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Maine Alumnus, Volume 24, Number 9, June 1943

General Alumni Association, University of Maine

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limy Specialized I Training Program

(j NIFORMED students maich to classes in Stevens, Aubert, and Rogers Halls and

the Alumni Memorial Gymnasium. Martial feet tread the campus roads. Mili­ tary drill and intensive physical education condition the soldiers for their future tasks. Students of the A.S.T.P. have arrived at the University. For the I niversity this new student body brings a responsibility and an opportunity.

0 UR responsibility is that of helping to perfect these soldiers for the great task of victory. The lecture periods and laboratory hours they will attend here will help to supply the nation’s Army with men trained for leadership. And leader­ ship remains always the one greatest need of the fighting forces.

A.S.T.P. also brings to the University the opportunity to make available to the

Government its buildings and equipment and to make use of the skills of faculty members. The presence of the A.S.T.P. soldiers gives to everyone on the campus the prhilege of serving the Nation directly through contact with these members of the Army of the .

T HIS responsibility and th is opportunity the University gladly accepts. To accomplish the purpose of the Army program without diminishing the educa­ tional program for our regular students will require the utmost effort and cooperation of all. To this task, as our contribution to victory, the University of Maine pledges itself.

Vol. 24 ' JUNE, 1943 No. 9 . Published monthly, trom October t> Tune inclusive bv the Universitv ot Maine General Alumni Association Business otnee, Room 514 6 State Bangor Maine or lhe Maine Alumnus Lniversitv oi Maine Orono Maine Subscription price $200 per v ear, included in annual alumni dues ot $3 00 National Advertising, representatives The Graduate Group Inc 30 Rockefeller Plaza New York Citv Boston Chicago, Detroit Los \ngeles and ban rrancisco Member American Alumni Council Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Bangor, Maine, under act of March 3, 18/0

— N Sunday, May 23, at the 73id _ J Commencement of the University, 319 degrees were awarded to graduating DEGREES to 319 men and women of the Class of 1943, rtSix Master’s Degrees weie piesentcd, and r honorary degrees weie given to six At COMMENCEMENT > leaders in military science, industry, ag­ riculture, education, and htcratuie, two of ’them alumni Recipients of the honorary rdegrees were Lieutenant General Lesley The Class Day program, given in you from the past for by its very nature J. McNair, commanding all Army giound Alumni Hall on Saturday afternoon, it must be won and re-won by each forces, Dr Stephen Duggan, Director of featured Richard Pierce of Gardiner as generation.” I the Institute ot International Education valedictorian for the seniors. Other He described the benefits handed on to who gave the Commencement \ddress; speakers for the piogram were John present generations from the early settlers Esther Forbes, author and historian. Cullman of Norway, Oration, Bertis of the state, men of “honest simplicity, whose recent volume Paul Reieie and Piatt of Caribou, History, Fiances Nel­ respecting the powers of truth, appreciat­ the IVoild He Lncd In was awaidcd a son of Poitland, Ode, Robeit Worrick of ing the companionship and community of Pulitzer piize, William S Newell, piesi- Wellesley, Mass, Poem Foi the Class like minded fellow men They saw the •I I dent of the Bath lion Works, Ravmond Piophecy Frances Donovan of Houlton ti uth that an individual life can never D Douglass ’15 professor of Mathema­ and Donald Taverner of Xugusta joined reach its highest meaning alone As they tics, and directoi of wai tiainmg at forces The Class Gifts were piesented came together in common cause they Institute of Technology , by Dorothy Ouellette of Madison and found the mysterious added strength of Haiold Shaw ’14 owner and manager ot Caileton Goodchild of Saco Wendell unity which is more than the sum total Shaw’s Ridge Faim, Sanfoid, a leading Stickney ot Brownville led the class in ot all its parts ” dany farmei and outstanding agi lcultui ist piayei Dr. Stephen Duggan of New York in the state The Rev G Ernest Lynch ot Portland addressed the seniors and their guests at gave the Baccalaui cate sei mon on Sunday the Commencement Exercises, speaking on morning Speaking on ‘Your Hentage of the making of the post war world. Advo­ The Program Faith” he urged the semoi s to appreciate cating an armistice “of tour or five y’ears,” he urged at once an educational campaign The tiaditional Commencement pio- then hentage ot freedom fiom carl ci for the solution of post war problems. He giam was this year telescoped into a two- genciations ot Maine men ‘ It is a gift,” dav piogram On Saturday Class Day he said, ‘ that can only be partially willed (Continued on Page 10) and Mumni Day progiams weie presented With official lcumon gathcnngs suspended by vote of the reunion (lasses until attci HONORED: The award of honorary' degrees by the University at Com­ the wai no attempt was made to arrange mencement last month honored six. leaders in industry, education, letters, agriculture, and militarv science. Recipients, pictured below in the front formal class activities except tor the fifty - row. from left to right, were: William S. Newell. President, Bath Iron Works, ycai group of 1893 Details ot the busi­ Eng.D.; Raymond D. Douglass ’15, Professor of Mathematics, Sc.D.; ness and events ot Alumni Day are given Dr. Stephen Duggan, Director, Institute of International Education, LL.D.; on a following page Lt. Gen. Lesley J. McNair, commanding U.S. Army ground forces, LL.D.; Esther Forbes, authoress and historian. Litt.D.; Harold Joseph Shaw ’14, dairy farmer and agricultural leader, M.Sc. In the back row are President of Trustees E. E. Chase ’18, Governor Sumner Sewall, President Hauck.

June, 1943 3 tration by classes was Seniors 112, Jun­ iors 67, Sophomores 65, Ficshmen 95, there were 240 men and• • •* w 113i * women SUMMER on the CAMPUS Following the tiend of the times, with uniformed Aimy students housed in Oak and Hannibal Ilamlin, freshman men were HL hist unit ot Aimy Specialized this dispantv in background the men housed in Balcntine Hall, traditional 11 aining soldiers ioi study in Basic divide into two gioups tor curricula pur­ stronghold ot coeducation Women stu­ woikT at the University arnved on May 25 poses, those taking BE I the fust phase dents for the summer term occupy Esta- This original gioup oi about 20 men was ot the woik, and others in the somewhat biooke, and Colvin is being reserved for subsequently supplemented bv other units moie advanced piogiam ot BE II In the opening ot the legulai Summei Ses­ ailiving penodically until the total icachcd addition there will be a numbci of men sion in July Upperclass men are living the hguie ot 345 when instiuction hist selected to study in the communications in several ot the traternity houses In began on June 14 To date all soldieis field tor latei specialization in wire and some cases members ot two or moie fra­ assigned to Maine have been those ior wireless communication ternities have joined forces to create a Basic work coi responding to the tiesh- Courses in BE I include algcbia and single unit large enough to make possible man woik in college and will study to pie- trigonometiy for mathematics, college the operation ot one house Other houses, paie themselves for iuithei advanced chemistiy mechanics in physics English at least tor the summer look out upon the ti aining in engineering and othei technical geogiaphv and Amei lean history Similar campus with blank windows and locked fields The University has also been ap- courses but on a moie advanced level will doors piovcd ior advanced classes in engineei- be taken by the men in BL II with the mg and premedical woik but to date no substitution ot analytical geometiy in Fresh men men have been assigned in these fields mathematics and sound, heat and light in physics The communications men will I he entei ing men and women ai e mem­ bers officially, ot the Class of 1947 Command specialize in electricity in physics Regular faculty members m each depait- though tew it any expect undei present The regulai R 0 T C officers ot the ment involved will give the instruction to conditions to giaduate in that yeai University are acting as the command unit the new men Xcadcnuc icquiicmcnts will Among them are 84 men and 11 women ot the new-comeis with Colonel Ben Staf- be equal to the regulai Univcisity stan­ 7 oi the latter registered in the College of toid, Infantry. Piofessoi ot Military daid Men will have a lull schedule ot Technology , starting out confidently on a Science and Tactics as Commandant studies and classes with a minimum ot career in engineering Assisting him aie officers in the head- time tor social aftans and sports but a Among the group are 16 sons and quaiters unit Major Herbert S Ingra­ tegular physical conditioning piogiam is daughters ot Maine alumni The com­ ham CAC Executive Officer, First being planned by Stan Wallace and social plete list ot the sons and daughteis ac­ Lieutenant Carlton Pavson '41 Infantry, events will be arranged toi and with the companies their pictuie on another page Adjutant in the Rifle Company unit Army men to the limit ot their time In regard to Freshman Rules the Sen­ Captain Pierre Puicelle, Signal Coips Until the beginn ng ot legulai Umvei- ior Skulls have announced that because of Commanding, First Lieutenant Samuel sitv classes on June 14 the men were kept the unusual ciicumstances oi the day spe­ Tiacy ’41 Infantry Executive and In- busv with marches tatiguc woik and cial ariangcmcnts will be made To date stiuctor Second lieutenant Lawrence H getting acquainted with then new environ­ the only rules to be cntorced are those Conner ey Signal Corps Mess and Sup­ ment On Monday morning, howevei picservmg the Maine ‘Hello and not ply Officer the lusty voices of non-coms sounded walking on the campus lawns The soldici-scholai s are being housed in acioss the campus and the tiamp of In this wav the University opened its Oak and Hannibal Hamlin halls which by oidered matching teet distuibcd the doois to the students on Tune 7 tor the judic ous doubling up of accommodations histone echoes ot the past as the khaki­ second annual summer teim It could be piovides sufficient loom for the picsent clad students ot a new page in histoiv J * said that this summer toi administration, Course^ for the Aimy men will be on filed into the class rooms to sit before the taculty and students alike the one cer­ tic college level and will make use ot dispensers ot knowledge and wisdom In tainty ahead is uncertainty W hat the college texts All ot the men assigned aie this unspectacular way history was made months will bung in the way ot oppor­ ceitified by Aimy selection as qualified at the University tunities tor scivice and problems for solu­ toi college instruction, many indeed have tion no one dared to prophesy The sum­ attended college or even been giaduated in The Summer Term mer season of 1943 gives ample piomise, other tian teehn cal fields Because of On June 4 the Univers tv opened the however ot being not only as busv a sum­ first summei Freshman Week in its his­ mer as the University has known for tory with the legislation of 77 newly manv a yeai but likewise an interesting ai lived men and women signing up tor and histone period the 1943 summei term of fifteen weeks 0 0 the second official summer term undei the wartime acceleiated piogiam With the FRONT COVER arriva1 of uppei classmen on Tunc 7 and Pictured on the front covci this month some late-iegistci ing ficshmen the total is a histone event in the annals of the figuie for the teim stood at 353 Rcgis- Univcisity—ainval on May 25 oi the fii st group of \rmy Specialized Tiaining Progiam men foi Univcisity tiaining COMMANDANT: Colonel Ben The twenty-four soldiers vanguaid of

!^>W*** Stafford, Infantry, Professor of the scvcial hundicd expected as the pro­ Military Science and Tactics of giam gets undei way lined up in front of the University R.O.T.C., is serving Oak Hall, then living quartets, picpaia- as Commandant of the new Army Specialized Training Program toiy to matching to Hannibal Hamlin for unit stationed on the campus. dinner

June, 1943 ALUMNI DAY

AR conditions restricted alumni elected: vice piesident Robert Thurrell W regulation foi the 1943 Alumni ’15, clerk George Lord ’24, treasuier Win­ Day to 141 alumni and alumnae, and by throp Libby ’32 Also le-elected were vote of reunion classes legulai class re­ three Alumni Council Members-at-Laige unions were postponed foi the duiation. to serve until 1946: Fred D. Knight ’09, Nevertheless for those who weie able to Alton Littlefield ’21, Clifton Chandler ’13. return for the piogram the day offered a As provided by amendments to the As­ chance for relaxation and enjoyment sociation By-Laws, also passed at the heightened by the renewal of old tnend- meeting, three new members-at-large ships were elected to the Council for thrcc-ycar The one exception to the postponement teims New members aie Geoige D of> icunionsJ was that of the Fiity-veaiJ J Bearce ’ll, ietiring president, Dean Ger- Class, 1893 who counted five membeis for ti ude Peabody ’20 of Philadelphia and then Golden Reunion, including the sui- Miss Jessie Fraser ’31 of Bangor. Chf­ pnse visit ot Waltei W Crosby from foid Patch ’ll of Bangoi was le-elected Coionado, California, who easily took alumni mcmbei to the Athletic Board and the title this ycai as farthest travcUei Thomas Weeks ’16 to succeed himself as for the progiam Othei membeis ot ’93 Law-School Alumnus on the Council who weie able to be present as the guests The matter of Association elections was ot the Association and the Umveisity closed by a unanimous vote of appiecia- weie Chailes F Tiench ot B ingot, tion tor the sei vices of Mr. Bearce dining Charles C Muiphv ot Rangcley, George his three yeais ot leadership as Piesident F Rowe ot Bangoi and Hari y M Smith Othci Association business mattei s tak­ SPEAKER: Chief speaker for of Bangor en up at the Council meeting and the the Alumni Banquet on May 22 General Alumni Association annual meet­ was Naval Captain Herbert Fenn Luncheon ing weie as below ’ll, Chief Cable Censor for the U. S. Office of Censorship, Wash­ Amendments: Pioposed amendments At the Alumni Luncheon, held this ycai ington, D. C. to the By-Laws, tabled at last year's meet­ in Estabiooke Hall at noon, 157 alumni ing as piovided by law, were passed faculty, and filends weie present to see They piovided (1) for appointment of a the official honoring of the members ot posit in Maine banks. A resolution in nominating committee not latei than 1893 Piesident Geoige D Bearce pre­ memory of and tribute to Norman H Match 15 instead of at the annual meet­ sented each with a certificate ot gradua­ Mayo '09 was read and unanimously ap­ ing of the Council as pieviously provided tion” on the Fiftieth Anniversary and proved, commemoiating his work in the toi, thus giving moie time for nomina­ welcomed them into the ranks ot the Sen- campaign and his general leadership in tion ot ofhceis and Council membeis, (2) tor Alumni Also honored at the Alumni alumni and University activities. enlargement of the Council from thirteen Luncheon were five faculty members who Commemorative Plates: F. Drum­ to sixteen membeis at large and piovision this ycai completed twenty-five years of mond Freese repoited nearly all blue and to give a moie balanced leprcsentation to service at the University The five honor green plates sold, for a total to date of alumnae by making the number ot women guests wcic Dean Roy M Peterson over 3,300 plates. The Council author­ in the Council bear the same ratio to the Dean of Graduate Study and Head of ized the Committee to purchase 50 dozen membership of the Council as that ot Romance languages; Prof Benjamin more plates. alumnae to the entire alumni body , (3) Kent ’12, Head of Mechanical Drawing Memorial Fund: Chaiiman Arthur election by each class prior to graduation Piof Herbert S Hill, Head of Agricul­ Deering reported payments of $3,67121 ot a secietary and such other officers as tural Education Plot Albert A Whit­ in the past year, more than in any pre- the class may desire, instead of just a more ’06, Piofessor of History and Gov­ v ious y ear in a decade. A continued cam­ sccietaiy as in the past; (4) amendment ernment; and Prof Arthur S Hill, Pio­ paign to secure payments aims to retiie of the By-Laws providing that notice of fessor of Electrical Engineering To them the obligation to the Univeisity. During amendment shall have been submitted to a also Alumni Piesident Beaice paid tribute the year $3 500 was paid on the notes, re­ pi ev mils meeting of the Association oi in recognition of their long services to ducing the balance to $8,500 irom the have been punted in the official alumni Maine. original amount, in 1933, of $23,000 Cost publication at least a month pnor to the of collections during the year was $499 21 date of the annual meeting, the latter Appointments: Donald F, McGary ’27 Business of the Day clause ieplacing the foimer icquiiement of Bangor will succeed himself for a four- The annual meeting of the Alumni that notice must have been sent to all yeai tcim as alumni stockholder in Uni­ Count ii on I i iday evening, May 21, was alumni at least one month prior to the versity Store Coipoiation. John H. Ma­ followed Satui day morning by the an­ annual meeting honey ’27 of Worcester, formeily’ with nual meeting of the Alumni Association Library Fund: 92% ot $251 891 36 sub­ Woi tester Teleipam, now executive sec- Highlighting the meeting was election of set ibed has already been paid with many retaiy of Worcester Taxpay ei s’ Associa­ Walter II Burke ’06 of New Yoik City pledges yet to come clue, it was repoited tion, was named foi a fivc-y’ear teim on as new Piesident of the Alumni Associa­ by Chan man Fogler, an outstanding lec- the Alumnus Advisory Boaid For terms tion, succeeding Geoige D Bearce who oid oi payments Expenditures for cam­ on the Endow inent and Donations com­ this ycai completes thice yeais as piesi­ paign and collections have been $17,982, mittee, Maicus I Uiann ’97, Piesident dent. unusually small tor a campaign of such of Cianberiy Canneis, Inc, and Tieas- To serve with Mr. Burke as officcis of size Already $125,000 has been paid to uiei ot United Cape Cod Cianberiy Co, the Association the following weie le- the Univeisity and over $90,000 is on de- (Continued on Page 6)

June, 1943 . 5 Alumni Dav Maine men in the war and praised the war II. of M. Foundation cffoit and the fighting effectiveness of the (Continued fiom Page 5) Holds Annual Meeting services With him on the Banquet pio­ and Raymond H Foglei T5, Piesident of gram weie Piesident Ilauck who spoke Stephen Wheatland ot Bangoi and W T Grant Company, weie named in welcome to the alumni and guests, and Brookline Mass was le-elected piesident Alumni Activities Fund: l ight classes Alumni Piesident George Bcaicc pie- ot the University ot Maine Foundation at gave $995 75 this yeai to the Fund, the siding at his last Alumni Banquet as the annual meeting ot the cot pot ation largest amount conti ibuted in any one piesident ot the Association Senior J which was held duiing Commencement yeai the gift ot 1898 $430 00. sui passed Caileton Goodchild acting class presi­ Treasuiei Ralph Whittier ’02 te pot ted all picvious gifts made by any c’ass at a dent in the absence ot ( lass President total assets ot $39 091 an met ease ot i cunion 1915 added this yeai $264 50 to Ialbot Crane ot Oiono on active duty ovet $3 000 duimg the last yeai previous gifts to the Tund to lead in total with the aimed sei vices responded toi Hazen H Ayer ot Boston, F Drum­ conti ibutions with a figure ot $600 00 the Class ot 1943 and piescnted a gitt of mond rt eese ot Bangoi and Thomas N These gifts bling the total oi the I und to $1 000 fo the Univeisitv loastmastcr Weeks ot Watuvillc weie elected active $7 688 44 The i espouse this yeai was was Albeit W Wunderly 18 ot Ailing- membeis tor a five -a ear tcim especially gratifying since most classes ton, Mass assistant district attorney tor I he dncctois toi the ensuing veai aie postponed toimil icunion activities Middlesex County Second Ofticci Coia Mi Wheatland Curtis M Hutchins Otto Shaion '38 oi the WAAC had expected NeKon Haiold M Pietcc and Haiold Alumni Banquet to represent the women on the piogiam but last minute military duties compelled P Marsh all of Bangoi Climax ot the day's events was the an­ hci to telegraph regrets There are a total ot fiiteen active nual Alumni Banquet at Memorial Gym­ membeis Othcis in addition to those nasium Alumni faculty guests, and already named above aie Di Aithur A. membeis ot the semoi class made an en Service Emblem Hauck Oiono Raymond H Togler thusiastic and coloiful audience ot more The presentation ot this year’s Alumni New "Yoik Maicus I Uiann, South than 600 toi the B inquct program which Sei vice Emblem was made by Piesident Hanson Mass Harry F Sutton, Bos­ featured guest spcakci s and musical num­ Bcaice In an announcement which came ton George T Carlisle Bangoi George bers Chief speakei toi the Banquet was as a pleasant surprise to the audience S Williams Augusta and Dank W Naval Captain Hcibeit K Fenn 11, Chief which icspondcd enthusiastically, the re­ Hussey Piesque Isle U S Cable Censor Ofhce ot Censorship cipient toi this year was named as Alumni The Foundation was oiganizcd in 1934 Washington Captain I enn one ot the Secretary Chailes E Crossland 17 In through the activity ot the Endowment highest ranking Maine men in the naval selecting Secietary Crossland tor the and Donations Committee service paid tribute to the spirit ot honoi the committee paid due recogni­ tion to his successful leadership ot the alumni association since 1928 and Presi­ dent Bence in presenting the Emblem certificate cited him tor ’seivices beyond PRESIDENT the call ot duty ” In a surprise announcement C lass Piesi- Newly elected General Alumni President W’altei H Burke 06 is known by engi­ dent R H I oglci presented $564 tor neers and public utilities men for his leadership in Ebasco Sei vices subsidiary ot 1915 to the University as a supplementary Electnc Bond and Share ot New York, and to alumni for his long intei est in alumni gift to the fund established by the class affairs in 1940 raising the total to $3 200 He is a native ot Ivman and a graduate of Thornton Academy As a student at I the University he received letteis in football and basketball and was active in musical Toastmastci Wunderly paid tribute in woik He was giaduatcd with the Bachelor of Science dcgiee in electrical engineering an effective ceremony to the Maine men Since undergraduate davs he has woiked foi General Electnc Company Stone N and women in the armed forces Duimg Webs4ei, and Electnc Bond and Share While with Stone & Webstei he held le- the piogram a musical inteiludc was fur­ sponsible positions in tl e Middle \\ est and South West and earned a name and nished by accoidian ducts placed by Wen­ leputatron in the utilities management dell Stickney and Waldo Buinham, mem­ held with them and latci with Electnc bers ot the semoi class The Class ot 1908 I Bond and Sbaie He has served as Attendance Cup only one to be aw aided piesident ot Minnesota Powci and I lght this year because ot reunion postpone­ Company vice presiden* an 1 geneial ment was won by the Class oi 1885 with managei ot Superior W'atei light

June, 194 EZOREMOST in all of our thinking, I| planning, and woik dunng the past year has been our effoit to maintain a SECRETARY'S REPORT continuous contact with alumni and un­ dergraduates who are in the Services As desciibed later in the report, many means to glow moie severe for the duration of summer. It is hoped to finish this phase have been used to let the men in the camps the war It is to be hoped that your of the work this year. These cards are and battlefields know that our thoughts editors have been able to maintain an in­ now kept in the fire-proof container, so are constantly with them. teresting and attractive magazine in spite that we are protected against loss of our Second to the sen ice program has been of these handicaps. basic file in case of fire. In addition to the continuation of the Library Fund, Worthy of note is the fact that seven the regular alphabetical, geographical, Memorial Fund, and membership activi­ of our feature stories this year have been and class directory, we have also main­ ties The gratifying payments on Library written in whole or in part by other than tained a separate Service Directory this Fund subscriptions make it not only the your cditois which adds to the variety of year that is discussed under another head­ most successful of all of our campaigns, the material Two stones based on ma- ing but also indicate that it may become one tei lal supplied by Army fliers and one of the most successful of such campaigns written by an Army chaplain have been Alumni Homecoming conducted on a pledge basis 1 he paid used this year and have helped us to tell membership of the \ssociation is the the story of what Maine men are doing The twelfth annual alumni homecoming greatest in the histoiy oi the organization in the war was held October 31. The two features of which, in the light of the iait that so this homecoming were the unfurling of a A lcgular feature has, of course, been many of our men are in the Services, may Service Flag in honor of the Maine men the military list which each month has well give us some satisfaction in this world war; and, second, the en­ earned the names of alumni newly added tertaining of the members of the first to the list of men and women in Service varsity football team of 1892 as guests Local Associations \ sadder task, related to this, has been of honor. The incieasing difficulty of tianspoita- the recording in the necrology ot men tion the greatci amount ot oveitimc work lost in Sei vice Pictures, as well as bio­ which so many persons must perform, to­ graphical material, have been used on Contacting Maine Men in the gether with the continuation of Civilian these men whenever possible Service Defense responsibility, have made the The number of men in Service has work of local associations extremely•F diffi- Alumni Directory giown rapidly during the past twelve cult if not quite ineffective in some areas months the recent official total being The repoits which have come to the The summei of 1942 was devoted large­ ly to the typing of new master caids foi 1,832 Eighteen of our men have given office indicate that about 45 meetings were their lives Presumably, at the proper held with an appioximate attendance ot the Dnectory This involved the making ot some 12 000 caids and transferring a time we shall wish to have some memo­ 1,100 alumni and ft lends dunng the past rial to these men. yeai This is the smallest numbci ic- lai ge amount ot data or records from The number of men and particulaily ported in reicnt years one caid to anothei The making of the the iapidity with which they have been Aftei the wai it is going to be nccessaiy caids and recot ding ot addiess informa­ moving around has required an extra to put a considerable amount of time into tion was completed but the posting ot the i coigam/ation and direction ot local as­ data could not be finished during the (Continued on Page 11) sociations

The \luiiiiius More pages of feature stoiy matcnal in this ycai’s issue ot I lie 4htinnu\ were devoted to militaiy matcnal than to anv other subject Ibis fact points out the inevitable tiend of the magazine this yeai Stones of the Univcisity of alumni, and of the individual colleges wcie usually devoted to some phase ot the wai effoit Exceptions to this subject field wcic stones on Univcisity legislation Mid­ year Commencement tluee alumni toics tcis 1892 football alumni in the State legislature and othci miscellaneous items It is a icasonabic question whcthci oi not too miuh emphasis on wai matenals may have been included this yeai Not 1oo much difficulty has been cn- countcied in maintaining publication in spite ot wai piobkms A dec lease in advertising fiom 30 08 pages last veai to 26 52 pages this yeai leveals, of com sc, a slight falling off of income and has again necessitated caicful husbanding oi rcsomccs in such expcndituies as half­ FIFTIETH: Members of the Class of 1893 celebrated their Fiftieth Grail- nation Anniversary at Commencement. They are, left to right: Harry Smith tone cuts and special make-up work of Bangor, George Rowe of’ Bangor, Charles Murphy of Rangeley, Charles This situation is likely to continue if not French of Bangor, Walter W. Crosbj of Coronado, California.

7 June, 1943 f maintain our physical plant in a satis­ factory state of repair and when the War Alumni Trustee Report comes to a close it is our pledge to finish the construction of the library, and it is our desire to build a new engineering The developments and activites sum- After thirty years of distinguished service to his Alma Mater, Dean Arthur building to replace the loss by fire of marized in this annual report for the year Wingate Hall and also to erect a new ending in May, 1943, will direct attention Deering of the College of Agriculture has been made the Directing Co-ordinator plant science building to the many obstacles which the Admini­ The University has been the fortunate strative Departments of your University of the University’s program in agriculture This new position along with Dean Deer- recipient of many small gifts and a few have been forced to encounter large bequests during the present year There have been, however encouraging ings other capacities will empower him Of the large bequests it might be well to factors during the year’s operation For with supervision over extension research mention the $50 000 00 outright gift by instance, our 1942-1943 freshman class was and resident teaching in the held of agri- Mrs Anne I Stodder with an additional the largest in the history of the University culture at the University Dean Deering $200 000 00 which will become available with an enrollment of 653 This freshman and his associates are deserving of much upon the termination of a trust fund, the legislation was approximately 35% of credit for the splendid program presented $50 000 00 from the Estate ot Dr Thomas the total University registration of 1870 at Farm and Home Week which was a U Coe an additional $15 000 00 from Of this total enrollment figure at the marked success Judge Danforth’s estate $5 000 00 from beginning of the Fall semester about five During the year the Trustees approved Calvin H Nealley and $1 000 00 from hundred were girls At present the enroll­ the mauguration of a Department of the late George P Gould ment for the University is approximately Nursing and it is gratifying to relate that The financial condition of the University thirteen hundred In spite of the tact that the course has been a popular and con­ to date is most satisfactory During the we have lost about 600 bovs during the structive addition to our curriculum year many adjustments in salaries and present year to our aimed forces and to Under the able direction of Dr Roy M wages were made and changes in financial war work the University has been able to Peter son the regular summer session again policies had to be executed yet the Uni­ function quite normally offered educators graduate students and versity has kept well within its proposed Along with a declining student body others varied courses to choose from and budget for the year 1942-43 notwithstand­ throughout the year the Faculty member- the session carried a registration of 435 ing a reduced enrollment in our student ship has been reduced by approximately It has been recently announced that the body twenty-five members Our Faculty mem­ registration day for our regular summer It is rather unusual to have the terms bers who have left the University are session tor this coming summer will be on of three Trustees who are Alumni of the enlisted in the aimed forces or are con­ July 6th and the course will come to a University, expire in the same year This nected with war work Such a depletion close on August 13th happened in the year 1942 and the Trustees in the teaching force has brought about The present and future building pro- mentioned were Raymond W Davis ’11 many problems for the academic adminis­ grams have had to be postponed for the Edward E Chase '13 President of the trative heads Yet with a reduced faculty duration President Hauck and the Board and your Alumni representative the University has carried on full courses Trustees are endeavoring however to in the curriculum and in addition has Harold M Pierce 19 The three trustees inaugurated special war training courses were re-elected to office, and may I ex­ in Ordnance U S Army Signal Coips press it this time my appreciation to the instruction and courses in welding It Alumni Association for their vote of would be most fitting at this time to confidence expressed by then re-electing express an appreciation to Dean Cloke me to the office of Trustee as their and his associates in the College of Tech­ representative nology for the fine work accomplished in President Hauck and his Board of cooperation in this war effort The Uni­ Trustees are most anxious to have it versity has trained over 200 students known that it is their utmost desire to for the Signal Coips and over 300 men extend every possible aid to the war and women in Ordnance work We effort It is exceedingly gratifying to are happy to report splendid results from announce that nerly 400 young men, the efforts put into then war training enlisted in the Army specialized training unit are coming to the campus and on President Hauck and the Board of June 14th will commence then academic Trustees wish to mention with high praise the spirit of cooperation demonstrated by training Faculty members in aiding to maintain Our University its President and Board our academic standaids during such ab- of Trustees are most fortunate in having normal conditions May I add that we such a loyal and cooperative Alumni body are happy to mention the deserved credit and it can well be said that this fine which is due to Dr Roy M. Peterson, Alumni spirit was exemplified by Norman Prof Albert A Whitmore, Prof Herbert H Mayo 09 whose great loss we felt by S Hill, Prof A S Hill, and Prof Ben­ his sudden death on February 6th jamin C Kent for their twenty-five years We have 1832 Alumni and former of faithful service to then University students in the war and of this number, We, as Trustees, and you, as Alumni, APPOINTED: Mrs. Linwood 18 have died in the service of then coun- were greatly pleased to learn of the honors Kelley ’21 of I Lewiston, instructor try May we ever be mindful of their in Home Economics at the Uni­ sacrifice bestowed upon our President when Rhode versity from 1922 to 1924, was Island State College and the University appointed last month as a mem­ Respectfully submitted, of New Brunswick conferred honorary ber of the Agricultural Advisory Harold M. Pierce '19 degrees upon him and made mention of Committee for the College of Agri­ Alumni Representative culture, Experiment Station, and him as a great educator. Extension Service. Board of Trustees

8 June, 194 Tapped— Ten new Senior Skulls were tapped from the Junior Class on May 6 at the close of Scholarship Recognition Day assembly The traditional ceremony on the steps of Alumni Memorial Gymna­ sium brought into the membei ship men selected for athletic achievement, leader­ Awards— recognition of the interest Dr. Hauck has ship, and general ability, and accorded The highest athletic award for women long had in promoting Canadian-Ameri­ them the highest non-scholastic honor students, the Maine Seal, was presented can relations. New Skulls are William Brown of to each of eleven students at the annual The citation read: “In this crisis of Portland now in service with the Army, WAA. banquet on May 12 Recipients our history, it is necessary, as never be­ former managei of football, class trea­ weie Helen Deeung of Oiono, Frances fore, for all the universities to devote surer, majoi in Speech, Benjamin Cur­ Drew ot Sedgwick, Mane Rouike of their most earnest endeavours to winning tis of Caribou, Sophomoie Owl, dormi­ Winthrop, and Evelyn Tondicau of the peace no less than the war, that vve tory' proctor letterman in football, bas­ Brunswick, all seniors, Ruth Bunker of may the more easily establish perpetual ketball, baseball, majoi in agucultural Calais, Helen Chffoid of South Paris, peace throughout the world. It is there­ economics Allied Hutchinson of Dan­ Frances Higgins ot Waterville, Phyllis fore peculiarly fitting that on this day we vers, Mass, a business administration MacNeil ot Swampscott, Mass, Ruth honour Arthur Andrew Hauck who as majoi, tootball star, tiack man, thiee Troland of Malden, Mass, and Floience president of a famous university has al­ years class piesident, Sophomoie Owl, liewoigy ot Blue Hill tiom the junior ways exerted every effort to maintain proctoi and president of A A Willard class, and sophomoie Margaret Stack­ these principles.” Johns of Maplewood, N J , dean’s list pole ot Augusta Next highest award, student Campus lepoitei spoits cditoi, chevions went to eleven students, and Scholarships— and associate echtoi. a major in wildlife thntcen leceivcd the ‘M ” The trophy More than sixty awards of scholarships conseivation Clarence E McIntire ot toi winning the badminton tournament and pri/es to students were announced Poitland majoi ing in zoology Sopho­ and the aichcrv tiophy both weie won by Piesident Hauck at the annual Schol­ moie Owl, class vice piesident tootball by sophomoie Florence Armstiong of arship Recognition Day Assembly on May and basketball player, scholarship win­ Bangor 6. Among the high ranking students ner honored bv avvaids, Joyce Iveney, a junior Alvin McNcillv ot Biookhne, Mass, Cited— fiom Fastport, wa» named winner oi the majoi in chemical cngincci mg, has been At the Umveisity of New Brunswick Mei ritt Caldwell Fcrnald Scholarship active in intramural boxing a stai pitcher last month, Di Aithui A Hauck was foi the highest ranking junior in the m baseball teams, secretary ot Sopho­ cited as piesident ot a tamous Univer­ Umveisity Miss Iveney majors in Home more Owls, Robeit Nutter oi Sanford sity in presentation of the honoi ary de- Economics Othci recipients of special tootball star Sophomoie Owl basketball gice ot Doctoi ot Laws Di Hauck recognition weie the winners of college player, class treasurer, member ot ath­ delivered the Commencement addiess scholarships for the highest rank in the letic association majois in horticulture, I he aw aiding ot the degice to Presi­ jumoi class in the respective colleges. Albeit Murch ot South Casco is tica- dent Hauck by a neighboring Canadian They weie James Stacyr Stevens Scholar­ suier oi his fraternity, baseball and foot­ umveisity was paiticulailv appropnate in ship foi Arts and Sciences, Giulio Bar­ ball playci majoi in agucultural engi­ bci o ot Bangoi ; Harold Sherburne neering; Cai loll Richaidson of Oakland Boaidman Scholaiship toi Technology, Hany Thomas of Farmington; Leon cioss country mnnci, baseball plavci WATCH WINNERS: The annu­ deans list student scholarship winner, al award of the Portland Alumnae Stephen Mei nil Scholarship for Agri­ doimitoiy pioetoi majoi s in agncultuial and Washington Alumni watches culture, Paul Eastman of Smyrna Mills; to the outstanding woman and Chailes Davidson Scho’aiship for Educa­ economics I con White, Ji ot Bangoi, man of the graduating class went Sophomore Owl class executive commit­ last month to Frances Donovan of tion, Ailene Roval of Houlton tee member, basketball and baseball play- II oulton, left, and Bertis Pratt of er, iratcimty president, majoi s in me Caribou, right. chamcal cngincci mg

Winners— Winners ot five state-wide University scholai ships and ot two in each ot six distncts tluoughout the state wcic an­ nounced at the conclusion of the annual sccondai v school scholai ship contest by the University last month State-wide winners included John W Ballou oi Bangoi high school, son ot William R Ballou 12, and Waltci FI Hatch ot Old Town high school son oi Lynwood S Hatch ’22 Othci state-wide \v inncis wcic Robeit Bciiy ot Bangoi, F Valeric Pai kin ot Poitland, and Heibeit C Lord ot Ellswoith Among the twelve tegion- al winners ot the two-semester tuition aw aids was Barbaia Vaughan of Ciosby high school, Belfast, daughtei of William Vaughan, Jr, ’ll

June, 1943 9 intellectual bonds among the nations of th< Commencement Di Ray mond Douglass T5. professor of Mathematics at Mil. has been associ­ woild tiusted triend and counseloi o students and scholai s in many lands (Continued fiom Page 3) ated with the Institute since 1919 A na Your patient and hopetui advocacy o tive ot Goiham he holds the M A from likened the pi esent wai and its outcome to international understanding contribute1 Maine and Ph D fiom M I T Besides his gieatly to the hope ot a bcttci world other histoncal attempts by mankind to teaching duties he directs all Mil war In recognition of your significant conti ibu rise fiom small social and governmental tion to education, the Tiustees of the units to lai ger ones and stiessed the point training University ot Maine aie happy to contei that race supenonty, mtolciance and Haiold Shaw ot Santoid is known upon you the degree ot DOCTOR OF L AWS oppression aie characteristics of the totali- thioughout the state ot Maine as a daily tanan states while democracy must and geneial fannei He is a leader in ESTHER FORBES Boin in West­ agricultuial activities and owns a Hol­ borough Mass, student at the Umveisitv leprcscnt a difteient conception ot life ot Wisconsin distinguished wntcr and Outstanding in geneial interest among stein dany held which this yeai was rated biogiaphcr whose skilltul intci prctation the recipients ot honorary degiees this the best producing held ot its size in the of New England colonial hie has pre- year was Lieutenant Geneial Lesley J country Aitci his giaduation from the seived toi us a wealth ot histoncal agricultuial couise in 1914 he seived as material author of five histoncal novels McNan in command of all ground foices and an outstanding biographical history, of the army Recently wounded while county agent until 1920 then returned to Paul Revere and the Woild He L ived In inspecting troops in North Africa he had the home farm at Santoid recently aw aided the Pulitzer Prize in

history•F been tempoiarily incapacitated but lecov- LESLEY JAMES McNAIR Lieu eied in time to attend the Commencement tenant Geneial in the United States Aimy In lecogmtion of youi notable contribu­ tions to American literature the 1 rustces exeicises native son ot Minnesota distinguished eiaduate ot the U S Military Academy ot the University ot Maine aie happy to Geneial McNair, winner of the D SM whose bnlhant achievements in the hist contei upon you the dcgiee ot DOCTOR in the First World War, has been credited woild wai earned toi him the Distin­ OF LEI IE RS with much of the training and development guished Sei vice Medal and the medal ot WILLIAM SI ARK NEWELL Boin of the modem armv of the United States the riench Legion ot Honor seiving with in Albany, N Y giaduate ot MIT inci easing distinction in the pi esent wai now proving its worth as a fighting unit skilled engineer and able executive whose now Commanding General ot the Aimy successful caieei in the shipbuilding on the world’s battlefields Following a Giound Forces industry began with a position as drafts­ period as military professor at Puiduc and In recognition oi youi inspiring military man at the Bath Iron W'orks in 1900 service in Hawaii, after World War I, leadeiship and devoted and effective rising steadily until he became its piesident Geneial McNair was m 1939 named Com­ sei vices to vour country the liustecs ot in 1928 and in 1940 piesident also of the the University ot Maine take pi ide in Todd-Bath lion Shipbuilding Corp as­ mandant of the Command and General conferring upon you the dcgiee ot sociated with othci impoitant industrial Staff School, in 1940 Chief of Staff of DOC 1 OR OT L AWS undertakings In recognition ot public-spirited service General Headquarteis and on March 9, STL PHEN DUGGAN Native ot 1942, Commanding Geneial ot Aimv to state and nation of proved technical New Yoik a graduate ot the College ot ability and able leadership in an industry Ground Forces the City ot New "York and Doctoi of which has long been associated with Maine Dr Stephen Duggan ot New York is a Philosophy iiom Columbia Umveisity histoiv, the Tiustees ot the University ot distinguished teachci authoi, and cdu Maine aie happy to confer upon you the noted internationalist and teacher A cational admimstratoi whose influence graduate of New York City College and dcgiee ot DOC I OR OT E NGINEER- extends thioughout the woild one tunc ING Columbia, he has been since 1919 directoi professor ot political science at his alma of the Institute ot International Education. mater since 1919 Directoi ot the Insti­ RAY MOND DONALD DOUGL ASS tute ot International Education honored Born in Goiham Maine, a giaduate of Previouslv he taught political science at at home and abioad toi his constiuctive this University Doctoi of Philosophy City College He has also seived, among undertikings in piomoting cultuial and tiom M I I vvheie tor twenty tour years other positions, as member of the \dvisorv he has been a successful and admited Boaid Division of Cultural Relations of teacher ot mathematics and a competent and tiusted advisci of students able the State Department educationil administiatoi whose services Miss Esthci Forbes of W’oiccstei, as head ot war-training progiams for Mass is most widely known to the lead­ M I 1 anti toi the Boston area and as ing public foi her iecent histoncal biogia- state cooidinator ot Radio Tiaining Pio- giams for Massachusetts are conti ibuting phy on Paul Reveie She is also the significantly to out count!y’s wai efloit authoi of five other histoncal works, In lecogmtion ot notable achievements most oi them in the field ot fiction but m youi piotcssion the Tiustees of your Alma Mater aie pleased to contei upon based upon an unrivalled knowledge of you the degree ot DOCTOR Or Colonial and Revolutionary New England SCIENCE She attended the University of Wisconsin HAROLD JOSEPH SHAW Born and for a time woiked for Houghton and reaied in Sanfoid Maine loyal Mifflin Co in the publishing business. alumnus ot this L’niveisity outstanding Hei fiist woik, Oh Genteel Lady in 1926, citizen and taimei, whose industiy and vision have bi ought him unusual success was the third selection of the Book ot the in an exacting vocation ownci of the Month Holstein Daily Heid rated this year as President of the Bath Iron Wzoiks since the highest producing herd ot its size in the United States, public-spnited leadci 1929, William S Newell has been as­ who is contributing greatly to the ad­ sociated with the shipbuilding industiy vancement of Agnculturc in Maine since shoitly after his graduation fiom through sei vice as chan man ot the State Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Milk Control Boaid and as mcmbci of the State \gi icultural Conservation Com­ 1899 He began as a ship draftsman at mittee the Faim Buieau and the Maine Bath, subsequently working as assistant Development Commission superintendent engineer, and engincenng SERVICE AWARD: Charles E. In 1937 you were designated as an out­ Crossland 17, Executive Secretary works manager In addition to his standing faimci byr the University To­ of the Alumni Association since day in fuithei recognition of youi public position at Bath he is piesident of the 1928, was awarded at the Alumni services and important contributions to Todd-Bath Iron Shipbuilding Corpoiation Banquet last month this year’s Maine Agnculture the Trustees arc hapnv at South Portland Alumni Service Emblem for ser­ to confer upon you the dcgiee of MAS­ vice “bevond the call of duty.” TER OF SCIFNCE

10 June, 1943 /^\FTER eighteen months of Xmerica’s participation in the global conflicts of World War II, University of Maine alumni and

alumnae in the fighting sei vices numbei 2,193 At home and in nearly eveiy foreign land where flags of the United Nations fly, these men and women of Maine arc helping to wnte a new, tiemendous chaptei ot world history. As officers or soldiers or seamen they take then places in the teain, working together In the air, on land, on the suiface of the sea and beneath it, each one does his part in the gieat duve towaid victoiy The honoi s and decorations accoided individually to twenty-two of them symbolize the full share each is contiibuting to the woik ot the whole Already the gum costs of war are taking their toll among them eight alumni walk behind the baibed wires oi German oi Japanese pnson camps, six aie listed as missing in action; nearly a score have paid the ultimate, last puce foi then ideals of iiecdom and liberty Mannes fiom Maine helped to take and hold the Island of Guadalcanal Alumni in the Navy weie among those who fought the ships and flew the planes dui mg the battles of the Coial Sea, Midway Island, and the Bismarck Archipelago Maine men in the descits of North Afnca fought to victoiy ovei the vcteian tioops of Geneial Rommel Air crews, taking off in the cold, giey dawns of Bntain for battle ovei the clouds ot E ui ope, sometimes think ot the gieen lawns of the campus in the spring Men from the Umveisity of Maine fly tiansports ovei the teiublc mountains of India. They fight the cold and the snow of Alaska and Iceland In ships at sea they brave the giey pounding waves ot the Noith Atlantic and the lurking death beneath to carry the goods ot wai to toieign shoics I hev lie down to sleep in hundieds of distant, strange places where the very name of Maine is more outlandish»than that ot 1 imbue too Of these men and women ot then individual hcioic deeds and then daily quiet courage, of their work, their fighting, and their saciifices we who aie associated with the University of Maine art pioud I hese aie the men and women tiom Maine

1897 Noicioss F cinando I —L t Col A, Mu- Oid Depot, Little Rock. Ark Cowan, Aithui S Col A, 1809 B wav, nitions Bldg Rm 3628 Washington Coffin, Haiold W—Lt Col. A, Foit San E iancisco Calit D C Williams, Me 1899 DeWitt, Cai oil M—Capt A, Military 1915 Police Hdqis, Camp Upton, N Y Toid Leonaid H —Lt Col A, 217 State Stewai t Loien P Col ,Y Killed in St Bangor Maine Hamblen, \ichelaus L.—Biig Gen. A, Action APO 512, Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. 1905 W hitney Claience A—Maj A Culvei Robie Fiedenck W—Maj A, A & N Libby Hollis W —Lt Commdr N ISO Acad Culvei Ind Engine School, Biainard Field, Hart­ Barrington Rd Upper Dai by Pa 1916 ford Conn Shute, Martyn H — Col 90 State St Ashton Donald M—Col A Ildqrs ADC Albany, N Y Postmastei Seattle Wash 1917 Ashton Harold D—Maj A, Little Rock Corridon, John H —Col A, School of 1906 Mihtaiy Govt Charlottesville, Va. Carvei, Wilbur I—Capt N, 371 Harvard Hill Maik L—Lt N, Navy Section St Cambridge, Mass Base Rockland, Me. 1907 Libby Hairy C—Maj A, 44 Sheffield St, Stevens Albert W - Lt Col A Box J Poitland, Me San Cailos, San Mateo Ct Calit McCusker, Joseph A—Maj. A, 80 Dun- ster Rd Jamaica Plain, Mass 1908 Mowei, Leland M—Maj A, APO 683, Coleman Eveiett ( —Capt A AFO 1286 Postmaster, N Y, N Y. Postmastei San Francisco Calit Nash, William E—Lt Commdr. N, 10909 French Fiank D - Lt Commdr CG, Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, Ill. 2915 Filth St Poit Aithui Stephenson. Chailes L—Col. A, 11 1909 Weston St. Augusta Me Keating Edmund B — Capt N Public Watkins, Heibeit E—Lt Col A, Wind- Woiks Div Navy Yard, NY NY soi Toweis, Tudoi City, N. Yr 1918 1911 Fenn, Herbert K -Capt N, Apex Bldg Cai ter, Geoige M.—Biig Gen A, 24 . Rm 518 Washington I) C Sewall St, \ugusta Me Gculd William S Ii—Maj A Spring Gammell Lewis W—Capt A, 520 N field Oid Depot Springfield Mass Irving St, Ailmgton Va Holmes, Ralph M —Commdr N 7 Center Libby Donald M —Lt Col A, APO 512, St .Montpelier Vt Postmastei, N Y , N Y Waite Sumner—Col A APO 887 Post Tuinei O Dillion C—Maj A, APO 634, mastei NY N. Y Postmastei N Y, N Y 1912 1919 I illy Walter H —Lt Col A, Hdqis 8th Alley, Fiank O, Jr—Lt Col A, APO Service Command, Dallas, Icxas 519 Postmastei, N Y, N Y7 Astlc, Ray M—Capt A, 571st Sig. AW 1913 Bn, Diew Field, Tampa, Fla Cailcton John II—Maj A 18th AAF Bailey, Stanwood L—1st Lt AAC, Depot, Providence, R I 9 Dow St, Poi tland, Me HONORARY: Lieutenant Gen­ MacDonnell, Reginald H —Maj A, 220 1911 eral Lesley J. McNair, command­ S Richard St., Bedford, Pa. Baitlctt, Chailes D — I t Col A, 12 I i i ing all ground forces of the U. S. coin St, Augusta, Me Army, was named an honorary Pattce, Ixai 1 M —I t Col A, Corps of Engineers, Camp Ellis, Ill Biown, Lester E—Lt Col A, APO 43 alumnus by award of the degree Tiue, Not man E—Lt Col M, Marine San Fianusco, Calit of Doctor of Laws at Commence­ Coips Unit 170, Postmaster, San Glass Ralph R —I t Col A 8 Chinch ment last month. lie thus be­ Francisco, Calif St Wakefield Mass comes Maine’s most distinguished Giacc, William W —Lt Commdr N, 447 alumnus in military service. 1920 Mam St, Lynnfield Centie, Mass When recently wounded by ene­ Butler, Hariy F — Maj YAC, AFTTS, Kelley, Chailes M, Jr—Commdr N, my shell fire in North Africa, Sioux Falls, S D Dist Degaussing Office, 13th Naval Gen. McNair, it is reported, was Conn, Dewey W—Capt AAC, 58th Dist Exchange Bldg, Seattle, Wash first treated bv alumnus Fred CTD (AC) Mass St College, King, A Lincoln—Commdr N, Poitlanl Anderson ’36, First Lieut., Medi­ Amheist, Mass Section Base, 79 Exchange St, Port­ cal Corps, an Infantry Battalion Kneeland, Otnci A—Capt N, Navy land, Me surgeon. Yaid, Washington, D C

Military List 1 * 1 Rowe Philip A—1st Lt A, 321 CA Bn I ibh\ Phillip A—It Commdi N Fxec- Co 359th Int APO 90, Postmastei, Shreveport La Camp 1 yson 1 enn utivc OHicti NANS Hollywood Ila Somas. Veinon II—Maj A. 225th Int McKenney Lei ov N —Lt (s g ) N 1924 Camp Blanding, Fla 734 Livingston Hall Columbia Univ, Beckett Chailes I —Capt A Cains. Ale Stanton I dward I—Capt A APO 511, N Y N 1 . XT Lastman Aitliui I —Capt A APO 825, Postmastei, N A , N A Nickti son Geiaid H —Lt Commdi N Postmastei. New Oilcans La Stevens Eailc M—Capt A Co A 9 ’38 Lt Barry, John F—Lt A, APO 700, Gowcll, Eail—It A, Camp Mvlcs Army Au Coips—Silvei Stat Postmastei, N Y, N Y. Standish Camp Inginccis Office Gnmmci Stuait W ’40 Lt Aimy— Biooks Ralph C—It (j g ) N, Ogun- Iaunton Mass Pm pic Hcait quit, Me Ciowcll John H—Pvt A, 11 Pnmiosc Mountain William IL ’44, Sgt Aimy Caldeiwood Neil M—Lt (j g ) N, St Belfast Me An Corps—An Medal Box 16, N AS, Jacksonville, Fla. Hapwor th, Kenneth C — Maj A, 472nd Hornbeck Hulct C, Ji , ’42, Lt Aimy Davis, Wilt led S—1st It A, Hdqrs Co QM lik Regt Camp Sutton, N C An Coips—Six Awaids (Including 31 d Bn, 86th Int Div, Camp Hale Ll.iikins John W —1st It X. 103rd Ini, Distinguished Flying Cioss, which Pando, Colo Camp Blanding Tla he won twice and the An Medal) Dekin, Albeit A—Lt (j g ) N, Milford, Hinkley Fiank R —Maj X, 97 Rochcs- Adams David A ’42, 1st It Army Me tci St, Cuinbciland Mills Me Xu Coips- Distinguished Flying Elliott, Linwood S—Capt X, Co G, I mabcc Fianklin- Sgt A AC, 2nd Aca­ Cioss 301st Int, Camp Wallace, Texas demic Sqdn, Box 1225, Kccslci Field White Benjamin F, ’45, Sgt Aimy — Feeley, J Robcit—Capt A, APO 511, Miss Pm pie Heait Postmastei, N Yr, N Y’

Military List 3 9 Finks Henry—Maj A, Station Hospital —It A. Hdqrs QM Doyle John P—Maj A, APO 691 Fickett Lester C Army Postmaster Presque Isle Me A AB Richmond Va School Bldg 11627627 Camp L ee Va Floring William—Sgt A, Hdqrs & Flanders Merton N—Lt A, 6 West St, Elmore John H—Lt N Fleet Post Office Navy Pier Portland Me Hdqrs Sqdn PRTC, Daniel Field, Waterville Me Augusta Ga Foley William—Maj A, APO 645 Farnsworth John P—Maj A 4400 Dauphine St New Orleans La Folsom Parker L—Lt N Fleet Post Postmaster N Y N Y Flischer Harold W —A 77 Fremont Office San Francisco, Calif Gerry Albert F—1st It A 924th Eng Foster Kenneth C—2nd Lt A Hdqrs Avn Regt Dow Field Bangor Me Ave Chelsea Mass Forrestall ArthurT —It (j g ) N AAATC Camp Haan Calif Glaser, Leo—2nd Lt A QMC Fort Gersoni Henry B—Capt A Hdqrs Co, Williams Me Naval Receiving Station S Brooklyn N Y 51st Signal Bn Camp Blanding Fla Hanaburg David H —2nd Lt A 2nd Giguere, Armand M—Maj A Ord Sec­ Bn Hdqrs Co 86th Inf Div Camp Frazier Donald L—2nd Lt A. 285 Nahatan St Norwood Mass tion Hdqrs 1st Air Force Mitchel Hale. Pando, Colo Field L I . N Y Hincks Maynard A—Capt A APO 638 Giddings Edwin L —Lt (j g ) N, VB105 Postmaster NY NY - Grady, Stephen J —QM 2c N. 25 Bick- Postmaster. N Y NY ford Rd, East Braintree, Mass Huddilston, Homer W —1st Lt A Med Gillen Fred E—Lt A APO 502 Postmaster San Francisco Calif Griffin Mardelle E — S Sgt A 74th Sig Sec Holding & Reconsignment Point Co Sei vice Group, Will Rogers Field Marietta, Pa Gould Horace H—N, Ellsworth Me Hamilton, Allan C—Maj A Chemical Okla Tones Alonzo I —Ens N 222 N E 20th Hamilton Neil A—2nd Lt A Co G 6th St, Miami Florida Wartarc Service, 75 Federal St Bos­ Kiszonak Amel F—Maj A 44th Arm- ton, Mass Regt QMRTC, Camp Lee, Va ored Regt, 12th Armored Div. APO Hendrickson Warren M—Capt A Co Hastings Waldon H—It A Chicago 262 Camp Campbell Ky E 318th Inf Camp Forrest Tenn QM Depot, 1819 W Pershing Rd Lester Donald L—Lt (j g ) N 96 Hoopci, Cleveland II—It (j g ) N, Chicago Ill Mechanic St Westbrook Me RTD 2 Bangor Me Hoos Harold W —2nd Lt A Austin Loane G Holland—Lt (j g ,) N 3020 Ingraham Robert J—Capt A APO Hall, Harvard University Cambridge Orange St, Norfolk Va 4070 Postmaster San Francisco Calif Mass Ludden Kenneth S—1st I t A. 701st Ry Jackson Raymond A—Capt A Hdqrs Jackson, Tames M—Ft A AC, 909th Eng Gnd Div 615 Commerce Bldg 78th Div APO 78 Camp Butner N C Hdqis American Air Force Mitchel St Paul, Minn Johnson Rudolph B—Ens N, NTS, Field I I N Y Masterman Roscoe C—Lt (j g ) N Princeton University Princeton N J Tones, Kenneth F—It (j g ) N Naval Jay, Me Leleand Alanson T—Capt A 1105 lock­ An Gunners School Jacksonville Ill McCabe Francis J—Maj A, Coips of wood Ave Columbus Ga Jordan, Edward C—Capt A, 70 Wash­ Military Police 1st Service Command Lucas Ludger A—Lt (j g ) N, 86 Van ington St Eastport Me Camp Edwards Falmouth Mass Sandt Ave Newport R I Karalekas, Peter—Capt A, American le­ McGowan John G—Lt (j g) N. 77 MacLean Roderick K—Lt (s g ) N, gation Tegucigalpa Honduras Cen­ Grozier Rd Cambridge Mass Fleet Post Office San Francisco Calif tral America McNamara Richard W—1st It A AC McCarthy John J—Capt A 48-19 92nd Lowell Donald K—A R 7 Gardiner 365th AB Sqdn A AFBS Big Spring St Elmhurst L I N Y Me. ' Texas McLeod Gregg C—Maj A 902 S Glebe Lyon Alpheus C Jr—Ens N, 735 Main Merriam Wheeler G—Maj A. APO Rd Arlington Va St Bangor Me 3935 Postmaster N Y N Y Means Melbourne F —Lt (j g ) N Fleet Marble, Richaid II—Pvt A Co C RC Overlock Fred A’—1st Lt M Engineer Post Office San Francisco Calif Fort Devens Mass Bn Camp Pendleton Oceanside Calif Morrison Richard P—1st It A Regt Mercier Ardon C —2nd Lt A, Hunts­ Protas Stanley T—2nd It A 171 Hdqrs SCU 1112 Fort Devens Mass ville Arsenal Ala Cleaves St Biddeford Me Newell Raymond F —Cpl A Co B Moore Montgomery D—Pfc A Co C Ranney Thomas S—Sgt A, APO 77 ASTU 3408 Georgia Tech 713th E ng Bn Camp W C Reed, Postmaster, Los Angeles Calif Ga Clovis N M Ricker Cyrus L—2nd Lt A, California Page Roland L—S Sgt A Co C 767th Morse, Thomas S—It A Prisoner of QM Depot Oakland Calif MP Bn Averill Park, N Y War Officer Camp AZ-IX Germany Schultz Norman L—S Sgt A APO 661 Palmer Donald R—2nd It A Bldg Murray A'ernon—Pvt A Co C 31st Postmaster New Oilcans La 1740 A A School ED Camp Davis Inf Tng Bn Camp Croft, S C Shean Robert A—Lt (j g ) N 169 N C Paul John N —Pfc A Btry 23 A AS Columbia St Malden Mass Prout Stanley R—Sgt A 4th Weather OCD, Camp Davis, N C Sullivan Cornelius J—Lt (j g ) N Sqdn N C Pullen Kenneth E—Pvt E RRC Co I, Hampden Me Romansky, Monroe J—1st Lt A Walter Fort Devens Mass Velten John J—It (j g ) N 4917 Reed General Hospital AMC Wash­ Quinn John B —Capt A Co C 26th Catapha Rd, Baltimore Md ington D C Inf Tng Bn Camp Croft S C Whitten Tames F—1st Lt A A AT Shaw Linwood Z—Killed Edgewood Rice Richard I —2nd It A AC 387th Classification Center Nashville Tenn Arsenal Md SI GT Sqdn Eglin Field Fla Young Roland E—Capt A 123 Ridge Shaw Russell W—Ens N NTS Com­ Richards Milburn I —1st Lt A AC field St Hartford, Conn munications, Matthews Harvard Uni­ Hdqrs & Hdqrs Sqdn, Flight Section Southeast AC Tng Ctr Maxwell Field 1933 versity, Cambridge Mass Smith Kenneth F —Lt (j g ) N Fleet Ala Achroyd Whitelev I—Maj A HECP Post Office San Francisco Calif Richardson Gordon T —Lt (j g ) N 2 Fort Rodman New Bedford Mass Smythe Berla M—Lt ANC APO 927 Cole St Beverly, Mass Alley Alton W—Capt A USE. Cutler Rosen A Everett—Alaj A, APO 3383 Bldg, Rochester N Y Postmaster San Francisco Calif Wasgatt Wesley N—1st Lt A O’Riley Postmaster San Francisco, Calif Anderson Philip W —Lt N Fleet Post General Hospital 1234 St Louis St Rossing William—Capt A 1st Bn 69th Office San Francisco Calif Springfield Mo AR APO 256 Desert Maneuvers, Bachrach Samuel—1st Lt A Medical Postmaster San Francisco, Calif Corps, Mitchel Field N Y Whitin* Olive I —AS WAVES USCGR (W) NRMS Northampton Sinclair Charles A—Capt A Co F Bankus, John T—1st Lt A Indian Town Mass 301st Inf 94th Div Camp Phillips Gap Miltary Reservation Pa Kan Blake Donald C—Capt A 113 E Olive 1934 Small Thaxter W Jr —Lt A, Execu­ St Sherman Texas Bearce. Wesley S—Ens N NTS (1) tive Office Hdqrs Edgewood Arsenal Bunker, Charles E—Maj A Box 831 12056 Fort Schuyler The Bronx N Y Miami Fla Md Bendtsen. Frederick A—Capt A 1st Bn Smith Albert L —1st Lt A 156 State Chetley Lloyd W —T Sgt A Hdqrs Hdqrs 369th Inf Fort Huachuca Ariz St Bangor, Me Co, AMRTC, T-423 Camp Lee Va Black, Frederick R—1st It A 424th Smith J Fldrid—It A, Address Un­ Clifford Robert L—Capt A Lordstown Ren Group DeRidder A AB DeRidder, known Ord Depot Warren Ohio I a Dane Edwin M—Lt (j g ) N NTS Stinchfield John E—Lt (j g ) N Supply Collamore Edson S—Pfc A Co F Service 14th Naval Dist Volunteer Harvard University, Cambridge Mass 351st Inf, APO 88 Camp Gruber Okla Special, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Decker, Lawrence F —Capt A, APO 691 Cook Edward H —PhM 2c N Fleet Post Postmaster N Y N Y Wadleigh Jesse R—Lt (j g ) N, In­ Office, N Y , N Y shore Patrol, Boston, Mass Dickerson Kenneth J —Pfc A AC 4th Dearth Robert D —2nd Lt A, 429 High TSS Bks 144, Chanute Field, Ill Ward, Ierdelle C—Capt A, 241 So Alain St, Mt Holly N J St Old Town, Me Downing, Robert B —Sp 3c Naval Post Doane. Stanley R —S Sgt A AC, Box 83, Office, Box 650, Ames, Iowa Warren, George W—Capt A APO 929, Lowry Field, , Colo Postmaster, San Francisco Calif Military List Watson, Andiew E.—Ens X, 57 Veazie MacBride, M Milton—2nd Lt. A, Stock- Collette, Myron G.—Lt. (j g ) N, 26 St., Old Town, Me. ton Springs, Me. Church St., Spencer, Mass Wilson, John C.—Capt. A, Hdqis 28th Maines, Richard G—A, XVinthrop, Me Dexter, Charles F—Maj. A, APO 766, Inf, Camp Gordon Johnson, Fla Marcille, James W.—2nd Lt A, 105th Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Chemical Warfare Co, Camp Sibert, Dowd, Maxim J —1st Lt A, 4606 S 6th 1935 Ala St, Louisville, Ky. Andcison Donald L.—Capt. A, APO 1, Marshall, Stephen S, Jr—Capt M, 101 Eaton, Galen P.—Maj A, AA Atry. Com­ Postmastei, N. Y., X Y High St, Bath, Me. mand, Richmond, Va. Anderson, Karl V.—Capt A, APO 1, Monroe, Roy H.—AC AAC, Sqdn 8, Flanagan, John XV.—Lt. (j g ) N, Fleet Postmaster, N Y , X. Y. 580th TSS, A AFTTC, Grand Rapids, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Bean, Paul XV —Capt A, 43id Div, APO Mich Fogarty, John J —A, Address Unknown 43, Camp Shelby, Miss. Mosher, Stuart H—Lt (j g ) N, 3209 Foley, Howard XV —Lt A, 263rd Med. Beers, Ralph E—Lt (sg) N, Box 35L, XX’albndge Place, N XV, XVashington, Bn , Engineer Amphibian Command, Fleet Post Office, X. Y., X. Y. D C Salmas Garrison, Fort Ord, Calif Benjamin. S I<—Ens X, Piei 3, Miami, Murphy, Donald J.—Sgt. A, 54th QM Frame, George M—Maj AAC. Box 136, Fla Regt Co A Foit Devens, Mass Randolph Field, Texas Bickford, Kcnenth J —Pvt A, Co L, Nichols, Arthur A.—1st Lt. A, 208th Gen Gaffney, Richard F.—2nd Lt. A 1206th RRC, Foit Devens, Mass. Hosp, Fort Devens, Mass. SCU, Det MP, Fort Niagara. N Y. Blaisdell, Frank R, Jr—Maj A, 477th Packaid, Vernon L—Maj A, 3768 Jar- Gleszer, Roland M—1st Lt. A Fort Ord, QM Regt, Camp Phillips, Kan dm St Houston, Texas. Calif Boone, Donald H—Ens N, Gallupville, Page, XX’ Evans—Capt A, Hq 84th Ord. Gordon, Richard O.—Maj. A, Hq., Edge­ N Y | Bn, XP hill Military Residence, X’a wood Arsenal, Md. Bottume, Cai 1—Ens C (j , Dist Coast Parrott. Louis R—Lt. A, APO 3982, Haggett, Robert M.—1st Lt A, 4th Tng. Guard Office, duPont Bldg Miami Postmaster. San Fiancisco, Calif Bn , Camp Wheeler, Ga Fla Portei John I —Ens N. 84 S Main St, Halle, Lionel P—Pvt. A, Aimy Test Sec­ Bi aim Henry X—Capt A, 497th CA, Randolph, Mass tion. Hq Co SCU 1112, Fort Devens, Bn ( A A), Camp Stew ait, Ga Potter, Xlvah I —Lt. (j g ) N, Fleet Mass Buggs Cail A—Lt (j g ) N, Naval Ord Post Office, N Y . X Y Harris, Emoiy E—2nd Lt A. 872 Eng. Dept, Pontiac Mich. Piatt, Willis G — Ens N BOQ Bldg. Bn, XVestover Field, Chicopee Falls, Carr, Amos 1 —Capt AAC Sig Office, 30 Camp Allen, Norfolk, X’a Mass An Base Hdqis , Dow Field Bangoi, Stetson, Edwaid—S Sgt X Med Det, Harris, Karl I —1st Lt. AAC. Killed in Me 100th Div A Foit Jackson S C Action , Collins, Laric O 2nd I t A, Asst Post Stinchhcld, George—2nd L t A AC Xir Hathorn, X’mcent—Lt NAC Fleet Post Signal Officer Post Signal Office, Toit lianspoit Command Boca Raton Field, Office, San Fiancisco, Calit. Devens Mass Fla Heald, Alvin L—Capt A. 808 Common­ Conway James M — XAC 14th Photo Tayloi Oscai M —Ens N NTS Penn wealth Ave. Boston, Mass Sqdn (I ) AAB, Coloiado Spungs, State College State College, Pa Hendrickson, Karl—Lt. (j g ) N, OTS, Colo Thropc XVilham A, Ji —Capt A Hq Plat 123, Camp Peary, Va. Copeland Ralph L Ji ,—Lt (j g ) N, Co, 3id Bn 262nd Int, Camp Bland­ Higgins, Ralph P —2nd Lt A AC. APO 4th Naval Dist N AF Navy Aaid, ing Fla 501, Postmaster. San Francisco. Calif Philadelphia, Pa Iotman Clayton O —Maj M Guaid Bn Higgins, Richard E—AC AAC 712 Day, Hany H—Capt A Co L, 327th Manne Corps Base, San Diego, Calit. Bioadvvay, Bangor, Me. Int T oi t Biagg N C Vinal Josef S—Cpl A Co X Inst Hill, Thomas M —Capt AAC, 231 XV DeWitt, John FI—1st Lt A, 467th QM Regt IG Aimoicd Toice School, 12th St., Caspei. XVyo. Regt Co C Camp McCoy Wise Toit Knox, Ky Hutchins, Roger D —Lt N, Fleet Post Diamon David L—2nd Lt A 85th XVcst Randolph FI—Cpl A, APO 8298, Office, Noi folk, X’a Chemical Bn Toit D X Russell, Postmastei, San Fiancisco Calit Johnson, Thomas C—Lt NAC. Missing Malta, Icxas XVlute, Nathan XV—2nd Lt A, Co F. in Action Duikce John A—A 20 N Mam St 290tli Int, APO 451, Foit Leonaid Jones, William F —Lt. A, Finance Office, Watcibury, Vt Wood Mo 82nd Airborne Div., APO 469 Foit Eames Ralph H— Pvt AAC, 364th XVhitin Geoige XV—Cp1 A Camp Davis, Bragg, N. C Fightci Sqdn, Hamilton Field, Calit N C Keller. Ly ndon M —Capt A Station Ellswoith Edwaid C— N 46 Tunxis Whitman Cail A—Lt. (j g ) N. Green Hospital, Camp Claiborne, La Ave, Bloomfield N J End Ave Middletown, R. I Larson, Karl X7 —Capt A, 304th Eng Emcison, Waltei L, Ji --I ns N NTS, XVilbur, Herbert T Ji —Capt A Medi­ Bn, Med Det, XPO 79, Camp Blan­ 42V Unit Sampson N Y cal Detachment, Camp W’hite Wash ding, Fla Fiost, H Paikci—Ens N 403 Memorial XVillev John C—Pvt A Co F RC Levenson, Roger—A. Address Unknown Duve, Cambudgc Mass loit Devens Mass I lbby, P A—I t Commdi. N 438 Nor­ Fuller, Alfred W —It (j g ) N, Super­ Wood, Flmoie L —Lt A RFD 2 Skow­ man Ave, Aicadia, Calif vise of Shipbui’dmgs Office, Bath Me hegan, Me L ittichale, Robeit L, Jr—1st Lt X, Hq. .Gagnon Lorenzo A -Capt A Engincci- XVoostci Richaid P—Fns N, 258 Cen- & Hq Co, 2nd Replacement Depot, ing Office Maxton Ghdci Base Max tci St, Old Town Me Camp Edwards, Mass ton, N C MacLcan Chailes—Lt (j g ) N 1401 Getchcll, John S—Capt A 76th Gen 1936 S Bai ton St, Ailmgton X’a Apt 234 Hosp, Vancouver XVash Abbott Actoi T, Tr—1st Lt A. APO 24 Me Xlaiy, Francis J —Capt X XC. 2831 Goddaid, Mam ice K—Capt A 35th Tng Postmastei San Fiancisco Calif 49th St N XX’., XVashington D C Bn, Ildqi IRIC Bldg 15 Camp Adams John F—NAC, 11 Upland Rd, McDougall, John R—Cai t A 331 Hope Ci oft, S ( Ai ling ton Mass St Piovidcnce, R I Goode, Paul F —Pvt AAC 914th Png Adams, Richaid F—It (j g ) NAC, Moran, XVilham H—Sgt XAC, APO Gioup, BTC 9 Flight A Sqdn 144 Tiansport Sqdn 1, N AS Norfolk \ra 942 Postmaster, Seattle XV’ash Miami Beach, F'la Anderson, Fied A—1st Lt A, APO 1, Murphy Leo T—Maj A XC AB Hq , Gotlieb Ilyman A— A, Co C 81st Chein Postmastei. N Y N X Richmond Xii Base, Richmond X’a Bn Foit I) X Russdl, Maifa Icxas Aurelio Geoige FI -X Addiess Un­ XIvcis, How aid M—PhM N Fleet Post Gray Ira C Jr.—Ens N XIS Penn know n Office San Francisco, Calit State College, State College, Pa Xverill, Roswell P—A. 32 High St Old Nickeison, Alvah I —1st It X Btiv C, Halpine William C—2nd Lt A 2nd Sta­ Town Me 379th X X X, AXV Bn (SM) Foit tistical Control lTnit, Spokane Wash Beverage, Geiald G—Fns N 629 F Crockett, Texas Hancock, Sumnci O -S Sgt A, Ildqis Capitol St, XXrashmgton, D C Noithiup George FT—Cpl A 1525 Ser­ &. Hdqis Det, 2nd Bn , 471st QM Tnk Boaidman, Harold T—2nd Lt A, XPO vice Unit, Hotel Phoenix Rm 467, Regt, XPO 402 Postmastei, Nash­ 502, Postmastei, San Francisco Calif. I exington Ky ville, Tenn Parker Can oil C—2nd Lt X. Co I, 1st Biown, Davis S—Ens NAC, Class 10-E, Student Tng Regt, Foit Benning Ga Ilclfand, Ilauy—1st Lt A XPO 3660, X XS, Coipus Christi, Texas Paikei, Douglas G—It (ig) N Fleet Postmastei, N Y , N A7 Biown, Donald XI—Lt A, 125 2nd St, Post Office, NX7 N V Higgins, Robeit G—2nd I t A. 3id Map­ Garden Citv. I I, N Y Pierce, David P—2nd Lt X 132 S ping Sqdn, MacDill Field, Tampa, Fla Buck, Chailes X—Lt A, 1541 Hilton Chinch St, Grass X’alley. Calif Hill, Earle XX —1st Lt A, Inf Hdqis X\e Columbus, Ga Saunders, Finest I—Cpl A XPO 43, Div, XPO 77, Los Angeles Calif Campbell, Tinman F—Lt (j g ) NAS, Postmaster, San Fiancisco, Calif Iloner, Carl X.—Capt X, XPO 306, Wold Chambei lain Ah field Minneapo­ Sawyer, John F—Sgt X 29th Old Co, Postmastei, N Y , N. Y lis, Minn Foit Devens Mass

Military List 5 9 Viner, I. co—V, 52 Division St, Bango Scott George W —Ens N 6 Haines St, Haskell William V—Lt AAC BTC 10, Grp 1176 Greensboro. N C Me Presque Isle. Me Hatfield, Lloyd D—1st Lt A. APO 96. Webb Harold L —Ens N, 52 Trow­ Sealey John Jr —Ens N. A-21 Wiggles- bridge St, Cambridge Mass worth Cambridge Mass Postmaster Fort Lewis, Wash Hinckley Jerold M—Pvt A Co B Whiting William I —Lt A Officers Snow Philip P—Maj A 240th CA Casual Det AATC Camp Edward Fort Williams. Me ERC Fort Devens, Mass Steinberg Howard G—Cpl A 39th Re- Hooper William H—1st Lt A. APO 79, Mass pair Sqdn Victorville AFS Victoi- Postmaster Nashville Tenn Wileox Alton D —Cpl AAC 16th Ant submarine Sqdn Municipal Airpor ville Calif Houghton Thomas F—Capt V, APO 33, Wakefield, James A Jr —Capt A, APO Postmaster, Los Angeles Calif Charleston S C 871 Postmaster N Y N Y Hunnewell William F—Ens CG, Williams Seth Jr —2nd Lt A 318th In Washington Donald—Lt Col A 333rd Fleet Post Office NY NY Reg 80th Div Camp Forrest Tenn Int 84th Div Camp Howze Texas Jackman William L—Pvt A. APO 811, Wood Edward P—It (j g ) N Fle White David F—Pvt A, Co B Fort Postmaster N Y N Y Post Office, N Y N Y Devens Mass Jones R Carroll—2nd Lt A, 1105 Young Harold F —2nd Lt A 326th A SCSU. Camp Langdon N H Eng Bn APO 472 Postmaster Ten 1937 Kelley John C—Lt NAC NAS Seattle Adams Winford C—1st Lt A 56th Gen Wash 1938 Hosp Fort Jackson S C Koran Adolph A—S lc N. Treasure Adams Donald S—Ens N Officers’ Ashby Hope E—Ens WAVES Com Island San Francisco Calif living Aiea NCA Ing Ctr, Cam Dept N AS. Quonset Point, R I Lane, Stuart P—Cpl AAC APO 634 Peary, Va Averill John F—Sgt A Hq Btry , Postmaster N Y , N Y Adams. Ernest F Lt (j g ) N Burea 492nd AFA Bn, 11th Armd Div Laverty Robert E —Lt M Fleet Post of Aeronautics, Navy Dept Washin Camp Polk La Office San Francisco Calif ton D C Avery, Newell A—Pvt A Fort Eustis Lavine Samuel J—Maj A Office of Ames Sidnev E - S lc N Issuing Offic Va Harbor Defense Fort Banks Mass 10th Naval Dist San Juan Puerto Bagley Wendell M—2nd Lt VAC APO McCausland Dexter L—2nd Lt A Army Rico 3930 Postmaster, N Y N Y Electronic Ing Ctr Harvard Univeri- Andrews, Ernest F —Cadet OCS, Co Barry, Leroy M—1st Lt A 80 Pine St sity Cambridge Mass Class 23 Regt of Cadets, Edgewood Orono Me McCready Donald E —Cpl A Btry Arsenal Md Bedrick, David N — 2nd Lt AAC APO C6-2 I ARC Fort Bragg S C Armstrong James O Jr —A 1108 Com 3982 Postmaster N Y NY McCrum Ralph ( —Capt A 31st Bn stock St Asbury Park N J Bell Viton L—Capt A 508th Parachute Hq Camp Crott S C Bartlett Russell D -Lt (j g ) N Flee Regt Camp Mackall Hoffman N C McLellan, Gcorge W—1st Lt A 264th Post Office, N Y N Y Berry, Richard N—Capt A APO 502, Int APO 454 Camp Blanding Fla Beck Fred N - Lt AAC Hq Sqdn Is Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif Mader George H—1st Lt AAC APO Fighter Command Mitchel Field L I Borden Bertha C—Ens WAVES 440 851 Postmaster NY NY N. Y W 24th St Apt 17D N Y N Y Merrill Edward O—Sgt AAC Det Belding Robert E—Sgt A. Hq Co, Bowles George M—Capt A APO 32 Med Dept Sta Hosp Westover Field, RRC, Fort Devens, Mass Postmaster, San Francisco Calif Chicopee Falls Mass Berkowitz Leonard I - Lt (jg) N Brarmann Edward F—Capt V, APO 44, Messeck William II Jr—A 10 Hamil- Fleet Post Office N Y , N Y Tacoma Wash ton Ave Haverhill Mass Burgess, Richaid F—2nd Lt A, Waite Briscoe Eleanor L—Lt ANC 380 Col­ Mullaney Roderick E Jr —2nd Lt A 72 Reed Hosp Washington D C lege Rd, Orono Me Garland St Bangor Me Clalderwood George—It (j g ) N Brown, Woodford B—Capt V APO 716 Murphy Reginald P —Capt A Hunts- Chelsea Naval Hosp Chelsea Mass Postmaster San Francisco, Calif ville Arsenal Huntsville Md Carswell, David F —Ens N Harvard Bullard George C—Ens N Mountain Ohler Robert L —Lt (j g ) N Red Club 374 Commonwealth Ave Boston Ave Pompton Plains N J Cross Blood Donor Ctr Buffalo N Y7 Mass Carlisle Norman D—Maj A, VPO 772 Oldreive George F—VC AAC, 181 Sum­ Carter Robert W —Gm 3c N Anti Air Postmaster NY NY ma St Boston Mass craft Tng Ctr Wellington New Clisham John—Warrant Officer (j g ) Palmer Ralph—Ens N Copley Sq Zealand A 613th Sig Plotting Co Aircraft Hotel Huntington & Essex St Boston Chapman William F —Ens N 12 Rud Warning Service, N Y N Y Mass man Rd Portland Me Corbett Robert F—Sgt AAC 390th Hq Parsons Shirley R—1st Lt A APO 833 Clark Albert L—2nd Lt A Randolp ABS A AB Richmond, Ya Postmaster New Orleans La Hall Annex B Fort Monroe Va Crabtree Theodore J—Anti Tk Co, Peabody Arland W—Capt A, “Staft * 1& Clark John T—Ens N 360 Estudillo 1031 d Inf 43rd Div Camp Blanding Faculty Officers School Eastern Signal San Leandro Calif Fla Corps School Fort Monmouth N J Lotting Duncan—2nd Lt A 7th MP Co Dalot Philip L—Sgt A 1st ST Co Perkins Bernard G—Ens NAC Sqdn 3 7th Mtzd Div , APO 7 Camp San ASTU 3800 Texas A & M College NAB Norman Okla Luis Obispo Calif Station Texas Perkins Edward A—A Castine Mt DeCoster, James R—2nd Lt AAC 5D- Day Maurice G—Lt A Fort Benning, Eng Bn APO 472 Postmaster Tenn Ga 256 Pentagon Bldg Washington, D C Perry Frank C—Lt (sg) NAC NAS Denning Lawrence—Sgt AAC Rm 618 Dinsmore Ernest L—S Sgt A, OCS, Pensacola Fla Hotel Stevens Chicago Ill Sqdn 5 Grp A Miami Beach Fla Pruett Kenneth S—Ens N NTS Camp Donagan Ernest H—Ph M 2c N Lab Dow Thompson F Jr—Ens NAC, 611 Hill Farragut Ind Tech Naval Hosp Jacksonville Fla Ocean St S Portland Me Roderick, Burleigh H —2nd Ft A Co Duff Alan D Jr —1st Lt AAC AAF Douglass John Q —Cpl A Hq Co G, 362nd Int 91st Div Camp White IRTC Bldg 196, Camp Croft S C Tech Tng Det Yale University New Nedford Oregon Haven, Conn Edwards Richard S—Lt V APO 252 Rowlands Willett—S Sgt AAC Postmaster, NY NY Dunlevy Raymond K—1st Lt A Ord Weather Tng Ctr 22nd Academic Dept Springfield Armory Springfield Ellingson Albeit M —Lt NAC NAS. Sqdn Rm 519 Rowe Hotel Gland Jacksonville Fla Mass Rapids, Mich Edwards George E—2nd Lt A Co K, Elliott Rodeuck—Lt AAC 5801/2 Jeffer­ Fort Devens Mass Scamman Lucian—1st I t V Army Vet son Ave Wilmington Manor, New erinary School AMC Washington Castle Del Fay Gardner W —Lt A AC Killed in DC Action Fellows Nathan W Jr—Mid N 723 A Shaw Howard E Jr —Capt A 385th Jay Hall N Y, N Y Fifield. Wilbert H — CPO N, N ABD Sp Inf Co M VPO 76 Fort George D 46 Port Hueneme, Calif Fillebrown Charles A—S Sgt A 243rd Meade Md Sta Hosp Fort Devens Mass Folley Gayland—Cpl VAC Hq & Hq Sibley, C Byron—Cpl A APO 251 Sqdn AD Regt. AAFSAT Orlando, Fish. Lincoln—Lt A, APO 1 Postmaster, Fla Postmaster N Y N Y NY NY Stagg Howard J—Capt A Armd VFS Fitch, Karl A—PFC A 26th Cay Ron Foster, Ernest M —2nd Lt M Ord 3rd Regt Tng Grp Fort Knox Ky School, Marine Bks Quantico Va Trp, APO 26, Camp Gordon, Ga Stinchfield Charles H —AC VAC Fit Fogg Carleton T—Ens NAC, Killed Gardner. Elizabeth—AS WAVES Mid 1-43 Shaw Field Sumter S C School. Northrop House N-35 North­ in Action ampton. Mass Stuart Edward—Lt V 1st Student Regt. Forrestall. Howard W—Ac AAc, Killed 5th Co, Fort Benning Ga in Action Grindell Francis—Pvt A Det 1st Ord Verzom R Peter— Pvt A 33rd ADG Ser Co, SCU 1114 Camp Edwards Fuger Stanley, Jr—1st Lt A 16th AAA Mass Repair Bks 1479 Robins Field, (AW) Bn, Camp Haan, Calif Warner Robins, Ga Getchell A Stanley—Pvt A, Lovell Gen 6 Military List Hosp., Med Det., Bks 55, Fort Devens, Tarbell, Lester J —Capt A, 75 Federal Cicssy, Carlton C.—Lt. AAC, Base QM, Mass St, Boston, Mass. Army Air Base, Moses Lake, Wash. Ginsberg, Sewell J—A, 144 Mani St, Thibodeau, Lawrence—Lt. A, Pnsonei of Crockei, Richaid F, Jr—2nd Lt M, Hq. Old Town, Me Wai, Officer Camp AZ IX, \\rar Prison Co , Eng Bn , TC, Camp Lejeune, New Gleason, Wallace F, Jr—1st Lt X, 136th Camp, Germany River, N C Inf \PO 33, Fort Benning, Ga. Toircy, Gale S—Sgt AAC, 357th Fight­ Crowell, Samuel—Lt N, 245 Laurel Ave., 1 Gowell, John R—Ens N—73 Bridge St, er Sqdn, Municipal , Philadel­ National City, Calif Chelmsford, Mass phia, Pa. Daigle. Llewellyn C—Maj AAC, APO Giay, Eail E—Pvt A, 355th MPEG Co Tsoulas, George—Lt A, Adj. Gen Dept., 681, Postmastei, N Y, N Y Camp Shelbv M iss. Hq 3rd Army, Foit Sam Houston, Dyer, Hamilton H, Jr.—Maj AAC, Hamlin Joseph H—Lt. A 26th Int Div , Texas Western Ferry Command, St Paul, 114th Med Bn, Camp Goidon, Ga X’eague Arnold E—1st It A, 913th FA Minn Hait, Gerald F—Ens N 10 Mellen St Bn , Camp Gi uber, Okla Emeiy, Leonard H—2nd Lt. AAC, 98th Cambi ldge, Mass Vinei, Benjamin—Lt (j g ) N Navy Fighter Sqdn 337th Fighter Group, Haves, Richaid E—2nd I t XAC, \ \F Sec Base, 404 Commercial St, Poit- Diew Field, Tampa, Fla Pecos Ai my Flying School, Pecos, land Me Ernst, Morns A.—1st Lt A, 6th Army Texas \’iola Ralph T —Ens N, Sc 645, Fleet Hq Co, Piovidence, R. I. Healy, Richaid W—Capt A, XPO 869, Post Office, N Y , N Y. Farnn, Afton H.—XC AAC Signal Det, Postmaster, N Y N Y Waldron, Richaid S—Lt AAC, XAB, LVAGS, Las Xrega, Nev. Hussey, Robeit S—Capt A APO 43, B-N School, Wendovei Field, Utah Fan mg ton, Haiold E—A, 166 Coyle St., Postmaster, San Francisco Calt Walker, Muidoch—Ens N, Ocean Ter- Portland, Me. Hodges Arthut W —Capt A 301st Int , lace, Virginia Beach, Va Farris, Robeit C Jr—XS AAC, 65th APO 94, Camp Phillips Kan Watson Festus—1st Lt X Addiess CTD (AC), Wing I, Sqdn F-2, Bks. Irland, Richard M —2nd 11 A 2237 Unknown 19, Syiacuse, N Y Stoiv Ave Schcncctadv N Y West, Howard F—1st Lt AAC, 152nd Fitch, Hailan P—2nd It A, APO 887, Leighton Maiv F—Ens N NAS Ren Sqdn Toit Devens Mass Postmaster, N. Y’, N Y WAVES Bks Floyd Bennett Field, Willey James F—Pvt M 1st Tnk Bn, Folsom Phillips E—2nd Lt A, 505th Biooklyn N Yr Co D Xlaiine Bks New Rivei, N C Sig AW Regt, Diew Field, Tampa, Lieberman Ito—2nd Lt A R-Cl Fla AI'RTC OQ 6 Foit Knox Ky Fnedman Albert—Capt X Hq. Co, 2nd I icf living II—2nd Lt A, Boston QM Bn, 328th Int XPO 26 Camp Gordon, Depot Boston Miss Prisoners of XX ar Ga Lovejoy, Geoige N —2nd Lt A 11th Goud, Allen F —2nd It A, Hq Co, Bn Shcnango Pei sound Rpl Depot Captured by the enemy on two ot the 397th Inf 100th Div , XPO 447, Fort Greenville Pa tai-flung battle tionts ot this wai, eight Jackson, S C Lowe Chailes H—Capt A Foit Brady Maine men today occupy enemy pnson Grant Philip L —Fns N AC Missing in Mich camps undei Japanese oi German Action Mayo Donald B - A 207 Paik Duve, control \yhcie known then mailing Grant lheodoie H—Lt (j g ) MM, Apt 42 Boston Mass addiess is given undei then names in Resident Radio School, Gallups Island, McNulty, James M 1st Lt AAC APO the compcltc list othcis may be ad- Mass 860 Postmastei N Y N. Y dressed at then home addresses Groves, Stephen W —Ens NAC Killed Meade At land R —A 175 Walnut St, in Action Newtonvillc Mass Name Pi \ci Grundy Walton C—Pvt AAC XPO Miller, Aithui W -AC AAC 458th Sch Picble Clayton '41 Lt Ximy— 953, Postmastei San Fiancisco, Calif Sqdn Shaw Field Sumter S C Philippines Guppy Ralph II, Jr—1st It M Fleet Mutty John B--Lt (j g ) N 168 Giove Weeks Cail '40 Lt Army— Post Office, San Fiancisco Caht St Bangoi Me Philippines Hall Thomas W—Capt XAC 803 N Nadeau Waltei H —I Sgt A 853id Woodman, E'dwatd B 44 Pvt Ximy Summerlin St Oilando, Fla Chemical Co Dugway Proving Philippines Haiiis Robeit T—CG Capt ot Port’s Giounds, Tooele, Utah Xluzzey Geoige A ’25 Majoi Ximy Office, Bath, Me. Nason Natalie E - Ens WAVES Naval Philippines Hodgdon Kendnck Y—It X Dayton Reserve Mid School S Hadley Mass Biadley, James, 25 Lt Col Manne Sig Depot, 437 N Bioad St Middle­ Neal Olivci M, Ji - Cadet N AC Univ Coi ps—Philippines tow n, Ohio of Richmond Richmond Va Jclhson Milton S ’39 I t Ximy— Holmes Richaid—Pvt XAC 707th Tng Owens Thomas W Ji — I Sgt A Hq No Afnca Grp, Sqdn 42 Atlantic City N J 69th Armd Regt APO 256 Camp Moise I homas S 34 Lt Aimy— Howard Richard H—AC NAC, Barin Cooke, Calif No Atnca Field NAS, Pensacola, Fla Plimpton Robeit H —Cpl A APO 887 Thibodeau Laurence ’38 Lt Ximy— Howard, Sheldon I< —Capt X, Co B, Postmaster, NY NY No Xtuca 1st Bn ERTC, Foit Belvoir, Va Piahai Louis B--Ens N, 1817 Fust St Huntoon Chailes R Jr—1st Lt A, APO Suitland Md, via Anacostia D C 832 Postmastei New Oi leans La Ravmond Goidon B I Sgt A XPO 1939 Jackson, Robeit W—NAC 41 Mt Vei- 923 Postmastei, San Fiancisco, Caht Ames, Betti am W —Capt XAC 7th XB non Xve Melrose, Mass Raymond Richard XX' —It (j g ) N. Sqdn Dow I ldd Bangoi Me Jellison, Milton S—Lt A Prisonei of 3535 5th Ave , San Diego, Caht Bishop Robeit E -Pvt A, Btiy A 407th Wai, Officer Camp XX IX War Prison Rcidman Finest—2nd Lt AAC 1st Low CA Bn ( AA), Camp Haan, Caht Camp, Germany , laiget, Otis Field Camp Edwaids, Bouigoin Louis J - Sgt AAC 6th Stu­ Knkland, Robeit, Jr—2nd Lt A, APO Mass dent Sqdn Flight B, A XFFGS, 916, Postmastei San Fiancisco Calif. Robbins, Bernaid C —1st Lt A 7th Regt, Kingman, Arizona Konecke, Icon W—Capt X, 18th Co. 39th Int Bn Camp Cioit S C Bradtoid, Mei nil— Pvt X. XPO 3923, 1st SIR, Foit Benning Ga Ross, John G — Pvt A AC, 5th C I'D Postmastei, San Fiancisco, Calif Kunev, Clark G.—I t M, 911 1st Ave., (AC), Capital Univ Columbus Ohio Biycis, Jeiome J—Sgt A, APO 528, Columbus, Ga. Rubin, Moms—Cpl A Postmastei Postmastei, N Y , N Y Ladd, Fdwaid R—1st Lt A 1147*4 N Y N Y Buck Embeit C - 2nd Lt A, Randolph Biown Xve., Columbus, Ga Saltzman, William C- Pvt A Det 8th Hall A-37 Foit Monroe Va Leavitt Chailes R—2nd Lt X APO Sig Service Co I oit 1 cvvis Wash Bums Geoige E - Pvt AAC 370th ISS (AGE) Postmaster, N Y, N YT Shannon, I homas R —1st Lt A, 15 Stod­ Bks 118, Scott ricld Ill I unt Feme, Fns WAVES Hotel Vic­ dard Ave Pittsfield Mass Chapman Paul S -S 3c N Fleet Post toria, 271 Dartmouth St Boston, Mass Sharon, Coia—Lt W AAC 4th W AAC Office, San Fiancisco, Caht Lvnch, Owen X—Cpl AAC, 1010 Tng Cti Foit Devens Mass Chick, Arthur J, Ji —Pvt A, Embry TFE'TS La Junta AB La Junta, Colo Smart, Waltei E Ji —Capt A, Old Riddle School Class 6-93 XMC Miami McKenzie, Melvin A—Maj XAC, Proof Officer, A AB Blythe Caht Fla Dept, A AF Piovmg Ground Command, Collins, Fiank II— Maj M, Unit 560 Smith Fiank A, Ji—2nd Lt A 803rd Eglm Field, Fla Oid Co, XPO 470 Camp Claiborne Fleet Post Oflice San Fiancisco, Calif. Cotes, Kcimit R—Sgt A, 15 Portland Mallett, Alfred P—Capt XAC, APO La 485, Postmastei, N Y. N Y Smith, Hany W - It AAC APO 913, St, Yarmouth, Me Postmastei, San Fiancisco, Caht Ciaig, Philip C -1st Lt X, QM Office, Maitson, Merwin A—Lt A. APO 254, Stevens, Richaid M—1st Lt X, 20th X XB, Cut Bank, Montana Postmastei, Los Angeles, Calif Oflucis Inp Class, Medical Field Sci- Ciaig, William TI—Maj X 4th Co, 1st Merrill, I. Caileton—Lt X, SCU 1911, vice School, Carlisle Bks, Pa Tng Regt, Foit Benning, Ga. Camp Adan, Oie

Military List* 7 I Merntt I aw rt net Al—1st I t A a6>rd Ban ell William D—Capt A AC, A AB Gaitley My ion S—Lt A, 3446 Ord N Id Div Camp Shelbv. Miss Postmastei Beigcn Point Station AAB Ardmoie, Okla Pinkham Thomas S—Cpl AAC 62nd Bayonne N J Grimmer Stewart W—It A, Killed Tciiving Sqdn Sth Fi lying (lip Bionsdon Harold C—Capt A, APO 829. Action AAB, Dallas Texas Postmastei Now Oileans, la Gioss Stephen—Ens N, Camden Mt Quiglev. Richard—Maj M 1642 Tor rev Biudno, Lincoln—It AAC Momson Halliwill Eugene H —Maj A AC Kil Pines Rd, I a Jolla Calif I icld W Palm Beach F la in Action Ramsdell Ellis M —2nd It A Hq C, Bullaid Ldwaid C—I Sgt A, APO 703, Hamlin Stephen C—MM Merchant 3rd B 125th Int Regt Giliov Caht Postmastei, San Fiancisco Caht Marine, Sec 263, Great Neck L I Rave Alexandci H—Capt A 809 W Buike Gerard J—It A, APO 1, N Y Euclid Ave Detioit Mich Postmastei, N Y , N Y Hanley, Walter E.-Lt AAC, 1636 N Rave John F—2nd Lt A. 3329 Runnv- Buss, riank I—Lt A. 51 Cleveland St. 10th St Tort Lauderdale Ila meade Place hl W , Washington D C Centra! Falls, R I Harmon James A—Lt (j g ) N Mai Reed Faile D—1st It A. Sig Office Cai lisle Tohn D —Cadet A, Mellon A 43, Maritime Academy , Castine, Me 1st Fightei Command Mitchel Field Soldicis Field Boston Mass Hamngton Joseph L - I t M, Unit X Y Cai Ison Lail—Maj AAC, Wendover Postmastei San F ianciseo, Calit Rich Tianklin W —Cpl A. Co M 120th Field AAB Utah Hanis, Louis I - MM, 29th St & Int 30th Div APO 30, Postmastei Cartier, Aithur I —Ft A, APO 704, Ave N Y N Y Camp Blanding Fla Postmastei San I ianciseo Calit Hathaway, Henry L—Lt AAC, AP Russell Louis R—GM 3c N. hlavy 1850, Chindler. Ihcodoie P—Ens N, Rm B 11, 922, Postmastei San Francisco, Cal Fleet Post Office NY NY Lionel NT^ Harvard Univ, Cam­ Hawes, Ennl F - Capt A 75th Compos Saex living Ct—AC AAC Sqdn I< budge Mass Int Ing Bn Camp Canabclle Fla Gioup 4 A AFCC Nashville I enn Charpentier, Allvn E — Capt A, 475th Hebei Richard E —Lt A APO 668 Smith Mai k S —Capt M, Unit 865 AAA AW Bn Camp Edwards, Mass Postmaster, N Y , N Y Fleet Post Office San riancisco Calit Claik Sumner S—Ins N I wo Lights Henderson Aithui A —N Anson Me Stinchfield Rogci M—A Wayne, Me, Rd Cape Elizabeth Me Higgins, Haiold 1)—Capt A, APO 5 Home Clough Charles IF Jr- It AAC, 105ES Postmaster, NY N. Y Stiout Donald F—A, Sid Bn Fort 145th St, Jacksonville, Fla Higgins, Ravmond D—A Denny svill W llliams Me Coffin Robcit T — Pte A 2nd Ren Bn Me Szaniawski Edwaid W—Capt AAC Co H Toit Beniamin Harrison Ind Holland Stanley R—I t A AC APO 9 357th Fighter Sqdn Philadelphia Cohen Bernard—Lt AAC. APO 637, Postmastei San Fiancisco Calit Municipal Anpoit Phialdelphia Pa Postmastei, N Y N Y Howaid Preston O—Lt AAC 82 Mai Tuinei Fiancis E—It A Dnftwood Connolly, James J - It A APO 3664 Ave Rumford, Me Myrtle Beach S C Postmaster San I ianciseo Calit Hoy, Wayne V—Pvt, M Seacoast Tuinei Harland G—2nd I t A 231 Paik Cotting. Rogei—It A, 338th Int Sciv Btiv Aitv Bn Camp Lcjcune N Drive Suite 14 Boston Mass Co, APO 85, Postmastei Shicvepoit River, N C AVall Raj B—2nd Lt M 19th Replace I a Humphries, Benjamin S—Lt AAC. ment Bn New- River N C Cullinan Robert V—Lt A APO 3589 AAFBFS Newpoit Aik Waid William H—1st It A Missing in Postmastei, N Y , N Y Hunter James H —Capt A APO 5 -Action Cuitis Philip E—It AAC Student Ing Postmastei N Y N Y Washburn Frank J—It AAC APO 959 Det Smyrna AB Smyina Tenn Hutchinson Philip A —Capt A Subm Postmastei San Francisco Calif Danforth Ha/cn W Ji—PO 3c CG ime Mme Depot Toit Momoe Va Wengci Kail T—Pvt AAC Flight 102, Coast Guaid, Sandwich Mass Johnson Paul L—Pvt A, 12th Aimd 604th TSS St Peteisbuig Fla Daiveau George F—Cpl A Co T 15th Div , Btiv B 493rd FA Bn APO 26 Wentwoith, Owen—It (j g ) NAC Sig Tng Regt Fort Monmouth N J Camp Campbell Ixy Fleet Post Office N Y’ N Y Dequine John F—A 631 living Place Johnston, Fiedenck J—Lt (j g ) NA Whitelev Albeit H —Sgt \ Btiv F long Bianch N J Sqdn 12 Corpus Christi lexas 9th C A, Fort Warren Mass Dei tv. John H —Capt A, Btiy K 245th Jones rranklyn I —Ft (j g ) NAC 3 CA. Toit Hamilton N Y Camillia Drive Coipus Chnsti Texas 1940 Doie Guy T—Lt A AC, Monson Me Kane Thomas F—Pit A APO 4580 Adams Nonis S— It (j g ) N N116 Dubv, Carleton P-Maj AAC Base Hq Postmastei San Fiancisco Calit Fleet Post Office N Y N Y Dow Tield Bangoi Me Reyes, Allston P—Lt A 213th CA, Adkins Hailow D—1st It A APO 851 Dvei Harold T —Cpl A Co T 87th Mt Camp Stew ait Ga Postmaster NY’ NY Int Regt Camp Hale Pando Colo King Waltci B—Sgt AAC Highlan Akeley Richaid W—Lt M Fleet Post Enman, Edgar F—I Sgt A CA Ave Old Town Me Office San Francisco Calif Pass-A-Gnlle Fla Knight Meivin—Ens NAC killed i Alley John C—M Sgt A Box 1402 Eveleth Lauience N—Sgt A Co D Action Univ of Kv I exington Kv Hq Bn ORTC Aberdeen Proving I aBaige Bcinaid A—AC AAC Buck Alpert. Myer—Pvt A 137 State St Giounds, Md Bangor, Me poi t Me Fay Norman F—It A 197th FA Bn Ladd Chestei M—AC NAC, Flight Andiews Rogei S—Capt A APO 77 APO 30 Postmastei Nashville 1 enn Bngade NATC, Pensacola Fla Postmastei Los Angeles, Calif Files Maynard W —Capt A Missing in Leafe Russell P—Ens N 15 Chishol Atwood, Robert D—2nd Lt AAC, 19th Action Rd Winchestei Mass Grp. 435th Sqdn. Piote Texas Finnegan William J—Ens N \C Bldg Laflin, Catherine—Fns WAVES Po Babcock Philip B—Pfc A APO 651 1105 Rm 111 Bronson Field Pensa­ Dnectoi s Office 150 Causeway St Postmastei N Y N A’ cola Fla Boston Mass Bacon Earl G—2nd Lt A APO 880 Fitzpatrick James J Ji —Capt A APO Postmaster, N. Y, N Y Lancaster Helengiace—Ens WAVES, 871, Postmaster, N Y, N Y 131 Beacon St Boston, Mass Bahrt Albert E—2nd Lt A APO 1111 Gardnei Howard D—It A AC, APO Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif Lane Arnold C—Ens N, Fleet Post 634 Postmaster. N Y, N Y Office, N Y, N. Y 8 Military Lis I Lanigan, Edwin J.—Lt AAC, Killed in Industrial School, Buckingham Field, Austin, George AI, Jr—Lt. AAC, 701 Action Foit Myers, Fla Pine St, Deming, N. M. Lavviy, Edwaid H—Ens X XC, Western Russell, Eugene O, Ji—Lt. A, 557th Banton, Hartley L.—Lt. A, APO 668, Ave, Fan field, Ale. AAA A XV Bn. (Mbl.), Fort Fisher, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Lindsay, Andiew G—Lt. AAC, 554th N. C Bartley, Henry H.—Lt A, XVestovei Bomb. Sqdn , Lake Chai les, La Samuelson. Robeit XV—Lt (j g ) NAC, Field, Chicopee Falls, Mass Linscott, Stanley P —Ens CG, Coast Rodcl Field, Sqdn 18C, Corpus Chusti, Benjamin, Roger O.—Lt. A, 474 XV. Guaid List Office, Eoston, Mass. Texas 238th St, N Y, N. Y. Littlefield, Joseph R—Lt A, Btiy A, Sanders, James O—Lt. AAC, Box 145, Berry, Rockwood N —Capt. AAC, Co. A, 106th C\ ( XA), Sault Ste Mane, MA XF, Mananna, Fla 190th Glider Inf, Laurenburg-Maxton Mich Sawyer, Neil G—Lt A, Sig Sec, 41st AAB, Maxton, N. C. Lonng, Malcolm S—Lt A, 64 Glccklei Sub Depot, Hamilton Field, Calif Beverage, Ray J —Ens NAC, Fleet Rd , Poi tland, Me Scvciy, Floyd M—M, 165 Atlantic Ave, Post Office, N. Y, N. Y. Lovenng, Francis XX —Lt A, XPO 716, Maiblehead, Mass Blackstone, Fred J, Jr.—Lt. AAC, 31st Postmastei, San Fiancisco, Calif Schmidt, George G—Lt A, 16th Port Fighter Control Sqdn., Fighter Com­ MacDonald, Robert XX —Capt X, 36th Hq , New Oi leans, La mand School, Orlando, Fla AXX Gip, Camp Haan, Calit Schoppee, FiccI H—Medical Dischaige Blaisdell, Kenneth XV—Ens. N, Naval MacKay, Hugh P—It A APO 851, Schultz, XX altci M—Lt AAC, Class E, Sec Base, 3802, Newport, R. I. Postmastei, N X , X Y Student Officers Sec, Henducks Field, Boudieau, Edmund—Sgt AAC, Address McCain, James S.—Capt. A, APO 1, Scbnng, Fla Unknown Postmastc , N Y , N Y Sheedy John R—Cpl A, APO 8, Boulos, Joseph—AC AAC, 964 Forest McClelland,1 Ruth XX —A, XPO 715, Postmastei Los Angeles, Calif Ave, Portland, Me Postmastei, San Fiancisco, Calit Smith, Basil I —Lt A, Btiy E 216th Boyle, H Louis, Jr—Lt AAC, APO 650, McDowell,/Coni ad W—It A 23 Moun­ C A ( A A) San Fi ancisco, Calif Postmaster, X Y., N. Y. tainview' Xve Staten Island, X X Smith Richaid M—Cpl A. Peisonnel Bracy, Horace G—Lt M. Hotel Park McKenney, Omai—AAC Missing in Rcpl Dept, Classification Sec , Camp Manor, San Diego, Calif Action Shcnango Giecnville, Pa Biavvn, XVilham S—Lt A. Office of Base Maines, John I—It A APO 961, Smith, Winfield C—Lt AAC. APO 640, QM, AAB, Blythe, Calif. Postmastei, San Iiancisco Calit Postmastei X Y N Y Budges, June H.—Midn XX’AVES, Midn Mai shall Donald M —L t A AC AI’O 640, Sodeiquist Philip—AAC Monson Me School (XVR) Gillett House 68, Smith Postmastei. NX NY Southaid, Pemberton—1 t (j g ) N, Tleet College, Noithampton, Mass. Maisolais Hubeit H- EM 3c N Ships’ Post Office San Francisco, Calif Briggs, Frederick O—AC AAC. Sqdn. Co Naval Trade School Noioton Steeves, Jciome I—Capt AAC 441 G. A XFBFS, Malden, Mo _ Heights, Conn Fightci Sqdn, Dale Malbiy Field, Brown, Biooks, Jr—Lt A, 357th Inf Mai tin Oscai R -Lt AAC, 1664th Old I allahassee, Fla Seiv. Co, Camp Baikeley, Texas MM Co Avn, A AB Santa Mana, Spalding lames H —I t X Fleet Post Brown, Cail R—Lt A, Btry. K, 68th Calit Office San I 1 ancisco Calit CA (AA), Fort Dix, N. J. Mavo, Richaid—It A, 93id Sig Co Spofford Get aid I —Cpl A, APO 761, Brown XX;alter E, Jr—Lt. (j g.) XAC, I oi t Huachua Ai iz Postmaster, N Y, N Y Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calit Mei nil, Robeit S I Sgt AAC, Base Staples, Josiah H—It A, APO 868 Brownell, Arnold B—Ens CG, Fleet XVeathei Sti AAB, Salt lake City, Postmaster, X Y X Y Post Ofhce, San Francisco, Calif. Utah Stewait Robeit F—Capt A APO 668. Burden, Frederick E.—Pvt A, 533rd Ord Mooie Eugene I —It AAC, APO 959 Postmastei N Y, X Y Co (HM) (TIC) Mairit Bn., 10th Postmastei San Fiancisco, Calit Stuait Parke i O—Capt A APO 528, Aimd Div . Foit Benning Ga Moi in Paul E — Lt A Sciv Co 417th Postmastei N Y. N Y Butteiworth. Dale J—Lt AAC, Grp. Xr, Int, Foit Geoige G Meade, Md I hibodcau Louis—Lt XI, Hq Serv Co, Selman Field, Monroe, La. Moi ton Richaid G—(.apt A 377th Sep Camp Leieune New River, X C Byrne, John F—Lt A, APO 302, CA Bn Camp Stew ait Ga II ask Rogei B—T 5g A, APO 860 Postmastei, N. Y , X Y Murphj, Robot E -Capt A APO 1, Postmastei N Y, X Y Cai lisle, Robeit—Capt A, 5102 Stanford Postmaster, X X , X Y Tieat XVilham XV—Cadet A McCullock St, Dallas, Texas Nelson, Harley C—Sgt A APO 715 I-11 Soldieis Field, Boston, Mass. Can, George R—Pvt AAC, 469th BFTS, Postmastei San riancisco Calit Iiemaine Richard I —It A, APO 921. XVAFS, Waco, Texas Nickerson Ihomas II -It AAC, Ioit Postmaster San Fiancisco Calit Carter. Elton S—Pvt. AAC, 641 TSS, Richardson Alaska XX allace Robeit D—Capt AAC, Spence Bks 286, Boca Raton Field, Fla O’Brien One O-S Sgt A, APO 43 AAF Advanced Flying School, Moul- Cates, Clement D, Jr—Sgt. AAC. 3529 Postmastei, San Iiancisco Calit tne, Ga Park St, Jacksonville, Fla Odlin, Clifford W - Lt \ 39th Sig Co XVcavei, Chailes I —Capt A APO 832, Chambeilain, Eveiett B—Lt AAC, APO 26th Int Div , Camp Gordon, Ga Postmastei, New Oileans, la 485 Postmaster, X Y, X Y Pattcison Paul K -It AAC Willi­ XVeeks Cail—Lt A Piisoner ot Japanese Chase, Faulkner—Sgt A, Co. C, 2nd mantic Me Govt in Philippines Regt, Camp Sibert, Ala. Peabody Hcibot S -Sgt A AC APO Whiche.1 Ralph F -Lt (j g ) X, Fleet Chase, Got don E —11 M 2224 Abbott 922, Postmastei, San Fiancisco (alii Post Ofhce San Francisco, Calit St, Ocean Beach, San Diego, Calif Pierce, Earl S - CG, CG 55001 Coast Whitney Noiman F—Lt A, 550 Center Chase, Richard H —Ens X, 36 Crest Rd., Guaid Patiol Base, Eastpoit, Me St Newton, Mass Sharon, Mass Potto Kenneth IT — Capt AAC, 1 5036 Wight XVillaid A—Sgt A, Co D, 26th Clark Arnold H.—Lt A, APO 930, \ alley X'ista Blvd Shcnnan Oaks Int Tug Bn Camp Ciott, S C Postmaster, San Fiancisco, Calif Calif Wilson Chailes H, Tr—Lt AAC Clement, John C—Lt. (j g ) NAC, Fleet Potter. XX Edwin -A, Btiy ( 420th FA Geoige Field A AFS I awiencevillc, Air Post Office, X A , X Y Bn, 10th Xrmd Div , APO 260 Fort 111 Colbath, Bui ton M—T Sgt A, 84th Sig. Benning, Ga Wilson, Gleason W —I t A 348th Eng Co, Camp Howze, Texas Piatt, John II—Pvt A, Co H, 52nd Regt Camp Ciowdei, Mo Colby, John S —Lt A, Co I, 35th AR XIR, 9th Amid Div , APO 259 Foit XVlight, XVilham P—Cand X 25th Btiy Desert Maneuvers, APO 254, Post­ Riley, Kan A AS, Plat 1, Camp Davis, N C master, Los Angeles, Calif. Randall, Ilalston B -Sgt AAC 4th Xoik, Donald C—Sgt AAC Hq & Hq Colley, Chester A.— X, APO 616, Bomb Sqdn, 34th Bomb Gip Pendle Sqdn, AAFGCTC, Randolph Field, Postmaster, X. Y, N Y ton Field, Oie Texas Cooper, James G—Capt A, APO 922, 1941 Postmaster, San Fiancisco, Calif. Rccd, John P—Cpl A, APO 3284, Coimier, Eveiett L—Maj A, APO 860, Postmastei, San Fiancisco, Calif Adams, Chailes F—Capt X, Regt Elq Btiy 9 CA, Foit Ruckman, Mass Postmaster, X Y, N Y. Reynolds, Ralph -1 t A, 83 State St Adams, C Kempton—Cpl A AC, APO Cotton, Geoige B—Lt. X 357th Bn. Spiingficld, Mass 628, Postmastei, X Y, N Y CASE, Camp Stevvait, Ga Rich, Edwin S—It AAC, Electionics Allen, lleniy XXr—It A AC, A AFPFS, Cowan Fredenck XX'—Pic A, Co G, Tng Ctr, Xustin llall, Handl’d Univ, Selman Field, Monroe, La 87th Mt Inf Regt, Camp Hale Pando, Cambndge, Mass Alocit, Sidnev M—T Sgt A AC, P-T Colo Richard, Octave F—It A, Addiess Un­ Det, Gip B, Wing 1, Camp Tantoian, Cowin, Stanley J , Ti —Lt (j g ) X Fleet known San Bi uno, Calif Post Office, San Fiancisco, Calif Rogers, Anthony J—Pvt X, Co A, 3id Anderson, Haiold F—Lt AAC, APO Ciaig John S—Lt. X AC, Napier Field, Repl Bn, Pittsburg Repl Depot, Pitts- 887, Postmastei, N Xz, N Y. Dothan, Ala buig, Calif Astor, David—Lt M, 2nd Guaid Co, Ciane, J Burleigh—Lt X APO 668 Ross, Edwaid F—Sgt AAC, Ccntial Biown Field, Quantico, Xra Postmaster, N Y., N Y. 9 Military* List* Haitwell Hemy L—S Sgt AAC, Base Maish, Edward L—Capt AAC, AP Cummings Philip E—AAC 12 Pine St, Old Dow Field Bangoi Ale 942 Postmastei, Seattle. Wash Portland Me Hatchaid Donald G—I t A San Meader, Everett L—Pvt A Btiy I Cummings Robot A —Pvt \ \C 3 ti 94th CA (AA), Camp Davis N C Ing Gip Sqdn A, Teflerson Bks Beinadino An Depot BOQ San Beinadino, Calif Monohon P Joi dan—I t A APO 94 Hatt, Goidon R—It AAC Patten Me Postmastei, Seattle Wash Cuilev, Tohn I. Ti -Pvt AAC 363rd Montgomery Joshua B—It AAC TSS, Bks 720 Lown Field Denvei, Hill Albeit F—Pvt A. 104 Pottei St Cranston R I Buckspoi t, Me C*O1O« oo')** XT Mooie Robeit M—Fit Officci, AAC Dalnmple Stewait—Ens Al , 83-0 is Hoctoi John Al —I ns N, N A I B Solo­ mons Bianch Washington D C APO 635, Postmastei, NY NY Jefleison Ave. Detioit, Mich Mui lay, Geoige L—Ens CG. Gallups Delano Ravmond F—AC AAC. AFTD, Hodgdon Kenneth W—Lt A. 314th I A APO 80 Camp Toilest Icnn Island. Boston Mass AAF Blythe. Caht Muuay Goidon—AC AAC Gip 9 Demant William H —Lt A 2-bth CA Holvoke. Donald B—Lt A APO 251 Postmistei NA NA Sqdn M, AAFPFS (P) Maxwell Seaichhght Det, Foit Wadsworth Field, Ala Staten Island N Y Howe, A'nginia M—Midn WAVES, APO 650, Union, Me Muuay, Patncia E —Army Nuising Devoe Donald B —Lt A AC Coips Honorable Dischaige Postmaster NA NA. Howes, Cecil E—Cand A, Class 15. APO 867 OCS PAIGS Foit Custci Mich Mutty, Edwin L — Lt A APO 887. Dextei Fianklin D—It A, Hovt John F —L t A Co B 348th Engi Postmastei, N Y N Y Postmaster NY NA Nichols, Malcolm G -Lt A, 9a Wane Dinsmoie Toscph S Tr—Lt A 229 Ellis Combat Bn Foit Pierce, Fla Humphries, Angus F—Lt A Pcny Me Ave , Woburn, Mass St Augusta, Ga Nunan, Richard I —Ens N, 4 Haskell Dondis Meiedith P—A, 69 Beech St Hunt. Mansfield L —Lt A, APO 668 Postmastei, NANA Ave, Newpoit, R I Rockland Me Hutcheon James L—S Sgt AAC, Hq Nystrom, Geoige L —Lt (j g ) N, 2 Dumas Paul_ R. —I « t A « APO/• 8 Post- master, Los Angeles _Cahf At Ilq Sqdn AAF1 IC, 720 S Michi­ Governois Lane, Schenectady, N Y Oakstoid, Homei H Ji —Lt A MF’ Dunning Clement S—Pvt A \PO 9o0 gan Blvd Chicago, Ill Postmastei, San Francisco Caht Ingalls. Farit L M—120 Concoid St . Plat , APO 104, Camp Adan, Oie Dunning Heibcit H—AC AAC Co D Portland A-fe Oppenheim Edward E -Cpl A lltli 30th Mt Bn 3id Plat Camp Giant. Ingham Toseph M—AIAI. 328 Eastman Med Ing Bn, Co A, 3rd Plat, Cam Pickett, Va Rockfoid Ill St Concoid. N II Duphssa Geoige A Ti—Cpl A Tin Iivine, Robeit M—Lt A, APO 1, Osgood, Buit S Ji—Ens N., Fleet Office New Castle A AB Wilmington Postmastei, N Y , N A Post Office San Fiancisco Calif Del Jackson, Robeit A—Lt (i g ) N, Fleet Parsons, Chai les B—Sgt A APO 86 Earnshaw John—Midn N, Rm 4059 Post Office, N A , N A Postmastei, N Y N Y Naval Academy Annapolis Md Jeffery, Tames A —Lt A 103id Engr Pattee, Clifford H - Pfc A 3 Ames St Edmunds Tohn T, Tr—Ens N, NTS, Combat Bn , Co C, APO 28, lamp Cambiidge Mass Bowdoin College Brunswick Me Goidon Johnston, Fla Paul Rogei F —AS N Mid School, 51 Ehrlenbach How aid I —Lt M Fleet Ttwell Duncan H —Lt Al, Fleet Post Furnald Hall, N Y , N Y Post Office San Fiancisco Caht Office, San Fiancisco C alif Payson Cailton B Lt A, Middle St Ellis George H —Lt A APO 957 Post Tewett, Ct Heibcrt II—Ens N AC, A-Az Oiono, Me mastei San Francisco Calif (N) Scouting Sqdn 5D-14 Pioject Peavey, Hairy C, Ji —Lt A, 42 Eliz Fan child Thomas L—It A Co G Roses San Fiancisco Calif beth Ave, Bangoi, Me 376th Inf Camp Phillips Kan Johnson, Stanley F — AC AAC, 400 Pci kins How aid R - Lt A, APO 877 Fenv Haiold F —S Sgt AAC APO N Paula St, Cuitiss Wright, Class 142 Postmastei N Y N Y 929 Postmastei San Francisco Caht Glendale, Calif Perry, Leona M —Sk 3c SPARS, 2001 Fickett Paul R—AAC APO 637 Post­ Kelley Lawience B—It A 180 Alain St Ixaloiamo Rd N W Washington mastei N Y N Y Oi ono Ale D C Friday Tohn A—Lt M 2-D-12, 3rd Kent A'einon T—Pvt AAC. APO 851, Philbrick Chai les B S 2c N Fleet Mai me Div FMF, Camp Dunlap Postmastei N Y7 N A Post Office, N Y , N Y Niland Calif Ketchum Fiank W—Pvt AAC Repaii Pierce, Richaid H—Lt M 726 Main St Frost Howard R—Lt AAC APO 501, Sqdn, 42nd An Depot Grp ADI S, Leominstci Mass Postmaster San Francisco Calif Albuqueique N M Pipei Allan L —SK 2c N Com Offic Gallagher Keith N—AC AAC Sqdn 6 Kimball Everett—Cpl A APO 913 NAS, Quonset Point, R I Rm 453 580th TSS A AFT TC Grand Postmastei San I rancisco Caht Powell Stephen E —Lt M 61 Bennoc Rapids Mich Kinghoin Robeit C—Lt A 87 East St St, Oiono, Me Gardner Charles S—It A T184 Unit Fitchburg Mass Piatt Elbert S—A, 18 Church St B Huntsville Arsenal Ala Kntcland Trank H—AC AAC Sqdn B Liverinoie Jails Me Gaidnei Afoffat A C—Pvt A Co D Cadet Bks T444 Tyndall I ie!d Fla Piatt Virgil S - Cpl AAC Hq & H 30th Inf Tng Bn Camp Ciott S C Kuhn Louis T—Pvt A 98th CA. A Sqdn Flioto Avn Dept Oilando Gilman Arnold R—Lt M Fleet Post­ Btiv Schofield Bks Honolulu Hawaii AB Fla master San Francisco Calif Ladd Leon F Ti —Capt A, APO 668 Picble, Clayton N—Lt A Pnsonei Postmastei N Y N A’ Japanese Govt in Philippines Gilman George D—Pvt A Hq Det Lancaster Haitwell C—Lt AAC APO 1st ETG Engi Repl Tng Ctr Fort Pullen Winston F —Mid N Mid Schoo Belvoir Va 635 Postmastei N A N Y Rm 646 John Jay Hall, N Y N Y Lapham Daniel—T Sgt A APO 716 Reed Waltei S Ji —E'ns N Com Godwin H Buel—S lc M Co H-6 3id Postmastei San Fiancisco Calif School Naval \cad Annapolis Md Bn 20th Manne (Engi ) Camp Taisson Robert D —Ens NAC VS Riddle Oscai W—Lt A, 116th CA B I ejeune New River, N C 1D1 NAS Squantum Mass (AA) Camp Davis N C Goodchild Donald W—It A APO 877 Leming. Charles F—Cpl A Sta Compl Riddle William J —I t A 377th I rg Postmaster, NY NY Camp Hatheway Vancouvei Wash Bn T oi t Knox Ixy Gopan Max—Cnl AAC 19th Academic I ibbv Ticdenck A—Lt AAC Gip IAZ Rothenbcig How aid A—Lt AAC AP Sqdn Scott Field Ill Selman Tield Momoe La 885 Postmastei Miami Fla Grant, Geoi ge C —Pvt A Hq Co RRC I ibbv L Simpson Ti—Lt A Wainci St Lawrence Mitchell B—Lt (j g ) Foit Devens Mass Robins \ir Depot Wainer Robins Ga NAC 27 My i tie St Oiono Me Griffin IloydW—Cpl AAC APO 634 Loid Nathaniel N—Pfc A APO 3553 Sanborn Beit S—It \AC APO 525 Postmastei NY NY Postmastei N AT N Y Postmastei N Y N Y Gushee Richard A—Cpl AAC APO Lund David R —S Sgt AAC 495 Bomb Scanlin Mcilin T—(Sp) C 2c N CPO 3934 Postmaster NY NA Sqdn 344 Bomb Gip Drane Field I akeland Fla 2-Umt F NTS, Sampson, N Y Hagenson C Philip—Ens N C TC- Serota Jacob—Lt A Co E 594‘h Fng V(S), PO Box 365 Naw Yard S C I usk Hugh r—Ens CG Postmastei N Y N Y Boat A. Shoic Regt Camp Edwaids Haley, Tames H-AMM 3c N AC ATS Mass B3, NAS, Daytona Beach Fla Maascn John H Ji —Lt A Piovost Maishal APO 78 Camp Butner N C Shackclfoid Philip T —S 2c CG Walnu Hall Albert E Ti —S Sgt AAC 6th Rd Wenham Mass Bomb Sqdn, 29th Bomb Gip(H) McGilhviav John O—Lt (j g ) NAC Gowen Field, Boise Idaho Box S N AS Key West Fla Shcaier Frank P—It M Tlcet’Post Of bee, N Y N Y Hamm, Harold I—Pte AAC Fit 8 MacGiegoi Robeit M — Gunnci RCA 24th TSS, Fort Logan Colo F Btiy, A-l CATC Petawawa Ont, Silvciman, David I<—Pvt A 63 Kellog Canada St Portland, Me Harris, James W —Capt A APO 716, MacGiegoi Waltei N —Capt A Box Postmastei, San Francisco Calif Smith Chai les B Ji —J t A 1317 N 189 Hampton Va 12th St Abilene Texas 10 Military Lis Smith Robeit B.—Pfc A AC, 58th CTD, Albeit, Joseph J—Pfc A, Co B, 3804th Browne, Robeit I.—Sgt. A, 317th Sta. MSC, Amheist, Mass STAR unit, Okla A & M College, Hosp T-1558, Camp Atteibury, Ind. Smith, Sheiman K—Pvt A, C G Stillwater, Okla Buck, George H.—Pvt A, Co C, 101st Label ec, Gardiner, Me Andiews, Francis S—Cadet \, D-24 Inf, Fort George G Meade, Md Sobel Theodoie—Lt. A, Engr. Officei, McCullock Hall, Soldiers Field, Bucknam, William R—Ens NAC, Box Opeiative Dn , CM S, Huntsville Boston, Mass 160 State Teacheis College, Blooms­ Ai sena 1 Ala Aibo, Edwaid P—Lt A, 38th Inf Tng burg, Pa Somes John W—It A, APO 3470, Bn Camp Cioft, S. C. Bull, Floyd L—AC. NAC, Fit Brig, Postmastei, San Fiancisco, Calit Axtell, Aithui G—Ens N, Fleet Post NAS, Pensacola, Fla Spiague, Donald R—Pvt AAC, 368th Office N A , N Y Burger, Francis W—Lt A, APO 700, TSS, Bks 229, Scott Held Ill Baker, Philip—AC N AC, Oak St, Oiono, Postmaster, N Y7, N Y Staples, Oimand—M Box 593 Giand Me Burnett, John M, Ji.—Lt A, APO 32, Cential Annex, N Y, N Y Bai do, Clinton L—Sgt A, 80th CSG Postmaster, San Fiancisco, Calif Stearns, Rogei \—It A 9th Co 1st Co, Noifolk Navy A7aid, Portsmouth, Burpee, Fiedenck—Lt A, Bcnnoch Rd, Student Ing Regt Foit Benning Ga Aza Orono, Me. Stevens Clitioid A—Lt AAC Naviga­ Bai rows Edwaid P—Lt A, Co F, 9th Burpee, Howard L—Lt A, Co C, 7th tion School, Hondo, Texas Inf, APO 2 Camp McCoy, Wise Bn, 2nd Regt, Greenville, Pa Stisuhs Walter I —Fns N Postmastei, Baitlett, Paul V—Lt AAC, 337 Aber­ Burr, Webster B—Sgt. M , Unit 565, San Tidncisco Cahf deen Ave Dayton, Ohio Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif Stoiei, Allen P—T 4g A, Med Sec 3610 Beaton. Chffoid N—Pvt A, Co B, 1st Buttci field, Wilfred I.—Ens N, 316 Seiv Lmt Pcicy Jones Gen Hosp, Sig Tng Bn , Fort Monmouth, N J. Huntington Ave, Boston, Mass Battle Creek, Mich Beaton Robeit J—Ens N, Fleet Post Candelet James F—Lt AAC, 605 Ci es­ Stnttci Kail W—Cpl AAC 83 Moulton Office N Y. N Y cent Ave, Greenville, S C. St Lynn, Mass Beniamin Chailes S, Ji—Lt A \C, Chadbouine, Einest D—Lt A, APO 251, Stubbs, Chailton P- Fns N, Postmastei APO 860 Postmaster, N Y, N Y Postmaster, N. A7, N A* San Fiancisco Calit Blake. Chffoid A—Cpl A, 76 Cav Ren Chandler, John E—Lt AAC, AAFCC, Sullivan, Richaid P—It A APO 922 Ii (Mecz ), Toit Geoige G Meade, Com Sqdn F, Sec 5, Nashville, Tenn Postmastei, San Fiancisco Calit Md Chapman, Mary J—M, 13 Paik St. Sweet Shciley M —It N, Fleet Post Blanchaid Beitiand E—It A, APO 302, Orono, Me Office, N Y, N Y Postmastei N Y, N Y. Chapman, Milch ed L—M. 13 Park St, Tai bell Allan B—S lc N, Lockwood Blanchaid Chailes N—Lt A 9949 Orono, Me Basm, I Boston Mass Shore Rd Brooklyn N Y Chase, George O —T Cpl A, 203rd FA Taidoni Daniel I - It (j g ) NAC Tlect Blanchaid Goidon C—It AAC Groupment Band, Fort Bragg, N C. Post Office, San Fiancisco, Calit AACFC, Memphis Tenn Chick Richard L—Capt AAC, APO Thomas Walter C—S Sgt AAC 303rd 520, Postmaster, N Y. N Y. Bomb Sqdn Dicw Field Tampa, I la Church James E, Jr.,—T Cpl A. Co A, Thompson, Haiold E - Cpl A Co B 1552 SU Ohio State Univ., Columbus, Bks C-l AMC, Washington, D C Ohio , Towle Myron 1 -It AAC PIS (4- Missing in Action Clark Alton W —Lt A, 20 Grove St, engine) Lockbuine A AB, Columbus, Kennebunk Me. Ohio One ot the moie tiagic uncei tain- Coffin, Richaid H—Lt A, 3id Aimd. Townsend Paul A —Pic A, Btiy A, ties ot warfaic is that over the fate of Sig Bn APO 353, Camp Polk, La. 359th SI Bn, CAAA, Camp Edwaids, men declaied officially “missing in Colpits, Bernard E—AC AAC. Sqdn Mass action” To date six Maine men aie B, Sec 1302, BTC 1. Boca Raton Club, Tiacy, Samuel I , Ji —Lt A, 120 Mam still can ltd in that categoiy on gov­ Boca Raton, Fla St Orono, Me ernment and alumni iccoids Conti. Rudolph F —Lt AAC, 26 Tiask Hatty E Ji —Lt AAC, Sec I Menotomy Rd, Arlington, Mass. AAFNS San Mai cos, Texas Name Dau and Pi acl Cousins, Hovvaid L, Jr—Lt M, Co. H, Ticat Geoige C — It A, 66 Kcnduskcag Johnson Thomas C, ’36, Lt Naval 21st Mannes, FMF, Camp Eliott, Calit Ave, Bangor, Me An Coips -Nov 1942 Pacific Cowie, Douglas B—T 5g A, APO 668, Troop Benjamin S Ens N, NTS, Giant Philip F ’39 11 Naval Air Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Bainbridge, Md Coips Nov 1942 Pacific Cox. Charles G—AC AAC, Woodland, Tiuc Fiank A—AC AAC AFNS Gip Waid William II ’39 Lt Army — Me. HI, Sqdn 8, Hondo, Texas June 1942 Philippines Cranch. Richaid C—Lt A, O & NCO Uttciback J Dudley— It (j g ) N 1401 McKenney Omar, ’40 Pvt Army Air School Camp Wheeler, Ga. Fanmont St NW’ Washington, D C Coips- Sept 1942, Philippines Crossland. Lloyd B—Lt. AAC, APO Vallieie, Raymond A—It A APO 9 Ionev, Guy E , Jr , ’43, Navy—Oct 3875, Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. Postmastei NV NY 1942, Pacific Cunningham, George B.—Jr. Engr MM, Walker, Neal H —Lt A Btry B 607th Files Maynard W ’40 Capt Aimv 1429 Leavenworth St, San Francisco, C.A (AA), Camp Hulen, Texas Mai 1943, N Africa Calif Wall, Robeit II—It AAC, 874th Air­ Cuitis, Ray mond W, Ji—Ens. N, Fleet borne Lngi Avn Bn, Biadlcy Field Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Windsor locks, Conn Blanchaid, Kenneth S—It AAC, 472nd Cushman George B —Sgt. AAC, 712 Wallace, Henry W Cpl A, H iV S Co, Sqdn FAFS Fmd, Okla Fowlei St. Fort Myers, Fla 11th Bn 36th Div, APO 36 Camp Blood, Haiold V—It. NAC, VMF-312, Dahymple Robert A , Ji —Lt AAC, 65th Edwaids, Mass Page Field Parris Island, S C AAFFTD, So Avn Tng School, Wancn, David W , Ji Ins NAC Box Bodman Milton T —AC, NAC, Fit Decatur, Ala 1552, Giccnsboio, N C Bug NATC 4D Pensacola Fla Danforth, Paul D—AAC, 152 Middle St, Wattcis Alvvyn S -LAC RCAF, IB & Bommattci Ralph I —It A, ORP, Old Town, Me. G School Jaivis, Ont Canada Camp Sibeit, Ala Danglei, Edgar Wf—Ens N, Commdr Weston, Donald W-Lt A, APO 932, Bouchet, Mai cel R —It AAC, Landing Ciaft Grp, Atlantic Fleet Postmastei, San Fiancisco, Calit AAFANS Gip IV, Selman Field, Amphib Force NOB, Norfolk, Va Whitman Fonest G—Sgt AAC F A Monroe, la Davies, Lawrence W7—Lt AAC, Hq OCS Class 73, Foit Sill Okla Bouis Chailes F It A 72nd Repl Bn, CA AB 10 Mile Sta., Charleston S C Wlnttcn, Mauncc FI It AAC 435th Foit Biagg, N C Davis Carl F—Lt AAC, APO 512, l'i Camci Gip , SA AF, Wai lcnsbuig, Bovvers Dm ant, Ji —It AAC, F C Postmaster, N Y. N A7. Mo Davis Camilla Ga Davis Canol D—Lt A, APO 523, W illetts, Robeit f -It A, Co A, 28th Boyd, Aithui -It AAC, Hq Sub Depot, Postmaster, N A7, N Y Bn, ERIC, Foit Eeonaid Wood Mo Alamogordo AB, Alamogordo, N M. Davis, Robeit T —S Sgt M, N 220 Fleet Williams, Fiank R —It M Fleet Post Boyle, IIany I , Ji —It AAC. APO Post Office N A7, N A’ Office, San Francisco, Calif 510, Postmastei, N A7, N A7 Day, McClure—Lt A, Co. D, 1st Regt W’oodbiey, Cecil S—It A, 555 Golden- Bicvvstei, Fiank F—Lt A, APO 513 QMRS, Camp Lee, Va. gate W , Dctioit, Mich Postmastei, N Y, N. Y Day, Richard B—Lt A, 10th QM Bn, Woolley, T Russell, Ji Ens NAC, Buggs Chandlei A—Lt A, Sta Hosp Camp Hale, Pando, Colo Postmastei, N Y N Y Foit William II Ilamson, Helena, Dav, Robeit FI.—Pvt A, APO 700, Yoik, Richaid \ - Capt AAC, Killed in Mont Postmaster, N. Y, N Y. Action Asiatic Area Blown, Emmons P—Pvt A APO 254, Day-Wintei Man J — \AC, Iowa Wres- 1942 Postmastei, I os Angeles, Calit leyan College Campus, Mt Pleasan*, Adams, David A -Lt AAC, APO 922, Blown, Samuel II—AC AAC, 3739 Iowa Postmastei, San Francisco, Calit Wile St, New Haven, Conn deBai ios, Richard T—Pte A AC, 26th

MiIitar) List 11 Gillin, James M , Ji — I t (j g ) N. Fleet 1st AB Engr Avn UIC, Westover fcilying Sqdn Municipal An port, Post Office San Francisco. Caht Field, Chicopee Falls, Mass Memphis, lenn _ . . Ginsberg. Saul—S Sgt. AAC, 377th Kelley, Robeit E -Ens N 93 Mt Vei Dcciing Robeit B—VS N. Mid School, Bomb Sqdn 309th Bomb Gi p. Colum­ non St, Boston, Mass NoXit Dame Univ, Navy P U bo bia AAB S C Kcniston Chailes I —It A 117*^ 5 Bend, Ind , Dixie West Palm Beach, Ila Delano, Ernest T-Pfc AAC, Bucks­ Glider, Victoi — I t A 256 Westland St, Hartford Conn Kilpatrick, Donald M—Lt AAC, 122 port Me Gorman John C—Ens N. 789 Woicestei Pieston Duve Sherman I exas dcRoth, Geiaidus C—Cpl AAC Co D, Kimball, Chailes N B—I Sgt A, I)c 2nd Plat MD1 S, Lawson Gen Hosp , St Wellesley Mass Goulctte. Geiaid A—It A, Hq Vint Med Dept Sta IIosp , Camp Living Atlanta, Ga Hill laim Sta Waucnton Va ston L a Dcsiardins Geottiey L Ji Cpl A Kimball, Dean C -Coxswain CG, CO I APO 302 Postmastei N Y. N Y Grav, Heihert K—AC AAC E ostci J icld Texas Opci itions S Portland Coast Guai Dickens Thomas D — Sgt AAC, 1031 d Base, Poitland Me Obscrv Sqdn AAB Foit Devens Gray. Howaid M —S Sgt AAC. APO 832 Postmastei, New Oilcans. la Koialovitch Frederick C—Lt A, Ok Dept OU I C MOP Jackson Miss Dillon John—Capt AAC, Tuinci Field, Greenleaf. lauric J—Lt A AC, Hq I ostci F ield, Victoi la, Texas Krocpsch, Kay W —Lt AAC APO 62( Albanv, Ga , Postmaster, N Y , N Y Dimmei Tohn P, Ti—It Gen Subj Giiffce Donald G—Et AAC, Exp Engi Sec Photo lab., Wnght I ic’d Day­ LaFlamme, Vincent J—Lt A, Officci Dept MRO Sec. Bldg 2148 A A AS Sig Corps Rcpl Pool Foit Monmoutl Camp Davis N C ton, Ohio Guaid Chailes A—N, Asst Poit Direc­ N. J Dobiow Joi dan—Ens N, 1500 Mass Leavitt Booth G—Lt A, 1014*4 Peach Ave Arlington Mass tors Office, Aloha lower, Honolulu Habern Michael - Lt A AC, APO 9S0, tiee St Gadsden, Ala Don Donald E—AJid N , Tohnson Hall Leavitt, Laurence G - Lt A 1113 Kci 907 Mid School, N Y N Y Postmastei, Seattle Wash Haftnei, Rudolph E —Lt A, 23rd Int tucky Ave, E Gadsden, Ala Dow, Claience P—A 1st Bn Ilq Co, Lcgcr, Eugene -Lt AAC, Photo Lab, 112th Int, Camp Pickett Va Anti-Tank Co, Camp McCoy, Wash, APO 2 Exp Eng Sec, Wright Field, Dayto Dow Levi S Ji—Pvt A 1 aw son Gen Ohio Hosp Atlanta Ga Hanson Frank B—Sgt AAC, 331st Bomb Sqdn Casper, Wyo Libby, XV. Edvvaid, Ji —Cpl A, Co Downes lawiencc M—Cand AAC Co A STU 3408, Ga School of Tech IT-31-4 2nd Engr School Regt I oit Haidy, Malcolm E — AC NAC, Class 6-BR Bks 30C, NAS, Pciu, Ind Atlanta, Ga Bclvon Va Limberis, Geoige P—Ens N, Fleet Duggan Llovd B- Capt AAC, APO Hamngton Edgai E—Sgt AAC 86 825 Postmaster, New Oilcans I i Repin Sqdn Stinson Field, San Post O'hiv NX NX Antonio Texas. Lipman, Heniy H—Pvt A, Co A, 1 Dvcr Robcit H—Cand X OCS C imp Sig Ing Regt, Foit Monmouth N Barkelev Texas Haskell Ihomas D Jr —Lt A, Scaich light Dept AAA School, Bldg I 693, Long, Wendell M —Coxswain N Pos Dyei, Samuel Ji —Lt AAC McClellan master, Morgan Annex, N Y , N Y Field Saciamcnto Calif Camp Davis, N C Healy Robeit M- AC NAC Bldg 699 Loid Lionel—Cpl AAC 794th I SS Eaton, By ion A—Sgt M, Hq Sqdn Insti Johnson T icld Goldsboio, N Marine Avn Det N AS Jacksonville Rm 2424 N AS Pensacola F la Fla Hepbuin. William G - Mid N, 4151 Ban- Luther Radford W.—Lt X 263rd Oi Ehrcnfried Paul—Ens N Fleet Post ciott Hall Naval Academy, Annapolis, Co (MM), Camp Swift, Texas Office, Navy Dept, Washington D C Md McGr aw, Richard B — Pic A AC A A Elwell, Robert A—Ens N. NTS 212 Hcisey Richaid W—Cpl AAC Base \\ ii Dept Bldg XX ashington D C Toplift Hall Daitmouth College Weather Sta AAB, Biinungham Ala McKay, Donald II - Lt A, APO 353, Hanover N H Higgins Joseph S—I t AAC APO 606 Postmastei Shrevepoi t I.a Emery I awience W—Lt X, 329 Clarks- Postmastei Miami I la McKenney, David H - I t AAC XP v llle St Paris, I exas Hillei. Robcit I —Lt M, Hotel Olds, 634 Postmastei NY NY Evans Milham H—AM 3c NAC Lansing Mich MacKenzie, Alexander W AMM 3c TTSA. VP206, NAS, Norfolk, Va Hodgkins Eail L —Lt A APO 612 NAC 277 Wash St Winchester Mas Feinberg Robeit M—Pvt A Serv Btiy , Postmastei, N Y. N Y McLean Hams L Ji—F ns N 16 734th FAC, Camp Maxey, Texas Hodgkins Winfield C Jr—It A 389th School St Bar Harbor, Me Fielding, Richard N—Cpl AAC APO Sciv Sqdn Andei son Airpoit Walter­ McLeary, Robcit B Jr—AC NAC. 634, Postmaster N Y, N Y boro S C Bks 613 N I S, Bambi ldge, Md Findlen, Herbeit—S Sgt A AC Det 21st Hopkins Hany S—Fit Insti AAC 894 MacLeod Leo M — S 2c NAC Fleet Airways Com Sqdn. AAF, PAAB, Mam St Leominster Mass Post Office, San I lancisco. Calif Portland, Ore Hopkinson David B—Lt A Co A 30th MacLeod Richard Pic X Co G 8t Fink John E—Lt A, Hq OCS Foit Bn Camp Santa Anita Aicadia Calif Int APO 4 Toit Dix N J Knox, Kv Hom Gilman I)—Ens N Fleet Post Malcolm Ian—M Charlemont. Mass Fitzpatrick, John D—Lt A, 1st Co Office, N Y N Y Mank Miles B—Lt A, Ilq 1st Stride OCS, Foit Knox, Kv Hoinbcck Hulct C Ji—Lt AAC Regt Ing Gip Armd Foice Schoo Ford, Patrick M —N, 6860 Odin St Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho Foit Knox Ky Los Angeles, Calif Huff Donald H —11 A Cape Poipoise Mai unci Donald E —Lt A Btrv A, Foitier, Robert F—Pvt A 11th Photo Me 835th AXA Bn, Camp Ilaan, Calif Ren Sqdn, Peteison Field, Colorado Hunt Norman E—Lt AAC. 809 S Matthews R Russell Ji —Sgt X XC Springs, Colo Broadway Greenville. Miss APO 948 Postmaster Seattle Wash Fiancis. Wallace R—Lt A AW Sec, Ingalls, James XX Jr—A, RTD 1 Mayhew, Waitei E —GM 3c N Anne OCD, AAS Camp Davis, N C Noi th field Vt Guaid School, Naval Sec Base I itti Franz Richaid O—AC AAC, Irvine William L —Cpl A Hq Sec Cicek Va AAFBFS T-213 Independence, Kan 1842nd SU Stringtown Okla Mayo John FI —Pvt A 207 Park Driv French, Maynard G —Sgt AAC, Ilq & Jacobs Edith—T 5g XV XAC Public Apt 42 Boston Mass Hq Sqdn Bomb. Dept, X AFS AT Relations Office Aimv Post Bianch Men ill Howaid XX —Lt AAC Ex Orlando Fla Des Moines Iowa Engi Sec Weapons Unit Wnght French, Robert J—Cadet A Guilfoid Jasud Waltci'L — Pvt AAC APO 929 Field Dayton, Ohio Me Postmastei San Francisco Calif Mescivc Philinoie XV —Pvt A Sth Gabe, Henry—Lt \ 20 Belmont St Jclhson Gerald E—Mid MM 279 Essex Rcpl Bn Co C Camp Fdwards, Mas Worcestei Mass St Bangor Me Millai Edvvaid R—It A Mamt Bn Gannon, Hemv— S Sgt A, 611th Ord Johnson Donald K—Lt A. 1614 6th AD APO 256 Camp Cooke Cali Amm Co APO 403 Postmastei Howarth St, Philadelphia,' Pa Miniutti \ ictoi P-It A North Ber Shrevepoi t La Johnson Hcibcrt H —S lc N Hcet Post wick Me Garfinkle Haiold A—Lt A 4th Co Office San Fiancisco Caht Moulton Paikci N Jr—It A 27th OCS, Foit Knox Ky Jordan Haiold J—Lt AAC, 404 S Tng Bn Camp Cioft S C Gaisoe, William J—Lt AAC Foit Westland Ave, Tampa Fla Mullen Joseph N Ji —Pvt A XC 70t Worth AAF, Foit Woith Texas rcnving Sqdn Bcuy Field, Nashvill Kaplan, Haiold I—Lt AAC, Engi Tenn Gatcomb, Moi rill X —Lt A AC, Addison Office Hangar 4, Piesque Isle, Me Me Munce Geoige E—Lt A APO 10178 Kaic/maiczvk, Joseph—Fn> N AC, Box Postmaster Seattle XX ash Gav, Raymond F, Ji—It AAC Hying 8, NAS Quonset Point R I Neal Allan T Ji —Lt X AC, 446 Schoo Point Rd, Stony Cieek, Conn Keenan, John F—Pvt X 45 Woodland Sqdn, Tyndall Field Panama City IT Gifford, William E—AC A XC 601 5th Rd, Cape Elizabeth, Me Niles, Llovd G—Lt XAC, Det AAF, Ave , S , Columbus, Miss Keene W Stanley—Sgt AAC Hq Co BFS, Garden City, Kans

Military* IJs Nye, Dana H—S Sgt A, APO 503, Spencer. Beveily W —Ens N, Fleet Post 1943 Postmastei, San Fiancisco, Calif. Office, N Y. N Y, Abbott, Herschel G.—Mid. N, Mid. Pcny. William L—R 3c N, Postmastei, Spiinger, Ralph R.—Pvt. AAC, 352 School, Notre Dame Univ, So. Bend, N Y . N. Y. Fightci Sqdn , Langley Field, Ara Ind Phelan Paul H —Sgt \, Regt Hq Co , Stahl, Jack I—Lt A, Btiy B, 680th Adams, Claude H —2nd Lt. AAC, 90th 399th Ini, APO 447, Fort Jackson, S C Glider FA Bn , Camp Mackall, Hoff­ Ren Sqdn , Camp Barkeley, Texas Pieice Philip N—Lt M. Btiy E, 2nd man, N C Adell, Clinton—Sgt. AAC, APO 832, Bn 14th Marines Camp Pendleton, Stewart. Ioien F—Lt A, Hq Btry, Postmaster, New Orleans, La. Oceanside, Caht 449th AAA Wpns Bn , Camp Edwards, Adler, Joseph, Jr.—AvS, AAC, Sqdn. Pitman Arnold W —Pvt \, Btiy B-380 Mass E-3-Bks 14, 65th CTD, Wing I (AC) FA Bn APO 1021, Camp Maxey, Stone Theodore M—Lt M, Regt Wfpns. Syracuse, N Y. Texas Co 23icl Mannes Camp Lejeune, Aldous, M Clair—Pvt. M, Plat. 363, Pitts, tdgai T—Lns N Box 101, Ston­ New Rivei S C MCB, San Diego, Calif. ington Me Susi Roosevelt T —Ens N, Diesel School Allen, Charles D —A, 75 Fenimore Rd., Plummet, John T —Lt (j g ) N, Tleet Univ ot Ill Uibana L'l New Rochelle, N. Y. Post Office San Francisco, Calif Sypheis Ansel—Pvt A. Mars Hill Me Atwood, Stoughton—Lt (j.g ) N, Fleet Pollock Thomas E—I t \AC, \PO 528, Talbot William B—Lt A, 1147J4 Brown Post Office, New York, N. Y. Postmastei, N Y. N Y Ave, Columbus Ga Avenll, Geiald P.—Lt. M, Fleet Post Pottei, Frank L—Pvt A 8th Amid Tannei Edwaid R—Lt AAC 31st Air Office, San Francisco, Calif. Div Serv Co APO 258, N Camp Depot Grp Hill Field Ogden, Utah Badei, Richaid—Lt AAC, BTG, Deming Polk, La Taylor, Chai les J—Lt M, Fleet Post A AB, Deming, N. M. Pottei Harold C—Lt A, APO 700, Office San Fiancisco, Calif Baisley, Thomas M —Lt. AAC, AAF, Postmastei, NY NY re ill Arthur L —Ens N AC, CQTU, Buckingham Field, Fort Myers, Fla. Piiest Clifford \ Ji - S Sgt A AC N AS, Noitolk Va Bearce, George D., Jr.—Cand. A, Class 359th Hq & \B Sqdn, A AB Diomas Raymond P—Lt A Hq & Hq 52, Ord. OCS, Bks 1015, Aberdeen Alamogordo N M Det 183id Old Bn, Foit Benning Ga. Proving Ground, Md Pulsiiei Mien FI—Lt A, 502nd CA Thompson Elmei P,Ji—Lt MAC, Birch, Clifford W, Jr.—Ens. N, NTS (I) (AA) Co B, Pateison, N J Tleet Post Office San Francisco Calit. 24033 Fort Schuyler, N. Y. 61, N. Y Ramsdell Gordon E —Sgt A, Hq Co, Thompson Ixeith M —Ens N, Sec Base Bittner, Kurt—Pvt A, APO 860, 2nd Bn 301st Int, APO 98 Camp C 3802 Newpoit, R I Postmaster, N Y., N. Y Breckinndge Kv Thorne John E — Pte AAC, 100 TSS, Blake, Clayton P.—AC, AAC, Class 43C- Randall Warren B—Ens N NAIB Bks 1613 I iua\ Field Madison, Wise Tng Sqdn 1, Napier Field, Dothan, Bks 23 Solomons Blanch, Washing­ Thornton Seth W—Cpl A AC, 821st Ala ton D C BF1S Coffeyville Kan Bolstridge, Leslie J.—Lt AAC, 43rd Reed James A—Lt A APO 499 Tiacy John P—Sgt AAC, APO 634, Academic Sqdn, Boca Raton Field, Fla Postmastei, N Y ; N Yr Postmastei N Y , N Y Bowden Mui i ay C.—Pfc A, Co B, Reed, John II -Co Commdi N Dull Iietethen Paikei S—AC AAC, Sqdn SMDT, Washington, D. C. Office Unit II NTS Newport R I D Gip 22 Fit 3, Ellington Field, Brock, W illiam E.—Cpl AAC, 25th ABS, Reggio A William Ji - Sgt A A-101 Texas Bks. T5, W'estover Field, Chicopee FA Bn \PO 26 Fort Jackson S C I inland Foiest W AC NAC Rm 212, Falls, Mass Reitz, John A Ii — Ens N Elect Post Stacey Hall Chapel Hill, N. C Brown, David—2nd Lt. MAC,201 Safford Office N Y N Y I ukev Spaulding M—Pte A AC 811th St, Wollaston, Mass. Remick Chai les E Capt A APO 43 TSS Bks 1341 AAFTIC Sioux Brown, Francis A—A, Woodland, Me Postmastei, San Fiancisco, Caht Falls S D Biunk, Richard M—Cpl A, APO 4518. Riese. George A Ji —Lt A, 3 Sacia- Van Hoesen Ellis R—Lt AAC 111 Main Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. mento St Cambndge, Mass St Andovci Mass Buckley O Edward, Jr.—AC AAC, Robcits Daniel C—Lt A 262nd Sig AA ancn Richaid I - Cpl A AC APO Flight Cl, 43H, Cochran Field. Macon, Constr Co, Camp Crowdei, Mo 681 I’ostmastci N Y N Y Ga Robeits I Heibcit— Ens N, 323 E Washhuin Robeit R Cpl AAC, 11th Caldwell, David S.—Mid. N., Mid Sch., Seneca St, Ithaca, N A Academic Sqdn Bks 210, Seymour Sec 7, Notre Dame Univ., So Bend, Robic John W —Lt AAC Box 79 Johnson Field, N C Ind Randolph l'ield, 1 exas W ate i man Gcoigc AA I t A 708th Old Cai Ison, Arthur F.—Pvt. A, 319 Broad­ Ross Donald P- Lt AAC, 14th A AL Co APO 8 Postmastei D TC way, Rockland Stoiage Depot, 900 S Bioadway, 1 os Angeles, Calif Cai Ison, Gilbeit M.—AS, N, NR Mid. Denvei, Colo AA cbbei Gcoigc F — AC A AC Box Sth, Notie Dame, So. Bend, Ind Rowe Hai lan O -Lt A Robinson QM 2516 Yale Sta , New Haven, Conn (Section 7) Depot Foit Robinson, Nebi Weed Edward A, Ji -Cpl AAC 467th Caitei, G. Milton—Lt. A, APO 763, Rushworth, Cornell C -Pvt A Co I Base Hq & AB Sqdn ADIS Postmaster, N. Y , N Y. 1st Oid Ing Regt, Abcideen Proving Albuqueique, N M Chadwick John H— Mid N, Mid. Sch, Grounds, Abeideen Md AVellcome Tiank L Ji - Lt A 111 Notre Dame Univ , So. Bend, Ind. Russell James L -Pte AAC 811 TSS, Rochestci St Cumberland Mills Ale Chadwick Lewis P—Pvt AAC, 65th Bks 1317, Sioux Falls S D AA cnckus Toscph A - A AC 68 Rivei St, CTD (AC) Sqdn V, Flight 2, Bks. 35, Sanborn, Bert S—Lt AAC APO 637 Rum tore! Me Wing 2, Syiacuse, N. Y. Postmaster, N Y , N Y Wheelei Nathaniel H—Pvt A, CPS, Chute Philip C—Cpl AAC, V-21-43, Scheit/ei, Fdwaid A—Cpl AAC, APO Camp 48 Maiienville Pa Bks 18, Lockhead Vega Serv. Sch, 4505 Postmastei San Fiancisco Caht AA luted Hains G—I ns N AC Sqdn Bui bank, Calif Schmidt Fiancis V —Ens N, Fleet Post 8B Bionson Field Pensacola. Fla Chftoid, G. Edwin—Pvt. A, Co. H, RC, Office San Fiancisco, Caht Whitenei I inest K Ji—It A APO Camp Devens, Mass Sinclan Richard M—A 39 Lauicl St 863 Postmastei, NY NY Cliffoid, Thomas L—Pvt. A, Co. G, Bldg Holvoke Mass AA ledcnkellci, Paul T—Sgt M, Smith­ T-932, 13th QMTR, Camp Lee, Va Sleeper, I homas T—Lt (j g ) NAC town Bianch L I N Y Cole, Haiold—AC, AAC, 572 Main St, Fleet Post Office, San Fiancisco, Caht Wilson Raymond F—Lt AAC, Base Saco Slocum, Gcoigc C—T Cpl A, 1st Med Weathei Sta, Gieniei Field, Man- Costello, William H —2nd Lt. NAC. 182 Hosp Cti , Camp Claiborne, La chestei, N FI Stanford St, So Poi tland Small Paikei W—Ens N B-42 Ham Wing Moms R —It A CoipsotFngr, Ciam, Chester D—AvS, AAC, 65th CTD llton Flail Soldieis Field Sta Boston Camp Livingston, La (AC), Wing I, Sqdn B, Sec. 1, Bks 1, Mass AA'inteis Goidon FI—Lt A, APO 668, Syracuse, N Y. Small Robeit E—Lt A, APO 941, Postmaster, N Y, N Y Crane, Talbot FI —Cand. A, Co. G. Box 36 Seattle, W ash Wood Fdwaid H - S lc N, Fleet Post 2nd QMR, Camp Lee, Va. Smith, Elmer V—Lt AAC, 88th Bomb Office, N A7 N Y Creamei, John J—Mid N, 4407 Bancroft Sqdn , Walla W'alla Wash Woodbuiv Ralph F —Mid N, Bancioft Hall, Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md Smith Geoige IL — Lt A, APO 3517, Ilall Rm 4243 Naval Academy, Ciosby, How aid A—A, 321 Ohio St, Postmastei, San Fiancisco, Calif Annapolis, Md Bangor, Me Smith James J —Cadet N, 38 Bonny Woodwaid Homei C—Lt M, 216 Sher­ Crossland, Carlton E—2nd Lt. AAC, Bank Ten ac e, S Poitland, Me wood Rd Jacksonville, N C HAAF, AAFNS, Grp III, Hondo, Snell, Hemy A—Lt M, Btry E, 4th Wyman, Waltei E—Lt AAC, 400th Texas Sp Wrpns Bn, 23id Maiines, New Bomb Gip, Pueblo, Colo Cullinan, John P.—Pfc M, Recruit Rivei, N. C Yates, Clifford T—Cpl A, Co. E, 398th Depot, Marine Bks, Parris Island, S. C. Spear, Jasper A—AS CG, Coast Guard Inf. Regt, APO 447, Foit Jackson, Cunningham, Dana R.—A, 36 Veazie St, Sta, Chappaquidick, Mass. S C Old Town, Me.

Military List 13 Gooch Earle E—Av S AAC, 65th CTD Kennedy, Richard E—Cpl X, 20th Ph Curtis Boyde A-Pfc A XC 4431 Finney Mapping Sqdn II. Colorado Spun Ave St Louis Mo Wing II. Sqdn H Sec 2 Bks 25, Syracuse, N Y Colo Cushman Cedric R—Pvt A Co B, Knowles, Elmer R—XC NAC, Pre-F' A STU 3408, Ga Sch of Tech, Atlanta Goodchild. James C- A, 191 No Main St Saco Me Sch Williamsburg. Mass Gooding Ernest A Jr—Lt A. Chaplains LaCroix, Haiold J Jr — A, Petersbu Davis Giant F—AS NAC Mid Sch, Va Univ of Notie Dame So Bend Ind Sch Harvard Univ , Cambridge Mass Graham Benjamin E -A 17 Artwill St Ladner, Roy A., Jr - Pvt A Co G 13 Dav Harland E—AC, NAC Flight Regt QMRTC Camp Lee Va Brigade NAS, Pensacola, Fla Milton Mass Grover Keith I —A I Stoneham Mass Laliberte, William G—Ens NAC 60 Deeter Edmund M, Jr—Cpl A, AES Chamberlain St Brewer, Me Wake Forest College Sec Wake For- Hadlock William K—A 5 Eddie St Quincy Mass Larouche Samuel O—RT RCAF 18 Detwyler, Richard—Lt A, APO 8882, Haines Frank W, Ji —Lt A, APO 9, Albeit St. Milo, Me Postmaster, N Y N Y Postmaster N Y, N Y Larusso Louis P—Pvt AAC, Mass Devereux, Mark C—AS N. No Castine, Hall, Walter B—Pvt M Co B 1st Bn, State College Amherst Mass Leavitt Eben, Jr —Mid N, 1301 Bancro Mt 19th Marine Engr 3rd Marine Div, Dexter George N—2nd Lt AAC BOQ Camp Elliott San Diego Calif Hall N A Annapolis, Md 34 Presque Isle An Base Picsque Isle, Hamblen Edward G -Pvt A Btry D, Lees, Richard W—AC AAC. 15 Centr Ave Hamden Conn Mt 3rd Bn 2nd Plat 1st Regt FARD, Dingley, Dana C—Lt AAC, APO 929, Fort Bragg N C. Leonard H Grant, Jr —Pvt A Co Postmaster San Francisco, Calif Hamilton Clinton M—2nd Lt AAC, Bks 3, RC, Fort Devens, Mass Dingley Edward S—Pvt AAC 8th A AB Hattiesburg Miss Lindsay, William A — Mid N, NA, CID Grove City College Grove City, Hardie Alexander Jr—Pvt A Fort Annapolis Md Pa Devens Mass Long Fletcher J—AS N, Rm 736B Dodge Robert T—Pvt A Co H. Bks / Harding David R—A Bernard Me Johnson Hall Columbia Univ N RC. Fort Devens Mass Harding William R—A. Bernard Me N. Y Duckworth, Edward G—Pvt M Plat Harlow. Richaid — BM 2c, CG Boat Lycette, Robert C—AS N, Class V- 340 Sth Recount Bn Pains Island Detal Manhattan Beach Brooklyn Columbia Univ, N Y , N Y S C N Y Lyon, Noiman R -Ens NAC NAS Dudley Dana F—2nd Lt AAC APO Harper, Donald C -2nd Lt AAC, APO Flt 2, Pasco, Wash 1285 Postmaster New York N A 520 Postmaster, N Y, N Y McLaughlin, Wayne T —AC A AC Sqd Easton Thomas W —Pvt A Bks T 933 Harrison Robert E -2nd Lt M, 12 D 1. Sec 2009, B IC 1, Boca Raton Clu Co G. 13th QMTR, Camp Lee Va Cabaniss Field Corpus Christie, Texas Boca Raton Fla Ebbett. Dean W —A, 25 Cedar St, Haskell Weston B Jr —Pvt A, Co D, Maker Irwin XV - A Mattawamkeag Presque Isle, Me 35th Bn, Camp Crott S C Me Edelstein Albert N—AS, A AC. NAAC Hatch, Fletcher A Jr Lt A AC 666th Martinez Richard E -Pvt A Co G, (AAFCC) Sqdn B, Grp I. Bks 6, Sch Sqdn, AAFNS Monroe La 86th Mt Ini . Camp Hale, Pando, Col Nashville Tenn Hay Robert B—A 11 Pirns St Matley, Francis R -Sgt A, 86th Sig Co Ellis Lewis K— AC NAC Btry 6 Co Portland Me Sery Grp, 301st Sery Grp Syracus E Plat 3 Bks 2. NFPS Williams­ Herbolzheimer. Fred Jr A. 5 Pearl St AAB, Syracuse, N Y town Mass Wakefield Mass Maxim, George E Pvt A, Btry D 3r Emerson Harold—Honorable Discharge Heiman Milton—Lt AAC AFTS, Bn, 1st Regt, FARTC 3rd Plat, Dec 5, 1942 Amarillo. Texas Fort Bragg N C Enman John A Jr—Cpl A 1137 Engr Hilton James B- AC AAC 2625 18th Merchant James E —Ens NAC, 205 Sch Det 29 Brookline Ave , Boston St N Arlington, Va Waban Ave Waban Mass Mass Hine. Finest J—Ens N, NTS (I) Fort Mongovan, Harold E, Jr—AC N XC, Estabrook Leo H—A, 51 No Main St Schuyler, N Y 4 Graham Ave Bangor Me Orono Me Holden Frank C—A, 106 School St Morey Robert L, Jr.—Mid N, John Ta Etzel Bernard A—A Freeport Me Millinocket Me Hall, Columbia Univ N. Y . N Y Etzel Edward F—Pvt A, 36 Tuttle Holter John L —A, 3112 St Paul St, Mosher Norman XV—Pvt X Co F 6t Place East Haven Conn Chattanooga Tenn QMTR Bldg 1257, Camp Lee Va Earns. Arthur Jr—AC A AC 50 Elm St, Hunt, John H—Pvt A Co F, ER 32, Moulton Arthur B—E ns N, NFS (I Bath Student Regt TD Sch Tank Destroy­ 22072 Fort Schuyler, 61 N Y Fides Avery M, Jr—Coxswain N er Ctr Camp Hood Texas Moulton Roger D— A, York Village Armed Guard Ctr So Brooklyn, N Y Hussey Eugene R—A Kezar Falls Me Me Fish Warren H—Lt AAC 47th Bomb Hutchinson Lewis—Pvt A, Co E T Murphy Francis L —Pvt A AC 60th Sqdn PA AB, Portland Oregon 372 12th QMTR, Camp Lee. Va Tng Grp 121st Sqdn Keesler Field Fletcher James S —AOM 2c N Fleet Ingalls Robert D—AS N, Mid Sch Miss Post Office San Francisco Calif Notre Dame Univ S Bend Ind Newdick Robert L - AS N, Mid Sch Elora William—Pvt AAC 75 Sweden Inman Charles P—Pvt A 40 Middle 608 Johnson Hall, Columbia Univ , St Caribou, Me St Orono, Maine N Y., N Y Fogler Henry—A. 18 Calumet Ave Ireland Winston B—Pvt A Hq Det Nickerson Chiton S —Lt A Btry A Hastings-on-Hudson N A Grp 3, POC Camp Fort Eustis, Va 862nd AAA, AW Bn Amph Tng Foss Warren L—A. RFD 1 Farming- Jacobson Lyman W—Pfc X 996th TSS ton. Me Force 9 Fort Ord Calif (sp) Unit 2 11 106 500 S Norton George A—A, 171 North St Foster, Walter H Jr—AC, AAC 592 Blvd Chicago Ill Pleasant St, Belmont Mass Northampton Mass Jenkins Robert D—A 20 University Oatway Gordon C—Pvt A 9 Union St Frost Stanley W—Cand A Co S-32, Place Orono Maine 3rd ESR 1st Plat Fort Belvoir Va Augusta, Me Johnson Ralph A , Jr —A, 106 Stevens O'Brien John A—A, 18 Orange St Gardner Charles E—Pvt A Btry B 5th St Lowell Mass Bn 3rd Plat, Fort Eustis Va Lewiston Me Johnson Richaid M —S Sgt AAC Geo­ O'Neil Wilbert E —Pfc AAC Det 3rd Gamin, Rodolphe A—AS, N, 3509 O St, detic Sec 16th Photo Sqdn (sp) 1st N XV , Washington 7, D C Comm Sqdn, Texas Mapping Gr Bolling Field Washing­ Peckham, Malcolm C — A 190 S Walker Giberson Hamilton S—Pvt X XC ton DC St, Taunton, Mass AAFTTC 419th Tng Grp (sp) Might Jones, Richard E—A Unity Me Parkci. Charles II—Pvt A Co G Bks N BTC 4, Miami Beach Fla Kaelin Robert—Pvt A 87th Mt Regt T-933 13th QMTR, Camp Lee Va Gildersleeve Charles L—AC NAC Camp Hale Pando Colo Parker Clarence XV—2nd Lt A Btry Plat 12C-2, Cadet Bks, NAS Olathe,' Karl, Richaid W—Ens NAC NA Unit A, 438th CA Bn ( X X) Fort Jackson, Kans Burton Hall, Topeka Kan S C Gilman ClarenceR —AS N AS V-7 Kay Kenneth J—Ens N 177 Church Pendleton F Emerson—Ens N 2 Page NR Mid Sch Johnson Hall 605 Hill Rd Bridgeport, Conn Ave Caribou, Me Columbia Univ New York N Y Keene, Philip E—Pfc AAC 2nd TSS Perkins, Marlowe S—Pfc M Cand Gildwood, James II—Pfc M Co A Lowry Field Denver Colo Class Parris Island S C 28th OCC-MCS. Quantico Va Keiter living—Pvt A Co L Bks 710 Petterson, Leonard A—Pic M Recruit Glass, Gerard A—Ens NAC Bachelor 3rd Fin Tng Bn Fort Benjamin Har- Depot Marine Bks Parris Island S C Officers Quarters, Bldg 661 Rm 149 rison Ind Pensacola, Fla Pfeiffer Charles L —A 27 Glen St, Kelley John D —Pvt A Co D 4th Plat Natick. Mass Godson, Lindley W —Ens NAC, Fleet 12th Tng Bn , Camp Wheeler, Ga Post Office. San Francisco Calif Pieice, Richard M — A, 14 Pleasant St, Keniston Robert F—A W Pans, Me Gardner, Me

MilitaryJ List Pipei, Edward H—Pvt A, Co D. 10 Taylor, Frank E—Pfc AAC, 598th TSS, West, Clifford, Jr.—Pfc. M, OCC, Parris Bn, 3id Regt, Foit McClellan, Ala. Secunty Det, Miami Beach, Fla. Island, S C. Plaistcd. Philip H —A, Oakland, Me Thomas, John E—Pvt. A, 1240 Glen­ XVheeler, Donald B —Pvt. A, Co. K, Pratt, Beitis L, Ji—X, 71 Sweden St, wood Blvd., Schenectady, N Y T-727, 3rd Fin. Tng. Bn., Fort Benja­ Caribou, Me Titcomb, A Vernon—GM 3c N, min Hai rison, Ind Quint, Lloyd F — X, Fort Devens, Mass Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. White, David \V, Jr.—A, Topsham, Me. Radlev, John R—X, 93 Portland St Toirey, Guy E, Jr—N, Reported missing Whiteley. Harold W H.—2nd Lt. A, Old Oi chard Beach, Me. Vainey, Willard P—Pvt XAC, Sqdn D, Limerick, Me Rand, Preston B—Pfc M, 14 Fiances 1184th Tng Grp., Bks T-185, 10 Wilbur, Oscar M.—Pvt A, 111 Hunting­ St, Bangor, Me AAFBTC, Gieensboro, X C ton Ave, Boston, Mass. Rankin, Earle X—AvS AAC, 36th Viles, Frederick M—Pvt A, 64 Middle Wilson, John M.—Mid N, Mid. School, CTDAC Geneva College Beaver Falls St, Skowhegan, Me Notre Dame Univ, So. Bend, Ind. Pa Waid, Lowell E—AC NAC, NX Sta, Wilson, Kermit B—Lt AAC, APO 785, Ransden Pioctoi XV —Cpl A \C 323id Flight Brigade, Bldg 699, Rm 2420, Postmaster. N Y, N. Y. Bomb Gi p , 4531 d Bomb Sqdn My 1 tie Pensacola, Fla Woodward, Edward—Ens. N, Cornell Beach, S C Watson, George \—As N, Rm 4245, Univ , Ithaca, N. Y. Riley, Willaid E— AC AAC 32 Knapp N X Annapolis, Md W;orrick, Robert C.—A, 7 Pilgrim Rd , St Livermore Falls Me Weidman Geoige R—Sgt AAC 479th Wellesley, Mass Robinson Edward \—A 949 Palmer Base Hq & AB, Bks 1505, Warner Youlden, Richard H—AS V-7, N, Mid Ave, Bronxville, N Y Robins Field Warnci Robins, Ga Sch , Johnson Hall, Rm. 806, Columbia Robbins Stephen I —Cpl A OCS Class Weisman Robeit H — X, 215 Congiess Univ , New York, N. Y. 75, Foit Sill Okla St Poi tland. Me Young, Joseph A —Qm 3c N, Inst Co Rosie, Robert E—T t A APO 874, Welch, Walter R —Pte AAC, 478th 1565, USNTS, Newport, R. I. Postmastc i N Y , N Y Bomb Sqdn Avon Park Bomb Range, Young, Keith E—Pvt A, Btry D, 3rd Rosie Robcit E—It A, APO 874 Avon Paik Fla Bn, 1st Regt, FARC, 4th Plat., Fort Postmastei, N Y , N Y Biagg, N C. Rostion Tames I —2nd It AAC 15th 1944 Fightei Sqdn Page Field roitMveis Abbott, Donald W —Pfc. AAC, 3rd Fla Obser Sqdn, Keystone Air Field, Runcls, Ralph C - AC NAC, 4 Hailand Keystone Heights, Fla. Ave, Iowell, Mass Gold Stars Adams, Holyoke P—Pvt A, 4th Pit Co Russell, lames W — A Giav Me D, 12th Tng Bn, Camp Wheeler, Ga Schneider Hyman W—P\t X XC Sqdn On the lolls ot honoi ot the Univer­ Albeit, William R—Pvt. A, 12th Bn, A 25th Ing Gip Jefferson Bks sity ot Maine will stand always the Btry X Fort Eustis, Va St l ouis Mo names ot Maine men who have made Allan, Rodney H —AS AAC, 65th CTD Schofield Wentworth II li - A 27 the supreme sacnhce toi then country (AC) Wing II, Sqdn. I, Sect I, Bks. Land Rd, West Medfoid Mass in XV oi Id Wai II Nineteen alumni 33, Syracuse, N Y. have since Dccembei 7 1941 died oi Atkinson Edward G—Pvt A, Btry. B, Scott lewis B—Pte AAC Co A En­ been killed in action In memoiy ot listed Bianch 6 Aimy Admin Sth 57th Tng Bn, 4th Plat, Camp Callan, then sacnhce a gold stai stands in the Calif Huntsville Texas University service flag and then names Scott, Robcit I - A 37 Pope St Hudson Avery, Harold S, Jr—A, 29 Western aic honoi ed in the heaits ot Maine Ave, Bath Mass men everywhere Sedgclcv Aimand C—2nd Lt AAC Bailey, Frank H —2nd Lt M, 24th ROC, Dept ot Ing, Tyndall Field Fla Name D vri and Pi \ci Bks B, MCS, Quantico, X’a. Shepard Fiedenck—Lt M Killed in Bailey Samuel R—Pvt. A, Co C, plane crash Stewart Loicn P ’15 Col Army— 295 Engi Bn, Camp Shelby, Miss. Shcpaid Henry M -Pvt AAC 51st Feb 1942. Philippines Bastord Fred A.—Pvt. A, Co. B, 29th CDT Pie-Flight Sch Rochcstei N Y Shaw Linwood Z ’33 Lt Army— BNCSCRTC, Camp Crowder, Mo Simons I.ec—2nd I t A AC 39th Bomb April 25 1942 I dgewood Arsenal, Blaisdell, Leon M, Jr.—Pvt. AAC, 4th Clip 402nd Sqdn Dav is-Montham Maryland Weathei Sqdn, Eglin Field, Fla. Field Tucson Anz Harris Kail I ’36 Lt Aimy An Bond Iyndon H—A, 121 Grant St, Sinkinson Richard—A 68 Read Ave Corps— Dec 29 1941 Pacihc Bangor, Me Savlesville R I I ogg Cailcton I 38 E ns Navy An Bialeyr Clyde L, Jr—Pvt AAC, 61st Sinnett Clifford II—Mid N Mid Sch Coips- Feb 1942, Pacific C.r*D Conveise Hall, Middle Wing, Notic Dame Univ So Bend Ind Hodgdon Malvern F ’39 Lt Army — Univ ot X’ermont, Burlington, X’t Smiley Samuel P —AS -N Btry 3 Sect Sept 20 1942 Foit Knox Ky Biodei living S—A, 200 Leighton St, 38 USNRMS Notre Dame Ind Lanigan, Edwin J ’40 Lt Aimy Air Bangor, Me Smith Aithui W—AC AAC Box 160 Corps Oct 13, 1942 Solomons Biown Beveily S.—Lt. AAC, Off Mail Yale Station New Haven Conn Ixilas Joseph L ’41 L t Army— Rm, A \FSAT, Orlando, Fla. Smith Paul—Pvt A Btiv D 13th In Dec 1941 Ft Monroe Va Biown, William S—Pvt A, Co B, ■ Bks 1720 Foit Eustis, Va Shcpaid Fiederick J ’43 Lt Marine 38th Inf Tng Bn., 4th Plat., Camp An Corps- Dec 1942 Lee Field, Snell Daniel T—A Gotham Me Ciott, S C. Jacksonville Fla Buck, Robeit J—2nd Lt A, Troop Southard Harris B — Sgt A 203id F A Austin Ei win ’45 Pvt A inn An D-OCC 26, Bldg 159, Foit Riley, Kans. Band Gip Fort Bragg, N C Coips—Nov 2 1942 Gulf ot St Bunker, Leo B, Jr—AC, AAC, Sqdn. Stackpole, Minei B —QM 3c N USS L aw 1 cnee 61, Santa Ana A AB, Santa Ana, Calif L ST 396 Amph Force, Post Office Fay Gardnei ’37 Lt Ferry Com­ Bui gess, Sumnei L —Pvt A, Co D, 4th Mam Bianch NOB, Noifolk Va mand—Dec 7 1942, Xtnca Pit, 12th Tng Bn, Camp Wheeler, Ga Stans, Cai i oil A—Pte A OAS Det Hammond Scymoui C, 28 Civilian Byrne, Chailes S—Mid N, 4320 USN X, Holabird Old Depot Baltimore Md F ngineci toi W ai Dept —Aug 27, 3010 Bancroft Hall, 19th Co. Regt of Staub, Waltci M - A( \ \C Sqdn 4 1942, At Sea Mid Annapolis, Md. Rm 649 580th TSS AAFTTC, Giand Knight Mcrvin T ’40 Fns Naval Cahoon David L.— AC, AAC, 67 Lauiel Rapids, Mich An Coips—Feb 10 1943 Chesa­ St, Fail haven, Mass. * , Stevens Joseph B—2nd Lt A, APO 77, peake Bay (oft Noi folk X'a ) Chadwick, Richard Y—Pvt. A, Co D., Los Angeles, Calif Yorke, Richard A ’41, Capt Army 12th Tng Bn , 4th Plat, Camp XVheelei, Stcwait Roger D —S lc CG CGR 1165 An Coips—Mai 8 1943, India Ga Viking Cabins, Cape May, N T Halhwill, Eugene A ,’40 Majoi Army Claik, Robeit V—Pvt. AAC, Det 23id Sullivan, Waltei L- A 11 Glen Ave, An Coips -Mai 27, 1943, Australia An ways Coin Sqdn, AAB, Topeka, Cape Elizabeth, Me Gnmmci Stewait W , ’40, Lt Aimy — Kans Mai 22, 1943 X Atnca Suncson, Victoi C—Cpl A APO 958, Clements, Xlvoid W—A, 11 Hudson St, Shuitleft, John R, ’46 Pvt Ximy Aii Bangor, Me Postmastci, San Fiancisco, Calif Corps -Mar 17, 1943 Atlantic City, Supovitz Stanley S—Pvt AAC, 60th Closson, Kenneth L.—Yeo 2c N, Navy N J Reciuiting Sta, P O Bldg, Rm 214, Tng Gip, 121st Sqdn, Kceslci Tielel Foicstall, Howard W., ’38, A/C Aimy Miss —May 3, 1943, Geoige Field, Law- Bangor, Maine Talbot, Philip II, Ti—Cpl A, 1st icncevillc III Colbath, James A —Pvt. A, T-934, Co G, Malana Suivey Unit New Oilcans Gioves, Stephen XX' ’39, Ens Naval 13th QMR, Camp Lee, Va. Staging Aiea, New Oilcans, la An Coips—July 1942, S Pacific Ciockett, Xlbeit—Pfc. AAC, 390th Base Taveiner, Donald V— A, 24 Crosby St, White, Benjamin F, Jr., 43 — Ilq. & AB Sqdn., AAB, Richmond, Xra. Augusta, Me. Mai 1943 Cuitis, Benjamin A.— A, RFD 3, Caribou

Military List 15 •r I.

I Cuttci, Marshall W-Pvt AAC 64th Keith Austin R—2nd It AAC, A AB Richaidson, Haiold P, Jr—AC A A< CTD, Syiacuse Univ, Syracuse, NY Cailsbad N M AAFAFS, AC Dept Maiianna Fla Damon, Ilowaid C—Pvt AAC 911 King J Emile—2nd It AAC 701st Rollins, Norman W—AC AAC, Sqdn 1TG PP BTC 9, Miami Beach, Fla Bomb Sqdn 445 Bomb Gip (H). Flight 55B AAFNS Selman Field, Dai ling Chester A —Pfc AAC, 100th Wendovci Field Utah XI on roe La ISS Bks 1622, Tiuax Field Madison, Kittiedgc, Aithur K—A, McKinley Me Santord Alphcus—Pvt A Co G, 1-93 13th QMT R, Camp Lee Va W isc _ 4 Klein Fiedcnc W—Mid MM Noiiolk Davis Aithur A—Pvt A, 5th Co, Area Iidewatcr Iermimls. 808 Bankers Ing Schoppc, John C—Lt XI MAG 15 VX1 B. Camp Upton, N Y Bldg Noiiolk X'a 353. Kcaincy Xlcsa San D’ego Calif DcCouicy, Da> "on D — A 1 Sheiman Kloss Chailes I — Mid N 2144 Ban- Suns F dward W— A Xloosup Conn St , Poitland Me ciott Hall Naval Acad Annapolis Smith Geoige M—S N R 1 Ellsvvortl Donohue John J—Pvt X, Medical Det, Md Me Hq Co 294th Combat Engl Bn . Lamoicau Heiman C—Cpl AAC APO Smith Mahlon D —A Yaimouth, Me Camp Gordon Ga 929 Postmastci San I lancisco Calit Smith Robeit A—Pvt AAC, 692nd Dow. Ilaiold R—A, 34 Gieen St, Leavitt Geoige R—AC AAC Interna­ SAITS Marianna Fla Houlton. Me tional House, Rm 392 1414 E 59th Smith Robeit D.— A 15 Paik st Oion< Eastman Paul J—A, Island Falls Me St, Chicago Ill Me Evans, Wajne—Pvt AAC 303id Tech Lewis Geoige H—AC N Rennseler Smith Shenold L —S Sgt A APO 921 Sch Sqdn, Hight 679, Keeslei Held, Polytechnic Inst Iiov, N V Postmastei San riancisco Calif Miss Lougce Geoige E -AC AAC Sqdn 6, Smith Stanley B— AS. AAC, 51st CTI Evdo, Roman—AC AAC Sqdn H, Grp 43-F Spence I lcld Moultrie Ga (AC) Sqdn D, Rochester N V 8 Class 44B Maxwell Field Ala Lufkin Chailes H—2nd It AAC 323rd Squires Fiank E—A 72 Fouith St Fettinger, Theodore L — A APO 29 Romb Gip, BOQ 1-205, Rutland XIcdtoid XIass CG-116, Postmaster, NA' NA' Field N M Staff Goidon R - N, Co 411 F 6 NT Fmdlen Toseph P—A, RTD 2, Toit MacLeod Kenneth AC A AC A AL BLS Sampson N Y han field Me Hight G-2 (43 H) Cockran Field Stanley, John I.—Cpl AAC APO 92 Fleming, Paul G—A, 67 Chui ch St, Macon Ga Postmastei San Fiancisco Calif Gardiner, Maine Macombci Petei B —Pvt A, Co B Steinmetz, John F —A, 36 College Ave Fogg, Jesse XX —Sgt A APO 43, 398th Ini APO 100 Foit Jackson S C Oiono Me Postmaster San Francisco Calif Marston Wendell S Lt AAC Temple Stotler Thomas—AC AAC 59th Dost Alton R—Pte A, Hallaion Gen Court Bldg Dcnvei Colo AAFTD Helena Aero Tech, Helen Hosp Med Det Bks 110 Staten Mason Webbci J—Pvt A, Mt Intelli­ Ark. Island N Y gence Sch Btry C Toit Pieble Ale Sutton Toseph S—Xhd XIXI Xlame Frost, Cornelius W, Ji—AC NAC, McCobb Joseph L — A 62 XV inter St Maritime Acad Castine Me Btiy 5 Co C, Plat 3, Rm llB-Entry Auburn Maine Sweetser, Plulin S.— A Blanchard Rd B Williams College, Williamstown McFdwaid Lostei A—2nd Lt AAC, Cumberland Ctr Me Mass Chicago and Southern An lines Fainter, Richaid W --Pvt A APO 392 Goodwin Donald L—A 119 Paikei St Memphis I enn Postmastei N Y NX Bi ewer Me Mclntne Claience E —A, 17 Ticmont Ialbot Thomas J —AC AAC Sqdn Giavcs Donald F—Lt A AC 357th St Poi tland Maine Flight C, AAFBS Midland Texas Sqdn 2nd AAC, A AB, Clovis N M McLaughlin Aubiey A —A RED 2 Greenleat, Arthur R, Jr—S Sgt A AC, Lew John C , Ji - Lt A AC 346th Bom Island Falls Maine Gip A AB Dvcisburg Tenn 4031 d Tighter Sqdn, OAAR Oscoda Meloon Mei ton S—A Kczai Falls Me Mich Mooney James A—Pvt A Co H 12th Thenault, John—Pvt A Bn 71 Co Grotefend Robert T—A, 258 Winthrop QMRTC ( I-348) Camp Lee Va Plat 11 Camp Pcaiy, Willi amsbui Rd, XX Englewood, N J Moigan John T—A Spiuce St Va Haggett James E—Pvt \ 909th hngr F Millinocket, Maine Thompson George Ji -A 547 Essex St AF Hq Co Sub Post 1 Mitchel Field Xfoulton Arthur H Ji — AvS AAC Bever ly, Mass N Y Sqdn H-3 N AAC AAFCC Nashville Thurlow E Beach—Lt AAC 482nd Hahncl, Oscai R, Jr — A, 16 Russell St 1 enn Bomb Gip 538 Bomb Sqdn Davi Lewiston Me Mountain XX'illiam LI —S Sgt A APO Monthan Field Tucson Ariz Haines Philip I —A, Fort Fairfield Me 634 Postmastei New Aoik N A Thui low Roger W—Pvt AAC, X AF Hale Richaid A II—A, 123 Mam St, Muich Albeit 1<—A So Casco Maine MID Bowdoin College Bt unswick Lisbon Falls Me Neal I lank R Ji —A 76 Bi entwood Me Hamblett Edward B Jr—Pvt AAC 23 St Portland Maine Titcomb Elbridge C—Lt AAC AP Pratt St, Bath, Me Nuttei Robeit W—A 3 Stoici St 520 Postmastei N Y N Y Hamm, Paul J —2nd Lt A 365 Fngr Sanfoi d Maine Tuinei Philip B—Pvt AAC 717th Ing Regt GS Camp Campbell Ky Obear George H—A Calais Maine Haidy, Malcolm D—A 164 Forest Ave Gip AAFTTC Atlantic City, N T Oibeton Maurice C Ji—Mid 3c N Turner XXraricn T—Pfc AAC Bangor, Me Naval Acad Anapobs Md Hailow, Robert J—Pvt A Bane Plains AACTSS, Tort Logan Colo Packaid Richaid XI- Pvt A 33id Inf Wallace FiancisI—It AAC APO 710 Mass Tng Bn Co B 1st Plat Camp Cioit Haskell, James L—Pvt A Co D 3id S *C Postmaster San riancisco Calit Plat 12th Tng Bn, Camp Wheelei Ward James F—AC NAC N AS Clas Ga Page Robeit H—A Newcastle. Maine Park William C—Pvt XI Postmastei 5 Bl -4 Peiu Ind Hayes Edward R —AC AAC AAFID San riancisco Calif Webber Geoige XV —Pvt AAC Co E N Y Unix , New Yoik, N Y Parmenter, Thomas F —Pvt A 60 Le­ 86th Mt Inf Camp Hale Pando Colo Hayman Albion S—AS A AC 65th land St Poitland Maine West Dantoith F—A 85 Montgomei CTD Sqdn M-2 Bks 42 Wing I Petteison Robert C—AC AAC Bks T- St Bangoi, Me Syiacuse Univ , Syiacuse, N Y 483 638th I SS Bo< i Raton I icld Fla White, Earl A—It A APO 762 - Henderson, Robert F—Cadet 2c, CG CG Phelps Robeit F —Cpl AAC 643rd Postmaster N Y N Y At ad Chase Hall, New I ondon C onn 1 SS Bks I 224 Boca Raton Field Whitney Eveictt T—Lt A Btiv H Hill John X, Jr—Pvt AAC 795th TSS, Fla Bks 1232. Seymoui Johnson Field 63rd C A (AA) Regt Seattle XX’ash Goldsboio, N C Picice Tames F —S 2c N NAS Photo Whitney, W Hill—Pvt A APO 8857 Hillman Arthur M — Sgt A AC APO I ab Squantum Mass Postmaster, N Y N Y 696 Postmastei, New Yoik N Y Poweis, Thomas F Pvt AAC 514 XXTntten John F —A Main St Holland Henry—X 75 Main St Calais Main St Lewiston Me Fort Kent Maine Piesncll Donald F—Pvt A Co D 4th Wight, Hall N—Cpl AAC Btrv D Hoover, Robert M —Cpl A Co O 803rd Plat 12th 1 ng Bn Camp Wheelei Ga 468th AAA Bn, Camp Haan Calif S TR Sig Corps, Fort Monmouth, N J Quinn Hari v B Ji —A Cape Cottage Williamson, Edwaid G, Ji—Sgt \AC. Huid, Lester M—AC AAC Sqdn B Maine 500th TEFTS, AAFIS (IP) Bryan c/c Sqdn 2 NAAC, Nashville Tenn ’ Reed Waltei M Ji —A, 30 Main St, Texas Hutchinson, Alfred—Pvt A 4th Pit Co Foit Fan field Maine XVmchester David B—Pfc M D, 12th Tng Bn, Camp Wheelei, Ga Reynolds Albeit F—AC N AC NATC Postmastei, N Y , N Y Jacobs, Stephen L—A, 11 Alerrv mount Coipus Christi Texas XX^oodcock, XXrallace L—Pvt A, D Btiv, r Rd , Hingham, Mass Rich Flton M—Pvt A Co D 4th Plat 486th CA ( A A) Sep Bn Camp Davis, Keirstead, Clifford H—Pvt A Co B 12th Tng Bn Camp Wheeler Ga N C < x 6th Bn, ERTC, 4th Plat, Fort Belvoir, Richaidson, Can oil B—A RFD 2 Xra Woodman Edwaid B — AAC Pnsoner Oakland Me of War in Philippines

16 Militai y List 1945 CTD, Conveise Hall, Middle Wing, Goidon, Sherwood F—AS AAC, 65th Andeison, Robcit S—Pvt A \C, Co B Univ of Vt, Burlington, Vt. AAF CTD, Wing 2, Sqdn H2, Bks. 23, 1st Plat. T-10, 10th QMTR, Camp Lee Cole, Vngil E—Pvt A, Co A, 31st Inf. Syiacuse Univ., Syracuse, N Y. ' Ya Tng Bn, 1st Plat, Camp Croft, S C Gould, Ralph A—AS AAC, 65th CTD, 7 Archibald Philip L—S 2c X, Gumms Condon, Grovei C., Jr.— A, Gnffin Rd., Wing 1, Sqdn. B, Sec 1, Bks. 1, Mates Sch, Co 1123, Coddington Pt, Bangor, Me Syracuse Univ, Syracuse, N. Y. Newport, R I Court, Arthui R—Pfc. M, 3id Reciuit Greelev Elbndge E—Cpl A, 463rd CA j Austin, Erwin—Pvt \AC, Killed in Gulf Btiy, Marine Bks, Pan is Island, S. C. Bn (AA) Btry C, Camp Haan, Calif. of St Lawrence Ciabtiee, Robert S—Pvt A AC, 51st Grindle, Donald H—AS AAC, Sqdn D, s Babb, Mai shall F—S 2c N, Bks 26, G15, CTD, Rochester, N Y. 16th CTD (AC) Niagara Univ, B, USNATTC, Memphis, Tenn Ciced John L, Jr—Pvt A, Co D 4th ViQonra V aidslcv, Sherwin P—Pvt A, Btiv. C, Plat, 12th Tng Bn Camp Wheeler Ga Hall, Edward C—Pvt. AAC, 65th AAF 4th Bn, Foit Eustis, Va Ciossland, Donald E—Pvt A, Co D, CTD, Wing 2, Sqdn Q, Bks 26 (AC), j Barmby, Albert R.—A Paik St E. 12th Tng Bn, 1st Pit, Camp Wheeler, Syracuse, N Y. Noith Reading, Mass Ga Hall, Robert A —S 2c N Box 7, Sub- i Bean Ralph L—A, 145 Davis Ave, Ciosslcv, William B—Cpl AAC, 2502nd manne Base, NTevv London, Conn Auburn, Me Sen LTnit Class 33, Silver Springs, Hanson, Robeit H—Pfc AAC, CSC of i Bean, Roger P—Pvt. A AC, 37th TSS, Md E, Bks 7, Sec. 25A, TDAAFTTC, Flight 7, Unit 6, Giand Rapids Mich. Crowell, Harrison P—Pvt. A 32 Pleas­ Gieeley, Colo. i Beaioi, Robeit A—A, 13 Tohn St ant St, Skowhegan, Me Harris, William D—Pfc AAC, 625 Madison, jMc Danforth, Donald W—AS AAC. Sqdn TSS, Bks T1805, Amarillo, Texas i Beaulieu, Com ad E—A, 6 Giove St, 108 Bldg 6520, SA ACC. A AFCC, San Harrison, Oliver AV—Cadet CG, CG Cai ibou, Me Antonio, Texas Academy, Chase Hall, New London, • Betts, Pei lev F—A, 82 Wintei St, Danforth Richaid H—Pvt A RTD 1 A, Conn Gai diner, Me Gardiner, Me Haseltine, Frank T—Pvt M, AW Co Billings, Bi uce S—Pvt A AC, 531st QM Decatui Richaid \—Pvt A, 140 War­ Sig Bn, MB 313, US Hadnot Pt., Salvage Repaii Co . Salem A B Salem, wick Rd , Melrose Mass Camp Lejeune N C. Ore Dickinson, Faile W—Pfc AAC Co B, Hastv Robert A—AS, AAC. 65th CTD. Bloom, Richard C—A, Box 336 Noith Class 6, Rm 114 Enlisted Bianch 6, Wing 2 Sqdn 1-1, Bks 23, Syracuse, Haven Me A AS, Huntsville, Texas N Y Bradley, Russell V—Pvt A, Co D, 10th Dinsmoie, Robert F—Pvt A, 553 Shore Hatch, Harland H —Pvt A, Bowdoin­ Bn 3rd Regt, Fort McClellan, Ala Rd , Cape Elizabeth, Me ham, Me i Brautlecht Robeit A—Pvt A Co D, DiRenzo Michael J—Pvt A AC, CTD, Heath, Glenn B —Pfc AAC, 625th TSS, 10th Bn, 3id Regt Foit McClellan Flight 8 Blown Univ, Providence, R I. Bks T-1514, Amarillo AAF, Amarillo, Ala DiRico, Fred—2nd Lt A 707th M P Bn, Texas Brennan Neal F , Ji —A 100 Otis St Co D, Mt Oliver Sta Pittsburg, Pa Hewes, John L — A. 38 Summer St, Saco, Bangor, Me Doescher, Tohn F—Pfc AAC, Co B, Me. Brewstei, Robeit L—Pvt A AC 61st Class 6, Rm 114 Enlisted Branch 6, Hill, Robert W.—Pvt AAC, 501 Goodale, CTD (AC) Univ of Vt Conveise AAS Huntsville, Texas MIT, Cambridge, Mass. Hall, So Wing, Burlington Vt Donovan, James F —Pvt A, 121 Main St, Hobbs Donald E—Pvt A AC. 448 A\rood- Britt Andrew B Jr Pic M Co B Houlton Me ford St. Portland, Me Inf Bn CrDC, Manne Bks Camp Dullea Maui ice B—Pfc A, 316th C ABB Howard, Donald M —Pvt AAC, 65th I ejeune New Rivei, N C Bn, Btry A, Bks 364, Camp Tyson, AAF CTD, Wing 2, Syracuse Univ, Biodis, W S—Sgt A AC, APO 634 Tenn Sy racuse, N A. Postmaster. N Y , N Y Dunham Geoige A—A, Sig Corps, 121 Hoy Eugene J—Pvt. AAC, 65th CTD Brountas Nicholas P—Pfc A AC Co A, Haivard St Springfield Mass (AC), Syracuse Univ, Syracuse, N Y. 875th A B Eng, Bn (Avn) A AB Dumoc, Tohn II—Ac N AC, Class 5 A, Hutchins, Marsden C —Pvt A, 78 Pine Alliance, Nebi L eft Wing Naval Air Station, Glen­ St., Orono, Me Brown Charles W—Pvt A Co A, 61st view, Ill. Irwin, Richard P—Pfc AAC, 733rd Sig Bn , Camp Forrest, Tenn Earle Arnold B—Pvt A, Lisbon Falls, TSS, Fit 14, Fort Logan, Colo. Biown Dana W—A, 22 Hill St Me Tellison, Charles A, Jr.—Pvt. A, 603 CA Millinocket, Me Ellsworth, Taile E—Pvt AAC, 65th (AA), Burbank, Calif. Buck, Gurdon A—Pvt A AC Sqdn 108 AAF CTD Wing II, Sqdn. M Section Jenness, Lawrence S—Pvt AAC, 7th Bks 6617, A AFCC Texas 2 Bks 41, Sviacuse Univ , Syracuse, Ferrying Grp, Gore Field, Great Falls, Buckley, Tohn 1)—Pvt A Co A 2nd Bn N Y Mont 4th Plat, ERTC, Foit Belvon, Ara Emeison Robeit F—AS, AAC, 65th Johnson, Alan S—AS AAC 65th AAF Buker, Geoige E —AC N AC Plat 9, CTD AAF, (AC) Wing 2 Sqdn K, CTD. Wing 2, Sqdn K. Sec 2. Bks 34, Rm 43 N Flight Picp Sch Wilbams- Sec K-4, Bks 3 Syiacuse Lhiiv , Syracuse Univ, Syracuse N Y. town, Mass Syracuse N Y Jones, Ravmond D.— A, 137 Palm St, Bunker Dana E —Pvt A 92 Whitney Fuglev, Jcnness P—Pvt A, I incolnville, Bangor, Me. ' St, Aubui n Me Me Kelley, George III—Pvt A, 189 Anthoine Bunnell William R- M, 6 Brown St, Faulknei George A—A, 46 Birch Ave, St, So Portland, Ale Fort Fairfield, Me Fllswoith, Me Kelley, Martin \—Pvt A, 301 Ohio St, Burak, Leopold M—Pic A AC Co C, Fish Lincoln T, Ji —Pvt A, Co B, 4th Bangor, Ale Rm 263, A AS, Branch 3 Biookings, Plat , 7th Bn Camp Wheeler, Ga Kenoyer, John H —Pvt. A \C, Windsor- S D Flanagan, Charles \—A, 207 Maple St. vilie, Ale Burgess, Alan C—Pvt A AC 61st CTD Bangoi, Me Knott, Donald L—Cpl AAC, Co. Q, 15th Converse Hall, Univ ot Vt, Bullington, Folsom, Elmei I —AS AAC, Sqdn C Sig Tng. Regt, Fort Monmouth, N J Vt 65th CTD ( AC) Sviacuse Univ Koris, Frank T —Pvt A, Co C, 24th Bn , Burnett Lloyd—A, 428 Hammond St, Syracuse, N Y 7th Regt, IRTC, Fort McClellan, \la Bangoi Me Fiiar Calvin—A, 240 Highland Ave Fall Rivei, Mass Lamprell William W—Pvt American Buswell Aithui S—Pvt X 4 SC.IJ 3413 Field Scrv . APO 616, Postmaster, ASTP, Co 2 Sect 9, Clemson College, Furbish. Chai les F—A, Topsham Me Clemson S C Gammell, Lewis W—AC N AC, 42 Thud N. Y , N Y Cahoon, Robeit B—Pvt M, Plat 179, St, Attleboio, Mass I awryF, William R—AS N, Co 462, Mai inc Bks Parris Island, S C Gai dnci, Camille A—Pfc A AC, 20th NTS, Newport, R. I Canning Tames F—Pvt A Hq Btiv, Academic Sqdn , Scott Field, Ill. Leclair, Toscph R—A, 131 Noithern Ave, 204th FA Bn, ('amp Gordon Ga Gai land, George—Pvt A, Co A, 4th Augusta, Ale ; Carleton Hairy V—Pvt A, 25 Ellington Plat, 83id Inf Tng Bn, Camp Libby, Merton E—Pfc. AAC, Rd, Ouincy, Mass Robcits, Calif A AFTTD, YMCA, Class 137, Lincoln, Carter Wallace B—Pvt A. Btiv D, 13th Geary, Arthur L—Pvt. A, 872nd F A Nebr. Bn Bks 1720, Fort Eustis, Ara Bn , Hq Btry , APO 454 Camp Blan­ Lipphardt, I ouis E—Pvt. A \C, Sqdn Chaplin, Joseph B—A, 188 Fountain St, ding, Fla B, Grp 10, AAFPFS, Maxwell Field, Bangoi. Me Gent, Ileibeit F, Ti—A, 142 Tiaincraft, Ala Chase, Robert M — A, 43 Stony biook Rd , Medfoid, Mass Littlefield, Alvin F—Pvt A, B-7, Cape Flizabeth, Me. Gilman, Sidnev G—A, 8 Baitlett St, AIRTC, Bks. 855, Camp Pickett, Ara. Claik C harles J—Pvt A AC, No New Watei ville, Me low, Walter N.—AS AAC, Fit 1. Sqdn Poitland, Me Goodnch, Lynn B H—Pvt A 456 Court 101, A AFCC, SA ACC, San Antonio, Colby, Malcolm O—Pvt A AC, 61st St, Auburn Texas

Military List 17 9 Robinson, Ralph E—Pfc AAC, 317th Wheeler, Clyde L—AC AAC K-3, 44- Lyford, Lawience W -Pvt A, 47 Harlow TSS Bks 894, Sheppard field. I exas Maxwell Field Ala St Brewer Mt Rogan Frank J—Pvt A AC, AAFMTD, Whitcher Daniel A -Pvt A Co B MacGown Philip T —Pvt A, RED 2, Flight B, Bowdoin College. Brunswick, 10th Bn 3rd Regt Fort McClella Buckfield Me . . . r Me Ala Macpherson Stephen R . Jr—Cpl AAC, Rogers, George A Jr —Pvt A Ward 18 White. Benjamin F -Sgt A Killed in 30th Hq Co QM Sal Dep. Salem Air New Sta Hosp Fort Devens Mass Action Bast Salem. Orc Whitman Dina T Jr — Pvt A Co Marble W C—Mid N 2119 Bancroft Schenchzer, Eugene E —Pvt AAC 405th lech Serv Sqdn, Bks 173, Flt E 10th QMTC. Bldg 656 Camp Lee. V Hall Naval Academy. Annapolis, Md Wilber John E - A Cape Cottage, Me Marsh Bernard Lt —-Pvt A Btry G, Sheppard Field, Texas Shepard George C—Coxswain CG, 6/ Williams Cecil O —F 2c N Postmaster 242nd CA Fort H G Wright N Y New York, N Y McAllister John W—A 78 South St Berkeley St, W Newton Mass Shepardson Arno II—Pvt A, Solon Wood Frank B - AAC, 733rd TS Gorham, Me Me _ Flt 13, Fort Logan, Colo McIntosh, I Kenneth—Pvt AAC 65th Wood, Richaid L —Pvt A, Co C 2( CID (AC), Wing 2, Syracusc Univ, Smaha Albeit H— Pvt A, Co E., 7th QMIRT Bldg 1-460 Camp Lee Va Engr Camp Blanding Fla Syracuse, N Y Smith Mahlon I)—Pvt A, RFD 1 Wood Robert C —Ambulance Driver, McLaughlin, Orland F —Pfc AAC. 625 American Field Service, APO 616 TSS Bks 1806. Amarillo AAF Yarmouth, Me Smith Owen II—A 318 Allen Ave, Postmaster, N. Y NY Amarillo Texas Work, Winslow A-Pvt A, 240 Pail Mead Donald C Jr —A. 4 Florence Rd, Portland Me Smith Sheldon D — Pvt A 38 North view Ave, Bangor, Me Marblehead, Mass York, Kent H—Pvt A, Medway, Me Merchant Robert W—A, 5 Blake St. Ave Skowhegan, Me Smith Warren B AS AAC 101st Sqdn Young Thomas J , Jr —A, 68 School St Camden Me Millinocket, Me Mikalonis Edmund—A, 20 Summer St, Bks 6216 Flt H AAFCC, SA ACC, San Antonio, I exas Zook, Joseph M Jr —AS N, Co 37 Lewiston Me NTS, Newport, R I Miller Robert M—AS AAC 101st Solomon, Allen II —Pvt A, Co A, 12th I ng Bn Camp Wheeler, Ga 1946 Sqdn. Bks 6219, AAFCC, San An­ Agostinelle, Kitan A —Pvt A, Hq Det tonio, Texas Speirs Garrett D Jr —Pvt A, 436 State St Bangor, Me Grp 3, OCS Camp Fort Eustis, Va I Moores H Bum—Pvt AAC 65th Sprague, James B, Jr —Pfc A Btry B Aiken George D—AS AAC 65th CTI AAFCTD (AC). Wing 2, Sqdn 5, ( AC) Wing I, Sqdn A, Sec 1 Bks ( Flt 2 Bks 36, 114 Waverley Ave, 112th CA Bn (A A), Fort Bliss, Texas Stackpole, Philip W —Pvt AAC, MIL Syracuse N Y Syracuse, N A Allyn, William B—N, Highland St Morrill George F— A West Farmington. Dorms Box 321 Cambridge Mass Stacy Wayne—Pvt A, Kezar Falls Me Holiston, Mass Me Anderson Kenneth V—AS NCB, Btry Moulton Norman W—AC AAC 61st Steams Benedict—Pvt A, 105th Med Bn, Co C, APO 30, Camp Blanding, 67 Co B Plat 11, USNCTC, Camp CTD, Converse Hall C, Univ of Vt, Allen, Norfolk, Va Burlington Vt Fla Moulton. Robert M —Sp 3c (A) N Bldg Sturtevant Vaughn R - A, Box A, Anderson Robert—AS N, Co 447, 332. 3rd Regt NTS Bainbridge, Md Livermore Falls, Me NTS, Newport R I Murray Stanley A -A 144 Tabot Ave, Thayer Edwin M —Pvt A, SCU 3418, Anderton, David O—Pvt A, Co C Rockland Me ASTR, Univ of Fla, Gainesville, Fla 2nd Regt Fort Monmouth N J Naugler Walien C—A. 433 So Main Thomas Stanley W - AS AAC 65th Andrews Daniel K — Pfc AAC. 2200 St So Brewer, Me AAF CTD Wing II Sqdn M Sec 1. West Lawrence Ave, Class 42 43, Neal Raymond E, Jr—Pvt A Co D, Bks 41 Syracuse, N Y Chicago, Ill 3rd Med Tng Bn , Bks 1258. MRTC, Thomas, Vernley F — A 61 Angell Ave, Angelides, Harry E —Cpl A AC, 1244tl Camp Pickett Va So Portland Me Serv Unit, Grp 15 United Radio Nelson, Charles L—Pfc A, Btry B, Thorne, Bertram E Pfc AAC, Troop Telv Inc , 96 100 Washington St. 164th C A Bn (AA) Fort Sheridan, Ill Carrier Command, Hq 63rd TC Grp Newark, N J Nock Edmund K—Pvt A 168 Lawson Field Fort Benning Ga Bamford Sidney R -Pvt A Co A 6th Humphrey St Marblehead Mass Thur+low, William I — GM CG Manhat­ Bn ERIC, Fort Belvoir, Va Norwood Arthur I —Pvt A, C-15 tan Beach I ng Sta, Co 6 Plat 3, Banton Richard I.—Pvt A, Btry ( AFRTC Fort Knox. Ky Brooklyn N Y 4th Bn POC Grp 3 Fort Eustis V Oakes Elmer R—Pvt AAC 409th Ing Tibbetts Arthur J—Pfc AAC 317 TSS, Baines, John I. —AS N, Co 171 Grp Flt 5 BTC 4 AAFTTC Miami Bks 894 Sheppard Field Texas NTS Newport R I Beach Fla Torrey Allen I —AC AAC Sec I Grp Bartlett Davis M — Mid MM, 12 Page Donald F —A 279 Main St 9 Class 44 B Maxwell Field Ala Orchard Place Bronxville, N Y Orono, Me Torrey, Donald R—Pvt A, Co C, 35th Bartlett Ralph Jr - Pvt M Plat 31 Palmer H Stanley—AS AAC Houg- Int Tng Bn Camp Croft S C Recruit Depot Marine Depot Parri ton Hall Flt 4 MCMT Houghton, Tsacalotos. Peter A 124 Fort George Island S C Mich Ave. New York N Y Bean Clarence F - Pvt A Med Det Patch Clifford S—A 104 Grove St Turner Robert W—AvS AAC 65th Sta Hosp Raritan Arsenal Metucher Bangor, Me AAI CTD Wing 2 Sqdn K Sec 1 N J ’ Pendleton, Roger I —Pvt A Co C 10th Bks 37 Syracuse Univ Syracuse, Boyer Joseph A, Jr—Pvt AAC 61st QMTR, Bks T-658, Camp Lee Va N Y CTD Converse Hall Middle Wing Petreas Gregory N —Pfc A Co A Valdes, Donald M—Pvt AAC, Unit D Univ of Vt Bullington Vt 3307th SU ASTP Univ of 37th A AFCTD Clemson College, Bragdon Edward A Jr—AC NAC Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pa Clemson S C Box 175 York Village Me Pierce Warren F—AC AAC 59th Varnum Robert N — A 858 Chelmsford Brennan Cail H, Jr —Pfc AAC. 647t AAFFTD Helena Aero Tech Helena, St Lowell Mass TSS Bks 26 Truax Field, Madiso Ark Vickery Earle W Jr —AS AAC Wise Porper, Charles R—A. 54 Eastern Ave 65th AAI CTD Wing 2 Sqdn M-2 Brookings John W — A 52 Grove St Gloucester Mass Bks 43 Syracuse Univ Syracuse Bangor Me Pratt Leo W, Jr—Pvt AAC Geneva N Y Buck Leland S Jr —Pvt AAC 61st College Beaver Tails Pa Vose Clement E —A 8A Watson Ave CTD Converse Hall, Univ of Vt Priest Sheldon W—Pfc AAC 1112th Houlton Mt Bullington Vt Sig Co Serv Grp Columbia AAB, Wallingford Otto H—A Perkins Ridge Budden Henry S—Pvt AAC CTD Columbia, S C Auburn Me AAFTTC Bowdoin College Bruns­ Ramsdell, Hollis I Jr —Cpl A Btry C, wick Maine Walsh George A—Pvt A Co C 544 Burgess. Arthur R—Pvt AAC 717th 486th AAA (AW) Bn Camp Davis, Engr Amph Com Camp Edwards, Mass Tng Grp A AFT TC Sqdn 13 Flig A Atlantic City N J Rhodes Alan L—A 132 Glenwood Ave Warner Benjamin I—A 134 Roosevelt Portland Me Burke Ernest A—Pfc AAC 594th Rd, Weymouth Mass TSS Hight C, Gulfport Field Miss Richaids, David—Pvt A Draper Rd, Washbum William B—Pvt AAC Bks Wayland, Mass Burril,l Robert M—Pvt A Dexter M 1222 804th TSS, Sioux Falls, S D Butler Robeit E—A Bar Harbor Me Ring, Carlton B—Pyt A Btry B, 398th Waterman Richard D—Pvt A Co C Calkins Jay—Pvt A AC N A AC Nash (A) FA Bn 8th Amid Div APO 258 137th Tng Bn 4th Regt TDRTC, ville, Tenn No Camp Polk La Camp Hood Texas Campbell John R—AC A AC Sqdn Robinson, Donald W —Pfc A AC 20th Wedge. Peter J—Pvt AAC 60th Tng Grp 7 AAFPFS Pilot Maxwell Fiel TS Sqdn Lowry Field Denver Colo Grp Sqdn 121, Keesler Field Miss Ala

18 Military Li Cai son, John R—Pvt A \C, Co B, 2nd Fan bank, Winthrop H—Pfc A AC, 20th Hunter, Hugh AA'—AS N, Co. 1042, Sig Ing Regt (1265SCSU) TSS Lowiy Field Denvei, Colo NTS, Newport, R I ESCRTC, Foil Monmouth, N J Faulknei, Claiencc E—Pvt A, Co K, Hussey, John A.—A, 27 Ohio St., ; Catn, Philip—Pvt A, B-3 AFRTC 86th Inf Regt, Camp Hale Pando, Bangor, Me Foit Knox, Ky Colo Hutchinson, Sheldon C—Pvt. AAC, 18-43 I Chandler, How aid P—A, 4 Aidcn Rd, Foss, Noiman T—S 2c N, Pie-Radio St Louis Sch. of Aero, Lambert Field, Wellesley Mass Sell, Sec C, Naval Aimory Michigan St Louis, Mo. Chase, Allen S—AC A AC, 18th Sta City, Ind Jack, Chailes H, Jr—Pvt A, Co. D, Comp Sqdn , Jacksonville A AB Jack­ Foss, Sheldon H —Cpl A 86th Mt 86th Mt Inf, Camp Hale, Colo. sonville Fla Regt, Co C, 1st Bn, Camp Hale Jones, Freeland—Pvt A, Co. D, 399th hason Haiold—Pvt A Co L, RRC Pando Colo Inf, APO 447, Foit Jackson, S C. Foit Devens Mass Tox Aithui G, Jr—Pvt AAC Co S, Jose, Noiman L.—Pvt A, 4th Plat., Co. Cheney. I eighton S—Pvt A 393id 15th Sig Tng Regt Foit Monmouth, A-6, ERTC, Fort Belvoir, Va Engl Regt Co F Camp Claiborne la N J Kagan, Hariy—Pvt AAC, SO-107 P5, Cianchctte Clan I —Pvt A AC Det 9 Fiedenck, William J — AS AAC Sqdn. Mo Avn Institute, 115 E, Aimour 902nd QM, A AB Pueblo Colo B-3 N A AC Bks 3, Nashville, Tenn Blvd, Kansas City, Mo Claik Chai les J — Pvt A Btiv D 4th French Phillip C—Pvt A, Btry C, Kelley, George F, III—A, 189 Anthome Bn, 1st Plat loit Eustis A'a 734 FA Bn Camp Maxey Texas St, So Portland, Me Claik Donald S Jr—Cpl \ Co A Gafin Bernard—AC AAC Sqdn I<3, Ixenovei, Russell E—AS AAC, 51st 15th Sig Tug Regt, Foit Monmouth, 44A Maxwell Tielel Ala CTD, Sqdn. B, Rochester, N. Y. NT.’ Gamble Eugene C—Cpl AAC, Btry C, Labbe, Gerard R—Mid MM, Maine Clement John 11—Pvt A 77 Essex St 472nd AAA AAV Bn Sent, Camp Maritime Academy, Castine Bangui Me Stew ait Ga Lamb, Moi ton A—Pvt A, Co. B, 11th Cobb Hcnjy B li -Cpl A AC CID Gardner, Raymond E Tr—Pvt A Bn, 3id Regt, Fort McClellan, Ala Fit C AAFTTC, 14th & Dal/cllc St Enlisted Reseive Tng Sell Dickenson Land, Robert H—Pvt. AAC, Co C, 34th Dctioit Mich Hall Westfield, Mass Sig Tng. Bn , SCRTC, Camp Crowder, Cobb, Kenneth I. —Pvt A Btiv D Gleason Chai les A Ji —AS N, Bks 32, Mo. 110th CA (AA) Camp Fdwaids Mass N ATC, Memphis Tenn Lane. Hilton D —AS AAC, 65th A AF Cohen Lestei M—Pvt A 110th CA Bn Glover, Chai les L—A 37 Spiing St, CTD ( AC) Sqdn D, Syracuse Univ , (A A) Camp Edwaids Mass Dovci Foxcioit Me Sy racuse, N Y Cole Noiman A Pte A AC 996 ISS Glover Fiedenck—SOM 3c N, Receiving LaPointe, Joseph C—Pvt. AAC, 65th (Sp). Unit II 11-105 720 So Mich Sta Oiangc Itxas CTD ( AC) Wmg I, Sqdn, A-3, Sec I, Ave . Chicago, III Godfrey, Richaid II—AC N AC 162 Bks 1, Syiacuse, N Y. Commeiford Edward Al —Pvt A AC N Biunswick St Old Town, Me E ai son, Anton W —Pfc AAC, Co C, Gip 15. AAFTTC (BID) Sqdn 988 Goldman Sidnev—A 9 Tiask St, Rm 253, A AS, Br 3, Brookings, S D Atlantic City, N I Glouccstei Alass Lai son. Ernest L—AC NAC, 210 Manly Conley, Raymond Is Ji —AC N AC Goldsmith, Milton H—Pvt A, 110th Hall, Naval Pre-Fit School, Chapel Btiv 4 Plat 1 Rm 13 NPFS, Btiv Hq CA (AA) Bn Camp Hill, S C. Williamstown Mass Edwards, Mass Lawson, Richard G—AC NAC, 300 Cookson Edvvaid J — S 2c N, Co 1411 Goff Merle 1 —Pvt AAC Sqdn B, Central St Fiamingham, Mass Radio Sell Newpoit, R 1 32nd Ing Gip Jefferson Bks, St I cahy, Wallace J.—Pfc A, Co. D. 303id Coopci Douglas K - AS N, Co 1576 Louis Mo Int APO 445 Camp Swift, Texas Coddington Pt Newpoit R 1 Gott Noiman D—Pvt A Co A 1548th Leighton Chailes, Ji—Pvt M, AAVC, Counter Allied I. - AS AAC, Sqdn Ing Unit Rm 204 Bicckimidge Hall, Sig Bn, Mai me Bks 309, Camp 503 Fit C 55th CID Gettysburg Pa Bo\ 1898 Univ ot Ixy Lexington Ixy Lejeunc New River, N C Coulton Thomas E Ji —P\t A Co E Gray, Leon 1 -Pvt A Btiv B 777th Leighton Haiold C—AS AAC, Sqdn. S6th Mt Inf Camp Hale, Paneio Colo CA Sep Bn, Foit Shendan Ill I 65th CTD ( AC), Syiacuse Univ , Cowles Edvvaid R—AS N, Co 269. Gray, Robert I. -A Bai Harbor, Me Syiacuse N Y Bks B NTS, Newport, R I Greenleaf Raymond R - Pvt A 1650 L eiper, Robert J — AS N, Co. 175, Cunningham, Clinics E — Pvt A, 2nd Eng (ti All DS Co Bks 2503 N1 S Nevvpoit R I Co 1st Bn 4th Ing Regt Harmony Camp McCoy AVise Loid Howard V—AS A AC, 65th CTD Chuich Aiea Foit Benning Ga Hagopiane, Martin—Pvt A Btry A (AC), Wmg I, Sydn E-3, Bks 15, Cvi Rodcuck I - As A \l 65th 3th Bn Foit E ustis A a Syracuse, N Y AAFCTD (AC) Wing II Sqdn E, Hall David L —Pvt A Co C 355th McDonald, Ray T—Pvt. A, Co C, 1st Sec II I’ks 47 Syracuse \ A Inf APO 89 Camp Cai son Colo Sig Ing Regt, Foit Monmouth, N J Dahill Donald E -Pvt A ( <> G 13th Hamlin John G—Pvt A 857th Old Flq Mace Asa R Ji — Pfc AAC, Bks 248, QMTR C unp I n Ai AI amt Co Camp Pickett Va A AC EEC, Lincoln A AB, Lincoln, Dempsey Malcolm K - Cpl A 1st SIB II u i ison 1 red I - AS \ Co 738, Ncbi Box 36 1 RO 28 Co 22 Al un Post Toit Btiv 7 Nevvpoit R I MacEcod Donald R—Pfc AAC, 774th Benning, Ga. Hart Paul I - AC A AC Sqdn F Az Tech Sch Sqdn, Bks 505, Lowiy L Denn son Richard AA —AS N, Co 170, AAFPFS Maxwell 1 ield Al i L icld Denvei Colo NTS, Newport, R I Harvell Philip—Pvt AAC 65th Mantci Donald 1 — AC N AC, Amherst DcRosby, At thin I—Pvt A. Maynard AAFCTD (AC) Bks 47 Sqdn L College Moi iow Hall Amherst Mass Pc lice Maynard M ass lit 2 \\ mg 2 Svrac use N Y Mil shill Paul E—Pvt A, 2nd Plat, Doi m I iwrence I’—AS AAC 65th 11 itch Daniel 1 —Pvt AAC So (ID 101st Med Tng Bn Camp Joseph 1 A All ID Bls 10 Sqdn AV-2 AVing A AF TTC Amherst College Amherst Robinson I ittle Rock Aik 2 Syracuse, N Y Alass Mason Chailes E—AS A AC 65th Diev, Robcit I —Pvt AAC 1 Holmes Haynes A A llliam AA Pic AAC 996 CID Wmg I, Sqdn B, Bks 3. Sec 3, Ter*ace, Plymouth Mass iss sP Lmt II Rm 11 106 720 Syiacusc N Y. Duh ay Bernard AV—AS A AC, 65t i So Muh Blvd Chicago Til Mason William P—Pvt A AC AAC CTD Syracuse Univ, Syiacise N Y Hazelwood Robert C — Al NAC 214 Mctcoio’ogical Ing Det, Bowdoin Dull R ymond S—A R1 D 2 II niton Ruffin Hall NPI S, Chrpel Hill, S C College... Bi unswick Me. Mime Heston Donald A—Cpl AAC 6th Mathews Richard T—Pvt A AC, Gioup Eaton Ficd G Jr —Pvt AAC TTC POTC 1165 Aberdeen Proving 10, Wmg C, Sqdn 990 (BTD), Sect 5 Bowdoin College Brunswick Grounds Md Atlantic Citv, N T M line Herman Fiedenck H Ji • AC N AC McKusick Rodney—Pvt A Co A 1st Eddy Robcit H—Pvt A Co D 2nd Btry 23 Co J Plat 3A 320 Lexing­ O ER OR TC, Abeideen Proving Plat 4th Ing Bn Camp Wheeler, Ga ton Bks Naval Pic Flight S Grounds, Md I u h >i n lolm G Pvt A Bti v A 4th Athens Ga Men ill, John P—AC.NAC, Kimball Bn I oit Eustis Aza Higgins Lcandci M.—Mid MM Maine Union Academy Menden N H Ellis Charles E—Pvt AAC Capital Maritime Academy Sec 9 Castine Me Moen Chailes D—Cpl A, Co Q, 15th R idio &. Eng Inst 3224-1601 St Higgins Leon F—AC A AC 909th T FG Sig Tng Regt, Foil Monmouth, N I N W Washington D C I It 95 C A AT T EC Miami Beach Fla Mullins Howaid 1—Pvt AAC 719th Ellis Rogei C Ji —Pvt AAC 65th Hill Bciton 1 li - Pvt A 4th Plat Tng Gip, Sqdn C AAFBTC, Atlantic CID (AC), AVing 2 Syiacuse Univ Co. B 2nd Med Ing Bn Camp Pick­ Citv, N J Syiacusc N A ett Az a Mui dock, Philip J Jr—Pvt AAC Gip Emmons Richaid C—Pvt A, logos Hopkins AVilliam I. —Pfc AAC 766th 10 Wmg C, Sqdn C BTI) Atlantic Maine 1 SS Bks 619 Buckley Field Colo Citv, N T I ttmgci Morton—S 2c N Co 1307 Howes Daniel N —S 2c N N A I I Cti Nardone Anthony B—Pvt A, Hq. Det, Yeoman Sell NIS, Nevvpoit R I Naval An Sta, Jacksonville Fla Gip 3 OCS Camp, Foit Eustis, Va

Military List, 19 Robei tson Robeit H, Jr Pvt A AC, 110th CA Bn (AA), Camp Edwan Nelson, Donald J—Pvt AAC, 713th Ing Co H 3rd Regt Foit Wanen, W vo Mass Gip A AFT It Sqdn D, lit 3, Rm Rogcis Haiold E—Pvt A, Co A, 137th rinu ston W av lie L —Pvt AAC. 901st 923,7Atlantic * Ci tv N I IDTB 4th Regt, North Camp Hood. Tl Gip, BIC 9, AAFITC, Sqdn Nelson Rogei I J -Pic A AC 37th 10-2 F it C, Miami Beach, Fla hit 4 Giand Rapids, Texas ISS Unit 0 Rowe, Allen B Jr—Pvt A AC. /06th Iomlinson Robert W—Pvt AAC Gi Mich Ing Grp Sqdn D. Rm 635. Atlantic 10. Wing C, Sqdn D, B TD Atlant Robei t ])—Pvt A Co A. 6th Newell. City, NJ City, N J Bn ERIC Foit Belvoir Va St Thomas Chailes E—AC A AC Sqdn liewoigy Hany T—Pvt AAC, 713 Notts. Steve A—A. Saco, Me F2 NAAC AATCC Nashville, lenn Sq A AI I IC, Sqdn D, Rm 924, Noyes. I eioy C—Cpl A. Co K 803id Atlmtic City, N J $13 Seiv Regt Fort Monmouth, N I Salmon Gcoigc A—Pic A AC Mid- West Athletic Club (Rm 1018), 6 N True Raymond H- AS N, Co 962, O'Connell Chailes F—Pte A AC 10th N IS Newport, R I I'SS, Bk" 874 I owiy Field II Denvei Hamlin Ave, Chicago 111 Sanders, Philip A—A Greenville, Me Tuinei, Paul D, Ji—Cpl AAC, Co Colo _ Scammon Hcmv G—Pvt A, 71 Conant 15th Sig Ing Regt Foit Monmout Olmsted Robeit I—Pvt M 1/lst Plat N J. 2nd Rcciuit Bn. Pams Island S C Ave Aubui n Me Schmidlm John R—Pvt A, Co B Sth Iumei Richard M—C pl AAC., 2502i Paikhurst, David B—Cpl A.^Co A, Sciv Unit Class 30, Silver Spiing M 293th Eng Bn (Combat) Camp Bn 4th Plat, Camp Wheeler. Ga Schofield Aithui I —S 2c N. 4 R1 VanTassell, Clayton E—Pvt AAC, Shelby, Miss 6W-15 NAT I Center Jacksonville, Aimv Sch Det , Keystone School, N‘ Paterson Pctei S—Pvt A AC, 33id 801 Brighton Rd Pittsburgh, Pr TSS lowiy 1 lcld I Denver Colo Fla Scott Robert I —Pvt A, Co F, 86th \ inVoorhis W ilium I — AC. N AC Bi PeHetiei Geiald F—Pic A AC, C’ass 3 Pin 8 Rm 47B. Bks 1. NPFS, 27. BAM I1C Aimstiong Hotel, Ini Camp Hale, Pando. Colo Sew all Maik W—Mid MM, Maine Williamstown, Mass Foit Collins, Colo Waddington Maynard—Pic AAC, Eng Pulley Goidon R—Pte A AC Class Maritime Academy, Castine, Me Shiimastci Sumnci II—Pvt A, Btry Sch Det, Gip 12, 20 Biookline Ave 27-B, AAFT1C, Aimstiong Hotel. Boston Mass Foit Collins Colo B 4th A A Bn 4th Plat Fort Eustis, Va W aid Ralph H Jr —N, Naval Ing Sta Petue, A incent T—Pte A AC, Co C. Bks. D, Co 43 Ncwjioit, R I Rm 256 A AS Bi 3. Biookings S I) Sherman, Tied M- AC A AC, 5O3rcl Sqdn Fit D 55th CID, Gettysbuig, Weatheibee, John R -Pvt AAC, 774t Peti in I co P —S 2c N Btry B Co 1306 TSS. Lowry Field, Colo Yeoman Sch, N I S, Newpoit R I Pa Sluit’eft John R Pvt AAC, Died in Weeks, Rudolph D—Pvt AAC, BTC A Pipci Robeit A—b 2c N Co 10 Sec F, BFG 412, Fit I 2 Miami Beach Fla. N TS Pui due U hv Laiiyette Ind Atlantic City, N J Smith Richard M — Pvt A, 4 SCU, 3410 Welch, John C —Pic A AC 782nd ISS Poet Lciov W — AS N NTS, G15, Co Bks 248, A AB, Lincoln Nebi 526, Sampson N Y Star, 3i d Comp The Citadel. Charles­ ton. S C Wcnslcy, Robert P - Pvt A, 86th Mt Polito Angelo I —Pic A, Co C 483id Inf., Co I Camp Hale, Pando, Colo A A A (AW ) Bn (Stm) A A AT C Spcai Everett I , II—Pvt A, Btry. B, Fort Bliss Texas 5th Bi Foit Eustis, Va White Donald S-Pvt A AC, AAFI TC Stanwood Harold K- Pvt A Co B 1st Giand Rapids Mich Powell, Noiman A—Pvt A Co G Sth White 1 iederick H. Ji--Pvt A Co \ Regt QMTC, 4th Plat Bks 757, CWS tng Regt RIC Camp Sibert Ala 6th El Bn ERTC, Foit Belvoir, Va Camp Ice Va White Paul J -Pvt AAC Gip 10 Rackhft Rogei C—Pvt A, Btrv C, Bn Staibnd Albeit W —Pvt AAC, Wing C, Sqdn D (BTD), Atlantic 4 3i d Plat Toit Eustis Va AAFMID Sec 4 Bowdoin College, City, N T Ramsdell Beinaid—S 2c N NTC, Bi unswick Me Wigley, Roland L—Pic AAC 317 TS 52nd & 1st Ave South Biooklyn N Y Staibnd, William A—Pvt A. 1104th Bks 894, Sheppaid Field Texas Ramsdell Robeit W—Pvt A, 56 Hamp­ Med Det, Foit McKinley, Me Willey, David G—Pic AAC. 600 ISS stead Rd Jamaica Plain Mass Stebbins Mui ray E—Pvt A, Btry D Bks 1723, Amaullo AAF Amatillo, Randall, Olivet M —Pvt A Co B 13th Bn Bldg 1720 Toit Eustis, Va Texas 594th F B A SR Camp Edwards, Mass Stephens, I lank O—Pvt A Co K, Bldg Walthers, Stuait I—AC AAC Co Rankin Knott C Ti —Pvt A Hq Btiy , T-727 3id I in Tng. Bn I ort Benja­ 3303rd AS I Unit, Bks 17 State 733rd F A Bn Camp Maxey Texas min Hairison Ind College Pa Reardon, Hcmv C — AC N AC Kimball Stevens Ralph A, III—Pvt A Co B, Wood Chailes—Pvt A Fit B Sec 1 Union Academy WTS Menden N H 6th Bn FRTC Toit Bclvon Va Bowdoin College Bi unswick Me Ricker John G—Pvt A AC AAF1 1C, Stewart Ronald E W —AS N, Co 571, Worthing Cliffoid A*—Pic A AC.. 733i Tng Gip 713. Sqdn D Rm 924 Sth Btry P O, NTS. Newpoit R I ISS, Fit 13 Fort logan Colo Atlantic Citv, N J Tayloi Car roll F—Pvt AAC Sqdn C, Yuen Wong G—Pvt A Btiy C. 56t Ricker, Vaughn H—Pvt A Co I, 86th 26th Tng Gip Jesseison Bks, Mo Bn Camp Callan San Diego Calit Inf Camp Hale, Pando, Colo Theriault Bcrnaid I —Pfc AAC, 367th Zollo John P Ji—Pvt A, ASF Un Robei tson, Keith H—S 2c N 4R-14W , TSS, 167 Bks , Scott I lcld, Ill 3904 10938 Stiathmore Di , I os Naval Air lech Cti , Jacksonville, Da Thui low Fiedcrick—Pvt A, Hq Btiv Angeles, 24 Calit

CODE OF ABBREVIATES GM Gunnel's Mate F A I leld Aitillery M Sgt Mastci Sei gcant Fin Finance Brandi of Service M 3c Mechanic 3id class Fit Flight Mid Midshipman Gi p Group A Ai my’ Pic Piivatc-hist class Hq Hdqis Headquai tci s AAC Armv Air Coips Ph VI Phai macist’s Mate Hosp Hospital CG Coast Guaid PO Petty Officer Int Iniantiy M Mai ines S lc etc Seaman fust class Mam Maintenance MM Merchant Mannes S Sgt Staff Sci gcant M cc / Mechanized N Navy T 3g Iechnical Sei gcant Med Medical NAC Naval An Coips MP Military Police NC Nuising Corps Miscellaneous NAS Naval An Station RCA Royal Canadian Army NA Naval Academy RCAF Royal Canadian Air Foice A A \nti-aircraft AMC Armv Medical Center Old Oidnance W AAC Womens Auxihaiv Aimy Plat Platoon W AVES Women s \uxihary Navy Am ph Amphibious Bks Bai lacks QM Qu? i tei mastci Rank or Title Bn Battalion Regt Regiment Bomb Bombaidment Bombing Rcpl Replacement AC Aviation Cadet BTC Basic 1 raining Ccntei Sch School Adj Adjutant Btry Batteiy Sec Section AMM Aviation Mechanic’s Mate Com Communications Sig Signal AS Air Student CTD College Tiaining Detach Sqdn Squadron ASN Appientice Seaman Navy CW Chemical Warfare 1 ng Training Cand Officer Candidate Det Detachment Tip T i oop CPO Chief Petty Officer Dist District ISS Technical School Ens Ensign ERC Enlisted Reset\e Coips Vet A ctei inarian

20 Military Secretary’s Report Commencement Registration Preliminary Report (Continued fiom Page 7) 1873—George H. Hamlm Of the Treasurer lerk m the office. It has been our policy 1876—Edvvaid M Blanding The annual 1 eport for the treasurer of keep up to date on all addiesses so 1883— Janie C Michaels 1884— Leslie W Cutter the General Alumni Association, esti­ r as it is possible to do so A special 1885— James N Hait, F L Russell mated for the year ending June 30, 1943, rectory has been maintained by classes 1887— Mis. Alice A Black follows. Certain points are especially list of those who have been lecipients 1888— John W. Hatch, Thomas G Lord 1889— A H White noteworthy. f citations and a biogiaphical file for 1890— George P. Gould, Fiedcnck G. First, under items of income, it is veiv man in Sei vice aie chief phases Quincy very gratifying to note that the response f oui important bianch of this woik 1891—W N. Patten to the Sei vice Fund appeal returned The Alumnus has been sent to all 1893— Waltei W. Ciosby, Charles F. Fiench, Charles C Murphy, George F. $1,221 50. This fund is for the purpose lumni and undergi aduates in Service Rowe, Hai rv M. Smith of keeping men and women in the armed ith the exception ot those who arc in 1894— James E Harvey forces in contact with their University. e -Xi my over>cas since Ximv icgula- 1896—F F. Black, Chai les Weston The Dues Committee succeeded very ons no longer peimit the sending of 1898—C Parkei Crowell 1902—W E Bariows, Edith M Bussell, well in collecting dues Total dues of all agamies unless upon mstiuction ot the A C. Lyon, Ralph Whittier kinds amounted to $7,677 Especially in­ dividual 1904— Albert L Whipple teresting is the increase in sustaining We have ent news lctteis to ovciseas 1905— Robert R Drummond, Adclbcrt W Spiague, G S Williams dues over the budgeted amount. lumni in place of the Alumnus The 1908— Milton Ellis, Tames A Gannett, The cost for the Alumnus of $2,422 ampu\ has been sent to members ot the Ballaid F Keith, William F Scamman appears low but $900 from the Service 1909— Fi ed D Knight, H W Smith, lasses ot 1942 and tlnough to 1946 m- Fund has been allocated to the magazine lusive who aie in Sei vice I he numbei Mrs William T Scamman Hairy F Sutton to defray costs of sending it to the alumni a recent weeks has been 735 The pait 1910— Edith M Patch, C F. Smith in service. hich the Association plays is mainly 1911— George D Bearce, Raymond W. It is expected that there will be an Davis, Avery C Hammond M F at of doing the addiessing and mail- operating surplus for the year over $600. ng The Campus has given the extia McCarthy , Elmei R Tobey 1912— A L. Deering, Maui ice D Jones, INCOME opies and the University Emergency War B C Kent. William E Schrumpf best Fund has paid the postage charges 1913— Clifton E Chandler, Edward E Est. Budget To Total he Association presented the University Chase, James E Cliuich, Harold Ham­ lin, C G Lutts, Walter C Stone May 15 1942-43 vith a Service Flag, which was dedi- 1914— H P Adams, Marion Buzzell, Advertising $ 1,450 $ 387 21 $ 987 21 ated at Homecoming President Hauck William E Gifford, Finest A Rand, Dues—An nual 6,150 5,565 00 5,640 00 ent a Chnstmas lcttci to all men in Harvey I Shaw, Frederick S Youngs Sustaining 1 300 1 490 00 1 490 00 1915— Margaret H Adams, Ava H Chad- Toint ) 450 137 00 137 00 "ervice The Association also sent a Special J 410 00 410 00 boume Raymond D Douglass, R H X 'Tiristmas greeting including the names F ogler James I Gulliver, H Walter Intelest 76 21 82 21 f all who then vveic known to be in the I cavitt Ray H Lindgren, Gladys H Service Fund 1,221 50 1 221 50 Miscellaneous ci vice Protcssoi Stanley Wallace Mernll, Paul T Slocum 1916— Maynard F Joidan, Fred P I or- Homecoming 229 43 229 43 rote a two-page letter at oui i equest Other 1 000 962 33 962 33 ing Omai F Tarr hat was sent to oui bovs in February 1917— Arthur AV Bevciage, Worthen E Total $10 350 $10,478 62 $11,159 68 This yeai has been one ot pleasure Bi awn Chai les E Ciossland, Mrs Cash Bi ought forward—Tulv 1 1942 2 620 36 vcicast with unccitaintv and proud sad- Milton Fills, R E McKown 1918— Ray Athciton W S Evans, Hariy $13 780 04 css It has been giatifying to see that D Watson, Albeit AA; Wundeilv lumni desire so lai as conditions will 1919— Frank W Loid Haiold M Pierce EXPENDITURES ossibly permit, to cany on to hold the 1920 -Barbara D Hitchnci 1921- Andrew Adams, Gcoigc S Gins- 1 he \lunnus $ 3 450 $ 1 722 22 $ 2,422 22 line until wai less days return It has bci g \lumni Set vice ecu moic difficult to plan most all phases 1923- 1 S Curtis, Cora R Doten 1 mblem 25 25 00 263 94 t oui woik because ot the unceitainties (Mis), Alfred G Hempstead T N Ortice Supplies 300 178 94 Pi inting 525 231 65 351 65 i vhich everyone faces Gieat pi ide has Mullen Giegorv Bakci Mi & Mis F M Dunham, I heron A Sparrow Postige 525 431 90 476 90 ceil ours in the gloiy heroism and hou­ 1925— Velma K Olivci, Mis William S il u ics 4 000 3 270 00 3,960 00 rs won by out boys Deep sonovv has Scln umpt Ti ivel 300 234 25 289 25 I el and Tel 75 31 17 51 17 oinc to us in gicatc-i measure than usual 1926— Wallace H Elliott, Mrs A D Nutting Office 1 quip 75 o one who has become attached to oui Motion Pictuics 75 64 00 64 00 1927— Sally Palmci Bogan, Richaid C 1 223 85 fine alumni, then passing, especially the Dollofl, A D Nutting Ser\ice Fund 608 85 oung alumni in wai, seems pcisonal and 1929— Robcit W Palmci, Miscell uicous Homecoming 225 31 225 31 these losses have taken a heavy toll on 1930— Harold IT Inman, Ficd I amorcau, 100 00 Manon F Rogcis, AWiricn A Stickney Commencement the spmt of the day Otliei 1 000 1 016 S3 1,046 S3 1931— Philip T BiockwayCharles E Io all those who have shared in cai ly­ O’Connoi, Mi & Mis Samuel Sezak rot il $10 350 $ 8 015 12 $10 500 12 ing the load, wc ot the executive stiff aie 1932— Mary G Bean, Austin H Fittz, Estimated Cish Balance— Smith C McIntire June 30 1943 3 279 92 extremely grateful lo President Gcoigc 1933— Lloyd G Ken stead, Foicst I< Beaice and President Aithui Hauck wc Moors $13 780 04 aie paiticulaily indebted tor then wise 1935— Betty L Davis Mis Phyllis counsel and gcncious use ot then time Kimball, Fiances Knight Non is and to oui genial and vciy coopciativc 1936— Haiold AA;oodbury Military 1937— Mis Haiold Woodbuiy 1911—Capt Heibeit Fenn treasuici wc owe an extia laigc thank 1938— Cail C Osgood Kay Rowe you 1923—Capt Henry L Doten 1939— Mrs Pauline D Powell 1932—It Albeit F Geiryr In concluding this, my fifteenth yeai as 1940— Alice \ Donovan, Tohn M Hanis 1935—Ensign John I Porter youi Executive Secictaiy, may 1 m one 1941— Kenneth D Bell, Alice F Chnstie 1941— Lt Lawrence B Ixcllev, Lt. Cail- sweeping gcstuie say it has been a joy 1942— Doiothy Frances Biewci, Philip J. ton Payson, Lt Sam Tiacey 1942— T t Booth G. Leavitt to scive Maine alumni, the Association, Libby, Mrs Barbara E JMyson, Cornell C. Rushworth, Elizabeth R Scammon, 1943— Midshipman Clarence Reginald and the Univei sity Lois Stone Gilman 11 June, 1943 9 England that has maintained throughc the past yeai a first-vear ineligibil policy ioi varsity teams and has schcdul With Ike. full piogiams in all spoits foi both fics man and varsity squads This policy h maintained student interest and has i suited in unusually laige turnouts tor t VARSITY BASEB ALL VARSITY TRACK various spoits Awards ot numerals ai letters dunng the yeai totalled 327 Colby 8—Maine 7 New England Meet further dec leases in cniollmcnt tl In the last state senes game Colb} Competing with 15 other schools in the lack of suitable opponents, and the nece bioke the tie in the last of the tenth with annual New England Tiack Meet at sity ot further budget curtailment, w a double to the leit field foi victoiy at Boston on Mav 8 Maine took third place require the consolidation ot the varsi Waterville, on May 5 The stalling Fust place winners ioi Maine wcic and freshman progiams tor the cornu Maine pitchei was Dick Palmci ot I is- Senior Bob Dodge of Bangoi. Hammer, year It is planned to cany on all spor bon Falls who was replaced in the 4th Phil Hamm ot Charleston, Two-mile as long as possible, but conditions wi' inning bv semoi Gordon Toolev ot Oro­ Run Red I eclan High Hui dies Ahead without doubt cause iuithci ieadjustmen no Conti ibuting to the Colby v lctory of Maine in the total weie Bill Keny on served as acting head coac was a big 6th inning ot five runs includ­ with 34

Returns have been especially heaiten- g fiom the Sei vice Fund suggestions the first six notices ot the ycai the ggcstion was added that a small extia lount added to dues would help in send- ig 7 Zu- Alumnus to men in service Fiom Iust this small leminder 714 pei sons have ontributcd $1 221 50 toi the I und lhe Dues Honoi Roll will be published V his ycai sepaiatc iiom The Alumnus be­ K au sc ot the decision to include, a com­ plete Service Directory in the June issue ft will be compiled and mailed to all dues >ayeis dui mg the summci In the Honoi 3.oll as it stands at pi esent the leading flasses aic 1940—73, 1917—47 1910 14. 1938—44, 1911 -43 & & Memorial— President Hauck on behalf of the U111- Sixteen members of the Class of 1947, registered this month as fresh­ men, claim fathers or mothers or both among the alumni of the University. zcrsity honoi cd eighteen Maine men who Pictured above are thirteen of them who were able to meet for the photog­ lave given then lives lot then country rapher as classes got underway for the summer term. luting a Mcmonal Sei vice on Sunday, Front row, left to right: Roscoe A Pike, Augusta (Roscoe M. 22); Ella May 16 The service was sponsoicd by Sawyer, Portland (Charles A. ’17); Mary Elizabeth Marble, Skowhegan (Gerald C. ’17); Ronald Pike, Augusta (Roscoe M. ”22). he MC A and the Umvcisity Second row, left to right: John Ballou, Bangor (William R. 12); Carl­ ton G. Lutts, Jr., Salem, Mass. (Carlton G. "13) ; Stanton R. NN inslow, Hart­ I ford, Conn. (Arthur F. ’23) ; John A. Hall, Orono (Howe NN . 14) ; Donald Portland Alumnae have icpoited a F. Packard, South Paris (Fannie Flint Packard ’16). successful veai in spite of wartime diffi- Third row, left to right: Walter Hatch, Old Town (Lynwood S. 22); ultics, including a successful dance on E. Olis Dyer, Framingham, Mass. (Samuel ’12); Peter Crockett, West Rox- May 1 at the Poitland Country Club burv, Mass. (Mark V. ’19); Gerald M. Bates, Jr., Falmouth Foreside (Gerald M. ’23). [Meetings since the fiist of the ycai have Unable to be present for the picture were three members of the group: (included a book-i eview piogram, lecture Thomas A. Mu rray, Jr., Hampden Highlands (Thomas A. ’21); Roger F. on “Women and the News,” and a picnic Thurrell, East Wolfeboro, N. II. (Robert F. ’15); Norman E. Torrey, Bangor meeting in May. (“Norman E. ’19, Antoinette Gould Torrey ’23). Piesident foi the year has been Mrs FreidaJune, 1943Weaver Piouty' ’29 assisted by 13 Miss Kathleen Woimwood ’36, Vice Piesident In chaige of the piograms was Barbara Johnson ’29 1906 Gilbert M Carlson, son of Got hard W of Milton, Mass, wa ALUMNI Personals graduated from the University with a de gree in Forestry 1909 and Mrs S. Arthur Par of Longfellow Street, Portland necrology Pitometer he worked on construction of have purchased a residence on Bay Shor the Panama Canal and later was engaged Drive Falmouth Foreside, and will mov there shortly 1888 in water works construction He was with the Pitometer Company tor thirty CHARLES BENJAMIN GOULD 1910 Member of the Governor’ years He was a member of Sigma Chi Council, George J Wentwort On April 25 in a Bangor hospital, Charles fraternity B Gould of Orono died following a sur­ of Kennebunk has joined the personne gical operation, after a period of impaired 1921 department of the New England Ship health A native of Orono, he had lived JOHN ALBERT DUNTON Super­ building Corporation of South Portland all his life in the University town since intendent of Schools in Stonington Dis­ according to a newspaper account recent 1874 in his present home on Main Street trict John A Dunton died suddenly on ly He will serve as an interviewer in except for some winters spent in Florida May 7 in Stonington He had been in his new position He continues to make or California For many years Mr Gould poor health for some time Previous to his home in Kennebunk was employed as a salesman and became his appointment to the Stonington School Horace J Cook of Auburn has beer a part owner of the Rines Co store in District he had served for some years as elected a director of the Auburn Loar Bangor recently succeeding his brother, superintendent in Guilford He was a and Building Association who died in February as president Mr graduate of the University in Economics Tied W Conlogue, formerly at Oak Gould was known as an active and in­ and a member of Phi Eta Kappa frater­ land California is now at Boulder Creek terested alumnus returning often to re- nity California according to a card received unions of his class and participating in recently from him the work of the Senior Alumni He was 1923 George A Stuart is now at 25 George the oldest member of the local Kappa OSCAR NORELL A practicing phy­ Street Springfield, Mass Sigma fraternity sician in Caribou since 1932 Dr Oscar Norell died at his home at that city on 1911 Two members of the class were 1890 May’ 3 A native of Caribou he was represented in the graduating EDMUND NEEDHAM MORRIIL graduated from the University in 1923 class of 1943 who received degrees at Retired professor of metallurgy at the where he was a member of Sigma Chi Commencement on Mav 23 Marcia Mc­ School of Mines Columbia University fraternity He received his M D degree Carthy is the daughter of Maurice G Dr Edmund N Morril died on May 18 from George Washington University in McCarthy of Waterville She receive at his home in Long Branch N J , at the 1929 He was then appointed a first her degree in Business Administration age of 75 A native of Portland he fol­ lieutenant in the Medical Corps of the Joseph I lanagan son of John P of Ban­ lowed his study at the University with U S Army serving at Carlysle Bar- gor received his dcgiee in Chemical advanced work in mineralogy in Colorado racks Pennsylvania He served as an Engineering and New Mexico and was connected tor interne at Washington and the following E Crabtree was chairman several years with a mining company year as second resident in surgery at the Hancock district drive in He was subsequently associated with Co­ Union Memorial Hospital Baltimore Md the Second War Loan The Hancock lumbia until his retirement last year He In 1932 he went to Caribou to practice district topped its quota by 18 2 per cent was a member of Phi Gamma Delta fra­ medicine and surgery serving on the Helen Deering the daughter of Dean ternity staft of the Cary Memorial Hospital He Arthur Deering of Orono was presented was a member of the Aroostook County 1898 her degree by her father at the Com­ Medical Society and a charter member of mencement Exercises held at the Univer­ CECIL CHESTNUT JOHNSTON the Lions Club Report has just been received of the death sity last month She was graduated in of Cecil C Johnston in San Diego, Cali­ 0 0 Home Economics fornia, in March 1942 A native of Fort 1913 Edward F Chase has been ap- Fairfield, he attended the University from BY CLASSES pointed a member of the New 1894-1897 and subsequently attended England committee which will investigate M I T Since 1916 he has been a resident 1900 Mr George O. Hamlin has re- freight rates now being maintained by of California and until his retirement in turned to his summer home at the Federal Interstate Commerce Com­ 1932 he owned and operated a hardware Boothbay Harbor mission The committee will then advise store in San Diego He was a member of New England governors ATO fraternity 1901 Louise B Hoyt, the daughter of| Henry’ P of Easton, was one The class of 1913 was represented in 1903 the graduating class at the University last oi the members of the Class of 1943 re- month by Charlotte Gifford daughter of RODERICK EDWARD MULLA­ ceiving degrees on May 23 She ma- William E. Gifford of Bangor, and S NEY For many years a leading engi­ jored in Home Economics neer in Maine, Roderick E Mullaney of Hobart C handler son of Sidnev H of Bangor died on May 5 following a sudden 1903 Two alumni of the class had Caribou Miss Gifford received her de- and brief illness He was stricken at the children in the graduating class gree in Mathematics and Mr Chandler in quarters of the ration board of which he at the University last month Dana R Mechanical Engineering was executive secretary and died in the Cunningham son of Pearl G of Old 1914 Harold J Shaw of Sanford, for- Eastern Maine General Hospital A na­ Town received a degree in mechanical mer chairman of the Maine tive of Bangor, he was graduated from the engineering and Lois White daughter of State Milk Control Board has been University in Civil Engineering a mem­ Charles M of Augusta received a de­ elected a member of the executive com­ ber of Phi Kappa Phi, honorary society gree in Home Economics mittee of the Maine Milk Dealers Associ­ and ATO fraternity He served in the 904 Charles H Sampson head- ation Office of the State Board of Assessors ’ master of Huntington School Wayland D Towner who organized Augusta and was later associated with has been teaching courses in ship mathe the Community Chest in San Antonio, Orono Pulp and Paper Company as woods matics and blueprint leading for the ma Texas two years ago and has since been manager and later vice president Mr chine trades at Harvard University On its directing head has relinquished that Mullaney served as Assistant State Di­ July 1 he will take up teaching duties at job to become general manager of the rector of the PWA and as District Mana­ Bates College, Lewiston United War Chest of Texas Mr Towner ger for the WPA One son Roderick E A M Knowles of Cleveland Heights began his career of fund-raising and wel- Mullaney, Jr was graduated tiom the Ohio, has recently been promoted to En­ fare work after serving a year in France University in 1937 and a daughter Ellen gineer of Structures with the Erie Rail- with the 20th U S Engineers in World in 1930 road War I Among other financial campaigns 1906 he his conducted the financing of Ad- 1905 J Ricker has been ap­ mil al Byrd’s fir st antarctic expedition and EDGAR KENNARD WILSON On pointed a member of the Agri- March 31 Edgar K Wilson formerly Amelia Farbart’s first transatlantic flight cultural Advisory Council, a group serv­ Two members of the class had sons in treasurer and chief engineer of the Pi­ ing in an advisory capacity on matters tometer Company died at the age of 64 the graduating class at Commencement at affecting the Maine Agricultural Experi- the University on May 23 Richard Sin- at his home in Upper Montclair New ment Station the College of Agriculture Jersey Previous to his service with kinson son of George F of Saylesville and the Extension Service R I received a degree in Journalism

14 June, 1943 gG b d David Sturgis, Jr, son of David W. United States after spending fifteen for him Rex (Danny Boone) Buzzell hoO f Gorham, in Mechanical Engineering. months in the southwest Pacific He is with his wife and their daughter, Betty, 915 Raymond H Fogler, president now stationed at Drew Field, Tampa, attended the Alumni Banquet, but not of class of 1915, spoke to the Florida another ’20 did I see there io id enior Skull society on campus at the Three children of the class of 1919 We welcome Marguerite Mills Beach Igu nual initiation banquet during Com- were among the graduating class of the on her return to New England. Her new roarj encement week-end The occasion was University last month Roy A Ladner, home is New Haven, Conn., where her ini e initiation of new members into the Jr, son of Roy A of Bangor, was gradu- husband, the Rev. David Nelson Beach, 7131 ciety Another reason for Mr Fogler’s ated in Business Administration , Samuel has been named pastor of the historic P Smiley, son of Samuel R of Water­ iHOP.3 resence was the graduation of his son Center Church During the past seevral ’fin enry who received a degree in Chemical ville in Animal Husbandry , Jay Lord, years he has held the pastorate of the nrig ngineering with distinction from the son of Frank W of Kezar Falls, in Me­ Plymouth Congregational Church in [ovi niversity Mr Fogler’s present address chanical Engineering Minneapolis, Minn isH Hastings-on-Hudson N Y He is 1920 Commencement comes again to Classmates will sympathize with New­ ibi9 eceived then degrees at the 73rd Com- while Vinton, Jr, is finishing his sopho­ encement Exercises May 23 I hey more year at Waban high school and CONTRACTORS FOR vere Beverly Brawn, daughter of then, as is then custom, they will summer Slate—Tile—Metal—Tar and orthen E of Brunswick, a major in at Camden, Maine, where he devotes him­ Gravel Roofing oology , Arthur Beverage Jr son of self to his hobby—sailing and the sea. 1 Arthur W of North Haven, a major in In Texas Major Hany Butler is serv- 104 Hammond St. Tel. 8784 / Civil Engineering, Robert T Dodge son ing in the school of Aviation Medicine at Richard B of Bangor a major in Me- Randolph Field He has recently been hanical Engineering, Claire transferred from the Station Hospital, aughter of Eugene of Lockes A A E Technical School, Sioux Falls OLD SOUTH nglish S D where he was in charge of the eve PHOTO ENGRAVING 1918 James Speirs has been named a car nose and throat department since -member - — memb erof of the District Mainte entering active service in August 1942 CORP. The active younger generation is cer­ ! anee Advisory Committee representing Makes Plates for utomotive-highway transportation groups tainly delivering the goods Charles he committee is made up of eleven mem- Bruce ’46 (Harold Bruce) has been initi­ The Maine Alumnus eis and each man will serve as chairman ated into the Phi Mu Delta fraternity ; 2 his sister Virginia has finished a year f a sub-committee The purpose of the 99 Bedford St. Boston, Klass. ommittee is to provide better service of study at Nasson Institute Charles r or the Commercial Motor Vehicle Group Clark (Blanch Jennys and Charles, '19) nd it is under the Office of Defense is now completing Basic Training in Coast t ransportation Artilley at Camp Eustis Va He has For Comfort at already passed his interview for Officers’ Winburn A Dennett, principal of Hope T Journey’s End ale high school Hopedale, Mass was Candidate School Timmy Wentworth (Helen White and Ralph '18) is prepar- I warded the dcgree of Master of Educa- ion from the University at the 1943 ing for the battle line with ski troops training at Camp Hale, Col Jean Stev­ 0 / ommencement ens (Van) and John Potter (George and Last month’s Alumnus stated that Helen Clark ’22) have been elected to ohn Fitzgerald a former law student the Sophomore Eagles an undei graduate f Maine, was living on Exchange Street organization to winch ten outstanding angor This is a mistake and the col­ freshmen are annually elected I BANGOR' I lect address is 242 Bradley Street Port- Van and Mrs Stevens were recently and, with a business office on Exchange X BANGOR * A treet Portland on campus for a brief visit and now and again “Kid” Potter gets down for a quick Famous Maine Food look-see Verne Beverly was here for Modern Cocktail Lounge 1919 was chairman of Cheery Rooms from $1.75 day • ' * ' the Caribou region for the Sec- Farm and Home Week which was held H. W. Chapman, Prop. nd War Loan drive during the spring vacation Such agricul- Captain Ray M Astle is back in the tural meetings always mean busy hours I

Tune, 1943 15 r is now at Water Gate Inn, 2700 F St cently from Charles (Pop) Snow. He Commencement Exercises Mr Hemp­ stead had the unique experience of seeing N W , Washington, D C has been re-elected to the position of Robert N Haskell of Bangor wa Superintendent of Schools for Brown­ among the seniors before him his own son and daughter David G was gradu- named as an officer of the Penobsco field, Denmark Fryeburg, and Stow for County chapter of the American Rec a term of three years He has now held ated inmechanical engineering and Mary V in home economics Cross at their annual meeting at the Ban this position for twenty years and com­ gor House last month ments that it he stays much longer he'll Henry L Doten has been promoted from the lank of lieutenant to captain, Mix George E Lord has been electee feel quite well settled in the community president of the Orono Woman's club I quote from his letter and also has been transferred to the Pri- mary Student Training Division, Wash­ Mrs George Lord I missed your items in the Alumnus ington D C Captain Doten has been 38 Forest Ave for the last issue Hope you have not receiving treatment at the Walter Reed Orono, Maine gone oft to the wars or something” (No hospital in that city as an aftermath of Pop I’ve not gone to the wars—but the pneumonia During Commencement week 1926 Kenneth W Barkci, assistant class news sure enough had ) “It is Captain Doten visited in Orono supervisor of the Maine Health with solemn pride, isn't it that we read Fust Lieut Roy L Fernaid of the and Welfare Department’s headquarters of the Maine men and women in the ser­ Judge Advocate General’s department, for homeless men at Jefferson, was pro vice of then country, so many, so many Washington at present at home in Win moted to supervisor Speed the day when we shall read of terport following his honorable discharge Miss Emily Pendleton of the Sanford then return instead of their departures High School faculty has been named by God bless them all and bring them safely from the Army, was honored at the annual town meeting It was voted unan­ the Executive Committee of the York home to Maine —‘ All is well with the County leathers’ Association as its dele­ Snows ” imously to name the municipal airport Fernald Field gate to the National Education Assembly And how is it with you—1920’s every­ Helen Mullen the daughter of Joseph to be held in Indianapolis on June 28 and where’ Are you going somewhere'' Do­ Mullen of Caribou. received a degree in 29 Miss Pendleton will leave for that ing your share in the Army or Navy— English from the University on May 23, city on June 25 Miss Pendleton a mem- or K P around the home’ Rushing on the 20th annversary of the graduation ber ot the Maine Ieacht ers' Association’s breathless to the Red Cross’ Keeping of her father's class Committee on Local Organization will active with that interesting family of Mrs Iva M Burgess attend a meeting of that committee in yours' Play the angel and share the Experiment Station Augusta On Monday, May 24 she is be­ news with your secretary Campus ing accompanied to Augusta by Mrs Barbara Dunn Hitchner Frank D Folsom 51 Bennoch Road 1924 Guv E Griffen has been pro- Mrs Albeit D Nutting Orono, Maine moted from the rank of captain 9 College Heights to major He is head of Sanitary Engi- Orono, Maine Mrs Linwood Kelley of Lew­ neering Section Repairs & Utilities Di 1921 iston and Thomas Murray of vision First Service Command He is 1927 A couple of address changes Hampden were appointed members of the located at 75 Federal St Boston Mass from 27 Mr Daniel Webster Agricultural Advisory Council at a re- Mrs Donald Neal whose address we is now at 38 Surf Rd Cape Cottage, cent meeting in the office of President have had as Danforth writes us that she formerly at Haverhill Mass Hauck is at home 89 Spruce St, Poitland George Lary is still at Little Rock, Mrs Rena Campbell Bowles is Assis­ Wallace Perkins now holds an lmpor- Ark but his address is Route 2 Box tant Foods Specialist for the Maine Agri- tant position in research with the Gen 40A, instead of 100 N Pine cultural Extension Service with head- eral Motors research lab in Detroit, Ernest H Giant has been promoted to quarters at the University. Mich the rank of captain He also writes that The Reverend Alfred G Hemp­ Mrs C C Little a daughter. Margaret Avalon Grant was 1923 stead now serving as pastor of Box 558 born Feb 2 1943 Capt Grant is an the Pratt Memorial Methodist Church of Bar Harbor Maine instructor at the 1st S C Tactical School Rockland was the minister for the Uni- L B Chalmers has notified us Sturbridge Mass Mary Lovely, daughter of Claude G of versity’s Commencement Exercises on 1925 of a change in his address He May 23 In delivering the prayer at the Old Town was one of the seniors gradu­ was formerly at White Plains. N Y but ated at the Commencement Exercises of the University on May 23 Mrs Edith O Thaxter 106 Fountain St BANGOR BOX CO. PRENTISS & CARLISLE CO. INC. Bangor, Maine PAPER BOXES, FOLDING CARTONS TIMBERLANDS — ENGINEERS COMMERCIAL PRINTING 1930 Emerson Stymiest is now in 12 Hammond St , Bangor, Maine ■ the Army He is assistant Post 75 So Main St , Brewer, Me Geo T Carlisle '09, Philip P Clement Engineer and is stationed at the Stark H F Drummond, 1900 17 Robert W Averill ’20 Paul E General Hospital Charleston S C Mail­ Pres and Treas Atwood ’26, Geo D Carlisle ’35 ing address Lt Emerson A Stymiest, 176 Ashley Ave, Charleston S C Asa V Wasgatt of the Bar Harbor DEPENDABLE PHOTOS limit was elected president of the Maine ERVE Years of Experience and Modern Press Association at a recent meeting T° S Equipment insure Satisfactory Horace S Estey, since 1938 vice presi­ Results dent and general manager of the Bangor FACULTY Gas Co has tendered his resignation to MYERS STUDIO become effective immediately Mr Estey STUDENTS Old Town became associated with the company as ALUMNI superintendent of production in 1930 Later he was transferred to Lowell We Offer - - Mass, where he was industrial engineer Bangor Coke for the Lowell Gas Light Co He re- THE CANTEEN—in Oak Hall, turned to Bangor in 1934 and successively for the convenience of stu­ Is made in has been superintendent of distribution, dents . .. Bangor general superintendent and finally vice THE BARBER SHOP—in Fer­ president and general manager naid Hall, for the conven­ Bangor Gas Co. Rachel Matthews of Hampden High­ ience of all ... lands was one of the recipients of Ad­ and vanced Degrees at the University of Maine’s 73rd Commencement She re- THE BOOKSTORE—friendly ceived the degree of Master of Arts in gathering place for every­ HAYNES & CHALMERS CO. A S. Chalmers ’05, Treas Mathematics The title of her thesis one! was “Practical Applications of Plane HARDWARE Trigonometry ” UNIVERSITY STORE CO. Mrs Pauline H Leech On the Campus BANGOR MAINE Homer Folks Hospital Oneonta, N Y

June, 1943 1931 Time for another Commence- has been appointed head of Maine’s insti­ Potter, U S N.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. ment issue! Tempus more than tutional farms. His duties are coordinat­ Guy Potter of Woodland, has been an­ ugits with me nowadays, it positively ing the institutions’ farm activities nounced here by the parents of the bride gallops Lillian Wall recently' addressed a group The wedding took place in the Methodist Army news fust Bill Wells is wear­ composed of doctors, teachers and parents Church at Woodland ing silver bars on his shoulders now in- at the children’s hospital in Boston. She The couple left for Miami, Fla., where stead of gold His address is Lt Wil- explained the responsibility which each of the bridegroom will be stationed for a niham C Wells, APO #441, Los Ange- the three groups holds towaid the physi­ short time Mrs. Potter was graduated laes, Calif cally handicapped child and explained the from Woodland High School and is a Mrs Mrs Linwood Elliott (Florence Ward) operation of the school for physically member of the graduating class of 1943, ST)] traveling with her husband who is on handicapped children in Bangor, ot which University of Maine, where she is a r/ifl ctive duty Lin is now a captain she has been head since its inception member of Phi Mu sorority ibd More nice news about Galen Veayo Henry Marsh, cost accountant and office Mr. Potter was also graduated from fl s He has just been elected principal of Ed- manager with Algin Corp of America, is Woodland High School and attended the bd ward Little High School in Auburn, after living at 24 Warren St, Rockland University of Maine before becoming a serveral years as principal of Walton And now the best wish I can make for pilot in the Navy Air Corps. unior High you all is that your Victory Gardens live Miss Agnes Crowley Verne Snow has a new address al- up to the pictures in the seed catalogues! 59 Western Ave. 2.U0;lough he is still located in Pievidence Maddy Russ Biddeford, Maine ?.iHis mail leaches him now c/o Clifton 37 George St Burgess, Hoxie, R I Springfield, Mass 1937 Willett Rowlands is with the Home-town news catches up with me 'US Army’ Air Corps and is occasionally Micky McGuire who has 1935 Dudley S Merrill who has an instructor with the Weather Training |Seen doing civilian work with the Army been receiving his mail at 960 Center. His address is. S/Sgt. Willet ib-i Ordnance division for some tune was Center St, Boston, Mass , is, according to Row lands, Weather Training Center, 22nd ioq recently transferred from Washington the post office, getting it at P O Box 273, Academic Squadron, Room 519, Rowe J 0 C, to Detroit His address—Tiancis Glenwood Springs, Colorado Hotel, Grand Rapids, Mich /! b McCune, 17139 Van Buren St, De­ Arthur B Otis is no longer at Bridgton Norman D. Carlisle has been promoted j id troit, Mich but at 320 Berkley St, Rochester, N Y from the rank of captain to major. He M My thanks to everyone who has writ- We have had George E Fitch in our is located somewhere in North Africa zen me this year News will reach me Military File but a card from his father Mr & Mrs Donald Q Burleigh of 53 in luring the summer at mv home addrees says that he is employed at S Portland Chapel St, Augusta, announce the engage­ | Doris I Gross ship yard He is married and has two ment of their eldest daughter, Miss Sarah Stonington, Maine boys Mr Fitch is living at East Sebago Elizabeth Burleigh, to Kenneth S. Pruett, The post office sends word that Stanley I USNR Miss Burleigh graduated from 1932 Edward R Crozier of Brown- Bennett is now at Woodlawn Ave, » the U of M last month. Mr. Pruett of • ville was presented the degree Bristol R I Kittery, is serving as chief specialist, r. \ • I of Master of Arts in Mathematics by the Edward C Ellsworth is now an Ensign Division of Athletics. U S.N.R, and is rri University at the 73rd Commencement in the Naval Reserves His address is stationed at the Naval Tng Sta., Camp Exercises held on May 23 Mr Crozier USNR Navy 8055 c/o Fleet Post Hill, Farragut Ind 23' presented for his thesis the subject ‘ Uni- Office New York City In April of 1942 bj ed Method of teaching Elementary Edward was married to Miss Elsie French Mrs Robert DeWick KI Graphs ” of West Spring field. Mass. The lucky 57 Hartley•F St Portland, Maine Bill Bratton writes that he has couple have just become the proud parents 1933 of twin boys The news grows scarcer and * changed his address again and Mr Mrs O Hanson announce s now and T 1938 scarcer each month. I have be- working for Montgomery Ward the birth of Marjorie Ann, May 9, L o, 75 Vanek St New York in the fore me three newspaper clippings which weighing 7 pounds my family kindly sent me, five typewrit­ Regional Office He is doing analytical The marriage of Miss Dorothy Bell, work in the inventory control dept Bill ten items from the Alumni Office, two daughter of Mr and Mrs S L Bell of baby announcements, and two letters from band Mary have two potential Maine under- Main St Orono, and It (j g ) Alvah graduates Scott Bratton age 6 and classmates I am going to have to send Sylvia Bratton, age 3 1/2 Carlton F Noyes, who was working with Radio Station WTIC in Hartford, Wholesale DAKIN Retail Conn , has moved to 45-09 Forest Drive Member Federal Reserve Bank rd Douglaston L. I He is repotted to be loing special work with and for Columbia THE SPORT SHOP University in that area SHEP HURD ’17 M A. HURD ’26 Edwin M Dane recently has been com- Mgr Bangor Mgr. Waterville missioned as Lt (j g ) in U S Naval Store Store Reserves BANGOR WATERVILLE Miss Mary G Bean 2 Madison St. YOU WILL FIND IT AT Bangor, Maine Young men and women will | Well, we shot one bolt last always find this banking in­ HARDWARE month but it was fun while it and VARIETY asted That nice long column made me stitution interested and help­ eel as though it were our first instead of ful in their business progress. 31-37 MILL ST. ORONO bui ninth year out. There was one important omission in Responsibility is reflected by Duke DeCourcey’s letter and that was a checking account, which is Duke’s employment He called himself helper to the President of the Bridgeport also a factor in establishing Bangor Furniture Co. Brass Works credit and standing. < ] Jack Leddy has been appointed Maine Complete House Furnishers • J >’JState Advisor to the Committee on l egal 84-88 Hammond Street aAssistance to the Armed Forces We lave hopes of seeing the Leddys this The Bangor. Maine nj umms er Bob has to get acquainted with his god-son. Merrill Del Ballaid resigned from the faculty Edward E Chase, President it Boston University in January to accept position as training coordinator for Trust Company With twelve offices in MAINE SECURITIES COMPANY Worthcast Airlines Inc at Boston He Eastern Maine ‘eccntly bought a house at 5 Fuller 465 Congress Street Terrace, Swampscott Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Don Corbett is still making a name for Portland, Me. himself in the agricultural world He

June, 1943 17 f thing from the Boston Globe “Richard out a lot of personal letters soon in older News of those in the service received from the Alumni Office is as follows E Williams, Millwood Street, Flaming to keep this column going ham, severely injured in the Cocoan One newspaper item reads, “Mr and Cora E Sharon has been promoted from third to second officer in the W A AC’s Giove fire on the eve of his entry into th Mrs William A Van Putte of Rochester, Army as a candidate for a commission, h N Y, announce the engagement of their She is at present stationed at the Fourth WAAC Training Center, Fort Devens, recovered and has now entered the Unite daughter Jeanette, to Nelson B Carter, States Coast Guard at Caribou Maine, a son of Mr. and Mrs Chandler B Carter Mass Lt Harry W Smith is at present located “ somewhere in the South Pacific ’’ a Cadet” Thanks for your letter Lena of Brewer Miss Van Putte was gradu- Lena’s address is Mrs Herbert Denneh ated from the Rochester schools and has He is a navigator on a “flying fortress” a position with Bausch and Lamb, Roches­ and has over 700 combat hours to his 29 Tidd St, Swampscott, Mass ter. Mr Carter holds a B S and M S credit He was awarded The Distin­ Norma Lueders sent me a few addresse degree from the University of Maine, guished Service Cross last October tor She says Lucille and John Venskus hav where he was a member of Tau Beta Pi gallantry' in action and has since been moved again, 17 Anthony Rd W Bar and Alpha Chi Sigma honorary societies recommended for other citations E rington, R I Althea Millett Brown’ He is employed as metallurgist with the Frederick Andrews has been transferred address is Mrs Paul Brown, 111 Newbol Eastman Kodak Co Mr Carter is organ­ from Fort D A Russell, Texas to the Ave Needham, Mass Norma says Mr ist at the Dewey Avenue Presbyterian Chemical Warfare Service Officer Candi­ Hilton has one of the darlingest sons yo Church, Rochester The date_ of the date school at Edgewood Arsenal Md ever saw but she didn’t include any detail wedding has been set for July 17’ His mailing address is Cadet E Freder- as to his name and age And she als Word has been received by the Alumni ick Andrews Co L Class 23, Regiment mentioned that Barbara Brown Round Office that Cpl Stuart P Lane was mar- of Cadets, Edgewood Arsenal Md Lt has three children, which was news to m ried to B Virgie Dolley of Enfield April James M McNulty ex ’38, was awarded I'd like more particulars on that, too 30, 1943, in New Brunswick, N J the Silver Star for shooting down a Ruthe Seavey McGinley and Mac an In April, Mrs Margaret Hinkley Davis German plane over southwest Iceland their son are living at Flintstone Farm daughter of Mr and Mrs Victor Hinkley Every month we seem to have a couple Dalton, Mass now Thank you, too 1 Chamberlain St Brewer became the of babies to announce a lot of future Norma for these tid-bits bride of Buel David Dean son of Mr and sons and daughters of the Class of 38 Lt and Mrs Howard? West announc Mrs Buel W Dean of Pittsfield Mass This month there is a bov and a girl A the birth of a son born May 19, 1943 Lt Howie Goodwin was the organist Peg son George Allen Trask, weighing 6 lbs West is stationed at Fort Devens, Mass has a position with O P A as clerk of 8 ozs was born on April 24 in Naugatuck with 152 Ren Sqdn the Brewer rationing board Mr Dean a Conn to Helen (Lewis) and Allen Trask The engagement of Miss France graduate of Pittsfield Mass high school \ daughter Suzanne Searles On weight Corinne Kelleher daughter of Mrs Ethe has just graduated from the University 8 lbs 2 ozs was born on April 30 to Kelleher of Orono and the late Bartholo in mechanical engineering Mr and Mrs Barbara (Ware) and Russ Orr Russ is mew Kelleher to Carl Chapin Osgood Dean will reside for the present at 1 a dentist in Wilton Maine Best wishes was announced May 22 Miss Kelleher Chamberlain St, Brewer. to all tour parents and both babies is a graduate of Bangor High Schoo and of Gilman Commercial School 1 On April 6 Miss Louise Williams of From a letter from Lena Rafuse Den- Albany, N Y became the bride of Lt nehy I quote the following ‘I have been 1936 and is at present employed as secre- Richard S Stevens son of Mr and Mrs working in the John Hancock Life In­ tary for the Engineering Science and Richard S Stevens of Otis street Bangor surance Company for the past five years Management War Training program a Mrs Stevens attended St Agnes school as you know I left there just recently and the U of M Carl graduated from Ells- and was graduated from St Mary's school am now working at the J F McAdams worth High School and from the U of M Peekskill, N Y. Lt Stevens, after gradua­ Milk Co in Lynn My husband is in the in 1938 He has had employment with tion from Maine graduated from Harvard Army and is in North Africa I am the Bangor Hydro-Electric Company and Dental school in 1942 and then served a keeping the home fiesr burning and living with the Maine Central Railroad and six month’s interneship at Albany General alone in our home while he is away I since 1939 has served as instructor in the Hospital He has been assigned to the hear off and on from Betti and Art Smith Department of Mechanical Engineering at Station Hospital at Carlisle Barracks Pa They are now at 10 Second Ave Water­ the U ot M where he received his and following the brides graduation in bury, Conn Art's job is supposed to be degree of Master of Science from the Uni- June from Centenary Junior College there until June sometime and then he will versity at the 73rd Commencement held Hackettstown,. N J Lt and Mrs Ste probably be moved again Betti and the last month in the held of Mechanical En­ vens will make then home in Carlisle Pa babies are fine ” Lena also copies some­ gineering The title of his thesis was Investigation of the Lateral Distortion Produced in Mild Steel Plates by Oxy- Acetylene Cutting ’ Helen Gertrude McCobb of C enter Lincolnville received the degree of Mas- ter of I ducation submitting a paper on “An Appraisal of Municipal Annual Re­ ports in Accordance with the Require­ ments of the Public Laws of Maine and Accepted Standards of Model Reports ” Betty D Gleason 61 Bennoch St Orono Maine 1939 Commencement has • ' come and gone and I hope a tew 39ers were able to be present Maybe next year (and it doesn’t seem possible that it's our fifth) more of us can turn out and have a real reunion You are a college graduate, commercial courses pro­ I received a letter from Dick Holmes vide specialized skill in a minimum of time. who is now general manager and mainten­ —You are now in college, vacation courses will round ance man at the Chute Homestead in out your preparation for business. Naples, Maine Dick has a son Thomas Chute who is now eight months old You are unable to attend college, commercial train­ Dick tells us that Currier Treat ’40 is ing will prepare you directly for business opportun­ a 2nd Lt and his address is Dept of ities. Engineers Room 12 Bldg V-37, Fort Belvoir Va Gauthier (Tib) Thibodeau ’40 is doing engineering and station man­ The BANGOR MAINE SCHOOL of COMMERCE agement for the Portland Pipeline Thanks for the letter, Dick I’m also grateful to 157 Park St. Bangor, Maine Embert Buck who let us in on the news with him He has completed a course at Chesley H. Husson, Principal the Coast Artillery Office! s’ Candidate School at Fort Monroe, Va , commissioned "A School of Character and Distinction” a 2nd Lt and is at present stationed there as an instructor

18 June, 1943 Lou Ohnesorge Leafc wrote from On April 10, Zoe Pettingill became the where Arnold is stationed at Hunter nnapolis to say that Russ is now an bride of William Alexander, Jr., in the Field. They are living in a beach cottage nsign and that they are soon to start for Honolulu Central Union Congiegational which must seem pretty nice after w'hat ahfornia. Church. Bill is a civilian employee with news we hear of crowded conditions else­ Art Weatherbee and Polly have notified the Navy at Pearl Haibor. They will where, and the address is c/o DeSoto s of a change in their address. They are make their home at 2551 Manoa Road, Beach Hotel. le now at 2828 Buena Vista Ter., S. E, Honolulu. Jane and Bill Demant’s latest address is nacostia, D. C. They expect to be theie Sidney Goodrich, who has been with 30 No. 20th St, E. Orange, N. J. Bill or a while, although the armed forces Sperry Gyioscope Co. in Biooklyn, N. Y , is now stationed with the 245th C. A. re expecting Art soon. He is working is now somewhere in North Africa with Searchlight Detachment, Fort Wads­ n a war job as Director of Personnel the same company. He is a technical worth, Station Island, New York. r the National War Labor Boaid observer (Aci onautical Sei vice Engi­ Very glad to have the news of the wed­ Frank Collins has been promoted fiom neer) ding of Carlene Fainham of South Paris e rank of Captain to Major, and is A simple wedding ceremony was held and John Suslavich John is now an in­ erving oveiseas with the U. S Manne on April 26 at the home of Mr and Mrs. dustrial engineer and employed by the orps Irving R Beane in Peabody, Mass, when National Tube Co. of Ell wood City, Pa, Lt Milton Jelhson who was icpoitcd Dons Rose Brown of North Haven, and they are living at 2 Pittsburgh Circle, issmg in action in No. Atnca is now Manic, became the biidc of Lt (j g ) Ellwood City. ound to be a prisoner ot the Axis Ray Beverage, USNR. Doris is a giadu- The brief item came through that Lt. Mary Buzzell has been appointed home ate of North Haven High School and is How aid Bui pee is now stationed at the cmonstration agent for the southern part employed by the Baldwin Locomotive Shenango Personnel Replacement Depot, f Aioostook County. Ilei office is at Woi ks in Philadelphia Ray is in foreign Greenville, Pa. oulton service Bob Laverty has been commissioned a And that’s all until Octobei Mr and Mrs Meilin Scanlin announce lieutenant in the Marine Corps He en­ Sincerely, the bnth ot a daughter, Nancy Justine, on listed in January, 1942, and has seen a Lynne Hutt February 21. Merlin is at the U S great deal of action in the South Pacific 197 Pine St Naval Training Station, Sampson New area, having been in active participation Poitland, Maine Yoik His mailing addies* is Merlin T. in the invasion of the Solomons. As he Scanlin S/3c, U S N T.S , Barracks B-4, chose overseas duty in preference to Of­ 1 QdO Janies H Hunter has been pio- Sampson, New Yoik ficers Training School, we are proud of k I 7*tv nioted from lieutenant to captain larry Kelley is now stationed at the him and his newly received field commis­ e is now in N. Atnca sei v mg as crypto- University ot Maine having been pre­ sion ; rapine officer tor the 12th An F orce viously at Fort Preble, Fort Monroe, Herb Findlen wrote a nice card to let The commanding oflicci ot Dow Field Foit McKinley and Long Island On the us know that he is Sgt. Herbert Findlen, angoi, has announced the piomotion ot day he was graduated fiom the Coast AAF, Portland Army Air Base, Portland, apt Cai leton P Dubv to lank ot majoi Artilleiy School at Fort Momoe, he and Oregon and continuing his training and ajoi Duby received his commission in Isabel Cummings were marned And so the training of others. He is teaching > e aimy in May, 1940, was piomoted to now It and Mrs Kelley arc chaperoning code and procedure in the Communica­ I st Lt in Mai ch, 1942, and to c aptain in dances in the Gym tions Radio School, and recently qualified r \ugust of the same yeai He was ordered Leioy C Brown of Wilton has been for “Marksman” on the rifle range. Herb o Dow Field in June 1941, and his pnnci- named assistant county agent in York says his promotion to sergeant means “a al duty is as base personnel officei County tor the Agricultmal Extension little more money for war bonds ” Hats Among five new tcachcis foi Bangor’s Service by Dean Deering Leroy' has been off to you, Herb and lots of luck. ublic schools, named at a iecent special club agent in Cumbeiland County since Lt Rudolph Haffner, who is now sta­ • neeting of the school committee, Miss Febiuary, 1942 vvhcie he has supeivised tioned at Camp McCoy, Wis , and Jeanne arbara I. Welch will teach social studies the oigam/ation and educational pi ug rams Lowell who has just graduated in the t Bangoi High school She has a ot 4-H clubs class of ’43 have recently become en­ egree fiom the U of M and has done \nnouncement has been received of the gaged Best wishes to you both' raduatc work at Haivard She has birth ot a son Geoige II Hamlin, III, to Lt and Mrs Carroll Davis are now the aught at Limestone and tor the past two Mr and Mrs Geoige H Hamlin ot proud parents of a young son. Larry Car­ cai s at Millinocket Rockland on Friday, May 14 roll Miss Marian I White ot 359 Hammond Announcement of the marriage of Miss Mr and Mrs Charles Brigham of t, Bangor, has just lcccivcd notice of her Ilildred C Fainham and John Joseph Brewer have announced the engagement ppointment for the coming academic yeai Suslavitch m New Yoik on Easter Sun- of their daughter Natalie to Air Cadet s research assistant with assignment to dav has reached the Alumni Office Clarence Nichols, Jr The couple plan to he division of neuropsychiatry at Sanford Have you noticed that the further back be married July7 9 in New7 Haven. Miss University Medical school the classes go the shoitei their Alumnus Brigham was graduated from Brewer Miss Alice A Donovan column gets’ Please don’t let ours drop high school and Beal Business College 121 Main St off so soon 1 I for one don’t want to feel and has been employed by N H. Bragg Houlton, Maine ancient yet. and Sons, Bangor Clarence is at Yale Barby Ashworth studying aviation Q41 Fied Libby is to be congratu- Lt Paul Bartlett of Orono has been . ’ ' lated for he has received the 4 Hawkins Place Danielson, Conn stationed at Dayton, Ohio, long enough ilver w ings of an Aei lai Navigator to pick up a bride Miss Marie Allender, obin, his little daughtei, pinned on the the looks of the small stack daughter of Mr and Mrs. G. F. Allender ings and caused quite a sensation at the letters on my desk tonight. of Dayton, was married to Paul on May 1. raduation For the pi esent Fred is to I’m afiaid the column won’t have as much Another marriage announcement is that emain in Louisiana as an instructor His news for you as I’d like it to P'ease get of Miss Edith Jordan Huntley to Lt. ddress Lt F A Libby, Grp 4, Selman busy and send me a letter or card with Howard W Merrill of Old Town. They ield, Monroe, La He writes that he had just a word about yourself were married in Old Town and will re­ unch with Dale Butteiworth and says, Received the announcement of the mar- side in Dayton, Ohio, where Howard is ‘Dale is a 1st It pilot and a good one” nage of Elizabeth Ellis of Goldston, N C, stationed at Wright Field with the U. S Two mothers wrote in to give me the and I t Lawrence Davies of Bangor The Army Air Forces. ddresies of their sons Frank Williams wedding took place at the Goldston Me- Mary F Burke, a graduate in Nursing s a 1st Lt in the Mannes and is now moiial Chapel, Goldston, N C, at 5 with the class, has received her master’s tationed overseas—“somewhere in the o’clock on May 15 Veiy best wishes to degree in education from Boston Univer­ acific ” Jim Fletcher is in the same the Davies' sity at their commencement exercises last - rea, seiving in the Navy I am sending Spotted Nancy Wright’s lovely picture month She has i eturned to Bangor to • heir addresses to the Alumni Office and in the Boston 11ei aid, and the announce­ take a position on the staff of the Eastern tny of you who wish to wiitc to them may ment of Mussie’s marnage to I t Bob Maine General Hospital ’ommumcate with Mr Ciossland Dalrymple They vveie mariied on May Spent a week-end with Gene and A ir- T t Paul Dumas has been taking the 8 in Decatui, Ala Dal is seiving in the ginia Emeison in Worcester where they fficer’s Motor Corn sc at the Field Aitil- USAAF, but we do not have their ad- are living at 106 Woodland Ave Ginny i ery School, Fort Sill, Oklahoma As of di css is fine and is keeping house while work­ lune 1st, however, he has an A P O ing at the Read and Prentiss Co - ■ - . — Wonderful to heai fiom Maunie Moul­ umber which I am also sending along to ton McKee and be bi ought up to date on Goodbye for now—see you again next he Alumni files ITc would paiticularly hei ti av el some past Marmie and Arnold fall ike to lieai from some Delta Tan boys left Vincennes, and since then Maunie’s Baibara Savage nd would also like news of Howie been in Bangor, Washington, South Caio- 805 East St hrlenbach lina, and now in Savannah Beach, Ga, Walpole, Mass

tine, 1943 19 9 t* .


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