VOL. !-NO. 45. Published . Every Friday Drew FielJ, Tampa, Florida Friday, January 22, 1943 ~'HULLBALLOO FROM-¥___.: ___________ DREW"_ HERE TONITE -------------------------·¥-------------------------- Rest and Relaxation DREW FIELD PlAYERS WILl ENACT ' Generar s· Aide FIRST SHOWING FOR SOLDIERS Wa r Friend of AT RECREATION BUILDING NO. 11 Col. 'Buzz' Wagner .-------------------------- - TGnight, out at Drew Field, "They said the 'Gremlins' al­ shades.of Broadway will descend. most got me," explained Major One of the zaniest, most musical ATTENTION, WRITERS Robert L. Coffey, aide to Brig. and most promising of all soldier All men interested in serving Gen. A. H. Gilkeson, command­ musical revues. ever to hit the as reporters and feature writ­ ing officer,· III Fighter Command, south will knock them into the ers for the Drew Field Echoes as the cause·of his recent mishap. aisles of Recreation Bldg. No. 1. are urged to write a letter re­ En route to Johnston, Pa., to at­ "Hullaballoo · From Drew," lating their writing experience tend the funeral ·of his late friend written, directed and produced and send it . through :the Mes­ and former buddy, Lt. Col. Boyd by "the men of Drew Field, really sage Center addressed · to this· D. "Buzz" Wagner, as an hono­ should be an outstanding hit. The newspaper. rary pallbearer, bad weather music is delightful. New, full, and forced the major's P-40. down out­ · goo.d. This is definitely not just I side of Moundsville, W. Va. Mak­ another soldier show,. but .a real ing · an emergency landing on a production. Men will laugh them­ &noyv-covered field, made soggy selves sick, and tomorrow those Caught In the Draft underneath by the Ohio River same men will sing and whistle flood a week earlier, the plane the turnes from the show. A veteran of the first world nosed up, causing Major Coffey So far as the comedy is con- war, having served in the 27th to sustain minor scalp lacerations cerned, it is of a rare and w itty Division at the age of 15, Private and a shaking up. timbre. The kind that all of us George C. Kaley, now of the 314th Born in Chattanooga, Tenn., enjoy and need today. The dance 1 Base Headquarters and Air Base the major's family later moved to scenes are crazy, but wonderful. I Squadron, played a part in the Johnstown. He and Col. Wagner The sight of a. lovely gown sup- Draft Lottery drawing which was . were boyhood chums there and vorted by two very hairy legs is, IevPntually to catch up with him. I attended public school and Penn intself, a laugh. When the gown On the afternoon of October 15, State College together. During and the thing in it start to weave 194U, the Kaley Motor Company their summers they worked in the and sway in the pattern of the received a telephone call from Ilocal mines. After leaving college, several dance I'(')utines, it is a Bruce Barton, then Congressman he was a mining engineer for howl. · from New York. Mr. Barton three and one-half years. In the Several of the production num- spoke to the president of the Imeantime, Wagner had become bers are outstanding. It seems like motor company, George C. Kaley. an Army flyer and finally in­ Broadway all over again. Of The conversation concluded w ith I duced Major Coffey to follow course, you know as well . as I Kaley's choice as representative suit. know that Broadway dance cho- of the Syrian-American Veterans 'Army Career ruses don't carry as much weight of the World War in the drawing ··as do soldier lines, but the way of the Draft Lottery. He received his basic flying in which the show is conducted On the following day, October Itraining at Randolph Field and These two exceedingly ambitious looking gentlemen are the graduated from Kelly Field in surprised me, and I've seen ari 16th 1940, the memorable event Monroe Brothers, now appearing in the USO-Camp Shows' musi­ awful lot of shows. took place. The famous "fish June, 1940, as a second lieutenant. cal "GOING TO TOWN." They are two of the cleverest trampoline Coffey's first seven months of I hope that when you see this bowl," from which the numbers performers in the world. show you will .look for a tall for the draft in the first world service were at Langley Field blond lad singing "Tipperary." war were drawn was brought with the 36th Pursuit Group. He's good. He was good in "The back. to Washington. President Then the major was transferred Grapes of Wrath." However, Sgt. Roosevelt addressed the nation Diapers Bribe Natives FREE MENDING to Puerto Rico and served there 0. Z. Whitehead does a dead-pan and participated in the ceremony all of 194t At the outbreak of rendition of this song that is a which was soon to affect the Of North Africa For soldiers who need mend­ the war he was moved to Panama saw duty there until Septem­ scream, ~nd I mean scream. The lives of every family in America. ing or minor alterations of and house will nearly fall down on It was this ceremony which laid ber, 1942. He was promoted to· ATLANTA, Ga.-Diapers wer~ their clothing, this is a re­ captain in Panama. this one. the foundation for our present used in the North African inva.,_ minder that the Officers' Also look for a yeqr beautiful army and is making possible ulti­ While awaiting transportation sion as bribes to win the friend- · Wives Sewing Circle is still at Miami to join a squadron now young lady. She will smg several mate victory over our Axis foes. ship of the natives, according to tunes, and her gown is "delish." After the official dignitaries functioning. Bring your clothes in India, Coffey was traT.J.sferred Frank M. Smith, deputy director instead of the 305th Fighter Don't wait at the stage door for had made their speeches and of the War Production Board to Chapel No. 1 on Wednesday her though, because she is a he, drawn numbers from the "bowl" Squadron . On Nov. 28, Coffey was here. He said 60,000 suits of mornings before 10 o'clock. transferred to the ill Fighter and he might not understand. It Kaley's name was called. Little three-cornered underwear were The alterations w111 be made is Cpl. Charles Crain, well known did he r ealize then the full sig­ Command as Gen. Gilkeson's aict'e. included in the equipment of the free of charge. One week ago today he was pro­ from Br_oadway to Hollywood, nificance of the role he was play­ troops which made the invasion. and_s~ar IJ?- many pro_duchons. Hts ing, nor difl the thought that he moted to major. f~f!lmme ImpersonatiOns are ter- would some day be drafted in- nfic. trude upon his mind. Listen for the voice of Vmce Fate, however, sometimes plays The "Quack" Saves Army Fliers Man?ey. He wi~l be the good- funny tricks and today George lookmg fellow ~Ith t~e never-to- C. Kaley, president of the Kaley ~e-forgott e n voice. _Vmce former- Motor Company, is Private Geo. ly was the vocalist w ith Jack C. Kaley, of Drew Field. F or on Teagarten's famous dance band, September 10, 1942, he was draft­ and .of late from Claude Thorn- eel from Washington and inducted ...._\ll's band, with whom_ he ~a~e at Fort Myer, Virginia. at well-k~OWJ?- recordmg. T his * · ~.; Worth Fightmg For." Th·e lad ------ is super in the show. BLESSED EVENT Scenery, dance routines, skits, Lt. Joseph Schreck, Base and dialogue, music and produc- Technical Inspector, is a proud tion are all original, and all par- father. The blessed event took ticularly good. Consider "Hulla- place on December 29, 1942, at balloo From Drew" a rimst on 10:30 p.:11., when his wife, Avis, your entertainment calendar. gave birth to a 7-lb, 2-ounce Don't miss it. The boys from baby girl, Judy J ane. Drew certainly have stolen the Father, mother and baby are show even of the year so far as doing well. · youi:. correspondent is concerned, and I ain't Kiddin'. ' *---~-- Share You.r Car Army Nurse Corps For gas rationing purposes, drivers of auromobiles, either Flash! A plane in trouble over I In one r ecent call, they were support a swimmer indefinitely Now Rate Salutes military or civilian personnel, the water, in Tampa Bay, or in at the scene of an accident more in any kind of water, and com­ who live off :the base and wish the Gulf! U-.J.n 30 miles from the field in plete first aid equipment. additional passengers to carry Immediately things happen at 12 minutes from the lime of the The "Quack" can land easily Army nurses now rate salutes to and from work· are urged Dre·w Field. The pilot in trouble first radio m essage. in the water beside the distressed under a new War Department ±o c o n ± a c t the Drew Field has radioed to Drew, or someone The "Quack" is a Grunman pilot, take him into the plane, and _. order published recently. Echoes, in ±he Public Relations who bas seen his plan e in eli Efi- Amphibian Widgeon, which will take off for home. The crew can In. accordance with an order Office, Extension 218, sta±ing culty has telephoned the infor- operate with equal ease on land administer first aid en r oute, if by the Secretary of War, Army ±he n u m b e r of passengers mation.
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