NEWT.OWN Bee. VOLUME XII. NEWTOWN, CONN: ERIPAY, DECEMBER 6, 1889 PAGES. NUMBER 49; Owing to the large number of patients In 1771, there were 360 tax payers in O I. D A Y G I V T S . unable to gain admittance to 1 r Mer-row-'s Xewtown and John Adams heads the STOCK, LEASE AND II I Bridgeport office and for the bene- fit of the needy poor, he w4U continue list, i Following are familiar names : Our immense display of holiday goods is tow ready for iusp eiiou, comprising Slippers, LYON & GR1B1MAN, his free consultation a few days longer. William Ilawley, Lemuel Camp, Samuel Rhoen Goods low for new and desira- Mrs M. and Rubber of every description at prices astonishingly Mary Stevens. No 16 Kasaink Camp, Daniel Beers, John Blackinan, , ble avenue, has been afflicted FIXTURES goods. i with catarrh Jabez Botsford, Amos Hard, John Jud- - ior several She was years. taken sick William OF THE in the latter part of April, 1888. She son, Northrop, John Xorthrop, HARDWARE DEALERS, was treated by several good phvsicians David Peck, John Summers, John San-for- d, C. of Bridgeport,but grew worse. Was or-- John Tousey, Dr Samuel Thomas, II. BENNETT. uereu in iuay to go into the country for James Sanford. The the-12t- lartrest tax payer J. B. BAENABY COMPANY her health. On of May, she Special bargains iii useful, as well as ornamental Christmas gifts ; KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND went to Nashua, N. II. There she failed was Oliver Tousey, 16 shillings and 10 )xK pair of Ladies', (ientlimicn's unit Children's Slippers of every description to bo sold fij fast and was told by one of the best pence. prices which will create a big sensation, physicians in Nashua that she could not FOR SALE! (entli'iiii'ii's line Kmhroldcrc.I, Gout, Patent Leather, flush, Seal Hurt Alligator Slippers at live three months. Returned home Ju- The minstrel entertainment at the Town BUILDERS' HARDWARE, BUILDERS' SUP- ly 9 and 18 called Dr July Merrow, who nt niie 'slippers, Vcl- - found fwun. a hall, Thanksgiving night, was insignili-ca- ST01JK TO .lAVlfAIY 1. LanW thoroughly made. In all the popular styles In Kelt, Merino. her antterinir"I9 - .. I. ..,.,,. WU-,.nn - i'lIOmn Qt.tf-ti.- . "ci-- t i Stantlv ivugll, in itself and too. The tcruianiowii Knit ami h uoim-- at .ski. r;i. ,i. toc. linn iti 2. hawkinrn and " 1.U i....f nasty, clog - AND MA-- Dj,...,!! a. a. T Children's fine Sliiiiwrs in Kelt.. Merfim. Velvt't. K id anil mnny other desirable styles a PLIES TOOLS, FARMERS' TOOLS, ; lower extremities almost paralyzed, so dancing and trapeze performance were v that she was unable to i3ii t secona edition out walk, in seven Its, redeeming features. ; 'mis any closing se, .1 T4-'- ,.-- j Children's izes to li, SONS' AND CUT-- weeks. she was ahle to relt Shoes, i .Hi. BUTCHERS' TOOLS. ! xU-iV- lMi?mac(! Ul lnUtUXIWi UJJb A.L O JJUiitAO UUOmCOO. ,AWU . Utile--1 Kelt sluei 7.'m, 1 tu al 7.'., with fur UHuiiilujf, work and walk about and ou Septeuilier entli-iiien'- s 28 called ut At the of r'ett tHtr(-9- f i t i .VI. Dr Mwrnu'. .ttn uiu, marriage George C. Sperry anything in our mammoth stock of clothing t ' LERY Of"ALL KINDS. ,ia now.doing the housework for five per- to Mrs Harriett K. .Smith of Squantuck, buy "";X sons and soumiiug the praises of Dr last week, the bride's FANCY RUBBER BOOTS. Merrow ; she further for granddaughter, I . : . , . ,. says .that. but . Miss was at regular auction puces. mm i. : i.i navei i j . Tomlinson, present. Children's (i 10 1. wuuiu aieu. oirs Kubber Hoots, sizes to 1" Gilbert street, had had a cancertoies,io.of the Misses' Rubber II to , 1 10. FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY 1, boots, sizes left breast for 12 I t years. 20, Fred is now .allies' Kubber Hoots, sizes 4 i to S, 1. September Andrews employed at the THERE WILL BE SUCH A 383 MAIN ST., BRIDGEPORT. she consulted Dr Merrow at the Bridge- - limits and Shoes for tientleiiieu mid Children at for reliable w,..t- .... , . Plum trees lime kiln. Ladles, prices unequalled Mj:....li.ii-i- i ii.. a. i"i ii iiisLiniLe, no iu six uays vm nTrmrvrn AO TT.TTC removeil it without the loan of H mpiT)TVf 11 VJ KJi.rr? rjTTrr,aA IkiUlJkJ Xi.W AAAAkJI Hound and Laniirs Wool Soles in the diirerent color hindinas at lowest KrieeS. iUlU iWi i blood. The doctor has the cancer speo- - Andrew Trunk mnl lins. ma Flannagan of Dodgingtown ! nii;ii at oiuce. n uiie Keunum of to move to TOWN HAS NEVER SEEN Whether avenue,aged 14, has been alHiet- - expected hisfaniily Thomp- C. II. B E N N E T WE ARE iru wnii vmt?iLic nts since lie as a sonville, this week. T, Dr Merrow, 28, he Jiaa had but oue fit- f.;.!,. 1 July .1 i A merry as well as musical nu niiKt; itiiu Hint UUriliS U1C UTSlf WCeK family ct. :; s ritKKT. of din- $50,000 i:i:na::iM)Kr, tiain GOING OUT OF gathering partook Thanksgiving Must be cleaned up by January 1. We want BUSINESS! ner at the hospitable home of Charles iirisoo of Botsford Hill. Great grand- . You own HUNT'S REMEDY son the Money. can have the goods at your WILL CURE THE KIDNEYS father, grandfather, father, and PLUMB HARDWARE CO., REGULATE THE HEART AND grandson were all there and the chickens, to make it we shall start MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING as well as the in price. Just interesting, 'T0U CAN'T AFFOfiD TO BE WITHOUT IT." porkers, had to suffer ofwith AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED consequence. The evening hours were pleasantly whiled away listening to mu- TWO HUNDRED MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND 20,000 sic by K. D. Brisco on the guitar, Orrin WORTH OF FOOTWEAR AT CUT PRICES. WE OFTEN Brisco and Charles Xickersou on the vio- ROSS ENSILAGE AND lin BOYS' SUITS AT 5 PER SUIT ! and John Wolfe ou the cornet. Mu- M L L A N & sic flows freely in the veins of the Brisco 0 descendants ; SON, nearly all of the children All Winter Weights and Some Grades that EEED CUTTER, The Oldest Established Boot and Shoe House in WONDER and grandchildren show musical talent. Cost Three Times the Price Asked to Cat Bridgeport, and will, on account of the removal from the citv of the head of the firm, That we sell Draperies or Upholstery Goods, - Fred Andrews has moved his Make them We're not into HAND HORSE CLIPPER, CROSS CUT close out their business and the entin stock, fixtures, lease and our store is so crowded. It isn't nice to have family this exaai-inin- from up. going thing Carpets rolled at your htels when your're g the house where F.X. Ilawley lives Halves. ! good-w- ill are for sale. Until a purchaser is found for the business, Screens. Portieres, or Lace Curtains. It to Danbury, where he is working at his by SAW, CARPENTER TOOLS, tends to expletives and sarcasm. Our customers trade as carpenter. SHOVELS, well-bre- we shall offer our stock at PuVic Sale, presenting such bargains are too d to use it openly, yet we know A Man Needs an Overcoat as well as a Suit they keep up a thinking. as have never before been given in the city. Not a single pair of George S. and Chester P. Xorthrop Now is Time ! AXES, WOODEN WARE, BUILDERS' were Philo the shoes in our store will hold its original value, prices being cut to at Xorthrop's Taunton home Pretty soon we'll have another nice new ttore on Thanksgiving. The former is full of buying 300 OVERCOATS, REGULAR $8, $10 and $12 such an extent as will make rapid sales absolutely certain. Our pretty things in this line. Then the Carpets apples for Xew Haven men and AND GENERAL HARDWARE. shall bold absoluts sway over the floors shipped g they a car load from Bethel 36 years' record for square-dealin- will, we think, be a sufficient share with Draperies now. and was to send GRADES, YOUR CHOICE, $5. another from this week. IVEldcLLo guarantee that this i3 a genuine closing out sale of cur business Xewtown, 432 IVCain iil;., OS No matter how little ! St., and that the cuts in are cuts. We would like to you may hear of any- Twelve Xew Haven SUIT & OVERCOAT prices genuine for in town, are sura to friends of H. L. $10 thing going you pretty Manvillc Oon.xi.. quoteSsome figures, but as the price of every article in the store has hear of it going for as little here, may be a little enjoyed Thanksgiving turkey IH3xId.grep6rt, less- with him. Suit $5. Overcoat $5. Think We'll Sell Any ! been reduced, we must ask you to come and see for yourself. We sale of W. H. Somers ate Thanksgiving tur- GRAND FINAL DEC ;30 AND 31. open the greatest Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers, etc., that We AUCTION, keep up our regular line of goods the rear key in South Britain. Bridgeport has ever knovn. round- - We can't tell you much about this Great Clearing- ! -- L 0 0 K Xelson W. Burr of Long Hill has visit- -Out Sale. Space in the Newspapers Costs ed his aged father, Xatlian Burr of Hunt- -' too Much.
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