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The Anchor, Volume 56.21: December 15, 1943

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Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 56.21: December 15, 1943" (1943). The Anchor: 1943. Paper 14. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1943/14 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 56, Issue 21, December 15, 1943. Copyright © 1943 Hope College, Holland, .

This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1940-1949 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1943 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Official Publication of the Studmto of Hope College at Holland Michigan December 18, 1943 Dutch Treat Week Climaxed Donald Miss|on Drive Hits All Time By ''Sadie Hawlcin's" Party; In Conccrt Scries L On Tuesday, December 14, at I The annual Dutch Treat Week | 8:15, the first concert in the local! High of $731 Though Student this year lacked the vitality pres-1 up in an everybody's song service, Cooperative Concert Association ent in past years. Due to lack of Mimicking the radio's most series was presented. Donald civilian man power and unacquaint- popular programs today —. ques- Dame, a tenor and a new mem- Body Is Half Its Formal Size ance with the army the girls were ; tion and answers — Harland Steele ber of the Metropolitan Opera, a bit hesitant about taking that i acted as M. C. for a truth or con- gave an excellent performance. Proceeds Go To fatal step of asking for a date. | sequence program. Consequently- Mr. Dame comes from Cleveland Then, too, there were those who! the consequences were really and studied at the Juillard school Brewton Library braved the storm of calling the 1 handed out. They even tried to of music. He has done considerable barracks only to find that it took On Tuesday morning, De- boost the ANCHOR by having work with opera, oratorio, as well a ten.minute explanation as to "news grow old" copies sold on cember 7, the Hope student what this is all about — and there aj solo performance with symphony iTDHY body celebrated "Pear Har- was a five-minute talking-time the street comers. And then some m'hestras. Mr. Dame is heard on iucky "pie faces" had a chance to limit on the phone. Sunday nights with the symphony rtETRY bor" day by pledging $731.50 However a good share of the endulge in their favorite dessert orchestra under the direction of for the library of the Re- freshmen did pull through and —pie. Alfred Wallenstein. manage to get a coke-date or two formed Church school in with the army before 8:00 — but GREENIES PAY During his professional career ATinw Brewton, Alabama. This sum only to get back to find her civy And the Freshmen paid, too — Mr. Tame has sung the lead in set a new all-time high for date arrived early and was get- over fifteen operas and has made they had to pay to get their green 0L ODT Hope's annual' "Y" Mission ting a bit impatient (we will get3nd pay to get ^ of it This many achievements through his yours?)68 y0U haVe:time Harland, assuminassumingg h's role of performances at the Worcester fes- Drive, despite the fact that Student Council Prexy, gave out tival. The Cleveland opera, the the student body is only a SADIE'S DAY New York opera, the Chautauqua the penalties. Every one had been little more than half its usual The big event of the week—The wondering who was going to sing opera, and the Trenton opera are Sadie Hawkins Party, Mary Eliza- from the fire escape! a few with which he has had his size. beth Aldrich in charge — was held Besides penalties and conse- leads. The regular morning devotions, Saturday night at the Women's Mr. Dame has sung under many' quences, prizes of that gentle re- which included "The Lord's Literary Club. minder, Lifebouy, were distributed conductors including, Howard Han-1 $1,000 Worth of Knowledge Prayer" by Malotte sung by "Bro- To make sure every one would to the truthful winners. son, Artur Rodzinski, Russell Gear-! hart, Emile Cooper, and the late! ther Andrew", were led by the co- join in the fun, the party was The party really began with Albert Stoessel. opened with games led by Marge Audrey Scott's contribution of re- Dr. Pieters Speaks to chairmen of the drive, Ellen Jane Prince. Following this those two freshments (ask any child when a The concert last night certainly "V" News Kooiker and Del VanderHaar. Dr. proved the worthiness of his record dignified (?) seniors, Murray and party begins — he'll say the same) Alpha Chi Members Wichers then introduced Rev. An- Rog, honored the Assembly with of achievements. This was a splen- Y.M. HAS CHRISTMAS — and then there was a fire — The drew Branch, who gave a brief did beginning for the Cooperative On Thursday, December 2, Alpha a laugh-busting duet which ended frosh finally relieved the campus PROGRAM Concert Series. i talk about his work in Brewton, 1 of that vile looking stuff known j Chi held a meeting in the Com- The regular meeting of the Y.M. Rev. Branch is the director of the as green. was held last night in the "Y mons Room. Dr. Pieters, a mission- Brewton school. o Extempore speaking contest was, room. There was a Christmas pro- We Interview ary from Japan, spoke to the group held in which Steele was awarded, gram led by the students. Len Del VanderHaar then explained Raven, Adelaide on third place. His topic was: "How | Why I'm Glad I Became a Mia- Sibley gave a talk on "The Spirit the purpose of the drive and asked of Christmas," and Art Johnson would American cooperation with! 8ion,ry, There WIl9 a que,tion that all pledges be made payable Orations Given presented a special reading. Bill other nations after this war effect' „ • . .. . „ on or before February 1, 1944. On Monday and Tuesday this our domestic economy?" i Per'od after the talk- Then Brandli was in charge of the music. re3 ment8 Pledge cards were distributed by week, Hope's annual oratory con- First place was awarded to Cen- {^ ^ were served. Th members of the "Y" cabinets and tests were held in the speech room. tral Michigan College, and Michi-1 e next meeting will be held JUNIORS IN CHARGE Harland Steele was introduced as In the Adelaide contest for women, gan State took second place. on Thursday, January 6. Last night the Y.W. meeting had the official "unveiler" of the huge five contestants participated: a double theme. The first part of "Scoreboard". Len Sibley ran the Marian. JDaiwe, "lle&l Con que re rs"; the program, which was made im adding machine, and Roger Koeppe Angelyn Tuumink, "God Bless pressive by the use of candles, was Arn&iCVp Jbanne DedLer;' 'TKe Hand#}'* Mewiah Given defeated-ttT-ttnr «rfp*rfettows in echo^OifcJJll^Ke.wwe called in. Denunciad"; Elsie Parsons, "Our the armed forces. The second half After the first few had been Contemporaneous Ancestors"; and was a dramatized pageant of Long- called there was no doubt that the Harriet Stegeman, "Our Boom in In Hope Memorial Chapel fellow's poem, "I Heard the Bells goal of $500 would be reached. The Badness". Because of a reduced num- on Christmas Day," which was pre- drive resembles last year's in that ber of male students,only three men sented by the use of slides. The the money will once more be used entered the Raven contest in ora- For Seventeenth Time juniors had charge of the meeting, for books. Because of discounts tory. These were: Wilbur Brandli, and Mildred Burkhardt was chair- George Frederick Handel's The recently won an audition at the which can be obtained by Miss "Lest We Forget — Again"; Alan man. Staver, "Cleo — Professor of His- Messiah was presented for the Chicago Civic Opera, and has been Gibbs, Hope's librarian, the money will buy approximately $1,000 tory"; and James MacKecknie, seventeenth time in Hope Memorial accepted. Mrs. Higgins is soloist "Out of the Ditch." The two first- "BROTHER ANDREW" worth of books. chapel on Thursday evening, De- in the Metropolitan Methodist place winners will represent Hope On December 7 YM and YW cember 9th. The chorus of two Episcopal church in Detroit. This Melba Dings at the State Oratorical Contest in held a joint meeting. Helen Wil- This week's ANCHOR was hundred and fifty voices was under Lansing sometime in the early is her second appearance in the helm and Wesley Dykstra took edited by Helen Wilhelm, one Melba Dings is her name, she's spring. the direction of Eugene F. Heeter, Messiah here. She also has Messiah charge of Devotions. The speaker of the two associate-editors, blonde and blue-eyed and hails On December 7th, tryouts were Director of Instrumental Music in engagements in other places, among was Andrew Branch, who talked both of whom are candidates from New York, Renaselaer, New held for debate squad candidates, for next year's editorship. the public schools of Holland, and them, Wayne University. Mr. about his work in Brewton. He York, she says with a thrust of her in the speech room. New additions pointed out that he considered was comprised of the Hope college Nettinga appears regularly on sev- chin! All through high school be- to the squad include: Edith Wol- Brewton not as a mission station, chapel choir, directed by Mrs. W. ing a librarian seemed like a beau- brink, Ruth Ellison, Evelyn Shiff- eral radio programs broadcast but as his home, the place where tiful dream, but four years of col- ner, Luella Pyle, and Joanne Dec- Curtis Snow, the Holland High from Chicago. He is a member of he works with his brothers and sis- Hope Revives Old lege has left its mark. Melba no ker. Debate activity this year will chorus, directed by Miss Trixie the Philharmonic quartette of ters. The meeting closed with the longer wants to spend her days likely include many local and state Moore, and townspeople, former Chicago. This was one of his many singing of spirituals. The lights Caroling Tradition helping other people to the right opportunities. The question to be were dimmed impressively during members of the Holland Choral Messiah engagements. book, she'd rather help herself to considered, when intensive work the singing of the last spiritual, Approximately 75 gaily clad Union. The accompanists were a book, a poetry book. In fact, begins immediately following The blending of two hundred and "Shine on Me." carolers revived the holiday cus- writing poetry sounds good. Christmas vacation, will be: "Re- Mrs. W. Curtis Snow at the organ, fifty voices in this master-work of toms of "merrie olde England" There's another dream tucked in solved: That the United States and Miss Betty Van Lente at the Handel produced a powerful choral Monday night as they wandered the pigeon hole of the Dings' desk, assertion of the rebirth of the SCHOLTEN ELECTED about the^siieets of Holland, sing- should cooperate in establishing piano. Miss Moore was associate a nice long ride in an airplane! and maintaining an international King of Kings. The beauty of the VICE-PRESIDENT ing Christmas carols in keeping conductor of the chorus. Melba is taking a business course police force upon the defeat of the chapel added greatly to the appre- Elaine Scholten was elected vice- with the Yuletide spirit of "Peace here on campus and is seriously Axis." The soloists this year were Thel- ciation and enjoyment of the pre- president of YW at a recent meet- on earth, good will to men." ma Von Eisenhauer, sophomore; considering personnel or social Hope also sent a team to the sentation; particularly notable was ing. She took the place of Lois This WAL — sponsored project, Pauline Wright Higgins, contralto; work or if she decides a white col- Forensic Festival at Albion Col- the effective lighting of the chan- Mary Hinkamp, former vice-presi- the first of its kind, brought cheer Paul Nettinga, tenor; and George lar looks well — a church secre- lege on Saturday, December 4th. cel window, with the Bethlehem dent, who took the presidential to many townspeople who have tary job. Grammer Smith, bass. Mrs. Von The group included: Betty Smith, star, and the halo of soft light office when Mary Blair resigned. been ill. A list of people who Eisenhauer is a soloist in one of During her four years she has Eleanor Everse, Wilbur Brandli, surrounding the window of the Elaine has been active in "Y" dur might appreciate the carpling was been an enthusiastic supporter of Alan Staver, and Harland Steele, Detroit's leading churches. She has Madonna and Child. ing her three years at Hope. obtained from several local "minis- the Anchor business staff and is accompanied by Professor Schrier. ters. The group also visited the now manager of that department. All the students took part in round city hospital. Frieda Grote was Back in the dim, dark days of her table discussions concerning the chairman for the all-college affair sophomore year, "Dings", as her problem of how far the United which takes the place this year of friends call her, was a member of Holliday Spirit Prevails in Dorm the usual schoolchildren's Christ- States should go in cooperating Voorhees houseboard and a mem- mas "Santa Claus" party. The with other nations after this war. Throttle open and let's start decorations. What's more they ber of das deutsch club. Also, she bring a Polish dictionary, walk in league is also planning a novel In the late afternoon, the state propelling toward the dorm doin's ia now treasurer of W.A.L. and guarantee snow — one way or an- backwards, but above all, consult servicemen's "coffee" to be held president of Dorian Society and in the traditional form of the other . . . Bombardiers Libby the weegie board first As for the soon after the holiday vacation in Pan Hel. is quite likely to see Freisema and faculty-dorm gals Christmas party. Romaine and Elaine Mensinger stoo-dents, be prepared to stand January. "Hey, you know what?" — and Following an evening of singing fore-said having a "spot o' tea" Contact! All the enlisted personel concentrated their efforts and made on your heads, repeat the constitu- just like that the Dings' enthusiasm about four o'clock any afternoon. under lighted windows and at dec- Contact! All the enlisted personnel the tree their target It was O.K. tion in Yiddish walk blindfolded bunts like a sudden shower! In To think of the word "helpful" is orated doorways, the red-cheeked are ready for action. A spin of till Libby nearly fell off the ladder this particular instance a call home to think of "Dings", if you need and at the same time act like a group adjourned to Voorhees hall the propeller and then another, and was the provocation. With no en- a perker-upper she's there, if your trying to put the blue lights on lady. for hot chocolate and cupcakes. couragement at all, she will launch getting cold, ' "why sure, shell let's go! Down the for the top, talk about ceiling zero! But Sometime during the nite Santa o / into a spirited description of her squeeze, those lemons for you", takeoff, work into the pattern and they were rewarded by the observ- Claus will drop in, or maybe he Christmas Was Theme little sister and her Brother fact is she takes pretty good care it's clear flying from there on. ers with a chorus of oh'i and ah's. will have been and gone. Anyhoo, Of German Meeting "Henry" who is ever at her beck of the northeast wing of the dorm. Co-pilots Rosaana Atkins and Jo Operations Officer Sa wit sky there's to be a gift for everyone, The German Club had its Christ- and call should the Wolverine ar- She just loves to "browse" in Fits have everything under control plans to let us all get in some fly- maybe checkers for Prof. Raymond mas program last Wednesday, De- rive at 12 A.M. or P.M. Melba has book stores and especially dusty to pilot us all to the Christmassy ing time. ItH be songs and carols so he can stay one jump ahead of cember 8. The meeting was begun a passion for a book called Winnie antique shops. land of fun, food, and frivolity.' and this time well really have a the army, maybe roller skates for with group singing of Gennan the Pooh and gurgles at ita very To sum It all up, Melba is a Communications officer, Betty Van fin in the fireplace. Hoaae Prexy, Emery so she can Christmas carols in German. Jay mention. sentimental person, about things Dyke ia in contact with the com- Most of the program ia a big cruise from one guest to the other, Van Zauran read a paper on Ger- Most everyone has a weakness, like pink ice cream, good music, missioned officers, and received see-kret saved for the landing, maybe some Faauwa Funnies books man toy-making. Then Miss Boyd Melba's is coffee — that girl has horses and rainy days. There are their "rogers" in reply. which is only a few flying hours for Miss GiMa and the library, related a Christmas story in Ger- never been heard to refuse a cup! plenty of rainy days in a Michigan Training officers Jaa Bogart and away. Being in on the see-kret, maybe a jump rope for Persia, so sn. Refreshments were served. There must be something English winter and Melba helps keep the Roae O'Day have been up in the yours truly advises every faculty she'll have a new line, maybe Just Miss Burroughs was the guest about this person too, because one dorm shining! ^ air for. two weeks planning dorm tasnhsr to wear his thinking cap, about anything, wait and see! of honor at Jhe meeting. Pag* Two Hops ColUa* Anchor Hope College flnchor A Visit From St, Nicholas By Eugene Van Tamlen Mem Oct music Twas the night before Christmas, Pbsociaied Gole6icfe Press in the middle of June, And nothing was stirring, not even a x ROGER KOEPPE \ prjjTT'nRQ a spoon; MARY BLAIR | CO-EDITORS Daisy's last nylon was hunj by the chimney. Few of us will ever forget the Melba L. Dings Business Managei Sunday afternoon Vesper on De- And Junior's hipboot was there, too, cember 7 in 1941 . . . by jimney. STAFF i'appy was snoring with a huff and Last year Musical Arts spon- Associate Editors Conhit Crawford, Helen Wilhelm "I wanna be in the Whoozit column, honestly, Hopites, I do." Well, a puff-ler. sored a Vesper in commemoration Feature Editor Rose Seith I then "why don t cha do right like some other kids do?" Like f'rin- of Pearl Harbor and this year the Society Editor Marie Jenkins Like a P-38 without any muffler. | stance — here comes the Navy and with it Verne Kraai who lightly jogs same idea was carried out. The "Camp to Campus" Editor Evelyn Shiffner When all of a sudden, I heard over- Vesper was one of the finest we've head j over to Frins' house and says I'm gonna plop a pin on the petite Prins* Typists.. Vivian Dykema, Jerry Uppleger had; and the crowd was, frankly, Circulation Manager Elaine Scholten ! neater, OK? AnJ "lookie, lookie, lookie, here comes Patty "back to A noise that bounced me right out a tonic for our enthusiasm. It Assistant Business Msnager Peggy Cross of bed. , Michigan" to let everyone gaze at the pin she's sporting. That's right, isn't easy to prepare a Vesper I opened the window, and what did EDITORIAL MANAGERIAL it was Ensign Bill Slocombe's. Ensign and more ensigns and speaking every month and then have no FlnUw M. Scholten l-lchtiwr I meet? Ho Woerd Timmortnan Uppleger of ensigns, Ensigns Borgman and Dykstra also visited the fair city of support. A slim crowd never en- VanTamelen Romaine , a helicopter with St. Nick in the thuses anyone. So, we feel our last seat. Holland and the dorms. SLST CIRCULATION Vesper was a definite success and While I gazed in awe, he shouted Veil, meine freunde — time's a-wastin'! ..Must tell ya about what vTnRaalte ' iST V. Bilkert Saunder. we hope our future ones will turn Vao BM'te KHe Vimmjn c Scholten to me, Willy did t'uther day'^ Here we were gathered in the hall outside the Core Strlck out equally well. Rurlrhardt Oft^mAn i.ruewr Van Outer "I must keep up with the times, Wilhelm-Cornenbrander suite, talkin' like mad we were and laffin' some, InnWm^n Otteman Mackeprarnr V»albrlnk you see!" too. So Fritz and Willy decided they'd be funny and imitate Miss Lichty The program for December 5 JonknUn Sandee Slebert As I drew in my head and was shushin' the hall, bein' as how it wuz quiet hours. So, Willy closes her included selections by the Chapel Puhliahed every two weeka during the school year by the atudenta of Hop* College, turning around. eyes and gives a mighty shhh and upon opening them, who is she scarlet Choir and the Girl's Glee Club. aa second data matter at the poet office of Holland. Michigan, at tpecial rat* The choir chose "The Holly and of posUge provided for in tec lion lloa of Act of Congreee. October J. 1917, and Into the, chimney he came with a face to face with but Miss Lichty who'd just broken away from that authorised Octob*r IB, 1918. bound; noisy group and was tripping down the hall to visit one of the various The Ivy" by Boughton and the He shot.straight down with nary patients we've been having these past weeks. Glee Club gave a beautiful per- Mail subscriptions, one dollar per year formance singing, "In The Bleak a glance, Did you know that people from Arkansas City, Kansas, write son^s Address — The Anchor, Hope College, Holland, Michigan Midwinter" by Davis, "The Carol And landed flat on the seat of his to people? Just ask Bobbie Reed. Telephone 9436 elbow. of the Sheep Bells" by Kauntz, and "The Birthday Of The King" by PRINTED AT OU) NEWS PRINTERY Immediately up from the floor he J. Vander Broek, Jr. popped Neidlinger. A few weeks back a couple good Dutchmen, Mr. and Mrs. John Keppel And picked up the 4,C" ration Vander Broek, decided they'd be puttin a pair of little blue shoes outside A piano solo, "Romance" b y The Only Way stamps he had drooped. their door. The former Mickey Heasley stated her preference for pink. Sibelius, was played by Betty Van His eyes, how they twinkled! his Annie Laurie Parsons was ovens-helmed a while back. Why? Well, Lente; and Pvt. Lawrence H. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good dimples, what pips! Hokey-pete! Who wouldn't be by a dozen beauteous, fragrant, red roses Schwartz did an excellent piece of And a king-sizej Regent hung will toward men!" A war-torn world seems to fling itself from Fred in Sicily. Mewwy Chwistmus, liddo lady. work on his saxaphone. His selec- from his lips. tion was "Caprice" by De Luca. mockingly in the face of this Scriptural promises and though, Miss Lichty said she became an expert and accomplished bat ex- He had a big belly, like Lou Cos- Jesu Bambino" by Yon was sung terminator at Wisconsin—but—it took Carol Kile to kill the bat that for the first time in many years, there are hopes for peace tello, by Pvt. Ray Berry. Sincere thanks invaded Peggy Christiana (yessir, she's the lucky girl whose soldier That shook when he laughed like go out to both of these young men between the nations in the not too distant future, there was here this week) and Dorothea Dixon's room on a Saturday night a bowl of Jello. for helping us as they did. They is still much to be desired in the way of peace:—peace be- and swooped around the dorm until Sunday afternoon. Needless to say But I was puzzled no end when he are both fine musicians and we we're all grateful to Carol. We got awfully sick of zooming into ou. tween the countries as they seek to come to terms, peace took from his coat appreciate their performing for us. room, locking the door, and screaming bloody murder when we weren't between capital and labor, peace between the races, peace Little pieces of paper on which he cowering in a corner. The other two vocal solos were wrote sung bv Miss Reba Burrows and • between individuals in their daily lives, and peace between Something mysterious I could not We re all very happy to know that J. David II, the most conscientious Betty Christie. Miss Burrows sang man and his God. surmise — frosh (quote Student Council), is up and around again. Guess he had "The Greatest Of These Is Love" But the children were in for a big the "bug." You know, you really miss a guy when he's gone nowadays by Bitgood, and Betty's selection The New Testament is filled with promises of peace and surprise! There ought to be a prize for the most industrious person of the week. was "0 Holy Night" by Adam. An yet we do not have peace. Has God failed to fulfill His For later I saw, by the light of a One of the guys is Cecil Hendricks who stayed in Dr. Raymond's class organ solo, "Toccata in D Minor" room long after the rest had left. We all like history, but when a prof promises? No, God does not fail. He cannot fail — not if He taper, by Bach, was rendered by Marge That the socks were empty, save doesn't appear, how long do most class attenders (I .personally avoided Friesema. is what we very readily profess Him to be — an ALL- for the paper, the word students) wait before hurriedly making ari exit? The Vesper was closed with the On which was written these words What's this we hear about someone trying to Steele Vermuln? POWERFUL and ALL-LOVING FATHER GOD. No, it is singing of "Hark the Herald of woe: not God who has failed to take HIS promises at face value Man in Their Lives Angel's Sing". Our contributions "Sorry, my children — priorities, which amounted to $33.70 have al- and put them to work. you know!" From all reports, a certain little item in this column a few issues ready been given to the Red Cross. The Bible has given us the key to successful living. We back was induly misunderstood. In regard to Marge Friesma not get- ting around anymore, that referred to her knowledge of dorn goings The concert last night was ex- recognize it, admit it is "The Way" and then to a great on, etc., because she's too busy in other respects to know about any- cellent—it's good to see that many extent glibly turn it aside. The beginning of a world of thing like that. And speaking of Marge, Melba had the same visitor of the college students realize their twice this week—Aye, aye, sir. Reach is in his way into the Navy. value and attend them. And, with peace must start with the individual. It will never come They go well together! Who? Adrian Bos and Mike Brouwer, of another Christmas season, we had while we wait for the other fellow to become fair-minded and course. another inspiring performance of just so that we may treat him the same way. It must come Now, we all agree that Staver's a nice guy, onl^ lend an ear Al. the Messiah. Congratulations to Remember the day when Mrs. VZ gave you your instructions about those who worked so devotedly. from each of us making it our jobs to see that we personally Q. Can Stamps of various de- Best wishes to all of you for a nominations be placed .in whistling when you went through the dorm so the girls would know live up to "the high calling of God", a high calling that is one album? you were about? Yeah, we know how that little deal worked out. Give Happy Holiday Season. not marred by the subtle powers of RATIONALIZATION or A. More tlum one denomi- a little whistle and zomie! Everyone's door opens. 0, then she said to nation in an album try singing (yeah, try^). Tis only too true that when this is done, the more vigorous attacks of a MATERIAL WORLD. ^really increases the every door and transom is shut—but tight! Now seriously, kid, did work and coat of re- From All of Us Concentrating on ourselves and the overcoming of our d e m p t i o n. Please, she say you had to try singing while you were washing windows, too? therefore, don't mix (Sure, I'm kiddin', but how else could I tell them about that whistling To All of You own weaknesses, we must start with the small things and denominations. business?) . " { work upward. We can no longer say: "I know it's not right Q. May a minor designate a co- In case Mr. Vanderborgh is still wondering why his entire 5th hour owner or beneficiary? to talk about people, but —" and go blithely on with our education class trooped in late the other day, he'll find out rather soon ^ iferii JIcrB A. Yes, if the purchase ia Hyah, hyah, hyah, the shadow knows. criticism. We have admitted the thing is wrong; is it not made by the minor from his own wagea or worse than hypocrisy to go right ahead and do it? This earnings. Parsons-Koran da Reunion iHerrg (Ehristmas same attitude is characteristic of so much in our lives. Our Q Do I lose my investment if Now what's cookin' during Christmas besides a tasty dinner? Well,' my War Savings Bond is lost, E. E. Parsons is planning to see Bud (too bad his name isn't White,' good intentions must become deeds instead of remaining only stolen, or destroyed? or she could be dreaming of a White Christmas). Besides that. Mom anb a intentions. Our lives must become positive instead of nega- Parsons is coming out, too. « Who said, "Christmas comes but once a year?" Jaynie Smies will tive or a weak floundering in between the two. tell you differently. Bill gets home just before Christmas, so part of •Happg ||Ectr A great many people are concerned these days as to how Christmas day will be spent here and then soooooo, wooooooo, all the United Nations are going to handle Russia when the time aboard, Wisconsin and Abracadabra (or somethin') and they're up at Smies' house for the remainder of the day. Fine idea, what? comes for peace and settlement. Without a doubt Russia, The tiyume iyus—half past Buy War Bonds and T. B. Stamps. Star Sandwich Shop on the other side of the picture, is wondering just how she UvOih CrocktL A. No; upon satisfactory — — - - — — " -|j-|_i~u~u- — - -i -i i n n n n n . ii • i is going to be treated. Out of distrust such as this, as proof of loaa or destruc- tion, the Treasury Do- common in personal lives as in national, what can possibly part men t will issue a duplicate, usually with- grow but discord and a careful watchfulness of each other to out requiring a bond of Have a "Coke"= Good winds have blown you here see that a "fast one" is not pulled ? Under such circum- indemnity. May 1 register the name of stances, we are stopped before we are started. a beneficiary on aBondwith> m We are not trying to point out the faults of the world, out his knowledge? A. Yea. Records of War (they certainly are apparent enough) nor do_we think our- Savings Bonda are eon- a selves capable of solving the world's problems (the ways of iidentiaL It ia not nee- esaary for the Treaaury men more learned than we have been tried and failed). But to contact the bene- this we do say, and with confidence: God's way is the only ficiary during the own- er's lifetime. Only Indi- way and He Himself has said: "Seek and ye shall find." viduals may be named as beneficiaries. No as- What better time than now at this Christmas season to seek sociations, churches, or and to make Christ live in our share of the world at least! dubs may be so named.

Remember—the longer you keep War Bonda, up to ICjeara, the more valuable they become.

CHEER ...a way to say "We art friends" to the Chinese * China knew Coca-Cola before the war. Where Coca-Cola is on ..•J today, to Chinese and Yank alike, Hav* * "C*kt" are welcome ii Ben Van Lente words. Around the globe Coca-Cola stands for tin paust thai re- . • * '1 MARY JANE RESTAURANT Ail Kinds of /rate*—has become a symbol of good will. SOTTliD UNDCI AUTHOtlTY Of THE COCA-COlA COMfAHT ST Coca-Cola wishes you all a INSURANCE It'* natural Cor popular i COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. OF GRAND HAPIDS Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 177 College Avenue Hop« ColUg« Anchor • • Pag| * Thr— Addrcuct of Wiccmcn Who Have Attended Hope College Since October, 1940

A/C Raymond W. Heemstra Pvt. Don J. Schriemer U.8.M.C. Battalion 9, Co. R. Pit. 1 ' M Cpl. Theodore Van Viiet 86180084 Stuyvesant Hall, Delaware, Ohio M.D—N.T.U. R. No. 18 Monomy Hall 226 Station Hospital A.P.O. 182 Unit 1 Lt. Gordon D. Albert Cadet George H. Dalman Denison University. Granville, Ohio c/o Postmaster. Los Angeles, Calif. Box 157 Pvt. Jatnes R. Heersma USNR- • Pvt. William Maclnnes W.T.S., C.A.A., Keeler Union Pvt. John W. Schut McClellan Field Mt. Pleasant. Michigan Co. PH. 2. Bks. 2 NTU 1880 S.U. D.E.M.L. Section A/C Chester Van Wleren SaermiMnto, California Wsstern Michigan College Camp Ritchie, Maryland 218 East Superior Batt. 7 Co. N Pit. 8 Cadet Paul Dame Kalamazoo 46D, Michigan Chicago, Illinois Av. Cad. Adam C. McClay U.S.N. F'llght Prep School Pfe. Wendell Anderson, 3M5822K A.S.T.U. 4766 Pfe. Arthur Stager 14115078 Delaware, Ohio South Dakota School of Mines A/C Wesley He nen 16115798 Batt. 11, Co. V PI. 2 U.S. N.F.P.S. Med. D«t., S10 Inf., A.P.O. 78 Class 48-18 Fit. B2 Stuyvesant Hall. Delaware. Ohio 405 Fighter Bomber Gp. Camp Butner, Bwt 847, Rapid City, South Dakota A/8 Harold Van Wleren 86459819 MAAD AAFBS Midland. 511 Fighter Bomber Sq. W.A.A.F. Wrd A.A.F'.C.T.D. (aircrew) Norman R. Davis Walterbers, A/C Chester H. Arnold Pvt. Charlea D. Martlndale 14119471 Black Hills Teachers College Phi Rho Sigma House' Pvt. Robert J. Heise 86597489 Co. F. 1st Regiment Squadron M-S, Clau 44F, Flight 1 Spearflsh. South Dakota 800 N. Ingalls St. A.P.O. 15012 c/o Postmaster Fort Francis E. Warren, A/S George Slager Maxwell Field, Alabama Ann Arbor, Michigan New York, N. Y. Cheyenne, Wyoming Navy V-12 Training Unit Lt. Gil Van Wleren Barracka 2 A.A.F.N.S. Group 5, Box 778 Pfe. John T. Ayere, 3(859044 A/S Roy Allan Davis Cpl. Raymond J. Helder Pfe. John H. Maasaen Weatern Michigan College Selman Field, Monroe, La. S.C.U. 8709 Lore Library N.T.U.. King Hall. Room 10 Battery H Student Brig. 118th Slg. Rad. Int. Co. . Kalamaioo 45D, Michigan , Co. A, 4th Platoon Deniaon University A.A.A. School. Camp Davis. N. C. Hollywood. Florida - Pvt. Robert Van Zanten. 16167465 Univeraity of NebrMka Granv.lle, Ohio ff^h'pman Willis W. Slocombe U.S.N.R. Tr. Btry.. 882nd F'. A. Bn. Linrcln, Nebraiika Pfe. Irving D. Hellenga Pfe. Robert L. Major 86460690 U.S.N.R. Mldshipman'a School A. P. O. 450 A/C Willis H. De Boer, 1606236 A.S.T.P., 8206 S.C.S.U. 870 T.S.S. Bks. 117 FurncTd Hall, Billet 813 Camp Haure (Hauie), Texas Class 44D, Sqdn. 10 100 Ridge wood Road Scott Field. Illinois New York 27, New York A/C Raymond Van Zyl, 16167488 B 2nd A.A.F., F.T.D. Cornell University Ontario, California « P.. 88 Cadet Det., 44-4-8 Ithaca, New York Pvt. Charles N. Mallory. Jr., USMC Lt. Cornelius H. Snell, Jr. H. A. A. F, A. A. F. N. S. Na/C R. Jack Bau, U.S.N.R. Bks. 28 M-6-44 Sect. C. Quad Hail, 8700 Euclid Ave. Hardo, Texas Claaa 9B, Cadet Revlment A/S Kenneth P. De Groot Lt. GeorRe Heneveld Cleveland, Ohio M.A.D. N.A.T.T.C. Kalamaioo (45D). Michigan U.S. N.A.T.C. N.T.U.. Co. H, Pit. 1, Bks. 2, Rm. 811 Smyrna Air Base Memphis. Tennessee Corpus Chriitl, Texan Western Michigan ColleRe Smyrna. Teni Pvt. Robert W. Snow 16167896 Pvt. Robert J. Van Zyl, 16115075 Kalamazoo 45D, MichiRan Co. F. 8202—S.C.S.U. Pvt. Lowell Dean Heneveld, U.S.M.C.R. A/8 Jack H. Meeusen USNR Battery A, 983 F. A. Bn. Pfe. Jack V. Barendae B**: 2 Co. H. Pit. 1 Room 818 A.S.T.U.—New York University East Garrison 766th T.S.S.. Bar. 606 Pfe. Randall M. Dekker. 86421944 Co. B, Marine Det., N.T.U. 403 Cavanaugh Hall NTU Western Michigan College East BulldinR, 289 Green Street Camp Roberts. California Bucklay Held A.P.O. 12465-C. c/c Postmaster Notre Dame. Indiana Kalamaioo 45D, MichiRan New York City, N. Y. Denver. Colorado San Franciaro. California A/S Chester Van Zylen. A-5 Robert Geo. Heneveld Sgt. Harry Meiners A/S Keith R. SoderberR Co. H, Platoon I. Bks. 2 SK3/c William E. Bare man A/S Warren De Neve. U.S.N.R. Phi Rho Sigma House Co. A.. 27th Med. Tng. Bn. Navy y.I2 Pre-Midshipman School Naval Training Unit U.S.N. Personnel Canter Co. H, Pit. 1. Barracks 2, N.T.U. 300 N. Ingalls Camp Grant. Illinois Unit A, Bkks. A-5, Norfolk Navy Yard Western Michigan College Barracks 0213, Bunk 4 Western MichiRan College, Portsmouth, VirRinia Ann Arbor, Michigan A/S Harold Ver Berkmaes Pleaaonton, California Kalamazoo 45D, MichiRan Air Cadet Willard Midavaine 12130058 Pvt. Harold C. Henrlckson Lt. R. J. Spaanstra U.S.M.C.R. A-A. F. C. C. - N. A. A. C. Sqdn. H. A.C. P.T.S. Co. O. 40th R.O.C. Sqd. H — Barracks 6 Pvt. Robert H. Barkema Lt. Edward De Pree Btry. A, 756 FT A. Bn. Seymour Johnson Field Fort Ord, California Marine Barracks M.C.S. Nashville, Tennessee Co. A. Wells Hall A.P.O. 4008-A, c/o Pjstmaster Goldsboro, North Carolina Quantico, Virginia WInjr A, A.S.T. New York City, New York A/C Milton J. Verburg A/S J. Townsend Hertel Pfe. David Middleton Michigan State ColleK« N.T.U., Co. H, Pit. 1, Bk. 2 Pvt. Leon H. Sparling 32943439 Group 2 — A. A. F. N. 8. East LansinR, Michimn Pvt. John De Valols, 86400187 327 Air Base Sqdn. Co. E. 255th Inf. A.P.O. 410 Class 44-1-9 8-General Hospital Western Mlchigsn College Georgefield. Lawrenceville. III. Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi Ssn Marcos, Texaa A.P.O. 502, c/o Postmaster Kalamaioo 45D, Michigan Hospital Apprentice 2/c Philip Raron H.A.l/c Walter F. Mllewskl Dispensary 2909 San Francisco, California Pvt. Robert W. SpauldlnR fv^ArHoW J. Vermeer, 37680792 Cpl. John T. Hietbrink, 36420163 Dental Clinic, Marine Barracks Camp Green Bay Det. 8868th S.C.U. U. S. Army, Co. C Pvt. Russell B. De Vette. U.S.M.C.R. Finance O.C.S.. Co. B. Pit. 2 Camp Elliot, San DleRo 44. Calif. Great Lakes. Illinois Duke University Ashburn General Hospital 78th Inf. Trn. Bn., 4th Pit. M-D N.T.U., Burton Hall. Room 20 McKlnney, Texas Camp Roberts. California tienison University Durham, North Carolina Cpl. Donald Miller 36423392 Sirt. Gerald A. Bax. 36184289 466th Amphibian Truck Co. 46th General Hospital Granville. Ohio A/S Frederick W. Stacks Pvt. Wesly Vryhof Pvt. Paul E. Hinkamp II A.P.O. 928 c/o Postmaster A.P.O. 600, c/o Postmaster Co. F, Bttn. 2, A.S.T.P. Company 1405 Co. C. 1144 S. C. S. U. - A. S. T. U. A/S Albert De Voogd, 16118998 San Frandaco, California U. S. Naval TralninR Station 11 H New York, New York Sqd. K-3, N.A.A.C. (A.A.F.C.C.) 8660 S.U.. 4740 Woodward Ave. 9°" H* - -21. Harvard University Detroit, Michigan A/C Raymond L. Miller Great Lakes, Illinois Cambridge, Mass. Pfe. James H. Bevler, U.S.M.C. Nashville. Tennessee Class 44-E. Dorr Aero Tech. A/S Harry Steffens, Jr. ^ P'- Viening, 86453645 V.F. 218 —F.M.A.W. Av/C Esrl W. De Weert 16119853 A/C Benjamin Hofmeyer, 16119780 Albany, GeorRia 0 Fleet Post Office 140 807th A.A.F.F.T.D. w J1* ^ V.Bk-- 2 Navy Trn*- Unit '"Oth Military Police Co. (A.V.N.) Sudn. 2 Flight B. Pilot School Western MichiRan ColleRe San Francisco, California fecos Army Air Field Hicks Field Sgt. Robert MontRomery 36190017 A.P.O. 4840, c/o Postmaster Fort Worth. Texas Bks. 210—1185th S(|dn. Kalamaioo, MichiRan New York, New York Midshipmsn Gerald Blsuwkamp Pecos, Texas Camp Luna, New Mexico Pfe. Preston SteRenRa E/c Eugene A. Vis U.S.N.R. Midshipmen School A/S Wilbur A. De Witt Sl/C Henry Hoftlezer Johnson Hall S29n R.O. IB. Class 9 A/S Charles E. Moolenaar Co. C. Henderson Hall Co. C. 8872 A.S.T.U. Pit. 8 Rowland Hall CsrneRle Tech, PittsburRh, Penn. A. end M. College New York 27, New York I>e Pauw University Naval Armory Navy V-12 Unit Squad 29, Ronan Hall Foot of Randolph Stillwater, Oklahoma Pvt. Bernard Becker Greencastle, Indiana Room 281, Central MichiRan College A/S Kenneth J. Steketee Chicago. Illinois Mt. Pleasant. Michigan Naval TralninR Unit V.12 Lt. John Visser IVt. Med. Dept. Pvt. Paul T. De Witte 36460657 Station Hospital A/S Earl Holkebcer, U.S.N.R. Lt. Elmer E. Morgan, Jr. Stone Hall. Room 85 30th Inf. T. B. Co. D. 3654 Service Unit A.F.T.T. Deniaon University, Granvllle. Ohio Camp Craft. South Carolina South Camp Hood. Texas 717 Langdon St. Co. H, PI. I, Bks. 2 3G. 14th Marine F.M.F. N.T.U., Western Michigan College Camp Pendleton Pvt. Lawrence J. Beltman Madison, Wisconsin A/C Wilbur Stalti 16060258 ri/e V V'eger. 17112288 Kalamaioo 45D, MichiRan Oceanslde, California Gp 2S-N Sqd. E. Fit. 3 44-2, Sqd. 80, Flight C M.D., N.T.U. Pvt. Edward De Young 42028708 16 Burton Hall, Denison University Pvt. Jack Homan A/C Don G. Mulder A F.P.S.—NaviRation WlnR C. A. A.r. Cas. Det. No. I Bldg. NB2B Ellington Field. Texas Childress, Texas Granville. Ohio 1822nd S.U. Co. M, Casual Student ReRt., T.D.S. Class 44-D Barracks 4 Camp Hood. Texas , 2th F F T D Muaidan 2/c Gordon Berkel Fort Meade. Maryland i . £ . . - Grider Field A/S A. Dale Stop pels Pine Bluff, Arkansas Co. H. Bks. 2 CPMT 808 Co. 1), 3202 S.C.S.U., A.S.T.U. Navy Racaivinn Barracks Lt. E. J. Dibble Lt. EuRene Hoover. o-ll83886 Dorm. 4. Band 16. Market St. TrnR. Group Hq., L.A.A.F. A/C James Mustee Western Michigan College New York University F.A.W. 14 O.T.U. Kalamaioo. Michigan 181st Street end University Avenue San Francisco, California c/o Fleet Poet Office Laredo. Texas 34th C.T.D. (aircrew) Lafayette ColleRe, Easton. Penn. Bronx. New York (58), New York Enaiim Lorraine Tlmmer Bertsch San Francisco. California Pvt. Gerrit Hospers, 32885750 A/S Robert J. Strabblng U.S.N.R. W-V(si. U.S.N.R.. Jefferson Hall Co. A. 3911 A.S.T.U., Sect. 10 Co. H. Pt. 1 Bks. 2 Room 816 Leonard Voe. 36459824 A/C Richard Dlevendorp 16060265 N.T.U. Western Michigan ColleRe Co. B, 29th Rep'l Battalion 8685 88th Street Grp. 1 Div. 13 Room 368 T.S.A. F.T.C. 1905 Lincoln Ave. WaahinKton 16, D. C. Pasadena 3, California N Kalamazoo -I5D. MichiRan A.P.O. 464, c/o Postmaster Yaie University New York. New York A/c Raymond P. Biel New Haven, Connecticut A/S Arys Huitenga. N.T.U. Lt. Kenneth Newendorp Squadron 1. Section 1 S/Sgt. Joseph Di Giglio Co. G, PI. 1, Bks. 2. Room 217 Group 1. 86th Squad. HAAFNS JoVr!deve,d' M.A.A.F.. Maiden. Mlasouri Western MichiRan CoIleRe Hondo. Texaa riTirteA.S.T.U. 3986j, Co A, 3rd Platoon Co. C. 303rd M.T.B. Montana State ColleRe Kalamazoo 451), MichiRan Sgt. Robert Taft 1506*1)39 Lt. Fred S. Bertsch. Jr. A.P.O. 78— Camp Butner, A/C Edwin J. Nieusma 16060124 Boieman, Montana C.F.O., U.S.S. Monssen 1778) North Carolina Pfe. Ray HulienRa 44-E (Sq. 9) 7th AAFFTD 12th General Hospital A.P.O. 861 c/o Postmsster r/o Supervisor ShipbuildinR Pvt. Lawrence Dornbos, Jr., 36466188 736 SiRnal Aircraft WarnlnR Co. Oxnard. California Bethlehem Steel A.P.O. 948, c/o Postmaster New York. N. Y. 777 Eng. Pet. Dist. Co. V t J ph J Staten Island. New York Seattle, WashlnRton r. o :i £* „ - Noorthoek 36423888 w Pfe. William M. Tsppan Camp Claiborne, Louisiana 612th TnR. Group, 63rd TrnR. WlnR Pvt. John Blaauw, 8645899 Pfe. George Hutchinson. 16119429 582nd Bbs. Sheppard Field, Texas Co. G. ASTP (Med.) 3651st S.M. £ .fr!;n5.e.!Va,fner I«118944 Pvt. William H. Draper, USMCR Victor C. VauRhan House Co. F 2nd Q.M.T.R. BWR. 331 1624 S.W. Med. Det. Marine Detachment 92nd Airdrome Squadron Brks. T-5545 Hunter Field. Georgia A/C Robert Nyboer Ann Arbor, MichiRan Fort Warren, WyominR Burton Hall, Room 19 Camp Ellis, Illinois Pre-Flight School, Bat. 35 Hornet 2nd Deck Lt. Arthur Taylor 0-814442 Denison University St. Mary s College, California Pvt. Glenn M. Walters A/S Donald Bocks Granville, Ohio 775 Bomb. Sqdn. 463rd Bomb. Group ? th A A F Tech, Train. Dept. Co. H. Bks. 2. C.P.M.T. 30S Mackdill Field, Tampa, Fla. Amherst College. Amherst, Mass. Western Michkan College A/C Wesley J. Duiker 16167548 Pvt. John H. Jesser. 36464450 Class 441) Sqd. 9 2nd A.A.F.T.D. Pvt. Robert F. Topp 36878625 Pvt. Earl Weener Kalamazoo 45D. Michigan Co. D. 64th Tr. Bn., Pit. 2 3Sth Training Group Sqd. 1). Ontario, California Camp Wolters. Texas C* 5 5th Pit. A.S.T.U. 4765 A/S Dell Boersma, U.S.N.R. A/S William Oonk Jefferson Barracks, Missouri Gdden, Colorado Co. H. Pit. 1. Bks. 2 A/S Charles M. Dykema USNR Pfe. Howard L. Johnson. 86454740 "TU Co. H. PI. 1. Bks. 2. Room 812 NTU Co. H Pit. 1 Bks. 2 Pvt. Chester J. Toren 16127083 Pvt. William E. Wells 36457885 Naval TralninR Unit Sq. 808. 18 Ka. 628 A.A.F.T.T.C. Wwitern Michigan College Western Michigan College 407th Trng. Group B.T.C. No. 4 Co. E. 309th Infantry A.P.O. 78 Western Mirhliran College Sioux Falls, South Dakota Kalamaioo 45D. Michigan Kalamaioo 45D, Michigan Miami, Florida Camp Butner, North Carolina Kalamazoo 48D, MichiRan Lt. Willard D. June A/C Raymond Otteman, Jr.. 12098258 A/S Allen Dykstra V.6 A.S.S.V. Sq. 3 Class 44D Lt. Arthur A. Wicks Pvt. Max Boersma, 86461818 3rd A.F.R.D., 1st Detachment 399th Bomb. Group Squad. 607 Finance Office—B.A.A.F. Co. 1689 Great Lakes. Illinois Plant Park, Tampa, Florida Riddle Aero. Institute Dorr Field. Arcadia. Florida Wendover Field, Utah BruninR, Nebraska Aev.M.S/c Phil Dykstra Pfe. Russell Allen Valleau Pvt. Henry J. Wlerenga A/S Alvin Bopzelaar. U.S.N.R. Acorn 12 c/o Fleet Post Office Pvt. Ernest Overbcek San Francisco. California "Pool" 49th AAFTTC lni "n- "q- 2 M. Regt. V.12 Naval TralninR Unit A.S.T.P. Med. 3651 S.U. Co. G. Detached Service Victor C. Vaughan House A.P.O. 724 Seattle, Waahlngton Stone Hall — Room 31 Pfe. Robert T. Dykstra 36450110 Cpl. Harry S. Keller, 12088673 615 City Park Ave. Ann Arbor. Michigan 8 Denison University Sqdn. 7 A.P.O. 12490 BP-A A.P.O. 7173, c/o Postmaster New Orleans 19. La. A/ Richard Kelft Wlerenga USN Granvllle, Ohio c/o Postmaster. New York. N.Y. San FVancisco, California U). H. Pit. 1. Barracks 2 A/S Fred Anthony Valusek A.S. V-12 Western MichiRan ColleRe A/S Marvin Bonrelaar. U.S.N.R. Pfe. Anthony Kempker. 16115070 Marquette University-School of Medicine Kalamaioo 45, Michigan V-12 Nnvnl TralninR Unit 67 College Training Dept. Milwaukee 3. Wisconsin Arkadelphla, Arkansas Stone Hall — Room 42 Pvt. Joe Palmer. Jr.. 16115074 Pfe. Kenneth N. Wiersems 16167466 Denison University o 3320 A.S.T. Unit A/S Hugh Van Order Co. No. E4, 3651 S.U. A.S.T.B. A/C Arthur Kerle 333rd C.T.D. (aircrew) Sqd. A Granville, Ohio A/C Baxter Elhart 16167928 Washington and Jefferson College University of Michigan 60th F'.T.D., Clasa 44F George Pea body College Ann Arbor. Michigan A/S Floyd Boon 316th AAFFTD—44E—Bar. A-4-F Lakeland, Florida WashlnRton, Pennsylvania Bt. W. Flying School Naahville. Tennessee U.S. Naval TralninR Unit Pvt. Fred Wight 82777884 Chickaska. Oklahoma Pfe. Everett Klelnjans. 16119525 ?Jf\IiS0SMrd G- P"P« 16088004 ' Room 22. Denison University 767th T.S.S. Bk. C329 Lt. Donald J. Van Ark 9°- A. 368th Engineers P.O. Box. 721, Stanford University 2305 Fig Street Granville. Ohio A/S Franklin Easenburg USNR Buckley Field, Colorado A.P.O. 4942 c/o Postmaster Palo Alto, California Tampa 6, Florida New York, N. Y. SRt. EuRene W. Boot 814 MichiRan House West QuadranRle Cpl. John H. Kieis. 16118997 S/SRt. Ralph H. Parsons 36184327 Station Hospital A/8 Alan Van Bronkkarst P. Wildermuth Ann Arbor, MichiRan Hq. A Hq. Squadron 710th SIR. O.W. CO. Camp Polk, Louisiana Barracks 2 -Room 322 u. s. Marine Corp. Naval Tr. Unit 23rd A.D.G.. S.B.A.A.F., T.T.A. A.P.O. 929 c/o Postmaster Western State College Pfe. Ransom W. Everett 16167906 San Francisco. California Marine Detachment Room 88, Talbot Hall EnsiRn Alfred BorRman San Bernardino, California Kalamaioo 45D, Michigan Solomon, Maryland Medical Detachment Denison University, Granville, Ohio Station Hospital A/C Charles E. Knoolhulien A/S Roy William Petersen NTU ob rt < A/S Paul Van Dart •%: J? l Wild man 86461720 Pvt. James N. Braddock, 36r)663 »9 Camp Fannin, Texas Barracks 6 W. Claaa 44D Co. E. Pit. 1 Bks. 2 Room 101 9th C.T.D. (aircrew) Bks. 1 67th A.A.F.F.T.D. Western MichiRan ColleRe 17th Co. Tng. Group T.A.S. Co. B. 7tb Bn.. 1st Replacement Depot Waynesbury College, Waynesbury, Pa. rort Knox, Kentucky A.P.O. 761, c/o Postmaster Union City, Tenneaaee Kalamaioo 45D. MichiRan New York City. New York A/S Jay H. Vanden Bosch Ensign Delbert Knoolhulien USNR Cpl. Richard Pfeifer 16119481 A/C Donald K. Williams 16167542 Bks. 2 Co. G. Room 282 Sq. D. 44-D, 4th A.A.F.F.T.D. Pfe. Gordon M. Brewer 6135 S. Greenwood Ave., Chicago, III. Hdqrts. A Hdqrts. Squadron Naval Training Unit . 345th Service Group Tulare. California 824th Fighter Squadron A/S Melvin Foikert Western Michigan College Pfe. Howard J, Koop Daniel Field, Augusta, Georgia R.A.A.B.. Richmond. VirRinia Room 202 MichiRan House Kalamaioo 45D, Michigan fl* V- Winter 0-1648840 West QuadranRle 84th Photo Recon. Squadron Will Rogera Field A/S Kenneth J. Pop pen l/tOrd. Maintenance Bn. Hq. Pvt. Harold A. Brink University of MichiRan A/S Kenneth Vanden Berg A.P.O. 502 c/o Postmaster Oklahoma City, Oklahoma V-12 S. U.S.N.R. 7049880 (,) 88rd A.T.II. (Chamber B) Ann Arbor, Michigan Y-J* - (Medical) 704-98-62 San Francisco. California S.A.A.A. B. A/c LeRoy Koranda USN u c< 1541 Wasttenau Av*. Pfe. Paul G. Fried 86400117 ssr.. islsrs """""""" Santa Ana, California - F.P.S. Battalion 12, Co. X Ann Arbor. Michigan "ft**® Tnd H. Winter Camp Ritchie, Maryland U.S.S. Texas Pit. 8, Stuyveaant Hall, Delaware, Ohio A/S Richard A. Brown 8 ,r USNR Pvt. Merle Van Den Berg Fleet Post Office, New York. N. Y. A/S Julius M. Friesser ^ .on}^(S£. - B-4, Compt. D 86. U.S.M.T.S. Pvt. Robert L. Kraai 16060009 M.D N.T.U. Talbot Hall Room 14 Sheepshead Bay, New York Co. H. Pit. 1 Barracks 2, Rm. 807 Alma. Michigan S/2c Ted O. Wlsner 88rd Altitude Training Unit Denison University, Granville, Ohio NTU Western Michigan College U. 8. Submarine Base Pvt. Richard P. Brown S.A.A.A.B. Santa Ana, California Pfe. Wayne L. Purchase Kalamaioo 45D, Michigan 868 T.S.S. 248 Bks. Sgt. Leonard J. Vanden Bosch 86187149 Box 7, New London, Conn. Co. D, 85th Bx. Hq. Co. 108rd Div. A.P.O. 407 A/8 Vernon Kraai Scott Field. Illinois Camp Croft, South Carolina A/C Henry D. Fylstra 12134804 c/o Postmaster, Shreveport, La. Pvt. Byron E. White Flight 2, Class 44C Co. 1526 US Naval Training Stat. Pfe. Glsnn Bruggers, 16167465 Shaw Field. Sumter Co. G. 2nd Tng. Bn. Sect. 5R A/S John K. Vander Broek U.S.N.R. Ja'F'T'T'C. Tr,dn,nir GrOUP Great Lakes, Illinois Co. A. 1st Signal Training Regt. South Carolina V-12 Pre-Midshipman School Jefferson Barracks. Missouri Camp Edison 8/Sgt. Arthur Kronemeyer Ft. Monmouth. New Jersey N >r olk Y d 7th Weather Sqdn. 1st P.A.S.S. Sqdn. " A/C William Reay 82929271 ' ' ^ " < t B < b n t lfOM147 a^Sqdd . 8? lltmKh AA.A.F.F.T.D.—44A^ i 5 ri E Pfe. Lawrence Bruggers, 16191175 A.P.O. 457 c/o Postmaster A A F. Mth College Trng. Det. S.I.N.U. Anthony Hall Pvt. Cornelius A. Vander Woude Ryan Field, Tucson, Arizona 8651 8.U.. A.8.T.P., Co. G San Francisco. California Co. B. S.C.U. No. 8416 A.S.T.P. St. 11 Victor Vaughan House A/S John J. Geary USNR Carbondale. Illinois A/S Jack Kern Krum USNR University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. Ann Arbor, Michigan NTU Stone Hall, Room 21 NTU Stone Hall. Room 21 16173909 Denison University. 866 8rd S.A. ASTP Pvt. Robert W. Van Dis A/S Allen Bruggink , Granvllle, Ohio Denison University. Granvllle. Ohio Co. E. 861st A.S.T.P. R.O.T.C. 826 8. Marsh field, Chicago, III. N.T.U., Co. G, PI. 1. Bks. 2. Cmpt. 217 Pvt. Walter Kulpers University of Michigan ^•Edward J. Yeomans, Jr. Wsstern Michigan College Pfe. Robert K. Goodwin Det. (Hq.) N.A.W. 12825 Cherrylawn, Detroit. Mich. flu Wetberg 14119146 Ann Arbor, Michigan Kalamaioo 46D, Michigan Medical Detachment 18th T.S.S. Brks. 809 P.I.A.A.F. Prasques Isle. Maine Station Hospital Pvt. Howard G. Kuyper S2/c Albertus Van Dyke A/S Glenn Howard Bulthuls Scott Field. Illinois S2/c Danhof B. Yntema Fort Jackson, South Carolina 404th Eng. Co. (C) A.P.O. 928 Unit 8 Bks. 506 L.S. R-9-2 U.S.N.T.S. N.T.U., Co. H, PI. 1, Bks. 2, Rm. 815 c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Lt. Nathan J. Roelofs Camp Paul Jones, Great Lakes, HI. J^va^AriatJWh. Trn,. Center Wsstern Michigan College Pfe. Harold Eugene Groendyk 86452292 Btry. B 840th Bn. Kalamaioo 45. Michigan Batt. B. 118 A.A.A. Gun Bn. (M.B.L.) Camp Stewart, Georgia Pvt. Harold E. Van Dyke 14172888 e/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y. Co. F. 8202 S.C.S.U. A.S.T.U. A/C Jamss T. Burger A/8 Kenneth Rotman New York University. East Building C.A.A.. W.T.S.. Union College Pvt. Jacob N. Groeneveld 86880028 1 289 Greene Street. New York City 8. N. Y. Co. C. 18th Bn. 4th Regt. A/8 Donald L. Ladewlg USNR JJTU C®'.J - P't* 1 Barracka 2 Sehensetady, New York Squad 28 V-12 (a) Western Michigan College J Fort McClellan, Alabama Lt. Robert Van Dyk 0-789882 Pvt. Harvey J. Buter Ronan Hall, Room 201 Kalamaioo 45D. Michigan A.A.F. 8.A.A.T. 12th Fighter Command Mt. Pleasant. Michigan Co. F, A.S.T.U. 8900 Pfe. Otto W. Groenlng 86160488 Pvt. Jay G. Rutgers Orlando, Florida A.S.R. Det. A.P.O. 525 97 C.A. (A.A.) Band A.P.O. 954 e/o Postmaster. New York. N. Y. Oregon State College A/S Maurice C. Laug USNR Co. A. 58rd Inf. Tng. Bn. Pit. 4 Corvallls. Oregon c/o Postmaster, San Frandsco, Calif. Camp Wolters, Texas A/C Elmer Van Egmond NTU Stone HaU Room 21 Claaa 44 C. Syln. B. Fit. 8.A J- Zuldema 14178018 Denison University. Granvllle. Ohio Pvt. Clarence B. Buurma, 16115068 Pvt. Dwlght N. Grotenbouse 87668986 Ensign J. N. Rylaarsdam Greenfield Army Air Field 1st Medical Co. A.S.T.P. 5482 Greenwood Ave.. Chicago 16. HI. Co. F. 8202 8.C.S.C.. A.S.T.U. 96th Gen. Hospital, Camp Maxey. Texas Ensign Alvin Leenhouts USNR 818 Devens Hall Greenville, Mississippi New York University East Bldg. San Francisco Section Patrol 20 Plattsburg Ct.. N.W. T odor 219 Greene Street, New York, New York Washington 14, D.C. A/S Donald E. Van Farowe U.S.N.R. A45» £f ?.^- Zwener USNR Y.P. 181 Treasure Island. Calif. Group A Barracks 18-2-02 NTU Stoaa Hall. Room 14 H Denison University. Granville, Ohio PhM2/c Herbert Lslgh-Manuell A/8 Alfred H. Rypstra Norfolk Navy Yards, Portsmouth, Va. NTU Barracks 2 Co. H. Pit. 1 Pvt. Gerald J. Haadsma 21st Replacement Bn. Fleet Marine Force P'c- Allan J. Van Huls 84450174 Co. 4 Bks. 18 A.S.T.B. c/o Fleet P.O. San Francisco. Calif. Western Michigan College A.P.O. 1288IF Kalamazoo 45D, Michigan Cpl. Robert F. Camp, 16086988 University of Illinois. Champaign, HI. Cadet Gerrit Levey e/o Postmaster, New York. N. Y. 209tk Station Hospital U (J.G.) Harold M. Hakken A.S.T. Unit 4771. 5th Pit. N.S.T. College A/8 John B. Rypstra USNR Pvt. Dale E. Van Lente A. P.O. 988. e/o Postmaster Aberdeen. South Dakota NTU Stone Hall Room 16 Seattle, Washington NAF. Bos. H.H.. Navy 120 Co. A. Cavanaugh Hall Fleet Post Office, New York, N. Y. Denison University Pvt. John W. Ligtvoet 84454044 So®" "1 Detachment N.T.U. Ensign Robert W. Cavanaugh Granville, Ohio A/C Howard G. Hakken Co. A. 8214th T.C.T.U. A.S.T. Notre Dame. Indiana Armed Guard Center Newark, Delaware U.S. Naval Base IX-A-2 Kenarden Brks. U.S. N.T. P.S. Cadet Clarence W. Van Llere Wooster, Ohio Algiers. Louisiana A/8 Richard Loom is NTU Co. B. A.8.T.8. C.U. 4748 Sec. 148 A/S Robert Stuart Hall Barracks 2. Room 209 Co. F. PH. 2 Colorado State ColleRe Pvt. Jack F. Clark. 84454954 Fort Collins. Colorado Co. 1857 U.S. N.T.U. Great Lakes, III. Western Michigan College AA Leroy A. Sandee 14147988 Co. C, 671st T.D. Bn. Kalamaioo 44D, Michigan Sqdn. H-D, Claaa 48-28 Camp Hood. Texas A/S Albert Hamel A.A.F.P.F.8. (Nav), Selman Field y*" Tongeren C.R. A/8 Robert G. Lucking Marine Detachment. N.T.U. Sat. Chas. W. Claver, 86418040 Naval Quarters 4, 411 Gag ley Ave. Monroe, La. Los Angeles 24. California Camp Paul Jonas, Bks. 404 U.S. N.T.8. Denison Univeraity, Talbot Hall 510th B.H. A A.B. Sqdn. Great Lakes, Illinois A/8 William Schanck Granville, Ohio Hartow A.A.F. Av/C Robert L. Hamm USNR 41st College Training Detachment Hartow. Florida Battery 88, Co. D. PR. 2 Pfe. Robert Luidens 14040050 University of Vermont A/8 Lloyd Van Raalta N.T.U. Iowa City, Iowa 847th T.S.8. Bkks. 165 Burtington, Vermont. Box 981 Co. H. Pit. 1 Bks. 2 Room 114 trd E. Cook. 16116064 Scott Field. Illinois Wsstern Mlebigan' College A/8 Clinton R. Harrison USNR Pvt. MUton C. Scheerens Kalamaioo 45D, Michigan Det.. G.C.A.A.F. 1014 North Broadway A/® George J. Lumadsn Co. C. Hq. Bn. 8CU. 1*48 Baltimore, Maryland Co. H. Pit, 1 Barracks 2 Camp Santa Anita NTU Wsstern Michigan College Arcadia, California P't. 720 Marine Barracks. , Cpl. Herbert A/8 Roger Heasley USNR Kalamaioo 45D, Michigan 54th Airdrome Sqdn. Cp. H. Pit. 1 Bks. 2 Sa. 848 Pvt. Wallace H. U.8.M.C. Army Air Base De Fouw's Electric Shop Western Michigan College StDcT5"TiV£'i,nM4' M.D.-V.12 RM Kalamaioe 45D. Michigan * Univeraity Camp Craft. Sooth Carolina WuHSL: c. B. 142 "Erajtbisg in Bectridty" L PageFour

Dickens Entertained 'pacuUcf 'pwttutt Pelgrim and At Miss Ross' Home AMERICAN HEROES BY LEFF Bleecker Lecture On Contemporary Affairs The English Majors Club met at Miss Ross' home last Wednesday, at P. and M. December 8. The theme of the Christmas: Fact and Faith The second meeting of P. and program was Great Britain in Q. In what denominations are M. was held Dec. Ist in the Com- War Savings Stamps avail- by Dr. Withers general, Christmas in particular, mons room. Prexie Jo Fitz wel- able? comed the new members to the What an incredible fact Christ- and Charles Dickens' Christinas A. Savings Stamps are is- Troup after their names had been sued in denomi nations mas really is. The song of the Carol — to be precise. Millie added to the roll call. A business of 100, 25f!, 500, 11, Scholten read a paper on The Life and 95. angels is heard even though ma- neeting was held to decide the 0- !• the registration of-War chine guns rattle over grape vine- of Charles Dickens; Elaine Schol- type of program the group desired. Savings Bonds a matter of yards in Italy and bombs fall on ten read one on The Works of Since many were interested in the public record? fine arts as well as dramatics, a little children in London and Ber- Charles Dickens; and Josie Fitz A. No. Records of owner- presented dramatically the • first trial type of combined program ship of War Savings lin. The light of the Christmas was presented. Bonds are confidential part of The Christmas Carol. After and information ia giv- star still shines through the smoke * Phyllis Pelgrim talked on the en only to those persons the program there was a discus- that hangs heavily over atolls in fundamentals of drawing and etch- whose right to it is fully established. the Pacific and steppes in Russia. sion on Charles Dickens and an- ing. Her speech was highlighted other on Great Britain. Irene Lun- by examples of her points from Q. Where can 1 buy a War Sav- The spirit which sent Wise Men on ings Bond? a long journey to bring regal gifts die was the chairman of the pro- plates she herself has made. to a little child in a manger in a gram. The highest ambition of any etcher is to make a lithograph and stable in an insignificant town The theme of the next meeting Phyll showed us a fine example will be Russia's literature. The still transforms our spirits as we Lt Charlef Brosokas, of Brooklyn, N. Y teamed up wilh another of the California coast which was committee is composed of Len Sib- n near the birthday of the King. fighting lieutenant in a half-track vehicle at Arcole, Algeria, to hand* made by her uncle. ley, Eleanor Everse, Arlyne Voor- grenade hit way through two machine gun nests that flanked our line Twenty centuries and it is still a horst, and Marjorie Prince, chair- of advance, and then machine gunned all reaiatance in the town. The Dipping in the grease paint, fact. Great painters have put it man. enemy withdrew, and our columna advanced. Lieutenant Brosokas was Helen Bleecker demonstrated the Bv Gib CroekctL awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. A. Vt United Stales post upon priceless canvas. Handel has art of applying make-up, using As our men advance, join their offensive. Buy more War Bonds. Elaine Scholten and Edith Wol- offices of the first, sec- immortalized it in the Messiah. ond, and third classes, There was a Roman Emperor who brink as models. and at selected post Architects have translated it into ilaced in his palace gallery the At the close of the meeting the offices of the fourth inspiring cathedrals. To proclaim clasa, and generally at busts of all the great prophets of members were asked to write down classified stations and it, men and women have left home the past. Among them he placed a The Kibitzer: . . . their opinions as to the type of branches; at Federal to go to the uttermost parts of bust of Christ. An American poel meeting they would like best. Reserve Banks and saw it and wrote; The next meeting will be held branches; at roost com- the earth. To preaene it, they • • • • by Owen Kocppc mercial banks, savings "On? was born in a manger Monday, Jan. 10, 1944. have been martyred and tortured. associations; credit And one by Avon's stream The seconJ year of war-football is over. This year we have seen unions; other financial To put it into practice, men have One grew up on the banks of institutions; many re- tail stores, theaters, and lived and hoped and worked. What the Nile some of the greatest teams of the decade and a lot of the poorest. Cercle Francais Holds other official sales a simple fact it is — the birth of And one in the Academe." Some call Notre Dame the greatest team in collegiate history (even rgencies; or through a Pay-Roll Savings Plan. a child — the coming of a Kinjr — In the same gallery with others he Seance at Mme. Prins' loes not inspire faith. In the place though they had a perfect season snatched away in the last forty You may also buy them the appearing of God in human The French Club met at the by mail direct from any he desenes he becomes the source history as a person, so that all seconds of play). home of Mrs. eter Prins on the Federal Reserve Bank Df all our hope and faith. or branch, or from the men might more readily discover evening of Dec. 8th at 7:30 P.M. Again the Christmas faith is in Here are the All-American teams as we think they should be: Treasurer of the United Him and find in Him eternal life. Vivian Tardiff opened the program the fact that man is a being in States, Washington, This simple fact is at the root of with the scripture followed by a D.C. whom God can dwell. You can FIRST TEAM all our modern civilization. As play, directed by Connie Crawford. Q. XThat is the linrt of owner- imagine what-the cynic would say- Lecky once said, "It was reserved Left End Yonaker Notre Dame The cast of which included Libby ship of War Savings Bonds? about that. For he sees only the for Christianity to present to the Left Tackle Whitmire Navy Romain, Elsie Parsons, Elaine A. There is an annual limit actual man and cannot imagine the of S5,000 maturity world an ideal character, which Bieleveld, Betty De Vries, Ruth ideal. This actual man — so expert Left Guard Filley Notre Dame value, a $3,750 cost through all the changes of the cen- Ellison, Nat Bosman, Marjorie Van in war and such an amateur in Center Myslinski Army price for each calendar turies has inspired the hearts of Vranken and Connie Crawford. year, of bonds origi- peace — shows few of the marks Right Guard Agase .... men with an impassioned love — Purdue Games, in keeping with the Christ- nally issued during t^at of the men of good will of the year to any one person. has shown itself capable of acting Right Tackle White Notre Dame mas theme, came next, led by Bar- angels' song. The faith of Christ- on all ages, nations, temperaments Right End Pihos Indiana bara Van Raalte. All joined in mas is that this same man may Remember—the longer and conditions — it has been not Quarterback Bertelli Notre Dame the singing of favorite Christmas become something better. Only so you keep War Bonds, only the highest pattern of virtue carols en frangais, after which re- can high social visions and noble Halfback Miller Notre Dame up to 10 years, the more but the strongest incentive to its freshments were served by Mrs. valuable they become. spiritual longings be realized. Halfback Odell Pennsylvania practice, and has exercised so deep Prins. Christmas should give us a new an influence that it may be truly Fullback Daley Michigan faith in men, that is, in men who said that the simple record of have discovered the meaning of SECOND TEAM three short years of active life has Christmas. done more to regenerate and to TULIP CAFE Christmas comes this year to a Left End Hein .. Northwestern f soften mankind than all the moral- 59 East Eighth S .. world at war. If we believe in the ists ani philosophers. This has in- Left Tackle Merritt .Army fact and live by the faith of it, Conveniently located—3 minute walk from campus. deed been the well spring of all Left Guard Pregulman Michigan this will be for us the happiest GOOD FOOD—LOW PRICES—QUICK SERVICE that is best and purest in Christian Center Christmas day of our lives. Coleman Notre Dame life." "Down through the ages has Right Guard Ward Washington Uut Christmas is a'so a great come the glowing radiance of Right'Tackle McCaffrey College of the Pacific faith. It was in the first century the Christmas star; and it is so today. To discover it, Right End Gantt Duke In the starry heavens of man- you must pause to interpret it for Quarterback Prokop Georgia Tech kind's ideals, its brilliancy is yourself, because the good you get supreme Halfback .Graham Northwestern out of it will depend upon what you It represents the highest goal Halfback Hamburg Navy think of it. It may be a holiday, I for individuals and nations; Fullback Butkovich Purdue a feast, a yule log. It may be a Its shining splendor tells the tree, a star or a candie. And then At center Myslinski has a clear cut edge over the rest. Coleman world anew that the ideals of again it may be something that the Master are still the great- played very well all season and is the best second choice. is not only for the moment, but ; est living force in human life. At guards the choice is more difficult. Pat Filley captained the something on which you can de- j Oh, discouraged, storm tossed pend and in which you may trust. 1 best team in the nation. Alex Agase was the outstanding lineman of world; One element in this faith is that ! an unbeaten team, Purdue. Pregelman and Parker can't quite measure Reach out again toward the Magazine Baskets - Hassocks it is the birthday of someone who up to their competition. Star of Bfethleh£m." is more than a hero or a prophet. Jim White is the best tackle in the country. Navy's big Whitmire Table Lamps - Book Ends 'earneie7d alight edge over Merritt and McCaffrey. What Not Shelves - Stuffed Animals Yenaker and Pihos are both great pass-catching ends. Pihos set WAVES-SPARS ARE REAL RECRUITS a new offense record. Yonaker was equally great on defense.'" De Vries & Dornbos Co Eight position are not enough to hold all the backfield stars pro- "The Home of Good Furniture" duced this year. Bertelli was easily the greatest quarterback. Butko- vich of Purdue was great enough for a first string position but Daley simply outshone him. Halfback Miller did nothing but run, and how Best Wishes for the he did run! Odell, Hamburg, and Graham were all brilliant triple- Christmas Season threats. Prokop's passing rivaled that of Bertelli. Maybe you don't agree with our choices; but let's see you pick SANITARY BARBER SHOP teams with more deception, speed and power. For DAD "HOLLAND FURNACES ALL METAL TOOL CHESTS 16" Cantilever Tray, $4.95 Make Warm Friends" 20" Cantilever Tray, $5.85 MAIN AUTO SUPPLY World's Largest Installers of Home Heating and 60 E. 8th Street Tel. 3539 Air Conditioning Systems

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During the period of indoctrina- equip WAVES to do a military tion training, WAVES live ai job with the fullest military re- regular Navy recruiti. In "boot" iponsibilities. SKATES school, the ability to "take it" WAVE shipmates enjoy a cheerfully it tested. brand new experience at study and Ladies' White, Plain Figure, Men's Hockey, WAVES haven't come in merely work. They also share the thrill of donning their blue military uni- Box Toe Best Wishes as an adjunct. They have been or- forms for the first time and pass-' ganized as a part of the Navy it- for a £g : • ' ing in review with the colon Toboggans, Skis, Pads, Etc, self. Their jobs represent real flying. Merry Christmas military service in winning the and a wzr. When recruit training Is com- We have your size at pleted each and every woman Happy New Year '••^at Is why indoctrination enlisted in the Navy will look and NIES HARDWARE CO. tra^iuig—drilling, study, duties— act like a full-fledged seaman. is part of the training program to FRIS BOOK STORE They're "in the Navy now." 43-45 E. 8th Street 30 W. 8th Street '"• v "W I

Hope College Anchor Pag • Five

Men's Union Holds •^nrortty Ugtits First Joint Meeting The first of a ..series of joint meetings with campus sororities at SOROSIS DELPHI SIBYLLINE wl^ich the Men's Union served as Sorosite Ellen Jane Kooiker was Friday, December 10, saw Delphi On the'dot of seven-thirty, sister host was held Friday night, Nov. inaugurated as the president of sisters gathering round to tnrow Sibs and their sisters-to-be gathered 19, when the men's group enter- the yule log on the fire and deck tained the Sorosis society in their the Sorosis society in an impres- in the Sib room for the special cue halls with boughs of holly. newly-redecorated club rooms in sive candlelight ceremony Friday Christmas meeting of the year. In At the tegular business meeting Van Raalte hall. night following election of officers election of officers for the winter charge of the program was Helga Harland Steele, president of the for the second term. Outgoing term took place. The newly-elected Sawitzky, who began by leading male element, opened the meeting president Norma Lemmer gave a officers are as follows: Marge the devotional period, reading St. by welcoming the feminine guests. iimery, President; Dot Kooiker, siiort exaugural. Matthew's version of the Christ- \ Devotions were led by Sorosite Lois Vice-r'resident; Dottie W e n d t, Mary Hinkamp. Norma Lemmer, Other officers named were Max- mas story. Carol Kile then took Secretary. Sorosis prexy, responded with ap- ine Den Herder as vice-president Red Van Dyke passed out gay over with the serious paper which propriate remarks to the welcome and Lois Mary Hinkamp as secre- i-ed and green programs decorated was in the form of a reminiscent and Maxine Den Herder led rous- tary. Elsie Parsons will augment with bows of silver ribbon. Holiday Letter written to a brother ing group singing of old favorites Arlene Voorhorst began the Norma Lemmer's influence as the in the Service, who this year, is with John Mooi as pianist. literary portion of the meeting Murray Snow presented the eve- new sergeant-at-arms. compelled to celebrate the Christ- with a Bible reading of the Christ- ning's serious paper, 44A Few A special feature of the program .nas story, followed by a prayer. mas Season in a tropical zone Facts about the ASTP" which was was the enforced presentation by Eleanor Everse gave a serious among palm trees rather than followed by a discussion period Carl Koning of a humor paper paper entitled, "Christmas, 1943" pines — away from the familiar during which he answered several and Marie Steketee rendered which was originally intended for faces and places which made for- questions on the subject. 'White Christmas" accompanied by For those who wanted tolWmem- the previous week's program at the mer seasons what they were. Marge Emery. ber and reminisce about sweet joint meeting of the Men's Union Jean Caan's humor paper turned Anticipating the snow which memories, Phyllis Pelgrim sang and the Sorosis society. Escorted out to be a modern version of "The should be coming soon, Edna Mae ContrltnUed by IMe American Soclrty o/ Magazine CartoonitU. "Begin the Beguine" accompanied by Roger Koeppe and Murray Night Before Christmas". VanTatenhoeve sang and dreamed by Marge Friesema. "My Ideal" Snow, the culprit performed under The meeting closed with the about a "White Christmas", ac- was her selection for those hope- Delphi song. French Pastry Shop ful souls who are still looking for the watchful eyes of his guards companied by Myra Kleis. Fresh- "the one". and the entire bevy of Sorosites. DORIAN man talent continued to show it- " Try Our Lin* of D«Ucious BAIED GOODS In the conspicuous absence of Nat Bosman and Merry Hadden Green holly, red berries, and sil- self in the humor paper which was Carl Koning and his humor paper, administered fitting reprimand on • er tinsel adorned a candle-lighted written by Anne Vanderveer. Phone 2542 the Sorosis frosh presented a "fftff't Pmttry Ctutt" behalf of the society by the use of cable, behind which stood the re- The last part of the program humorous skit, "Christmas with the Van Snodgrasses." The group two fraternity paddles. tiring president of Dorian, Melba consisted of an impressive candle- Jings. Marian Sandee became her light pageant depicting the man- depicted a family ordeal as the Jan Bogart was chairman for the DOWNTOWN iuccessor, conducting the election annual holiday photograph was program and distributed tiny white ger scene, Elaine Mensinger acting of her staff: Evelyn Shiffner, Vice- Christmas Gifts taken. All the family black sheep folders decorated with a pair of as Mary and Harriet Maatman as President; Ruth Ellison, Secretary; Joseph. During this scene, the made their appearance, the whole cherubic gold angels. She herself I. G. A. BLOUSES, SWEATERS Miriam Siebert, Treasurer; and Christmas Story from Luke was array being climaxed by the arrival led the devotions, reading the DRESSES, SKIRTS Thelma Oonk, keeper of the read, following which. Silent Night Finer Foods of "Granny" Van SnodgrasiT in the Christmas story from the gospel of Archives. was sung in soft harmony by Helen person of Helen Steininger. Matthew. Budget Dress Shop Pretty green and white pro- Wilhelm and Libby Romaine. Upon assurance by the venerable The weekly news summary by grams bedecked with sprigs of Caroling by all Sibs ended the Steele that Koning would be duly Ellen Jane Kooiker reviewed news punished for his lack of coopera- * holly and red ribbon were passed activities of the group as a whole. on the domestic and foreign fronts tion, the meeting adjourned with around. In an atmosphere of sobri- All Sib members then adjourned and ended with the timely re- the singing of the Sorosis song. ety, the members of Kappa Beta to the home of Sib Alumna, Mrs. minder that "there are only 13 Tulip City Harold Buter gave the master Phi were very close as they sang Howard Maatman. Here the elec- shopping days till Christmas." A critic's report. of their Christian heritage in the tion of officers took place. Presi- serious paper by Merry Hadden Refreshments were served under familiar old carols, under the dent Bobbie Reed's place at the emphasized the necessity of society the chairmanship of Roger Koeppe direction of Ruth Ellison. Old- helm was turned over to Senior Taxi Service spirit and Mary Lou Hemmes pre- who detailed several idle frosh to fashioned Christmas punch, poured Mary Blair while her Vice Presi- Martin Stores sided at the keyboard as the entire aid with the serving. Chaperones, by Melba Dings, and cookies, were dent became Senior Fritz Colen- 24 Hours Service group joined in singing familiar for the affair were Prof, and Mrs. enjoyed by all. The program, pro- brander, who is stepping into the Christmas carols. A humorous Gifts for Xmas Phone 7272 211 Central Ave. Clarence Kleis. vided by the retiring executive offi- shoes of Anna Laura Parsons. parody on the holiday poem, "Twas I cers, was brought to an end with Junior Harriet Maatman took over the Night Before Christmas," was the rendition of Christmas music the secretary's book, relieving for- read by Nat Bosman in her own on the violin by Jeffrey Wiersum, mer Sib secretary Rose Seith while inimicable style. accompanied by Marian Vande the responsibility of taking care Lois Mary Hinkman presented Bunte. of the money shifted from the the critic's report and the meeting shoulders of Evelyn Reus to those was adjourned with the singing of of Pat Haskin. the Sorosis songs. A very enjoyable social time fol- A simple centerpiece of spark- The ANCHOR Staff lowed the business of the evening. ling Christmas tree ornaments on WHITE a mirror flanked by white tapers CROSS in twin candle holders, formed an I. H. MARSIUE Its Editors, Reporters, Business and Cir- attractive decoration for the tea Barber table. The new prexy, Ellen Jane ACCIDENT INSURANCE FOR Kooiker poured as Sorosites trooped HOPE COLLEGE STUDENTS culation Departments, Printers up for dainty refreshments, ar- Holland State Bank Bldg. ranged by Mary Elizabeth Aldrich and Rosanna Atkins. and Advertisers THESAURI AN Visscher-Brooks "Bells of Christmas," a piano solo played by Lois K o o p m a n , INSURANCE opened the Christmas meeting of No. 6 East 8th St Thesaurian. "Spirit of Christmas," a story of the true meaning of the Holland Mich. day, was read by Jean Vander- Wege. Ruth Anne Poppen, accom- panied by Nellie Mae Ritsema, then sang "The Holy City". Clarice BRINK'S BOOK STORE Peterson led in the singing of Christmas carols. After the reading of a humorous story by Edna Rich- ards, refreshments were served by the officers.

Bill Folds - Books Stationery Bibles • Globes -Mottoes Monogramed Stationery send to each and every Hopeite in Christmas Cards, 5 and 10c.

48 E. 8th St. Holland, Michigan the armed forces


' best wishes for a very

iUwnj Cltristmas attft a Wades Drug Store; lltrtorimia

i Pag# Six Hop# College Anchor

Meteorology Class Candle Memories 2600 Christmas Seals | disease produced noteworthy affects j on over the desk sales. Sold in Girl's Dormifories Has Goodbye Cherished memories are like slim i The results far exceeded those WOMEN'S SPORTS white candles to be lighted in mo- Last week saw the close of a | of former years with the dorm Once upon a time fifth-hour ments of pensiveness. In the middle very successful campaign in the • girls buying a total of 2,600 seals; Now it can be told—1 mean the meteorology was a large class. But of the flame where the color burns tables, and they'll renew their Uncle Sam is fast causing the , or in money value $26 worth. brightest is the most clear and dormitories for the sale of Christ- i volley-ball scores. Virginia Zoet's lustre with ye o I d paint brush. ranks to falter, till it has dwindled vivid memory of that special mas seals. Data from the Michigan ! The salesmen were: in Voorhees, dashing team tops the list with Also, a little ping-pong practice down to seven and Rosey. Tuberculosis Association on the ' Carol Kile and in Van Vleck, Mary wouldn't hurt ya! moment, outlined hazily by numer- two wins and no losses, lone Private Ernie Meuesen was the rapid rise and spread of this ' Young. ous insignificant details. Now and Strick's and Anna Laura Parsons' Can we females help it if the last to leave. The class gave him a then the flame flickers and becomes "sharp" bowling alley decided to teams have scored one series and farewell party. Ernie's mother almost indistinct. Then as'the get "hot" and start a-flaming? lost one, respefftlVfiiy. Last but not sent a chocolate cake — the kind wind of memory sweeps through No, but there is still a flicker of you dream about. "Major" Hark the mind the can lie flame brightens ; least—June Pylc's ganj have lost hope that we'll have a chance to Buter and "Lieutenant" Louis nnJ becomes alive. Moments of both. Better luck nexc time! The bowl this year. Time will tell! Vande Bunte brought chocolate ecstasy", moments of sadness, teams will be in and at 'em again On next semester's sched 1 see milk and potato chips. "Colonel" moments of joy — all are relived | after Christmas recess. The casu- that breath-taking, energy-releas- Dick Hine, having due priorities, it the lighting of the taper. The alty list included Mary Lou Hem- ing, muscle-building, and figure- supplied the ice cream. "Pfe" Rose noments of ecstasy burn steadily, ] mes with a puffed-up right arm fittin* (girdle shortage) sport — O'Day, being the only wack in the flickering slightly as they secretly ; and Anna Laura Parsons hit Rose basketball. crowd, played hostess. She poured smile and curtsy to the responsive i Winstrom, the referee, right smack the peanuts and dressed lolipops chords of the enchanted mind. ! on the cranium. (P. S. They have S'no I'se like soldiers for favors. Those of sadness bum with a low, | recovered.) These games are full When old man weither showers j beautiful light, as if unwilling to 1 of spirit and action with the gals The refreshments were served down some snow flakes, we'll plan first — most original. Some of the I mar the sacredness of that memory. playing off everything—walls, ceil- several snow parties with the class quips were set to music in the Moments of joy burn brightly and ings and human beings — in the form of "How d'ya do Captain : vigorously as they dance this way ScaBcm's (greetings cracker box gym where the spec- army! How's that? 1 Koning, how d'ya do —" with one and that before the eye. tators are put on hooks! The W.A.A. board held a meet- At last, memories, the dolls and for each member of the class. The Net Total ing December 1 at the home of guest of honor was presented with i trains of adults, are tucked away Post Jewelry and Gift Shop The newest activity on the Milly Scholten—you know, way out a gift, which after multiple wrap- to be replaced by Today, but To- W.A.A. calcnJar will be a ping- in the sticks. They discussed sev- pings were removed, turned out to morrow, Yesterday can again be pong tournament. Don't forget to be a post card addressed to fifth relighted and enjoyed. eral other possible sports for the put your "John Henry" on the list hour meteorology class. PEOPLES STATE BANK remainder of the year. The ideas at the end of the hour brought the and we'll get hep! The tourney will General Kleis' contribution was party to a close and the guest of wishes for Hope College and The Anchor begin in January (1944) with Milly are a military secret. So, until next two rolls of films, a wonderful way honor was conducted home in the Scholten in charge. She and Jack year, a very MERRY CHRIST- to get your meteorology. The bell honorable car "Annabelle". the Success it Merits are scoutin' around for a couple MAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

S !

mmi f i f StniUntts si i I* ! if I i Hop* ColUg* Anchor Pog* S«T«n Dr. Strufher Speaks Philosophers Meet at At Scalpel Meeting Bosman Turns Arstnist; Everyone 2 Leading Mid-West Educators Home of Dr. Van Saun Dr. Struther the clinical director of the Children's Psychological Praise Waves' Training Program The first meeting of the Philoso- Is Shopping; Whcrt's All Th« Snow Center of Muskegon was the guest phy club was held at the home of Twas the week before Christmas i from the east — they talk about speaker at the meeting of Scalpel Dr. Van Saun on Wednesday, De- vacation and all over the campus, nothing but going home » . . Ev club on Monday, December Bth. cember 5th. ^ not a creature was lazy-daisy ing, Shiffner seriously considered order- The general topic of this in- . The topic of discussion was ing a kangeroo from the army joe formal talk was problems of child not even a prof. Everyone's in Australia, to act as caddy when psychology and the work that is "Philosophy and Democracy". Wes- precious caper-designed moments shop-hounding . . .Holly Holleman carried on at the center in Muske- ley Dykstra opened the meeting by have been hiding roughishly,. be- chased away a hefty case of flu gon. It was followed by a general considering the phase of "Educa- tween the ticks of the clock, and almost in time to welcome her discussion by the group. everyday is bulged with doin's. tion in Democracy". He was fol- here-on-furlough brother, who, in- To begin with the campus was An interesting consideration was Syl Scorzo speaking on cidentally, went over, but big, with littered with kleenex, green ones, the mental and physiological effects the female element on campus "Democracy and the theory of orchid ones, peach ones and Prof. of left-handedness on a child in Marge Gysbers suffered thru a knowledge". Arthur Johnson closed Hinga's dignified half-size white our right handed world. t n A AS F A.%_ vocalamity. the formal considerations with ones (courtesy of Duffy Wade). While discussing the odd and un- "Democracy and Logic". This was The Dorm infirmaries were loaded It's a mad maze of profs hurl- usual urges and wants of humans, followed by a general all-round to capacity with a long waiting ing exams at poor, struggling stu- Dr. Struther stated that the mental discussion by the whole group. list and both nurses run ragged dents with a thou-shalt-work stu- desire of the students living in Since - the. meetings are com- a feverish mess of throbbing heads dents in their eyes! Dorm girls dorms, for food at times when pletely taken up with discussion, and beating pulses. stumbling over trunks and decor- there is no real physical hunger is the group decided to break away ating their doors with evergreen an unconscious psychological re- Seems the frosh are reading from the formality of club officers. and red ribbon . . . Everyone drop- sponse due to homesickness. Al- Dantes — ah yes. And Nat Bos- All students interested in this ping into the Model about 4 p.m., though he doesn't believe in satiat- man wanted to make it a little organization are urged to attend every day, just to get in the Christ-' ing every desire we get but rather more realistic, so she fell asleep the next meeting. mas spirit . . . Bing, Crosbeying understanding the true nature and and dreamed the rest. But when Wfiite Christmas all over the place cause of it, he did urge that the she woke up, it kinda closed in on on . The line forming at the left kitchens of all dorms should be G of the family's favorite to say hi-g'bye to Clary (gosh it open to the students at all times. chairs was akchully on fire. Nice goin', Nat: was good to see you around again) After the major portion of the Van Liere, whose furlough just tritzie Yonkman added spark meeting was over a business meet- wasn't long enuff. ing was called by Prexie Parker. to English Majors with sage com- WAVES on the march .t Hnnter Coll^^ Ck"""""" It was announced that a new ment: "We might say the Christ- The Messiah already past tense biology publication would be bought The Navy's WAVES are not only doing vital win-the-war worlr W mas Carol is as popular as the . . Mrs. Snow chiming out carols on Sunday afternoon ... The white by the club starting the first of assert ^"of tl.J S-Wcs?^ iheir education. Dickens." . . . Jeannie Timmerman the year. playing Lady Midas with a dizzy- chapel star that comes every Christmas . . . Everybody dream- The next meeting was scheduled ing Christmas list to handle . . . ing of a white one . . . Kollich to meet Jan. 19 at which lone "}[ I had a daughter of my own Everyone juggling the budget to kids behind the counters to add to Strick and Phyllis Pelgrim will and if she were properly qualified, for women offer a real opportunity maneuver the shopping problem I would be gratified if she should nonotonlt only fofo r service to the country their pile of mazuma for Xmus. present papers. bttfalso foi and Sadie Hawkins a lad at the decide to join for their own personal de- ^elopment.' same time . . . G. I.'s earning the Sounded like great jubilatin' over the WAVES," the approaching release from ac- says Dr. Coffey. 'A Vital Service' gifting '|jack" by playing tiddley "It seems to me Commenting on the WAVE re- winks with freckled marbles (the tive dooty — all in a gay spin-eh wise to take cruiting program. Dr. West de- square kind). what? It's too late to say do your women into the clares: We are proud that so Christmas shop lifting early, but many women graduates of the Uni- armed forces for SPAULDING There's no doubt about who's don't you wish you had? required serv- versity of North Dakota are serv- ices that they I!1,! 'he uni,or,n of can handle quite the WAVES. We recognize that Shoe Store as well or even the training they receive is an im- This Hotel better than can portant complement to their formal 1J East 8th St. men. education, and that the work which they do is a vital service to their Specializes in Dr. W. 0. Coffey "Such a pro- country in a time when such serv- , 44 .. cedure is far ice is urgently needed. I heartily Catering for uctter than taking men out of posi- endorse this branch of service in W tions in defense industries and the Navy, and I would be happy to other civilian positions important in lend my support to any program CHRISTMAS JO^ Class and OLD NEWS connection with the war and which to recruit new members to carry are more or less difficult for women. on its great work." After all, this is a total war, calling Society . Th« Navy Department has just PRINTERY for the placement of each and every nCW 00 1 0n the NICK DYKEMA individual where he or she can con- WAVP* frc< c C0 •J,CS o*f ? Functions tribute to ' P which are Your ANCHOR Printtn greatest advantage. I available to young women at Navy found that the war training pro- The TaUor Recruititinn g Stations or offices of ?rams that have been established Naval Offi The Tavern with Best Above C. Thomas' Store cer Procurement l9l/2 West Sfh Street in Cuisine — Pleasing Surroundings



Shirts • Neckwear • Scarfs THE MODEL DRUG STORE Belts • Pajamas • Gloves Exclusive Agents in Holland for And Many Other Useful Gifts Elizabeth Arden, Helena Rubenstein, Lentheric LOKKER-RUTGERS CO, and Walgreen's Gilbert and Whitman Chocolates


Hamilton WMtfold SPECIAL B. H. WILIAMS JEWELERS Save Watch Inspectors for P. M Railroad Ekrin Bulova Blue Key Book Store with Attention... Hope Students! Have You Ever Tried Our Economy Fluffed Dry Service at 10c per Pound? T. KEPPEL'S SONS Cash and Carry SAMPLE BUNDLE: 3 shirts, 2 drawers, 2 undershirts, 1 pajama, 3 pair socks, 6 handkerchiefs, 3 soft collars, 3 John Vandtr Broak, Mgr. towels, 3 wash cloths. Average weight, four pounds—40c NOTE I; This is probably less than the parcel post Esfabliihad 1867 charge for sending home and return. Michigan Cleaners NOTE II: You mav have any or all of the shirts in this bundle flnished at 11 cents each. COAL — BUILDERS' SUPPLIES I. hOLLEMANS, Prop. MODEL LAUNDRY, Inc. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS AND VARNISHES 232 River Ave. Open Saturday Evening 97 EAST EIGHTH STREET, HOLLAND PHONE M25 FAIRBANKS-MORSE STOKERS

COMPLETE BANKING FACILITIES WE ARE PROUD TO HAVE HOPE COLLEGE For Anything in Fine Printing . . . AS OUR NEIGHIORS AT STEKETEE-VAH HUIS PRINTIMC HOUSE, INC. HOLLAND STATE BANK BAKER FURNITURE FACTORIES. INC. HOLLAND'S LEADING PRINTIM DepotiU Insured up to |6,000.00 MAKERS OF 9 Eait 10th St Phones; 4887 and 9281 HOLLAND, MICHIGAN CONNOISSEUR FURNITURE Holland, Michigan Page Eight Hope Zoct Awarded Summa Cum Laude fa Bronze Leaf For meritorious service, 2nd Lieut. Charles J. Zoet, who is Ist Newendorp here and then my fourth chapter week, and have finally almost pilot in the army air corps, has wiil b in Prim lr Fli ht Train mastered the intricacies of a highly U. Ken Newendorp hu been «« - ' y e - been recently awarded both the air ing and back to flying. This time complicated maneuver known tech- transferred to Texas, to attend Air medal and the bronze oak leaf. it's a real plane though, no more nically as "Forward HAARCH!" Corps Navigation School. The There is a possibilitv that this of these little washing machine There is another for which the Newendorps think that Christmas "service" may refer to an outstand- motor jobs. Can hardly wait until command is "By the flanks and to in Texas with no tree, and no snow ing piece of rescue work as a re- rear, HAARCH!" which no one has will be a little odd and unusual. 1 get back in the air again, I sult of under enemy fire. Lieut. quite figured out yet. As far as I 2nd Lt. Art Taylor is also study- .eally do miss it!" Zoet and the members of his rescue jan observe, at the command we crew set out in a Cataline PBY2 ing Navigation in Texas, but ex- Reay whirl rapidly on our heels three on a mission over the Mediterra- pects to go out very soon. A/S Bill Reay is in Carvondale, nean to pick up a crew of a flying times and then head at the maxi- At Stanford University, in Cali- fortress which the Germans had .11. •'The city has 10,000 characters mum possible speed in 63 different fornia, ETS Kleinjans is study.ng shot down. Shortly afterwards and the college about 800. In nor- directions for nowhere. Last time languages under the A.S.T.P. for Lieut. Zoet's friend, Lieut. Robert mal times there are 1500 students. we tried it we lost forty-two men M. Dial, set out with crew on a allied military government. He will We have a swell campus and a who somehow landed on a convoy separate mission in the same direc- probably be doing post-war recon- tion. He flew over the spot where pretty sharp stadium. The only headed for Italy." struction work in the East Indies. trouble is there aren't any fellows the rescue by Lieut Zoet was tak- John Ayers, from the University ing place and could see plainly his left to play football and stuff — Aalpoel of Nebraska, at Lincoln, Nebraska, plane as it rested near two in- mly about 800 girls — but we have Pfe. "Doc" Aalpoel is in the says "hello" to all his friends in flated rubber boats of men, pre- fun anyway, fighting — the girls A.S.T.P., at University of Chicago, sumably the crew of the unfor- the Anchor office. He is in ad- >ff! I've just completed my ten Medical School. He loves every bit tunate flying fortress. vanced A.S.T.P., of which he says, lours of flying. It's really swell. of it, and will begin his Junior However, upon return over the "The Army is trying to convert a Now that I've finished I'll be leav- year after a vacation in Washing- same spot a little later, Lieut. Chemist into a Civil Engineer, bin ng in about two weeks for San ton. Every morning they have roll Dial saw no trace of either rescue isn't doing a very good job." or flying fortress crew. He could Vntonio and classification." call, and calisthenics; three times see only a piece of a plane wing Mallory Gordon Berkel, Mus. A/C, sta- a week, they drill. They are being inoculated for scarlet fever, and and a broken off float bobbing ioned in San Francisco, California, Pvt. Chuck Mallory sends wora the score is now "four down and about in the water below. ays, "Y'ou should hear our band. from Memphis, Tenn., where he is one to go." "Hank" De Leeuw will The fact that Lieut. Zoet was stationed at the Naval Air Techni- play lead alto." He was married begin his med-school career there given awards afterwards is evid- cal Training Center, in the Marine lo a girl from San Francisco on in January. ence that he completed his mission; Pvt. Red Wagner thought he was Aviation Detachment. It seemt Dec. 3. His talents are certainly but what happened in the interim going to be shipped across, about between the pick up of the fortress that "the South is the object ol jemg utilized by the Navy, all live different times. When an order crew and Lieut. Zoet's landing at many harsh words from the fellows lis work having been in music. He in my section (thirty of us, ana finally came, he was sent to. Van his North African base is yet to !ias even done some instructing. only three from Dixie!) Oh, Mem- Couver, Wash.; from there he went be told. It is well known that lo New York to await deportation medals and bronze oak clusters phis is a fair enough town, but Kerle then New York. Just six more to England. He finds England as are not given for any ordinary line of duty. weeks of the twenty-one that make Art Kerle, in Primary Training beautiful as literature depicts it, although he has never seen such up one course here, are yet to be at Lakeland, Fla., .met Rod Fun- Lieut. Zoet's ordinary line of duty cold, damp weather and fog as completed. When those last six ;ton, who is also at Lakeland. "We has been, since last June, 1942, typical London reveals it. A con- weexs are up we'll be moving on, live in a bungalow, can't call it a when he left the United States in stant source of amusement is cars but with the fundamentals of how tt jarracks because it really isn't; the "Ugly Duckling", a Catalina going down the wrong side of the keep an airplane flying instilled in hard wood floors, tile shower- PBY2, that of commanding rescue street, and bicycles, which have us (we hope;). No telling where wt rooms, inner-spring mattresses, planes to find distressed flying been adopted because of the gas shall go from here, but we expect and a whole locker to each man crews. Because these awards would shortage, lie and Chuck Martindale ANCHOR, Hope College, Holland, Mich. Dec. 7, lJi3. it will be either East or West." My bed is less than fifty feet from not be presented for this, some- met. Chuck is working with a & LUBOCK, TEXAS, ARMY /uii HLLD — Honor cadet oi tne final Jack Van Alst, on short leave an orange grove . . . What do you thing outside of the actual mission group of men, about 70% of which graduating class 43-K, at Lubbock Army Air Field, Lubboci;, Texaj, xrom the Air Corps, where he is :hink is coming over the loud may have occured. are illiterate. Eugene Albert Rothi, is shown above as he receives his \.inj3 in an studying radio, is hunting pheas- speaker — Tschaikowski, instead It is known that most of the individual presentation from inajor Gordon J. Mott, director oi the ants in South Dakota. of the "Hit Parade", as at Max- Vlieger Catalinas used when Lieut. Zoet ground school at LAAF. Now a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army Air Forces, well." Ah, Paradise! Jesser first arrived in North Africa went Rothi had to attain an almost penect academic score to head ids ciabj A/C Bill Midavaine thinks that A/C William Vlieger has worn out and either were shot down or which, as a class, had one oi the highest acaJe.nic records ever estab- Pvt. Jack Jesser is among the 'No doubt by now the weather is G. 1. shoes fourteen months. "I disappeared. At the present time lished at this advanced multi-hiotor school ox tne AAF irain.ng Com- number who are stationed in the getting cold and snow is making spent about four weeks at'Jeffer- it is necessary to practice with mand. Lt. Rothi's grades for the course of instruction average J 97. i2. wide open spaces of Texas, at 3 very body think about Christmas son Barracks, Mo., and was then with fighter planes as a substitute His wife, the former Ruth Caseiaier, of Grand haven, was on hand to Camp Wolters. In expressing his vacation. Here at Seymour John- sent to a college training detach- until more Catalina PBY2's can be see her husband honored at graduation exorcises held in the Post The- appreciation to Musical Arts for son it is quite different. We still ment at Omalin, Neb. That was gotten there., ater here, Dec. 5, but his paients, Mr. anj Mrs. Albert Kothi of 210 some programs, he says, "1 haven't march retreat at 5 P.M. in our really swell, 1 got home week-ends. Madison, Grand Haven, were unable to make the long trip to the plains done much with my music in the shirt sleeves . . . This kind of However, my joy was short lived. of West Taxes. Army, except that I was organist Army life would be good experi- I was then sent to TEXAS. After Lieutenant Rothi, who is now ready to take on Uncle Sam's most all summer through my training ence for high school graduates to six weeks at Classifi- highly powered bombers, graduate J from Grand Haven High School in cycle at our Battalion Chapel." have before going to college. They cation center, I was sent to Elling- CHRISTMAS 1940, where he lettered in football, basketball and tennis, and attended Cpl. Glenn Bruggers thinks that could certainly make use of five ton Field bombardier pre-flight. Hope College, Holland, Mich., iroi.i 1940 to 19-.2 where he lettered in 'Maxwell is Quite a place! I like extra minutes. For instance, in This was really a nice place to be. football. Having never rid-en in an airplane until he volunteered for the North much better. 1 have Sve minutes, you can shine a pair It was even more pleasant because CARDS nght training Lt. Rothi's entire air experience so far has been in Texas, rather an interesting time. This of shoes, clean a belt buckle, take 1 ran across two Hope men there. .e took primary training at Ft. Stockton, Texas, and basic training at doesn't quite seem the Army, but a shower, change your clothes, and Milt Verburg and Lesley Heimen. 2 for 5c. to 50c. an Angelo, Texas, before coming to LAAF, for advanced training. His we really put in some rugged still have a minute and a half to I spent one night talking over old .nbition, of course, is to command one of the giant "destroyers" of the hours. We can sleep as long as we write a letter home." (Seein's be- times with Milt. Anyway, after .ir operating against Axis installations around the globe. want in the morning as long as we lievin'!) eleven weeks there I was sent to Box Assortments make our shift. P.T. (physical aerial gunnery school at Laredo, Higgs and DeVette training) is very easy — just Texas. Even the Texans don't claim Laredo. We had two Texas 23c - 39c - 49c - 79c twenty minutes a couple of days a Denison played Ohio State on *7^e SannacGt Say boys who swore that they came week. The rest of the time we Saturday with Dick Higgs and by Pvt. Sad Sack from Nevada and Nebraska respec- Grand Rapids) will be held Janu- don't have any. We can eat chow Russ DeVette, captain. Incident- Select Your Cards from ary 8, 1943, at the Pantlind. All lively At pr^nt I'm m my nmth ^ of Greetings! Are y'all kinda won- any time we want. Also we can ally, Ohio State is one of the "Big are invited to attend. week here at advanced Bombar- eat at mid-night! But then we get Ten". When Denison played Fort derin' who's who, what's what, and The first grading; period jias diering. It is swell here ... I Cards. shifts of ten hours a piece for a Hayes. "Rusty" was high-scorer, how's how with the G.I.'s around passed, and everybody is breath- few days. Many times we pull started dropping bombs this week. making 18 out of the 74 points the campus? Here's a little eaves ing a little easier . . . Girls, if any night shifts. We work about four against Fort Hayes' 34 . . . Jerry At first I must have been syn- chronizing on the wrong shack, be- drooping that may unbaffle a few of y'all are still interested in nights to every one day shift. Van Single was back to visit Hope's ONKER'S Yankees, I know of two who are cause my CE was awful. However, of you. There are some real nice southern Denisonians before reporting to y Drug Store here. today I joined the select few and girls around here." New River, N.CM for Marine Artil- "7*« Frxtndly Ston" Current rumor has it that the got a Shack." "P. S. If you see All eyes are on Dr. Raymond's lery School, from Parris Island . . . Army is considering doing away Nyboer Cardinal Louis Henry Chisman, tell class, where an avid discussion of Alvin Bonzelaar has been appointed him he owes me a letter. Thanks." with all the names of us sodjers the Civil War is taking place. The A/C Bob Nyboer is in Naval squad leader of Brigham's. First and refer to all personnel by their class is divided into two groups Pre-Flight School at St. Mary's Platoon, Ted Zwemer has' been with the Doctor acting as a border legal Army Serial Numbers. This College, in California. While at made third squad leader of the state. Spokane, Wash., Bob attended Third Platoon, and John Rypstra will do away with all confusion Editor's Note: (Cadet Lawrence Gonzanga College, whose halls the is second squad leader of the Fourth AMERICAN HEROES when you have two Smiths in the Dovley was chosen to do the cam- Platoon. BY LEFF famed Bing Crosby frequented. He same unit. So far the G.I. has not ous military for Section I. Though says, "And guess what? My flight Harrison yet decided whether the nick num- he hails from Laconia, New Hamp- instructor was a woman about 21 shire, he has as much of the South bers should contain the last four years old, and very cute. The first Clint Harrison, A.S., U.S.N.R., as the New England East. He day I went up there, was the first has just completed exams, mark- or the last five digits. studied at Yale University, St. time I'd ever been up and it was a ing the conclusion of the Academic If any of you G.I.'s want to be Thomas Military Academy, and real thrill, even though it was a year. He says, "There is nothing a hit, just look up the writer, about "The Citadel"). small plane . . . After two months like exam week at medical school a week before pay day, and you in the air with a pretty girl, I for sending a man to an early will be made the "Solcher of the ATTENTION G.I.'s! changed instructors and got a grave. However, it's all over now, Week." We have an excellent per- grumpy man ... As you know I'm and to my considerable surprise, sonality builder-up stuff, and for a The Anchor is anxious to in California. California — oh! the I find myself a second year man. nominal sum we can turn a Hair- have any of you who have land of the liquid sunshine called Andy Veldhuis, whom you will n less Joe into a Victor Mature. worked on a paper or are in- rain in Michigan. It really is beau- remember as a member of that The monthly meeting of the S. terested in writing contribute tiful here though. The school is group unequalled in the history of N. C. A. P. D. A. G. R. (Saturday to this publication. about 15 miles from Oakland and dear old Hope — the class of 1943, CI Night Club After Pay Day At 20 miles from San Francisco, and is expected to put in an appearance surrounded by mountains on all next week some time. While I sides. The campus is mammouth have not yet heard from him as to and the Navy has built into it when he expects to arrive, his class ;Hoiiba]3 Oirretings seven football fields, four soccer registers Friday, the 26th, so he fields, sixteen outside basketbal should be around before then. As courts, and a very large gym into you know, this medical school, as which the Hope College gym wouU well as the great majority of from fit about six times ... All the others, is in both the Army and "Shooting Fool" ia what they called Pvt Charles Zuke, «f Big buildings are named after carriers Navy medical training programs, Rapids, Mich!, because in line of doty 1m shot dm 22 lap nipers ia I live in a barracks called the branches of A-12 and V-12. There New Gainea. He twice bagged Japs wke wen trying to pick of his captain, saving the officer*! life. N« aniper*• neat is aafe from his Hornet — there is even one namec are fewer of us in the navy, be- Garand rifle. Jeane's Shop the Shangrila." Of the training cause the physical requirements We help pat Garand rifles ia oar i* hands with every War Eighth at Central - Bob says, MIt's a lot of fun but (especially for vision) are more Bond bought plenty rugged ... Four more weeks strict. We drill regularly every

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