I ^


V ÔL. XI. 'e^'-^-XAÏiÊXANDHIA,. ONT., FEIDAY, FEBRUARY l, iA902g Nô;-ô. ’ O; jaî -tn V,

from time to time received, at the hands of ged pith of aoienoa and virtue. Inspeoior O’Brien. Though a strict dis- All those Who. bayé çômo nùdet ydnrr'jnv fluence, while yon have direc'ted'bnf school , 5^1 rt J'// •; 'u'?--- | ' ciplinarian her rnlings are tempered by BAGHELORTOWN ■ are not here to day. Some profiting by , ._ “Ring out the Old, ' ' , that loving spirit which wins obedience the bright example yon have given them, both from Sisters and pnpils alike. have elected to walking in the narrow path ,V' .KTdV of perfection; others are debarred from 1 OELEBBATION AND ADDBESS ..' ■ ' '. ' r .-'H “‘ in the îîew't/v';'v assisting at Onr celebration by distance or Second Report—Meeting 6f The Jubilee celebration, which covered by the dntiea of their position in life, bnt two days, was fittingly openedEon Tuesday we feel that all are with ns in spirit, re- l^ilter Antonisos, Motber Snperior of joicing with ns and offering prayers for the Maidens — Committees afternoon, with a matinee entertainment preservation of yonr health, which we hope 'St. Margarets Convent, Alexandria, by the pupils, at which about 100 were will be good and enable yon to celebrate Appointed. We are grateful to all who so kindly your Golden Jubilee before you receive tho patronized us during the past year. We Celebrates Her Silver Jnbilee, as present, the largest proportion of whom, consisted of ex-pupils. The attendanoe crown which yonr zeal in God’s service want your trade this year also, together shall have merited. . a Professed Member of tbe would indeed, have been much greater, but With best wishes for a happy celebration with that of your uncles and your coujdns for the recent severe storm, many from a The press reporter, of the Bachelor Pro- and your aunts. We will assure you A i of the day we beg to snbecribe onrselves. Holy Cross Order, a distance having eignified their intention Yonr nffeotionats and respectful children, tective Association, in the last issue of tbs service; right treatment, and good goods at Glengarry News, elicted much comment of being present. If absent in person they PDPILS OF ST MABOARET’S COSYENT. right prices. We have started “stock-tak- were here in spirit as was testified to by from both bachelors and maidens throngh- ing.” Come in and look arouM, -you can An adjonrnment was then made to the out the County. Since early in the new year, St. Margar- the nnmerons congratnlatory telegrams, pick up many needful things for little prices. letters and valnable gifts, sent to their large dining halls, where refreshments were An imaginary mass meeting was at once . et’s Convent here, to the, average outsider, well beloved Lady Snperior. A handsome served by several ladies, to whom the called by the fair sex. The Lancaster Fire * ' To Hand This Week in one sense of the term, was pervaded by puree presented by the Convent pnpils and thanks of all immediately concerned are Station was well filled at an early honr. an air of mystery, just as if a secret or a A splendid line of coasting sleds with two chaste candelabra presented in the dne, for the excellent manner in which they It was requested that in reporting this pleasant surprise was being sacredly kept hand holes, and round spring steel runners, name of the ratepayers of the section, by performed the task alloted to them. meeting, only fletitions names shonld be from some one. With but one exception, prices 75c and ^i.oo. Boys’ rock elm the Trnstees, and a beantifnl Battenberg Wednesday’s proceedings opened with used. Miss Tremble was elected as Presi- in the person of the Mother Snperior, the Hockey Sticks i5oj“I,eague” HockeySticks altar lace, made arid given by the Sisters the celebration of Mass in the Conveat dent, Miss Swift as Secretary,, and Miss enprems head of tbe institution, all the 35c. Skates and skate straps. . of the Hoase,.ma7 be mentioned among the Chapel, by his Lordship, Rt. Rev. Alexan- Solid, Chaplain, The organization was othet occupante, both Sisters and pnpils latter. ? der Macdonsll. The ohapel was becoming- called “Maidens’ Anti-Bachelbr Combina- were fully conversant, and lent their ly decorated with beantifnl floral offerings, ■ The matinee performance opened with tion.” As the combination was for ssorat assistance, that the snrprise might he and, as might be expected, the service was WII,L. J. SIMPSON, an original Jnbilee song, in which were purposes only, stated meetings could not kept entact until the proper moment for attended by a large nnmber. expressed, the sentiments of gratitude and be held, bat all were to assemble at the Simpson Block, ité annonnoement had arrived. Daring tbs day, the rooms and corridors, congratnlation entertained toward their President’s call. . The little people, while naturally deeply which had previonsly been decorated in an Alexandria, Ont. gnest. A cantata entitled “Siïvér Jabilse,” Miss Ancient was called on. to addreae interested were not more so than tbe ex- artistic manner, reechoed the joyfnl was very appropriately rendered, and was ths meeting. She then slowly produced her pnpils of that, worthy institntion. Wbat- laughter of the pupils who were enjoying brought to a close, by six little mites, analects, adjusted her spectacles, then sVer it was, it Appeared to be a “common themselves as of yore, in their beloved ranging from 4 to 6 years of age, present- scanned her andience critically, she enlog- canse.^’ And on Tuesday of this week, the Alma Mater. ing garlands of natural flowers. A piano ized the thought of each a Union, pnblio generally were let into the secret, The celebrations were brought to a close solo entitled “Angel’s Serenade,” was monmed over ths fallnres of the past, which was, that the Lady Snperior was by a solemn benediotion of the Blessed artistically rendered by Miss Florence spurned the idea, of being called “old” this week given an opportnnity, accorded Sacrament, after which adienx were spoken McLennan. vLet'ttsgO/fpr. pleasnre,” a maida| deplored the depravity of bachelor to few, snrronnded by her devoted co- and all retnrned to their homes, carrying winter song, was well' pictured by the taste. $he quoted Scriptnre in a scholarly workers in the dnal canse of administering with them memories never to be forgotten, pnpils who were becomingly attired in manner to prove the solidity of their course to the spiritnal and edncational welfare of of the Silver Jnbilee of their ever worthy winter costnme. With skates in hand as espeolally the story of “Peter’s wife’s those entrusted to their charge, and a and mnoh loved Snperior, Rev Sister Mary, though prepared to take full enjoyment mother,” that Adani and Eve were made large nnmber of past and present pupils, of St Antoninne. ont of that healthy pastime. The tablean expressly for each other, and “it is not good Our Discount Sale, now going on, ia a gainfol one for the publio who. had benefited by her example and On behalf of the ratepayers of the sohaol entitled, “Degrees ®f Grace” represented for man to live alone.” She receved hearty and we ask all our friends to take advantage of it. Everyone knows instruotion while under her guidance, to section, we take this opportnnity to extend Have tUë'repntdtio^ and is the place for reliable goods. The store duly celebrate her Silver Jnbilee as a pro- the different steps in the life of their applause when ehe stated that she was that many 5f ycnr ha'rmte and grand parents patronized and appre- sincere congratnlations and best wishes to fessed member of the Holy Cross Order. worthy mother. Pupils, representing determined to help some poor fellow live np ciated so highly. That’s why onr bnsiness keeps growing. The tbe worthy recipient of the many testi- to this Sciiptare. Short reports regarding - JA goods sell by reason of merit and always advertiw ^emselves. monials of good will and affection. the combination were received from al •u.lx' i;-ïa .s.-.M i;-.-'. J / delegates. Determination of character was Snaps !,. Snaps ! depicted on every face as the motto “pnsh onr nnion” was adopted. !.:• riw?} , v.T) .We have a limited number of furs of different kinds which will Tbe combination decided . to hold their be sold at a considerable discount. They are strictly - first class in next commnnion in the Temperance Hall, every way. . f . f /. . Î {'y V. T ; j, Q ! Williamstown. Three maiden teachers were appointed to aot as chief directors, a collection was taken np to defray expenses Lacliep’ J[ackets. Prize Winners—Good Race. of delegates, and the maidens rose and sang V'i K f.,, their new song; ' The best criterion of good value in Jackets is the CUT of the garment. No coat, however well made will satisfy the wearer if the Sweet 1s the tie that binds, ont is in the least out. Yon will search far and spend more money in Yet still we do long to be free, ïËe end'^fôïë yon will discover such excellent ant JacËe.t.s. as these._^ The masquerade on Friday evening When these jolly yonng fellows finds They can’t live without yon or me. The tnakeiSund finish are also exemplary. Why not tiy one of these of last week proved to be a highly suc- Jackets ? Ail' othef heayy gOOdrwnst -go during this .sale-while cessful affair.. Good costumes were We each have a few on onf string, 4 stocktaking. Parties looking for bargains will be sure to find them And gently.we gnids them along, r ' Jhere. OvWooats, £uits, QloyeSj'Tdltts,. Caps, Boots and Shoes, worn., The attendance was large. Be sweet.girls, and gently sing, 'll i '1 Bnbber^J^qoKsips, Socksy^All tanet bOmld;to make ^m oi^r The mile race was, keenly contested. “In Union Alone we sire Strong.” ;' «W aerw'istobk. iiAUjrfé invited to this BgW' '" ',. ’ f j Miss Teresa McGillivray, as “Night,” The Bachelor.Unionfs great took the lady’s first prize, as being Let onr ooqneiry conse it to fade * the best costumed lady on the ice. Let ns shnn the hofriMo fate \ D. D. MePHEE, Miss McGillivray’s costume was ex- Of always being called an old maid. ceedingly well arranged, and .fully de- We will endeaver to have onr baohelor St. Lawrence Block served the distinction it won. Miss reporter behind the soene so that yonr Laura McDougall, dressed as a “High- readers may enjoy the results of next land Lassie,” won second prize. Miss meeting at Williametown. McDougall’s tartan costume was It.roakee.one sad to read a paradox splendid. ■from Elm Grove, in last News, regarding Others were there, with costumes the Lenten season, when so many of us wish it were Lent twelve months in the ReadingJaHooeit.}. 0-. that were much admired and showed that great care had been taken in year, as that ia the only tima we are safe their preparation. , from the encroachments of onr common Stock taking is the order of the day at The People’s Store Messrs. E. Devine, as “Mephisto.” enemy, “Tho Maidens’ Combination.” and this year, we are making a special effort to reduce oar and Fred Leslie, as “A Father’s The names of brothers from Snmmers- stock and everything ia broken lots or short ends is being town.'Martintown, St Raphaels and Lan- left oat P.n onr connters and marked down at prices that Troubles,” won first and second prizes castor, are proposed to represent the Bach- mbst eell\hem. .This means that yrm bad huy ends of per- respectively. Both their costumes elors’ Protsotive Association, asking ths femly fresh Dress Gop.de/-ATweedSi, PJannels, Plannelettes, were good and proved excellent repre- Ghighams, Prints, Table ijine'n's, Bilks, Velvets, Bibbone, Government for incorporation and our sentations. Laoes, EmhrOiderioB, Gimpe and Dace. Unrtmns, Carpets, executive are ordered to lay out their Tableand,Èleor,CÙl.ûlQths, tTnderwel^r, Top Shirts^,sto, at The mile race brought out four con- >•! plans. a discount of 10 to 60 jiBt cent.^ - '/ testants. All got a good start, but Wo heartly congratulate the two Breath- after a few rounds, it was a procession ern from Snmmerstown, who wers; lately consisting of two, Joe Brunet and Gus relieved from bondage by the removal of Ready-made Clothing McDonald. They finished inthe above the objeot that debarred them from being a f ■ A " /■. ■' '» ''I order. The first prize was a valuable active members of onr Association. »Js In this BnSblwi gïeE special vaine SO per oent.'off all winter ST. MARGARET S CONVENT, ALÇRANDRU. silver medal, and the second, a piir of suite, men’s au3 hoys’ Overcoats, Féa ^cketS, Beefers and It has been suggested that we attend in Smocks, bfitts. Doable Breasted Uvercoats. selling as low as gold cuff links. a body the “men’s snpperî’ >.to bs iven in Î3.00. Ladles’ Jâcfiéte: Sfoni i$3.00/np. Ladies’ Beady- A SHORT SKETCH. Manager Daprato is to be congratu- angels of different sizes, holding scrolls on Fort Covington, N.Y, shortly. This annnal made Baits from ti.50 np. The event is one of partioular interest to lated on the success of the affair. We which were written in silver letters the feast,EO quaintly, yet so elborately served, our Roman Catholic friends throughont understand that Mr. Daprato has sold words ■ "Baptism,” “First Commnnion,” proves to the critical world that man is an Glengarry, for the reason, that Sister his rights in the skating rink to Peter “Religions Vocation,” “Religious Profes- independent creature. is a Glengarrian, heing the eld- Chçirlebois, who will conduct it in Furs ! Furs ! sion,” gave a striking portraiture of her The ethical training of some of bur Mar- r est dangter of the late Edward Williams, future. tintown brethern is apparently of a light her fidelity to grace. The last number, an For the next two weeks we will give 10 per cent, off all of this village. After receiving her ednoa- ' instrntnental selection, played by Miss nature, two of them visit Snmmerstown as For Coats. Caps. Collarettes, Muffs, Bobes, etc, un stock, . tion in Alexandria, she Itppeared before the and 20 per cent, off all lined Mitts and Gloves. These are Ella Hhot with considerable spirit was a freqnently as if rnstioating at Stanley. Ontario, Board, snccessfally passed her ex- speoial cash discounts and are genuine. 'fiUihg close to a decidedly entertaining HflPPY EVENT AT MONGENflIS. One of them has a great'amount of bnsiness amination and immediately oommenoed performance. at McGillivray’s Bridge since sohool open- teaching at MoGormiek’s. Later on she Daring tho entre acts the following COLBY—HOPE. ed. Two of them are nightly found near took charge of a school at St Ligonri, Que. St Andrews, while another persists in J" Yours ïtii.îy, r |,,f | address was read by Miss Isabell D. Mo- On Wednesday, 29th January ult., Haying a Vocation, ehe entered the Novi- attending prayer meeting at Williamstown; Phee : • ■ the home of John Hope, Esq., was the oiate, ef the Holy Cross, St Lanrent, Qne., all on the verge of bachelors’ rain, forget- - ADDBESS. scene of a highly pleasing event, when and in the nsnal coarse of time was pro- ing the solemn esoterics of onr beloved J. J. WIOHTnAN, Maxville. bis pretty and accomplished daughter, fessed in February, 1877. After her pro- Reverend SiRer Mary 0/ St Antoninus Sup- Assooiatiob. Oh I when will yonng men Sarah Rebecca, was united in wedlock fession; as is enstomary. Sister Antoninne, erior: y enter that state of érudition and experience Very Dear Sistèr Snpèrior,^—Around you to Mr. Ernest O. Colby, of Brunswick, was sent ont on missionary work, which when will they be free from the trammels on this bright festive day crowd yonr pu- Maine. gave her an opportunity tq display the in. so nnwittihgly, yet so cnnningly set by the pils young und old, to offer yon their con- During the marriage ceremony, trinejo vaine she possessed, and bronght as gratniations and to thank God with yon for astute members of the Maidens’ Combina- a reward her appointment as Superior of the favors He has bestowed npon you which was performed by Rev, A. Mc- tion ? . stock Taking tbe branch Oonvefit at St Scbolastiqne.Que, daring tRe twenty-five years you bays served Callum, tbe bpide vvas assisted by ber Owing to the severe snow-storm our Him as à professed religions of Holy Cross. youngest sister^ while Mr. Duncan bachelors’ concert is indefinitely postponed. a charge she held for the enoooeding five Twenty.five years is a longperiodof time Correspondence from Williamstown and years. She wa,s transferred to St Margar- oonstitnting as it does one third of thé Fraser, of Ste. Anne de Prescott, offi- St Raphaels is unavoidable delayed this et’s Convent here, in, 1880, but later on the years nsnalTy alloted to man, therefore, we ciated as groomsman, week, but we are assured that our Assosia- Order having erected a new branqb house felioitateyon dear Sister Superior, that yon ; The wedding presents received by tion is fionrithing in and aronnd these have 80 mnoh of your precious life in the centres of wisdom and inflnenoe. . i . at Montreal, a magnificent and imposing service of your Divine Master, and we have the bride were numerous and beauti- During tthe next 30 days all Winter edifioe.she was seleoled as its first Superior. particular reason to rejoice, when we con- ful. : ■* : SeftAv. Ajter. Two years later .slie reinpved to Adams, sider that many of these years have been The young couple leave soon for food's FhospliodiBd, spent in our native town, where your Tho Grwt BngiUh Jtemeây. Goods soldfat^Rock Bottom Prices. Ma8a,.,aBqywarda tp Renfrew, Ont, and their new home, and they take with Sold and recommended by al) energy and talents have been expended to druggists in Canada. Only rell' Grand Remnant Sale during this period, three years ago, it was the gPodRortune of help to hring np and to maintain our dear. them the best wishes. of their many, able niedloine dlsooverea. 8ii Call, examine and be convinced. every individual rate payer, of the Separate Convent echool in the proud position it friends for a bright and prosperous IN ONB DAY ofprloe,onepackage$i»8tx,$5. Onewülpiéwse» vision of St Margaret’s Convent. offer our thanks for all you have done tüiWUAcure, Pamphlets fçee to any address. The foregoing brief blographioal sketch and are etill doing to promote our welfare Take Laxative BromoQainine Tablets. All Xbo Wood Company» Wiiu^r^ Ont* wlll.ihow that Sister Antoninus is onp of at the earns time praying that yon may druggists refund the money if it fails to Sbld in ÂlébL&hdtia by taritime Sabbath followed by a strong north-west Mies Christie Fraser who has been on a budgets from Moose Creek and Provinces—Hou I)aviinis, >Iinister In the matter of BessieSimon, carrying on busi- wind on Monday, which piled the snow up visit to her parents, 3rd Lancaster, leaves ness at Greenfield as B. Simon,and at Vank- Pigeon Hill, which will appear of Justice, ^VU1 Prohnbir fio on leek Hill as B. Simon âc Co., an Insolvent, in the lanes to an immense height which shortly for New York City. next week. the aupréme Court and Sealed Tenders marked "re Simon,”aon,” will be \A stopped traffic for a few days. Snow shoeing is all the rage since the received at the office of John Hyde,e, *'No, 11 Hos- f,. lie Succeeded by lion. Charles MAXVILLE Mr and Mrs G Rowe spent the first of big storm Sunday and Monday. pital Street, Montreal, until Noon o_on Monday,'!„ f Fitzpatrick. . 10th February, 1902, for the purchasechase of the 4 John C Campbell of the firm of Camp- the week in Riceville. DUNVEGAN Assets of said Estate as follows :— bell Bros, furniture dealers of Yernoa B C Mr Arthur Wilson, after two weeks holi- Ottawa, Feb. 4.—The third census Green- Vankleek Dr MacDiarmid, of Maxville, made field. Hill, bulletin which completes the record who is making a bnisiuess visit to the east, days, returned to.Jtown. professional calls here on Tuesday. Dry goods, clothing, furs, hats . of the population of the Dominion and caps,dress goods,gents’ > ^ called 00 friends in town this week. ^ It is There was a debate in the Literary Hall Dr. Charles Stwart left for Lancaster on furnishings, etc $ 1720.04 $ 2344.94 for 1001 by urban and rural classes Boots, shoes and rubbers 831.40 691.84 eleven years since Mr Campbell went west on Wednesday night, the subject being Tuesday, where purposes remaing for some has just been issued by Mr. Blue, Groceries and drugs 356,77 319.54 and he is now one of the prospérons busi- “which gives the most information, travel- time. His many friends here wish him Glassware, crockery and hard- the special census commissioner. Bul- ware, etc 252 43 144.43 uees men of that section. ing or reading.” On the merits of the every success in his professional duties. Store fixtures 50.00 100.00 Duncan H MoDiarmid of Lodi was debate the judges decided in favor of trav- letin ,No. 12 dealt with Ontario and Miss Netta McNaughton, of the Alexan- $8310.64 $ 3400.76 lamong the many visitors to'town last elling. Manitoba only. Bulletin No. 3 gives NOTICE TO CREDITORS dria High School is spending a few days the hgure.s for the other provinces of Tenders to be for the whole BK BLOC and at a week. Mr and Mrs Leitch gave a party on In the matter of Moses Simon, doing business at holidays at her parental home here. the Dominion except Briti.sh Colum- rate per dollar ^n prices as per Inventory A Friday evening to a number of their Alexandria, in the County of Glengarry, un- deposit of 10 per cent by accepted cheque must Wm Dewar and wife, of Lancaster, were Mr A D Stuart and J A McRae, returned bia and the Territories. der the name and style of M. Simon, Mer- accompany eadi Tender, balance to be paid in the guests of Mrs D  McArthur last friends. The evening was spent in music, chant, Insolvent. Three days from acceptance of Tender. Stocks on Wednesday evening from a brief visit to The figures for .1901, with the in- and Inventories may he examined each day at week. games acQ Social intercourse. ci*cuscs or clcci'cascs, ns compared The above named Insolvent has made an as- friends in Lancaster and Martinlown. signment to me in pursuance of the Act respect- the Stores at Greenfield and Vankleek Hill. Mrs John A McLeod and Miss Norah Miss Bell McIntyre attended the concert with the census of 1891, by pro- ing Assignments and Preferences by Insolvent The highest or any Tender not necessarily Miss Mary Dickinson spent the first accepted. in Williamstown last week. vince.s, arc as follows: p ersons in trust for the benefit of the Creditors. McLeod, of McCnmmon, called on friends part of thg week the guest of Miss Nellie A meeting of the. Creditors, of the said Insol- GEORGE HEARNDEN, in town this week. Mrs Donald Kennedy, who was nndergo- Total. Rural. Urban. vent, will be held at the office of John Hyde, 2-1 Assignee. Dey, Stewart’s Glen. Ontario . 2,182.042 1,247.100 035,752 Esq., 11 Hospital Street, Montreal, on Wednes- John Bennett, of Dunvegan, was in town ing medical treatment in Montreal for a The Society of “Young Britons” here pur- Increase . G8,U21 * 48,133 110,754 day, the l&th day of February A.D. 1903, at the on Friday. short time returned home. Quebec .. 1,{M8,.S08 002,(;i57 050,231 hour of 2 o’clock p.ra., for the purpose of ap- pose giving a concert about the middle of pointing Inspector^ and giving directions for Mr D K Sinclair who had an attack of Increase . 100,303 3,847 150,510 Albert McLenuan who has been visiting this month and as the various committees Manitoba . 254,947 184,714 70,233 the disposal of the estate. Creditors having measles is now almost restored to bis nor- cladms against the said estate arereqired to file friends in Avoomore retnrned to town. are sparing no labour in endeavoring to Increase . 102,441 73,210 29,225 the same with me, verified bv affidavit, on or Dan MoDiarmid and his sisters Miss mal health. New before the day of meeting, ana after the 6th day make it the leading event in the social cir- Br’nsw’k , 331,120 253.8-35 77.285 of March A.D. 1902, 1 will proceed to distribute Agnes and Miss Eliza McDiarmid visited Mr and Mrs Walt Carr who were mar- the Assets of the said estate amongst the parties cles of oar town for the season. A most Increase . 0,857 *18,527 28,334 entitled thereto, having regard only to the friends at Mayerville on Saturday. ried a short time ago, were guests of J H enjoyable evening may be anticipated by Nova claims of which I shall than have had notice. Mies Mary Stewart, of DunvogaO, is Cameron the first of the week. Scotia . 4.59.-574 330,191 120,3a3 all. Increase . 9,178 *43,212 52,390 GEOKGE HEARNDEN, visiting her brother M W Stewart. Assignee. We are pleased to state that Mrs Geo P. E. I. .. 103,259 88,304 14,955 Alexandria, February 4th, 1902. 2-2 BLOOMINGTON. Increase . *.5,819 *6,510 700 Lome McLean visited friends at Cassel- Dey, who for the past month has been man on Saturday. Rev Mr Daley, of Maxville, visited several * Means decrease. Beriously indisposed is now convalescent. Mrs E J McEwen has returned to town of bis congregation on Thursday of last Thi.s tabic shows that there has week. been a decrease in the rural popula- after spending some time visiting friends in tion in Ontario, New Brunswick, R-I-P-A-N-S Avoomore. She has recovered from her Mrs John McLeod and Miss Nora McLeod Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Is- recent illness. of Dunvegan, are visiting at J A McEwen’s RESTLESS LITTLE ONE land. The largest being in Ontario, Kennie G McRae whose illness was noted this week. with the Province of Nova Scotia a The modern stand- close second. Indeed, when the cen- these columns last week is still in a most Mr and Mrs J R Hunter, of Carlyle, N Peevishness and Sleeplessness a sus of the Territories and British critical condition. W T visited friends in town this week. ard Family Medi- Sure Sign That Baby Is Unwell Columbia has been, arranj^ed into Ad Majerrison of Gravel Hill was in Mr J Read, B A, who had a slight attack rural and urban divisions, it will be clne f Cures the town on Wednesday. of Lagrippe is we are glad announce, much When babies are restless, cross, or peevish found that the net increase in the it is the surest possible sign of liiness. Wm Crawford of S J MacKeys Drug improved this week. rural population of the Dominion is common every-day Well babies sleep soundly and are cheerful not nearly equal to the number of Store left on Tuesday for Saâlt Ste Marie An accident rather amusing oocured in and playful when awake. When baby is agricultural immigrants added to the our vicinity one night last week. Some ills of humanity. Striving For Effect. where he secured a good position. He will cross too many mothers give so-called population of Canada during the ten be greatly missed in town. During bis young people as usual called to pay a pass- “soothing” medicines, which contain opiate years. that deaden but do not remove the trouble. residence he won a large number of friends ing visit, to their lady friends. An aged We are as anxious as you that the What is \vanted is a medicine that will go New Sllninter of Jastice. clothes shall look right. That’s lady from the west who was calling upon who will wish him a sucoessfal career in right to the root of the trouble and make Indications seem to point to the why we select our stock so care- the City of Destiny. the friends of her youthful' days, happened baby sleep well, eat well and be cheerful in appointment of Hon. David Mills to folly and watch tlie work put «p- Ira G Majerrison got a private tip from on this particular occasion to be spending a natural way. Such a medicine is Baby’s the Supreme Court bench before on the clothes. Your extra trous- a few days in the mansion. She had re- Own Tablets, which are sold under an ab- .Paidiainent meets. There is a strong ers will have a touch of elegance Prof Perrin the great blizzard maker of the solute guarantee that they contain neither which will please yon if we make tired for night to enjoy the balmy repose impression that Hon. Ohai’les Fitz- Gazette that hq was preparing to do some- opiates nor other harmfuldrugs. All mother patrick will succeed Mr. Mills as them. of nature. The young people resorted to who have used them for their little ones thing wierd on the lino of snowdrifts so Ira Minister of Justice. There was much LIQUOR LICENTSE ACT. pass the evening hours in frolic and merri- speak of them in terms of warmest praise. went down to Gravel Hill and waited un- Mrs. Albert Young, Stratford, says: “My speculation over a visit paid to Ri- Information of an infraction of the Liquor til the storm was over. » ■ ment. Suddenly a cry and a crash were License Act, within the County of Glengarry, baby who is now five months old, has always deau Hall Sunday afternoon by Mr. forwarded to me at Lancaster, with the bona Farquhar McRae who was nearly kill by- heard from the guest chamber, the cry an- been very cross and peevish. She was very Fitzpatrick, but it turns out that the fide name and addre^ of the sender, will be a falling tree is now on a fair way to re nounced that this lady of ancient days was constipated and sleepless. She was a thin, visit had reference to the Quebec treated with confidence and a^ed upon promptly delicate looking child and cried nearly all carnival, which the Governor-Gener- W. J. McNAUGHTON, F. L. MALONE, i covery. in sore distress, and the crash was asserted 41-lyr License Inspector the time. I did not know what to do with iil opened last evening. Hon. Chas. ALEXANDRIA. ExCommissioner Ogilvie, of Dawson to be the falling of material in her sleeping her. I tried several medicine but they- did Fitzpatrick has accepted an invita- Yukon Territory, and his sister Miss Agnes apartment. The immates were aroused her no good. A friend who bad used Baby’s tion to attend the Canadien Club Ogilvie were guests at thé residence of Dr and rushed with ail speed to the scene. Own Tablets advised me to try them. 1 dinner at Hamilton on April 3. McDiarmid last week. Mr.'Ogilvie return- The lady was succoured and relieved, and did so, and since using them baby has been quite well, her bowels ate regular, andxshe ed to Ottawa on Monday evening. the cause of the heart reading sbreaks was has grown plump and good-natured. I am THE LEGISLATURE. Mr and Mrs Walter Carr, of Finch were discovered to be a pillow that accidently now delighted with the Tablets and keep the guests of Hugh A McIntyre the early fell from the hands of one of "the young them on hand all the time, whenever baby Fif.'cen ^lemberft Greeted the Speaker, JANUARY SALE part of the week. people. We are happy to say that no in- gets cross and feverish I give her a Tablet Hut 31 Wvre Present IVhen the and she is all right.” Miss Agnes Ogilvie accompanied by Mrs jury was experiedeed and on the other These Tablets are the best medicine in House Rose Half au Hour Later. "A. Dr MoDiarmid went to Ottawa on Wednes- hand, we are extremely sorry that an the world for simple fevers, colic, diarrhoea Toronto, Feb. 3.—To-day in the day. “accident policy” had not been, previously all stomach troubles, constipation and other Legislative Assembly Mr. B. J. Bar- Alex. Hector McLean, of Finch, was the invested in. , minor ailments of little ones. They are for ker Pense, the newly elected member’ children of all ages, and dissolved in water, guest of friends here during the week. The home of Mr J'ohn J Robertson on for Kingston, was introduced by D K riinclair, the traveller for the Mc- or crushed to a powder may be given with Jlon. G. W.. Ross and Hon. R. Har- Friday evening last was the rhecca for absolute safety to the youngest infant. Cormick Mfg Co., who has been illness witb court, and received the customary During tlie remainder of the a severe attack of measles is now better numerous visitors who came to welcome Mothers who once try them will never after- wards use any other medicine for their little fi'iendly greeting on taking his seat. month we offer the following and will soon be able to resume his duties. Mr and Mrs McOillivray, Mrs Sutherland, l’hc following private bills received F J McR^ bad a big gang of men out ones. Sold by all dealers in medicine or lines at of Manitou, Manitoba;’ ànd Mr and Mrs sent post paid at 25 cents a box by address- a second reading: To incorporate the all day Tuesday trying to locate the Brantford Y.W.C.A., Mr. Preston. site of the boundary road. Hunter, from Carlyle, ' N W T. The as- ing the Dr. Willians Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Respecting the Synod of the Diocese 10% discount sembly was extremely large and the passing of Niagara, Mr. Carscallen. To in- . FOURNIER • hours were enjoyed by both young and old corporate the Morrisburg Electric Miss Dora Barret is the guest^of her kinds bands and kinder hearts tendered a IRON BRIDGES FOR Railway Co., Mr. Whitney. Respect- Winter Footwear, sister Mrs Allan, of Caseburn. warm welcome to the visiting friends from ing the Pembroke Southern Railway thewest. ‘Gamesofall kinds cansed the Co., Mr. Munro. To amend the act All Wool White Blankets. The heaviest snow storm of this season y. GLENGARRY. to incorporate Grace Hospital (hom- evening to pass swiftly by. A bounteous was on Snnday and Monday. eopathic), ^Ir. Pyne. To confirm by- Underwear for Men, Women A son to Mr and Mrs J' Greff on Wed- supper was spread and enjoyed by the law No..348 of Paisley Village, Mr. and Children, nesday Jan 29th. j- numerous guests. At a late hour the Malcolm. Two to be Erected in the Mrs Finlay McEwen, and' family of meeting separated wishing much happiness Hon. J. M. Gibson, in. reply to Cloth Caps, Hoods, Tuques, to the western friends and feeling exceed- County. a que.stion by Mr. Pyne, stated that Gloves, Mitts and Hosiery. Maxville, are spending some weeks with the Government ha^l no control over ingly thankful to Mr and Mrs Robertson their many relatives here. the disposal of natural gas in Wel- « Mr and Mrs Shaw, of Penetlon, visited for the hospitality despensed in such pro- land County. That was a matter Through the instrumentality of D. Mrs J Kelly last week. fnsion. which was within the jurisdiction of A. McArthur, assisted by the other Miss Proudfootof Fenaghvale, was the What might have proved a fatal accident the Dominion Government. Gas was occurred a wcrek ago to Vincent S McEwen County Councillors from this County, now being exported from Welland* guest of Miss Flbasy Downing on Thurs- County. of this place. While chopping in the bush the Counties’ Counoil is to build two LECLAiR & MCDONALD, day. In answer to a question by Mr. a branch of a tree, struck him on the side iron bridges in Glengarry, one over Mr and Mrs Lalonde were inPiantagenet Whitney relative to the appointment North Lancaster, Ont. on Thursday. ' rendering him unconscious recovering from the River Garry in Alexandria and of Alex. Merner as returning officer J Smith and W Sproul, purchased a hay this state be was carried home, and is now the other across the River Beaudettei for the North Waterloo bye-election, the Attorney-General explained that press. They are doing a hustling business slowly recovering from the effects of this on the boundary between Lancaster and Chaiiottenburgh Townships. an order-in-council was not necessary io,/this vicinity in that line. untoward mishap. We trust Mr McEwen for the appointment of a returning A number pf young people from St Elmo will be enabled to resume his usual work in Mr. Mc,Arthur, though stubbornly officer. At the time of the appoint- and Sandringham spent Tuesday evening in the near future as he is a universal opposed by the Western Councillors, ment there was neither a sheriff or of last wees at the home of L D Johnston. favorite in the surrounding vicinity. made a plucky and sucoessjul fight for registrar in the county and Mr. Bargains in^ what the justly deemed to be Glen- Merner was the acting registrar. The farmers institute meeting was held LANCASTER Mr. Barr moved the second read- garry’s right, and has the satisfaction in the town ball here the 30th. The chief Duncan Cameron, of Winnipeg, who was ing of his bill to amend the Public shakers were A W Pert, Burlington, home on a visit to his mother, Mrs D Cam- of knowing that should nothing uri- Schools Act, which was intended to Oat ; J L A W McMurray, Ottawa; T eron, 2nd Lancaster, returned to his west- I forseen intervene, work on the new avoid the hardship sometimes aris- Higginson, Vankieck HU|. A number of ' structures will commence in due time. ing from the circumstance that un- ern home this week. Mr Cameron is one der the present provisions of the act Fuller particulars later. Furniture ladies attended the two meetings and en- of Winnipeg's successful busines men., school district boundaries cannot bo joyed a pleasant programme. Mr John Dufresne, Junior, was united in altered for a period of five years. He ; ‘ li ':' A western paper informs us that a Miss the holy bonds of matrimony, to Miss Ada wished to have a shorter time fixed- Hon. R. Harcourt did not consider Corn married a Mr Wheat, at the wedding Villeneuve, of.South Lancaster, on Tuesday BUSINESS LOCALS. During February ceremony the choir convulsed the audience that the exceptional circumstances in St Mary’s Church, Williamstown. Rev which might sometimes render such a by singing, what will the harvest be. J Twomey performed the ceremony. For your cold take Cough Baham, 25o, change desirable called for an altera- L D Johnston was in LOrignal on Satur- James Dufresne was groomsman, while at McLeister’s drug store. tion in the general law which, as a day. Miss Emma Dufresne acted as bridesmaid. Go to H D McGillis, Glen Robertson, for rule, had worked well and proved satisfactory. It might bo better to BALTIC*S CORNERS. The happy couple havequr best wishes: all kinds of Furniture and Carpets. Full line always on hand. 28-3m have special requirements for partic- Windy weather and lots of it. Andrew R Dewar, left on Tuesday for ular localities. During February I will offer Special Beilville, where he proposes taking a bus- Record breaking garg^ins in boot?, shoes The bill was read a second time D McRae and R Dickson visit>:d friends and all furnishing lines at the clearing sale at Fasifern last week. iness and shorthand course in the Ontario and the House adjourned after sit- Bargains in Bed-room Suites, Side- going on at E McArthur, the fashionable ting for about half an hour. There Business College, of that city. ^ tailor, MaxAÜle. boards, Tables, Chairs, Springs, Mr and Mrs K McLennan sp:nt a couple were just 15 members in attendance of days in Montreal last week. Mr A S McBean, of Saranac Lake, is For an elegant bed room suite or side- when the Speaker took his seat and Mattresses, Etc. Caskets, Coffins, We regret to annoance the death this home on a visit to his family, Thorn Hill. ; board, go to G H Kemp’s. 21 when the House rose. and all undertaking supplies and week of Mrs A A Urquhart who died on Wé understand Mr MoBain intends mov- j How to keep horses healthy—feed Mo-' Asftombly Notes, prices to sûit everybody. Picture Monday morning after an illness of two ing his family to Saranac in the near ' Leister’s English Condition Powder, 25o a Premier Ross will be waited upon years. Her remains were followed to Dun<^ future. * ! lb. A blood purifying tonic—no dope. at-12.30 o’clock to-day by a deputa- Framing, Repairing a Specialty. vegan on Wednesday by a lage number of Alexander McPherson, River Raisin, sold : IF YOU WANT FUN, buy a grama- tion that will advocate the Gov- bis valuable farm to M McDonald, of Glen phone. You can get one on the easiest of ernment control of the liquor traffic. people. She leaves to mourn. h.er loss a Those on the deputation will be husband and three children. Robertson. Mr McPherson will move his i easy terms, one dollar down and one dollar per month until paid ; for the price $17 00. Rev. J. A. Macdonald, Prof. Hume, Norman Campbell visited Montreal last family to Lancaster or Williamstown. Order now from H. R. Cuddon, district Rev. Dr. Chown, Rev. Dr. Courticc, ^^=“Night Bell on Door. week. Mrs Steel, of Howick, Que, is the guest agent for the Berliner Gramaphono. Rev. P, C, Parker, Prof. Farmer, of Mrs R J McDongal, Oak Street. Aid. Urquhart, J, A, Patterson and Don’t mis the great opportunity of se- Stops the Gough Mrs Shaw, of Ridgewood, is visiting her N. W. Rowell. aud Works off tl\e Cold. ; caring a bargain in overcoats, suits bats, Tli^rty lecturers of the Ontai'io G. H. KEMP, home in Quebec City this week. r caps, furs'at the gréât clearing sale going Farmers’ Institutes started out on a V. Laxative Bromo-Q'hinine Tablets cure a Mrs L E Bailey, of Cornwall, was the ' on at F McArthur’s, the fashionable tailor, lecturing tour yesterday morhiiig. Main Street, South, cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price I Maxville, cverythi_'g goes. Alexandria, Out. 25 cents. Kaaittess 5BiMctorg. “TOILER, CANST THOU DREAMT”

LEGAL. Toiler, canst tbou dream THE HEW PROCEDURE A REIGN OF TERROR At the seam, at the plowî Higher heritage than kings I jy Vcn'-NELL & COBTELIiO Hast thou. Tailoring , BABBISTXBS) Rules to Expedite Business in Irish Tenants Paying Rent Visit- Canst thou read in star or weed, SOLIOTEOBS, l^OTABIBB PUBUO, BTC. ed by Armed Men, Answer to thy heart’s deep cryf Solicitors for Bank of Ottawa. the Imperial Commons. Gold nor gem nor love’s own crow» Alexandria, Ont. So satisfy. J. A. fiiUCDONBLZi, E.O. F. T. COBTBZiZfO. ^ Money to loan at lowest^ate on mortgage BEACON FIRES THE SIGNALS Toiler, canst thou wait. BRITAIN'S ANSWER ON THE WAY Through the storm black hour, elati^ Goodness Ruler of tliy recreant will, MÜNRO, Dominant of fate? Mr. Ralfour Canid Not Say tThat It TloUnt Notices Posted, Threatenlns ^ SoLioirdB, Death to Traitors in Roscommon—A Toiler, canst thou trust? ( . CONVETINCBB, NOTABY PUBLIC, &0. Wa. Vatu It Soaohad Its Destination From the dust stand and tell. Alexandria, Ont. at The Hazne—Colonies In Parlia- Challenge to Mr. Wjrndham to Though the tears come streaming, all— Fight the Land Question, With All is well! ment—Mr. Blako Says Bepre- —Lulu W. Mitchell in Century. l^ney to lioan at Low Bates of Interest. 5,000 or 10,000 Soldiers or V Mortgages Purchased. aontatlon Is a Seheme to Tax The quality of goodness is found in Police—O’Donnell's 3ietliod. Colonies For tho War. THE VALUE OF PAIN. my tailoring, from the first yarns wov- London, Jan. 31.—Dcspnlches re- DWABD H. TIFFANY, London, Jan. 31.—The Govern- It Calls Attention to the Fact That en in the goods, to the last stitch ceived here from Dublin contain Disease Rxists. ment loader, A. J. Balfour, in the alarming reports of the reign of ter- sewed by my tailors. When I make a House of Commons yesterday, un- ror prevailing in Roscommon County. Pain is not disease; it is a symptom BIBBISTEB, NOTABT, ETC, folded the Government scheme calling attention to the fact that dis- Tenants who are suspected of paying suit of clothes for you, rest assured for the reform of the House proce- ease exists. We do not remove the dis- rent are visited at night by armed ease by stopping the pain. that it could not be made better at Office—Over Post Office, Alexandria, Oat. dure. men, notices are posted threatening The proposals include a reduction Headaches usually ariso from disturb- the price paid. I am not boasting in death to traitors, and midnight ances in digestion, due to overeating, of the number of divisions and em- meetings are a nightly occurrence, I J^EITOH, PBINGLE * CAMEKON powering tho chair to count stand- eating freely of soft foods, too much of this, but I will prove the truth of it, the people being assembled by bea- ing members, instead of forcing them a variety at meals, etc. Fermentatioa BABBISTBBS, con fires. John O’Donnell (member of if you will only leave your order. to march through the lobbies. and decay of the foods with tho forma- SOLICITOBS IM XHB SDVBBMB CODBT, Parliament for South Mayo) is re- tion of poisons and irritants result. The NOTABIES POBUC, AC. The discussion of bills is also ported to have addressed a midnight curtailed, the powers of closure danger is reported at headquarters. The Oornwall, Ont. meeting at Fairmount, at which he thing to do is to heed the voice of the JAMES LBITCB, K.O., B. A. PSKOLB, are extended, and the authority of challenged the Chief Secretary for the chair in dealing with disorder is faithful sentinel, assist nature to get rid J. A. O. CAHKBON, L.n.B. Ireland, Mr. Wyndham, to come of the impurities generated, either by increased. into the open at the head of 5,000 For a first offence a member may washing out the stomach, drinking freely or 10,000 men, either soldiers or po- of water, fasting for a day, by vigorous JJ^AOLENNAN, OLINB & MAOLENNAN, be suspended for the day’s session; F. E. CHARRON, Alexandria. lice. If ho (Mr. Wyndham) would éxercise or eliminative baths. Recog- for a second offence ho may. be sus- BABBISTEBB, give the men of Connaught a month pended for 40 days, and a third of- nize in the pain the voice of a friend SoLiciiOBS, NOTABIBS, ETC. to prepare, Mi\ O'Donnell said he calling attention to tho fact that we fence a 'member may be suspended Cornwall, Ont. would not hesitate to declare that have done wrong and resolve never to 80 days, and be refused re-admit- çÿ? Çjjt? çjç 9^j|7 çÿ? ^ çjjç çjjt? 5^ ^ ^ çjjb îijl? «ijl?îjjl:? ^ they would meet them, even at great violate the laws of health on this point D. B. MACEENHAH, K.C. tance until he has apologized to the numerical odds, and settle the land again. In a day or so the transgressor House. 0. H.'CLISB. F. J. MAOLENNAN. question for good. would feel well and would be able to The Speaker is also empowered to keep from getting into the same or a suspend a sitting in the interests of BIG BRIDGE AT MONTREAL, worse condition by avoiding the causes. <» LEX. L. SMITH, order. This is not the way these symptoms A The Government further proposes Million Dollar Structure Over the are usually treated. Pain is looked upon two sittings daily, beginning re- as an enemy, not as the voice of a friend. St. Lawrence. <» fiarrietcr Solicitor, Ac., spectively at 2 p.m. and 9 a.m. The sick one goes to a physician and de- IF A SUIT Another proposal gives all tho after- New York, Jan. 31.—Negotiations mands something that will stupefy or MoPhee's Block,'. Alexandria, Ont noon, besides some evenings, to Gov- have almost been completed in this paralyze the nerves—the pain must stop ernment business. city and in Canada for a bridge at once. He is given an opiate; the pain across the St. Lawrence River at stops; the food still keeps on decaying J CLARK BROWN, Auwer on the Way. Montreal, which is to be one of the in the stomach; he imagines he is well. Mr. Balfour also said that, as the largest of its class in the world. The The disease still exists; the symptom Does not give satisfaotion there’s bat little consolation to ;oa in the fact that BABRISTBB. SOLIOITOB, ’reply of the British Government to bridge is the Royal Albert bridge alone has been removed. The faithful the communication of the Govern- sentinel has been knocked down. The it was made by a tailor having a good NOTABY, ETO. from Montreal to Longueuil. repntation. The point we wish to im- ment of tho Netherlands on the sub- Tho estimated cost of the bridge, means of telegraphic communication to ject of the South African war would press upon yon is that WE guarantee ’ WILLIAMSTOWN, ONT. with its terminals, is §10,000,000. headquarters have been severed. The en- satisfaction with every garment ordered not reach The Hague until Jan. 31, The total length of the bridge is to emy has his own way and is able to go it was impossible for His Majesty’s from ns. I. MÂCDONELL, be 8,800 feet. The main span, a can- ahead undisturbed in his destructive Government to give tho House tho work. The watchers are asleep under an À. tilever, which .will be the largest of Gome and see oar line of Heavy Bait- papers this week. anæstbetic or opiate. The enemy enters ' BABBIBTBB, its kind on tho continent, will be ings and Nobby Overcoatings. No Colonial B.proientatioo. 1,260 feet long. The height of the the camp. Poisons that are generated Solicitor, Conveyancer, Commissioner, Etc. in the stomach through errors in diet bridge above water will be about It will pay yon to place yonr order ' y.'- An amendment to the address in overwork and irritate the liver, the lungs Office—Court House, Cernwall. reply to tho Speech from the Throne, 150 feet and its width 83 feet, di- now for a Fur Lined Overcoat. vided as follows: A double-track elec- and kidneys, through which they are Collections promptly attended to. 4S moved by Louis Sinclair (Conserva- eliminated, and finally result in Bright's tive) was debated. The amendment tric railway, a double highway and two sidewalks. The weight of steel in disease, or the lungs, being weakened, «> urged a redistribution of tho electoi-- ai*e not able to resist the germs of dis- 4S MEDICAL. al system, admitting representatives the structure will be about 74,000,- ease that are inhaled. He falls a victim of Canada, Australia and other col- 000 pounds, and there will be 90,- to tuberculosis and is now in a serious* onies. 000 cubic yards of masonry. L. MCDONALD, M.D. if not an incurable, condition. The Right Hon. Sir Charles Dilke The only safe way is to study the hu* J. A. SAURIOL, «> (Liberal) declared that the prepon- ipiNEMAN FAl'ALLY SHOCKED. man body and become familiar with the Alexandria, Ont. derance of opinion in Australia was laws upon which health, happiness and The Fashionable Tailor, Cornwall against representation in the Imper- ISodr Huas For Fifteen Minutes Over life depend. Prevent pains, woe and «> Office and Besidence—Kenyon street: ial Parliament. spark Street, Ottawa. sickness by avoiding their causes. Edward Blake (Nationalist) adroit- Ottawa, Jan. 31.—In full view of JJOWES A FITZPATBICK, DENTISTS. ly suggested that the whole scheme hundreds of citizens on Sparks St. for colonial representation was to be Metropolitan Stdellsriits* . - Head Office—Vankleek Hill. yesterday afternoon, the lifeless bo- explained by a desire to compel the dy of James Osmonde, a lineman of In speaking of the features of city life colonies to relieve the United King- the Ottawa Electric Company, dan- that are incomprehensible to country peo- "•"i b»i|tn Maxville twice dom of a large share of the cost of ple a successful publisher said: ^ Tjdpn* h. gled from tho wire# on a pole 60 “An apartment house which contains the South African war. feet from the ground. He had been Tho amendment was of course de- ten or more families stands next to my doing repair work, which necessitat- house. The cheapest apartments in it MAXVILLE MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. feated. ^ ed the cutting of a live wire. He rent for $2,5(X) a year. A man who can incautiously grasped the wire with Manufacturers and dealers'iù ' '' - OENélST, afford to pay $2,500 a year rent should .GARBLE wnORANITE SIR JOHN CENSURED his hand, and received a shock of ALBXANDBIA, OMT. have an income of at least $10,000, and Ail kinds of forei^ and domeatio over 3,000 volts, which killed him the presumption is that his income is Marble and Granite. We make a Graduate of Philadelphia Dental College an^ instantly. His hands were burned the R.C.D.S. of Ontario. Althoush Horse Dealers Had a Profit of more than that. I am familiar with iVlMMENTS.4è. specialty in Granite, because of its OFFXCS : In residence South Main St., (the S7B iu Each Horse. to a crisp. The fingers fell to the New York names and yet when I had aa superior qualities to all other stone house recently occupied by J. J. McIntosh. sidewalk. It was fully a quarter of opportunity to look over the list of names London, Jan. 31.—The report of at exceptionally low prices consist- PAINLBBSS EXTRACTION. an hour after the man's death when the Parliamentary Committee ap- of men who lived in this apartment house ent with good work. We operate the body was taken down. Os- there was not one on the list with which our own plant within ourselves, pointed to investigate the charges monde was 38 years old, and leaves I was familiar. I never had heard of any therefore saving the customer high R. MORROW, of bribery and corruption made by D a wife, but no children. He had of them. Here were ten men who lived salaries and commissions. All DENTIST. Sir John Blundell Maple (Conserva- Graduate of Ontario College of Dentistry. been a lineman for eight years, and next door to me, each of them having an work guaranteed. Thanking the tive), against the British officers belonged to the Salvation Army. income that would mean wealth in the public for past patronage and Office and residence : MaxTille, Ont. who purchased army horses in Aus- 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month in country, and none of them was known to solicit a continuance of the same. AVONMORB tria-Hungary, censures Sir John COLUNGtTOOD DRY DOCK. me. It is by such sidelights as this that Everything op to-date. Fencing for unjustifiable attacks on the in- one may get an idea of the wealth of this a specialty. Sod and 4th Tuesdays of each month in F*reeutss:« of Aisistanco Payable by Gov- MOOSE GREEK tegrity of the officers. city." At the same time, however, the ernm«nt Settlocl Thursday Slornioff, committee finds that an excessive W. «.DADLEY, BAKER, B.A., U.D., Ottawa, Jan. 31.—Mr. J. T. The Heron Nests High* Manager. J." price was paid, whereby horse deal- Long of Colliogwood had an inter- Heron colonies are rare enough to ex- ers were enabled to divide a profit view with Hon. J. Israel Tarte yes- cite interest in their location and the pe- of about £15 in the case of each Dalhousle Mills, terday morning, when the agree- culiarities of the nest building of these horse on animals which cost the con- ment determining the percentage of birds. They live and rear their young tractors only £12 to £17. assistance payable by the Govern- year after year at the same place, unless Ontario. The committee also expresses sur- ment to the Collingwood Dry-dock some catastrophe in bird life or the in- prise at the fact that the Govern- Company for the construction of trusion of unwelcome residents cause ment remount department took no new dry-docks, in accordance with them to move. MISCELLANEOUS. steps to ascertain the best sources of the terms of the Parliamentary ap- There are three known heron colonies You Will supply in Hungary until the South propriation, was signed. The Col- in New England. One of them is on the African war had been in progress for lingwood dry-dock is to be one of plantation just to the north of Sebec lake. ^EOROB HBABNDEN Be Happy six months, thèreby involving tho the largest and most important on On a point of land reaching out into the country in a loss of £12,000 on a the lakes, and will accommodate pond is a growth of tall silver birches, and there are at least one hundred nests IssHBB or MABBIASB LIOEHSBS, single contract. •tcamers of the heaviest tonnage ev- and er yet floated, on either the Cana- in the tops of those trees. The trees are Alexandria, Ontario tall,-without limbs for forty feet or more Contented COL. DUMOULIN RILLED. dian or American side. It will be from the ground. It is a well known fact 530 feet in length by 78 feet in that herons never build a nest in a tree BrKisIx Lose Nine Men In Engacement at width, and will be completed by the Kyou y^IYEBY STABLE, with limbs much less than forty feet from Abraham's Kraal. •pring of 1903. the earth. The nests are constructed from small sticks. The nest is at least Get a London, Jan. 31.—The War Office’s TAPS FROM THE WIRES. Stables—St. Catherine St. East. casualty list, issued last night,shows two feet across. that in a hitherto reported engage- “Model" Gilbert Parker, M.P., sailed for Rear of Qrand Union Hotel. ment at Abraham’s Kraal, near Kof- HU Candid Opinion* London Thursday. A young man contemplating matrimo- fyfontein. Orange River Colony, Jan. At Washington the House on Gasoline BOH. MCMICIIIAB, ■ T • Proprietor 28, Col. L. K. Dumoulin of the Sus- nial felicity took his fair Intended to the sex Regiment and eight men were Thursdf^y passed the bill for the cre- home of his parents that she might be ation pif % permanent census bur- introduced to the old folks. Engine killed and seven men were wounded. eau.' , DONONALD J.MAODQNELL. f Death of Trooper Smith. “This is my future wife,” said tho P. ij, Ij^plpomb, a ropeman, was young man, proudly turning to pater- J Ottawa, Jan. 31.—^The Militia Dé- killed afternoon in the familias, who was a canny Scot. “Now, To run your farm machinery. It can be run by any- LIOBKSBD AuonONESB, partaient has been advised by tele- main Eagle Mine at father, tell me candidly what you think ^ one of ordinary intelligence, and you have no trouble ÿ gram from Halifax that Trooper A. RosslaïidV* lîv C. of her.” with coal, wood, ashes, water or steam, dust, dirt or Alexandria, Ont. .Smith of the Canadian Mounted Rif- At lyatertille, Qu^., fire broke out The old man eyed the blushing bride smoke. It will thresh, grind, out wood and corn and les, died In the hospital there yes- ThursdjÇiy ÿprnlng in the iron bed- elect critically for fully two minutes, then run a oream separator. Made by terday. Ho belonged to Calgary, N. steads Ojjvd, spring factory belonging answered with deliberation, “Well, John, A. MoDOUGALL, W.T., and soon after arrival in Hali- to George;; & Sons. and within ^1 can only say you have shown much bet- A. fax was pronounced medically unfit an hour all was in ruins. The loss ter taste than she has."—London Tit- for service. Is estimated to be $100,000, and Bits. U The Goldie & McGolloch Go., Limited. 1 LIOBMSED ACCIIOBBEB, 125 employes are thrown out of Uaolialned* Dr. MoEachran Has Bosisrnod. work. ^ D. P. J. TOBIN, Agt., Lancaster. 3 Maxville, Ont An English alderman of one of the new Ottawa, Jan. 31.—The Chief Do- Write for prices. ÿ Saf«enfir(Iii on Immigration. boroughs in the provinces, meeting a minion Veterinary Inspector, Dr. D. friend who occupied a similar position of McEachran of Montreal, who has London, Jan. 31.—After a dis* dignity and usefulness In a neighboring been connected with the Agricultural cussion in tho House of Commons district, said; J.W.WEEGflR,MflXViLLE,ONT. yesterday on the evils of ; Real Estate, Insorance and Financial Department for some years, has re- “YVe have provided our mayor with a Agent. signed, and the resignation has been unrestricted alien immigration, splendid chain. "What are you doing for the president of the Board of Trade, General Conveyancer, Appraiser, &o. accepted by the Minister of Agricul- yours?" ture. Dr. R. G. Rutherford of Port- Gerald Balfour, promised tho ap- “Oh," replied his friend, “we are go- Commissioner in the High Court of Justice. age la Prairie has been appointed in pointment of a Qommission of in- ing to let our bounder run loose.” READ AND THINK. MONEY TO LOAN. his stead. Tho Miniiter wants the Qiiiry, with a view to the introduc- chief inspector to reside in Montreal, tion of drastic legislation necessary Money Talks. but this Dr. McBachran’s private af- affectively to deal with the acknow- Justice—Will you swear that you saw Men’s Cordiiroy Suits fairs prevent. ledged evils. the accused smoking a cigarette? Coffins, Witness—I don’t swear, your honor, Dropped Dead in Montreal. Regular price, $11.50, reduced to $7. Ladies’ Jackets, $7.50, reduced to Oflicen Matt Stadr Franch* but I’ll bet you $10 to $5 that he was. $4.50. Ladies’ Jackets, $5.50, reduced to $3.25. These are samples of Caskets, Montreal, • Jan. 31.r-Mr. Eusebo Ottawa, Jan. 11.—"An officer on the bargains we are offering at our Great Clearing Sale. Prices cut in ?>eneai), head of the firm of Eusebe, every line. Goods must go to make room for Spring Stock. appointment to a unit of the per- S(!j'»cah& Co., printers and publish- Undertaking manent corps," says a militia order As the queen bee does little or no out- just issued, "will in future be ex- sr” of 73 Kt. vînmes street, dropped door work and is seldom killed by viol- k'jH ’ yostcicliî.v shortly before one Bargains in Everything. Sunplies pected to apply himself to the study ence, as are the drones, she usually Uvea •‘.U: oM’Osite. the Montreal Bank to a good old age. Hearse Service of the French language, and will be frt, Janies street. ^Phe deceased Oar prices and values in Boots and Shoes will surprise you. Gall and required, at the expiration of twelve down to bvisinoKs in the morn- see our goods and prices. FREE. months, to be able to pass a- satis- Some naturalists say that no insects factory colloquial examin^.tion. in the tlie usual hour, and di'i> aot except the silkwom feed upon the leaves ...UJain of feeling unwell. J. Htïople, - Maxville. language. " E. McARTHÜR, The îfashionablé Tailoï,. Maxville Lib. Con In Toronto, where a system of purchas- connemnea to uo ccsiroyocl wa^s 2Ô,- THE NEWS 1898 maj. maj. ing by the School Board is in vogue, the 965; the number actual!y <;e.stroycd Inspector’s report for 1900 says : was 17,788. while the number con- Is Published East Wellington 308 “The cost per pupil for text books on the demned but not dc.stroyccl was 3,177. LOGS! South Ontario 156 Mr. James Hutchison of Niagara basis of average monthly attendance, EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Lennox 108 Township wa.s the heaviest individual omitting kindergarten pupils, was 8^ cents. Halton 161 loser. 2,0.31 trees in his orchard hav*- —^at— The cost on the basis of total enrolment, ing to go, while a considerable num- West Huron 45 Wanted. ' omittingkindergarten pupils, was 7f cents.” ber of other fruit growers in the East Northumberland 576 “THE NEWS” PRINTING OFFICE In some States in the Union the free same township lost from 1,000 to Nipissing 781 2,000 trees. That township was the Main St., Alexandria, Ont. text book system has been adopted as in Highest price paid for Basswood, ^ j North Hasting . 255 most severely affected, the next worst Toronto and other Ontario cities. The locality being in the immediate vic- Ash, Hemlock, Pine, &c. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION—$1.00 per year, 1899 figures for Toronto are as above. For a inity of St. Catharines. 1.000 cords Cedar. if paid in advance, or within 3 months West Elgin 221 from beginning of year ; $l.2o per year, if number of States they are as follows : MUNICIPAL WORLD. 5.000 Fence Posts—9 ft long. South Perth 7 W. J. Dcruchie, who was elected not so paid. Illinois $1.25 Swell Dressers Appreciate 6 in. and up at tflp. ADVERTISING RATES—Transient advertise- North Waterloo 119 Mayor of Cornwall, Ont., by a ma- The latest domestic finish we / Rhode Island 1-13 3.000 Piles, 20 ft. long and up,^ ments, 10 cents per Nonpareil line for first South Brant 417 jority of 7 votes, at the municipal put on collars, cuffs and shirts. New Hampshire -60 8 in. at small end, in Tamarac,?^ insertion, 3 ce^ts per line for each snbse- East Elgin 43 election, has resigned. Other laundries try to imitate qnent insertion. Delaware 40 In the Montreal Mayoralty elec- oar work and actually claim to Spruce, Rock Blm or Hemlock. | West Elgin 17 CONTRACT BATES—The following table Maryland 48 tions Mr. James Cochrane was elect- do just as good, bat utterly fail. 200 cords White Ash Bolts, cut^‘ shows our rates for the insertion of adver- South Ontario 322 ed, polling 12,978 votes against We have the help who know Maine 46 4 ft. long. tisements for specified periods. West Peterborough acc. 11^075 recorded for Mr. R. Wilson- how to do the best- work. Drop Advertisements, without specified direc- Missouri (rural) 1-00 us a postal card and we will call 4.000 Telephone Poles, 25 feet South Renfrew 314 Smith. tions, will be inserted till forbid, and charg- Missouri (urban) 1-40 Action towards establishing a beet for your package. and up, 6 in. at small end. East Middlesex . 43 ed accordingly. Transient advertisements New Jersey 92 sugar factory has been taken at a 500 cords heading, cut 4 ft. long, must be paid in advance. 1900 MRS. H. AUBRY, t Pennsylvania 1-04 Board of Trade meeting in Whitby. soft and hard wood. Advertisements will be changed twice North Renfrew aoo. A committee for the purpose of or- Alexandria Hand Laundry. each months, if desired. For changes North Waterloo acc. Boston 90 ganizing a companv of $500,000 ca- oftener than twice a month, the composi- Trenton, N.J 35 pital stock was appointed. Sawing Custom Shingles tion must be paid for at regular rates. Welland 262 Philadelphia 1.04 CRI3UC AND crUMJNALS Changes for contract advertisements 1901 A SPECIALTY. mast be m the Office by noon on Tuesdays. London 1655 Hamilton, Ont -33 At Frankfort, Ky., the jury in the Do., excluding fifth form .29 case of Jim Howard, on trial for the BPAOB. 1 1YB. I 6 MO. | 3 MO. \ 1 MO. Wes£ Huron 295 We also grind provender and Brantford, Ont -23 assassination of W’illiam Goebel, re- East Kent acc. turned a verdict Thursday of guilty guarantee good work. 90 inches... «60.00 $35.00 $20.00 «7.00 Figures talk, especially in a case like lO inches.. 35.00 20.00 12.00 6.00 Conservatives are welcome to all the against the prisoner, and fixed his 6 inches.. 28X0 12.00 7.00 3.00 this, where they may be easily verified.— punishment at life imprisonment. 1 inch...... 6.00 3X0 2.00 l.X) comfort they can extract from the above Headaclies Toronto Star. Charles McCarthy, who i* al- A. G. F. MACDONALD, facts. Of coarse they may be thankful leged to have stolen the sum of Editor and Manager are invariably caused by that they did not all go Liberal. $300 from his former employers, the defective eyesight. If you Port Hope Brewii^ & Malting Co., Smitli & HcLennan, are subject to them and find 4 150 Simcoe street’ was arrested in no relief in medicine, have Greenfield, Oat. Friday* Jan, 31, 1902. ^ People in the Southern States are deeply Sarnia Sunday afternoon by the your eyes examined by police of that city. ooDoerned in an agitation, which has for EPIDEMICS. JOHN McLEISTER, THINGS IN GENERAL. its object, the prohibition of the presenta- Important Events in Few Vi/orda There is an outbi'eak of diphtheria For Busy Readers. and scarlet fever reported from Mag- Drag(?iat and Optician, tion of the ever popular play “Uncle Tom’s nctawan, Parry Sound. There have That great financial critic, Mr. Matheson, Cabin.” They claim that the depicting of been 80 cases of the latter disease Alexandria, Ont. The llnsy World’s Happeninsrs Carefully and about 10 deaths. of the Ontario Opposition, is rported to the several characters tend to convey an Compiled and Pat Into Handy and Miss Toller, a daughter of Col. have said in the course of his speech on the Toller, Ottawa, who has been vis- erroDOUS impression to the spectators—a Attractive Shape For the Readers budget that in 1871 “the government un- iting in Brockvillc lately, was plac- picture that is not up-to-date. of Our Paper—A Solid Hour’s Enjoy- ed in the isolation hospital in that dertook to develop the province, and they As regards the latter, we quite agree ment in Paragraphs. town on Saturday, a victim to smallpox. The greatest alarm pre- had not discovered New Ontario until with them. To have a tine represen- DNCLA6SXF1BP vails in the different homes she has 1901.’* Better have kept to the renowned tation of the manner in which blacks are Gilbert Parker, M.P., sailed for recently visited. J. ROBERTSON. Sandfield “surplus” or at least have re- London Thursday. FOR BIEN OF WAR. treated by the whites, in the Southern The Provincial Secretary has can- called the fact that it was only a few years The Chinese Emperor has ordered States, it would be necessary to have a celled the charter of the Plattsvillo Admiral Yeh to organize a naval Milling Company. ago, after long fighting against the grasp- stake, a chain, dry wood, coal oil, a match, college at Che Foo, and to engage Plain and Fancy Bread ing designs of the Conservative Govern- Premier and Mrs. Ross will attend Rear Admiral Lord Charles Bercs- a darkey, a mob of white fiends, in the first King Edward’s coronation in Lon- ford to act as naval instructor at Baker and Confectioner. ment, that the province obtained the don this year. They go at the in- act, while the second would include unheard the college. Graduates of the CORNWALL extension of its boundaries. Had theplans vitation of the British Colonial Of- The 21st Regiment Essex Fusiliers’ of mutilations, with the darky as the cen- fice. new $50,000 armory was officially COMMERCIAL COLLEGE and of the party Mr Matheson represents tral figure. By all means modernize the The sum of nearly three million opened at Windsor on Thursday - Cream Bread a Specialty SHORTHAND SCHOOL are al- kroner was sent by postal orders night with much eclat by a grand succeeded, there would have been no “New play. ways in demand and secure from persons, in the United States to public reception, at which there were A large variety of Ontario” for the Liberal Government to friends in Norway during the year about 700 people in attendance. good positions just as fast as “discoven”—St* Thomas Journal. 1901. SUICIDES. Chocolate and Prof. Ellis, as a result of his ex- Former Village President Caleb W. Cream Candies, Biscuits they can qualify for them. We learn from a report made by the amination of the stomachs of cat- Mitchell committed suicide Wednes- and Cakes on hand. No vacation ; you can enter Provincial Medical Health Inspector that tfe which died suddenly in Waterloo day at Saratoga, N.Y. He is the Under the Laarier administration Can- any time you wish. .Write County, reports that no traces of fifth member of the family to com- smallpox is dying oat in the Ottawa Valley ada’s trade is Increased thus : poison ^were found. mit suicide. Best Strong Baker’s for free catalogue. and, in fact, the whole of Eastern Ontario. Hon. Richard Harcourt spoke on Wm. Gray, a Toronto laborer,took Total Trade. Friday night at the formal opening Flour for sale at This announcement, which is highly rough-on-rats on Saturd jy afternoon 1897 $257,168,862 of the new St. Patrick’s Hall, Ot- and died at St. Michael’s Hospi- lowest price. Address, 1898...... V 305,475.736 pleasing intelligence, has only been render- tawa. He eschewed politics, and made tal the same evemng. He had been 1899. 321,661,213 a strong plea for higher education. out of employment for some time. ed possible by the intelligent and unceasing THE DEAD. 1900 ...... 891,517,286 Radeliffe College girls at Boston vigilance of the several Boards of Health are raising money to buy _ a one Ben Fletcher, traveling passenger GORNWALLGOMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 1901 886,903,157 and the Medical Health Officers. hundred and twenty-five dollar dog agent for the Grand Trunk Railway, No other country çan show a proportion- for Helen ICeller, the clever doaf, died at Detroit on Friday from the Alexandria Bakery Cornwall, Ont. Here in Glengarry, for a considerable effects of a stroke of paralysis, aged ate increase. dumb and blind girl. The dog has length of time, it appeared as though every become attached to her and she to 50 ybars. ^ him. The death is announced 4>f Alexan- one who came to visit friends, brought The action of Miss Annie Wooster der C. Hc*nry, general passenger Trnstees of rural schools in Manitoba with them a dose of smallpox, as a free against the Puritan Laundry was agent of the C.P.R., aged 52. Mr. are baying considerable^ difficulty in getting concluded in the Toronto Civil As- Henry succumbed at Montreal on will offering. And as a further evidence of sizes Wednesday evening, when the Sunday night to an operation for teachers. One of the principal causes of their magnanimity, they did not fail to jury returned a verdict for $2,000 appendicitis. damages in favor of the plaintiff, POLITICS-FOREIGN. this is said to be the emaUness of the attend every gathering for miles around, so who had her hand crushed on Aug. 7 At Washington the House on KARN PIA^08^-. salaries paid. Commenting on this the that none could complain of being overlook- in the machine.* Thursday passed the bill for the cre- Winnipeg Tribune says :— ed in the dispensing of their hospitality. Sharp frosts and heavy snows are ation of a permanent census bur- efreatly impeding traffic and work eau. “That they are small is clear from the Notwithstanding these adverse circumstan- in the United Kingdom, and are caus- RELIGIOUS WORLD. Possess a Depth and Richness t. fact that so few men remain in the pro- ces the several Boards of Health and ing many casualties. Cross-charmcb- Rev. Dr. Giiant has ordered an traffic is interrupted on account of organ for the Presbyterian church fession ; they can do better at something Medical Health officers in this County have a blinding snowstorm, and thousands at Dawson. It is to cost $1,600. of Tone not found in Pianos of 4 else, something, perhaps, for which the worked in entire harmony and by this of workmen employed at the ship- THE SOCIETIES. building yards, are idle. At Montreal the Grand Board, of qualifications are not so high as for a good any other make. It is this peer- ^ means have earned for themselves the In the report of the Inspector of trustees of the C.M.B.A. of Canada teacher, nor the service rendered so valu- thanks of the people in general. Division Courts, which has not yet met Saturday. less tone which places the ^ able. Thirty-five dollars a month has been been completed, the inspector refers to the different changes made in the a common salary, bat it may safely be said DOWAGER EMPRESS WEPT. COST OF SCHOOL BOOKS. Division Court clerks during the that no one who is not worth mors than year, and adds that the time has Expressed Sorrow on Account of the “KARN” I come when Division Court clerks and Occurrences in Pektn—The Dowager that is fit to be in charge of a school at all. bailiffs should haVe securities with It is true that many good teachers have If Mr Matheson, Mr Whitney, and their guarantee companies, instead of pri- Empress’ Speech. t supporters have any just ground for com vate persons. The judgment sum- in a class by itself and inspires # accepted that, and it is true that even if Pekin, Feb. 2.—The Dowager Em- plaint that the cost of text books in On- mohs way of collecting debts, the re- press, the Emperor and the Empress the reverence with which the the minimum salary paid were higher, tario is exhorbitant, they are entitled to port says. Is considered by many to received the ladie.s and children of be a poor one, and that a better the members of diplomatic corps yes- unfit persons would find their way in. But public attention, for we have nearly half a method should be adopted. terday in the private apartments of artistic musical world regards it. teachers who are worth more should be million school children whose little purses CARCALTiaS. the palace. Mrs. Conger, wife of paid more, and the higher the salaries paid and the pocketbooks of their parents are P. B. Holcomb, a ropeman, was United States Minister Conger, as entitled to all tbo protection possible. But killed Thursday afternoon in the Doyenoss of the diplomatic corps, tbs more good teachers will stay in the is there any ground for complaint ? Here niain shaft of the War Eagle Mine at and the Dowager Empress, exchanged ^ The D. W. KARN Co., Limited, f profession, the more the standard of is the full list of the text books In use in Rossland, B. C. speeches. Miss Craig of Argyle street, Syd- The Dowager’s reply was exceeding- of admission can be raised, the fewer will the Public schools of the Province, with the ney, N-S., received injuries in a ly friendly in tone. It was in part 197 Sparks St., Ottawa, Ont. be the number of any given schools draw- retail prices, and our readers will be able runaway accident Friday afternoon as follows: "Last year the clissen.sions in the ing a blank in the application lottery.” to judge for themselves whether they look from which she died late the same exhorbitant : night. A runaway team knocked her palace caused a revolution, which down and injured her internally. compelled our hasty departure; but it First Reader, part 1 10 cents. John Curry of Bristol’s Corners, is a great, gratification to us that our There is much sound sense in the asser- First Reader, part II. 15 “ near Ottawa, an eccentric English- return to the capital has caused such tion that many ot the crimes ^mmitted in Second Reader 20 “ man, was found frozen to death in a rejoicing in China and abroad." Third Reader 30 “ shod at the Quayon on Thursday. He The visitors afterwards were enter- the United States, are due to the national tained at a banquet, during which Fourth Reader 40 “■ was originally an electrician, bub habit of carrying lire arms. Man was was well known as a maker of wire ihe Dowager Empress and the Em- High School Reader 50 “ baskets. I-eror mingled informally with their never intended to act the part of a walking Arithmetic 25 “ The bodies of Ray Trotochand and guests. The Dowager Empress grasp- arsenal. And one of the most pernicious Algebra and Euclid. 26 “ James Williams of Sarnia, Ont., and ed Mrs. Conger's hand, wept copious- Geography 76 “ Daniel Higgins of Cleveland, who ly. and in brokTçn words expressed the beliefs to inculcate id young men and boys sorrow which she felt on account of Grammar 25 “ lost their lives in the crib disaster is that a “fire stick” is to be recognized as at Cleveland, O., last summer, ha\c the occurrences during the siege of History of Englandand Canada 30 “ been recovered. There are now no the legations. Magnificent jeweled the great equalizer. British or Canadian History of Canada (for . fifth « more bodies in the Waterworks Tun- bracelets, rings and other souvenirs law does not invite the rising generation to form) 50 “ nel. were presented to the visitors. That is what has belfc made Drawing Course (five numbers) 25 “ THE FIUE RECORD- in the prices of all lines of look upon him who can draw a gun quickest BIIS9 COR.4 SWAYZIE KILLED. Physiology and Temperance... 25 “ A fire In the Calian Lodging House and shoot with most deadly effect, as goods carried iu stock. Copy Books (seven) 52 “ at Boston on Wednesday caus^ Ensitie of St. Thomas Train Struck Her worthy of imitation or emulation. ed the death of ten per- iu Londou on Saturday. Practical Speller 25 “ sons, while three were badly injured The possession of a revolver engenders a Book-keeping 25 “ by jumping from windows. London, Ont., Feb. 3.—A terrible feeling of recklessness entirely foreign and Agriculture 30 “ l'hcrc wa.s a .serious fire Wednesday accident occurred about 10 o’clock nit..ht at the premises of J. M. Ham- Saturday evening at the Maitland Stocktaking time contrary to the spirit which prompts a due Total cost $5.77 iKon & Sons, wholesale milliners, street crossing of the Michigan Cen- traJ, in which Miss Cora Swayzie of observance to law. This if allowed to go Any pupul can complete the Public Toronto. The building was badly damaged, and the contents will, it is this city lost her life. The young oochecked is sure to end disastrously. school coarse without purchasing a single helicved, be a total loss. They were lady is said to have stepped from a is here and our cut prices rule, Obedience to law is the best safe guard to text book outside of the foregoing list. If worth some $30,000. street car to return to her home a giving you tangible saving, it takes ten years to complete the Public At Watorville, Que., fire broke out short distance north, at the corner possess. of Maitland and York streets, and that your eyes can see and school coarse, the average cost per annum Thursday morning in the ii'on bed- .steads.and spring factory belonging* had to cross the tracks at this your fingers grasp. per pupil for text books would be less than point. She appears to have not Conservatives appears to find much to George Gale & Sons, and within 68 cents, and this allows each pupil to an hour all was in rufns. The loss noticed this 10 o'clock train from satisfaction, if not consolation, in the state purchase a full set, wbjle as a matter of is estimated to be $100,000, and St. Thomas, which was approaching the crossing, and when fairly be- ment that “Ross has been gradually grow- fact books often Serve several mombcr& of 125 employes are thrown out of the same family. A calculation from the work- tween the rails was struck with ter- ing weaker in Ontario since the last general AGRICULTURAL WORLD^ rible force. One leg was taken off number of text books issued by the pub- election.” This is not borne out by faot, A return asked for by Dr. .lessop, and her ai*m badly crushed. With lishers in the past three years and the which has been presented to the Leg- the other internal injuries it proved for we find that since the elections in 1898, JOHN N. McCRIMMON, Sj average annual enrolment of pupils over islature, shows the seriousness of the fallal, the young lady dying early there have beens25 bye-decUons, resulting .the Province, places this annual average onlbroak of the San Jose * scale yesterday morning. She was about 21 ycArs of Rijb': Laggan, Ont. as follows. cost per pupil at a little more than 2Icent8. among the fruit trees of Lincoln County. T.';e. tb^tal .’iU‘.ub*-^r water’s mother, .who is a widow, lives at Baddeck, N. S. He served in South Africa with the first contin- T ODI milEi riSHE Rain and sweat gent. hayo BO efTect on harness treated To-Cansiderthe Dutch South Af- There ^Tas No Mutiny. with Bureka Har- Great Ottawa, Jan. 30.—General O’Gra- Amerioans Take Great Quantities ness OU. It frican Peace Overtures. sifts the dasQpp dy-Haly, before the departure of the of Our Cod and Haiibut. keeps theleath- Mounted Rifles on the Victorian, re- cr soft aad pli- « Clearing able. Sdtehea , M ,\ Great Stir Atnoiif: l>Jplomate at Th« ceived a telegram from Lieut.-Col. Evans, stating that the story sent do not break. Ha8rne->-l>r. Lejds Still Uncomprom* Canada Belnfi: Creed to Take Action on No rongh sur- Sale of out from Halifax of a mutiny among the North Pacific Gronnd!—That Sec- face to chafe i«lDa'~Tbe Earepean Transvaal Affeiit the troops was a pure fabrication. aad cut. The | tion of the Sed Between VaneonTer harness not Says narcbers Vlanc Ho Peace Save only keeps •oua^iika ^ \' ea Their OTVH Terms-'Daich Chamber THE LEGISLATURE. leland and the Qaecn Charlottes Be- Discusses Seiaure of Ambulance. long! to the Dominion and Shonld Be wears twice as Iona by the I Summary of the Mouse Proceedlnce For Kept For Use of Oar Own People. Paris, Fob. 3.—The Liberté affirms use of Eureka Tfeek Ending: Feb. l^The Debate Harness OUa Stoves that it hears from an absolutely Vancouver, Feb. 3.—Prof. E. E. trustworthy source that Germany on the Budffet. Prince, chief of tho Bureau of Fish- has advised Great Britain in the Toronto, Jan. 27.—In the I.egisla- eries in the Dominion Government, Sold most pressing manner to consider the tive Assembly to-day Hon. O. W. and several. members of Parliament «yerjrwhere South African peace overtures of Dr. Ross stilted that the total amount are in Vancouver seeking information Kuyper. with regard to northern fisheries. The A on deposit in the banks to the credit Made by Now Great !1 veyance of children to school in ur- gorously that he and his brother did 1 was Informed by Dr. LQfds that the from other points. Tickets ban municipalities and also to en- not murder Grocer Thomas Kahney I; Boers had applied to the Dutch and able several school sections in close good going February 3rd, Characterizes our cus- ether governments to use their good » of Mount Washington. The two proximity to each other to unite so brothers were practically sho.t to good for return until Febru- offices to end the horrors of the as to form a grade School.- Mr. Fal- war. Dr. Licyds added, however, in pieces in tho fight Friday between tomers. V lis (East Durhomi introduced a bill them and the Pittsburg detectives. ary i2th, 1902. th|é event of mediation b.y Holland, to amend the Public School Act, the Boers would relinquish their Mrs. Soffel, the wife of the jail which gives power to rural school warden of the Alleghany County F. KERR, Ù claim to .absolute independence ..was boards , to borrow money under a Why? ;/ incorrect. Dri Leyds declared the jail in Pittsburg, and the woman Agent, Alexandria sealed hote for other purposes as who, infatuated with Edward Biddle, situation in South Africa to be more well as salaries. Mr. Maedainuid hopeful and favorable for the Boers gave the brothers the saws and re- Because every cent’s (W- t Elgin) Introduced a bill to re- volvers with which they affected than ever, and said it would bo an pei.- that section of the Assessment . egTCffious error to conclude that the their escape, is in a very dangerous EXECUTOR’S worth of merchandise for Act which relates to the poll tax. condition, though it is believed she burghera Wanted peace save on their Mr. Smith (Peel) introduced an act ' • owu^.terins. will recover. She 1ms developed NOTICE TO CREDITORS sale here is fortified by to amend the Municipal Act. Mr. symptoms of pneumonia alter hav- to amend the Mnulclpal Act. The ing come safely through aa opera, SEIZURE OP AMBULANCE. quality. budget debate was then resumed by tion for the extraction of the. bul- In the Estate of DUNCAN MoDONELL, late Dr. Barr (Dufferln) and continued by let. of the Township of Kenyon, in the County of Botch Chamber Bl.oas.es th. Qu.stioa, Mr. Hislop '(East Huron),. Mr. Beat- Glengarry, Yeoman, deceased. Bat Doc. Nethinff. Saturday afternoon the Biddle Notice IS hereby given in pursuance of the Take advantage of our ty (Leed.s), Mr. Pottjrpiece (East brothers asked to be allowed to see Revised Statutes of Ontario 1897. chapter 129. London, Feb. 8.—The Brussels Lambton), Mr. Duff (West Simcoe), each other, and John was carried section 88 and Amending Acts, that all arsons prices while we are clear- tv; Mr. Russell (East Hastings), and having claims gainst the Estate of Duncan correspondent of The Times says to Ed ’s cell. The two brothers McDonell who died on or about the fifteenth the debate in the Dutch Chamber Afr. Lucas (Centro Grey) moved ad- first put their arms about each oth- day of December,.1901, are required to send by ing out our Friday was mainjy devoted , to the journment of debaite. . er’s neck and kissed each other ;while post,- ^ pre-paid, or- deliver to the undersigne.- seizure of the Dutch ambulance in the bystanders cried. Solicitors for Don^d McDonell, of the Townshipip of Kenyon, Administrator with Will annexed 01 South Africa. Replying to the Toronto, Jan. 29.—The warmest Ed. called out that John had the said deceased on or before the third day of demand for an inquiry to ascertain debate, so far, this session, took been a good bo.y until led astray by February, 1902, full particulars of their claims Winter Goods. and the nature of the security (If any) held by whether the contents of tlie incrim- place at the Legislature to-day, when him, and that the.v had never com- them duly verified. inated letters constituted' a breach Mr. Matheson asked for an order of mitted murder. . The brothers said And notice is further given that after the said 'of neutrality, the Foreign Minister the House for the return of a copy good-bye to each other, and John third day of February, 1902, the said Administra- tor with Will annexed will distribute the assets pointed out that there were two of all the evidence taken before the was taken to his own cell. of the said Estate amongst the parties entitled distinct views of the matter. In- Royal Commission appointed to in- thereto, having regard only to the claims of quiry. by Holland would be difficult quire concerning the prices of vari- THE DO.MIMOS ORANGE. which he shall then have had notice. ricCrimmon & Fraser, Dated this 7tb day of January, 1902. Ijecauso thé British Who. captured the ous text books authorized to be used Coneludes Its -AnnusI UustneM and Elects MAODONELL & COSTELLO, McCrimmon, Ont. ^ambulance could not be questioned, in the Public and High Schools of ;; Alexandria, Ontario. , while the Dutch attendants were in Ontario. The speakers were CoL Ils Offleers. / Solicitors for above Administ- Captivity. There was sufficient evi- Matheson, Hon. R. Harcourt, Minis- Toronto, Jan. 31.—Tho Dominion 51*4 rator with. Will annexed. dence, however, that the attendants ter of Education, Mr. Whitney and Orange concluded tho business of had been aware that it was impru- Premier Ross. Some questions were their annual meeting yesterday. The dent to carry the correspondence. asked and answered, and after some secretoi'y’s ixiport showed a cash FARM FOR SALE. GREAT CLEARING SALE NOW ON AT bills had been read a second time, balance of 5145, One of the best farms in Glengarry for sale, .. BOERS WERE REPULSED. they were .sent to the proper com- The subject of good roads was dis- good land, wood and water, within one mile of Alexandria. mittee. cussed, and the opinion of the meet- Apply to, Enemy Attached the Camp and tha Fight- THE BON MARCHE. ing was very largely in favor of the JOHN A. MACDONELL, ing Was Severe. Toronto, Jan. 30.—To-day, in the doing away with statute labor, 47-tf (Greenfield) 16 pieces dress goods, worth 35o, for 22o per yard. Legislative Assembly, among the which, it was said, spoiled tho roads. 10 " “ “ 60o, for 88o “ , ' London,*-Feb. 1.—liord Kitchener Black and blue serge “ 50e, for38o " . fn a'despatch from'Pretoria, dated measures introduced were bills by A rural mall delivcr.y service was 6 pieces dress goods, all shades, worth 75o, 'for 60c per yard. Thursday, January 30, reports that Mr. Garro’w respecting expert wit- touched upon, but no expression of A few pieces worth $1, for 76o per yard. ^ho camp of Colonel L. E. DuMouUn nesses, by Mr. Kribs to provide for tho meeting was given ah the ques- Hotel For Sale. Flannels, linings, overallings, ribbons, flannelettes, cottons, tickings, eorsets at ot the âusscx Regiment .was attacked the appointment of a Board of Priy- tion. LESS THAN COST PRICE. vincial Arbitration and by Mr. Auld I am Instructed to offer by private sale, the ny Niewhoudt’s cominand; and that The meeting endorsed the commit- **Canada Atlantic Hotel," in 10 dozen ladies’ silk and wool worsted steokingB, worth 50 and 60o per pair, for 98o. after severe fighting the Boers were to amend the Drainage Act. Mr. tee’s recommendation that a rail- Heavy oloth for panting and overooaling, mannfaotnred in Cornwall, worth 86e repulsed. Lucas resumed the debate upon the way commission be appointed by ' Qlen Robertson. per yard, for 42o. Lord Kitchener also reports that budget, and he was followed by Mr. the Government to deal with freight This house is opposite the station, ifi a good Ladies’ shirt waists in sateen, flannel and flannelette, all colors, at coat. Gen. French captured 26 men belong- Clark and Dr. Jessop, who moved and passenger rates and other mat- state of repair and from its well known position ing to Foucho’s command in the the adjournment of the debate. ters connected therewith. enjoys a very fine public patronage. CLOTHING The following were elected officers For further parttoulara apply to northeastern I part of Cape Colony, 60 pairs men’s pants, worth $1.60, for 90o. # and that thW command was complete- Toronto, Jan. 31.—The Ontario for the ensuing year: Worthy Mas- GEORGE HBARNDEN, 44tf Beal Estate Agt, idrla 36 “ “ “ 2.00, $1.15 ly scattered. Oovernment will bring down Its ter. Jabel Robinson. M.P., Middle- promised bill in connection with the march (re-elected): Worthy Over- 50 J “ “ “ 2.26, “ 1.60 seer, John McDougald, Milton (re- 25 ' “ “ 3.00, “ 1.96 I ' COL. DUMOULIN KILLED. prohibition question probably during 26 men’s black snits, warranted all wool, and will not fade or shrink, worth $12, to the latter part of next week. Pre- elected); Worthy Secretary, W. F. $7. Boys’ and youth’s clothing at cost. Men’s overcoats at cost. ... 4 British LoM Nine Men in Engagement at mier Ross made this briej announce- W. Fisher, Burlington (re-elected );, 60 TONS RYE MEAL POR^flLE. Men’s white shirts, worth $1, for 65o. Men's white shirts, worth 76e, lor 46o. At»rftham’s Kraal. ment in the House this afternoon in Worthy Treasurer, James Fallis, Men’s collars, all styles, 3 for 26c. Men’s onffs, linen, worth 2So, 15o per pair. answer to an enquiry by Mr. )Vhit- Newbridge (re-elected); Lecturer, Men’s overalls, worth $1, for 66o. ■ Vwsi London, Jan. 31.—The War OfiSce’s ney. In answer to Mr. Carnegie, Joseph Todd, Gilford; Chaplain, W. The undersigned having purchased the above V:: casualty list, issued last night,shows Hon. John Dry den gave the number J. Goodfellow, Craigvale; Steward, amount before the recent advance in grain, are GROCERIES ! that in a hitherto reported engage- of students who had attended the J. A. Carswell, Newbridge; Assist- now prepared to sell the above in lots to suit , ment at Abraham’s Kraal, near Kof- dairy schoolsmm mm mmm inmmmm ant Steward, Arthur Peer, Freeman; purobasers. 22 lbs grannlated sngar, worth $1.10, for $1. 3 lbs best rauins, worth 80c, for 26« It is a well know fact that rye meal has no 5 lbs best raisins, worth 30o, for 26o. 4 lbs best dates, worth 32c, for 26o. fyfontein, Orange River Colony, Jan. Dairy Schools since 1895 as follows: Gatekeeper, T. C. Osborne, Whitby; equal for fattening horses, cows and pigs. Î 28, Col. L. E. Dumoulin of theSus- Eastern Dairy School, 615; Guelph Executive, James Fallis, W. F. W. Farmers will do well to avail themselves of Tea, worth 80c, for 20c. Coffee, worth 46o. for 32o. Starch, worth 7o, for 6o. Starch, worth lOo, for 8o. 3 lb boxes soda bisonits, worth 26o, for 20o. I ,/ sex Regiment and eight men were Dairy School, 534; Western Dairy Fisher; Auditors, Walter Rolsten, F. the opportunity of buying at present, as higher prices are likely to follow. 1 lb boxes soda bisonits, worth lOo, lot 8o. Cod flsh for 5c per lb. , killed and seven men were wounded. Roy and John McBougald. School, 227. Oat-meal always kept on hand to exchange for Now is the time to get your holiday goods and save money. Remember the place— Krlialnt^er May Living^» The following special committee on good clean oats. Prices of rye meal on application. 'is.* London, Feb. 1.—The report that Dr. Jessop’s bill to amend the Medi- OYER A HUNDRED DEAD. M. MÜNRO, lîl ,• ' CemmandoRt' Kritzinger, who was cal Act, was appointed: Messrs. Mo- Explosion In H.xlcan Mine Blots Out Kay, .lossop, Pyno, Matheson,- Cars- T. D. CARLYLE. ^/le ÿon Marche, captured by Gen. French on Dec. 17, Lives of 106 Miners. j.'.^-,~-had been condemned to death is not callen, Pardee, Preston, Graham, Munroe’s Mills, Ont., Deo. 6th, 1901. 47-tf M. SIMON, SUGARMAN’S BLOCK, ALEXANDRIA. / confirmed iS here. It was announced Gibson, Garrow and Hoyle. San . Texas, Feb. 8.—The . " from South Africa on Jan. 20 that Mr. Hoyle’s bill to amend the Mun- latest Information from the Hondo, ’'i*', iLritzlnger’s trial would begin this icipal Act to prevent the dual repro- Mexico, mine explosion shows it to U r \^eck, but nothing has since been •sehtation in councils and school havo been fully as serious as ak first Glengariians ! Patronize Cattanach. reported. There was a total of 106 Banque d’HocMaga I . /heard of his case. The charge against boards was read a second time, as miners at work in the mine when the Commandant Kritzinger, include four was Mr. Preston’s bill to amend the Head Office, Montreal. of murder, in addition to train Municipal Act. The Ontario Game explosion occurred and all of them wrecking and cruelty to prisoners. Protection Act was sought to bo are dead. The majority of tho vic- S>ri«coirB SaceeAs. amended by Mr. Auld, who wished to tims are Mexicans and Chinamen, give farmers the right to shoot cot- very few Americans having, been at Capital aathorized $2,000,000 Pretoria, Jan. 81.—Major Dris- ton-tail rabbits on their own lands work in the mine. Capital sabscribed $1,500,000 coll yesterday surprised a Boer laa- at any time. The bill, after discus- Capital paid np 1,500,0(X) ger at Poplar Grove, on the Modder sion, stood over. Mr. PattuHo’s bill Killed nt Ksnfrsw. Stocktaking River, and captured seventeen Boers, Rest.... '760,000 1 xo bonuses to manufactories was Renfrew, Feb. 1.—By a rear-end r ■Including « Field Cornet Grobeloar, read a .second time. collision at 10 o’clock Thursday Gaarantee Fond 20,000 who died of his wounds. 'f' ' 'I'he House then adjourned. night on the C. P. R. line, à mile Cr. Profit and Loss 8,425.89 of Trooper Smith. west of this place, Isaac 'V'anAllan, a Sacrifice Sale i Ottawa, Jan. 81.—The Militia De- LINEMAN FATALLY SHOCKED. brakeman, lost his life, and some i partfnent has been advised by tfele- President.-P. X. 8T. CHARLES, damage was done to rolling stock. Vioe-Pres.—EOBT. BICKEBDIKE, Jgram from Halifax that Trooper A. Body Huns For Flftoon Minutes Over The lights were completely obscured .Smith of the Canadian Mounted Rif- spsrk Street. Ottaws. Direqtors :—A. Tnreotte, J. D. Rolland, by^steam or haze. 'The track was and J. A. Vaillanoourt. les,, died in the hospital there yes- soon cleared. 'VanAllan belonged to terday. He belonged to Calgary, N, Ottawa, Jan. 31.—In full view of hundreds of citizens on Sparks St. Carleton Place, and was 30 years of Manager.—M. 3. A. Prendergast, A keep-busy sale. That’s what W.T., and soon after arrived in Hali- age. Manager.—0, A. Giroux, Assistant fax was pronounced medically unfit yesterday afternoon, the lifeless bo- dy of James Osmonde, a lineman of I intend to have. I might have for service. Two Appointments. A General Banking Business transacted. C»iia at 5 percent on terms to suit borrowers. Into Bricks For Shipping. ety Sing:» Their Praises, The question of color in horses has CHARGES XtEASONABLE. The single comh Brown Leghorns CAPITAII, Paid-up, »2,000,000 for a long tinte past ••alsed consider- Grasshoppers are being put to a new FAIR DEALING ACCORDED TO ALL. have earned the right to be classed REST, .... . 500,000 able discussion In the columns of the We are not overenthusiastle on the use out in Nebraska. The farmers PRIVATE MONEY AVAILABLE. have killed incredible numbers of them among the best utility fowls since they FARMS FOR SALE. London Live Stock Journal, and many shredded corn fodder question so far HEAD OFFICE. QUEBEC. by the help of a machine which Is per- have attained sufficient size to make A.NDUE’W Interesting letters and notes respect- as sheep feeding Is concerned, says them valuable as a market and table THOMPSON, President. ANGUS MCDONALD, Wool Markets and Sheep. The shred- haps the most effective ever devised HON. ÏS. J.PtilOE, Vice-President. 22-ly Insurance Agent. ing It have appeared, writes a cor- fowl. This quality, combined with E. E WEBB. ding process Is very apt to mix up dust, for the purpose. It Is called a “hop- respondent of that publication. In the perdozer” and is nothing more or less their great ability as layers and their General Managor. grit, mold, smut and other objection- beauty, places them In the front rank majority of cases, however, th& ehief th.an a large flat pan with a small ALEXANDRIA BKANCH. able matter with tbe really good mat- as favorites of the farmer as well as point considered has been how to get ter that Is in corn fodder, thus proving amount of kerosene contained in a de- 4 GENBBAL BANKINO BUSINESS TBANBAOTBD To PftTEHT Gooil Ideas pression In the rear part of it. The of the fancier. They have been con- Drafts issued pa^^able at all points In Canada may be secured by rid of chestnuts, grays ^and roans,, injury rather tban a benefit to sheep. sidered a nonsitting variety, but that Is And tbe principal cities in the United States our aid. Address. which appear to be the more generally Especially is this true In tbe case of contrivance, being attached to a horse, Great Britain, France, & Bermuda THE PATENT RECORD. is pushed along in front of the ani- not a fact; In an experience extending Til unfavorable colors. the pregnant ewes, whose very sensi- over twenty years I have found them Baltimore. Md tive natures and tastes during tbe pe- mal as the latter Is driven across the BRAXOHBS Alexandria, Many of the best and weightiest stal- fields. Pretty nearly every grasshop- to make excellent sitters and mothers. 'llons we have bad (speaking of the riod of gestation should have freedom Pullets hatched In May or June or Boisaevain, Calgarv, Carberry, Deloraine Glen of choice in the selection of such food per encountered jumps upon the pan boro, Gretna, Hamiota, Hartney, Hastings, Hol- earlier days of breeding) have been of and is promptly suffocated by the kero- even so late as July will begin laying land, Indian Head, Lethbridge, Macleod, Mani- as Is relished by them. A breeding by November or December, and they tou, Melita, Montreal, Merrickville, JUinnedosa, these commonly unpopular colors, and sene. ! Moose -Jaw, Moosomin, Morden, Neepawa, Nor- B ewe should never taste or smell of mold need not be affected by cold weather, wood, Ottawa, Quebec, Shelburne, Smith,s Falls, * latterly such colts as these, weighty This Ingenious Instrument has been ■ or smut during this period. but should continue- to lay throughout Sonris, Toronto, Virden, Wawanesa, Wiarton, In use for a number of years in parts Wincheator and Winnipeg. U and good, have been castrated solely The popular notion that shredding Is the season. Those hatched in Febru- of the west, but hitherto it has not oc- on account of their color, the owner economy as applied to corn fodder for ary or March will begin to lay in the SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. curred to the farmers to make any I not realizing the folly of the thing un- sheep Is a false one. Nothing will lead early fall, and when the change from use of the dead grasshoppers. Most Deposits of ;S1.00and upwards received, and til be sees his discarded colt selling as a sheep to eat what Its tastes do not warm to cold weather takes place they lurrent rates of interest allowed. L a guiding at 150 guineas or more. Then relish except sheer starvation. It Is commonly they were burned, though Interest added to the principal at the end usually cease laying and perhaps molt. vfay and November in each year. he exclaims. “1 wish I had never cas- nonsense to suppose a sheep will cat some more enterprising agriculturists Consequently the early hatched birds turned a portion of them to account Special attention given to collection of Com* D trated iilm!” And well he may. and thrive on the naked, hard, pithy are not as valuable for winter layers neroial Paper and Farmers' Bales Notes. It )s no uncommon thing nowtidays istalk of the corn simply because It Is as poultry feed. They found that the ns the May or June hatched chicks. We are now issuing Money Orders pay- I to see coits of tiie highest caliber be- reduced to fineness by shredding. The bens liked them exceedingly, for it Is These two months seem to be the nat- able at par at any branch of any Charter- ing siielved because they ar^ chest- blades and husks of com fodder are all a fact that a grasshopper Is to a hen id Bank in Caneida, excepting the Yukon ural mouths for hatching, as the District, at the following rates :— N nuts. “They wop’t . buy a chestnut that Is edible to sheep, and you cannot what a canvasback duck is to human weather is suitable for Incubating the stailiou." sa.v those who are iu the epicure—the very choicest and most , fool them Into eating and thriving on eggs and raising the chicks, and at Under ®10...... Scents esteemed of delicacies. i business. Surely with facts like those the worthless parts of shredded fodder. that time nature provides the vege- $10 to $20 10 cents When we started in the building material herein stated, .and which cannot be re- You couldn’t derange and destroy a Hence the Idea which Is now being table and animal food that is neces- $20 to $30. 32 cents business a few years age we hadn’t the futed. staring them In the face breed- sheep’s stomach quicker than to stuff developed on a commercial scale. The s.ary for the rapid growth of the birds. $30 to $50 14 cents slightest idea of doing such a big business grasshoppers, after being killed by the . as we have done last year. It would be ers wiil never be so foolish as to con- it with the hard, flinty. Indigestible The usefulness of the Brown Leg- J. B. PROCTOR. u tinn<‘ to discard tliese fine, horses on rind of a cornstalk, hopperdozer, are left in windrows In horn female as an egg producer ex- Manaccr profitable for you to come and see ua the fields, where they are soon dried. ; before building . account of tlie shade of color that per- Keep Drinkine Troafflis Clean. tends through a period of three or When they have been exposed to the i vades the liair! . Keep the drinking troughs scrupu- four years without any apparent fall- Maepherson & Schell. sun for a suflficlent time to reduce This point only goes akin deep, but a lously clean. .No matter how carefully ing off, and some birds five or six them to a properly desiccated condi- well molded body, abundance of sub- you feed your sheep. It the water Is not years of age continue to lay well. I tion, they are gathered up with rakes, Pure Norwegian B .pure you will notice that they do not have a bird of that age in my yards at shoveled Into carts and conveyed to thrive. Pure water Is just as Impor- present that will lay as well as the a shed, where they are put into a U tant as pure food. Disease Is bound to younger birds, but as a rule three to press somewhat resembling an ordi- be In evidence where Impure water Is four years Is their average length of nary cheese press and converted Into I used. usefulness. solid bricks. Cod Feed For Preffnant Ewes. It is claimed by some that pullets L Cottonseed meal should be carefully The bricks are shipped In quantities which develop large combs are better excluded from the food rations of ewes to poultry raisers, who find this new layers than those with smaller ones. D from this time on while carrying a kind of hen provender most satisfac- My experience Is that the chick hatch- lamb, says American Sheep Breeder. tory, and they are anxious to get more ed earliest develops first, consequently Liver I The root of the cotton plant has an es- of it. Apparently It is a great en- she lays sooner and naturally has a pecially 111 effect on pregnant animals courager of egg production. larger comb, but so soon as develop- N of all kinds and Is the special ingredi- It Is not necessary to grind the bricks ment takes place In the one with the before feeding the stuff to the chick- ent in medicines given to avoid or de- smaller comb she will lay equally well. Oil... stroy pregnancy. As a rule every part ens, but merely to break them Into It is also claimed that certain types of pieces and soften with water.—Satur- of a medicinal plant has a similar char- females will lay better than other day Evening Post. SHIIIE STAIiUON. acter to the root or the fruit, hence types. I caimot see any difference in this kind of oil meal should never be Stance and muscle, quality and correct- Tke Pekin, the laying qualities of the stout, short fed to breeding animals at such times hen and the more rangy one. The con- Money ly formed joints, bottomed by solid, big feet, go riglit to the pocket and will as this 111 influence might be disas- dition of the stock Is the main factor, add hundreds to the value of shire trous. Corn Is the best standard food because unless In prime condition you Perfect Emulsion To Loan. horses when proper:dlscretion Is exer- for In lamb ewes, and It Is not In any certainly cannot get the best results For 6 per cent, and upwards according to cised iu keeping such colts as those way Injurious. Ewes carrying Iambs therefrom. ' of Cod Liver Oil. amount required and sectirity offered here described for stallions, whatever are In no danger from a good, robust, ’The single comb Brown Leghorns their color mayjje. If we bad not had thrifty condition, for the lamb Is all have taken their place among the gen- Mortgages Bought, Farms for Sale. Lincolnshire Lad II., we should not the time acquiring its future character eral utility fowls because they produce ' Agent for TheFarmers and Tradera from Its dam. Life and Aocident Inanranoe Co., have had Harold, and without Harold more eggs of larger size than the Asi- and The Atlae Loan Company. . where would the greatest heavy horse Sise of Flocks. atics and most other breeds and be- the world knows today have beenV It Fifty sheep are the most that should cause they begin laying sooner, do not Cough Cures and GEORGE HEABNDEN. is to he hoped that breeders will pon- run In one band. A largo flock may consume so much time In sitting, are OFFICE ; / dei .Ivor this matter and not allow thus be sorted out Into divisions, as to hardy, easily raised, do a lot of hus- Lozenges of ail Simpson'» Rlook Alexandria. Ontario sr.ch iilisni'd whims and fancies as the age owconditlon, says American Sheep tling and consequently can be raised ■ color ,)f the hair to make them cas- Breeder. Old ewes may go together: at much less expense. — William P. kinds^-^' tra'e .‘olts that in other respects com- young ewes, early breeders. Into anoth- Brace In Reliable Poultry Journal bine almost 'very property that Is re- er lot; ewe lambs by themselves, quired. and young wethers and ram lambs Feeding' Bran. Cojor for the park and fo'r fancy pur- in another floci; and yard. All weak Bran is excellent for poultry, and one pes& may have Its way, Ibut In the sheep should bè sorted out and kept point In favor of bràn Is that It con- Shire horse, an animal that >s bred en- in a separate flock. This division ol a tains a much larger proportion of lime Brock OstromBros&Co. tirely for practical purposes to propel large flock Is of the greatest impor- than any other cheap food derived MEDICAL HALL lioavy .velglit.® 'n aar streets and on our tance to the successful wintering of from grain, and, as the shells of eggs railways as wel: as on our farms. It sheep, and of course a successful win- are composed of lime. It Is essential EHtablished 1883. Alexandria, Ont ought not to weigh one iota. My ad tering means a good summering. The illustration shows one of the that food rich In lime be provided. It vice is. discard the idea at once and Tnmips For SUeep. “big kind” of Pekin ducks. This one may be urged that the use of oyster breed from tbe best animal, whatever 'The turnip or rye is so watery that It Vias bred by William E. Knight, Fish- shells will provide lime, but It will be may be Ills or her color. To do other- Is not worth intrinsically half of its kill Landing, N. Y. The picture Is re- found that it Is the lime In the food wise would be little better than run- approved value In practice. It Is a ton- produced from American Poultry Jour- that is most serviceable because it is ning a'race with one leg tied up. ïou ic. It loosens the juices of the body. nal. In a form that can be better digested Central Marble Works lose half your abilities to perform the and assimilated than carbonate of It supplies- a lubricant for the bowels. Fattening Poultry In Belslnm. ' task. lime. Short Route to E. R. FRITH, PROP. Sheep are as hungry for this poor, wa- Consul Roosevelt of Brussels gives tery browse as they are for salt when Clover Is also rich in lime, and when Maftsena SpHugs. Potsdam, Malone, Tup. this Interesting account of fattening a mess of cut clover and bran is given per Lake, Utloa, Albany and mai long denied. poultry In Belgium: In fattening for New York City, Maxville, Ont. Alfalfa aa a Skeep Feed. the fowls they will need no oyster market, at about three months old, shells or other mineral matter. Do not l*»8fienger8 for Albany, Boston, New York, or Dry alfalfa hay never bloats animals. Importer and Manufacturer of coops of peculiar construction accom- forget that in summer, however, all any other point in New York State or New Eng- Alfalfa Is excellent pasture for sheep, modate twenty chickens. They are land, will find ebe day service by tblB line tbe i^V'. but care Is necessary to prevent bloat- kinds of foods should be used with most pleasant route to travel by. Qranite, Marble and Statuary. twenty-four Inches high, twenty inches judgment. If the hens have a free York and Albany paseengers take tbe ing while they are becoming accustom- wide, standing on four legs three feet Empire State Express at Utica, travelliog on range, give no food at all as long as tbe fasteBt train in America The menu served at tbe first annual ed to It, says Kansas Farmer. A good iu height. The bottom is made of lath they are laying, but If they begin to South bound trains l^ave Ottawa 7.40 am. banquet of the American Angora Goat plan is to feed the sheep well on alfal- so that the droppings fall through, the 6 30 pin, Fiucb 6.52 am, 6.40 pm; Corn- OUR SPECIALTIES Breeders’ association at Kansas City is fall off let bran be the leading Ingre- wall 9.27 a m, 7.13 p m ; Moira 10.05 a m, 7.54 fa hay for a few days before they go top an adjustable board to allow free p m ; Tupper Lake Jet 12.05 p m, 10.15 p m. described in Wool Markets and Sheep dient of the foods allowed. In winter AU the leading American, into the alfalfa pasture. Before they circulation of air, the front lath two North bound trains leave Tupper Lake Jet, Scotch and Swede Gran- - A- - by a participant He says: .are turned iu they should be complete- the bran and clover are even more es- 6.20 a m (after arrival N.Y.C. train from N.Y.) to two hnd a half Inches apart and the sential, as the fowls cannot tuen secure 2 10 p m ; Moir>i 8.21 a m, 4.27 pm ; Helena 8.44 ites, also the celebrated The Angora broth was certainly very ly satisfied with some feed that they receptacle for food a triangular shaped a m, 4 54 p m ; Cornwall Jet 9 OO am, 5.13 p m ; Bedford Buff. III.' smooth, tasty and full of zest. The An- green food on the range.—Poultry Finch 9.34 a m, 5.49 p m ; arrive Ottawa 10.50 a m like. Do not turn them in when there wooden box. Tbe food consists of 7.00 p m. gora kid “oysters" were something new Is dew on the alfalfa. When the proper ground buckwheat mixed with milk, For time tables or any information, apply to agents of tbe company. to me, as was also the Angora broth, precautions are not taken, severe hloat- forming a paste not too liquid and fed Tbe above is a specimen of onr work. and 1 had some doubts whether or not iir; and loss are to he expected. twice dally. At noon milk or milk and I Stops the Cougli The most practical and beat designs on the ' I and Works off the Cold. G. H. PHILLIPS, H. K. GAYS. my stomach would agree, with me that Tanning: Wool Skins. water Is given them. If any refuse 50-ly General Pass. Agt. Asst. Gen. Pass. .4gt market. Work guaranteed to beûrst class. It would be what one would call really First scrape off the fat. 'Take equal to take their food, they are not forced Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a Ottawa. Estimates cheerfully given. good and appetizing. However, that parts of alum and salt, add water and cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price to eat, but are removed and killed, as 25 cents. question. In my mind. Is settled forev- cook to a paste, says New England they will grow thin and lose their mar- 1 : er. 1 want nothing better to eat when Homestead. Spread the skin out care- ket value. They are usually fed four hungi'y than fried Angora kid oystera_^ fully to keep tbe wool clean and rub or five weeks. and tomato sauce. The venison 1 can-' the paste thickly over the flesh side. Done Well Wltli Tarlceya. Time Card in Effect not compare to anything more than the Fold together, roll up for a day and iThe Bank of Ottawa The farmer who Is always decrying ordinary venison from the deer. Wheth- next day rub over It more of the paste. Incorporated 1874. RAUWÂYf vA-, er It was the way In which the various Itepeat this a third time. After It turkeys and the expense of raising Oct. 13th, 19ÛÎi": dishes of the flesh of the Angora goat dries out scrape off the salt and alum them will be foiced to admit that the Head Office; OTTAWA, CANADA were prepared or npt I am not prepar- and rub It soft Use no oil on the skin. turkeys have withstood the drought Capital (Authorized) - $2,000,000 ed to say. but one tfiing la certain, that better than anything elseon the farm, Capital (Subscribed) • $1.991,900 It may then be colored any shade de- Capital (paid up) - • $1,993,940 what 1 partook of was good enough for sired and will make pretty mats for and the food they have eaten he will Rest $1.660,4.')5 Trains.Alexandria East Bound: not regard as so much wasted. He the most fastidious-epicure. the floor, carriage or baby’s gocarL DIRECTORS : will find that the large drove of tur- * Anaroraa and Wool. Skearlns Fattening Lamks. Charles Ma^e, President; Geo. Hay, Vlce-Pre- ABifttVE—Glen Robertson, 10-18 ; Dalkeith, 10.60; Yankleek HU], 31.20 ; ' While the Angora, on account of Its keys his wife has to sell will materially I sident ; Hon Geo. Bryson, Alex. Fraser. 10.05 A.M. Hawkfiabury, 11.45 ; Ste. Justine. 10.25 ; St. Polycarpe, Jet., 10.34 ; Bt.Poly- At the Ontario experiment station John Mather, David Haclaren. DAILY * oç^po, 10.88 ; Coteau Jot., 10-45 ; Montreal, 11.46 ; Quebec, 5.45 p.m. great practical utility In clearing the ten lambs sheared in January made aid the family when everything else Is so scarce. Turkeys may be lower I D. Murphy. brush from off new lands and old and practically the same gain In weight as Geo. Burn, - General Manager. ARRIVE—Glen Robertson, 5 59; Dalkeith, 6.15; Yankleek Hill. 6.30; abandoned farms and as a producer of ten others not shorn and similarly fed. on the market than usual, but I D. M. Finnie, - Ottawa Manager. 5.48 P.M. Hawbesbury, 6.45 ; Ste. Justine, 6.06 ; St. Polycarpe Jet., 614; St. Poly- doubt it. . The scarcity and conseq.««it ca^e, 6.18; Coteau Jet., 6.25 ; Montreal. 7.25 ; Cornwall,'7.46; Brookville, one of the most valuabt'e kinds of hair At thé Wisconsin station no advantage 9.85; Kingston, 1.45; Toronto, 6.50 ; Chicago, 8,43 p.mr known, Is destined to play an Impor- has been found from shearing in De- high prices of other meats probably A Ge-Beral Banking Business Transacted tant part In the animal husbandry of cember. Those shorn yielded a total of will keep up the price of poultry even Special attention given to collections. this country, we do not believe that It two pounds less washed wool than the if there is a large supply. There is ïtemittances made Ion day of Matnrity at Trains Leave Alexandria West Bound will ever injuriously or materially af- others and made a total gain of 2.7 always the Thanksgiving and Christ- Lowest Bates. mas demand, and add to this the num- Curi-ent Bates of Interest allowed in Savings fect the wool Industry of this country. pounds less than the wethers that were ARRIVE—Greenfield, 10.17 ; Maxville. 10.25 ; Moose Creek, 10.36 ; Cassel- bers required to grace feasts of differ- , _ , . Tï t . Aneora Goata, Will Pay. not shorn, and the cost of 100 pounds 10.05 A.M. man, 10.48 ; South Indian, 11.05 ; Rockland, 12.30 ; Beorbrook, 11.14 ; East- cut kinds and you will find the turkey I BOEQS StUq D6U6ntUr6S Bongut Unil SOlu man’s Springs, 11.24 ; Ottawa, 11.45 a.m. !•' . There are those who will ask. What Is of gain was $4.70 for the shorn and will he in demand at good prices.— Accounts of Merchants, Traders, Manufacturers, there in an Angora goat to warrant $4.40 for tbe unshorn lots. Miss Bettie G. Mackey in Reliable Corporations and Individuals received on favor- ARRIVE—Greenfield, 6.00; MaxviUe, 6.08 ; Moose Creek,6.18; Casselman, such fabulous prices being paid tor Preparing Sheep For Winter. able terms. 5.48 P.M. 6.29 ; South Indian, 6.45 ; Bearbrook, 6.54 ; Eastman’s Springs, sires? says Shepherd Boy In Wool Mar- Poultry Journal. Agents in Canada, New York, Chicago—Band DAILY 7.06 ; Ottawa, 7.25 p.m. Sheep should be dipped before going of Montreal; St Paul—Merchants National kets and Sheep. Will It pay? My an- Into winter quarters if they have ticks Bank ; London, Eng.—Parr’s Hank, Ltd. swer Is, Certainly It will pay. This Is Tlie Turkey Crop. * No connection at Glen Robertson on Sunday with trains on Hawkesbury branch. or have been exposed to scab In any The crop of turkeys, it Is estimated, BRANCHES—IN ONTARIO. the quickest road to breeding to a high' way. It is difficult and unsafe to dip will he fully 15 per cent short of last Alexandria, Arnprior, Avoumore, Bracebridge standard. Colonel Landrum knew this them In midwinter. year, or about 85 per ceut of a full Carleton Place, Hawkesbury, Keewatiu, Kempt- Middle and Western Divisions ; when many years ago he secured two ville, Lanark, Mattawa, Ottawa, Ottawa Flavor of Slntton. < rop. Last year was considered about Bank St.. Ottawa Rideau St., Parry Sound, Pem- Trains leave Ottawa at 8.25 a.m. for Parry Sound and all intermediate points. bucks from Asia Minor at the price of The peculiar flavor of mutton Is due a full crop. Tlie crop Is about the broke, Rat Portage, Renfrew, Smith’s Falls, Trains leave Ottawa at 1.00 p.m. mixed train for Madawaska and all intermediate points. n small fortune and trailed them 3,000 largely to the food of sheep, the local- Toronto, Yankleek Hill, Winchester, Cobden Trains leave Ottawa at 4,40 p.m. for Pembroke and all intermediate points. '.nine .as dming the year 1890, possi- (Ottawa), Gloucester St. Close connections made at Ottawa with the Canadian PacificI Ry. for points iin tbe North West miles across the plains and mountains ity in which it has been raised. Its bly a little larger. Reports in nearly IN QUEBEC. Parlor Cars on all trains. Through Buffet Sleeping Cars between Now York and at the rate of twenty miles a day^and treatment and the manner the carcass Hull, Lachute, Montreal, Shawinigan Falls, Ottawa without change. all instances claim the turkeys are Granby. with the,-risk of losing both his goats has been dressed. On and after November 3rd, the Intercolonial Limited will stop at Coteau Junction Eastbonnd much poorer than usual this year, and IN MANITOBA and perhaps his own life. These bucks For Piles In Slieep* the'sc.arclty of feed, it is argued, will makuu close connections from Cornwall and points west to Alexandria, Yankleek Hill Hawkes- were the nucleus of a big fortune for Dauphin, Portage la Prairie, Winnipeg. bury, utexville, etc. Feed rations only of a mild laxative hri’.g in a large quantity of turkeys Alexandria Branch : him. It was this gentleman who pur- nature. Wash protuslon with warm of a ixiorer quality than last year. Corner Main and Kenyon Sts. chased the island of Guadalonpe and alum water twice a day before replac- Christmas turkeys are likely to bring JAMES MARTIN, G. W. SHEPHSfiD, stocked It with TOiOOO goats. ing. good uri^'ea. J. E. TOSH, Manager. Ag«nt, Al«XsaffHa. Asst. CTen. Pass. Agt. FOB, SALE pease, Indian corn and potatoes. Every Feed Corn, Bran, Shorts, Flour, Oatmeal, Boiled farmer may apply, bnt only one sample can AUCTION SALE Oatmeal. The cheapest place in town. The Storm. be sent to each applicant, hence if an indi- WM. DOÜ8ETT * CO., OF 51-tf MaxvlUe, Ont. SPORTING vidual receives a sample of oats he cannot MR. S1FÎ0N IN LISGAR also reeeive one of wheat, barley or pota- Valuable Properties toes, and applioations far more than one FOB SALE Everything From Railway Trains to sample for one houshold cannot be enter- He Replies to An Attack by Mr. Jn the VlUagre of Maxvllle, in The north half of lot twenty-six (26), in the Curling Matters—OtherSport- tained. These samples will be sent free of Richardson, Independent the County of Glensrarry. 3rd Concession of Lancaster. Apply to Hand-Sleighs Blocked by D. A. or T. N. MCLENNAN, 3rd Coja., ing Gossip. the Snow Flakes. charge through the mail. 2-4 Lancaster F.O. Applications should be addressed to the There will be offered for sale on Director of Experimental Farms, Ottawa, MINISTER NEVER SPOKE BETTER TàUESDAY, and may be sent in any time before the SOLD OUT. ih 15th of March, after which the lists will be The 20tli day of February, 1902, Having sold my stock in Danvegan to Two rinks from the Lachine Curling We all can appreciate in some slight closed, so that all the samples asked for Oponing of tne 1-ibaral Campaign at Mr. D. K. McLeod, my manager there for Club came to Alexandria on Saturday degree—in fact have a sort of a left- may be sent out in good time for sowing. Cart'nright bv the Minister of the at one o’clock in the afternoon, at Ken- the last five years, I desire to thank those handed idea—how the Conservatives Interior—Mr, niohardion Tsrx nedy's Hotel, in the Village of Maxville, by who traded with me and hope yon will and met defeat at the hands of the Parties writing should mention the sort or , virtne of Power of Sale contained in a continue dealing with Mr. McLeod. Mr. local curlers. The game was the first felt after the last general election, and variety they would prefer, and should the Abnslve, But Hon. Hr. Sifton i certain Mortgage whioh will be prodnced at McLeod will have my books in his offîoe in a couple of contests for a medal how Whitney and his followers will available stock of the kind asked tor be Delirered a Binging Repljr for two weeks so that those who owe me '' the sale, the following properties : given by the Royal Caledonian Club feel when Boss is through with them exhausted, some other good sort will be to His Traduoer. Part of lot 8 in the 18th Concession of may get their account to examine them —snowed under. the Indian Lands Baservation, in the and settle them, after whioh 1 will have of Scotland. sent in its place. Winnipeg, Feb. 5.—^The opening Lib- i County of Clengarry, containing half an them at my office here. The following were the rinks and The storm on Sunday and Monday WM. SAUNDERS, eral meeting in tho Lisgar election {.:;),aore more or less, described as follows : C. S. NORTHOOÎT scores : —to use a sporting phrase—was a Director Experimental Farms. campaign was held at Cartwright Commencing at a post planted on the east Vankleek Hill, Jan. 27,1902. 1-2 triple extract corker, and showed it- Lachine. Rink No. 1. Alexandria. Ottawa, Jannary 25tb, 1902. Monday night, at which speeches side of Robert Street, in the said Village of self to be no respecter of persons. It, ” Mazville, at a distance of 249 feet on a J. Johnson R. Blair were made by Hon. Mr. Sifton, Mr.. coarse of north 66 degrees east from a Application to Parliament. A. C, Colson Dr. K. McLennan good-naturedly, compelled the ordin- .Stewart, Liberal; Mr. Richardson, certain other post planted upon the western F. A. Oliver J. A. Cameron ary street gamin to suspend opera- Independent, and Mr. Toombs, the limit or beandary of said lot 8 at a dist- Take notice that application will be F. J. Craig (Skip) J. Martin (Ski^) tions for the day, and snapped its Conservative candidate. Sympathy ance .of 8 chains 99 and seven-twelfth made to the Legislature of Ontario, at its Sfefielly Eepsenal. was divided between Messrs. Stewart links on a coarse of north 24 degrees west fingers at Vice Royalty, as it, with a and Richardson, as the latter re- I from the south we4t angle of said lot 8 present session for an Act to confirm By- Rink No. 2. breezy embrace held Lord Minto at Movements of well known Glen- i Law No. 234 of the Village of Alexandria, grarrlans briefly noted. ceived a majority of over 90 at tho ' (and being the eoath west angle of that passed on the fifth day of November, 1901, W. Walker D. J. McKinnon Coteau. Cartwright poll last election. Mr. , part of said lot heretofore conveyed by one being a By-Law for Arrowing the sum of E. WRichardson in his speech was most . Strathy J. F. Smith (Skip) ^ Donald Robertson to Maxime Rolland) All day Sunday and Monday, the $8,500, to provide for improvements and R. P. Bains J. A. McRae storm raged. The west-bound even- abusive of Mr. Sifton. In reply Mr. I thence sooth 24 degrees east along the east additions to the water works and electric J. Edwards (Skip), A. L. Smith E H Tiffany was in the Capital Wednes- Sifton never spoke better in his life, ! side of Robert Street aforesaid 104 feet 6 lighting system of the said Village, and to 12 19 ing express on Sunday, due at 5.48 day evening. and many of the audience who up ; ' inches ; thence north 66 degrees east par- did not arrive until 3 a.m. on Monday. I allel with the sonthern boundary of said declare the saidBy-Law and the dabentares Landlord O’Dair, Green Valley, was here to that time had been neutral, or thereunder to be legal, valid and binding 28 34 Monday’s trains were noticeable by Friday. even hostile, cheered him. He said I lot 209 feet ; thence north 24 degrees west upon the said village and the ratepayers parallel with Robert Street aforesaid 104 their absence. The east-bound morn- that he was accustomed to receive thereof. During their stay in town, the visit- Miss Lanra Metcalfe, Ricevilie, is the abuse in his publio life. Ever since feet and 6 inches to the sonth east angle of itfl D. R. MCDONALD ors were entertained bythe local mem- ing train wàs only about three-quart- guest of Mrs Spotswood. said part of said lot so conveyed as afore- he entered it, for some reason or said to the said Maxime Rolland ; thence bers and were accorded three hearty ers of an hour late.but the west-bound Mrs M J McRae, Danvegan, was in town other, he had been most bitterly at- south 66 degrees west along the eoatheru cheers on leaving town. train due here at 10.05 a.m. did not this week the gnest of Mrs Norman Mc- tacked. In tho last twelve years he ! limit of said last mentioned part 209 feet arrive until about 8 p.m. All freight Rae. had received the most violent abuse from political opponents. Mr. Rich- > to the place of beginning. The second and last match was play- trains were cancelled. Ewen McLeod, Danvegan, and D J Ur- Part of lot 9 in the I7th Concession of the GRAND - OPENING quhart, Laggan, were News callers on Fri- ardson’s insinuations were just the said In^u Lands Reserration now in the ed in Lachine on Wednesday evening, Not until Wednesday did this newly day. same as all the others. There wqs said Village of Maxville and being Village OF THE and was won by Lachine by a score of acquired Americanized highway regain only a vague insinuation. He defied After spending several months in Sad- lot Number 10 in Block lettered “A” On the 28-23. its equilibrium. Mr. Richardson to prove one charge j west side of Main Street and on the Soath MacLaren Hall, bnry, Bert McKay returned home this against him, and he would be coh- side of the Canada Atlantio Railway Track The game was closely contested, and NOTES. week. tent to retire from public life and in the said Village of Maxville ; also that Alexandria. the visitors were hospitably entertain- As a result of the storm, a Kenyon Bob Martin, of the Banque d’Hoohelaga, let Mr. Richardson fill his position, part of said lot 9 now in the Vankleek Hill, is the gnest of bis parents. that of Mi»ister of the Interior, a said Village of Maxville and being ed. St. resident has lost ail faith in his Though the Alexandria rinks were Mrs N D MoCrimmon, who has been the position that gentleman seemed to i tbs west part of Village lot 11 in said Block skill as a sporting man. covet; but he wanted to say that ! "A” on the west tideof Main Street and on TWO flTTRROTiVE CONCERTS defeated in Lachine, they won in the guest of Mr and Mrs John McMaster, of Old residents say, that never since Laggan, for the past week, returned homi though no one had ever attempted the south side of the Canada Atlantio Rail- grand total, thus winning the medal. > way Track in ^e said Village of Maxville Will be given en the 1869, until the late storm, was the on Friday. to prove a charge against him, if evenings of Pull particulars next week. the time should ever come when a ' 'described as follows;—Commencing at the road between town, and where the jC Qeo Adams, of the CAR, has gone to sonth west corner or angle of said Village judge would state about him, as in station now stands, so completely ^t Polyoarpe Jot. His position as night the recent trial was stated against lot 11 t thence in a northerly direction Regarding the Montreal game, a blocked that it was impossible for agent here, is now filled by Peter Morris. parallel with Main Street 52 feet ; thence Mr. Richardson, that he had seriou^ in an easterly direction parallel with Feb. 10 and 11,1902. contributor has forwarded us the fol- teams to get through. Rev J W Maclean, Kirkhill, was In town ly considered whether or not to per- Catherine Street a distance of 78 feet ; lowing : Travellers who arrived on the morn- for a short time on Saturday. sonally disqualify him, he would not thence in a southerly direction parallel with ing train Monday, and did not get to D A McKinnon, Maxville, and R A Mc- want any further verdict, but retire. Main Street 52 feet to Catherine Street; Special Programme for each evening. In the matter of a bonspiel, (Cheers.) Mr. Richardson was the General admission, 35 cents. town until 7.45 p.m., say that they Donald, Greenfield, were in town on Batnr- thence in a westerly direction along the In the matter of a Scotch reel day. only member from the west that had north side of Catherine Street a distance Reserved Seats, 50 cents. can now sympathize, more than ever ever been proved to have been elect- of’78 feet to the place of beginning. Plan of Hall on view at Frank Kerr’s. There’s none to beat the boys of Alex- before, with General White. While^n town on Friday, Gilbert Seguin, ed to Parliament by the aid of a Parts of lots 7 and 8 in the l8th Con- andria town. \ The duet who went to Martintown Glen Norman,paid onr sanctum a oall. railway corporation. cession of the said Indian Lands Resarv- Liast night Mr. Sifton addressed a When curling on the ice on a pleasure jaunt on Saturday, say D P MoDiarmid. Town Clerk, Maxville, . ation now in the said Village of Maxville was a guest at the Grand Union on Friday. meeting at Killarncy. and being Village lots 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and LOGS WANTED. They do it all so nice that they will wait until Summer to 12 all in Block lettered “O” on the east That none can say but that we held make their next trip. They can see Mr G Sabonrin who has bsen in Miobi- side of Main Street and on the north them down. gan for some months, arrived home on SENATORS APFOINTKD. side of the Canada Atlantio Railway The Undersigned are prepared to pay the no sport in performing compulsory Saturday. < Track in tbie said Village of Maxville ; highest cash price for the following : Statute Labor. Montreal and Maritime FroTiaces Repre- ’Twas on a fine Thursday We were pleased to receive a call from also all those parts of said lots 7 and S in 300.000 ft. good BASSWOOD logs. M F MoCrimmon, of McCrimmon, on sentation—They Nnmber Fonr. .,^0 ssn4 18(h Concession of the said Indian That we went down to play. 200.000 ft..good ROCK ELM logs. Wednesday. Ottawa, Feb. 5.—It is understood HMfbdation described as follows ; 100.000 ft. good ASH & MAPLE logs. And never was there seen such curl- I4u9mihencmg at a post planted at the His many friends in town wore pleased that Mr. Frederick Ligori Belque, K, >‘)u>Vtb east corner of Village lot 6 in Block They will also be prepared to pay the ing there before. RHEDMTIC PAINS to meet Mr F E Fairbain, of Brockville, C., of Montreal; Mr. F. P. Thomp- Ob the east side of Main Street and highest price for 600 cords of good wood for We put the stones right here, who was in town last week. son of Fredericton, N.B.f Hon. Chaa. north «.side of the Canada steam purposes. AVe put the stones right there, Edward Church of Chester, N.S„ and After spending some days in town, Miss Dr. James Edwin Robertson of Mon- ; Mtlaatio Railway Track, in the said MUNRO MoINTOSH & CO. And boys it was just beautiful to see CAUSED BY AN IMPURE CONDITION OF Isabeil MePbee returned to Montreal on yiUage of Uaxviile ; thsnce east parallel t-f Alexandria. tague, P.E.I., have been called to VWitb the sonthern bonndaries of said lots 7 our curlers score. ' THE BLOOD Tuesday. the Senate. , c 9^ 8 a distance of 209 feet'and 9 inohks^to Messrs H G Smith and R McLennan, the Sketches of New Senators. ) .«post: thence in a northerly direotibn The first one that I see well known lumbermen, of Greenfield, were Mr. Beique was born in 1845 at I parallel with the western boundary of' said Liniments and Other Old Fashioned in town on;business, Wednesday. Tenders Wanted Is a lead upon the tee. St. Mathias. Que., and was educated I fot7a ditlabce of 284 feet and 6 inohes to Remedies Will Not Cure—The And the second just a foot out for a ^ Rev Father McRae, formerly of St at the College of MarieviUe. He was ! .lua post i’tiWDoa west parallel with the eaid Rheumatic Taint Must be Andrews, arrived in town last week to called to tho bar in 1868 and has I southern boandariss of said lots 7 and 8 to For Bridge Work in Charlotten- guard. Removed from the Blood assist in the pastoral work of St Finnan’s since been practising law in Mont- I the east side of BobertStreet ; thence south burgh. parish. Father McRae is no stranger to I along the east side of Bqbett Street to the Now beat it if you can, real. He was created a Q.C. by the Tenders will be received by the undersigned, For I don’t see any man The Lingeriuj; tortures of Ebeumatism the people of Alexandria. He has many Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec in intersection of saidBobert Rtreet withAlex- up to noon on Saturday, the 8th February next, are too well known to need description» but warm personal friends here, and we feel ' ander Street ; thence east along the north That can beat a stone that’s neither 1885 and by Lord Stanley in 1889^ for work and material required to raise tne it is not so well known that medical science assneed that his work in this parish will Ho was Bâtonnier ot the Montreal I side of Alexander Street a distance of 418 Wfiliamstown bridge and abutments 18 inches, slow nor hard. now recognixes that the primary cause of be richly blessed. Y i feet and 8 inches to a post ; thence south replace with sound lumber all decayed and de- rheumatism is impure or impoverished Bar from 1891 to 1893. In 1896 Mr, . 191. feet to the place of beginning. fective timber, including flooring, and make Vc P W Murphy, who for the past several Beique was one of the Dominion approaches of gravel and broken stone the full blood. The result is that hundreds of mouths has filled the {loBition ot teller in The following improvements are said to width of the bridge, and extending ten feet Oh we piled them in so well sufferers apply external remedies which counsel in the Behring Sea claims. fee ereoted on the premises, frame dwelling from each end of flooring.. Paa'ties tendering the Bank of ettawa here, left on Wednes- He is a leading member of the Mont- are requested to state prices for flooring of 2 That I heard the people tell cannot possibly cure the trouble. The day to fill a similar position in the Pem- with kitchen and wooshed, frame barn. inch hemlock, pine and elm, the choice of timb- There’s none to beat the boys of Alex- ouly thing that will really cure rheumatism real Bar. TRBMS—IO per oeut. of the purchase er to be made by the Council. No tender will broke branoh. While in Alexandria Mr lion. Mr. Church taught school in andria town. is an internal medicine that will enrich the Morphy made many friends, both among I money to be paid down on the day of sale. neoessarily be accepted. blood and free it from rheumatic taint. earl.v life, but afterwards adopted a [ For balance, terms will be made known at G. H. MACGILUVRAY, With hockey or with curling. the patrons of the b&nk and the publio The surest, quickest and mosteffeotive way generally, all oLwhom join in wishing him uiercantilo career. He represénted the sale, a M. C. Gharlottenburgh. When we hear the bagpipes skirling to do this is to take Dr. Williams’ Pmk Limenburg in the House of Commons For farther partionlars apply to Williamstowu, 91st January, 1902. 52-2 sncoeiB. His position is now filled by Mr There’s none to say we cannot hold Pills, which are proved to have cured thou* Moles, late ot the Winchester oranoh. from 1872 to 1878. In 1892 he was JONES, MAOKEflZlE od land, wood and water, within 00% «ôlie of îirarquis of Dufferin, who has been Referee-^G. Bagshaw, tfiore than IQQ bushels per acre oan b« bad. lexaudria. The diatribution this spring will eonsist of Apply to, .seriously ill for some time past, is . Umpires—D. A. ■ McDiarmid J, , JOHK A. MAdKJNELlK. growing weaker. ' * MCDONALD & ROBB* Gibson.—(BlaxviUe Oor.), samples of oats. Spring wheaf, bailey, field 47-tf tQreenftrtA) pjxSfffffT These Western chtese^ ara of the finest qnalit-y ; w-ell hored and stamped, and the AUCTION 'h integrity of tbe brand pro.tèoted at all ha- l(i| ANb" V zards; an Inferior cheese never ge^ the fao- Great January Cheap Sale tory brand. v", ABOUT TOWN As €h mle the boxes ased^in toe east are Valuable Farm Property not what.they should be, add .that'makes more .difference.^th^n most ^ people are OouNCu, MEBTINQ—A meeting of In the Township-of; Lancaster, Forvhe next thirty days; ooutisting of all kinds of WINTER GOODS,isuoh.asrjliadiea’: aware of^. ■: . , r the City Fathers was held on Tuesday In the County of Glengarry. and Gants’ Furs, Ladies’ Olbtli ilaokets, Men’s Overcoats, Underwear and Suits', Socks, To-day Canadian cheese is bsttbr thkri evening. Mitts, Gloves, etc, all to be sold at a discount of from 25 to 35%. There •will be offered for sa-le on A.msricab, bnt-it will not always remain 'so y PITTING UP—Mr. A. Lalonde is flt- ■ . ' -Xi; «;!» , jii' I .jj.ij:..-,;. unless greater care Is taken along the line . ting‘ up' his barber shop in the Post Wednesday tlie 19tli day of February, ■ Mir PURS! indicated; .jeij i,.,,,, Timely Address on the Above: -Office Block, . . 1002, , . _ ■.•Ai;- fr» k-. I 'l-'i'i't'-L ■ Ü -I wanted 1000 boxes ofr fines Bastern at one'o’clock in the «tîtèimaoB, at Cameron’s Now i* yoar time to buy Far Coats at j’oar own price». Threa-Men^» Coon Goats ‘ '-SOCKEY' MATCH r-' Remeiriber the cheese,' said Mr MacGregor, I would not go Hotel,-/in • thei-.VtUageof . Alexandria^ by worth from $35 to $40, to be sold for the small amonnt of $25.. Four Ladies’ Astraohan By Mr. J. F; McGregdr. hoêkëy game bn the High School rink virtue 6tPower of Sale contained ih ft certain west-Of the Stormont line,,,. The makers in, Mortgage which wiH--be produced ftt the Sale, Jackets worth from $30 to $36, now for $19x Capes, Collars,, Cbllarattes and CapSk at 2 p.m. tb-morrow. the following property.: Yon can buy them from oa at your own pnoe. Three Men’s, OvertioaU worth $7.*60 the Brofckvilla >diStriot have gone back Thé South East Quarter OÎ l;^do,tpr|eSj b_bt* tfie- ti'me Was ¥lis situation, takes what is offered whem, candles, in the Cathedral. for you, for we g,uarantee not 'y'eV8ppax»utly^.tb8;tendpnpy -was the his stuff is wrong, making pp feis mipd to, INTEEIOR ADOBNMENT-^J.À.Camer- to save you about one- other way'ât.p.resent.-;|ÿ‘. 'î'r'V ‘‘ r.' sSs that It doss hot ooOur again, iâbes*.} ®® on is having the interior bf the Grand third. Turning to:thB 'butteri trade^-Mr Macv„ ■ id the long ran, as the longer bad cheese Unjon barber shofi re-painted. Chas. y Ji^niiary ’ Gregor said it ah'bdld bo^ta soutoe ’bf r.tfie; je kept the worse they beoame,,. ..-:,, Èrown is wielding the brush. puMBtgratidoaitjo.b to every GMSdiah r# : ' - ‘{V/loM.-ii'eU ,-i;i note the adVanop that bad ^baeji ynade in' GOING PAST—Reserved seat tickets Watch and Clock eiearing JSale,. that direotioir. ■ The normal diffeiienoe ' be^ - for the Maclaren Hall opening onMon- li.i til' :>I< '..t tween Djabish butter; whiob is^th» bighèst ’ &y and Tuesday evenings of next Repairing. , . . grade in tlié BrisnsB matbet isTOs. to ,-15s wifek, have bèeti going fast. Secure Extraordinary values in Fur pey hundred we^jbt, ba¥-laBt' saihmer: the; yours, at Frank Kerr’s.' ' ’ jpoa-tsj^ Gaps,'jMuffs, Ruffs &c. Danish roE&ars béçatye^so .alarqisd^ at. tbe ( IN BUBLINGTON—We learn that Alf. You go to a competent inroads the ;|6anadian . eréamêi;iea/. 'were St, John,, late of the Grand Unfbn physiciaif Mn whom you • .. l-r-'- .'li.'l ÎC Special cuts in Underwear, making that they out their ptibe tfll,,there tonsorial parlor, has purchased a shop have confidence, when ■jriîïoij siii >iîl Blankets, Comforters, Flannels, was only a diffêrèhcd bd a shilling or two- .' in Burlington, Vt., and will shortly you have an ailment and In butter,, ôanà’da ; T^as •'àdVâflfièd'' from By a High Bcïioôl Pupil move his family there. ^ expect relief;' Isn’t it just Horse Blankets, &c. ohildl^eod to mahhoQd]ai^l%tià,d^,^y>:’^°^ ’ / c«#niù ;iîOïtî( « îè ÇlEENGABBlANS ABB WÉÉI, — In as essential in a smaller '• ■ Î'. ■ ; I;-. 'A- . though tbs demand was practically unli- ■ sending bis yenewal for tjhe News, way to know where to mited we steremot in a position .to take full ‘GLîi" .çéûmliaM- A.O A big stock of Lumbermen’s-!' Uii»w,&J.?3ceob-0 .ble,o«. Mr...^.-D- Kippen, of pmcmee, S. Di, take your clock or watch advantange of It. 1 ; v > Sox and Rubbers, to close outi Although the ice for the match w.tte reports, .all the. Glengarrians. in that when it’s^but of kilter ? There had heed' better daysdorihs Cari-; hot aU that eouldr ibe desired,. ndb:^i,th- district, wellj, and prospering.', for the season. i . - b ' adian cheese trade. Çanadians îtandiiig the eftideavors tOjhAveiJt; go,. were at the pinnacle of sùoôess ' in cheese- We dairhope for bette" on.the 8th.ti ,r (CGUNTIBS'PBINTINO—We learn that tl^.tender. of -our contemporary,The making, but they had got a swelled bead in Great erfedit'is due theJttoys. Joç .ith®? This week we pay f 8.00 per piengairian', for the Counties’ print- Chicago and tbe swelling had not gone persistent manner in.îyhiçh;^eed rndeb of a farmer of,any kind. ECa gramme is being prepared,and a Schù reach of all. 'Our groceries are The critic'dl moments of Mic. game are ■ - Î-' ' /y i • _ t ’ has only a little milk, gets it in good or bad me good time is assured. Admission pure and the prices are right. Well dèSèribed, and upon' reading dt, ‘asit °>ayh»pp4n. He oan be reasOUed 15 cents, which we will sell at current prices. Patronize home industry. - with bower, and may make a good dairy., we Ifvé^ogàfh'thrthi^ every-scene, V PBOGBIB^SIVE ETJCHBB—One of the i man after uil. '. - Si . and^ fancy lends*'anè'^'‘fliÿ inspMbg most successful euchre ' socials ever You Can fhiuWhat ire you going to do withh^o ? ?" ^ightofilhÇ® ” field fiere, was the pne in iklexander Mr' MaeGregçr Was asked.. setting-oa, the f{îoes.pt, apd tah-‘ Judge Best Ba.gs, quarter lb. Hall; ,'! on 'Thursday evening of last “Beunoe him,” w'as tbe immediate reply, ley. Theman,in the •‘padded pants”; "week. About one hundred were pre There should be frequent meetings of would Bp doubt find ikan easy matter Bags, half lb. ^ sent and tfiorpughly ofijoyed the even of our Groceries by trying -them. farmers in every ôoditiiûnitÿ afid a lot' of to enjoy life if -told to.. “go away ring’s entertainment, Tfie young ladies Wt make this guarantee that if f' . ,toinhing toget all the details.pl tho. bnsi. back.”:--V' M Bugs, Tib. who had chaise of the programme are the goods are dot standard grade, ness right.''iA.'com.mUtee. of jba brat men' ' 1''“"-" Ilf -i '^‘“1 /“.‘(VCT f.vliu.-f. . to'Be congratulated. doubly worth the price ; paid, we should be appointed who should visit the Bags, 2 lb. :faotory,{reqaehtlyj,j hpW .whPto. ipiîh -.te NEW. MANAGEMBNT—The factory of refund your money. the Alexandria 'Wood Export Co. is wyoug and'back uptbo maker in refusing it. Bags, 41b. «êlÉï'rüAftvy ijp'iy running full blast. At a meeting , ' If farmers famish the hrat- material in '«'‘ft pf„ the ehajeholders, 0. .S^. Taggart, tJ‘! ■K'T' 'the hist condition they' are in;'a position to ■ A'TV'bT fi.ii; Bagsf^ 6 Ib.i' ‘demand the fi'nOst ih'the world.' The field late book-keeper for ..Maepherson & The Art of is .unlimited^), Theresia 15 shfliings a bnn People who’have Joined the Schell,''was appointed Manager and Living t dred difisrenoa. between finest. Canadians ^ ^epretafiyjTveasurer. “ Mr. Taggart' Bag^ 8 lb. -and fines Énglish Cheddars, but the gap " ,:,5 Silent Majority. extensive, experience dp.,., manufactur. ing, fits him in an eminent degree for L '’’cBagClaib.: .ban be closed vety neaHy if not altoget- ‘■kjsos»'^ his new position. Mr. Bogart, of and living well, is in judicious ii'sr.' .te;:..... îQiçlljfcrifthe Myr|op^ap.^ ; j, marketing! 'Where you buy is of Bags, 161b. , See that evsrything about the factory is 'ft; 'i- ...right; the eheesemaker .neat and clean in correspondent writes us that Al- as much importance as-whati you ' hie ways! ^ye him a chance and demand lan, son of James Fisher, 19-5th Ken- buy, and what you pUy for it. Bags, 20 lb. yr|n^^e '^enf^’j pKr^i^V.ërtâsing; col. When it comes' to food, you want Xhàvheshali .mike a gUt;e8ge article. yon, died in Butte, Mbntanas on 21st umns, the new Maclaren fiall,'“on Sin ’A.'vefyj'lrtWe’^llia'time Spent .i'n 'getting January, aged 46 years. : • v •do knbw the surroundings of the Bags, 25 lb. clair St., which has been completed; things you are gdirig to eat. 1 , ,,tbe milk ri^t.paysbetter than a.ny other ■'The deceased, who was a resident of will be formally opened by a series of work on the farni,. The mUh stand ipusi' Btiftfe for some time,' reaves- to 'mourn teO grand concerts to be held on the Bs^igs-by the IQO or by the IQOQ. be removed from fojjl fllayors. It should be ;lftq lpSri,] tiiS father,''' four brothers and evenings of Monday and Tuesday,Feb. proteoted'-from-the-weather, but never pla- Everything is fresh and appetiss -'riK-ffn-' - se'veh sisters. His brothers are, James 10th and 11th. JExcellent amateur ■ced under a tree. A great deal of what we ing and attractive in our grocery. in Elorida; Daii in Minnesota; Andrew, talent has been secured for the occa- «‘hailed fruity flavor comes from the dropping and Duncan in Butte. His sisters are. sion, A complete change of program pi insedt's; Whioh ather on trees, especially Misses .Catherine, A,nnie and Lizzie. mo will be presented on each evening' ,'at night,.in'greal'numbers. Mrs. A. RuSsell and Mrs.Dan Tweaney, COTTON 2 iTWiNE bes^t ^quality and greates Milk should he .thorpnghly aired and cool ■Gomwall-; M'rs. John Russell, Martin-, Telephone No. 25 length. Write for samples and prices. .'Ad. espeoialy'in the ssmmer,; and> old or town ; and Mrs. Turner, Montreal. Worn eanS slUittld not be ■ used as it On thé S8rd; Jan., his remains'were, Qook’s Cotton Boot Ccanponnd impossible to keep them clean. " is scccesgfoUy used by over. interred in the Catholic Cemetery, 'ib.OUüIjàdies. Safe,efTeotua2. lÀdlesask No matte^ the oheesemaker may be Butte ; many flbrakofferiiigs frbth fri-i your druggist for Cook's Cotton Boot Com- ind.^Take no otn^r as all Mixturee, pills and A ;^ hppnâ down','that' does'.riot relieve the ends in Butte ,;#icl 'ÀigiuiÇy,_ iyere for-; ^-Itetlons are dangerous. Price, Wo. l, $l-p( 'ÿfarmra,’pf^his; r^ori'sibihty . box; No. 9,10 degrees stronger,$8 per box. N< warded-,. . -if'. : ■■ ■ ‘7. • g i-ot 2. mailed on i^eeiptof |»ic» and two 8-oent , . ..‘Sales ere ,{aade?ab some ..western pointe Messrs. Sandy Maodonell, Dan ;D. jStauips., Th,e Cook Oompany Windsor, Ont. ■ . considerably'.above those ruling brae, nota- ' ^^Nos. 1 and 2 gold ana recommen4*