NEWT.OWN Bee. VOLUME XII. NEWTOWN, CONN: ERIPAY, DECEMBER 6, 1889 PAGES. NUMBER 49; Owing to the large number of patients In 1771, there were 360 tax payers in O I. D A Y G I V T S . unable to gain admittance to 1 r Mer-row-'s Xewtown and John Adams heads the STOCK, LEASE AND II I Bridgeport office and for the bene- fit of the needy poor, he w4U continue list, i Following are familiar names : Our immense display of holiday goods is tow ready for iusp eiiou, comprising Slippers, LYON & GR1B1MAN, his free consultation a few days longer. William Ilawley, Lemuel Camp, Samuel Rhoen Goods low for new and desira- Mrs M. and Rubber of every description at prices astonishingly Mary Stevens. No 16 Kasaink Camp, Daniel Beers, John Blackinan, , ble avenue, has been afflicted FIXTURES goods. i with catarrh Jabez Botsford, Amos Hard, John Jud- - ior several She was years. taken sick William OF THE in the latter part of April, 1888. She son, Northrop, John Xorthrop, HARDWARE DEALERS, was treated by several good phvsicians David Peck, John Summers, John San-for- d, C. of Bridgeport,but grew worse. Was or-- John Tousey, Dr Samuel Thomas, II. BENNETT. uereu in iuay to go into the country for James Sanford. The the-12t- lartrest tax payer J. B. BAENABY COMPANY her health. On of May, she Special bargains iii useful, as well as ornamental Christmas gifts ; KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND went to Nashua, N. II. There she failed was Oliver Tousey, 16 shillings and 10 )xK pair of Ladies', (ientlimicn's unit Children's Slippers of every description to bo sold fij fast and was told by one of the best pence.
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