
VOL. !-NO. 45. Published . Every Friday Drew FielJ, Tampa, Florida Friday, January 22, 1943 ~'HULLBALLOO FROM-¥___.: ______DREW"_ HERE TONITE ------·¥------Rest and Relaxation DREW FIELD PlAYERS WILl ENACT ' Generar s· Aide FIRST SHOWING FOR SOLDIERS Wa r Friend of AT RECREATION BUILDING NO. 11 Col. 'Buzz' Wagner .------TGnight, out at Drew Field, "They said the 'Gremlins' al­ shades.of Broadway will descend. most got me," explained Major One of the zaniest, most musical ATTENTION, WRITERS Robert L. Coffey, aide to Brig. and most promising of all soldier All men interested in serving Gen. A. H. Gilkeson, command­ musical revues. ever to hit the as reporters and feature writ­ ing officer,· III Fighter Command, south will knock them into the ers for the Drew Field Echoes as the cause·of his recent mishap. aisles of Recreation Bldg. No. 1. are urged to write a letter re­ En route to Johnston, Pa., to at­ "Hullaballoo · From Drew," lating their writing experience tend the funeral ·of his late friend written, directed and produced and send it . through :the Mes­ and former buddy, Lt. Col. Boyd by "the men of Drew Field, really sage Center addressed · to this· D. "Buzz" Wagner, as an hono­ should be an outstanding hit. The newspaper. rary pallbearer, bad weather music is delightful. New, full, and forced the major's P-40. down out­ · goo.d. This is definitely not just I side of Moundsville, W. Va. Mak­ another soldier show,. but .a real ing · an emergency landing on a production. Men will laugh them­ &noyv-covered field, made soggy selves sick, and tomorrow those Caught In the Draft underneath by the Ohio River same men will sing and whistle flood a week earlier, the plane the turnes from the show. A veteran of the first world nosed up, causing Major Coffey So far as the comedy is con- war, having served in the 27th to sustain minor scalp lacerations cerned, it is of a rare and w itty Division at the age of 15, Private and a shaking up. timbre. The kind that all of us George C. Kaley, now of the 314th Born in Chattanooga, Tenn., enjoy and need today. The dance 1 Base Headquarters and Air Base the major's family later moved to scenes are crazy, but wonderful. I Squadron, played a part in the Johnstown. He and Col. Wagner The sight of a. lovely gown sup- Draft Lottery drawing which was . were boyhood chums there and vorted by two very hairy legs is, IevPntually to catch up with him. I attended public school and Penn intself, a laugh. When the gown On the afternoon of October 15, State College together. During and the thing in it start to weave 194U, the Kaley Motor Company their summers they worked in the and sway in the pattern of the received a telephone call from Ilocal mines. After leaving college, several dance I'(')utines, it is a Bruce Barton, then Congressman he was a mining engineer for howl. · from New York. Mr. Barton three and one-half years. In the Several of the production num- spoke to the president of the Imeantime, Wagner had become bers are outstanding. It seems like motor company, George C. Kaley. an Army flyer and finally in­ Broadway all over again. Of The conversation concluded w ith I duced Major Coffey to follow course, you know as well . as I Kaley's choice as representative suit. know that Broadway dance cho- of the Syrian-American Veterans 'Army Career ruses don't carry as much weight of the World War in the drawing ··as do soldier lines, but the way of the Draft Lottery. He received his basic flying in which the show is conducted On the following day, October Itraining at Randolph Field and These two exceedingly ambitious looking gentlemen are the graduated from in surprised me, and I've seen ari 16th 1940, the memorable event Monroe Brothers, now appearing in the USO-Camp Shows' musi­ awful lot of shows. took place. The famous "fish June, 1940, as a second lieutenant. cal "GOING TO TOWN." They are two of the cleverest trampoline Coffey's first seven months of I hope that when you see this bowl," from which the numbers performers in the world. show you will .look for a tall for the draft in the first world service were at Langley Field blond lad singing "Tipperary." war were drawn was brought with the 36th Pursuit Group. He's good. He was good in "The back. to Washington. President Then the major was transferred Grapes of Wrath." However, Sgt. Roosevelt addressed the nation Diapers Bribe Natives FREE MENDING to Puerto Rico and served there 0. Z. Whitehead does a dead-pan and participated in the ceremony all of 194t At the outbreak of rendition of this song that is a which was soon to affect the Of North Africa For soldiers who need mend­ the war he was moved to Panama saw duty there until Septem­ scream, ~nd I mean scream. The lives of every family in America. ing or minor alterations of and house will nearly fall down on It was this ceremony which laid ber, 1942. He was promoted to· , Ga.-Diapers wer~ their clothing, this is a re­ captain in Panama. this one. . . the foundation for our present used in the North African inva.,_ minder that the Officers' Also look for a yeqr beautiful army and is making possible ulti­ While awaiting transportation sion as bribes to win the friend- · Wives Sewing Circle is still at Miami to join a squadron now young lady. She will smg several mate victory over our Axis foes. ship of the natives, according to tunes, and her gown is "delish." After the official dignitaries functioning. Bring your clothes in India, Coffey was traT.J.sferred Frank M. Smith, deputy director instead of the 305th Fighter Don't wait at the stage door for had made their speeches and of the War Production Board to Chapel No. 1 on Wednesday her though, because she is a he, drawn numbers from the "bowl" Squadron . On Nov. 28, Coffey was here. He said 60,000 suits of mornings before 10 o'. transferred to the ill Fighter and he might not understand. It Kaley's name was called. Little three-cornered underwear were The alterations w111 be made is Cpl. Charles Crain, well known did he r ealize then the full sig­ Command as Gen. Gilkeson's aict'e. included in the equipment of the free of charge. One week ago today he was pro­ from Br_oadway to Hollywood, nificance of the role he was play­ troops which made the invasion. and_s~ar IJ?- many pro_duchons. Hts ing, nor difl the thought that he moted to major. f~f!lmme ImpersonatiOns are ter- would some day be drafted in- nfic. . . trude upon his mind. Listen for the voice of Vmce Fate, however, sometimes plays The "Quack" Saves Army Fliers Man?ey. He wi~l be the good- funny tricks and today George lookmg fellow ~Ith t~e never-to- C. Kaley, president of the Kaley ~e-forgott e n voice. _Vmce former- Motor Company, is Private Geo. ly was the vocalist w ith Jack C. Kaley, of Drew Field. F or on Teagarten's famous dance band, September 10, 1942, he was draft­ and .of late from Claude Thorn- eel from Washington and inducted ...._\ll's band, with whom_ he ~a~e at Fort Myer, Virginia. at well-k~OWJ?- recordmg. T his * · ~.; Worth Fightmg For." Th·e lad ------is super in the show. BLESSED EVENT Scenery, dance routines, skits, Lt. Joseph Schreck, Base and dialogue, music and produc- Technical Inspector, is a proud tion are all original, and all par- father. The blessed event took ticularly good. Consider "Hulla- place on December 29, 1942, at balloo From Drew" a rimst on 10:30 p.:11., when his wife, Avis, your entertainment calendar. gave birth to a 7-lb, 2-ounce Don't miss it. The boys from baby girl, Judy J ane. Drew certainly have stolen the Father, mother and baby are show even of the year so far as doing well. · youi:. correspondent is concerned, and I ain't Kiddin'. . ' *---~-- Share You.r Car Army Nurse Corps For gas rationing purposes, drivers of auromobiles, either ! A plane in trouble over I In one r ecent call, they were support a swimmer indefinitely Now Rate Salutes military or civilian personnel, the water, in Tampa Bay, or in at the scene of an accident more in any kind of water, and com­ who live off :the base and wish the Gulf! U-.J.n 30 miles from the field in plete first aid equipment. additional passengers to carry Immediately things happen at 12 minutes from the lime of the The "Quack" can land easily Army nurses now rate salutes to and from work· are urged Dre·w Field. The pilot in trouble first radio m essage. in the water beside the distressed under a new War Department ±o c o n ± a c t the Drew Field has radioed to Drew, or someone The "Quack" is a Grunman pilot, take him into the plane, and _. order published recently. Echoes, in ±he Public Relations who bas seen his plan e in eli Efi- Amphibian Widgeon, which will take off for home. The crew can In. accordance with an order Office, Extension 218, sta±ing culty has telephoned the infor- operate with equal ease on land administer first aid en r oute, if by the Secretary of War, Army ±he n u m b e r of passengers mation. or water. Capacity is five passen­ needed, and then turn the flier Regulations have been so amend­ wanted and :the address of the The crew of the amphibian gers, but under emergency con­ over to the flight su·rgeon at the ed that all Army nurses will rate driver. plane. the "Quack," goes into ac- ditions it can handle even more. base fer a thorough checkup the same privileges with refer­ Those. who are in need of tion immediately . The men are It is equipped with collapsed when they get there. ence to salutes as are ·accorded transportation facilities a r e always on the alert, waiting for "Mae Wests," or life belts which The "Quack" is the pride and regular commissioned officers. also urged to contact this of­ an emergency call. They spring can be inflated on the spot and joy of Major Harry F . Bunze, So, soldier, the n ext time you fice, stating :their address. into the plane, take off in a flash, thrown to people in the water. E ase Operations Office, who takes meet that .trim 2nd lieutenant in , and get to .the scene without de- There also is a compact· rolled, over the controls at every possible blue-present arms! .:.....------:------! llay. . inflatable life raft, bjg enough to opportunity. Page 2 . DREW F-IELD·-ECHOES ·· q ~ ···-- s -·· r _- ~ .... aF·· ······ · ...... - ... ·-·:...... · ··

~ ' Contestants m Typing •Contest Typing Contest • Prizewinner Was Formerly Fire Chief

Pvt. George F. Kufta, of Mont­ ville, New Jersey, won the type­ writing contest recently held at Drew Field, copping the prize of a week's furlough. Pvt. Kufta and about 40 other m en, chosen from their organiza­ tions, took a 10-weeks' typewrit­ ing course, at the end of which seven finalists were chosen, and a time contest held. Pvt. Kufta TUESDAY- WEDNESDAY was the winner-far ahead of any SATURDAY AND SUNDAY of the other contestants. 2:30 to 5 Pvt. Kufta was inducted into the Army October 2, 1942, at Every Night Boonton, New Jersey. He re­ ceived seven weeks' basic train­ 8 till 11 , Ga., is Capt. William M. Hinch, ing at Daniel Field, Augusta EXCEPT MONDAY . Observing the contestants (standing) and was then sent h ere to Drew ') School Officer. From left to righl:, front table, are Pvt. Victor edi­ G. -Phillips, o·f Niagara Field. He is stationed in the M ' Smith, of W01·cester, Mass.; Pfc. William cal Detachment in the Hospital at 1 Falls, N. Y .. winner of the second prize, and Sgf. James Liner, of St Fa r e .Englewood, Tennes.see. Drew Field . . . From left to· right, center table, a1'e- Pvt. G·eorge F. Kufta, of He was forn)erly fire chief of Montville, N. J., first prizewinner; and Pfc. Eugene A. Hostvetlt, the Excelsior Fire Department, of On Davis Island Buses the first of successive classes Welcome Soldiers! :fur _fhe duration ;v~ich are: to r~­ dei.ve six weeks mstructwn m sheet metal. More than half of "T A M P A ' S 0 N L Y -;the students are wome~ , and it is ev'lm greater _, _ pected that an 1 MUSICAL BAR" p cceritage of.women will "man" e classes as the needs of the · .mtmed~ forces for men increase. Hear Your Favorite Songs 1 l1 Mr. Vaniah H. Baldwin, of St. 9c -- 28c :F;btersburg, is the instructor. "':'Students were for merly sent to I SU:ndav and Monday Nashville and other places for CHESTERFIELD BAR .. - . .. Single F eature 11 & A STREETS "Rood to . Mor()CC0 CASS TAMP MONEY LOANED I; Bob -Hope, Bing Crosby Dorothy Lamour TAMPAILOANVCQ;· 1: 'Tve tried to be Red~ White and "TAMPA'S OLDEST AND Blue MOST LIBERAL'' To the boys at MacDill and Drew, 908 FRANKLIN STREET·~ -J When the money is lax, I charge no tax, I This is surely the place for you!" ·i DINE AND DANCE AT LICATA'S Ma MILLER'S BAR t T -ampa and Zack 1111 FLORIDA AVE. Ph. M 7215 PLAY-ING NIGHTLY Phone 3003-9c, 22c PADDOCK I s· BE A R EE z E Saturday and Sunday BEERS-- WINES NO MINIMUM• ·: on Hillsborough Bay lOc BEER - STILL lOc NO COUVERT "Knute ·Rockne" BAR .... Try the Best in Fooci "Not a Jock Joint-But a place just , Gale Page like the one back home-where you FINEST LIQUORS Pat O'Brien c an brxng your wife or sweetheart 2nd Hit for a drink, a chat and fine music/' FRANKLIN STAMP & DANCiNG EVERY NITE JACKSON .AT TAMPA ST. 11 STATIONERY CO. 22nd Street Causeway "Four. · Mothei'S I, Open. From 8 A.M. to 12 P.M. Incorporated Phone Y 1715 Priscilla Lane, Claude Rains Manufacturers of _·\ · PRivATE · DIN'ING ROOMS RUBBER STAMPS BUY WAR BONDS! 1801 Franklin St. Ph. 2714 3.".>.

WHO CLAIMS LOWEST . fighter Group CO ASN AT DREW . FIELD? 314fil ·· Mess Officer ·. If you were in World War I, you may have the lowest Army Promoted Recently Serial Number on the post. Recently .Promoted Send us your name, ASN, and activities in the last war. How many men to feed today? To Rank of Lt. Col. There are no prizes in this How much meat is needed? How contest, but your story might much fruit? How much milk? Recently promoted to lieuten- be of interest to our readers. Vegetables? Bread? If it's a mat- ant colonel, the 28-year-old com- _____-fc_____ f ter of vitamins for the chow manding officer of t.he 53rd Fight- M w k hound~ of the 314th Base Hdqs. er Group now stationed at Drew and A1r Base Sq., the. problem be- Field, stared thoughtfully at some asonry· or. . on longs 1to Mess . Officer Lt. Charles of his £lyers climbing into the D B d C'L. II C. Bostick. · · cockpits of some P-39s. . . rew an JUe Enlisting in the regular Army "Our fighter group has some March 20, 1912, Lt. Bostick went mighty good men in it .. he said with the 20th Infantry from Salt puffing on h,is pipe. i£ Col. Dar: Nearly Com. pleled Lake City, Utah, to the · Mexican H. Wilhelm is a collector of pipes. border where, under General "It wt;~s the fu·st organization of John J . Pershing, he was on pa- _our -nation's armed · forces to be Most of the masonry work for trol duty as a border seouL Dur- sent .out · of the co,untry after the new Drew Field band shell ing the World War, he served in Pearl Harbor. For almost a year ht;~s been completed under the di- the infantry, under Majoi· A. S. we operated in the Canal Zone rection 0f Captain Chester R. Frost, receiving assignment as arid .the Republic .of Panama.'' · Delano, Specia-l Services Office1;. machine gun -instructor and re- Authorized Bottler: PEP~I-C9LA BOTTLING CO. OF TAMPA Not only does Col. Wilhelm ex- 'l'h~ ban<,'! shell is .l?eing financed cruiter. After ·the ArmiStice he .press Sy the' all- Called to active duty upon his. iP;l;I.~C::.E '' ... , B: •, ·E·C·K MI~~;::; gro_up's sever.ne into the building Pl:oject, as mess officer to t.he 3l',lth Base; .~H· ·.· ·0.. ' .. f·.· s f. o·. R M...~ . N . And well he might be. proud of which will assure completion of Headquarters an,d Air Base, ~ . such .brilliant figh:ters as J'iil;ajor the band sheJ.l, a modern broad- Squadron. Recently he was pro- ' 1...,.~+;~.,;.,~;:;~~,.4!~~~...... --...,...-....,..· ~!T!.A~M~P~:..._!~~~~~J Joseph Moore, Group Adjut<;~nt, cas,ti,ng boo.th, and a tet:razza .mated from second to first lie~ I·' dancing floor in front .of the band tenant. shell. La.ter, Clressing 1:ooms -will For 17 years prior to his en- : be added to ,the band shell build- tering the Army in June, 1942, Lt. THf ing, and bleache~· s to seat thou- Bostick was employed by the Ex- : sands of soldiers will be built in change 'Building Company, Mem­ an amphitheater in front ·of the phis·, Tenn., in the capacity of as- CHAJJ .ERBOX stage. sistaht building manager. CHICKEN A-ND .STEAKS The stage will be shaped as a He no:w resic;les in Tainpa, Flor- REAL . ITALIA~ · SPA9-H'ETTI semi-circle, with 30 feet front- ida, ·with his wife arid two daugh- SANPWICI:fES ,..,... pRIN;KS 1 age, and 15 feet deep. It is so de- ~ers . signed as to afford the best .ac­ ------+c~~----- pouo.:a..s coustics possible, to do justice to Drew Actor Plays ABBA DABBA the fine music of Drew Field tal­ AND I,3AND NIGH',l'L Y ent and various big name bands Leading Role In 707 . S. HOWARD AVENUE and shows which will ultimately PHO-NE H 375.7 use the band shell. The terrazza Tampa Production dance floor is large, 90 feet by S/Sgt. Wade W ybrants, appeared ..:...~~'"'!"'--'"'!"'~""""!'"!"!"'~"""!"----....::.._~...;.;:_ __~..:_~~-~ 70 feet, and will give plenty of on Tuesday and Wednesday eve~ room for those who wish to trip nings in the Tampa Little Theatei· the light fantastic. production of "The Male Animal," -.1·· LT. COL. DON H. WILHELM Proceeds from "Hullaballoo by James Thurber and Elliott Nu­ BENNETT'S DRUG STORE From Drew," an all-soldier show, gent. The play was presented in I 004 ;Franklin St, ,an,d :Cap.t. Edwin B . .Gilmore both will make possible the final com­ the Federated Clubs · Building. Complete Luncheonette • _Liquor Annex In Connec;tion .oJ ~n9,r? we~~ ~ d,e_cora;t.l;!]J years-1n ·,the A,rmy Air way production of "Three Sis­ 40 7 Tamp a Street. ·T elep~one :JZ2Z · §orps he has risen to hi~ p;t;E!sent tet;s," Too-Many Heroes," "Heav­ ~9§.t .9-f. - S9~I:Ii\iJ;p,di.!il;~ :a . ~:iz~t~r Yank to PL!blish enly Express" and "Time of Your ~9\l.P, - q_1l:~:te - .~ ¥I\PP.r~t~n,t fE!at m Life." . ilt§~. ~~e _l~t }l;llle ,b,e ha~ :been Summary of Tax ------+c--~----- Pi~ . ~.oWJ'i? <;i;p:l1;lill~l!C!Afl<~ .o#icer. .i§.e,£9,re. tb,~t :l;le w,:;i~ :w.; c;o_:rrunand On G.l. Incomca '.~f !fl.e ;J:;;e~c;Iqy?:r,teJ;s .sq\!

:t&e L.OGICA.~ Q . ~d B~ST , · To Buy Yo~r


Florida Avenue Hotel Hillsboro Twiggs St. FRANK J. HY:t:l'ES, Manager 917 F.ranklin St., Tampa GASPARILLA TAVERN 872 Central-St. Petersburg 531 Cleveland--Clearwater coLONIAL GRILL Service Men Welcome '" Page 4 DREW FIELD. ECHOES. January 22, 1943 ..:Sitilil1 , . The Drew·Field-E·choes USO to Present (:) '_'Going to Tovm" GLENN R. ROSS, Publisher TAMP A ARMY NEWSPAPERS This Wednesday Business Office: 1115 FLORIDA AVENUE P. 0. Box 522 TAMPA, FLORIDA

"Hullabaloo From Drew" Opens The W a r Department places in the Episcopal and the Luth­ great stress upon the spiritual eran churches, such services are At RB No. needs of service men. If a man conducted as the needs and de­ is going to serve his country well, sires of the men themselves are, he must also serve his God well, learned. ·

Most Drew sold_iers have h eard· the current song hit, "Der Fuehr­ er's ," which is ·listed in the Hit Parade. A Disney cartoon has been made of the ~ng , and Drew F ield's moviegoers will have an opportunity to see it soon. "Der Fuehrer's Face" is booked for a showing at the theaters h ere on Jan. 27-28. This Disney spe­ cial Donald Duck cartoon is a technicolor subject. Paste ·t he dates in your hat­ Jan. 27-28.


{gUT (!OM!i5 771£ RUOE AW4KG'N!N6/ AND OROOPY't.t...- 5/N N O A/QJlE, r January 22, 1943 DnEW FIELD ECHOES Page 5

of . 392nd Signal Company A via- 1 gratulated- for their performance-· tion men at the recreation hall 1 1ast Fdday night. · Another date No. 1 Friday night. The show Iand showing has been asked for. was produced a n cl d1rected by Corporal La Marr's show will Cpl. La. Marr to a large att.end- again be presented in the near f u­ mg aud1ence. ture. Don't miss it if · you J_ove Col. L a Mar r, r ecc1tly from to laugh and forget your troubles Hollywood, is well known on the for awhile. These productions are screen as Dave Daggett. Some bemg presented through the co­ of his last pictures before join- operation of special services. ing with Uncle Sa m in June were: "Navy Blues," with Ann Sheridan, Martha Raye; "Under­ ---1 ~ FROM THE SPECIAL SERVICES OFFICE ground," "Never Get Rich," with Fred Astaire, Rita Hayworth and Monroe to · many more. He has had a long ~~< Lucy 392nd Signal Men background on both the stage and screen. La lVIarr started on the : Judge Contest for II Present · Their ii~'iii·- n ~ On the Spot s t a g e at the age of 10 with ·orewls Best Vocalist SERVICE CLUB Variety Show Comedian Gus Edwards. the f/A?Pi' AfEOIIItH : Something that Drew Field has .LnxtlftYe .. .-· Hey, gang, get a look at this... Sunday, 8:15 P.M.-Piano con- Typifying the great service been very fortunate in obtaining ( There is a contest now open cert by Miss Margaret Cosie. that £orme1· entertainers from , is the very fine r ecreation halls v not too strong! , .. to fi~d Drew Fiel~ ' s outstanding Monday, 8:00 P.M.-Dance, girls Hollywood ·are giving to the they now-have and last week has v not too mild! • vocalist . .. Get 1n here a little from Tampa USO clubs. armed forces, an all-soldier re- 1 seen ~ome of the best cntertam­ closer while I tell you what to Tuesday, 8:00 P .M.-Concert of view and musical, "Me e t t.h A m ent that can be supplied for this v it's just !ight! do. Just submit your name in recorded symphonic music. · Army," was presented by Cpl. post. Corporal La Mar.r and his As a precauliDII, use OIIIY as directed. r. v.:riting to Lt. Earle at the Spe- . Wednesdav, 8:00 P.Jyl.-Dar:ce C. V. La Man with an entire cast whole 392nd cast arc to be con- ;; Cial Serv1ce off1ce. The office is !!1rls from Tampa Busmess G1rls ''- at the corner of Second street and 1 Club. B avenue. Thursday, 8:00 P.M.-Bingo, ,:. Jt!st remember that your name prFiz~sd. . p M D , ··I be m by Tuesday Januar II ay, 8: 00 . . ·--:- ance,_!pi s Of course 1943 ' y 26 · from Amencan Legwn Auxiliary ". ~ · ·. . , and Defense Mothers Club. ': t r we .e-et Y OUl name, well Saturdav, 8:00 P.M.-Commu- i· t .,.h .._... care of . You see, nity songfest. PHOTOGRAPHS thm~s. MILITARY . Miss Lucy Monroe JS _gomg to ap- · ;; pear h~re at Drew m person to ,_. entertam lls., and the show will Recreation Building Number L be BROADCAST from our own First St. Between K and L. stage at _RB 1 . .. Get the idea? Thursday, 8:20 P.M.: ~- The _w1m1er of our singing con­ Varietv show. featuring ballet . .BRYN-ALAN'S .. test will appea,r with Miss Mon­ Fridayo 8:20 P.M.: roe on the broadcast and will be Preview performance of "Hul­ asked to sing a du'et with the laballoo From Drew." This is the · famous international radio star long-awaited all-soldier revue. · That's not all . . . There will b~ Saturday, 8:20 P.M.: INTRODUCTORY an award presented to the lucky Performance of "Hullaballoo man who wms the place of hon­ From DreviT.'' or, and. Miss Monroe will dci the Sunday, 8:20 P.M.: presentmg. Silent movie from the early. Remember the set up now ... twenties. , OFFER Send_ your name in to Lt. Earle, Monday, 8:20 P.M.: '• Special Service- Office, not later Civilian vanetv show. ·. than T!lesday, January, 26, 1943. Tv<>sda.v, s,zo P.M., . · ··-.. ~ . rhe wmner of the contest will Concert by the 69th Army Air :~ be Mr .. Drew _Field for a night, Force Band. . (. and Will rece1ve a very special Wednesday, -8:20 P.M.: a~ard_ from Miss Monroe and also "Going to Town," USO-Camp will s111g_ on our Drew Field pro­ Show. gram With Lucy Monroe. The Thursday, 8:20 P.M.: date .. . Friday, January 29 . .. Civilian variety show. the place RB 1 . . . the time Friday, 8 P.M.: SERVICE MEN'S 8:35. Let's get the names in: Lucy Monroe in i'l personal ap- We have the talent, let's get it pearance. . . on the air. This brings the favonte smger of the Army to Drew in a pro­ Get-Acquainted SPECIAL ----i'·---- crram featuring the awarding of ~rizes for Drew's best soldier , singers, and the first , WFLA Beautifully Finished broadcast in thP new senes s~nt · directly from the field. Oil-Colored Portrait more bits of interest to his grow- ing scrapbook. . SIZE 8 X 10 Hi-ya, . fellas. Time once again Just a word about our B1g . to tune I_n on your radio report­ Time broadcast which unfolds er .a?d listen to the Army's ac­ from the stage of RB No. 1 a tivities of the week arranged for week from today, Januai:y 29th, you "On the Air." to be exact . . . It will be Miss $}.95 On last Friday's Drew Field Lucy · Monroe, star of the . Man­ Star Parade, Consolidated Mess hattan Merry-Go.-R o u n d, NBC Hall ._No. 20 went. on th.~ air to network feature, in a special tell Its interesting storY" to all broadcast on the ·Drew Field Star ONLY our "speci~l" effects brought out Parade-Miss Monroe will con­ _ fr~m th~ field ... These included dud · a · singing contest. Lucky ·:mess kits, knives, f o r k s and contestants will be awarded ·valu­ spOOJ?-S . . . dishes, pots and pans, able prizes in the form of War etc. ·.. . . All were used by .per­ Bonds ... For information con­ YOUR BU:S FARE REFUNDED sonnel from Mess Hall No. 20 cel"ning auditions, c o .n t a c t Lt. .... For 30 minutes the WFLA Kluge at the Special Service Of­ studws took on the accompany­ fice. We expect to find many IF YOU USE THIS C :OUPON! to add · realism to our broadcast new singers through these audi­ For 30 minutes the WFLA tions. So 'contact Special Serv­ •· studios took on the appearance ices right away! We will pay BUS FARE both ways . ·of an Army Mess hall . .. Chow Clip this, and you have '!- ready · lines were formed with all the guide for your Army radw pro­ [20c in cash] to each customer in accompanying conservation KP's grams. 1st Cooks, Mess Sgt.'s, and meat WFLA-(970) ... Daily, Monday uniform who uses this COUPON cutters retold . their story with through Sat., 7:05 to 7:25 · ~ramatic and interesting high­ A. M., Di·ew Field Rev­ before JANUARY 30, 19430 lights. T h e entire broadcast eille.'" marked another highspot in the WFLA-(970) .. . Tuesday, 6:30 .· "!J-S:_ ~f radio as a Special Serv­ to 6:45 P. M . . .. Drew l~"' n '">ature. A means given to Field Squadronairs. TE.-'-R OUT AND BRING THIS COUPON t ·. rmy to P a s s In Review WDAE-(1250)) . . . Thursday, .ev ·y time the familiar Air Corps 8:35 P. M . .. . Rookie theme song races across the blue Roy's Scrapbook. DREW FIELD SPECIAL ·: to you. ~hat . song is a symbol WFLA-(970) . .. Friday, · 9:00 of perfectwn 111 the air-which to 9:30 P. M .. . . Drew ONE 8 x 10 OIL COLORED PORTRAIT is what we strive for on any Field Star Parade . . :Of the present nine weekly army "Keep 'Em Tuning" CLIP THIS · radio shows. . If all technical difficulties can FOR $1.95 ONLY . ·be adjusted by this coming Thurs­ In Appreciation COUPON ;:day ~he popular radio feature, DOES NOT INCLUDE MOUNTING OR FRAME Rookie Roy's Scrapbook, will hit We up here at · lhe Special c",the air .at the usual time, 8:35 . Service Office want to thank Available only to ~he uniform~d personnel of DREW . FIELD ·the nice . people who helped This Offer Cannot · ~to 8:55 P. M., direct from Drew I to make our Rodeo such a fine ONLY ONE SPECIAL OFFER PORTRAIT I : ,Field . . . Yes, wires are being Be Purchased at . to a. person in any ·six-month's period. , .: stru_ng, lines tested, broadcasting hit . with you all. I Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Byron :, eqmpment c h e c k e d and re­ Studio Without Studio O~en TUESDAY-THURSDAY-SATURDAY to 9:oo P.M. ·,·checked and this reporter has were the nice p e ·O pIe who •I ·· been interviewing former radio brought their two s.well horses and two "sweller" children out Coupon. THIS OFFER I : engineers who . are now stationed BRYN-ALAN STUDIOS VOID AFTER I '· at Drew Field in hopes of find­ that dav. Miss Clarice Hall JAN. Jo, 1943 I ·: -ing either an officer or an en­ was the other lovely young 416 TAMPA STREET-SECOND FLOOR lady who rode her own horse. I : li_sted m~n to operate this spe­ \ cial equipment. Now all is in To all these swell people,_ our ;. readiness. .If t h e lines check thanks are extended. M i s s ------~------J ; -we'll be on the air and you men: Peggy Simms comes in for her "Will have an opportunity of share of the credit too, be· cause it was t h r o u g h Miss , watching this s0ow. You might Simms that the whole thing · BRYN ALAN STUDIOS . even take part 111 the broadcast. - , Just to make sure, why not plan was arranged: People like that r on being at_ the RB. No. 1, this help us to bring fine entertain­ 4.16 Tampa Street--Second Floor Telephone M-1439 · \ Thursday, at 8:00 o'clock? Look ment to you guys out there. · (in · bn Rookie Roy as he adds Jii.J:l.U~lY 22t. ' -~~A~ . 3£& &US!& ~ - LB. .. J _ t .. LB L.£. L ...... @l.. I --V-.. .. 2 if!. kid I. 1.1 _gJA $ . u .. JPJ .. o..§i. .P.&_ . :s .... a:ms :l08fh .SIG. q:Q. (WING) III ·FIGHiE:if '; 20MMAND- 3141h FLUNK-UP_S HO. ~ H.O. SO. Wanted: A brave man. Are you willing' :to look :the world 1 SEA B'REEZES * * in :the eye, and wi:thou:t ba:t:ting By CPL. ROLPH FAIRCHILD STAR KOSHER an .eyelash, :tell i:t wha:t you Pfc. Johnny N'Jzzo's hometown By PFC. ALVIN M. AMSTER think'? If you are :tha:t man. DELICATESSEN girl friend has cured him of writ- A pleasant goodbye and good All Kinds of Herrirtg, .Lox ~d won't you .:try writing :this col­ Smoked Fish. Impo.·ted and :Oo­ umn? ing her nasty letters. The method luck to · · · Ray Janus, who left mestic Cheeses. Kosher Wines. · b t'f · 't . . 't Sh 1 today for AC QCS ... Neal Grant, All Kinds of Sandwiches · Credit Whel'e Credit Is -Due Dep:t. I~ eau I u 1 m I s s_Imp 1ICI y. e w.ho was transferred to a crash Open Till 11 P.M. . · · · · - · Simply tore up his last letter, boat outfit at Myt:tle Beach, S. C. 805 Gr. Central, Ph. H 29-842 · Have you ever watched .a man ! dropped the piece into an .enve- ... .John "Wolf" Wilson at Med. :~:i~~~--·~: I . tnring ~0 cj.o 42 jobs at one time? I lope and ma'iled it to hir:n. . . A~ ?chool,<;· Louisiana State ·· J1;1st come down to .the Mess;VIth t!;Ie ;1 "Rope" Shiefds'• :

lSeS 0 ° carr-Y 9~·. £ractice game to the Or;qerly .used ;this higl:lly scente~ pr:oduct. " 0 ;·, • " nof ;Py,t. i8ol:Jby i];toq~ boys;·2;1-20 .... ,0 . z. Whitec , :r'h.~n • .he sa.ys, ,he. er;tJOY~d ~}{- 1 Ro! Pnv~te 1:Jia!grove . . C~s------~~~~=~~-.

Kuttn,er, .. via_ ,Ft. McCiell~n, Ala.,, head, the .m;ln .:vyith ,~he everlast- otic •c:freru;ns ~nv()lvwg qeautifuJ te,tter cal.ls .:wrfey daily to In,q~:.ur~ ··S ·0. .. :L ·..D ._1_. .E. •__R . .. ··_S_·. ·-· ~r' · to our s~ctwn, the ~and no:w ing smile on his face, who never women all mght · Ion~. Heapr;tg about t_h~ Iceman. . . .· • .B~ckmg. , _ ~. J· .· . · . boasts a Brother Act ... Erg has .a harsh word to say of any- tha!, several ot:~?-ers tned the ex- Joe Olivier, spotted, w1pmg off .. Brother, Dave, novy has s~me- on~~'ii -ine;i;dentally, is ,t~e ·Jillatl , p.e,m:J;l,~:t:J.t., ,\;l,1,1,t ~ .tl:;l,~y . p~<;l. ~ny Sgt_. WasJ:es d.es,k . .. Eldon When you are lonesome & blue . one to watch over hrm, especial~y who ;citli ~).U> ' :Y~# i~J;i~e .t,i~~-ts_ it9 . 1 Rl,l.~k_ . 1t_:he-y. Ser:t,a,i,J;!;ly · ..tw .y;e \i:ept G:w~ry, H1ll an~c!;fo__ ~den _at ~or.~ And- you don't know :wi?,~(Jby's first him~·.. ' .. a · ..... " ... · · · · •· . · · •T:h.e ·;J::>~sk.~L.I:Ja.hl tEoW!Il ;q~ b~en ~eepmg the Cl!q)¥ - !Im~se perk­ app~arance :w~tb- our· gang was I We're. all glC~;d j;o .:;;ee - '~Glii-P.~ail?- cr,_~s~ing ;tf;ie ;fi;<.>nt :B?:ge .Q.f tl;le IJ?:g: ... :~anc~9~ .collects ~ype- M. .·MU .. .LER'S BAB · d~nng the :egular Tuesday ev:E;- Johi,i'~" ,$!:IJilil1g {ace J>ac]5: ;w:ith .us T

OWNSEND Sash - Door T & Lumber Co-.

N. Rome and Fuller Street

HENRY HOWKEE CO. Chinese Hand Laundry it Satisfaction Guaranteed

we· Specialize In Home Cooked Food~ ChiCkeri, Steak and Chop- Dinners Sulphur Springs, Arcade Bldg.

W. RAMSEY LUMBER COM-PANY _ We Specialize·_In Mill Work & Cabinets we· can furnish· niateriai- for· Repairs and F. H. A . Loans -Phone Y 12-19 - 17th st, & Gth Ave


WINES- - L~QUORS - cm_A.RS FREE DELIVERY SERVICE 160'1 Ei COLUMBUS DR.· PHONE Y -1281 - - - Keep 'F.in Fiybig-- - -

Sound' and· _Inter Co-mmunlcatlng­ SyS'temif Authorized- Capehart· -and--Scott Radio -Service . Ill'& Gnmd Ctiii&il' - Phone B"'3'78-7

- Diamon'ds - Watches ..: Jewelr7 - Silverware Dlnmonils ut a nt'g Savini{ A. L. ECKART 400' Turitpil Street

"" FERNANDEZ RESTAURANT Cuban Sandwiches A Specialty 1216 Fra.nklln St.

VALENCIA GARDEN All Service Men Are Welc-ome Restaurant Barcelona Cafe SPANISH RESTAURANT WE SERVE THE FINEST OF WINES AND L-IQUORS SPANISH FOODS Phone s 2142 --:- Open Ali Night _ 811 Grand Central Ph. H 3773 4714 Nebraska and Osborne I IN THIS SAFEST-OF-ALl. FORMS ••• Service Men Welcome Not even a strong-room is as safe for uncountersigned. They are spendable I V'ICTOR CAFE ' your cash as a wallet of American like cash anywhere, as experienced Express Travelers Cheques. For you travelers know. No identification re­ BEER - WINES GILBERT HOTEL 1324 Franklin Ph. M-7240 c/on' t lose _yo11r mo11e;•, even if you quired except your signature. 811 Tampa St. Phone M 1094 lose your Travelers Cheques, Here's Issued in denominations of $10, BILL BAILEY, Prop. why! - _ W. H. WHITE, Manager $20,$50 and $100. This protection Member V.F .W. & Am. Legion You sign each cheque at time of costs only 7 5¢ per $100. Minimum purchase. You countersign them when cost 40¢ for $10 to $50. ¥------~------k you spend them. American Express l'or sale at Banks, Rail way Express promptly refunds full value of lost cir offices, at principal railroad ticket Special lnvfiations to All 1 st9len Travelers Cheques which are offices and at many camps and bases." _ GOODY GOOD-Y Service Men I THE PLACE TO EAT 1119-FLORIDA A VENUE GLEN'S BllLIA-RDS i Now In Its New Location Est. 1925 805 TAMPA ST. *---~------* New Basket' Ball League Formed __ MAAS_- _ f· In Drew Field's younger days, . sports were on ;1 . catch-as~catch­ BR ~ OTHERS can basis. But with tl:ie advent · of our new gym buildings, sports and recreation finally have come Drew Loses Game Interceptors Stop into their own. And as an out­ Drew Drops MacDill By standing example of the initiative * After Chalking Up of t.lie boys in the Signal Corps, Nine SJra-ight Wi.ns Score of 39 to 34 three Drew Field basket ball Complete .... WilD .56 47 . Score; Drew Interceptors · basket ball leagues have been formed. · . Last Monday night, in Lake- team completed the first h alf of AU teams are from different or­ ganizations in the A WUTC. There . . Take League·Lead land after win.r_;ing ,nine straight the first round in the Tampa City are-a total of eight teams in .each convenient games, Drew . F Ietd s ~o .. 1 bas- L e::fgue by defeating the Third league and they meet every Mon­ PFC._ DELWIN BAGGETT kE"tball team suffered Its first ~e-1 A ir Force, 39-34, . for tbeir fifth feat at the hands of FJoncla straight win in the league . . day, Wednesday and Friday in gyms Number 2 and 3. There is . In w_inning their fourth straight So_uthern College by the score of I The Interceptors now have won no admission charge and the MILITARY gamt: m the Tampa City league, 33 27. . . . . 10 out of 12 _g:ames played . ~n gyms are open to all spectators. Drew's No. 1 Post basketball team Mlssmg th~ basl... et repeatedly, league . compet~twn . and outside 1 Three basket ball games are defeated the MacDill Flyers, 56- along wJLh . bad pas:~ g , was the ~ompehtwn w1th nme of them played in each gym each night DEPT. 47 Gn the Drew court last Turs- mam downfall of tl.- t eam. . m successiOn. . and the players are strictly "on day night to take over undis- ,John Fow~er, high sc?rer _m The first quarter was a nip-and- the ball." . puted league lead. th ~ Tampa CI;Y ]~ague of w hich tuck affmr w ith . Drew leading The league is sponsored by the - g . f D l<"W 1s a 1w ,,be1, led the team 7-6 at the end of the penod In JUST INSIDE OUR . MacDI11 , 1on an arc1 1 nva1 o ·11 - f' ld b k t f · t · Physical Training Department Drew, made a fight of it all the WI 1 seveti ~e as e s or a o- the second quarter, Drew picked and has the sanction of all or­ way and led the Interce tors tal of 1~ P?mts. . ; SIX fit;ld goals and one ·foul for ganization·s· concerned. FRANKLIN ST. through the first half Diew The L1teiC E'1J tOIS .held a 11_-10 13 pomts, to lead 20-15 at the . b'd f ·. t . . th advantage at the end of the f_Irst half made the ------~------· ENTRANCE last h If 1r d I1 d orth VIC. . ory m t e quar,er . .dut m· the second penod,· I .Fowler· and Schendel paved the 39-38 a at au e d elf 0t);ont~~ ·d ' lrem S\~O r"d OP lv one foul shot. ! way for Drew's victory with 12 Former Ball Player • ·. 11 11 quarter. le en ° e ISouth ern led 17-12 a~ the ,half. and points, respectively . . 1 Ed Schend 1 f . . w· . - ~'IcKmg up nme pomts m the I Playing a bang-up game on de- Now Sergeant Major · player hit the ' b m~n~rf . If8oFsi~ third auartPr, the Interceptors fense was Messing for the Inter­ Of Signal B.attalion' goals for a t~tafsofe 20 or oint;eto forged ahead and led _21-19 at the ceptors, who did a good job in * lead the Drew attack. p Follow-\ enu ot w~ third I?er~od. . cr sto~ping the offense of the losers. A former professional baseball MEN'S -SHOP ·ng on h' h 'tl . t In the fmal quarter the rolle e \ Lme-ups· player who starr d t h t t l , · Is .ee1 s WI 1 11 pom s b t t ·k d b p - · . . e a s or s op . respectiVely were Sam Haskin . 0Y~ ,- ~en .0 wm '· 1e Y ane-1 Drew (39)-Haskm, f (4), :J?Ix- for the San Francisco Seals of the . ·MAIN FLOOR.-

and John F~wler at forwards. . ho, ~: Ith f:!_I_gh; . pomts to amass by, f (2), Fowler, f (12), ~essmg, Pa. cific c_ ?ast . L_eague, . MIS__ gt. ·. 1 · -==::::====:::~==::::::iJ The Flyers grabbed a quick 14 p~nnts and -the game. . If (5), SchendeL c (11), Sltarz, g Jack M. Rwrdan IS now starring :. lead as the game opened and iC (3). Derkacs, g, McConnell, g, , 1 in a more serious. undertaking. . ------...;,·-.-· held' a two-point advantage at 503 d w· T . . R' g .(2): . . . He is now sergeant major of the ~ the end of the first and second r . ·ms WO In . OW Thtrd Atr Force (34)-:-Davis, .f 566th S ~ AW. Battalion. . ., quarter. The half-time score was <2) , Apple.. f (8). Martm, f (4), Sgt. Riordan 'ente:red the Army · -·A :I R·:· · ,, B .·- A·• · s-' :~: --s·u. ~~ ;,, 26-24.. _ Monday night, January 11 , the Kerr, , t~ yrmg, c(6), Cropper, g, Sep_temb~r 11, 1941, at Monterey, . .[ .: /~~I Durmg the hectic game, the 503rd Regiment's basket ball wnne;;;.,_ (,), .Johnson, g l7). Cil:hf._, h_Is ho!fle t?~n, and re- ·Iead changed hands 13 times and team Won, 31 to. 22, in a slam- ~ ceived his basic trammg at Camp LlNES~_-- · · Inc ·. •.·· was tied on five occasions. bang battle against the 564th Bat- D ·. . 7. Roberts, Calif. He also spent 10 . Drew scored 17 points ih the talion. McLoughlin was high sc.or- .rew, 4 ; J. H. S., 42 months at McCord Field, Wash- last quai:ter as they pulled away er, with ·12 points. The players T.h e Drew basketeers con~ i~gton. Since co_ming to Drew BUS STATION · from their opponents in a scoring were Friedman, Ackman, Me- tinued their winning ways in ~Ield he h~s received the follow­ spree that has become typical of Loughlin, Arysh, Scott, McAtee, defeating Jesuit High School. mg promotions: sergeant on Jan­ Corner Tampa ~ Cass Stree _t~ . the Interceptors. Flis and Brown. 47-42, for their ninth victory uary 8, 1942; · first sergeant, Bonnell and Cassidy turned in. Monday night, January 18, the of the season. March 1, 1942; and master ser- a supel'b floor game on defense 503rd did it again . . In a furious Jesuit led the wav for the geant, · August 10, 1942. for the Interceptors as they kept nip-and-tuck game with the first three quarters - but late In 1940 M/Sgt. Riordan was the high ·scoring quintet from 55'2nd Battalion's five, the 503rd in the final pP.Tiod the soldiers gradua~ed from ;:>an Jos~ College. 30-Minute Service to Both across the way in check. rang up 47 points against their found the basket and edged Followmg up his favonte sport, The , lineups: opponents' 40. Ackman was high out their high school op· baseball, in the Army, he has Fields at All Hours MacDill Flyers (47) G F tp scorer. The players this time in- ponents. played on the Drew Field base- Calmer, f ______1 0 2 eluded Pa~howitz, Freier, L and, John Fowler was high scorer rc>ll team which piled up a win- Farley, f ______3 2 8 Carter, Fnedman, Ackman, Me- for Drew. ning record last seaso~. Mel(' f 1 0 2 Loughlin, Arysh, Scott and mney, ------Brow n. 15-Minule Service: Creslar, f ______o 2 2 Th Cummings, c ______6 1 13 ese games are held every During Rush Hours Tho ~npson, c ______o 0 0 Monday, Wednesday and F riday HOlEL DeSOTO Isrell; g ------~ 4 4 12 nights in Gym No. 2, and all in- Kaveny, g _ _:______2 0 4 terested spectators are invited. RIGHT DOWN TOWN ~:~~ftz, g g -======~ ~ ~ ~~~;~ enf;l~~~s are on the ,schedule Marion and Zack MANAGEMENT For Further Information TOTALS ______19 STACY ADAMS AND W. P. HOLMES 9 47 556th Sig. Drew Intercept. (56) G Bn. ------1 2 F tp 556th Sig. Bn. ______o· 3 Haskirt, f ______5 1 11 564th Bn. ______o Sitarz, f ______1 Sig. 3 UNITED OPTICAL DISPENSARY CALL 4243 1 3 553rd Sig. Bn. ______o Fowler, f ______5 1 11 3 Manufacturing and Dispensing Opiicians Bixby, f ______1 0 2 WHITE LEAGUE 205 ZACK STREET PHONE M 5783 Schendel, c ___ ...: ______10 0 20 Team W · L Bonnel'l, g ______2 1 5 555th Sig. Bn. ______3 Cassidy, g ______1 0 2 4 308th . Sig. Co. Wing ___ _2 0 COURTESY DISCOUNT 20 PERCENT 312th Sig. Co. Wing _____2 TOTALS ______25 6 56 1 576th Sig. Bn. ------1 1 Prescriptions Filled-Lenses Duplicated ------~------575th Sig. Bn. ______1 2 951st R. I. ------1 2 ·Matthews Cops Gol.f 391st Sig. Co Wing ______1 2 Prize 680th Sig. Co. . ______o 3 Service Men - Officers- Families S/Sgt. M. S. Matthews was FOR REALLY GOOD FOOD AT MODERATE PRICES BLUE LEAGUE PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE-FOLLOW THE CROWD TO medalist winner of the golf tour­ Team W L nament held by Drew Field play­ 708th Sig. Co. ______2 0 ers at the Golf Club. A 1303rd Sig. Co. ______2 0 • nice 78 won for Sgt. Matthews a 713 Sig. Co. ______2 l TH E- C 0 L0 NN A D E . Engraved Social Stationery, too. sterling golf charm prize. Other 710th Sig. Co. ______1 2 BAYSHORE AND JULIA . winners were S/Sgt. J. Allison 307th Sig. Co. Wing ______1 2 MODERATE The Commercial Printers net winner, 86-19-67. Cpl. L. c: 705th Sig. · Co. ______1 2 Steak, Sea Food, Chicken Dinners PRICES Ray won the high prize with a Printers of 703rd Sig. Co. _____ .::. _____0 1 Delicious Sandwiches The Tampa Army Newspapers gross 98. 4Q7th Sig. Co. ______o More player.s.are urged to take 2 Includes games through Jan. 11-15 Florida Ave. Phone 2126 advantage of 1he Airport Golf 15, 1943. Club facilities and join in the fun. Everyone enjoyed the tour­ nament and more matches are planned for the future. The golf club is just a half mile west of the north gate. CO ~IPLETE ------~------DINNERS .Ments, J>oultr~·, Groceries, AWUTC Basket Ba!l Uclicatessen. Jle rring, Lo~ aull ulJ Jduds of fi:-~h , :-;trictly fresh. -Leagues in Full Swing \\' 1:.'\ E, llEEit, SASI>WICHES . The .Air Warning, Unit Train­ FINMAN'S KOSHER mg Center basket ball league co n.t i n .u e d play in all three MARKET leagues during the past week. Only Kosher 1\ [urkt~ t in Tampa U~H E. Hruadway Ph. l\156-lii3 In the Red ' league, three teams ~:.! lllock Eust of ~ebruslca Ave. remained undefeated with three :;