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Maine Alumnus, Volume 25, Number 9, June 1944

General Alumni Association, University of Maine

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L J — Vol. 25 JUNE, 1944 No. 9 Published monthly from October to June inclusive, by the University of Maine General Alumni Association, Business office, Room 514, 6 State St., Bangor, Maine, or The Maine Alumnus, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. Subscription price, $2.00 per year, included in annual alumni dues of $3.00. Member: American Alumni Council. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Bangor, Maine, under act of March 3, 1870. I


PRESENTATION of the $10,000 versity affairs. He assisted in the or­ their loyalty by announcing the gift of a \ Arthur A. Hauck Fund in honor of ganization of the Placement Bureau, has $1200 insurance policy maturing to the Ithe first ten years of service of-President served regularly as a member of the University on their 25th anniversary. and Mrs. Hauck at the Alumni Banquet Alumni Council since 1937 including three In addition to presentation of the June 3 and awarding of 93 bachelor de­ years as executive committee chairman. Arthur A. Hauck Fund and tribute by grees, 6 masters, and 3 honorary degrees He has twice been president of his class, Fred Knight, the anniversary atmosphere at the Commencement Exercises on June 4 two years chairman of the Pulp and Pa­ was emphasized by the bringing in of a highlighted the 75th Commencement pro­ per Alumni, two years president of the lo­ large birthday cake with ten candles gram. cal Alumni Association, and a year as which was placed before the President and Honorary degrees were awarded to president of the “M” Club. Award of the Mrs. Hauck during the meal. They were Dr. Y. C. James Yen, Chinese leader and Emblem is a deserved recognition of his also presented with a six-piece tea service educator, to Dean William Martin '15, conscientious and valuable service. and the President with a cigar humidor Dean and Director of Agriculture, Rut­ Other features at the Banquet included filled with cigars. gers University, New Brunswick, New talks by two members of the armed ser­ Jersey, and to Dr. Wilmot B. Mitchell, vices, Sumner Waite ’ll, Chief Reunions Professor of rhetoric and oratory at of Staff, Second Service Command, New Bowdoin College, Brunswick. Dr. Yen York, and Ensign Natalie Nason ’38 of The Commencement atmosphere was received the degree of Doctor of Humane the WAVES. The program also included livened by the informal reunion of the Letters, Dean Martin, Doctor of Science; talks by Dr. James Yen, Commencement class of 1909 which brought back to the and Dr. Mitchell, Doctor of Letters. speaker, by President of the Board of campus 21 members along with their fami­ Trustees, Edward E. Chase ’13, and by lies. The class of 1894 celebrated their Banquet Samuel Collins, Jr., of Caribou, president fiftieth reunion by registering five of their of the senior class. President Hauck re­ ten living members. The attendance win­ Chief feature of the Banquet this year sponded to the tribute of alumni and ner for the day was the class of 1889 with was the tribute to President and Mrs. friends, and alumni president Walter H. four of its five living members registering Hauck on the occasion of their tenth anni­ Burke ’06 opened the Banquet with an Alumni Day. Those returning were: versary at Maine. Fred D. Knight ’09 of address to the seniors. Toastmaster was John Reed of Waterville; George G. Hartford handed to the President a check Samuel Collins, Sr., member of the class Freeman of Cherryfield; Mott Wilson of for $10,000 raised on the occasion of the of 1919. His class presented to the Uni­ Bangor; and Ambrose H. White of Ban­ anniversary by alumni and friends to be­ versity a twenty-fifth anniversary gift of gor. come an unrestricted fund, the income of $1000. The class of 1944 also signified Members of the class of 1894 were which may be used for any University among the guests of honor to whom trib­ need. In making the gift Fred Knight ute was paid at the Alumni Luncheon paid tribute on behalf of the alumni to the HONORARY: Recipients of hon­ Saturday noon. Those present were: able leadership of President Hauck dur­ orary degrees and other guests Frank C. Bowler of Millinocket; Charles ing the ten-year period. for the University’s 75th Com­ E. Gilbert of Bangor; James E. Harvey mencement program are pictured. Also announced at the Banquet by Left to right: Baccalaureate speak­ of Reedfield; John H. Ricker of ; President Burke was award of this year’s er Fred Thompson ’28; Com­ and George W. Rumball, Jr., of Beverly, Alumni Service Emblem to George D. mencement speaker Y. C. James Mass. Also honored were six faculty Bearce ’ll of Bucksport. A past presi­ Yen, recipient of the honorary de­ members completing twenty-five years of gree of D.H.L.; President of the dent of the Alumni Association, vice Board of Trustees Edward E. service and four who are this year retir­ chairman of the Library Fund campaign, Chase ’13; Dean William II. Mar­ ing from active service. The twenty-five and former chairman of the Hauck Five tin ’15 of Rutgers University, re­ year group was: Miss Frances Arnold, Year Committee, Mr. Bearce has long cipient of the honorary degree Assistant Professor of Romance Lan- been an active leader in Alumni and Uni­ Sc.D; Dr. Wilmot B. Mitchell, Bowdoin College, recipient of (Continued on Next Page) honorary degree Litt.D.; Presi­ dent Arthur A. Hauck.

r I Association Treasurer Commencement the afternoon. The Baccalaureate address was given by alumnus Frederick-Thomp­ Makes Annual Report (Continued from Previous Page) son ’28, minister of the Congregational Church, Easthampton, Mass. He also The financial statement for eleven guages, class of 1910; Dr. Charles Braut- read the opening prayer of the Com­ months ending May 31, by Winthrop C lecht, Professor of Chemistry and Chemi­ Libby ’32, treasurer, showed the Associa- cal Engineering; Miss Marion Buzzell, mencement exercises. In the Commencement Address, Dr. tion to be in sound fiscal position. Assistant Professor of Romance Lan­ Y C. James Yen, general director of the guages, class of 1914; Professor C W. L. • RECEIPTS Chinese Mass Education Movement, dis­ $ 537 53 Chapman, Assistant Professor of Fores­ Advertising cussed the significance of mass education Dues—Annual 5.682 03 try, class of 1914, Professor Walter J. Sustaining 1,530 00 and its bearing on future world peace. Combination 160 00 Creamer, Professor of Communication Special 354 CO In awarding honorary degrees to the Engineering, class of 1918; and Dr. Mil­ Service Fund 1 573 00 three outstanding educational leaders, Miscellaneous 1,435.91 ton Ellis, Professor and Head of Depart­ Interest 69 71 President Hauck read the following cita­ ment of English, class of 1907. The Total $11,342 15 tions : retiring faculty members were Dr. Stanley Cash Balance 1942-43 3,618 26 R Ashby, Professor of English; Miss Y. C. JAMES YEN : Eminent scholar and inspiring teacher, student at the Uni­ $14,960 41 Edna Cobb, Home Management Special­ Estimates versity of Hong Kong; graduate of Yale Additional income 572 00 ist for the Extension Service; Mrs. Ger­ University; Master of Arts from Prince­ trude Hayes, House Director of Colvin; ton University; founder and general di­ Final Total $15,532 41 and Dr. Harley Willard, Professor of rector of the Chinese Mass Education EXPENSES Mathematics and Astronomy. Movement, one of the most significant and far-reaching educational endeavors of our THE ALUMNUS $ 375 36 The Commencement program opened day, member of China’s wartime parlia­ Office Supplies 339.48 Postage 642 26 Saturday morning with Alumni registra­ ment, the National People’s Political Printing 306 15 tion and the annual meeting of the Asso­ Council; president of the National College Salaries 3,666 63 274 91 ciation followed by the noon Luncheon. of Rural Reconstruction, in Chungking; Travel honored in his native land and in the Tel & Tel 30 82 Senior Class Day was held during the Service Fund 431 80 'for constructive leadership Miscellaneous 1,501 47 afternoon. Valedictorian was class presi­ in laying the educational foundation for a $7,588 88 dent Samuel Collins, Jr, of Caribou, and new and greater China; honored in 1943 as one of ten men chosen to receive Coper­ Estimates— , Mary N Billings of Stonington was salu- Bills payable on hand and tatorian of the class. Other speakers were nican Citations for their enterprise as June expenses $4,172.37 modern pioneers in the age-old struggle Hughene Phillips of East Holden, Esther for a better world Final Total $11,761 25 Randall of Lewiston, Elizabeth Brackett In recognition of your distinguished Estimated Balance of Portland, and Arietta Thorpe of service as an educator, the Trustees of the June 30, 1944 $3,771 16 Christmas Cove University of Maine take pride in making Final day of the week-end program was you an honorary alumnus and conferring upon you the degree of DOCTOR OF Foundation Meeting Sunday, June 4, with Baccalaureate in the HUMANE LETTERS. morning and Commencement exercises in Raymond H. Fogler of WILMOT BROOKINGS MITCH­ ELL. Born in Freeport, Maine, graduate was elected president of the University of our sister institution, Bowdoin College, of Maine Foundation succeeding Stephen EMBLEM WINNER: George D. this year observing its 150th anniversary, Wheatland of Bangor at the annual meet­ Bearce ’ll of Bucksport, past who has served his alma mater with dis­ president of the Alumni Associa­ ing of the corporation June 3. Assets of tinction for nearly half a century, during tion and long an active leader in forty-two years of which he has been the Foundation have risen to $42,438 ac­ alumni work, was awarded the professor of rhetoric and oratory; profes­ cording to the report of the treasurer, Alumni Service Emblem at the sor emeritus since 1939, author of text Ralph Whittier. ' Alumni Banquet June 3 in recog­ books and biographies, eminent teacher nition of outstanding services to whose personality has been an important Four members were elected, each for a the University and the Alumni five-year term, George T. Carlisle, Jr., moulding influence in his profession; Association. trustee of other educational institutions Curtis Hutchins, Ralph Whittier, all of and today as always rendering devoted Bangor, and Harry E. Sutton of Boston. public service to community and nation. The following members were elected to In recognition of your long and dis­ serve as Directors for the ensuing year: tinguished service, and of your contribu­ tions to higher education, the Trustees of George T. Carlisle, Jr., Raymond H. Fo­ the University of Maine are happy to gler, Harold P. Marsh, Otto Nelson, and confer upon you the degree of DOCTOR Thomas N. Weeks. OF LETTERS. In addition to Mr. Fogler as president, WILLIAM HOPE MARTIN. Na­ Ralph Whittier was elected treasurer and tive of Pennsylvania, a graduate of this Charles E. Crossland secretary. University, Doctor of Philosophy from Rutgers University where he has for many To Stephen Wheatland was extended a years served with distinction the agricul­ vote of appreciation for his keen interest tural interests of New Jersey and the na­ and assistance. Mr. Wheatland was a tion as a plant pathologist and administra­ charter member of the corporation and tor; advancing from the rank of research assistant in 1915 to that of dean of the has served as president of the Foundation College of Agriculture and Director of since its organization in 1934. the Agricultural Experiment Station in University Board of Trustee members 1939; commissioned officer in the Air of the Foundation for 1944-45 are Frank Corps in 1917-18; able teacher, scientist, W. Hussey, Harold M. Pierce, and and organizer of research projects; re­ cently chosen as a member of the execu­ George S. Williams. tive committee of the Association of Other members of the Foundation not Land Grant Colleges and Universities. already mentioned are Dr. Arthur A. In recognition of your significant con­ Hauck, Orono; Marcus L. Urann, So. tributions to agricultural science, the Hanson, Mass.; Hazen Ayer, Boston; Trustees of your alma mater are pleased to confer upon you the degree of DOC­ F. Drummond Freese, Bangor. TOR OF SCIENCE.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 4 JUNE, 1944 PREELECTION of Walter H. Burke R’06 of New York City as president of Ithe General Alumni Association highlight­ of the YEAR ed the annual meeting held during Com­ mencement on June 3. Reports submitted to the Association and to the annual ses­ C. Libby ’32, treasurer, who because of made by a class, but also places them in sion of the Alumni Council the day previ­ change of occupation presented his resig­ first position with grand total gifts to the ous reflected a year of progress in many nation, was extended by the General Fund of $1,104, displacing 1915 which fields. Outstanding in the summary was Alumni Association a vote of apprecia­ previously had held the lead with $600. the reported success of the Memorial Fund tion for the faithful and able performance Other reunion classes making gifts this Committee in its collection program which of duties. year were: 1912, $25; 1929, $60; 1930, $25. permitted the retirement of all indebted­ Dues Report. Lynwood S. Hatch ’22, Two other reunion classes have yet to ness of the Alumni Memorial Gymnasium. Chairman of the Dues Committee for the report. These and other gifts raise the Another bright spot was the attainment last year, reported on the work of his total of the Alumni Activities Fund held of the Hauck Fund goal. The following Committee. Highlights of his report are in trust by the University of Maine Foun­ is a summary of the business transacted as follows: The dues goal as established dation to $9,919. The Alumni Activities at the annual meeting. by the 1943-44 budget has been exceeded Fund Committee for 1943-44 was: Ken­ Officers Elected. In addition to Mr. by a small margin, 2,561 alumni having neth G. MacQuarrie ’19, Jesse H. Ma­ Burke, the following persons were elec­ paid dues this year. Of the 7,760 non­ son ’09, Lewis O. Barrows T6. Hazen H. ted : Vice President, Robert F. Thurrell service alumni to whom dues notices were Ayer ’24, and Robert D. Parks ’29. ’15, Wolfeboro, N. H.; Treasurer, Rich­ * mailed, 28.3% paid. This is regarded as Memorial Fund. Applause and hearty ard S. Bradford ’30, Orono; Clerk, a high percentage response. The total of commendation followed the report by George E. Lord ’24, Orono. Alumni 290 or 18.2% of the 1,591 service alumni chairman Arthur L. Deering ’12 that the Council Members for three-year terms who are members of classes normally in Memorial Fund Committee had collected are Miss Marion Martin ’32, Bangor the dues list, paid dues voluntarily. The sufficient money to retire the Fund in­ and Washington; Miss Dorothy S. Frye number of 775 alumni contributed $1,573 debtedness. Thus the job first started in ’35, Portand; Raymond H. Fogler ’15, to the Service Fund which is used to send 1923 is now completed. Chairman Deer­ New York City; Thomas Mangan ’16, The Alumnus and other materials to ing stated that $8,499 had been received Livermore Falls; Alfred B. Lingley ’20, alumni in service and to keep in touch since June 1, 1943. Treasurer Ralph Whit­ Providence, R. I.; J. Milton Sims ’32, E. with such alumni in other ways. tier’s report showed that during the year Greenwich, Conn.; and Myron C. Pea­ Alumni Activities Fund. To the Class $8,500 had been paid to the University to body ’16, Springfield, Mass. Alumni Mem­ of 1909 go double honors. Their gift this retire the note of $23,000 given for a loan ber of Athletic Board again will be year of $515 is not only the largest ever to the Fund in 1933, when the Memorial Thomas A. Hersey ’34 of Bangor. Gym was erected. The cash balance on By-Laws Amended. For several years May 31 was $459.90. the Association has had Life Membership A JOB WELL DONE! dues of $100. A proposed amendment to The Alumni Council voted: (1) to dis­ the By-Laws was published in the April All indebtedness on the Alumni charge the Memorial Fund Committee ALUMNUS providing for Joint Life Memorial has been paid off! with thanks; (2) to continue Mr. Ralph Membership dues for alumni husbands This great accomplishment is due Whittier ’02 as treasurer of the Memorial and wives of $150. The proposed amend­ to the unfailing effort and loyalty of Fund; (3) to hold open the books for ment was unanimously adopted and the the Memorial Fund Executive Com­ further payment; and (4) to refer to the revised Article 4, Section 2, of the By- mittee. While every worker and Council Executive Committee all other Laws now reads: “The life membership contributor did much to guarantee questions relating to the future activity dues shall be $100, except that for alumni the success of the Memorial Fund of this Fund. Although the note has been husbands and wives the joint life mem­ Campaigns, this committee has been retired, there has been an accumulation of bership dues shall be $150, the principal carrying on for over twenty years bills incident to collections which will re­ amount to be kept intact, using only the the difficult and often thankless job quire more than the present cash balance. income therefrom.” of collection. The members stuck (Continued on Next Page) Alumni Council Meeting. In accord­ to the job when the outlook was ance With the By-Laws, the annual ses­ discouraging indeed and have patient­ sion of the Alumni Council was held June ly adhered, too, to the policy of WINNERS: Members of the 2, the day preceding the annual Associa­ courtesy and understanding, believ­ class of 1889 were named winners tion meeting. Walter H. Burke ’06, presi­ ing that alumni goodwill is para­ of the 1908 Attendance Cup for dent of the Association, presided. Mem­ mount and that alumni would fulfill Commencement when they re­ bers present for this executive session their pledges when conditions per­ corded registration of four of their five living members. Pic­ were: Walter H. Burke ’06, Robert F. mitted. Having completed their tured below are: George G. Free­ Thurrell ’15, George E. Lord ’24, Mrs. task, the committee requested that man of Cherry field; John Reed Rena C. Bowles ’21, Raymond H. Fogler it be discharged; this request the of Waterville; and Mott Wilson 15, Samuel W Collins ’19, F. Drummond Council approved with voluminous of Bangor. Also registered but not present for the picture was Am­ Freese ’15, Miss M. June Kelley ’12, thanks for a job well done. brose II. White of Bangor. George D. Bearce ’ll, Clifton E. Chan­ The editors of The Alumnus, on dler ’13, Miss Jessie Fraser ’31, Fred D. behalf of alumni everywhere, wish Knight ’09, Hazen H. Ayer ’24, Alfred to add, too, a word of appreciation B. Lingley ’20, Thomas N. Weeks ’16, for the achievement of these work­ Harold M. Pierce ’19, Charles E. Cross­ ers. The thanks of all Maine men land ’17, and Philip J. Brockway ’31. and' women are due to the committee Mrs. Rena Bowles ’21 and Richard E. members: Arthur L. Deering ’12, McKown ’17 retired from the Council Henry F. Drummond ’00, William this year under the limiting tenure vote, McC. Sawyer ’01, Ralph Whittier both having served four terms. To these ’02, and Harry E. Sutton ’09. It is valued Council members and to Winthrop indeed a job well done! X and forestry. There were group discus­ Alumni Trustee Report sions by these men who realized the im­ portance of such a meeting. We all felt that the conference was very enlightening construction on this building will begin In presenting a review of this year’s and that constructive thoughts and acts activities by the Board of Trustees I wish as soon as conditions warrant. It is the were in force. to take this opportunity of expressing the desire of President Hauck and the Board In conclusion we wish to pay tribute Board of Trustees’ appreciation of Dr. of Trustees to erect a new Engineering and honor to our Maine men and women Hauck, the faculty members, administra­ Building at the close of the War. The who are listed in the services of their tive officials, and the alumni and student future holds hope of a Fine Arts Center Country. There were 2,951 Maine men body for their splendid spirit displayed which will promote the study of music and women as of May 31, 1944, with the and accomplishments achieved in the face and art and make possible an auditorium armed forces. Sixty have received cita­ of trying and abnormal conditions under theatre. While we are on the subject of tions and 46 have given their lives for the which the University has had to function. the physical plant I desire to mention the cause. May we ever be mindful of their Your loyalty and continued efforts have assistance which the fraternities have ex­ sacrifice. made possible many of the results ob­ tended to the University by giving their Respectfully submitted, tained. aid in helping to solve the housing prob­ Harold M. Pierce T9 The Board of Trustees has been most lem for our uniformed students. Alumni Representative fortunate in having an untiring worker in We are pleased to report gifts during Board of Trustees its President, Arthur Hauck, and only the year to the University totaling ap­ those who have observed his constructive proximately $74,000. This total gift of work at close range can fully appreciate $74,000 includes an additional sum of Business of the Year the tremendous tasks which have befallen $19,000 from the Estate of Judge Dan­ (Continued from Previous Page) him. The University of Maine has pro­ forth, $50,000 from the Estate of Mrs. gressed educationally and physically un­ Anne Stodder and approximately $5,000 Commemorative Plate Committee. der his direction during the past ten years for scholarship fund. F. Drummond Freese T5, Chairman of the and it is our earnest and sincere request Dr. Roy M. Peterson and the respec­ Plate Committee, reported several signifi­ that Arthur Hauck will continue to be tive deans of the University directed our cant facts. Plate sales for the past year our President for the ensuing ten years. regular summer session through a suc­ were about 35 dozen. Total sales to date The registration report for September, cessful term and this year we are pleased have been about 315 dozen plates. An 1943, was 240 first-year students and 621 to announce a continuation of our summer additional 50 dozen plates are now on or­ upper classmen, making a total civilian session with Dr. Payson Smith in charge der with the producer. In accordance registration of 861. The total attendance of the School of Education. with the authorization given to the com­ of those wearing Army uniforms and our The Board of Trustees wishes to pay mittee, $200 of the surplus is being turned civilian registrants reached well over tribute to Mrs. Gertrude Hayes, Miss over to the Alumni Activities Fund. 1700. On May 29th of this year our rec­ Edna M Cobb, Dr. Stanley R. Ashby, Plans are underway to have bread and ords show an enrollment of 142 men, 493 and Dr. Harley R. Willard for their butter plates, cups and saucers, and ash women, and 48 Army Reserves making a faithful services to the University of trays which will be companion ware to the total of 683. Maine as they reach the year for retire­ plates. Treasurer Winthrop C. Libby ’32, During the year thirty members of our ment. To Professor Milton Ellis, Pro­ reported a balance of $758.07, cash on hand faculty have left the University for war fessor W. J. Creamer, Professor C. W. L. May 31, 1944. services and for other reasons. Chapman, Professor C. A. Brautlecht, Arthur A. Hauck Fund. In present­ An analysis of this sharp decline in our Miss Marion Buzzell and Miss Frances ing his report on this Fund, Chairman student body and faculty will bring to Arnold we wish to express appreciation Fred D. Knight ’09 stated that he had your attention the great number of prob­ for the splendid work which they have never been identified with a fund raising lems which have confronted Dr. Hauck given to their University for the past project to which people had responded and his administrative heads, and I am twenty-five years. with such pleasure. Incomplete returns sure you will agree that our President has The war is not yet over but the tide of on May 31 showed that 811 alumni, facul­ not experienced an uneventful tenth an­ history is already forcing the issues of ty, trustees, and friends had contributed niversary year. Peace, and one of those issues is “What $11,386 to the Fund, with gifts still being- In spite of the tremendous loss in our is to be the future policy of our educa­ received. After deducting expenses, there student body it is gratifying to report tional system?” The Alumni and student will be somewhat more than the $10,000 that the financial condition of the Univer­ body can be assured that a great deal of which had been set as the goal for the sity is satisfactory. It has been possible thought has been given to this question. Fund. This will be deposited with the to keep well within the 1943-44 budget We are confident that as conditions may University of Maine Foundation, the in­ although it should be borne in mind that warrant changes in our educational policy come to be used without restriction by our present reserves include deferred President Hauck will formulate and put the University Administration. maintenance and repair accounts. There in practice those curricula which will best Library Fund. Chairman Raymond H. will also be a problem of salary re­ serve the interests of our State and the Fogler '15 reported that of the $251,876 adjustments with our faculty staff as, University of Maine. subscribed, $233,765 or 92.7% had been and when, these faculty members return For some time there has been a strong­ paid to date, with payments still being re­ from their leaves of absence. belief that a closer relationship should ex­ ceived. There is a balance of $16,344 un­ Our physical plant is being maintained ist between our College of Engineering paid subscriptions still on the books. in as efficient operating capacity as can be and Industry. To promote this union The financial statement presented by expected during these times of labor and Dean Cloke, President Hauck, and the Treasurer James A. Gannett ’08 showed material shortages. Board of Trustees organized-and arranged receipts of $3,635 during the past year. It is, of course, impossible to carry on for an Industrial Research Conference. The present balance of cash on hand in 25 with our building program, yet it is en­ On March first a conference was held at savings accounts was $96,304 as of May couraging to note that the Board of Trus­ Estabrooke Hall and was attended by a 31, 1944, three payments totalling $125,000 tees has commissioned Crowell & Lan­ group of men who had been appointed to having already been made to the Univer­ caster as architects to complete plans for represent their respective industries in tex­ sity at the time the construction of the the new Plant Science Building and the tile, pulp and paper, agriculture, minerals, new Library was under way.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 6 JUNE, I944 Elected— Fifteen women students, six seniors and nine juniors, were elected to member­ ship in the All-Maine Women Society last month receiving the highest non­ scholastic honor accorded to women stu­ dents. Names of seniors included Isabel Clean-up— Honor— Ansell of Dexter, a major in Sociology; The traditional program of Maine Day, Scholastic honor in the College of Arts Gwendolyn Cushing of Portland, a major curtailed to fit wartime circumstances, and Sciences was recognized for ten stu­ in romance languages; Mrs. Arabelle was held on May 13 with a program of dents by election to membership in Phi Banton Hodges of Summit, N. J., a ma­ work projects in the morning, games in Beta Kappa last month. Eight seniors jor in zoology, wife of alumnus Major the afternoon, and a student and faculty named to membership were: Rena Ash­ Arthur W. Hodges ’38; Esther Holden entertainment in the evening. Campus man of Augusta; Betty Brackett of Port­ of Portland, a major in psychology; and clean-up projects set student and faculty land; Samuel Collins, Jr., of Caribou, son Arietta Thorpe of Christmas Cove, a ma­ groups to work raking lawns, cleaning of Samuel Collins, Sr., T9; Gwendolyn jor in psychology. shrub plots and roads, working on the Cushing of Long Island; Clara Jane Har­ Juniors elected to membership were: athletic fields, planting trees, and other ley of Augusta; Vinetta MacDonald of Florence Armstrong of Bangor, sociolo­ jobs. During the afternoon a softball Vassalboro; Hughene Phillips of East gy; Barbara Atherton, of Orono, home game and an informal University base­ Holden; Eva Woodbrey of Sebago Lake. economics, daughter of Ramon Atherton ball game with New Hampshire were en- Two members of the junior class were ’18; Doris Bell of Hopedale, Mass., psy­ joyed. also elected to membership: Pauline Stu­ chology; Constance Carter of Waltham, art of Old Town and Grace E. Went­ Mass., home economics; Loraine Davis Athletes— worth of Orono. of Rumford, history; Ruth Hansen of At the annual meeting of the WAA Auburn, zoology; Barbara , Higgins of last month the annual lists of awards for Scholars— Longmeadow, Mass., home economics, participation in the women’s athletic pro­ The annual list of University scholar­ daughter of Royal G. Higgins T7; Ruth gram were announced. WAA Seals, ship and prize winners at the Scholarship Higgins of Bar Harbor, theater, daugh­ highest athletic awards, were announced Recognition Day, May 11, was headed by ter of Thomas C. Higgins '14; Geraldine for seniors Berna Burnett of Brownville the name of Therna L. Myers of West MacBurnie of Augusta, psychology; Lou­ Junction and Frances Houghton of Fort Sumner, a junior in the School of Edu­ ise Perkins of Augusta, arts and sciences. Fairfield. Juniors: Florence Armstrong cation who received the M. C. Fernaid The list also included Mrs. Maybelle of Bangor, Ruth Stearns of South Paris, Scholarship as the highest ranking stu­ H. Brown of Waterville, member of the Phyllis White of Augusta. dent in the junior class. Other juniors Board of Trustees, who was elected to who won Trustee’ Scholarships as high honorary membership. rating were Grace E. Wentworth of Oro­ no, a major in Chemistry; Monson Henry Drama— Hayes of Portland, Technology; and The Maine Masque gave a successful Barbara A. Higgins of Longmeadow, presentation of “There’s Always Juliet” Mass., in Home Economics. Speaker for in the Little Theatre May 20. the Recognition Program was Dr. Edwin Ruth Higgins of Bar Harbor played Wright, head of the English Department the feminine lead opposite Alan Shulman of Bates College. of Chelsea, Mass. Other parts were taken by Jean McKinney of Kennebunk­ Colonel Hickam Honored port and Nathaniel Bartholomaei of Wa- ban, Mass. Alumni of the 1916 to 1918 era will learn with interest that Hickam Field in Calendar— Hawaii is named after the late Colonel In order to adapt the general Univer­ Horace G. Hickam, instructor in military sity calendar for civilian students as close­ science and tactics at the University for ly as possible to a revised program of the the year 1916-17. At the time of his ser­ Army Specialized Training Program, it vice at Orono he was a First Lt. in the was decided last month to begin the ci­ Cavalry and despite his short stay was a vilian summer term on Wednesday, July popular leader among the students, mak­ 5, instead of June 13 as earlier planned. ing many friends. A graduate of West This revised calendar registers on July 5 Point, Colonel Hickam followed his peri­ and will be followed by classes on July 6 od of University service with regular running through the July 12th period army duties during and after World War I. He became active in aviation and was to September 22. The fall term would WATCH WINNER: Mary N. then run from October 2 through Decem­ Billings of Stonington, a senior in well known as a pilot and flying officer. ber 22; the winter term January 2 through Home Economics, was chosen win­ Colonel Hickam was killed in an air­ March 23; the spring term April 2 ner of the Portland Alumnae plane collision in the vicinity of the air Watch as the senior woman who field which now bears his name. through June 22 with the proposed date contributed the most to the Uni­ of Commencement next year June 24. versity during her undergraduate This calendar will permit the conducting years. Miss Billings, who complet­ of ASTRP classes for seventeen-year-old ed her work for graduation in Dues Honor Roll March, has been a Dean’s list stu­ reserve students almost simultaneously. dent, Class treasurer, president of Splice requirements for the June is­ Reserve classes will begin July 10 running the Women’s Student Govern­ sue would not permit the publication through September 30, October 9 through ment, member of All-Maine Wom­ at this time of the Dues Honor Roll December 30, January 8 through March en Society, Sophomore Eagles, for the.year. It will either appear in 31, April 9 through June 30. Y.W.C.A., and Phi Kappa Phi, the October issue of the magazine or honorary society. be circulated otherwise.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 7 JUNE, I944 Athletic Board Report Local Associations To the General Alumni Association: time due to wartime conditions. Head This report will complete six years of Football Coach, “Eck” Allen, is a Lieu­ service on the Athletic Board. I wish to tenant (S.G.) in the Navy, while Dr. Connecticut Alumni held a meeting on take this opportunity to thank the Alumni Small, tennis coach, is a Colonel in the April 25 to welcome President Hauck as Association for giving me the opportunity Army. Dr. Small’s assistant is also in guest speaker Attendance included the to work for the best interest of Athletics the service Vin Myers, stockroom clerk, total of 58 members and guests. During at the University. I have greatly enjoyed is in the Army, and Ted Curtis’ able sec­ the business meeting new officers were all my contacts with the administration, retary has resigned to accept a position elected, President, Theodore Prescott ’33; athletic officials, alumni, and students and in a Bangor bank It has just been an­ Vice President, Reginald Merrill ’29; have found them all very eager and will­ nounced that Sam Sezak has requested a Secretary, Elizabeth- Peasley ’41; Trea­ ing to promote healthy athletics at the • leave of absence for the Duration to ac­ surer, Marjorie Taylor ’39. University. cept a football coaching job at East Many of you may not realize it but the Orange (N. J.) High School. Coaches 0 Athletic Board as an official body to over­ Jenkins and Kenyon, as well as Ted Cur­ Knox County welcomed Dean Paul see athletics at the University, at a meet­ tis, have been carrying heavy wartime Cloke of the College of Technology to ing held on August 22, 1943, unanimously schedules at the University as well as their annual meeting at Camden last voted that— serving in the physical fitness program month. Dean Cloke spoke on current of the A S.T.P. happenings at the University and the ef­ “The Athletic Board is of the opinion: The Athletic Board and Staff at the fect of war on various colleges. Thirty- 1. That an 'informal athletic pro- University are only waiting for “the day two members and guests were present gram permitting outside competi­ when the lights go on again all over the at the meeting. New president of the tion should be continued during the . world” to resume the successful athletic Knox County group is C Kendall Hop­ coming academic year, 1943-44, program that has helped to carry the kins '98 of Camden, who succeeds Alan providing. name “Maine” to the far corners of the F. McAlary ’13 of Rockland Other offi­ world. A. There is sufficient student in­ cers are Milford Payson ’30, of Camden, terest. Respectfully submitted, vice president; Katherine A. Veazie ’30, secretary-treasurer. B. That the students’ accelerated Thomas M. Hersey academic program can be made to accommodate the sug­ Philadelphia Alumni met on April 15 gested informal athletic pro­ Technology Advisory to enjoy, during the meeting, a talk by gram. Committee guest speaker Harry D. Watson ’18, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engi­ C. That it is possible to provide The trustees of the University have ap­ reasonably proper coaching, neering. Fifty members and guests were proved the names of thirteen leaders of present for the program At the busi­ training, supervision, and con­ business and industry as members of the trol. ness meeting following the dinner Frank Technology Advisory Committee follow­ Mitchell ’00 was elected president; Har­ 2. That development of an athletic ing a recommendation voted at an indus­ vey Waugh ’17, vice president; and Calvin program for the period mentioned trial research conference in March. The Hutchinson ’27 secretary and treasurer. be conducted by the Administra­ purpose of the committee will be to pro­ tion ” mote research cooperation between indus­ try and the University. Penobscot Alumnae enjoyed the Uni­ However, it is very definitely understood Chairman of the Advisory Committee versity Women’s Glee Club under the that this is only for the “Duration,” as it is President Arthur A. Hauck. Dean direction of James G. Selwood in a musi­ is felt that the athletic set-up previous to Paul Cloke of the College of Technology cal program at their meeting in Bangor August 22, 1943, at the University had will serve as secretary. The committee May 11. The 33 members and guests been a healthy one and should be con­ membership includes the names of four present enjoyed a program of choral tinued as soon as normal conditions are alumni: Clifford Patch ’ll, technical di­ numbers, vocal solos, duets, and trio, a resumed. The Athletic Board offered rector, Eastern Corporation, Bangor; Lu­ violin solo and a flute duet. During the their services, in an advisory capacity, to cius Barrows ’07, chief engineer, State business meeting Mrs. Helen Danforth the Administration whenever it was felt Highway Commission, Augusta; Bryant West ’17 was elected president, vice that the Board could be of assistance to L. Hopkins ’17, hydraulic engineer and presidents named at the meeting were the Administration in the continuance of chairman, Maine division, New England Miss Carmel Profita ’34 and Mrs. Mar­ some sort of an athletic program. Council; and Edward E. Sawyer ’12, garet Webster ’27. Mrs. Louise Ham­ The Administration invited the Ath­ plastics specialist, Keyes Fibre Company. mons ’31 was elected secretary and Mrs. letic Board to meet with them on January Other members of the committee are: Alice Phillips ’08 treasurer. 22, 1944, at which time a report was made Frederick Frost, manager of research, on the fall athletic program. An informal S. D. Warren Company; Arthur N. Sto­ Western New York Alumni welcomed football program under Coach Sezak was well, vice president and general manager, Professor Weston Evans ’18, Head of successfully carried on. Stowell-MacGregor Company; John L. the Department of Civil Engineering at During the winter a 10-game varsity Baxter, H. C. Baxter and Brother, can­ the University, to a meeting on April 26 basketball schedule was played. The team ning and dehydration; William Watson, in Buffalo. An enjoyable meeting was was ably coached by Sam Sezak. It was member of Maine Development Commis­ reported with a representative turn-out of not possible to have an indoor track team sion, textile research director, New Eng­ alumni to hear the latest news of the cam­ and no winter sports program was sched- ' land Industries, Inc.; James W. Sewall, pus. At the business meeting new officers uled. A successful baseball team was timberlands; Willard Cummings, presi­ were elected. Frank R. Cowan ’36 will coached by Bill Kenyon. dent and treasurer, Guilford Woolen serve as president; C. Weston Steward The organization of the Athletic Staff Company; Carroll Peacock, P. J Peacock ’26 as vice president; and William E. is very much broken up at the present Canning Company. Crowell ’37 as secretary.



II N1 this third year of America’s participation in World War With their comrades at many battle stations, the alumni of II, 2,957 men and women from the University of Maine have Maine have fought and worked. And wherever they serve, become members of the armed forces of the . whether in the smoke and din of battle or behind the battle lines In the year just passed the names of these alumni have in the places which their duty names, they have shared in the been silhouetted against the history of great events. They have making of history. So that now at last each vast and terrible known the hills of , strange islands of the Pacific, and the event brings victory closer to the tired eyes of these young tangled jungles of Asia. Through the skies of half the world veterans of the mightiest war in history. they have carried the war home to the enemy. And at long last To them, to their names and the memory of their deeds, all they have landed on the imprisoned land of France. alumni of' the University of Maine pay tribute.

1897 Bower, Arthur J.—Sgt. AAC, APO 560, True, Norman E.—Col. Marine Corps, Cowan, Arthur S.—Col. A, 1809 B’way, N. Y., N. Y. Fleet Post Office, , Calif. San Francisco, Calif. (Retired) Coffin, Harold W.—Lt Col. A, Coast Ziegler, Charles M.—Lt. A, APO 645, 1899 Artillery Regt., Camp Shelby, Miss. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Ford, Leonard H.—Lt Col. A, 217 State DeWitt, Carroll M.—Capt. A, Rhoades 1920 St., Bangor, Me. (Retired) Gen. Hospital, Utica, N. Y. Hamblen, Archelaus L.—Brig. Gen. A, Butler, Harry—Lt. Col. AAC, Station 1903 APO 400, New York, N. Y. Hosp., AAFCTTC, Sioux Falls, S. D. Libby, Hollis W.—Lt. Commdr. N, 158 Couri, Dewey W.—Capt. AAC, Hq. Barrington Rd., Upper Darby, Pa. Robie, Frederick W.—Maj. AAC, APO 645, New York, N. Y. AAFEFTC, Maxwell Field, Ala. Shute, Martyn H.—Col. A, Rocky Hill Jones, Samuel E.—Maj. A, 3434 Gunston Rd., Cape Cottage, Me. 1917 Rd, Alexandria, Va. 1906 Corridon, John H.—Col. A, 3217 Klen- Kneeland, Omer A.—Capt. N, Fleet Post Carver, Joshua—Capt N, 1st Naval Dist. gle Rd., N.W., Washington 8, D. C. Office, N. Y., N. Y. 150 Causeway St., Boston, Mass Hill, Mark L—Lt. N, Hq. Portland Sec., Leary, Philip J.—Lt. A, Btry. H, 3rd Northern Grp. MLDF, Portland, Me. 1907 Bn., 246th CA, Fort Story, Va. Libby, Harry C.—Maj. A (Retired) Libby, Phillip A.—Lt. Commdr. N, Fleet Stevens, Albert W.—Lt. Col. AAC, P.O. McCusker, Joseph A.—Maj. A, Hq. 2nd Box j, San Carlos, San Mateo County, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Service Com., Governors Island, N. Y. MacKenney, Leroy N.—Lt. Navy, Col­ Calif. 4, N. Y. 1908 lege Hall, Dartmouth College, Han­ Mower, Leland M.—Maj. A, Admin. over, N. H. Coleman, Everett C.—Maj. A, APO 927, Asst. Coast Engr. Off., Ord. Tng., Postmaster, San Francisco Murphy, Norman B.—Maj. A, 107th Camp Santa Anita, Arcadia, Calif. Gen. Hosp., Ft. Dix, N. J. French, Frank D.—Lt. Commdr. CG, Nash, William E.—Lt. Commdr. N, 221 2915 Fifth St., Port Arthur, Nickerson, Gerard H.—Lt. Commdr. N, N. LaSalle St., Chicago 1, III. Rm. 502-G, Federal Bldg., 7th Ave. & 1909 Stephenson, Charles L.—Col. A, 11 Wes­ Grant St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Keating, Edmund B.—Capt. N, Puget ton Ave., Augusta, Me. Orcutt, Leon M.—Capt. A, Address Sound Navy Yard, Bremerton, Wash. Watkins, Herbert E.—Col. A, APO 851, Unknown 1911 Miami, Fla. Peabody, Gertrude D.—Lt. WAVES, 340 Fenn, Herbert K.—Capt. N, Apex Bldg., Gadsden Hall-McLean Gardens, 30 Rm. 518, Washington, D. C. Plattsburg Ct., N.W., Washington 16, Gould, William S., Jr.—Maj. A, Spring­ Statistical Record D. C. field Ord. Depot, Springfield Armory, Rossiter, Sherman—Lt. N, USNTS, Springfield, Mass. The tabulation of men and women Sampson, N. Y. Holmes, Ralph M.—Commdr. N, 7 Cen­ serving now in the armed forces is Simpson, Noil H.—Capt. A, 1208 Station ter St., Montpelier, Vt. presented below. Individual lists of Complement, Camp Upton, N. Y. Waite, Sumner—Col. A, Hq. 2nd Service names for numbers of the categories Tait, Ruth H.—T/5 WACS, WAC Det., Com., ASF, Governors Island, New listed here are also carried in various Hq. & Hq. Sqdn., WAR, AAF, P.O. York 4, N. Y. parts of the military list. Box 1176, Wilmington, N. C. The following tabulation is compiled 1912 1921 Lilly, Walter H—Lt. Col. A, Hq. Sth as of June 17, 1944. Service Command, Dallas, Texas Total Number in Service 2,957 Chute, James L.—Lt. Conundr. N, Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. 1913 Died or Killed in Active Duty 47 Prisoners of War 11 Crandall, Horace—Lt. Commdr. N, Carleton, John H.—Maj. AAC, 18th Fleet Post Office, Seattle, Wash. AAF Depot, Providence, R. I. Missing in Action 15 Decorated 64 Froberger, George A.—Capt. A, 28 Ex­ 1914 Retired or Discharged 41 change St., Rockland, Mass. Bartlett, Charles D.—Lt. Col. A, 99 Wes­ Total Women in Service 60 Hobbs, Verinon F.—Lt. A, Post Engi­ tern Ave., Augusta, Me. neers, Camp Croft, S. C. Brown, Lester-E— Lt. Col. A, APO 43, Jones, Hollis W.—Lt. Commdr. N, Fleet San Francisco, Calif. 1918 Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Glass, Ralph R.—Lt. Col. A, 8 Church Carter, George M.—Brig. Gen. A, 24 Marcoux, Eli A.—Maj. A, APO 763, St., Wakefield, Mass. Sewall St., Augusta, Me. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Grace, William W.—Lt. Commdr., 447 Davis, Edward H.—Capt. A, Address Murray, William S.—Lt. N, Fleet Post Main St., Lynfield Centre, Mass. Unknown Office N Y N Y Kelley, Charles M., Jr.—Commdr. N, Gammell, L. W.—Maj. A, 4609 34th St., Schweitzer, William P.—Capt. A, 895 Dist. Degaussing Officer, 13th Naval S, Arlington, Va. Westminster Ave., Hillside, N. J. Dist., Exchange Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Libby, Donald M.—Lt. Col. A, APO 534, Wood, Harold P.—Lt. A, 16 Gay St., King, A. Lincoln—Capt. N, Fleet Post N. Y., N. Y. Newtonville, Mass. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Turner, O’Dillion C.—Maj. AAC, Pounds 1922 Norcross, Fernando T.—Col. A, APO Field, Tyler, Texas 512, N. Y., N. Y. Bean, Achsa M.—Lt. Commdr WAVES, 1919 US NT School (WR), Bronx, N. Y., 1915 Alley, Frank O., Jr.—Lt. Col. A, APO N. Y. Stewart, Loren P.—Col. A, Killed in 647, N. Y., N. Y. Action Blake, Foster B.—Capt. A, 855th Sig. Astle, Ray M.—Capt. A, 571st Sig. AW Serv. Co., AAFTTC, Greensboro, N. C. Whitney, Clarence A.—Maj. A, Culver Bn., Drew Field, Tampa, Fla. Academy, Culver, Ind. Daniels, Donald—Lt. Commdr. N, 974 Bailey, Stanwood L.—Capt. AAC, 1st Sawyer St., Portland, Me. 1916 Ave. & 58th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Feeney, Elton O.—Capt. A, Hq. FSC Tng. Ashton, Donald M.—Col. A, Postmaster, MacDonnell, Reginald H.—Lt. Col. A, Center, Camp Niantic, Niantic, Conn. Seattle, Wash. APO 9112, N. Y., N. Y. Healey, Melvin E.—Lt. Conundr. N, Ashton, Harold D.—Maj. A, Black Hills Pattee, Karl M.—Lt. Col. A, APO 629, Fleet Post Office, San Francisco’, Calif. Ord. Depot, Provo, S. D. N. Y„ N. Y. Hescock, Milton—Discharged

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 9 JUNE, I944 Hopkinson, Harold H.—Lt. A, Presque Andrews, Egbert M.—Lt. Col. A., Station 1927 Isle, Me. Hosp., Drew Field, Tampa 7, Fla. Arbo, Paul P.—Lt. A, APO 617, Post- Murphy, Thomas H.—Maj. A, Post Ex­ Bailey, Irving S.—Lt. A, Hotel New mastpr N V "NJ "V change Serv., Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. Yorker, N. Y, N. Y. Austin, Sewall Y.—Maj. AAC, APO 650, Nickerson, Osgood A.—Lt. Col. A, Boyden, James P., Jr.—Lt N, Fleet Post Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, APO 442, San Francisco, Office, N. Y, N. Y. Berg, Frederick T.—Lt. Col. A, West Calif. Brackett, Madelene—Ens. WAVES, 130 Point, N. Y. Quinn, John T.—Maj. A, Hq. of Se­ E 57th St., N. Y., N. Y. Brownstone, David I.—Capt. A, APO 654 lective Service, Augusta, Me. Chandler, John W.—Maj. A, Camp Ed- Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Sargent, Carl A.—Maj. AAC, APO 113, wards A/f □ c c Chesterton, Allan B.—Lt. A, 303rd Inf., Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Chellis, Allen M.—EM3/C N, Fleet Post Ft Williams, Me. Sullivan, Allan F.—Col. AAC, APO 634, Office, N. Y., N. Y. Davis, Royce P.—Commdr. N, 6 Gid­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Cutts, Cecil J.—Lt. AAC, CAAF—Box dings Ave, Annapolis, Md. 55, Columbus, Miss. Eastman, Robert D.—MM2/c Seabees, 1923 Dole, Francis S.—Capt. A, 1825 F. St., NCT-Area B-7, Plat. 125, Williams­ Curtis, L. Everett—Lt. N, Bldg. 674, Rm. N.W., Apt. 12, Washington, D. C. burg, Va. 180, NAS, Pensacola, Fla. Everett, Vaughn B.—1st Lt. A, 79th Epstein, Nathan—Pfc. AAC, APO 637, Dobbins, Frank P.—Lt. Col. A, TTV, AAA Grp., Manchester, Conn. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. ATC, PF, San Luis Obispo, Calif. Fagan, T. Moulton—Capt. AAC, Na­ Fernaid, Waldron E.—A, 3416 W. Shore Doten, Henry L—Capt. A, 3417 Ninth tional Bank of America, Salina, Kan. Rd., Apponaug, R. I St, S, Arlington, Va. Holbrook, Alfred L.—Pfc. A, Btry. A, Grant, Ernest H.—Capt. A, 39^ West­ Fenno, Frank W.—Lt. Commdr. N, Fleet 20th CA, Ft. Crockett, Texas ern Ave., Augusta, Me. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Humphrey, O. Julian—Capt. A, 13 Bou- Howard, Henry G.—Maj. A, 31st Inf. Fernaid, Roy L.—Lt. A, Discharged telle St., Leominster, Mass. Tng. Bn., Camp Croft, S. C. Fisher, Linwood W.—Maj. A, QMC, Murray, Joseph M.—Capt. AAC, APO Kelso, Elmer G.—Maj. A, 351st FA Bn., Postmaster, Shreveport, La. 557, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Ft. Sill, Okla. Getchell, Ralph A.—Lt. Col. A, Camp Muzzey, George A.—Maj. A, Prisoner of Miles, Arthur R.—Sgt. A, Sth Guard Det., Ellis, III. War Interned by Japan, Military Pris­ Port Terminals, NYPE, Staten Island Hamm, Clifton M.—Maj. A, Boston Terminal, Stapleton, S.I., 4, N. Y. Port of Embarkation, Boston, Mass. on 2, The Philippines, via N. Y., N. Y. Pressey, Harold E.—Maj. A, 203rd Field Milliken, Harold E.—Lt. A, Station Hosp. Johnson, Stuart M.—Maj. A, APO 851, Arty., Ft. Bragg, N. C. Bombing & Gunnery Range, Tonopah, Postmaster, Miami, Fla. Nev. Lappin, Chase R.—Maj. A, Post Signal Ridlon, Ernest S.—Capt. A, APO 758, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Poor, Bernard T.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Office, Fort Bliss, Texas Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Lord, Leonard—Capt. A, OTB, CWS, Stone, Roger B.—Lt. N, Fleet Post Of­ fice, San Francisco, Calif. Rounsville, Sherman H.—Capt. A, 482 Camp Sibert, Ala. Park St., New Bedford, Mass. Matthews, Guy O.—Discharged Tabachnick, Henry M—Maj. A, APO 511, Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. Stitham, Lloyd H.—Capt A, Internal O’Regan, Donald C.—Discharged Security Div., Office of Provost Mar­ Randlette, Howard H.—Lt. A, 4042^ Taylor, Harold A.—Lt. N, Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. shall Gen., Munitions Bldg., Washing­ Prescott Ave., Dallas 4, Texas ton 25, D. C. Thomas, Daniel F.—Lt. N., Naval Air Vallee, Rudy—Lt. C.G., USCG, Long- beach, Calif. Sylvester, Arthur C.—Maj. A, Hq. Air Station, Pasco, Wash. Service Com, Patterson Fid., Dayton, Wilkins, Roland L.—Discharged 1926 Ohio 1924 Acheson, George R.—Col. A, 804 Lake­ Torrey, Daniel W.—Col. Marines, Marine Beckett, Charles L.—Capt. A, Post Ex­ view Rd, Tampa, Fla. Defense Grp-44, MCAS, change, G-2, Ft. Niagara, N. Y. Bartlett, Edmund—Discharged Mojave. Calif. Driscoll, Merwyn R.—Lt. N, 3234 North Buck, Lawrence L—Capt. A, Hq. Co., Watson, Paul E.—Lt Col. A—Deceased 54th St., Milwaukee 10, Wis. Co. B, 98th Sig Bn., Camp Blanding, Webster, Daniel—Lt. A, BOQ Unit 52, Eastman, Arthur F.—Capt. A, 15 Taylor Fla. Naval Operations Base, Norfolk, Va. St., Wollaston, Mass. Conant, C. Tyler—Discharged 1928 Eastpian, T. Clifford—Lt. Col. A, APO Curren, L. Addison—Capt. A, APO 1268, Beeaker, Vincent H.—Capt. A, APO 43, 2, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Fayle, Leslie E.—Capt. A, Reception Eaton, Henry B.—Lt. N, Fleet Post Blake, Wallace—Lt. (j g.) N, Fleet Post Center, Camp Blanding, Fla. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Griffin, Guy E.—Maj. A, 502 School St., Little, Guilbert R.—Maj. A, APO 302, Cheney, Leon A.—Lt. N, F-South Dental Belmont, Mass. Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Dispensary, USNTS, Sampson, N.Y. Handy, Francis E.—Lt. Col. AAC, APO Littlefield, George T —Maj. A, US Engr. Conro, Wray C.—Lt. N, 24 Dean St., 650, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Office, Eglin Field, Fla. Attleboro, Mass. Hatch, Theodore F.—Lt. Col. A, AF MacGregor, Clarence A.—Pvt. A, 1622 Cutler, Lawrence M.—Maj. A, APO 43, Med. Res. Lab., Ft. Knox, Ky. Linwood Rd, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Huston, Robert D.—Lt. N, Discharged McCann, Everett F.—Pfc. APO 827, Fitzmaurice, Frederick E.—Maj. A, 3116 Hutchins, Bentley S.—Maj. A, 51 Ledge­ Postmaster, New Orleans, La. (12) Wellington Rd., Alexandria, Va. lawn Ave., Lexington, Mass. Marshall, John T —Capt. A, 42 Atlantic Fitzpatrick, Francis G.—Maj. A, Ord. Jacobs, David—Capt. A, Reception Cen­ Ave, Portland, Me. Serv. Com. Shop, Ft. McClellan, Ala. ter Dispensary, Camp Shelby, Miss. Morse, Walter P.—Lt. N, 1023 East Fuller, David W.—Sgt. A.—Investiga­ Lancaster, Ralph I.—A, 449th Sep. CA Blount St, Pensacola, Fla. tion Sec., 772 Stevens Ave., Portland, Bn. (AA) Btry A, , Myatt, Charles O.—Lt. A, 370 Central Me. Mass. Ave., Orange, N J. Hammond, Seymour C.—Civilian Engi­ Mackay, Roger D.—Maj. A, 2nd Bn, Newton, Donald M.—Capt. A, Post Ex­ neer War Dept.—Lost at Sea 274th Inf., 70th Div., Camp Adair, change, Camp Sutton, N. C. Highland, Matthew E.—Capt. A, Sub- Ore. Paul, H. Carl—Lt. Commdr. N, Fleet sistance Research Lab., Chicago QM MacLeod, James L.—Lt. Seabees, Co. B, Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Depot, 1819 Pershing Rd., Chicago, 132nd CB, Camp Parks, Calif. Rowe, Philip A.-r-Lt. A, 23 Waddington Ill. Shaw, Francis G.—CWO A, 195th Army Rd., Beverly, Mass. Kamen, Archie—T/4 A, APO 708, Band, Ft. Bragg, N. C. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Skofield, George L.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Gen. Somers, Vernon H.—Maj. A, 255th Inf., Camp Van Dorn, Miss. Kehoe, George F.—Capt. A, Deceased Ord. School, Navy Yard, Washington, Lymburner, Paul—Lt. A, 152 Hillside D. C. Stanton, Edward F.—Capt. A, APO 511, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Ave., Metuchen, N. J. Stackpole, George K.—Lt. N, 30 Church Manter, Nelson L.—Capt. A, Quarters St., N. Y., N. Y. Stevens, Earle M.—Maj. A, APO 30, 66-A, Ft. Devens, Mass. Stevens, John—Pvt. A, Ohio Institute of Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. McGuire, Mary A.—Lt. (j.g.) WAVES, Aeronautics, 340 Broad St., Columbus, Tibbetts, Hugh S.—Capt. AAC, AAF, NRMS, Northampton, Mass. Ohio. TTS, Jefferson Bks., Mo. Murdoch, Laurence H—Lt. (j g.) N, Swett, Stanton L.—Maj. A, 169th QM True, William H., Jr.—Capt. A, APO Box 211, So. Duxbury, Mass. Bn., Camp Breckenridge, Ky. 922, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Murphy, Charles R.—PO2/c N, Fleet Taylor, Philip H—Lt. Col. A, 2nd Bn., Weatherbee, Francis E.—Lt. Canadian Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. 334th Inf. Div., Camp Claiborne, La. Army Forestry Corps, APO 507, Murphy, Frederic C.—Capt. A, APO 394, 1925 Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Allen, William M.—Capt. A, APO 883, Whitcomb, Karl B.—Capt. A, APO 644, Peakes, Harry W.—Lt. (j.g.) N, NTS, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Patton 63, Princeton, N. J.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 10 . JUNE, 1944 Rackley, Alfred L.—EM2/c N, Fleet Wilkins, Roger C.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Lary, Everett C.—Capt. A, 200 W. Balti­ Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Post Officet San Francisco, Calif. more St., Baltimore 1, Md. Reed, James W.—Capt. A, APO 511, Worthley, Herbert M.—Lt. A, Box 269, Mansur, Norwood W.—Lt. A, 246 Al- Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. RAAB, Rome, N. Y. pern Ave., Eiberon, N. J. Riley, Harley M.—Maj. A, Ft. Sam 1930 Marshall, Elliott E.—Commdr. N, Miss­ Houston, Texas Ashworth, James P.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 628 ing in Action Savage, Fred B.—Lt. N, NTS, Sampson, Linden St., Hayward, Calif. McAlary, Edward N.—A, Address Un­ N. Y. Atwood, Jack S.—Lt. Marines, 161 Shore known Sawyer, Simear F.—Capt. A, 241 State Drive, Lynn, Mass. Moulton, Olin C.—Lt. N, Acorn 35, ATD, St., Bangor, Me. Bailey, Emory P.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 61 Con­ Port Hueneme, Calif. Simons, Robert—Maj. AAC, Dow Field, gress St., Bangor, Me. Muzzey, Arnold K.—Capt. A, Hq. RTC r Bangor, Me. Beckwith, Milledge M.—Maj. A, 324-1 (S-3), Camp Sibert, Ala. Staples, Roscoe E.—Maj. A, Killed in Doniphan, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. Patch, Charles E.—Discharged Action Chilman, Arthur L.—Maj. A, 3826 Olym- Pearce, Franklin E.—Lt. A, APO 568, Viles, William P.—Capt. AAC, Dis­ paid Drive, 43, Calif. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. charged Corbett, Ralph A.—Pfc. A, Co. C, 708th Scholesberg, Charles—Lt. A, 99th Evacu­ Walsh, Stewart E.—A, 31 Sidney St., Mil. Police Bn., West Springfield, Mass. ation Hospital, Camp Shelby, Miss. Bangor, Me. Crowell, John H.—Pvt. A, APO 645, Smith, Thomas B.—Lt. A, New York Ward, Elmer H.—Lt. AAC, Asst. Post Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Port Agency, 25 Broad St., N. Y., N. Y. Ex.'Off., DCAAF, Dodge City, Kan. Cutler, Harold M.—Capt. A, APO 795, Spalding, Prescott O.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. 1929 Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Cutts, Robert—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Post Stanley, John T.—Commdr. C.G., Rm. Bassett, Clarence E.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 32-28 Office, San Francisco, Calif. 227, Barge Office USCG, N. Y., N. Y. 152nd St., Flushing, L.I., N. Y. Gowell, Earle—Lt. A, Camp Myles Stan­ Stymiest, Emerson A.—Lt. A, Stark Gen. Bates, Herbert J —Capt. A, APO 928, dish, Camp Engineers Office, Taunton, Hosp.—Office of Post Eng., Charleston, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. MaSs. S. C. Bostrom, Frank P.—Col. AAC, Postmas­ Hapworth, Kenneth C.—Maj. A, APO Sweatt, John H.—Capt. A, Hq. 2nd Repl. ter, N. Y, N. Y. 629, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Regt. AGFRD 1, Ft. George G. Meade, Bradley, James V.—Lt. Col. Marines, Hardy, Charles C.—Lt. A, APO 512, Md. ASM—Prisoner of War, Philippine Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Vail, Eugene L.—Lt. A, 1624-18th St., Islands, c/o Japanese Red Cross, Tokyo, Harkins, John W.—Capt. A, Inf. Repl. N.W., Washington, D. C. Japan via N. Y. Center, Camp Roberts, Calif. Zakarian, Lavon—Pfc. A, Hq. Co., DeWolfe, Thomas—Lt. A, APO 43, Higgins, Elmer R.—Lt. A, 847th Sig. WPRC, Camp White, Oregon Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Tng. Bn., Co. G, Camp Crowder, Mo. Dow, Horace L.—Lt. AAC, APO 832, 1931 Postmaster, New Orleans 12, La.‘ Hinkley, Frank R.—Maj. A, Cumberland Armstrong, John N.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Fitzmorris, Herbert R—Lt. N, 83 Fair­ Mills, Me. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. view Ave., Great Neck, N. Y. Inman, Harold H.—Pvt. A, Co. B, 30th Barker, David E.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 13 Has­ Giddings, Paul D —Lt. N, Camp Pendle­ MTB, 3rd Plat., Camp Grant, Ill. tings St., Portland 5, Me. ton, 14-Q-l, Oceanside, Calif. Johnson, Ralph L.—Lt. A, 55 Griffing Breton, Clovis—A, 110 Essex St., Bangor, t Hill, Allison K.—Lt. A, Carlisle Bks., Blvd, Asheville, N. C. Me. Carlisle, Pa. Larrabee, Franklin—Sgt. AAC, P.O. Bryant, Edward C.—Ens. N, 63 Merri­ Holmes, Richard W.—Pvt. A, Class 260, Box 97, Biloxi, Miss. mac St., N. Woburn, Me. Sec. Z, Keesler Field, Miss Cheney, Linwood G.—Lt. A, 903rd AW Horslin, Carroll E.—Pvt. A, Co. L, 8th Bn., Camp Hulen, Texas Bn., 2nd Tng. Regt., Camp Reynolds, Clark, Lester M.—CCM N, Fleet Post Greenville, Pa. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Kinney, Loomis L—Pvt. A, Co. C, 7th Cleaves, Ward B.—Lt. Col. A, Subsist­ Bn., Camp Wheeler, Ga. ence Branch, Office QM Gen., 2nd & Lancaster, Virgil M.—Capt. A, 1128 W'. Q Sts., S.W., Washington, D. C. Main St., Medford, Ore. Cogswell, Charles L.—Pvt. A, Co. A, Larsen, Karl D.—Lt. N, Naval Tng. 798th MP Bn., Ft. Harrison, Indiana Station, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Crocker, Thomas E.—Maj. AAC, Hq. Me. AAFEFTC, Maxwell Field, Ala. Lewson, Rudolph E—Capt. A, APO 708, Crozier, Sara F.—Lt. WACS, Spence Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Field, Moultrie, Ga. Lucas, James H—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Cuozzo, George V.—Pvt. A, Base Det. Post Office, N. Y, N. Y. Dale Mabry Field, Tallahassee, Fla. Lynch, John B.—Maj. A, Hq. 14th Bn., Cushman, Parker G.—Pvt. A, Co. A, 2nd Camp Wheeler, Ga. Bn., ERTC, Ft. Belvoir, Va. MacNaughton, Victor B — N, Fleet Post Emerson, Alberto C.—Lt. NAC, Missing­ Office, San Francisco, Calif. in Action Mahoney, George F.—CPO Seabees, Flynn, Horace F.—Maj. A, APO 627, Camp Perry, Williamsburg, Va. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Mallory, James A.—Canadian Army— Fogg, Donald H.—Capt. A, Killed in St Stephens, N. B. Action McGee, Albert'J.—PFC AAC, APO 634, Giffin, Alvin H.—Lt. Commdr. CG, 77 Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Woodlawn Rd., New London, Conn. Moore, Helen—Ens. WAVES, The Groves, Laurence W.—Lt. A, Co. A-, Town House, Apt. 609, 601 19th St., 311th Inf., APO 78, Camp Butner, N. C. N.W., Washington, D. C. Hapworth, Kenneth E.—Maj. A, Hq. 3rd Moore, Roger W.—Lt. Col. A, Staff & Inf. Bn., 1st Regt., AFG Repl. Depot 2, Faculty Command & Gen. Staff Sch., Fort Ord, Calif. Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. COLONEL: Daniel W. Torrey, Hargreaves, George M.—Maj. A, APO Nevells, Frederick L.—Capt. A, APO 214, Jr. ’27 of Portland is one of the 15189, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. latest Maine men to achieve the Larrabee, Frederick T.—Sgt. AAC, APO rank of full colonel and one of 925, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Powell, Harold N.—Capt. A, Corps of Lyon, Isabella B.—Ens. WAVES, AN Engineers, Oak Ridge, Tenn. the first in the Marine Corps. He is currently serving as Executive 61, NOB, Norfolk 11, Va. Shirley, Noyes D.—Lt. A, Post Hq. c/o Marshall, Donald F.—Capt. A, APO 464, S-3, Camp Gordon, Ga. Officer of an Aircraft Group at the Marine Corps Air Station, Mo­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Stewart, Fred B.—Lt. N, Navy Supply McGillicuddy, George E.—T/Sgt. A, 36 Pier, Portland, Me. jave, Cal. Colonel Torrey first enlisted in the Marine Corps in Pleasant St., Houlton, Me. Sullivan, Edward D.—Lt. A, APO 763, 1929, entering flight training and Munce, Richard T.—Lt. A, 81 Birch St., Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. serving until 1931 as a flyer. He Bangor, Me. Weatherbee, Edward A., Jr.—Lt. AAC, was recalled to duty in 1935 and Perkins, Alfred W.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 36 60th CTD, Univ, of Pittsburgh, Pitts­ has served as instructor, pilot, and Melville St., Augusta, Me. burgh, Pa. engineering officer. He served Ryan, Timothy J.—Lt. Col. A, U.S. Mil. Wheeler, Whitney L.—Lt. NAC, Barin ten months in the South Pacific Acad., West Point, N. Y. Field, NAS, Pensacola, Fla. as a squadron commanding officer. Schultz, Joseph—Maj. A, Hq. 81st Inf.

TTIE MAINE ALUMNUS 11 JUNE, I944 Div., APO 81, Postmaster, Los Ange­ McIntosh, Carolyn E.—Ens. N, 466 Frazier, Donald E—Lt. A, 285 Nahatan les, Calif. Roslyn Ave., Akron, Ohio St, Norwood, Mass. Smith, M. Stetson—Cpl. AAC, APO 634, McNamara, Richard W.—Capt. AAC, Giddings, Edwin L.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 365th AB Sqdn., AAFBS, Big Spring, Post Office, N. Y, N. Y. Spencer, Lincoln O.—Sl/c N, Utah State T CX3S Gillen, Fred E.—Lt. A, APO 709, Post­ Univ., Logan, Utah Merriman, Wheeler G.—Maj. A, APO master, San Francisco, Calif. Spruce, Wilfred L.—Cpl. A, Camp Davis, 252, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Govrin, Solomon—Sgt. A, Service Btry., N. C. Overlock, Fred V.—Capt. Marines—Fleet 798th F.A. Bn , Ft. Bragg, N C. Spurling, Nelson E.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Gould, Horace H.—N, Address unknown USNAS, Patuxent River, Md. Protas, Stanley J —Lt. A, APO 502, Hagan, F. Wilbur—CMl/c Seabees, CD Stipek, Charles W.—Lt. A, TS, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. 2309, A-4-122, Camp Peary, Williams­ AAFCTTC, Tomah, Wis. Ranney, Thomas S.—Sgt. A, APO 77, burg, Va. Sturgis, John W.—Lt. (j.g.) N, NAS, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Hallgren, Swen E.—Sgt. AAC, 371st Quonset Point, R. I. Ricker, Cyrus L.—Lt. A, 833 York St., Fighter Sqdn., AAF, Santa Maria, Tracy, Hubert—Seabees, Address Un­ Oakland, Calif. Calif. known Robbins, Winston C.—Capt. A, Eng. Hamilton, Allan C—Maj. A, 75 Federal Tweedie, Charles H.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 120 Board, Ft Belvoir, Va. St., Boston, Mass. Williams St., Portland, Me. Roche, John W.—Lt."(j.g.) N, 24005—23, Hendrickson, Warren M.—Maj. A, Hq. Wells,* William C—Capt. AAC, 482nd NTS, Ft. Schuyler. N. Y., N. Y. 318th Inf., APO 80, Ft. Dix, N J. Base Hq. & Air Base Sqdn., OASC, Schultz, Norman L.—S/Sgt. A, APO Hooper, Cleveland H.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Hill Field, Ogden, Utah 661, New Orleans, La. Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. 1932 Shapero, Clarence—Pfc. A, Co. 9, Bks. Ingraham, Robert J.—Capt. A, APO 923, Adams, Everett K.—Lt. (j.g.) N, NAS, 12, Armory, Univ, of , Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Kodiak, Alaska Champaign, Ill. Jackson, Raymond A.—Capt. A, Hq. Allen, William A.—Maj. A, Fiscal Offi­ ' Shean, Robert S—Lt. (j.g.) N, 169 311th Inf., 78th Div., Camp Butner, cer, Camp Phillips, Kan. Columbia St, Malden, Mass. N. C. Ames, Smith W.—Lt. AAC, Santa Ana Smith, Mildred E—Pfc. WAC, 1209th Johnson, Rudolph B.—Lt. (j.g.) N, ATB, Army Air Base, Santa Ana, Calif. WAC Det, SCU, Pine Camp, N Y. Shore Patrol, Ft Pierce, Fla. Bagley, Fernaid S.—Maj. A, 758th Tank Stanley, Asa H.—SKV2/c N, Naval Air Leland, Alanson T.—Maj. A, AGF Repl. Bn., Ft Huachuca, Ariz. Transport Sqdn. 6, Dinner Key Base, Depot 1, Ft. George G. Meade, Md. Barrett, Lewis W.—Maj. A, Postmaster, Miami 33, Fla. Leveroni, Herbert C.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet San Francisco, Calif. Stone, Willard B.—Pfc. A, APO 15190, Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Barry, John T.—Lt. A, APO 700, Post­ Postmaster, New York, N Y. Lucas, Ludger A.—Lt. (j.g ) N, Naval master, N. Y, N. Y. Sullivan, Cornelius J.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Torpedo Station, Newport. R. I. Brooks, Ralph C.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 225 USNR, Cecil Field, Jacksonville, Fla. MacLean, Roderick K.—Lt. Commdr. N, Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Trask, Herbert I—Lt. (j.g) N, 193 Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Calderwood, Neil M.—Lt. N, Box 16, Webster Hill Blvd., West Hartford, McCarthy, John J —Capt. A, 48-19-92nd NAS, Jacksonville, Fla. Conn. St., Elmhurst, L I., N. Y. Davis, Wilfred S.—Lt. A, Hq. Co., 3rd Trickey, Katherine W.—Pvt. WAC, McLeod, Gregg C—Maj. A, 1B-670 Bn, 86th Inf. Div., APO 345, Camp WAC Det. IRTC, Camp Wheeler, Ga. Pentagon Bldg., Washington, D. C Hale, Pando, Colo. Velten, John J.—Lt. (j.g ) N, 4917 Catal­ Means, Melbourne F—Lt (j.g.) N, Dekin, Albert A.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet pha Rd., Baltimore, Md Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Whitten, James F —Capt. A, APO 528, Morrison, Richard P.—Lt. A, Regt. Hq. Desjardins, Jules A.—Lt. A, APO 4926, Postmaster, N Y., N Y. SCU 1112, Ft. Devens, Mass. Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. Newell, Raymond F.—Cpl. A, 629 Main Young, Roland E—Gapt. A, 123 Ridge­ St., Bangor, Me. Elliott, Linwood S—Capt. A, APO 600, field St, Hartford, Conn Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Odiorne, Philip W.—Sgt. A, Med De­ tach , Bks. 399, Chanute Field, Ill. Feeley, J. Robert—Capt. A, APO 511, 1933 Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. Page, Roland L—S/Sgt. A, Co. C, 767th Fickett, Lester C —sLt. A, Hq. QM Achroyd, Whiteley I.—Maj. A, HECP, M P. Bn., Massena Bks., Massena. School, Bldg. 1624, Camp Lee, Va. Ft. Rodman, New Bedford, Mass. N.Y. Flanders, Merton N.—Lt. A, 6 West St, Alley, Alton W.—Lt. A, Calais, Me. Palmer, Donald R.—Lt. A, Address Un­ Waterville, Me. Anderson, Philip W.—Lt N, Fleet Post known Foley, William—Maj. A, APO 871 Office, San Francisco, Calif. Prout, Stanley R.—S/Sgt. A, Base Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Bachrach, Samuel—Maj. A, APO 141, Weather Station, Chatham Field, Ga. Gerry, Albert F.—Capt. A, APO 689, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Robertshaw, Gilbert T.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 33 Postmaster N Y., N. Y. Bankus, John T.—Capt. A, APO 887, Great Rd., Union Village, R. I. Glaser, Leo—Lt. A, QMC, Ft. Williams, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Romansky, Monroe J.—Capt. A, Walter Me. Blake, Donald C.—Maj. A, Hq. X Corps, Reed General Hospital, Washington, Gross, Virgil T.—MM3/c, Fleet Post Camp Maxey, Texas D C Office, San Francisco, Calif. Booker, Guy A.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 200 Wa­ Shaw, Linwood Z —Lt. A, Deceased Hall, Walter L. H.—Lt. N, 125 Church verly Ave., Brooklyn, N Y. Shaw, Russell W.—Ens. N, 194 Mussey St., Newport, R. I. Bunker, Charles E—Maj. AAC, 36th St. St, So. Portland, Me. Hanaburg, David H.—Lt. A, APO 15148, , Miami, Fla. Smith, Kenneth E.—Lt. Commdr. N, 1621 Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Chetley, Lloyd W.—T/Sgt. A, APO 442, W. 31st St., Minneapolis, Minn. Hincks, Maynard A.—Capt. A, APO 638, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Smythe, Berla M.—Lt. ANC, APO 927, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Clifford, Robert L.—Maj. A, APO 100, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Huddilston, Homer W.—Capt. A, Louis­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Sweet, Girdler J.—Sgt. A, H & S Co., ville Med. Depot, Louisville, Ky. Dane, Edwin M.—Lt. (j.g) N, NTS, 248th Engr. Combat Bn., Camp Bowie, Jones, Alonzo L.—Ens. N, Box 398, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Texas Berwick, Me. Decker, Lawrence F.—Maj. A, APO 430, Wasgatt, Wesley N.—Capt. A, O’Riley Kiszonak, Amel F.—Maj. A, 714th Tnk. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. General Hosp., 1234 St. Louis St., Bn , APO 262, Camp Barkeley, Texas Dickerson. Kenneth J.—Cpl. A, Lincoln Springfield, Mo. Kuntz, Peter J.—CSp. N, Athletic Office, AAB, Processing Unit 273, Hq. AAB Whiting, Olive L.—Ens. SPARS, 1503 NTS, Norfolk, Va. Unit, Sec. A, CRP, Lincoln, Neb. Colley Ave., Norfolk, Va. Lester, Donald L.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 96 Downing. Robert B.—EM3/c N, Wilson, Donald H.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Moose­ Mechanic St., Westbrook, Me. USNTS, Av. A, Bldg. 1800, Codding- head, Me. Loanev C. Holland—Lt. N, Fleet Post ton Pt., Newport, R. I. 1934 Office, N. Y., N Y. Doyle John P.—Maj. A, 1103 W. Frank­ Ludden, Kenneth S.—Lt. A, APO 512, lin St., Monroe, N. C Bearce, Wesley S.—Ens. N, Armored Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Elmore. John H.—Lt. N, U. S. Naval Guard Center, San Francisco, Calif. Masterman, Rosco C—Lt (j.g.) N, NTS Dry Docks, Ships BOQ 106, Hunter’s Bendsten, Frederick A.—Maj. A, APO (R), 470 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. Pt., San Francisco, Calif. 93, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. McCabe, Francis J.—Maj. A, Provost Farnsworth, John P.—Lt. Col A, APO Black, Frederick R.—Capt. A, APO 140, Marshal’s Office, Camp Edwards, Mass. 390. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. McCray, Roy H.—Cml/c Seabees, Fleet Fleischer, Harold W.—N, Address Un­ Blaisdell, William B.—Capt. A, Station Post Office. N. Y., N. Y. known Hospital, Sheppard Field, Texas McGowan, John G.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 77 Forrestall, Arthur T.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Bradbury, Kent F.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Grozier Rd., Cambridge, Mass. Fleet Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y.




Brown, Earl D.—Ens. N, 330 E. 43rd Smith, Albert J.—Lt. A, 156 State* St., St., N. Y., N. Y. Bangor, Me Collaniore, Edson L.—Pfc. A, 586th MP Smith, J. Eldrid—Capt. AAC, APO 887, Co., Ft. Custer, Mich. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Brunn, Ewart M.—Pfc. A, 1st QM Sch. Stinchfield, John E.—Lt. N, Fleet Post • Regt., Camp Lee, Va. * Office, San Francisco, Calif. Cook, Edward H.—PhM2/c N, Fleet- Striar, Abraham—Lt. A, Hq. QM Sch., Post Office, N. Y, N. Y. Camp Lee, Va. Dearth, Robert D.—Lt. AAC, 429 High Thorner, Irving N.—Lt. A, Rocky Mt. St., Mt. Holly, N. J. Arsenal, Denver, Colo. Doane, Stanley R.—T/Sgt. AAC, 1221 Varney, Lewis B.—Lt. (j.g.) N, USNTS, Washington St., Denver 3, Colo. 12 Mennen Hall, Ithaca, N. Y. Finks, Henry—Maj. A, APO 9639, Post­ Wadleigh, Jesse R.—Lt. N, Receiving master, N. Y., N. Y. Sta, USS Marcus, Island Navy Yard, Floring, William—Sgt. AAC, 2265 Sedge­ Bremerton, Wash. wick Ave., New York 53, N. Y. Ward, Ierdell C.—Capt. A, 241 So. Main Folsom, Parker L.—Lt. Commdr. N, St., Old Town, Me. P.G. School, Annapolis, Md. Warren, George W.—Maj. AAC, APO Foster, Kenneth C—Lt. A, Hq. AAATC, 322, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Camp Haan, Calif. Watson, Andrew E.—Ens. N, Armed Gersoni, Henry B.—Capt. A, APO 758, Guard Sell., Shelton US 60, Norfolk Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 11, Va. Giguere, Armand M.—Maj. AAC, APO Wilson, John C—Maj. A, APO 28, 12959-DA, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Grady, Stephen J.—Lt. (j.g.) N, NTS, 1935 82 Patton Hall, Princeton Univ., Anderson, Donald L.—Capt. A, APO 1, Princeton, N. J. Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Griffin, Mardelle E.—S/Sgt. AAC, 246th Anderson, Karl V —Capt. A, APO 1, Base Unit, Sec. F, AAF, Pratt, Kan. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. FLYER: Lt. Col. Edward W. Sza- Hamilton, Neil A.—Lt. A, APO 15200, Bean, Paul W—Maj. A, 18th G.S. Class, uiawski ’39, called by his fellows Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Command & General Staff School, Ft. in service “Jonesy,” as a Mustang Hastings, Waldon H—Discharged Leavenworth, Kan. Squadron Commander, has been Hefler, Roger H.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Beers, Ralph E—Lt. N, Fleet Post Of­ credited with at least nine flight Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. fice, N. Y., N. Y. victories over Nazi flyers and won Hoos, Harold W.—Lt. A, 721st SAW Benjamin, S. IC.—Lt. (j.g.) N, APO 627, the award of DFC and Air Medal Co., Drew Field, Tampa, Fla. Fleet Post Office, N. Y„ N. Y. with three Oak Leaf Clusters. Hussey, Freeman L.—Lt. A, Sta. Hosp., Bickford, Kenneth J.—Pfc. A, Co. D, 15th Since the receipt of the above AAFB Tng. Ctr. 10, Greensboro, N. C. Sig. Tng. Regt., Ft. Monmouth, N. J. information, Lt. Col. Szaniawski Jackson, Holden F.—Cpl. A, Hq. Co. Bicknell, Charles E.—Ens. N, 148 Dan­ has been reported missing in ac­ ARTC, Ft. Knox, Ky. bury St., Bellevue, Washington, D. C. tion. Jackson, James M.—Lt. A, 305 E. Dun­ Blaisdell, Frank R.—Maj. A, Officers’ can Ave., Apt. 4, Alexandria, Va. Repl. Pool, Camp Lee, Va. Jones, Kenneth E.—Lt. N, NAS, Rm. Boone, Donald H.-—Ens. N, Naval Armed 241, BOQ Sp-17, Norfolk, Va. Getchell, John S.—Capt. A, APO 9648, Guard Ctr., 52nd St. & 1st Ave., Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Jordan, Edward C.—Capt. A, 70 Wash­ Brooklyn, N. Y. ington St., Eastport, Me. Goddard, Maurice K.—Capt. A, SCU Bottumc, Carl—Ens. N, c/o Dist. C.G. 1137, Camp Edwards, Mass. Karalekas, Peter—Maj. A, American Em­ Officer, duPont Bldg., Miami, Fla. bassy, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Central Gotlieb, Hyman—Pfc. A, APO 4913, Brann, Henry A.—Capt. A, APO 709, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. America Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Lowell, Donald IC.—A, Address Unknown Goode, Paul E.—Pfc. A, 3rd Weather Briggs, Carl A.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Sqdn., La Junta, Colo. Lyon, Alpheus C., Jr.—Lt (j.g.) N, Post Office, N. Y, N. Y. YMCA, 1421 Arch St., Philadelphia, Gray, Ira C.—Ens. N, 143 Church St., Carr, Amos J.—Capt A, Base Sign. Offi­ Mansfield, Mass. Pa. cer, AAB, Chatham Field, Savannah, Marble, Richard H.—Pvt. A, APO 159, Halpine, William C.—Lt. AAC, APO 629, Ga. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Carr, Malcolm F.—Lt. A, APO 887, McGuire, Thomas G.—Lt. (j.g.) Seabees, Hancock, Sumner O.—Sgt. A, APO 230, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Collins, Earle O.—Capt. A, APO 7137, Mercier, Ardon C.—Lt. A, Address Helfand, Harry—Capt. A, APO 464, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Unknown Conway, James M.—Cpl. AAC, APO 633, Moore, Montgomery D.—Sgt. A, APO Higgins, Ralph F.—Pvt. A, Shenango Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Pers. Repl. Depot, Camp Reynolds, Pa. 510, Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. Copeland, Ralph L.—Lt. Commdr. N, Morse, Thomas S.—Lt. A, German Pris­ Hijjgins, Robert G.—Lt. A, 3rd Mapping 7833 Spring Ave., Elkins Park, Pa. Sqdn., MacDill Field, Tampa, Fla. oner Crocker, James D.—Ens. N, Flotilla 31, Murray, Vernon—Sgt. A, APO 400, Hill, Earle W.—Capt. A, 2653 Oardau Camp 1, USNATB, Ft. Pierce, Fla. Ave., Houston, Texas Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Curran, William J.—W/O A, APO 887, Paul, John N.—Cpl. A, 305th Ord. Maint. Honer, Carl N.—Capt. A, APO 306, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Co. (AA), -Gamp Stewart, Ga. Davis, Betty L.—Lt. (Army Dietitian), Pullen, Kenneth E.—Pvt. A, APO 579, Johnson, Harvey R.—A, Address Un­ Station Jdosp., Camp Shelby, Miss. known Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Day, Harry H.—Maj. A, 3rd Bn., 255th Quinn, John G.—Maj. A, Tactical Sec., Kyer, Donald L.—Pfc. A, YMCA, Hunt­ Inf., APO 410, Camp Van Dorn, Miss. ington Ave., Boston, Mass. Acad. Dept., Inf. Sch., Ft. Benning, Ga. DeWitt, John H.—Capt. A, APO 173, Rice, Richard L.—Lt. AAC, Maint. Sec. Look, Sidney L.—Capt. A, APO 639, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 3, 612th AAF, Base Unit C, Eglin Diamon, David L—Lt. A, Co. A, 85th Field, Fla. Lord Wallace W.—Lt. A, 4 Belmare Pk., Cml. Bn., Ft. D. A. Russell, Texas Newton Lower Falls, Mass. Richards, Milburn L.—Capt. AAC, Air Durkee, John A.—W/O A, APO 322, Forces EF Tng. Com., Maxwell Fid., MacBride, M. Milton—Lt. A, 211th F.A. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Bn., Camp Butner, N. C. Ala. Eames, Ralph H.—Pvt. AAC, 364th Richardson, Gordon T.—Lt (j.g.) N, Maines, Richard G.—A, Winthrop, Fighter Sqdn., Hamilton Fid., Calif. Me. 1011 Anderson St., Dublin, Ga. Ellsworth, Edward C.—N, Fleet Post Rossing, William—Maj. A, APO 956, Office, N. Y., N. Y. Marcille, James W.—Lt. A, APO 923, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Emerson, Walter L.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Rosen, A. Everett—Maj. A, APO 503, USNTS, Unit E, Sampson, N. Y. Merrill, Dudley S.—Cpl. A, Service Co., Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Frost, H. Parker—Ens. N, 131 W. 87th Mtn. Inf. Regt., Camp Carson, Shapero, Benjamin L.—Capt. A, APO Broadway, Bangor, Me. Colo. 637, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Fuller, Alfred W.—Lt. N, Fleet Post Monroe; Roy H.—Lt. AAC, 86th Grp. Sinclair, Charles A.—Capt. A, Co. F, Office, N. Y., N. Y. (Metro.) NTG, HAAF, Hondo, Texas 301st Inf., 94th Div., Camp Phillips, Gagnon, Lorenzo A.—Capt. A, APO 936, Morrison, Vernon C.—Sgt. A, APO 230, Kansas Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Small, Thaxter W., Jr.—Capt. A, Exec. Gallop, Richard A.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Ad­ Mosher, Stuart H.—Lt. N, 3209 Wal­ Office-Hq., Edgewood Arsenal, Md. dress Unknown bridge Place, N.W., Washington, D. C.

THE MATNE ALUMNUS 13 JUNE, 1944 Murphy, Donald—A, Hotel Cadilac, USNAS, BOQ Rm. 430, Ft. Lauder­ Marble, Charles B.—Lt. A, 667th Engr. Manchester, N. H. dale, Fla. Topo. Co., Ft. Ord, Calif. Nichols, Arthur A.—Lt. A, 208th Gen. Collette, Myron G.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Moran, William H.—Sgt. AAC, APO Hospital, Ft. Devens, Mass. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. 935, Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. Packard, Vernon L.—Maj. A, 3610 Corrigan, Ralph J.—Lt. (j.g.) N, NTS Murphy, Leo J.—Maj. AAC, 373rd Tangley Rd., Houston 5, Texas (I), Batt. 5, Co. B-17-54238, Ft. Schuy­ Fighter Grp., Norfolk, Va. Page, Woodrow E.—Capt. A, APO 230, ler, Bronx, N. Y., N. Y. Myers, Howard M.—PhM3/c N, Fleet Postmaster, N. Y.» N. Y. Dexter, Charles F.—Lt. Col. A, APO 374, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Parrott, Louis R.—Lt. A, APO 708, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Nickerson, Alvah L—Lt. A, AARTC, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Dowd, Maxim J.—Capt. A, APO 552, D-5, Camp Stewart, Ga. Pendell, Philip G.—Pvt. A, Co. L, 260th Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Northrup, George H.—Sgt. A, APO 706, Inf., APO 200, Camp Shelby, Miss. Eaton, Galen P>—Lt. Col. A, 235th AAA Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Porter, John L.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Armored Gun Bn., Camp Davis, N. C. Owen, Milton H.—S/Sgt. A, 44 First Guard Sch., Shelton US 60, Norfolk Flanagan, John W.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet St., Taunton, Mass. 11, Va. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Parker, Carroll C.—Lt. A, N. Livermore, Potter, Alvah L.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Fogarty, John H.—Discharged Me. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Foley, Howard W.—Lt. A, 320 Sanborn Parker, Douglas G.—Lt. Commdr. NAC, Pratt, Willis G.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Budding­ St., Salinas, Calif. Fleet Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. ton Rd, RFD 1, Groton, Conn. Ford, Leonard H., Jr.—CCM Seabees, Pierce, David P.—Lt. A, Co. A, 24th Robertson, Clayton M.—Ens. N, 11082- Shore Patrol, Quoddy Village, Me. Tnk. Bn., APO 263, Camp Bowie, Tex. A9, NTS (I), Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. 61, Frame, George M.—Lt. Col. AAC, Box Rollins, Donald L—Pvt. A, APO 12793- N. Y. 136, Randolph Field, Texas C, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Sawyer, Ashton P.—Pvt. A, 361st Engr. Gaffney, Richard V.—Lt. A, 1206th SCU Saunders, Ernest J.—Lt. A, 911 Douglas Regt., Co. F, Camp Claiborne, La. Det. MP, Ft. Niagra, N. Y. St., Omaha 8, Neb. Stetson, Edward—S/Sgt. A, Hq. Co., Gleszer, Roland M.—Maj. A, 290th Inf., Sawyer, John E.—Sgt. A, 29th Ord. Co., 1132nd Engr. Com. Grp., Camp Pick­ APO 451, Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Ft Devens, Mass. ett, Va. Gordon, Richard O.—Maj. A, 4524 New­ Scott, George W.—Ens. N, 6 Haines St, Stevens, John H.—Capt. A, Motor Trans­ port Ave., Richmond 22, Va. Presque Isle, Me. port Sec., CSCRTC, Camp Crowder, Haggett, Robert M.—Lt. A, APO 1, Sealey, John, Jr.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Mo Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Stinchfield, George—Capt. AAC, Hq. Halle, Lionel P.—Pvt. A, Hq. Sec. SCU Shiro, Samuel H.—Lt. A, A-8-3 FARTC, Station 10, Caribbean Wing, ATC, 1112, Ft. Devens, Mass. Ft. Bragg, N. C. Miami Beach, Fla. Harris, Emory E.—Lt. AAC, 885th AB Snow, Philip P.—Lt. Col. A, APO 887, Taylor, Oscar M.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Engr. Bn., Bradley Field, Windsor Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Locks, Conn. Steinberg, Howard G.—Sgt. AAC, APO Thorne, Raymond G.—Ens. N, 46 Solano Harris, Karl L.—Lt. AAC, Killed in 634, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Apts., 633 Benneth St., Vallejo, Calif. Action Wakefield, James A.—Maj A, APO 871, Thorpe, William A.—Capt. A, 262nd Inf., Hathorn, Vincent—Lt. Commdr. N, Fleet Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Washington, Donald—Lt. Col. A, Gen­ Ark. Heald, Alvin L.—Capt. A, 808 Common­ eral Sec. Academic Depot, Inf. School, Totman, Clayton O.—Lt. Col. Marines, wealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Ft. Benning, Ga. Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Heath, Gordon R.—Pvt. Marines, H & S White, David F.—Pfc. A, APO 957, Turner, Max E.—Pfc. A, 3rd Plat., Co. Co., Engr. Bn., Camp Lejeune, New Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. C, 188th Engr. Bn., Elkins, W. Va. River, N. C. Vinal, Josef S.—Cpl. A, Co. A, Inst. Hendrickson, Karl—Lt. (j.g.) N, Camp 1937 Regt. TG, Armored Force School, Endicott, Davisville, R. I. Adams, Winford C.—Capt. A, APO 508, Ft. Knox, Ky. Hickey, Frederick H.—Cpl. AAC, APO Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. West, Randolph H.—T/Sgt. A, APO 923, 635, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Ashby, Hope E.—Ens. WAVES, Com- Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Higgins, Ralph P.—Lt. AAC, APO 503, municatoins Dept., USNAS, Quonset White, Nathan W.—Lt. A, APO 3, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Point, R. I. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Higgins, Richard E.—Lt. AAC, APO Averill, John F.—Lt. A, Btry. C, 401st Whitin, George W.—Lt. A, Btry. C, 63rd 520, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. F.A. Bn., Ft. Riley, Kan. AAA Gun Bn., Seattle, Wash. Hill, Thomas M.—Maj. A, APO 942, Avery, Newell A.—Pvt. A, APO 464, Whitman, Carl A.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Hirshon, Selvin—Capt. AAC, Patterson Bagley, Wendell M.—Capt. AAC, APO Wilbur, Herbert T.—Capt. A, APO 708, Field, Fairfield, Ohio 760, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Hooper, James S.—Lt. A, APO 523, Barry, Leroy M.—Lt A, Carlisle Bks., Willey, John C.—Lt. A, Apt. 3, 112 Pick- Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. C 2 rli Pq ney St., Boston, Mass. Huff, Donald A.—Ens. N, Naval Tn. Bedrick, David N.—Lt. AAC, Warm Wood, Elmore L.—Lt. A, Co. G, 1st Tng. Sch, Hamilton Hall, B-43, Soldiers Springs Foundation, Warm Springs, Regt., Drew Field, Tampa, Fla. Field Station, Boston 63, Mass. Ga. Wooster, Richard P.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Hutchins, Roger D.—Lt. Commdr. N, Bell, Alton L.—Capt. A, APO 813, Office, N. Y., N. Y. Fleet Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 1936 Johnson, Thomas C.—Lt. NAC, Missing Bemiss, Phyllis Phillips—Ens. WAVES, Abbott, Actor T.—Lt. A, APO 24, in Action 56 E. 79th St., N. Y, N. Y. Postmasted, San Francisco, Calif. Jones, William F.—Capt. A, APO 469, Borden, Bertha C.—Lt. (j.g.) WAVES, Adams, John F.—Lt. Commdr. NAC, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 465 W. 23rd St., New York, N. Y. Fleet Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Keller, Lyndon M.—Maj, A, APO 827, Bourgoin, Raoul J.—Lt. AAC, Deceased Adams, Richard E.—Lt. N, Naval Air Postmaster, New Orleans, La. Bowles, George M.—Capt. A, APO 32, Transport, NAS, Patuxent River, Md. Larson, Karl V.—Maj. A, APO 79, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Anderson, Fred A.—Capt. A, APO 1, • Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Brarmann, Edward F.—Capt. A, 8th Co., Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Levenson, Roger—S/Sgt. AAC, APO 1st STR, Ft. Benning, Ga. Aurelio, George H.—S/Sgt. A, Cushing 953, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Brewster, Wendell S.—Ens. CG, 218 Gen. Hosp., 206-N, Framingham, Mass. Libby, P. A.—Lt. Commdr. N, 438 Nor­ N.E. 15th Terrace, Miami, Fla. Averill, Roswell P.—Sgt. A, 32 High St., man Ave., Arcadia, Calif. Briscoe, Eleanor L.—Lt. ANC, Nurses Old Town, Me. Littlehale, Robert L., Jr.—Capt. A, APO Quarters, Camp Luna, Las Vegas, N. M. Beverage, Gerald G.—Ens. N, Fleet Post 776, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Office N Y N Y Brown, Woodford B.—Capt. A, 774th Lord, Harold N.—HA2/c MM, Sheeps- F.A. Bn., Camp Beale, Calif. Birchard, Junius W.—N, Co. 160, C-8, head Bay, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bullard, George C.—Ens. N, Mountain USNTS, Sampson, New York, N. Y. MacDonald, Donald F.—Lt. A, Station Boardman, Harold T.—Capt. A, 130th Hosp., CAAB, Columbia, S. C. Ave., Pompton Plains, N. J. Inf. Tng. Bn., Camp Joseph T. Robin­ MacLean, Charles—Lt. N, 1401 S. Bar­ Butterfield, Walter L.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 45 son, Little Rock, Ark. ton St., Apt. 234, Arlington, Va. Falmath St., Brooklyn 29, N. Y. Brown, David S.—Ens. NAC, 134 NE Me Alary, Francis J.—Maj. AAC, Univer­ Carlisle, Norman D.—Maj. A, APO 230, 83rd St., Miami 38, Fla. sity Club, 16th St., N.W., Washington, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Brown, Donald M.—Lt. A, 125 2nd St., D. C. Clisham, John—W/O A, 453 Kenwood Garden City, L.I., N. Y. McCausland, Dexter—Lt. A, 71 Read St., Delmar, N. Y. Buck, Charles A.—Lt. A, Hq. 10th Arm’d St., Portland, Me. Corbett, Robert F.—Sgt. AAC, 390th Hq. Div., Arty. Com., Camp Gordon, Ga. McDougall, John R.—Maj. A, APO 887, AB Sqdn., AAB, Richmond, Va. Campbell, Truman F.—Lt. (j.g.) NAC, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Covell, Mildred—PhM2/c WAVES,

» THE MAINE ALUMNUS 14 JUNE, I944 Camp McDonough, Hospital Staff, Palmer, Ralph—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Post Whiting, William L.—Lt. A, APO 600, P1 a ft i r N Y Office N Y N Y Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Crabtree, Theodore’J.—Sgt. A, APO 43, Parsons* Shirley R.—Lt. A, APO 827, Wilcox, Alton D.—Sgt. AAC, P.O. Box Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Postmaster, New Orleans, La. 1811, Norfolk, Va. Dalot, Philip L.—Sgt. A, Co. 7, Bks. 26, Peabody, Arland W.—Capt. A, 1 Locust Williams, George S.—Capt. A, APO 230, Armory, Univ, of Ill., Champaign, Ill. Dr., Asbury Park, N. J. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Day, Maurice G.—Lt. A, Ft. Benning, Ga. ‘ Perkins, Bernard G.—Lt. (j.g.) NAC, Wood, Edward P.—Lt. NAC, Killed in Dinsmore, Ernest L.—Lt. AAC, APO 636, Link Celestial Navigation School, Action Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. NAS, Jacksonville, Fla. Young, Harold E.—Lt. A, APO 472, Delano, Charles H.—Ens. NAC, Fleet Perkins, Edward A.—A, Castine, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Me. 1938 Dow, James F.—Lt. AAC, Deceased Perkins, Irving J.—Lt. A, APO 708, Adams, Donald S.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Dow, Thompson F.—Capt. AAC, AAF Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Regional Station Hospital, Coral Perry, Frank C.—Lt. NAC, Fleet Post Adams, Ernest E.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 1217 N. Gables, Fla. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Court House Rd., Apt. 4B, Arlington, Duff, Alan D.—Lt AAC, 497th Bomb. Proctor, M. Dewing—Lt. A, APO 503, Va. Sqdn., Lakeland, Fla. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Ames, Sidney E.—Sl/c N, Issuing Office, Dunlevy, Raymond K.—Capt. A, 105 Pruett, Kenneth S.—CPO N, Naval Tng. 10th Naval Dist., San Juan, Puerto Mass. Ave., Springfield 9, Mass. Station, Camp Hill, Farragut, Idaho Rico Edwards, George E.—Lt. A, 13 Pleasant Roderick, Burleigh H.—Capt. A, Co. C, Andrews, Ernest F.—Lt. A, P.O. Box St., Methuen, Mass. 362nd Inf., 91st Div., APO 91, Camp 2601, Washington, D. C. Fay, Gardner W.—Lt. AAC, Killed in Adair, Oregon Armstrong, James O.—Lt. A, APO 872, Active Duty Rowlands, Willett—S/Sgt. AAC, Fore­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Fifield, Wilbert H.—CCM N, Fleet Post caster AAB, Mountain Home, Idaho Bartlett, Russell D.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Office, San Francisco, Calif. Salisbury, Robert H.—Cpl. A, MPEU 5, Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Folley, Gayland—Cp. A, 611th AAF AAFTC 1, Drake Hotel, Miami Beach, Beck, Fred N.—Lt. AAC, Hq. Sqdn. 1st Base Unit B, Elect. Sec., Eglin Fid., Fla. Fighter Command, Mitchel Field, Long Fla. Scamman, Lucian—Lt. A, 2003 Gosnel Island, N. Y. Foster, Ernest M.—Lt. Marines, 13th De­ St., Glenhaven, Silver Spring, Md. Belding, Robert E.—Sgt. A. APO 680, fense Bn., Camp Lejeune, New River, Shaw, Howard E.—Capt. A—Killed in Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. N. C. Action Berkowitz, Leonard I.—Lt. N, Fleet Gardner, Elizabeth—Ens. WAVES, 2224 Sibley, C. Byron—Cpl. A, APO 251, Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. F. St., N.W., Allen Lee Hotel, Wash­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Bradbury, Francis W.—Lt. A, 399th Inf., ington, D. C. Stagg, Howard J.—Maj. A, 5th Hq. & 100th Div., Med. Det, APO 447, Ft. Grange, George R.—Ens. N, 41 Spring Hq. Det., Special Troops, 4th Army, Bragg, N. C. St., Weymouth, Mass. Camp Swift, Texas Brookes, Leslie—Cpl. AAC, AAFTTC, Grindell, Francis—Discharged Stinchfield, Charles H.—Lt. AAC, c/o Tomah, Wis. Haskell, William V.—Lt. AAC, BTC 10, Officers Club, Peterson Field, Colorado Brown, Lloyd F.—Ens. N, Class 25, Grp. 1176, Greensboro, N. C. Springs, Colorado USNTS, Ft. Schuyler 61, N. Y. Hatfield, Lloyd D.—Lt. A, Co. D, 381st Stuart, Edward—Lt. A, Sth Regt., Camp Burgess, Richard F.—Lt. AAC, Davis Inf., APO 96, Camp White, Ore. Croft, S. C. Monthan Field, Tucson, Ariz. Hinckley, Jemld M.—Pvt. A, APO 15062, Thayer, Arthur L.—Lt. AAC, 13 Hay­ Calderwood, George—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. ward St., Bangor, Me. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Hickey, William E.—Cpl. A, APO 30, Verzoni, R. Peter—Cpl. A, APO 638, Carswell, David F.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Post Office, N. Y, N. Y. Hitchings, George P.—Pvt. A, 46 College Viner, Leo—A, 52 Division St., Bangor, Carter, Robert W.—GM3/c N, Anti-Air­ Ave., Orono, Me. Me. craft Tng. Center, Wellington, New Hooper, William H.—Capt. A, APO 79, Webb, Harold L.—Ens. N, c/o P. Car­ Zealand Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. roll, So. West Harbor, Me. Cary, Hugh R.—Cpl. A, APO 7421, Houghton, Thomas E.—Capt. A, APO Wentworth, Ralph E.—S/Sgt. AAC, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. 961, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. 865th Bomb. Sqdn. (H), 494th Bomb. Chapman, William F.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Hunnewell, William F.—Lt. (j.g.) CG, Grp., Mountain Home, Idaho Fleet Post Office, N. Y, N. Y. Fleet Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Clark, Albert L.—Lt. A, Randolph Hall, Jackson, William L.—Discharged Annex B, Ft. Monroe, Va. Jones, R. Carroll—Lt. A, Camp Langdon, Clark, John T.—Lt. NAC, Naval Air Portsmouth, N. H. Transport Sqdn., VR-3, NAS, Patuxent Kelley, John C.—Lt. NAC, Missing in River, Md. Action Cooper, Erwin E.—Lt. A, APO 12453, Koran, Adolph A—GM3/c N, Armed Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Guard Ctr., Treasure Island, San Fran- Costrell, Edwin S.—Pvt. A, Btry. A, Sth risen C’ol Bn., 3rd Regt., Ft. Bragg, N. C. Lane, Stuart P.—Sgt. AAC, APO 634, Cotting, Duncan—Lt. A, APO 730, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. Laverty, Robert E.—Lt. Marines, 728 Lee Crafts, Howard J.—Ens. N, 132 Cam­ Ave., Fredericksburg, Va. bridge Pl., Brooklyn, N. Y. Levine, Samuel J.—Maj. A, Harbor De­ DeCoster, James R.—Lt. AAC, 4939 fenses of Boston, Winthrop 52, Mass. Mass. Ave., N.W., Washington 16, D. C. Mader, George H.—Capt. A, Box 25, Denning, Lawrence—Sgt. AAC, Pine Belfast, Me. St., Orono, Me. McCready, Donald E.—Cpl. A, Btry. B, Dolloff, A. Livingston—Discharged 19th Bn., 5th Regt., Ft. George G. Meade, Md. Donagan, Ernest H.—PhMl/c N, 585 McCrum, Ralph C—Maj. A, 1st Bn., High St., Medford, Mass. 114th Inf., APO 44, Postmaster, Douglass, John Q.—Sgt. A, APO 799, Shreveport, La. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. McLellan, George W.—Capt. A, Com­ Edwards, Richard S.—Lt. A, APO 252, munications Sec., Ft. Benning, Ga. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Merrill, Edward O.—Lt. A, Cushing Gen­ Ellingson, Albert M.—Lt. NAC, Address eral Hosp., Framingham, Mass. Unknown Messeck, William H.—Lt. A, 3rd Bn., Elliott, Roderick—Lt. AAC, 580J4 Jeffer­ Hq., ERTC, Ft. Belvoir, Va. son Ave., Wilmington Manor, New Mullaney, Roderick E.—Lt. A, 609 Bea­ Castle Del. con Blvd., Sea Grit, N. J. Fellows, Nathan W.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Murphy, Reginald P.—Capt. A, c/o Area SPAR: Ensign Leona Perry Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Engineer, Huntsville Arsenal, Hunts­ Bradford ’41 of Jefferson, a mem­ Fillebrown, Charles A.—T/Sgt. A, ville, Ala. ber of the Women’s Reserve of APO 5253, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. O’Connor, James F.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Ft. the Coastguard, is representative Fish, Lincoln—Capt. A, APO 1, Schuyler, The Bronx, New York, N. Y. of the 60 women from Maine Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Ohler, Robert L.—Lt. N, Fleet Post serving in the various branches Fitch, Karl A.—Pfc. A, 26th Cav. Ren. Office, San Francisco, Calif. of the armed forces. Trp., APO 26, Camp Gordon, Ga.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 15 JUNE, I944 Fogg, Carleton T.—Ens. NAC, Killed in Prahar, Louis B.—Lt. (j.g.) N, NAAS, Blake. Donald C.—Capt. AAC, 131 S. Action Saufley Field, Pensacola, Fla. 27th St., Paris, Texas Forrestall, Howard W.—A/C AAC, Preble, Harold G.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 21 East Bourgoin, Louis J.—Sgt. AAC, APO 520, Killed in Active Duty 55th St., Savannah, Ga. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Fuger, Stanley—Capt. A, 816th AAA Raymond, Gordon B.—Lt. A, APO 923, Bradford, Merrill—S/Sgt. AAC, APO Auto Wpns. Bn., Camp Haan, Calif. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. 953, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif Getchell, A. Stanley—Lt. A, Port Sur­ Raymond, Richard W.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Bryers, Jerome J.—Sgt. A, APO 528, geon’s Office, Charleston POE, Charles­ 3535 5th Ave., San Diego, Calif. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. ton, S. C. Rcidman, Ernest—Lt. A, APO 637, Buck, Embert C.—Lt. A, Randolph Hall Ginsberg, Sewall J.—A, 144 Main St., Postmaster, N. Y., N Y. A-37, Ft. Monroe, Va. Old Town, Me. Ross, John B.—Pvt. AAC, NAAC, AAF Burns, George E.—Cpl. A, Palmdale Gleason, Wallace F.—Lt A, APO 961, Classification Ctr., Nashville, Tenn. AAB, Palmdale, Calif. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Rubin, Morris—Sgt A, APO 251, Byer, Edwin—Pfc. A, Med. Center, Lou­ Gowell, John R—Ens N, West Hanover, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. isiana State Univ., New Orleans 12, La. Mass Russell, Charles S —Ens. N, 59 Blan­ Chapman, Paul S.—S3/c N, Fleet Post Gray, Earl E.—Pvt. A, 355 MPEG Co., chard Rd., Cambridge 38, Mass. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Camp Shelby, Miss. Saltzman, William C.—Pvt. A, ASTU Chick, Arthur J.—Cpl. AAC, Hq. & Hq. Grodinsky, Harold M.—Pvt. A, Troop 3926, Lindley Hall, University of Idaho, Sqdn., 3rd OTU, RAAB, Reno, Nev. R, 2nd Regt, CRTC, Bks. 2704, Ft. Moscow, Idaho Collins, Frank H—Maj. Marines, Fleet Riley, Kan. Shannon, Thomas R—Lt. A, APO 871, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Haggett, John D —Ens. Seabees, Fleet Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Cotes, Kermit R.—Lt. A, APO 400, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Sharon, Cora E.—Capt. WAC, Apt. 170, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Hamlin, Joseph H.—Capt. A, Hq 26th 570 S 18th St, Arlington, Va Craig, Philip C.—Capt A, QM Office, Inf. Div., APO 26, Fort Jackson, Shea, Merrill A.—Sgt. A, Hq Btry. 793rd AAB, Great Falls, Montana S. C. AAA Bn., Camp Stewart, Ga. Craig, William H.—Maj. A, 106th Inf. Hamor, George H.—Sgt. AAC, APO Smart, Walter E.—Capt. A, Ordn. Dept. Div., Ft. Jackson, S. C. 3773, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. AAB, Clovis, N. M. Cressy, Carlton B.—Lt. A, c/o Base QM, Hart, Gerald F.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Smith, Frank A.—Lt. A, APO 579, AAB, Moses Lake, Wash Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N Y. Crocker, Richard F.—Lt Marines, Fleet Hayes, Richard E.—Lt. AAC, LAAF, Smith, Harry W —Capt AAC, 469th Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. c/o Ground School, Liberal, Kan. Combat Crew Tng School, AAF, Crowell, Samuel—Lt N, Fleet Post Healy, Richard W.—Maj. A, APO 487, Alexandria, La. Office, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. Smith, Louis—Cpl. A, APO 928, Curtin, Timothy F.—Lt. A, 388th QM Hodges, Arthur W.—Maj. A, Hq. 1st Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Truck Co., Camp Carson, Colo. Bn., 301st Inf., APO 94, Camp McCain, Smith, William, A.—Ens N, Dennys- Daigle, Llewellyn C.—Maj. AAC, Box Miss. ville, Me. 434, Officer Student Detachment, Ft. Hussey, Robert S.—Capt. A, APO 43, Spence, Fred A.—Ens N, GOS, Co. B, Worth AAB, Ft. Worth, Texas Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Washington Navy Yard, Washington Dixon, Elizabeth R.—Pvt. WAC’s, APO Ireland, Richard M.—Lt. A, 8th Region, 25, D C. 887, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. ACS, P.I A.A F, Presque Isle, Me Stern, Herbert—Pfc A, 3307th SU, Co. Dodge, Harland L—Capt A, IGD, Hq Judkins, Fred S.—Pfc. A, Hq. Btry. 1st H, Univ, of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. 26th Inf. Div, Ft. Jackson, S. C. Bn., 240th CAC, Ft Levett, Me. Stevens, Richard M —Lt. A, 1320th Serv. Dyer, Hamilton H.—Maj. A, 28 Storer Kelley, Donald P.—Ens. NTS (Pre­ Unit, Station Hosp., Carlisle Bks, Pa. St, Kennebunk, Me Radar), Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Sturgis, Frederic S.—Lt. A, 605 Brighton Elwell, Ralph H —Cpl. A, APO 30, Me. Ave., Portland, Me. Postmaster, N. Y , N Y. Laing, Edmond T.—Capt. A, 56th Arm’d Tarbell, Lester J.—Capt. A, 75 Federal Emery, Leonard H.—Lt. AAC, APO 525, Engr. Bn., APO 261, Camp Cooke, St., Boston, Mass. Postmaster, N. Y, N Y. Calif. Thibodeau, Lawrence—Lt. A, Prisoner of Ernst, Morris A.—Capt A, APO 29, Leighton, Mary E.—Ens. WAVES, BOQ, W ar—Germany Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. NAS, Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, Thompson, Norman H.—Ens. N, 43 Estabrook, Harold W.—Ens. N, Fleet N. Y. Union St., Biddeford, Me. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Lieberman, Leo—Lt. A, R-CL, AFRTC, Torrey, Gale S.—Sgt. AAC, 357th Fight­ Farrin, Afton H.—A/C AAC, Signal De­ OQ 6, Ft. Knox, Ky er Sqdn., Municipal Airport, Philadel­ tachment, LVAGS, Las Vagas, Nev. Lief, Irving H.—Lt. A, Boston QM De­ phia, Pa Farrington, Harold E —Lt. A, 220 Davis pot, Boston, Mass. Tsoulas, George L—Lt. A, G-4, Sec. Hq. St., Fayetteville, N C. Lovejoy, George N.—Lt. A, APO 698, 4th Army, Ft Sam Houston, Texas Farris, Robert C.—Lt. AAC, 559th AAF Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Veague, Arnold L.—Capt. A, APO 88, Base Unit, ATC. Municipal Airport, Lowe, Charles H.—Capt. A, 223rd AAA Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Nashville, Tenn SL Bn., Ft Brady, Michigan Viner, Benjamin—Lt N, Fleet Post Feeley, Howard T—Lt. (j.g) NAC, Lowell, Henry T.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Office, San Francisco, Calif. Killed in Active Duty Post Office, N. Y, N. Y. Viola, Ralph T —Ens. N, Fleet Post Fitch, Harland P—Lt. A, APO 655, McNulty, James M.—Lt. A, APO 610, Office N Y N Y Postmaster, N Y, N Y. Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. Waldron, Richard S.—Lt. AAC, Sec. 1, Folsom, Phillips E.—Lt. A, 653rd Sig. Meade, Arland R.—Cpl. A, Hq. 2nd Air­ CCD, Pyote AAB, Pyote, Texas AW Co., Hamilton Fid , Ferndale, Calif. ways Com. Sqdn , Suite 1920, 33 N. Walker, Murdoch—Ens N, AGC, 52nd Friedman, Albert—Capt. A, Hq. Co., 2nd LaSalle St., Chicago 2, Ill. St. & 1st Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Bn., 328th Inf, APO 26, Camp Camp­ Miller, Arthur W.—Cpl. AAC, APO 639, Watkins, William B.—Ens. N, Fleet Post bell, Ky. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Office, San Francisco, Calif Gale, Eunice M —Ens. WAVES, Supply Mutty, John B.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 168 Grove Watson, Festus G.—Lt. A, 18 Pleasant Dept., NAS, Corpus Christi, Texas St., Bangor, Me. St., Portland, Me. Goud, Allan F —Lt. A, Co. A, 397th Inf., Nadeau, Walter H.—T/Sgt. A, 853rd West, Howard F.—Lt AAC, 152nd Ren. APO 447, Ft Jackson, S. C. Chemical Co. (AO), Dugway Proving Sqdn (B) AAB, Reading, Pa. Grant, Philip F.—Lt (j.g.) NAC, Miss­ Grounds, Tooele, Utah Willey, James F.—Pvt. Marines, 50 ing in Action Nason, Natalie E—Lt. (j.g.) N, NCTC, Spring St., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Grant, Theodore H.—Lt. (j.g ) Resident O-8, Davisville, R. I. Williams, Richard E.—Ens. CG, Fleet Radio Sch., Gallups Is., Boston, Mass. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Groves, Stephen W.—Ens. NAC, Killed Neal, Oliver M.—Ens. NAC, VSB 4, Zoidis, Peter—Sgt. A, APO 635, Flight 184, NAS, Cecil Field, Jackson­ in Action ville, Fla. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Grundy, Walton—Pvt AAC, APO 953, Orr, Dana R.—Lt. A, Station Hosp., 1939 Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Camp , Mass. Adams, Jonathan E.—Capt. A, APO 514, Guppy, Ralph H.—Lt. Marines, Fleet Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Owens, Albert L.—Cpl. A, Btry. B, 841st Hall, Thomas W.—Capt. AAC, AAB, AAA Auto Wpns. Bn., Camp Stewart, Ames, Bertram W.—Capt. AAC, 7th Air Ga. Base Sqdn. (Adjutant), Dow Field, Blythe, Calif. Bangor, Me. Harriman, J. Philip—Ens. N, NTS, Owens, Thomas W.—T/Sgt. A, APO 256, Barker, Thomas L.—Pvt. A, Co. C, 198th Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Bn., 62nd Regt., Camp Blanding, Fla. Harris, Robert T.—CBM, CG, Capt. of Plimpton, Robert H.—T/3 A, APO 887, Bishop, Robert E.—Pfc. A, APO 9609, Ports Office, Chapman Bldg., 477 Con­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. gress St., Portland, Me. Poole, Donald G.—Cpl. A, APO 678,. Blaisdell, Tedford M.—Capt. AAC, Hodgdon, Kendrick Y.—Lt. A, 9 West Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. APO 648, Postmaster, N. Y„ N. Y. Walnut St., Alexandria, Va.

TI-IE MAINE ALUMNUS JUNE. 1944 Hoclgdon, Malvern F.—Lt. A, Deceased Holbrook, Charles M.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Died in Active Service Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Holmes, Richard—Pvt. AAC, 764th TSS, Camp Echo, Buckley Field, Colo. The tragic list of the Maine men killed in service is a grim commentary on the cost Howard, Richard H.—Ens. NAC, Killed of victory in terms of human feelings. The names of forty-seven alumni are now record­ in Action ed on the permanent Roll of Honor as casualties of World War II. Howard, Sheldon K.—Capt. A, Co. B, 1st Austin, Erwin, ’45, Pvt. AAC, Knight, Mervin T., ’40, Lt. (j.g.) Bn., Ft. Belvoir, Va. Nov. 2, 1942, Gulf of St. Lawrence NAC, Feb. 10, 1943, Chesapeake Bay Howe, Louis W.—Lt. A, MR & O Sect., Boulos, Joseph S, ’41, Lt. AAC, Koris, Frank J., ’45, Pvt. A, Nov. 30, Bldg. 1893, AAAS, Camp Davis, N. C. Apr. 27, 1944, Europe 1943, Italy Huntoon, Charles R.—Lt. AAC, Blythe Bourgoin, Raoul J, ’37, Lt. AAC, Lanigan, Edwin J., ’40, Lt. AAC, AAB, Sec. IX, Blythe, Calif: July 23, 1940, Hampton Beach, N. H. Oct. 13, 1942, Solomons Hutchinson, Eleanor Crockett, Ens. Dow, James F, ’37, Lt. AAC, Moore, Robert N., ’41, Lt. AAC, WAVES, Small Craft Tng. Center, June 17, 1940, New York, N. Y. March 15, 1944, Elba Island San Pedro, Calif. Dunn, Charles E, ’43, Sl/c N, ’ Murray, Gordon P., ’41, Lt. AAC, Jackson, Robert W.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Oct. 28, 1943, Banana River, Fla. May 20, 1944, Columbus, Ohio Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Fay, Gardner W., ’37, Lt. AAC, Paul, James S., ’40, Lt. AAC, Jellison, Milton S.—Lt. A, Prison No. Dec. 7, 1942, Aug., 1943, Asiatic Area 1600, Military Camp, Military Officer Feeley, Howard T., ’39, Lt. (j.g.) Preble, Clayton H., ’41, Lt. A, Camp IX, A/Z, Germany NAC, July 6, 1943, DeLand, Fla. June 11, 1943, Japanese Prison Camp Kimball, Charles E.—Capt. A, Seymour- Fogg, Carleton T., ’38, Ens. NAC, Runels, Ralph C., ’43, Ens. NAC, Johnson Field, Goldsboro, N. C. Feb., 1942, Pacific Jan. 20, 1944, San Diego, Calif. Kirkland, Robert—Capt. A, 35 Farnum Fogg, Donald H., ’31, Capt. A, Salmon, George A., ’46, Pfc. AAC, St., Quincy, Mass. Apr. 23, 1943, No. Africa July 14, 1943, St. Joseph, Mo. Kqnecki, Leon W.—Capt. A, APO 689, Forrestall, Howard W., ’38, A/C Shaw, Howard E., Jr., ’37, Capt. A, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. AAC, May 3, 1943, Lawrenceville, Oct. 2, 1943, Italy Kuney, Clark G.—Lt. Marines, 911 First Ill. Shaw, Linwood Z., ’33, Lt. A, Ave., Columbus, Ga. Graves, Donald F., ’43, Lt. AAC, April 25, 1942, Edgewood Arsenal. Ladd, Edward R.—Capt. A, Co. H, 541st Apr. 27, 1944, No. Africa Shepard, Frederick J., ’43, Lt. MAC, Parachute Inf., Camp Mackall, N. C. Grimmer, Stewart W., ’40, Lt. A, Dec. 26, 1942, Lee Field, Fla. Leavitt, Charles B.—Lt. A, W. Enfield, March 22, 1943, No. Africa Shurtleff, John R., ’46, Pvt. AAC, Me. Groves, Stephen W., ’39, Ens. NAC, March 17, 1943, Atlantic City, N. J. Lunt, Feme—Ens. WAVES, 1st Naval July, 1942, Pacific Spoffard, Gerald E., ’40, Cpl. A, Dist., 150 Causeway St., Boston, Mass. Halliwill, Eugene H„ ’40, Maj. AAC, Jan. 30, 1944, Italy Lynch, Owen A.—Cpl. AAC, 1010 March 27, 1943, Staples, Roscoe E., ’28, Maj. A, TEFTS, La Junta Air Base, La Junta, Hammond, Seymour C., ’28, Civ. Aug., 1943, So. Pacific Colo. Engr. War Dept., Aug. 27, 1942, Stewart, Loren P., ’15, Col. A, MacMillan, Granville B.—Lt. AAC, 8th At Sea Feb., 1942, Philippines Communications Sqdn., PIAAB, Harris, Karl F., ’36, Lt. AAC, Torrey, Guy E., Jr., '43, Navy, Presque Isle, Me. Dec. 20, 1941, Pacific Aug. 10, 1942, Pacific Mallet, Alfred P.—Maj. AAC, APO 525, Hodgdon, Malvern F., ’39, Lt. A, Wallace, Francis I., ’4<, Lt. AAC, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Sept. 20, 1942, Ft. Knox, Ky. Dec. 31, 1942, Pacific Marston, Merwin A.—Lt. A, Co. A, 37th Holyoke, Donald B., ’41, Capt. A, Watson, Paul E., ’27, Lt. Col. A, Arm’d Regt., 4th Arm’d Div., APO 254, May 23, 1944, Italy Sept. 25, 1943, Ft. Monmouth, N. J. Postmaster, Los Angeles, Calif. Howard, Richard H., ’39, Ens. NAC, White, Benjamin F., ’45, Lt. A, McCarthy, William E.—S/Zc N, USNTS March 20, 1944, So. Pacific March 8, 1943, European Area Ships Co., Noroton Heights, Conn. Jones, Richard B., ’44, S/Sgt. AAC, Wilson, Charles H., Jr., ’40, Lt. AAC, McCready, John P.—A, Presque Isle, Me. Apr. 20, 1944, No. Africa Sept. 30, 1943, Londonderry, N. H. McDonnell, Arthur P.—T/Sgt. AAC, Karczmarczyk, Joseph, ’42, Lt. (j.g.) Wood, Edward P., ’37, Lt. (j.g.) American Prisoner of War #113485 NAC, June 11, 1943, Natal, Brazil NAC, Jan. 10, 1944, Mediterranean Stalag. Luft 3, Stalag 7A Germany, Kehoe, George F., ’28, Capt. AAC, Woodman, Edward B., ’43, Cpl. AAC, New York, N. Y. Sept. 21, 1940, Georgia July 9, 1943, Japanese Prison Camp McKenzie, Melvin A.—Lt. Col. AAC, ICilas, Joseph L., ’41, Lt. A, York, Richard A., ’41, Capt. AAC, 4317-36th St, S, Apt. A-2, Arlington, Dec., 1941, Ft. Monroe, Va. March 8, 1943, India Va. Merrill, L. Carleton—Lt. A, 244 Tenny­ son Ave, Palo Alto, Calif. Petrinelis, Charles S.—Ens. N, Ft. Saex, Irving G.—Lt. AAC, 399th Bomb. Merritt, Lawrence M.—Lt. A, 549th F.A. Schuyler, New York 61, N. Y. Sqdn., 88th Bomb. Grp., Avon Pk., Fla. Bn., No. Camp Hood, Texas Patterson, Arthur W.—Pvt. A, Castine, Sanborn, Jean C.—Lt. A, Dietitian, Miller, Roy L.—Lt. A, 460 So. Massey Me. Station Hospital, Camp Edwards, Mass. St., Watertown, N. Y. Patterson, Frederick G.—T/Sgt. A, Sawyer, George R.—Ens. N., Fleet Post Millett, Elwood D.—Lt. A, APO 860, APO 837, Postmaster, New Orleans Office, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. (12), La. Milliken, Sewall O.—Ens. N, Fleet Seavey, Barbara E.—SpT3/c N, Pendleton, Brian—Sgt. A, Co. H, 103rd USNAAS Whiting Field, Milton, Fla. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Inf, APO 43, Postmaster, San Fran- Monroe, Richard A.—Lt. AAC, 317th Smith, Francis W.—Lt. A, APO 32, cisco Calif. Postmaster, San Francisco, Galif. Base Hq. & Air Base Sqdn., 'DeRidder Pinkham, Thomas—Lt. AAC, APO 100, AAB, DeRidder, La. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Smith, Mark S.—Capt. Marines, Special Moore, Donald J.—Lt. A, APO 36, Quigley, Richard—Maj. Marines, 1642 Weapons Grp., Base Arty. Bn., TC, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Torrey Pines Rd., La Jolla, Calif. Camp Lejeune, New River, N. C. Nelson, Raymond L—W/O A, APO 512, Ramsdell, Ellis M.—Lt. A, Hq. Co., 3rd Smith, Merton L.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Class 25, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Bn., 125th Inf. Regt., Gilroy, Calif. NTS, Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. 61, N. Y. Norton, Weston—Cpl. A, Co. D, 339th Raye, Alexander H.—Capt. A, c/o Det. Stinchfield, Roger M.—Pfc. A, Co. B., Inf., APO 85, Postmaster, Los Angeles, Ord. Dist, National Bank Bldg., De­ AST, Brookings, S. D. Calif. troit 32, Mich. Strout, Donald F.—A, Livermore Falls, O lander, Paul—Lt. N, 14 Gannett St., Raye, John F.—Capt. A, 50 Pleasant Me. Augusta, Me. Place, Metuchen, N. J. Szaniawski, Edward W.—Lt. Col. AAC, Oldreive, George F.—Sgt. AAC, 885th Reed, Earle D.—Capt. A, APO 9397, APO 637, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Cl. Cntr., Sqdn, AAFCC, SAACC, Postmaster, (N. Y., N. Y. Thomas, Richard E.—Sl/c N, NTS, , Texas Rich, Franklin W.—Cpl. A, APO 30, Photo 6-44, NAS, Pensacola, Fla. Olds, Corwin H.—Lt. Col. A, APO 38, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Toner, Albert P.—Pvt. A, 1318 Dale Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Rich, Robert D.—Cpl. A, Co. B, 121st Drive, Silver Spring, Md. Page, William B.—Lt. (j.g.) N, 400 Inf., APO 8, Camp Forrest, Tenn. Trafford, David W.—Pvt. A, Co. F, Bks. Maurance Bldg, USC & GS, Seattle, Robbins, Bernard C.—Capt. A, Cannon 12, Univ, of Wis., Madison, Wis. Wash. Co., 304th Inf., 76th Div., Camp McCoy, Turner, Francis E.—Lt. A, APO 635, Parlin, Clarence O.—Sgt. AAC, Hq. Wis. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 76th Tng. Wing, Seymour Johnson Russell, L. Reid—Ens. N, NTS (A) Turner, Harland G.—Pfc. A, 231 Park Fid, N. C. 33013, Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. 61, N. Y. Drive, Suite #14, Boston 15, Mass.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 17 JUNE, I944 Wall, Ray B.—Lt. Marines, Fleet Post Clark, Eldon R.—Pfc. A, APO 85, Hanley, Walter E.—Lt. AAC, 1st Pro­ Office, San Francisco, Calif. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. visional TC Grp., Camp Marshall, Ward, William H.—Lt. A, Missing in Clark, Sumner S —Ens. N, Fleet Post N. C. Action Office, N. Y., N. Y. Harmon, James A.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Maine Washburn, Frank J.—Lt. AAC, Missing Clement, James D.—Lt. A, Mass. Gen. Maritime Acad., Castine, Me. in Action Hospital, Boston, Mass. Harrington, Joseph L.—Capt. Marines, Weatherbee, Artemus E.—Ens. N, 341 Coffin, Robert T-—Lt. A, Co. B, 262nd Patten, Me. French St., Bangor, Me. Inf. Regt., APO 454, Camp Joseph T. Harris, Louis T.—MM, Milo, Me. Wenger, Karl F.—A, 574 Armory St., Robinson, Ark. Hatch, William H.—Sgt. AAC, 667 Flushing, L. I., N. Y. Clough, Charles H.—Capt. AAC, Mainte­ TEFTS, Altus AAF, Altus, Okla. Wentworth, Owen—Lt. (j.g.) NAC, nance Unit, AAF, Casper, Wyoming Hathaway, Henry L.—Capt. A, APO 503, Fleet Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Cohen, Bernard—Lt. AAC, APO 637, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Whiteley, Albert H.—Sgt. A, Btry E., Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Hawes, Emil F.—Capt. AAC, 1103 Troy 9th CA, Ft. Warren, Mass. Connolly, James J.—Lt. A, APO 709, Ave., Dyersburg, Tenn. 1940 Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Hebei, Richard E.—Lt. A, APO 464, Adams, Norris, S.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Cotting, Roger—Lt. A, APO 85A, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Henderson, Arthur A.—Lt. (j.g.) N, US Adkins, Harlow D.—Lt. A, Power Plant Crockett, Russell E.—Lt. A, Hq. 34th Naval Radio Station, Port Blakely, Lab., Engr. Div., Wright Field, Ohio . Tank Bn., APO 255, Indiantown Gap, Bainbridge Island, Wash. Akeley, Richard W.—Lt. Marines, Fleet Pa. Higgins, George L—Lt. AAC, 700 Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Cullinan, Robert V—Lt. A, APO 635, Broadway, Bangor, Me. Albert, Paul A.—Lt. AAC, Waco Army Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Higgins, Harold D.—Capt. A, APO 512, Air Field, Waco, Texas Curtis, Philip E.—Lt. AAC, APO 9586, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Alley, John C.—Sgt. A, Box 1402, Univ, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Higgins, Raymond D.—A, Dennysville, of Ky., Lexington, Ky. Danforth, Hazen W.—PO3/c CG, U.S. Me. Alpert, Myer—Sgt. A, 1st Acad., Sqdn., Coast Guard, Sandwich, Mass. Holland, Stanley R.—Capt. A, APO 925, Box 552, Keesler Field, Miss. Darveau, George F.—Sgt. A, APO 149, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Andrews, Roger S.—Capt. A, Comm. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Holt, Fred E.—Ens. NAC, 3rd Bn., Dept. TD School, Camp Hood, Texas Dequine, John F.—A, APO 869, Flight Brig., NAS, Pensacola, Fla. Atwood, Robert D.—Lt. AAC, 19th Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Howard, Preston O.—Lt. AAC, 74th AB Derry. John H.—Capt. A, Btry. F, 245th Sqdn., Greenville AAF, Greenville, Bomb. Group, 435th Sqdn., Pyote, CA, Ft. Hancock, N. J. Texas Miss. Babcock, Philip B.—Pfc. A, APO 651, Dore, Guy F.—Lt. AAC, Monson, Me. Hoy, Wayne V.—Pvt. Marine Corps, Doten, Nathaniel M —Pvt. A, Co. G, Seacoast Btry., Arty. N, Camp Le- Postmaster, N Y, N. Y. 800th STR, Bks. 3726, Camp Crowder, Bacon, Earl G.—Capt. A, APO 880, jeune, New River, N. C. Mo. Humphries, Benj. A.—Maj. AAC, AAF Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Duby, Carleton P.—Maj. AAC, c/o AAF Basic Flying School, Newport, Ark. Bahrt, Albert E.—Lt. A, APO 503, Post­ Staff Course, Asst. C. of AST, Hq. Hunter, James H.—Capt. A, APO 528, master, San Francisco, Calif. AAF, Washington, D. C. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Barrell, William D.—Maj. A, APO 638, Dyer, Harold J.—Sgt. A, Co. I, 87th Hutchinson, Philip A.—Capt. A, 23rd Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Mtn. Inf Regt., Camp Carson, Colo. CA Mine Planter Btry., Ft. Monroe, Bearsdell, Wallace A.—Lt. A, 3 Augusta Eaton, Wendell G.—Lt. A, MDRP, New Va St., Wrightsville Beach, N. C. Station Hosp. 7, Ft. Devens, Mass. Johnson, Paul L.—Sgt. A, Btry. B, 493rd Berce, Woodbury—Lt. A, APO 433, Enman, Edgar E.—WO (j.g.) A, 108 FA. Bn., APO 262, Postmaster, Nash­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 6th St., Pass-A-Grille, Fla. ville, Tenn. Bessey, Earle D.—O/C A, Btry. D, Eveleth, Laurence N.—Sgt. A, Co. R, 2nd Johnston, Frederick J.—Lt. NAC, CAOCS, Ft. Monroe, Va. Ord. Tng. Regt, Aberdeen Proving USNAS, Quonset Point, R. I. Bessom, Edward A.—F2/c N, Fleet Post Ground, Md. Johnston, Raymond R.—Pvt. A, Hq. Office, N. Y, N. Y. Fay, Norman F.—Lt A, 30th Div. Arty. Btry. 2nd Bn., 241st C.A. (HD), Ft. Blom, Carl J.—Lt AAC, 83 Washburn Hq., APO 30, Postmaster, Nashville, Revere, Mass. Ave., Portland, Me. Tenn. Jones, Franklyn—Lt. NAC, Rocky Knoll Bolan, John E.—T/4 A, APO 30, Post­ Files, Maynard W.—Capt. A, American Rd, Camp Elizabeth, Me. master, N. Y., N. Y. Prisoner of War #4208, Oflag 64, Kane, Thomas F.—Pfc. A, APO 929, Bouchard, Albert J.—Ens. NAC, R. 6, Germany Postmaster. San Francisco, Calif. Caribou, Me. Finnegan, William J.—Ens. NAC, Sqdn. Keenan, William P.—Cpl. A, APO 634, Bouchard, Kenneth J.—Lt. AAC, Craig 3, Flight 1, Whiting Field, Milton, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Field, Selma, La. Fla. .Keyes, Allston P.—Lt. A, APO 464, Brann, Edward K.—Sgt. A, Hq. Serv. Fitzpatrick, James J.—Maj. A, APO 871, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Co., 656th Engr. Topo. Bn., Camp Me- Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. King, Walter B.—Sgt. AAC, APO 929, Coy Wis Gardner, Howard D.—Lt. AAC, APO Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Brann, William H.—S/Sgt. AAC, APO 634, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Knight, Mervin—Lt. (j.g.) NAC, Killed 627, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Gartley, Mayron S.—Lt. A, 3445th Ord. in Active Duty Breton, Leon J.—Maj. A, 602nd AAA Main. Co., West Hartford, Conn. LaBarge, Bernard A —A/C AAC, Bucks­ Group, Camp Davis, N. C. Gates, Stanley R.—Lt. A, 321 South Main port, Me. Brondson, Harold C.—Capt. A, Camp St., Belair, Md. Ladd, Chester M.—Ens. NAC, Fleet Carson, Colo. Gerrish, Harold A.—Capt. A, 145 So. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Brooks, William K.—Lt. AAC, Group 2, Kingsley Dr., Los Angeles 4, Calif. Laffin, Catherine—Lt. (j.g.) WAVES, Student Operations, Panama City, Fla. Gilpatrick, Arlo E.—Capt. AAC, APO Port Director’s Office, 150 Causeway Brudno, Lincoln—Lt. AAC, APO 696, 503, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. St., Boston, Mass. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Gloden, Felix A.—Cpl. A, 112th Gen. Lancaster, Helengrace—Ens. WAVES, Bullard, Edward C.—T/Sgt. A. APO Hosp., Bks. 2824, Ft. Devens, Mass. Falmouth Hotel, Portland 3, Me. 703, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Golden, Francis P.—Lt. A, APO 726, Lane, Arnold C.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Mine Burke, Gerard J.—Capt. A, 75th AAF Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. Craft Tng. Center, Little Creek, Va. Tactical Ren. Grp., GLO School, Key Goldsmith, Richard—Cpl. A, Box 335, Lanigan, Edwin J.—Lt. AAC, Killed in Field, Miss. So. Hamilton, Mass. Action Buss, Frank J.—Lt. A, Postmaster, N. Y., Goodrich, William G.—Lt. A, 1392 Engr. Lawry", Edward H.—Lt. NAC, Fleet N. Y. Forestry Co., Camp Claiborne, La. Post Office. N. Y., N. Y. Carlisle; John D.—Lt. A, 112 Piackney Gotlieb, Peter—Pvt. AAC, Address Un­ Leafe, Russell P.—Ens. N, Fleet Post St., Boston, Mass. known Office, San Francisco, Calif. Carlson, Earl—Maj. AAC, APO 634, Gray, Douglas E.—F/O AAC, AAB, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Ardmore, Lindsay, Andrew G.—Lt. AAC, Box 186, Carter, Gordon P.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Inspec­ Grimmer, Stewart W.—Lt. A, Killed in AAB, Dodge City, Kan. tor of Naval Material, General Electric Action Linscott, Stanley P.—Lt. (j.g.) CG, Fleet Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Gross, Stephen K.—Ens. N, 72 Mechanic Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Cartier, Arthur T.—Lt. A, APO 704, St., Camden, Me. Littlefield, John T.—Y2/c CG, Barnegat Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Halliwill, Eugene H.—Maj. AAC, Life Boat Station, Barnegat City, N. J. Chandler, Theodore P.—Ens. N, Box 151, Killed in Active Duty Littlefield, Joseph R.—Lt. A, Brooks, Cumberland Center, Me. Hamlin, Stephen C.—MM, Cleveland Me. Charpentier, Allyn E.—Capt. A, 3205- Hall, Rm. 3427, Kings Point, L. I., Locke, Boynton—NAC, Boothbay Har­ 171st St., Flushing, L. I., N. Y. N. Y. bor, Me.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS JUNE, 1944 Lord, Edwin M.—Pfc. A, Tufts Medical Prisoner of War, Stalag Luff-3 Ger­ Southard, Pemberton—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet School, Boston, Mass. many, #4429, N. Y., N. Y. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Loring, Malcolm S.—Capt. A, Weapons Robie, Frederick W.—Ens. N, 149 Broad­ Spalding, James H.—Lt.v N, Fleet Post Sec. Inf. Tng. School, Ft. Benning, Ga. way, Rockland, Me. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Lovering, Francis W.—Lt. A, APO 716, Rogers, Anthony J.—Pfc. A, Hq. Unit, Sparks, Donald T.—T/Sgt. A, Army Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Camp Stoneman, Calif. Transport Corps, Boston POE, Boston. Littlefield, Joseph R.—Lt. A, Camp Ross, Edward E.—S/Sgt. AAC, Oak St., Spofford, Gerald E.—Cpl. A, Killed in Stewart, Ga. Orono, Me. Action MacDonald, Robert W.—Capt. A, APO Russell, Eugene O.—Capt. A, 557th AAA Staples, Josiah H.—Lt. A, APO 868, 464, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Auto Wpns. Bn., Ft. Fisher, N. C. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. MacKay, Hugh P.—Lt. A, APO 854, Samuelson, Robert W.—Lt NAC, Fleet Steeves, Jerome I.—Maj. AAC, Com­ Postmaster, Miami, Fla. Air Detachment Sec. D, NAS, Clinton, mand & General Staff School, Ft. McCain, James S.—Capt. A, APO 372, Okla. Leavenworth, Kan. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Sanders, James O.—Lt. AAC, Box 145, Stewart, Robert F.—Capt. A, APO 669, McClelland, Ruth W.—Lt. A, Dietitian, MAAF, Mariana, Fla. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. APO 715, Postmaster, San Francisco, Sawyer, Neil G.—Lt. A, Sig. Sec., 41st Stone, Theodore M.—Lt. A, 10th Med. Calif. Sub-Depot, Hamilton Field, Calif. Bn., APO 345, Camp Hale, Pando, McDowell, Conrad W.—Lt. A, 123 Severy, Floyd M.—M, 165 Atlantic Ave., Calif. Mountainview Ave., Staten Island, Marblehead, Mass. Stuart, Parker O.—Maj. A, APO 528, N. Y. Schmidt, George G.—Capt. A, 55 Burns Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. McKenney, Omar—Pvt. AAC, Missing St.,-Forest Hills, L. I., N. Y. Thibodeau, Louis—Lt. M, Camp Lejeune, in Action Schoppee, Fred H.—Pvt. A, Discharged New River, N. C. McPherson, Dalmar S.—Sgt. A, Station Schultz, Walter M.—Lt. AAC, APO 557, Thomas, G. Merrill—Lt. A, Co. B, 1321 Hosp., Gulfport, Miss. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Engr. Regt., Camp Sutton, N. C. Maines, John T.—Lt A, APO 960, Sheedy, John R.—Cpl. A, Discharged Thompson, Merrill G.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Smart, Atwood O.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Fleet Post Office, N. Y„ N. Y: Marshall, Donald M.—Lt. AAC, Dis­ Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Trask, Roger B.—T/4 A, APO 1'43, charged Smith, Basil L.—Lt. A, Co. I, 1st Bn., Postmaster, N. Y., N Y. Marsolais, Hubert H.—EM2/o N, Camp Ritchie, Md. Tremaine, Richard L.—Lt. A, APO 922, Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Smith, Richard M.—Cpl. A, Classifica­ Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Martin, Oscar R.—Lt. A, APO 635, tion Sec., C. Reynolds, Greenville, Pa. Wallace, Robert D.—Capt. A, Spence Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Smith, Winfield C.—Lt. A., APO 637, AAF, Adv. Flying School, Moultrie, Mayo, Richard—Lt. A, 93rd Sig. Co., Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. APO 93, Postmaster, Los Angeles, Ga. Calif. Soderquist, Philip—Cpl. A, AAB 2nd Weaver, Charles L.—Capt. A, CA (SC) Merrill, Robert S.—M/Sgt. AAC, Base Weather Sqdn., Ft. Dix, N. J. ORP, Ft. Monroe, Va. Weather Sta., AAB, Salt Lake City,

Utah * Moore, Eugene L.—Lt. AAC, Sec. O 329th AAF Base Unit RTU (MB) CAAB, Columbia, S. C. Morin, Paul E.—Capt. A, 2nd Army Orientation Sch., APO 402, Nashville, Coast Guard Commander John T. Stanley ’30 was cited for bravery and decorated Tenn. Morton, Richard G.—Capt. A, APO 527, with Legion of Merit medal for his share in the epic battle against flames on an ammu­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. nition ship in New York City harbor in April. The delicate and dangerous task Murphy, Robert E.—Capt. A, APO 1, carried out by the Coast Guardsmen under the direction of Commander Stanley and Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. others is reported to have saved the city of New York from perhaps the worst disaster Nelson, Harley C.—Sgt. A, APO 715, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. in American history. Nickerson, Thomas H.—Capt. ' AAC, The accomplishments of the men and their leader was the subject of a feature APO 467, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. story in the Saturday Evening Post, May 13, and the picture below showing decoration O’Brien, Oric O.—S/Sgt. A, APO 43, of Commander Stanley (left) by Rear Admiral S. V. Parker was also featured in the Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Odlin, Clifford W.—Lt. A, Address Un­ magazine. Cited with Commander Stanley was Lt. Commander Arthur Pfister (center), known and numerous individuals among the men who volunteered to fight the fire and success­ Patterson, Paul K.—Lt. AAC, 2nd Fer­ fully scuttled the burning vessel. rying Grp., 27th Sqdn., NCAAB, Wilmington 99, Del. Paul, James S.—Lt. AAC, Killed in Action Peabody, Herbert S.—S/Sgt. A, APO 929, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Perry, Clarence H.—Lt. AAC, McClellan Field, Sacramento, Calif. Pierce, Earl S.—Sl/c CG, U.S. Coast Guard Sta., So. Portland, Me. Pipes, Ralph—Pfc. A, Co. E, 3305th SU, Univ, of Penn., Philadelphia 4, Pa. Potter, Kenneth H.—Capt. AAC, 59 Fountain St., Gardiner, Me. Potter, W. Edwin—Cp1. A, Discharged Pratt, John H.—Pvt. A, 52nd Arm’d Inf. Bn., Co. B, APO 259, Camp Polk, La. Pryor, Henry P.—Capt. A, James St., Claxton, Ga. Randall, Halston B.—M/Sgt. AAC, 532nd Bomb. Sqdn., 381st Bomb. Grp., APO 634, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Reed, John P.—S/Sgt. A, APO 715, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Reynolds, Ralph—Lt. A, 21 Alden St., Hartford, Conn. Rich, Edwin S.—Capt. A, CA, Ft. Adams, R. I. Richard, Octave F.—Lt. A, 170 Garland St., Bangor, Me. Robichaud, Oliver V.—Lt. A, American

TIIE MAINE ALUMNUS 19 june, 1944 Weeks, Carl—Lt. A, Prisoner of War in­ Brownell, Arnold B.—Ens. CG, Fleet Edmunds, John J.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet terned by Japan, Hoten Camp; Mudken, ' Post Office, San' Francisco, Calif. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Manchukuo, via N. Y., N. Y . Buck, Raymond W.—S/Sgt. AAC, Hq. & Ehrlenbach, Howard L.—Capt. M, 18th Whicher, Ralph F.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Hq. Sqdn., AAFCC, Nashville, Tenn. Defense Bn., Camp Lejeune, New Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Burden, Frederick E.—Pfc. A, Co. D, River, N. C. Whitney, Norman E.—Capt. A, APO 83, 27th Sig. Tng. Bn., Camp Crowder, Mo. Ellis, George H.—Lt. A, APO 957, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Butterworth, Dale—Lt. AAC, Base Op­ Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Wight, Willard A.—S/Sgt. A, Co. D, erations, Selman Field, Monroe, La. Emery, Edwin B.—Pfc. AAC, APO 429, 26th ITB, Camp Croft, S. C. Byrne, John'F.—Capt. A, APO 758, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Wilson, Charles H.—Lt. AAC, Killed in Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Fairchild, Thomas L.—Lt. A, Co. G, Active Duty Carlisle, Robert—Maj. AAC, 5th Ferry­ 376th Inf., Camp McCain, Miss. Wilson, Gleason W.—Capt. A, APO 230, ing Grp., Love Field, Dallas, Texas Fenderson, Willard E.—A/S N, 26 Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Carr, George R.—Cpl. AAC, APO Greenough St., Brookline, Mass. Wood, Robert C.—AFS, American Field 16039-1, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Ferry, Harold E.—S/Sgt. AAC, APO Service, APO 464, Postmaster, N. Y., Carter, Elton S.—S/Sgt. AAC, APO 559, 929, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. N Y Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Fiardigotti, Antonio—Capt. AAC, Presque Wright, William P.—Lt. A, 4th Hq. & Cates, Clement D.—O/C, AAC, 3529 Isle Air Base, Presque Isle, Me. Hq. Det., Sp. Trs., XIII Corps, Ft. Park St., Jacksonville, Fla. Fickett, Paul R.—AAC, APO 637, Dix, N. J. Chamberlain, Everett—Capt. AAC, 87th Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. York, Donald C.—S/Sgt. AAC, Hq. & Fighter Grp., Camp Spring, Washing­ Friday, John A.—Lt. M, Fleet Post Hq. Sqdn., Randolph Field, Texas ton, D. C. Office, San Francisco, Calif. 1941 Chase, Faulkner—Sgt. A, 494th Replace­ Frost, Howard R.—Lt. AAC, APO 501, Adams, Charles E.—Capt. A, 4 Hillcrest ment Co., Ft. McClellan, Ala. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Ave., Nahant, Mass. Chase, Gordon E.—Capt. M, Fleet Post Gallagher, Keith N.—Lt. AAC, 29th Adams, C. Kempton—Cpl. A, APO 595, Office, San Francisco, Calif. Photo Recn. Sqdn., Will Rogers Field, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Chase, Richard H.—Ens. Seabees, Fleet Okla. Allen, Henry W.—Lt. AAC, APO 558, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Gardner, Charles S.—Lt. A, APO 652, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Clark, Arnold H.—Lt. A, APO 709, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Alpert, Sidney W.—Lt. AAC, 393rd Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Gardner, Moffat A.—Pvt. A, Co D, 30th Bomb Grp., AAB, Sioux City, Iowa Clement, John C.—Lt. (j g.) NAC, Fleet Inf. Tng. Bn., Camp Croft, S. C. Anderson, Clayton O.—Sgt. A, APO Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Gilman, Arnold R.—Capt. MAC, Fleet 9976, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Coffin, Robert W.—Pvt. A, Harrington, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Anderson, Frank E.—Lt. A, APO 9976, Me. Gilman, George D.—Pfc. A, 49 Harrison Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Colbath, Burton M.—T/3 A, 84th Sig. Ave, North Abbington, Mass. Anderson, Harold F.—Capt. A, 803 Whit­ Co., APO 84, Camp Claiborne, La. Godwin, H. Buel—Ens. N, Fleet Post tington, Bossier City, La. Colby, John S.—Lt. A, Hq. Prov. Repl. Office, N. Y. N Y. Arbor, Charles J.—Pvt. A, Co. B, 174th Bn., 3rd Army Casual Center, Camp Goodchild, Donald W.—Lt. A, APO 877, Engr. Combat Bn., 1st Plat., Bks. Polk La. Postmaster, Miami, Fla. T-3881, Camp Beale, Calif. Colley, Chester A.—AFS, APO 616, Goos, Phillip—Lt. A, Advanced Search­ Astor, David—Lt. Marines, 1st Guard Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. light Course 2, STOG, Camp Davis, Co., Marine Bks., Quantico, Va. Cooper, James G.—Capt A, APO 713, N C Austin, George M.—Lt. AAC, 701 Pine Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Gopan, Max—Cpl. AAC, 807 AAF Base St., Deming, N. M. Cormier, Everett L.—Lt. Col. A, APO Unit, Sec. G, Bergstrom Field, Austin, Baker, Charles L.—Lt. A, 971st Engr. 654, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Texas Maint. Co., Camp White, Ore. Cotton, George B.—Lt. A, 357th Bn., Grant, George C.—Pvt A, Hq. Co., Banton, Hartley L.—Lt. A, Engle Gen. C. A.S.L., Camp Stewart, Ga. RRC, Ft. Devens, Mass. Hosp., Atlantic City, N. J. Cowan, Frederick W.—Pfc. A, H & S Griffin, Lloyd W.—S/Sgt. AAC, APO Bartley, Henry H.—Cpl. A, 271 State St., Co., 656 Engr. Topo. Bn, Camp McCoy, 557, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Presque Isle, Me. Wis. Gushee, Richard A.—Cpl. AAC, APO Benjamin, Roger O.—Lt. A, 71 Nyack Cowin, Stanley J.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet 3934, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Hagenson, C Philip—Lt. (j.g.) N, 6 Berry, Rockwood N.—Capt. A, APO Craig, John S.—Capt. AAC, APO 882, State St., Bangor, Me. 9998, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Haley, James H.—AMM2/c N, Box A, Berry, Walter E.—Lt. AAC, Base Crane, J. Burleigh—Capt. A, APO 464, NAB, Brunswick, Me. Weather Sqdn., Bedford AAB, Bed­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Hall, Albert E.—T/Sgt. AAC, APO 558, ford, Mass. Cummings, Philip E.—Cpl. A, APO 528, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Beverage, Ray J.—Ens. NAC, Fleet Post Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Hall, Charles A.—Pvt. A, Box 100, 333 Office N Y N Y Cummings, Robert A.—Pfc. AAC, Unit Cedar St., New Haven, Conn. Billings,’ Nathaniel A.—Cpl. A, APO 689, D, AAB, Clovis, N. M. Hamm, Harold I.—Cpl. AAC, Hq. 404th Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Curley, John I.—Sgt. AAC, APO 520, Fighter Bomb. Grp., MBBR, Myrtle Black, Gardner A.—Pfc. Marines, Guard Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Beach, S. C. • Det., Cherry Point AB, Cherry Point, Dalrymple, Stewart—Ens. N, 8325 E. Jef­ Harris, James W.—Maj. A, APO 716, N. C. ferson Ave., Detroit, Mich. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Blackstone, Fred J.—Lt. AAC, Sec. H, Delano, Raymond F.—Lt AAC, 321st Hartwell, Henry L.—M/Sgt. AAC, D4 t 115th AAF Base Unit (B), Selfridge BTG, DAAF, Deming, N. M. Static Crew, Sec. D, Bluethethan Fid., Field, Mich. Demant, William H.—Lt. A, APO 153, Wilmington, N. C. Blaisdell, Kenneth W.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Hatchard, Donald G.—Lt. A, 1st I & M Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Devoe, Donald B.—Capt. AAC, APO 650, Unit WRASC, Warner Robins, Ga. Boudreau, Edmund—Capt. AAC, Wpns. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Hatt, Gordon R.—Lt. AAC, APO 638, Det., Camp Luna, Las Vegas, N. M. Dexter, Franklin D.—Lt. A, 369th Ord. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Boudreau, Henry C.—Pfc. AAC, 877th Maint. Co., Camp Stewart, Ga. Higgins, Ralph M.—Cpl. A, APO 638, Bomb. Sqdn., SHAAF, Salina, Kan. Dinsmore, Joseph S.—Lt. A, Btry. A, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Boulos, Joseph—Lt. AAC, Killed in 256th F.A. Bn., Ft. Bragg, N. C. Hill, Albert E.—Pvt. A, 104 Potter St., Action Dondis, Meredith P.—Cpl. A, Coast Arty. Cranston, R. I. Boyle, Harry L.—Lt. AAC, APO 260, Bn., Camp Pendleton, Va. Hoctor, John M.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Downs, Bordyce R.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Bracy, Horace G.—Capt. Marines, Office, San Francisco, Calif. Hodgdon, Kenneth W.—Capt. A, Btry. Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. A, 314th F.A. Bn., APO 80, Postmas­ Brawn, William S.—Lt. A, APO 952, Dumas, Paul R.—Lt. A, APO 8, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. ter, Los Angeles, Calif. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Holyoke, Donald B.—Capt. A, Killed in Bridges, June H.—Ens. WAVES, 150 Dunning, Clement S.—Sgt. A, APO 241, Action Causeway St., Boston, Mass. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Howe, Virginia M.—Ens. WAVES, Briggs, Frederick O.—Lt. AAC, APO Dunning, Herbert H.—Lt. AAC, 489th 3685-38th St., N.W., Washington, D. C. 16030-AL-7, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Bomb. Grp., Wendover Field, Utah Howes, Cecil E.—Lt. A, 764th M.P. Bn., Brown, Brooks—Lt. A, APO 90, Duplissa, George A.—Cpl. AAC, APO Nashville, Tenn. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 515A, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Hoyt, John F.—Lt. A, APO 4913, Brown, Carl R.—Lt. A, APO 464, Dyer, John R.—Ens. N, 889 1/2 South Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Marengo St., Pasadena 5, Calif. Humphries, Angus E.—Lt. A, Perry, Me. Brown, Walter E.—Lt. NAC, Fleet Post Earnshaw, John—Mid’n N, Rm. 4059, Hunt, Mansfield L.—Lt. A, APO 668, Office, San Francisco, Calif. USNA, Annapolis, Md. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 20 JUNE, I944 Hutcheon, James L.—T/Sgt. AAC, APO Pratt, Elbert S.—Sgt. A, 197th Sta. Hosp., 16130-A, Postmaster, New Orleans, La. Camp Breckinridge, Ky. Ingalls, Earle L.—Lt. A, Hq. Orgden Pratt, Virgil S.—Sgt. AAC, Hq. & Hq. A SC, Hill Field, Ogden, Utah Sqdn., Photo Avn. Dept., Orlando, Fla. Ingham, Joseph M.—MM, 328 East­ Preble, Clayton N.—Lt. A, Japanese man St., Concord, N. H. Prisoner—Deceased Irvine, Robert M.—Capt. A, APO 1, Pullen, Winston E.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Jackson, Robert A.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Ramsey, Joyce—Ens. WAVES, NTS, Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Mt. Holyoke, So. Hadley, Mass. Jeffrey, James A.—Lt. A„ APO 28, Reed, Walter S.—Ens. N, Communica­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. tions Sch., USNA, Annapolis, Md. Jewell, Duncan H.—Capt. M, Main St., Rheilander, Harold F.—Pvt. A, 335 Van­ Orono, Me. derbilt Hall, Harvard Med. Sch., Bos­ Jewett, G. Herbert—Lt. (j.g.) NAC, ton 15, Mass. 1100 Brunswick Ave., Norfolk, Va. Riddle, Oscar W.—Lt. AAC, Box 244, Johnson, Stanley F.—A/C AAC, Address Shaw Fid, Sumter, S. C. Unknown Riddle, William J.—Lt. A, APO 649, Johnson, Vernon E.—Pvt. A, Co. I, 2nd Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Regt., ORTC, Aberdeen Proving Riley, Pauline F.—Pvt. Marines, Recruit Ground, Aberdeen, Md. Depot, 34th Tng. Bn., Co. C, Plat. 3, Judkins, Albert E.—A/C AAC, Sqdn. 24, Bks. 112, Camp Lejeune, N. C. Bks. 551, Class 44-H, Minter Field, Robertson, Frank O.—Pfc. A, 3311 Su., Calif 317 So. 11th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Kelley, Lawrence B.—Lt. A, 12 Henry Robertson, Kenneth N.—Lt. AAC, 500th St., Bellows Falls, Vt. Bomb. Grp., AAB, Clovis, N. M. Kent, Vernon F.—Pvt. AAC, APO 812, Rogers, Vernon G.—Ens. N, Navy Sup­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. ply Corps Sch., Harvard Univ., Sol­ Ketchum, Frank W.—Pvt. AAC, APO DIRECTOR: Serving overseas diers Fid., Boston, Mass. 149, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. as a Field Director for the Ameri­ Rothenberg, Howard A.—Lt. AAC, APO Kilas, Joseph L.—Lt. A, Deceased can Red Cross is J. Murray Ham­ 886, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Kimball, Everett—Cpl. A, APO 709, ilton ’26, who has recently gone St. Lawrence, Mitchell B.—Lt. (j.g.) Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. to Hawaii for overseas service. He NAC, , Key West, Kinghorn, Robert C.—Lt. A, 87 East St., formerly served the Red Cross as Fla. Fitchburg, Mass. a coordinator in Berlin, New Sanborn, Bert S.—Maj. AAC, APO 650, Kingsbury, Walton C.—Cpl. A, APO 519, Hampshire, and before joining Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. the Red Cross was a Retail Store Scanlin, Merlin T.—Sp2/c N, CPO-2- Kneeland, Frank H.—Lt. AAC, 802nd Manager in Berlin and Nashua, Unit E, USNTS, Sampson, N. Y. Sqdn., 470th Bomb. Grp., Bombing & N. H. Serota, Jacob—Lt. A, APO 159, Post­ Gunnery Range, Tonopah, Nev. master, San Francisco, Calif. Kuhn, Louis J.—T/4 A, APO 459, Shackelford, Philip T.—S2/c N, Walnut Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Murray, Patricia E.—Lt. ANC, Dis­ Rd., Wenham, Mass. Ladd, Leon F.—Capt. A, APO 668, charged Shapiro, Jacob—Lt. A, OIC Signal Sec., Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Mutty, Edwin L.—Capt. A, APO 700, 86th Sub-Depot, Tyndall Fid., Panama Lancaster, Hartwell C.—Capt. A, APO Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. City, Fla. 635, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Myers, Clyde E.—S/Sgt. A, Co. A, 656 Shearer, Frank P.—Capt. M, Fleet Post Lapham, Daniel—T/Sgt. A, APO 716, Engr. Topo. Bn., Camp McCoy, Wis. Office N Y N Y Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Newhall, Carl A.—Lt. AAC, APO 559, Silverman, David K.—Pvt. A, Post Sig­ Larsson, Robert D.—Lt. (j.g.) NAC, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. nal Det., Ft. Sam Houston, Texas Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Nichols, Malcolm G.—Lt. A, 9 Warren Skoufis, Peter J.—Lt. AAC, APO 953, Leining, Charles F.—Discharged Ave., Woburn, Mass. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Libby, Frederick A.—Lt. AAC, Box 438, Nunan, Richard T.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Smith, Charles B.—Lt. A, 39 Park St., Grp. 4, Selman Field, Monroe, La. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Orono, Me. Libby, L. Simpson—Lt. A, Patterson Nystrom, George L.—Lt. N, Fleet Post Smith, Robert B.—Cpl. AAC, Lavado Fid., Dayton, Ohio Office N Y N Y AAF, Lavado, Texas Lord, Nathaniel L.—Pfc. A, APO 3553, Oakes, Stewart’ F.—Eng. N, Navy USN Smith, Sherman K.—Lt. A, APO 650, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Sec. Base, Southport, N. C. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Lovejoy, Robert J.—Lt. A, 60 Perham Oaksford, Homer H.—Lt. A, MP Bn., Sobel, Theodore—Lt. A, Operative Div. St., Farmington, Me. APO 104, Camp Adair, Ore. Chem. Warfare Serv., Huntsville Lund, David R.—S/Sgt. AAC, APO 638, Oppenheim, Edward E.—Lt. A, 285th Arsenal, Ala. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y Station Hosp., Camp Pickett, Va. Somes, John W.—Lt. A, APO 3470, Lusk, Hugh F.—Lt. (j.g) CG, Fleet Osgood, Burt S.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Sprague, Donald R.—Lt. AAC, 83rd Maasen, John H—Lt A, Provost Mar Parsons, Charles B.—Lt. A, APO 9565, Troop Carrier Sqdn., , N. C. shal, APO 78, Camp Butner, N. C. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Staples, Grant D.—Ens. N, OTS, Camp McGillivray, John R.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Pattee, Clifford H.—Pfc. A, 3 Ames St., Endicott, Davisville, R. I. Fleet Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Cambridge, Mass. Staples, Ormand—MM, Box 593, Grand MacGregor, Robert M.—Gnr. Canadian Paul, Roger F —Ens. N, 38 Cape Ned- Central Annex, N. Y., N. Y. A, C. Div., Btry, 1st Canadian Survey dick Rd., York Beach, Me. Stearns, Roger A.—Lt. A, APO 15229, Regt., RCA, Canadian Army Overseas Payson, Carlton B.—Lt. A, 59 College Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. MacGregor, Walter N.—Capt. A, Box Rd., Orono, Me. Stevens, Clifford A.—Lt. AAC, Hondo, 189, Camp Hampton, Va. Peavey, Harry C.—Lt. A, APO 860, T CX2.S Marriner, Norman E.—Sl/c N, Co. 1018, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Stisulis, Walter L.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Great Lakes Naval Tng. Sta., Great Perkins, Howard R.—Lt. A, OBC 57, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Lakes, Ill. Ft. Monroe, Va. Storer, Allan P.—Lt. A, Station Hosp., Marsh, Edward L.—Capt. AAC, 1st Perry, Leona M.—Sk3/c SPARS, 2001 Prisoner of War Camp, Clarindan, Iowa Bomber Command, Charleston AAC, Kaloratno Rd., N.W., Washington, Strang, Walter P.—Ens. CG, Federal Charleston, S. C. D. C. Bldg., Newport, R. I. Meader, Everett L.—Lt. A, APO 706, Philbrick, Charles B.—Rm3/c N, Fleet Stritter, Karl W.—Cpl. AAC, 83 Moulton Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. St., Lynn, Mass. Monohon, P. Jordon—Lt. A, 78 Queen Pierce, Richard FI.—Capt. M, Fleet Post Stubbs, Charlton P.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet St., Falmouth, Mass. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Montgomery, Joshua B.—Lt. AAC, Pinkham, Ernestine K.—WAVES, Sullivan, Richard P.—Lt. A, APO 503, Bucksport, Me. 35 Winter St., Portland, Me. Postmaster, San Francisco. Calif. Moore, Robert M.—Lt. AAC, Killed in Piper, Allan E.—Sk3/c N, Communica­ Sweet, Sherley M.—Lt. N, Fleet Post Action tions Office, NAS, Quonset Pt., R. I. Office N Y N Y Murray, George L.—Ens. CG, Gallups Plummer, Richard F.—Lt. Marines, Fleet Tarbell,’Alian B.—Sm3/c N, Fleet Post Island, Boston, Mass. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Murray, Gordon P.—Lt. AAC, Killed in Powell, Stephen E.—Lt. M, Fleet Post Tardoni, Daniel J.—Lt. NAC, Fleet Post Active Duty Office, San Francisco, Calif. Office, San Francisco, Calif.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 21 JUNE, I944 Thomas, Walter C.—S/Sgt. AAC, APO Beaton, Robert J.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Buck, George H.—Cpl. A, 76th AAF, 4617, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Office, N. Y., N. Y. Base Unit, Smyrna, Tenn. Thompson, Harold E.—Sgt. A, Med. Beegel, Paul M.—Pfc". A, Co. A, 3224 Bucknam, William R.—Ens. NAC, Naval Detach., Sta. Hosp., AAB, Richmond, SUSU, NYU College of Medicine, Air Sta., Minneapolis, Minn. Va. 477-lst Ave., New York 10, N. Y. Bull, Floyd L.—Ens. NAC, Fleet Post Towle, Myron J.—Lt. AAC, Dept, of Benjamin, Charles S.—Lt. AAC, APO Office, San Francisco, Calif. Tng., LAAB, Columbus, Ohio 860, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Burger, Francis W.—Lt. A, APO 464, Townsend, Paul A.—Pfc. A, Btry. A, Blake, Clayton P.—Lt. AAC, 439th Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 359th SL N, CAAA, Camp Edwards, Fighter Sqdn., Dale Mabry Field, Burnett, John M.—Lt. A, APO 32, Klass. Tallahassee, Fla. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Tracy, Samuel E.—Lt. A, ASFTC Hq. Blake, Clifford A.—Sgt. A, 76th Ren. Burnham, Reuben S.—Lt. AAC, 1115 SCU 3111, Ft. Devens, Mass. Tng. Bn. (M) 76th Inf. Div., Camp Douglas St., Sioux City, Iowa Trask, Harry E.—Lt. A, APO 493, McCoy, Wis. Burpee, Frederick T.—Lt. A, 583rd Am­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Blanchard, Bertrand E.—Lt. A, APO 302, bulance Co., Ft Dix, N. J. Treat, George C.—Capt. 'A, Staff and Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Burpee, Howard L.—Lt. A, APO 45, Faculty Rm. 13, Bldg. V-37, Ft. Bel­ Blanchard, Gordon C.—Lt. AAC, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. voir, Va. AACFC, Memphis, Tenn. Burr, Webster B.—Sgt. M, 643 Genessee Trott, M. Elizabeth—Lt. M, Marine Air Blanchard, Kenneth S.—Capt. AAC, St., Rochester, N. Y. Sta., Cherry Point, N. C. 472nd Sqdn., EAFS, Enid, Okla. Butterfield, Wilfred I.—Ens. N, 316 Troop, Benjamin S.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Blodgett, Malcolm H.—Sgt. A, APO 230, Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. Post Office, N. Y, N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Candelet, James F.—Lt. AAC, APO 929, True, Frank A.—Pvt. A, Sheppard Fid., Blood, Harold V.—Lt. M, Fleet Post Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Texas Office, San Francisco, Calif. Carter, John M.—Lt. AAC, 419th Base Tweedie, James K.—Cpl. A, Fleet Post Bodman, Milton T.—Lt. M, FTU, Hq. Hq., Air Base Sqdn., Dyersburg, Tenn. Office, N. Y., N. Y. Sqdn., MAG-32, MCAS (El Toro), Case, William W.—Lt. AAC, APO Utterback, John D.—Lt. N, 22 Old Glebe Santa Ana, Calif. 12557D, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Rd., Apt. 205, Arlington, Va. Bommattei, Ralph L.—Discharged Chadbourne, Ernest D.—Lt. A, APO 251, Valliere, Raymond A.—Lt. A, APO 9, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Chandler, John E.—Lt AAC, Post Hq., Walker, Neal H.—Lt. A, APO 922, Maxwell Field, Ala. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Missing in Action Chapman, Mary J.—Pfc. M, WRS, Re­ Wall, Robert H.—Lt. AAC, 874th Air­ cruit Depot, Bn. 13, Co. B-2, Bks. 108, borne Eng. Avn. Bn., Bradley Field, The uncertain designation of “miss­ Camp Lejeune, New River, N. C. Windsor Locks, Conn. ing in action” means a weary time of Chapman, Mildred L.—Pfc. M, Hq. Co. Wallace, Henry W.—Cpl. A, APO 306, waiting for anxious friends and rela­ Women’s Reserve Bn., Camp Lejeune, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. tives. Fifteen alumni in scattered New River, N. C. Warren, David W.—Lt. (j.g.) NAC, war theatres are officially so designat­ Chase, George O.—Pfc. A, Band 79th Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. ed at this time by the War Depart­ FA Grp. Hq., Ft. Bragg, N. C. Watters, Alwyn S.—RCAF, Royal Cana­ ment. Chick, Richard L.—Capt. AAC, Missing dian Air Force Overseas Blom, Carl J., ’40, Lt. AAC, Europe in Action Weston, Donald W.—Capt. A, APO 706, Chick, Richard L., ’42, Capt. AAC, Christensen, William M.—Ens. NAC, 89 Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Apr. 28, 1943, Mediterranean , Auburn, Me. Wheeler, Francis A.—Pvt. A, New Sta. Emerson, Alberto C., ’31, Lt. NAC, Church, James E.—Cpl. A, Co. C, 32nd Hosp., Ward 62, Ft. Devens, Mass. Feb., 1943, Pacific MTB, 1643 SI, 2nd Plat., Camp Grant, Whitman, Forrest G.—Lt. AAC, Fleming, Paul G., ’44, S/Sgt. AAC, Ill. AAFNS, 44-3-9, San Marcos, Texas Jan. 30, 1944, Mediterranean Area Clark, Alton W.—Lt. A, APO 464, Whitney, Byron V.—A/S N, 25 Bryant Grant, Philip F., ’39, Lt. (j.g.) NAC, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. St., Wakefield, Mass. Nov., 1942, Pacific Clark, William B.—A/C AAC, 2568 Whitten, Maurice H.—Capt. A, APO 133, Haberern, Michael, ’42, Lt. AAC, Base Unit (CTD) AC, Sqdn. 4, Flight Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Sept. 11, 1943, Asiatic Area B, College Station, Texas Willets, Robert T.—Lt. A, Military Johnson, Thomas C, ’36, Lt. NAC, Coffin, Richard H.—Lt. A, APO 689, Branch Tng. Div., Camp Abbot, Ore. Nov., 1942, Pacific Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Williams, Frank R.—Lt Marines, Sign. Kelley, John C., ’37, Lt. NAC, Colpitts, Bernard E.—Lt. AAC, 87th Co., Hq. Bn. 5th Marine Div., Camp 1943, Pacific Bomb. Sqdn., 46th Bomb Grp. (L), Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif. Marshall, Elliott E., ’30, Commander Morris Field, N. C. Woodbrey, Cecil S.—Lt. A, F.S. Main. N, March, 1944, Pacific Conti, Rudolph F.—Capt. AAC, 324th Sub-Office, Frankford Arsenal, Phila­ McKenney, Omar, ’40, Pvt. AAC, Sub-Depot, LAAF, Liberal, Kan. delphia, Pa. Sept., 1942, Philippines Cousins, Frederick H.—Ens. N, NTS Woolley, T. Russell—Ens. NAC, Fleet Neal, Kermit H., ’46, Army (I), Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Simons, Lee, ’43, Lt. AAC, Mar. 2, Cousins, Howard L.—Lt. M, Fleet Post Wright, Samuel J.—S2/c N, Bks. 26, 1944, Germany Office, San Francisco, Calif. NATTC, Memphis, Tenn. Szaniawski, Edward W., ’39, Lt. Col. Cowie, Douglas B.—T/5 A, APO 759, York, Richard A.—Capt. AAC, Killed in AAF, June, 1944, Europe Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Action Ward, William H., ’39, Lt. A, June, Cox, Charles G.—Lt. AAC, APO 681, 1942 1942, Philippines Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Washburn, Frank J., ’39, Lt. AAC, Cox, William S.—Pfc. A, APO 782, Adams, David A.—Capt. AAC, 333rd Jan. 20, 1944, Marshall Islands Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Bomb. Grp., Dalhart AAB, Dalhart, Cranch, Richard C.—Lt. A, Co. B, 331st Texas Inf., APO 83, Camp Breckinridge, Ky. Albert, Joseph J.—Cpl. A, 96 Garland Crossland, Lloyd B.—Lt. AAC, APO 520, St., Bangor, Me. Boucher, Marcel R.—Lt. AAC, APO Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Andrews, Francis S.—Lt. A, 1185 Boyl- 12831-AN-3, Postmaster, San Francisco, Crowley, Nathaniel J.—Pvt. AAC, Stu­ ston St., Boston, Mass. Calif. dent Reception Pool, HAAF, Harlin­ Ansell, Elizabeth—WAVES, 136 Spring Bouis, Charles E.—Lt. A, S-3 Sec., Ft. gen, Texas St., Dexter, Me. Sill, Okla. Cunningham, George B.—MM, Post­ Arbo, Edward P.—Lt. A, 38th Inf. Tng. Bowers, Durant—Lt. A, c/o F. C. Davis, Bn., Camp Croft, S. C. master, N. Y., N. Y. Camilla, Ga. Curtis, Raymond W.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Axtell, Arthur G.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Boyd, Arthur—Capt. A, 1417 Ohio Ave., Office N Y N Y Alamogardo, N. M. Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Baker, Philip—Ens. N, Box 27, Bldg. Brewster, Frank E.—Lt. A, APO 510, Cushman, George B.—Sgt AAC, 712 701-NAS, Jacksonville, Fla. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Fowler St., Ft. Myers, Fla. Bardo, Clinton L.—Sgt. A, APO 649, Briggs, Chandler A.—Lt. A, APO 4926, Dalrymple, Robert A.—Lt. AAC, Napier Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Field, Dothan, Ala. Barrows, Edward P.—Capt. A, APO 2, Brown, Emmons P.—Pfc. A, Hq. Btry., Danforth, Paul D.—Lt. AAC, 20th Fer­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 386th F.A. Bn., APO 104, Camp Car- rying Grp., Municipal Airport, Nash­ Bartlett, Paul V.—Lt. AAC, 539 Telford son, Colo. ville 4, Tenn. Ave., Dayton 9, Ohio Brown, Samuel H.—Lt. AAC, Brink­ Dangler, Edgar W.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Beaton, Clifford M.—Pfc. A, Co. I, wood, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Office, N. Y., N. Y. 840th Sig. Tng. Bn., Bks. 4, Camp Browne, Robert I.—S/Sgt. A, APO 813, Davies, Lawrence W.—Capt. AAC, 974 Kohler, Calif. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Heard Ave., Augusta, Ga.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 22 JUNE, I944 Davis, Carl F.—Lt. AAC, APO 525, Ford, Patrick M.—N, 6860 Odin St., Los Greenlaw, Donald O.—Cpl. A, APO Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Angeles, Calif. 766, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Davis, Carrol D.—Lt. A, APO 523, Fortier, Robert F.—Pvt. A, APO 696, Greenleaf, Laurie J.—Lt. AAC, Hq. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Foster Field, Victoria, Texas Davis, Erna E.—Ens. WAVES, WAVES Francis, Wallace R.—Lt. A, APO 9974, Griffee, Donald G.—Capt. AAC, Post­ Qtrs. D, OQ Rm. 210, Mass. & Neb. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. master, San Francisco, Calif. Ave, N.W., Washington 16, D. C. Franz, Richard O.—A/C AAC, 14 Royal Guard, Charles A.—N, Ass’t Port Direc­ Davis, Robert T.—Sgt. M, Div. of Pub­ St., Winthrop, Me. tors Office, Aloha Tower, Honolulu lic Relations, Hq. Marine Corps, Wash­ French, Maynard G.—Sgt. AAC, Hq. & Haberern, Michael—Lt. AAC, Missing in ington, D. C. Hq. Sqdn., Bomb. Dept., AAFSAT, Action Day, McClure—Lt. A, APO 737, Orlando, Fla. Haffner, Rudolph E.—Lt. A, APO 2, Postmaster, Minneapolis, Minn. French, Robert J.—Lt. A, Army Ware­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Day, Richard B.—Capt. A, 10th Qm Bn., house Operations, Charlotte QM Depot, Hanson, Frank B.—S/Sgt. AAC, APO Camp Hale, Colo. Charlotte, N. C. > 558, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Day, Robert H.—Pfc. A, A.PO 512, Gabe, Henry—Lt. A, AACP, Fort Banks Hardy, Malcolm E.—Ens. NAC, 300 N. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 52, Mass. 16th Ave., Pensacola, Fla. Day-Winter, Alan J.—F/O RCAF, Gannon, Henry—S/Sgt. A, APO 4953, Harrington, Edgar B.—Sgt. AAC, APO Overseas Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. 4570, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. deBarros, Richard J.—Sgt. AAC, APO Garfinkle, Harold A.—Lt. A, 727th Haskell, Thomas D.—Lt. A, APO 948, 762, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Amphibian Tractor Bn., Ft. Ord, Calif. Postmaster, Seattle, Washington Deering, Robert B.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Garsoe, William J.—Capt. AAC, Ft. Healy, Robert M.—Lt. MAC, VMSB Office, San Francisco, Calif. Worth AAF, Ft. Worth, Texas 141, Grp. 41, MCAAP, Gillespie, San deGraffenried, Anthony F.—SoM2/c N, Gatcomb, Morrill A.—Capt. AAC, 4th Diego 43, Calif. Fleet Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Ferrying Grp., 59th Sqdn., Box 360, Hepburn, William G.—Mid’n N, 4161 Delano, Ernest T.—S/Sgt. AAC, APO Memphis, Tenn. Bancroft Hall, USNA, Annapolis, Md. 788, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Gay, Raymond F.—Lt. AAC, Harding- Herrick, Carleton S.—Pfc. A, 61 Elm St., Dempsey, Thomas J.—Fl/c Seabees, Field, Baton Rouge, La. So. Brewer, Me. Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Geary, Edward J.—S/Sgt. A, 11th Ar­ Hersey, Richard W.—Cpl. AAC, APO deRoth, Geradus C.—Cpl. AAC, Co. C, mored Div., Camp Cooke, Calif. 198, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. MTS, Robins Fid., Warner Robins, Ga. Gifford, William E.—Lt. AAC, 240 State Higgins, Joseph S.—Lt. AAC, APO 606, Desjardins, Geoffrey L.—S/Sgt. A, APO St., Bangor, Me. Postmaster, Miami, Fla. 512, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Gillin, James M.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Hiller, Robert F.—Lt. M, Fleet Post Dickens, Thomas D.—S/Sgt. AAC, Hq. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Office, San Francisco, Calif. 9th Photo Grp. Ren., Will Rogers Fid., Ginsburg, Saul—S/Sgt. AAC, 335 E. Hodgkins, Earl L.—Lt. A, APO 230, Okla. Wood St., Decatur 22, Ill. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Dillon, John—Maj. AAC, Turner Field, Glider, Victor—Capt. A, APO 28, Hodgkins, Winfield C.—Lt. A, APO 528, Albany, Ga. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Dimmer, John P.—Lt. A, Btry. B, 127th Goldberg, Edward L.—Pfc. A, 1320 Hopkinson, David B.—Lt. A, APO 952, AAA Gun Bn., AAATC, Camp Haan, Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Calif. Gorman, John C.—Ens. N, Operations, Dobrow, Jordan—Ens. N, Fleet Post Horn, Gilman D.—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet NAC, Norfolk, Va. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Office, N. Y., N. Y. Goulette, Gerard A.—Lt. A, Arlington Dole, Richard D.—Ens. N, Sebago Lake, Hornbeck, Hulet C.—Lt. AAC, Gowen Hall Station, Arlington, Va. Field, Boise, Idaho Me Gray, Herbert K.—Lt. AAC, 811 W. Dorr, Donald E.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Huff, Donald H.—Lt. A, Cape Porpoise, Washington Drive, San Angelo, Texas. Me. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Gray, Howard M.—S/Sgt. AAC, 2nd Dow, Clarence P.—Lt. A, APO 77, Hunt, Norman E.—Lt. AAC, 809 S. Fighter Recn. Sqdn., LAAF, Lakeland, Broadway, Greenville, Miss. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Fla. Dow, Leslie A.—A/C AAC, Bks. D-2, Ingalls, James W.—T/4 A, 320th Inf. Class 44-D, Aloe AAF, Victoria, Tex. Reg’t, Med. Det., Camp Rucker, Ala. Dow, Levi S.—Pvt. A, Lawson General Ingraham, Mark W.—A/C NAC, 46th Hosp., , Ga. Batt., 308 Ruffin Hall, USNPFS, Downes, Laurence M.—Lt. A, APO 134, Chapel Hill, N. C. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Irvine, William L.—T/Sgt. A, APO 658, Duggan, Lloyd B.—Maj. AAC, 132nd Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Base Unit, Suffolk AAF, West Hamp­ Jacobs, Edith—T/5 WAC, WAC Detach., ton Beach, N. Y. Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. Dyer, James W.—Lt. M, Fleet Post Jasud, Walter L.—Cpl. AAC, APO 713, Office, San Francisco, Calif. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Dyer, Robert H.—Lt. A, APO 230, Jellison, Gerald E.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Postmaster, N. Y., K Y. Office N Y N Y Dyer, Samuel—Capt. AAC, APO 149, Johnson, Donald K.—Lt. A, APO 519, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Johnson, Herbert H.—Ens. Seabees, 7 Eaton, Byron A.—T/Sgt. M, Hq. Sqdn., Marin St., Newport, R. I. Marine Aviation Detach., NAS, Jack­ sonville, Fla. Jordan, Harold J.—Capt. AAC, 404 So. Westland Ave., Tampa, Fla. Edes, Thelma M.—Y3/c WAVES, 196- Kaplan, Harold I.—Lt. AAC, BOZ 35, 25th Ave., San Francisco, Calif. RIAAF, Presque Isle, Me. Ehrenfried, Paul—Lt. (j.g.) N, Fleet Karczmarczyk, Joseph—Lt. (j.g.) NAC, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Killed in Active Duty Elwell, Robert A.—HAl/c MM, Fleet Keenan, John F.—Sgt. A, Co. K, 167th Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Inf., APO 31, Camp Pickett, Va. Emery, Lawrence W.—Capt. A, APO 292, Keene, W. Stanley—Lt. AAC, 18 Maple Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. St., Farmington Evans, William H.—AMsl/c NAC, Kelley, Robert E.—Ens. N, Lisbon Falls, NAS, Creed’s Field, Norfolk, Va. Kelso, Frederick J.—T/5 A, 1209th Med. Feinberg, Robert M.—Pfc. A, 64 Gar­ Det., SCU, Station Hospital Pine land St., Chelsea, Mass. Camp, N. Y. DECORATED: Most decorated Fielding, Richard N.—Cpl. AAC, APO Keniston, Charles T.—Lt. A, 60 NE 5th 559, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Maine alumnus according to pres­ ent information at the Alumni of­ Ave., Delray Beach, Fla. Findlen, Herbert—T/Sgt. A, APO 100, Kenney, James F.—Pfc. A, 266 W. New­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. fice is Captain Dana F. Dudley, a pilot in the Army Air Forces. As ton St., Suite 1, Boston 16, Mass. Fink, John E.—Lt. A, A-8, ARTC, Kilpatrick, Donald M.—Lt. AAC, 805th Ft. Knox, Ky. pilot and co-pilot of a B-17 his numerous combat missions have Bomb. Sqdn., 471st Bomb. Grp., West- Fish, Warner H.—Lt. AAC, APO 242, brought him the Distinguished over Field, Chicopee Falls, Mass. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Flying Cross, the Air Medal, and Kimball, Charles N.—M/Sgt. A, Med. Fitzpatrick, John D.—Lt. A, Inf. B-8, ten Oak Leaf Clusters for the Detach., 1879th Unit, Camp Livingston, ARTC, Ft. Knox, Ky. grand total of 12 awards. La.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 23 JUNE, I944 Kimball, Dean C.—BM2/c CG, COTP Neal, Allan J.—Lt. AAC, 90th Sqdn., 7th Slocum, George C.—Cpl. A, Med. Detach , Operations, Coast Guard Base, So. Ferry Command. Gore Field, Great Station Hospital, Camp Claiborne, La. Portland, Me. Falls, Mont. Small, Parker W.—Pfc. M, Casual Co. Koialovitch, Frederick C.—Lt. A, APO Nichols, Clarence S.—Lt. A, Morris (DI), Parris Island, S. C. 552, Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. Field, Charlotte 2, N. C. Small, Robert E.—Lt. A, APO 941, Kroepsch, Kay W.—Lt. AAC, APO 429, Niles, Lloyd G.—Lt. AAC, AAFNS, Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 841st NTS, Hondo, Texas. Smith, Earle S.—Lt. M, 41st ROC, Co. LaFlamme, Vincent J.—Lt. A, 167th Nye, Dana H.—S/Sgt. A, APO 503, H, Marine Bks, Quantico, Va. Engr. Bn., Camp McCain, Miss. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Smith, Elmer V.—Lt. AAC, American Leavitt, Booth G.—Lt. A, 900 Mississippi Nye, James H.—Lt. AAC, APO 634, Prisoner of War #3118, Stalag Luft 3, Ave., Greenwood, Miss. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Germany, via N. Y., N. Y. Leavitt, Laurence G.—Lt. A, Co. C, 94th Olsen, Einar A.—Qm2/c N, Fleet Post Smith, George H.—Lt. A, APO 502, Chem. Bn., Camp Rucker, Ala. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Leger, Eugene—Lt. AAC, 556 Corona Perry, William L.—Rm2/c, Fleet Post Smith, James J.—Lt (j g.) N, Naval Ave., Dayton 9, Ohio Office, San Francisco, Calif. Amphibious Tng. Base, Solomons Libby, W. Edward—Cpl. A, Freeport, Phelan, Paul H.—Sgt. A, Regt. Hq. Co., Branch, Washington, D. C. Me. 399th Inf., APO 447, Ft. Jackson, S. C. Smith, James F.—Lt. A, 1608 Palmyra Limberis, George P.—Ens. N, Fleet Phillips, Stanley G—Pfc AAC, 2135th Ave., Richmond, Va. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. AAFBU, Sec. B, Tyndall Field, Fla. Snell, Henry A.—Lt. M, Btry. C, 4th Sp. Lipman, Henry H.—Pfc A, 38 Hancock Pierce, Philip N.—Lt. M., Btry. E, 2nd Wpns Bn., 4th Marine Div., Fleet St., Chelsea, Mass. Bn., 14th Marines, Camp Pendleton, Marine Force, Camp Pendleton, Ocean­ Long, Wendell M.—Coxs. N, Fleet Post Oceanside, Calif. side, Calif. Office, N. Y., N. Y. Pitman, Arnold W —Pfc. A, Hq. Btry., Spear, Jasper A—Ens. CG, Fleet Post Lord, Lionel—S/Sgt. AAC, 607 Simmons 102nd Hq. Btry., Camp Swift, Texas Office, N. Y., N. Y. St., Goldsboro, N. C. Pitts, Edgar T—Lt (j.g.) NAC, Fleet Spencer, Beverly W—Lt. (j.g.) N, 875 Luther, Radford W.—Lt. A, 125th Ordn. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif Smithfield Ave, Salesville, R. I. Co. (MM), Ft. Crockett, Texas Plummer, John F.—Lt N, Fleet Post Springer, Ralph R.—Lt. AAC, 1st AAF McGraw, Richard B.—Cpl. AAC, 367th Office, San Francisco, Calif. Fighter Command, Mitchel Field, L. I., Fighter Sqdn., AAB, Philadelphia, Pa. Pollock, Thomas E—Lt AAC, APO 528, N. Y. McKay, Donald H.—Lt. A, 151st Ord. Postmaster, N Y., N Y. Stahl, Jack I.—Capt A, Btry B, 680th Main. Bn., Camp Polk, La. Potter, Frank E.—Sgt A, Hq. 8th AD, Glider FA Bn., Camp Mackall, N. C. McKenney, David H.—Lt. AAC, APO Office of Surgeon, APO 258, Camp Starbird, Myron E.—Sgt. A, Hq. Co., 30th 634, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Polk, La. Bn, 387th Inf., APO 445, Camp Swift, MacKenzie, Alexander W.—AMM3/c Potter, Harold C—Lt. A, APO 512, Texas NAC, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville. Postmaster, N. Y, N Y. Stewart, Loren F.—Lt. A, APO 654, McLeary, Robert B.—Ens. NAC, USN Priest, Clifford A —S/Sgt. A, APO 465, Postmaster, N Y., N Y. Pre-Flight School, Box 204, Chapel Postmaster, N. Y, N Y. Stone, Theodore M.—Lt. M, Reg’t Wpns. Hill, N. C Pulsifer, Allen H —Lt. A, 219th AAA Co., 23rd Marines, Camp Pendleton, McLean, Harris L—Ens N, Fleet Post Gun Bn., Patterson, N. J. Calif Office, San Francisco, Calif. Ramsdell, Gordon E.—S/Sgt. A, Hq. Co. Susi, Roosevelt T.—Ens. N, Commandant MacLeod, Leo M.—S2/c N, Fleet Post 2nd Bn., 391st Inf., APO 98, Camp 13th Naval Dist, Seattle, Wash. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Rucker, Ala. Suslavich, John J.—Ens. N, NTS, MacLeod, Richard—Pfc. A, APO 4, Randall, Warren B.—Lt. (j.g.) N. Fleet Amphibious Engrs , Gen Motors Inst., Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Flint, Mich. Malcolm, Ian—Ens. N, Fleet Post Office, Reed, James A —Lt. A, APO 750, Syphers, Ansel—Discharged N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y Talbot, William B.—Lt. A, APO 36, Mank, Miles B.—Lt. A, Hq. Co., 36th Reed, John H.—Ens N, Navy Supply Postmaster, N. Y., N Y. FA Bn., Camp Polk, La. Depot, Newport, R. I. Tanner, Edward R.—Capt. A, APO 520, Marriner, Donald E.—Lt. A, Btry A, Reggio, A. William—Sgt. A, Btry. A, 101 Postmaster, N. Y . N. Y. 835th AAA Bn., Camp Haan, Calif. FA Bn , APO 26, Camp Gordon, Ga. Taylor, Charles J —Lt. M, Fleet Post Matthews R. Russell—Avn/S AAC, Pool Reitz, John A.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Office, Office, San Francisco, Calif. L, Sqdn. G, Fit. 2, 29th CTD, Univ, of N. Y., N. Y. Teall, Arthur L.—Ens NAC, Naval Air Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio Remick, Charles E.—Capt. A, APO 43, Station, Glenview, Ill. Mayhew, Walter E.—Gm3/c N, Armed Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Thomas, Raymond P.—Capt. A, APO Guard School Naval Section Base, Richards, Lee W.—Pvt. A, Tufts Medical 134, Postmaster, N. Y., N Y. Little Creek, Va. School, Boston, Mass. Thompson, Elmer P.—Capt. MAC, BTU, Mayo, John H.—Pvt. AAC, Bks. 302, Riese, George A.—Lt. A, 37 Tanager St., MCAS 41, MCAS El Toro, Santa Sqdn. 4, 4050th AAF, Daniel Field, Arlington, Mass. Ana, Calif. Augusta, Ga. Roberts, Daniel C—Lt. A, 879 Moss Thompson, Gordon J.—Pvt. AAC, Merrill, Howard W.—Lt. AAC, Equip­ Ave., Peoria, Ill. 16 Willow St., Portland, Me. ment Lab., Engr. Div., Wright Field, Roberts, J Herbert—Lt. (j.g.) N, 323 Thompson. Keith M.—Lt (j g ) N, Ohio E. Seneca St.. Ithaca, N. Y. SCTC, Roosevelt Base, San Pedro, Mortens, George E.—A/C AAC, Sqdn. 3, Robie, John W.—Capt. AAC, Box 79, Calif, Class 44-1, Dorr Field, Arcadia, Fla. Randolph Field, Texas Thorne, John E.—Pfc AAC, Island Falls, Meserve, Philmore W.—Sgt. A, APO Ross, Donald P.—Lt. AAC, 383rd CC Me. 761, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. QMS, Peterson Field, Colo. Thornton, Seth W.—Cpl. AAC, Co. 801- Millar, Edward R.—Lt. C, 128th Ord. Rowe, Harlan O —Lt. A, 92nd QM Co., AMSR, Camp Knight, Oakland 14, Maint. Bn., APO 256, Camp Cooke, 92nd Inf Div., Ft. Huachuca, Ariz. Calif. Calif. Ruddock, Edward F.—Ens. N, Comman­ Tracy, John P.—Sgt. AAC, APO 634, Millar, Robert R.—T/Sgt. A, APO 858, dant Sth Naval Dist, New Orleans, La. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Rushworth, Cornell C.—Pvt. A, APO Trefethen, Parker S.—Lt. AAC, APO Miniutti, Victor P.—Lt. A, APO 2, 7571, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 12915AA-12, Postmaster, N. Y., N Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Russell. James L.—Cpl. AAC, 193 War­ Truland, Forest W.—Ens. NAC, Fleet Moore, Thomas F.—S/Sgt. A, Btry. G, ren St, Bangor, Me. Air Wing 14, North Island, San Diego, 6th CA, Ft. Winfield Scott, Calif. Savage, Barbara—Sgt. M, Hq. Co., Re­ Calif. Morris, Sumner D.—Ens. CG, Fleet cruit Depot, Bks. 112, Camp Lejeune, Tukey, Spaulding M—Cpl. AAC, CCD Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. New River, N. C. Crew 4614, AAF, Casper, Wyo. Moulton. Irving C—Lt. A, Engr. Sec., Schertzer, Edward A.—S/Sgt. AAC, VanHoesen, Ellis R—Lt. AAC, APO ASF Depot, Columbus, Ohio APO 929, Postmaster, San Francisco, 9546-BZ, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Moulton, Parker N.—Lt. A. APO 9675, Calif. Warren, Richard L.—Sgt. AAC, APO Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Schmidt. Francis V.—Ens. N, Fleet 113, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Mullen, Joseph N.—Cpl. AAC, APO 466, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Washburn, Robert R.—Cpl. AAC, 2nd Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Sewall, Calvin B.—Cpl. AAC, 1st AAF, Acad. Sqdn., Box 521, Keesler Field, Mullin, George A—S/Sgt. AAC, French B & G Range Sqdn., Eglin Field, Fla. Miss. Air Force Sqdn., Tyndall Field, Sinclair, Richard M.—Lt. A, Co. B, 7th Waterman, George W.—Capt. A, 591st Panama City, Fla. QMTR, Camp Lee, Va. Ord Bn., Camp Rucker, Ala. Munce, George E.—Lt. A, APO 726, Sleeper, Thomas T.—Lt. (j g.) N, Fleet Watson, Robert J.—Lt. AAC, APO Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. 16044-BJ-9A, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y.


> t % JQ 4 X ♦ ♦ Webber, George F.—Lt. AAC, 100th Sub­ Brackett, Carleton M.—Lt. A, QM Re­ Depot, Engr. Dept, Smyrna, Tenn. ception Med. Tng. Ctr., Camp Lee, Va. Weed, Edward A—S/Sgt. AAC, Hq & Bragdon, Richard A.—Pfc A, 518 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Hq Sqdn., 359th Serv. Grp., AAF, ft Pratt, Kan. Bridgeford, Alfred R.—Lt. AAC, Malden

Marienville, Pa. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. < Whited, Harris G.—Ens. NAC, Sqdn. 8B, Brown, Francis A.—Lt. A, H-MIT 16, $ Bronson Field, Pensacola, Fla. OSG, AAAS, Camp Davis, N. C. I Whitner, Ernest K—Lt. A, 514 Lee St., Brunk, Richard M.—Cpl. A, APO 508, Gastonia, N. C. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. X Wiedenkeller, Paul T —Sgt. M, Smith­ Bryan, Donald F.—Ens. N, Fleet Post A- town Branch, L. I, N. Y. Office, N. Y., N. Y. Wiggins, Lyle D —AAC, R #4, Houl­ Buck, Howard M.—Cpl. AAC, APO 929, V v ton, Me. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. £ Wilson, Raymond E.—Lt. AAC, APO Buckley, O. Edward—Lt. AAC, Sec. T, GRADUATES: Seven Maine men 627, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. AAB, Biggs Field, El Paso, Texas were recently graduated from Ad­ Wing, Morris R.—Lt. A, Corps of Engrs., Burns, Gilbert C.—Lt AAC, Hq. & Hq. vanced Twin Engine School, Fred­ Camp Livingston, La. Sqdn , 15th SEFT Grp., Napier Field, erick, Oklahoma. They are, left Winters, Gordon H.—Lt. A, APO 464, Dothan, Ala. to right, first row: Walter Lowe Postmaster, N. Y., N Y. Butler, Eileen L.—AAM2/c WAVES, ’45, Warren Smith ’45, Don How­ Wood, Edward H.—CM2/c N, Hq. Co., NAS-WAVE Bks., New Orleans, La. ard ’45; back row: Phil Murdock 28th Const. Bn., Camp Endicott, Davis- Caldwell, David S.—Ens. N, Fleet Post ’46, Ken Cosseboom ’46, Earl ville, R. I Office NY N. Y. Ellsworth ’45, J. K. McIntosh ’45. Woodbury, Ralph E.—Mid’n N, Bancroft Carlson,’ Arthur F —Cpl A, APO 7543, Hall, Rm. 4243, USNA, Annapolis, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Md Carlson, Gilbert M.—Ens. N. Fleet Dodge, William L.—Lt. AAC, Houlton Woodward, Homer C—Lt. M, Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. AAB, Houlton, Me. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Carter, G. Milton—Capt. A, APO 650, Dow, James E.—N, E. Machias, Me. Wyman, Walter E.—Capt. AAC, 400th Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Dow, William M.—S2/c N, Co. 1590 Bomb. Grp., AAB, Alamogardo, N. M. Chadwick, John H.—Ens. N, BOQ, Rm. QMS, USNTS, Newport, R. I. Yates, Clifford T.—Sgt. A, Co. E, 398th 403, Venetian Hotel, Miami, Fla. Duckworth, Edward G.—Pvt. M, 69 Inf. Reg’t, APO 447, Ft Jackson, S. C. Chadwick, Lewis P —Lt. AAC, Aloe Pleasant St., No. Attleboro, Mass. 1943 AAF, Victoria, Texas Dudley, Dana F.—Capt. AAC, 383rd Abbott, Herschel G.—Ens. N, Fleet Chute, Philip C.—Sgt. AAC, APO 634, Bomb. Grp., 542nd Bomb. Sqdn., Peter­ Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Postmaster, N. Y., N Y. son Field, Colorado Springs, Colo. Adams, Claude H.—Lt A, APO 230, Clifford, G. Edwin—Lt A, 49th Search­ Dunn, Charles E.—CG, Deceased Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. light Bn, Ft. Bliss, Texas Easton, Thomas W.—Pfc. A, Co. E, 3rd Adams, George F.—Lt. A, APO 29, Clifford, Thomas L.—Lt. A, 1700 Combat Plat., Box 72, Georgetown University, Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. Bn., Ft. Jackson, S. C. Washington 7, D. C. Adell, Clinton—Sgt. AAC, APO 832, Coffin, Philip M.—Lt. A, H & S Co., Ebbett, Dean W.—Cpl. A, Co. D, 5th Bn., Postmaster, New Orleans 12, La. 599th Engr. Topo. Bn., Camp McCoy, Camp Wheeler, Ga. Adler, Joseph—A/C AAC, Moody Field, Wis. Edelstein, Albert N.—Lt. AAC, Sec. H, Valdosta, Ga Cole, Harold L.—Lt. A, 572 Main St., Grp. 8, Westover Field, Chicopee Aldous, M. Clair—Pfc. MAC, 2825 Saco, Me. Falls, Mass. Marilyn Dr., Ogden, Utah Coons, Melvin H.—Pvt. A, Hq. Detach. Ellis, K. Lewis—A/C NAC, Naval Air Allen, Charles D.—Lt. A, Co. M, 174th IX Corps, APO 309, Camp McCain, Station, Glenview, Ill. Inf., Camp Chaffee, Ark. Miss. Emerson, Harold—Discharged Allen, Rodney H.—A/C AAC, Class 44D, Costello, William H.—Capt. MAC, Rm. Enman, John A.—Cpl. A, APO 9865, FAAF, Frederick, Okla. 149, BOQ, Marine Corps Air Station, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Atwood, Stoughton—Lt. (j.g.) NAC, Cherry Point, N. C. Estabrook, Leo H.—Cpl. A, Co. G, 377th Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Cram, Chester D.—Lt. AAC, APO Inf. Div., APO 95, Indiantown Gap, Pa. Austin, J. Maynard—Ens. N, OTS, 16094-BY-47, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Etzel, Bernard A.—Lt. A, Co. G, 417th NCTC., Davisville, R. I. Crane, Talbot H.—Lt. A, 567th QM Rail­ Inf., Camp McCoy, Wisconsin Averill, Gerald P.—Lt. M, Co H, 3rd road Co., Fort Ord, Calif. , Etzel, Edward F.—Lt. A, 463rd AAF, Bn., 26th Regt., Sth Marine Div., Camp Creamer, John J.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Geiger Field, Wash. Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Everett, John S.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Babcock, Arlene—Pvt. WAC, Photo Lab., Crosby, Howard A.—Cpl. A, Co. D, 31st Office, San Francisco, Calif. Langley Field, Va. ST Bn., Camp Crowder, Mo. Fagerlund, Eino W.—A/C AAC, 11 Bader, Richard—Lt. AAC, DAAB, Crossland, Carlton E.—Lt. AAC, 301 N. Greenleaf St., Quincy, Mass. Deming, N. M. Kentucky, Roswell, N. M. Falardeau, Edward J.—Pvt. M, Address Baisley, Thomas M.—Lt. AAC, Bucking­ Cullinan, John P.—Lt. M, Amphibian Unknown ham AAF, Officers Box 147, Ft. Myers, Tractor Bn., TC, Boat Basin, Ocean­ Farrin, Alva E.—Cpl. A, APO 582, Fla. side, Calif. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Barry, Alfred G.—Cpl. AAC, 125 Pine Cunningham, Dana R.—Lt. A, Off. Mess Farris, Arthur—Lt. AAC, APO 634, St., Freeport, Me. OSCRP, Camp Murphy, Fla. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Bartley, Clayton E.—S2/ N, Fleet Post Curtis, Boyde A.—Pvt. A, Easton, Fides, Avery M.—BMl/c N, Bowdoin­ Office N. Y. N Y Me. ham, Me. Bates, James H.—Pfc. AAC, 307th TSS, Cushman, Cedric R.—Pfc. A, Co. K, 1st Files, Harry W.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Keesler Field, Miss. Reg’t RTC., Camp Sibert, Ala. Office, N. Y., N. Y. Bearce, George D.—Lt. A, APO 556, Davis, Grant F.—Ens. N, 520 Oakwood Finch, John R.—Sk2/c N, Bks. 1122, St., SE, Washington, D. C. Batt. 11, USNRS, Shoemaker, Calif. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Fletcher, James S.—AOMl/c N, Fleet Berry, Roland E.—T5 A, 6 Jones St., Day, Harland E—Lt. MAC, Address Unknown Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Randolph, Me. Fletcher, Irving C.—Pvt. AAC, Unit F, Birch, Clifford W.—Ens. N, Oak Har­ Deeter, Edmund M.—Cpl. A, APO 557, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho bor BOQ, NAS, Widbey Island, Wash. Flora, William—Pfc. AAC, APO 706, Blanchard, Charles N.—Lt. A, 9949 Shore Detwyler, Richard E.—Lt. A, APO 1, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Rd., Brooklyn, N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Fogler, Henry H.—Lt. A, 163 Brattle Bolstridge, Leslie J.—Lt. AAC, Hq. Devereux, Mark C.—Ens. N, 435 So. W. St., Cambridge 38, Mass. Detach. 15th Acad. Grp., Boca Raton 6th St., Miami, Fla. Foss, Warren L.—Lt. A, Inspection Div., Field, Fla. Dingley, Dana C.—Lt. AAC, APO 929, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio Bowden, Murray C.—Pfc. A, Med. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Foster, Elizabeth C.—Pvt. WAC’s, Sec. Detach. 311th Inf., APO 78, Camp Dodge, Robert T.—Lt. A, P. O. Box 695, B, 1020th Base Unit, AAF, R.S. 2, Pickett, Va. Oak Ridge, Tenn. Miami Beach, Fla.


Foster, Walter H.—Lt. AAC, 592 Pleas­ Harrison, Robert E.—Lt. M, NTS (Pre LaCroix, Harold J.—Pvt. A, Co. L, 6th ant St., Belmont, Mass. Radar), Harvard Univ., Cambridge, ASFTR, Camp Lee, Va Frost, Stanley W.—Lt. A, 170th Engr. Mass. Ladner, Roy A.—Lt. A, AMPR, Combat Bn., Camp San Luis Obispo, Haskell, Weston B.—Pfc. A, APO 860, QMRTC, Camp Lee, Va. Calif. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Laliberte, William G.—Lt. (j.g.) NAC, Gardner, Charles E.—Pfc. A, Hq. Btry. Hatch, Fletcher A.—Capt. A, RAAB, Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. 372nd AAA S/L Bn., Ft. Fisher, N. C. Reno, Nev. Lange, Roland P.—MM, Maine Maritime Gaulin, Rodolphe A.—A/S N, 3900 Res­ Hawthorne, Kingsley W.—Lt. A, APO Acad., Castine, Me. ervoir Rd, N.W., Washington 7, D. C. 928, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Langley, Earl B.—Pvt. A, Co. C, 10th Geneve, Maurice L.—Pfc. A, APO 98, Hay, Robert B.—Lt. A, Off. Mess, Camp Bn., ERTC, 4th Plat., Ft. Belvoir, Va. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Murphy, Fla. Larouche, Samuel O.—Sgt. AAC, APO Giberson, Hamilton S—Cpl. A, APO Herbolzheimer, Fred—Lt. A, Co. A, 634, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 396, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 301st Engr. (C) Bn., 76th Inf. Div., Leavitt, Eben—Mid’n N, 1301 Bancroft Gildersleeve, Charles E.—Ens. NAC, Camp McCoy, Wis. Hall, USNA, Annapolis, Md. Whiting Field, BOQ, Milton, Fla. Herman, Milton—Lt. AAC, APO 719, Lees, Richard W.—Lt. AAC, Peterson Gilman, Clarence R.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Field, Colorado Springs, Colorado Office, New Orleans, La. Hilton, James B.—Lt. AAC, APO 528, L’Herault, Francis R—Sgt. AAC, Gilman, Stanley F.—Ens. N, 19 Home­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Damariscotta, Me. stead Ave., Portland, Me. Hine, Ernest J.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Libby, Donald W.—Ens. N, 380 Beacon Girdwood, James—Lt. A, 91 Gainsbor­ Office, San Francisco, Calif. St., Boston, Mass. ough St., Boston 15, Mass. Hoffman, Everett M.—Pfc. A, 60 Parker Lindsay, William A.—Ens. N, 41 Bart­ Glass, Gerard A.—Lt. (j g ) NAC, BOQ St., Chelsea 50, Mass. lett St., Somerville, Mass. 600, B-224, Pensacola, Fla. Holden, Frank C.—Pvt. A, P.O. Box Long, Fletcher J —Ens. N, Fleet Post Godson, Lindley W —Ens. NAC, Colonia, 1663, Santa Fe, N. M. Office, N. Y., N. Y. N. J. Holter, John L.—Lt. A, Btry. C, 135th Lord, Jay M.—Ens. N, 706 W. College Golbranson, Frank L.—Pvt. A, Yale Sch. AAA Gun Bn., Camp Edwards, Mass. Ave., State College, Pa. of Medicine, New Haven, Conn. Howard, Harold E.—Sl/c N, Bks. 26, Lorusso, Louis P.—Discharged Goldsmith, Joseph E.—Pfc. AAC, 450th Batt. 244, Co C, Plat 5, USNTC, Lycette, Robert C.—Ens. N, Fleet Post AAF Base Unit, Sqdn. B, Hammer Gulfport, Miss Office, N. Y., N. Y. Field, Fresno, Calif. Hunt, John H.—Pvt. A, Ren. Co., 672nd Lyon, Norman R.—Ens. NAC, NAS, Gooch, Earle E.—Pfc. AAC, 1st Main. TD Bn., Ft Ord, Calif. Box 22, Atlanta, Ga Sqdn., CAAB, Casper, Wyoming Hurd, Lester M.—Lt. AAC, Sqdn. 4, Maker, Irwin W.—Cpl. A, Co. H, 407th Goodchild, James C.—Lt. A, Co. F, 522nd MAAF, Malden, Mo. Inf., APO 102, Camp Swift, Texas Regt., APO 443, Postmaster, Nash­ Hussey, Eugene R.—Lt. A, Co. H, 4th Martin, Marguerite H.—Lt. A, Thayer ville, Tenn. Inf., Ft. Benning, Ga. Gen. Hosp., Nashville, Tenn. Gooding, Ernest A.—Lt. A, APO 691, Hutchinson, Lewis—Pvt. A, 80th QM Martinez, Richard E.—Pvt. A, Co. E, Postmaster, Presque Isle, Me. Co., APO 80, Ft. Dix, N. J. 87th Mt. Inf. Regt., Camp Carson, Colo. Gordon, Robert—A/C AAC, Class 44-26, Ingalls, Robert D.—Ens. N, Ord. Bureau, Matley, Francis R.—Sgt. A, APO 629, KAAF, Kingman, Ariz. Sec. PI-1-1, Rm. 0310, Navy Bldg., Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Gorham, William B.—AMM3/c NAC, Washington, D. C. Maxim, George E.—Pfc. A, RFD 2, Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Inman, Charles P.—Lt. A, Ft. George G. Monmouth, Me. Graham, Benjamin F.—Lt. A, Co. I, Meade, Md. Maxim, James A.—Pvt. A, 9 Highland 423rd Regt., APO 443, Postmaster, Ireland, Winston B.—Lt. A, Co. D, 202nd Ave., Mechanic Falls, Me. Nashville, Tenn. Bn, 63rd Inf. Tng. Bn., Camp Blan­ McGlauflin, Ernest T.—Cpl. A, Co. C, Graham, Ralph E.—Lt. AAC, 5th Ferry­ ding, Fla. 647th TD Bn., Camp Hood, Texas ing Grp., 62nd Ferrying Sqdn., Love Jackson, Henry A.—Pvt. A, 15 Revere McCloskey, Hugh F.—Ens. N, Bar Har­ Field, Dallas, Texas St., Rockville Centre, N. Y. bor Naval Station, Bar Harbor, Me. Grant, Buford L.—Pvt. A, Co. F, 217th Jacobsen, Lyman W.—Sgt. A, 21 Eden McLaughlin, Wayne T.—AAC, 25th Base Bn., 67th Regt, Camp Blanding, Fla. St., Bar Harbor, Me. Hq. & AB Sqdn., AAB, Bks. T-ll, Graves, Donald F.—Lt. AAC, Killed in Jalbert, Armand W.—Sgt. A, APO 9937, Westover Fid., Chicopee Falls, Mass. Action Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Merchant, James E.—Ens. NAC, 205 Grover, Keith L.—Lt. A, Co. E, 424th Jameson, William S —Cpl. A, Hq. Btry. Waban Ave., Waban, Mass. Inf., APO 443, Postmaster, Nashville, 571st Bn., Camp Campbell, Ky. Merrill, Charles R.—Ens. MM, 17 Heald Tenn. Jardine, Donald R.—Pvt. AAC, 92nd St., Madison, Me. Hadlock, William K.—Pfc. A, 296 Pleas­ Fighter Control Sqdn, Sub-Depot 3, Miller, John P.—Lt. AAC, Officers Lob­ ant St., Concord, N. H. Mitchel Field, LI, N. Y. by, Box 472, LVAAF, Las Vegas, Nev. Haggett, James E—Discharged Jenkins, Robert D.—Lt. A, H-MIT 16, Mongovan, Harold E—A/C NAC, Haines, Frank W.—Lt A, APO 874, OSG, AAAS, Camp Davis, N. C. 4AL-1, USNAS, Peru, Ind. Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Johnson, Philip E.—A/C AAC, CAA- Moody, Dwight C.—S/Sgt. AAC, 1109 Hall, Walter B.—Pfc. M, Fleet Post WTS School, Emmitsburg, Md. W. Dayton St., Madison, Wis. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Johnson, Ralph A —Lt. A, 1st SOTC Mooney, Francis C.—Cpl. A, 33 Vine St., Hamblen, Edward G.—Pvt. A, APO 3, Ord. School, Aberdeen, Md. Bangor, Me. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Johnson, Richard M.—Lt. AAC, APO Morey, Robert L—Ens. N, Nittany Lion Hamilton, Clinton M.—Lt. AAC, Hq. Air 672, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Inn, Rm. 63, State College, Pa. Service Command, Box 658, Patterson Jones, Richard F —Lt. A, Co. C, 5th Bn., Morrison, William J.—Cpl. A, Hq Btry. Field, Fairfield, Ohio ITB, Camp Wheeler, Ga. 110th AAA Gun Bn., Camp Edwards, Hamm, Phillip L.—Pvt. A, Co. B, 4th Kaelin, Robert—Pvt. A, War Dog and Mass Replacement Bn., ASF Personnel Re­ Training Center, Camp Rimini, Helena, Morse, Carlton L.—Ens. N, 39 Galveston placement Depot, Camp Beale, Calif. Montana Place, S.W., Washington 20, D. C. Hancock, Owen L—Pvt. A, Co. B, 884th Karl, Richard W.—Ens. NAC, Naval Air Mosher, Norman W.—Pfc. A, Co. K, Airborne Engr. Avn. Bn., Bradley Fld., Station, Peru, Ind. 104th Inf., APO 26, Ft. Jackson, S. C. Windsor Locks, Conn. Kay, Kenneth J.—Ens. N, 177 Church Moulton, Arthur B.—Ens. N, 3913 First Hardie, Alexander—Lt. A, APO 15308, Hill Rd., Bridgeport 4, Conn. St., S.W., Washington 20, D.C. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Keenan, Gerald L.—Lt. A, Co. V, 803rd Moulton, Roger D.—Lt. A, 16 Mellen St., Harding, David R.—Lt. A, APO 15248, Sig. Tng. Regt., Ft. Monmouth, N. J. Cambridge 38, Mass. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Keene, Philip E.—AAC, Appleton, Mudgett, Frank A.—Cpl. AAC, Pleasant Harding, William R.—Lt. A, Off. Mess, Me. St., Eliot, Me. Camp Murphy, Fla. Keiter, Irving—Cpl. A, Hq. Sqdn., Bks. Murphy, Francis L.—Pvt. AAC, 168 Dan­ 127, 552nd AAFBU, New Castle Army forth St., Portland, Me. Hardison, Allen C.—Pfc. A, H & S Co., Air Base, Wilmington 99, Del. 280th Combat Engr., Camp McCoy, Newdick, Robert L.—Ens. N, Crew 4182, Wis. Kelley, John D.—Pvt. A, APO 35, USNATB, Solomon’s Branch, Wash­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. ington, D. C. Harlow, Richard—BM2/c CG, c/o Boat Keniston, Robert F.—Lt. A, 1st SOTC, Nickerson, Clifton S.—Lt. A, APO 937, Detail, Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn, Ord Sch., Aberdeen Proving Ground, Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. N. Y. Md. Norton, George A.—Lt. A, Off. Club, Harlow, Robert J.—Pfc. A, Co. G, Kennedy, Richard E.—Cpl. AAC, APO Camp Murphy, Fla. 391st Inf. Div., APO 98, Camp 713, Unit 1, Postmaster, San Francisco, O’Brien, John A.—Lt. A, 16 Mellen St., Rucker, Ala. Calif. Cambridge 38, Mass. Harper, Donald C.—Lt. AAC, APO 520, Klein, Roland—Pfc. A, APO 689, O’Neil, Wilbert E.—Cpl. AAC, APO 210, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 26 JUNE, I944 Parker, Charles H.—Cpl. A, APO 871, Schneider, Hyman W.—Pfc. A, Co. I, Supovitz, Stanley S.—Cpl. AAC, APO Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 411th Inf, APO 470, Camp Howze, 650, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Parker, Clarence W.—Lt. A, Btry. A, T CX8.S Talbot, Philip H.—Cpl. A, APO 37, 438th CA Bn. (AA), Camp Edwards, Schofield, Wentworth H.—Lt. A, H-MIT Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Mass. 16, OSG, AAAS, Camp Davis, N. C. Taverner, Donald V.—Lt. A, 2019 Izard Parkin, Charles L.—Bml/c N, Fleet Post Schuerfeld, Warren F.—Sgt. AAC, APO St, Little Rock, Ark. Office, San Francisco, Calif. 634, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Taylor, Frank E.—Pvt. AAC, 781st TSS Peckham, Malcolm C.—Lt. A,. Co. D. Scott, Lewis B.—Cpl. AAC, APO 637, AAF, Lincoln AAB, Lincoln, Neb. 301st Inf., APO 94, Camp McCain, Miss. Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Thomas, John E.—Pvt. AAC, Sqdn. 6, Pendleton, F. Emerson—Ens. N, Fleet Scott, Robert F.—Lt. A, APO 9361, CTD #306, Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. Mich. Perkins, Marlowe S.—Lt. M, Fleet Post Sedgeley, Armand C.—Lt. AAC, APO Thurlow, E. Beach—Capt. AAC, 538th Office, San Francisco, Calif. 12152, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Bomb. Sqdn, 382nd Bomb. Grp, Muroc Perkins, Stuart H —Pfc. A, Station Selmer-Larsen, Johan—Ens. N, , Fleet Air Base, Muroc, Calif. Complement, LA PE, Wilmington, Post Office, N. Y, N. Y. Titcomb, A. Vernon—GM2/c N, Fleet Calif. Shepard, Frederick—Lt. MAC, Killed in Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Perry, Leonard J.—Pfc. A, Sec. T, Re­ Active Duty Torrey, Guy E.—N, Killed in Action placement Tng. Unit (HB) AAF, Shepard, Henry M.—Lt. AAC, Lock­ Tourtillotte, Harry E.—Ens. N, 131 West Avon Park. Fla. bourne Fid, Columbus, Ohio Park Ave, State College, Pa. Petterson, Leonard M.—Lt. M, 57th Re­ Simons, Lee—Lt. AAC, Missing in Action Varney, Willard P.—Pfc. A, Co. I, 15th placement Bn., Co. A, Tent Camp, Sinkinson, Richard—Lt. A, Co. B, 364th Sig. Tng. Regt, Ft. Monmouth, N. J. Camp Lejeune, New River, N. C. Inf. Regt, Camp Van Dorn, Miss. Viles, Frederick M.—Ens. N, MIT Pfeiffer, Charles L.—Lt. A, 3rd Bn., 87th Sinnett, Clifford H.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Dorms, Cambridge, Mass. Inf., APO 345, Camp Hale,Pando, Colo. Office, N. Y, N. Y. Walden, Edwin S.—Lt. AAC, APO 502, Pierce, Richard M.—Lt. A, Co. B, 22nd Smiley, Samuel P.—Discharged Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Bn., IRTC, Ft. McClellan, Ala. Smith, Arthur W.—Lt. AAC, 49th Sub­ Ward, Gerald M.—Pvt. A, APO 4, Pinansky, Linwood H.—Sgt. A, 14th Depot, AAF, Greenwood, Miss. Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. AAFFTD, Polaris Flight Acad., Lan- Smith, Bernard R.—Pvt. A, APO 91, Ward, Lowell E.—Ens. NAC, USNAS, caster Calif Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. BOQ Bldg. 663, Rm. 157, Pensacola, Pinkham, Linwood B.—Cpl. A, APO 307, Smith, Paul—T/3 A, APO 305, Post­ Fla. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. master, N. Y, N. Y. Warren, Wallace F.—Lt. M, Co. A, Inf. Piper, Edward H.—Pfc. A, Hq. Co., 3rd Snell, Daniel T.—Lt. A, 169 8th St, Tng. Center, Camp Elliott, San Diego Bn., 87th Inf., APO 345, Camp Hale, Troy, N. Y. 44 Calif. Pando, Colo. Southard, Harris B.—Sgt. A, Band 79th Weidman, George R.—Sgt. AAC, 479th Plaisted, Philip H.—Cpl. A, Co. C, 2nd FA Grp, Hq, Ft. Bragg, N. C. Tng. Bn., Camp Wheeler, Ga. Base Hq. & AB, Bks. 1509, Warner Stackpole, Miner B.—QM3/c N, Fleet Robins Field, Warner Robins, Ga. Potter, Edgar M.—Pfc. A, 160 Whipple Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Rd., Kittery, Me. Weinstein, Milton—Mid’n Maritime Ser­ Stairs, Carroll A.—Lt. A, Hq. & Hq. Co, vice, Maine Maritime Academy, Cas­ Powers, John N.—Pfc. A, 47th Tnk. Bn., 1151st Engr. Combat Bn, Camp Van Co. C, 14th Arm’d Div, APO 446, tine, Me. Dorn, Miss. Weisman, Robert H.—Lt. A, Co. F, 194th Camp Campbell, Ky. Standish, Bret N.—Cpl. A, Btry. C, 923 Pratt, Bertis L.—Cpl. A, APO 35, Field Arty. Bn, APO 90, Postmaster, Glider Troop, 17th Airborne Div., Camp Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Nashville, Tenn. Forrest, Tenn. Quint, Lloyd F.—Lt. A, APO 15328, Starrett, Robert M.—Pvt. A, Btry. B, Welch, Walter R.—Cpl. AAC, 478th Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. 292nd FA Obsn. Bn, Camp Bowie, Tex. Bomb. Sqdn., 336th Bomb Grp., Lake t hsirlpQ T q Radley, John R—Cpl. A, AT Co, 289th Staub, Walter M.—Lt. AAC, Base Inf, APO 451, Camp Breckenridge, Ky. Weather Sta, Eagle Pass AAF, Eagle West, Clifford H.—Lt. M, General De­ Rand, Preston B.—Lt. M, Fleet Post Pass, Texas livery, Solana Beach, Calif. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Stevens, Joseph B.—Lt. A, APO 31-A, Wheeler, Donald B.—T/4 A, APO 519, Rankin, Earle A.—A/C AAC, Sqdn. 91 Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. SAAAB, Santa Ana, Calif. Stewart, John C.—PhM3/c N, USNAS, White, David W.—A, Address Unknown Ransden, Proctor W.—Sgt. AAC, APO Aerological Office, LPI, Norfolk, Va. Whiteley, Harold W.—Lt. AAC, APO 140, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Stewart, Roger D.—Sl/c, CG, USCG Co. 559, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Reynolds, Eugene E.—Pvt. A, APO 776, 33, Manhattan Bch, Brooklyn 29, N. Y. Whitney, Harold E.—A/C AAC, Sqdn. 8, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Stratton, Richard E.—Ens. N, NTS, Shaw Field, Sumter, S. C. Rideout, Elmer W.—A/S N, 228 Elm­ Penn State College, State College, Pa. Wilbur, Oscar M.—Pfc. A, Boston wood Ave, Buffalo 9, N. Y. Strout, Warren G.—A/S N, 6405 Ridge­ YMCA, 315 Huntington Ave., Boston Robbins, Stephen L.—Lt. A, 16th Bn, wood Ave, Chevy Chase, Md. 15, Mass. FARC, Ft. Bragg, N. C. Sullivan, Walter L.—Lt. A, 1st STR, Ft. Willets, Seth B.—Pfc. A, 4217-29th St., Robinson, Donald M.—Lt. A, 333rd Base Benning, Ga. Mt. Rainier, Md. Hq. AAB Sqdn, 2nd AF, Rapid City, Wilson, John M.—Ens. N, Fleet Post S D. Office, N. Y., N. Y. Robinson, Edward A.—Lt. A, Co. A, Wilson, Kermit B.—Maj. AAC, 2nd 10th Bn, 4th Regt, Ft. McClellan, Ala. TAD, AAB, DeRidder, La. Roll, Warren R.—PM2/c N, U. S. Naval Prisoners of War Woodman, Edward B.—Cpl. A, Prisoner Photo Lab, Adak, Alaska of Japan—Deceased Rosie, Robert E.—Capt. A, APO 874, No one awaits the day of victory Woodward, Edward—Eiis. N, 317 Vene­ Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. more eagerly among alumni than those tian Hotel, BOQ, Miami, Fla. Rostron, James L.—Lt. AAC, APO 525, eleven who are known to be prisoners of war in Asia or Europe. Addresses Wooster, Harry M.—Ens. N, Box P, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. NAS, Key West, Fla. Rowell, Lorraine A.—Ens. NNC, Nurses of all are carried in the master list. Worrick, Robert C.—Lt. A, Co. B, 12th Quarters, USN Hosp, St. Albans 12, Bradley, James V, Jr, ’29, Lt. Col. Bn., 8th Reg’t, Ft. McClellan, Ala. L. I, N. Y. Marines, Philippines Wright, Kenneth F.—A/C AAC, 129 Runels, Ralph C.—Ens. NAC, Killed in Files, Maynard W, ’40, Capt. A, Cumberland St., Westbrook, Me. Active Duty Germany Youlden, Richard H.—Ens. N, Fleet Russell, James W.—Cpl. A, 21st AACS, Jellison, Milton S, ’39, Lt. A, Germany Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Redmond AAB, Redmond, Ore. McDonnell, Arthur P, ’39, T/Sgt. Young, Joseph A.—AM3/c N, Fleet Russell, Philip I.—Lt. AAC, 335th Bomb. AAC, Germany /Post Office, San Francisco, Calif Grp, 475th Bomb. Sqdn, Barksdale Morse, Thomas S, ’34, Lt. A, Germany Young, Keith E.—Pvt. A, APO 464, Field, La. Muzzey, George A, ’25, Maj. A, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Ruth, Robert M.—Sgt. A, APO 252, Philippines Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Robichaud, Oliver, ’40, Lt. AAC, 1944 Saltzman, Elmer—Pvt. A, Co. G, 51st Germany Abbott, Donald W.—Sgt. AAC, 907th Arm’d Inf, 4th Arm’d Div, APO 254, Smith, Elmer V, ’42, Lt. AAC, Base Unit, Sec. C, AAF, Kissimmee, Camp Bowie, Texas Germany Fla. Sawyer, Charles W.—A, Southwest Har­ Tew, John C, Jr, ’44, Lt. AAC, Adams, Holyoke P.—Lt. A, 10 Felicia bor, Me. Germany Rd., Melrose, Mass. Scher, Martin M.—Pvt. A, 1st Ord Tng. Thibodeau, Lawrence O, ’39, Lt. A, Albert, William R.—Pvt. A, 94th Sig. Regt. Co. K, Aberdeen Proving Germany Bn., Ft. Dix, N. J. Grounds, Aberdeen, Md. Weeks, Carl G, ’40, Lt. A, Philippines Atkinson, Edward G.—Lt. A, Btry. C,

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 27 JUNE, I944 223rd AAA A/L Bn., Camp Edwards, Clements, Alvord W.—Lt. A, 11 Hudson Grotefend, Robert T.—Pvt. AAC, APO Mass. St., Bangor, Me. 12764C, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Atwood, Raymond H.—Pfc. A, Address Closson, Kenneth L.—Y2/c N, Navy Re­ Hahnel, Oscar R., Jr.—Lt. A, 16 Russell Unknown cruiting Sta., P.O. Bldg., Rm. 214, St., Lewiston Avery, Harold S.—Lt. A, 29 Western Bangor, Maine Haines, Philip L.—A, Fort Fairfield, Ave., Bath, Me. Colbath, James A.—Cpl. A, Div. Hq. Me. Bagley, George F.—Lt. A, Country Club Spec. Serv., APO 79, Camp Philips, Hale, Richard A.—Lt. A, 123 Main Area, Ft. Monmouth, N. J. Kan. St., Lisbon Falls Bail, Donald W.—Ens. N, 346 Beacon Colcord, Josiah E—A, 70 Vincent St., Hall, Ruth Ann—Mid. WAVES, 24 St., Boston, Mass. So. Portland, Me. Crosby St., Orono, Me. Bailey, Eugene L.—Lt. M, Co. A, 47th Condon, William H.—Pvt. M, Bn. M, Hamblett, Edward B., Jr.—Cpl A, /\PO ROS, Marine Bks, Quantico, Va. Co. 5, Plat. 3, Bks. 7, Cornell Univ., 650, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Bailey, Frank H.—Lt. M, Fleet Post Ithaca Y Hamm, Paul J—Lt A, APO 511, Office, San Francisco, Calif. Covell, Robert C.—PhM3/c N, U.S. Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Bailey, Samuel R.—Pfc. A, APO 230, Naval Hosp., Newport, R. I. Hardy, Malcolm D.—Lt. A, 164 Forest Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Crocker, Charles F.—Cpl. A, Co. E, Ave., Bangor, Me. Baird, Frederick T.—Lt. M, 49th ROC, 803rd STR., Ft. Monmouth, N. J. Harley, Clara J.—Pvt. WAC’s, Sec. B, Co. E, MSC, Quantico, Va. Crockett, Albert—Cpl. A, APO 558, 1020th AAF Base Unit, Redistribution Barbero, John G.—Pfc. A, Co. E, Bks. 5, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Sta. 2, Miami Beach, Fla. 3305th SU, Univ, of Penn., Philadel­ Cullen, William J.—Lt. A, Btry. A, 527th Harris, William L, 3rd—Lt. AAC, Dodge phia 4, Pa. Bn., Camp Hulen, Texas City AAF, Dodge City, Kan. Bartley, Elmer C.—Pvt. AAC, APO 884, Curtis, Benjamin A.—Lt. A, RFD 3, Harthorn, Paul D.—Mid. N, USS Prairie Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Caribou, Me. State, Sec. 22, W. 135th St. & North Basford, Fred A.—Pvt. A, Co. A, 36 Bn., Cushman, Robert F.—Lt. A, OSCRP, River, New York 27, N. Y. CSCRTC, Camp Crowder, Mo. Ft. Monmouth, N. J. Haskell, James L.—A, 6 Cushings Ave., Bates, Burt—A/S N, Rm. 6060 Bancroft Cutter, Marshall W.—A/C, AAC, 25 Crows Pt., Hingham, Mass. Hall, USNA, Annapolis, Md. Stone St., Bangor, Me. Hastings, James E.—Ens. N, Fleet Post Bennett, John C.—Lt. A, 5 Oakland St., Damon, Howard C.—Discharged Office, N. Y., N. Y. XfatirV Darling, Chester A.—Cpl. AAC, APO Hayes, Edward R.—Lt. AAC, Base Bittner, Kurt—T/4 A, Hq. & Hq. Co., 824, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Weather Station, Marietta AAF, 11th Arm’d Div., Camp Campbell, Ky. Davis, Arthur A.—Lt. A, 88-11-63rd Marietta, Ga. Blaisdell, Leon H.—Cpl. AAC, 715th Tng. Drive, Forest Hills, N. Y. Hayman, Albion S.—Lt. AAC, 609 Griner Grp, Seymour Johnson Field, Golds­ Davis, Dudley E.—Lt. A, C.C. Area, St., Del Rio, Texas boro, N. C. Bldg. 2202, Rm. 12B, Ft. Monmouth, Henderson, Richard W.—Pfc M. Co. B, Bodwell, Russell S.—A/C AAC, Class N. J. Cand. Det., Inf. Bn., TC, Camp Le- 44-10-6, Sqdn. 1154, AAFNS, San DeCourcy, Dayson D.—Lt. A, 1 Sherman jeune, New River, N. C. Marcos, Texas St., Portland, Me. Henderson, Robert F.—USCG, United Bond, Lyndon H.—Lt. A, 121 Grant St., Dexter, George N.—Lt. AAC, APO 677, States Coast Guard Acad., New Lon­ Bangor, Me. Postmaster, Presque Isle, Me. don, Conn. Bradbury, Burke—F3/c N, Fleet Post Donohue, John J.—S/Sgt. A, APO 230, Henry, George V.—Pvt. A, APO 83, Office N Y N Y Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Postmaster, N Y., N. Y. Braley, Clyde L.—Pvt. AAC, 256 Pride Dow, Harold R—A/C AAC, 34 Green Hill, John A., Jr.—Pfc A, Co. H, 290th St., Auburn, Me. St., Houlton, Me. Inf., APO 451, Camp Breckenridge, Brewer, Leslie C—Lt. A, Bldg. 2007, Eastman, Paul J.—A/C AAC, Class 44-J, Ky Rm. 13, Ft. Monmouth N. J. Sqdn. I, Grp. 2, Flight 1, Maxwell Hillman, Arthur M.—Sgt. A, APO 696, Broder, Irving S.—Lt. A, 200 Leighton Field, Ala. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. St., Bangor, Me. Ellis, Edward M.—O/C M, Co. C, 49th Hilson, Harvey D.—A/S N, Co. 44-252 Brown, Beverly S.—Lt. AAC, FCC, Class, OCS, Marine Bks., Quantico, U.S.N.T.S., San Diego, Cal Jacksonville AAB, Jacksonville, Fla. Va. Hodges, Benjamin F.—OC A, 76 Grove Brown, David—Lt. MAC, 201 Safford Evans, Wayne—T/5 A, APO 322, St., Reading, Mass. St., Wollaston, Mass. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Hodges, Donald I.—Pfc. A, Turner, Me. Brown, William S—Pvt. A, Co. L, 253rd Evdo, Roman—A/C AAC, Class 44-6-1, Hodson, Richard S.—Sl/c N, Fleet Inf., 63rd Inf. Div., APO 410, Camp AAFNS, SNAAF, San Marco, Texas Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Van Dorn, Miss. Farnum, Francis H.—Cpl. A, Sth Co., Holden, Malcolm P—Sl/c N, Fleet Brundage, Robert W.—Lt. AAC, 13th 5th Regt., Ft. Benning, Ga. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Fighter Sqdn., VAAF, Venice, Fla. Fettinger, Theodore F.—Pfc. A, APO 29, Holland, Henry—Lt. A, 75 Main St., Buck, Robert J.—Lt. A, 96th Cav. Ren. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Calais Trp., 96th Inf. Div., APO 96, Camp Findlen, Joseph P.—Lt. A, RFD 2, Ft. Honeyman, Henry W.—Pfc. A, 28 Wen- San Luis Obispo, Calif. Fairfield, Me. dall St., Riverside, R. I. Bunker, Leo B.—Lt. AAC, AAF, Ard­ Fleming, Paul G.—S/Sgt. AAC, Miss­ Hoover, Robeit M.—Cpl. A, Special Eng. more, Okla. ing in Action Fogg, Jesse W.—Sgt. A, APO 43, Det., Bks. Area, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Burgess, Sumner L.—Lt. A, Sangerville, Hopkins, Priscilla—Mid’n WAVES, 10 Me. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Forrester, John M.—Pvt AAC, 2115th Heath St., Waterville, Me. Burrill, Richard M —Cpl. A, Sth Co, Sth Hopkinson, Ralph H —Pfc. A, 979 Eng. Regt., Ft. Benning, Ga. AAF Base Unit, Sec. C-3, CAAF, Butler, Melvin M —N, 55 Fiske Rd., Courtland, Ala. Maint. Co., Camp Breckenridge, Ky. Wellesley Hills, Mass. Foye, Robert E.—Pvt. A, Btry. C, 13th Howard, John C—A/S N, Co. 1, 1st Bn., Byrne, Charles S—Mid’n N, Beechland Bn., 1st Plat., Ft.,Eustis, Va. N.T.U, Bates College, Lewiston, Me. Rd., Ellsworth, Me. Freedman, Herbert—A/S N, 29 St. Law­ Hufnagel, Jean G.—A/C AAC, Class 44 Cabot, Philip D.—A/C AAC, Sqdn. 1, rence St., Portland, Me. K, Sqdn D-7, Flight I, A A F P.F.S. Class 44-K, Carlstrom Fid., Arcadia, Frost, Alton R.—Cpl. A, 2nd Serv. Com­ (B) Maxwell Field, Ala. Fla. mand Lab., 90 Church St., N. Y., N. Y. Hutchinson, Alfred—A/C AAC, Class Cahoon, Davis L.—A/C AAC, 87 Laurel Frost, Cornelius W.—Discharged 44-25, Bks 214, H.A.A F., Harlingen, St., Fairhaven, Mass. Garvin, Gerald R.—Pfc. A, 2 George St., Texas Carter, Maxwell B.—Pvt. M, Police Shed, Springvale, Me. Jacobs, Stephen L.—Lt. A, 11 Menymont 12th Bn., Marine Bks., Parris Island, Gilley, Frank P.—Pfc. A, 1732 Bolton Rd., Hingham, Mass. S. C. St., Baltimore 17, Md. Jewett, Charles L.—Lt A, C.C. Area, Chadwick, Richard Y.—Pfc. AAC, Avi­ Glidden, Carl W.—Lt. A, 237 Bath Ave., Fort Monmouth, N. J. ation Trainee Detach., Bainbridge Long Branch, N. J. Johns, Willard T., Jr.—Lt. A, 45 Burnet AAF, Bainbridge, Ga. Graham, Lawrence A.—A/S N, Midship­ St., Maplewood, N. J. Chapman, Charles V.—Lt. A, OPB, man’s Sch., Rm. 1102, Tower Hall, 820 Johnstone, John H.—Lt. M, 47th R.O.S , Bigs. 2447, AAATC, Ft. Bliss, Texas Tower Ct., Northwestern Univ., Chi­ Co. A, Marine Bks. Quantico, Va. Cheney, Philip D.—Cpl. A, 8th Co., 5th cago 11, Ill. Jones, Frederick S., Jr.—Pfc. A, 1 Tng. Regt., Ft. Benning, Ga. Goodwin, Donald L.—Lt. A, 119 Parker Shoreland Rd., Old Greenwich, Conn. Cheney, William G.—Lt. AAC, 480th St., Brewer Jones, Richard B.—T/Sgt. AAC, Killed Anti-Sub. Grp., AAB, Clovis, N. M. Greenleaf, Arthur R., Jr.—S/Sgt. AAC, in Action Chesworth, William—Cpl. A, 5th Co., 403 Fighter Sqdn., Selfridge Fid., Jordan, C. Kenneth—Cpl. A, Co. F, 803rd ASTP, OC Pool, Ft. Benning, Ga. Mich. Sig. Tng. Regt., Fort Monmouth, N. J. Clark, Robert V.—Cpl. AAC, APO 528, Gross, Lester F.—Ens. N, OTS-Camp, Keirstead, Clifford H.— Pvt. A, Maple­ Postmaster, N. Y.» N. Y. Camp Endicott, Davisville, R. I. ton, Maine

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 28 JUNE, I944 Keith, Austin R.—Lt. AAC, Box 488, Moulton, Arthur H., Jr.—Lt. AAC, Stu­ Smith, Mahlon D.—Pfc. A, Co. M, 335th HAAF, Hobbs, New Mexico dent Hdqrs, Box 322, Lockbourne Inf, APO 84, Camp Claiborne, La. Kent, Edward H.—Pvt. A, Btry. A, 51st Army Air Base, Columbus 17, Ohio Smith, Robert Augur—Pvt. AAC, APO AABn, 1st Plat. Fort B.liss, Texas Mountain, William H.—T/Sgt. AAC, 634, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Kilpatrick, Carleton E.—Cpl. A, Service 393rd Combat Tng. Sch., Unit FAAB, Smith, Robert D.—Lt. A, 15 Park St, Btry. 334th F. A. Bn. APO 448, Fort Sioux City, Iowa Orono, Me. Jackson, S. C. Murch, Albert K.—A/C AAC, Sqdn. K, Smith, Sherrold L.—T/Sgt. A, APO 920, King, J. Emile—Lt. AAC, APO 558, Fit. I, Grp. IX, Class 44K, AAFPFS Postmaster, Sah Francisco, Calif. Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. (P), Maxwell Field, Ala. Smith, Stanley B.—Lt. AAC, Combat Kingsbury, Earl R.—Lt. A, 3rd Co. 1st Neal, Frank R., Jr.—Cpl. A, Co. A, Crew Bldg. 19, Bks. 30, Gulfport Fid, STR., TIS Ft. Benning, iGa. 8th Arm’d Inf. Bn, 20th AD, APO 444, Miss. Klein, Frederic W.—Mid’n MM, 21 Gray- Camp Campbell, Ky. Solomon, Allen H.—Lt. A, 45 Canton St, Cliff Rd., Newton Center, Mass. Nute, Warren W, Jr.—A/C NAC, 4C-44, Lowell, Mass. Kloss, Charles E.—Mid. N, 2160 Bancroft P (c)—c/o Flight Brig, Bld. >379, Spiller, Philip D.—A, 26 Webster Ave, Hall, U.S.N.A., Annapolis, Md. NATC, Pensacola, Fla. Westbrook, Me. Knowles, Elmer R.—A/C NAC, Nutter, Robert W.—Pvt. A, 3 Storer St, Squires, Frank E.—Lt. A, 72 Fourth St, U.S.N.A.S, Bks. 30G, 3AL, Peru, Ind. Sanford, Me. Medford, Mass. Lamoreau, Herman C.—T/Sgt. AAC, Obear, George H.—Pfc. A, Calais, Staff, Gordon R.—Sp2/c N, Ship’s Co. 635th T.S.S., Boca Raton A.A.B., Boca Me. Instructor, Naval Armory, Michigan Raton, Fla. O’Neil, Joseph R, Jr.—Lt. A, 19 Mabel City, Ind. Larrabee, Benjamin T, Jr.—Pvt. A, 8020 St, Portland, Me. Stanley, John L.—S/Sgt. AAC, APO N.E. Tillamook St., Portland, Ore. Orbeton, Maurice C, Jr.—Mid’n N, U.S. 503, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Larsen, Albert M., Jr.—Sl/C MM, R-33, Naval Acad, Annapolis, ~Md. Steinmetz, John F.—Lt. A, 36 College Gallups Island, Boston, Mass. Packard, Richard M.—Lt. A, APO 15190, Ave, Orono, Me. Leavitt, George R.—A/C AAC, Interna­ Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Stevens, Everett R.—Lt. A, APO 16056 tional House, Rm. 392, 1414 East 59th Page, Donald E.—Pfc. A, Co. K, 311th AA-153, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. St., Chicago, Ill. Inf. Regt, APO 78, Camp Pickett, Va. Stickney, Charles E.—A/C NAC, NAS, Leonard, H. Grant—Lt. A, Co. B, 19th Page, Robert Homer—N, Bucksport, Me. Bks. 83, Grosse Isle, Mich. Bn., 3rd Regt. IRTC, Ft. McClellan, Park, William C.—Pfc. M, Fleet Post Storer, Daniel P.—A/S N, 3633 No. Ala Office, San Francisco, Calif. Marvine St, Philadelphia 40, Pa. Lewis, George H.—A/C NAC, 25 Bridge Parmenter, Thomas E.—Pfc. A, 7th Stotler, Thomas—Lt. AAC, 3410 Tampa St., Bar Harbor, Me. Btry, 2nd Plat. AAAS, Camp Davis, St, Tampa, Fla. Libby, Melvin E.—A/C AAC, Flight N. C. Suneson, Victor C.—Cpl. A, APO 958, 22-B, Class 44-12, Selman Field, Mon­ Petrin, Leo P.—Sl/C N, St. Elizabeth Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. roe, La. Hosp, Washington, D. C. Sutton, Joseph S.—Ens. MM, 28 Rich­ Lougee, George E.—Lt. AAC, Gunter Petterson, Robert C.—Lt. AAC, Army wood St, West Roxbury, Mass. Field, Montgomery, Ala. Air Sub-Base, Kern County Airport, Sweetser, Philip S.—Lt. A, Attached Offi­ Lufkin, Charles H.—Lt. AAC, APO 634, Bakersfield, Cal. Phelps, Robert E.—Cpl. AAC, APO 324, cers Grp, Battle Tng. Det, ARTC, Ft. Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Knox, Ky. Luther, Eldon H.—A/C AAC, Flight 2, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Pierce, James Everett—S2/C N, NAS, Tabenken, Gerald—Sl/c N, 43 Plymouth Sqdn. E, Grp. 7, Class 44K, AAFPFAS St, Lowell, Mass. (B), Maxwell, Ala. c/o Photo. Lab, Squantum, Mass’ Piscopo, John—Pvt. AAC, APO 9155, Tainter, Richard W.—Pfc. A, APO 763, MacDonald, Vinetta E.—Ens. WAVES, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Naval Tng. Sch. (C), Mount Holyoke Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Powell, Ralph C.—Pfc. A, 3633 N. Mar- Talbot, Thomas J.—Lt. AAC, Prov. Grp, College, South Hadley, Mass. #30, AAB, Blythe, Calif. MacICenzie, Robert E.—Pvt. M, 44th vine St, Philadelphia 40, Pa. Powers, Thomas F.—Pvt. AAC, 51'4 Main Tew, John C.—Lt. AAC, American Pris­ Cand. Cl. Co. B, Quantico, Va. oner of War 3206, Stalag, Luft 3, MacLeod, Kenneth—Lt. AAC, Sqdn. 5, St, Lewiston, Me. Presnell, Donald F.—Lt. A, ORD, Germany, via N. Y, N. Y. Class 43-H, Spence Fid., Moultrie, Ga. Theriault, John—N, 197 Center St, Old Macomber, Peter Browne—Pvt. A, Co. ARTC, Ft. Knox, Ky. B, 398th Inf., APO 447, Ft: Bragg, Putnam, Norman A.—O/C A, Class 98, Town, Me. N.C. AAAS, Btry. 8, 1st Plat, Camp Davis, Thomas, Camp Lee—Sgt. AAC, 22 Wake­ Markee, Charles A.—A, Address Un­ N. C. field St, Lewiston, Me. known Quinn, Harry B, Jr.—O/C A, 3rd Stu­ • Thomas, David—Pvt. M, C/D Inf. Bn, Marston, Wendell S.—Lt. AAC, 2nd dent Tng. Regt, 3rd Co, Ft. Benning, Co. D, Hadnot Point, Camp Lejeune, OTU, Homestead, Fla. Ga. New River, N. C. Mason, Webber J.—Pfc. A, Btry. A, Reed, Walter M, Jr.—Lt. A, 30 Main Thompson, George—A, 547 Essex St, 385th F.A. Bn'., APO 104, Camp Car- St, Fort Fairfield, Me. Beverly, Mass. son, Colo. Reynolds, Albert F.—Ens. NAC, Fleet Thurlow, Roger W.—Pvt. AAC, 206th Mathews, John H.—Pfc. M, Cand. Det. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Ord. Maint. Co.,- Ord. Unit Tng. Inf. Bn. T.C., Co. C, Plat. 3, Camp Rich, Elton M.—Lt. A, Pittsfield, Me. Center, Flora, Miss. Lejeune, New River, N. C. Richardson, Carroll B.—A/C AAC, Titcomb, Elbridge C.—Capt. AAC, APO McCobb, Joseph Leigh—Lt. A, 62 Winter Sqdn. K, Grp. 9, Flight 1, Class 44K, 520, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. St., Auburn,- Me. AAFPFS (P), Maxwell, Ala. Turner, Philip B.—A/C AAC, Prov. B, McEdward, Foster A.—Lt. AAC, APO Richardson, Harold P, Jr.—Lt. AAC, Flight 68, Class 44-6, AAFAN, Selman 629, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. APO 503, Postmaster, San Francisco, Field Monroe, La. McIntire, Clarence E.—Pvt. A, 79 Gains­ Calif. Turner, Warren J.—Pfc. AAC, Hq. borough St., Suite 1, Boston, Mass. Riley, Willard E.—FO AAC, 32 Knapp 154th AAC Sqdn, AAB, Miami 30, Fla. McLaughlin, Aubrey A.—Lt. A, RFD 2, St, Livermore Falls, Me. Wallace, Francis I.—Lt. AAC, Killed in Island Falls, Me. Roley, Ray D.—Lt. A, AAATC, Fort Action McLean, George E.—Cpl. A, Co. V, 803rd Bliss, Texas Ward, James F.—Ens. NAC, Tng. Sqdn, Sig. Tng. Regt., Ft. Monmouth, N. J. Rollins, Norman W.—Lt. AAC, 6th Fer­ 8B, Bronson Field, Pensacola, Fla. McNeilly, Alvin S.—A/C AAC, Flight rying Grp, Love Field, Dallas, Texas Washburn, Fred J.—Pvt. AAC, 6th 22-B, Class 44-12, Selman Fid., Mon­ Rowley, Charles C, Jr.—Mid’n N, USS Photographic Sqdn, Peterson AAF, roe, La. Prairie State, W. 135th St, N. Y, N. Y. Colorado Springs, Colo. Meloon, Merton S.—Lt. A, Kezar Falls Rubinoff, Marcia—Ens. WAVES, Capen Webber, George W.—Pvt. AAC, Co. E, Miller, Philip D.—Pfc. A, 37 Caldwell House, Northampton, Mass. 86th Mt. Inf, APO 345, Camp Hale, St., Portland, Me. • Sanford, Alpheus—Discharged Colo. Mooney, James A.—Pfc. A, APO 928, Sawin, Dwight H, Jr.—Pfc. M, H.S. Co, Webber, Robert P.—Cpl. A, Hq. Btry. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Eng. Bn. T. C, Camp Lejeune, New 763rd FA Bn, Ft. Jackson, S. C. Morgan, John E.—Lt. A, Spruce St., River, N. C. Webster, J. Gordon—Cpl. A, 5th Co, E. Millinocket, Me. Schoppe, John C.—Lt. M, Marine Air­ ASTP, OCS Pool, Ft. Benning, Ga. Moriarty, Thomas H, Jr.—Mid’n N, 39 base, Cherry Point, N. C. Wertheim, Clarke H.—Pfc. M, Co. H, Henry St., Fitchburg, Mass. Seely, Marjorie, E.—Pvt. M, Women’s 46th Candidate Class, Marine Bks, Morrill, Richard A.—Ens. N, 25 (I) Reserve Sqdn, M.C.A.D. Miramar, Quantico, Va. NTS (I), Ft. Schuyler, New York 61, San Diego, Calif. West, Danforth E.—S/Sgt. AAC, APO N. Y. Sims, Edward W.—Pvt. A, Moosup, 634, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Morrison, Everett O.—Pvt. A, 1 State Conn. White, Earl A.—Lt. A, APO 762, St., Sanford, Me. Smith, George M.—N, Rt. 1, Ellsworth, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 29 JUNE, I944 White, Leon G.—A/C AAC, Class 44-K, Brountas, Nicholas P.—Pfc. AAC, APO Derbyshire, Robert—Pfc. A, 1 Queens- Sqdn. D. Grp. 7, Flight 1, AAFPFS (B), 4927, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. bury St, Boston 15, Mass. Maxwell Field, Ala. Brown, Charles W.—Pfc. A, APO 1100, Desjardins, Richard F.—Mid’n N. NTS Whitney, Everett F.—Lt. A, 213th AAA Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. (I) Bn. 5, Co. T, Plattsburg, N. Y. (AW) Bn., Seattle, Wash. Brown, Dana W.—Pfc. AAC. 416th Dickinson, Earl W.—Pfc. AAC, APO Whitney, W. Hall—Pfc. A, APO 871, Bomb. Grp, Lake Charles, La. 520, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y.,< N. Y. Buck, Gurdon S.—Pvt. AAC, APO 635, Dingley, Edward S.—A/C AAC, Class Whitten, John F.—A, Main St., Ft. Kent, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. 44-28, HAAF, Harlingen, Texas Me. Buckley, John D.—Pfc. A, Co. F, 3205 Dinsmore, Robert F.—Pfc. A, Co F, Wight, Hall N.—Cpl. A, Btry. D, 468th SCSU, Syracuse Univ, Syracuse, N. Y. 333rd Inf, APO 84, Camp Claiborne, AAA Bn., Camp Haan, Calif. Buker, George E.—Ens. NAC, Naval Air La. Wilbur, Carl A.—Mid’n N, USS Prairie Station, Grosse Isle, Mich. DiRenzo, Michael J.—Sgt AAC, 4th AF State, 135th St. & No. River, New Bunker, Dana E.—A/C AAC, 92 Whitney Army Air Base, Hammer Field. Calif. York 27, N. Y. St, Auburn, Me. DiRico, Fred—Lt. A, 345th Harbor Craft Williamson, Earl S.—Sl/s N, Fleet Bunnell, William R.—MM, 6 Brown St, Co, Camp Gordon Johnston, Fla Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Ft. Fairfield, Me. Doescher, John F.—Cpl. AAC, APO 634, Williamson, Edward G.—S/Sgt., AAC, Burak, Leopold M.—Pfc. AAC, APO Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. 2511th Base Unit, Sec. B, AAFIS 4847, Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Donovan, James F.—Pfc. A, 121 Main (IP), Bryan, Texas. Burgess, Alan C.—Lt. AAC, 114th AAF St, Houlton, Me. Winchester, David B.—Pvt. M, Fire Det. Base Unit, Sec. E, AAB, Chatham Duff, Raymond S.—Pfc. A, Univ of #1, Tent City, Camp Lejeune, New Field, Savannah, Ga. Idaho, Co. D, 3926 Lindley Hall, River, N. C. Burnett, Lloyd—Pvt. A, Co. E, 263rd > Moscow, Idaho Wooster, Mildred E.—Cpl. WAC, U.S. In., 66th Div, Camp Rucker, Ala. Dullea, Maurice B—Pfc. A, Co. E, 2nd Army Recruiting Station, 408 Liberty Buswell, Arthur S.—Pvt. A, 15th Sig. Bn, 113th Inf. Reg’t, Camp Pickett, Va. Life Bld., Charlotte 2, N. C. Tng. Regt, Ft. Monmouth, N. J. Dunham, George A.—Pvt. A, 305 Wilson 1945 Butler, Joseph W.—A/S N, Church 4, St, Brewer, Me. 15th St. Dorms, RPI, Troy, N. Y. Dunroe, John H.—Ens. NAC, USNAS, Abbott, William E.—Mid’n MM, Maine Cahoon, Robert B.—Lt. M, 431 A B’way, Atlantic City, N. J. ♦ Maritime Academy, Castine, Me. Suite 14, Somerville 45, Mass Earle, Arnold B —Pvt. A, Co. K, 424th Anderson, Robert S.—Pvt. AAC, Lisbon Camack, Charles W.—Cpl. A, Co. A, 1st Inf, APO 443, Camp Atterbury, Ind. Falls AI c. I & M Unit Avn, Robins Field, Ga. Ellsworth, Earl E.—Lt. A, SOD, Box Archibald, Philip L.—GM3/c N, Hut Canning, James E.—Pfc. A, APO 9722, 269, LAAF, Liberal, Kan. 100, MTBSTC, Melville, R. I. Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Emerson, Ralph E.—A/S N, U.S. Mid­ Austin, Erwin—Pvt. AAC, Killed in Carleton, Harry V.—Pfc. A, Co. H, 15th shipman School, Tower Hall, 820 Active Duty Sig. Tng. Regt, Ft. Monmouth, N. J. Tower Ct, Chicago 11, Ill. Babb, Marshall F.—AoM3/c N, Hedron Carter, Wallace B—A, Caribou, Emerson, Robert E.—A/C AAC, 148 5-1, FAW-5, NAAS, Hervey Pt., Me. Fourteenth St, Bangor, Me. Hertford, N. C. Chaplin, Joseph B.—Pfc. A, Co. E, 334th Erb, William H.—Mid’n MM, 14 Barker Bailey, Guy R.—Pvt. M, South Fayer- Inf, APO 84, Camp Claiborne, La. St, Bangor, Me weather Hall, Dartmouth College, Chase, Robert M.—Pfc. A, Co. E, 342nd Erwin, Elmer B.—Pvt. M, Fleet Post Hanover, N. H. Inf. Reg’t, APO 450, Camp Livingston, Office, San Francisco, Calif. Bardsley, Sherwin P —Pvt. A, Co. H, La. Eugley, Jenness P.—Pfc. A, Co. F, 15th 345th Inf., APO 448, Ft. Jackson, S. C. Clark, Charles J —Pvt. A, Cannon Co, Sig. Tng. Bn, Ft. Monmouth, N. J. Barmby, Albert R.—Pfc. A, Co. E, 15th 378th Inf, APO 95, Indiantown Gap, Evans, Earl R.—Pfc. A, Co. A, 334th Inf, STR, Ft. Monmouth, N. J. * Pa. APO 84, Camp Claiborne, La Bean, Ralph L.—Pvt. A, Hq. Co. 1st Bn., Clark, Davis T.—A, Kennebunkport, Me. Faulkner, George A —Pfc. A, 102 Fen­ 423rd Inf., 106th Div., APO 443, Camp Cohen, Arnold J.—Lt. A, 233 W. 25th St, way, Boston, Mass. Atterbury, Ind. N. Y, N. Y. Fish, Lincoln T.—Cpl. A, Co. D, 1st Bean, Roger P.—Cpl. AAC, 2nd Weather Colby, Malcolm O.—Lt. AAC, Bucking­ PTR, Parachute School, Ft. Benning, Sqdn., Scott Field, Ill. ham Field, Ft. Myers, Fla. Ga. Bearor, Robert A.—Pvt. A, 2nd Plat., Cole, Virgil E.—A/C AAC, Adv. Navi­ Flanagan, Charles A.—Pfc. A, Co. I, Co. B, Pre-Med., Univ, of Vt, Bur­ gation C/D, Class 44-8, Box 1208, 334th Inf. Div, Camp Claiborne, La. lington, Vt. Ellington Field, Texas Folsom, Elmer L.—A/C AAC, Bks. 89, Beaulieu, Conrad E.—Pfc. A, Co. B, 3rd Condon, Grover C.—A, Griffin Rd , Class 44G, Shaw Field, Sumter. S. C. Prov. Repl. Tng. Regt., Camp Clai­ Bangor, Me. Friar, Calvin—Pfc. A, Co. C, 422nd Inf, borne, La. Couri, Arthur R.—Lt. M, Co. C, 44th APO 443, Camp Atterbury, Ind Bernard, Robert W.—Pfc. A, Co. C, ROC, Marine Bks, Quantico, Va. Furbish, Charles E.—Pvt. A, 84th Inf. 414th Inf. Reg’t, APO 104, Camp Crabtree, Robert S.—Lt. AAC, Sec. Div, Camp Claiborne, La. - Carson, Colo. GO3, Davis-Montham Field, Tucson, Gammell, Lewis W.—A/C NAC, Betts, Perley F.—Pvt. A, Hq. £o. 1st Ariz. USNATC, Corpus Christi, Texas Bn, 423rd Inf, 106th, Div, APO'443, Crandall, Roderick P—A/C NAC, Batt. Gardner, Camille A.—A/C A, Sqdh. A, Camp Atterbury, Ind. 43, Co. A, Plat. D, Graham Hall, Rm. TS, AAFTTC, Yale Univ, New Billings, Bruce S.—Pvt. A, 531st QM 219, Chapel Hill, N. C. Haven, Conn. Sal. Rep. Co, Zone 5, Ft. Francis E. Creed, John L.—A, 12 Seaview Ave, Garland, George—Pvt A, ASTU 3926, Warren, Wyo. Cape Elizabeth, Me. Univ of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho Bloom, Richard C.—A/C AAC, Class Crossland, Donald E.—Lt. A, Co. F, Geary, Arthur L—Pvt. A, 872nd FA Bn, 44-J, Flight 1, Sqdn. 1, Grp. Ill, Max­ 334th Inf, Camp Claiborne, La. Hq. Btry, APO 454, Camp Joseph T. well Field, Ala. Crossley, William B —Cpl. AAC, 720th Robinson, Ark. Bovie, Verne H.—Lt. AAC, Bardsdale SAW Co, Drew Field, Tampa, Fla. F’^’d, Shreveport, La. Gent, Herbert F —Pvt. A, Co. K. 413th Crowell, Harrison P.—Pvt. A, Co. E, Inf. Div, APO 1Q4, Camp Carson, Bradley, Russell V.—Pvt. A, Co. C, 4th 423rd Inf, APO 443, Camp Atterbury, Colo Inf. Grp, Jackson, Miss. Ind. Gilman, Charles B.—Pvt. AAC, 2nd Brautlecht, Robert A.—Pvt, A, APO 3, Cutts, Richard—Pfc. A, APO 7811, AAF, Lincoln AAF, Lincoln, Neb. Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. , Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. Gilman, Sidney G.—Pvt. A, APO 25, Brennan, Neal E.—Pvt. A, AT Co, 387th Danforth, Donald W.—Lt. AAC, OSD, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Inf, APO 445, Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Box 443, FWAAF, Ft. Worth, Texas Goodrich, Lynn B.—Pfc. A, Michigan Brewster, Robert L.—Lt. AAC, 17 Danforth, Richard H.—Pvt. A, 34th Bn, Army Schools, 1697th SU, Center Line, Chapel St, So. Portland, Me. 8th Regt, Camp Crowder 8, Mo. Mich. Britt, Andrew B.—Pvt. M, Co. C, Marine Davis, Clifford W.—A/S N, 15th St. Gordon, Sherwood F.—A/C AAC, 39 Detach, Rm. 320, Gosley Hall, Dorms, RPI, Church 4, Troy, N. Y. Plaza St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Rochester 3, N. Y. Gould, Ralph A.—Lt. AAC, Box 82, Brodis, W. S.—Sgt. AAC, APO 559, Laughlin Field, Del Rio, Texas Postmaster, N. Y, N. Y. Names, Please Graves, Royal S.—A/C AAC, Sqdn. Q, Brooks, Walter C.—A/S N, Navy V-12 Any alumni knowing of Maine men Div. 21, AAFTS, Yale Univ, New Unit, Box 568, Holy Cross College, and women in service whose names do Haven, Conn. Worcester, Mass. not appear in the Military List are urged Greeley, Elbridge E.—Cpl. A, Belfast. Brooks, William E.-t-A/S N, Co. 480, to send the names to the alumni office Grindle, Donald H.—A/C AAC, Class USNTS, Sampson, N. Y. with latest known addresses. 44-G, George Field, Lawrenceville, Ill.

TI-IE. MAINE ALUMNUS 30 JUNE, I944 s Hale, Elliott K.—A/C NAC, Batt. 47, Leland, F. Gardner—A/C NAC, 43 Lynn McIntosh, J. Kenneth—Lt. AAC, 2nd Lewis Hall, Rm. 107, USNPFS, Fells Parkway, Melrose, Mass. Combat Cargo Grp., SAAB, Syracuse, Chapel Hill, N. C. Libby, Merton E.—Pfc. AAC, Flight E, N. Y. Hall, Edward C.—A/C AAC, 21 Vincent Staging Project Detach., Hunter Field, McLaughlin, Orland F.—A/C AAC, Ave., Worcester, Mass. Ga. Sqdn. 2, Flight A, 303 CTD., James­ Hall, Robert A.—S2/c N, Navy Yard, Lipphardt, Louis E.—Lt. AAC, Army Air town, N. D. U.S.S. Parche, Portsmouth, N. H. Field, Greenwood, Miss. McLaughlin, Reginald H.—A/C AAC, • Hamblen, Joseph A.—Cpl. A, Base Det. Littlefield, Alvin—Cpl. A, Co. K, 6th Sqdn. 9, Div. 16, Yale Univ., New (W) Hq. Sect. Link Dept., Greenville Grp., 2nd Reg’t, Replacement Depot, Haven, Conn. AAB, Greenville, S. C. Camp Reynolds, Pa. Meade, Donald C.—Pvt. A, Co. I, 15th Hanson, Robert H.—Pvt, AAC, APO Littlefield, Romaine F.—A/S WAVES, STR., Ft. Monmouth, N. J. 922, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Reg’t 28, Bldg. F, Apt. 4-H, USNTS Meader, Robert—Pvt. A, 1206 SCSU, Hardy, Wardsworth H.—Sl/c N, Co. (WR) Bronx, New York 38, N. Y. Co. A, Bldg. 50, Rm. 4, Ft. Niagara, 1266, USNTS, Great Lakes, Ill. Lotker, George H.—Lt. A, 35-20 190th N. Y. Harris, William D.—Cpl. A, RFD 4, St., Flushing, N. Y. Merchant, Robert W.—Pfc. A, 5 Blake Skowhegan, Me. Low, Walter N.—Lt. AAC, OSC, Box St., Camden, Me. Harrison, Oliver W.—CG, US Coast 1257, FWAAF, Ft. Worth, Texas Mikalonis, Edmund—Pvt. A, Sec. (H), Guard Academy, New London, Conn. Ludwig, Robert S.—A/C NAC.- WTS Bks. 747, 3505 AAF, Base Unit, Scott Haseltine, Frank T—Sgt. M, Fleet School, 44-F, Meriden, N. H. Field, Ill. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Lyford, Lawrence W.—Pvt. A, Co. K, Miller, Douglas—Mid’n N, USS Prairie 413th Inf., APO 104, Camp Carson, State, W. 135th St. & N. River, New Hasty, Robert A.—A/C AAC, A/C York 27, N. Y., Sec. 6 Detach., 44-D, Lubbock, Texas Colo. Miller, Robert M.—A/C AAC, 25 Robin­ Hatch, Harland H.—Pfc. A, Co. A, 36th son St., So. Portland, Me. STB, Camp Crowder, Mo. Mills, Neil B.—Pvt. M, Waldoboro, Me. Heath, Glen B.—Pfc. AAC, 302nd AAF Mills, Raymond T.—Mid’n N, 21 N. Base Unit (SW), Sec. A, Sqdn. D, Baker W, Cornell Mid’n Sch., Ithaca, Hunter Field, Ga. Mooers, H. Brian—Lt. AAC, Transition Hewes, John L.—Pvt. A, Co. F, 423rd O/S Detach., EPAAF, Air Base Reg’t, APO 443, Camp Atterbury, Ind. Branch, Eagle Pass, Texas Hill, Robert W —Pvt. AAC, 501 Goodale, Morrill, George F.—A/C AAC, 315th MIT, Cambridge, Mass. AAFFTD, Hatbox Field, Muskogee, Hill, William E.—A/$ N, Addres? Okla. Unknown , Moulton, Norman W.—A/C AAC, 371st Hobbs, Donald E.—Cpl. AAC, 1884 Eng. TSS, Bks. 148, Scott Field, Ill. Avn. Bn., Co. C, Geiger Field, Spokane, Moulton, Robert M.—C Sp. N, Postmas­ Wash. ter, San Francisco, Calif. Horzempa, Lewis H.—Pvt M, Readfield Murray, Stanley A.—Pvt. A, 144 Talbot Rd., Winthrop, Me. Ave., Rockland, Me. Howard, Donald M.—Lt. AAC, FAAF, Naugler, Warren C.—Pvt. A, 433 So. Box 183, Frederick, Okla. Main St., So. Brewer, Me. Howe, Francis E—Pvt. M, Marine Neal, Raymond E.—Pfc. A, 26th Med. Detach., Navy V-12 Unit, So. Fayer- Depot Co., Yermo Holding & Recon­ weather Hall, Rm. 3, Hanover, N. H. signment, Yermo, Calif. Hoy, Eugene J.—Lt. A, Childress AAF, Nelson, Charles L.—Pfc. A, APO 4727, . Childress, Texas Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Hutchins, Marsden C.—Pvt. A, Co. K, Nicholson, John D.—A/C NAC, 311 Ay­ 424th Inf., APO 443, Camp Atterbury, cock Hall, USNPFS, Chapel Hill, Ind. N. C. Ingalls, Kenneth E.—Lt. AAC, Reeves Nock, Edmund K.—172nd Bn., Co. A, Grp., 88th Bomb. Grp., Avon Park, Fla. 95th Regt., Camp Hood, Texas Irwin, Richard P.—Sgt. AAC, APO 638, Norwood, Arthur L.—Pvt. A, Co. I, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. LEADER: Youngest Lt. Colonel 310th Inf., APO 78, Camp Pickett, Va. Jellison, Charles A.—Pvt. A, ASTU 3905, of Maine alumni in service is Oakes, Elmer R.—Cpl. AAC, Hq. Detach. Co. E, Stanford Univ., Palo Alto, Calif. Everett Cormier ’39 with the army Plant Park Repl. Depot Detach., Jenness, Lawrence S.—Pvt. AAC, 658th in England. Following enlistment Tampa 6, Fla. School Sqdn., Newburg, N. Y. in 1941 Lt. Col. Cormier has seen Oatway, Gordon C.—Sgt. A, APO 637, Jewell, Frank W.—Ens. N, Fleet Post service in Iceland before he was Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Office, San Francisco, Calif. transferred to England in 1943 Ouelette, Robert A.—A/C NAC, 12D, 43 Johnson, Alan S.—A/C AAC, 44-E, Avn. where he was advanced to the P (C) Flight Brigade, NATC, Pensa­ Cadet Detach., AAAF, Altus, Okla. grade of Lt. Col. March 1, 1944. cola, Fla. Johnson, Kenneth S.—Pvt. AAC, 1179 His leadership is a symbol of the Page, Robert H.—Lt. A, Newcastle, Me. TG, 302nd Wing, BTC 10, Greensboro, many alumni carrying great re­ Palmer, H. Stanley—A/C AAC, Class 44- N C. sponsibility as officers in the E, Bay W-4, 13th AAFFTD, Eagle Johnson, Wendell P.—A/S N, Roberts armed forces. Fid., Dos Palos, Calif. Dorm, Sage Ave., RPI, Troy, N. Y. Patch, Clifford S.—Pfc. A, 3102nd SSB, Camp Crowder, Mo. Jones, Raymond D.—Lt. A, Attached MacGown, Philip T.—Cpl. A, APO 9570, Officers Grp., Battle Tng. Det., ARTC, Patten, Robert H.—Mid’n NT, Mid’n Sch., Ft. Knox, Ky. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. < 411 West 116th St., New York 27, N. Y. Macpherson, Stephen R.—Cpl. AAC, Kelley, George—Pfc. A, APO 198, Pendleton, Roger L.—Pvt. A, Co. K, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. 30th Hq. Co. QM., Salv. Depot, SAB, 413th Inf., APO 104, Camp Carson, Salem, Oregon. Colo. » Kelley, Martin A.—Pfc. A, Co. G, 333rd Marble, W. C.—Mid’n N,« 2261 Bancroft Inf., APO 84. Camp Claiborne, La. Peppard, John W.—Pvt. M, Bldg. 8, MD, Hall, USNA, Annapolis, Md. Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. Kenoyer, John H.—A/C AAC, 53rd Fly­ Marino, Robert F.—A/C AAC, Sec. 3, ing Tng. Detach., Carlstrom Field, Petreas, Gregory N.—Pfc. A, 71 Main Arcadia, Fla. Sqdn. 4, Grp. XI, AAFPFS (P), Class St., Biddeford, Me. 44K, Maxwell Field, Ala. Knott, Donald L.—Cpl. AAC, APO 433, Pierce, Warren F.—Lt. A, AAFCIS- Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Marriott, John C.—Mid’n N, Mid’n Bks. C-45, Student Detach., Randolph Knudsen, Neal R—Pvt. M, RFD 4, School, Tower Hall, Rm. 912, 820 Field, Texas Portland, Me. Tower Ct., Chicago 11, Ill. Pierson, Malcolm—Pvt. A, Anti-Tank Marsh, Bernard L.—Pvt. A, 5 Maple St., Co., 393rd Inf., 97th Div., APO 447, ICoris, Frank J.—Pvt. A, Killed in Old Town, Me. Action Camp Maxey, Texas Mason, Richard F.—Pvt. A, 399th AFA, Porper, Charles R.—Pvt. A, Co. K, 424th Lamprell, William W.—AFS, APO 464, Btry. A, APO 258, Camp Polk, La. Inf., APO 443, Camp Atterbury, Ind. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. McAllister, John W.—Pvt. A, Co. B, 2nd Pratt, Leo W.—Pvt. A, 12 Taylor St., Lawry, William R.—N, 14 Western Ave., Plat., ASTU, Univ, of Vt., Burlington, Biddeford, Me. Fairfield, Me. Vt. Priest, Sheldon W.—S/Sgt. AAC, APO Leclair, Joseph R.—Pfc. A, Michigan McClellan, James C.—Discharged 149, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Army Schools, 1697th SU, Center Line, McFarland, Richard M.—A/S N, Walter Ramsdell, Hollis L.—Cpl. A, APO 230, Mich. Dorm., Rm. 21, RPI, Troy, N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y.


Ranger, Hubert—Pvt. A, Co. C, 28th Corrections Invited AGC, 1st Ave.-52nd St./ Brooklyn, Bn., 6th Regt., IRTC, Ft. McClellan, N. Y. Ala The Alumni Office will welcome cor­ ' 1946 Rhodes, Alan L.—Pfc. A, 132 Glenwood rected addresses or other details noted Abercrombie, Ralph D., Jr.—Pvt. M. Ave., Portland, Me. by alumni in the Military List. Help us Btry. M, Co. 5, Bks. 7, M. Det., NTU, Richards, David—Pvt. A, APO 502, keep the service records up to date; send • Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. in corrected information at once. Thank Adams, Clyde S.—S/2c N, Fleet Post Ring, Carleton B.—Pvt. A, Btry. B, 398th you. FA Bn., Sth Arm’d Div., APO 258, Office, San Francisco, Calif. No. Camp Polk, La. Adelman, Milton S.—A/S N, #1, Rm. 34, Robinson, Donald W.—A/C AAC, Pre­ Tibbetts, Arthur J.—Pfc. A, 303rd CTD, 15th St. Dorms., R.P.I. Troy, N. Y. Flight Sqdn. 3, Selman Fid., Monroe, Sqdn. I, Flight B., Jamestown, N. D. Agostinelle, Kitan A.—Lt. A, Co. D, 194th La. Titcomb, Edmund B.—A/C NAC, Rm. Bn., 61st Regt., Camp Blanding, Fla. Robinson, Ralph E.—Pfc. AAC, Sherman 43, CAA-WTS, Fitchburg, Mass. Aiken, George D.—A/C A, Sqdn. I, 44-D, Mills, Me. Torrey, Allen L.—Lt. AAC, APO 149, E.P.A.A.F. Eagle Pass, Texas Rogan, Frank J.—Pvt. AAC, Co. A, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Albert, Louis A.—Pfc. A, Co. K, 303rd 329th Combat Engrs. Bn., APO 104, Torrey, Donald R.—Pvt A, Co. C, 34th Inf. APO 94 Camp McCain, Miss. Camp Carson, Colo. ITB, Camp Croft, S. C. Allyn, William B.—Ens. NAC. Box 22, Rogers, George A.—Pvt. A, Co. L, Bks. Tsacalotos, Peter—Pfc. A, Co. K, 343rd N.A.S. Atlanta, Ga. 711, 3rd Fin. Tng. Bn., Ft. Benjamin Inf., 86th Inf. Div., APO 450, Camp Anderson, Kenneth V.—Seabees, Fleet Harrison, Ind. Livingston, La. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Rourke, Arthur L.—Pvt. M, Marine De­ Turner, Eldon B.—Qm3/c N, NTBSTC, Anderson, Robert—AM3/c, Fleet Post tach. V-12, Bks. 8, Cornell Univ., Div. 59, Melville, R. I. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Ithaca W. Y. Turner, Robert W.—Lt. A, Class 44-2D, Anderton, David O.—Cpl. AAC, 956 Ryckman, DeVere W.—A/S N, Mats- Laughlin Field, Del Rio, Texas S.R.I. Co., Camp Pinedale, Fresno, moto, Rm. 26, Sage Ave., RPI, Troy, Vafiades, Nicholas V.—A/C AAC, Sqdn. Calif. N. Y. E, Grp. 2, Sect. 11, Class 44-H, Andrews, Daniel K.—Pfc. AAC, APO Scales, William E.—Sl/c N, Cordell AAFPFS (P), Maxwell Fid., Ala. 12725-C, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Hall 313, NTS, Stillwater, Okla. Valdes, Donald M.—A/C AAC, Grp. A, Angelides, Harry E.—Cpl. AAC, 1067th Schenchzer, Eugene E.—Pfc. AAC, 1728 Sqdn. 1, Fit. A, 65th AAFFTD, Sig. Co., 25th Serv. Grp. A.A.F., Washington Ave., Portland, Me. Decatur, Ala. Aiken, S. C. Segal, Benjamin—Pvt. A, Co. C, 40th Varnum, Robert N.—Pvt. A, Co. G, Antell, Frederick G.—A/S N, Church III, Bn., Camp Croft, S. C. 423rd Inf., APO 443, Camp Atterbury, Rm. 23 R.P.I. Troy, N. Y. Shepard, George C.—Lt. (j.g.) CG, Ind. Austin, Shirley M.—Sp3/c WAVES, Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Vennett, Kenneth F.—Pfc. AAC, 3rd Unit B-l, Spec.M, U.S.N.T.S. (W.R.), Shepardson, Arno H.—Pvt. A, Serv. Co., AFRD, 1st Detach., Plant Park, Sampson, N. Y. 49th AIB, 8th Arm’d Div., APO 258, Tampa, Fla. Badger, Ralph A.—A/S N, Bldg. #59, Camp Polk, La. Vickery, Earle W.—A/C AAC, 56th U. S. Naval Hospital, CNA, Chelsea, Skiffington, Sidney W.—Cpl. A, Band, AAFFTD, Sqdn. D, Class 44-E, Mass. Spec. Trps., 83rd Inf. Div., APO 83, Americus, Ga. Bamford, Sidney R.—Pvt. A, Co. A, 6th Camp Breckenridge, Ky. Vose, Clement E.—A, 8A Watson Ave., Bn., E.R T.C., Fort Belvoir, Va. Smaha, Albert H.—Lt. A, Co. L, 6th Houlton, Me. Banton, Richard L.—Pvt. A, Btry. A, QMTR, Camp Lee, Va. Wallingford, Otto H.—Pfc. A, Co. C, 21st Bn., 6th Repl. Regt. Fort Geo. G. Smith, Norman E.—Sl/c N, Class 4-44- 290th Engr. Comb. Bn., Camp Shelby, Meade, Md. B, NTS, College of The Ozarks, Miss. Barnes, John Leslie—S2/c N, Brownville Clarksville, Ark. Walsh, George A.—Sgt. A, APO 159, Jet., Me. Smith, Owen H.—Pfc. A, 569th Sig. Co. Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Bartlett, David M.—12 Orchard Place, (C), APO 417, Camp Shelby, Miss. Warner, Benjamin J.—Pfc. A, Co. D, Bronville, N. Y. Smith, Robert N.—Pvt. A, Presque Isle. 847th Sig. Tng. Bn., Camp Crowder, Bartlett, Ralph Jr.—Cpl. M. H. & S. Co., Smith, Sheldon D.—Pfc. A, 86th Inf. Mo. Engr. Bn., LC, A.P.I.C., Camp Lejeune, Div., Camp Claiborne, La. Washburn, William B.—Cpl. AAC, New River, N. C. Smith, Warren G.—Lt. AAC, Student Monmouth, Me. Bean, Clarence F.—Pvt. A, Med. Det., Officer Detach., POB 412, AAFPS, Waterman, Richard D.—Pvt. A, North Station Hospital, Raritan Arsenal, Dodge City, Kan. Haven, Me. Meutchen, N. J. Speirs, Garrett D.—Pfc. A, 84th Inf. Watson, George A.—Ens. N, Executive Beckman, William R.—A/S N, 51 Cam­ Div., Camp Claiborne, La. Dept., USNA, Annapolis, Md. bridge Ave., Stewart Manor, N. Y. Spencer, Frank W.—Co. F, 386th Inf., Weatherbee—Pvt. A, APO 600, APO 445, Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Berenson, Simon—A/S N, Co 2, Batt. 1 Sprague, James B.—Pfc. A, APO 512, Wedge, Peter J.—Pvt. AAC, 360th Base Naval Tng. Unit, Bates College, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Hq. & AB Sqdn., AAC, Pueblo, Colo. Lewiston, Me. Spruce, Raymond G.—Ens. N, Fleet Wescott, Earle—A/C AAC, 1st Gun­ Blake, Ralph F.—Mid’n MM, Postmaster, Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. nery Sch., Class 44-26, LAAF, Laredo, N. Y., N. Y. Stackpole, Philip W.—Pvt. AAC, 715th T exas Bowen, Elmer A., Jr.—A/C AAC, Batt. Tng. Grp., ORD 3, Seymour Johnson Wheeler, Clyde L—F/O AAC, 329th 47-0-2, Rm, 117 Aycock, Navy Pre­ Field, N. C. Base Unit, RTU (MB) Sect. R, Flight School, Chapel Hill, N. C. Stacy, Wayne—Pvt. A, Kezar Falls, Me. Columbia, S. C. Boyer, Joseph A., Jr.—A/C AAC, Class Stearns, Benedict—Pvt. A, APO 30, Whitcher, Daniel A.—Pvt. A, APO 44F-Sqdn. 5, George Field, Lawrence­ Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 15310, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. ville, Ill. Sturtevant, Vaughn R.—A, Box A, White, Benjamin F.—Lt. A, Killed in Bragdon, Edward A., Jr.—Box 175, York Livermore Falls, Me. Action Village, Me. Thayer, Edwin M.—Pfc. A, SCU 3418 Whitman, Dana T.—Pvt. A, Co. K, 413th Brennan, Carl H., Jr.—A/C AAC, 12th ASTP, Univ, of Fla., Gainesville, Fla. Inf., APO 104, Camp Carson, Colo. Col. Tng. Det. E. Tenn. State Col. Thibodeau, Francis O.—Lt. MAC, BOQ, Wilbur, John E.—Pfc. A, Co. B, 341st Johnson City, Tenn. NAS, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Inf., APO 450, Camp Livingston, La. Brookings, John W.—Lt. A, 1st Co., Thomas, Stanley W.—Lt. AAC, 63rd Williams, Cecil O.—MM2/c N, ATB, Armored OCS, Fort Knox, Ky. ATC Grp., Sedalia AAF, Sec. H, Bks. 37, NOB, Camp Bradford, Nor­ Bruce, Charles T.—Pfc. M, USMR, Warrensburg, Mo. folk, Va. Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif. Thomas, Vernley F.—Cadet A, USCC, Wood, Frank B.—Pfc. AAC, Box 926, Buck. Leland S, Jr,—A/C AAC, Class Co. 2, West Point, N. Y. Bangor, Me. 44-E, Bks. 128, Moody Field, Valdosta, Thompson, Albert W.—Cpl. A, APO Wood, Richard L.—Pvt. A, E. Water- Ga. 4873, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. boro, Me. Buckley, Walter—HAl/c N,zNew Dis­ Thompson, Robert M.—Ens. NAC, Wood, Robert C.—AFS, APO 464, pensary, USNAS, Quonset Point, R. I. Sqdn. 12-C, Cabaniss Fid., Corpus Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Budden, Henry S.—Pvt. AAC, Christi, Texas Work, Winslow A.—Pvt. A, 422nd Inf. TDAAFTTC, Grp. Ill, Flight 12, Thorne, Bertram E.—Pfc. AAC, St. Co. L, APO 443, Camp Atterbury, Ind. Bowdoin Col., Brunswick, Me. Albans, Me. York, Kent H.—Pfc. A, Co. A, 36th Sig. Burgess, Arthur R.—Pvt. AAC, Co. A, Threlfall, Robert—Pvt. M, Batt. M, Co. Tng. Bn., Camp Crowder, Mo. 329th Med. Bn., APO 104, Camp 5, Bks. 7, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y. Young, Thomas J.‘—Pvt. A, 68 School Carson, Colo. Thurlow, William T.—SoM2/c N, Fleet St., Millinocket, Me. Burke, Ernest A.—Sgt. AAC, APO Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Zook, Joseph M.—S2/c N, Rec. Sta.- 12832-D.I.-20, Postmaster, N. Y., kY.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 32 JUNE, I944 Burrill, Robert M.—A/C A AC, 44G.W., 1st Bn, NTU, Bates Col, Lewiston, Emmons, Richard C.—Pfc. A, Co. D, A-2 Eagle Field, Dos Palos, Calif. Me 15th STR, Fort Monmouth, N. J. Butler, Robert E.—Pvt. A, 1272nd Engr. Day, Lawrence C.—A/S N, White 1, Ettinger, Morton—Y/2c N, Fleet Post Combat Bn., Co. B, Camp Carson, Colo. RPI, Troy, N. Y. Office, San Francisco, Calif. Cahill, Laurence J. Jr.—Cadet, West Decatur, Richard A.—Lt. A, 2nd Co, Fairbank, Winthrop H.—Cpl. AAF, Point Academy, N. Y., N. Y. Armored Force OCS, Fort Knox, Ky. APO 706, Unit 1, Postmaster, San Calkins, Jay—Lt. A AC, 4 Engine Co­ Dempsey, Malcolm K.—Cpl. A, Co. A, Francisco, Calif. Pilot School, Tyndall Field, Panama ISSC, Academic Reg’t, Ft Benning, Faulkner, Clarence E.—Pvt. A, Co. K, City, Fla. Ga 86th Inf. Reg., Camp Hale, Pando, Colo. Campbell, John Reid—Lt. A AC, PGOQ Dennison, Richard W.—HA1/C N, 6600 Fontaine, John R.—Pvt. A, Co. A, 15th Spence Field, Moultrie, Ga. Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia 11, Pa. Bn., 5th Regt., Fort McClellan, Ala. Carson, John R.—Pfc. A, APO 638, DeRosby, Arthur J.—Pvt. A, Maynard Foss, Norman T.—RT/2c N, USS Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Police, Maynard, Mass. Alaska Detail, Welsbach Bks., Glou­ Catir, Philip—Cadet A, Co. A, 1548th Dieffenbach, LeRoy—A/S N, Naval Tng. cester City, N. J. ASTU, P. O. Box 3163, Univ, of Unit, Bates Col, Lewiston, Me. Foss, Sheldon H.—Cpl. A, 86th Mountain Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. Dolan, Lawrence P.—Lt. AAC, Moore Regt., Co. C, 1st Batt., Camp Hale, Cervone, Joseph N.—S2/c N, R28T, Bks. Field, Mission, Texas Pando, Colo. 51, NATTC, Jacksonville, Fla. Dow, Harrison E.—A/S N, Church 4, Fox, Arthur G., Jr.—Cpl. AAC, 1st I & Chalmers, George N.—Hunt 1, 15th St. Suite 21, 15th St. Dorms,, RPI, Troy, M Unit, Robins Fid., Warner Robins, Dorm., Rm. 2, R.P.I., Troy, N. Y. N. Y. Ga. Chandler, Howard P.—4 Arden Rd., Drew, Robert L.—A/C AAC, Bks. 209, Frederick, William J.—Lt. AAC, 114th Wellesley, Mass. Flight 10, Shaw Field, Sumter, S. C. BU Bomb. (H) Sec. E, Chatham Fid., Chase, Allan S.—A/C AAC, AAFTC, Dubay, Bernard W.—Pvt. AAC, Unit F, Ga. Basic Tng. Center, Keesler Field, Miss. Sioux City Army Air Base, Sioux City, French, Phillip C.—Pvt. A, 3rd Co., 3201 Chason, Harold L.—Pvt. A, 3307th SU, Iowa SCSU, ASTU, Box 219, Rutgers ASTU, Univ, of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Duff, Raymond S.—RFD 2, Houlton, Me. Univ., New Brunswick, N. J. 13, Pa. Dyer, Charles E.—S2/c N, VRF 1, Fuller, Samuel E.—A, Pine Tree Camps, Cheney, Leighton S.—Pfc. A, APO 508, Hangar 9, Floyd Bennett Field, Long Pond, Me. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Brooklyn 29, N. Y. Gaffin, Bernard—A/C AAC, 2nd Army Cianchette, Clair L.—Cpl.- A, 672nd Sal. Eaton, Fred G., Jr.—A/C AAC, Flight Air Force, CRP Lincoln AAB, Lin­ Coll. Co., Camp Ellis, Ill. 2, Sqdn. G, G-P8, Class 44K AAFPFS coln, Neb. Clark, Charles J.—Pvt. A A, Co. A, (P), Maxwell Field, Ala. Gamble, Eugene C.—Lt. A, APO 654, 3307th SU, Sec. 3-1, Univ, of Pitts­ Eddy, Robert H.—Lt. A, 1st Co., Class Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 63, Arm’d OCS, Fort Knox, Ky. burgh, Pittsburgh 13, Pa. Gardner, Raymond E., Jr.—Pvt. A, 77 Clark, Donald S, Jr.—Cpl. A, Co. E, Eichorn, John G—Pvt. A, Btry. B, 360th FA Bn., APO 95, Indiantown Gap, Pa. Jefferson St., Attleboro, Mass. 804th STR, Camp Crowder, Mo. Gibson, William C.—A/S N, 75 Carden Clawson, Robert F.—A/S N, Co. 2, 1st Elliott, Robert R., Jr.—Pvt. M, Bks. 8, MTD, V-12 Cornell Univ., Ithaca, Road, Wellesley Hills, Mass. Bn, NTU, Bates Col., Lewiston, Me. Giesberg, Richard A.—Pvt. A, Co. A, Cleaver, Richard T.—Sgt. MM, 19 N. Y. . Ellis, Charles E.—Sgt. AAC, Co. C, 1st 1258th Combat Engr. Bn., Camp Swift, Leavitt St., Skowhegan, Me. Texas Clement, John H.—Pvt. A, Vint Hill I. & M. Unit, Robins Field, Warner Robins, Ga. Gleason, Charles A., Jr.—A/S N, Bks. Farms Station, Co. A, Warrenton, Va. 32, Naval Air Tech. Tng. Ctr., Mem­ Cloke, Donald T.—A/S N, N-V-12 Unit, Ellis, Roger C., Jr.—A/C AAC, Class Graduate House, Rm. 518-B, M.I.T., 44-E, Sqdn. A-2, Aloe Army Air Fid., phis, Tenn. Cambridge, Mass. Victoria, Texas Glover, Charles L.—Pvt. A, Inf. Tank Cobb, Henry B., Jr.—Cpl. AAC, 1123 B. Sqdn, KAAF, Kingman, Ariz. Cobb, Kenneth L.—A, APO 230, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Cohen, Lester M.—T/5G A, APO 9130, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Cole, Norman A.—Cpl. A, APO 520, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Commerford, Edward W.—Pvt. A, APO 9732, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Conley, Raymond K., Jr.—A/C N, 1-A-R-l, 30B, NAS, Bunker Hill, Ind. Cookson, Edward J.—RM3/c N, Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Cooper, Douglas K.—149 Limerock St., Rockland, Me. Cormier, Alfred L.—A/C AAC, Sqdn. 1, 44C, George Field, Lawrenceville, Ill. Cosseboom, Kenneth A., Jr.,—Lt. AAC, 331st AAF, Base Unit RTU-MB, Repl. Sec., Barksdale Field, La. Cote, Wilfred—Pfc. A, Co. C, 28th Bn., Bks. 1546, 6th Reg’t, ASFTC, Camp Crowder, Mo. Coulton, Thomas E., Jr.—Cpl. A, Hq. Serv. Co., 85th Inf, APO 345, Camp Hale, Pando, Colo. Cowles, Edward R.—20 Highland Ave. Auburn, Me. Craun, Noel E.—Coxs. N, Fleet Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Cunningham, Charles E.—Av/S A, Co. F, COMMISSIONED: Twenty-four University of Maine men were commis­ 398th Inf, APO 447, Ft. Bragg, N. C. sioned second lieutenants May 13 upon graduation from Armored Officer Cyr, Roderick J.—Lt. AAC, Student Offi­ Candidate School at Fort Knox, Ky. They are, left to right: first row, Philip cer Det. AAB, Dodge City, Kan. S. Sweetser ’44, Raymond D. Jones ’45, Richard A. Decatur ’46, Sidney Goldman ’46, Aubrey A. McLaughlin ’44, Stephen L. Jacobs ’44; second row, Dale, Joseph W.—Pvt. A. Co. A-l, John E. Morgan ’44, Elton M. Rich ’44, Sumner L. Burgess ’44, Merton S. Med. Detach, T-1504 Billings Gen. Meloon ’44, Oscar R. Hahnel, Jr. ’44, Donald L. Goodwin ’44, Donald F. Hosp, Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind. Presnell ’44; third row, Willard T. Johns, Jr. ’44, Joseph L. McCobb ’44, Dahill, Donald E.—Pvt. A, Co. G, 13th Robert D. Smith ’44, Joseph P. Findlen ’44, Arthur A. Davis ’44; fourth row, QMTR, Camp Lee, Va. Richard A. Hale II ’44, John C. Bennett ’44, Henry Holland ’44, Allen II. Danforth, Frank W, Jr—S2/c, N, Bks. Solomon ’44, George II. Lotker ’45, and Benjamin A. Curtis, Jr. ’44. 54, NATTC, Memphis 15, Tenn. Nearly one-half the graduating group were Maine alumni; appropriately Davis, Harcourt W, Jr.—A/S N, Co. 3, the Stein Song was played as commissions were given out.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 33 JUNE, I944 Div., 2nd Co., Class 62, Arm’d OCS, Hudson, Edward H.—A/C NAC, Ruffin Mace, Asa R., Jr.—Pvt. A, 780th TS Fort Knox, Ky. Hall, Rm. 208, Batt. 46, USN Pre­ (Tenc A-15), Army Air Base, Lincoln, Glover, Frederick—SOM3/c N, Fleet Flight Sch., Chapel Hill, N. C. Neb. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Hunter, Hugh W.—Sl/c NAC, Bks. 17, Maclead, Donald Rhodes—S/Sgt. AAC, Godfrey, Richard H.—A/C NAC, Class Sec. A, NATTC, Memphis, Tenn. APO 559, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. A, Bks. 529, Rm. 133, c/o Flight Hussey, John A.—Lt. A, 63rd Class, 1st MacPhee, Carl W.—A/S N, Hunt Dorm Brig., USNAS, Pensacola, Fla. 'Co. Arm’d OCS, Fort Knox, Ky. 3, RPI, Troy, N. Y. Goff, Merle F.—Pfc. A, Co. D, 71st Inf., Hutchinson, Sheldon C—Pfc. AAC, Manter, David L.—A/S N, 22, White APO 44, Camp Phillips, Kan. 310th Depot Repair Sqdn., Bks. 12, III, R.P.I., Troy, N. Y. Goldman, Sidney—Lt. A, 2nd Co., Arm’d RAAF, Rome, N. Y. Manter, Donald I.—A/C NAC, Flight OCS, Fort Knox, Ky. Jack, Charles H., Jr.—Pvt. A, Co. M, . Brig., 12-C, US NAS, Pensacola, Fla. Goldsmith, Milton H.—Cpl. A, APO 230, 3rd Bn., 381st Inf. Regt., APO 96, Marshall, Paul E.—Pvt. A, ASTP, 3201 Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Camp White, Ore. ASTU, Co. C, Box 409, Rutgers Univ., Goodwin, Harlan F.—S2/c N, Co. 1-2-44 Jennison, Whitney—Pvt. A, 761st F.A., New Brunswick, N. J. USNTS Wright Jr. Col., 3400 N. Camp Rucker, Ala. Mason, Charles L.—A/C AAC, Class 44- Austin Ave., Chicago 34, Ill. Jones, Freeland—Pvt. A, Cannon Co., G, Sqdn. B-Z, BAAF, Blytheville, Ark. Gott, Norman D.—Pvt. A, Co. A, 1548th 308th Inf., APO 78, Camp Pickett, Va. Mason, William P.—Pvt. AAC, 811 TSS Tng. Unit, Rm. 204, Breckinridge Hall, Jones, Howard S.—A/C NAC, CAA- Bks. 1431, Sioux Falls, S. D. P.O. Box 1898, U. of Ky., Lexington, WTS, Parsons Hall, Terre Haute, Ind. Mathews, Richard T.—A/C AAC, A/C Ky. Jose, Norman L.—Pvt. A, 4th Plt., Co. Det., 44-E, PAAF, Pampa, Texas Gray, John O.—Sl/c N, 144th Co. B, A-6, ERTC, Fort Belvoir, Va. McDonald, Ray T.—Pvt. A, Det. 22nd Plat. 3, EE & RM Sch., Gulfport, Miss. Kagan, Harry—Pfc. AAC, 16th AAF Sig. Serv. Co., Vent Hill Farms Sta., Gray, Leon E.—Pvt. A, Cannon Co., TTD, Class 28-440, No. American Air Warrenton, Va. 385th Ind., APO 76, Camp McCoy, Inc., Inglewood, Calif. McKusick, Rodney N.—A/C AAC, Grp. Wis. Karkos, Lloyd A.—S2/c N, Sec. 1, Bks. A, Sqdn. I, Flight B, 44-J, 65th FTD, Gray, Robert L.—Bar Harbor, Me. 9, NAT Tng. Ctr., Jacksonville, Fla. Decatur, Ala. Greenlaw, Samuel—Av/S AAC, 58th Katsikas, John H.—Cpl. AAC, Co. Q, Merrill, John P.—A/C AAC, 8 Coburn CTD (AC), Lewis Hall, Rm. 204, 15th Sig. Tng. Regt., Ft. Monmouth, Ave., Skowhegan, Me. Sqdn. E, Mass. State College, Amherst, N. J. Moen, Charles D.—Cpl. A, 172 South Greenleaf, Raymond R.—Pvt. A, Med. Keith, Alfred J.—MOMM3/c N, Bks. St., Dover-Foxcroft, Me. Det., 382nd Inf., APO 96, Camp San X-R-115 NTS, Richmond, Va. Moody, Horace T., Jr.—A/S N, White 1, Luis Obispo, Calif. Kendall, William A.—Pfc. M, Co. E, 2nd 15th St. Dorm., RPI, Troy, N. Y. Gridley, Theodore G.—Sl/c N, Co. 4185, Bn., 27th Marines, Camp Pendleton, Mullins, Howard J.—Av/S AAC, RFD Bks. 416-L, USNTC, Bainbridge, Md. Oceanside, Calif. 7, Bangor, Me. Griffing, George C.—A/S N, Co. Ill, Keniston, Robert W.—A/S N, 32 Strat­ Murdock, Burton K., Jr.—A/S N, White Sec. II, Bat. I, NTU, Bates College, ton Hall, USNTU, Tufts College, 3, Suite 22, 15th St. Dorms., RPI, Lewiston, Me. Medford 55, Mass. Troy, N. Y. Guild, Charles F., Jr.—Cpl. AAC, APO Kennison, Ralph G., Jr.—A/S N, Hunt Murdock, Philip J., Jr.—Lt. AAC, 155 12490-BP-C, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 1, Rm. 1, RPI, Troy, N. Y. Maple St., Bangor, Me. Hadley, Lawrence C.—A/C NAC, 41st Kenoyer, Russell E.—A/C AAC, Avia­ Nardone, Anthony B.—Pvt. A, Co. A, Bn., Co. J, Plat. 1, 305 Lewis Hall, tion Cadet Det, Class 44-D, Foster 3321 SU, ASTU, William-Mary Col., USNPFS, Chapel Hill, N. C. Fld. Texas Williamsburg, Va. Haggett, Harry B.—Sgt. AAC, APO 149, King, Bruce W—S2/c N, US Naval Air Neal, Kermit H.—A, Missing in Action Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Base, Floyd Bennett Fid., Dorm. B4, Nelson, Donald J.—A/C AAC, Sec. A, Haggett, Richard—A/S N, Hunt, RPI, Brooklyn, N. Y. 2144 ABU, Moody Fld., Ga. Troy, N. Y. Knight, Stephen C., Jr.—A/C AAC. Nelson, Roger L. J.—Pfc. AAC, Region­ Hagopian, Martin—Pvt. A, APO 230, Prov. 1st Tng. Wing Grp. I, Sqdn. 83, al Control Office, 2nd Weather Region, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Class 45-A, AAFPS, SAACC, San Patterson Field, Ohio Hall, David T.—Pvt. A, 5th Prov. Repl. Antonio, Texas Newdick, William A—Pvt. A, AGF, Co., Yuma, Ariz. Labbe, Gerard R.—Mid’n MM, Fleet Pers. Repl. Depot 2, Fort Ord, Calif. Hamlin, John G.—Sgt. A, Co. F, Syme Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Newell, Robert D.—Pvt. A, Co. A, 6th Hall, Rm. 109, SCU 3421, ASTP, Lamb, Morton A.—Pvt. A, APO 873, Bn., ERTC, Fort Belvoir, Va. N. C. State College, Raleigh, N. C. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Norton, Kenneth V.—Pvt. A, 409th FA Harrison, Fred E.—PhM3/c N, Fleet Land, Robert H.—Pfc. A, Co. C, 1st Grp., Camp Roberts, Calif. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Sig. Tng. Bn., WSCS, Davis, Calif. Notis, Steve A.—Pvt. A, Co. L, 387th Hart, Paul T.—Lt. AAC, APO 12832- Lane, Hilton D.—Pfc. AAC, 87th Bomb. Inf. APO 445 DJ-94, AAF, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Sqdn., Morris Fld., Charlotte, N. C. Noyes, Leroy C.—Cpl. A, APO 7659, Harvell, Philip—F/O AAC, Smyrna AF, LaPoint, John D.—Pvt. A, Co. B, 56th Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Smyrna, Tenn. MTB, MRTC, Camp Barkeley, Texas O’Connell, Charles F.—Pfc. AAC, APO Hatch, Daniel E.—A/C AAC, A/C Pre­ LaPointe, Joseph C.—A/C AAC, Class 558, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Tech. Sch., Sqdn. B, Sec. 802H, 44-B, Box 171, Cadet Det., Kirtland O’Connor, John J.—Pfc. A, 45 Bangor Seymour Johnson Field, N. C. Fld., Albuquerque, N. M. St., Augusta, Me. Hatch, Robert L.—A/S N, White 3, Larson, Anton W.—T/5, AAC, APO 638, Olmsted, Robert I.—Cpl. M, 2nd Joint 15th St. Dorms, RPI, Troy, N. Y. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Assault Co. Boat Basin, ATC, Ocean­ Haynes, William W.—Pfc. AAC, APO Larson, Ernest L.—Ens. NAC, Sqdn. 143, side, Calif. 812, Postmaster, Miami, Fla. Naval Air Station, Miami, Fla. Oretsky, Israel—Pvt. A, Co. B, 28th Sig. Hazelwood, Robert C.—A/C N, Cadet Lawson, Richard G.—Ens. NAC, Box 27, Tng. Bn., Bks. 1582, CSCRTC, Camp Regt., NATC, Corpus Christi, Texas Bldg. 701 USNAS, Jacksonville, Fla. Crowder, Mo. Heaton, Donald A.—Cpl. A, APO 140, Leahy, Wallace J.—S/Sgt. A, Co. D, Ostrow, Stanley J.—A/S N, Matsmoto, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 303rd Inf., APO 445, Ft. Leonard Rm. 36, Sage Ave., RPI, Troy, N. Y. Hermann, Frederick H., Jr.—Lt. M, Wood, Mo. Parkhurst, David B.—Cpl. A, APO 9348, NAS, New Orleans, La. Leighton, Charles, Jr.—Cpl. M, _5th Def. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Hetherman, Robert J.—Pvt. A, Co. E, Bn., Camp Elliott, Linda Vista, Calif. Parsons, Storer S.—A/S N, Co. 2, 1st 2nd Bn., 544th EB & SR, Camp Gor­ Leighton, Harold D.—A/c AAC, Flight Batt., NTU, Bates Col., Lewiston, Me. don, Johnston, Fla. 53-B, Class 44-11, Selman Field, Paterson, Peter S.—Cpl. AAC, 4136 Base Higgins, Leander M.—Mid’n. MM, Me. Monroe, La. Unit, Tinker Fld., Oklahoma City, Maritime Acad., Castine, Me. Leiper, Robert J.—Sl/c N, 50 Chestnut Okla. Higgins, Leon F.—A/C AAC, Class 44- St., Attleboro, Mass. Payson, Lewis D.—A/C NAC, Southport. F, 2nd AAF Flying Tng. Det., Ontario, Libby, Thomas M.—A/C NAC, Batt. X, Peabody, Arthur S., Jr.—Pvt. AAF, Calif. Pl. IV, Rm. 43, USN Flight Prep. Meteorology, Brown Univ., Providence, Hill, Berton F., Jr.—Pvt. A, 19th Med. Sch., Williamstown, Mass. R. I. Lab., ASC, Ft. McPherson, Atlanta, Lord, Howard V.—Pvt. AAC, 54th Base Peachy, Sidney R.—A/C, NAC, Rm. 205, Ga. Hq. & Air Base Sqdn., Box 217, Law- Manly Hall, USNPFS, Chapel Hill, Hinkley, Calvin L.—SoM3/c N, Fleet son Field, Fort Benning, Ga. N. C. Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. Lounder, Laurel F.—Pvt. A, Student Co. Pelletier, Gerald F.—Cpl. AAC, APO Hollett, Wendell R.—S2/c N, Tarmac B, SSR, Fort Belvoir, Va. 638, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Tng. Bks. 22, USNAS, Glenview, Ill. Lunt, Benjamin D.—A/S N, Co. I, 1st Pelley, Gordon R.—Cpl. AAC, APO 149 Hopkins, William L.—Discharged Bn., NTU, Bates Col., Lewiston, Me. Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Howes, Daniel N.—S2/c N, Fleet Post Lutts, Richard W.—A/S N, Hunt Dorm Perry, Robert E.—S2/c NAC, Bks. 6, Office, N. Y., N. Y. 3, RPI, Troy, N. Y. R-45, NATTC, Memphis, Tenn.


Petrie, Vincent F.—Pvt. A AC, Sec. A, Spear, Everett L.—Cpl. A, Hq. Btry., Willey, David G.—S/Sgt A, APO Sedalia, AAF, Warrensburg, Mo. 162nd AAA Gun Bn., Camp Edwards, 12915-BA-3, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Piper, Robert A.—EM3/c N, Fleet Post Mass. Wilson, Wendell R.—S2/c N, Box 7, Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Stanwood, Harold K.—Cpl. A, APO 4, USN Sub. Base, New London, Conm Poet, Leroy W.—Sl/c N, Armed Guard Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Withers, Stuart E.—Pvt. A, Btry. B, Center, 52nd St. & 1st Ave., So. Brook­ Starbird, Albert W.—Pvt. AAC, 25th 676 Gl. FA BN, APO 333, Camp lyn, N. Y. Weather Sqdn., Westover Field, Mackall N C Polito, Angelo L.—Sgt. A, Btry. D, 734th Chicopee Falls, Mass. Wood, Charles W., Jr.—Pvt. AAC, Base AAA Gun Bn., Muroc, Calif. Starbird, William A.—Pvt. A, SCSU Weather Station, 5th Ferrying Grp., Pope, Theodore P.—Pvt. M, Marine Det., 1144, ASTU Co. C, Gore Hall, F-ll, Love Field, Dallas, Texas Co. 5, Navy V-12, Bks. 8, Cornell Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. Woodcock, Wallace L.—Pfc. A, APO Univ, Ithaca, N. Y. Stebbins, Murray E.—Cpl. A, Btry. D, 230, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Povich, Albert S.—A/S N, Co. 2, 1st 13th Bn., AARTC, Camp Stewart, Ga. Woodward, Deane M.—A/C AAC, 519 Batt., NTU, Bates Col., Lewiston, Me. Stephens, Frank O., Jr.—Pvt. A, Co. B, Penobscot St., Rumford, Me. Poynter, Edwin F., Jr.—S2/c N, 57 Al­ 23rd Sig. Const. Bn., Camp Pickett, Va. Worthing, Clifford A.—Pfc. AAC, APO bert St., Melrose, Mass. Stevens, Marvin H.—Pvt. M, Marine 638, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Powell, Norman A.—Pvt. A, APO 558, Det., NTU, F-S-3 Dartmouth College, Yoffe, Lester H.—Pvt. A, Co. H, 407th Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Hanover, N. H. Inf., APO 102, Camp Swift, Texas Preti, Robert F.—A/C NAC, 4 Left Stevens, Ralph A.—Pvt. A, 11129392 Co. Young, Lincoln A.—A/C NAC, Everett Wing, Bks. 25, USNAS, Glenview, Ill. C, 323 Engr. Bn., APO 98, Postmaster, Hall, Rm. 105, Chapel Hill, N. C. Rackliff, Roger C.—Pvt. A, Cannon Co., Camp Rucker, Ala. Yuen, Wong G.—Pvt. A, 8th Chinese 345th Inf., APO 448, Ft. Jackson, S. C. Stewart, John F., Jr.—Pvt. A, Co. L, Det., Marana AAF, Tucson, Ariz. Ramsdell, Bernard—Sl/c N, Fleet Post 15th Sig. Tng. Regt. Fort Monmouth, Zollo, John P., Jr.—Pvt. A, Btry. A, Office, N. Y., N. Y. N. J. 382nd FA Bn., APO 470, Camp Ramsdell, Robert W.—Pvt. A, Co. L, Stewart, Ronald E. W.—SoM2/c N, Howzie, Texas 397th Inf., APO 447, Ft. Bragg, N. C. Fleet Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Randall, Oliver M.—Pvt. A, Co. A, 138th Stone, George W.—A/S N, NAPS, Bks. 1947 Ord. Maint. Bn., APO 444, Camp 614, Div. 1, Sec. 5, Bainbridge, Md. Ames, Robert B.—Pvt. A, Co. B, 26th Campbell, Ky. Sylvester, Maurice A.—Pvt. A, Co. D, Sig. Tng., Bn., Camp Crowder, Mo. Rankin, Knott C., Jr.—Pvt. A, 48th Tank 1st Bn., 311th Inf., APO 78, Camp Babcock, Bernard R.—Pvt. A, Co. M, Bn., Co. A, 14th AD, APO 446, Camp Pickett \ a 378th Inf., APO 95, Indiantown Gap, Campbell, Ky. Taylor, Carroll E.—Pvt. AAC, Base Det. Pa. Reardon, Henry C.—A/C N, Class 1-A, WAAF, Woodward, Okla. Ballou, John W.—Pvt. A, 52 Montgom­ Flight Brig., USNT Ctr., Pensacola. Theriault, Bernard L.—AV/S AAC, Rm. ery St., Bangor, Me. Richter, Peter—A/S N, White 1, Rm. 2, 4, Bingham House 26th CTD (AC), Bangs, Gerald C.—Pvt. A, Co. A, 1st RPI, Troy, N. Y. Mount Union Col., Alliance, Ohio Bn., ERTC, 3rd Plat., Ft. Belvoir, Va. Ricker, John G.—S/Sgt. A, APO 133, Thurlow, Frederick—Pvt. A, 3rd Bn., Hq. Bates, Gerald M.—Pvt. A, Co. K, 2nd Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 30., 303rd Inf., APO 445, Ft. Leonard Reg’t, ASFTC, > Aberdeen Proving- Ricker, Vaughn H.—Pvt. A, Co. I, 86th Wood, Mo. Grounds, Md. Inf., Camp Hall, Pando, Colo. Thurston, Wayne L.—Pfc. AAC, APO Bernstein, Seldon E.—A/S N, Co. 514, Robertson, Keith H.—S2/c N, 3 Academy 708, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Unit G-7, USNTS, Sampson, N. Y. St., Presque Isle, Me. Tolford, William R.—Sl/c, N, USNR, Berry, Robert H.—Cadet A, 4th New Robertson, Robert H., Jr.—Pvt. A AC, Pre-Mid’n School, Sec. 607, B-332-10, Cadet Co., USCC, West Point, N. Y. 99th Inf. Div., Camp Maxey, Texas Asbury Park, N. J. Billings, Edward B.—Pvt. AAC, AAF, Rogers, Harold E.—Pvt. A, 1275th Engr. Tomlinson, Robert W.—Lt. AAC, Army Base Unit 2128, Sec. C, Cochran Field, (C) Bn., , Okla. Air Field, Del Rio, Texas Macon, Ga. Rowe, Allen B., Jr.—Pfc. A, 502nd Treworgy, Harry T.—Pvt. AAC, APO Bonney, Weston L.—Sl/c N, Turner, Me. Fighter Bomber Sqdn., Punta Gorda, 696, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Bowen, Calvin W.—A/S N, 103 Streeter Fla. True, Raymond H.—A/S N, 19 Elm St., Hall, Dartmouth Col., Hanover, N. H. Sabattus, John J.—Pfc. M, Co. D, Class Augusta, Me. Brennan, William J.—A/C AAC, Sqdn. 80, Plat. 3, Sig. Bn., Bks. 318, Camp Turner, Paul D., Jr.—Cpl. AAC, Main. E, Flight 13, 2215th AAF Base Unit, Lejeune, New River, N. C. Unit, Sta. 8, CAR, ATC, HAAF, Univ, of Tenn., Knoxville 16, Tenn. St. Clair, Byron—A/S N, 502 Livingston Homestead, Fla. Bridgham, Keith F.—S3/c N, Co. 115, Hall, Columbia Univ., New York 27. Turner, Richard Milton—Cpl. AAC, Fit. Bks. C-8-11, USNTS, Sampson, N. Y. St. Thomas, Charles E.—Pvt. A, Cannon 1, Sec. B, BMC 3, Boca Raton Field, Campbell, Bert L.—Pvt. A, 94th Inf. Div., Co., 263rd Inf., APO 454, Camp Fla. Camp McCain, Miss. Rucker, Ala. Van Tassel, Clayton E.—Pfc. AAC, APO Cervone, John B.—ART 3/c N, NTS, Salmon, George A.—Pfc. AAC, Killed in 4878, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. (Avn. Rad. Mat.) Bks. 5, Ward Island, Active Duty VanVoorhis, William E.—A/C N, Batt. Corpus Christi, Texas Sawyer, Robert W.—A/S N, R.P.I., 3, Pit. 8, Rm. 47B, Bks. 1, USN Pre­ Cimilluca, Eno A.—Pfc. A, Bldg. 307, White 1, Troy, N. Y. Flight School, Williamstown, Mass. Med. Det., 114th Gen. Hosp., Ft. Scammon, Henry G.—Pvt. A, Co. B, Waddington, Maynard—Cpl. AAC, APO Bragg, N. C. 262nd Inf., 66th Div., APO 454, Camp 696, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Collins, Donald F.—Pvt. A, 87th Inf. Rucker, Ala. - Ward, Ralph H., Jr.—S2/c N, Fleet Div., Ft. Jackson, S. C. Schaadt, James G.—A/S N, 210 Walnut Cool, Robert E.—A/S N, Co. 502, Bks. St., Wellesley Hills, Mass. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Weatherbee, John R.—Pfc. AAC, APO G-l, USNTS, Sampson, N. Y. Schmidlin, John R.—Pvt. A, APO 5109, Cunningham, Arthur F.—Pvt. A, 347th Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. 964, Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Weeks, Rudolphe D.—A/C AAC, 2110 Inf., APO 448, Ft. Jackson, S. C. Schofield, Arthur F.—S2/c N, 4-R16W- Cunningham, Murry K.—Pvt. A, APO 15, NATT Ctr., Jacksonville, Fla. AAFBU (PS, B), Class 44-1, Bain­ bridge, Ga. 15227, Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y. Scott, Robert T.—Pvt. A, Co. F, 86th Cutler, Henry N.—Pvt. A, Co. B, 1259th Inf., Camp Hale, Pando, Colo. Welch, John C.—Pfc. AAC, Tng. Det., Univ, of N. D., Grand Forks, N. D. Eng. (C) Bn., Camp Pickett, Va. Sewall, Mark W.—Mid’n. MM, Maine Davis, Dana W.—A/S N, Co. 279 D-15, Maritime Acad., Castine, Me. Wensley, Robert P.—Cpl. A, 86th Mt. Inf., Co. I, Camp Hale, Pando, Colo. USNTS, Sampson, N. Y. Shafmaster, Sumner H.—Pfc. A, Btry. Davis, Philip B.—Pvt. A, OAS, Co. C, D, 840th AAA (A.W.) Bn., Camp Wentworth, John W.—Pvt. A, Co. B, 26th ITB, Bks. 471, Camp Croft, S. C. Ft. Crook, Neb. Stewart, Ga. Dunnells, Robert E.—A/S N, Navy V-12 Sherman, Fred M.—Lt. AAC, Marianna Whalen, John G.—Pvt. A, Co. H, 104th Inf., APO 26, Ft. Jackson, S. C. Unit, Worcester Poly. Inst., Worcester Army Air Fid., 17th Grp., Marianna, Eldridge, Kenneth T.—Pvt. A, Co. M, Fla. White, Donald S.—Sgt. A, O.R.D. 2, Sec. M, Sqdn. 18, Kearns Field, Utah 345th Inf., APO 448, Ft. Jackson, S. C. Shurtleff, John R.—Pvt. AAC, Deceased White., Frederick H., Jr.—Discharged Epstein, Robert E.—Pvt. A, Co. C, 7th Smith, Morris J.—Cpl. M, Sqdn. 52, Bks. White, Leland M.—Pvt. A, Billings Gen. Bn., IRTC, Ft. McClellan, Ala. 12, Sec. 9, MAD, NATTC, Ward Is., Hosp., Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ind. Fraser, Grover D.—Pvt. AAC, Sec. Q, Corpus Christi, Texas White, Paul J.—Lt. AAC, 3rd Air Force, 3706 AAF Base Unit, Sheppard Field. Smith, Richard M.—Pfc. A, Co. D, 398th Barksdale Repl. Depot, Barksdale Field, T exas Inf., APO 447, Ft. Bragg, N. C. La. Fuhrmann, Reid T.—S2/c N, NTX, Pre­ Soule, Merton L.—A/C AAC, Class 44- Wigley, Roland L.—Pfc. AAC, A/S Radio Mat. Plat. 13, Herzel Junior 10, Adv. Navigation Det., Ellington 93rd AAFCTD (Air Crew), Black Coll., 3711 W. Douglas Ave., Chicago, Field, Texas Hills Teacher Col., Spearfish, S. D. 23, Ill.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS JUNE, 1944 Gibson, William H.—Sl/c N, Co. 846, USNTS, Great Lakes, Ill. List of Decorations Goldberg, Harold B.—Sl/c N, Co. 928, Batt. 42, USNTC, Great Lakes, Ill. Goodman, Bernard M.—Pvt. A, 442nd Adams, David A, ’42, Capt. AAC, Laverty, Robert E., ’37, Lt. Marine Ord. H.A.M. Co., Ft. Dix, N. J. Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Corps, Citation Hall, John A.—Pvt. A, 17th IT Bn., Co. Medal, Oak Leaf Cluster, Four Lawry, Edward W., ’40, Lt. NAC, D, Camp Wheeler, Ga. Presidential Citations Distinguished Flying Cross, Presi­ Haskell, Richard D.—A/S N, Co. 306, Anderson, Fred A, ’36, Capt. AMC, dential Citation Unit E-3, USNTS, Sampson, N Y. Silver Star, Purple Heart, Oak Leaf Lindsay, Andrew G., ’40, Lt. AAC, Hatch, Philip N.—Av/S NAC, ‘Navy Cluster (in lieu of 2nd Purple Heart) Air Medal, Purple Heart V-12, Indiana State Teachers Col., Bostrom, Frank P, ’29, Col. AAC, MacLean, Roderick K., ’33, Lt. Terre Haute, Ind. Distinguished Flying Cross, Distin­ Commdr. N, Navy Silver Star Hatch, Walter H.—A/S N, Navy V-12 guished Service Cross, Purple Heart Marshall, Donald M., ’40, Lt. AAC, Unit, Worcester Poly. Inst., Worcester, Boyle, Harry L, Jr, ’41, Lt. AAC, Air Medal, Purple Heart Mass. Air Medal, Two Oak Leaf Clusters Marshall, Elliott E., ’30, Commdr. N, Higgins, Omar N.—S2/c N, Bks. 308, Brautlecht, Robert A, ’45, Pvt. A, Navy Cross Sec. MI-15, NTS, Great Lakes, Ill. McDonnell, Arthur P., ’39, T/Sgt. Hinds, Walter C.—Sl/c N, NTS, Pre­ Purple Heart AAC, Air Medal, Oak Leaf Cluster Radar Mat., Wright Jr. Coll, Chicago, Brown, Walter E, Jr, ’41, Lt. NAC, McGillicuddy, George E., ’31, T/Sgt. Ill. Distinguished Flying Cross AAC, Silver Star, Distinguished Jacobs, Foster—A/S N, Navy V-12 Unit, Burpee, Howard L, ’42, Lt. A, Flying Cross, Air Medal, Oak Leaf WPI, Worcester 2, Mass. Purple Heart McKenzie, Melvin A., ’39, Maj. AAC, Kember, Frank P.—A/S N, Box 795, Buss, Frank J, ’40, Lt. A, Distinguished Flying Cross, Oak Yale Station, Yale Univ., New Haven, Purple Heart Leaf Cluster, Silver Star, Air Medal Conn. Chadbourne, Ernest D, ’42, Lt. A, McNulty, James M., Jr., ’38, Lt. AAC, Kornetsky, Conan H —Pvt. AAC, Sc. C, Silver Star Silver Star AAF Pilot’s School (B), Cochran Daigle, Llewellyn C, '39, Maj. AAC, Mountain, William H., ’44, Sgt. AAC, Field, Macon, Ga. Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Air Medal, Three Oak Leaf Clusters, Lutts, Carlton G.—A/S N, Navy V-12 Medal, Oak Leaf Cluster Distinguished Flying Cross Unit, WPI, Worcester 2, Mass. Dudley, Dana F, ’43, Lt. AAC, Nye, Dana H., ’42, S/Sgt. A, Mace, Earle F.—Pvt A, Co. 8, 2nd Bn., Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Presidential Citation, Unit Citation 4th Tng. Reg’t, ASTP, BTC, Ft. Medal, Ten Oak Leaf Clusters Rothenberg, Howard A., '41, Lt. AAC, Benning, Ga. Emerson, Alberto C, ’31, Lt. NAC, Air Medal Mann, William B.—Sl/c N, 3400 N. Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Sanborn, Bert S., ’41, Maj. AAC, Austin Ave., Chicago 34, Ill. Medal Air Medal, Eight Oak Leaf Clusters, Mann, William S—Pvt. A, 31st Med. Fenno, Frank W, ’23, Lt. Commdr. Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Tng. Bn., 2nd Plat., Co. D, Camp N, Distinguished Service Cross, Heart Grant, Ill. Gold Star (for 3rd Navy Cross) Shiro, Samuel H., ’36, Lt. A, Martin, Frank K.—A/S N, USNTU Files, Maynard W, ’40, Capt. A, Silver Star Tufts Coll., Richardson House, Rm. 3, Silver Star Smith, Elmer V., ’42, Lt. AAC, Medford 55, Mass. Fogg, Donald H, ’31, Capt. A, Air Medal McAuley, Lloyd A.—A/S N, Navy V-12 Silver Star, Purple Heart Smith, Harry W., ’38, Capt. AAC, Unit, Gile Hall, Rm. 7, Dartmouth Fogg, Carleton T., ’38, Ens. NAC, Air Medal, Three Oak Leaf Clus­ College, Hanover, N. H. Air Medal ters, Distinguished Flying Cross, Gardner, Howard D., ’40, Lt. AAC, Distinguished Service Cross, Oak McFarland, Vernon E.—F2/c N, El. Sch., Distinguished Flying Cross Bks. 156, USNTC, Gulfport, Miss. Leaf Cluster (in lieu of 2nd D.F.C.), Grant, Philip F., ’39, Lt. NAC, Two Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters Moores, Randolph E.—A/S N, Richard­ Distinguished Flying Cross son House, USNTU, Tufts College, Southard, Pemberton, ’40, Lt. N, Grimmer, Stewart W., ’40, Lt. A, Silver Star Medford 55, Mass. Purple Heart Moulton, Elbert G.—A/S N, Co. 576, Szaniawski, Edward W , ’39, Lt Col. Groves, Stephen W., ’39, Ens. NAC, AAF. Distinguished Flying Cross, USNTS, Sampson, N. Y. Destroyer named for him, Navy Packard, Donald P.—Cadet A, West Air Medal, 3 Oak Leaf Clusters Cross, Purple Heart Spoffard, Gerald E., ’40, Cpl. A, Point, N. Y. Haberem, Michael, ’42, Lt. AAC, Perkins, Read—A/S N, Co. 7, 3rd Bn., Purple Heart, Silver Star Air Medal Stanley, John T., ’30, Commdr. CG, 19 Paige Hall, Tufts College, Medford Halliwill, Eugene, ’40, Maj. AAC, 55 Mass. Legion of Merit, Presidential Cita­ Air Medal, Oak Leaf Cluster tion Pierce, Willard E.—Av/S AAC, 321st Harris, James W., ’41, Maj. A, CTD (AC) WSTC, Bowling Green, Stewart, Loren P., ’15, Col. A, Silver Star Parade Ground at Camp Blanding Ky. Hathaway, Henry L., ’40, Capt AAC, Prince, Robert E.—Pvt. A, Hq. & Hq. named for him Air Medal Sullivan, Allan F., ’22, Col. AAC, Co., 1130th Combat Engr. Grp., Camp Holland, Stanley R., ’40, Capt. A, Gruber, Okla. Air Medal Purple Heart—for Meritorious Tew, John C., Jr., ’44, Lt. AAC, Ranger, Orville T.—A/S N, Navy V-12 Service Unit, WPI, Worcester 2, Mass. Air Medal Hornbeck, Hulet C., Jr., ’42, Lt. AAC, Thayer, Arthur L., Jr., ’37, Lt AAC, Reade, Ralston B.—A/S N, 304 Maxey Six Awards (Including Flying Hall, Plat 20, Brown Univ., Providence, Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Cross and Air Medal) Medal, Three Oak Leaf Clusters R. I. Irvine, Robert, ’41, Capt. A, Ring, Theodore C.—Pvt. AAC, Sec. P, Thompson, Elmer P., Jr., ’42, Capt. Purple Heart MAC, Air Medal Box 1071-A, 328th Base Unit, Gulfport Jellison, Milton S., ’39, Lt. A, AAB, Gulfport, Miss. Staples, Roscoe E., ’28, Maj. A, Silver Star Silver Star Robinson, John E.—Pvt. A, SEU 1112, Johnson, Thomas C., ’36, Lt. NAC, Co. G, Ft. Devens, Mass. Warren, Richard L., '42, Sgt. AAC, Navy Gold Medal—Citation Air Medal Rodden, James A.—AV/S AAC, 59th Kroepsch, Kay W., ’42, Lt. AAC, CTD, State College, Raleigh, N, C. Washburn, Frank J., ’39, Lt. AAC, Presidential Citation Air Medal, Purple Heart Shattuck, Joseph B.—A/C AAC, Sec. R, Lamoreau, Herman C., ’44, T/Sgt. Sqdn. B, Flt. 3, Class 45-B, AAFPFS White, Benjamin F., ’45, Lt. A, AAC, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart (P), Maxwell Fid, Ala. Air Medal Sherwood, Wesley R.—Pvt. A, ASTU, Lanigan, Edwin J., ’40, Lt. AAC, Whiteley, Harold W., ’43, Lt. AAC, 1146, Bks. I, Univ, of Conn, Storrs, Air Medal Air Medal, Three Oak Leaf Clus­ Conn. ters, Purple Heart Smith, Leonard W.—Mid’n MM, Maine Wilson, Kermit B., ’43, Maj. AAC, Maritime Acad, Castine, Me. Hall, V-12 Unit, Dartmouth College, Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Spear, Robert S.—Pvt. A, D-12-4, Hanover, N. H. Medal, Eight Oak Leaf Clusters FARTC, Ft. Bragg, N. C. Torrey, Norman E.—SoM3/c N, Fleet York, Richard A., ’41, Capt. AAC, Strickland, James P.—A/C AAC, Sec. Post Office, N. Y., N. Y. Air Medal, Distinguished Flying P, Sqdn. F, Flight 3, Class 45B, Max- Whalen, Oscar S.—A/S N, V-12 Unit, Cross, Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster (in well Field, Ala. Worcester Poly. Inst., Worcester 2, lieu of 2nd D.F.C.), Oak Leaf Clus­ Thurrell, Roger F.—A/S N, 302 Topliff Mass. ter (in lieu of 2nd Air Medal)


NECROLOGY missioner of Food and Drugs for the 1941 State of Nevada, died at Reno, Nev., on JOSEPH SEBASTIAN BOULOS. 1876 March 8, 1944. He was a native of First Lt, Army Air Forces, Joseph S. EDWARD STEVENS HOW. Rec­ Maine and after receiving his degree in ord of the death of Edward S. How of Boulos, a graduate of 1941, was killed in chemistry from the University, where he the Class of 1876 has reached the Alumni was a member of Beta Theta Pi frater­ action on a flying mission over Europe on Office. He passed away at an advanced nity, he was employed two years at the April 27. Lt. Boulos, 25. years old, was a age in Miami, Florida, on October 27, Maine Experiment Station. Later he navigator on a Flying Fortress with a 1943. No further details of h’s death are worked for the Nevada Experiment Sta­ known at this time. heavy bomb group and had been over­ tion until 1909 when he was named State seas nine months. He had been awarded 1883 Commissioner of Food and Drugs, hold­ EDWIN P. KENDALL. On January ing this position until his death. He was the Air Medal and two Oak Leaf Clusters 3. 1944, at his home in Bowdoinham, died also State Sealer of Weights and Mea­ for completing 15 missions over Germany Edward P. Kendall, native of that town sures and in this capacity directed the He was a native of Portland, graduate of and prominent citizen through many of department of Petroleum Products In­ Deering High School, and at the Univer­ his 87 years. He was noted as the co­ spector. During World War I he served with the Sanitation Corps in France. sity was a student in the College of Agri- inventor with his father of the famous Kendall tide wheel. Interested in the • culture. He was a member of the Phi 1904 welfare of Bowdoinham he had taken an ALEX GLADSTONE TAYLOR. A Gamma Delta fraternity. active part in civic affairs until his de­ Montana rancher since 1917, Alex G. Tay­ GORDON RENNELL MURRAY. clining years He was a member of the lor died of pneumonia at a hospital in The crash of a Flying Fortress near Co­ Grange and Masons. Billings, Montana, on March 22 this year. lumbus, Ohio, caused the death of Second 1894 He homesteaded in 1917 near Pompey’s Lieutenant Gordon R. Murray of Madi­ EDWARD HENRY COWAN. A Pillar, Montana, at the site of the ranch native of Orono and graduate of local where he had since resided. A native of son. After attending the University two schools, Edward H. Cowan, real estate Scotland, he came to this country at the years, Lt. Murray became a student at broker of Marion, Ohio, died in that city age of three in 1882, graduated as a civil Boston University Law School, later join­ on May 17, 1944. He was a member of engineer from the University in 1904, and ing the Army Air Forces as an Aviation Phi Gamma Delta fraternity and a gradu­ worked in Washington, Oregon, and Cali­ ate of the University in Civil Engineering. fornia before establishing himself in Mon­ Cadet. He entered training at Maxwell tana. He was a member of Beta Theta Field, , in 1942 and was serving 1902 Pi fraternity and the Masons. as instructor and pilot in the Fortress at ARTHUR WILLIS BACHELDOR. A mechanical engineer with the Ford 1905 the time it crashed. Company of Somerville, Mass., Arthur JOHN AUGUSTINE McDER- W. Bacheldor of Lynn died at his home MOTT. The death in a Chicago hospi­ 1943 on March 6 at the age of £6. A native of tal on October 24, 1943, of John A. Mc­ DONALD FRANCIS GRAVES. A North Sebago, he was a graduate of Frye­ Dermott resulted from heart disease, ac­ pilot in the Army forces, Lieutenant Don­ burg Academy and the University where cording to official records received at the ald F. Graves was killed in action in he received a degree in mechanical en­ Alumni Office. A resident of Glencoe, 111., Mr. McDermott was a graduate mechani­ North Africa April 27. He was a pilot of gineering. He was a member of Phi Kap­ pa Sigma fraternity. Before his employ­ cal engineer and member of A. T. O. fra­ a B-24 Liberator bomber. He received ment with the Ford Company, he worked ternity. No additional details of his death his aviation training in various bases in for the Pennsylvania Railroad and the are known at this time. this country and was commissioned March Baldwin Locomotive Co. in Philadelphia. 1907 25, 1943, at Columbus, Miss. He was sent He was a member of the Masons, Odd THOMAS MILES FINDLEN. A Fel'ows, and the Grange. overseas this past year with a heavy resident of Mars Hill since 1934, Thomas bombing group in the Mediterranean thea­ 1903 M. Findlen, proprietor of a drug store, SANFORD CROSBY DINSMORE. died at his home in that town on April 20, ter. Details of his death are not known at* Former member of the staff of the Maine 1944. He was a native of Limestone and this time. He was 24 years of age and Agricultural Experiment Station, Sanford a graduate of Caribou high school. He made his home at Augusta. He was mar- C. Dinsmore, for thirty-five years Com­ received a degree in pharmacy at the Uni­ ued to Joanne Solie Graves, class of 1943. versity where he was a charter member of the Theta Chi chapter. For twenty-five He was a member of SAE fraternity. years he was a resident of Van Buren’ - 1944 where he served as a member of the school committee and health officer. He RICHARD B. JONES. Following a was an active member of, Knights of Co­ report that he was missing in action, lumbus and a leader in civic activities. T/Sgt. Richard Jones has been officially JOHN LANGFORD MORTON. The reported killed in action in the North Af­ death of John L. Morton of Plymouth’, rican theater. He was reported missing Mass., at the age of 64, occurred on April 20 and officially listed as killed in March 8, 1944, at his home in that city. He had returned from a meeting of the May this year. He was a graduate of Water Commissioners of which he was Bangor high school and attended Maine chairman when he was stricken. A na­ School of Commerce and the University. tive of Plymouth, he had long been asso­ He was also a student at Park Air Col­ ciated with the insurance business in Boston, receiving recently an emblem for lege, St. Louis, and the Curtiss-Wright twenty-five years of service. He had Technology Institute at Glendale, Calif. served at one time on the Plymouth Board of Selectmen, was an active member of the Plymouth Yacht Club, the Masons, GOLD STAR: Death of Francis and other fraternal groups. I.. Wallace ’44, Army Air Forces DEAN WHITTIER ROLLINS. For Lieutenant, was reported in the twenty-two years superintendent of April issue. Reported missing schools in Dexter, Dean W. Rollins died December 31, 1942, he was listed in that town on May 10 following a brief by the War Department as killed illness. He was 61 years old. Born in in action in the South Pacific, New Sharon, he attended schools there August 5, 1943. and graduated from the University in

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 37 JUNE, I944 Economics. He was a member of Phi R. Bucklin of South Warren was drowned ed War Chest, Wayland D. Towner, bet­ Gamma Delta fraternity. He served as May 5 off Miami, Fla., when his plane ter known as “Pep” to many alumni from principal of Madison, Stonington, and was struck by a training plane shortly his work as executive secretary, has been Clinton schools, then became superinten­ after a take-off. He was transferred commended for outstanding management dent at Deer Isle, Stonington, and Cas­ from the North Atlantic Wing of the Air of what is called the biggest war chest of tine before coming to Dexter. He was an Transport Service at Presque Isle in Feb­ the nation, involving the organization of active member of educational groups, a ruary to his duties on Pennsylvania Air­ 254 county groups through 267,000 square past president of the Maine Superinten­ lines. He had been engaged in work for miles. With headquarters in Austin, dents’ Association, and much interested in the ATC since March, 1943. He had had Texas, Pep Towner has helped Texas the community and its young people. two years of civilian pilot training and achieve a remarkably high goal in the war received his commercial license and in­ chest drive which was affiliated with the 1910 strument rating in March, 1943. He was national war fund. JAMES EDMUND BATTLES. At a graduate of Thomaston high school and 1915 Ernest F. Hanson, general man- his home in Watertown, Mass., James E. at the University took his degree in Wild­ ager of Cass & Johansing, Gen­ Battles died suddenly April 22 . An asso­ life Conservation. He was employed for eral Insurance, of Los Angeles, Calif., is ciate of the Westinghouse Electric and a time at the Dry Mills fish and game now living at 452 South Las Palmas Ave., Manufacturing Company for thirty-four farm. He was a member of Phi Kappa years, he had lived in Watertown for Los Angeles, Calif. Sigma fraternity. 1916 Harold W. Coffin of Bangor, thirty. He was a graduate in electrical now a Col. in Army, is engineering, a native of Frankfort, and graduate of Bucksport Seminary. in command of an Artillery Regiment at BY CLASSES Camp Shelby, Miss. 1911 Mrs. Edward L. Herlihy of Bangor RALPH PIKE MITCHELL. At the 1890 Allan C. Hardison of Santa was reelected commissioner of the Bangor age of 59, Ralph P. Mitchell, assistant to Paula, Calif., has reported a new Girl Scout Council at a meeting of the the personnel director of Saco-Lowell address to the Alumni office, He is now Scout Organization last month. Company in Biddeford, died suddenly of receiving mail at P. O. Box 871.. He is New vice president of the Middlesex a heart attack at his home in Kennebunk still engaged in a fruit growing :industry Mutual Assurance Co. is Ansel A. Pack­ on May 20. He was a native of Newfield and also follows his profession of civil ard of Middletown, Conn., following his and had made his home in Kennebunk for engineering. election by the company board of direc­ the last six years. He had previously 1896 Spanish war veterans honored tors Mr. Packard will direct the affairs lived in Augusta where he was in the in­ Nathan E. Goodridge of Orono of the company during the absence of the surance business. Last September he at a dinner in Bangor last month on president in military service. Mr. Pack­ joined the staff of the U. S. Employment Dewey Day commemorating the day of ard is manager of the Middletown Divi­ Service; he took up his duties in the Manila Mr Goodridge is commander of sion of the Connecticut Power Company. Saco-Lowell Company the first of this the William McKinley Camp of the vet- His mailing address is P. O. 291, Middle­ year. He was a member of the Kenne­ erans and is the only Dewey man living town, Conn. bunk School Board, Rotary, Grange, and in the state of Maine. Masons. 1917 Eastern Maine representative 1901 Among the members of the for the American Democratic 1914 newly elected executive board of National Committee pledged to bring DAVID ALBERT FOSTER. A resi­ about defeat of the New Deal is F. Don­ dent of Enfield for eight years, David A. the Skowhegan Chamber of Commerce is Ernest C. Butler, attorney in Skowhegan. ald Crowell of Bangor. Mr. Crowell is Foster died suddenly at his home in that vice president of Dunham-Hanson Com­ town on April 17. He was born in Ells­ 1906 John L. Tewksbury of Camden pany, hardware dealers in Bangor. A worth and was a graduate in civil engi­ has been elected grand comman­ registered Democrat since 1916 he has neering from- the University. He was 55 der of the Maine Grand Commandery, joined other members of the party in an years of age at his death. Associated Knights Templar, in Portland. He was effort to defeat the fourth term and the with the Maine Central Railroad for sev­ installed last month in his new responsi­ New Deal. eral years, he had been station agent at bility. Mr. Tewksbury resides at 36 Maurice Jacobs has been promoted to Enfield since 1936. He was a member of Pearl Street, Camden, where he is asso­ the office of executive vice president of the Masons and Order of Railroad Tele­ ciated with the Camden National Bank. the Jewish Publication Society of graph Operators. 1909 William M. Black formerly America in Philadelphia which he has 1917 with Pennsylvania Electric served as executive director since 1935. MARY LILLIAN MARTINI. A ca­ Association in Harrisburg is now a vac­ Mr. Jacobs resides at 7139 Cresheim reer as scientist for the U. S. Department ation engineer with Ebasco Services, Inc Road, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia 19. of Agriculture was terminated on April 2 Rector Street, New York He is liv- t Clyde A. Benson, a chemical engineer, 15 with the death from cancer of Mary ing at 9229 Shore Road, Brooklyn 9, has joined the staff of Arno W. Nicker­ L. Martini in Sacaton, Arizona. She was N. Y. son T6 in New York City to do develop­ associated with the U.S.D.A. for many ment work on protective packaging of years doing investigational work. She 1912 On the executive committee for frozen foods, dehydrated foods, and dairy lived for some time in Washington and the rebuilding campaign of products. After attending the University was later associated with the Experiment Ricker Classical Institute is Congressman Mr Benson graduated from MIT and has Station in Sacaton where her death oc­ Frank Fellows of Bangor. Purpose of worked sixteen years with the paper in­ curred the committee is to raise funds for the re­ dustry. Mr. Nickerson’s offices where placing of Ricker buildings destroyed by Mr. Benson will be employed are at 441 1920 fire. Mr. Fellows is associated with his Lexington Ave, New York 17. LEO J. MAHONEY. At the age of brother in a law firm of Fellows & Fel­ Principal V. H. Robinson, for twenty- 43, Leo J. Mahoney, a practicing attorney lows of Bangor and is currently serving five years head of the Old Town high in Portland for twelve years, died at a in Washington as member of the House school, is retiring at the close of this year Portland hospital on March 14. After of Representatives from Maine. Last month he was presented a gift by attending the University for a semester he A recent card from Walter E. Perkins the Old Town Teachers Club in tribute stud:ed at Georgetown University for a brought the information that he has to his long years of service, presentation law degree. He had served as a member changed his address from Richmond being made by the superintendent of of the Portland Rationing Board 3 and Heights, Mo., to 2604 Caledonia Court, schools He will make his home for the the Legal Aid Committee of the Portland Bar Association. Wayne, Mich. summer at Pemaquid. 1927 1914 The Boston office of the New 1920 Your secretary missed the dead- ELLIOTT WILLIAM COPELAND. England Milk Producers Asso­ line on a column recently. At Report of the death of Elliott W. Cope­ ciation has announced a shift in manage­ the time she had expected to be searching land on June 20, 1942, has been received. ment involving Harold P. Adams, assis­ for news, she was absorbed in a bout with Mr. Copeland was at the time of his tant manager, who will supervise mem­ measles. Was her face red ! death a supervisor in the Lead Ethyl bership and field services work for the Commencement has come and with it a Area for the du Pont Company at Car­ Association. Mr. Adams has been a mem­ few returning ’20’s. Alfred (Squirt) ney’s Point, N. J. He was a member of ber of the Association staff nearly twenty- Lingley flew down for Alumni Day. He Delta Tau Delta fraternity. five years, working sometimes in Vermont reports that all is well with him and and later out of Springfield, Mass. He promises this column a newsy letter at 1940 | is living at 10 Felicia Road, Melrose, some future date. FRED ROBERT BUCKLIN. Co­ Mass. Blanche Jennys Clark, Charles ’18, and pilot on the Pennsylvania Airlines, Fred As general manager of the Texas Unit­ Charles, Jr., ex ’46, now on furlough

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 38 JUNE, I944 from Indian Town Military Reservation, School. Mr. McDonald is employed at Exchange Branch, Special Service Divi­ attended the graduation of Elsie Clark. Dow Field in Bangor. sion, Camp Sutton, N. C. Another alumna daughter of whom we Superintendent of Schools Raymond C. A letter from Clarence A. MacGregor -are proud. Wass of South Hamilton, Mass., has re­ brings us up to date on his “doings.” John Philip (Zip) Waite was not back signed from his position at the completion Clarence served in the Signal Corps of the but through his brother, Colonel Sumner of the present school year. U. S. Army, but last August was trans­ ferred to the Enlisted Reserve Corps. . Waite, we learned that Zip’s time is 1 07A Won't some of you please show pretty much absorbed with law practice * • us y0U read the personals by Ever since, he has been employed by Bell and his duties as Claims Agent for two Aircraft Corp. (Airacobra fighters) as a insurance companies. He is married, sending some along to us? The Alumni technical bulletin editor. He was married Office supplied us with the following: Oct. 17, 1942, to Dorothy Oakes of An­ lives in Portland, and can be reached at Mrs. Constance Turner Thompson sent 93 State Street. dover, N. Y., and now they announce the Lt Gertrude Peabody writes—“Except a card saying her address is 243 Cherry arrival of Marilyn Gale, born Feb. 6, at for six weeks on a special Housing As­ Lane, Teaneck, New Jersey. Buffalo. signment in New York in the winter, I The OPA recently announced state ap­ Mrs. Irene Lerette Whitcomb has have been in Washington continually. I pointments and Morton C. Whitcomb of changed her address from Bound Brook, am now doing a personnel job in a unit Ellsworth was made a board member. N. J., to New Hope, Pa. where WAVES are at work 24 hours a Lt. Merwyn R. Driscoll, USNR, is Mrs. Beulah Osgood Wells and Mrs. day. For about 9 hours a day—6 days a now at 3234 North 54th St., Milwaukee Charlotte Osgood Fifield have recently week I am Dean of Women to the 10, Wisconsin. moved from Forest Avenue to an attrac­ WAVES.” That’s all—but I’m still hoping for tive Cape Cod type house on College Ave­ A card was received by the Alumni more news of you all. nue. Office from Raymond Foyle calling atten­ Bea Little * The Oscar Wymans report their daugh­ tion to his new address at 221 Kelton St., Bar Harbor ter Gertrude, who has been confined to the Allston, Mass. Ray is manager of the IQOC Another year is completed. house and in bed most of the winter, as House Department (Real Estate) for ■ ' L-J Commencement was held last much better and up around the house, Clifford V. Miller, Inc., Brookline, Mass. week. Very few of our classmates were while the elder son, Lewis, is recuperating The new head of the James H. Wilson back this year. Next year will be our from a few days in the hospital. Post, American Legion, at Bangor, is twentieth and I hope conditions will be Mrs. Albert D. Nutting Lawrence LJbby. Elizabeth Chase re­ so we will have a good number. Let’s be­ 9 College Heights cently attended a meeting of the Travel­ gin now thinking about next year. Orono, Maine ers’ Aid in Tennessee. Priscilla Elliott The first personal is about Carl Ring, 1Q77 Fve saved up the personals for Knowlton has added another welfare He is to produce a musical, “Stovepipe I 7L I two months and so now find I project to her already busy program. Hat.” The story is based on a Lincoln have quite a sizable collection. First I Harold Bruce observes the changing tides legend and is employing a cast of one of a college at war from his post as mana­ have a correction to make concerning the hundred singers and dancers, All wish occupation and whereabouts of Arthur ger of the Bookstore (His Marine son him the best of lupk in his new undertak­ is now stationed at the San Diego Base.) “Bull” Sylvester. The item put in be­ ing. fore was sent to me through the Alumni Stella Powers is the one who will set up Dr. Stephen S. Brown, Maine General these notes on the University Press lino­ office apparently by some classmate not Hospital, Portland, is a member of the up in the latest news. Major A. C. Syl­ type machine and start them on their way committee recently formed in connection to you. vester of the Army Air Force is engaged with a new commission appointed by State in design and construction of air bases Charles (Pop) Snow again wins honors Commissioner of Education The organ­ for the only letter of the month! (Re­ and is unmarried so I can’t tell you much ization is to be known as State Advisory more about him. His card said unmar­ member, ye of ’20, only with news can we Committee for State Vocational Rehabili­ produce a column ) He tells us that after ried, no family. His latest address is tation, and its membership is representa­ Major A. C. Sylvester 0-906370, Villa nearly 21 years as Superintendent of tive of hospital, medical, and municipal Schools at Brownfield, Denmark, Frye­ Riviera Hotel, Long Beach 2, Calif. organizations throughout the state. “Chick” Trask, are you still out Califor­ burg, and Stow, the towns of Lovell, Lt. Cecil Cutts is an instructor in navi­ Stoneham, and Sweden are added as of gation in the Ground School at Columbus, nia way ? July 1 to his jurisdiction. “These towns State Senator Neil Bishop of Bowdoin­ Miss. He is making a vital contribution ham has been acting principal of Sabattus are short of population but very long on to the remarkable safe-flying school of miles to travel,” says Pop. Congratula­ High School. Judging from what I’ve the field. One hundred thirty-six thou­ heard about the size of Sen. Bishop’s tions and the best of luck. And Pop is sand, seven hundred ninety hours have adding not only new schools to his super­ dairy farm at Bowdoinham I should think been flown by students since the field had he had his hands full without a high vision but a new son-in-law to his family. its last fatal accident. On June 12, his daughter, Silvia, is to be school! Henry G. Perkins, principal of Ells­ Another one of our class is in the married in their home at Fryeburg to worth High School for the last three Willard H. Lehr, Jr., of Pittsfield Both Bangor news a lot and he is Claude G. years, has resigned to accept the position Lovely. He has been elected president graduated in 1942 from Maine Central of principal of Old Town High. He will Institute. They will make their home in of the Bangor Teachers’ Club and also assume his new duties in the fall. was elected adjutant of the Tedd Lait Pittsfield. There is one change in address this A selectman of the town of Needham, Post, American Legion, of Old Town. month. Rev. and Mrs. Stanley B. Hyde I was surprised and pleased one day to Mass., is George (Kid) Potter. Perhaps (Arlene Ware) are now living at 10 town affairs kept him away from Com­ see that Sylvia Kurson would be back at Hungerford Ter., Burlington, Vt. “Stan” Maine this summer. Her picture greeted mencement. We looked for the “Mayor” is now General Secretary of the Vermont and concluded he was not among those me in the Bangor Nezvs—a much thinner Church Council Arlene is a member of Sylvia than I remember! She will be present. Nor was Verne Beverly. But the Burlington Girl Scout Council and wait until next June 24th comes around. teaching courses in Short Story writing Chairman of the Music Department of the and the teaching of English. She is a Will we be there en masse to celebrate Vermont Church Council. our twenty-fifth—and world peace, we teacher of English and Creative Writing Louise Q. Lord in the Horace Greeley School, Chappaqua, hope! 38 Forest Ave. Barbara Dunn Hitchner Orono, Maine New York. Orono I received a V-mail from another Ma­ 1 07A Francis G. Buzzell is the new jor in the Air Force a short time ago. 1921 Thomas Murray of Hampden I 7 L\J hea(:j of the Bureau of Animal This was from Major Sewall Y. Austin. Highlands, chief of the Hamp­ Industry of the Maine Department of Ag­ “Socys” Austin to some of you who re­ den Fire Department, was named to a riculture. His appointment became effec­ member him. He did not attend the five-year term as trustee of the Hampden tive on April 1. He is also president of whole four years. There wasn’t much Water District last month. the New England Hereford Breeders As­ news in his letter except that he is in The marriage of Dorothy Smith of the sociation, a member of the Agricultural Italy and apparently does flying. He said class of 1921 to Charles McDonald of Council for the College Experiment Sta­ he read the Alumnus from cover to cover Hermon took place on May 9 at the Ham­ tion and Extension Service, a member of including all the ads. I have written back mond Street Congregational Church. the House of Representatives for the and perhaps in our next issue can tell you Mrs. McDonald has long been a resident 1943-44 term, and has served on the Ox­ if he has a family, where they are, etc. of Bangor and has been associated with ford County A.A.A. Committee. His address: Major S. Y. Austin the University for several years as refer­ Donald M. Newton has been promoted 0-323724, APO 650, Postmaster, N. Y., ence librarian at the University Library. from the rank of first lieutenant to cap­ N. Y. Any alumnus in Italy near that She is a graduate of Simmons Library tain. Capt. Newton is chief of the Army APO might look him up. I believe he is

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 39 JUNE, 1944 another member of the College of Agri­ ed the Silver Star posthumously for “gal­ Charlie Brown is now working at the culture. lantry in action” during the New Georgia Office for Emergency Management, Cen­ Marion Cooper ’27 has received a pro­ campaign. The citation read “While at tral Administrative Services, Regional motion from the Lewiston Sun and now the front aiding the advance of his regi­ Property and Supply Officer in Boston. has charge of the weekly magazine edi­ ment on Aug. 2, 1943,. he was fatally He is living at 45 Grove Street, Win­ tion. wounded by a Japanese rifleman. Major chester, Mass. George F. Dow has written an article Staples’ courage and devotion to duty Rev. Leon A. Dean is now living at on “Consumption and Marketing of Dairy were an inspiration to the troops and con­ 3192 Bronson Road, Fairfield, Conn. He Products in Portland, Maine,” which was tributed immeasurably to the success of is pastor of the Greenfield Hill Congre­ in the Maine Agricultural Experiment operations.” Although his duties did not gational Church in Fairfield. Station Bulletin in Feb., 1944. require him to expose himself to enemy Don Libby, who was with the New Mrs. James H. Waring (Iva) was re­ fire, he had repeatedly visited his com­ England Tel. & Tel, is now Assistant Ad­ cently appointed county chairman of the panies in forward areas to check on prog­ vertising Sale Manager, C. & P. Tele­ Citizens’ Service Corps and as such was ress and make suggestions to company phone Co, 1111 No. Capitol Street, Wash­ prominent at the garden institute con­ commanders. ington 2, D. C. His address is 3840-39th ducted in Bangor City Hall for the benefit Lawrence Cutler has received a promo­ St, N. W., Washington 16, D. C. of Victory Gardens. tion to major, which was effective March Jessie Fraser is the newly elected vice The Alumni office sent me the clipping 20. He has been overseas 18 months in president of the Bangor Teachers’ Club. from the Bangor Nezvs which states I was the Pacific area and has been in a group Phil Brockway was recently elected again elected president of the Nineteenth of physicians and surgeons who did cour­ president of the Orono Community Cor­ Century Club. There must be many of ageous work under fire in the Solomon poration Board, at a meeting held to elect you who are doing such things—why don’t jungle during the New Guinea campaign. officers and committee chairmen for the you write and tell us? They worked on during air raid bombings coming year. Mrs. Joseph L. Ready (Inez Stevens) when the Japs were battling for possession Service news? Right this wav' Lt has as her present address, 133 Maine St., of the Munda air strip. Col. Ward Cleaves visited campus April Oakland. As you know her husband is Major Francis Fitzpatrick of Army 6 on official Army business. He is at the Brig. Gen. Joseph Ready. Ordnance and Capt. Simear Sawyer of office of the Quartermaster General, Several address changes have come in. the Army Engineers have been spending Washington, D C., subsistence branch. Henry C. Waldo is now at 26 Clark leave in Bangor recently Major Fitz­ The marriage of S/Sgt. George E. Mc­ Ave., Lakeport, N. H. It would be of patrick is located at Ft. McClellan, Ala., Gillicuddy to Miss Celia Watson of Houl­ interest if when these address changes and resides at 24 Boozer St., Anniston, ton took place recently in Gardiner, came in you folks would just add your Ala. Maine. Mrs. McGillicuddy attended occupation and tell us size of your family I also hear that Gordon Walker has Aroostook State Normal School, Far­ if you have one. been commissioned as Lt. (j g.) and has mington Normal School, and Columbia Mrs. Thomas T. Taylor (Gushee) is completed his training. Probably by this University. For a number of years she now at 25 Villa Ave., Winthrop, Mass. time he has received an assignment for was a teacher in the Houlton schools, Joseph D. Gay is now at 4 Farnham active duty. leaving last fall for San Francisco, Calif., Rd., W. Hartford 7, Conn. There are two changes of address to where she was employed in the American I would like to know if just one of our report. Bob Scott has moved from Red Cross Office as secretary. Sgt Mc­ class went into the WAC, WAVES, Shreveport, La , to 4009th Ave. S , Gal­ Gillicuddy has recently returned after ac­ SPARS, or WOMEN MARINES—I veston, Texas; and Ralph Hill is now at tive service in the Southwest Pacific area, haven’t heard. Some of you must have 720 Riverside Ave, Trenton 8, N. J where, as a gunner on a Fortress, he made been within the age limits I know! Does Thelma Perkins Dudley several raids over enemy territory. He anyone know of anyone who has joined? 34 Cottage Farms Rd. is the holder of several awards foi meri­ I hope you will all keep the news com­ Cape Elizabeth, Me. torious service and is awaiting a new as­ ing in this summer so I can have a good signment in this country. news letter for you in the fall. 1 A* a recent meeting of the Oro- Lt. (j.g ) John W Sturgis has com­ Until then, • no Community Center Corpora­ pleted his training at Harvard and has Edith O’Connor Thaxter tion Board, Horace A. Croxford was been assigned to temporary duty at the 106 Fountain Street elected secretary for the coming year. Naval Air Station, Quonset Point, R. I. Bangor, Maine Roland J. Cyr is with the Water Bu­ Lt. Sturgis enjoyed a fifteen-day furlough reau of Metropolitan District, Hartford, in Portland with his wife and two chil­ I Q72 Dave Fuller, who attended Com- Conn., and is living at 143 Tremont St., • ' mencement last week, reports dren, Martha and John, Jr., who. by the Hartford 5, Conn. way, made his appearance on Nov. 16, that he saw only Erdine Besse Dolloff and City Manager Horace S. Estey, of Ban­ Fred Thompson on the campus. Fred, as 1943. . - . gor, has been named on a new commis­ That’s all for now. Write me any time you all know, preached the Baccalaureate sion appointed by Harry V. Gilson, State sermon, and a fine one, too, I am told. this summer at Stonington, Maine, and Commissioner of Education. The new or­ let’s start off with a bang-up column m Fred recently received a Doctor of Divini­ ganization is to be known as the State ty degree (honorary) in Waynesburg, the fall Advisory Committee for State Vocational Doris L. Gross Pa , where he also preached the Bacca­ Rehabilitation and its membership is laureate Service. Sorry I don’t know the 32 Severance Street representative of hospital, medical and Shelburne Falls, Mass. college awarding the degree. municipal organizations throughout the Carolyn Peasley Fuller writes that she State. Mr. Estey is one of three repre­ 1 QQ9 Miss Melvina V. Griffin, daugh- now does a radio program from Boston senting the Maine Municipal Association. I ter of Mrs. Osgood B. Griffin of called “The Yankee Kitchen with Ken Ellen Mullaney was elected correspond­ Caribou, was married recently to Seth P. and Carolyn,” which is presented over the ing secretary of the Bangor Teachers’ Jackson of Old Town. Mrs. Jackson was Yankee Network. Among other things, Club at their annual meeting graduated from Aroostook Normal the program presents town and club news John M. Palmer is with Sylvania Elec. School at Presque Isle and has taught in from all over New England. Products, Lock Haven, Pa., and his ad­ the public schools of Caribou and Lime­ Mose Nanigian, who has been coach at dress is 33 South Jones Street. stone. During the last five years she has Bangor High for several years, is to coach been employed in Bangor as social work­ football and baseball at Edward Little Mrs. Anna Jones of Westfield, Mass., er for the State of Maine, Bureau of So­ High in Auburn this coming season. recently announced the engagement of her daughter Frances to Charles E. Patch of cial Welfare. Mr. Jackson is now em­ We saw Fred Chandler a couple of ployed by the State of Maine, Buieau of weeks ago as he went through Portland New Haven, Conn. Miss Jones attended Health, as a sanitary engineer. Westfield schools and Bay Path Insti­ on his way to Pemberton, N. J. He has Lt. Jim Jackson’s wife, Louise, has been appointed to the Horticulturalist Bu­ tute and is employed at the M. J. Kit­ tredge, Inc., jewelers, Springfield. Mr. been visiting her parents in Bangor for reau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept, of a week. The Jacksons are living at 305 Agriculture, and will be located there. He Patch recently received an honorable dis­ charge from the and E Duncan Ave.,•» Alexandria, Va, and is to do research work in connection with like it very much. Louise told me that the Cranberry Industry. Fred and Mrs. is now manager of the Art Theatre, Springfield. she had seen Anna Lyons Sims a short Chandler now have two daughters. time ago and that they (Anna and Milt) Eleanor Fitzherbert was married on Pauline Hall Leech Oneonta, N. Y. are fine, have a beautiful home in Old April 20 to Richard Albert Shaw in Greenwich, Conn. Milt is still with the Washington, D. C., where she is employed 1QQ1 We really do have a column W. T. Grant Company. in the War Department. ■ * ~ ' this month, thanks to the Alum­ Angela Miniutti of Lewiston and North And now about the men in the service. ni Office, which sent along the following Berwick is newly elected president of the Major Roscoe Staples .has been award­ items. Lewiston-Auburn Social Workers’ Club.

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 40 JUNE. I944 Angela has a position with the Auburn teaching English in the high schools Lt. Stuart H. Mosher, who is in the office of the Bureau of Social Welfare, there. When this position was offered office of the Chief of Naval Operations, State Department of Health and Wel­ me, I accepted and have been here in USN, Washington, D. C., has been ad-, fare, and came to Auburn from the Port­ Dutch Guiana since February.” His ad­ vanced from junior to senior grade. Re­ land headquaters of the same organiza­ dress : Roger A. Kelloch, Civ., Base cently Willis G. Pratt, who is attached to tion. She has just returned from Cleve­ Censor’s Office, APO #870, c/o Post­ the Public Works Department, U. S. Sub­ land, Ohio, where she attended a national master, Miami, Florida. marine Base, New London, Conn., was conference on social welfare. Hope all of you have a pleasant sum­ promoted to the rank of Lt. (j.g.). Wil­ Sgt Katherine Trickey has been home mer and to you members in the service— lis’ mailing address is U. S. Sub. Base, on a furlough lately from Camp Wheeler, the best of luck 1 Hope you’re all home New London, Conn. Ga., where she is now located. Kay visit­ soon. Tom is still on Island X in the Pacific, ed her family in Portland and then came Mrs. Dorothy Findlay Carnachan and he received his half ^stripe a few on to Bangor for a short time. I under­ 37 Falmouth St. months ago too. stand (news from her sister) that she Portland, Maine. In Portland a while ago I met Marie enjoys her new life as a member of the Archer MacDonald and Paul. I was WAC. 1034 Well, it looks as though we’ll amazed to find them in Portland, because Capt. Linwood Elliott wants some mail I ’ ■ end this year in a blaze of glory I had confused Paul’s whereabouts with He appealed to me as the secretary to anyway. We have a real honest-to-good- that of an attache of Governor Sewall’s. notify all of the gang in the Class of ness column this month. Paul and Marie have a paint and wall­ 1932 who took R.O.T.C with him to “take A letter from Freddie Black’s mother paper store on Forest Ave., and live at the their pens in hand.” He says that he is told us that Freddie is somewhere in Cape. Victory gardening agrees with a bit fed up with the foreign country England and his wife Harriet is living in Paul, too, but you should see all the white where he is located and would appreciate Mamaroneck, N. Y. hair! hearing from some Maine people. Note Jimmie Berman’s wife sent another note ' Capt. Bob Higgins is at MacDill Field to Amel Kiszonak: Linwood would like saying that after Jimmie’s boot training in Tampa, Fla. At 6:10 p.m. on April 15, to hear from you especially. Linwood’s at Sampson, he was transferred to the Barbara Ann Higgins arrived. Congratu­ address is: APO #600, c/o Postmaster, U. S. Naval Air Station at Willow Grove, lations 1 Bob doesn’t know whether the New York, New York. Pa. ,where he is doing guard duty while baby will have a yen for Maine after the M. G. Bean waiting for an opening in a motor ma­ war or not. Mrs. Higgins is from Ten­ 2 Madison Street chinist school. Once again I want to say nessee, but Bob is still a staunch supporter Bangor, Maine. how much I appreciate letters from the of Maine. wives Dan Barrett has resigned as coach at Major and Mrs. Charles Bun­ I just received a letter from Al Lyon. 1933 ker (Tillie and Charlie to you) Stephens High School at Rumford, where He has been promoted from Ensign to Lt. he has been for the past year. have added a second daughter to their (j.g.). He is still stationed at the Phila­ family. The new little girl has been Mrs. Beryl Warner Williams’ address delphia Navy Yard. He saw Tom Her­ is now 132 North Linden St., Harrisburg, named Sarah Louise,’ and she was born sey and Roscoe Cuozzo recently while on March 24. Pa leave in Bangor. Don L. Pederson is now with the Jack Farnsworth has been promoted to Major William Rossing is now sta­ the rank of Lieutenant Colonel at his base du Pont Co, at their Waynesboro rayon somewhere in Italy. His wife and two tioned in the Hawaiian Islands and took PERSONALS GAL 25 * ch ldren are living at 72 Gray Street in part in the Marshall Island campaign. plant, engaged as Industrial Engineer. He Portland. He became the father of an eight pound receives mail at Box 137, Waynesboro, Kenneth E. Smith, U.S.N.R., has been boy while out in the Islands. Virginia. promoted to Lt. Commander. Ken, who Fred Hinton is no longer receiving Cay Bussell Vaughn and little Mary served for two years aboard a cruiser in mail at Shorewood, Wise., but rather at were Visiting Mrs. Bussell in Saco for the Pacific area, is now on duty with 32 North Timber Production War Proj­ a few days. Red is with the Eastman the Navy Procurement Board in Minne­ ect. He is in Owensville, Mo. Kodak Co., in Rochester, N. Y. Cay and apolis, Minn. z Del Ballard is now living at 98 High Red are really victory gardeners in a big Had a card from Marge Lovely setting St., Westerly, R. I. He left his position way now. me straight on her new job! Since Octo­ as instructor at B. U. in January, 1943, Until fall— to become coordinator of training for ber, Marge has been with the War Food Sincerely, Administration, Office of Distribution, as Northeast Airlines in Boston. In July, State Nutritionist for . Her 1943, he accepted his present position as Agnes Crowley McGuire office is in the Park Square Building. It administrator of the Hamilton Standard 59 Western Ave. was good to hear from you, Marge. Inci­ Propeller Service School. They train Biddeford, Maine dentally, her address is 4 Marlborough army, navy, marines, coast guard, foreign j QQA First a note of thanks to Pfc. St, Boston, Mass. and civilian students in the service, main­ ■ 7JU Ashton- Sawyer ’35, who is at One of our spring weddings this year tenance and overhauling of their propel­ Camp Claiborne, La., for sending me was one in which Theron O. Whicher lers. There are 25 instructors and the news of Sgt. George Northrup. In Jan­ took as his bride, Margaret Virginia school is located in one of the branch uary George was on a transport, destina­ Howard. Mrs. Whicher is a graduate of plants at Westerly, R. I. tion unknown, but his address is Sgt. Nasson College. They are residing in Don Favor has been appointed a teacher George Northrup, 32589935, APO #9399, York Village, Maine. and assistant coach at Brunswick High c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Cal. Frances Busse is now receiving mail at School. Charles Marble was graduated from the Henry Holt and Co., 257 Fourth Ave., Kenneth Parsons is at 16 Sacramento Eng. Officers Candidate School, Fort New York 10, N. Y. Frances is working St., Cambridge, Mass., doing research Belvoir, Va., April 5, and was commis­ in the publishing house, foreign language work for the Underwater Sound Lab., sioned a second Lt. in the Corps of En­ department, editorial and publicity work. Harvard University. Kenneth was for­ gineers. Sounds as if you might be kept busy, merly a sa’esman for the Jordan Lumber Galen Eaton has been promoted from Frances 1 Companv, Old Town. the rank of Major to Lt. Col. After his Forrest K. Moors of Old Town was Mrs. Seth Jackson is now living with graduation from West Point in 1939, he elected chairman at the Maine Council her mother at 37 Fountain St., Bangor. served two years in the Panama Canal of Young Republicans’ recent session Lillian Wall was chairman of the annu­ Zone, a year on the west coast and the held in Augusta. al Easter Seal Sale conducted by the Pine past few months has been assigned to C. Everett Page of Dover-Foxcroft Tree Society for crippled children. special work at Camp Davis, N. C. is a board member appointed recently That’s all for this year. I want to Lt. (j.g.) John W. Flanagan, who has when the OPA announced state appoint­ thank all of you who remembered to send been with the P. T. boat forces in the ments. news and hope for more next year. Pacific for the last year and a half, is Roger Kelloch writes from Dutch Gui­ Maddy Russ enjoying leave at his home, 1032 Menlo ana, South America, that though he is Oaks Drive, Menlo Park, Cal., with his with the Army, he is not in it, having been 120 Audubon St. Springfield, Mass. wife and daughter, Patricia Helen. Lt. sent to the Base Censorship Detachment Flanagan specialized in Radar at Har­ Headquarters to handle the censorship of I QOC Another year has slipped by, vard and M.I.T. and is a radar officer the Spanish mail of the Puerto Rican ’ ' Jand another class has joined the with the P.T. forces. soldiers there. This work, Roger ex­ Alumni, so* we’ll move another page from Rachel Carroll is now at 14 Jones St., plains, is a part of the military intelli­ the end! 1935 seems so long ago now. Jersey City, N. J. She is sub-section gence, and in some cases civilians are I do hope our first decade will mark the chief in the personnel dept, of Western used for this. “I have been living in end of chaos in our lives, though. Well, Elec. Co., Kearny, N. J. Puerto Rico for the last three years, here’s to our reunion next June! Arbie Doherty has been appointed to

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 41 JUNE, I944 the newly created post of personnel rela­ to go to Louisiana for a 9 week course in go to the front with a few others as an tions manager at the Kellett Aircraft gunnery training, and then goes out on a observer. After an uneventful trip we Corporation. Merchant Marine boat in command of a dropped anchor in a sizable Italian har­ Henry Little has changed his address gun crew. Helen and their son, Peter, bor, and from that time on we have been from San Francisco, Cal., to 949 Chiltern are planning to go to Louisiana to be with circulating about Italy on one mission or Rd., Hillsborough, Cal. Jim for the month of July. another. The assignment as an observer Edward Hansen was married in Feb. Oscar Fellows, Pharmacists Mate third is now over, and I am with the outfit to Ruth Elizabeth Sparrow of Passump- class, US NR, was in Topsham recently again here in Italy. Would like to get a sic, Vt. Edward is a field engineer for on leave. He is located at Sampson, card from any other Maine lads there Fairbanks, More & Co., St. Johnsburg, N. Y. now, and his wife Angela (ex ’37") may be in this theatre.” Arnie’s address Vt. and daughter Rebecca are here at Tops-, is Capt. A. L. Veague, APO #88, New Carolyn Currier is engaged to Maj. ham, Maine, with her mother. York Dennis J. Lombardi of Malden, Mass. Lt. (j.g.) Bernard Perkins is at pres­ Al Owen’s new address is Cpl. A. L. Sincerely yours, ent an instructor in Air Navigation at the Owens 31323187, Btry. B., 841 AAA Phyl Webster Link Celestial Navigation School, N A.S., A/W Bn., Suffolk County Air Base, Box 372 Jacksonville, Fla. West Hampton, L. I., N. Y He says Walpole, N. H. A son, Thomas Andrew, was born to “After rotting in the South for so long, 1937 This was a grand month for Mr. and Mrs Everett Brewer of Roches­ it doesn’t seem possible.” Tom Owens is me, for besides quite a few ter, N. Y., Thursday, April 13. The ba­ a T/Sgt. holding down the job of Per­ items from the Alumnus office, I had two by’s maternal grandparents are Prof, and sonal Sgt Major. His address is T/Sgt. grand letters, one from Ken Webb and Mrs. Arthur S. Hill of Orono. Congratu­ Thomas W. Owens 31045152, APO 256, the other from Emily Elmore. Thank lations to the proud parents' c/o Postmaster, N. Y. Al says he sure you both so much, and I’ll answer you Julia B. Cox, assistant director of train­ would like to hear from the Phi Mu Delta personally before long. ing at Farmington Normal School, will boys. Ken (Harold L.) Webb is a naval lieut. conduct a reading clinic at the University John B. Ross received his pilot’s wings (j.g.) and is “somewhere in the Pacific,” of Maine summer session, July 5 to Au­ at Stuttgart, Arkansas, on February 8, after Harvard Comm. School, advanced gust 11. She will also give a course in 1944, and is now an instructor at the training at Ft. Schuyler, N. Y., and sub­ teaching literature and one in remedial Army Twin Engine Bomber Pilot Train­ chaser school in Miami, Fla. He has been reading. ing Field, Stuttgart, Ark. His address is in on a couple of good shows in the Pa­ Emery N. Wescott has moved from Lt. John B. Ross, 415 East 4th St., Stutt­ cific and had just spent a pleasant evening Everett, Mass, to 58 Burnside St., Med­ gart, Ark. with David White. How these U. of M. ford 55, Mass. Ensign Lloyd F. Brown, U.S.N.R., people do get around! Ken’s wife and Bob DeWick’s address is Pvt. Robert graduated from indoctrination training son are at Southwest Harbor for the DeWick, 1st Pit., Co. D, 31st I.T.B, school at Fort Schuyler, N. Y, on May summer. Camp Croft, S. C. I am going down to 19, 1944 He received his commission in Emily sent lots of items for which I am visit him this month. March of this year. He is a Civil Engi­ most grateful. Lt. Arthur Thayer is a Sincerely, neer and has been with Stone and Webster pilot on a Flying Fortress and is home on Marge De Wick Engineering Co. for the past three years, leave at Bangor, Maine, after completing P. O. Box 5, located in Boston and also in Knoxville, 25 missions over Europe. He is going to Topsham, Maine Tenn. He is married and has a daughter, Atlantic City for a few weeks and then 1938 This time I have quite a pile of Eleanor, born last September, 1943. June leaves again for overseas. He has been mail, and I want to thank every 2 he reports to Washington, D. C., for awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross one of you who supplied me with items for further training. for “extraordinary achievement” while this column. It is much appreciated It Betty Mitchell Smith (Lester Smith serving as co-pilot of the Eighth Air is once again Commencement time on the ’37) writes to me from Colchester, Vt. Force Flying Fortress “Cuddle Cat” in University of Maine campus, and it will They have two sons, Stephen, age three, AAF bombing attacks on military and in­ be my first attendance at Reunion since and Warren who will be two in October. dustrial targets in Nazi Europe. His pre­ 1939. I know of one other ’38er who will Lester is assistant agronomist at the vious awards are the Air Medal and three be present and that is Major “Tubby” University of Vermont. Betty would love Oak Leaf Clusters. Hodges, who is coming to attend the to find out where Mary Frost is now. She Peggy Thayer is dress designer for graduation of his wife, Arabelle Banton says Bettie Bruce Smith’s new address is Jamison Classics in New York. Three Hodges. Arabelle is an outstanding mem­ RR #5. Box 151, Dayton, Ohio. Betty of her dresses were shown in the June ber of the senior class. and Lester have an apartment on a farm, Good Housekeeping on page 53. She has I received a letter from Alice W. and their address is Golden Glow Farm, recntly returned from Mexico where she Shannon, wife of Tom Shannon, and then Colchester, Vt. was selecting materials and getting ideas a few days later I received a V-mail let­ Ensign John Gowell has been assigned for summer and fall fashions. ter from Tom himself from England to the Ordnance Dept, on the Procure­ Kay Cox Bennett is planning to leave The Shannons have a daughter, Joanne, ment of Ammunition, with headquarters soon to join Johnnie in India. Emily re­ born in March, 1943. Tom entered the in Washington, D. C. Much of his time ports that Kay has a room full of stuff to Army in June, 1943, and spent six weeks is spent on temporary duty at Naval Ord­ take with her. Everything must be in­ at the Medical Field, Tampa, Florida, nance Plants. spected and all reading or writing materi­ where he was resident in Orthopedics at Bartlett Kimball and Phyllis Peavey al must be censored before it is sent. It the Field Hospital, and then one month Kimball ’36 are now living at 62 James certainly sounds exciting. at Camp Joseph J. Robinson. Mrs. Shan­ St., Schenectady 4, N Y., where he is Emily had dinner recently with Betty non and little Joanne traveled right along Searchlight Engineer in the Aero and Homans, Kay Bennett, and saw Kay Hoc- with him up until he went to the Point Marine Eng. Div., General Elec. Co, tor soon after. Kay is with the Concord of Embarkation, and now they are living Schenectady, N. Y. public schools still, is going to Columbia in Glens Falls. N. Y.. while Tom is away Ruth and Raymond McGinley are no this summer and will live at International Tom writes that he is doing the work he longer at Lafayette Mill, Pa., but are re­ House Emily’s address is 96 Grove St., likes so much in a General Hosp:tal Unit ceiving mail at Cherry Lane, Miquon, Pa. New York City, and she is with Good so is very satisfied except for missing his Marian Moan, for the past few years a Housekeeping still. I think she deserves wife and daughter. His address is First member of the faculty of Brewer High a rising vote of thanks for all this news. Lt Thomas R. Shannon, M.C. 0-362376, School, became the bride of Tech. Sgt. Lib Ashby was married to Edward Leo APO 871, c/o Postmaster, N. Y. C. Donald Sanford of Aitkin. Minn, on Underwood Saturday, May 13, at Tono­ Arnie Veague wrote such an interest­ April 17. 1944, at the Arlington Street pah, Nevada. Best wishes, Lib. ing, descriptive letter that I only wish Chapel, Boston. Mass. Marian was gradu­ Alice Steward has been awarded a there were room to print it all. How­ ated from Washington Academy. East $1,500 American Association of Univer­ ever, a few lines will have to suffice. He Machias; Washington State Normal sity Women Traveling Fellowship. Alice says, “Went through the usual training in School, Machias; the University of has been studying for her doctorate at the States—three months fighting the war Maine; and Emerson College, Boston. Radcliffe and will go to Ottawa for re­ of insects in Louisiana, laughingly termed The bridegroom is a graduate of Has­ search work. She has been a member of “maneuvers,” then a delightful period in tings High School, Hastings Minn , and the Harvard History Department as a Texas. After a time of living in the lap the New England Aircraft School, Bos­ teaching fellow at Radcliffe for the past of luxury we were moved to the East ton. He has recently returned from New two years. Coast and shortly thereafter boarded the Guinea after 25 months’ service with a Jim O’Connor and his wife Helen ship. Twenty-one trips to the port hole bomber unit. called about two weeks ago. Jim [lieut. later we arrived in North Africa. After Cpl. and Mrs. Hugh R. Cary announce (j.g.) was home on leave and was then a few days they informed me I was to the birth of a son, Bruce Barbour Cary,

THE MAINE ALUMNUS JUNE, I944 born February 23, 1944. Cpl. Cary is now Apparently by this time my S.O.S. for April, 1944, at the Little Church Around stationed somewhere in India with the April has reached far enough to bring in the Corner, New York City. Chemical Warfare Service. Address: several replies. One from Camp Clai­ Captain and Mrs. Emil Hawes—Kay Cpl. H. R. Cary 31217766, APO 7421, c/o borne, La., from Bill Goodrich who says Duplissea—are now living at 1103 Troy Postmaster, N. Y. he has at last found a suitable home in the Ave., Dyersburg, Tenn. Capt. Hawes is From Pfc. and Mrs. Fred S. Judkins I Army. He was assigned to a Forestry stationed at the Army Air Base. Emil received the following announcement: Company and was about to embark on the transferred from the Infantry to the Air “I’ve come to live with Pfc. and Mrs. technical training of operating a sawmill Corps in January, 1943. Fred S. Judkins. My name is Fred after finishing his basic training. Bill .Capt, Henry Hathaway has been award­ Sanborn Judkins II. I weigh 8% pounds. says his four years of forestry at Maine ed the Air Medal in recognition of meri­ My hair is light. My eyes'are blue. I is going to be a great asset in this line. torious achievement in aerial flights in the arrived on May 19, 1944, at 1:00 p.m. Bill’s address when his letter arrived was: Southwest Pacific area from July 3, 1942, Another cute announcement just re­ Second Lt. William G. Goodrich, 1392 to Sept. 18, 1943. He took part in sus-' ceived is: “Miss Sandra Elaine joined Eng. Forestry Company, Camp Claiborne, tained operational flight missions during Miss Suzanne in her association with La. , which hostile contact was probable and Blake and Marguerite Smith on Saturday, John R. Sheedy was discharged from expected. These flights included long the twentieth day of May, 1944. She will the U. S. Army Signal Corps on August range bombing missions against enemy be at home in Exeter after the third day 2, 1943, at O’Reilly Gen’l Hospital as the installations, shipping and supply bases, of June. 12:51 a.m., 7 pounds 15j4 result of injuries sustained in service. He and aided considerably in the recent suc­ ounces.” is now living at Groton, Mass. cess in this theater. Since I started to write this column a Lt. Donald Marshall, USAAF Fighter This sort of winds up the columns for few days ago several more items have Pilot, recently discharged from the Army this year. Many thanks to all you faith­ cropped up. One more baby is Marilyn due to the loss of one leg, returned on the ful contributors—I realize that as the Mayo born to Mr. and Mrs. Don Mayo Gripshohn on her latest trip across the years go by it gets harder and harder to of Cumberland Center, Maine, on May 1, Atlantic. Don was married recently in ‘ keep in touch, so I really do appreciate 1944. Washington, D. C., to Sheila M. Reed of your reports. Ensign Natalie Nason, who spoke at Northeast Harbor. Don has the Air the Alumni Banquet, has just been pro­ Medal and the Purple Heart. Sincerely yours, moted to Lt. (j.g.). Lt. Nason gave a Howard Kenney sent a card requesting Alice Ann most interesting talk on her experiences that his mail be sent to 4 Gregory Street, Mrs. V. E. Poeppelmeier as a WAVE. Marblehead, Mass., rather than his for­ 289 Chicomansett Village Miss Frances C. Kelleher became the mer address in Swampscott. Willimansett, Mass. bride of Carl C. Osgood in Orono on The Maine Council of Young Republi­ 1 QA1 S° much of my mail is V-mail June 3, 1944. Mrs. Osgood attended Ban­ cans in session at the Augusta House re­ I I these, days that I am beginning gor High School and the Gilman Com­ cently named Charles Pierce of Augusta, to feel like a censor. Here is one for mercial School in Bangor. She was treasurer. Capt. Gordon Chase, USMCR: “I’ve been employed in the Department of Civil En­ Mary C. Curran is now living at 24 W. in the Marine Corps since shortly after gineering, U. of M. Carl received his 12th St., New York 11, N. Y. Formerly graduation, going through Quantico and Master’s degree from Maine in 1943, and with the Maine Central R.R. she is now from there to Communication School at for a while was instructor in the depart­ ticket seller for the Pennsylvania R.R., 17 Fort Benning, Ga. From Benning I went ment of mechanical engineering. He is John St., New York, New York. directly to San Diego, joining my outfit now employed as mechanical engineer at Mrs. William A. Publicover, Jr.—Betty there. I have been through three cam­ the Materials Testing Laboratory, Bos­ Johnson—sent a change of address which paigns and have seen most of the more ton Navy Yard. They will reside at 20 she says will be for the duration. For­ interesting places in these parts. Having Beachwood Road, Waltham, Mass. merly at Largo, Florida, she is now at her been in the jungle for over a year now, I Lt. E. Eugene Holt, U.S.N.R., is in home at 5 Crowell Ave., Gloucester, Mass. should qualify as a full-fledged native.... the Pacific area. Mr. and Mrs. George T. Scheck an­ Lt. Frank Williams and Capt ‘Hob’ Wally is no longer in Hawaii but is nounce the marriage of their daughter, Bracy are out here now and are doing now “somewhere in New Guinea” and his Ellen Mary, to Stephen C. Hamlin, En­ O.K. Capt. Frank Shearer arrived out address is Lt. Wallace F. Gleason sign, USNR, on Thursday the 27th of here a short time ago also. I bumped into 0-361499, APO 33, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif. Betty Gleason 61 Bennoch St. Orono, Maine Member Federal Reserve Bank BANGOR BOX CO. 1 Odfl Recent letters and announce- PAPER BOXES, FOLDING CARTONS I ments have brought in news of COMMERCIAL PRINTING several new arrivals and future U of Mers 75 So. Main St., Brewer, Me. H. F. Drummond, 1900 so here goes for the impressive list. Ted Pres, and Treas. and Peggy Ladd have a second daughter, Anne Rankin, born April 15. Betty Libby Stallard also has a daughter, Robbin, born April 20, and Ruth Desjardins Arbo Edward E. Chase, President has a son, Adrian Ervin, born in April Young men and women will also. Blake and Marguerite Smith an­ ’ always find this banking in­ MAINE SECURITIES COMPANY nounce the arrival of Sandra Elaine on the 20th of May. A grand letter from stitution interested and help­ 465 Congress Street Paul Morin informs us that he has an ful in their business progress. Portland, Me. eight-months-old son, Henri Frederick, who was born September 5, 1943. Paul’s Responsibility is reflected by letter came from Camp McCoy in Wis­ a checking account, which is < consin and he was hoping to get word that For Comfort at his application for Civil Affairs work in also a factor in establishing Journey’s End the Far East had been accepted. Paul credit and standing. II* hears from Roger Andrews and Bob At­ wood and says that they are both in this country still. Paul’s wife, some of us ® o may not know, is the former Peggy Scott The of Providence, his home town. Paul’s letter was a peach, complete with accent Merrill come to the and all. He apologizes about writing of himself—that’s exactly what I want to Trust Company BANGOR HOUSE hear after all, so if it’s modesty that is B A N G O R * * * M A I N E N With twelve offices in keeping the letters back, please put it Eastern Maine Famous Maine Food aside at least once a year. Here is his Cheery Rooms from $1.75 day address for all you 40ites to use: Captain Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. 5 minutes to R. R. Station Paul E. Morin, Headquarters, 417th Inf., H. W. Chapman, Prop. APO 76, Camp McCoy, Wisconsin. SSEESESSBSS^S^SSSSTO^

THE MAINE ALUMNUS JUNE, 1944 t Capt. Joe Harrington on New Britain Naval Air Station, Quonset Point, Rhode den, Iowa. He is a laboratory officer at a and it made the world seem small indeed. Island, writes. “I have been in two years 150 bed station hospital for German pris­ Brother Faulkner is still in Alabama with and it has all been spent in Rhode Island. oners. a chemical warfare unit. Heard that Cur­ I expect to see action soon however. I Martha Hutchins received the degree of rier Treat is now' a Captain and also a have seen only one member of our class Master of Nursing from Western Reserve proud father. He is still at Fort Bellevue, and that was Russ Wooley. He had just University on April 29. She is a member Va. Bob and Jeddie Carlyle are still in been made a Lt (j.g.), but before we of the first class from Western Reserve to Texas.... I am looking forward to re­ could get together his Squadron shoved graduate under the Cadet Nurse Corps. turning to the U. S. A. in a few months off. On the 15th of January I married a And congratulations and good luck to you, and making the acquaintance of 'my year- native of Rhode Island, Mary Therrien of Martha. old daughter and seeing old friends.” Apponaug, R. I. She is a Civil Service Barby Ashworth Good luck, Gordon, to you and Janice and employee at the Naval Air Station. We 628 Linden St. your daughter. are living at 135 Grove Ave., Apponaug, Hayward, California Another Marine Captain, Dick Pierce, R. I.” is also in the South Pacific. “This is my Jim Harris, still in the South Pacific, 1942 Hello, again. “Just keep it up, second tour of duty in the South Pacific, is now sporting oak leaves on his shoul­ yOU’re doing fine,” one of our having been fortunate enough to get back ders. And since he is such a glutton for rather salty expressions here in New to the States after only nine months out mail, I’ll give you his address again: Ma­ River applies, because a nice, steady here the first time. I returned as aide and jor James W. Harris 0-413667, APO 716, stream of letters keeps coming each month pilot for Major General N. S. Geiger, c/o Postmaster, San Francisco. from you for each column, and “I guess USMC; and was in Washington lor four Lt. John Soames reached the South you know” that’s all the column needs. months of very pleasant duty. I received Pacific by way of Panama and Australia. From the Pacific Islands, we receive orders the first of October and here I am “Almost immediately my outfit moved up the welcome word about Bob Elwell. once again, still headed for Tokyo. I can to New Guinea and the Islands, where we “Since undergoing a half dozen assign­ say that I went through the Bougainville have been for over a year. Work, sweat, ments during training or special duty in campaign, had a small touch of action on heat, rain, and bugs just about complete the States, more recently stationed in San Cape Gloucester, and had the grand thrill the rest of the story. Oh, yes, I almost Francisco and previously Brooklyn, N. Y., of being the first American pilot to land forgot the m-u-d. During all this time I I qualified for sea duty and was assigned and take off a multi-engine ship from the only contacted one Maine man, Bill Per­ to a merchant vessel as its Staff Officer. nearly completed airfield on New Britain ry ’42, and that only for a fleeting moment. During this time, I have had complete last January. While over in New Guinea He’s in the Navy. Then at last I found changes in duty several times. First came I bumped into Ian Malcom, and he is one stationed near me, Lt. Tremaine ’40. security and supply, followed by a long raising plenty of real hell with the Japs He is doing fine and has only recently period in medical training (hosp.tal du­ as the skipper of a PT boat.” been transferred to a new unit. I did ties), all interwoven with mixtures of From 731 Asylum Street, Hartford 5, hear indirectly of another Maine man in intensive schooling, commando training, Conn., Blanche Conlan Russell writes the area, but never did manage to see him and some practical experience!.. Now that she and Reid were married April 10 due to movements by us both. He is Jack I’m quite happy with duty in the Pacific. in Hartford. They spent the next month Frost, a Lt. in the ground forces of the I have discovered that a “Future Farmer” and a half in San Diego where Reid was Air Corps. Recently I managed to can become a seafarer !!!” stationed. When he left for overseas duty squeeze out a little rest leave back to the Have received Malcolm Perkins’ address in the Pacific, she returned to her job at mainland, and while there I ran into a with rather an amusing bit of informa­ Aetna as underwriter in the Burglary De­ brother, both from college and fraternity, tion (?). Perk wrote, “We left a port partment. Reid ’39 is an ensign on a de­ Lt. Arthur Cartier of the paratroopers. 1 cannot mention, bound for an unknown stroyer. “He made his Ensign the hard He was on leave at the same time and we destination, on a ship the name of which way—after a year as a sailor with the really had fun together.” And what state is upheld, and sailed a course not for Seabees in Iceland.__I hadn’t been in will John head for when he lands in the publication. After an indefinite period San Diego a day when I met Kay Engalls States? Texas, and the reason is Norma of time we landed where we are now, the Erlenbach. She and Howie were there Jeanne Logan of San Antonio. John’s name of the place is restricted.” So briefly. I believe she, too, is back East address: APO 322, San Francisco. now I will know that I shouldn’t be too now. I also saw Esther Thompson while Dottie Wing Nystrom writes that she inquisitive in California. She is teaching second was lucky enough to be with George in Paul Ehrenfried has really been in the grade in Phoenix, Arizona, and seems to Washington, D. C., and Norfolk before thick of it in his last few months in the love it. he left for overseas. Dottie is now back Pacific. From his letter, quote, “I have “This last week I saw Marjorie White­ at 14 Canal St., in Plainville, Conn., fin­ been supply officer on a fairly new de­ house who is a Civil Service recruiter, ishing out the year at Stonington High stroyer ever since it was commissioned getting workers for Pearl Harbor. She School in the Home Ec Department. In 8 or 9 months ago, and we have been in has been working in Providence and is Washington, Dottie saw Barb and Dud the Pacific most of that time. Since now back in Portland, Maine. Marj is Utterback, and Joyce Ramsey, Ensign in things began to open up in this area, we engaged to Roy Peterson, a Sergeant in the WAVES In Hartford, she saw Lib have seen quite a bit of action: occupation the Air Corps. Peaslee who is head buyer for the glove and defense of the Gilbert Islands, occupa­ “I see Lib Peaslee and Yvonne Pomeroy dept, at G. Fox. After a trip to Maine tion and defense of the Marshall Islands, frequently here in Hartford. I never get Dottie is thinking of taking a graduate naval raid in Truk, and the raid on to speak to Yvonne and would love to have fellowship at Pennsylvania State College. Saipan, Tenian and Guam in the Marianas. her address. Phyllis Maude Dunnels and Willard We have also received credit for sinking “I hear from Lt. Beth Trott, U. S. M. Fenderson, USNR, were married on the 2 Jap ships (naval auxiliaries) and shoot­ C. W. R. (yes, that’s Marines) who is 27th of May in Brookline, Massachusetts. ing down 3 Jap torpedo bombers. stationed at the Navy Air Station in Phyllis was graduated from the Kathleen “I have not seen too many U of M. Gainesville, Ga.” Dell School. Will received the commis- people out here. However, I did have a Thanks, Blanche, and good luck to you sion of Lt. (j.g.) upon graduating from big reunion with Warren “Scoop” Ran­ and Reid. Tufts Medical. dall, who has been getting his share of The following item is from the Alumni the excitement on an LST; and I also Ensign John Dyer, USNR, Is living at ran into Bill Beckman very briefly.” 889 1/2. S. Marengo St., Pasadena 5, Calif. office: For the first time in history, Ameri­ can carrier pilots raided from the Indian Thanks for the “dope” and congratula- After stations in New York and Washing­ tions for the successes of your ship, Paul. ton, he was sent to Pasadena to attend Ocean in hitting the Japanese held port of Sagang in Sumatra. Among the Navy The address is Paul Ehrenfried, Lt. (j.g.), the Cal. Institute of Tech. After com­ USNR, c/o F.P.O , San Francisco, Calif. pleting the course, he was assigned to duty pilots participating in this raid was Lt. Walter Brown, Jr. Some very happy “domestic” news in there. “My work is design and research. contrast to the good news of the Pacific I am a charter member of the newly es­ The engagement of Miss Mary E. Gro­ is the announcement of the arrival of tablished ‘Bu. Ord. Design Unit, Pasa­ ver of No. Berwick, Maine, to Lt. Robert Susan Caro Butterworth born May 14. dena.’ We are working with secret Lovejoy has been announced. Miss Gro­ Susan, Flossy and Dale are living in weapons which we hope will do their bit ver was graduated from the New England Manroe, La., at 4111 Caddo St, Route to help win the war. I would like very Conservatory of Music and is supervisor #3. much to hear from some of the fellows of music in Peterborough, N. H. Lt. Received a nice letter from Nancy Phil- that were with me in the Mechanical Eng. Lovejoy attended the University and re­ brook with several welcome bits of infor­ Dept., such as Charlie Baker, Virg Star­ ceived his D.M.D. from Tufts College. mation. Nan writes, “Lois Long is bird, Sid Goodrich, Bud Gardner, Stubbs He is stationed at Camp Lee, Va. working at the YWCA (in Boston, I and Hopkins.” Go to it, fellows— Lt. Allan P. Storer has been assigned believe) and has a good position. One Allan Piper, SKl/c, Communications, to the Prisoner of War Camp at Clarin- of her duties is that of a service hostess


and chaperon. Is it possible we have Small who is, I would assume, a perfect Houlton. Lloyd is now stationed in arrived at the stage where we can fulfill G.I., D.I., from P.I. He writes, “At Texas these positions. Janie Page is still at present every one of the recruits hates Congratulations and good wishes to South Bend, but Jim received orders to me.” All kidding aside, Park has had a Erna Davis who has recently been com­ report to Melville, R I., the first of June colorful two years since graduating from missioned in the WAVES at the Naval for P. T. boat training. Dot Bradeen Maine. “I am proud to say that I am a Training School, Northampton, Mass. and Art, who is by the way a captain now, Pfc. in the same outfit you are in. I have Ensign Davis is now assigned to com­ are in New Mexico. Jane King Demant been at Parris Island for eight months munications work in Washington, D. C. is at home in Medford as Bill has gone now. I have had quite a number of ex­ A belated but no less important an­ over.” Nan herself is working hard keep­ periences, changes have been frequent, nouncement is that of the acceptance of ing the guests of Philbrook; Farm happy and my travels have carried me to quite a Charles Vickery for the pastorship of the and well fed. Thanks for the letter, Nancy. few different places. I was in England, First Universalist Church in Pittsfield, Carol Nye writes that Barbara and Scotland, and Ireland as an officer in the Maine. Bob Willets now have a baby girl, Pa­ Merchant Marine. I guess you remember We have the news, but with no details, tricia, born on April 19, in North Conway, that I was an Ensign in the Navy be.‘ore that Lt. Richard Coffin is at present in N H. Congratulations to the happy I joined the Merchant Marine. I went to Burma connected with General Stillwell’s parents' Carol also says, “I am happy Harvard first and then was sent to First army. to tell you my good news, too. After Naval Dist. Hdqts. in Boston, Mass John W. Medina’s new address is 3652 winning a Presidential citation, a Unit Well, when I got back from my voyage, I Eikader Rd., Baltimore 18, Md. citation and 4 bronze stars for fighting married Miss June Curtis from Bar Har­ Rita Ross is now living at 131 Dart­ in New Guinea and the Admiralty Islands bor. After we were married, I joined the mouth St., Portland. and 26 months of overseas duty, Dana Marine Corps and came to P. I. for my Jack Wiedman’s address is now 625 left that area April 14 on his return trip “boot” training and have been here ever N. 67th St., Milwaukee 3, Wise. home. He will probably arrive here the since. I would like to hear from some of Evelyn Nicholson’s address is 325 Con­ last of June.” (That certainly is good the gang. Please give them the word.” gress Ave., Lansdowne, Pa. • to hear, Carol). “The Presidential Cita­ Parker’s address is Pfc. Small, USMC, Shirley Berg’s is 418 Seaver St., Dor­ tion was for fighting at Buna mission and Casual Co A, Pit. (DI), Parris Island, chester, Mass. one bronze star for fighting at Los Negros S. C. And Nicholas Denesuk has changed his this last March. I had hoped that he The engagement of Robertine (Bobby) address to P. O. Box 912, Sanford, N. C. might be here in time for the June re­ Theriault to Lt. Albert Gray, Jr., of Sta­ The Bangor Daily Nezvs recently an­ union but as long as he is coming anyway, pleton, N Y, has been announced recent­ nounced the promotion of Dottie Crane’s it is something to be very thankful for.” ly. Lt. Gray was graduated from the husband, Burleigh ’41, to Captain. Bur­ Ansel Syphers has sent an interesting University of Ohio in 1942 and from leigh is in the Italian area with the coast account of his interesting “Assignment.” O.C.S. at Camp Davis, N. C. artillery. After being in the service in ’42 as an Miss Ruth Palmer, of Bangor, and Have seen Leonard “Pete” Petterson, officer candidate in field artillery for the Harry Hopkins were married in early 2nd Lt. USMC, and he was looking fine. entire period of training, he turned thirty­ May in Bangor. Harry is now a student Pete is with a Replacement Battalion eight and wasn’t allowed to go on although instructor for the U. S. Army Aviation forming at Camp Lejeune now. Because in perfect physical condition. After being Cadets, and they will be living at 35 Win­ I expect the Battle of New River to be transferred to Camp Edwards as chief ter St, Bangor. Our best wishes. continuing without me' when I am trans­ of section on a 105 howitzer, he and his The marriage of Miss Florente Hunt, ferred this summer, please send your let­ commanding officer felt that if his age R.N., of Salesville, R. I., to Beverly Spen­ ters to my home address below. Bye-bye conflicted with the first, it did with the cer took place April 18 at the Baptist for now. second assignment, so he was advised to Church in Great Works. Beverly is now Sgt. Barbara Savage, MCWR get out Next came a position with the a Lt (j.g.) and he and his bride are now 97 Broadway Maritime Commission, fine job but not at Old Point Comfort, Va., where Bever­ Bangor for him sitting at a desk, so he resigned ly is awaiting assignment. Lots of happi­ 1 043 Around comes the day for re- and went with the Army and Navy De­ ness to you two. ■ porting what all good classmates partment of the USO for a training course Announcement has been made of the are doing. So here is the news except at Columbia and later field training in marriage of Capt. Richard Day to Miss for choice excerpts which my reporters Albuquerque. His present and permanent Ruth Knowlton of Damariscotta. The and I have not yet uncovered. assignment is in Douglass, Ariz, in what ceremony was performed at St. Andrews Our congratulations to the following he considers delightful work and fun, Episcopal Church in Newcastle, Maine, whose engagements have been announced: serving in many capacities such as giving­ and the couple will reside at Pando, Colo., Jeanne Patten and John Whitten ’44. counsel to many lonely boys. It sounds where Capt. Day is stationed. Again our Jeanne is at present employed by the to me as though the boys in Doug’ass best wishes, and also for Lt. Lloyd Niles, Army Map Service in Washington, D. C., were getting a fine break in their USO USA, and Mrs. Thelma Gartley Niles and John is in the Armored Officer Can­ activities. The address is Ansel J. Sy­ whose wedding took place recently in didate School, Fort Knox, Ky. Bill phers, Assistant Director U.S O. Club, Armory Bld., Doulass, Ariz. Our most recent “scoops” from Paul Beegel were evidently inspired by a letter from Wilfred Butterfield, who, with Ruth YOU WILL FIND IT AT DEPENDABLE PHOTOS Towne, Lee Richards, and Byron Whit­ Years of Experience and Modern ney, is still at Tufts. Byron was married DARK’Q hardware Equipment insure Satisfactory last Christmastime and Lee Richards some Results time last year (details pending). Paul £ H All O and VARI ETY and Connie Bushnell, who is working for MYERS STUDIO Sperry’s in Brooklyn as a service engi­ 31-37 MILLST.ORONO Old Town neer, meet now and then to talk things over. Connie is staying at the Hotel St. George. Arthur Carlson has been sent Distributors of Building from Camp Crowder to Pennsylvania and Materials then to a P.O.E. on the west coast. His ACME MFG. CO. address is Cpl., A.P.O. #7543, c/o Post­ master, San Francisco, Calif. “As for, Summer & South Sts. me,” Paul writes, “I am still plodding Bangor, Me. of Boston. Massachusetts along here at N. Y. U. We all have to G. A. Hersey ’00 T. M. Hersey ’34 apply for internship in our 3rd year now, Life Insurance, Annuities and I have accepted one out at Meadow­ brook Hospital in Hempstead, N. Y.” Group Insurance, Pensions Thanks for the letter, Paul, and good luck Bangor Furniture Co. in this last important part of your train­ Dwight Sayward ing. Paul’s address is Pfc. Beegel, Complete House Burnishers General Agent for State of Maine N. Y. U. College of Medicine 3224 84-88 Hammond Street S.C.S.U.. Co. B, 477-lst Ave., New York 415 Congress Street, Portland Bangor, Maine 16, N. Y. Now we have the word from Parker


I Jameson—we know he’s engaged but that’s from Calif.), Peg Church, Jean Mack, I have been on destroyer duty out here all we could gather. Don Allen and Ma­ June Williams, Sam Smiley, and Don in the Pacific Although “tin can duty” rion'Desmond. Don is at Camp Chaffee, Libby were among those present. Marcia is the best to be had, we do sometimes Ark. is leaving Boston to become Aquatic think longingly of the far distant U.S.A.” Mr. and Mrs. Omar F. Tarr announce Counsellor at the Wavus Camps, Jeffer­ Jack asks for Dick Martinez, who is now the marriage of their daughter, Mary son, Maine, for the summer. For a few out in the Pacific area again, having vol­ Leonora, to Douglas Benton Janney weeks until her apartment at 59 Beacon unteered for immediate overseas duty. March 11, in First and St. Stephens Street is ready, Janice Wilkins is com­ From England, Sgt. Donald B. Wheel­ Church, Baltimore, Md. Mr. Janney is a ing to live with us. Janice is now em­ er, 11079169, APO 519, c/o Postmaster, graduate of Leland Stanford Univ. The ployed in the Stock Dept, at M.I.T. Radi­ N. Y. C., sent a very interesting letter couple is living at the Kenmore Hall Ho­ ation Lab., where I am now working also, about his 9 months in England, where he tel in New York City. as a Draftswoman. We have a small landed after a month of basic training, Miss Elaine Sullivan and Frank Moo­ U. of M. gathering there. To Mary 9 weeks of school in Finance at Fort ney were married April 24 in St. Charles Hemman, my thanks for this typewriter. Benjamin Harrison, and short stays in Church, Brunswick, Maine. The bride, Jean Mack has left and is now living at three other camps after he had transferred a graduate of Bangor Maine School of home, R.F.D. #7, Bangor, Maine. On to Ordnance During an eight-day leave Commerce, has been employed at the Bath the staff at the Lab are Al Ehrenfried and in February, Don and two friends covered Iron Works. Fort Leonard Wood, where Harry Thomas who furnished the ad­ an amazing amount of territory going to Frank is stationed, will be the home of dress of Lt. J. Carleton Goodchild and from Scotland. He also says“As Cpl. and Mrs. Mooney. 0-530046, APO 15295, c/o Postmaster, a sort of continuation of orchestra work Laura Jackman became the bride of N. Y. C. with Steve, I’ve been playing with a Brit­ John Ranks, April 1, in Calais, Maine, at At a very fine party given by Mary ish orchestra for 7 months; a lot of fun, her home. Bridesmaid was Gwendolyn Fogler, we saw Dotty Hodgkins, who but I’d certainly like to be playing at Cushing, and Robert Farley was best man. has since, on June 1, left town to spend Maine instead.” Don has met Lts. Don Laura was a member of the class of ’45, a short time at home in Northeast Har­ Johnson, Frank Wellcome, Frank Brew­ an English major, member of Alpha Epsi­ bor, Maine, Phyllis Danforth, who is also ster, and Capt. Sam Dyer overseas. lon Music Society and president of the at home now in Ellsworth, Maine; and Lt. (j.g.) Gerald A Glass, USNAC, girls’ glee club. John now has a position Dot Ouellette, who seems to be enjoying Pensacola, Fla., received his commission at Westinghouse Electric Co., Springfield, her work at the airport. The first of and gold wings 15 months ago with Hal Mass. June, Hank finished his work at M.I.T. Blood, John Schoppe, Win Nevins, and April 24, in the First Congregational and is now stationed down south. Bob Harris Whited. He and “Whitie” are the Church of So. Portland, Maine, Elinor Jenkins, Doc Schofield, and Francis only ones left at Pensacola; Harris is in­ Crowell and Donald Marshall were mar­ Brown have completed their studies also. structing in a P-boat Squadron, and Jerry ried. Lt. D. G. Marshall, Jr,, USAAF, Jim Girdwood expects to leave Boston is on the staff of the Naval Training attended Northeastern Univ. He and Eli­ some time in July. He and Nancy will School. He would like to know Phil nor will live at Great Falls, Mont. then go to Miami Beach which will be Keene’s address. I hope someone can Adelaide Russell and Lt. Lewis Chad­ Jim’s next station. help him out. Tom Baisley writes Jerry wick were married in December ’43. The Cliff Sinnett is now in England, and from Greenville AAB, Miss., and they bride is teaching school at Howland, Charlotte is at home, 240 State St., Ban­ both wish to be remembered to all. Maine, and the Lt. is a pilot in the AAC. gor. Lts. Dana Cunningham, George Pfc Walter B. Hall, c/o Fleet Post May 29 at Belmont, Mass , Jean Kim­ Norton, William Harding, and Robert Office, San Francisco, Calif., sends a note ball became the bride of Johan Selmer- Hay are all stationed at Camp Murphy to say that the boys overseas really ap­ Larsen. studying Radar. preciate all the letters that we at home Announcements of the births of two Lt. Preston Rand is stationed on the can find time to write. new ’43 babies have come recently. Island of Maui, T. H., where he is War And from Sicily, Cpl. Stan Supovitz, Fletcher A. Hatch, III, born to Capt. and Bond, Red Cross, Insurance, Intelligence, 11079129, APO 650, New York, writes Mrs. Fletcher A. Hatch, Jr., March 17. Communications, and Athletic Officer, be­ that he has spent two of the last 6 months Capt. and Mrs. Hatch and son are resid­ sides having his own platoon. “Bruz” in Africa and the other four in Sicily. ing at 835 Humbait St., Reno, Nev. Born and Pat West are in San Diego where Here is the news he sent. “Al Edelstein to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Erikson of Wor­ “Bruz” is Fighter Director in the Marine recently got his wings and is now going cester, Mass., a daughter. Air Corps. to co-pilot school. He’s been assigned to Esther and Nat Crowely were recently One hundred British military cadets B-17s and is located in Florida. Irving in Boston after a ten-day furlough which and officers were guests of personnel of Keiter is at New Castle Army Air Base, they spent in Maine with their sons, Nat, a U. S. Army Replacement Depot in Eng­ Wilmington, .Del., and last I heard, work­ Jr., who is three now, and Michael, who land. Personnel of the depot staged a ing in the Finance Dept, there. Hy will be one in August. Nat has been sent series of demonstrations. Participating in Schneider was recently moved to Camp South with the AAC for ten weeks’ the demonstration was Capt. Robert E. Howze, Texas.” Stan is working in the training previous to overseas duty. Rosier, with the display of motor vehicles. Intelligence Office. Congratulations to Arlene Babcock who Ensign Frederick Viles is studying Ra­ received her Master’s Degree in Educa­ dar at M.I.T. A long letter from Ens. Fletcher J. tion from the University at the June Long, Fleet Post Office, New York. His Carlyle Watson, waiting his call into chronological account of himself starts Commencement Exercises. the service, is driving a taxi in Bangor. Pvt. Betty Foster, now stationed at with July 28th, 1943: “Commissioned— Miami Beach, Fla., is working in the Sgt. Phyllis and Booth Leavitt are now at ten days leave and the Amphibious base Major’s office of the Adjutants’ Depart­ 900 Highland Circle, Columbus, Miss. in Maryland. Three days later saw me ment handling correspondence and is liv­ Major and Mrs. Kermit Wilson and in New Orleans where I ran into Charlie ing in a hotel there. son Steven, who is 14 months old, are Gilman, who is now on a Mine Sweeper now in Louisiana where “Kerm” is sta­ in the Gulf. A month in the South on an A few changes in address or jobs. LST, and back to Maryland where I met Robert L. Manter is at 31 Hamlin Lane, tioned. They were recently in Maine on leave. Bob Newdick who was leaving shortly c/o John Appleby, Needham, Mass. Mr. • “Dee” Sinkinson is living in Providence to board a ship as the 1st Lt., and who and Mrs. Richard McKeen and Robert went into the Pacific area. Here, also, N. Hubbard are living at 10 Emerson Rd., while Dick is stationed in the Aleutians. Bob Ingalls is in the South Pacific. Lt I heard from Bob Morey who was an Glen Rock, N. J. Edythe Palmer is a Ensign studying at Penn State Diesel travelling representative of the Portland Bob Keniston is stationed in Maryland in Ordnance. Nat Files says that Harry, School. The succeeding 2 months were Ration Board. Anne Ring, living at 1163 spent on and off the Chesapeake Bay. In Boylston St., Boston, has a position in the who is in England, ran into George Adams over there. early November, nine days ‘inclusive of N. E. Analysis Department of Employers travel time’ were granted and shortly Group Ins. Co. Alicia Coffin, recently The “Most Inquired About Man” this thereafter I was at the Great Lakes Naval home from Nebraska, has been substitute month is Lt. Jack Hoiter. Any and all Training Station for a week of anti­ teaching in Ashland, Maine. Mary Love- information concerning his whereabouts aircraft firing. From here we travelled ly has accepted a position with General would be much appreciated. to the shipyard for our new ship, then Electric in Schenectady, N. Y. The department of correspondence is back again to New Orleans. While there, My apartment mates, Marcia McCarthy thriving this month. Ens. J. J. Creamer, Harry Files came aboard as Assistant and Margaret McCurdy, attended gradua­ USN, c/o Fleet Post Office, San Fran­ Navigator. Am now located in the Brit­ tion, Margaret receiving her degree, and cisco, Calif., writes: “I completed fresh­ ish Isles awaiting the coming campaign. they report that several ’43ers were pres­ man year with ’44 and then left to join One of those welcome but rather scarce ent: Phil Johnston, Barb Stearns, Dotty the Navy, via the Naval Academy.... letters from Don Bail at Pre-Midship- Ouellette, “Icky” Crane (home on leave Since receiving my commission last June, men’s School, Asbury Park, N. J., pro-

THE MAINE ALUMNUS 46 JUNE, I944 claiming that Larry Graham was there Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Harlow of Gor­ Pacific, comes a letter from Al Reynolds also.” That’s all from Jack. He’ll see us ham announce the engagement of their at long last. He’s leading a nice quiet (?) at Maine. daughter Francesca to Weston E. Evans, life—“Have been out here four months An account of Lt. H. M. Shepard, Stu­ Jr., of Orono. Wes has been employed aboard a large carrier as a dive bomber dent Officer Hq., LAAB, Columbus, by the Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp, pilot. It’s really a great life and we’re Ohio: “Started out as a cadet, but got at Fort Worth, Texas. having our chance to make life miserable dragged through Basic Training at Atlan­ Miss Evelyn Bearce and George M. for the Japs—or maybe you’ve been read­ tic City, then C.T.D. at Rochester, N. Y., Smith, USN, were married on April 15th ing about that.” By the way, Al is wor­ then Nashville for classification. Max­ in Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are ried about the marriage rate of the class well Field for pre-flight, Helena Aero at home at 156 N. W. Second St., Miami, and he threatened to find a South Sea Tech., Helena, Ark., for Primary, Walnut Fla. Islander for himself to keep in fashion! Ridge Air Base, also Ark., for Basic, The engagement of Miss Marion A. Any applicants for this position should Blytheville, Ark., for Advanced Training Russell to David B. Winchester,, USA, write to Ensign Albert F. Reynolds, and those ‘Silver Wings.’ Bob Crabtree was. announced recently by her parents, VB-2, c/o Fleet Post Office, San Francis­ and I were together until our advanced Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Russell of Boston. co, Calif. school, but met Al Edelstein there so at On April 22, Miss Geraldine Woodman Charlie Pidacks nervously managed to least two Maine men were together and Richard Davis were married in the struggle through Commencement exercis­ through it all.... I’ve just finished two All Soul’s chapel at Poland Spring. Both es—reason: his marriage ceremony took months of transitional training here at Gerry and Dick were on campus for Com­ place the same night. On June 4th Miss Lackbourne on B-17s, and have success­ mencement, and Dick is subject to military Sylvia Belden became the bride of Mr. fully qualified as first pilot on the ‘Fort’ care momentarily. Charles Pidacks in Orono. so will leave here in the near future to Priscilla Greeley of Bangor became the On June 9th Miss Rhoda Tolford and pick up my crew—and then the big hop.... bride of Ensign James Hastings, USNR, Midshipman Walter Schwartz were mar­ Ed Etzel’s new address, Lt. E. F. Etzel, on April 16. Ensign Hastings enlisted in ried at the home of the bride in Portland. ,463rd AAF Base Unit, Geiger Field, the USNR in 1942 and was enrolled in Midshipman and Mrs. Schwartz will live Wash, and Lt. Robert Crabtree, 273rd V-12 at Bates, followed by training at in Jacksonville, Fla. AAF Bn, Sqdn, A, LAAF, Lincoln, the U. S. Naval Midshipmen’s School in In Norway on June 10th, Miss Helen Neb.” New York. Clifford was married to Mr. George Mil- Don’t forget to keep the mails busy Albion Hayman received his wings and lay of Bowdoinham. Mr. and Mrs. Millay with your letters to the boys. his commission as a second lieutenant in will be at home at the University Cabins Joanne S. Graves the AAC on April 15. On April 23, he after June 15th. (No joke, either.) 1737 Cambridge St. was married to Miss Clarice Shults of Miss Esther Holden has accepted a sec­ Cambridge 38, Mass. Darien, Mo. At present Lt. and Mrs. retarial position with the OP A in Wash­ Hayman arc located at Del Rio, Texas. ington, D. C. a* iast we’ ^ie c^ass 1I Qd7*?*+d 1944, are officially recorded as We’ve finally gotten some word about A/S Alberta Thorpe, Betty Brackett, alumni of the University of Maine. Since Jack Tew. A letter weighing less than and Barbara Scribner will report to Hun­ May the news of ’44ers has been piling / oz. sent air mail for 30£ addressed to ter College, Bronx, N. Y., in June for up, so we had better get up to date. Lt. John C. Tew, Jr., American Prisoner boot training in the WAVES. Warren Clement was on campus a few of War #3206, Stalag, Luft 3, Germany, Lt. “Dud” Davis was on campus just weeks ago, and he’s doing service and in­ via New York, N. Y., will be very wel­ before Commencement. His shiny gold stallation work on radio and radar equip­ come Vhen it reaches its destination. bars are fresh from O.C.S. at Fort Mon­ ment under the Navy Bureau of Ships. Here’s a neat chance to do a pal a favor; mouth, N. J., where he has been training He has spent some time in Boston Navy so let’s dash off a note to Jack—but quick! in the Signal Corps. Yard, the Submarin'e Base at New Lon­ The engagement of Miss Esther Ger­ Hugh Brownlee was in Orono for a don, and the Naval Operating Base in maine of Portland to Pvt. William S. day not so long ago, and he reported that Norfolk. Warren’s address has changed Brown was announced recently by her Donald Presnell has received his commis­ to Bldg. S, Floor 6, R.C.A. Service Co., parents By the way, Bill has a different sion. Details on that will follow. Inc., Camden, N. J. address: Pvt. William S. Brown, Co. L, Commencement enticed a few of the Raymond Broisman wrote that future 253rd Inf., 63rd Inf. Div., APO 410, Camp December graduates back to Orono, and correspondence be sent to 1 Montgomery Van Dorn, Miss. we saw a fleeting glimpse of Bill and St., Portland 3, rather than Naugatuck, Flossie Dunham sent a card from Yale Barbie Duby (nee Dorr) both well tanned Conn. Univ., where she’s doing graduate work. from Florida sunshine. Also Peg Chase Also Vesta MacLean wants her address She writes: “We have 58 in the class, and Joyce Cook were present for the to be given as 36 Main St., Orono. representing 47 states, Paris, and South graduation exercises. Julius Goos recently sent a card from America, a good class section with de­ Esther Randall 395 Riverside Dr., Apt. 2B, New York grees of every description. I see Fran Poland Spring House 25, N. Y. He is working as a mechani­ Golbranson and Betty Price often—they Poland Spring, Maine cal engineer for Carbide and Carbon are much enthused with med school.” Chemical Corp. Flossie’s address is 350 Congress Ave., Another change of address comes from Sterling Memorial Dormitory #210, Yale Arnold Kimball who is now at 319 Ham­ Univ., New Haven 11, Conn. HAYNES & CHALMERS CO. ilton Blvd., Kenmore, N. Y. Arnold is As of April 19, Jack Buck moved to A. S. Chalmers ’05, Treas. working with Linde Air Products Lab. sunny California. The official change is Miss Virginia Howie of North Quincy, Lt. Robert Buck. 96th Cdv. Ren. Troop, HARDWARE Mass., became the bride of Pfc. Ralph C. 96th Inf. Div., APO #90, Camp San Luis BANGOR MAINE Rowell, USA, on May 2 at the home of Obispo, Calif. the bride. Ralph is studying pre-med at Martha Allen Irvine spent a few days Temple Univ, in Philadelphia under the on campus before she left for Washing­ A.S.T. program. ton, where she has accepted a position as The marriage of Miss Francina M. an assistant dietitian at Garfield Memo­ DAKIN’S Gamble and Pfc. Roger Thurlow took rial Hospital. Her address is Mrs. Wil­ Sporting Goods place April 22 at the First Presbyterian liam L. Irvine, Garfield Memorial Hos­ Camera Supplies Church in Jackson, Miss. Roger is train­ pital, Dietary Department, Washington 1, ing in the air force ordnance training cen­ D. C. Shep Hurd ’17 M. A. Hurd ’26 ter at Flora, Miss. Paul Eastman sent in a change of ad­ Bangor Waterville Announcement has been made of the dress card which shows that he has left marriage of Miss Clara Hinds of Port­ Maxwell Field and moved on into Texas. land to Lt. Donald M. Howard of North A/S Paul J. Eastman, 44-12-10, San Mar­ Monmouth. Lt. Howard received his cos Army Air Field, San Marcos, Texas. OLD SOUTH commission and wings recently at Fred­ From Sicily came a letter dated April erick, Okla. Lt. and Mrs. Howard are 29th from Dick Tainter. Apparently he’s Pholo Entfraviny Corp. living in San Antonio, Texas, where Lt. looked high and low for a Maine-iac of Howard is stationed. any variety but can’t find a soul from 99 BEDFORD STREET Announcement has been made of the Orono. Pass on the address if you know engagement of Miss Catherine McNamara anyone in the general location, huh? Pfc. BOSTON, MASS • LIB 2042 to Lt. Earl R. Kingsbury. Lt. Kingsbury Richard Tainter, APO 763, c/o Post­ recently received his commission as second master, New York, N. Y. TAKES PRIDE IN SERVING lieutenant at Camp Davis, N. C. From the other end of the world, the The Maine Alumnus


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NORTHERN• • . CHEMICAL- ’ INDUSTRIES SEARSPORT, MAINE • • • » *• * • • r • _ — % The above architect’s drawing depicts the new Sulphuric Acid and Superphosphate facilities of Northern Chemical Industries located at Kidders Point, Searsport, Maine. These plants are served by the Bangor & Aroostook Railroad. Deep water facilities also permit inbound delivery and outbound export shipments by steamers. The Sulphuric Acid unit is a Contact Acid plant producing acid of \arious grades at the rate of 75 tons of 100 per cent Acid per day. This unit embodies the latest improvements in design and equipment. The Superphosphate plant has a daily manufacturing capacity of 250 tons. The mixing and shipping units are Sturtevant type. Phosphate Rock storage capable of handling several thousand tons of raw Phosphate Rock adjoins the main Superphosphate building. Both of these units are of the arch type construction thus permitting unobstructed storage'and free movement of handling equipment. Arches in the Superphosphate building are 33 inches thick with a base span of 109 feet and height of 45 feet. This building will store for curing and shipment 10,000 tons of Superphosphate 18 to 20% grade. Under experienced management, these modern facilities insure a high quality product for the various types of trade to be served. With ample storage and daily shipping capacity of 1,000 tons, we are in excellent position to supply your particular needs of: _ BULK RUN OF PILE SUPERPHOSPHATE ORGANIC FISH BASE GOODS FLAT 18 or 20% SUPERPHOSPHATE, Bulk or Bagged SULPHURIC ACID, VARIOUS STRENGTHS AMMONIATED SUPERPHOSPHATE ' AMMONIATED TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE

• • Inquiries should be addressed to our main office: NORTHERN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES 604 STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING BALTIMORE 2, MARYLAND