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_NYou 1 ,T Te .nkl,n RA 5-3300 .1 VE WS-RECORD Thursdayl VOL. 8, No. g SOMERSST, N¯ J. THURSDAY, O~’t’OBER 6, 1981 6¢ Per Copy STUDENTCOUNCILPLANS FOR DEDICATIONoNHSAS ¢.O,0STAT ’MBTAw.IT O M ay0r ACcepts .,o.-Councilman ha,r.oaofthogowo Francis Keary, .e Challenge to Attth0rlty, will make a state- ,meat ...... on ha,the ....appointment .olo.m" D,osuf Debate,,=j’e teghy to exeeullve director at the SA meeting Mondaynight. Mayor Gee,rue B, Consovoy to- The meetlug, scheduled for :lay a e e opted 1he offes of 6 p.m., will be held in the Photons S. Reflly: presldent of Sewerage Authority o/flee nn he Democratic Men’s Club. to Railroad Square. Jiscus.s the Council Tilling bar- ring:ease,, l’~2o~llngmee,,ngs. devices fr o rr~ AllenCriticizes The mayor said he WOUld be glad to dlsuL~ss tba~ topic. "and LateCampaigning anyother ~eJlly, wldehUnder thedisturbs auspices of the L~ague of Women Voters, or r William O. Allen, candidate ° for ~n at-large Council sea~, ~h[8 any other non-partisan organi week urged voters to demand zatioa." Mr. Consovey’s s~atement fel- that candidates show" an interest ls municipal affairs *’at ’.trees lowed a challenge ~o debate iv- used by Mr, ReLUy aBer the Council ruled affair=st recordhtg Mr. Allen said he is "amazed devices on Sept. 26. at people, never who, having Mr. ReilIy expressed A desire interest shown any in municipal lo discuss no~ only the ban on PLANNING COMMrrTEE -- Members of lhe FranklBt High Seho0l Sttldeltt Cotmell dtsettss iffajrs, soddenly offer all sorts recorders, which he described plans for the school’s dedisatian program and open house Oct. gO. So=ted, left to right, are Joy Jf solutions to problems th e y Shields, Margaret Small, ElVira Egrest, Lyllda Moulegarl, as e "gaff role," hut also rift- Elluheth Tanora; shtndlnlr , G~orge have never been concerned with forenoon =between the r~ayor 8fepa~aenko and William Sterner, Rntl] they have deekled to seek e o u neg form of government pubtis office." practiced in El¢iabeth and +.he " Mitchell in Somerset . " ger pl ..... d lit O I~11~¢01~’--llllTa~il~:-:e ¯ mart~suggested to knowthat whatvoters activities "de- councilFranklin. ..... mndidates have been engaged ,n0 ,o, to .eokiag o,,,eo ."I Reh,,find it quite theamtmipg gag to 3ee Calls for Fiscal Refo iis, Sign Posters In his campaign, Mr, Allen is concerning himself," the mayor c,,,,,,i,,jr,,,,,,, o,f a Business ,s a f ........ bar afar. ar~l .... y tired audience Summers has asked the cooper- Planning Board. the Board Of aries of political workers in re- find it most diffisult to under- By EDWARD NASH Assistance and the Recreation h’aining from posting campaign stand him being ’sagged,’ in HUOHIRS TO 0AMPAIGN Commission, as well as his ox- spite of the fact that this indivi- Republican smiles were notices on trees and road signs perienee on the Council. broad in Somerset aa Tuesha~-. IN SOddERSET TODAY Be also asks the removal of dual talks about every subject Today is Hughes Mr, AlLen was appointed to imaginable to Man, and has yet It was Mitchell Day here. and Day hi signs the week a~ter the ele~- the Council in July to fill the the rain persisted. Solmerset County, tion. to be refused the privilege of +.he But the unexpired term of John C. Bul- floor," crowds were Large. ’l~he Democratic gubernator- lal ealldldale unR his parW "Trees, ~ilthoards, teLephone Iitt of Grtggstown, who resign- The mayor ad d e d that he In five appearances¯ starting poles, buildings, ’etc. will soon ed to accept a position in the would contact the League of at a 9 a.m. breakfast with the WIg beght a tightly-packed S. Department of the Tress- schedule Wlt~ the opeillRg of a burst forth in full bloom of U. Women Voters in an effort to multi-colored posters arresting nF~. ar r a age the program at the mitleeMitchellinSmallsomervilleBusineSSfnnC°m’andCRises.StormIn Boundf°r Htlgbes. headquar-Brook at 9;15 the eye and asking the beholder The incumbent is opposed for earliest possible time con- ending with a $dO’a-plate fund- a,m.’tOillg, andhi closl~ with a recap- to vote for any number of ex- Ihe seat by. George Radcliffe of content to himself and Mr. raising dialer in Far Hills Inn, tlon sponsored by the Young reliant and qualified candi- Thomas Road. who wan ap- Reilly. Jot’ores P. Mitchell, Secretary of Democrats in SomervlRe Inn dates," Mr. Summers noted, minted to fir MT. AIISB’S 0nex- -- Labor in the two Eisenhower He then expressed approval dr~d ~rm as a member of the Administratisns, greeted almost qPouring the Coltnty with of the oust .... h ieh. he said. "lannisg Board. l.fiO0 persons. ’ Judge Risbatd J. Httffbe~ will adds color and enthusiasm to Carlano,,,=,V:v- During brief addresses before be Mrs, Hughes, Assembly the nation’s politma] heritage. 1962 Tax Exemption each group and at ap ........ e~andidateSlanleyCuSer, she,. ,’. ........fter,he doy of ference ia Republican head Iff candidate William Muss. reckoning, these beautiful post- Deadline is Nov, 1 FdltimePost Quart~rs lie S0merajlle, Mr. MB- Freeholder candidate Edmund era have a tendency, to stay on Township Tax A s s e ssor ehel] continued tu stress his danes and De.o~ratle Free- ’ ..... ths, andhaving ashort S,epheo Roldh..... ouoe,,,he major issue of the campaign -- helot Grace Ourisl¢. season, they soon lose their that all applicants for the "Sen- Sanitarian the Democratic "bosJisnl" luster and suceunab to time and isr Citizens" tax exemption for If62 must file an appdeatisn hy For the first time in its which¯ handcuffs his opponent am aubernator a ca d da e and his weather." the manager continu- compared to his own inde r wife Nov. I. history, Franklin Township has ed a full-time health officer. pendeace gained by winning lbe The Curse et B ass Township Pulley The new applica~iort (Form Pr mary c nlest agmnst State gn SC-dgA) must be filed both by Township Sanitarian John At "small brininess . break- "eta’ Township hag adapted a tile persons who have elain~ed .an C~rlano has been notified that Senators Walter Jones and. f s , po cv that political posters, Wayne Dumont zn , April, a t, Mr" Mite’ hell deta [ red t h at " he hits passed the State ex- , Tile Amer ca s beset with th- . having¯ served their rnia, he $800 tax exemption for 196L and athJnatisn and completed o’her Democratic candidhte Rchard ". taken down within one week by lhose who are filing the claim Opel rot~,Jp[ Of big Heen$O~ . I "curse of b guess" n gore " - requirementst necessary for the ¯ Hu h e s ’ S a eS n "ddae o ha aftet’ the election. Othel’WlSe, for the fleet time for ta~ year , ulen bus ass a d lobe , and 1962. issuance of a sanitary tnspec- I par!yf I~,sses, Mr, M h’hel[ con- he proservatim of o Ir roe ez Township forces will have to do Ior’t~ lieetlse first class. Applisall&l form~ fpl" lfld~ tunoea, a than seteatoo ~" e "p’se sys e del e ds o a lho work. adding expense In al- ready overburdened taxpayers." are being mailed to persons who Mr, Carlano was appointed tiopartYinleadersthePrimaWIth°ut c°mpetJ" great extent nn the continuance’ have flied for 1901. Mr. Reid n I~+ jof s ta hesinegn Active sma I Mr. Sranmers added, Township health officer by is "KOllny ’ Carey and chaos . eonpan’as prevmt deep au s il In conchlsion, Mr. ~otnntol’S said, ¯ of Applicants claiming the ex- Township Manager William A, the btg issue the campaign. the ~atlong]. economy du r i ng warn°d’ "Thlx practice cannot 8earners. he dec ared. as he bracketed his . be tolerated uince life and limb empties for the first time shotdd P~r ods o .cress O11. he dec ur= either wrlie or apply In person Mr. ~mmers said that Mr. Opponent with the De m°crat le ed. pad New Jersey and tile are thereby in dallger and much Corinne will eolJ|lnll~, helh a8 eadera o Hudson and Essex action shows trifling regard f~r lvr application forms st the of- a on n us change the a " sanitarian and exeeutlva officer counties, st on wh eh now f ads about gO the motoring and p~destrian fise el the assessor Jn IBwaship of the hestth department. In ad" remark at Hall. " He made this last percent of the Natianal Gro~ ~ublle." day~ dittos, he will now be able to t h e s seeottd function ’ a Product eom n from 6110 carper- Township Police Chist Russell -- perform inspe0tiana and to slgrt S Helffer has announendthat per- co~NoIL WILL luncheon at the Bndminster es a ons To= he p sma bum heSS. ~ET t~gtpere r0qulring ~tn official & Mrs Malcolm sons posting campatgn material qUUESBAYAT 8 P,M. rate o[ Mr ’ .’ he proposed the e~atlon of a heal~ offiser’a sisnaLure, ~orbes~ whe~ about 700 pecans oa traes or traftis signs will he ’the Council will hum Its next ’ghe new tBle also carrion with N. J. Small Rus[neBa Council re- meetthg tmdex tWO huge tents were the ~roseeutnd undnr the disorderly ~ttblis Tuesday at 8 , - ~, _Sueala of the previous GOP (Cmztlaued oll Page 1=) ~rsons ordlaaaoe, ~.m. In Township RaIL (C:o¢=tthaed on Page 1}} FARMERSEOOPERATIYE ASSN, OFN. J/, SRtte Hwy.27 NewBruuswidk [] 5.2470 ha." o*ho,lod TIffDRSDAY, OCTOBER 5, OF1961P.