators and non-musicians alike for use in the classroom and for extra-curricular activities. · Elements of the QCA National Curriculum for Music Key Stage 1 and 2 have been addressed with particular reference to the philosophies of The Voices Foundation.