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who are part of this this of part are who chefs Andalusian the by played been has , the only ones ones only the , tuna’ Frigate ‘Andalusian and Mackerel’

forefront of world gastronomy in the 21st century. A key role role key A century. 21st the in gastronomy world of forefront ‘Andalusian ‘Andalusian as such products fish tinned outstanding

. Spanish food has cemented itself at the the at itself cemented has food Spanish . cookery indigenous (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed). There are also also are There Guaranteed). Speciality (Traditional aceite’ , in 2015, can reduce its environmental impact by: impact environmental its reduce can 2015, in Andalusia,

traditional cuisine that nowadays features a whole range of of range whole a features nowadays that cuisine traditional ‘Castilleja de la Cuesta Tortas de de Tortas Cuesta la de ‘Castilleja and (PGI), Mantecados’ The use of recycled paper for these brochures means that that means brochures these for paper recycled of use The

side by side, blending together and changing, shaping a a shaping changing, and together blending side, by side ‘Estepa ‘Estepa (PGI), Alfajor’ Sidonia ‘Medina the (PGI);

Little by little, the different gastronomies learned to live live to learned gastronomies different the little, by Little Bread’ ‘Alfacar include goods baked among Highlights

pineapples, cherimoyas, avocados, papayas and mangoes. mangoes. and papayas avocados, cherimoyas, pineapples, (PGI). Brandy’ ‘Jerez spirit

such as as such fruits exotic and beans tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, de Vinegar’ and ‘Montilla-Moriles Vinegar’) and the the and Vinegar’) ‘Montilla-Moriles and Vinegar’ Huelva de

corn, corn, included: These repertory. traditional its to added were , with three PDOs (‘Jerez Vinegar’, ‘Condado ‘Condado Vinegar’, (‘Jerez PDOs three with , vinegar also

after which new flavours and products products and flavours new which after America, of discovery throughout several provinces. In addition to wine there is is there wine to addition In provinces. several throughout

table. Andalusian cuisine was enriched even further with the the with further even enriched was cuisine Andalusian table. , spread spread , Wines Regional called Indication, Geographical

to the the to pork bringing , meat of use the for responsible notably with Protected Protected with wines 16 and , ‘Lebrija’ and ‘Granada’

that was largely adopted by the Christians, who were most most were who Christians, the by adopted largely was that Almería, Granada and Jaén. Jaén. and Granada Almería, of provinces the in Indication: Geographical with Wines Quality two also are

very specific confectionery confectionery specific very and flavours sour and sweet of when you get a drink. This is the case case the is This drink. a get you when charge of free served ); Granada’ de ‘Montes y Granada’ de ‘Poniente ( Granada in Córdoba. There There Córdoba. in ‘Montilla-Moriles’ and province; said in

in meat and vegetable stews, the combinations combinations the stews, vegetable and meat in nuts of use the cuisine in miniature. In some areas of Andalusia, tapas are are tapas Andalusia, of areas some In miniature. in cuisine ); Oil’ ‘Lucena and Córdoba’ de ‘Priego , ‘Montoro-Adamuz’ ‘Sierras de Málaga’ Málaga’ de ‘Sierras and ‘Málaga’ Cádiz; in both , Barrameda’

, , vegetables and fruit for taste the for responsible is Al-Andalus snails, to more sophisticated options that recreate haute haute recreate that options sophisticated more to snails, , ‘Baena’ ( Córdoba ’); Cádiz de Sierra (‘ Cádiz (PDOs): Origin of ‘Manzanilla-Sanlúcar de de ‘Manzanilla-Sanlúcar and ‘Jerez-Xérès-Sherry’ wine);

gastronomy is the direct descendant of Moorish cuisine. cuisine. Moorish of descendant direct the is gastronomy Spanish potato omelette, Russian salad, ham, cheese and and cheese ham, salad, Russian omelette, potato Spanish Designations Protected twelve of recognition the in reflected (’s first aromatised aromatised first (Spain’s Wine’ Orange Huelva de ‘Condado

It can be said without a shadow of a doubt that Andalusian Andalusian that doubt a of shadow a without said be can It an endless range of tapas, from the classic table olives, olives, table classic the from tapas, of range endless an is oils Andalusian of variety and richness The worldwide. and and Huelva’ de ‘Condado Huelva of province the in : Origin

offer offer restaurants and taverns , bars Andalusian wine. local production its of third one around for responsible is and oil seven Protected Designations of of Designations Protected seven of form the in recognition

. wine of lashings with down washed all 80% of Spanish virgin olive olive virgin Spanish of 80% over produces currently region usually washed down with a beer or a good good a or beer a with down washed usually portions small in to led has prestige This . products quality high offering

cooking, Andalusian of world the up make that dishes the The Morocco. and Italy Greece, Spain, for designation joint fish, and bread vegetables, and fruit cheese, featured usually new markets by by markets new in ground gaining are and wineries and

tapeo, a sort of tapas pub crawl, is a good way to try out out try to way good a is crawl, pub tapas of sort a tapeo, a in Humanity of Heritage Cultural Intangible of list 2010 dishes Roman days. those in esteem high in held was that family businesses businesses family incorporating been recently have that 29008 Málaga 29008

. The The . tapa the is people, Andalusian the of nature open the in included was which , diet Mediterranean the of part sauce fish flavoursome a , garum of production the and brands recognised internationally big, with world, the in and C/Compañía, 40. C/Compañía,

del Turismo y del Deporte de Andalucía, S.A. Andalucía, de Deporte del y Turismo del because of the year-round mild climate, as well as the the as well as climate, mild year-round the of because essential an being to addition in , character and personality fishing on relied economy whose place a was This Tarifa. in in Spain Spain in image region’s the to key also is sector wine The

Empresa Pública para la Gestión la para Pública Empresa One food custom that is very strongly rooted in Andalusia Andalusia in rooted strongly very is that custom food One its cuisine Andalusian gives that component the is oil Olive beach Bolonia on sit city, Roman important an , Claudia Baelo

Consejería de Turismo y Deporte y Turismo de Consejería

to catch them. The ruins of of ruins The them. catch to ‘almadrabas’ called traps using (PGI). Lamb’ ‘Segureño


which act as a guarantee for consumers. for guarantee a as act which and tuna prized for fishing coast, the along products fish the . Another highlight of the meat category is is category meat the of highlight Another . Ham’ ‘Serrano . Cazalla from liqueur anise by accompanied

controlled by their respective regulatory councils, all of of all councils, regulatory respective their by controlled exploit to worked who Romans, the by followed then were Traditional Speciality Guaranteed Guaranteed Speciality Traditional as well as , Ham’ ‘Serón PGI de aceite’ biscuits from Castilleja de la Cuesta, which can be be can which Cuesta, la de Castilleja from biscuits aceite’ de

tapeo The and are are and quality of distinctions and certifications hold They oil. olive of use the and trees olive them with bringing and and Ham’ ‘Trevélez PGI , Indications Geographical Protected and ‘polvorón’ biscuits from Estepa and the thin, crispy ‘torta ‘torta crispy thin, the and Estepa from biscuits ‘polvorón’ and

the climate of this region. Many of its products therefore therefore products its of Many region. this of climate the region, Spanish southern this of gastronomy the to flavour artichokes cooked in Montilla-Moriles wine. Montilla-Moriles in cooked artichokes and cordobés’, two include also distinctions product’s This . Pedroches’ to a variety of delicious baked goods such as ‘mantecado’ ‘mantecado’ as such goods baked delicious of variety a to

of the raw materials provided by the diverse geography and and geography diverse the by provided materials raw the of added Greeks The . industries fishing important creating ‘flamenquín , ‘salmorejo’ include province this in dishes ‘Los PDO and Ham’ ‘Huelva PDO Origin, of Designations stew), stewed oxtail and rice with duck. This province is home home is province This duck. with rice and oxtail stewed stew),

, the result of the exceptional quality quality exceptional the of result the , cuisine product-based a , techniques salting introduce to first the were century, 7th from Montalbán. The most popular popular most The Montalbán. from garlic and Torres las de Protected two with recognised been has which product, this as ‘a la flamenca’ eggs, ‘soldaditos de pavía’, ‘menudo’ (tripe (tripe ‘menudo’ pavía’, de ‘soldaditos eggs, flamenca’ la ‘a as

One of the characteristics of Andalusian cuisine is that it is is it that is cuisine Andalusian of characteristics the of One the in back way Andalusia in landed who , Phoenicians The from Cañete Cañete from chickpeas Zuheros, from cheeses , Rute from of excellence the enjoy consumers whose countries many examples fine such include and imaginative are which Seville,

There is also the anise liqueur and ‘mantecado’ biscuits biscuits ‘mantecado’ and liqueur anise the also is There now are there and borders, transcended has it years recent from Sierra Norte. There is an extensive range of dishes from from dishes of range extensive an is There Norte. Sierra from supervisory councils councils supervisory

and Almodóvar peaches. peaches. Almodóvar and paste quince Genil Puente , oranges In . hallmarks its of one and gastronomy Spanish of stars sausages cured and ham and game small and large pulses,

designations and and designations

such as Palma Palma as such fruits prized to addition in vinegar, and wine the of one , product Andalusian traditional a is ham Cured from the wetlands, wetlands, the from dishes rice tomato, Palacios Los the as

of Origin of of history of

DO Montilla-Moriles Montilla-Moriles DO , oil olive provide river Guadalquivir the such such vegetables and fruit fresh of variety wide a Lebrija, and

about quality quality about

of of plains fertile and area Campiña The . game large and . Raisins’ , musts and wine such as those produced in Aljarafe Aljarafe in produced those as such wine and musts , oils

Designation With ‘pinch’ A

More information information More , chestnuts, wild asparagus asparagus wild chestnuts, , honey as well as , Ham Pedroches ‘Málaga PDO the to home also is Málaga . Cherimoya olive olive notch top of use the from clear is base Mediterranean

Los Los superb the produce to used pig Iberian the of source the Granada-Málaga of Tropical Costa PDO the especially fruits, The The cuisine. Mediterranean modern and cooking Andalusian

are are mountains The provides. geography comprehensive its subtropical their for famous are Málaga and Granada perfect combination of traditional traditional of combination perfect the in origins its has

thanks to the large variety and high quality of raw materials materials raw of quality high and variety large the to thanks of coastlines the while harvested, is (PGI) Asparagus’ The richness and gastronomic variety of the Seville province province Seville the of variety gastronomic and richness The

wide-ranging and full of nuances of full and wide-ranging is Córdoba of cuisine The ‘Huétor-Tájar where is Granada Spain. in (PGI) Indication

regional products with designation of origin in their dishes. dishes. their in origin of designation with products regional Protected Geographical Geographical Protected a with recognised be to one only Córdoba. from , García Kisko and and Sierras de Málaga wines. wines. Málaga de Sierras and

the best ambassadors of Andalusian cuisine, using the exceptional exceptional the using cuisine, Andalusian of ambassadors best the . . Sanlúcar from Manzanilla including sherry, of types various and first the grown, is Tomato Cañada La prized the where Seville, from , Fernández Julio Málaga, from , Sánchez Alejandro Málaga Málaga renowned the also are there addition, In famous.

to internationally renowned Andalusian chefs who have become become have who chefs Andalusian renowned internationally to some of the dishes that make the cuisine of this province province this of cuisine the make that dishes the of some include and designation Jerez de Marco the under come is is Almería Al-Andalus. of time the since recipes Andalusian and García Carlos José Río, del Diego García, Dani Cádiz, from

and flavours. Tradition blends with modernity and innovation thanks thanks innovation and modernity with blends Tradition flavours. and . milk’ ‘Farm-certified Guaranteed Speciality are are antequerana’ ‘porra or soup noodle and seafood fire), or which wines, its are province this from products famous most have been essential products in in products essential been have vegetables and Fruit Prize), Gastronomy (National León Ángel include award Guide

combination of cultures, seasoned with customs, landscapes, aromas aromas landscapes, customs, with seasoned cultures, of combination Traditional Traditional the and (PGI) Chickpea Escacena the (PDO), reeds that are stuck into the sand and roasted over live coals coals live over roasted and sand the into stuck are that reeds the of One slaughter. traditional the from sausages cured to Michelin Michelin prestigious the with recognised been have who world

where the gastronomy of its eight provinces is born out of a a of out born is provinces eight its of gastronomy the where Honey Granada with off rounded are quality of distinctions (sardines threaded onto onto threaded (sardines ‘espetos’ famous the , fish fried and beef Retinto wonderful the to accompaniment perfect . Olive’ Aloreña ‘Málaga PDO the also is Andalusian the of stars Such . imagination and techniques

coexistence. This is where the Mediterranean and Atlantic meet, meet, Atlantic and Mediterranean the where is This coexistence. The roll call of Andalusian products recognised with with recognised products Andalusian of call roll The ). There There ). ‘Estepa’ ( Seville and ); ‘Antequera’ ( Málaga ); Segura’ meticulous of use making and products local utilising by dishes on gazpacho, made with almonds and moscatel grapes), grapes), moscatel and almonds with made gazpacho, on the are that cheeses artisan and oil olive virgin fantastic a

Andalusia is a clear example of diversity and is a region of of region a is and diversity of example clear a is Andalusia of this kind in Spain registered in the European Union. Union. European the in registered Spain in kind this of ‘Sierra de de ‘Sierra Mágina’, ‘Sierra , Cazorla’ de ‘Sierra ( Jaén its to meaning real give to seeks which , cuisine signature new (Málaga’s take take (Málaga’s ‘ajoblanco’ , salads , Gazpacho components. comes area Sierra mountainous the From frito’. ‘pescaíto

stew with stewed onions (‘encebollaos’), or fried as part of of part as fried or (‘encebollaos’), onions stewed with stew as the main main the as fruit and pulses fish, meats, vegetables,

local seafood is usually either grilled, served in a fisherman’s fisherman’s a in served grilled, either usually is seafood local in dishes featuring featuring dishes in sea the and mountains the from products

This This prawn. Sanlúcar the as such shellfish as well as traps), together in a gastronomy that has successfully combined combined successfully has that gastronomy a in together

Tradition and modernity come come modernity and Tradition flavour. special their and traditional in (caught tuna almadraba and sole bream, sea as

the ingredients it uses, the variety and richness of its dishes dishes its of richness and variety the uses, it ingredients the such fish on centres cuisine the coast, its Along ‘piriñaca’.

simplicity of of simplicity the by characterised is Málaga of cuisine The and gazpachos produce fields Its mushrooms. Alcornocales

and and asparagus Valle del Alcalá famous the as well as stewed,

Castillo de Locubín cherries to Alcaudete peaches. peaches. Alcaudete to cherries Locubín de Castillo are cabbage and artichokes Cádiz, In . tradition its of flavour

, ranging from from ranging , fruits local exceptional boasts province the meal, full the boast that dishes creating for ingredients quality top

salt cod being a key element. For something sweet to finish a a finish to sweet something For element. key a being cod salt provides which land, its as varied and rich as is It mountain.

, with with , salted and pickled usually is cuisine its in ingredients and countryside sea, together brings Cádiz of cuisine The

andrajos. As Jaén is an inland province, the fish used as as used fish the province, inland an is Jaén As andrajos.

thickened with flour, such as as such flour, with thickened stews pulse popular as well as Wines. Regional and Ham Serón Alpujarras, Las from

tinned food preserved in oil, oil, in preserved food tinned ‘pipirrana’, as such salads and cheeses Desert, Tabernas the in produced oil olive virgin

gazpachos prepare to used are products quality high These . oil the with together diet, Mediterranean the of components

extra virgin olive olive virgin extra essential province’s the and herbs aromatic characteristic are These . shrimp blue-and-red Garrucha Andalusia

venison, wild boar and pork. This fusion is complemented with with complemented is fusion This pork. and boar wild venison, prized the as such seafood fresh and stews) (fish ‘moragas’

from the mountains, including poultry, poultry, including mountains, the from meats with aubergine, traditional the make to used fish the especially sea, the from

like the famous Andújar Andújar famous the like produce, agricultural blending products as well as , Tomato Cañada La famous the or stew),

, , Granada or Mancha La of that as such cuisine, neighbouring dishes such as paprika soup or ‘ajo colorao’, a garlicky fish fish garlicky a colorao’, ‘ajo or soup paprika as such dishes

(evident in the baked goods) together with the influences of of influences the with together goods) baked the in (evident , (used in some of the most typical typical most the of some in (used , paprika derivative its and

the Romans (grapevines, grains and olive trees) and the Moors Moors the and trees) olive and grains (grapevines, Romans the whose creations include garden produce such as peppers peppers as such produce garden include creations whose

The gastronomy of Jaén comes from combining the legacy of of legacy the combining from comes Jaén of gastronomy The cuisine, cuisine, healthy a also is It Spain. Moorish of cuisine the in

that has a key reference reference key a has that personality of lots with cuisine for

. . strawberries local juicy the than better nothing is there A certain traditional isolation has paved the way way the paved has isolation traditional certain A and original. and Specialist practical guide

, which is always found on local tables. For dessert, dessert, For tables. local on found always is which , cuttlefish imaginative, independent, varied varied independent, imaginative, The cuisine of Almería is is Almería of cuisine The / Turismo Gastronómico

or the ever-popular ever-popular the or shrimp rose deep-water Huelva the as such

provider for this province, offering such renowned seafood seafood renowned such offering province, this for provider the eight Andalusian provinces. provinces. Andalusian eight the

. The sea is another great great another is sea The . wines Huelva de Condado excellent varied and have such diverse personalities as those found in in found those as personalities diverse such have and varied

. All of this can be washed down with with down washed be can this of All . de Sierra from gastronomic universe. There are few cuisines that are as as are that cuisines few are There universe. gastronomic

mushrooms mushrooms tasty and cheeses goats game, as well as meats, Andalusia is a culinary continent in the middle of the Spanish Spanish the of middle the in continent culinary a is Andalusia that can be sampled alongside delicious fresh fresh delicious alongside sampled be can that

cured sausages cured Gastronomic . Besides this delicacy, there are also all kinds of of kinds all also are there delicacy, this Besides . Ham Huelva

the famous Iberian pig industry, the star product of which is is which of product star the industry, pig Iberian famous the

to province to

Extremadura and Portugal. The mountains are responsible for for responsible are mountains The Portugal. and Extremadura

notes from the culinary traditions of neighbours such as as such neighbours of traditions culinary the from notes

Province Province

and taking taking and mountains and sea province lying between the the between lying province Tourism

, with the the with , diversity its for out stands Huelva of cuisine The

honey. Granada fantastic the using made are

, many of which which of many , convents at produced goods baked include

, while sweet products products sweet while , caviar organic Riofrío by provided is

. A unique touch to the local cuisine cuisine local the to touch unique A . alpujarreño’ ‘plato hearty Market. Gourmet

such as beans with ham, potatoes ‘a lo pobre’, and the the and pobre’, lo ‘a potatoes ham, with beans as such Agustín San the Granada, in and , Market Gourmet Barranco

dishes typical dress to used are oils excellent province’s The del Lonja the is Seville in note Of identity. their to on holding

. . cherimoya the include which fruits, tropical and fish fresh its also but flavour, international an gaining and refined being

and and Tropical Costa the of cuisine the with contrasting ), ham are tapas where towns, Andalusian many in trendy becoming

Trevélez Trevélez is star the (where products pork in rich is region also are markets gourmet So-called Utrera). in Route Tapas

. The La Alpujarra Alpujarra La The . lamb Segureño magnificent the as such (Brotherhood festivals in and Competition); Tapas Granada

featuring meaty ingredients ingredients meaty featuring stews thick mean temperatures and Competition Tapas Gastronómica (Córdoba competitions

, the lower lower the , inland , asparagus Tájar Huétor famous as such of part as (Cádiz); Bosque El in Route Tapatrucha the as

vegetables vegetables supplies area Vega the While . climate and such speciality, culinary a around or Route) Tapas Organic

unique landscape landscape unique its and legacy cultural far-reaching its (Jáen theme a around based whether towns, Andalusian all

The diverse gastronomy of Granada is the result of both both of result the is Granada of gastronomy diverse The nearly in year the throughout organised are Routes Tapas

English Inglés Gastronomic Routes

The gastro-tourism routes that run the length and breadth of the region create a true outline of Andalusian cuisine through its most representative products. These routes are centred on products such as wine, oil, rice, ham and almadraba tuna, and allow travellers to immerse themselves in the culture, history, natural heritage and traditions of

the towns they visit. Below are details of those on WEB: offer that have a full tourist infrastructure associated with them. Many of these are part of ‘Landscapes with flavour’*, a project based on quality criteria set up by Andalusia’s Ministry of Tourism and Sport in collaboration with private businesses and provincial and local entities, in order to emphasise the value of the region’s scenic and culinary wealth. . C/ COMPAÑÍA, 40. 29008 MÁLAGA. 40. 29008 MÁLAGA. . C/ COMPAÑÍA, /01. Seville province oil and table olive route This is a tour through 43 towns in the Seville province that stand out for the variety and richness in their production and exportation of olive oil and table olives, the common denominator throughout the route. SIERRA NORTE: Guadalcanal, Cazalla de la Sierra, Almadén de la Plata, El Pedroso, Constantina and Puebla de los Infantes. VÍA DE LA PLATA: Gerena. GUADALQUIVIR-DOÑANA: Villanueva del Río and Minas, Alcolea del Río, Dos Hermanas and Pilas. ALJARAFE: Albaida del Aljarafe, Huévar del Aljarafe and Bollullos de la Mitación. LA CAMPIÑA: El Viso del Alcor, Mairena del Alcor, Alcalá de Guadaíra, Utrera, Los Molares, Arahal, Paradas, Marchena, Écija, La Campana, La Puebla de Cazalla, El Rubio, Marinaleda and Osuna. SIERRA SUR: Morón de la Frontera, El Coronil, Montellano, Coripe, Pruna, Aguadulce, La Pedrera, La Roda de Andalucía, Gilena, Lora de Estepa, Corcoya, Badolatosa, Casariche, Herrera and Estepa. /02. Seville province rice route

This is a tour through the nature, heritage, festivals and gastronomy of nine towns in the Seville province, where the common denominator is rice farming and the presence of the Guadalquivir river, along its course down to its mouth at Sanlúcar de Barrameda. PDO Condado de Huelva Wine and PDO Condado de Huelva Vinegar PDO Extra Virgin Olive Oil Seville province oil and table Historical Ensemble Provincial capital Aznalcázar, Coria del Río, La Puebla del Río, Isla Mayor, Lebrija, Las Cabe- PDO Condado de Huelva Orange Wine 12.a Sierra de Cádiz olive route Archaeological site Town with > 100,000 inhabitants zas de San Juan, Los Palacios y Villafranca, Utrera and Dos Hermanas. 12.b Antequera Rice route Town with > 20,000 inhabitants PDO Sanlúcar de Barrameda Manzanilla Wine 12.c Estepa Megalithic monument Cádiz Almadraba Bluefin tuna route Town with < 20,000 inhabitants î PDO Jerez-Xeres-Sherry Wine and PDO Jerez Vinegar 12.d Lucena Tourist caves and grottos PDO Málaga Wine and DO Sierras de Málaga Wine route Tourist centre. 12.e Baena Lighthouse Motorway and dual carriageway PDO Montilla-Moriles Wine and PDO Montilla-Moriles Vinegar 12.f Priego de Córdoba Sierra Norte Iberian pig route Main roads PDO Huelva Ham 12.g Poniente de Granada Marco de Jerez wine and brandy route Secondary roads 12.h Montes de Granada PDO Los Pedroches Ham Montilla-Moriles wine route Railways and high-speed trains /03. Cádiz Almadraba 12.i Sierra Mágina Airport PDO Málaga Raisins 12.j Sierra de Cazorla Condado de Huelva wine route Bluefin tuna route PDO Costa Tropical of Granada-Málaga Cherimoya 12.k Sierra de Segura Serranía de Ronda wine and winery route PDO Granada Honey 12.l Montoro-Adamuz Seville province wine and spirit route Km Scale 1:1,100,000 Highlights the richness of the heritage, nature, gastronomy and sport in several towns of Cádiz, influenced by the proximity of the sea and PDO Málaga Aloreña Olive exploitation of tuna as a central element of its marine wealth. S.A LA GESTIÓN DEL TURISMO Y DEPORTE DE ANDALUCÍA, CONSEJERÍA DE TURISMO Y DEPORTE. EMPRESA PÚBLICA PARA DE ANDALUCÍA. © JUNTA Conil de la Frontera, Barbate and Tarifa. /05. Sierra Norte Iberian pig route /06. Marco de Jerez /07. Montilla-Moriles /08. Condado de Huelva /09. Serranía de Ronda /10. Seville province /04. Jabugo route The ten towns in this district of the Seville province are ideal both for wine and brandy routes wine route wine route wine and winery route wine and spirits route raising Iberian pigs and for producing and curing hams. This route offers This is a gastro-tourism initiative that takes visitors to the mountains of visits to drying rooms and cured sausage factories, as well as accommo- Visit the famous ‘cathedral’ wine cellars, stay in a country house set within This is a journey to the heart of Andalusia, where this wine treasure is This route includes several appealing tourist packages highlighting the na- You can enjoy the experience of walking through vineyards around this we- This route allows visitors to gain first-hand experience of vineyards and Huelva to get a close-up look at the world of the Iberian pig, from its natu- dation, restaurants and other tours of interest. a vineyard, get an introduction to the subtle art of wine tasting... Marco de born, through nine towns of the Córdoba province whose rich cultural, tural, monumental, historical and traditional values of Condado de Huelva, ll-established wine-growing region of Málaga in the company of fellow wine winery and distillery facilities in the Seville province, including businesses ral habitat (meadows) to tasting the products made from it, and to observe Jerez offers wine tourists this and much more: extensive historical and na- natural, artistic and gastronomic heritage and array of associated leisu- in addition to a careful selection of wineries and establishments ready to enthusiasts, and benefit from advanced or beginners’ tasting courses, tas- associated with the wine, spirits and gastronomy industry. the curing of the ham and sausages in cellars and drying rooms. Alanís, Almadén de la Plata, Cazalla de la Sierra, Constantina, El Pedroso, tural heritage, a privileged climate and traditions and festivals that you are re options unfold before visitors’ eyes. immerse visitors in learning about and enjoying wine culture. tings paired with local gastronomy, relaxing wine therapy treatments and EL ALJARAFE: Espartinas, Umbrete, Villanueva del Ariscal, Huévar and El Real de la Jara, Guadalcanal, La Puebla de los Infantes, Las Navas de la sure to want to get involved in. more. Benacazón. Alájar, , Aracena, , Arroyomolinos de León, Cala, Concepción and San Nicolás del Puerto. Córdoba, Montemayor, Montilla, Moriles, Aguilar de la Frontera, Lucena, La Almonte, Bollullos Par del Condado, , , Escacena del Cam- Cañaveral de León, Castaño del Robledo, Corteconcepción, , Chiclana de la Frontera, Chipiona, El Puerto de Santa María, Jerez, Puerto Rambla, Fernán Nuñez and Puente Genil. po, , , , Manzanilla, , Ronda and Arriate. SIERRA NORTE: Cazalla de la Sierra, Constantina, Alanís and Guadalcanal. , , Cumbres de San Bartolomé, Cumbres Real, Rota, Sanlúcar de Barrameda and Trebujena. î Niebla, , , and î Mayores, , , , , Hino- î . EL BAJO GUADALQUIVIR: Los Palacios y Villafranca, Lebrija and Utrera. jales, Jabugo, , , , , î , , Santa Olalla de Cala, LA CAMPIÑA: Carmona, Fuentes de Andalucía and Pruna. and Zufre. î î

* Routes included in the project ‘Andalusia, Landscapes with Flavour’.