I ^ '•.A", V ÔL. XI. 'e^'-^-XAÏiÊXANDHIA,. ONT., FEIDAY, FEBRUARY l, iA902g Nô;-ô. ’ O; jaî -tn V, from time to time received, at the hands of ged pith of aoienoa and virtue. Inspeoior O’Brien. Though a strict dis- All those Who. bayé çômo nùdet ydnrr'jnv fluence, while yon have direc'ted'bnf school , 5^1 rt J'// •; 'u'?--- | ' ciplinarian her rnlings are tempered by BAGHELORTOWN ■ are not here to day. Some profiting by , ._ “Ring out the Old, ' ' , that loving spirit which wins obedience the bright example yon have given them, both from Sisters and pnpils alike. have elected to walking in the narrow path ,V' .KTdV of perfection; others are debarred from 1 OELEBBATION AND ADDBESS ..' ■ ' '. ' r .-'H “‘ in the îîew't/v';'v assisting at Onr celebration by distance or Second Report—Meeting 6f The Jubilee celebration, which covered by the dntiea of their position in life, bnt two days, was fittingly openedEon Tuesday we feel that all are with ns in spirit, re- l^ilter Antonisos, Motber Snperior of joicing with ns and offering prayers for the Maidens — Committees afternoon, with a matinee entertainment preservation of yonr health, which we hope 'St. Margarets Convent, Alexandria, by the pupils, at which about 100 were will be good and enable yon to celebrate Appointed. We are grateful to all who so kindly your Golden Jubilee before you receive tho patronized us during the past year. We Celebrates Her Silver Jnbilee, as present, the largest proportion of whom, consisted of ex-pupils. The attendanoe crown which yonr zeal in God’s service want your trade this year also, together shall have merited. a Professed Member of tbe would indeed, have been much greater, but With best wishes for a happy celebration with that of your uncles and your coujdns for the recent severe storm, many from a The press reporter, of the Bachelor Pro- and your aunts. We will assure you A i of the day we beg to snbecribe onrselves. Holy Cross Order, a distance having eignified their intention Yonr nffeotionats and respectful children, tective Association, in the last issue of tbs service; right treatment, and good goods at Glengarry News, elicted much comment of being present. If absent in person they PDPILS OF ST MABOARET’S COSYENT. right prices. We have started “stock-tak- were here in spirit as was testified to by from both bachelors and maidens throngh- ing.” Come in and look arouM, -you can An adjonrnment was then made to the out the County. Since early in the new year, St. Margar- the nnmerons congratnlatory telegrams, pick up many needful things for little prices. letters and valnable gifts, sent to their large dining halls, where refreshments were An imaginary mass meeting was at once . et’s Convent here, to the, average outsider, well beloved Lady Snperior. A handsome served by several ladies, to whom the called by the fair sex. The Lancaster Fire * ' To Hand This Week in one sense of the term, was pervaded by puree presented by the Convent pnpils and thanks of all immediately concerned are Station was well filled at an early honr. an air of mystery, just as if a secret or a A splendid line of coasting sleds with two chaste candelabra presented in the dne, for the excellent manner in which they It was requested that in reporting this pleasant surprise was being sacredly kept hand holes, and round spring steel runners, name of the ratepayers of the section, by performed the task alloted to them. meeting, only fletitions names shonld be from some one. With but one exception, prices 75c and ^i.oo. Boys’ rock elm the Trnstees, and a beantifnl Battenberg Wednesday’s proceedings opened with used. Miss Tremble was elected as Presi- in the person of the Mother Snperior, the Hockey Sticks i5oj“I,eague” HockeySticks altar lace, made arid given by the Sisters the celebration of Mass in the Conveat dent, Miss Swift as Secretary,, and Miss enprems head of tbe institution, all the 35c. Skates and skate straps. of the Hoase,.ma7 be mentioned among the Chapel, by his Lordship, Rt. Rev. Alexan- Solid, Chaplain, The organization was othet occupante, both Sisters and pnpils latter. ? der Macdonsll. The ohapel was becoming- called “Maidens’ Anti-Bachelbr Combina- were fully conversant, and lent their ly decorated with beantifnl floral offerings, ■ The matinee performance opened with tion.” As the combination was for ssorat assistance, that the snrprise might he and, as might be expected, the service was WII,L. J. SIMPSON, an original Jnbilee song, in which were purposes only, stated meetings could not kept entact until the proper moment for attended by a large nnmber. expressed, the sentiments of gratitude and be held, bat all were to assemble at the Simpson Block, ité annonnoement had arrived. Daring tbs day, the rooms and corridors, congratnlation entertained toward their President’s call. The little people, while naturally deeply which had previonsly been decorated in an Alexandria, Ont. gnest. A cantata entitled “Siïvér Jabilse,” Miss Ancient was called on. to addreae interested were not more so than tbe ex- artistic manner, reechoed the joyfnl was very appropriately rendered, and was ths meeting. She then slowly produced her pnpils of that, worthy institntion. Wbat- laughter of the pupils who were enjoying brought to a close, by six little mites, analects, adjusted her spectacles, then sVer it was, it Appeared to be a “common themselves as of yore, in their beloved ranging from 4 to 6 years of age, present- scanned her andience critically, she enlog- canse.^’ And on Tuesday of this week, the Alma Mater. ing garlands of natural flowers. A piano ized the thought of each a Union, pnblio generally were let into the secret, The celebrations were brought to a close solo entitled “Angel’s Serenade,” was monmed over ths fallnres of the past, which was, that the Lady Snperior was by a solemn benediotion of the Blessed artistically rendered by Miss Florence spurned the idea, of being called “old” this week given an opportnnity, accorded Sacrament, after which adienx were spoken McLennan. vLet'ttsgO/fpr. pleasnre,” a maida| deplored the depravity of bachelor to few, snrronnded by her devoted co- and all retnrned to their homes, carrying winter song, was well' pictured by the taste. $he quoted Scriptnre in a scholarly workers in the dnal canse of administering with them memories never to be forgotten, pnpils who were becomingly attired in manner to prove the solidity of their course to the spiritnal and edncational welfare of of the Silver Jnbilee of their ever worthy winter costnme. With skates in hand as espeolally the story of “Peter’s wife’s those entrusted to their charge, and a and mnoh loved Snperior, Rev Sister Mary, though prepared to take full enjoyment mother,” that Adani and Eve were made large nnmber of past and present pupils, of St Antoninne. ont of that healthy pastime. The tablean expressly for each other, and “it is not good Our Discount Sale, now going on, ia a gainfol one for the publio who. had benefited by her example and On behalf of the ratepayers of the sohaol entitled, “Degrees ®f Grace” represented for man to live alone.” She receved hearty and we ask all our friends to take advantage of it. Everyone knows instruotion while under her guidance, to section, we take this opportnnity to extend Have tUë'repntdtio^ and is the place for reliable goods. The store duly celebrate her Silver Jnbilee as a pro- the different steps in the life of their applause when ehe stated that she was that many 5f ycnr ha'rmte and grand parents patronized and appre- sincere congratnlations and best wishes to fessed member of the Holy Cross Order. worthy mother. Pupils, representing determined to help some poor fellow live np ciated so highly. That’s why onr bnsiness keeps growing. The tbe worthy recipient of the many testi- to this Sciiptare. Short reports regarding - JA goods sell by reason of merit and always advertiw ^emselves. monials of good will and affection. the combination were received from al •u.lx' i;-ïa .s.-.M i;-.-'. J / delegates. Determination of character was Snaps !,. Snaps ! depicted on every face as the motto “pnsh onr nnion” was adopted. !.:• riw?} , v.T) .We have a limited number of furs of different kinds which will Tbe combination decided . to hold their be sold at a considerable discount. They are strictly - first class in next commnnion in the Temperance Hall, every way. f . f /. Î {'y V. T ; j, Q ! Williamstown. Three maiden teachers were appointed to aot as chief directors, a collection was taken np to defray expenses Lacliep’ J[ackets. Prize Winners—Good Race. of delegates, and the maidens rose and sang V'i K f.,, their new song; ' The best criterion of good value in Jackets is the CUT of the garment. No coat, however well made will satisfy the wearer if the Sweet 1s the tie that binds, ont is in the least out. Yon will search far and spend more money in Yet still we do long to be free, ïËe end'^fôïë yon will discover such excellent ant JacËe.t.s. as these._^ The masquerade on Friday evening When these jolly yonng fellows finds They can’t live without yon or me. The tnakeiSund finish are also exemplary. Why not tiy one of these of last week proved to be a highly suc- Jackets ? Ail' othef heayy gOOdrwnst -go during this .sale-while cessful affair.. Good costumes were We each have a few on onf string, 4 stocktaking.
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