Owing to the large number of patients In 1771, there were 360 tax payers in O I. D A Y G I V T S . unable to gain admittance to 1 r Mer-row-'s Xewtown and John Adams heads the STOCK, LEASE AND II I Bridgeport office and for the bene- fit of the needy poor, he w4U continue list, i Following are familiar names : Our immense display of holiday goods is tow ready for iusp eiiou, comprising Slippers, LYON & GR1B1MAN, his free consultation a few days longer. William Ilawley, Lemuel Camp, Samuel Rhoen Goods low for new and desira- Mrs M. and Rubber of every description at prices astonishingly Mary Stevens. No 16 Kasaink Camp, Daniel Beers, John Blackinan, , ble avenue, has been afflicted FIXTURES goods. i with catarrh Jabez Botsford, Amos Hard, John Jud- - ior several She was years. taken sick William OF THE in the latter part of April, 1888. She son, Northrop, John Xorthrop, HARDWARE DEALERS, was treated by several good phvsicians David Peck, John Summers, John San-for- d, C. of Bridgeport,but grew worse. Was or-- John Tousey, Dr Samuel Thomas, II. BENNETT. uereu in iuay to go into the country for James Sanford. The the-12t- lartrest tax payer J. B. BAENABY COMPANY her health. On of May, she Special bargains iii useful, as well as ornamental Christmas gifts ; KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND went to Nashua, N. II. There she failed was Oliver Tousey, 16 shillings and 10 )xK pair of Ladies', (ientlimicn's unit Children's Slippers of every description to bo sold fij fast and was told by one of the best pence. prices which will create a big sensation, physicians in Nashua that she could not FOR SALE! (entli'iiii'ii's line Kmhroldcrc.I, Gout, Patent Leather, flush, Seal Hurt Alligator Slippers at live three months. Returned home Ju- The minstrel entertainment at the Town BUILDERS' HARDWARE, BUILDERS' SUP- ly 9 and 18 called Dr July Merrow, who nt niie 'slippers, Vcl- - found fwun. a hall, Thanksgiving night, was insignili-ca- ST01JK TO .lAVlfAIY 1. LanW thoroughly made. In all the popular styles In Kelt, Merino. her antterinir"I9 - .. I. ..,.,,. WU-,.nn - i'lIOmn . "ci-- t i Stantlv ivugll, in itself and too. The tcruianiowii Knit ami h uoim-- at .ski. r;i. ,i. toc. linn iti 2. hawkinrn and " 1.U i....f nasty, clog - AND MA-- Dj,...,!! a. a. T Children's fine Sliiiiwrs in Kelt.. Merfim. Velvt't. K id anil mnny other desirable styles a PLIES TOOLS, FARMERS' TOOLS, ; lower extremities almost paralyzed, so dancing and trapeze performance were v that she was unable to i3ii t secona edition out walk, in seven Its, redeeming features. ; 'mis any closing se, .1 T4-'- ,.-- j Children's izes to li, SONS' AND -- weeks. she was ahle to relt Shoes, i .Hi. BUTCHERS' TOOLS. ! xU-iV- lMi?mac(! Ul lnUtUXIWi UJJb A.L O JJUiitAO UUOmCOO. ,AWU . Utile--1 Kelt sluei 7.'m, 1 tu al 7.'., with fur UHuiiilujf, work and walk about and ou Septeuilier entli-iiien'- s 28 called ut At the of r'ett tHtr(-9- f i t i .VI. Dr Mwrnu'. .ttn uiu, marriage George C. Sperry anything in our mammoth stock of clothing t ' LERY Of"ALL KINDS. ,ia now.doing the housework for five per- to Mrs Harriett K. .Smith of Squantuck, buy "";X sons and soumiiug the praises of Dr last week, the bride's FANCY RUBBER BOOTS. Merrow ; she further for granddaughter, I . : . , . ,. . says .that. . but . Miss was at regular auction puces. mm i. : i.i navei i j . Tomlinson, present. Children's (i 10 1. wuuiu aieu. oirs Kubber Hoots, sizes to 1" Gilbert street, had had a cancertoies,io.of the Misses' Rubber II to , 1 10. FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY 1, boots, sizes left breast for 12 I t years. 20, Fred is now .allies' Kubber Hoots, sizes 4 i to S, 1. September Andrews employed at the THERE WILL BE SUCH A 383 MAIN ST., BRIDGEPORT. she consulted Dr Merrow at the Bridge- - limits and Shoes for tientleiiieu mid Children at for reliable w,..t- ...... , . . Plum trees lime kiln. Ladles, prices unequalled i ii.. a. i"i ii iiisLiniLe, no iu six uays vm nTrmrvrn AO TT.TTC removeil it without the loan of H mpiT)TVf 11 VJ KJi.rr? rjTTrr,aA IkiUlJkJ Xi.W AAAAkJI Hound and Laniirs Wool Soles in the diirerent color hindinas at lowest KrieeS. iUlU iWi i blood. The doctor has the cancer speo- - Andrew Trunk mnl lins. ma Flannagan of Dodgingtown ! nii;ii at oiuce. n uiie Keunum of to move to TOWN HAS NEVER SEEN Whether avenue,aged 14, has been alHiet- - expected hisfaniily Thomp- C. II. B E N N E T WE ARE iru wnii vmt?iLic nts since lie as a sonville, this week. T, Dr Merrow, 28, he Jiaa had but oue fit- f.;.!,. 1 July .1 i A merry as well as musical nu niiKt; itiiu Hint UUriliS U1C UTSlf WCeK family ct. :; s ritKKT. . of din- $50,000 i:i:na::iM)Kr, tiain GOING OUT OF gathering partook Thanksgiving Must be cleaned up by January 1. We want BUSINESS! ner at the hospitable home of Charles iirisoo of Botsford Hill. Great grand- . You own HUNT'S REMEDY son the Money. can have the goods at your WILL CURE THE KIDNEYS father, grandfather, father, and PLUMB HARDWARE CO., REGULATE THE HEART AND grandson were all there and the chickens, to make it we shall start MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING as well as the in price. Just interesting, 'T0U CAN'T AFFOfiD TO BE WITHOUT IT." porkers, had to suffer ofwith AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED consequence. The evening hours were pleasantly whiled away listening to mu- TWO HUNDRED MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND 20,000 sic by K. D. Brisco on the guitar, Orrin WORTH OF FOOTWEAR AT CUT PRICES. WE OFTEN Brisco and Charles Xickersou on the vio- ROSS ENSILAGE AND lin BOYS' SUITS AT 5 PER SUIT ! and John Wolfe ou the cornet. Mu- M L L A N & sic flows freely in the veins of the Brisco 0 descendants ; SON, nearly all of the children All Winter Weights and Some Grades that EEED CUTTER, The Oldest Established Boot and Shoe House in WONDER and grandchildren show musical talent. Cost Three Times the Price Asked to Cat Bridgeport, and will, on account of the removal from the citv of the head of the firm, That we sell Draperies or Upholstery Goods, - Fred Andrews has moved his Make them We're not into HAND HORSE CLIPPER, CROSS CUT close out their business and the entin stock, fixtures, lease and our store is so crowded. It isn't nice to have family this exaai-inin- from up. going thing Carpets rolled at your htels when your're g the house where F.X. Ilawley lives Halves. ! good-w- ill are for sale. Until a purchaser is found for the business, Screens. Portieres, or Lace Curtains. It to Danbury, where he is working at his by SAW, CARPENTER TOOLS, tends to expletives and sarcasm. Our customers trade as carpenter. SHOVELS, well-bre- we shall offer our stock at PuVic Sale, presenting such bargains are too d to use it openly, yet we know A Man Needs an Overcoat as well as a Suit they keep up a thinking. as have never before been given in the city. Not a single pair of George S. and Chester P. Xorthrop Now is Time ! AXES, WOODEN WARE, BUILDERS' were Philo the shoes in our store will hold its original value, prices being cut to at Xorthrop's Taunton home Pretty soon we'll have another nice new ttore on Thanksgiving. The former is full of buying 300 OVERCOATS, REGULAR $8, $10 and $12 such an extent as will make rapid sales absolutely certain. Our pretty things in this line. Then the Carpets apples for Xew Haven men and AND GENERAL HARDWARE. shall bold absoluts sway over the floors shipped g they a car load from Bethel 36 years' record for square-dealin- will, we think, be a sufficient share with Draperies now. and was to send GRADES, YOUR CHOICE, $5. another from this week. IVEldcLLo guarantee that this i3 a genuine closing out sale of cur business Xewtown, 432 IVCain iil;., OS No matter how little ! St., and that the cuts in are cuts. We would like to you may hear of any- Twelve Xew Haven SUIT & OVERCOAT prices genuine for in town, are sura to friends of H. L. $10 thing going you pretty Manvillc Oon.xi.. quoteSsome figures, but as the price of every article in the store has hear of it going for as little here, may be a little enjoyed Thanksgiving turkey IH3xId.grep6rt, less- with him. Suit $5. Overcoat $5. Think We'll Sell Any ! been reduced, we must ask you to come and see for yourself. We sale of W. H. Somers ate Thanksgiving tur- GRAND FINAL DEC ;30 AND 31. open the greatest Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, etc., that We AUCTION, keep up our regular line of goods the rear key in South Britain. Bridgeport has ever knovn. round- - We can't tell you much about this Great Clearing- ! -- L 0 0 K Xelson W. Burr of Long Hill has visit- -Out Sale. Space in the Newspapers Costs ed his aged father, Xatlian Burr of Hunt- -' too Much. Come in and Look. We will Sell you llOLLAN k SON, ingtown. we From a Pair ofOveralls to Our Blacksmith Lynch of Long Hill was in anything Own, C. the Hook, last week. D33k or Safe. W. M'CORD, MAIN ST., BRIDGEPORT. Miss Katie McMahon has been home DON'T MISS THiS CHANCE ! WE THROW UP 384 from 375 Main Bridgeport. 1. BIGGEST CHANCE OF THE YEAR TO SECURE Street, THE SPONGE, JANUARY Misses Mary and Margaret Corbett HEAD OF WALL STREET, spent. Thanksgiving at James Corbet fs, OIUXVIj U ill!. JU A BARGAIN AND MAKE YOUR HOME Hunt THE KELLER PIANO COMPANY, BISHOP BLOCK (Old Sterling ingtown. BEAUTIFUL. A Percheron THE J. BAENABY CO., MANUFACTURERS OF THE House), grade owned by A. C. R McArthur weighed 6S0 pounds when a BRIDGEPORT. . is one fa- NEXT TO THE I). M. READ CO., We have a number ofbroken bundles of Wall year old ; it of the colts of the UPRIGHT PIAHO. mous Little Duke owned by S. L. Thom- KELLER as, Trumbull. ZOrid-grepox- :LvaArs. t, from 10 to 20 rolls each, which, 433 rit, Ct. Paper running FACTORY: 88 to 104 John street, Bridgeport. D. M. Co. DR. EIGHME, Mrs A. M. Lyon has been sick for sev- Store For Rent, Apply at Read Stock from June 15 until further notice, we will sell at WAREROOMS: DENTIST, eral weeks, under the care of Dr Hart, 422 Main Street, but is improving. for to The J. B. Co. - x Sale, Apply Barnaby 17 EAST 14TH N. Y. .o- Bridgeport; half We are to do this to make 578 MAIN ST., B'FT; ST., Second Door Below price. compelled Fair . has been sick with bil- field ave-- . over 6e Store- - George Uoyt i H.ojDdii-ias- " iixicl Graduate of Penn. College ot Dental Surgery. ious fever at his Dodgingtown home ; Dr room for our Imported Papers, which will arrive Tuning, All operations known to Dentistry performed. Barber attends. EDWARD K. MORGAN, Secretary and Treasurer. Teeth extracted without pain by means SI in a short time for the Fall Trade. of our Electric Vibrator. Gershoin Piatt will continue to peddle 3?, WAJjMi The dentist in Western Connecticut ns- - only meat on his Brookfield route all Winter, oxide RU8 also administered. Gas is the only but will discontinue other routes. Hor- safe anaesthetic known. Teeth extracted for LADIES' AIJD BOOTS AND Respectfully, A PEEFUME WITHOUT 2"e. Work guaranteed an low a any respect ace Piatt has made repairs and alterat- GENTS' SHOES. able practitioner In the 8tate and none but the ions on his in stanchions uest woi-- ana oesi materiui. barn, putting A 1UVAI, GEORGE C. EIGHME, D. D. S. and stalls in the basement. C3-ood- s Rubber The company which bought John Fer- WILLIAM HEALY & CO., Sweeter than the sweetest. ry's Bogus feldspar mine have sold their NO. 278 MAIN GREAT BARGAINS AT , interest at Bogus as well as Branchville. STREET, PPtOVE IT YOURSELF The new firm announced their intention Corner Fairfield Ave. and Water St.; Bridgeport. of resuming operations at Bogus, but on B. BOOTH'S. nothing has been done there yet. RECREATION HALL. By calling I, OPPOSITE Miss Edith Johnson is employed at THE PLACE FOR SQUARE DEALING. This Keane's Cold Spring shop as a m a n An immense lot of Ladies' Fine box maker. a JOSEPH H. beenha LUTZ, Egyptian Wool Jersey Vests, never stu c fe James Burhans has moved from Nor the before retailed under 75 for 50c. careby c, man Xorthrop s tenant house to that owned Philo Clarke. nessless,ot each. by ? Th3 assortment of Under DO YOU WEAR PANTS largest John Epps and family have moved to whohas left wear in town. Charles Xorthrop's tenant house. a paper STOCK ML of One case fine All Wool Dress Flan- MESH tacks Oliver Wolcott of Xewtown is a I) out. c. cutting It nels, worth 37 c, for 23 a havenmy 400 cords of wood on the Shepaug river, ybeen yard. The biggest bargain ever offer- which II. P. Mitchell will haul to She- h ouse-- i BRIDGEPORT PANTS 0., 1 $3 v paug depot. e ail ed, ; ing; time. If A at II. B. OP ho, it Is family gathering Coger'g not to home, bo Uuntingtown Thanksgiving. "W O 11 - 120 EAIRFIELD AYENUE. l ered It is now stated that will ;it, as FOLSOM'S Harry Coger all remain in Huutingtowu for the Winter. jk ind s ot PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, t hm grs lla-M- UP. At Tax Collector H. Botsford has nre e Q PANTS TO ORDER, $3 the George to UP. built a hennery. - .. , . PARLOR AND COOK STOVES li u p . J. SUITS, $12 $3. NEW NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, pen at 246 Main Street, C. C. Smith aud wife of Xew Milford 1such1 in es. o in v BOSTON DENTAL CO., NEXT DOOETO LIBUARY BCILDISG, spent Thanksgiving with Edward Ives. jieo pie near Fairfield Ket 430 MAIN ST., ave., MRS. J. H. FOLSOflf, Proprietress. Farmers will find that Salvation Oil is a flue k BRIDGEPORT. sure remedy lor treated feet. All druggists w h e ii 49-Ca- lI and examine our work. keep it. It U sold for 5c. a bottle. t h e y to u y DR. WARNES,: JUST IN. MANAGER. FOLSOM'S. Danbury. Oonii. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life theirV ot It was lust an ordinary scran of wrarminir by A GOOD SET OF TEETH paper, but It saved her life, she was in the . of told p u r REDUCED . --PV. - . THE BEST last stages consumption, by physic- lin- - ians that she was incurable and could only I lii WARNER, 'CLARK live a short she wehclied less than 70 r-- -.. ICOPYKiuHT of time; . uure II. TO pounds, tm a piece of wrapping paper she TUCK 18 39. a b r o ""V- - !'' ii:Z- - -- .NL. ; i & TAYLOR'S sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a iluat'tirs. ... i large bottle, it helped her more, bought an S4. other and grew better ast. continued its nse Yours 41V GROCERY SHELVES SHOW Respectfully, allele no one at Main street, as everything is guaranteed Just a reprcsenltHl, ;ivi us a and la now strong, rosy and plump, weighing vmi miti ntii-ot- guiHj itiifi iiiui iiie jn lees. & & BLACKWELL'S JAMS IH OHX POUJlD I4u pounds. Kor luller particulars send stamp WM.A PLATT CO.,; Teeth extracted, without pain. 25c , CROSS to w. II. Fort Smith. Trial 4 - Cole, druggist, Teeth filled, without pain, 60s up. - BOTTLES- bottles of this wonderful discovery free at K. PRINTERS, Fine Gold filling, warranted, $1 up. GEEEN GRAPES. . K. Haw ley's drugstore. HUTS. Teeth cleaned, 76c. MIXED , r NO. 9 WALL STREET, - ' The Haadaoaast ia Kewtowa A. H. Gas administered, 60c. , CHOICE FIGS Lady are wanteii. FLORIDA ORAHGES. Keniarked to a friend the other day that site DAVIS, BRIBQEPORT, CONN Teeth extracted free when plate Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and All work done in a skillful and iiUifactory CALIFORNIA RAISIHS. Lungs was a superior remedy, aa it stopped manner. CATSUP, CHOW CHOW, PICKLES. SAKDIHES ber cough instantly when other cough reme- ' PATEHT PROCESS BUCKWHEAT FLOOR. dies had uo effect whatever. So to prove this elsou-hcre- . Nine ; fifth in Bridge ' MAIN Get our prices, before ordering years' experience year and convince you of its merit any druggist 429 ST., BRIDGEPORT. - AT.T. KIXD3 . CAUSES GOODS. ALL GOOD j The references furiuaneit- will yon a bottle fiee. ZCoolr mail filled. port. bit give sample Large cun.'y Conn, Order by promptly ' Office hoars, 9 a m to 8 p in. QUALITY AID REASOHAXLE IUCZS. else Sue ail 1. THE NEWTOWN BEE. Whatever I have tried to do In life, I : ASPETUCK. BOWS TO OUR have tried with all to do well ; COMPETITION SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES.' my heart William Abbott, wife and son of Wil- PUBLISHED BY whatever I have devoted to com- myself ton had a narrow escape from drowning, FREE TO YOU! lu aims and lu I THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY pletely, great small, while on his way to have been In earnest. Thanksgiving day, K. II. SMITH, KIHTOK. always thoroughly his mother, Mrs D. O. Banks. The re- An entire new idea! Dickens. cent rain had flooded the liver BESSE & CO., $1 50 A YEAR, 4c. A COPT. Aspetuck FOSTER, ! CHRISTMAS. over the road near and he Something original ROXBURY. Jabcz Thorp's to drive Ills horse COMBINATION HATTERS KWT0W, COBB., riUDAT, DECEMBER attempted through. THE RELIABLE CLOTHIERS, AND MEN'S FURNISHERS. New! Episcopal soctable with Mrs George swam out, the water coming up to their Barnes. arms as sat In the seat. A blanket, Our immense and elegant assortment of Winter Suits and Overcoats and our honest and unapproachable low prices awakens and im- ! they now is the time to secure their On Popular and taking LONG HILL. halter and valise were washed out by the presses on the people the indisputable fact, that Winter Clothing. account of the unseasonable weather, W. B, Leonard Is moving to Danbury. current and the valise lias not been re- manufacturers are unloading the balance of their Winter Goods at great reductions in prices. We are daily taking advantage of such redue-tion- s From now until Christmas ! BBNNKTT I'Ll'MH. covered. and can show some of the greatest bargains the eyes of mortals ever gazed upon. Come and examine for yourself, come and see what 2 , 0 0 0 DOZEN Morse fine In stores-ca- affords IeWvenworth's house the The for best In No. cash and the purchasing power of 27 do to bring within your reach reliable goods at honest and unapproachable lew prices. It us pleasure to an fiu-- t la prizes scholarship The bat kn etabllh'U and Hollow is nearly finished and will be 10 were won by Johnnie Kelly and Rob- nounce to the people of New worthy of note that soinuthtng was found quite an Improvement. bie Gould. ZJKttsPS JlSTJD 3TOTJTBCS' Fall SUITS. on Thursday, the 28th of last month Frank L. Sherwood lost a fat hog. Every style and quality. Our great distribution of this is unprecedented, because our garments stand the severest tests, because town ?nd vicinity that we are BROOKFIELD. honest low mark garment at its true value- - Our 18 60, $8 60 and our $10 Suits will return to the fourfold value. " t whoae attractions could Mrs Williams of Norwalk is prices every purchasers successfully Abigail 24. .: v. :" abont to give them a ben conventional Thanks Mr and Mrs Aaron Williams of Hart with her Mrs E. K. Freeborn. Better qualities $12, 13, 14, 15, 10, 17, 18, 20, 22, ,: great comitete with the ford ate Mr daughter. In tnrkey with and Mrs Ben REEFER COATS, CAPE COATS. efit. Notwithstanding we have giving turkey, even old Connecticut, jamln Starr. OVERCOATS, ULSTERS, tlig-- EAST VILLAGE. The of where carry the largest stock manifests itself to when see as- known . the field of that famous bird's most Charles Hawley of New York visits advantages buying they every intelligent person, they such an always been as the most HDKFS sortment of Coats as looms np to plosse the eye at our store. Style, character, fit and servicableness all combined, at the lowest tlngulnhed victories. For It is hardly his uncle, S. E. Huwley. 11th, the East Top prioe Wednesday evening, ever known. A good Overcoat, 8 60, 8 60 and 10. Our Overcoats at 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 80, 22, $24 to any in the City. enterprising merchant in this too much to assume that the 00 or more Misses Sarah and Grace Hawes of Village congregation will give their pas- superior favored people who met at the residence Bridgeport have visited in town. tor, Rev W. Chamberlin, a donation visit BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. section and that we have sold of Bennett on Miss Susie Whttcome a short va at the parsonage. If the evening should overflowing with boundless and unlimited Parent and Child we Ueorge M. Thrnksglvlng spent the visit will on The largest stock bargains. Every satisfied that excel and outstrip all the best goods, in nearly every cation witn Her rather. prove stormy, take place in the for honors. day might have done battle with the tur the first fair evening. competitors struggle highest we be- TH E on if Mrs Florida Kellogg and Miss Mary casa lower than others, key very creditable terms, only Merwin of J. W. Waterbury and Rev A. J. Smith Suits, $2 to $8 50. Overcoats, $2 50 to $25. Odd Knee Pants, 50c. to $1 50. Bridgeport spent Thanksgiv ' is do they had not been Influenced by motives Airs bagged two coons, last Friday, 14 and 20 : lieve it right to the best we ing witn x'liuo Merwin. in UNDERWEAR AT BARGAIN PRICES. far above any gastronomic consideration. Mrs A. Beal and sons of pounds, A. Sinclair's woods. se J. Danbury a can by our patrons, thereby The event which furnished the attract- were guests of James A. Betts,last week. Lcgrand Osborne had hive of bees Men's Winter Gloves, Mufflers, Fur and Scotch stolen, but traced the thief, who settled. Furnishing Goods, Cardigan Jackets, Caps, Overalls, Work the amount of ions of the day was the marriage of Mr Mr and Mrs E. N. Cornwall and fam- Coats and Shirts. The Best Blue Flannel $1 $2 50. Horse curing largest Bros. Co. C. M. Beardsley has had a $500 offer ing Shirts, 50, 2, Clothing. Copeland Bennett's charming daughter, Miss Char ily of Bridgeport have visited Elmer H. Fur Robes, and Rubber trade.but also the nam X orthrop. for his colt, but still thinks he can afford Lap Robes, Trunks, Bags, Clothing. greatest lotte Conger, to Arthur Kdwards Plumb William Williams of New York visited to keep it for family use. STORE OPEN EVEET EVENING. ber of friends. From, now until of Trumbull. It without goes saying his father, Dr Williams, last week. Mrs Hatch of Bridgewater has visited we will that such an occasion In the hospitable Mr and Mrs Edwajd Griffon of Dan her sister, Mrs Waite Clark. Christmas, give away return- Invite attention to their ex- home of Mr Itennett was lu every way a bury spent Thanksgiving with his par George Cassidy and wife have large and valuable books, abso most affair. The arrangements ents. ed from New York and are at O. J. Sher- tensive line of Lace enjoyable Mrs Robert who has been wood's. THE GREAT WHOLESALE 'AND' RETAIL COMBINATION CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, MEN'S free of Silk, and and accessories of the wedding were very Clarke, FURNISHERS, lutely charge, entitled with her mother, returned home, last Birdseye Hubbell and Erastus Morgan Linen Prints, Hemstitched and effective, although simple and without week. HSI-A-IIs- IBIZDG-IEIPOIRr-, "Famous American Fortunes were In town, Sunday. 317 r Embroidered Handkerchiefs any attempt at display. The windows Miss Sadie Kclloire returned to Brook Charles Curtis of Oxford has been the STSSET, CT. and the Men Who Have Made of the were shaded and was lyn, of W. II . Curtis. parlor light Monday. guest so in 'numbers of candles Fred Beers of Hartford soent a few W. and Lewis STEPNET. sion of the flowers she loved well, been made front of the savings bank. Them," a book of 800 pages and supplied by large J. Waterbury Tuttle,2d, other a beautiful taxtefully disposed about the room. In days with his parents. has been on jury duty at Bridgeport. at the among designs pillow Rev William 11. Holinan, who has been 47 fine the value of FOR THE HOLI- Last Sunday, Baptist church, with the name "Nellie." Mrs M. W. illustrations, one corner was an arch of evergreen the hand of was three in Chicago, has returned. LONG HILL, HUNTINGTON. fellowship given Mr McAl-piil- e the book $3 50. surmounted a horseshoe BRIDGEPORT. at- Morehouse, Miss Plumley and being by large Miss Fannie Bennett has returned to new members. The Sunday evening Mrs H. T. and Miss C. M DAYS! C. W. sang "Gathering Home" and "It is Bulkley From now until we of the same and here llev Boylston Meriden for the Winter. AT HAWKS'. tendance is Christmas, increasing. Well with my Soul" and all must have Bulkley have charge of all Improvements of Grace church awaited the approach Anson 30-ac- re issue Slie has purchased a This week Friday evening, Stoddard's been with the conviction that made by the S. V. I. A. and do their a card to every person who of the brldul party. At a few minutes farm of O. G. Beard. He exnects to second lecture. from Corsica llemember that the Baptist ladies will impressed "Napoleon, it was indeed well with the soul of the work in a creditable manner. desires it. As cach In great variety, among which after 3 o'clock, the bride leaning upon build on It. to the Throne." hold a bazaar on Tuesday and Wednes- purchases beautiful The Sherman are ths novelties the arm of the groom, entered and the Miss Flora Beard returned to Talcott-- The Wrheeler & Wilson band, assisted day evenings of next week. Fancy ar- sleeper. father, F. Bronson, E. B. Monroe and H. H are made at our store, the card latest were soon united lu the vllle, Saturday. by the Zethus male quartet of New York, ticles suitable for Christmas gifts will be Adams and brother, Dwight B. Adams, erry were appointed as committee to happy pair holy Hoberts' will the first of a series of will be and, when the bonds of A feature paper mill is running on full give Sunday for sale. A short concert each evening. certainly deserve the wannest sympathy represent the subscribers to the macad punched matrimony. special time. The Improvements are evening concerts on the 8th. and in lost of the service was the use of two wed- nearly of neighbors friends, having amized road. They will act jointly with purcnases amount to $zu, we AT THE LOWEST completed. Thursday evening, 12th, comes "The At the Baptist church, Sunday, 8th, the of their home; for there the bride one upon Blakeman is Fakir." The St. Herald said this, light the town, macadamizing the road from will to to ding riugs, bestowing Ezra buildinr a house in Joe, Mo., Sunday school at 11 30 a m; preaching have seldom been a father and a present the person PRICES. the groom Immediately after receiving Shelton. that there is nothing coarse in the play surely Toomey's store in Fairfield to W. B, the was at 1 p m ; fourth lecture on "Creation' at brother more devoted and constant in whom the card was issued the her own. The bride wore a becoming O. G. Beard, Jr, has ordered a car of and that company the strongest Meeker's in Sout.hport. bran and feed from lie seen in sc. josepn in years. 7 p m ; Monday, 7 30 p m, Y. P. S. C. E. ; their care. The U a peculiarly sad above book. traveling costume of brown cashmere and Michigan, goes 6 school Wakej' Sherwood has had a severe ill to Vermont after another drove of cat- Saturday evening, 14th, entertainment , Thursday, p in, meeting at Judd one, Miss Nellie being the third novelty silk, worn without hat. Imme- daughter but is This a as tle, next week. for the benefit of the Bridgeport orphan house. Mr Adams has been called to part with ness, recovering rapidly. is actually present, SPECIAL: diately after the ceremony, Mr and Mrs Mrs Pctremout of Coram wishes to asylum. Tuesday evening, 17th, Gaul's sell - as- by death, just as were blossoming D. II. Gould and have to U0 extra is asked for l'lumb received the hearty congratula- her and her husband in Brook- cantata. "Joan of Are," will be present- The session of the young peoples' they family gone price goods place join San- - into womanhood ; the wife and mother for the will be tions of their friends, then all" turned lyn, N. Y. ed by the choral society, with S. S. sociation in the M. E. church parlors, Spain Winter, lhey and we to be re Three hundred dozen of Em- ford at the 11. Deiv. Mid- - the trio to the expect amply attention to the bountiful entertain- The Hill will piano; Kiderof Friday evening, November 22, was full preceding spirit land, only away about six months. their Long Literary Society dletown at the new vocalion organ; Prof a few since. our old custom broidered at 10c and 15c, worth ment which all seemed to hold a preliminary meeting, some time once of interest. In the two duets sung by years James who assaulted William paid by pleasing provided, fully next week. J. Hayden Waud, England's most Murphy, 25c. There were many elegant and prominent player, on the bass viol ; Miss Rev Manee and C. E. Osborne, the dis- McCullom, was sentenced to 30 days in ers, oesiaes aacing many new enjoy. W. W. E. Gardner spent Thanksgiving in useful wedding gifts bestowed upon the S0UTHF0RD. llortense 1'ierse, ll. Kiegrer tenor. tinctively characteristic excellencies of ail and fined $10 and costs. It will take ones. One hundred and dozen E.F. Bushnell bass of New York' soloists. more town: Miss Minnie E.Perry at her home, fifty bride, noticeable among them being four A bridge over the Kettletown brook their voices were even apparent him about four months to work out his see near A. 11. AT PltOCTOK'S. returning to New Canaan, Monday. Come and this valuable book. all fine 12 very handsome Rochester lamps, all of Hendryx's barn was swept than in their singing two weeks previous sentence. Hemstitched, linen, at last week. This week and Miss We have made to l-2- different articles of away, Friday Saturday, Mr Osborne's voice, in its dear? decisive, - Miss Mary C. Fulton was in town, last arrangements sup- c. Have been sold for 25c. quite patterns, many Mr and Mrs C. P. Cook of Union Laura Bert, supported by a strong com- solid silver tea cake City in "Nanon." A with ex- ringing tones, came out grandly in both week. ply every family miles around. Come silver, set, basket, spent Thanksgiving with their parents pany company cellent costumes and and "The Larboard - fruit dishes, nut bowl, bon bon dish, dec in Kettletown. properties. songs, "Ship Ahoy" John W. Meeker has gone back to New and see us and secure a card- If you oil dia- and and Watch." In Rev Manee's voice is heard NOW IS THE TIME TO SE- orated china set, rugs, paintings, Warren Stowe and family went to Monday, Tuesday Wednesday York, feeling much better. cannot visit us, write and we will mond lace silver butter Bridgeport, last week. Wednesday matinee, 9th, 10th and 11th, the culture whose object is to persuade , dish, laces, - You LECT YOUR HOLIDAY "The Great Metropolis," New York's not Two games of ball, last week Thurs send you a card. are bound to be vases, porcelain and glass sets, etc. At Miss Martha J. Stowe of Bridsrenort latest for three months at the men to righteousness. While lack ner success, : At the field. Excelsiors with! PRESENTS. 3 :0 p m, Mr and Mrs Plumb left amid a spent inanKsgiving witn mother. 23d street theatre. This is a spec- ing in vibratory power, its vibrations are day Bulkley pleased by trading Charles White great - score 15 to 8 in favor shower of rice and the good wishes of of Waterburv aud tacular triumph and will bring two car like the rythm of the Summer's sea,mov- against Aspetucks, Potter have been here ; Crescents friends for an extended bridal Chauncey hunting. loads of special scenery. ing you certainly and moving you in the of Excelsiors at Plattsville, las Opening every day something their trip, F. H. entertained children 14 7 in coins' as far as M. V ..that Gray and Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 12th, direction, but withal so against Sport Hills, to favor of Albany, night grandchildren, 13th and and most right gently new. I'pon their return, they will make thleir Thanksgiving day. 14th, Hoyt's greatest that you have no desire to resist. The lit Snort Hill. Both home clubs feel en home In Trumbull. George Signor and family spent successful comedy, "A Tin Soldier." SI the the Excelsiors OU6hs in erary exercises consisted of a reading by couraged by result, i nantisgiving soutnvnie. Messrs because were victorious and the Miss Annie Fairchild to Cashman, Poland, Drake and Miss Flora Curtis, "How Jonathan went they The old peoples' whlwt club held their returned her others of the Bridgeport Jockev club en Crescents because their defeat was no first with II. N. school on Hull's Hill, Monday, after a a under the instigation'; not of GO-AHE- AD meeting Ayres, Tuesday s joyed pleasant ride, last Sunday, stop worse. The Crescents are to the THE PUSHING, THE Inclem- wecK vacation. his but of his mother's advice. A play night and, notwithstanding the ping at Isaac 1 horp s, Mill, for re- heart, of the the attendance was Mrs Ruth A. Lewis has eone to Water- - Jump to Aspetucks, 7th, 1 p m, at the rou ency weather, freshments. Next the club will Sinclair, of Monroe treated us two Saturday, The club Is of a weeus. Sunday, Jr, good. composed entirely oury ior lew go to the Grand Central, Newtown, to readings in which he proved himself the Bulkley field. CLOTHIER. married people, consequently the meet- of a dinner for which the C0PEIAND partake genial possessor of no uncommon dialectic 11. at ings will be very decorous. Wllmot C. is famous. The otllcers of W. Purple spent Thanksgiving ' MONROE. proprietor this . W heeler and Mrs John II. lleach carried club are well known business men of and pathetic power. His first reading his home in Mass. 185 Main street off the tlrst Springfield, prize; the booby prize, after i ne entertainment or trie ladies' im Bridgeport: John Poland, president; S. was a humorous dialectic parody on BROS. COMPANY. a and severe was The basket sociable at John II. . a long struggle, Anally provement society is a New England tea II. Godfrey, secretary ; P. S. Cashman, "The boy stood on the burning dock, y Hull's, Danbury. captured by Klliott M. lieardslcy and, as on the of the 10th. The ladies treasurer : Mr Drake, sec- November 29, was a great suc it has Is do- evening corresponding The appreciation of the young people Friday, cured by been well trained and very promise, in addition to the old fashioned retary. cess. There was a fair in d yc surety cile, It will no doubt be a source of life was so expressive that Mr Sinclair found attendance", tea, quite a number of other induce of the of the club long enjoyment to him. After a pleasant ments. The musical talent that has NICHOLS. himself compelled to give another read spite meeting debating social the to meet in of the The OdviV time, guests departed, promised to aid Is exceptionally tine. It The long delayed joiner work in the ing, "Tobe's Monument," an incident of another part village. plan Perry again in two weeks. , Is lecture room was novel hoped that this will pay all indebted of the Methodist church the late war, which was as a dis- for disposing of the baskets The second meeting of the Cracker ness aue on tne has begun. great excited much parlors. of the power of pathos as the other and the results merriment, STOCK AND LEASE Club will be held at the residence of L. Washington lodge, F. & A. M.. elected Mr and Mrs John Todd and Mr and play a neat little sum for the la I.. 12th. ' Mrs Todd of of the ludicrous. The meeting, this week netting quite Stuart, Thursday evening, the following otllcers: Seymour B. Arthur J. Redding took dies' aid All Miss Grace Downs has returned from W. ; Homer dinner with llev Mr Porter. evening, comprising the usual sociely. present enjoyed Beardsley, M.; E. Clarke. Thanksgiving Friday as Mr and Mrs a visit In Ansonia. S. W. ; Warren C. Hubbell, J. VV..: P. J. literary exercises,together with the mys the evening immensely, SALE! Mrs Thornton has gone to Brooklyn. Jones, Treas. ; C. G. Sherman, Sec.: HATTERT0WN. teries of an "Observation Party" and a Hull spared no pains to make it enjoya FOR full-blood- John L,. 8. 1). ; 8. Buck so F. S. Sheltoo mourns the loss of a ed Beardsley, J. substantial furnished the la ble to all. This experiment has been ingham, J. I). ; A. B. Williams, E. C W. II. JOHNSON LOCKED CP. supper by Shepherd Collie, which he pur- dies' aid a successful that we hope it may soon be chased of K. A. W'ixom, Stewards; G. W. Clarke, Tyler society, ought to attract large Osborne not long since. Tuesday, Justice of the Peace John H. repeated. Members and friends of the M. K. Summers was notified that William H. gathering. Miter CITY CLOTHING church will give their pastor, Kev X. L. S0UTHBURY. Johnson of Hattertown was wandering The debating club had a pleasant meet- PARK Porter, a donation at Good Templar's Hansom Stiles of Bridgeport has been about the streets, apparently insane; Rev David Osborn occupied the M. E ing, Friday evening. Miss Katharine In town he had beaten his wife until she hall, nes) Wednesday evening. All are looking after the welfare of his that pulpit, Sunday, November 24,aad preach- Middlebrook gave two choice readings in Wections cordially Invited. If stormy, first fair aged mother bled at the mouth and that he should be ed a on re d d tfie d looked after. Constable James remarkable sermon the "Gospel excellent taste, contributing much to the evening. Egbert Warner, proprietor of the Peter Kelly in God's covenant with HOUSE, John and sisters have moved Dut now a Tsew was called, but Johnson had started for Colors," tracing enjoyment. The question for debate, Lynch rariey nouse, resident of was Noah in the in the Into the house vacated by Mrllenaghan. Haven, was In White Oak, Monday. We Bridgeport. He overtaken by James rainbow, encircling of "Resolved, That the press has contribut miss his "Good when Lynch, who brought him to the house of the covenant to the in the vision the 1. Mr Dumond is now confined to his bed. pleasant morning" where Constable fathers, ed more toward elevating people than To be Closed tne oiu nomesteaa Patrick Lynch, Kelly of Ezekiel with the rainbow and also in was decided in favor by January Mr and Mrs Arthur Plumb were ex- passing quickly handcuffed him. He went quiet- the public speaker," Singing school every Tuesday evening the rainbow encircled throne of John's The next debate will pected home, Thursday. own ly to Newtown, spent the night in the of the affirmative. acme l nan. it. w. Jieecner nag and was tried, the next The sermon was 12th. charge and, the first lockup morning, apocalypse. unique take place, Thursday, although evening before Justice Cavanaugh. Pleading beautifnl, - TRUMBULL. was rainy ana tne next a continual pun to breach of the he was impressive. A GREAT CHANCE oi smoke irom a detective guilty peace, Postmaster Parks has placed 33 boxes cnimney, yet, sentenced to 15 days in jail and was tak- Rev Mr Manee of the Stepney Baptist PLATTSVILLE THOROUGHBRED POULTRY FOR In the new post oillce. with Beeeher's pluck and perseverance. en to Constable the exercises were gone with, to Bridgeport by Kelly. church preached in the M. E. church, Mrs George Nichols spent Thanksgiv Miles 8. Htandtsh spent Thanksgiving through He will be examined In regard to his san- SALE. ! tne satisfaction oi tne scholars at least Thanksgiving evening. His discourse ing with her father, Conrad Miller and To buv vour Winter Stock of Clothinsr for with his family at George Boughton's. 3 ity, but Dr Olmstead says that he cannot Trios or Pens of the , - Evening No. was very pleasant Inside be was witn Historic, scientuic, po Easton friends. Will sell Pairs, Breeding wUe Edward received at Middletown, if declared replete has visited Standard varieties: E. and S. comb Ellen, of Botsford, died ana out, attested to the numbers pres politico-economi-c, following flTlfl TsOVS HT. ' by insane, until the 17th. Johnson was one litical, my thologicand - vmirSfill Hall Pflffi at the Bridgeport hospital, where she ent of the witnesses at the Stoeftel trial. He Brown Leghorns, E. and S. comb White Leg- J has been for some on She moral allusions. CHESTNUT HILL. horns. Black Minoroas, W. F. B. Dark time, Monday. Miss Grace Pulford is engaged to teach has for years been subject to epilep Spanish, was 41 and her funeral was attended on the Winter term in White Oak. Fortu- ! tic fits, which doubtless overthrew his .Mrs Asbury Lowrcy of New York city D. S. Mr and Mrs F. L. 'fur- - GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES from the of the French, una vi m ni.g,- Thursday chapel North nate, indeed, is that school which has se mental balance. He feared that his life will In the M. E. next Sun jvucjui. inu nuiwauuiuiu .cjn, Congregational church. cured her services. Her success in teach was also speak church, ney of Long Hill spent Thanksgiving nifioent birds. Also one Success Hatcher,200 egg in danger and believed that his afternoon and One FROM TO S is due to her love for the was in con- day evening. with George French. capacity, Cost $60, Price $25. Excelsior MEN'S OVERCOATS $25.00 15.00. ing largely youngest daughter, Nellie, lAVr0Cost u u EASTON. work. stant He bade her an affection- Incubator, 800 egg capacity, $30, Price 15.00 9.00. danger. $15. These machines are as good as new and ia Mrs I.aura Clark and daughter, Mrs ate farewell at the Hattertown school HILL. WESTPORT. 12.00 8.00. REDDING. house, GREENFIELD perfect order. George Falrchild, of South Britain have Tuesday morning. Postal cards noticed and an r .:,.,t TP,.in..t..i, MISS NELLIE W. ADAMS. Rev A. N. Lewis, who preached at correspondence 10.00 6.00. visited Mrs Maria Knapp. .' c.t.,.. ifi,.n A. W. has been here from swered without stamps. 1 Mr and Mrs C. W. Canfleld of and Miss Georgiana Dorsey. Penny New Milford, last Sunday, has moved 8.00 Spring- Bridgeport. On Wednesday, November 27, Miss GEORGE WAEEEN, Stratfield, Conn. P- - 0. 5.00. field, Mass., Mrs Harriet Canfleld and Nellie W. Adams died at of 19 his family to New Haven. 465 Water F. M. Canfleld and and George Hubbell ha3 engaged in the the age address, street, Bridgeport. MEN'S SUITS FROM $25.00 TO S15.00. family, family WOLF PITS. business and is for and 9 months. more a Dris- - Charles Peet spent Thanksgiving In Long painting painting years For than James Driscoll, senior member of 20.00 14.00. Will Fry and wife spent Sunday in Charles M. Thorp. George has the con- Nellie been from Hill. tract for the houses of year, had suffering pul- coll & Fable, undertakers and proprietor lie-gi- Redding. painting Chauncey 15.00 10.00. Winter term In Judd district will n, monary troubles, but, till within a few of the Westport livery stables, was bur Mr Abbott of Norwalk is with his McCarty and Dr E. J. Peck. Although . u Monday, 0th. she had so of 10.00 6.00. ' uiuoa, Mra IV. II. Piatt. the business is comparatively new to months, kept up bravely that ied from the Church the Assumption, STOREY?. ROY M. If. Thorpe has traded a fat cow for him, he swings the brush with the case her frfends were loth to believe that the He was 28 and a member of an ox with F. I.. Wheeler of Mr Johnson and family spent Thanks Saturday. cart, Long in and precision of a veteran. , Those for fastened it- Hill. giving with his mother Bridgeport. whom he has been his work destroyer, consumption, had Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co. Reduction Children's ! working say be- THE BOSTON STORE, Great in Clothing Mrs Cornelius Hcofleld and Mrs Frank Fred Wlldinan has moved from Mrs Is far superior to that of some who claim self firmly upon her. But when she Mr and Mrs Hezeklah Lyon spent Gorham'a house. to be to fail so that no one could in Xsirmingtiam. 2 Ladies' Vests and for Gould of Bridgeport have visited W, F. professionals. gan rapidly Thanksgiving cases Pants 88c OVERCOATS FROM $10-0- 0 TO $6.00. Helleck. Edward Hoyt and family of Middle-bur- y Isaac Bassett with be blinded to the dreaded then it Miss Linda Thorpe of Bridgeport and 3 eases Ladies' Vests and extra value spent Thanksgiving truth, of Pants, at " 8.00 " 5.00. Mr and Mrs John W. Fancher and fam- spent Thanksgiving with his fath his daughter in Bethel ; Miss Emma C. was that Nellie showed her true Miss Sadie Frederick Brooklyn spent 45c. er, Joshua ' Lnth on strength Sunday at George jr. 1 " " ily of Westport and Henry Fancher of lloyt. Long Island. of character. so norpe's. Ladies' 50o Vests, extra good value. 6.00 3.50. were of Mrs Shnte has been with her sister, Though young, though Rev Mr Gallaudet of Orange, N. Moathport Thanksgiving guests life held so much make J., Ladies' Vests 25c, 35c and 50o. " 4.00 " 2.50. Wilbur Helleck; Mr aud Mrs Samuel Mrs W. F. Hoyt. that might her preached m Memorial church, Sunday Jersey Mrs Jelferson have NEW MILF0RD. she was so much needed Rev A. Miller of New Haven 1 case Men's Shirts and Drawers, 60c " " Fancher and Fancher A wa Kev Mr Johnson happy, though Douglass 3.00 2.00. beeu recent guests of Wilbur F. Selleck. BETHEL. reception given by a tender father and a devoted brother, will preach again, next Sunday. Men's scarlet (Shirts and Drawers at 75c, $1, at the chapel by the ladies of the Con- William' B. See and Miss Jennie Lee of values. Miss Florence Sherman has been home. gregational church, Thursday. yet she realized that must leave all $1.25; compare SHELTON. N. Y., have visited Willard and low prices-2- 5 Tues-ds- this and if, at first, she felt a Tarrvtown, Children's Vest Pants at ' G. Dltmars of W ater Witch fair, which closed, y shrinking Adams. : llev James the Baptist of the doz- - Ladies' fast black Cotton Hose, the church has to take effect at WESTON. night, took in about $1000. Frank at the prospect passing through Clarence of resigned, B. Drew of Hawleyville drew the chief Lyon Bridgeport spent bestfor 25e. New lie will go to the new If you would like the Newtown Bek, chill, awful waters of death, yet she at Ilezekiah s. , THIS! Year's, a road Sunday Lyon 70 Blankets $1 extra South End Baptlwt church at Bridgeport. Just enl along your money ; prize, wagon. grew to face this prospect with resigna- Miss Hammond has visited Mrs pairs grey heavy 50; Then will have Dr Allen and wife Sophie value in white Blankets $2 to $5. The Exelslor Co. has you lor the year, spent Thanksgiving more, with cheerfulness.; Dur D. Wood ; also Mrs Hammond and Mfg. suspended In Norwalk. : tion, nay John Comfortables 75c, $1, 1.25, 1.50 and upward. and the new which the Ousaton-l- o A lull supply of honey. Miss Eva. factory ing the last three or four months of her All-wo- ol Water Co. has built for the con- Tlialt In, the news you'll weekly get Hon A. B. Mygatt, Mr and Mrs II.' S. scarlet FlannoTonly 20e. THE just From this with life, she experienced many and John D. Wood got the harness which cern will be vacant. Mygatt spent Thanksgiving Frank days was the Church of the TABLE ftcrullnif a doPar and fitly cents Andrews in of intense but pa- given by Assumpt LINEN. The of the Shelton Brass By Bridgeport. nights suffering; her ion at their recent lair to tne most popu factory To the of the Uek. o. Hardware Co. Is to be sold at auction. publisher tience through all was remarkable. Al lar man in town. 25 doz. extra large Ruck Towels, 12 PARK CITY CLOTHING HOUSE Dr F. Gorhani and wife spent Thanks ease of John W. Anderson HALF WAT RIVER. most to the last moments of her life, it , 50 doz. the largest Towel sold, 25c In the giving with Mrs Gorhain's parents at awniimt Charles E. Bunnell, judgment " Miss Mamie Clark attended the sil was one of her chief delights to hear mu- LYON'S PLAIN. Cream Damask 40c, 50c, 62 12c. ; for - Coleytown. of Jerome Munson and wife Will be 1. Until was given by default Staples plain- ver wedding sic. She was much attached to her 5 pc. Cream Damask 69c, worth 75c- - Positively Closed, January Mr and Mrs William Osborn and jvien-don- piano, tin. Judtce McMahon for defendant at llamden ana ts now visiting in in Emmanuel i church by Grace of Easton were with Wil- which she played as as" she was Preaching 200 pc. ; Linen Diaper, 85c, 95c, $1, $1 15, sensation was created M. F. Bra-l- e, daughter long Rev Mr Hamilton of JNorwaik. Public will have the Benefit of Our Low A by liam Cogswell, Thanksgiving. able when she became too weak to $125, also in better numbers. then,the recently married to a Derby lady. In the absence of your Half Way River and, Mr and Mrs Piatt of Norwalk spent a on cred- Mra K. F. Bulkley passed Thanksgiv- we fill his her friends could take : no A very large assortment of Satin, Surahs, He Indulged in quite display Bel-de- correspondent, gladly place play longer, Thanksgiving with their mother, Mrs Prices. even to for his suit of ing with Commissioner n while he is his duties as di surer to her to for Plushes and Ribbons in every color for fancy it, neglecting pay Wilton. discharging way please than play Maria lianks. work at low r clothes and marriage license. of rector at Stevenson. The silver wedding As as her Winter- - Mr Williams the prices. was her. long strength permitted, During the Ko. 1 Alex J. Burgess ia at work at the of Edwin Sherman and wife duly re she delighted to converse with her friends mail carrier, will leave the post office: at 5eo pc , Ribbon, Picot Edge 10c Only NORFIELD. as as - . ' ' books of J. W. Anderson. membered and many nsef ul well and was at times brisrht and 10 a m. by the piece- Two 12 and 0 years, sons of ornamental articles were bestowod upon nearly air Patrick Henaghan is located In bis new boys, aged cheerful. When questioned concerning Frank Clark of Poplar Plain, are pros- them. Music by Prof Sumner on the vi in TRIMMING. home at South End. . her faith Christ, she gave the most trated with typhoid pnenmonia. About olin and Fred Sherman on the har- S0UTHP0ET. Persian 'sold at 85c and all re conducted by satisfactory evidences that she possessed Trimming $1, CLOTHING 3. Thanksgiv- a of 14 c- CITY T. Chcdeayne three weeks ago, daughter years monica and accordeon was sweetly ren a which enabled her to be cheerful The of the S. V. r. A. netted duced to 25 - PARK services at Beacon Falls. died of the same disease. dered. hope supper ing even on the very threshold of death and them about $140. Colored Braided Sets only 25e. Is feared that the sickness of Mrs of Wil Charles Gilbert ia aud It Sunday morning, Frank Bishop blasting improv to speak of her coining dissolution rather Klchard lias a with Black Braided Sets 75: these C. Field will prove fatal. Darn to the Newtown road to Zoar Bulkley position 25o, 60s, goods :j J. ton went to nts ieea cattie. iot ing Bridge by as a journey which she was preparing to Rogers & Morford of Bridgeport. were sold at $2 and $3 Sets. . , Mrs William who has been In for breakfast, searcn was order of Selectman Winton. make and her was Dockerj", coming preparation thorough Kev C. G. Adams delivered his third out on lines of good to HOUSE, verv 111. Is more comfortable. made and he was found on the barn floor The new road to Botsford is to be grav- and eomplete. Her funeral was attended Closing prices many dead. is lecture on "Prayer Book Churchmen," make room for Holiday goods- - in a nool of blood, It supposed eled and it is sadly needed. Mr Wolcott's at her late residence by Rev Dr Plumley, . i Sunday evening." JSLJXJST STIR.EIIE'X , STRATFORD. that he fell from the hay loft. loads of wood have "discombobolated". .November 30,. 1 30 in. - - ' Saturday, at p & : ,t . Holden' lecture, The mill dam at Carver's cider mill was Hi' The last flood, soroslike I The house was filled to and 'A supper was given at the club rooms, : STOREY ROY 454, " President Tuesday, Noah's, overflowing the close of the euchre ni.rtit t.udt his heaters through Florida, carried awav bv the heavy rain, last gave us a swamper and C. E. Gilbert and many were obliged to stand out- at party. 342 Main Street, - - i imiiiriir. .1 Meai n-- ween, una is me has C. E. Bradley will not die rich at work- side; for Nellie was widely known and The new walk has been laid. It great- V T,...,.ti allies, retuuu huk 11 l BBIDGBPOT. met a similar roads this ' There was a u- the village. One has also ERIDQEP0IIT,C02W, cn' property on Elm street. with mishap. ing year. nuiverauy ueioveu, prof 'ly Improves The Newtownv.Bee.


) Had not Section Master Alonzo Taylor Frank II. Ives is A. B. . . Leonard Smith 1st - A. Beers and wife of Walker's Mr and Mrs. William II. Silliman and assisting Agent Annual Library Meeting-- of Huntingtown, who 8TEF2TEY. "it thought the old man Blrch.referr- Julius at 3 Blakeman at Botsford. Frederick Chambers at Miss MeGregor,WilIiam Clark of the Derby gone out on the track Min- works at Mahoney'a clear shop In Lone ed to In the article "The Musty Past," Farm were with daughter, Meeting called to order at 8 p in. The ladies1 aid society of the M. E. j of F. II. Ives and o'clock, Thanksgiving morning, a serious Hill, boards the week with Nel- of November 22, was Samuel, son of Thanksgiving. Bridgeport, family utes of last meeting read and accepted. daring church will an and with Blake-- accident would doubtless have occurred BETHEL. son W. home give entertainment William Birch, who left Newtown when spent Thanksgiving Agent I Treasurer's report read and accepted. Burr, returning Saturday in connection with Milk from Botsford continue man at Botsford. on the extension, near W. S. Bradley's snpper the young peo he was seven years old. His sister was shipments Although the contract was awarded on- Permanent fund $150. Amount on hand nights. in the Fri- - washed road ple church parlors, this week about the sane 20 to 25 cans a da.V- Most The furious downpour the a few re- mother of John Tousey of New York ly days ago, Gilbert Bros, raised at beginning of year, $155. Money . of is M to where better bed so that the 4 o'clock freight, TRUMBULL. day evening. and they were gramlelilldreu of Nathan- - " Bridgeport, BR00KFIELD. badly the frame for the new truck house on ceived during year, 360 71 . Money ex- are ootaiueu man at i.ew i um. which was stopped by Mr Taylor, was Elizabeth F. L. Burton Is B. Curtis & Son unloaded 1400 bushels lei Northrop, whose home was where prices Miss O. is for the Winter with street, Monday. They are pended for books, $272 98. Librarian's building a wagon house Supple compelled to run back to Botsford. Sev and cow house of corn, last week had - Walter Untile now lives. Samuel's her sister in New York. pushing ahead with the work as rapidly report read and accepted. Number of for James Gedney at the Thursday. .They enteen cars of gravel were required to Ali Brinsmade 1300 bushels of oats to unload, a few was a flat rock in the lot op- Miss Hattie M. Northrop visits Miss as possible. books drawn trom the during the place. It is 16x30 feet. days playground Ansonia fill the and no trains could un- library later and that their for this the where an old Ftta Beecher of Prof James and family of gap pass 2,213. Number of subscribers, 70. O. B. say freight posite house, chestnut Seymour. Rev F. G. Howell will give his sermon year, Burton and family spent Thanks- will amount to over 1000 tons. tree stands. While his spent last week at the American house. til afternoon. Amount received from loans and year playing there, on "Education" at the Methodist church, fines, giving with Mrs Harvey Hurd of Long Mrs Emeline Wheeler of has 62. 57. Rev F. Robertson delivered parents came for him from the place Danbury O. Stevens has the best pork record, EAST0N. Sunday morning. $17 Cash paid the treasurer, $89 Hill. J. an ex now been at C. F. Number added the cellent on "Nature and where Arthur Peck lives, or near Beardsley's. 530 pounds. of books during year, W. S. sermon, Sunday, and GEOUGE A. FUEEBOKN. So much rock is encountered, especial- which makes number of Plumb's horse has been sick Grace." It was listened to with close there started for the then far West 188, the total with ulceration of We About 20 cans of milk are Still river was higher, last week, Jlian ly on Center street, that the work of lay- books in 1212. There has the throat, but is re attention a audience. with their family. next hear of him shipped daily The death of George A. Freeborn, the library, under by large In vllle to and New for several years. ing the gas pipes has not progressed as covering Dr Prophett's care. Vlekshurg, from which place he came from llawley Bridgeport Thanksgiving day, at the age of 41, was been given the library, the past year, Albert Bott urn's house is shin as expected. The alone XV. being here in lsiKf or 'tit, up at Dick's York, over the Housatonie. Charles Jackson of Bethel came to not as he had suffered with rapidly pipes Scribner's Magazine, Denver Times and J. Moulton of the Yale divinity v putting unexpected, Main street were left nncovered for some gled, hotel, visited the old homestead with his Brooktield, last week, to help eat turkey. rheumatism for some years. Connecticut Home. The following off- school, who was expected to preach in inflammatory time, in order to locate a leak. Some- Charles Powell with the desire toseeand Brakeman W. II. Cusey of the Housa- A few weeks tandencies icers were elected for the ensuing : the Congregatioual church, Sunday, was II. and family ate granddaughter Dr and Mrs Randall of since, dropsical over a mile of year stand on the old rock once which tonic milk train, who was married, a fort Birmingham were was thing pipe remains to be C. S. Piatt ; vice unable to be present and Rev E.A. War-- Thanksgiving turkey with Stephen more, apparent and his failure rapid - l'resident, frof presi and son Harold spent last week with laid,- French. ' , lie remembered so well playing upon night ago to Miss Barry, has just return- The funeral from the house, at dent, W. A. Leonard ; secretary. Miss E. field of New Haven appeared instead , , in Town Clerk Beers. Saturday He an when a chilli. ed from his wedding tour, which took 1, was attended, Rev D. J. Ogden Couduetor Mahoney is back at his F. Terrill ; treasurer, C. II. Northrop ; gave excellent sermon, which was Edwin Rockwell, telegraph operator at re largely listened to with Philadelphia and New l oi k. lhey The shear factory is in full blast again ; officiating. He leaves a wife and little work On the Bethel branch. librarian, Miss A. L. Peck; trustees, closest attention. "He Waterbury, ate Thanksgiving turkey Miss Uuth Nichols has enjoyed the side in Great Barrington. the vacant houses about town will mourn P. Sanford for three L. C. is one of the smartest preachers I ever with his R. B. hope girl of about eight years to his .' Peter D. Vroom of and Miss George years, father, Rockwell. pleasures of Kim ( "ity as guest of Miss goon be filled with tenants. Danbury Morris to finish out Prof Shultz's heard," said one of the members, "and I loss, besides his parents, beneath whose Duane were term, Mr and Mrs lit- I iertrude Sanford. Brigetta married by Father C. fol- think liked him." John Benedict, Jr, and the Housaton Mil-fo- rd roof he made his home and a F. for two The everyone Besides overhead straps, William Allen and family of New brother, O'Connell, last week. Beardsley years. tle Laura of were at John ic has bells each side of Edward K. not a leader in so lowing were made members : S. Bridgeport road placed at spent Thanksgiving with S. B. War- Though honorary Banford Beach has visited in Easton. Benedict's, Thanksgiving. Conductor Charles Hinman of the he was esteemed and Edmund B. of a for- Rev G. M. Wllkins, Rev J. P. Hoyt, Rev the tunnels and overhead bridges along ner in Maple Lodge, guest of his sister, ciety affairs, highly Hoyt Woodbury, Miss Cora Beach has a Iloiisalonic has moved from Creat. Har- to not in mer resident of has A. P. Rev P. Donohue, R. II. returned from Mrs Caroline the line as an additional warning Miss Lizzie Allen. leaves a sadly felt vacancy, only Bethel, visited his Chapman, visit in Bethel. Dayton spent Thanksgiv- rington to I'ittslleld." brakeineii. These bells are struck the home, but in the community as well. son, Starr Hoyt. Smith. Voted that the librarian's salary ing in Bridgeport and New Haven. freight The mill has been 10 by the flange of each wheel as it passes. grist running remain the same for the ensuing year. Mr and Mrs S. C. Beach spent Thanks- Albert Coles in hours a since behind Oliver Shepard and wife of New York Mrs Julius Haw ley has been confined spent Sunday Bridge- day Saturday, being Mrs Hanford Lyon entertained a Adjourned without date. E. F. Terrill, giving with Mr Buckingham of North-fiel- d. on due to recent rains and back party spent Thanksgiving with his father. to the house by a fall on the ice. port. HUNTINGTON. orders, of relatives and friends, Thanksgiving. secretary. water. E. II. Beers and Thanks Mrs Barnuin Curtis entertained friends Levi and Mrs who has a few family spent Nichols Bros, have purchased a new John Shepard ami sister of Mallory, spent Uev D. J. Ogden attends the meeting A is Janu-ar- -, from out of last week. to her Misses Susie Whitcoiue, Henrietta giving at his old home in Norwalk. dance talked of for early in milch cow of F. town, Milford have been at Miss Juliette Tous-ey'- s. weeks here with her son, returned of the Fairfield West association at Fair-fiel- d J. Squinobal. Buggies and Florida Kellogg and How- of which further notice will be giv- Miss Anna Fairchild and brother of home in New York, Monday. with Rev F. V. Bethel lodge, Knights of Honor, opens en. Venerable Charles Beach has made a ard Peck were home, Thanksgiving. Childs, Tuesday. Stratford are at Albert Bottuni's. Ladies' guild at Mrs S. T. Bucking- its great fair and festival in Dimond's short visit in Stratford with his son John. W. Botsford is a mar- Mrs Anna Morehouse, after three con- Charles is now (eorge building ham's, this week. Charles Stuart has been confined to the new block, Tuesday, December 10, BRIDGEWATER. Andrew Nash Bottum, who employed Ilunt-Ingtow- u. of Westport has visited ket wagon for Marshall Seais of house with rheumatism. months with her father, returned, Fri tinuing four days. Great by Stirn & Walker of Bridgeport, was Mrs Sarah Shermau last preparations George Frost and Charles his cousin, Mrs Charles Beach, who cele Jane died, day, to her home in Sharon. have been made and the fair will doubt- Northrop home for Thanksgiving. week 09 The committees for St. Paul's have a line. brated her 79th Wednesday morning, aged years soliciting less excel of the kind ever held recently put up telephone birthday, Saturday. W. Botsford and and 10 months. She was Satur- school are calls. In the Mr Alanson Waketnan had a fall and anything Florence Burr is on the sick list. (ieorge faiuiiy spent buried, Sunday making in Bethel. A case of Clifford 1 gloves, bought by Mrs William Piatt and Miss Merwin Nichols, who has been in haiiksgiving with his brother, Kdward day, Uev Mr Park acting in the absence Center, Misses Clara Williams and Mat-ti- e broke one of her ribs. the lodge, is on exhibition at D. U. Van spent Thanksgiving in Milford. Woodbury for some time, is now a full John T. Eastwood is slowly recovering J. Botsford, where Mr and Mrs Silas of Uev Mr She died of paralysis Grilllu; Obtuse, Miss Florence Kel- Magill. William Gallup spent Thanksgiving at Riper's, where they are being sold in ad fledged dentist and has, besides his office from fever. Lewis also ate and leaves one Maurice. logg and Eugene from out of town : turkey. sou, Lyman Lake; Huckleberry his home in Norwich. vance. In Mr V an a is a and Thanksgiving guests in with his Dr an , Riper large Wel-ton- Woodbury uncle, Peck, Mrs Andrew Joy-je- whose home Lattin, her brother, was unable to Hill, Fletcher Weld; East and West Iron David Beers of at E. II. 's for only I'hilo Hall has his health and handsome picture (of a Newtow n girl, it Danbury office in Roxbury which he visits each was in red house attend the not recovered Works, Arthur Campbell ; North Moun regained ; Frank Sturdevaut of at years the at upper Step After condemning Bennett's bridge, funeral, having is a his is whispered) by E. Starr Sanford, a sam Danbury Friday and another with Dr of from his recent accident. Mrs Sherman tain, Miss Libbie Kellogg; Whlsconier, spending few days with daugh- Eli Robert Randall and Cooley ney, died suddenly at her home In East the commissioners of Fairfield and New ter. ple of his work. An order for a similar Sturdevant's; South Britain, where he may be found Haven counties turned their attention to was u member of the Episcopal church Clarence Hawlev. and Randall at William Bridgeport, Friday night. She was C5 $15 portrait will be given by him, to be family George Wednesdays. oar it and an attendant as long as her A Rev Randall's. and had lived in Bridgeport six or bridge. They say that needs strength 0,uite a party assembled at the home large congregation appreciated drawn at the, carnival. W. O. Hovt of eight and have ordered the permitted. She survived her husband Mr Gilbert's excellent discourse at the George II. Tomlinson and familv of years. Hie funeral services were held at strengthening that of Mr and Mrs Edmund Weld, Friday Danbury has given a violin and Town Clerk Gillette and wife have re- hall-inc- llallock, ate with and the was to h bolts be removed and and two of her sons, one of whom was Congregational church, after- Oronoque turkey jovial Isaac Bridgeport, Sunday, body upright evening. The principal feature of the Sunday the Uridgeport , a box of gents' fur- turned from the AVest aiid report an en be here for burial. killed in the of the noon ; also the union in uootn. brought Inch bolts substituted. The Ixli inch by lightning porch evening was the game of '"Speculation." at meeting the articles to do- joyable Walnut Tree Hill was nishings. Anyone having trij). Ira Pen field of has planks will be supplanted by ilx inch school house, phi: Ml report an enjoyable time. Baptist church, Sunday evening. nate may communicate with any of the TASHUA. Danbury visited his a kind and a mother. The Bridgewater club gave a ball In William Penfleld. and new and more substantial planks neighbor good Master Chester W. Tvrrell of Stepney following committee: E. B. Richmond, aged father, will lie laid on Many roads are in a terrible condition the Town hall, Thanksgiving evening. Mrs Dr Hill recently spent a week in top. William II. Thompson shingled S. B. spent Thanksgiving with his grandfath R. J. Signor, D. R. Van Riper, A. II. "Fifty years ago, about this time of and without any prospect of improve Frank Frost attends school in New York. Browusou's house. er, John Wheeler. Senior, A. II. Dimond, C. II. Freuden-tha- l, Danbury. mm the year," said venerable Julius Haw ley, Frank II. Bui r of Providence has been ment before another season. As the Mr W. Andrews, F. 11. Richmond, W. a number of hands we were laying the Housatonic track Willi his Nathan Lewis Curtis sold his cow to George roads are not contracted, the vote to con- and Mrs Louis Burr of Lvon's Plain Quite Bridgewater MONROE. father, Burr. S. Mrs A. T. Mrs to- here. were different Drew and now oilers 15 acres of land in tract them to three instead of one spent Sunday at Charles Candee's. Wortman, Sandford, are employed in New Milford sorting through They very parties Nellie Nichols, now in a meat market affairs from has not been acted on. Baird, Miss Lizzie Barber, Miss bacco. The excessively damp and rainy Harry the steel rails they use now." Boston had a .", IMMI.OIH) lire, Thanks- Trapfall. Miss Ella May has returned from Frances at 58 White was with Tyler Andrews. weather has enabled farmers to get their street, Danbury, The last six giving, binning two and a half acres, the Miss Ku'e Judsou here. Darien, after a month's visit with rela- S. D. at his heavy rain, week, left spent Sunday Service was read in St Thomas tobacco from the poles and stripped ear- Sharpe Thanksgiving, wife, inches of water in a site of Boston's lire and out LONG HILL. tives. church, Mr and Mrs S. V. Nichols of pail standing away great wiping St. Paul's choir is preparing for Xmas. as Rev G. P. Torrence was still lier than usual. Bridgeport from at Plumb lire proof buildings like tinder, L. has been for C. B. Sunday, and Mrs Edward Nichols of buildings Hawiey's. although Hoyt grading W. W. Jennings and wife have been in unable to be out. He is how- Danbury. 70 lire engines fought, the llaiues. Her many friends here will be glad to improving, G. F. Lyon was home from llawley. town. ever and to be able to WOODBURY. About 50 from near Danbury, learn that Miss l'ark is expected to re- hopes officiate, couples far and Thanksgiving. John M. of was next D. .Mrs K. next week. her absence, Beardsley Bridgeport Rev Mr Weeks delivered an excellent Sunday. Mrs F. R. Ford and daughter Hattie gathered at F. Hollister's, Friday L. Johnson ret urned from York turn, During at E. M. Mrs Luzon Uubbell and have 's, semi-annu- to Miss Jennie Park has her du- Beardsley Thanksgiving. discourse, at the church al visited and Bethel, last week. night, enjoy a dance given under the daughter State in time for Thanksgiving, jierformed Sunday, Baptist The meeting of the Bethel Danbury been leaving from James 5. Mr Ford was in York State after Thanks-giviu- g of Alex and S. B. guests at Seeley Perry's. Miss lora in Medina for a time. ties as organist most acceptably. Mrs Harriett Fulford continues very III, Hat Forming Co. was held, Monday. auspices Sinclair, Jr Hurd. Bliss furnished music and Bennett and Candee killed a of to there were no Thanks- sick. Willie Roberts and Sylvester Powell turkeys. good pair Owing storm, Will Sherman and Amos Schoonmaker a bountiful collation was served. The for Plumb that Col Kiinwlton and wife of services in the churches. Uev Mr Mrs and Miss expect to cuter Suflicld Scientific school. Dr and Mrs Shove were in New Y'ork, Spring pigs llawley Bridgeport, giving Sylvia Burroughs Emily spent Friday and Saturday in New Y'ork. company broke up about 3 a in. It was 324 and 353 K. the in Now-ingto- u. last week. Also L. E. Dawson and wife. weighed pounds. C. Stagg's family of Stratford and Magill and family spent day J. Burroughs are with Uev Dr E. E. Horace Winton and wife are at Charles a to Fred who Mr and Mrs J. B. Waylaud spent complete surprise D., Jr., Allie Powers of Danbury helped Den Beardsley of New Haven. Wintou's. Lawyer Cothren is attending the Su- was home from for Thanksgiving with Mrs George Osborne, Brooklyn Thanksgiv- Henry Kairchild's family give thanks. men have been at work in Irwin S. Coan has moved into the court at New Haven. A little on the of his GREENFIELD HILL. Telephone up- Miss Anna Weils was home for Thanks Stepney. perior ing.. strategy part the lower part of town taking the wires per part of A. W. Coan's new house. Robert Shove was home from New Ha- sister prevented him from seeing the The Excelsiors and Resolutes played Four weeks a nine and a half giving. A of James D. who ago, from the old poles and placing them on daughter Baldwin, to Bee, in which the party was mentioned at S. T. Bulkley's, Saturday, with a score sou was born to Mr and Mrs The Thanksgiving offering in Grace Mr and Mrs Beard and Oro- - in ven spend Thanksgiving. pound II. the new. family of died Danbury, last week, was brought and he was simply overwhelmed when of 8 to 15 in favor of the Excelsiors. Leonard Smith of church was for the fund for the support T. W. Tur-ney'-s. Miss Clara Nichols has closed her Iliiutingtown. uoque spent Thanksgiving at here for burial. She was about 35 and the people marched in. Weather permitting, the Crescents will - ... Gypsies have been camping in the of aged and infirm clergy. Any who White Oak and will the had lived in Bethel until her marriage. school at spend play a game with the Resolutes, Satur-ka- y, Mrs Oliver mid Miss F. A. woods near Cummiugs Corner since wish to add to the amount may hand it Winter at home. Elisha B. Seeley and wife were home, Ilubbell of Mrs II. Osborne visited her Miss The union service at the 7th. Hub-bel- One of the a man to Uev Mr on or before sister, Thanksgiving Bridgeport ate turkey w it ti W. II. l. Thanksgiving. party, Boylston, next Thanksgiving. named has sold and Alice Burr of Bridgeport, last week. Methodist church was well attended, Herbert L., sou of Rev Gurdon W. William Lobdell has done a Fred, now llrsf, sergeant in Co. A Williams, traded Sunday. Mr and Mrs M.B.Burr entertained thorough horses Rev Mr Howell conducting the services. Noye8,late pastor of the First Congrega- their and extensive of wood work on at the Cheshire was also home. between here and Massachusetts Mr and Mrs S. Miss Vinnie Beard spends a week with job the academy, I. Coau spent Thanks tional church, who spent ten years of his mother and aunt, Mrs Baldwin Burr, cross for years. We understand that most of Miss Louie Turnev. Arthur L. Sirine of New York, William road near his place. giving with Mrs Blakeman of Hunting young life here, died at Guanajuato, Thanksgiving. At Keane's button 12 feet them will Winter in Bridgeport. Sirine and wife of with Mrs Joel has built an addition to shop, of the ton, where Mr and Mrs C. P. Blakeman A family gathering at the home of Danbury, Mexico, November 9, and was'buried at With II. W. Edwards were the brother Wiggins raceway embankment was washed out, The mother of Mrs Horace Lyon is also attended. Mr and Mrs A. W. Coan William Ward, and Miss Sirine of Virginia, were Thanks- New No- the house of Mrs M. L. Hull. Thanksgiving day. S. Grove street cemetery, Haven, and sister and families, also Henry Bots- lust week, to the depth of 10 feet. The feeble. spent the w ith Mrs of Shel giving guests of George Fairchild. 23. was ill weeks. quite day Stanley Mr and Mrs Tomlinson of Danbury vember He for three ford and wife and Wilbert N. French and Clarence C. Morris of Sag Harbor, L. break was repaired and the water turned ton. The Christmas box now over him and Not many cellars are without an abun- were with Perkins French, Thanksgiv- being prepar Kind friends watched lady. I., spent Thanksgiving With Sherwood v. Into the canal, Monday. ed St Thomas church will be sent smoothed his to the Her- Banks. dance of water. Capt Goodsell of Bridgeport has been ing. by passage grave. im- middle of the month. Frank Beardsley's health is much here under the efficient guid- South about the bert was educated at New Haven, first Miss A. T. Chat field, iluntlngtow n's Mrs Benjamin Wooley is selling off her hunting, When Cole & Gillette, contractors on proved. SPORT ance of It. Will Gabler and er Oscar and Miss Alice Sirine at Hilihouse High school, graduating HILL. school teacher, spent Thanksgiving in stock and Is to move to Waterbury, where Turuey, the Easton dam, recovered S00O of the Mrs Sirine Jobes. The from the Sheffield Scientific school, class Isaac Burr, almost 91 years old, has The Greenfield Hill nine a fine New Haven. Mrs John Gritlln and her Mr Wooley has found w ork. They mov- however, $15,000 for which sued the Citizens are spending a few weeks with her daugh- played was the man scored a record. they of 1884. A chemist by profession, he been quite poorly. of ball with - otu ami Bruce have also been ed here, last Spring, from Nichols and only that Water Co., the amount was to ter, Mrs G. S. Fairchild. game the Dewdrops,Thanks- George assigned was for a at - have lived on the L'flbrd It is reported that B. Turney captured a assayist large corporation Mrs Henry Wilson's adopted daughter, giving day.- The score was 7 to 14 in fa there. place. their counsel, Mayor DeForest and V. R. Mrs E. T. Farnham was stricken with for four and, since Feb- skunk. C. Iadville years Sadie, has been very sick and' fears were vor of the Dewdrops. The Greenfield 1'. Owen has a of cat- Giddings of Bridgeport, while Cole & a paralytic shock, last week, rendering was chief of ore for a Misses Lillian Gilbert and Dollie Win-to- n purchased pair ruary, assayist entertained that she might not recover. boys are beginners, but tle of Denas Shelton and has the Mr and Mrs L. M. Wakeley and Miss Gillette attempted to compromise with her side helpless. She was attend- in Mexico. sharp players. swnt with D. Beach repaired right large mining company It A league is expected to be formed, next Thanksgiving J. sheds on the B. Shelton Clara L. Hall were in Stamford, last their creditors, among whom are the ed by Dr Scottof and is improv- which . Mrs Edson P. Fisher is very low. I cattle I. place. Danbury was a position of responsibility, to embrace six or clubs. The at Stepney epot. week. United States Dynamite Co.of New York year, eight ing. he filled to the full satisfaction of the Our old Frederick Sherman, Mrs Uose Calender of Bridgeport and the Rand Powder Co. C. S. Canfield. sportsman, Dewdrops will discard their present Mrs Nichols is with friends in W. & Son have sold He was a conscientious and has a fox. Frank L. White Inns returned to the spent Thanksgiving with her father, P. Lucy for Frank Smith their company. recently captured name and resume their old one, Reckless. attorney the Dynamite Co., whose able and of Christian char vllle after week' Owen. Danbury. is large boiler to G. A. Shepard, who will worker, high Chicken thieves have to llawley slgual tower, it claim 5400, has brought a petition for died in re- begun operate. The congregation at Center Street absence on idek leave. B. French has been sick with remove it to Westnort, where it will be acter. His father suddenly Remember the fate of some not far from Frank Massurs, who has bought Mrs George the appointment of a trustee in insolven cent His mother resides in New much enjoyed the sermon by Rev D. J. malaria. set up in his tannery. years. here and beware. .. Birch's place, keeps a number of men at cy and the case was to have been heard He leaves three brothers and Ogden, Sunday afternoon. It was in ex- MUe Llllie Dikeman and Clara North- Howard who has been in Haven, work cutting off wood. Truman Favreau and Arthur Briggs at the probate court, last week. It was, Ferry, poor three sisters. Merwin W. Johnson is visiting his change with the pastor. have two weeks in Walling-fort- l, died his home on rop spent spent Thanksgiving at the former's old however, postponed for two weeks. health for years, at brother Seymour at West Cornwall New Haven and John and Charles Beeves of New Ha- The next lecture of the star course Mrs Bridgeport. home in Sherman. Rev Center street, last week Wednesday, of Lowry, wife of Dr Asbury Lowry, ven, William Reeves of D.J. Ogden preached by exchange Pic-ture- II. E. Drake and wife the recent Bridgeport, ;, He was 51 years old and will be given, December 6: "Living spent editor of the Divine Life, will address the Frank Reeves Ansonia were Hon at the Center M. E. church, consumption. festival at near Boston; Mrs Porter, who has spent the Sum- of home, S. G. Beardsley has suffered with Sunday. leaves a wife, once Miss Judson. He has Newtonyille, congregation at Lee's, Sunday morning, would have done one malaria and stomach mer with If. B. Dlkeman's family and in Thanksgiving. It trouble. Mrs Dr Oris wold and Robert Griswold had various minor town offices and had Mrs Mary B. Tibbals and Mrs Austin on the work of the W.F.M.society. She to have seen them eat S0UTHBTJRY. New Haven, has returned to her home In good English plum Having closed his cider business for of Hartford visited Mrs George Free- been for years foreman of the trimming Blakeman have visited Isaac and James will also speak at the Center Street "' - Volusia county, Florida. pudding. the season, S. J. Burroughs intends to born, last week. department in Richmond Bros., Coch- Mr Baldwin entertained iU sou and Burr. '.' church, Sunday afternoon.- t & Am- Mrs James Bylngton, who has been rig up a saw in his mill. Daniel Parrack suffers from the effects rane, Baird & Levi's and Cole daughter from Middlebury, Thanksgiv- November the house and at- Friday, 22, Fancher has been home from sick for some la no better. She Is ' hat His funeral was Henry time, and James, sons of J. J. II. of a fall, while at work in his barn. bler's shops. ing day. store of C. B. Nichols was entered by n Iox"T FokgktTiiis Whitest Extra C. in her 81st Edgar tended at 2 the services be- 15 Bridgeport. year. of vis- p m, Friday, from East while Mr and Mrs Nichols Sugar, pounds for $1 ; Granulated, Gregory Marbleheadr Mass., have Friends Miss A. Stiles has returned adroit thief, 1-- from New York are with Jo performed by his cousin, Rev G. M. 12 2 pounds for 91 ; New Buckwheat Mr and Mrs 8. B. Beardsley of Long ited S. J. , ing where she has been to look after were away from home for a short time fiOc. Iav!d Nichols and son .Arthur of Gregory. seph Jacobs. of , bearers were Haven, Flour, 15 pounds, ; Choice Turkish Hill and James Wilson of Stone' Hartford, ',The in the middle of the The thief made 4 25c. Best Lean were at C Bridgeport Andrew Sanford of 1,1 property. day. Prunes, pounds ; Hams, Brooklyn Thanksgiving guests Watertown has and William udson, G. M. ; spent at T. II. Wilson's Mrs John Adams has closed her house Eli, Sidney off with money from the bouse;' cigars, Best Lean Shoulders, 10c. Phllo Nichols's. Thanksgiving several with E. M. Middle-broo-k. w ho has been at Mr spent days and gone to Bridgeport for the Winter. Gray of Bridgeport, John Beebe, John Miss Waterhouse, and from the store and pound ; Fine New Tomatoes (3 pounds) ' tobacco money Misses and Llllie Wilson were at in has returned home. and 10c. 4 Mary McGregor. He was burled theSeeley Woodruffs, a amount. On- Corn, can;l-- pound boxes New other to quite large 1-- Only about 40 cans a day are now sent Mrs Iandcr Wheeler's, Thanksgiving, in the beside .his things Sardines, 4 boxes 25c.; 2 pound boxes John Fulford, w ho has been in Penn- SOUTH BRITAIN. plot village cemetery, Miss Florence Wheeler of Oxford has a the same place- was enter- 3 from Newtown Creamery and the quan- Isaac ly year ago, same, boxes 25c. ; Granulated Indian Ephraim Wooster has been laid up sylvania, spent a few days here." He ex is grandfather, Capt Ferry. been guest of her sister, Mrs Charles ed thieves and wver $50 worth taken. Meal, 9 pounds 25c. at W. E. In steadily falling off. Better It expected that the families of the ' by Will's, tity prices with pects to return to New soon, con- II inc. ' Mr Nichols thinks the third time he shall 58 State street, Bridgeport, Conn. are now realized; for October, two and gout. Jersey town will be visited by tin agent of the tinuing work for the telephone company. ELMW00D. be to meet them. a quarter cents was paid. Mr Schutte moved back to Bridgeport, Connecticut Bible society. George Harvey spent Thanksgiving ready The school were to give a Manager Stone of the Park City la last week. A large and jolly company gathered at Mr Munson of Southford has moved Sunday with his mother. walking Mrs necktie festival, 5th, to raise HOYDEN'S HILL. into the clothing trade with his little hatchet, The coal bins at Botsford will McMahon's, Thanksgiving to Win-shi- p. Thursday, huge - Miss Ella I. Wooster has returned night, his family into the house of A. E. funds a festival. Refresh- Richard Goodman, editor of the New scalping prices right and left and preparing a dance. , Music was furnished for Christmas been in em- hold 20,000 tons and will be used by both from her Goshen visit. enjoy by ton has been with his aunt, Mrs Henry Trix, who has the to unload his line stock of goods before the " a orchestra. An ments served at 25c. Register, store Is closed at New Years. Stock the Housatonlo and Derby. Bridgeport excellent Shelton. ploy of Asahel Wakeman for several and lease The of Miss llazeltiue's school ' Elizabeth will be lor 1, to collation was provided and the tables boys Mrs Burr Rowland spends a few weeks years, recently died at the Bridgeport sale, January bat, previous WHITE HILLS. are interested in football. Town that date,Manager Stone is supplying custom- PLUMTREES. were loaded with all that one could de playing at Fred Dikemau's on Codfish hill and Dance at the hall, Thanksgiving hospital. He was 24 and was buried at ers Miss Smith has decided to to at cut rates that keep the store full and Lucy go sire. ... Last week Monday, Edward Piatt left with Dodgingtown friends. night. Brooklawn. the goods moving. Daniel Wlldiimn has sold his farm and Kansas to spend the Winter with friends. a fire in the fire to to dinner P. Hine commenced work, Mon A- home to Rufu T. Crane of Stony Hill place go Mrs E. K. is in New nurs- Elliott Mrs Leslie - Jennings and little son Mrs Eli entertained the Hive Mrs Angevine and daughter Florence and, before the finished Lyon Jersey on new station at Stevenson.. Keane A Co. bar- and expects to vacate In tho Spring. Beardsley family dinner, an aunt not to recover. day, the spend a week with her grandmother, Mrs Jones, continually give of Bees, Thursday afternoon. spent Thanksgiving with her brother, Miss Treat's call of lire aroused them to ing expected gains that increase a growing popularity. e a few B. S. Hicock has been repairing A. A. E. Wheeler of Bridgeport. the In their new Miss Hattie Wild man has spent David Clark. immediate action. The flames Were soon A of half a dozen or more prices quoted ad, Mr True of Waterbury gave an excel- family party Stone's blacksmith shop. A. C. Winship Miss Bennett of whieh is a suitable presentation ot seasona- days In Bridgeport. extinguished. Had it not been for a of Smith were Thanks- Josie Brooklyn spent lent discourse, Sunday, at the church. A party of 12, including Judge M. B. large friends Sherman moved in his tools, Friday and will com- at home. ble garments to mollify the severity of win- II. and tank of running water at the door, Mr his Codfish Hill home. " Thanksgiving try blasts. Tbey are tbemselves. David Carter family spent service as and of And giving guests at , anchoring Preaching usual, next Sunday. Beardsley family Bridgeport mence work shortly. Keana Co. too well in Thanksgiving with Mrs'Burr Edinond. Mr and Mrs L. B. Curtis of Piatt would have been houseless. Mrs Eber Gould and Mrs Nettie Wheel- Jones, are, public Miss Abbie Shelton was of Misses Southport, Monson and wife spent Thanks confidence to want to sell out, but increase guest Ladies will find at Mrs Arthur er have visited Mrs Brown. - 750 bushels of j gathered about tho hospitable Thanks? Wednesday's storm washed the roads by inspecting prices the attractions and which make Rutin T. Crane raised Jeunie and Carrie save S3 SO with Mrs Monson's father, Mr bargains Curtis, Sunday. ; Dunham's that will to giving lust on six acres and esti- giving board of S. J. Beardsley, Esq. so badly that Curtis Downes's family George they Born, November 29, a their stock o desirable to inspect and sam- corn, season, percent. Sec art. Judson. Fridays daughter i ;.-,; - 10c Daniel Shelton and family visited could not raach C. L. Mitchell's to eat to Mr and Mrs Charles ' pler ' mates it to have cost per bushel. j Mrs Thornton, Mrs Eva Luree of France.' friends in East Village, last week. ' Mr Olmstead is recovering. , This of Daniel Wlldiuan,ls ! Miss Emma M. were Thanksgiving din tier. to us is prov-e- d farm, bought Brooklyn, Deming It pays advertise, abundantly One most useful tact : Last week the Bee of the gilts that could be In the market. John Tomlinson and family have been among Thanksgiving guests at C. B. Dr and Mrs with by the following Services were held, Sunday at the DEERFIELD. made for would Page spent Sunday tlirce-lui- e the holidays be a ot Slip- ' j contained a advertisement of a pair with relatives in South Britain. . Church of the Epiphany. or Bobber Boots. C. II. i Hawiey's. her brother, George Smith. bunch of keys, found in tho load below St Mrs Emma Carr and Miss Cora Burt pers Bennett, in his - f.A.11 new advertisement in column STONY HILL. I'luu ami fl.A .1 ii .it- wna iwiniaff.rl t H t. of with their Mrs another quotes Arthur Williams has bought a horse , John Starr has moved into the house initiated two new mem- Miss Martha Tyrrell has been guest spent Thanksgiving annt, on itange lodge ' " J prices these goods which, on inspection, the Bee office. Before tho Bisk's press had Bartram of Black Rock. . ' ' William Odell of Washington, Conn., and will ride to and from work. next to E. M. Middlebrook's, recently bers, Tuesday evening, Mra F. D. Brad- Mrs B. S. Hicock. will prove to the most skeptical that be pro- Lane's. I to have trade spent Thanksgiving at J. Mrs Charles Nichols and Mrs Oliver vacated by O. B. Curtis. ley and Mrs Maggie Piatt. in answer to the ad., which lie Miss Martha Burr is with her poses very lively at his store. ; Tlourii s UAnr n liuva uttrH M 71 NJt.K. ' loser appeared Bullet hill school opened, Monday, sister,. ttur - k ; - Before making your selections in girts, drop , had seen in one of the first copies. He receiv- . Mrs Charles. Nichols. Robert Scott has bought the henneries ust y,-- , John O'Neil and wife moved to Bridge- Dea Mr and Mrs II. Downes With Canfield as teacher. Jn at the honse 339 Main 0g Hoyt, P. ed his and went away rejoicing. It pays Henry popular at street, and Campbell built, last year, as Mr and Mrs Warren'PIumb Nichols Monday. lie will' work in the keys Chalk Tuesday and Wednesday Miss Vesta Fanton of Weston has vis-- Bridgeport and see the immense ot Gray of port, and Dr Rankin and wife dined with Mrs to advertise if you advertise in Talk, " display especially of this weekf jted her uncle, Thomas Bradley, holiday goods. , . ... yvell as considerable poultry. were guests at Highland lawn, last wtjek. aluminum factory. D. M. Mitchell, Thanksgiving day. tho Bek, evenings ' IXWTOVI, COSH., FBIDAT, DECEMBE4 0 library books, Mrs A. B. Hill, Misses 'ChaVlcs Bhvkcslce entertained a large the town, are discussed with the old time M. D. EDWARDS M. SMITH, M.I. STITES, ' Grace Bougbton aud Emma Kumsey and Thanksgiving party at dinner "PritrsiMfln nnA Surn-QA- FHYBICIAJW AND 8UBOEON. j (Successor to DBS WILE c SMITH.) BRIDGEPORT. Major Thomas. The of the tableaux ex j Office ,J Charles E. wile and gross receipts and Residence, Hook. T. Office Street-Telephon- Stagg, daughter, Sandy (JST RECEIVED. and Kesidenee Newtown e J. A. Mr at Newtown. hibition in the Town hall were $85 10. BEAL, George W. 1'nrroU of 384 State spent Thanksgiving vUloiuxl Hut Connection. NICHOLS. association "will receive a. vicinity tlawioyville Hnb-bltt'- 1 street, CO yenra old, wu killed, last The library Shop or le)ot ; Glen, Bennett's and s Hours 8 to 9 a m; to 2 p m. - Some of our young men and maidens funds the kind Bridge, Little York and viclnitv at N. down Services were helil In Trlnltv ehiireh. neat addition to their by 8 wenk, by falling stairs. a at Kt Depot, Sandy Hook. Otllce hours, to 9 ANOTHER 46 WHITE ST., DANBURY. Sunday afternoon, for the first time since enjoyed pleasant time the wedding ness of the ladies and gentlemen who had A. M., 12 M. to 2, 7 to 8 jr. M. LOT OP COUGIILIN BEOS., Mrs V. A. ltoUford was with and Miss Minnie thankful Its renovation. The woodwork, which of Stiles Judson, J r, L., the affair in charge. Mr lti beeoa of Mt. Vernon or v. A. W. 0ECELMAS, Bridgeport. lleurdwley was done under the supervision of F. E. aaugnter ueorge juies oi siausu, and Lr C. A. Benedict with Mr Jerome which took at the residence of the It is reported that Mr Rowing of the . Sandy Hook, Ct. DEALEES IN FINE GOLD WALL PAPEES, Baldwin. Is finish!. C. J. Thome U to place Manufacturer and dealer in NIAGARA PLOUR, MU- Morgan of Bethel. bride's father on evening. Rev Ross house, at the Milford end of Wash Harness, Saddles, OIL TINTS, FSC0 B0EDEES, DECORA- PIANOS, ORGANS AND do the painting, wood finishing and dec-- Thursday Bridles, Collars. Blankets, eta. Cornelius Bristol of Middletown officiat bridge, who is now owner of the TIONS, WINDOW SHADES, FIXTURES, ETC. K. 11. Botaford In himself a orating and expects to complete it soon. ington SICAL INSTRUMENTS building The friends of the near the crossing oi the nt 2, Is ing. many groom Hodges place 0SCAB PITZSCBXER. Which house, 38x44 on Un The building much more In li- I am sellingr at $6.50 churchly will wish him and his bride all manner Parallel road, has applied for a liquor - and Hair CIIAItL.ES v OF ALL KINDS. worn! avenue. detail and architecture mid the neonle of . Shaving Cutting, JONAS, cense Is to start a hotel at that Hot and Cold and Tobacco, Hair bbl., cash. This flour is f and will welcome and place, Baths, Cigars per spot Nichols urn to hn oono-rft- iil.itoil '.of pleasant things Merchant Tailor, widow of Stev upon successful In his There is Oil. Hair Tonic and Cosmetics. Anjrellno, Ir Sylvester ad- them cordially, when they return from if application. made from the 1887 crop Cliurcli St., Newtowu, Conn. eua having so perfectly proportioned and and a remon- - entirely I leave to announce and mother of F. 8. Stev and take their resi onnositionA k to his plans beg that I have received Druggist a house of their wedding trip up GE0BGE VT. of wheat died on of No mirably iippolnted worship. for E0TSF0BD, and is well worth 50c a fine lot of suitings ia . the stores at ens, at Danbury the 20th dence In town. strance has been circulated signa- ; r; Botsford Conn. Depot, Newtown and Bridgeport, where I will vember, 84 years old and was burled The friends of Dr Starkweather tures to be presented to the commission and per barrel more than other many Mrs Frederick Benjamin Is not gaining Carriage making repairing, blacksmithing any be pleased to wait oa patrons and will guarantee here, Monday. will be glad to learn that lie Is not to ers. and jobbing. satisfaction. CHARLES her health as rapidly as her friends de flour sold in the town. JONAS, Bush Is to Samuel leave the he will va- Harry occupy the village Although sire. The Hook and Ladder Co., who gave CELEST A. BENEDICT, M. D., After place, north of the cate the old homestead In the Spring, he their annual ball on the evening of the ' and NEWTOWN SAVINOS BANK, city. H. was - Physician Surgeon, will hire another place here and remain Charles Silliman of Jersey City 3d. are anxious to raise funds for a new- 228 State Newtown, Conn. St., Bridgeport. 18S5. A pleasant company of relatives enjoy us. In town, last week. be our one of the therapeutic agents. Of-- Incorporated among truck house and it is to hoped Electricity FHIL0 CLARKE, President, ed Thanksgiving with Mrs Giles O. Heel : Bee hours from 10 a. m. to 12 m, 2 to 4 p. m. H.S.BLAGEM&N. Many visitors arc attracted to the D. C. Wood has been sick Dr Cogs townspeople will give them substantial C. H. NORTHROP, Treasurer. er of North Main street. occas- swine farm of Rowland Brooks, which Is well attended him. aid In their undertaking. When L. D. WILCOXSON, M. D., Hours, 9 a mto 8 p m; Tuesdays and Fridays, 7 to O. I Uurgeits, once superintendent of one of the In this of the ion has presented itself for their services, and 8 pm. largest part Quite a crowd witnessed the execcises Physician Surgeon, Pianos and 'Organs repaired and toned the club, was home, State. He has now have been active in the preservation . Newtown, Conn- - Hawleyville Grocer. Brldgeiort Boys' nearly 300, mostly of the Eagle athletic club, Thanksgiving they and in the most manner. lie holds a similar but which he will of and such an organization Residence and Otfice at Diok's Hotel. Telephone. promptly thorough Thanksgiving, Spring pigs, of butcher morning. L. II. Russell took the first property STIRN & WALKER Send for Piano Illustrated Cata suiwrlutend-en- bo a liberal when and Organ more reonlble position as t some 300 during the Winter. He a silver medal and R. S. Blakeman should met by spirit ED SON W. prefers prize, WILSON, 500 Main logues. , of a large boys club at Worcester, Suffolk pigs, though he has a number of the second. they ask for aid. Furniture and Undertaking, Street, Bridgeport, Conn., COMPOUND OXYGEN. Wholesale and Betail Sealers in Mass. Chester Whites, all of which he breeds - a number of the members of the Sandy Hook, Ct. Paints, Oils, Elder N. G. Ceeney spent Thanksgiv Quite Glass, Brushes, Varnish, Wall Paper, etc. himself. Those butchered are sold at C. were at the fifth M. 8. iSherldan, who has a perennial at the home of his father-in-la- Rev E. society present DAVENPOBT & 0'HABA, THE RATIONAL CURE FOR First class work guaranteed in Paper Hang, wholesale In In the lug so- and task examining and Indexing the land Bridgeport, but, anniversary exercises of the Milford Attorneys and Counselors at Law, ing. Painting Decorating. John Pegg ' CHRONIC DISEASES. We have reduced on our are sold to farmers in town. '' Office in Post-Offi- again the prices PLUMB & WINTON'S records of the town and city, charges Spring, young pigs ciety at the First church that I Building, lurge block oi w ail l apers. Mr Llvlngston,-ano- w ' . Conn. to the who wish to raise them. Next yeary he letters from Rev music and it fine J ' Bridgeport, NOW BT Town Clerk Watson with swearing Addresses, recitations, .on. Vpr v ENDORSED PHYSICIANS, Bone ntends to keep many more, as his pens In Florida, do not give much hope that collation were I Pure Ground correctness of accounts which he had thoroughly enjoyed. JAMES IVBBENNAN, And Used by Many Citizens of Bridgeport, Who HUNGER & STAPLES, AND are capable of sheltering 500 or COO. The he will recover health sufficiently to en are to to the Benefit Derived never examined. lie says that Watson aud f . Mason and Builder, Newtown. Willing Testify Attorneys and Counselors at Law, BONE Is 100x20 Is 25 feet able him to take his ministerial Savage, the thief burglar First-Cla- ss from Use. FERTILIZER. has received half the money paid by the building, which feet, again up Murtagh All work and Warranted to Give its or three stories and each floor con- - work. arrested in New Haven, was Satisfaction, The be tne treatment of compound oxygen is Pinney's block, Shelton. The bast Fertilizer an the market. Bona Ma for this little or high recently sent to it at now to be chem City work, though doing - known in town. by express all parts the country P. 0. Birmingham, Conn. nures are admitted better than talus 30 15 on a with a four- well the expense of the son it. It con - to out his promise of help- pens, side, Lieut H. G. Hubbell and family ate JOHN J. LYNCH, pel ordering Branch Offiee of S- - H. Hubbard, Solicitor of icals One trial will convince; S30 on torn lots- nothing carry . sists of a supply ot compound oxygen lor foot between. The are f Conn-- Patents. Cash for Hides and Tallow. ing Sheridan. Watson charges that Sher- passage porkers Thanksgiving turkey in town. An interesting and exciting game of Main Street, Long Hill. eight weeks' treatment, with bii inhaling ap- paid fed on meal and on from the Horse and Ox Shoeing and general jobbing. paratus and with lull and explicit directions idan has purloined books and Indices from garbage football was played here between the for use. The price is $15; if sent c. o. d. the PLUMB & and the older ones are allowed the The terrible rain of last week Wednes- town and the of Seasonable Prices for Good Work. cost of collection will be added to the express WINT0N, the office and that the whole matter is city Eagles of this Stars terms cash. K. W. E. J. M. two-acr- charges; Kamnann, M.l.t PECK, D., Bridgeport,Conn. of a e lot. can pass day night nearly drowned out the town in a for the 123 Fairlield Conn. trumiieil up by Sheridan out of spite. liberty They Southnort. resulting victory avenue, Bridgeport, Late of New Tork City. to of the stairs and caused much Of We give below extracts from a few of the The council has referred It to a sjeclal every part building by damage by washing home club. Fred Atwood, captain many testimonials we have. in Mr KHEUMATISM 13 Office committee, with Instructions to investi- similar to those a sheep fold. out roads. the Eagles, was seriously injured during DININOIIOOM FUR Was laid up with for and Residence, Brooks has an horse months. After nine weeks' treatment am cur gate. At the same council meeting, eight power boiler, A portion of the bridge on the strce the first part of the game, but pluckily ed. Can attend U my business as usual. which he steams the food for the W. H. UIINDKKM AN, , WEDDING AND BIRTHDAY Councilimtn Klynn charged Fire Com- by parallel to the railroad had to be torn up continued to command his forces until Cor. Houston and Main tts. Hatterxown swine and which he is enabled to Have tak- P. 0. ADDRESS, STEPNEY, CONN. missioner R. M. Houston with tampering by and a new stone wall laid, as the heavy the end. A large audience of ladies and NITURE. Have had rheumatism foryears. them the en two months' TKEATMENT. My rheuma- with the commissioners' report. butcher quickly, needing only flow of water, last week, caved it in, gentlemen witnessed the afiiiir and were tism has left me and my general health much of the man and who assist him. not with a new Din- improved. J. II. EDDY, 347 ltroad St. JEWELER. help boy it for travel. Charles loud in applause at successes of their Why surprise your family Have never found it to fail to relleveand re J.J. DUNLAP. F. K. Sllltman has laid one of his cele- making dangerous Table, Sideboard or a set of Chairs- - Mills did the work under direction of Se- friends. William Rogers umpired the ing move speedily, the COLDS so common in our brated concrete walks for C. W. Beach James Durward of East End, who has We offer some of the grandest bargains ever climate. W. B. HALL. Umbrella and Parasol lectman Robert Curtis. game and C. Lester Youngs was time J am now feeling so well that I must sav that Clocks, Watch OS, purchased the Mrs Starkweather place, offered in TREAT- on North Main street. Eugene Beardsley of the Eagles I think the COMPOUND OXVGEN Is to move In, next He will raise of the school are keeper. MENT Is the best thing to vitalize and tone up a Spring. The scholars graded was tumbled several times in a I ever Repairing Specialty. Peter Wlnttor has contracted with on about the system that tried. tobacco and manufacture cigars the preparing for a Christmas entertainment con- DININGR00M FURNITURE! MRS B. H. FRENCH, 382 Main Frank Armstrong to grade the grounds rather rough manner, but his good 204 Myrtle ave. Street, Bridgeport. place. on the evening of December 20 to raise i around the old stone North - dition physically prevented his receiving Connecticut National Bank Building. block, Bridge- funds for a school Solid Oak Sideboards with bevel mirrors, W. M. D.. Mrs Dr Starkweather expects to ac library. serious injury, as it did not make large E. Karrmann, jiort. !iny plush lined drawer and trimmings of oxidized H.S. M. D. DIAMONDS, company Mrs William l'erry of Bridge- Maple drum corps held a rehearsal and much difi'erence which way you stood brass. Karrmann, W. B. Felix Vlncelctto has the 1 PRINDLE, bought port to Lakewood, N. J., for a fortnight's business meeting at the truck room, Mon him one in being fat. west North Main up, advantage Office 123 Fairfield ave , , Wood timber tract of stay at this famous Winter resort. Undertaker, Newtown. HICH FANCY GOODS. street, near Cant M. Rowland's and In day evening. ROYAL OAK PILLAR Bridgeport, Conn. tends to build Immediately. Mr Carr of Bridgeport spent Thanks Work in the F. C. degree was perform OFFICE HOUBS-Fro- m 10 a. in. to 6 p m and THE NEWTOWN LIBRARY: ev- TABLES, from 7 SO to a p in. giving with Rowland Brooks. ed by St John's lodge, No. 8, Monday 1 m 7 30 9 Will be open for Books Tues- Mrs William Oorharn aud Miss Sarah With and Sundays-1- a to 1pm and from to drawing every Watches, Clocks and Jewelry ening. highly polished quartered top richly p m. day 1 to 6 p in and 7 to 9 in the evening; Satur Ciorham are with the of Owen Dr Starkweather purchased a a carved pedestal. 1 9 family Have you Pittsburgh, day from p ni to In the evening. BT Cromwell at Berkshire, Newtown. horse, last week. A new tenement house is to be built on or a Stu SKILFULLY REPAIRED Wharf street by James Meachen. Rochester, Duplex, DINING CHAIRS Warren E. l'lumb was able to be out, dent Lamp ? M. W. STEVENS, REDDING. Thanksgiving. His hand is healing well Selectman D. C. Wood has painted his S With cane, leather and plush seats, at an ex- Do work of FIRE INSURANCE residence. they satisfactorily tremely low to make room for Holiday Manufacturer G. W. FAIRCHILD, About 'JO members of the Bethel and After the death of Dr Starkweather's price Do your Lamp Chimneys Goods. MARBLE AND GRANITE HEADSTONES, EN- x unnsnea at in Keddiug fox hunting club attended the horse, Austin S. Nichols kindly loaned Miss Carrie Fields, who lias been ill for lowest Kates break ? CLOSURES FOR CEMETERY LOTS, ETC. the Oldest and 357 MAIN STREET, hunt, Friday. Five foxes were started the doctor one of his own steeds until some time, is reported much worse and 8pc. DINING SET $35, Stronges - ESTIMATES FURNISHED. American ana Jungnsn companies, one of which was Frank Fer another could be for which Dr small of her are You the wrong sort! Beduced From SS0. CONN. captured by obtained, hopes recovery entertain get Farm property and Live stock a spec BRIDGEPORT, of Bethel. In the a feels ed. - . . . kinds American and ry evening, suppe Starkweather very grateful. iviuiii w 1.000 Pillow Sham Holders Dealer in all of Foreign laity. was enjoyed by about 40 members and in- GLASS, made the bestin the market, at ZSe each, never before Marble and Granite, inoluding the eelebaated AGENCY FOR The work of draining the school house T. E. Peck, antlior, lecturer and dyer. "PEARL by Hartford Hartford vited at llrookslde where 8010 ior less : County Mutual, guests hotel, green and trie road near It lias been car is a new office aud work room ar- Geo. A. Macbeth & Co., Fitts- - WESTERLY GRANITE! New London County Mutual, Norwich FEED. HARTH, Na-tha- having Tolland speeches were made by Frank Ferry, 1." County Mutual, Tolland ried bravely on with the help of 12 to ranged to meet the demands of his rapid- makers of the cele- -j Insurance Co.of North America, Philadelphia (illlx'rt, Abraham Betts and others burh, CARPETS Continental, New York men and It will be finished, this week, if business. Pearl-top- -, M. W. 189 Main street, Conn. The of abundant and su- ly increasing brabd " " lamp- Bugs, Oilcloths and Shades. STEVENS, Commercial IjOndon Danbury, supiwr, quantity all goes well. There are two sewer --"f NORWALK, CONN. Phenix Mutual Life, Hartford perior was provided by Mr and Mrs Robert W. Curtis gave a royal which have Union Mutual Accident, Chicago WATCHMAKER quality, wells, one on the and one on the chimney, s Mrs James Auother will green spread, last Friday which was en i.ouiDimi investment co Guaranteed Mort- Hyatt. meeting side of the road, near the cor night, universal satisfaction, gages. be held on Christmas opposite II. F. Meachen, wife and given NOW IS THE TIME FOR Loan & Trust Co's Debenture Bonds. day. ner of the lane. Several lines of smaller joyed by daugh Fidelity W. and wife, Mr DOWER JEWELER. Uev I). has a series of tile lead from and sewer ter, Henry Benjamin A, F, TLARK. SANDY HOOK Taylor twgun the green the i : . l . i and Mrs Sturges and son, Mrs Theodore tUDUor in ij .uuJ bmsci e extra at the Long Hldge church. wells to the main, which is 10 inches in HOLIDAY PICTURES. (utu ijpccuwm miaj cellu meetings Mrs John Miller, MrsF. A. Rus loid Eye Glasses - diameter and runs the west side of Judson, & "EDWARDS I'ulon services were held, Sunday along sell and son of Bridgeport. Life size crayons made from $5 upwards.All the street for about 75 rods, emptying crayon work finished at the studio. First THE With H. M. Robinson for the past night, In the Methodist church and IIov class Cabinet Photos at prices. No Into the brook near the Methodist church. Mrs S. B. Mallett of Hartford visited B. Main to Ipopularcan seven years. W. J. preached an admirable W. HALL 449,451 St., Bridgeport." agents pay .therefore give my patrons Jenuings There is in reality a double drain part of Mrs Theodore Judson, last week. a better class of work for the money. sermon. a j the for the tile la laid in the bot- Children's Pictures specialty. HOCSA TONIC R K way, S. R. Buuce entertained Frederick The rain I. as washed the roads badly tom of the with straw and MAIN L1SB ditch, stones, Beers, wife aud son of New Haven and THE HOLIDAYS , and left them In a worse condition than earth above. The cost, which was not & F. M. MONTIGNANI,; Edward Beers of Bridgeport. COMPANY, November 2. ISSfl. since the rains of to exceed $.'100, Is met a dis- ALBANY great July. by special 304 MAIN ST., BRIDGEPORT, BIUDGKPOUT--ort- h 7 OS. of W. 10 05 a m, trict tax of two and a mills. Clara, daughter J. Dufour, who Are more attractive than ever, 1H Thanksgiving day, a tremendous ex- quarter BRIDGEPORT. Over Pequonnock National Bank. 4 50, 6 p in; freight, 5, 10 a in, of the district tax has been 111 with intermittent fever, is 9 30 7 30 a plosion took place at the West Bedding Many payers prefer DENTISTS, this season, at p ni. SMiudsy, in. Arriva to work out their tax and work has been better. 6 50. 9 40 a ni, 12 15. 4 50, 7 05, 9 20 hotel, nearly wrecking the building. It ! the E. S. 388 Main street. Li 12 DUC, Little Duke, p tu Sunday milk 7 20 p ui; freight was caused by an employe, Michael eagerly accepted by committee, liisliop walker or .North Uakota con 4 15 p m. Horace P. Nichols and Warren The Fercheron No. 4167. will make his a match in the cellar, Fairchild, tinued a class of five at Christ church 2d YEAR in Stallion, TUDMHULti North 5 7 10 40 Iowney, lighting THANKSGIVING third season at the barn of S. L. Thomas, Tram-- 20. 19. where lie re was a disused left E. Plumb. The good results from the The children's choral with cate F. 6 15, 9 55 t gasometer, service, bull, Ct , Daniel's Farms district. Terms f20, am; p in; Snuiiay tire which consumed the new drainage are already apparent. was last and Is re BRIDGEPORT. Edgar Hawley's 7 42"a tu South, tt 3S.9 2S a m. 12 01 after the chising, held, Sunday BA11GAINS IN THE $5 at time of service, the balance when proved 3 6 51. 9 06 m. milk No done on 45. p Sunday hotel some years ago. Downey, Friends and relatives from Monroe, peated on the first Sunday of each month c. with foal. business Sunday 7 OtS eight SOMETHING NEW IN DENTISTBT. p ui. who was Injured, was taken to Danbury and Nichols were of LONtt N.-ri- 5 7 10 55 Huntington guests James Baker, instructor of the choir OLD HOUSE. Artificial Teeth inserted the next moment after HILL, 35. 25. a hospital and will probably recover. The Mr and Mrs Isaac E. Nichols on Thanks DIt. It. N. " ui; 6 23. 10 10 p in; Suudav 7 49 a m of Christ church and choir master at extraoting, the impression being taken and the BEITS.Jr, As he has the largest and bes same day, a young man named James Sandy Hook. S..ath 6 31, 9 22.ll 55 a tu. 3 30. 6 44 giving day. Trinity, Bridgeport, is musical director teeth made the day before. Avoid the annoyance Dentist, 9 6 59 Mande-villa- 's selected stock of Sunday milk, m. Martin was standing Ou W. F. Take Centre for com- of sore and the embarrassment of without the use of pm. p Ladies' aid at Mr of the new choral society, which met in stairway gums going Teeth extracted pain, by STEPNEY North 5 10 with a loaded The society Porter's, toothless for days and weeks and our perfect Oxide or Ether. Teeth 50.7 31.10 25.11 stoop gun. in the lecture Mon assortment of Knit Goods try Nitrous (laughing gas) a 6 38. 10 25 m. 7 55 a Tuesday evening. Congregational room, plete method. A perfect fit guaranteed; prices the same. inserted on Celluloid or Bubber. for in; p .Sunday in gun was discharged and the contents Money paid AND South 6 27. 9 IS, 11 50 a ui 3 20. day evening. FILLED WITH i allowed on sets. Will call the NOVELTIES USEFUL In his neck and face. He fell to Mr and Mrs Nichols of Plantsvllle and for ladies, children and infants. TEETH GOLD, up extracting is at 6 38. 8 55 p in milk ti 54 m lodged SI.LVEB. 50 and 75o house when Brookfield Wed- Sunday p There were C4 at the second ? 75c requested. every BOOKS, PLUSH the ground unconscious. Fortunately, Mr and Mrs Edgar Beers of Bridgeport couples Infanta Loner Dresses, embracing all new j CLEANED, ARTICLES, BOTS FORD North 6 25. 7 41. 10 35. I 25c nesday. at the Town week at our " EATKACTED, 11 45 a 5 18. (5 50. 10 45 Dr Benedict was present and dressed the spent Thanksgiving week with D. M. assembly hall, last styles popular prices. A lit 50c CASES OF ALL m; p m; Sou. (VITALIZED administered, KINDS, 8 05 ti which was taken Dan- Nichols ; Mr and Mrs Gideon Tomlinson Thursday night, Sansone's orchestra fur Infants' Slips and Short Dresses. The Vitalized A ir, like the air we breathe, is day am. South 18. 9 10. wound, after he to HARMLESS and can be taken AND EVERY- 11 40 a 6 45 music. The next will Two lota Short Dresses at 25c and 39c that perfectly by TOTS, m, 3, 24,8 p m. Sunday bury hospital. Martin had a brother and family of Shelton with L. C. Nich nishing assembly any one, young or old. milk 6 42 p m be a on tne The as are very reasonable. A SET OF TEETH, 5 CHAS. J.HUGHES THING SUITABLE killed by the cars, a short distance from ols. masquerade lJtn. BEST SET OF WARRANTED, $8 NEWTOWN Nonh ti 50. 7 49. 10 43 a Is Children's Canton Flannel Drawers. TEETH, where he stood when the gun was dis sembly composed of 20 members, R. B There is no BETTER made, no matter how FOR CHRISTMAS m. 12 m; 5 2ti. 7 00, 11 00 p in; Sunday Curtis Brothers and families H much troin can come . Successor to M spent French and assemblies Children's Sight Dresses, 25c to 50c. you pay. People abroad 8 13 a 111 Month 15 10. 02. 11 32 charged. with Elliott secretary eight In the morning and wear their new teeth home Thanksgiving their father, are this season. Large variety of Children's Skirts. the same day. All work warranted. a m, 2 40. 4 15, 6 12. 8 37 p m; Sunday planned, fiTliis otllce is located. & PRESENTS milk 6 30 m. J, B. Nichols of Greenfield spent Sun Curtis. Children's Long and Short Cashmere permanently CURTIS HUGHES, p Bros, have their OBVILLE HECTOR, D.D.S., IN TOWN. HAWLEYVILLE Not 7 C3 day with his daughter Amle. !Cliarles B. Nichols and Whiting pork packing Cloaks. DR F. L. UHIiE. th 5S.8 10 52 family spent N. a m. 12 5 34. 11 Son-da- house again in operation, in charge of Infants' Surah Silk Caps. 30. 7 10. 15 p m. y Emory Sanford spent Thanksgiving at Thanksgiving In White Hills. Stratford Granite and 8 22 a in. South 6 W. Clarke, who has worked there for 17 Skirts and 02. 8 54 home. Cashmere and Worsted Caps, DR.R. S. TODD, It would be impossi 11 25 ni, 2 20. 4 07. 5 58. 8 30 m " . Mr and Mrs Charles Fairchild held Winters. the choicest of farm Shawls. p They buy and a Member of the Con- - Sunday milk 6 16 p m. Leave at their and work it own Veterinary Surgeon Marble Works for Mrs William Lamb and son of New Thanksgiving family ers' pork up for their Children's Corded Waists.. necticut Veterinary Medical Association, ble here to mention the Bethrl 8 55. 11 30 a m. 3 20. 5. 7 04 York have visited her uncle, William T. pleasant home. retail trade, packing 40 or 50 barrels of Will be at p m Sunday 4 52 p m Fmm Lifthfl " 8 15. 10 1 Dennlson. Mrs of Nor-- each season. J. H. BLACKMAN'S, EVEBT MONDAY, All kinds of Cemetery Work, in Gran- different articles in ou 35 a m. 33. 4 05. 6 13 p m, Joseph Jennings Charles B. Nichols is on jury duty in pork, 4 29 m. walk la also with her brother. " Where he may be consulted on all matters rela- ite or Marble, from artistic designs Suaday p Bridgeport The addition which Edgar Osborne has tive to his profession. Orders left at and best stock in the market, at reasonable pric- immense stock. BROOKFIELD JUNCTION-Noit-h 806 845 CLOAKS. ' es. on Letter- 11 01 a m. 12 8. S. Osborn exchanged horses and built at the rear of John Smith's old car- 3. H. Blackman's. Designs furnished application. 55. 5 44. 7 20. 11 45 p in. in Cemeteries a Write for infor- 8 31 a 5 -- with STRATFORD. on Air Line ve 35 ing specialty. Sunday in. South 53. 8 5 wagons Zalmon Read. riage shop the road, the Handsome Seal Sacqucs. I 11 t mation or come and see ns. One sure; our 15 a m. 12 55. 3 58. 5 44, 8 20 p m. Win-ste- randa at the west end and two win 20 Seal and Lamb Mr and Mrs Arthur Jones are la d. CAPT DAVID BKNNETT. bay Persian Capes. thing Snnday milk 6 02 p m. For Danbury. dows in front have made It into two com ' fi 6. 8 06. 8 11 - Fine grades oi Cloth Garments. B. B. Stratford, 47. 17 a m. 4 00, 5 45. , David Bennett died at his res! r Opposite Station, sroods are all new and 8 25 Capt fortable tenements. lines of Jackets and Plush Capes. pm. In deneo on the last week and Large DANBURY Joseph Gallagher visited his brother Ferry road, V waf!"" Arrive 6 15,8 20,9 02,11 S3 was burled on Union Merchant W. II. Smith ate in - Tgi "J,l the latest and 4 15. 5 57. 8 40 Lnave Danbury, last week. , ''f Sunday at cemetery turkey Special offering- of 200 Cloaks prices pm. 5 35. 7 45 Rev conducted funeral Kent. 8 30, 10 45 a m. 3 40, 5 15, 8 two John Pegg the for ladies, misses and children same pm. D. 8. Osborn has purchased young services. Bennett had been a resi & lower than goods DANBURY & NORWALK DIVISION. cows of 8. B. Osborn. w! " Capt Rev John Pegg delivered a discourse that have been used by the com- Swan Bushnefl, 'it,'. ' dent Of the town for many years, coming to young men, at the M. E. church, Sun as are sold in the cities. BETHEL, from Danbury, 6 36. 6 42. 7 41 G. T. Sanford has finished" off White here when quite a boy to learn the car on "The and Glo mercial travellers samples. 9 13 a m, 12 07. 3 43. 5 23. 6 26. 7 12. day evening, Strength BRIDGEPORT CONN. 8 38 m For 6 head's hall In colors. penter's trade with the father of the late of Men in the Battle of Life. These goods are in Newmarkets, p Danbnry 50, 7 65. ry Young 362 Water Foot of Bank. we is ex 10 14 a to. 1 09, 4 26. 5 56. 6 30, 7 27. Charles D. Curtis. He worked at the Ulsters, Children's Street, All ask an 11 Fred has painted B. II. Merrick's Jackets, 19. 7 25 p m. Fr Halryvill 8 00 DIAMOND REDDING. business for many and aided in the Perry Pure Leads and Oils, Chan- 10 19 a 1 3 HILL, years with white School Cloaks, Misses' Garments, Ship m, 15. 50, 5 58 p m. Fmm construction of of the shop red, trimmings. A ear load of the amination of our stock, Hawleyville 9 10, n 45 a m, 3 35. 5 17. WALTKRS-HVDK- tt. s" many bulldtngs all new'and of course which are now in various Rev S. Ives a stylish and, dlery, Engineers' Supplies, 7 20pm. standing parts J. gave Thanksgiving CHAMPION SPRING Nova Scotia Woolen Goods, is now be- REDD A wedding took place l the h, are extra .well Dredging Materials, which ready, INS. North 7 47. 10 06 a m. 1 03. pretty of the town. A few before the discourse at the Congregational-churc- being samples, Hand-mad- e Muf--: years LUMBER WAGONS Stockings, Mittens, Gloves, 4 13. 7 20. 11 11 m. Sooth 6 9 20 house of Edgar Field, Thanksgiving day he his to man made and splendid shapes. Scotch and Liver-- p 48, war, turned attention the Sunday. will soon be hero tor me. are unexcell- flers, Hoods, Imported fore elsewhere. a in, 12 13. 3 49. 5 32, 7 20 m. at a in. Daniel F. of this town They o buying p p Ryder ufacture of saddle trees and was very Will be sold at $5 for the choice ed for general worth; the price is low. They , pool Guernseys-N- and Miss Inea E. Walters of New York Mutual hook and ladder ball at Town are of the pole have ever been made to equal NEW YORK & successful, soon a sufficient 100 Plush guaranteed against whipping gannenfs NEW ENGLAND R R. In acquiring hall, December 4 ; Cupheag ball, Janu Jackets, elegant shapes. on any occasion. Many othorpoints ot excel, these Guernseys tor wearing qualities, great Sun- were united marriage by Her W, J, him to take life lence them ahead of all warmth and freedom for action. to competency to enable, 9. - 100 Plush Capes. place competitors. perfect Special prices . November 11, 1SSS The bride was at ary trial will be allowed responsible - A full line Jennings. tastefully - Thirty days' - of easily. He was twice married, his sec 250 Long Garments. thinking of buying. HAWLEYVILLE East 7 55. 11 r.9 tired In a beautiful costume of dove col coal elegant styles parties"Booth Lever Coil is Schools. us and a m ond wife him. He had a son The yard and fixtures of the late 2O0 . The Spring" sustaining The Pontiae Woolen day Try 7 06 Weat 8 55 a 2 15 surviving fine black Jersey JackeU. its reputation as the best spring on the mar- Celebrated pra m, 45. 6 p m ored Faille Francalse silk, trimmed with William E. Wheeler are offered for sale - NEWTOWN-E- and the latter dying some years 500 Grade Misses' Garments. ket and is constantly adding fresh laurels to ant f8 a m. f!2 04. f7 10 daughter, High its fame. Persons not tried it have no Goods. . wewill save money. steel . The bride's maids since and the son This is one of the best of opportunities having you p ra West f8 48 a m, f6 10 p ni disappearing many idea of the pleasures of riding. All of the above are at reduotd, Miss A. Maud Walters, sister of the bride, and never heard of. The for purchasing a long established busi I can supply any kind of VEHICLE Wagon, prices. SANDY HOOK East 8 06 in. 12 10 years ago being CL0AKINGS. Road Road Sole for W wore a costume of golden- - ness and several have . Carriage, Spindle, Cart, Wagon, agents 7 16 p m. est 8 42 a ra. 2 34. 6 charming known legal heir Is a great grand been examining the Top or Surrey; Market or Business Our stock of Candies 05 ra only Canopy fin- Tower's "Pish Brand" of Oil SOUTH BURY brown Henrietta cloth and Faille silk; a child of William Morehouse plant. Elegant Cloakinga for garments made to Wagons of any desired style ofspringand Clothing, Bant 8 16 a m. 12 19. 7 25 In a of daughter, order. ish, at low prices and of fine workmanship. The best in the world. bet- p m. Wwt 8 32 a ni. 2 24. 5 55 Miss Sanford, dressed pretty suit Bennett built himself a small The "Prize Road Wagon" will be fonnd a will be larger and p in. Capt sloop A new street is talked of the easily-han- A Is blue Henrietta cloth. 'Hie best men through prize indeed to anyone wanting a light, good suit of black or yellow oil clothes some on which he made dled for not is easily in and SHEPAUG II R. years ago, fre land of Lewis Beardsley and the Know! wagon light business and gen- expensive,Times kept hi repair ever. were B. Meeker of Bethel and Seth liy SEAL JACKETS. eral driving purposes. The price is only 40. will many repay its c"t protection ter than - quent gunning and fishing excursions, ton farm to Clapboard hill. If the de The "Best Road Cart" at $10 is a t from colds, rlieumatisKi or pneumonia. June 13. 1S89. der. brother of the groom. After the by some of his many friends. 75 new Seal Jackets, all nuule from bent to biivers. Bubber Gloves, Mittens and Finger Cots. accompanied signs of the parties in interest are carried I A POLE is a to have. HAWLEYVILLE North 8 52.10 57 a there was a bountifnl Skins. H5, KM), 135. SHIFTING handy thing needed on board fmiort-c- d m. ceremony, repast has acc0'nna- - Alaska VvwvH,$ir, All $1-- 50 Everything ship. Look at our 5 40 m. V1. i I them at and warrant them not to 5 05 .' :Karil',!,e b1n 8?en out, a large number of valuable building .. - olfcr Manilla $2 per box ot lua.Telephone. bargains p Sunday. p in Arrive Mrs drove that to . . GHnnmit.8 Warranto!. cigars Mr and Ryder evening nled bv his wife on most pleasant days, , . nt i , A. . ., t i . .i i. . get Iooko and rattle. New Never undersold. 8 52 a m. 4 45 m. iiiutkl-i.- , ,: York prices. p home with his James about our streets lie was in Ills ue in uie auu, no uouut I have i Saturday' Oor their future father, riding in Silk Handkerchiels 6 20 pm. . 87th j will be bought by parties looking for HARNESS Ryder, West Redding. year. SEAL CLOAKS. SHEPAUG Nort h 9 06. 11 09 a elicrible locations in a nleasant nart. of from the lightest driving to the heaviest Gentle- - m. !) for Ladies and 5 53 p m. Sunday 5 19 a m. Sooth Mode to order. . truck irrades and at all prices from up. Mrs Leavitt has a new of the town, convenient to station, school hand sewed and of - sl s SSP arm 8 38 a ra. 3 4 29 Mr and Mrs J. H. Lee of Norwalk vis pair carriage I They aro all the best qual- 40, p m, Sunday horses. and office. . - Rubber 436 bed J. II. Lee, last week. churches post Take elerator for Cloaks, Furs and Cloaking. Paint, , men ; aiso sux mimers, pm. The choir of Christ church are rehears- Mr and Mrs Joel Selleck of New Hav William .N. .Ely will probably occupy f;,E. N. SIPPEIiLY, we NEW HAVEN & DERBY R. R. ing niuslo for Christmas. his residence the Winter. BUBBER FAINT. !of which make a en spent Thanksgiving with their aunt, through Mills, Ct. 4. 18S9. The school and have not Mrs D. W. Judson the Broth- Sipperly's Westport, MUs Polly Selleck. boys girls yet bought Best Paint In The World, BOTSFORD Leave 11 45 a 8 succeeded in raising funds sufficient to well place at auction. specialty. m, M p in. ' Arrive 10 30 a 5 20 m. The Folks are preparing for a purchase a flag for the school building. The Stove club are W. B. HALL DRESSMAKING. FOB SALE Y ra, p Ready again holding reg- SHELTON West 9 48 Rev John an ular sessions. Some of the old members v.. a m, 4 37 pm. concert at the church, loth. Pegg preached exceeding- Mlti A. Kail solicits the natronutre ot the East 12 27. 9 32 tn. ly able sermon, Thanksgiving day, at the have moved from town, but their places ladies of Stepnev and vicinity and offers her i p V - E.F.HAWLEY. were a Hill i JUAlli nunuiu wuni- NEW HAVEN Leave Sunday, a committee of four p. union service In the Congregational are filled with new faces and affairs of uiumiuubui.was 920am. 440pm church. state and to dence in Upper Stepney, la what the b. Arrive 13 55, 10 p m. pointed to select the new Congregational the nation, say nothing of Joyce place. i, booth. ! ; with The Social Season. ! NEWTOWN, CONN., BEE. Congress organized, Monday, ' convent THE CONTINUAL OF BARGAINS " Congressman Tom Reed of Maine In the 'Midst austere walls of a gray, , GIVING i"KlDATtlDECEMBEE8, I STERLING 1889. speaker's chair. From praying and lasting the livelong day, BROS., To mid diversion the Praters sought. IS ONE REASON FOR OUR GROWING POPULARITY. EVER SEEKING TO GIVE BETTER GOODS FOR THE CIRCULATION. I A Jolly old monk hit upon the thought, LEADING LEAST MONEY, IS THE KEY-NOT- E OF OUR SUCCESS. J1HUART1, 1883, 001 Jf you want to make the little ones to create a THE HOUSEFURNISIIEltS' The idea great game made the IAST WEEK,.... 204S happy at .Christmas, go to Mr Bull's, Of It's a we know not his name! People appreciate good goods, honestly and, with the constant basking np of every etatement.we stand without a peer ia Clothing cards. pity AT trade. With the and best selected stock of lor' ws be and them some of we owe ma- largest Men's, Tooths,' Boys' and Children's Clothing at the nrices can't udersold. Sandy Hook, buy For to this jolly old Frater See our large line of Born, Tlmnkpgiving day, n daughter those fine dolls, drums or other toys and ny a good time and, if he could have 346 NAIN to Mr lNUricfc looked in on the assembled at the STREET, BRIDGEPORT, MEN'S AND YOUTHS' SUITS AT $5, 7.50, 10, 17.50; AND $20. and Mrs Talty. some of the handsomely illustrated books party ABE S1I0WI2JO AB IMMENSE LINE OF 8.50, 12.50, 13.50, 15, 18.50, home of Miss LiUie Fairman on Wednes- Evory suit at above prices are flOc to 3 less than same sold Tor for all-wo- he has in this ; the pooila are elsewhere. For a cheap Suit, auk our stock, year or, for the day evening and beheld the youth and Suit at $8.50. Horn, November 29, a daughter to Mr "children of a larger growth," one of beauty there assembled to make use of Decorated Dinner, Tea and Toilet Ware, Rogers' You can buy a SLATTKK BLACK CHEVIOT SUIT, in sack and cutaway, from us lor 16; ace if anyone will sell the same less than und Mra Joseph Tellier, Sandy Hook. those elegant photo engravurcs, framed, his invention, he indeed would have felt Bric-a-bra- c 17.S0. a Christinas some repaid for the study ana time spent m Plated Ware, and Cut Glass, diary, book, card or of such a re a son to Mr and those fine originating game. Cordially Uorn, November ;t(), plush goods. ceived and royally entertained is tne way suitable for Wedding Presents and Par- Airs ltenjainln Majimrd, Taunton. to describe the time in general, but that EEANE & CO. Ladies' next is not minute enough. Soon after 8, the lor Ornaments. JONES, prayer meeting, Tuesday to one afternoon with Mrs H. L. Wheeler. whist playing commenced and, : "GOOD GOODS OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! . - James Partridge's daughter Allie, at 3, who loves the of human Their Motto AND LOW PRICES." an study nature, BOYS' AND Berkshire, is rapidly recovering from here is the place to see many phases of MEN'S, YOUTHS', CHILDREN'S. NOWHERE WILL YOU FIND SUCH AN ASSORTMENT AT SUCH nttnek of scarlet fever. The certificate of consecration of Trin- It: Disappointment at loss, triumpiiai REASONABLE PRICES. the look of ex A all-wo- church, June 8, 1882, countenances, suppressed STERLING good serviceable Overcoat for $5. An for tlM one that is worth tio. See what our 10 line comprises. ity given by Bishop all are and so tne BROTHERS, All-woo- l Those children's books and dolls ut S. has been mounted and enclos- citement, depicted; Meltons, Black Beavers, Cassimeres and Elysluns, as good goods as other dealers sell for $12 JO. Now lot $13.50 we show Williams, ott, loss and a lino of l, fast-colo- C. are merry party goes gain, gain larger all the popular goods Including an r Blue Elysian. satin sleeve lining, corded edge binding, with Hull's, Sandy Hook, especially ed in an oak frame by the rector and will and loss, until 11 o'clock, when cards stitched seams, as good a coat as one would want to wear. this as well as books for the In were as in- ' fine, year, be preserved the robing room of the dropped and something fully Then our line of Standard Kerseys in lour shades, made with velvet color, satin sleeve w We stitched seams, for taken ; the discussion of an W, F. SWORDS, W. C. HAIGHT, Sec'y ; E. D. strapped lining, ' older ones. You can also And there a church as a document of great interest to teresting up Pres't; ALV0RD, Treas. 15; others sell for $16.50 and considered them the greatest bargain offered. elaborate luncheon, Including the delica At 17JO and 18.50 $20 superb lino of Christmas cards und books the members of parish. ' $10, and we show a line or goods not offered elsewhere. Trinity cies of the season, which all en - and booklets. His line of heartily THE W. F. SWORDS LUMBER CO., Cape Overcoats for Boys' and Young Men at $6, 8, 10, 12.50, 15, 17.50 and $20; long capes. . plush goods joyed. Next came the distribution of Heefer Coats for $3.50 and b or $5. Leather Coats with snap . can't beat. Miss Carrie Hall of has been prizes. The wheel lortune turned Wholesale and Eetail Dealers in Chicago oddly enough, this time, giving the four V BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. with her cousin, E. J. Hall. to two 11 MICHIGAN PINE SOUTHERN AND NORTH ! A party of 18 from I'ortchester, N. V., nrst prizes persons, flliss attie LUMBER, CAROLINA PINE, Gloves Gloves ! Gloves ! for the Thousand. Glover winning the point and king prizes SIDING, SPRUCE TIMBER, ato Thanksgiving turkey at the Grand for a bound volume SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, ' UNDERWEAR ! The public demands that only honest ladies, handsomely DOORS AND BLINDS, ETC. UNDERWEAR! Central. of Poe's Raven and a gold button-e- r, Men's Mixed Shirts and Drawers 25c, 80c and 87c. The best Merino Underwear sold for 60 wool. and reliable goods be placed upon the glove " 50c, tolly per cent while Frank Wright carried oft' the The Hygienic Underwear is the most healthful to wear; no dyes or foreign matter enters in the manufacture or these garments. market. It be stated PLANING MILL AND $1-1- Carpenter McCarthy has partitioned oft cannot, therefore, honors for gentlemen, an exquisite paper YARD: Prices 75c, 7, $2; look at them. too nor too a fine JUST ARRIVED FOR a cosy olllce in Constable James Kelly's emphatically, repeated often, cutter and very inkstand. HOLIDAYS Men's Fancy Suspenders, plain and embroidered, made ol the finest satins, in a large variety of market. that all who are in need of good boots The young folks' whist club held its EAST WASHINGTON AVENUE, BRIDGEPORT, colors. The Monarch Shirts in full dress styles, $1, $15, $1 JO. and shoes should call at once at No. 7 second meeting at Miss Hattie Nichols, when cards and danc END OF HORSE Mr and Mrs U. V. Jiulil and Miss iSur- - block, where will find the Tuesday evening, WEST RAILROAD BRIDGE. Bishop they ing were indulged in and a most enjoya- Abies So ah K. Judd of New Haven were ut the best goods ut the lowest possible prices ble evening passed. The club's members kb 349 joktes,MAIN STREET, CORNER JOHN, BURROUGHS' LIBRARY BUILDING. iu we not are Misses Grace Stella cosn?jsrz5 Congregational parsonage, Thanksgiv- Bridgeport. And, furthermore, Peck, Nichols, value for your mon- Hattie Nichols, Julia Dikemau, Lillie ing. only give you good Hattie Glover and Messrs Winter HHillinery. ey, but, in order to increase our sales, Dikeman, WE OFFER A SELECT ASS0TMENT OF Mr und Mrs Iveonared, Warner, Curtis, Wright, Frank Middlebrook from we give to eaeh and every one who pur Beers, Peck. with Dutibury spent Thanksgiving their chases goods at our store a ticket, with At Miss Tanie Sanford's home, last WINTER MILLINERY mother In .Sandy Hook. worth on three was entertained a com- every dollar's purchased, Friday evening, for THE most ever of about 20, the principal event be- Suitable receptions and ROWLAND'S of the valuable presents given pany The installation of J!ev V. A. Johnson ing the progressive euchre contest. Play away iu this city. They consist of a was commenced soon 8 and contin- nt New Milford Is for after DRESS HATS AND BONNETS. appointed next Keller piano worth $.'M0, which for dur ued without interruption and with much ANTE-CHRISTM- AS week Thursday. The Congregational ability and brilliancy of tone cannot be enthusiasm until 11, at which time scores GRAND is Kev 1'. were counted and awarded. The W D M READ church here invited and J. excelled ; also two Empress ma- prizes E. HALLIGrAN'S, unusual honor of one oft' I Hoyt will take part in the exercises. chines, each worth $45. Considering the person carrying three prizes fell to the lot of Mrs Hitch, 396 MAIN STREET, BRIDGEPORT. . amount of money involved in these pres who won the king prize, point prize and SALE. The Juvenile will this ents and the equal chance that everyone the consolation prize for ladies. The HOLIDAY AND Temple meet, first two were handsome of WEDDING PRESENTS WE ARE HERE TO STAY. NO OP GOING OUT OP BUSINESS. week it is has in securing one of them, it is not specimens IDEA Friday evening and earnestly Miss Sanford's artistic brush, as were al- all make an strange that we are doing a large busi- so The people have ibowa too aneh of oar and aad hare a requested that t.lisrt to been the gentlemen's first prizes, a tile, won J appreciation goods prieea gives ui time at 7 o'clock. The scripture passage ness and that is conclusive proof that by Kobert II. Beers and a blotter, won IN DIAMONDS. WATCHES, ONYX BRIDGEPORT- - most gratifying patronage. commences with the letter A. Should the place to get full value for your mon by Harry S. Nichols. E. F. Hawley car- lf)&K For the next three weeki, we ihall hare a Grand Ante-Christi- Sal of dean, fresh aad ried off Re- in footwear is at 11. res , No. i the "booby," a stuffed man. fashionable Footwear. Goods that yon want, no old (toff with the dost of year dinging to the weather prove very stormy, the meet- ey .. Ay freshments were served as block. aud, "proof ELRY AND SILVERWARE. it. We have established a large trade, decidedly the largest ia Bridgeport. ing will be postponed. Bishop of the pudding is in the eating," certain- were of the choicest. 'Music then &Wm:rM We wish to still further extend it, and believe there is no advertising ht bargains that ly they Do not fail to us a for ev-- will and talk about. We have been for Miss Nettie Gallagher of Sandy Hook followed, Miss Sanford in a give call, people appreciate criticized demoralizing prices Mrs Laura Curtis is visiting her son singing 0&P$?$t$M BLACK SILK and values. we deserve it- - At anv our the benefit. tenches iu district No. splendid manner a solo, "O, sacrificing Perhaps rate, patron gat Ilobart at l'u. und will 8, Poxbury. Happy Day," kfv v rMM erythms: in the Jewelry line and vou We mention a few of many we shall offer the sale- - Ia case von will I.udlow, return Wiss Warner giving a piano solo that Bargains daring every with 1 to find the statement in accord with the facts and values as represented. spend Christmas here. was heartily enjoyed, after which college can save money. ! David Curtis and family, Mrs Louisa songs and social converse filled out a Blackmail, Mrs David Ferris and family, most enjoyable evening aud all were sor- FABRICS. SEASONABLE SHOES. Miss l.ucy F. l.lackman is in Bridge- to adieu. those MEN'S Hobart Camp and family were Thanks ry say Among present were Mr and Mrs E. F. Mrs M. JOHN H. REID & CO., 340 MAIN B'PORT. . Cork port. at Mrs Addie Nichols's. llawley, ST., Hen's Sole Calf Shoes, extra work and finish, not as clumsy as most Shoes ofthis class, giving guests C. Hawley, Mrs Crockett, Mrs Hitch of made to our order and intend to sell at S3.50 ; now marked $2.75. Mothers, K. F. has a bargain Springfield, Misses Emma and Belle ADVANCE IN PRICE Men's Soudan Calf Bals., stout Winter Shoes, reduced from $3.50 to 2.75. llawley VV Bloom of Misses Martina $3-5- for you, now. Children's wool stripe For a diary, Christmas card, book for Brooklyn, Hen's extra wide Police Shoes, reduced from $3.50 to Stella Jen- , $2-5- . -, Nichols, Mary Warner, Hen's plain French Toe, Bals. and Cong-- reduced from to $1.80. hose, all sizes from to S only 10c child or adult, or elegantly illustrated nie Curtis Messrs On all future orders and on all and Ieonard, Nichols, Hen's Calf Bals, from $3 to $2- -' worth double ; also wool bi- children's pair, boys' booklet, plush goods, toys or, Curtis, Beers, Warner, Wright. SPECIAL NOTICE. goods held by the importers, but Hen's $2 25 Calf Boots, Tap Sole, at $1.75. all extra ; in Christmas take a At the residence Mrs V. Calf to cycle hose, sizes, heavy heavy fact, any gift, just of George D. in Boys Bals. at $1, equal any $185. cotton ribbed bicycle hose. look at the stock that Mr Bull has at the Beers, Wednesday night, a whist club not on those we have our An especially good Shoe is a Youths' oil Baikal $1.37, which was cheap last week at with 20 members was Meet- - Sandy Hook drug store. It will surprise organized. and which we shall have a $1.75- ings will be held Wednesday evenings; name, liev George T. l.insley of Greenwich, and please you. officers and a name will be chosen at the DURING THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, WILL a graduate of ale ami of Berkeley Di- next meeting, 11th, with Miss Wilkins. TEN-DA- CORRECT STYLES IN WOMEN'S SHOES 15. Y SALE. vinity school, a clergyman of unusual L. Booth and 11 Scores will be kept and prizes awarded other in A was OFFER SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN promise and ability, preached at Trinity, other parts of monthly. pleasant game enjoyed AT CUT PRICES. the State were fined and an elegant luncheon provided by Sunday. $")0 and costs, about Mrs Beers. FAILLE FRANCAISE, 69c, in Ladies' French Kid Shoes in Opera and Com. Sense styles, with genuine Hand Welt, very 8110 all, in the I'nited States district TRIMMED AND 24-in- ch UNTRIMMED 79c; goods, 98c, stylish, regular $4-5- value ; our sale price is $2.78. These will go quickly. Miss Miuuil' in for & Remember just Itronson spent Sunday court, allowing Palliser, Palliser that the first annual ball of Women's fine bright Dongols Kid Button, with Patent Leather Tips, at $1.50; w sold Hill. Co. to inveigle them into their Putnam lodge, Knights of Columbus, $1.09, $1.17, $1.23. them at 92.50. Long mailing will be held in the Town New Year's circulars. This is the minimum fine. hall, MILLINERY Women's fins bright Dongola Kid Button, Goodyear sewed, Common Sense, an elegant Boot Eve. A good time is all. SATIN LUXOR, 98c, $1.17, ; Miss Isubelle McArthurof Hawleyville promised every way. commonly sold at $3.50 we put them at $2.50. Don't miss looking at this lot. was married to Wakemau Iteers of The which was $1,22. Women's choice Paris Kid Button, very stylish, flexible soles. Patent Leather Tips and supper to have been A third survey has been made for the WHOSE INSPECTION WILL SAVE YOU 25 TO Toes, $3 now marked $198. Kev plain regular goods; Kcdding, Thanksgiving day, by J. given, Friday night, by the ladies of St. new Politatuck bridge, but neither men SATIN DUCHESSE, 69c, 98c, Women's stylish Kid Shoes, regular $1-6- values; marked $107- - 1 Hoyt. John's, has been postponed. nor material for construction have yet We haven't room to mention the big values we are giving in Children's Shoes. made their appearance. 50 PER CENT. $1.24. A hearing on the Andrew .1. I'eck es- Mrs Minott Augur has spent a few The successful mission at St Rose, PEAU de 89c, $1.23, tate was to have been held, Tuesday, to - S0IE, days at her old home. conducted by Fathers Collins and Cava- ascertain the heirs to Peck's prop- came to an end $1.47. OIPIEIISr DS"V . legal naugti, hunday. Sunday I STORE JSlsTIlSrOS erty ; but, owing to the sicklies of Mrs evening, the church was packed with a BrlUS &HOB.G-I- Dealmo and a of GOO or wen oc- These four makes are those Shuart of Kochester, it was postponed Signor company per congregation of 700, the BUNiAll, formers have been an entertain cupying the body of the church and the until Tuesday, 17th, at 11 a in. giving that will be worn exclusively, V ment iu Hawleyville school house. ladies the galleries. Father Cavanaugh Srid-greport- . preached a rousing sermon to men,, call- 437 and we fully guarantee the prices I!ev Joseph Munsou preached ing upon them by their manhood, their 3t, JOHN grandly, Michael lieed, an employe at the New love the 6. HOWLAND, Sunday evening, from "lint ye have an for church and the record of to be 20 per cent, lower than the England coal bin at Sandy Hook, was Erin to be true to their faith and, at the unction from the holy one." hurt into a coal Tues- same can be later by falling Iiuihikt, close, the army of men rose and, raising goods bought 405 MAIN W. B. & day night. Dr Stites, the New England's their hands, renewed the vow NINETY NINE CENTS! STREET, Next door to Hall Company medical was baptismal . on. Choicest new crop New Orleans molas- man, called and took four to renounce the world, the flesh and the stitches in Peed's fractured nose, one 4u devil. The ren- ses, sugar house syrup and melted rock choir, always first class, We would like to tell the whole story and give all our his right eye brow and reduced a frac- dered "St Patrick's Day in the Morn- candy drips for pancakes ut K. F. llaw-ley'- s. ture of the left elbow. ing," in a thrilling manner. goods a chance, with prices and descr'ptions; but it cannot SALE BEGAN SATUR be done well. Don't think of in our E. J. Morris takes the palm for raising There have been meetings in Taunton very buying anything MANY LADIES BUY THEIR CLOAKS EARLY IN'.IO Middlebrooks' alinuuacs und dia- One or two are sure to chapel and at the Congregational lecture what we can offer. We al- DAY, NOVEMBER 30, big porkers. room aud line, however, without seeing ries can be found ut K. F. llawley's. weigh from 00toi)00, each year. This parsonage. Meetings are ap- season, he has one weighing about 700. pointed for this, Friday, evening at ways have something worth while. FOR TEN DAYS Dodgingtown school house and next So to A Ilk! xupper ut tins basement of the Sunday afternoon at 3 30 at Taunton as to get a larger variety select from and Burr Nichols and New Ha Congregational church, Friday, (ith. family of chapel. Mr Freeman, who has begun ONLY. ven with W. B. Snif-fe-u. so spent Thanksgiving the canvass of the town under the au- CENT BRIDGEPORT. by doing get good value. Mr Hull's stock of Christmas goods at spices of the Connecticut Bible society, THE BOSTON 99 STORE, is will at these This can- the Sandy Hook drug store far superi- speak meetings. in wolf robes, Dress Guaranteed Dur Our stock of above or to that of last year and includes a tine This week's cold snap pulled the ther vass may be discontinued unless it re- Bargains gloves, underwear, MIDDLE AGED LADY In Stratford Every assortment of und mometer down to four above at Zoar. ceive the of the churches. horse blankets, etc.. at E. F. Hawley's. A desires a child to board during the Win- ing: This Sale. large engravings He is commended to all our churches ter. Will give it a mother's care. Iteierences framed und untrained, CHOICE PLYMOUTH ROCK Cockerels riven, if required. Inquire of B. II. SMITH, In an immense .lunifta ATrtrt-luaoi- . la tinur 1 rli t n T.i-t- r aud all the families he may visit as an Editor of the BEE. . plush goods great variety, earnest Christian of the J For Sale From some ot the beat strains G00DSINPLUSHAM)CL0TH stock of Christinas toys and books, a line shire and is running a fish route. worthy in the country. D. C. I'ECK, Mt Pleasant, BOAR FOB SERVICE And line of diaries and Christmas books und aud esteem of all who value the Newtown, Conn. CHESHIRE a better one in the State ot booklets. Bible and its truths aud revelations. Connecticut I will venture to say. Come and Tlie Mrs L. C. Morris has spent a week at I."'OK SALE A Lislit Family Wairon. nearly L. Is and of excellent V new.or would exchange for a good Cow look at him. E. JOHNSON, south Center. very large, workmanship. Charles Hurlbutt, blacksmith nt the Brooklyn. or Fat Cattle. Also four Shoats. C. N. CURTIS, A of work J. Wallace Hoyt has been elected Hill. IORSALE pair good heavy - L'ubber, spent Thanksgiving with his of the . P. S. C. E. Long Horses. ...j.KtJiiEUMiiK.tiuKSi, sewwwn. We a nice line of iu X new temperance organization has president society F carry daughter New Jersey. of the Park St. SALE Nearly new Ox Cart; set light XT OTICH; The business conducted been formed and has hired the room in church, Bridgeport. tOU ; Ox-Sle- formerly Harness four beam al- 1 by I. J. Wells & Son will be continued at D.M. READ CO. es Booth's block Miss most new. All in condition and will be Those Hue and photo-engraveur- formerly occupied by good the old stand by Wells Bros.,who,thanking the CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' CLOAKS large engravings Farrel. Hon W. N. Northrop, S. O.Glov er and sold cheap. JAMES WIS KB, Isinglass, Hunt- for in the re- ut Mr Hull's store are Wed-poli- cy public generous patronage past, drug J. A. Blackman went to Hartford , ington. spectfully solicit a continuance. New goods well selected and the tinest ever offered in and old stock sold at low 'Tis said that Collector M. nesday, attending the meeting of JOUND A Lap Robe marked D. W. Owner will be put prices. Also. ;'' In Newtown for the holidays. Prices are holders of the mutual life iirsur-u- p P have same B. N. B. All accounts witii Wells & Son must be . will travel for a firm of Phenix can by enquiring at J. on or before Deo. 1, 1889. WELLS BRO- All mail orders are delivered with more reasonable than hi the city. It will Bradley cigar ance which voted to the PECK'S place. settled to look them. makers. company buy THERS, Sandy Hook. pay you at stock of the company at $250 a share, T OST A Dair of Buckskin Cloves, between express charges or postage prepaid and B. Horse Power and Feed Cutter, A.t of Newtown which Insurance Commissioner Fyler J Newtown Street J. Peak's place: if WANTED condition. C. JJ. GREGORY, us. & The rain, last week Wednesday night, Monday's meeting will hold as trustee. iouiki pieane leave at J. u. or ilUiS by QUINN SCOTT, washed out the bottom of the machine Hook and Ladder Co., it was decided to OFFICE. Flattsville, Conn. hold the annual ball on - shop dam at the ltubbcr factory. The eighth Friday, Two or New Milch Cows. "ANTED A good Girl for general lioune- 17 and this committee was St. John's Guild have engaged the WANTED three wovk. Auciress lioxiaa .Newtown, conn. upper part was put on new, a few years January ap- Good .dramatic club of South cows that are good milkers and that but the old pointed: M. J. Bradley, George L. Burr, Templar and all right I v ill pay $30 apiece. S.D.SII AitP, . ago remained, part James Patrick II. Thom Britain to give their grand musicale and Botstorrt. JOHN J. NORTHROP, 161 ISain at the bottom went out. The Politatuck Egan, Bradley, dramatic entertainment at s St., Banbury was It has been 15 as J. the Town null will be uiover nail, the highest that for i.ynch. Sandy Hook, next week, Howell's laugh- years. elaborately decorated and good music Insurance Broker, will, as always, be provided. able farce, "The Sleeping Car," followed With the coining of the holiday season by the world renowned "Peak Sisters," GEORGE B.EDMONDS, Writes for member- of the At interspersed with music by the orchestra applications look for the reign Frost King. Rev. Mr Hoyt has visited his son and recitations Ad 221) Main street, Danbury, K. Stone has who is at the Massachusetts by Barney Murphy. PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, - REMEMBER Hartford Life and SUCH TALK ABOUT HUCES Frank, ag mission children under 12, ship in the his at Amherst in z.jc; l.e. anticipated coming. ricultural college and, Doors open ut ti 45 p m, commencing at 11. Co. - his absence, Sunday, I!ev W. Gilbert I 4i or GOLD SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES Annuity Insurance and the On Boots and Shoes. one would think that one man of the Connecticut Bible tilled sharp. Mr Murphy Woodbury Why any only Messrs W. H. Hall & Co., the pushing society has been before the public here and needs AND OPERA GLASSES FOR his The will soou can 1 United Mutual Accident would sell them so low. We will meet the of dealer in this drv goods house of Bridgeport, will run pulpit. society no recommendation. he Peak Sisters THE HOLIDAYS. States prices any an excursion train to Thurs vass the town again. Rev Mr Pettit, alone are worth the of admission, Bridgeport, who made the canvass a few years since. price AND of New York. city and guarantee as good quality. day. December lz.Ieavlng Ureal isarring has died. 316 Main ton at 0 14 a m. All people who take recently Mis I'nii Loeb, the electric girl whose Street, Lowest cost, prompt payment, guaranteed ab that tram will mm excursion tickets, aiiiiearances nave created so much eu-- solute protection. :' price 1, with coupon attached that will AbnerB Peck. thuii:iui, will appear t the Town hall, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. LOOK FOR THIS all amounts of not CALVES Wanted every week. Market Ob K001YS entitle purchasers of Abner B. Peck died very suddenly at .ewtown, lliuruiiay, Friday aud Satur ITAT paid. Can also use a few bobs WHAT KliNJ) 10 to 13th 14th. COME AND SEE. C. 11. South less than the return of the entire his home on Lawrence street at 4 ;!0 p day, 12th, and Though but through the Winter. JOHNSON, Those will re- in, 17 old and 94 SPACE Center, Newtown, Conn. fare. purchasing only $5 Monday, .November 2.). Air Peck was years weighing pounds, she ceive half fare. Jt will be a grand op in health to within a resists tne stretigtn ox 12 strong men. MOK SALE 10 prime Fall pigs, eight weeks to seal dress apparently good up portunity Duy skins, goods lew hours of his death. Monday morn- - " AND SHOES and Christmas at the store BERKSHIRE. HOLIDAY . two-sea- goods great ing, he went out to his plantation, six SALE VERY. LOW One new t of W. II. Hall (3C CO. Children (WU a Also one line miles from the While at the of James Lavev have been bargain. young Are for T A low does secure to the As city. plant- sick with scarlet fever. AND black Horse, will weisth about litou potman; you looking price not always an advantage buyer. he was taken sick and his overseer : ation, NEXT WEEK. will work aiivwliere. tair roadster. Sold low a rule, extrermely low prices mean very poor merchandise. I. L. lJonalds left Newtown, Monday, came home with htm. He returned to James Somer of Criiigedort visited for want ot use. Enquire ot D. U. BEERS ft and will sail for the south of France, the city about noon. He complained of Bennett Beers, last week. WEDDING CO., Newtown. - . where he six-n- his Winters. Work on feeling badly, but was not sick enough Sirs "Eve reus U in Bridgeport. SALE. A Horse for sale cheap. Apply Castle Konalds, which has advanced rap to go to bed. lie remained up and about THERE WILL BE IxKA. L. PECK, Newtown. the a 4 Mrs William Hard spent Thanksgiving THAT'S NOT 0UK KIND! idly during the Summer, will not be en house, but, few minutes after VV. PRESENTS. iv i ow-Y- ou to tor his in Wilton; Mrs K. rimith with MrsC. will have leisure think tirely stopiied. Albert Coles and Charles o'clock, condition grew much worse K. Minor. Miss Carrie Hall of SOME 1 next season and time to look over my Homier will under the and he sank before he Chicago stock ot Farminar Implements, among: which Boots Shoes for Children remain, supervis- rapidly, dying was Htm there. . SILVERWAPvE Ws have and Ladies, Gents aad ia great variety, thus giving to ion of G. W. Stuart could be removed from the room. notice Wiard Plows.l have four sizes ot their sitting Mr and Mrs D. A. Warner visited in swivel plows, also sulky tor those who liKe every purchaser the quality they ask for. Wa cannot ask unreasonable priees,beeaBse every His death was caused by heart trouble. SPECIAL to ride when plowing. The greatest bargain A number of Hook peopte at He had had several attacks during the Birmingham. OF ALL KINDS I offer is"a. power feed cutter which will be pair of Boots or Shoes we sell is like a bank check; yonr money is payable at sight. Sandy sold a saerifloe. UOTSFORD FAIRCHILD, tended the dramatic entertaliimeut at past year, but did not think it was heart Sum the at J. disease. was in Harris, pHMliing, Danbury AT BARGAINS. P. O. Hawley ville. Conn. South Britain, Tuesday evening, and lie seemingly excellent clothier, In a line Chrltiimas attrac- SPECIAL RATES. health and had been offering NEW YORK TRIBUNE, 1890 Members were much pleased. It was given for growing stouter for a, valuable book. See the conditions on milK ! of and it Is said several years. . tion, SEND TO GIVEN. A ot the Club who wish to renew ineir suo. the benefit ti ange lodge which be gives his customers this benefit in scriptions to the Tribune and all others who A GREAT OFFER that the entertainment will be repeated Mr Peck whs a native of Connecticut. bis new ad ileHira to take this ereat paper, during the In s He was born In 18:12 and would have been leave money and names Glover hai', Sandy Hook. HOYT THE coming year, please , 68 years of age next February.. He came Now ia the time to pick votir holiday urea. BROS., at JJ. t . Jiawiey s store. tveijttiy, Desiring to show In some measure our appreciating for the liberal patronage we In to in 1852 emautthe Copeland Bros. Co. Their pres- i. CltARLES S.PLATT.Club Agent, dollar's ol List of letters uncalled for the Newtown Montgomery and had been a on handkerchiefs CARE OF have enjoyed.we have decided to give with every worth goods purchased at 1HMC- ent f,irerinx ih and you ' - resident of 37 A three-year-ol- d ' lHrnt Ottloe, December t, this city years. He was should read what they say about them in WANTED grade Moistein our shoe, a ticket that will give each aud every purchaser three chances on our beau- Mr Uobnuw, Patrick Kelly, Mr J. an honorable, and useful citizen, their ad. HOLMES & slag, weight about 1500 pounds. Anthony upright EDWARDS MORTIMER H V 11BELX, & SOKS tiful that are ou exhibition in our store window, a Keller and two Mr Fred Hart-nmn- , esteemed and beloved all who knew ,BinnugiiauJ, presents piano G. Charles, l'utKimlw Ulnnotts, by - BAMEIIPT ' K. y. stock is more com- Conn. ",- - William Llsotto, Mrs Maria Roberts, Mr him. He was a painstaking and success- - Hawley's holiday SILVER CO., press sewlug machines. . 5iete and attractive than ever, this year, as Several tarrow cows; Mrs Norton, Mr Oust M. Raymond. fill business man and was for a number are alt new. Call early arid buy WANTED young httrd, betore assortment 'is uYoken BRIDGEPORT, C0KH. good milkers.MORTIMEB HUB, of years president of the Merchants' and your presents DRY GOODS BELLA SONS, Birmingham, Conn. crock-cry- , und avoid the rush at Christmas. (XC K. r. Hawley lias the largest stock of Planters' bank of this He will be We will personally fill Com- city. tu his new rooms af stalrs.ln town. i missed in The sin- nil orders a,nd guarantee FOR SALE. greatly Montgomery. When in Bridgeport, it will pay you to call satisfaction. Send for catal- FARM H. N . R E S , and American whim cere In AY lino of of A plete English sympathy the entire community on the drm of John II. Heid Co. for your ogue."- Mrs A.M. Lyon offers her tann and home nl CO. ward, also necoratoil ware, goes out to the bereaved Mont- holiday presents in the Jewelry line. Their 360 MAIN STREET, Dodgingtown, consisting of house and build. jfniulto family. stock is J. WALLACE HOYT, divided into lumps, vases, limey cups and saucers, mutf, gomery, Ala., Daily Advertiser of No- complete, comprising all the newcxt ings,4o acres suitably plow .grass rood. They mean to do a good business, T. H0TT- - and woodland at a bargain. Owner sells be- 7 BISHOP 2(J. WILL - BLOCK, COini, su. vember this year, it they have to sell goods at cost. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. cause sickness compels it, . BEID0EP0RT, mwrowir, conn., feidat, December e BRIDGEPORT. cisterns will be built and this water used 03P-Bs- as far as these ' OVEUSACKS. ISTOW T I.OllGE UOOM SKOKKT3. possible by companies, EN'S Have you MEIGS & FOB to the bought your Winter OvorsHckrNo: CO., MONROE. while, according Morning Hews, We would advise you to do ho now, While on the New York train bound the matter is to be brought before the as we are mtikinir Borne Hneciul in- - of lino Dress Ovursacka ( HANI1K9 IM TIIK MINOTT BOOTH 1'l.ACK, a few a ducements in this department that COB. '20 and ftl are euual in for Stamford, days ago, couple Board of Trade. The company may have will interest you, one being a lot of 327 MAIN, BANK. to custom coats and FALL AND WINTER TRADE In 108 ot gentlemen sat directly in front of a a to do this, one who jfeels Muscow Beaver Ovorsaeks in blue, OSS"Will HilVO VOU fttft fin 1L vimriMir days, yeart right says black and brown, strictly all wool, BRIDGEPORT. We can lit any man, boy or child. ngo, hu th house, until lately owned Bkk writer engaged in conversation, himself aggrieved, "but do you think velvet collar, lasting lining, for $10.. WITH AN IMMENSE NEW LINE OP secret S'ou cannot .duplicate these for lesa by Mlnott Booth, wut built, It was one which, after a time, turned upon that it Is good policy for them to do so? than ot the most pretentious In the thinly set- societies. Both gentlemen were from They have lots of water and lots of mon MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S tled region which afterward became the Bridgeport and one of them, who was ey." a remarked that he town ot Monroe. Its hue stone chim- evidently physician, Vincent of East Main street CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. VI must be at home the next Whitney GO ney, feet square, was topicd with again by night has been threatened with brain 2 as he was an officer in an Odd Fellows quite sick, HARVESTED brick, which was ot Itself an evidence of fever. THE LARGEST CROP OP BARGAINS EVER met His tj5s 5 , some wealth on the part of the proprie lodge which that evening. b i a Walter S. to move into s o m AT THE tor, 'line honse Itself was large and friend, who had the appearance of Ilawley expects "2.3 well-to-d- Christ- stood buck from the road on a command' o business man, expressed his his new house at West End, about r?rsft Jf Z. g lug site, hard by a rippling brook, after surprise that the doctor should waste his mas. on mere foolish IK Oil!' ward made to do 9 for a valuable time what was X ' duty power NICHOLS. SO." mill that has long since fallen into disuse boy's play, 'litis remark, seemed to ! - - arouse doctor somewhat and he ask- Reed has been afllicted in - y- The mill pond still remains, a beautiful the Henry sadly 5 tre- sheet of water. Inside, the house was ed his friend If he knew anything of the the loss of his daughter Emma. After e's i2 kind of work such accom scarlet HI! fitted with mauy a token of the prosperi organizations only a week's Illness with fever, ft No ; but he was a gi of Its builder, the front rooms being pllshod. lie said, supposed she died, Friday night. She bright --1 -.- ty 2. e - - !& :- - U V" 1 finished In oak from the extensive forests they met simply for fun and he had ucv- little child, hardly eight years old and & i which formed part of the owner's do er taken any stock in them or their se the bereaved family have the sympathy S main. Through all the years that have crets. of all in their sorrow. The funeral was (5 j'as passed, the house lias remained substan "If you care to listen," said the doc attended, Sunday at 3 p in, from the tially as built, until It fell into the hands tor, "1 don't mind telling you a few lodge house, Rev N. L. Porter officiating. B Of Kdward I.. Smith, a Ansonia secrets. You remember Stevens o 50 wealthy George A shoot was held by the Nich- who Is now It up as a waiter the name pigeon gentleman, lltting (the changes slightly), ols Rod aud Guu 5 Hummer resldeuce. The salient features who tiled at the Hartford insane club, Thanksgiving asylum, nt Dr Some 3 of the old will be as a few he was a mom day, Starkweather's. good b"s o " building preserved, years ago. Well, scores were John IS. 2 Our Stock is our Goods new, onr Pricei low. We make a business of the far as new timbers added ber a Odd Fellows made, Nichols, Jr, Ma large, making barrmiu, possible, being of Bridgeport lodge JS -- utmost have combined one obtaining first prize and Herbert S. Smith 3 latest styles, the nest in quality, tbe is variety bees by us in mighty wherever necessary. On the exterior, Ills mind gave out rather suddenly and, Q N effort for trade- - booby prize. i"; the only change has leen the addition of having no means, he was sent by the -- Our Fall and Winter Offerings will not and cannot be surpsssed- - a wide veranda on the front and sides, lodge to the asylum and his expenses A delightful entertainment was given s -- 1.2 There is a limit below which Honest Goods can not be gold. We plac our Prices at the Lvm Wa lUti feet fbng, with a podimeut or bay were defrayed by the lodge. His wife by the young ladies' guild of Trinity ter Mark for Safe and Reliable Goods, sold under guarantee. Inspect us. Criticise as. Snow us w- X 3 w and will find we deal fair and saro dollars. window over the main entrance. The had died about a year before and, when church, Friday evening, at Airs Peet's. you your Is len v GO roof ot the veranda of hard wood, George died, his daughter About were present and enjoyed them- a; Ing the rafter In full view. The same was left alone. Her only protection was selves to the utmost. Games and recita "5S J. 23 HUB OIiOTBIBTO material, oiled, Is used for the floor, an aunt, who was inclined to be vicious tions were the features of the evening, r. u EOUSE, 3 S tilo a 311 MAIN ST., CORNER STATE, BRIDGEPORT. New roofs have been put on the house and whose influence over the orphan child Miss Edie Thompson giving "The Fish- Z as aud Its sides covered with new - shingles, was bad. The lodge, seeing the danger, erman's iu an acceptable at- Daughter" 'J- - 5" 5 a - t Irregularly laid and painted brilliant platted the girl, at theirexpeuse, in a first manner. Miss Fanny Thompson also COLTS FOR SALE. red. The trimmings will be of light class boarding school and kept her there rendered instrumental music. About $1) s g T0ML1NS0N BROS., green aud the whole will form a harmo her board and bills aud paying clothing was cleared. One bay mare colt, three past. Sired nious combination. Of the Interior of the other expenses until she was 19 years a in in and well put-- MUSICAL house, little will be disturbed. The an when she left school and earned her The police did good job running 2 S C by Clipper, good gaited ' MERCHANDISE, SHEET old, o a . oak so much used the own is one Richard Cunnlmrhaiu and six other in MUSIC, ETC. tique panelling, by living by teaching. That - together, dam raised Vermont. STRINGS, to-da- y, fired dime novel c architects of will be allowed to secret that I don't believe one young scamps, who, by i) Sole Agents for lodge any Wise- v o One dark horse colt, coming two, remain, but will be freshened by oiling outside the interested literature, have redently plundered bay Mason & & parties directly I- T- Hamlin's, Wing Son's and aud To the man's clothing store on East Main street sired "Nil Desperadum Jr." Can be rubbing. correspond, other ever heard of." by Co'a rooms will be finished In hard wood and other places at East End. "n One three-spri- ng one Bridgeport Organ that was said the u bought cheap. "Well, pretty good," PIANOS AND which will be taken from the extensive merchant. "But he had been a hardwork- a 2 SZ horse wagon, can't be beat at the ORGANS. forests purchased with the house by M him REDDING. S" C. New- We sell for caxli or on in stall incuts. IrU ing member and every brother knew ."0 price S8. W. JOHNSON, lowest in the Call ami oe coiiviiitM. Smith. An ancient corner cupboard of ." o city. and was interested in his family The TIIK GIFT 'roSL'I'KHIXTKNUKST HAKTHAM. t O with ? town. 457 MAIN ST., BRIDGEPORT. oak, smoothly plastered sides, will lodge wouldn't have done the same by 5 be restored to the from which It the closing labors at Putnam position every one." ' Pending was as soon as and al for the season of '80, the workmen, removed, repairs "Now that's where you are wrong and, park terations to the room are desiring to give Supt Bartram some token CLARK & completed to prove It, I will tell you of a case that WAliNER, On the front, the door Into a of respect, set themselves promptly at TIILnUKX'S CAPE OVEUSACKS, opens square occurred less than three weeks witli Coachman's the EARLY, whil we have a full HAWLKY, WILMOT from access Is ago," work and a valuable and beau- long cape, MEIGS & CO., room, which gained to said the doctor. "A mechanic procured c coat made extra long1, handsomely CALt It will be a pleasure to JAYLOll either side of the house. Here will be sturdy tiful watch of the latest and most im- designed for the little 'men in phiidH, our goods, even if vou do not named Addison Chase went home from checks, chinchilla ami broken plaid-- C0E. We can show vou good & built a grand staircase of oak, winding proved , which was duly present- that have never been shown before, 327 MAIN, BANK, serviceable Children's Overcoats for Show seasonable goods;All Wool REYNOLDS, work at 6 p m all ; was all fresh that we 8 80, :i SO, 4, 4 30 and . around until it reaches the second apparently right ed him on the the being new, goods floor, taken Hi in the and died evening preceding day have made for our trade. BRIDGEPORT. Dress Goods with side bands, where It will aflbrd entrance to the suddenly night of The selection of the was U pedi- In the This man was a mem- closing. gift THE LARGEST CLOTHING AND OUTFITTING NDERTAKERS, ment or a morning. an incident which was the ESTABLISHMENT IN CONNECTICUT. Wool Plaids, Jersey Jackets, bay window, from which ber of Arcanum I. O. O. suggested by NO. 93 STATE view of the coun- lodge, F., but, principal feature of the presentation Misses' and Children's Cloaks, STREET, sweeping surrounding being deeply Interested in church work, be obtained. The wooded hills one of the Banks & Riddle, of Phil- BRIDGEPORT. COSH , - - Hear Uaia Street. try may he devoted the most of his spare time to speech. During prominent leading jewelers Ladies' Silk and Woolen Mit In will be allowed to remain in all days of the Daubury fair, Supt Bartram, with his wife, spent S-- or aaswered from ths sight that and rarely attended his lodge meet- adelphia, together W. H. calls, 7 Sight, their native ; to none of them will on his that famous with his Mrs McINTYRE, tens, Wool Blankets and Com OlEce. beauty ings, so that very few of the members way through city (it Thanksgiving sister, George the woodman's axe be laid. In the was said), become so much interested in A. Sanford. HEAD QUARTERS FOB GEORGE - - 11 knew him. But did that make any dif- fortables, Plushes, Velvets, etc., B.EAWLEY. Chapel Street: Spring, Mr Smith Intends to remove the the welfare and comfort of a lady he was at as low as can be ob CHARLES K. WILMOT, - 12 Prospect Stmt; ference? Not a bit. Mr Chase left four Mis3 J. Belle Snnford and little niece prices B- barus aud and to from and harm TOYS JOHN - REYNOLDS, - - 6 Highland Arena. present outbuildings build motherless children. no rela- trying shelter danger Helen returned home on FANCY GOODS, AND BASKETS, tained m the They had he his own and Wednesday city. new and larger, further In the rear of tives here and were crushed and that neglected while, from their in Stamford. perfect- he cared oth- sojourn Ths Greatest the house. The glistening sheet of wat- from the blow which had with dexterous fingers for er once the mill will be ly helpless ers' those with still more was once more kindled that we pond preserved fallen upon them. The noble grand, goods, fingers Hope Room Discovery of the Age, as one of the chief deft so well when our have a railroad at as the gen- DEC0RATIVE ART PARLORS: Warner Dnilding, 2 attractions of the who is the executive officer of the manipulated that, might last, WM. It A DAM'S lodge, came down to observe him- ial face of Wilson in J. A. Christian & Co's place. In place of the ruined old mill their left his bus- good super Lawyer appeared A full line of Art Materials. appreciating situation, he found his beautiful a for- on se MICROBE KILLER. there will be a neat building, which will iness and devoted his entire time to the self, watch, our midst Monday. He came to be usod as a mill for feed, etc., mer gift, had gone to fill a felt need cure the of STAMPING a MAIL ORDERS Filled. CURES ALL DISEASES. grinding family. The wife being buried in Al- long right way through Eedding Specialty. Promptly Superlative is the very while a room will be fitted with an elec- in the bosom of a superannuated Italian and met with success. bany, N. Y., the family wished the fath- good Among It is I he only remedy ev tric motor aud used by Mr Smith himself rag picker. those who cheerfully signed the con- er that will kill er to rest beside her, so the noble New flic GKKMS or M ICIiolJKS as an room ; for he Is grand The in his and S. S. W. 'J'. Denni-so- n best Minnesota experiment largely went to the before the fun super, easy graceful tracts were Osborne, which, according to the refin- Albany, day unanimous ot ull are the Interested in the manufacture and speech of acceptance, with that smooth- aud Daniel Sanford. testimony. scientist, eral, made arrangements there and the H. cause of every ilisea.-e- iu effecting a cure, Is ness sena- II. Rad-m- Kill-- ing of copper and the patentee of a of voice characteristic of the POBTEB; Process Flour that 's Microbe r strikes at the of vice grand was sent from Bridgeport Miss Emma ltumsey has recently visit- file disease and further decay of the process which and sliver are ex- tor, so nicely explained the circumstan- MICKOIIKS. by gold with the body and family and the lodge ed her uncle, J. Briggs of Sherman and life tissues by killing these As a tracted from the the ces in connection with his former loss, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. blood purifier it has no eijilal. Asa tonic it is copper ore, leaving bore the entire expense." other friends. wheat will make or marvelous in its action. It h the only reme pure copper, at a reduced cost. This that every one regretted that such an dy ever known to really cure CONSUMPTION said the knew anil it cures all blood and contagi process he Is and "Well," merchant, "I event should have marred the friendship Mrs II. Brinsmade has been with her China,Crockery, Glass,Pia,ted and Wooden Ware, positively as constantly perfecting Mr Chase and wondered how the ous disease, surli CAHUEK, TUMOK, makes frequent trips to Pennsylvania, family of more than 7o years' acquaintance. sister, Mrs J. C Head; also visited her You can CATARRH. BRi'SCHITIS, and every the The cer- in in our line at money buy. qthfT disease known to nutfering humanity. In where large factories are In operation. managed expense. lodge his sincere thanks for the old home, Leoni homestead. Lamps and, fact, everything fact from wonderful deserves but the case was Expressing its antiseptic properties Besides his purchase from Mr Booth, tainly credit, he solemnly promised to be more and action through the blood, we have found one to excite a man gift, Mr and Mrs William Jennings, son and PRICES DEFYING COMPETITION. it at L. B. it to reach every dieatse, something never ac- lie has acquired 60 acres additional and sympathy. Suppose faithful to the trust confided to his care always get complished before. Agents wanted every- should be sick two or daughter of Deep River attended the 25th and now controls about acres of wood- three years, would and The was made where. Pamphlets teslimouialson appli- boasted keeping. presentation wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Ste- .11. II. PORTER, WALL ST,. BRIDGEPORT. cation. Address land, the tract of Its kind In the your lodge sympathy hold out on one of those dark and i Booth's. RADAMS MICROBE EILLE2 CO., largest so stormy nights phen Sanford and visited Mr and Mrs Main Office and factory : 5 sixth Ave., S. T. long?" which New til Brouitield st- Boston. county. Chestnut predominates, with help to make a temporary home Sidney Staples of Eastou. England Oflice: - oak, hickory and other varieties in small- "In answer to that," said the doctor, seem all the more cheerful and pleasant DO YOU KNOW A GOOD me Mrs John Adams has been with Dr INVESTMENT SECURITIES. er quantities. This Is now being cut by "let call your mind to II. B. Sher- On entering the temporary home of Su who once In Celest Benedict in a force of 10 or 18 men and is loaded up- man, lived one of your perintendent Bartram, we found the Bridgeport. HUNTERS & 7 Guaranteed Mortgages houses. He was taken 1882 WARNER PARKER. on cars at the new Monroe station, only sick in June, house all aglow, with a huge fire burn- Emory Sanford, who is attending the When see it? MDBICIPAL. COCBTT and and for seven you DEiSEHTUaE B0HD3. a few rods from the steam saw mill. The years Pequonnock lodge ing fiercely from three large fireplaces, Episcopal Academy in Cheshire, spent Can find a complete line of Wads, timber Is converted Into ties, posts and faithfully and, to my own knowledge, which filled the large old homestead with week at his home. F. C. SANFORD & CO., GEORGE P. WARNER & CO., Thanksgiving Diamonds, HEW YORK- - other marketable articles with almost patiently and tenderly cared for their warmth and cheer. I may here add Shelfs, Loading Implement: 68 Liberty St. him. Not were Mrs B. Green from Bethel has been HAWLEYVILLE, Inconceivable rapidity, hundreds of ties only the regular stated that this old homestead was the TXT A T"!rPTT,T SALESMEN to sell Nurse-- guest of Ward Wheeler. Coats and Have filled their bins with the celebrated Watches, X war- being sawed at the rate of three a min- benefits granted him, but, from time to house of his birth and his home until Hunting everything JXVi J1JJ ry Stock. All goods OLD CO.'S LEHIGH COAL ranted RsT CLASS. Permanent, pleasant, ute. Ten thousand ties are to be deliv- time as he needed It, additional sums such years as he found that he must seek Leroy Meeker, wife and daughter of used for breech or muzzle load- profitable positions tor the right meu. food were And will sell and deliver the same to all who salaries and expenses paid weekly. Liberal ered to the railroad, but more will given him and different kinds of some other where he could infuse Westport have visited Stephen Sanford. Jewelry, No ex- prob- clime, Guns. want the best Lehigh Coal at bottom prices. inducements to beginners. previous be out, well as scientific appliances obtained for him in more iron into his much ing C. Sanford will be the on perience necessary. Outfit free. Write for ably gotten at quantities system, the Mrs Henry Lyon entertained her son, F. at yard Monday Gold and Silver Mounted terms, giving age. CHARLES IL CHASE. of other lumber. "It is all for the hope of obtaining relief. On many needed for a sena and Tuesday of each week. Rochester, N. T. Mention sale," requisite good State J. W. Ferris and family, at Thanksgiv- Orders taken for any kind of Nurseryman, Bu aid Mr "and we shall it to a lodge I have seen the members which he found amid his modern - Smith, get night, tor, ing. Mrs Lyon, 80 years old, en- Canes, BOOK AOE1VTS W11TKD FOR market as fast as sold. I did wheel him to the lodge in his home the iron hills of though Guns Bottom Prices. Although rolling among northern joyed the festivities of the occasion with at MY STORY OF THE WAH not the for the I chair and carry him up the stairs in their Connecticut. This old Su Gold and Silver Mounted purchase place wood, homestead, as much zetst as the youngest of the party. find that to be important and will, there arms. When he became so feeble as to perintendent Bartram has occupied dur By Mannf A. Livenmore. on 31. B. & CO en Batti-Ael- it attention. residence have to be taken to the the the season as house Frank Baldwin had a social party TERRILL , ''4. BSCS AS M ia HpitaLt- - Camptt, andom the fore, give My hospital, ing boarding and of Umbrellas, Ntt other book haa drawn mo many tear. Bricfet, Pure, a will continue to be in but brethren visited him and did fice. The house has been filled to its the evening of Thanksgiving. fitfwwt. ni internet and Drofound nathoa. W arZU Ansonia, I regularly SANDY HOOK. Onyx mjht to UL The tok to make Mkoney oa no' all could to For some the towu has been at ind for the CT-V- o campetitvm. page shall Summers where make him, comfortable. with years, holrtftj. Ksttle-Flsu- spend my here, for they fullest capacity workmen, the whole iplendul Steel I'latca. a tl old m In Last in a Swede insane Vtor. C j-- .0 norc Aguttt Wamtod-tm-i can one find a more beautiful location or week, the fellow's season expense' maintaining btn!-m-- poor sufferings and naught has been seen or heard en and Wroilt ... Hratre m for w t were ended at the Middletown Our Clocks, heights and civn Brrr 7ertit. W rit for circular to . one more conducive to health and by death and, in compliance to mar the of the staid old town. pauper asylum. CO-- happi- quietude A. 1ft. UUj.liai.'lf. Jt , li4trtir Uui ness f I have already spent parts of Sum with his wishes, they bore his body to The subjoined letter, written over the new board of selectmen, actuated by an WARNER, CLARK Marble mers In this vicinity and know its the lodge room he loved, where his fun- signature of the superintendent, covers honest desire to reduce the burdens of LATEST IMPROVED charms." eral was held. The lodge paid Mr Sher- well this point : the tax payers, have written to Dr Olm-stea- d Clocks, man over $2000 and it without a To the fellow workmen and friends of the to ascertain if it would be prudent & Ik paid TAYLOR ' . i HORSE Pi EASTON. murmur. They wished him to have ev- Putnam Memorial Park, Redding : The confi- - to remove him from the asylum and WATCHES, dence have shown in me as - bilver Machines for Tfl RKSFTINJ 1 ri.EA you your superln- over to for Fine Bread Flours Sterling VVMM) Walter S. and of ery comfort obtainable." turn him Eli Osborne, who keepa Keep CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, OPTICAL UraJa, alao iMarhinex fur MAW IM; OwD Ilawley family usuueiii is iiuiy ana graieiuuy appreciated. P ssBa with Circalar u Crs Hocken-suiith- the town a favorable , r GOODS.ETC Bridgeport spent Thanksgiving with Mrs "Did you know William ? This token of your respect will be kept as poor. Receiving PILLSBUHY XXXX, Acknowledged I.ttV Cat ttm one Constable D. S. Bartram was sent of all kinds in that line done in the ot au to m tak David O. Banks. I think he told me once that you of my choicest treasures and as. from reply, Repairs 366 MAIN ST.,BT0RT. time to time, it Is to be consulted for time the to Middletown to him back and the WHITE LOAF, , best manner and at low THE Miss Emma been confined had bought books of him. He belonged bring prices. Powell has to remembrance of you, the givers, your honest towu will be relieved of an annual outlay :.. JONES & SUPERLATIVE. ... Pequonnock lodge and the lodge sent CS B- - BEST, to the house with throat troubles. and faithful labors in assisting me in carry- is W. SX1FFEN. Sandy Hook. W. him to the Hot of Arkansas at forward will be of $150. If the State tax also remitted, E. KARRMANN, ngardinff Springs ing the work, vividly brought we For EAST OR DUP.fiSILITI I ITT Of Charles a to mind me may be able to make both ends meet Pastry: Physician and Surgeon; AFT, QUiM fcOM Silllman has built hennery their expense In hopes that he could find and, allow to say, that iu all tbe a reduct- for i no more faithtul and earnest and have little left toward the 1: BELLE OF ST. LOUIS. Late of the Pennsylvania State Hospital ESSi fl. W. GHftf S under his corn house. a cure for his paralyzed leg and I don't past workmen ion of our debt. ". diseases. Chronic diseases a SDKS, have been with me. All seemed to enter into heavy chronie specialty, ?ATXJtTK S UTO SOUt M.KyCTUK. believe one ever told of it before." The above be beat. ; SEALSKIN GAEM'iNTS treated Compound Oxygen. Pea Staples la much Improved In health any the spirit of 76 and push with persistent ef- grades can't by Eupppsy. : 123 Fairfield avenue, to "I wondered at the time," said the fort the work of this old honor- BUY OF THE MANUFACTURER. and able be about the house. restoring and This is what you ought to have, in fact must Bridgeport. Conn. merchant, "how he was able to make the ed encampment to its state or, at have, to enjoy lite. Thousands ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. original thoroughly be- AND PARKER'S John II. Wheeler had a family - Poor him least, to preserve It intact. May your token are searching for it daily and mourning A cliuic-- iiikI extensive aaumtmont in style, 1? A DM t2 BEST 80LL., CLIMATE HAIR BALSAM trip. man, I remember well. cause they ilnd it, not. Thousands upon thou- Unit cannot jP Location In the South. and beau titles tbe hair. never be Ko accident bas occurr- our ilinility and prices. ivltJiij .T. Cleanses ing, Thanksgiving day. But these cases cite were all taken forgotten. sands of dollars are spent annually by bB beaten any. F. MASCHA. Clsremont. V. ProtQiottes a luxuriant flnrowth. you ed, thus far, during the work and it bag gone people in the hope that may attain this J.W. JOHNSON, by care of which boon. Yet be they all. GRATEFUL COMFORTING. Never Fails to Restore Gray For the second time, the new road at by the lodges of they were forward as if directed and by that it may had by We guaran- Muffs, Boas,Capes, Stoles, Scarfs,Caps, to Toothful guided tee that Electric Bitters, if used according to BUYS AND SELLS flair it voior. the reservoir dam was washed out during members. Now, suppose they belonged Power that guides and directs tbe affairs of directions and the use will Gloves, Gauntlets, Rugs, Robes Prevents Dandratf and hair foUiac men. persisted in, bring COCOA. wr. ana ii.wh I'ratrcTa, the recent freshet. Town Clerk Oillett to a lodge of some other State. Would Thanking you again for this tokenot you good digestion and oust the demon dys- and Fur EPPS'S your respect, I am Yours Isaac pepsia and install instead oupepsy . We rec- CITY AND COUNTRY Trimmings. thinks that it will be to pre- they have received as good care and at- Respectfully, ommend Electric Bitters for and BREAKFAST. Impossible N. Bartram, Conn., dyspepsia WANTED" Superintendent, Uedding, all diseases of liver, stomach anil jeldneys. a knowledge ot the natural tmr good- - toy to Unt l)Uliwi It In unless the tention?" 1 "By thorough n SALESMEN vent high water layout of November , lsH. Sold at 50o. and per bottle by E. V. Ilaw-ley'- s Henry Siede, Furrier, laws which govern the operations ot dises-tio- and retail trade. We are tbe tarer the road Is and thinks a break- "Ah my friend," replied the doctor, After the drugstore. 14 West lith St., fith Ave. and 45th St., and nutrition and by a careful applica- rlnearttBetB tbevoHd. Ubfrslealarr paid. Vmrmm changed superintendent's speech of ON COMMISSION. : . ot d co- adrrmsdot. NEW YORK. tion of the flne properties Ba7 Ce. Ill .eyCiB-jaaef- t, 4W water of masonry would suffice. "I am, as usual, ready with an Illustrat- acceptance, he the box contain- Buoklen's Arnica Salve.: coa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast aaalJM. Ceairnn.alae4Mia, hardly opened . ; Has on Foil line of tients" Furs and Coats. water was nine ion. E. E. Kimball of a Maine The' salve in world for hand, ready for delivery, tables with a delicately flavoured beverage Report says the feet deep lodge ing the gift and, as bis eye fell upon the best the outs, bruises, Established 40 years. Send for Catalogue. which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. moved to his mem- sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, use such ot In the roadway when the flood was at Its Bridgeport, retaining beautiful watch, chain and keystone Ma- chapped hands, chilblains, Corns and all kin FIRST CLASS It is by the judicious of articles In the Maine He died and cures or no diet that a constitution may be gradually height. bership lodge. sonic charm, visible flashes of resplend- eruptions positively piles pay built up until strong enough to resist every required. It is guaranteed to give perfect sat- 6 Cent to Hundreds of mal- here, last Spring and Arcanum lodge did isfaction or refunded. )feo Ter Debenture Bonds. tendency disease. subtle Frenchmen are the cordwood ent light would stream across his face, money Price per & HAMLIN adies are floating around us to attack cutting as box. For sale by K. F. MASON rtady es- much for him as could have done one of bore-al- is Ilawley. '. wherever there is a weak We may on sold to Shan-le- y, they reminding the grand aurora and Coupon. point. the tract John Sherwood for one of own members. I'cgistered cape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves their They of some Winter The con- No Admission Fee well fortified with pure blood and a proper-l- v the timber having been cut and saw- night. gift 6 and 7 cent Guaranteed West- Co. nourished Civil Service Gazette. sent two of their officers clear to that tained the : Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and per Organ and Piano frame." ed during the Summer and the mill mov- following inscription Lungs can be luid at any drug store in New. ern Farm Loans. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold Maine village with the widow and the Presented to Isaac ST. Bat:, town. A. trial bottle free ot Jt Id half-poun- d tins, grocers, labeled ed to another Job. Superintendent charge. you Life only by body." tram by the workmen of Putnam Park, Nov- arc suffering from a Cough or Cold, Bronc- Writes and Fire Insurance Policies in the B03T0JI. HEWT0EK. CHICAGO. thus: (AMES EPPS ft CO., Homoeopathic or. - : - ember 23, 18SH. hitis, Asthma, Soar Throat Consumption most Reliable Companies, giving the Chemists, London, England. Mrs Adams ot Rock House, who has "E. N. now a in the a free sum ' Lewis, grocer don't hesitate; get pie and best form of Ave Some 30 contributed toward the test for the power ot this Policy. NEW f Contains a octavo, Nine mmmmmhv CUT FROM been sick so continues feeble. Mrs East went to California to sell sew- gift, yourselt unfailing 1111 II1I.UOH n long, End, remedy. Large bottles 50c. and $1. At all 4 NATIONAL BANK mm ACIUMI, ill mostly the men in his employ, assisted No. BUILDING, MODEL hamlaouje case ot Adams of the Center has rented a house ing machines was taken sick ; he had the drugstores. black walnut. Price ! CMRPP a few of feel- BRIDGEPORT. CONN. ' solid .ASTHMA in for the Winter and moved best of care and" by his familiar friends, all ORGAN, hIho sold on the Kasv SCHIFFmAHH S ASTHMA OZONE SOAP Bridgeport , cuhli Hire system at tl2.S7perq.uar-ter- tmttsek. No I ing that some trib- - Instantly Telle) there, Thanksgiving week. But Stamford, the destination of the glad they might pay A Worth STILE for ten quarters, when or- for results. Its. WRAPPERS ute of Saviag Saving per-so- -- oai ia the r Kill The abov Trade-Ma- rk their and becomes oi ndoerta coB-in- send to writer, was reached and the scribe left respect appreciation for TO ALL POINTS, (fan property i trial I and Mrs Sarah A. Wheeler has been with one so to receive 2244. hiring. Prlo. us. Wo will : sister Tashua. the car profoundly Impressed with the worthy it. INCLUDING CINCIN- JMoniitucntiil tntlcL give her at CHICAGO, Works, A rbrm For & work Odd Fellows are do- ( The Mason Hamlin 10, Set of Embossed Card. Important the NATI, ST LOUIS, COLORA- Housatonie Avenue, MASON invcuw;ii miii David Osborne and family and Mr and Among the most notable and & For 25, a Beautiful ing, of whose scope he had not before pleasant DO AND JACK- Conn. mitented'triliKr,bv Mason Hamlin Panel Retaro. Mrs S. Banks were Invited guests on WEST, Bridgeport, in is usod in the Mason A Oeorge had remotest idea. family gatherings Thanksgiving day Monuments and Headstones in all the It For 27, a SilYer UapkJa Sing. at O. W. Osborn'i Thanksgiving feast in the ' was SONVILLE & POINTS leading Hamlin niiinos exclusively. MADE WITH BOILING WATER," that at the home of the venerable and Marblns at. Bottom Prices. HAMLIN Remarkable rellnement of For 85, a Silver Sugar Shell. Bridgeport. Mrs tone and phenomenal capaci- For have been James Sanford. All her children, SOUTH, In tune character- For 88, a Silver Butter Knife. E. A. and lady of Deep River mauy years complaints CALIFORNIA. WASHINGTON TEHEITOEF CUSS PIANOS ty to stand Jennings husbands and wives, with their children, Pacific ONES ize these instruments. For 40, a Large Table Spoon. were or Mrs John made in regard to the policy pursued by and all Coast points. 3VXJK-SEE-.- guests it. wueeier. 33 sat down at a feast and mirth and cent saved by steamer to t56?i and Uic For 68, a dox Silver Spoons. the Bridgeport Hydraulic Co. in regard royal Southper Florida, the 4. noAiiPi.i n POPULAR STYLES 0KGAKS AT S22, 83 SO, quarter an it ruled arui California', Meals and berths inclul. at EPPS'SGRATEFUL. COMFORTING. This Silverware ia value the health comfort of the hour. The old - warranted ro yon to the use of and payment for water con- jollity lady ea. Keservailions one month ahead. Excur- 60, 78, 96 AND UP- Sterling your children? Then Kiinnl thorn aKit)nt bears .86 sions to Pacific coast anil Florid. Choice of Th most hnndBome and best Silver finish on 'WHITE MXTiL. Me- lightly the burden of her years - roup ly takUiff hold ot that eouuh or eoM at sumed by factories nu$ individuals. route going and returning. magazine for children ever the atari relieve the intlamiiintion with and eutered into the spirit of the ALL JtOUTKli, ALL CLASSES. puMisitetL $1.66 a year; slnple FAIRCHILD & SHELTON, na. nuil'vl'iiiiiftial Hvrnn. It thev havM whoon- - ters have been recently placed In several heartily' copies, IS eta. 8ent on trial - Sleeping bertha secured . checked 26c. A OrtfHna ami riaiios sold for Cash, Easy Tay- do what you crfi to alleviate their occasion. Baggage three months for sample A 121 to 137 Housatonie Ave, hirUKh large factories and the of water to destination. Write for information ami copy and Premium list mot to ami HenttKl. Catalogues free. hv Klvlnif them Dr Hull's Coiitfu quantity 4 o two- - incuts, GO BlUDGKPOBT, Syrup. address ou a CO pain , aWBro1-- r. any receipt MADE WITH BOILING MILK. POJQT, it Chlliiruil lovo ll. ucd minutely measured. It is said that Q.W. Banks of the firu, of Baile,--