PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, ed to send William's division. This was done MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CAKDS. previous to the attack and the reinforcements WANTS, LOST.FOUND CLOTHING. JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor. were just in time. Gen. Hooker's entire BRADLK1', MOULTON A MILLINERY._ corps PAPER BOX MANUFACTORY. ROGERS, LoM. • at No. EXCHANGE 81 BEET, by UNION n. IEJ M o Va t. published 82* was now moved to the left and afterwards sup- WHOLKSALB DEALERS IB Thursday Evening, a Breast Pin, with da- A CO. ttLNN Ac PALMER N • A. FOSTER ported by Schoiileld. The 14th corps cover- Mutual Life Co. J. I*. ONguerreotyp of m deceased friend, with hair en- Insurance Libby, closed in tbe hack; also abound the Whoever leave to eili the attention of Un trade cmmt* the The next MANUFACTURER OF Grain and pin. ing space they vacated. day Flour, Provisions, will return tbf game at No 3 Atlantic street,will be JOSIAH BEGally to their large and Tub Portland Daily PrbssIs published st 18.00 INCORPORATED BURLEIGH the by the STATE OF MAINE 88 Commercial street, Thomas sui ably rewarded. It is the if in advance, a discount ol Hooker made an assault upon enemy's Paper Boxes, Block. prized very highly by ■ At BBMOVKD TO /ear. paid strictly Charter 1849. owner. WELL SELECTED STOCK made. Perpetual. Organized, Of «uch as ROBKHT Junel6d$t 8»r1.(10 will be right, supported on his left by Sco/leld, and on every dercriptlon, BRALBY,) NEW Hingle copies three cents. Shoe Boxes, Boxes, o. x. MouLTtN, PORTLAND, MR. STORE, EVANS’ bis DIRECTOR’S OFFICE, sfewelry Boxes, Druggirt BLOCK, Tub MaivbStat* Pitnesis published every Thurs- right by Howard. Collar Boxes. bhulf Bmx*h, Cone uoloaical Boxes, A. U. ROUKU8. ) Wimted, morning,at 92.00 per annum, in advance; 92.26 68 State Dos 8cc. Nos. 141 A day The was of the kind.— Street, ton, Mask. PowderBoxes, Card Cases, Cigar Boxes, maySdtf YOUNG man of ability and desires 143 Middle Street. MILLINERY if within nix and be fighting sharpest experience Purchased GOODS, months; 92.60,If payment A a situation as clerk or Is an accu- forCAoil.ot test importing and auo* paid 144 Middle St.y Portland, Me* book-keeper tiou dalayod beyond the year. Hooker carried a portion of our line oi President-HENR V CROCKEIl. (Up Stairs) rate accountant. Good reference iiouams in New York, t-oeh u their ex per kneo given. in the four The losses Vice-President—DANIEL SHARP. juoeldSm W. W. CARR & Direct to J B. C P. 0. JOSIAH husiiifiis, *„.< itcil tie# for obtaining good*, works and captured guns. CO., Portland, tnejr uel in b* Rates of Advertising: Secretary— W. 11 HOLLISTER. Havliig taken the Fruit Store June IS—dlw# BURLEIGHj tuny confident inf abt*- to swecossfolijr formerly occapiotf b> compote with *« were heavy iu Butterfield's and Williorn's di- Wholesale and Retail Dealer la au> tiri« in New England. One inch of space in length of solumn, oonstitntea n. G. WILSON, Dana & Co. «. SAWYER. *» pains taken to keep a lull steak ef a “auoAitB.’* visions. The former is composed of the troops Lost. *‘wl *®<1 Lao.es bKJRTS. General in the New Tailors’ •1.60 i>er square first week; 76 oents week Manager of Agencies England No. 9 the 8d of a Jet CothlBr.Cotiu, Trimmiiijcs, daily per all heroical- Friday, June, Bracelet. ___ juneldlm of the 11th corps. They fought •states. Exchange Street, lady’a after; tnreo insertions or less, 91.00; continuing eve- Fish and S a ON'on State street between Spring itre4.—dlOd NO. 137 Middle Street. J. for an uninterrupted hour; there is noepnfus. Newton and Wood,darkness at the same time Forging*, eaeoatod. oeJdtf GRANT, -OF- A»D M iKCK.CTI BEIt OF promptly Wholesale Dealer la ing sound of cannon nor exciting musketry coming on, no general action was commenced. House Wanted. Sob* of tboaa Good*, which here boon recently all blade wf Premium Imported, differ much ia color, taatare aad taisb this the writer can The enemy evacuated in the It was Paged Account Books. SING ER’S to parcbaM f>r cam, a convenient bright morning. Perhaps night. from the tty lee that hare continued in vocac PORTLAND, WANTEDH-use suitable lor a .mail family, with usual lor a COFFEE, recall some ol the more features of the ascertained that the whole had been PAPER HANGINGS. year or two paat. and are considered very SPICES, striking army RA A fUTAnre I convenience., centrally and — elecant. <*17.WTMr. plensantly located Beeldee theee aad other Malarralut A ('ream No. 63 Htre. Price not to exceed Goods,—eomarfateff all the Tartar, thus far. A detailed ac. near and two dirisious in 'Johnson DESIGNATED REPOSITORY Kzoha.iie t, Portland, Mo. *3,000. Addrete "Taylor'’ at varieties for campaign complete position. the Press Office. feahionsblo wear, at the name place atay Juncldtt maylStf be ibaad a ffood of Staadard U, y*e Cof.t and Spict Hill,. JJ and u 6'ada** count unless drawn from a diary faithfully had been to mike a stand, (apply rataa. ffree* * * compelled being -OF TH*- WOODMAN. TRUE * rronah. aad Caali.h Portland. Mo. CO.. Board. Ure.doiolhs and Doe kept, would be next to impossible. The army pressed so hard by Howard. The skirmishing CHAS. J. •hlaa. for rentes! suits: together wlta stylee of SCHUMACHER, of Rooms, with can Coffee and ffpicea tnt for lb* AGENTS, Board, be obtained by Veetistge (elected with a view to (ait all tastes np trade, with aar has been in motion since May 3d. was ou the two until UNITED STATES. at 30 Addreae, ib all variety o! and wan constantly slight succeeding days, SUITSapplying immediately Danfortb straet. all the oee Myles for UenUemea s package*, ante4 fresco and Manner N*«. •« Had ••.Middle Street. wear, whether A. McPherson with the of the Tennessee the army reached Painter, for Drew Holts or a Basinets Oatffta received ia their reprtgeutet. Army Kingston. Coffee roaated aad for tb* lead* at iMtlHUi Olhud. iue grewad agon his march even earlier. Thomas’ I No. 1'14 M idillo Trlmtaiagaalway, Vi, uylM of began Army will continue the narrative at some fu- htreet, Cuttlna «na riotoMas Kohls tf KT" All gc odd entreated at the owa«r’« rlak (of the Cumberland) embracing (Palmer’s) ture Al.MJt. This Bank is prepared to receive} subscriptions for PORTLAND, MR. CV-Tk*bwf trimming* slwsja oa kaad. day. the martIUOdtf new Work executed in of the State. N*. _ 14th, (Hooker's) 20th, and (Howard's) 4th every part A CARD. ANOTHER VICTORY! IF" 1ST MUI41e Street, n jUDiltf with Scofield’s 23d and Stoncmau’s mnyliiWw The Misses Homs School. corps corps Letter from the Palmetto State. “TEN FORTY LOAN,” DR. S. G. Bailey’s FERNALD. Mi w. Cavalry Division on its left, concentrated in RUFU8 Hailey baviag parchaaed tbo pi am la Bf.avfobt, S. C., June 1,1*64. DUHHAmT" JUST RECEIVED I THENew u Inace* er ocolpied by Ow Em. which is dated March 1,1 '64, Interest at five MaDufactur* r ami f formerly front of Kinggold. bearing Wholvaalc eiton, ns n Boarding hcheol, propose To Ike Editor 0/ tke Tress: per cent, a year, Dealer in DENTIST, theren jgg McPherson marched to the right for an ex- Being a dweller at present In the land of No- 170 Miilcll Street- THE liOOD III HAS (01! B nwuax; ntuvui iur tensive flank movement on Kesacca. His PAYABLE IN BIT ANN IA Uiril BD« XIOjI, it occurs to me that a note of obser- COIN. Kiviuiom .Dr*.BagomandBimliv, “Dixie,” —A HD— in which the advantages of a carafnl boss training movements seem to have been unknown to the Portland, 36,1863. will be united with vation may not be unacceptable to you and redeemable at the pleasure of the Government alter May If ROLLINS k BONO, thorough in fraction in all Iks until he reached Snake whence he branones taught In Seoaiu arias of the tfrrtolaec. •nemy Gap numerous readers. ten years, and payable in forty years from date. Plated good time coming has come at last, and we The your Beaufort, my pres- roflttod tbstrotoro and a long experiences of one teacher as Ware, Dr. J. H. HEALD THEare now prepared to offer to the citizens rseoiTod large Principal drove out a of Interest on Bonds not over one hundred dollars No. 218 Fore of this SMortment of of a Home School in Virginia, and the re alien easily brigade Cavalry, having ent was the summer re- nireet, Portland aod the the HAVING pot residence, formerly disposed of hit entire interest In his city country, largest and finest selected of the oth^r as a successful teacher or Cavalry division to assist him. payable annually, and on all other Bonds semi- Maine. stock of many rears Kilpatrick's treat of the Southern but has HAVINGOffice to Dr. S.C FERNALD, would oheerfully ■landing. Id For'land, will, it is hoped, procure aristocracy, 1861. pc- Gen. Thomas moved on Tunnel Hill annually. Portland, May 17th, mayl7dtl recoommend him to his former patients and the pub- ELEGAHT STYLES troaage and insure success. May 7th, now become the residence of an aristocracy Bonds can be had in sizes of 950, 9100, 9600, 97000. lic. Dr. Fursiald, from long experience, is prepar- Faslilonatolo A OeaUemaa of experience will be at the head of —be 14th corps in ceater and front of the ed to insert Artificial Teeth on the the Home and Hill, of far different The aristoc- Vulcanite Base,” -OF- epartmeut, par particular atten- stamp. preseut M. G. WEBB & and all other methods known to the tion to the of the 4th corps making a flank march and getting WM. EDW. GOULD, C0.7 profession. physical training pupils. racy is composed largely of the Northern Portland. Mar 16.1ACTi'aiR>> or good Wigs, Half-Wigs, Bands, Braids, A New tiring through Gap Again in the Field Curls, Frixetts, Pads, Order ol Thins* ! tions the the and the Rolls, Crimping Boards, fco., 7 miles distant. citizen, gentleman mag- he., constantly on hand. 1*22 88 BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENT Boost, to Dalton -■ WITH- Japan, White Lend, Zine, Paluts, dljr By wiling onr good, at a istrate. He is and beloved 11 It. branches, >od haring >11 th> fhctttllne Ik* At this latter—“Dug Gap”—Hooker FOR THE II. ■ SPRING SPRING. ilKKUY BCBOE*0, nni'fl || MOUNTAIN, LEHIGH. 11KZILTON, Manufacturing Establishment In goring up Mi.iaHw.rk f.»v gentlemen and from its rWElM-lP, II. sugar old Boston* ladea, wards had a stubborn A wls rapidly growing, and is merging for- ClIAHLEA 8. Fobvh. loaf, company lehigh. LO- wear, are now to execntaall order, witk neat* fight. brigade And onr chief aim is read, maylSdtf CUST MOUNTAIN. JOHNS, DIAMOND, WEBS- to produce the very latest and SPRING OPENING’. nee., and Our mer ease and to the active Ladies of Portland and vicinity are aispatch work will be mad* of the with great loss in attempting to gain luxury, dissipation respectfully I EK .ml BLACK U EA I'll Three Coala are of the beat of repulsed Invited to call and see the many bcautiftil ol imported ttock. bv the trrt of workmen, and a styles rerv beat well screened and end summit. Thomas’ took on thrift peculiar to industry. It is about mile quality, picked, Most Fashionable warranted to (tftre pc r.ect mtlsfectk-n It la oar atm the army position BLAKE, JOAES & warranted to satisfaction. Styles, CO.,' give A. D. tbat our worli .ball uot be wtuud to any la the Unit, in one half in and As well as the most REEVES, Tunnel Hill and on the northern side ot Rocky length by breadth, lays Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods Also for aale beat of tasteful aid durable. ed state. We hare also Hooker'B of Newton’s along the shore of a beautiful bay, from which FLOUR & GRAIN We are receiving sew goods daily. No completed a stock af ready mada Face Ridge. brigade J18T RECCIVKDI DEALERS, HARD AND SOFT chop* work of the dret tor WOOD, wo* n goods remain on our hands, but is TAILOR quality, each afternoon a breeze is felt. The Aud Boceiver* of delivered te everything A DRAPER division, 4tb corps, stormed and captured the refreshing any part of the city. fresh and new. Orgies India, Gentlemen, and Chl dron'a Waar, rude in architecture Also, the great variety rn and Canadian CommaucliL St., head of Franklin Wharf. eastern end of Face, to get buildings, though very IVesti Produce, The attention of the is 98 Rocky attempting public particular! v called to Exchange St., from New and Beaton 8. ROUNDS dk our Selected Tork mnrkata. as with those in our Northern cities, Block. SON. possession of that rugged height by the same compared Iloii»e Furnishing Goods ! 137 Commercial Street,.Granite febI6 respectfully inform his friends end the dly that Our Ladlea' work is from the celebrated Burn are aud and all embowered in trees. Charles Blake. » NEW WOULDpublic he ha* recently opened a Splsndid movement as that by which Howard had gain- large airy, Such as Brown and Bleached Cotton and ESTABLISHMENT, Assortment of New Tork. Sheetings Henry A Junes, PORTLAND. of Mumufacturj of [ WARREN'S IMFOHVED Where can t or tieutlemeu '■ wear we ed Tunnel Hill with division. Hook- The Magnolia, one of the most beautiful Shirtings, Table Linens, Drillings, lickings, Donims, K. W. be found all the choices styles and finest have the beet aiaortmmt Stanley's liaj(e, ) irom ever offer* d fur e*te In tfaie of Stripes, Ac. Also, just receiving, the latest styles ol goods both the Old World and the New. city; ,uch aa Saa 9reach narrow Southern to the height junctdtf 1’atoot Leather er pushed the rebels along the ridgo evergreens, grows handsome Spring FIRE AND WATER-PROOF Spring and Summer Goods, Hoots; Move Call and Calf Coa* in (rose for yentlc rueu's wear; ('.b at Leather Cam for a mile and a half 10 feet wide in forty or fifty feet, aud is now clothed large Which be I* ready to make In the meet Fas burn- (only JOHIf LYWCH» & up noss. and Calf Congrtee Balmoral, and ew Smack the Balmoral ShLlrts CO.’ F.B.TOVVANkC©., able style, and at the Lowest Cash Friers. no line battle of extent white flowers, reserhbling in sbspe apple FELT Buckle Hoots. pMces) that of any COMPOSITION, Tbh Ladiks are reminded that Bid- And the most fashionable SPRING SHA WLS. respectfully tiara von seen the new style CR'MPKD-FRONT to a knoll in the blossom, but very large. I measured one a -AID- 124 Middle St. ing H tbits, Zouav Jackets, and Waists are could be formed, and coming A stock of Wholesale Fancy BUCKLE BOOT, now mede by ktcCar by fc ber- complete Grocers, cat and m*de at this establishment m a few since which was ten inches In diam- Portland. May SO, ISGI. raaySOeodlm style which ry? For neatnees, comlort aud beautv, It higher than the rest and which tbe ene- days cannot fail to please them. anrptaca ridge CLOTHS AND AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Gravel Roofing anything ever got up lu this city Call and see Mi and was no means the CASSIMERES, Milvtabt aid Natal Officsm are here fit- had he was to bait. eter. it by leargest. •ample, alwaj s on baud el the old stead of M. ltd- my fortified, compelled Granite Stores, Commerc nl street, FOR FLAT ROOFS. A. & s. ted out la true Reiulati m The were five inches three in FOR BOYS* AND MEN'S WEAR. shurtleff&coT- Style. Carthy. Tbe men drew two of in the petals long by To Kittiho out Both In the racst and up pieces artillery head Wharf,) SOS. .14 & as becoming of another beauti- (Opposite Widgory E. HERSEY. Agent, KIDDLE STHEET, durable garments, special attention ia given. McCarthy a berry, night and drove the rebels still further next breadth. The Pride India, John Lvnrh, ) Jan2t dtf No. 16 Union Street. 510.08 has a PORTLAND. Exchange Btrddt. our line of their breastworks— ful tree, blossom, iq size, color, shape CLOAKINGS ! CLOAKINGS !! Pe!«g Barker, PORTLAND, MK. Dress Coats, Pants, Vests, and Business day—sec jring [ Manufacturer, Joneldtl the Lilac in our North- Tho*. Lynch ) juneldtf and Dealer, la but Hooker could not push further without and odor, resembliug An elegant assortment. We are just ready to manu- Suits, facture to measure, at the shortest of the ALBERT WEBB ft Men's and ern Its fragrance, when wafted on notice, any CO., Boys’ Youth’s Thick, Eip Made to order and warranted Good Fits. great loss, and was ordered to hold what he gardens. new and desirable Cloaks. Warrented to suit. United States Claim I Spring DOLE & -dbaLins m- and Calf Mr Kb* vis assure# his customers tbst his work Agency * the is most The MOODiT Boots, % had evening breeze, delightful. is made not in the got. FEUCHTWANGER * GENERAL Women’* Misaen end Children’* Goal. Kid only highest s*ylo of fashion, but Bounty, Prize * Is and ol several varieties. ZVNDER, In the most and tokkiailiki masiii. Honey Pemalou* Several reconnoisances in force were made orange abundant, and Calf Balm'ral*, Hubber*. Bbo* thorough Flour and Th* Public are Invited to visit this Kmpohilm on (FOX BLOCK), Corn, Grain, Siook, Finding*. &u. be obtsined epplicnlkvn to Lemon, and Figs abound, while COMMISSION of by Gen. Howard at Buzzard Roost, from the Pomegranate MERCHANTS, Fashioh, and see it the facts do not failv come CAN kWEAl ft CLEAVES, NO. 81 MIDDLE to this Mamifbbto. at the lesser fruits crown every shrub or peep STREET, And holes* le Dealer* in TKTITH our superior facilities for ap maylddlm Aitornsye Law. 6th to the 12th oi May, disclosing always that manufacturing, No. 117 M ddlo Mains. CtMMrtUI Str««t, ▼ f and a larue experience in the business, we street, Hn.eey’e Row. from every The soil is of a one black PORTLAND, Parilaai, M«. the enemy were still there in force. At any hedge. FLOUR, CORN AND PRODUCE, leUtf we are able to sell as low as iu Boston or elsewhere. maylleoddm P. S — Ladies need not ask for from the and and under North- goods Dealers are respect felly invited to call and ex- of an to sand, very productive, No. 5 Galt Block, Commero il St, appearance attempt press through, wrecked steamship Bohemian, as we have none but amineourstock before purchasing. ern and thrift would soon al- The Cabinet Maine Sabbath School tbe would from a half dozen bat- enterprise yield sound and fresh goods, which we warrant as such, EDWARD H. BURGIN, If*Orders by mail nrouiptiy attended to. Organs Depository enemy open CORTLAND. ME. MADK EXCLUSIVELY BY and best selected Stock a store of fruit and aprltf Portland. A pril 23,1*64. dflm largpNt o’ BOOKS that most boundless vegeta- | WHOLESALE DEALER IX teries, all concentrating upon gorge.— juneldGm THEfar SABBAIH bfUuuL LI BK ARIES u« be bles. Wild In their season, may be The founl at ucec ucuiunskiauuiio turn ua buiuu taiuauic grapes, Extraordinary Succeaa MASON & HAMLIN the but 1 cannot ascer- Great News! News! Mea\ and No, 01 Ktchango Portland. revealed the fact that Johnaon gathered by cartload, Important BROWN & CROCKER. Corn, Flour, *rp in* o*ox iDKirumrnu oi inpir class in xneworia. Street, lives, but they Which has attended the introduction by us of vine has ever been Nearly all the most promiuvn* artists in the New books are received every week from the Ron- served to tain, that a single cultivat- country was atill at Dalton and probably keep IF3 LAST ERE Also. Ground Rock Balt. havo given written testimony to thie effect, and these day school societies and rubiMhiug Home* a Phil- ten PLS, CALIFORNIA WINES, ed. This island is miles long by about Ivl. Bradt instruments are in constant dm in the concerts ol ade'phia. New York and Boston. Bo varied a « as- hint there. McPherson had now got in place Co., AMD OltNAMENTAL l-LAIN Comiui*Mion Ylercliant Is not a the most distinguished artists- a* Gottschalk and sortment. book* adapted to the live and almost every loot it of No. 26 Market only fitting tribute to the purity and beauty comprising capacity at Snake but failed to break the railroad broad, capable Square, others—as well as in the ras in the cit* of the child as well a* a lull, caunot be found in Gap, STUCCO ANI) MASTIC WORK Kits. of the Wines themselves, but a indication priuc pal any FOR PURCHASE AID SALE OF cheering ies. whenever such instruments are Price one store ia New cultivation. Many of lesser size lay about it, arrived it* aud ar« now reou'ird. England. so as was Sherman now lately Portland, of a desire to effectively expected. Oak atreet, between Congress and Free among the people encourage • *6 to fiu) each. These instruments may he found School* in the country, by sending n catalogue of as salt water HAVEready to exhib to tbf citizens ul this city and Sts., separated only by channels, at the Maiic dooms of the subscriber, where the books in the Library, ean receive a lot for ex* (on the 12tb) moved all of bis army save 4th surroundiug towns heir entirely new aud elegant and Oats. they POMTLAXD. Barley, Rye will be sold at the manufacturers' animation and r-turu at ex tub as are of sufficient size to the gun- stock of AMERICAN INDUSTRY. prices. my perse with Stoncman’s aud McCook's rivers, yet permit not lor corps Cavalry Cy< ars leaded with Corn Id bulk free of charge. II. 8. approved g tee’io-i Book* Sabbath Be ooie boats to ty Coloring, Whitening, and The wine Trade Review, the of the British EDWARDS, ai ea.lv ou hand. L>i»oouuu for Books al- all uuder Gen. down to freely pass. a b White-washing Warehouse No. 120 Commercial organ Library divisions, Howard, <3- attended to. Order, friln out 01 town so- Siiect, Stewart’s Block, St. lowed. a- in Huston Also M Fixtures, promptly trade, calls them "excellent in quality and a great No.£49) Congress seellaneons. Tbeoiogi this This is the source of the far-famed the latest licited. Juueldtf And Crrr Mills, aprlSdtf cal and School Hooka. Letter, sermon and Note Pa- Join McPherson. The enemy perceived group Of very styles, consisting of Deering Bridge. success." of all with to mated. Pt olo- much of which is now be- Juneleod6m per siaes, Envelope# movement from their look-out stations on Sea Island cotton, Parlor and Room Albums, Portfolio*. 1* Sitting Chandelier*, Our hr inds of these Wines may be found mpon Ice Cream ! Ice Cream ! ! graph rtmonuaie*, ho., le., nil ot which w*ll he »old nt the lowest ciah Face, and the cultivated. Previous to the rebellion the Dining Room and Hall Light*, BYRON GREENOUGH & the prior a.— Rocky during following night ing CO^ JOHN F. ANDERSON, tables of Orders solicited. H. PACAaBD. * of several Store Pendent*, Hrackei*, Manufacturers of withdrew from front of 4lh corps and Dalton. lauds were divided into plantations A_t Brown’s June 1st, 1HS4. dtf Portable*, Ate. The Host Fastidious Connoisseurs. At 1 A. M. Gen. Howard sent to his division thousand acres each. Each was under the And \Vliolt**alp and Hetail Ut'aleDin Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Ice Cream Also a very fine assortment of Kerosene Lamps, Oyster and Saloon, on dawn. control of an overseer, while the owners dwelt The leading portion of tho American press hava PE N SION 8 f BO UNTIES! commanders to push at early (■as and Lamp 8h«4*n. of the latest improvemnts, OFFICE, CODJIAN BLOCK, extolled their merits, and the verdict to all who use No. 152 u4 134 entered Dalton af at ease in Beaufort. Since the unceremonious Globes, Chimneys, and all sorts of Gab Fitting*, Furs, Hats, &c., Exchange St., Howley’s Division wheeled carts, they would be satisfied BALL, from WORMS, BARNACLES, GRASS. Ac Ves- T. B. PARSONS right with the remainder army. donkey for the Hair is sels tn and mills elegant preparation entirely MANUFACTURESOK trading the West India Southern Ports — — cultivate their own farms, AT day the whole army closed in around ltesacci ou this point. They JL fret from aicohol, spirits srany injurious sub- M. REiVRSOlSr, THE FIRST VITIOVU UK will fiud it particularly for their interest to use Ue the stance whatever. It possesses all the desirable and Patent Metallic ou forma Paint. a mould of the front aud meet and many of the vegetables are raised by Carriages Sleighs, No. 12, Seer Street, Portland. taking enemy’s qualities of the best, and none of the objections of Silver Plater, OF PORTLAND. The proprietors will in every ci>« guarantee, not the men en- 1s. The wh'ch Preble that now with stubborn resistance in some iiuartcn labor of the women, while enlist, the inferior rounpouu high reputation Hrol>le atreet, (Near liouae.) AND MANUFACTURE* OF only their Copper Paint is superior to any lng this preparation ha-* gained in private circles, in this in use. but also to any that has been heretofore of- liistnetfon In Pnatl- was hat in Government work or fishing. And PORTLAND, \IK. find an Scolield on Howard’s right, severely gage go city, has induced the proprietor to place it before SILVER Holders of U. S. 7-30 Notes, f red to the public. ('«F.5TI.FMFXr Pittmank lo.’i, Noble’s Block, up stair#. Office hour# from 9 to ] C HARRIS' NEWSTYLES. time since a mar and other brand* of manufactured Tobacoo. * to and from 8 to 9 o’clock P. M. will be dcau'cd. fai and division 4th on the extreh e for a wheelbarrow. A short Commission merchants. A. M., from 2 8, thoroughly hfuily neatly Howley’s corps, advance* in good taste, to eontem with his head made ou all consignment*. Dr. N. will continue, in connection with generi a New Cloaks and Mantillas! June 4—dtf repaired,and \.reared found the ai d fro# out town carrying upon a ad dealers No June 1SG4. to attention to DISEASES O f> the c-f ihsbh n. The coca at t loci ea>e left, grouud sharply contested, passed, in Country Produce, have moved to Portland, 1, jnldtf practice, give special _ present style 63 FEMALES. ooSldtf ot upon the proprietor, la sunset of in his hand a hug< Commercial street. The Cheapest Agency pauouage'testowrd duly just before the. massed in keai y a large bam bacon, right annreciated and he assures uli who tavor enemy ~~ LI Adl A: by him. shouldei Portland, May 10th, 1864. maylOdtf ROBINSON, clauet of claim* with their custom, ihst no shall force e of bread and a on his DR. W. R. JOHNSON, collecting all arising from lil perns he spared against Stanley's left brigade, and dro' loaf army pail, 1 »ati* faction. 84 M id the war I* that of tbc to give them the atmorft a bushel of WILLIAM A. tile* St., I,OR back two regiments—a battery which Gc u. a bag containing about hominy DENTIST. PEARCE, N. B. Garment* cut and made to order, and war- Independent I_I now 011 to tit G. B. had to meet his left and the inconven Military Company Inserts Artificial Teeth on Gold. Silver and Vulcan- ? | ban<1 an Elxoaht Stock ol “MAINE WAR CLAIM ranted STAKBIRD, Howard posted such au emerge i- held by hand, only ASSOCIATION,’ J’or 30th, IS54. Prac.ical ite and warrant* them in all caves to be a PLUMBER JJAVE laud, May Tailor, of NAURU ZOUAVES. Rubber, dtf cy, with grape and canister in it ience he to feel was the lack tit. MAKER OF in which the expenses are controlled by R disinter opened galla appeared perfect __ those to Join a Military 1 attention to and ested Executive Committee. and checked the pursuit. This battc third with which to brush away th< wishing good Co.wi l)r. J also give* special Filling Cloaks, Cossacks, Mantillas, Style, •y hand, find it to their advantage to call at Old ( it two doors west Force and Water Closeti 9 in person, or by letter, to GEORGE F ALL Teeth. Office 22Stj Congress street, Pumps Of their own manufacture. Apply W. K. E. or Also, over thu Portland 3d (blh Ind.) at one time seemed in a critical s t- sandflies. Hail, any Monday Thursday Evening, previou from the Court Mouse. UlbKV, Post Othce, story. GREENHOUSE to June 25 b; also *ix or eight *ood drummers A! 1 Portland. June 1, 1884.— eod2m NO. 134 EXCHANGE STREET, dawly AND but Gen. Hooker had arrived on t >o ——. REDDING OUT PLANTS, uation, recruits must be 6 leet and 6 inches in height TOUTLAND, UK. Cloaks, Silks, Tassels, A. H. the and one of '* lVr Order. SAWYak,Clerk. OKA ground just'before attack, 1 Dissolution. NEW ORLEANS. BUTTONS and ORNAMENTS. FT8 A WILLIAMS* Respectfully inform the public that I bar# ou Jnne2—eoc3w baud a _ Shower Successor* A Co. I large assortment of Green Hoove end divisions was at and at the luosu nt fit HE firm of Gardiiior aid Brows iithis dll Warm, Cold and Rathe,.Was h to J. W. HDNNEWELL hand, day Plants, lor sa'e. of -1- solved mutual consent. S. D. MOODY &■. CO.j Brass dr Silver Plated LADIES’ GARMENTS Made to Order. No. 6 0 7 A 8 Commercial Wharf, Bostor. Bedding-oat spring superior when most needed a of the old 11 1,1th by9 Copartnership. Bowls, Cocks, ri*: Vfkpewah. Daiiuih PxukGom- brigade N. 8. GARDINER. t»T Tohonpf quality, . r, Oommission Merchant. and Dealer* in Mtdi undersigned have formed copartncrfhl k Importers Wholesale Drugs, uut. PAM8XB and Roaxe. Also, a due collection filed in on the right s Lid J. E BROWN’, tonla8 at.. New Orleans, La. Referouo* •: Baker of Water Fixture# for-Dw ux corps (Robiuson’s) uuder the name ot Erkkman Bbotbk«». an description cines, Paints, (Alt, Dye Stuff, Manufacturers, of Astir funTi, 4c 4c., 4c. Portland, Juns >th, 1864. THE Morrill, Boston: Franklin Snow k Co., Boston Public Coi-d <*r a fearl as leased the store by 1 witcUe EVERYling House#, Hotels, Buildings, Sho| Shawls and Dress tides and Chemicals. Manufacturers of A selection always be found at Banda)) 4 left of the battery, aud presented have formerly occupied Wise % C. Nickerson k Co., N. 1. Silks, Qoods, J may street, who e th* v Russell, Boston; Ac and set up in the best manner, and Ac. fbr Forest River Leat Wi Market left &. Cha*nplin. No 85 Commercial arranged than the ntshes. Japan Agents iluey's, Squaro. truer# there will foe. Gen. Howi ird N. S. GARDINER Rich A Co., St. Louis. orders in town or executed. J Cheaper Cheapo*t. and Jmeriean Zxnc front to the encouraged propose to carry ou the Flour. Tea and Tobact # country faithfU’.ly Mystie Lead Co. French be promptly attended to Will * Particular to kinds of attended to. Constani LEACH A ROBINSON, and Labels. Genera had asked Gen. Thomas for relnforceme continue ihe CUSTOM TAILORING buslnei business. JAMES FREEMAN, V attention given Consignment! lobbing promptly iy Druggist's. Perfumers Liquor ALBERT DIRWANGER, Mortal st the old stand. 62 Middle street. SAMUEL FREEMAN. of vessels, Lumber, Hay, Oats, fc. on hand LEAD PIPES. SHEKI LEAD aud BE! R 84 Middle street. Agent* forj. L. Hunnewell’s Universal Cough Hem Corner ef North and Montreal Streets, for his left, and Gen. Hooker had been dire Ct- : June d, 1164. junel'Mtf Portland, June 9 -d6w mch23 d3m PUMPS of all descriptions. ap9 dt I June i—dim edy, Tolu Anodyne and Electric Pills. mch23eodte Portland, Me. Apriltf walnut and grained rosiwood casket, from Letter from the Federal ORIG1XAL A.YD SELECTED. SPECIAL DAILY Capital. I New Publications. NOTICES. UlUMOtOCIA*>MAMw3wfT THE PRESS. lie establishment of Mr. S. L. corner NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lyford, June 1864. The Fibst Principles of a System Washington, 14th, Xew New or ITIAMIB FROM FOB SAILS if and and as uice an Advertisement« To-Day. rofirii.vc, mji.ve. Lime Federal streets, r )th• Editor of tin Press: Philosophy. Uy Herbert Spencer, author of Nolle**. ieigiau.Liverpool.... Quebec.Jr e 2 in the It Fropneal*—I Washburn, Jr. “Illustrations of Universal &c. The uccorditional Union voter* of kotia...Liverpool.New York. June 4 ! — irticle as could be city. ! It is Progress,'* ere —■—— to that the Ysmooth, — —— ■ ■ procured hardly ueccanary say pro- Wanted—A situ-lion * B. F. HAMILTON&CO. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 12mo, pp. requested to meet et tin Tempera* ce Hall iu said kfHca.Liverpool.Boston.June 11 was then—at about 2 o’clock P. M.—laid c< Hoard u«—77 Free S rest. : edings of Congress during last week were 30s. For sale in town, on the 23d Inst, at o’clock P. SI. Ya-hington.Havre.New York. .June 1& Successors to 1 Town t auras— Ya mou'b. this city by Hall L. Davis. ihur.day 7$ June 17, 1864. where tor the purpose ot eele.tiug Delegates to atteLd the ’ersia.Liverpool.New York .June 18 j Friday Morning, n sta'e iu the Common Council room, n )t of a character to excite in- Doods—B. F Hamilton & Co. This volume the any very lively Dry ; author says is the first of a Mtate Couveotr n to le ho.di u in June 29. ksia.Liverpool.... Boston.Jute 26 C. H. Notioe—U. W KoLi Augiaia Robinson Sic Co. it was visited crowds of our citizens—la- u rest. The son. Al-o to select He to attend ill, by j Convention at Baltimore acting j series designed to unfold tho principiestif a new egato* Congressional Convention to be no men iu Portlaud on four ad Tamascu*.Quebec Liverpool_June 18 very respectfully invite all former pa- Press is lies and the a: astroi counter us at the ay The circulation ofthe Daily larger gentlemen—during afternoon, g irritant,left Cap- philosophy. It embraces in its First Principles, of n* *t. ^irgiuia.New York .June 18 WOULDtious 10 the house, aud the public to The snow was six inches on tho summit j tbe7jth day July Liverpool... generally to the time deep Town Iremen.New York.. Bremen.June 18 free examination of our at ail times. With ihan any other Daily paper in the State, and and the next forenoon, up when it it al for a lill'e time In great quiet. Nor is it the Unknowable und the Knowable. It dives Per Order Committee. j goods jf Mount Washington on Monday. Yarmouth, June 16, 1 04. juuel7 vomica.New York.. Havana.June 18 ong experience au«l close at’cn'iun 10 the wants of double that of any other in Portland. became necessary to remove it to the care. n “ceesary to say that the nominations of the into deep and unfathomable mysteries, which Edinburg.New York. Liverpool. June 18 ;ustom< r*, anO^adhcring strictly to tLe | Geo. Francis Train has turned in Jeo Washington New York.. New Orleans. June 18 So much for the facts. We venture the as- I uion Convention are well received here, and up Omuba, will tax the imagination as well ns the reason of Town | CASH Tnaus—tS.OOper year: if paid strictly in ad- Cuuctis* *W°D.New York.. Liverpool... .June 22 SYSTEM, Nebraska “W*11 it to he better for the that the of Col. omise uor none Tearitory. the reader to the fullest extent. The citizens of North who are uncon- .New York.. .June 22 Believing buyer ss well as the tames a discount of SI .no trill Be mode. lerliou thought Boothby’a p to be very popular, that irem general Yarmouth Liverpool... j JlympUH .New York iellerf to merit a Drg, shtrge of Sever* Jacob a ditionally loyal to the Hoveruiueut, are to Liverpool. June 22 pa rooa*e antecedents never entered the mind w ill the noble Unionist named *for the Vice Herrick, Esq., well known citizen of requested Litvoi W tl lots of to close political me»'t in c&uuus at a-hiug’u New York.. .. .June 26 goods cheap to make room tor on all The Cripple of scenes the Town House, at 6 o’clock F. M. Liverpool. tar Reading Mailer Knar Pagra. Antioch, and other from Star New of member of the no 1' receive a more and un- Auburn died at his iesitlencc on Tuesday on Saturday June25th, to select to attend Evening York Havana.June 26 K. W any City Government, residency geuerous night, Christian Life in Early Times. the au- delegates N GOODS. l!y the Convention a- June29*h .. June 26 after a short illness, 74 years. thor of “The Auguntu j"y*,*n.Quebec.Liverpool Mr. W X. Prince, toge«h«r with the more than did a similar thought wheu the re- g rudgiug support than from those whose views aged j Chronicle of the Schonberg Per Order fowu Comm. Illinois..,..New York. Aspinwall.. .June 26 employees In the store are to bo retained ana will be to Cotta New York: llobert Carter 4t June If,, m«. ... Juue Hi happy inaius of tile were received iu o the iuteiests as well as A son of Mrs. Palmer, of Family.” Europa.Boston.Liverpool. tee all their customers at gallant Berry public pcisunal pre- j Mary Gardiner, ..New York.. ...June 29 formerly. Bros, lfimo, pp. 4’iO. Liverpool B. F tl A MIL I ON & CO the and laid in state iu the same room so 1 IV rencea would have led them to the re- was run over in the streets of that city and seri- rubai Cain.New York West Indies July 6 city, prefer The materials for Notice. Corner and Preble streets. these sketches have been Eleltric Spark.New York.. New Orleans July 6 Congress the remains of Col. B. If n nmiualion of the statesman who has so wor- ously injured, on Monday last. junel7eodtf lately occupied by unconditional L'uiou Men cf are re- gathered from English, French and German 1 TJie .Pownal j quested to rne<*t at the lowu ilcuse *iu said on Col. Boothby icas a Democrat,—of which tl lily and well filled that high position thus i It is feared Lieut. Charles W. Keyes, of the town, MINIATURK histories and biographies. They are a series of Saturday th 26th inat.. at 6 o’clock P. 31. for the ALMANAC. we find some serious doubts f, r the term. 32d Maine, of East whose foot was am- purport, of seh to : PrwpoMalw expressed, though during present Wilton, tiles based on facts, or entirely historiral, made cling delegates attend the State Friday..June IT. Convention to behoid.u at June 29 b. For Rations and Skip Chandlery for Revenue Cul- we know of the And now that the Presidential is putated a short time since, may not recover. Augusta. Sun rises.4 ?3 I High water, (a m 8 2® nothing personally fact,—one campaign and instructive to the general reader, Per Order ot 1 ler j interesting Town Committee. Sunsets. 7 32 | Length of days_ 16 17 stationed at Port of Portland. is certain: he held iu utter f. the session A Pownal, June l&tti. IfM.— did thiug absolutely lily opened, present protracted contemporary says, so long as butter is i The principal historical characters introduced Coni kctor’s tsrrrcx, I that so exhibited o r to a little tedious— held at its the dealers their Portland. Me., Jane loth, 18€t. contempt spirit, constantly Congress begins grow present price, grease speak only what they have written, or are re- THOMIS G. i LORl.VG, DRUGGIST, ALKD Proposal-* will be rreeived at this office iu the Advertiser, which with the o r at least one might judge from the tbicken- own throats with it. to have MARINE NEWS. sympathises | ported spoken. -AND- SRuntil 12 o'clock M on Ihiiri-dav the 30th Inst., and seeks to embarrass the Government ii of an There tor furniabing and delivering Ration* at d rebels, ig signs early adjournment. sp- A SUBSCRIPTION of $30,000 has been made up i PRACTICAL TRUSS ship Stumblino Blocks. Gail author FITTER, i POST OF PORTLAND. Chandlery lor tbe Revenue < niter station H at this ears a By Hamilton, in its efforts to lnaiutain.ils authority, p strong to take new in New York to Csrner of lor rightful indisposition up endow the presidency of Dart- of “Country Living and Country Thinking,” Kichnn*r A Federal Sl'n. Port, ths fiscal year ending Jut e£0 h, 18A6 The l and A rations to be of good and app-oved to be lie was a noble, h'gh-miuded and patriotic usiness an inclination to deler till Dc- mouth “Gala &c. Boston: Ticknor & Fields. perfect St guaranteed. Tbe poor liberally eon- Thursday,.June 16, quality; College. Days,” delivered on b ard the (utter in od a no 1 vol. lfitno. For sale in this Hali L. tlderea. mch‘25 dtf ARRIVED. *• sufficient Ireedom and detesting slavery, c •mber, much that is city by ii ackagea. ban els. boxes and and in man, loving already begun, except- The U. 8. Steamer Pontoosuc about Steamer Forest Liseomb. Boston. casts, good or- got forty Davis. City. der, once a month tree of to the he his bis ii of few measures of iin- Steamer New irom Boston, for expense United and proved sincerity by giving ig course,some prime men ill her the eastern Engiaud, Field, States, agreeable to »r recruiting trip along This is a work that will be after and Portland eci cations a»d table (mark- sought Photographic St John NB. ed -1 life to the oue and to thwart p including tax and tariff bills to coast. Gallery, attacked thereto, wnieh will form a part of young uphold ortance, yet j HO Brig Excelsior. (Br) Scott, CB. read with the deepest interest. Its perusal will MIDDLE ST., POliTLAND, Me., Licgmn the contract copies of w» i h may be btd of the other. Ii e boh Ida Morton uew York, by apply- UNION NOMINATIONS. the infamous tendencies perfected. These will consume nearly all Buckminster, **f ****** office. It is understood that the j ONE-thousand Mormons, just from Europe, not only serve to while away a leisure hour, but A. 8. DA bell L'nion, Uadlock, isles. contract- 1 lat remains of the VI8, Proprietor, Cranberry or wid be bound to fnrninh. upon rea-onable Another is cerlau: that the present month, and per- went Sch T H Benton. Orr, notice, thing equally up the Hudson on Saturday, on their way will impress the mind with important facts, Portland, 12,1864. llarpswell. ns often a< mav be required by th of Huy may!2d6m fccli Emery, Tinker. ( alai» lor bostou. Captain the attack the 11 aps a little more. Thu defeat of the Bank- to Cutter, with the approbation of *te < oat IOB PRESIDENT, above coarse, waligueut upou City Salt Lake City. every life. The author han- 8ch Ueo tor ollector, beariug upon day Henry.fCurrier, Sedgwick Boston, upon an avevae*. one day In r hill in the a bch exceeding, each week) aud tbe indirect assault upt House, by majority of one a Lucy, Blake, Brookivdle for balem. meat Government, upon A son of Mr. Joseph Atkins, of Farmingdale, dles subjects of the greatest moment in bold CLARK’S •nch fresT and vegetable* as may be equiva- a IN TUB ROADS-A herm lent to ondinr parts of the as Gen. in addition to ole, majority which might chance to brig. tbeeorreef a'ion allow ad ABRAHAM such men Dow, who, easily about 5 of was drowned in the ri*ei and unvarnished manner, convincing the judg- LINCOLN,; years age, CLEARED. la the Waval Servioe The t hip ( liandlery to bo ef in the suffered e reversed upon another day and at a fuller ment of the reader of the and truth- the host to the OF ILLINOIS. wouuds received service, lung near his residence, on Tuesday, as we learn from justness DISTILLED RESTORATIVE! Bark Manil a, Morse, Montevideo, for orders— quality andsn>j°c inspection of the Lewis k Co. officers ravking the All bid* must a 11 ession, Is decisive for the fulness of her statements. She criticises the | Dyer requi-d'ijn. he weary mouths ot incarceration in rebel Bar probably present, the Gardiner Journal. sealed a >d endorsed i'r for — Brig Kudorus, Haskell, rictoa NS—master. posals Ration*” or se- * jr the reason above indicated. church from within; has learned as a church Brig Convention-First District voluntary an Augusta garden, measuring five feet five am AND Id A HOST LUXURIOUS DRESSING Ar 14tb. brig Mechanic Sears, irom Cardenas; sch HAVING Hamilton k Congressional the nomination tendered him. The mere fact that such a book is Co we wish to arkn the liberal instances. epliug already expressed. Warrenton, Hill, Sullivan. wledge and con- Thu voters of ;he lirtt Coutfre* ioual District who a half inches in lengfh. stantly inert-astng we have on that so much wit an l should PH 1 LA DELPHI A—Ar sch U B Metcalf. patronage received fhr 1 laving won mightily the hearts of the Cop- needed, thought 13th. Hail. th« nut *l/ht VABr* itwi tn PMe a already begun burned dix Burnley, Autwerp. ut* s the ipou any note directed to W 8. and ton at 9A Middle yj«AMCt-tf Gov. Coney in 1581. A majority trac- whose very presence poll not well for our cr for out CLARK'S Cld 15th. * aravan. Lawler. Caro Street, pestilence, trict of that village. The Glen's Falls Ban t speak oivilixat'.nn, RESTORATIVE, ships Lhrerpool; w »h Mr. Abbot, or sent te 77 Free street will be treat help if those having the undertaking in line Nesmith. Cotter. at- tion will ea icle to au additional Delegate. ttuich he moves, London; Thereee, Robinson, teaced to. • loyal atmosphere through and Commercial Bank have got into new Pie*}' Present* its fulling off. do; bound. Yates. Monrovia; P C juoel7d3 Toe Committee will be ia sessiou at tba at 9 land should find themselves embarrassed quar bmiquos Gey llall, is a stench in the nostrils of ah by Merriman, (.lace whose name ters, and commenced discounting. CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Alexander. Kay CB; brig Nellie. o’clock to receive Credentials. 10 scruples of conscience and hampered by no Memoir or the Christum Labors, Pastors >taplee. ot 1 bo mas; sets Clara T Holmes, Cook, Boarding. ineu, and whose prolonged existence patriotic ^ aud D Curacoa; Sarah Holden, hock land. Ocean Star, J hn Ly>cu, Portland, ncouveuient and in this of A circular has been issued inviting the Alum Phi|AUthropic, of Thomas Chalmers, Ie nn unequalled Dressing. RESPECTABLE Private Poardirg House, | as a curge principles, aspect Ham. aud Ruth 8 llodgdon, Hall, toe ton. 8awall ... ndo »i can be only to LE D. s Boston Just open© 1 (lit* d at 77 e..\ once ter, Tl regarded permitted ni of Union of the class to ax I)., By Franc Way-land. A being n-wly up, Free l'D,OB lie case the of the College, of 1824, CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, bid 14th, ships Clara Wheeler, Ironsides, L L St ur- for .JOUX O. LIM JLK HiUunW’lck, I which he labors to demoralize. Copperhead politicians Gould and Lincoln, lbmo, U18. For salt street, Gen lem**u with or aiUnt their famiitoe. the community pp. ges, K A Palmer. Salts of Jjh.AAVa x «i ax, 1) strict have an undoubted to sembleat Schenectady on the 27th of fu r la rooms for familtos. juuel7dlw# Y .'ountiy right approach July in this city by Uayley & Noyes, good for Children. (Hytei] ArHth. John Banyan. Mataozas; h k.\ /wuT'j*. Alfred, ship | r.Committee. the celebration of the fortieth c f Cumberland. Glasgow; brigs Sea. i.win B *mc;. .he hopefully. anniversary Dr. VVayland has endeavored to select froii CLARK’S RESTORATIVE, barque eparkliug kao IH, | enterprise 8 It Bremen; sch G B Wunled. John *V ant Maine in the Galf the class. Sagua: Thompson, Loriag, wo_th, Emery, ] Troops Department- Ilev. Dr. Chairman the memoirs of Dr. Chalmers such ai la good for Ladier. tan. Breckinridge, temporary portions Run BOOK-KEEPER. One who is well versed la June 81, 1581. Geo. E. of who bn CLARK'S NEW UAVEN-Ar 14th. fm Weeks, Esq., Augusta, if the Idle The two branches of the *founcil t f would be of interest to the America! RESTORATIVE, brig Paragon. Hatch, A figures and wri ts a good bai.d will find em- Union Convenlioji, preached by in- City particular Calai-; sen Zulma. do. from the Uulf fur- bampsoa, ployment at J p DAYI*\ just returned Department, Bath could uot on the of makin and to him before the no Ie good for Old People. PROVIDENCE—Ar sch vitation in tho Hall of Representatives last agree question ; reader, bring public 16th, Redondo, Tate, fm •junslTdat No m Commercial street. with CLARK'S Ellsworth. Union State Convention. nishes the Kennebec Journal the follow- an appropriation tor the 4th of July, and cor as a and celchrutec RESTORATIVE, Sunday. The flo tr and galleries were alike only distinguished author, Ar 15th, sch Rachel Beals. Moore. Calais. Is harmless. At a f ourt of Probate hold at Portland, witbia aad Tbeqailided voters of Maine who desire tbe nr,- ing facie in relation to Maine troops iu th s sequent!) each man and boy must celebrate o a orator, but as a devout and sclf-sacrifi perfectly NEWPORT-Ar 16th, schs W B Darling. Baxter ;-owded and hundreds went away unable to pulpit for the County of 4 umr on the first ooadluo at CLARK S Cardin* r for Wasbugtoo; Commerce, Mullen, trom crlacd, Tuesday maiiiiensnow 1 the Union, and tb© su- which are of interest: his own account. RESTORATIVE, of Jute, iu the Department general Christian, a most laborious au l successfu r year of our Lord bin- obtain entrance, or to within dis- cing Contains ao OU. Providence for lizabetbiort eighteen pra ma y of the Coustitu ion, a..d tbe complete snp- get hearing dred and sixty four. an humble an 1 visitui <- Ar 15th. schs Union. Arty, Vlnwlbaven for Phila- The I2th was at Lake Ponch&r- indeed was Rev. Gw. W. Quinby, editor of the Gospt ) pastor, indefatigable CLARK’S RESTORATIVE, C. PULTON widow of The mas /rstsion of the exhtiug rebel ion, witb tbe ca«»e Regiment tance. S great the press to hear delphia; Hockanom, Staples. Ban go-. 8 Bel- near Lake the l.kli aud 15th the aud and thesi la ool n Dye. MARTHAton, late o Portland in *aid Conn tv, d* th-rcreol, by vigorous wai and -II aud tfLc-ent train, House; this eminent divine that those Banner, has just removed his family from Mel among poor degraded, press Sid 15th, eob Lizzie Gupti)I, Gupt.ll, (from Rock ceased, apt among who having presented her petition thatadmmistratl n oa were on their down the traits of character the CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, land) for New York. are Invited to send a way river, being rose. Mass., to This we suppose set upon public with tin the estate of moaur, uelegates to Mate Con- itood Senator Chandh Augusta. PAWTUCKET—Ar sch k said decvased. may be granted te John about to couie borne on a re w.is.asl noticed, r,while UonntiSee the Hair. 15th, Satan Jane, Tor- J vention to be held at luriougli, Uaviug ties the of continuance of th c of a most remarkable This 1 W. Reeves. Esq «.f *aid Portlsnd. B. Uratz question the power example. r»y, Calais enlisted; tbe 14tli was at Baton lt >ug,e; the ds fellow Senator, Brown, with ex- CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, It wii Order'd, Tliat the said I'stitisscr give Banner at the State not intended to be a connected sketch of the lif NEW BEDFORD—Ar 14th, sch Michigan. Saund- Aususta' on Jane at near Capital. notice to all persons interested, notice te Wednesday, 2tfib, 2ikU auU oj.tl Morganzia, the mouth s nplary humility, took the lowest seat, the Is tor Whiskers, ers Bangor. by causing of Dr. but a splendid I be three weeks iu the Maiue ol Red the 2ml was Chalmers, memoir of the particu Ar 16th. Braz shp Rio Grande. (Into published successively at 19 o’clock, A. If., tor tbe purpose of tonii atii river; Cavalry at Grten- In Somerset county, near th p ship Pyramid- State at Port g loor. Among his bearers were many other N'orridgewock, CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. of rhomaatcu. condemned) St Catharines ; Press.printed land, that thev may appear four at the lar of his character iu his Merry, at a cend.df. s to be supported lor Governor, aud for ville. Lx, exerp mg companies worms have and have eaten th phase displayed paru —at 14 Probate f'ourt to b.* held at -aid I’ortfand. on senators and a number army appeared, HOLME8*8 HOLE h. brig Nat cy N Locke. trout under Muler. largo of Represonta- the Hair In its Place. the first l'uesdat of next.at tenor the > two Elec or* at large tor Pi widen land V«ce Presi- Maj. filial and philanthropic labors. The work wil Keeps McCa. come before tbe Convention. nil, with pair o. Those who came to witness a die- making JOHN A. may rxpccting ing written iu the forcible and finished o * Cares Nerroas Headache. Calais for Stoniagton; Jas Jilden, Davis. Ellsworth WATERMAN, Jadge. (smith & Wesson’s gold and silver mounted northward. style A true attest, Tbe basis of representation will be as follows:— day of and those who anlici- for Providence. copy, a the value of pulpit oratory, its celebrated author. CLARK'S 19 w3w BUG EX E H U MPIIREY. Each towu aod sbtii be pistols,with case,oi #110. The RE3TORATIVK, 8 d 15th. *oLs Georgian a. Golden Rule, Jas Tildeo- Legists?. city, plantation entitled to lated a discourse the William Mitchell, a conduc was made Lie .t A. .1 respcctiug great nation- Esq., popular Prevents and Game Cock. one presentation speech by Eruptions oue d« ex* e, aud delegate additional for * Subscriber herebv every Nieuols of U. is 11 uow alike tor on the Portland and Kennebec Railroad BOSTON-Ar I6:h, schs Challenge. Bullock, and gives public notice to ail Augusta. Msj’ exceedingly struggle going on, wer,e disap- Mission CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, concern* Hot seventy-five votes cast fox Gov. Cony last deptem- of the Confederacy- Eliza Ann, Williams, Baagor; Major Deenug,-, THE <1. he ha. bees duly .[‘pointed .,4 with Ins ineu, aud this is a loki n was a few a few fiiend taken fora popular gift >ointed. The text was 1st 1st presented dajs since, by A Hamlin. Lannil.do; Napoleon, Perkins, do; Eve- npon himeelllhe tru.tuf Adaiuttitw of Ike ber, aud one traction of forty votes. Timothy, chap, Southern often of the war a Slope Itching and Horning. of their appreciation ut him. The 2d had papers speak Wise as vet. eatkte of JamesG ind 18th verse: “Tills is a faithful in Augusta, with a silver ice pitcher, salver an I line, Colby. Blainx, three ineu saving and one CLARK'S Ar Pacific, New JOM11A Ln.OXd.nl> lost but since leaving Augusta. for Southern independence, and the Nortl RESTORATIVE, lff.h. ship Morgan. York, barqne WAIT*. AftOakWS, of all that goblets. Illinoi*. Freeman, Frontera, Mex; brigs Marine. late of Freeport, la the Coenty of Camberlaad N A Thu disease among the soldiers vortby acceptation, Christ Jesus PoATSrt, prevaleut is disgraced by some Sheets which have com Keepi the Hand Cool. Cook. Cieufucgus; Bole Bernard. Coombs. Cards iteeeaecd. be firing bord » the law dirreta; ho kusu re isos, in the Gulf is a chronic diarrhea :aine into the world to save siuuers of whom I Mb. Sumner, in a recent speech in the Senatt CLARK’S therefore all who are Department the of the rebels to that of tin RESTORATIVE, uas: Robin, Mops Ins. Georgetown; Koret, Elliot, raqnee'e peteom indebted to Nk e»x Usioi pared struggle » rbe aaid de«t-a.«-d'» uino.sy.Jk., caused the river wa mi exhibited the Mar* ha) Dutch. oombe. im do; »chs relate to make itoiordiate ll. B. by driukiug Mississippi chief.” The sermon from it was a injustice and impolicy of taxm It Philadelphia: pey- I'KKIcyT, paiu, colonies for their of Grea delightfully per famed. n Gui till. ment; nod tboae who have ane demand# ter. The wounded men are Irequeutly very independence Kulic Magaguadat ic; Pocahontas.Berry, thereon JaXar M ciacoLV, tamest and faithful in favor of books. It is prujwsed to tax paper three pe Baltimore; Osiuna, Jonnsoo. Calais; Cornelia, Hen- o exhibit the lame for eetlkniei t to h much weakened this disease. uum appeal persoo- Britain in 1770- Thu extract from CLARK’S RESTORATIVE, 8- Hakblx. STaT* by Large billowing derson. and 8ta Burdin, Rockland; J Ba- ALBFKT H. WAITE. KaAXCIS tl Whether as its direct cent, and books fire per cent., not exceptin, berpent. COBB, iters ol sick aud wounded Maine soldiers an- piety. regards prac- tjj Uiclunond Examiner aid Contains no Sediment ker Karberick. Portland. Ire#port. Bar II. I8M. wjw* 1)am»l may such cop Laxx, in all the at New Orleans. Mr :ieal character or its doctrinal school books or bibles. Cld 16th. Minnesota, (Br; Matthew*, Bangor, 8. D. hospitals orthodoxy, it in CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, ship U.|K*V, CoXMlTrXB perheads carrying out their false par barque Orchilla. Havener, Fietou; eche Elizabeth. Gso tox P. Weeks visited all the at the was a*.WALL, hospitals, request of some sturdy Puritan divine. We learn that one of the powder Mills s * Contains ao Gam. Brown. NB; Alice, Hill, Saco W. wor<£p aliel: Lepsgaux M Brows. ol the Uovenor, aud reports the patieitU com- SALEM—Ar fm * The Dr. is middle Buckficld was blown to atoms on an * CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. 14th, brig Rockingham, Monroo, CUSTOM 1(I9aTI(7 4 considerably past *ith Tuesday, — CLOTHING! 9ASOIST, fortable and well caied for. He is particular- life, “The establishment of the Confederacy i Philadelphia. Eaoxxc • lai.k. that a man named Polishes Hair. Hair much silvered, and full beard still more Bicknell was killed. He wa B a distiuct reaction your Ar i&tb. schs D K A rev, f on Hud- William ly enthusiastic in praise of the Sanitary Com verily against the wlioli Elizabetbport; small, ) CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, son, New York; Index, Goid mission aud '.lie work it is lie full stature and burned and maimed in the most mar course ol' the mistaken civilization th< Ellsworth; Hunter, N. S. Jane 1st, 1888. pcrloriniug. :ray, strongly marked features. shocking of and Lebanon from Bangor. GARDINER j that we con have no idea of the extent survived iri Prepares you lor Parties. says At the close of bis discourse he received the ner, yet six hours, suffering the moi t age. Fur'Liberty. Equality, Fraternity,’ GLOUCESTER—Ar 11th. sobs Essex. Slomaon, fm of its operations, and the blessings ic coolers have deliberately substituted .slavery, ijubor CLARK’S RESTORATIVE, Bangor for Boston. Middle Post of friends. excruciating agony.—[Argus. sobs .62 St., Opp. Office, on sick and wounded soldiers, lie has a list :ongratulations many diualiou and Government. Those social am Ar 13tb. Columbia, Crosby, Bangor; Siahad. Ramains cf Prepares yon for Balls. Jellieou. Boston. % Disgra:3fal Nyglect—The of all the Maine soldiers in at New Among the contributors to the New Yor it political which rack and lorluri Itrceiving weekly the hospitals The arrest of Lieut. Wm. II. oj problems Ar 14'h. sch Cornelia. Henderson, fm Rockland, Poor Broughton we CLARK'S RESTORATIVE. Boathby. Orleans. Round Table, which bos just closed its first vo! modern society have undertaken to solvi Billow. Rowe. amd t e Id h Maine, soon after the Wiideruess bat- •loop Bangor. LATEST MOST ELRGASTSTYLES Mr. Weeks at the of I he lor iu our own aud > All Ladioa used it BANGOR—Ar 14tb, brigs Thaxter. Coombs. The remain* ul Lieut. Col. Stephen Booth has also, request ume, and is Iktfirtl literary weekly iuthecoui ourselves, way, upuu oui Abby tles lor absence without been CLARK S Boston: Monica, PhiKij s. Ne* bury ~er* by nrn.nl li tliis noou—Hint Stale authorities, collected much information leave, having own principles. That ‘among equals equaiiti RESTORATIVE. port city yeslerdiy try, we notice the names of Prof. Cbadbourm * Ar 15tk. barque Johu Wesley. Patten, New York the made the G those who are No •1^,11 ins pompous promises made in the relative to removal of bodies from the subject of much remark, it seems right;’ among naturally uu Lady will do withoat it. Rot ELAND— Ar 15th. scb* Utica. Thorndike, fm breach, Kngliah and American of Bowdoin aud Miss F. E. Lord, < f Doetkiaa, ue iu the ol irtment, the such re- College, equal equality is chaos; that there are stun Portland; John Adams. Hatch. N*w York ,,papers, aud i.’ity Council, hon- Uep expense attending jnly just to au officer who won his shoulder CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Caoelmeree and this races burn to Sid Sawaune. to Coaling*, them with a moval. ami the method of which city. scree, master races born fi 8th, brig McCobb, Vinalhaveu, oring worthy receplioti, uot so proceedure, before the Costa bat tl itraps rebel batteries at Fredericks- are load for Key West; 10th, G L Buc&nam. Rhoades. be will hi h to communicate to out govern. Much me luudameuial Which we are much as a corporal s guard ol either military ippy any A masonic celebration will be held on the sun principle; CLARK'S RESTORATIVE, Calai*. prepared Io manafactare into Gar- jurg. and who has always borne a char- which we inherit from the ancient world or civd demons trai ion was to them. We wishing suclniulormaiion. high Sd 12th, schs Dashing Wave. Conary, ('baleur ment# no< in St,It of Cut. and paid nut of Owl’s Head Mountain,Lake Memphremi I* Sold and Dealers Bay turpautd icfer lor as well as which we up in a by Druggiita Erery where. 14th. Chae Brewer, for believe the Mayor did iu a carriage go to the personal bravery efficiency lifted Iheface of percers barque Bangor. workman.hip. bp any bonce In thla gog, at 10 a. M., June 24th. It is a rornanti c (hat has • ac- generation forgotten the to union o Price SI bottle —« bottles lor tb. depot, aud with the hearse iu lie vicinity, is an officer, to state in a few words his own per City or **ute. exons lbo.se sntnniiiv tile remains to rile file llall. We .Telegraph Enterprise. spot, and the M will have a splendid viei its fathers; by principles we live, and li 1 FOREIGN PORTS* version of the affair referred to. C. G. CLARK A CO. It is substan- their defence We. have shown ourselves At SO Odessa. Nickels, fm 8in- stw tlie hearse, solitary anil alone, standing The Senate Coimnit'.e on Commerce lias of the scenery of a portion of this globe whic ready Akyab April ships UR. JOHN II. as follows: received to we PuorniBTOua. gapore, ar »erious made for The London Times says, after oi t great preach. must speal General Agent. Ar Bombay May 2. ship Vicksburg, 8cott. from Portland an other eitta*. corpse placed marching the time pointing Wehav, on hand and inter-continental A bill is impracli- them and whoso hath ears to hear Aden; 6th Lepanto, Martin. London, are eouetanly reee.viug alt somewhere in tile city but telegraph. already some of the characteristics of the recent boldly; building; nobody :able, he went to the Division in'end- bs1 March 3.1364. mch3eodly bid May 1, Protector, C ark. L verpool. the nifferant ranetive of -v.w.w »V ..VS hospital let him hear.” toemec 10 or care. Ar at lionoluin March kuow, “Grant has a new o 36, ba-quet Emily Banning. ug to remain a short time until the lameuest ties, stamped character GENTLEMEN’S Wuat is ths solution of all thi-.? Lieut. Col. for the indicated Mr. which Teeth like Pkauls am> Bubath or Swbbt- Fellows, Hong hong (and sid same day lor bhang- FURNISHING GOODS, plan by Collins, the tactics of the Fedei als.” We trust he hoi 23d. Marv Kobi Boolihv was a democrat. This is a renubli- ind soreness should subside. As obtAiufj by toe u»e of that popular dentifrice. ha*!. .son. McCleare, do. (and tailed we to our readers in last the Army Maine Medical School- 38tb for Howland’s Island Usually kept by those in the business. presented Tuesday's and such a character as Fragrant Soz dor.t." a competition of tb«* choic* ) c iu c {overutnent. Tbc si too will bring the rebe y pauper’s ng, “O, move at any time, he was a'd vised eat aud rec’ierche the uioit 81d March 29. ship l-ady Holbrook, Jana M oedlw issue. this bill, Mr. Collins and liis asso night by The following is a list of the o f ingredient*, three impor- Washington, he is o.iig a p super, awaits the dead Ooiies By lion to a close. graduates tant re cleatilmen* (from ban Francisco) for Baker s Island; •he Division to to jUMitee. efficacy aud convenience barque Surgeon go the Maine Medical Arc ic Boston of ilein mra a slain iu tbe war, but, if a repub dates are authorize., to construct and main- FredericHBurg. School, which closed it b lng pieeeut in (he high *t poasib'e degree vf per* Uammaud. Mr. Gladstone, her Chancellor At Panama 5th B 8 When he arrive 1 there he found orders had Majesty's UUUII, KUri Inst, ship Kimball, Dearborn, licat, abniiii-m, out-ami out-extermination-of- tain a or lines of Irom term oil the Mil iuat. ^Uira^iui-auic $300 BOUNTY. line, telegraph, an) the will hear and ta tarous adhesions. insuring a like white for l.'tllao iu a dav or two. the South, soldier comes dead, and he ha* oecn received for ail to Exchequer, presently somethin pearl poict on the Hue of the l’acitlc persons arriving go Atwood Crosby, Benton; Cha*. C. Ela, Brown n»*«« to the teeth; gives tone to the bieath and a cool Ar at Callao 23d u!t, ■hip* Sylvanus Blanchard, Telegraph, 0 ■"vi v vi uuiivuiui a any rich and influential polilicil wiupui9ui ur^itnurr. deiica.'e aromatic to the wuich Metcalf. Havre (and railed 26th tor Cbiaebas ) friend* brward to Belle Plain. As he had no alter- rieid; hauiuel W. John sou, Unity; John A fragrauce mouth, to attract through any of thu Territories ol the United makes it a toilet it teems to Sid 14th ult, Lydia bkolield, Mkol field. for Y. S. NAVY ! Connection* the attention of the A pamphlet is at thi* moment preparing ou tl e really luxury, be ia ship ative but to walk back twelve he went Larrabce, Brunswick; Siuieou ii. Alert ill favor with the ladies Cbiaebas. lieiny, dead or alive, wounded, or iu bis coffin, States, to the boundaries ol British America, miles, great subject; the testimony of the English, Italiai Meuon; Augustine Franklin Sold at 75 cents bot- At do 2Stta ult. ships Wm Chamberlin, from San Lc is surrounded with a host of >n in the ambulance to the Farrington by Druggists everywhere, per sycophants with such branch Hues as may be needed to point indicated, E. Howard tle. mchildlt Franc! co ar27th. tor Chmchas; Cambria, terry, German and French of Garibaldi’s friends wi j Richmond; Vote, Calais; Bcnja _ and and sail the aud all the from Chmchas. ar 28th ; Nevada. Bartiett. do. WANTED. toadies, streets, uid and was thence brought to min Hiram Frauds Abbott open communication with the various mining Washington. be collected in it. Williams, Cully; At Montevideo 34, Frank dwellings are lined with gaz-rs, and black- tWT If you areln want of kind of PRINTING April barque Wright, For United State. Here he was arrested wilh others and return- Romford; Edward Fraul any for New York, idg Handkerchiefs are from the wiu- districts and the settlements in these Territo- Ballard, Frye burg; oall at the Daily Press OSoe. II eilged flying On Victoria’s there ru a A. B. Ar ut 8d inst. ach New ries. of is also id to the front. On liis arrival at his Queen birth-day, Boddsh, Waterviile; Benjamin Aspinwall Vnglund, Elite, d iws, in testimony of tbe buuors accorded to Right way granted over any regi- Canhagena. Steamer dinner at the British Embassy in Paris, at whic \x Boaemon, Jr., Troy N. V'.; Charles Smiil nr* CARDS Pontoosuc, the victim of the war! lands of the nent he was examined the Sur- and BILL HEADS neatly print# Sid tm Kingston 21st ult, brig J D Cooper, Cooper, unappropriated public United by regimental X. Xatb&i at this office. the ministers were promt. A Boyutou, Coucord, H.; Osgood tt Muiisumila. NOW IN PORTLAND. Snell is life, and such is society. But, poor tiie Colonel a Emperor's S utej, with the right to take any limber or jeon; made statement of his Bradbury,Spriugtle d ; Aivan Feich Buckuaui At Mausanilia 24th ult, barque Saa Sheppard, for Boolhby, true-hearted, earnest-minded, patri- Drauy u de L'lluy's proposed the health of th ? for constructive :aso to Gen. Cutler, and Lieut. was A. M Yarmouth; biias Buihauk. New York, log. devoted hero as he will stones, purposes. Broughton Jr.,Strong otic and boy. wss, Queen. Earl Crowley replied and gave tl e Bowton Stock Llat. Ar at Triuioad 29th ult, ship Johu 8 Uarri (Br) 85 Stamen, in released from arrest. Edgar Le Roy Carr, Fitts Held, X. H.; Gardi as a id in bis grave as A public vessel is to be detailed to assist i t mediately U *111100, Havana. sleep honorably quietly • health of the bad a cuinfortab e uer Faltm Salk# at thi Buokkrs* Jem 16. Emperor. They Carpenter Claike, r, Mass.; Rutu Board. Mid im < ieu uego* 26th alt. Franklin 19 Seamen, the best of them. Rank will be stripped from the aud down a sub-marine It is not that in tiie barque Lady Ordinary survey, lay cable. strange burry and ex time. Bradbury Foss, Manchester, Sr. II.; Josepl 13 0U0 Ame-ican Gold,....!.197 MiteueU, Boston; Fling wood. Filing wood. PLi.acel- those win have uudulifully neglected him, by 1.-00 do.196* 75 Landaman, It, wilhlti five years, the line shall be iitement attending arrests of officers and men Bernice Gray, Denmark; Joseph W. phia. and and uone will be so as to liouor put A correspondent at Hay l.WO do Y C At Remedios 3d D Yeat* by. lowly ‘'Popple Hotel,” Nort k lward (K heck).197* inst, barques C n. Pote, so as to reach the 10 as ward, Easton; E Kent John Keu was a man. up mouth of the Aiuoor numerous were made at the time refer- Hill; 1000 luitcd Stites Currency Certificates .... 97 for Ngw York, iu 2 10 Firemen, them. He noble young His im one ready days; Mary Bentley.Clark, Newry, says party of five took from Eai t Jr., U. 1 6*0 U. 8. to the of State is eth, Westerly, ; Alpheus Sprint Coupon Sixes, (1881)..107 r< n1y load p'l'se* were patriotic, heroic aud sincere. He River, Secretary authorized to red to,injustice should have been done to tome. «.MM 16 Coal Heaver*. Branch brook on Tuesday 308 fine trout, an i Packard, Jr., Bruuswick; Otis Packard Rice d*».1061 M«d 3d. ach Ocean Ranger. Bradley, Philadelphia iitd not lived to know the hol- 4 ('nited long enough enter into a contract for the use of the line Due who was sent back as a 600 State* 7-30 lOcti. 106 Mid Im Havana 4 h inst, barque kmma L private “tkedad- another of four from Bethel took froi Bath; George Stanford Siebbins, Hall.Cog- Apply to Naval Rendezvous, foot of St, low heartedness of venal officeholders or the party Granby 1.0(k» L'uited|'>tat< s 5-i.O*. l««6i gins, Hemedios and Portland; rrineesa, (Bn Ryan, Eichange lor a term of teu years, at the rate of $50,0 0 ller” was to an Mass.; Puiiculbins Cleavelaud A* B. Portland hvpo-risy of time serving advisers. Tlio obliged undergo auipulaliou the same brook 303 more, making a total c 1 Wiley, 1,0»4>.do.106 JOUN I*. HE Vm. Commanding. the Government jeforc lie readied the Bethel. 6 «s*J .do.104} Ar at Havana 5th lost, brig Augusta, Kelley, New Uov jrum-nt, however, have disgraced per year, having i riorlty at Army. 8 8 in almost 7 and the brook was Junelfidtf City hours, the: 1.000 do (small) ..luff* Y ork 6th, L H Cole, New Y ork; b Ctoaby, Crosby, not Id their cold and shame- all times in the Mr. 2d themselves, n. In dispatch of messages. The Jacob Larry, refugee from Virginia, ar- not half fished. 20,000 Ogdensburg Mortgage Bonds. 87% Portland less of his Portland Ad- SPECIAL. NOTICES. 6 Portland, Saco ft Purtam'th HR. .112 Mid 4ib, banjo* • Km ran L Hail, Coggins, for Port- neglect remains.—[ line is to be thrown open to the rived here last week, taken vertiser. public upon having adv&utage Bisuor General Polk. —The latest infill laud; Process, Ryan, do. the of the established Tins >f the of our Ar at sagua 1st in*t, brigs N Stowers Park, But- i GUNS, payment charges. presence army near Uichmoud, gcnce from the Southwest is that this cccleaiai Brighton Cattle Market. RIFLES, of Summer ton; Oceau Wave. New York; 7th, brig W a Saw- We have copied the above, verbatim, italic* is bound to be o make his Opening Bonnets. WKD»«8t>4T. June 1PM great enterprise carried through escape, lie has lived iu lical son of who for a season laid IS, yer, Boston. Virginia Mira, asid At market 10S0 beef 2au Tracey, aou ail, to sb >w oar readers the of aud the MRS. A. COLBY will, on ThursJay, Jane 2, opei cattle, itorea, J7JU ibitp, bid 2d, ba-que Villafranca, Hill. New York; brigs depth great globe itself encircled with ’or more than forty years, and is now on his the mitre fur the sword, has been killed in battlt 7*22 shoats; 10*<0 fat bogs. a choice election of Sparkliog Men, Megur, do; Isabel Hour man, Small, to which an iufamous can de The of stock v* as ebual to the REVOLVERS, malignity spirit magnetic wires, iray to Gorham, w here I It whs said sometimes since that Polk supply fully demand Portland; 9th. barque M B Carlton. Oto»U, Phila- Maine, understand fougl and the bu chers declined to the asked And all the Accompaniment*. ■cend in its to to tbe of* Summer Bonnets, Caps, Head-dresses, tc., pay prices ; delphia; brg Richmond. Powers. Boston. anxiety appeal lowest iis former home to have been. not as a but as a so at uoou uo sales of account were made. lie graduated Bishop .General, the ul auy Prices Ar at Matanzas 7th inst, brigs Castillian. Harden- and to stir To which yoar attention la invited. finally fell off 81 per hnd. FISHIACi TAClaLE! human passions up strire. The Death of Rev Geo W it Bowdoiu iu now becomes If the respectfully brook, Portland. Abby Watson, Ellsworth; 9tb, Bartktt- Collego 1831, haviug beeu a query pertinent: Devil ha s l*Rt< xa— attle-Extra 814 00; first UeeJ quality, barque W A Evans, New Y'ork. The B<9t Assortment in th* is—tnd the base calumniator who penned No. 6 Free street Block. 813 13 76: second 12 third 11 12 City. H^trutfr A letter from Capt. John D. Myrick, of Co nember of that institution at the same lime gut the General what has become of th p 60ft (Oft 1800; 26ft 26 bid 6tb. ship Johu Buuyan. Carver, for New York The lotlowing sales were made < the above knew it,or have known it— 1 is Portland, June 1, 1364. juldtf brigs H B ooks. Milieu, Philadelphia. 8th. H U miyht K, ist Me. the of Senator Fessenden. Bishop? Per cent shriuk. Cavalry, gives particulars Price. McGdvery, Gilkey, ba*ua alt that for a officer could One 0. L. BAILEY, 42 St. respect gallant sug- the sad in ait at last week the Maine lot.30.14 Ar at Cardenas 7th teat, brigs M A Herrera, from Exchange death, engagement "McGee’s During 3J, which came At A Fremont ratification meeting in Nei r Cara Llizabkth, July 1, do .82.14 New York; tub. Portland. April 17. todlf gest was done by the City Government to tut three Six: —During my connection with the State Re do Almoner, do; Model, Mills,” Va., of Rev. Geo. VV. hereto- years ago, under the command ol York, Mr. Edward Gilbert declared, in an et 9 b. Thou do. Bartlett, form School, a* a teacher, I.. K. Atwood * bitter 1 .31.13* Connor, •huw honors to a faithful soldier 1 do .30 Mid 7th. ach appropriate fore noticed in our Jol., now General and that Fremont were introduced there and used with .is] Open Sen. Rog-rs. for New York 8th, columns. We are indent- Major Howard, which ceedlngly rampart speech, shoul 1 marked succe-a do .ra.*3s BANd7~ in Bilious affection*. bsiq«e Ylary C Fox. R •*. Philadelphia; brig Tem- QUADRILLE Who ha 1 shed his bio nl in his country’s Cause. ed to the ' earned a if all the of particulaily do .35 .182 Maine Farmer for the ex- living reputation for wor- run, members the premnt Cabinet » New Yoik; 9th, M J. W RAYMOND to.lowing bravery Yours, Ac., A F. HILLMAN, do pest. Wilson, Thurston, Laupher, would respectfully ln- Tne of Col. B was .8/.12] Portland MR.orm the cl liens of Portland and body xsthby expected by tract: I hy of its first commander, has now come to were kicted out, aud the Archangel Gabriel wu s do vicinity that .oH.12 Ar ut Ml lat Holland, ftu he has connect* d lma»«lf Hamovis, Mi., Oct. 1,1*61. do Jago lust, barque White, with too members of the noon train Tuesday, when it was to have was * is know as mode of the .40 lie struck !u the breast an unex- the with several Secretary State, Archaugel Michael » Dear Sir:—I have used L. F. 11* Boston. by “Inviucibles,” Atwood’s Bitter do 40 .11 been received with but it did shell trout » for some 10 or 16 I have tried a CHANDLER'S BAND, military honors, plodcd the enemy, and < ither regiments from other Secretary of War, and like characters tilled tli years. great tiumbi Oz w—A tew t airs offered literally States, pasxd Working very and but Scotia, at New As blown to A few of mediciue* for Dyspepsia.but without etfect. The* little emaud. [Ter Steamship York.J Prompter, and that they are prepared to furnish not nor did it the train ot pieces. uiiuutes before the other So as Mr. Lincoln wu s P iee*—#140, 166. lau. 1*0,190 arrive, by eveniug | the oa their home. departments. long Bitters are the that Ar at bd inst. North American, from music for Balls, Ass* mb ies, l'ie oio« fatal hrougii city way only remedy have ever relieve Cotrt tritk and without Calve t—Bale* with calves. Liverpool (s) Excursions, casualty occurred, Capt. Myrick " me ol this he. All order* 1*11 it ICO corner the same passed a candidate for the Fremont woul | distressing complaint. My neighbor *2. 61 and 68; w Quebec. W to 40. Idg Bainaby, Temple, pron pt It was not known when it would arrive in ment was run. York J W. Ray mono hi Violin and engaged, leaving him in the rear JOEL HOW. bale* live and Lambs from Prompter. Sh*ep— weight t>*f 7 9; 8ld fm Ardrossan M. H. teasou to but late as was with the nr^tMre of Counterfeits and base imitations fit*. 7*. 27th, George Bell, Perry, for Ellis, ‘id Violin. give public notice, supports,apparently beyottd the reach The New York World sneers at the nominee * Boston. M. r. Vegatable Miscenegation tome of which arr signed ".V/.” F., instead of L. F >kuat»—Several lots Shaw. K!u c ol In levs than oue hour his to peddle at 9and 9* for »o»« the of deflflite information on this danger. spirit of the Baltimore on account c f At wood The oenuine is L. F. ant At Glasgow 27th ult. Star, tor New York. L. W H aadlkv. Cornet. reception Wkbt Minot, June Convention, signed Atwood, 10 and lo* tor barrows. At re ail from 9 to 12. Evening had < it ward aud his 14,1894. as a 1*. L R.sso. passed lifeless dust was safeguard against imposition bears an bxtrz from '4 to retail to 18 WiLiar, point, the Mayor was about to send word to "o the Editor of the Portland Prets. their early occupations. Was Dr. Franklin an; Spring pigs i7, Ifi Mid fm mingled *itb its parent earth. The remains Labul.countersigned Ii. If. HA Y, Druggist, Fort Fni /Cgn—8}«,8J. Singapore April 2>, Aristides, Buckmaa.for junellTTA S2w for less of a statesman because his father was a land, Me., sole General Boston. Camp Birry escort—previously engaged— were interred near the where he the Tuerels iu the garden of Kev. D. B. Ilolt, tal Agent. lea' Cal re*—g3 to 14. spot fell, For sale dealers in medicine Ar iu btraits of 8unda 21. Ber- to by respectable pener /inlet—l**c. April Benefactor, mud Port Prebls for tile Baud of tbe 17.b funeral service formed the f West an low chandler, and he worked at the same busi Y okohama for New Ytrs. *, OTTAWA being pet by Chap- Miuut, apple tree, which this ally. laulfi foneodA w 3 T'tiiou — ry. lo*c. at HOUSE, the of lain of a New York who chanced { ness ? It is no credit to a man to have been ed Ar GltraUar May 26. bea Breeze, New Infantry, when, by personal suggestion regimeut, pring bore, among its a Calf Stott from 83 to 3 5\ or 26 to 27# per lb Rogers, to be in the blossoms, perfect, York, aud railed toi PORTLAND lltHBOK, MAINE vicinity at the lime. Mr. Bartlett < Leghorn. Buv. Mr. B >olhby, father 01 the Colonel, and all blown white rose! Iu ucated by a rich father and be left with a lul •'Buy Mo, and IT1 do you Good.” Ar at Pert ambueo May 18 Atalanta.Force. Callao was a native ol in this Ik- every respect siuii- l.iteliUeld, county. (aud sailed lor im New m-mbers of the Cumberland of which tr to a million of dollars, but it is some credit toa mai 1 CARRIED. Antwerp); Voyager, Wylie, Bar, ied for the ministry at Cttmhtidge Divinity rose on a rose^ bush. The tree blos- Uae Dr. Langley's Root and Herb llitten Y ork. JASON BEUKY, Phopuiktob, B. was au to have arisen from aud fi Ar at Rio Janeiro Col. esteemed member, he was in- School, and lor a snort period was ol « otned full and after its blossoms had fal- poverty obscurity For Jaundice. Costivone a. Liv-r Complaint. Hu May 8. If ary Lord. Low. Liver- A Win "pr® for I be piui, I haniim*. pastor quite lu 4 Eastern the the Unitarian church in this Soon honor and mors, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Files, Dizziness Ht ad Cutler, June 2, Win U Maker and Mrs Susan pool; b. star NeaKy, Cardiff. 9tb, ilea- >**< Tbi® popular* law, duced to change arrangement so far as to city. after I :ii off this teas remained lor independence. nor. >1.111141 perfect u Dinn- ache. Drow>in ss. and al. d leasts arisii g from dis Hainoi Plua mer. New Y o k the out of the rcbelli lie was the escort in breaking hi, ap- , lu 81. Lemuel T A of Ma- Mid 26. Wilson, New York; 2MU>, have military the re- er of till tome children it so A sin ill paper that subsists only on sensation oruered stomach, torpid liver, and had Mood, tc Enstoprt, May Munson, April Undine, momaxt/o rmi conveying of the 14 It days, picked off; ch as and i r. pointed Chaplain Maine, and ac which all persons art subje t in sprit g and summer Mi** Abigail Kourk. of E. Eaglet, try, do. •'Feel to tbe cars the next ■ at mains day. The reasons tint to New will nut be known whether it would have and finds hard work that, seconded by snoth Thev cleanse the the In Itouiron. June 4, Samuel M owpe* thwait and Ar at 20th ult C hav Cooper, Turn- cotnpanied regiment Orleans, par system, regulate wels, re- Constantinople And HEALTHY LOCATION flatted on e the blood and Miss Ann llowe. bo*h of Monticeilo. er, Alexaudiia E (and vailed for lehura ) lor this will be inferred from the fact. in the dangers and of the 1 orue Iruit or nor what cr that is out a sickly is store t» appetite, purify give sound- Mary change | ticipaling hardships not, kind of fruit it eking existence, ver; lu Ju* e Ar at Genoa Johu Bernard. Jamison, fm ness of mind and strength of hou to all who use llouiton, 18, Edward Ha>es and Miss 80th ult, which succeeded the solid1 oas to au editurial CUSHING S that though tho body of Col. Bootbby had year's campaign occupa- « rouid have been. Thi§ to get up convention fui them So d bv all dealers in Medicine Mary El Eaton, both of New Limerick. Philadelphia. ISLAND. phenomenon goes everywhere, In miles from the t* lion of tiial city by our forces under General the of the aud to a* 2ft, 60and 76 oenf* per bottle GEO. C. GOuD- Woolwich, JuLt 6. Quincy A Guidon and Miss Cd at Havre 1st inst. Young Mechanic, Bennett, 2J city, unsurpAs^ed by any Sum- been embalmed, owing to inability to procure rove the sex of tne as well as aui- good fraternity, promote tin mer Aesor/ ou the New Butler. Soon alter the battle of Katun Rouge, vegetable, WIn A OJ.,37 Hanover Street, Boston, Froprie- Jane C Percy. Newport E aud New Yoik. England court a coffin it was sent home 1 ml general welfare. It reminds us of tie fox tha lu lie!fast. Jure C, Charles T and Cid at Gottenburg prev to 26th ult, Alexandrine, N H. Positively closed ou the Sabbath to ail suitable unprepared in which lie himself as a kingdom. We hear much oi the ’tore ap2di, was stiuck ibe Aikw right, oi New BRADLEY'S Mr. had been on to tho 1 pense by HOTEL3 Boolhby hospital ices; but we have never heard ol tiie amal- from ene to four weeks, to the skin a about the fore starboard present campaign |„ Virginia, lit which the imparting Y'ork, chain*, s:d«*. carrying -o» tu®- writer beautiful whte, bland or one where his son died, to the body home, regiment has been he has atnation of an A Washington letter says it has com< nppoa*auce. Morphew, away all headsails, foresail, lore rigging, boat, bring actively engaged, f apple tree ana a rose so m In Brunswick June at American bush, that yellow deposit oit seen upon the fhce mud 16, the residence et his spate foulard and bulwarks, with twenty timbers and European P/nm«, amt he returned with it as far as faithfully performed the duties of his sacred to light that tho speculators have vanish its ase I ke dew before brother. Hon ManUall Cram Baltimore, j v ith a perfect rose as the result. M. bought u; f.»r«-head, by the morn* Daniel il Cram. Esq., aud staucbioi s, catting the ship down about 14 *eet office, ne was an esteemed man ill all the Address Dr. J. ft ol North Bridgton, age 1 63 Cor. of Commercial & India 8u. where he left It in caro of the Com- quantities of grain, especially oats, with a ing«un. (iOdDNOW, year* t out the plank shear. The Arkwright proceeded on Express relations jarge 1* box New In Brunswick. Ju « 14. Ur John 84 of iifo, and his tragical death will be O. 1*4, Bedford, Mass., enclosing 81, F Hall, aged her voyage, w ithout ascertaining the amount of dam- and view to control tl e the In North Ju © A Ths* floras is el nateJ'd reef y opposite pany hastened home in advance. As we mourned alike bis A market, principal objict and stamp. inaylHdAwlm Bridgtoa. 10. Mr* Elisabeth 1. wife age doue. by comrades and a Delegation Come to Grief of Dea 3 e Grand Trunk eai rva D. a> u head by large tho Bremau, ago* 71 ican BBD|tl pot have said, it was at his that tin- circle of friends in being to oompel Government, which uses »ii (UmLiVoi Boeiou ami HoitUiut cteaui* is' \\ ha. I suggestion Maiue. There is a out West that John do not In Bangor. May 7. Mrs Martha Davidson, aged A0 theory Mor- Sosodomt.—We often peak o* the various SPOKEN. 'hi<* is a immense to to the In June Mrs wile of John t on tie ted wit lleurp first class was takeii from the to the quantity, pay large prices e artic ce which c<»me to u* for noticeai d trial. I ut tl o Maclna-port, 10, Susan, Ion body depot city --- g an, when lie recently entered was 56 May 12. lat 16 30 S. 86. barque 8usan Blaisdell, and Dining Hall. Kentucky, — the Day. aged LAELpOyster operators, even exceeding $1 per bushel tin a-tide with above mu-Val am is an exception. 82 days f om Newport E lor batitos J «MKn HIC.-VLG.EY, Jr., A CO., building, accompanied by the Rev. *1 Ersuki rt. 16. Mrs Proprietcra, Mayor, Death or Col. Keyes—We learn 0 u his way to the Convention, accom- I hree or lour la-iies a- chidr.n among oar it*.me- April Nancy Dilaway, aged MmV lat 46 Ion Great Waatern, from P U. that Chicago sums. The is i9 year a 4 month*. 23, 42) ship J. Bradlev, Jr. Bradley. Ur. and his friends, and the official realiiing large enterprise likely diate f iends a» d relatives lave used tho' Sozo- New Y’o k for Liverpool. Boolhby Col. Hamlin W. of the 14ih U. S. P inied a Southern If he was In Belfast. May 26. I«ai«h W aged 18. Juoel5d«m Keyes, In- by delegation. to fail as the Government has a full dont.’ and it bas certainly done all that is said in Veurg. June 1 «ff M hie lrisnJ, Progress, from Liv- committees of the Com cil and the supply on In Belfast. Jiue 7. Emciiue A, of Wm ship | City Cum- who was n ot of habits lie have at- iis laver. It tot only removes to cry blrmish rom daughter for New Y »k. fantry (Regulars), wounded In the most retiring might and will not ears. erpool hand, allow its agents to buy be- the teeth, but renders th^m e'eau and white. It al Donly, agod 16) E from Tor *a’e. berland Bar, and conveyed to an ante 1 June6.no lat. Ac. ship la, Trapani for room, battle of lranla Court oned liis for uo If he had fal- so * b eat h Spottsy Hou-e, died In purpose, doubt, yond a reasonable prioe, which is seTen to ten gives a tone t* he and lea'es the tunuth Bath and Lot on Steven's Plains Road, ad* —where undertakers were in ea.aut anee. It is waltiug,—prop- the i n with ap frag dtcidrdly the best June no lat. Ac, ship Missouri, 85 from Liv- i ths Ground*.* dcaira- hospital at Washington Wednesday morn- into tbe hands of General Burbridge, he cents less than demand. It is said IMPORTS. 8, days AHOC&EJoining tfemiuary very speculators preparation we have ever used for the put pose, and erpool for Boston. laid out, clothed in the uniform of his v hiegoeatien. erly Col. was a officer a ould have hid a to see we recommend the r fcozodont to our a number Ing. Keyes gallant aud chance Chicago—as other combinations exist to force up prices in lagrant iriends June 7, no lat. Ac, sch Arctic. Johnson, 18 days Also of bu Iding lots near the sum*. alnl in a black wiifi great confidence —Boston LING AN CB. Brig Excelsior—222 tuns coal, to from New Y’ork fdr Aux Caves had boeu lu a calm Bo lUire of E it ou the rkltlr, placed magnificent noble hearted man. a prisoner of war. fork Post, certain batvutay BrtP-rg EOf&BEi. Plain*. [Mew Evening j articles. I £xj>otst. inch 13 It 8 F Hand all. 12 days. June 10th, 18C4 —«od3w* V 011 TLA XI) AXI) VICIXITT. Furniture Manufactory. BY TELEGRAPH ! M ISCELLAflEOUS. On Exchange Street, a short distance south AUCTION SALES. Twelfth Annual of the Maine -TO TIK- MISCELLANEOUS^ ENTERTAINMENTS. Meeting of Middle Street, is the Furniture Manufac- Medical Association- KV i : \B THE GOVERNMENT LOAN NEW (ITi HILL I tory and salesroom of Mr. Wai.teii Cobey- .\ti PAPURM. T O E* M. SECOND DAY. r HI PATTEN, Auctioneer, But little idea can be had of the exU at of the After the appointment of certain commit- Thursday. Frida; & Saturday Even'g*, 12 business of this establishment without going Exchange Street, tees, tne discussion upon Spotted Fever was from the Army of the Pototnac. Portland i • June 10th, 17th and 18th. through the different dt pertinents. The build- Daily Press. $200,000,000. resumed. Bemarks were made Drs. Swa- Abmt Potomac, I This Loan is authorized Act of of tub celebrated axd or/uixal by on Street is about Headquabticbs by Congress The ing fronting Exchange fifty Juue P. M. -.«*+*-.- NOTICE Portland Cloak •ey, Graves, Tewksbury and Dana. Interest- 14, ) March 8tb, 1864, which providos for its Ukdkmption Store, feet on the street, with its addi- its line To«t»U Auction all runuing back, The of the Potomac took up iv Coin, at nor more by their {stock of cases were related these army any period not less than ten BUCKLEY’S SEREN&OERS 1 ing by physicians, 150 and is at 3 o’clock Sow tions, feet, five stories high. A of march for the Chickahominy •KXXYIII OOKGI1E38—First Session. than from its *t tbe of the on n tour w' Hit evtenrive alteration lo.ty years date, pleasure -TO TH«- traveling which tended to show that there ars various on afternoon. The 5th took the are made la Ibtlr A CLOAKS wooden building 100 feet long and tweuty-flve Sunday corps Uovcruinent. beiug vat Mixilrel Hall, AND MANTILLAS I ou the middle of Provi- forms of this disease. advauce road, by way June 10. Until its cent. R. BISHOP feet wide, four stories high, runs south to a Washington’. Redemption, five per Interest is to HVCKLKV, Dr. dence Church. The 21 corps took the west- Tewksbury of this city then presented SENATE. be paid eeoii-aunually is Coin. Store No. 322 brick of the same size or be- ern the Ob aud Pih took the road <*• SW.LIX j budding larger, io#d, corps The bill « BUCKLEV, Congress St., several cases of The ob- providing lor the repayment of du- to tbe Loan are re civei tbe Na* Excision of joints. to Jones’ and in the meantime Subscriptions by yond which are smaller additions and leading bridge, ties on salt before BOOK SELiLEKSI Thursday. Fri.luy ai.,i separate Ijpreign ll-biug bounties ! tioual Bauks m United States not* s or in sucb cur- fHtl), BUCKLEV. Saturday.7f of an Is to save life at the ex- embarked on at June 17 ject amputation to tbe 18th corps transports were was Hi, and 18. buildings, belonging the establishment, allowed, passed. or other funds ar> ate taken them on White House. The advance of tire halt- rency by depos- A«*b'ed by Th. to pense of a limb; it is the object of a resection army The bill lor the more ol whole b.«old w.fAouf rrurw. to speedy punishment it at — — Th. aiMkS tc* I ruuuing nearly Fore street. He also occu- ed for the near the w hich par. AMD coLanta ol all te save a limb with the minor loss of a night Chickahominy, guerrillas was discussed tue 20 ol the Brigbteet Slant in the Prole th. uta joint. a during morning Its Exemption fretn State or Local Taxation adds avion, | piss portion of the two blocks north on Ex- stream they crossed to-day without opposi- hour. Dr. 's cases have attracted consider- from one WHl appear a* a bo re. CIRCULARS, Tewksbur) tion. No of the were to to three per cent, per annum to its value SACKS. Street. signs enemy be seen, The lariil was CASSCCKS. change hill then taken up as report- -AID- | The Kate of on Ad minion to * able attention among American surgeons, not except a lew cavalry, who lied at our ed Interest this loan, although hut aT parts ofthe house. 30 Cants. The lumber used a' this establishment is approach. from the finance committee. Their amend- The 5lh look the road to and i live per cent, in coin is as touch greater in Merchants of Me. June 18—dl w only on account of their brilliancy, but also corps Haxail’s, ments were acted upon. currency Country MANTILLAS purchased in as uear a seasoned condition as the 2d as the difference between the market va'ue cur- * corps reached Charles City Court House Amendments were of All made tbia because of his good share of success. adopted reducing the aea«on. and la a therouah aud it can be a sea- at (i 1’. M. The Otb and and obtained, aed is then put iuto Uth corps crossed at duties on teas to with one rency gold. workmuiiiiktt in*cn«.r. Dr. Goodale read a case of twenty cents, per MEW OPERA HOISE ! ! strychnine pois- Jones’ and are now close As a the five esnt. room bridge, by. cent, ad valorem on line the Rule, per specie securities of soning heated by steam, passing through qualities; tiling I »die* wilt fl^cJ th* mu in which was used successful- The of base has success- all excellent rrpoftan’tv fa oning, camphor change been very duties on worth or solvent governments are always par or above, cast irou where there is a cigars $15 less per IUU0 at purcnnee af.wli tide a* fthelr o *u pipes, always iaige ful aud made with the utmost and LANCASTER HALL. p.l#,. a« tha as an antidote. order, without cents and currency now funded In the National Loau footi* will te i.ii. auu ru' runtidag ly so seventy-live per p uud, twenty per *«>•«*««ttd. quantity in process of seaaoniug, that there the loss ot a mau or It is said the will be worth its Dr. Kobinson a case of wagon. cent, ad valorem; between $15 and $1.20 face in gold, besides paying a regu- t. eommei.cc at two presented Lithoto- rcliels $30, Wholesale Book Store! hallpaat 0’mcea ttoh is no for working a piece of lumber left their works almost as soon as we and ceut. ad between lar and liberal to the holder. ^Sal. in which necessity thirty per valorem; $.10 percentage my, the patient had racovered with- the road to Richmond. White SPRAGUE & BLANCHARDS jm lldlw that is not in the best possible condition. It did, taking and $45, $2 per pound and llfty per ceut. ad The Authorized Amcunt of this loan U Two Hun- out untoward House will he evacuated as soon as any symptoms. After the usu- supplies valorem; above $3 ner and dred Million Ool.ars. The amount of subecriotjonfl —A HD— is well understood that substantial fur- $45, pound sixty lionet at good, cau be The here are MINSTRELS! luriidH'OtAc., Auction. votes—one of which ex- shipped. crops very Hue, per cent, ad valorem and to tin at to al-complimentary ; paper cigars ciga- reported Treasnry Washington, up June tarda). Juue 18th. .1 niture cannot be made from lumber that is not and our horses are in clover. II o dock A »t. on to-night living rettes are to the same duties. Also 4, has been i.ine ► treef, *• e »i ulj the thanks of the to the subject OSS re | at me jo«» t a n 11 artM pressed society City It is that we will start for James OPEN EVERY thus prepared before being worked. This expected decreasing the duty on imported railroad iron EVENING. *•****»"" Government for the marked coutesy in river in the and the 907.017,*30. PUBLISHING $°£rj'u‘- WTiEK prof- lumber, some of which is worth $200 a thou- early morniug, during from eighty la seventy cents per pound. The HOUSE. Subscriptions will be r caived the juuelod'd HBSHY BAILHY the use of the commodious room In day open communication with Gen. llutler. ad valorem on steel wire less than No. by Treasurer of An Entire of C» A.et’ra. fering is taken to the cut off aod saws duty Change Programme. sand, splitting The weather is the roads and the tbe United States at tud which the Associa- Hue, good, 16 was raised to per cent. Washington, the Assistant meeting convened—the to be reduced to the dimensions that be twenty Desirable H«n<« may army in the best of Numerous other Trersurers at New York, Boston an 1 hia, Loi at Ataciion. tion spirits. amt-mi meets were agreed Thi.adely adjourned. LOVE, or the Rivals ! aril a'Auction rn needed for any It is then tak- Later, 12 M—The army is now moving to- to as lar as the of the bill and by the vvrr.alwll ll-M), y j,_..« given purpose. reading progressed. * 1' M The next will bo wards .•* u’elock. that ver dr- tali e LuT meeting of the Society the river. Tbe sections relative to were ITnt National ( F en to the room where machinery of modern woolen goods left Bank, Portland, Mai up. Admiaaion 2& LA.NU, ou thee -ru-ruf t Itie at d V Gen. Grant and stair for Gen. But- ecnUi Keaerved dealt 60 cent. or-i . held in Poitland in June 1805. started for fntme action. owned b) Ho- L I .a. invention form to each so that a AND D r ALL NATIONAL J I w.at eow gives piece, ler’s command this RANKS. 8PBAUUR. w .8**'{••# bv Hr. Luo» Dr. Chase of Thomaston is the and morning. The Senate uon-coucurred in the House BAILEY AND «“rl7tf II. M*“**cr*- i,. containing ah- ut n<|ii te TMa orator, amo".nt of labor is saved. There is Which are of Pubi c BLANIUAKU, 1 lutl. oppoate the r» great one A lew guerrillas were caught in the woods amendments to the Senate bill to depo.it.rie. money, and all NOYES, aiCei.ce of G W Ww „, Dr. Suow of substitute for next prevent ka«|. atm hack > a ou the eatatar.i Ho< J B Wmlhrop, of the can this and in. Ranks and Br «■' part work, however, that only lie morning brought smuggling. Reapectabie Rankers >noai draiiabla ui. !* Jhe coupe* lot al f, art meeting. Ou motion of Mr. an was or- Throughout the country, aa of fcnd laiioiihe done by patient and skillful of the Waue, inquiry (acting agent* the Booksellers and theatre. purchaac niun.) may r. main “ application Published, m irtitaee li d. ired In our of From Note Orleans. dered to be made into the inauuer Ol National Depositary will furciah further report yesterday’s meeting, and that is the Several men engrav- Bank.,) 1 The i ■ chisel, carving. ami I>EER n~cT HALL. above believed to bo ih« moat ,’etirabla lot the name of Dr. T. A. as Nkw June 10. ing printing fractional currency bonds, information on application and aff rd every /acili■ on- red at 8action ihe Foster, Treasurer, are in this which is un- Yokk, pre-mi tratou Per view* of employed department, notes, mpo«ii>g principal army, and a dozen others, have been arrested member* of n'yzwnaa MinhJ.'t liottun iheafo /.nbolli, at Auction. The remains of the late Lieut. Col. or The cominiltee ou Kitchen W nrehousc execution. and Means \ and alt > Stephen ill New and about worth of Ways report- Lorpt, the entire company from the /*r r». /YS Orleans, $30,000 Tueaday .June 2* at 3 o’clock r a,, r, in. 1st Maine in state in ed a new Civil bill. NO. 4 FREE An dene* Ac idemy iff Mmiie. l tie Boothby, Cavalry, lay Each of furniture is carried forward sutler's and stores seized. Appropriation ST., PORTLAND. bow fuUj prepared to opening perform* IU ''•I* Elirabtlb. wo piece quartermaster’s Mr. of anee will eon-i-it of y7.v2‘ui^ tb.ll aell ho no arrests Myers, l’eun., moved that the Milita- bhakspirv'a apt Scott Dy.r Krtate. lb. t.omcaoa d the Common Council chamber until 12o’clock different of were inane on a charge or enlist- returned frem New 1 ork with a Urge a.- com.mice through stages completion Committee’s ou the MERCHANT OF about on. hundred acrea of ^ls men for au into Mexico under ry report expediency of JL'STsortmeutof VENICE, .p'.uutd laud, wnta ing expedition pooiaubatai al an n.- yeueraay noon, when they were taken to with a that characterizes this aud all future dralls for And the Farce of wall allround It, and rood system Cortinas. had eighteen months, requiring “OUT OX A 8MCKK.” Ah'l They enlisted l.VJ men, and “°V*-^tni other oat-hnuaea ou Lewiston for interment. The outer lo BASKETS, both and the It; WMh at funeral corleg.i wen regulated manufacturing establish- more from persons exempt pay commu,ati< n, and to Traveling Work. Supply Trad.©! Admission—Parqu-tte 60 cent*, 26. Peats *' »**neti ul all BENEFIT ofthe SRSKUaSK" machinery, kind, of SOLDIERS. a tot of legislative and Judicial bill *bo t IS acre*. W Bafminvuo« ai ». Moors ••asy. gala poaitiv# motive thousand dollars were received The > past oaiy for taJa ill The moved this has been com- Sixty there amendment striking out the tax on open at 7 oclrek Tickets tube had at the Book- health. procession through Exchange, manufactory established, Used in thie State, on from Frazer A Co., of Charleston, which were wit skey on hand, elicited debate, hut was Steamer •lore* ai d at the door—26 cents each. >iitntc<)-*«M"»' Middie and India streets to the Grand Trunk bined with the wise of sales- “Clinton,” Mario the Band policy having to the British officials who seized the a vote of 72 (52. C. by of the 17lh Regiment L\ 8. In- j«w».-3y>Y given adopted by to KELLEY, Matter} lent where the was a car to men whom ry depot, body placed in in purchasers could place implicit pirate Florida, aud went through a mock trial The House here took a recess, Havin* b#‘eB thoroughly repaired June 16—did ITuderwriter** >«ir of I.amber be taken to when she was her armament. The tor The Most Liberal ud Ktr- Lewiston. confidence. receiving EVENING SESSION. jLa^tS^St,*ua lignt height and p«*> Terms. American Consul has been to close The House will commeiice her regular osene Oil. The music the Band was and sol- A of the es- compelled concurred in the Senate amend- to by grand portion work required at this trips Harnawell. the I61I1 E uni of w his consulate there, as the secesh ment for the clause—72 31. TUUHfel’AY, Tn.t XCURSI0> \ nuin t may couee-n On Jaaa emn. sympathiz- mining against touching on the south side of tUl. a 11 o cloea A ctowd of citizens the tablishment is done at the at Great thebeagne lsiand each IViRtce M. on F rank in Wbnrf in accompanied lactory ers refuse to let him office room. The House non roncurred iu the Senate's way. will be a Grand Excursion to Bt'XTON rortiand, Me. will Le e d to the where the Falls where tor tbr the procession depot, last honors (Windham), about twenty-five amendment that when a propn’.will !e»>. C'o.tom Uodm Haring pnrehaaed STxai'jTTra PLATaaJVom CENTRE, und-r the oi the Irish Aatr- providing duty upon nt A. Wh*tf, THERE auspice* Aboat 17*1 *7* Art Pina M and ar 3 P. M " Ftnarda. our citizeus could men are the irom from which nuts 9j Ilarp'weil O. L. 8ahborh k of iona Relief Association. oo( " pay the heroic dead were employed by Mr. Corey, and another Items Southern Sources. rivets, and bolts b are each Co., tbla city, w. .ball ia fa. *#'»« 1‘ •»*. from way, Harp* well 6 haw on such o caaious, and the com- was shown to the of de- to gold and silver produced A rim in is rtuur's Balt-. respect memory the various branches, fancy carving and to reach the canal locks on James mittee assure the painting, deavoring from mines was concurred tieorge W. pab.io that nothing will be left in—tiO against 39; Manson, Norton’*, ylrtne of n In en«e irt m the ceased. other kind of labor in river. Weld and Qnackenbos’ Gram- undone ihat can add to the p eaaures ofthe dav. Judge of rebate every required making also the amendment or l umber aun providing that when Ice W *ter will be furnished f'te of charge. BY Connie, I >h II »tll at paDI;* The correspondent of the Atlanta (Ga.) In- mar, nue Ion on the most common article of furniture, or the leather or skins, upon which a duty has been SOLD & SILVER Mo«:c by Ch*nd er*s t^usdrilo Band—Mr. J. W. luoday, June II. 1F64, nt iwt •*,—Tk*-. with w rites that a force M «u lbe dr eiib* International Hotel telligencer, Johnston, assessed and manu- PLATER, Raymond. I'romtiter. ibepren.in*, lo.lo.ir, * ltd *., Company- most delicate and rosewood or ma- previously paid, shall be tab- t ti.e expensive had been dispatched, under ('hairnets, to at- 7« Middle T ckets 6o cents. children 86 cents—to be Leld at beloueing fate 01 M.k 1> a. ii a lata of a factured into gloves, mittens and Street, Portinud, Me. The ia ..id At second meeting of the corporators of We saw book moccasins, Progieitive Grammar, the iMU'l j*and at the csrs. Brldgtou. county of I'.mle. Ian.., dnoeaced hogany. cases, side boards, tack Chattanooga. At last accounts he was pUc and the duty shall be assessed the in- P. rt It the weather should deecntej in t. • in* rmoiy oi »n:d -eiau na the “International Hotel held on the town. only upon A *h»re of By Weld k prove unfavorable the tot* Company” upon secretaries, in of marebiug p»tron»*o r.«p<-tfolly .elided and Quackenboe. exca wo a- ibe line* p.aa aid that said books be at the Merchant*’ no yesterday. ment will Leieon* and Reader, opened if he has intention of pursue relative to the return of The are invited to s lut-le J t ki inakiug purchases, Gen. Gilmore has not been relieved as was public ex»miue and test these junclhdlwv Wiugery rfharf. cceupitd by b. F.q .alll b* mew in ETtaold on Ih Exchange under the charge of M. X. liich, and he will find Messrs. Hudson and Marsh Vallandigham. entious, which are highly recommended for b) nenliun, pna se.tl 0 o*. lick reported. It is turn me use A M lne«ta,,Jout*,a..Uie4. There emit and at such other and in (uch expected that the President will sign Holbrook’* Fir»t Book k BlSH&LH prime 8on»lieru Yellow actea Esq places salesmen of this in Arithmetie, ifkf ot land, wfJi cul-ivaicd a ore aid. »«] establishment, always ready the gold bill on his return from NO 55 UNION STREET. Uv/vArCora, per sch nea Flo -er, now landing guvu bail fsifls in Acte York. Philadelphia. taoatorv h« u»r. ban s at a bss»r. other manner as the committee may hereafter “to show him Ratification Meeting June and .or rale by E II Bl'Kt.l-, round," and Mr. Nowell, the The opening of the bids was re- Portland. 14.—cod3m I an be axauaned at at time r«k*u« to New Treasury 12) Commercial street. y p tb* as la. determine. York, June 10. sumed this afternoon. Jackton’t Arithmetic. Ter- *ra.h. E. M Pel ILh bookkeeper ready to enter the name of any Jnne 14 —fw Au.tl. i-ir. The Union rati Beat ion meeting last June 6, 1*M. did 3d That whenever one hundred and evening were (551 sealed proposals for the 1 NTH KNATIOm fifty man for a bill of was attended and enthusiasm _There responsible goods. largely great $75,000,000 loan, at a rough calculation. The B. k N., alto pnbliab IlxRRiMiH'e Arti-Aioc- Trffnallo. thousand dollars are subscribed to the stock II •►*••** mill l.ot HI A««• Me ia. Mr. commenced the manufacture of prevailed. Speeches were made by Henry J. to Corey amount $90,000,000. The bids to- Fire Insurance WIMTE OAK TREENAILS, for at of said the be and is Ex-Gov. of Uor- opened I laeStitem or Wedneaday, JureH, 8 o’clock r m *a corporation, secretary furniture in Raymond, Wright, Indiana, aUiut the as Company * Q( >Q the .re, we .ball -ell t 1830, at which time he bought ou^ day averaged same yesterday. Sew ON prrtn M-*a:o ) » oodea are of and S. Of lark, Office 113 SIMjNTON A KNIUHT. authorized to call a of the Raymond, Tenuessee, Mathews, No formal awards will be made Broatlway. llouee ou larileatreet. ho jl. Ibe Le- *e * near * hereby meeting Mr. N'. who was on the for the pns Ellsworth, carrying of Resolutions were 45 Commercial Wharf. uew—d,.i.bed th nou.lio*- nod r Maryland. adopted rati ent, as the entire ,uo. rrpi and Kockholders for the election of a Board of list has yet to Rapid Mercantile Per land, June 12.1864 will ten but-iiieia, on a small the Baltimore nominations and undergo Writing, Juocl&d'f avcoamodatt tun'll-*; a yo-d eel ar aid scale, nearly opposite fying platform. official examination. CASH CAPITAL H.fi er for the transaction where Mr. $1,000,000. plenty eater lLei.ti.f6 ee a 1 ante eira », Managers Directors,and C. is now located. He has been WM. E. WARREN, Preiident. and SO f-ei d— iu Right Aarte, with printed copies at the head of p. lie lo.n t- »o minen d mat ol other b usincss that come his and wc are Liverpool >alt Afloat. knot* er has loi cai teiHie any may legally annually extending business, From Mexico, HAMILTON BRLCE, Vice President. the lot. informed that I ettsral Troops in I‘ttrttuif of Morgan. HliDS Salt, cargo of jauelldfd I1F.NBV BAH El • (O. Aart'ra. before them. his sales, last month, exceeded GEORGE W. each page, in enact imitation of the Author's beau- |/k Liverpool ship New York, June 10. SAVAGE, Secretary. Uv/UU Pomona, is.w and tor sale those of any previous month since he com- Cincinnati, June 18. utdi*.g by Portland, June 16,1864. John The steamer from Havana 11 has tiful style of DANA * CO. Xkal, menced business, with orders six months Eagle, lb, Tiie Times' at 'Portland Board of Pefmrencet Jane Lawn Cottage at Auction. arrived. correspondent Klemingsburg, 11—a2w Secr'y. ahead for some particular kinds of work. In Ky., writing under date of June 12th, says Johm B. Baow ii fc son. Heksky Fletcher k Co. Thursday, June 23, at 3o'aleck F. M ea Ike Mexican advices state that Maximiliiau has 11 J Libby k Co. c s nbtll point of durability and beauty of finish, the the remnant ol Morgan's command, number- Johm LYbcu k Co. Apple,. Apple. ONprnntff*, nil at auction Law » i.n- sent a to Havana to Santa Au The PENMANSHIP. ta«x." in Ops * hzatrih. aUui i»e miia fn a iks Tmtees of Westbrook furniture manufactured Mr. C. is frigate convey ing 700, passed through there that morning, unde*s!gued having been appointed Aoiir >1 • Hut.rt Apple., for Ml. bv Seminary- by preferred aud Attorney Of\t\BBI.S Tba bvttMt is a tot. ston totia»* in io«d ua over to Mexico. There was considerable en for this * now +dVIVP r A. U City. to that obtained in Hotlon the most ol route, for Pound ad- Compa y. prepared SMITH. Mid tl Oliver nmi. and ct o der. 1 L« by pur- possibly, Gap. They to issue 1 oJicics on Wo call styk- pari caiJar as a esnti tad At the annual meeting of the Trustees of distress at Doblado has been de- inturabie Property nt current apodal attention to tbete Jane 11.—die and ia chasers in Ibis vicinity. Mr. C. affords anoth- Monterey. mit a loss of nearly 1000 at Cynthiana. A rates. floor, a«at as a gen cay drLl«>cI i)sv»ri* Democrats.” from those openly lighting under .Vara/. being rapidly introduced, haring the foil endorse- OHO HHD8. Sierra More’ n Molasses, car- Edward Port- respectable house last The music OUaa go brig Charicna, now Westbrook; Hamblen, Esq., evening. New 16. / landing ed orer tie lot. g'viogdt aueiish ful — Lee and for the Rebel cause, to Value, Juue M. •j I ... t|p.ar»ic« Beauregard Hugh Pliinney, The view of Marl land, and Hon. X. G. Uichboru, Stockton. both vocal and iuatrumental, was good. The those who The U. S. steamer Admiral, from the block- moot of the befiy or, (iliHh.iid te ter- have, from the outbreak of the •!*u 60 libit. For tale by iui ms irmu" «na ior»"**r customers ra **ntMeg ccuitiy Is m i«d aid liauifwl. We auditors were with the doue ading fleet, has arrived. She hrimrs eiutiiv- Jnnel. 1804 uFORGE 9 HURT Charles S. Fobes, Esq Portland, was elect- highly gratified per- struggle, their very utmost, by word thstbehas taken the Store Mo 126 Exchange thought we wtre fir hub t e most beaut u t rpot la aud for the maintenance of the two invalid eearacn and officer*. The health Street, where he Intend* to ou the tbia vicinity for -a • last •«* It bn sr.sn «« kmi tt «• ed to fill occasioned the formance, at least, we judge so from demon- Idow, Union; carry Siptriitafat if Pmblie Schools »f the lute ti laiie. Trustee, vacancy by of M**rra Mor* uu ,violaM»rt. »•# Tit e o-itiye—1« m» »a letaa and Johnson's War Democracy is of the very the rqu&dron it good. p*-iteet—sale y ary. ol Hoo. Job Prince. strations of applause. The violin solo F. Stove and Furnace For turner ra t»*-ular» a 4 dtacr btiou ea>l • a resignation by best sort, lie was a The arrived at llatterai Business, 0»AU UUDS. MOLASJvES.Just landing from always Democrat; ue gnnlKiat Chicopee > HENRY FAlLEt a Co auctioaeere. Bnrklov. was a v#»rv artUtir n^rffirmanro In Inlet ou In mil it. brioche*. ill UU*! brig Mst.luA A superior The following officers were elected: 8. F. was a Senator from a Slave Stale; be support- the 10th lust. STOVES, of kind,, oftta* Besides the above list which we publish, omrSpee- J June 11.—4*d newest and most approved patterns, so TC'S. ) article lor retailing For sale TTorshV—Prpsiilpn! of Hip Itn.iril nf Triufppk’ our ear it was lire brightest gem of the eve- ed Breckinridge lor President; but he never JoHN D lord lal by wavered nor faltered in his contracts are for the following boohs No. Union Wharf. Auction Salt* E. Hamblen—Vice President; G. M. Steven*, ning. The Carnival of Venice we have heard devotion to the It.solution. of the \etr Hampshire legisla- Furnaces and may23d4w* 1| of Prrulai to Cm Natioual cause; and he has carried his life in ture. Timber ia Caned .-R and first rate and we Ranges, nl Estate in Secretary, and Cliarle* Kobe*, Treasurer. many times, by violinists, his and MoIm****. hands from the outset. Were the rebels Coxcobp, X. H.f June 10. Tin and Hollow Ware. Series Nugnr (••niul Fain. N. H. tbe anuual of tbe Board confess there were some touches last evening to recover Tennessee aud Progressive of Readers aad ♦Hereafter, meeting capture him to-mor- Resolutions passed the House by a UHDS* MUSCOVADO SU- ERE wilt ti aoM at public suction at th*«ffe% to-day, !9^Second hand Stoves bought, or taken In ex- la to be on the after thu last as due as we have ever beard, on this master row, they would probably bang him as a trai- vote of ItH) to 300 jCHO,Clt Tilof U *ury Haiiey k Co K*ciiau*e itrrtt, | vn* Tuesday Monday 103, requesting the New Hamp- change tor new. 10 TCB. GAR. ) laud. Maine, uu 11 u da.' June be lb, 1664, at instrument. The tuues were sweet and tor before noon of the next day. have shire members of to the 10 In June; and the anniversary exercise* are to pure, They Congress urge pas- Stoves, Kajosh. Fubxace*. and Tim Wa&x Spellers. 871 UUDS ,>upcrior Mu«co*ado, and o‘c>> ck a. m to ciiee icn ant. had do more of the * 3 its Cl ad and the must excellent. original, consistent, implacable, sage amendment to the Constitution repaired at short notice, in a faithful manner. a. Moia-scs. Lice tea N,» 3 a. d t to c it timber t a., in Cane* take place on the subsequent Wednesday. boneing They per- 11 nirra loe. and not many more effective. IIiw noiu abolishing slavery. Sillard’s Series of Readers BBLS from Morena. da.oa the rorihue t bra ch <»l the rher St J> ha— lorm this evening at New Hail and Grateful for eraser ft Roar and torsaie where it is d e again City inatiou is a pledge to the Unionists of the se- patronsg*. he ho~ea by strict Spellers. landing by inurtecu by ti toui.daiy line It twe* a attention to THOM AO A CO ( tUMines*. and f*ir dealing, to receive a ASftNClO auada and the Mat of Wai t—and iittnisita no doubt there will be a crowd. ceded States that they, at least, are not deem- Wharf Court—June 16. M generou* share ol public :avor. raavPtf Custom Uonsc said river to i*s source, ot to • »c* td. 1 o* tea Municipal ed outcast/frora the of our askinyton Correspondence. Series ever, pals Nationality— Sargent's of Readers ft Spellers. mi es b., 2« miles each aide, r 5o quart mile*. | ______for drunkenness and dis- New York. June 10. ipayMdtf a Emily Briggs Tmkatkk.—Mr. J. C. Myers, with a large that, though they, from peculiar circumstan- Sierra Morena Mol mi tec. A'a\ certain parcel ofhtal Aetata s. bated at The Post’s Grand Fa Is. In the r| Yiooria. ano at turbance, was (1 ued three dollars and costs. and will ces, were enabled to cast hut few votes in our special Washington dispatch Celton’s & Pitch’s fount) the powerful company open Deeriug the House Geographies. preseut timj cccup ed a»d imuovtd by W», B. National Convention, yet their candidate says Military Committee will next perry" O*) CHOICE SIERKa MO RAN A Committed. Hall next for theatrical only a<»rruHD8 j West. Fsq aid to merly owutdcy H-oritViug, Monday evening pur- was aud week report a biil to the draft commu- JO TIERCES MOLA8SLS. reudily accepted nominated. We repeal ccutuming throe (3) acres or more with uildinas oa tation. 151 Brown's Grammars. 10 BBLS > poses. Mr. Myers has taken of shall hail this nomination as an assurance to MIDDLE tie same. June 1G. 1804. advantage ST., Mow from “C. H. Pobtlanu, liu Ju.t * onortment of landing Brig Kennedy" Tor farther part icu-ars of the auctioaaer closing of the Boston Theatre to secure some Southern Unionists that their long-suffering opened Urge THUS. ASKNClO A CO inquire To the Eittor Of the Preen h*u> York Market. or llEUbKY. M.klt il ► K k C.O., devotion to the Natioual cause is appreciated, Greenleafs Series of Arithmetics. Mar 1—tf C. H Wharf. of the best of that _ Main#. In issue of talent Company. He will Nkw York. June 16 Portland, your to-day, “Inquirer” pre- and will not be forgotten.— [New York Trib- ma)96dUwtojuns96tbendtojnaf£0 remain here a short Cotton— Ha,l0c higher; sales 1600 bale*at 146, he d CLOTH sumes tbe labels referred the Westbrook but time, and will give us une. Scotch Caavaii. to(ou at 1 60 tor middling upland?. th.HATS, some of the standard Including t)A BOLT4—from the of David Cor- Horse cars) means instead of Cem- plays. He opens with Hour—firmer; «alr»28 OuObbU; Stat* and Western | factory CIMVAHU m. FATTEN* Cemetery resolution offered in the senate 7 IaU tar A Sons. Leith—a sail eloth of superior the of Merchant of Venice. Sy-Thc I0®’5c higher. Suo rfine (State COiri 20; Extra ; “BILLY MORRIS.” •try. No chance of an argument there, for play do 7 60^7 70; choice do 7 65a7 6ft. Bound quality—Just received per “Jars", and for aala by Commission Merchant Mr. Lane of Kansas, to the Hoop “GI’N BOAT,” KYAN A k Auctioartr, by recognirc gov- Ohio do 8 45 a 9 25; choice do huOq^SCU; Super- MoGlLYEEY. DAVIS. so we all and the error will be correct- BLANK mch26dtf 161 Commercial .Street think, Upsetting a Building.—A two in Western 7i»/t8 3>; Extra do 7 2o; Southern — “DEARBY.” BOOKS, story ernment now organiaed Arkansas,—aud as 60«,8 H.. removed to tbe ip.eloo. .tor. U ed in due season. Allow me to that tinner; sales *00O hhla; Mixed to 8 00; # “GEN. Ac. suggest in the of the was good J6&11 MEADE/* building upper part city, up- natural to this to admit the del- extra Excb.nce Btre-1, four door. b%low sequence act, Fancy and 8 0o£ll00; Canaria 10c higher; Also Cook A Aidrioh'sCelebrated In hit to correct the errors of others, sale? 900 anxiety set yesterday rather unceremoniously, by the egation nnw seeking to occupy the seats in bbla; common Extra7 46^7 66; extra good Merob.nl'. Dxdiui,. to choice 8<» description for r.kllc or f.}.. lie “Not 1 78$fcl Milwaukee club 1 Si®l 88: Am er othei for the season. plt.ilt.ie. standard,perfect. says, knowing Mr. George Brock had the management of the tion that slavery is forever abolished, has Spring of Kf.l — OR. W.lt. Eatate Vw*(,, up* Modi .1. *,r> Milwaua^e 10&U.171; Winter Red Western 1 June 4 cl11 151 Middle street. —A*I>— DEJklNe, what kind ot a it I at once referred PERKY, ak.ndUe aoHciird ( tab •». place was. business, and while he was gently loweriug boen referred to the Committee on the Judi- 194; amber Mich.gin 191a, 198; White Canada .dvitut, *l;i 2 o). prompt a.lc. .i d return.. mcbltdlf to my dictionary for information, and tea* not the the fall broke and the edi- The of the committee will be Medical building rope ciary. report Corn—dull: sales 38 000 bushels; new mixed Electrician, much in not able to IF YOU HAVEN’T A disappointed being find fice was into a cellar. looked lor with great interest on all sides. Western 1 4V«yl 47; Southern 1 68 No. 11 Clapp’i Block, precipitated Oats—dull: aahs Canada at any mch word.” Please allow your 89@90]o. MB OrCONGBMSa AND ELM STEEL ft dictionary B. ef—firm: p-aiei* 8-• bb s ROOM PAPERS! COEN Maine Central and to Hard Up.—At Merchants’ is a Sick and Wounded at sale? 8100 bbla mesa RiilroadCompany. grammar remain side by side for future Exchange Augusta Pork—hi/her; 87CO&S7S7]; announce to the cltixant o) init- d» 35 25. REFRIGERATOR ! respectfolly of the Carolina pi Portland and that he has use. BailtBoaii. copy North Times, June 10th, List of sick aud wounded soldiers at the U. WOULD vicinity, permanent* Autiual .Me^tinf on Jum 33. Lird—firmer; •ales 2CC0 bbla at 16£@1H. this the Wfdnrwlay, If have au located in city. During eleven month* at New on coarse Whiskey- firmer; aa es 48 0 bb:*» at 1 39. you old one that duu’t exactly ly 1864* at Wuurville. published Berne, printed S. Gen. Hospital, Maine, Juue Mill, 36a1 that * e have been in town we have cnrtd some oi Augusta, sales 100 hhd«: Muscovado 18« OR.cuit you, don't tail to examine the very btst pat- A FULL STOCK Tub Htnek.Vicos.—The first exhibition of It is Sugar—quirt; the worst forms of disease in persons who have tried straw wrapping paper. very dark col- 18a)« at the Furniture Room, of say -tay audience was a very large one and testified its of the non-arrival of a paper supply from eraun Curtin, M »>,•*•# IF Clark, W’m VV Clark, 11 U Cox, doctor the second time tor nothing. at 10 o’clock in the lorenoou, to ac* ou the fol- Alvin ti Mehil W Jl II Dam- a art-alas, via: Doughty, corp David, private WALTER CORKV, Dr D. has been practical klectrician fcr twenty- lowing delight by bursts of It is New York. The Timts is a A ft 1 Stock Market. 1st—To hear the rta of tbe D rectors repeated applause. loyal paper. uion. W'uiJ Doughty, nergt David ward*, private Jo- one years, and is also a regular graduated physician Rep and L Cbas A Andrew J N*w York. 53 aud fit to Tr» asurer of -aid and act thereon. the most pleasing exhibition of tbe kind we depta Kvans.corp Gammon, privates June 11. Exchange atreet. N. B.—Bcxkseliers or Country Dealers who are Electricity is t-erfeetly adapted chronic disease# Company — 2d—To luak* oi a Board of Lircctora for Installation.— llev. James T. of Good win, Job n D Graven, Stunner Grant, Luciua F Guff, Second Board Stock a dull and lower. il2m in the form of nervous or sick headache; uenralgia choice ever had in Hewcs, Junc6,1861 tie have this city. The ex- J K Giuu corp t rn Hi B 11 iH prtvotx (• //am- Chicago fi Bock write to us about In the bead, neck,or extremities; tntuiug year. paintings doxtph Island.113] ~ not coming to th»eity,may stating consumption.when received and a unan- Inuk A A 8. T. BEN SOW, Clerk. hibit in life like character the Boston, having accepted mond, Ot* G Uerrin. aergt Johnson, private Cleveland Toledo,.149 In the aonte stages or where the hi ng* are not folly scenery por- F Johnann. Wm B Geo VV I linoia Central or WnterrUK Ms* 31,1**4. imous invitation to take the John *ergt Jennis, privates scrip,.129] LANE Al LITTLE” what amount they purchase at a time, and wo will Involved; acute chronic rheumatism, scrofula, hip _J«ne*Mtd trayed, while the wit of Prof. the pastoral charge Maddox Janice Murdock, James K Means, Thou W aiiag- Michigan Southern. 97] diseases. whitesw* llings, spinal diseases, curvature McEvoy, in of the Park Street church and hau. Kdwiu McMaun, Francis McLaughlin, John D Dal- Cumberland Coal 76 Who’esale Dealers send them a of the contracted muscles, distorted the various characters assumed (Cnilarlao) Company preferred.7s. spine, limbs, E. K. lecturer, by ler. K chard McGee, Alvin Murphy, Ambsose Nason, Sew York or St. Vitas' Dance, deafness,stair- LEM:NT, in this been Central.J31] palsy paralysis, society city, arrangements have Prit ce B W'm II Volnoy D A Canton Bering or of tndlgea* the comic Irish vocalist, Mr. Heron, and the Page, UowclI, Bprague Company..401 Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, IsIST OF hesitancy speech, dyspepsia, C IF Smiley private John Sullivan, Mrxt American Gold. 197} PRICES, n, sod liver cure made for Ills installation to take place on Springer sergt AND ti constipation complaint piles—we Carriage Manufacturer, tweet siugiug of Miss Searle, combine to make J D private Geo Springer, sergt L H Patteu, pri- (Jutted Starrs one year certificate* new. 9 ] case that can be present**: asthma, bronchi* of sawyer, every Thursday evening next w8ek, at 7 o'clock. vates • h Tofry Janie M I’aiuier, Joshua Walton, It u Treasury 7 3-10tlm.*08 W t a, vtHMnree of the eheet, and nil forma of female a most attractive entertainment. We advise oolens, II wanted. Sucet, • ben Wbauter. Enoob H alton. L D Wilbur. S T Luvejoy, United Statea 5-29 coupons.105] jimplaiate. Preble Portland, Xs. all who would like a Whitmore, Wm Wm fca- | No. 143 Middle street, to spend couple of houn mercury iu the thermometer at §»-rgt Kuoch prtvau** Doodbury, »“Tltp H'ui F A F Hutchinson. in Old bine, Bragg, By Blectrlolty 'ri’inlifM »td il.'gb, ca b.ad »nd .Mt, Ireland, not to fail in attending thii Messrs. Gerrlsh & Pearsons’ stood at noon rORILAKD.M*. «Sc. *cU»oii«t lor Sale, A.uSSa.) Bailey Noyes, The the the lame and the o dir. If exhibition. It will be this Fishing Kbeamatie. (only, laij Jan,-ft weather was — about t us now on the JuneTdtf repeated evening. yesterday, at 83 deg. The warm Wounded Soldiers. From a list of seventy burthen, stocks IMP with Joy, and move with the agility and eiasbc OKat So ith Bristol, and to bui.t of the heated brain is cooled; the lroet w ready launching; ity youth; aud the ground dry and parched. There as Grove b. th in os: a- d auu of tie Portland Athemriim. re- For the Islands. wounded soldiers at Locust Hospital, app ovod models finish, Publishers and Booksellers, bitten limbs restored, the unooath deformities er We are inlormed at the Custom Housi best materials; and will be sold at a lair if fllllE Auuual of the 1’roptietora of the to weakness tc a large draft made upon the Soda fountains of iu the the scene of the flint bat- price ap- Meeting moved ; faintness converted vigor, Ou and after June 13ththestenmer Wilderness, lor soon. N AI ii A N1 EL FOSTF JL Port.and Athenieum for th* choice of officers, the deaf to bear and o that the statement of the Xew York Uerald’i plied R, strength; the blind made to see. will umil further notice Messrs. Crosmau and Mr. G. bleaaiahee ei '♦ & Co. T. Loring. we the Mailte names: ma;-24't3tfiw4w* South Biistcl, Me. and the trauaactiou of o ber business will be holdeii the palsied form to move upright; the leave l urnhani’s harf, fbr Beak’a tles, copy following 1 •Kt and mature lift ] Nassau correspondent that immense at the Li rary Room, ou Wedues lay, June 22 at Exchange arc obliterated; the accident* of and ls.'ard* at 9 and 10 30 A. M. and t quan- F W 7| Street, yon'h ushing's II Clarke, Co F, 20th; Corp K Hofpis, o clock P. M All books belonging to the library the calamities of old age obviated, and and .1 30 I* M. will leavt- tifies of arms, Pugnacious.—Two women Into a For Mule. prevented: Keturrirg Cu-hing's Island ammunition, clothiug, heel got fight D J F K. are to be return*d on or before Tuesday, the 14tn maintained. at V.tVaad ll 16 A. M and 2 46 and 6 16 P. M. C, do; IfLyford, B, do; Linekin, House and Land for sale at Gorham Corner. am active escalation and are received in a house in Green St. .1 W W inst. Tickets 26 cents, down an i back; Children IS eta. pork breadstuff's, there frou yesterday afternoon, do; C»tf, K: Corp G Hicbb »rn, B; C <• iiTMleBt tor two tsimiies, Fort iVle. Thfkwwia Kari* NATHAN WEBB, Secretary. land., ladies June 9 d’f and One of them, named threw a Brocker, B; C Avery. A; Lieut Or- with a large 1 t, pi. asMi'ly *ituated near the New York, Philadelphia Portland, is, si Polly V^rren, Lane; M June 9. 1864.—d2w hand, and (Ml; weak itomaohe 1> quire of ii. CKEA8EY, on the premises. Who bar*sold at the head of her lando Green, B; Sergt Geo Hicks, G; John Depot ■ajUUhs nerTuua and >ick headache. far as Portland is concerned, without thi pail antagonist cutting her Tenrseay. jun*-7w3w* lame and weak back,; Vj~tl ini, June Uts. tS»4 II Breen, K; Wilbert Willard. B; Fred Davis, and .wimmin, la the head, with Indlgac- in the head. Officer INTERN ATtONAl7llANK ! dlaalncM hereby aivon tn-t it is th*. lnteitF»e of foundation. There has not been u badly Cole arrested Polly C II N amt of the bowel,; pain in the aid, slightest Sergt Haines, E; E llnriil'.G—all tion oonitipatloa the t’ltv C -unc I to chsi O* H; Wauled. Rare Chance! (or of th« N’OTfCRh g« grade of Iti.h and her to Coiiip'tkilurs and back; leocorrbma. white#); fallin, * clearance at this port for Nassau foi took the lockup. ol the 2Utb ; Jacob Rice, J A llaiker, C; Wm teiw en on ; e— a d t'nmb-rUi d »tre»*tc( single or two jirst c/'ias tomato oomposltora will Special lUfflinp. womb with loternal aanoere; tumor., poljrpn*. and J J F • corner of only 229 Co street, rorUnnd. extraetla. ayotem, on gant store, Congress and Treble xrount of the II* ealt oft < Ada real ogres Toll’s next week, Tuesday and Friday mornlngi proprietor. I aw;—and to determine whether they will ac- Araeotc, be. uondred, wh< College. Soldiers Deceased.—The demise of the ••w Bnx 1928 Portland P. O. ing June 14—dim Margery, Antimony, streets are troablod with,tUT Joint•> wtak back,, and tori Anneal CVtnn cncemt nt of TuVa College to accommodate passengers and rt fi June 14—d8w cept of the charter of the First National Bank of going Maiue soldiers is at Wash- oa, otherdlSoalUoa, the direct canae of which, to TUF.tak* s place Ou Wedt eeflay, July ig. The lilt following reported now bold the Directors of the •xan.i at *n from the > Portland, by Interna- For Bttiftfor. nine eaeea oat of tea, ie the elbet of loro catml-a* e-fer ts»|jr to i>te>* turning Congregational Conferenei Excellent cider in large or small mras- polaonoaidrant, ington: To IIiiihlerB. tional Ks^ Aubrev. Jacobs inester, rW hors 4«s- earn be reetored to and by u, lege wl 1 be hold on rtu Julv )4 1 be a ouud and i ure f Bank. n,taral,treB(tb rigor *l«y this without the fare hene may be found at M. 204 Fore or from flee to Bathe. on Aug 8J T* e re t te m b ou charge beyond Morrlil’a, 1st James .ale low, the Sand on tho lot oorner ol Order of the Directors. SCHmediate dispatch Vor rreigbt passage apple I aw of eight Tuesday. gl.a ( Lafayette Murray, n, artillery; By * ee« to which Is witli free retur s St. It has the real ]^V>RMoontfort and Sumner .tret-U. to the maeter on board, at the bead of Long Wharf, OMoeboenfromYo elooka.*. to 1 r.*.| 1J Thursday. Aug. 26th. Board f2 60p*r Belfast, $3,00, and 8th W. E. Cashier • champagne sparkle Ruber, C, regiment; Emery Richards, A, Appl.ro JOHN W. CHASE. GOULD. or to D. T CHASE. t; eadTto in. A. A MlNEB. iwis. tickets. | snap on it. do; Cbas. R. Fierce, F, Itith. Juu« 13, 1864. JuntlDJlia* • Portland, Juno 4, 1864. Juutfieodtd Jon# 14—dtf Uoaealtatlon Free. lyltlaedt College llill, Jane tith, 18.1. Jaa,8«od8w

'. *o POETRY. MISCELLANEOUS. HOTELS. FOR SALE & TO LET. railroads. STEAMBOATS. *~" "-*—' — I,, r-2B*3ELJSXZMKSU2EEZ3BZ^SZmiiiSmi _ | MEDICAL._ medical.*"1 Written the Press I_ ^ for Union and HOUSES AID LOTS FOR SALE, THE DAILY Temperance House, Portland and Penobscot DH. J. B. HITCiHE* The Six Weddings. PRESS, West SITUATED OH REDUCED RATES ! River, Harpswell, Summer Lyons Periodical her bridal morn, 1864. Drops CAM MS fOUTID AT Rift Inscribed to a young friend upon Is lor the of Summer Arrangement, CALORIC POWER open reception Franklin, Alden, Washington, Montreal, Board< rs, and trauci«ut and visitors. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS This white wiuged messenger from me Fox ana Numner Streets. TIE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. Thi* House is very pleasantly situafrd on -TO THE- THE NEW, STAUNCH AND COMMODIOUS Will bear wishes bright to thee; PRIVATE MEDICAL my the Neck, one-fourth mi.e above the Steam- PRICES FROM 81,000 TO *2,600. ROOMS, And tell thee all I w ish to say _|boat La mi iif West, North We3t& South West! STJBArUElt LADY Wo. .1 UT*Meals furnished at all hours of the day Alto, TWO SMALL FARMS, in E Izsbetb. LAND, Temple Street, To thee, on this thy bridal day ; JOB PRINTING Cspe for this OFFICE, SIDNEY BAILEY, Proprietor. Built expressly route, Lyon’s Periodical be can be Would I could liugernear ihy side June 9,1864.—d8w* Terms liberal to suit the purchaser. Enquire of W. 1). Drops! consulted privately, and with LITTLE, CAPT. WILLIAM Jl. WHEREthe utmost confidence by the afflicted, at all And bless with words the happy bride! ! ROIX, ABB BBTTZB THAI ALL | ELBRIDGE GERRY, Agent for ill the great leading routes to Cl/fta- hour* daily, frem 8 A. M. to Ir p. j«. Will commence her Summer N. A. FOSTER & Atlantic ISgo, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukir Ar- Dr. H. addresses thoso who arei under the Then what shall be wish for the*— Souse, ills eodtf No. 6'J Street. ou s(ft-ring my CO., Si23 Rtgh Galena, Oskush. St. Paul, Lacrosse, omen rangement MONDAY MORN- PUN, Powders dr Quack Preparations. affliction ot private disease, whether from Hay’ June arising That life may cne bright summer be? SC AII BOH O’ BEACII. yulncy.bt. Louis, Louiarille, Iudtanapoli*. Cairo ING, 6’h, Leaving Bangor ev* j Impure connection or the terrible vice of sell-abuse. and is try Mor Us.r, and at his And shall I wish th*e wealth, Valuable Farm for bale. etc., etc., prepared to turuish limotun H'fdiit-doa, Friday Mornings, Devoting entire time to that particular branch of ►olden lICKKTB troin 0 o'clock. been Portlau t to all the cine* the medical prole*.ion. he feola warranted in Udai and blesecd health— Proprietor**," T(1IS House having enlarged and Situated in Falmouth, miles principal will foot Prosperity, eight and towns in the loyal Slates and at Returning leave Railroad Wharf, of autbeikm a Cuu* in all whether refitted will open lor the sea- from Portland, on the old Canadas, the Caiia, oflon That love never wane, throughout Gray lowest rales of fan, and all ntedlul street, Portland, every Monday, Periodical or earthly may son on road, Black lulurmation State_ Wednesday Lyon’s standing recently contracted, entirely removln opposite Strap Monu- cbeerlul and Friday at 10 o'clock, with Drops! the of disease from Fox 821-2 y granted. Evening*, couuectmg dregs the system, and making Altho' Tis deemed a fitful flame? Block, St., June ment. he farm contain* 45 acres the Exchange ] Monday, 13, 18Gft, Travelers will find it to their Eastern, Ronton and Maine, aud Portland, Saco -ABB- uud PERMANENT well divided into grea'ly advantage to perfect CUKE. E. good laud, tillage, procure their liikets at ibe and Portsmouth Railroads, from Boston and He would call the attention flowers we wreathe for thee GUNNISON. »nu wood lots. It Way of the afflicted to k These fragrant paaturiug has a large orchaid, Stations, Boston at 3 P. M. N. B.—Positively closed on the Sabbath to all aud Union leaving o'clocfc, Sure to do Goodand cannot fact ol his long standing and well earned like sunbeams on the sea! PORTLAND. ME. tmiidings all iu good repair. It j» well watered Tiekct Office, 31 The Boat will touch at do Mann. reputation Will fade trausieni visitors. junell Exchange Street, Rockl«nd, Camden, Bel sufficient assurance of hi* skill and aud a very nieaaaat situatiou; will be sold for cash furnishing me w hlte and tair, fast, Buuksport, Winter port aud both east. The orange blossoms on reasonable terms. For further [W stairs,) Hampden, particulars inquire ways. 1 a*>o!*gef8 ticketed to aud from with raven hair; ot J. F. No through We’ll mingle thy KANG, O^Llapp’s Block, or KU*US W. D. LITTLE, Agent. B< srou, Lowell, Lawrence, Salem aud Ocean House HAND on the Lyuu. LYON’S Ah, yes! we’ll deck with love snd pride Re-Opened! premises. Juuci6u2w* For more extended imormation, apply to J. O. PERIODICAL DROPS! CAUTIOJTTO THE PUBLIC. Attention is reepee fully invited to our unrivalled tCtr Passengers for Califon ia, the Old Line noble brow—our loved young bride 1 by Kendrica, Bangor; the local Agents at tne various Tuy The undersigned having leaded for the Mail Steamer ai d Panama Railroad, be accured The Great Female Every Intelligent nnd thinking person must know : facilities for szocuting in House Lots For Sale. may landings; the Depot Masters ol tb» P. 8. & p., Remedy season this well establLhed Waterinr by earlv application at. this office. autl that remedies handed out from general use should live to see 1 place, Eastern, B. at M. Railroads; Abiel Sift weddings you may situated rn the outer ot Stevens' Plains, within two minutes walk of Tickets to Montreal and and Somsrby, have their charmingly verge Quebec return (via 1 ortlaud; k Deano Boston, or efficacy established by well-tested tape* the Horse Railroad Grand Trunk Lang It life and health prolonged be; Cape Elizabeth. With unrivalled lacili- ON plea-sutlj located the Railwsy) may be oWaintd at this Cli AS. rience in the hands of a regularly educated ti. 1,. SPEAR, General Agent. pbysi- shall THE REST STYLE OF THE for Enquireof UaILEV, 42 Exchaufe* St. agency on favorable terms. ma)2t>ofc wtl June 4.—isdtt dan. whom preparatory atudy Ilia him for all tb* And when five years pass away, ART, 1_jiies Juue LYON’S PERIODICAL 11. 1W4.—eod2w DROPS! duties he must fuiiill; yet the is Hooded with wkddino comes country The woodkk they ssy; Bathing, Boating, and Fishing, ABM BBTTKB THAW ALL poor nostrums and cure-ails, purporting to he tb# And if sti.l kind and Summer Tourist’s & Traveler’s best in the world, which are not n.elesa, hat al- you prove good livery description of Will for transient and on and Valuable Beal Estate for Sale. only open permanent gnests Montreal Ocean Co. PILLS,POWDERS f QUACK PREPARATIONS ways injurious The unfortunate should be pabtio- We’ll bring you gifts of sandal wood! after have for tale a Great Steamship very desirable Hou«e, cen- Combination ot OLAa in selecting his physician, as it ia a Ismcntahl* ▼ T and One of the first-class traily pleasantly located, finished and following incontrovertahla fact that many syphilltie au- And when ten years shall come and wane, the 7th of Jane, furnished from to steamers of this Line Tuesday, day garret cellar; every thing iu aud EXCURSIONS ! vizPeruvian, Ktnts are made miserable with ruined constitutions we’h ccme BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. about the house iu will Bibernia, North American. If naught prevents again ; Every desirable convooicnce will be supplied for perfect order; be sold with Jara, Bel- LYON’S try ma-treatment from inexperienced physicians-in the and com'or m ol ita the Furniture, which ‘tin taate and in Ol- Tor the Season ——Igian. Nova Scotian, Da- PERIODICAL DROPS! And breaths to thee such loving words. pleasure patrons with regard good lice of 1864. Moravian, practice; for it is a point generally conceded to the and character ol a der Immediate possession 1 he house mapcuD, mi.i sail from Quebec, every Saturday the beet lequiremc-nts given. and ARE SURE TO DO feneraJy synhilographt rs, that the study and man- As each fond heart for thee affoids; furniture can be examined bt Moiisiso, for Liver|>ool via GOODAND CANNOT of any time, aud infor- Ticket* Good to Return to November 1st. i.oudoncerry. these complaints should engross tbo And if deem it not a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. mation on Tne DaMASCcS to sail from letims of yon sin, Our fctablisbment is furni bed with all tb« ap- give by calling Quebec Saturday DO HARM. «aeat those who would he competent and HENRY BAILEY A morning, June 18. •neceestnl in their Wt’il you gilts of brightest Tin We feel assured that < ur exort’ons, added to the Co., Auctioneers, treatment and core. The inex- bring Also the i-teainers St. David. £t. Georgs. St. proved unusual attractions ot the house luelf, will secure us maylddtf perienced general practitioner, hnviag neither op- Arokkw. St Patrick, tri from n r When fifteen shall the approbation aud patronage of the public. monthly Quebec time to make himself acquainted with years glide along, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. for Glasgow. aud return Cckets issued at theirportunity closed on the Sabbath. on Prepaid pathology, commonly t osrues one of Perchance we’ll meet with mirth and MODERN tr Positively ■-and Free street for Sale. reduced rales. For system song, MACHINERY, From Portland passage apply toU.RA. ALL- trcatSBant, in most cases an HILL k valuable real estate on Free known Periodical malting indiacriaiaats CaireTAL to JORDAN, Proprietor*. street, AN. Montreal, or to J L. Lyon’s Drops use of that and And presents bring thee; as the “Furbish —TO— FARMER, antiquated dangeroas Her- June TilE property The lot is about 106 may Hidtf No. street weapon, the And our collection of Cape Elizabeth, 7, 1804. dtf 10*Exchange Portland. Clear at the water of sea; teet on Free street and extends back about 174 feet. White Mountains. Montreal, Quebec, De- THE OREAT FEMALE REMEDY. Bald estate will be sold a Unless from earth you’ie cal.ed to pass, as whole, or the easterly troit, W half of the dweiliug house, with lot about 40 by 176 Chicago, ilvvaukie, Niagara International HAVE With ange.f bright, the sea of glass. BAY VIEW Steamship CONMIiKNCE. Book* and HOUSE, feet, will be sold by itself. Fall*, and return Company, Fancy All who have eommlrtod an Types! Application may be made to James Furbish, Lyon’s Periodical excess of any kind.- When twenty-five deth come and wane. CAMDEN. Esq., T Drops whether It be the on tue premises, or to GfcO. E. B. JACK 10N, AT VSR LOW IIATRS OF FARR. Calais & St John. solitary vice elyonth. or tho sting- And mlvkb ; Will fi^tport, ARM BETTER THAy ALL rebake of la circulates again bear favorable comparison with any establish- j The Subscribers take Julyldtf 69 Exchange street. PILLS. POWDRRS '** misplaced conHdeuoe matwer yean, ujflbqi pleasure in an- Only $10 to Chicago or $25 out Unless the premium's too high ment in the city. rM9 uouuciug 10 their friends mid all interested Miluiaukie, TWO Titles PER WEEK. AJID QUALE URlIICINXa. “< a Male. and return, cia. Sarnia Line. SEEK FOB AN ANT IDO TB IN H ith silver gifts you'll find us nigh; HI fludiug first clast sea-side Hotel accoiu- For SEASON. iiEJI uuodations,that their new aud Ho- Dana property, so called, on Windham Hill, To and This cruel war will then be o’er. spacious Chicago Return, nil rail, *35, le* oo n in June. in about ten acres. '1 On aud after March The Pains and Aches, and Lassitude and op- early Itcontains ail the mod- THE Windham, containing here Also, to Uoston. New Monday, 28, Nervous And silver known no more? •rn and are on the a Two York, uptbe Hudson River the steamer Prostration that may follow premium improvements every convenience lor the premises good Story Dwelling Lake superior sea-going Impure edition, are House aud Saratoga, George. NEW E. Lyon’s Periodical the Barometer to the whole system. Business and Professional omiort aud accommodation ot the travelling \ ub- Barn, with other out-builuiuas. ibe BRUNSWICK, Capt. B Drops wkddixo conus Cards, is Returning from Kalis bv will leave Are Do uot wait for the consummation that Is The ooldkk they say ic. It is finely located, commanding an unrivalled property pleaaautly situated aud the neighborhood Niagara citber Grand _Winchester, Railroad Sure to do Good and cannot sure to fol- or Trunk Railway, or toe Mktl Wharf, loo* of State low, do not wait for At lar away! view of the Penobscot Bay. The advantage* of ses- unexceptionable, b terms, Ac., apply to by Royal Line’through Street, every Monday at 6 do Unsightly Ulcers, for fifty years—how and too fluu.ami Islands o'clock P. M.. and 1 Harm. (Of every variety, style cost, bathing aud the facilities lor fishing ai d DEBGOid a Jackson, and Kapias of the bt. Lau- the Steamer NEW ENGLAND, Disabled Limbs, for Loss of Beaatv And when these happy yeats are told. boating, rence. Capt. E. Field, at 5 and are unsurpassed. For ita beautilul scenery aud de- Portland May 18,1864. 69 Exchange St. every Thursday o’clock P. M Complexion. American for aud We’ll bring you gif.s of pureet gold, drives and walks, Camden is favor- Money taken at Tar for Tickets, Sleep- r.astport St. John, N. B connecting at 1 PRINTED AT SHORTEST NOTICE. lightful already j may!8dtf East with abi« known as one ot the most ingcarsaud at Refreshment Saloons port steamer Queen, for Robiusou, 8t. An- BOW MAN I THOUSANDS CAN TESTIFY AD, nii/ years—wuo suau appear eligible and dt-lighr- TO :j ha- e been made with drews and and with Stage coaches LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS ful watering places in New Connected For Male. Arrangements the Proprie- Calais, for Ma- I T here? Euglaud. and at THIS B UNHAPP T EXPERIENCE. To bring you golden presents wiih the Hotel is a fine tor* ot ihe principal Hotel, in Monartal, and chias, at. John with steamers for Kreder- I The Great — Livery btable, horse* tod I A SQUARE block of land, of about acres Ijueh.o Female KeiAedy. Detri it to take Amriicau at icton and with steamer lor cariiairea having been aeiccte.i with «rreat n.r,. ti.. 71(000 iluiey par.v charging* * Enueror Digby, W'iud- ! sor and Toang Hen troubled with emlseiora In a Still fitrtbsr on—at seventy-five, are from the best New York Hotel prices. Halifax, acd with the E. fc N. A. kaiiroad sleep, carriages establishments in the 8t. Lawrence. in Canada East It la interceedcd j •omplaint generally the remit of a bad by For Ticket!* or iuf rmatinn tr.nlp in A 1» m ,.r ! for bhediac and all stations. habit la If with tha bildeercom survive. Bill-Head* Haled Cat la the Neat- counti y. and on the most bteam- two considerable riven with Mill way treated you and approved styles, eligible sits. Well Trunk youth, scientlHoally, add a perfect oar* war- boat lauu of steamers wooded with Grant Railway. Returning. wPl leave St John every and The diamond welding will be thine— rags easy access; touching ev- I every deecrlption of timber, soch as Monday LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS ranted or no charge made dav in the week. E. F. BEACH, General Ag:-tit, 279 Broad Y Thursday ai 8 o'clock A. M.. for Eastport. Portland e»t Manner. ery lelegraoh communication ulne and spruce In Urge quantities, aud way.N ABB BBTTMB THAW Hardly a day passes bat we are consulted The from Golconda’a mine; maple, W* T lo waits, Eastern muu nuiiun. ALL brightest w.th all parts of the Those to se tamarac ana bass wo'd Agent, Bangor. or men with country. wishing berch, beech, tuauy amount. Pills A_O__ moreyoaug the above disease, tome euro rooms Juae 11.—c4w Through ticket* procured of the Clerk These biilliaut me all will good will do well to soon, as i of H. T. M Agenttand --I--- * whom ere u weak aail emaciated gims give, apply many Enquire ACHIN', •'ortiand. on board Steamers. x ivjiwaMviwt as though they are already engaged. Portland, Peb.lSM. febiAeodtf hud the and tlielr If God thus long should let us live. received till 4 o'clock P. eonauuptioB. by friends supposed CL'billNi* k JOHNSTON, PORTLAND AND Freight M., Mondays and to have It. All such c uet Proprietors. KENNEBEC K.ft. Thursdays. yield to the prvperund Camden, June‘4, 1848 —dtf eorreef coarse of treatment, and h» When alter this on earth no more BLANKS AND BANK For Sale or to Let. mayiidtf C. C. only a short time | CHECKS, SPRING & SUMMER EATON, Agent. are made to rcjoloa in perfect health. You'll roam—but on a b’ighter shore; CLIFFNCOTTAGE, containing over 10 ARRANGEMENT, Of hi Pleasant Suburban Kesort. rooms,Urge stable and sheds—sitnated two LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS Where ne’er is known a cloud or every dorlption executed the beet etyle. Portland and shade. and one-half miles from Portland, and the Commencing Monday, April 25, 1864 Boston Line. In mans.ous God's owu Lauds have made; finest situation In Cape Elizabeth for n wa- t-feattfaMWa rinMi,tr irmln. leave for BDU MIDDLE AGED tering and summer boarders. For Skowlif^in TO DO GOOD AND CANNOT DO HARM Iu walls are gems—its streets are gold, ! plaoe, ort auu and Boston, at 6 4.'» a. to Au- THE STEAMERS C-AJPISIC^EiOTJSE, re of GEO. * esquire OWEN, D-Ou A. There are men at none or and other done *«■*. M. and Bath U lu p. M. many toe a... .. Where can weary grow old; Rxllroatl, Corporation Work, WEST BROOK. dtf II Winter Street, Portland. Aususta Forest wooer* ■FT tor Portland and Boston at 6.80 m City, Lewiston and Montreal troubled with too frequent evucuatieus Within those walls there is This suburban A, .; Bath 0.80 A. from the ne'er given with end elegant Watering Place, often a promptue„ Anility. Will, until further bladder, accompanied by slight smarting os upon a pleasant eminence near Oa- Valuable House Lou Tor Sale. Pool.nd for notion, run as and The marriage vow—tha home is Heaven ! [located Bm'h, Auvu.t., W.terville burning sensation, weakening tbe fa a — Kendall’. Afollows: system pisicPoud, but miles from Portland, hav- HonseLots on street, Mills and manner tbe cannot For all who meet around the throne Congress adjoining Skowhegai:, at l.lo P. M. Leave Atlantlo Wharf, Periodical patient account tor. On exam- ing been placed in the most order tfcebouse now nv the subscribes. Portland for Bath Portland, Lyon’s Drops sits a ample by TWO occupied and Augusta 8 16 P. M. every ining urinary dep. ropy sediment will often be Will have the raiments on ! INSURANCE POLICIES, HILLS OP LADING. _(the subscriber, he most solicits ! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and THB wedding respectfully GAKD.NEK LUDWIG. PaAfleugtn for ^cationson the OBRAT FEMALE BBH1DT fonnd, and sometimes small particles of semen ar attention of the and Audroscoggin Rail- Friday, at 7 o'clock P. M., and ludla ;bo public, cordially invites a Jane 10, IRM —d2w road will cars Wharf, Boston, albumen will or the color TIME TABLES, Mi ell eorU of LEGAL change at Brunswick. every appear, will bo of a thin Portland. 1SC8. Mart. can from his old fritnds. Th© I Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and milkiah lu )\ M. train f om Portland connects at Friday, at 7 o'clock P.M. hue, again changing to a dark and turbid at vkort notie*. be house is pleasant, retired and The I s are DOCUMENTS, quiet. For Sale. Keudau Mills with Main© Central rare appearance. There many men who die of this luruiture and are Railroad lor in Cabin.$1.60 furnishings all new, and the rooms Ac " of the TWO story House end Lot. situated on Port- Bangor, arriving 6 a me evening.* on Deck. difficulty. ignorant cause, which is the a cosy and sightly. 'Jhe Tables are with all ! 1.14 supplied A land street, with Stable end ollu-rout building. leave Ba h lor Kuciland at S> A M and 3 Freight taken aa usual. Periodical SECOND STAGE OP SEMINAL the delaoacies as well as the subetantials oi the sea- < Lyon’s WEAENES8. C. 8. Marshal’s Notice. Also two lots about The Drops the adjoining containing eight Company are not responsible for to 1 can warrant a care in such Sermons, ud ill kiidi uf son/and service of one of the very best cooks in j thousand feet. leave baggage Are better perfect eases, aad h United State* or l Beports, PamphleU, square Enquire of ct. STEVENS, 8ta(jei Auxu-ta for Bclfa.t at 4 P V. any amount $60 In value, and that than all Pill*, Powder*. and America, Hew England have been scoured. leave exceeding person- full healthy restoration of the urinary organa. or No. 47 Portland street. juneSdtf bUKfii Skowhegao at 6 10 f. It for al, unless notice is and District Maine, ae. j Put in Extensive sheds and a due "table with stalls given paid for at the rata ol Persons who cannot personally consult the up superior style. roomy Soon,Sc. one lor And Quack Dr., to monitions from the lion. are among the conveniences of the establishment passenger every $600 additional value. Preparation*. can do eo by writing in a plain manner a Ashur Ttiroujcli Tickets for all the stations on this and Feb. 18,1968. dtr L. description Ware, of the United Mates A. nice Bathing House suffi .lent for the aooommo House For Sale. B1LL1NG8. Agent. of their disease, and tbe remedies PURSUANTJudge District Court, •he Androecoagltt Hallroad, can he 1 appropriate wit within and for the District of I datlou of severs! batheis has been erected with TWO wooden No. 18 Adams rrocurred tu be forwarded Maine. beieby give steps story boose, street, Boeton at tint kaotvrn or tio.’un and immediately. u 11 finished M.i.otation* \11 lice that the ft. 1 lowing Libels and Iuforma- Bronzed and Colored projecting into ten teet of water, and the whole se- , A rooms, convenient for two families; “• Portland and New York Steamers correspondence strictly oeafldsntial and will Label*, ♦ Periodical If CMicns have been filed in said Court, tie :— cured frein observat on by a floating screen. plenty of good water. For psrtioulsrs inquire ol Lyon’s be returned desired. April 18. 1W?: Drops, Address. A Libel against Twkkit Bolts or Arbroath For Apothecaries, Merchants, and Fancy Dealers, btnoking Aroors grace the banks of the Pond and | B. J. WILL A HD. CU8HMA^8“P«r^^«t HEM I-WEEKLY LINE. DR. J. B. HUGHES, Dock. 818 tarda; and Ten Half Cii.sts invite the indulgence of the Portland, 14,1864. Mo. 6 Temple St., (corner of Portland. Ira, in the best of art. lounger. May mayl4eodif Vork * 8ur* Middie] 416 lbs net. foft up style the for a snare of the Cumberland Kail road. to do Good and cannot do Harm. for drealar. Hoping public patronage the un- a a.. The splendid and fiat Steamships VScnd Stamp An Information Two sts to no effort for iTie er- against Hundred axd Six- dersigned prom spare en For Sale. SUMMER f iM' "LOCrST POINT,” CapC WiLLaiw. TT-biout Thousand iiuam* tammentof his guests. GEO. W MURCH. ARRANGEMENT. ss. lb **si]U Price, 81 per Bottle. nearly new, can b* nsed "POTOMAC," Captain 8aaa> An inf /rmui m strains Six Cases or Brandt Westbrook, May 21, 1844. mav21dtf Express Wagon, ad^eS^SilwooD, will,until further for oue or two Horses, It has Pole and Shafts On and after notice, ran For sale ml Eclectic IHcdical AND T*.1 I HOU-AND ClJAkH ONE MONDAY, Anril as follows: by Druggists. At wholaaal, by W. r Infirmary. Wedding Cards, For Ao., call at No.4 Free Street 1th., trains An Information Seven Cases contain- complete. price 18t>4, will leave aa Leave Browns Wharf, Phillipa, H. H. Hay A Co., Portland. against Notes qf Invitation, Cards, Lists Dan- Portland. apr I eodtf until further Portland,every WEDNES- TO THE LADIES. ino Thirty r ye Thousand Cioars. Rod Four Visiting qf Pleasure Resort! follows, nonce DAY, and SATURDAY, at 6 P. nnd leave Splendid aaco M., Pier augMeodly Cases containing 1 wekty River lor Port’and at 6 46 » Ihousand ligass. ces, etc., etc., r\f every and cost, North River, New York, every WEDNESDAY HUGHES particularly Invites all Ladles who A Lit el Five variety (Freight Train with aga'nst Case* containing Trie- To Let. Passenger and SATURDAY, at 8 o'clock, P. M. DB.need a medical adviser, to coil at hie rooms, Me. ty furnished at Cars) and 9.15 a. m., and 3.30 r. m NtNR Thousand One Hundred and Fifty short notice. now oooapied by as. Possession given These vessels are fitted up withfineaccommodationa CAT A lt R II t Temple Street, which they will Snd for THE WHITE Leave Portland tor Saco River, 7.46 a. m. and f arranged Cioars. HOUSE, STOREimmediately. for passengers, making this the moat speedy, safe and their accommodation WILSOH 2.00 and 6,20 v. u. The 2 00 r. ft. train especial Which seirure* were for breaches of the laws of (FOBIIIILT HOUBH.) Also, a Front Offloein Hanson Block. out, and 6 46 comfortable route tbr travellers between New York Dr. H.'s Eclectic Renovating Mbdicinesarsumrtvxl- a. M. train into ) ortiaud, will be trains -AID- the Uuited .states and is more part'eu arly sot lortb J. P. MILLER,.PROPRIETOR. )an8 dtfH. J. L1BBET k CO. freight with and Maine. Passage $7,00, Fan and state led in efficacy and snperior virtue la regulating all in said Libels cars attached Inaladlag aud Informations; that a hearing .nd passenger Rooms Female Irregularities. Their actiem Is aad a tacts connect at spools* trial will he had thereon at Saccarappa daily for South certain of relief a Hangar, iu said District LARGE This popular Hotel has been To Let. Goods forwarded by this line to and from Montreal, producing la short time. on the Fourth POSTERS, recently pur- Winuham, Wiudhain Center and Great Falls. Tuesday cf June current, where chased Bath, East oADIKS will Audit invaluable In all casesaf ah- any by Mr. Millerfot the Albion; and has 8TUKE in Galt’s Block At tor West Bangor, Aagneta, port and St. NOISES IN persons interestea tnercin and show Gorham Gorham, atvndish. Steep ohn. THE HEAD! ! stractions after all other remedies hare may appear, been thoroughly refitted, renovated and re- ONE to U. T. Snebee, been tried ia eause if cau be s Apply MACHIN, Falls, Baldwin, sebago, Bridgton, Hiram, rs are Tala. It is any owu, wr.ere’ore the same Hand-bills, Shop-bills, Progam- paired, and numerous excellent alterations dtf Liming- Shippe requested to send their freight to tk* purely reenable, containing nothing In snould not bo decreed and ap22 ton, Cornish, Denmark, Brownfield. Level, Frve steamers the least to the forfeit disposed of accord- made. It is located on the asearly as 8 P. M., oa the day that then CURED BY injurious health, and may7 betaken to law. J Saccarapparoad, burg, Conway,Bartlett, Albany, Jackson and Ea- INHALING with at .11 times ing about tour miles from Portland, a beautiful leave Portland. perfect safety ** affording ton, N. 11. Sent to Portland this fourteenth day of A. mcs, Circulars drive over a For freight or paaeage apply to any part oftke country with fall dfreeMen* June, good road, and Just about liar enough At Buxton Center for West D*1M4* for ID. W. Buxton, Ronney Ea- F.MKKY fc FOX, Brown's Wharf. Portlaad. bynddmeelag DR. HUGHES, pleasure. OLARK. South Liininjfton, Limiugton and Limerick r. A. GUINBY, It has a gle. U B CROMWELL fc CO., No. M West Ha. S Temple Street, corner of Portland. And of line large Dancing Hall and good DXALXR IX Street, A Harmless Middle, U S. Diet, plain printing every deecrlption. Alao, Bowling At saco River tri-weekly, for Holds. Limerick, New York. Fluid, Deputy Marshal of Maine. Alleys. In elose to the boose is a warm ; June 11—d 14c proximity Ossip©©. Newflcld, Parsoustield, LUingt.am, Free- B. B.—LADIES Rule aad Figure veort, executed neetly, end on and roomy Stable, containing nloe mails. Dee.6.1961. $lf desiring may eoanlt ona of theft twenty dom, Madi-on, t aton, Cornish, Porter, A c own sea. A of There is also a well 106 fret OP AGREEABLE ODOR. lady experience in constant attend term, tbet sheltered Shed, long, for Fares 6 centa less wnon tickets are in cennot Sul to aetiify. horses. purchased tantea^ly CITV OF PORTLAND. hitching the Otfioe, than when paid in the Cars, an—__ __ The choicest will be for ?« the Tear On. Thou,and Suppers got ap sleighing DAN. CARPENTER, Eight Hundred and and who will And it Supt. NO dancing parties, greatly to their Portland April 7,18e4. dti VIOLENT SYRINGING Sixty-four. pleasure and advantage to resort to the White House. MORE TESTIMONIALS! Ho effort will be for tbe entertainment of An Ordinance the Revised THE DAILY PRESS spared MAINE CENTRAL Amending Ordinance on ff«es ts. declO-dtf KAILKOAD. Of the Head. Streets. Sliver Street Ice House, aud Office Printing Office has one of Roper’ Improved Caloric WINTER m Be it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Com- ARRANGEMENT. mtrn for motive and is iurulshed with No. 39 street. Council qfMe dtp if in Coun- Engines power, Exchange THE SENSE OF TAST* Portland, City HALLOWELL HOUSE Trains AND SMELL RESTORED MRS. MANCHESTER cil assembled, as follows improved and costly Presses—Cylinder and Platen— OHHC leave Portland, Grand Trank "S*.™.. f.r Lewiston and at le unsolicited Suction 1. Section. 46 of the revised from tbe most makers. R E O PENE Df A LL Orders promptly attended to aud customers JRStation, Auburn, constantly receiving testimonials at Ordinance celebrated We have in con- 7.40 a. m. on Streets is am *jded J\. supplied with the best quality of ICE. Ih* astonishing cures her. hereby by striking out the stant use one of HOE’S LARGE CYLINDER For Bangor and intermediate stations at 1.10 r.M. performed by Amend W'ords “six and a halt DR. B. o’olook” in the eleventh line HEW FURHITURE J*rice qf let far the Beaton, 1864. GOODALE'8 received are PRESSES, of off 8500 Sheets ft FIXTURES! RETURNING—leave Lewiston at 6.2U ▲. M., and PL IMF It PATENT many recently the following, whieh aka of said section aud ms rting 'he w^rds five o’clock' capable throwing BOOTS. 10 lbs a day, from J une 1st, to Oct. 1st, #6 <10 arrive in Portland at 8.80 a m. Leave at commended to thehotiea of the adUeted. Mrs. in be thirteenth line of said an one of Presses—tbe best " Bangor Maa Section and inserting hour; Adam’s Power .. 7.26 a. and above Boots and Shoes are the words S.G. DENNIS, Proprietor. 8.00 m., arrive In Portland at 2 00 v m. Both comfortable from “lour o’clock.” so that *aid as •* •• CATARRH e hosier max to consulted at Section book press in tbe world; Adam's and Potter's Past 20 10 00 those traios connect at Portland with trains for THEthe fliNt wearing and require no in,” REMEDY. amended shall read as follows, to wit:— “Breaking [ uJ The public are Informed that eents per 100 lbs. Boston. and therefore much more durable. Section 46—All arric es Machine Job Presses ; Haggles' superior Card Pres, specially the Forty No. 11 Clapp’s Roods No. brought by railroad to be convenient and well To those who take Ice for the It will be de- train leaves Portland at Block, •. lauded known Hallowbll season, Freight f a. m., and re- Dr. Goodale haa combatted Catarrh a a til i C.ujNneroial street, aha I be unloaded on Adams’ and Union Hand Standing spacious, bo baa large Presses, House. in the center of UaJlowell, two miles from livered earlier than 1st Jane and later than 1st Oc- turning is dueinPortiand at 1 p. x. the south-east side of the railr ad track, aud PLUMER fought It down. It haa teen a war, bat hi* tri- every Presses, and all the machinery necessary for a well Augusta, and four mi es from login has tober, at the same rate per mouth as during the sea- Stages connect with trains at stations, PATENT BOOTS. loo* •rtlc e landrd iu the eith *r or Spring, principal A street, from, for the been refurnished, and is for tbe son. for most of the towns North and East of this 1 Aten's umph it complote. all cow time hie Ca- CASE or SPINAL DISEASE CURED purpose of landed the appointed office. open reception of daily Pegged Calf I'turner Boots, S&.60 Through tag being upon ears shall be so and When not wantod for the full it will be line. C. This is to that I company permanent boarders. season, M. MORSE,Sup't. Aten’s Pturner 6 00 tarrh Remedy will be known aa the oae oertily neat to see Mrs. Mcaches placed as not to obstruct any street or Tho Pegged Cat/ Ho>ts, only anti- passage way Daily l'res§ Job Office is believed to be as well Every attention will be given to the comfort of delivered at the rate of 82 00 per month for 10 lbs. Waterville, November, 1.868. deol4 Aten's Calf Pturner Ur last erasing Commercial street, or with it, Pegged Bends, 6 CA) dote for a diaeaee which auperfleiallata have declar- March with a daughter of mine troubled with connecting as guests. per day. Men's and so as to 1 ave a clear not less than furnished any similar establishment in the 8tatc. Pegged Cm'f Ptumrr Boots, 7 00 space four- Notice of change of residence, if given at the of- ed Incurable. Catarrh doetora, ao called, spinal disease, for which she had boon doctored for teen feet In width from the and Those order GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY aprlog op copiog stone, shall tending from tbe country may rely on fice instead of the driver, will dis- Ivo and a not to always prevent Aten’s Sewed Plume* »7-6C like muabroona on all lldea. The of theee yean, by nomter ol physicians of I be allowed remain in the street over six Of Canada. Cay Boots, object receiving prompt attention. appointment. Aten’s Sewed P,umer Boots. and she working hours after they are land'd STABLING, Calf 8.00 pocket praetltiouore la money. aao kinds: has had twenty-one applications ol »«d all the ■•aal Any customer leaving town for two weeks or more Thoy dangerous Provided, however, tha* cars be unloaded In- We execute ail orders iu the shortest time convenience, of ■ popular hotel, may possible at one time, notice at the will en- WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Instrument,. Their violent eieotrfolty applied, hat all to no odbet; bat the own to and load* are amply by giving office, be Aten’s Pegged Caff Balmorals, 03.60 manipulation. Irritate store, from store*, on the nortu-west- and in the neatest snd best manner. provided. a Keb 1 titled to proper deduction. Men’s the Usually grew worse. 1 came to the as •rly side of s«id railroad track, after five o’clock in Uallowel', 1804. nch!6 eodtf Pegged Coif' Balmorals, 4 00 already Inflamed,membrane. They never cure. eoweiatioa. We will do all kinds of as aad as Complaints against the driven, for neglect or care- On and after the evening from the first of to printing well Monday, Nov. 9, 1863, Dr. Goodale , treatment la not mechani- the last resort, to go aod see Mn. aad day April the first I vetoes* or aov ether eaose, must be made at the ol- medicinal, Manchester, of Oc obor, and after four and as as trains will run daily, Just all 'he varieties of the finest day o’clock in the promptly, cheap any other establishment (Sundays except- received, quality, cal. He doee not believe lo the did eo; and to my she told me the evening THE AMERICAN flee, and will be attended to promptly. until further as follows: •i*ht and force-pump ayatem, great surprise Irst during the other six m oths of tbo in the HOUSE, ed) notice, heavy Men'* Call Bo -ti. Uur Boots are year. City, County or State. Portland, 18.1864. 1367w which la work ao aoee ol the and I-A-i May may inado of fight d'flerent wide * and are for lag much mischief Hi, disease, how she had been from tins or Trains. designed remedy In Board Mayor and I All orders for Job Up a Aldermen, must be directed to .... genteel class ol feet not fitted to which Printing Btrett Leave Portland for South Paris at 7.40 hitherto by Beady passes through the cbaorhcuU, to the cent of the dia- time, enoonragtd me to try her medicines. June 13, 1864. J Boston, a. m. For Boots tbe Daily Press Job Ho. Manufactured They are made of the txst 1 did so. and now This bill been twice read, to be or- OJIce, 82j Kxchange street* jjjjJjE&nover Island Pond at 1.10 r. ac. ecce, end obliterates it. Jt doee sot relieve my daughter it able to bo arowad having passed MAINE INSURANCE CO. stock, by the most careful and tkillfcl workmen.and merely dained. JACOB Me ; Portland. Me. the house all ol LELLAX, Mayor. Augusta, Maine. Down Trains. every pair is wa rauted both in reference to stock for a day. hot for all time. Lastly, It coat, a dollar the time. 3he also ride* ton or If- In Tbe Job Office is The Urieit and Best Hotel and teen Common Council, Juno 18, 1864. I under the personal supervision Arranged Leave Island Pond for Portland, at 6 a. m. workmanship. a bottle—ao more. miles without aay trouble or uiconveniwneaAMd This bill been twice read, to of the Leave Paris for Portland haring passed be or* senior propristor, who it tbe CITY PRINT- IH HEW KNOLAHD. Maine Insurance Insure South at 6.46 a. a. Dr. 1 think In a short time she will be restored to dallied. J U 11 Cdmpaay against Dodgt qf Auburn if. T. porfoet AMLEN, President. and is loss or damage Fire, Building., Mercbsn* KR, himself an experienced practical work- THE by From ttev Henry Ward Beecher. health. Since my daughter has been 1 Approved, JACOB LEWIS diie aud Furniture, on terms ae favorable as it can The Company are not for to After having witnessed the erecta of this Remedy doctoring, McLELLAX,Mayor. l man, aad well-skilled RICE, Proprietor. responsible baggage Brook* vn. 9,18r. J. C. Plnmer — truly this Dear Sir.— Had my Boots been a e June 15— .2w department of his work. for One, Three, or Five years. »sonal, unit** notice is given, and paid lor at the rate conditionally Herculean specific lor the hole dia- ter has cared. 1 think If any person deserves J. M HEATH, City Clerk. bom ou me they could not fitted me better.— pat- __ J. L. CUT LEE, President. of one passenger Tor 8600 additional value. eaee. Much an article oaght not to bo ‘'btd under a It is every I hev were more comfortable the »err first than ronage, the one wbotnes to preserve the health J. H. WILLIAMS.Secretary. C. J. BKYDGE8, Director. dajr bushel.“ and any men who can Invent so truly an The Managiug my boots generally are after months of of the tiok and and ViTY OF PORTLAND. Portland Press, O FFIOE OF THE 11. BAILEY, Superintendent. usage. efficient and positive a remedy for such a loathsome suffering. 1 hnow that the neat Daily EDWARD SHAW I cannot them too havo but ... Agent, Nov. 4,1868. nov6 praise highly Toey disease, ought to bo cooaioered one of the benefac- every effort which Use lx her to benefit her ir ux-,out uui u iB wi ana one serious will power rw Kivvii, me intention or j noaiuD, Having fault, they make ail other booU seem tor, of bia race, and his name and the effect, ol hia pattente. i' the Council to ATLANTIC Ho. 102 Middle Street. uncomfortable. Sanaa L. Raima*. City dDooutinue a pirtof Con- a larger circuletion then ell the other deiliee in the •kill perpetuated. Yours respectfUil- I PORTLAND* SACO A PORTSMOUTH liv the wav. von carried nfTmv Th«v won* Gannon Ku-omtx, grass 8troet—beginning at the Ul« aaIImmIIt v south-westerly city combined, ii et the Office in L DODGE. A. M. Anna E. knioxym of toe A. k ri. Ltwrenue Railroad, and coutiouior published Fox Mutual Insurance RAILROAD. the rlgi t ones, and I took them oat with roy own low 89 Plinf Miles, the well-knosm Risna Kaiooaa. w to water mark ! Ulock. 1-8 Exchange Street, erery morning— Company, hands, and know they fitted Please send them to Traveller, __ And NEW YoKK, JANl'ABY 28, ltG4 American mo BnmnUek, Maine, August UR. the Joint Standing Committee of the City j Sunday excepted, et Exchange SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS, again by exprvaa. I am, very truly. And whose family physician Dr Goodale was for Council, on out new Streets, in Your U. W BFJC< HER many years, savs—"If Dr. Goodsle he can laying pursuance of 1864. obliged servant, says cure an order of the on the j Commencing April 11th, Catan h. he ean care it," fte. City Council, passed 18th day $8,00 Per Truitcoa, In couformitj to tbe Chkrtor of the FIRE of Jane, 1861. will meet for aaid Aaanm, | INSURANCE COMPANY! Train* will leave the Bta- Price SI Send a for a OEM or THK UREA TEST mi purpose on THECompany, ru omit the following statement of Passenger stamp pamphlet. CURES RECORD. the 22nd of OK NEW Canal Dr K GOOD Wednesday, day June, at 3 o’clock iu Its afTura on the Slat YOKE. tion. street, ex- L.iDIFS’ BOOTS. ALE'S Office and Bleeker Mae — From which 18 1~9 cent, is December. 14 .3 daily, (Sunday* Depot 76, Mucanm-.W toculnm: • the afternoon, at the of per discounted for an follows street, one door west ot Thinking crosgiug Congress street over l'remiums received uu Mamie Klaks, ocpted) Lalies* P unier Patent Ba’moral Boots, *4JO Broadway, New Yoak. statement of the A. A 8 L enveaca ran a are semi Capital 9800.000, Leavo Portland for my case may be of serrioa to othan Rrilroad, the place of begiuniug, and I annual end quarterly from latJanaary, 1881, lo Slat De- Boeton, at 8 46 am. and 3.(6 Ladies' Plumvr Patent Bools, 4 00 H. H. Ilay Agent for Portland then and there to view lummw. F. M. Congress Jane 1863. afflicted. 1 hasten to It to proceed and discontinue said •ub.cnptione pro reta. leu than throe month.,. cember, 1883, Building,. Merchandise. Huh. 2d, junc2dly similarly giro yoa. afreet. I •1,214,898 98 Leave Boston Premiums on not hald raraltarc. Run. Lmhi. Vea- for Portland at 7.30 a m and 3.C0 This la case-1 was eiaty cents per or 16 cents t'olieiea marked off briefly my token sick a boat IS All persons interested will take notice month, a week. htaoLa •ele au the and F. M. The above boots are made from the best stock, and and govern let Jaaaary, 1888, 1.706/02 24 Slacks, atker P«r> months with Corine S Ceim. to own ago tbe Liver Complaint la a bad themselves accordingly. | saaal Prapartr at lae Law- Leave Portsmouth for Portland, at 10.00 a. u. and expressly my order. Every pair is warrant- very Giveu under our bauds this 6.30 F. m. ed. the same as if a measure was taken. This work form. I applied to four different bat re- 14th day of June A. tr Newsdealers supplied at the rale of two end Total amount of Marine rreminms. 17 ssl rrtes. physicians, D.1*M. 810,006 Obi These trains will take and is the saint as sold the first class *etail dealers in No l'oilclea have been issued Life SAMUEL leave passengers at way by ceived no beneflt until I called on At ***** one-third dollars per hundred. upon BROWN, President. anil your that nor Klro stations. boston, pronounced by them superior to the beat JACOB MoLELLAN,) Bisks; upou Kiaka discon- WILLIAM RAYNOR,Bocrstar. I had and was in Freight trains leave Portland and Boston New York work given ep business, awery bad state, 81 EVENS SMITH, Committee on nected with Marine Bisk*. daily. EDWARD SHAW 101 MiddleBtrsst. bat after medicine for a WH H STEWART, Tremlum-marked off from 1st Jan Agent, FRANCIS CUAbK, Superintendent. taking your short time 1 be- out sot37 lypod Portland. Oct. 30.1863. oc31 edtf to JNO. D. SNOWMAN Laying 1863, to 81st December, 18 8, 87.697,666 66 Ladies’ Balmoral Boots. gan reoover. and in two months I was entirely C. K. THE MAINE Losses t'-e same ADD, New Street**, STATE paid duiing period, S’8U6 861 04 Ladies' well, aad had gained several poands of flesh, aad PRESS, Keturna ol aad PARTICIPATION. Serge Balmoral Boots. SI.75 WM.O SOULE, The Premiums Expenses, 1,082,967 48 ana largest paper la New England, eight pagoe. Is Ladies’ Serge Balmoral Boots, 2JO truly say that by youx skill I am a perfectly heal- For * Hand, June 15. 1834.-dfd Lsd s’ Serge Balmoral Boots, 2 25 man. published every Wednesday, containing all the The Company has the following Am a, via Portland Mutual Fire 1? IH EWO R K tS by doe are Da via. Insurance Ladies' Serge Balmoral Boots, 2 50 now news a Unit d state.and Stat ol New York beeitbsfore the public for a Bottom t Maim* Depot, Me. , by mail d telegraph, Important OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Ladies' Balmoral nearly Portlamd, Ordinance reading Hank ant other Serge Boots, 2.75 year. are universally pronounced the Against Dogs. matter Marios block, City. Stocks, 88.492 681 80 Company. HAVE They List. Market Reports, de of the CUTTEK & neatest and beat titling collars ex taut. ClTT OF PoRTLAV I>. MARSHAL'S OFFICK, I 1 Loaoaaocuredby blocks,andntherwiae, 1,460,700 00 This Company will issue Pollcento be free after the AUSTIN, LADIES9 C ONGRESS BOOTS. Dally Press, at tbo vis Heal E.tateaud Itonda and The upper edge presents a perfect curve, free from A REMARKABLE CURE OKA CASE OK DEO May 2*1, 1861, following prices, Mortgages, 193,780 00 payment ol six, eight or ten PrenRbmu at the option and } Dividends on 32 am/ 36 Federal Street, 107. Ill, aud 113 Can- Ladies' aerge Congress Boots, flTO the angles noticed in all other collars. flEOTlOW 1 —No shall be to blocks,loterent ou Gouda of the insured and at rates as low as any other ST CURED BT MRS. MANCHESTER. dog permitted go at klagleeepy.eae year, Itoston, I .adit*' Hoots. 1.76 The cravat causes no on or loose in lavorlakly aud sod other Loans.sun- gre»$*St., Serge Congress puckers the Inside of the large any street ane, al court ortrav- Mortgages Company. The issue ot Free Policies render* it at Ladies' This Is to that 1 bare been eared ey, re i tsurauce and Serge Congress Boots, 2.00 are A8 SMoOlH INSIDE certify of the oled wav. nr in any unineiosed or •■•dvaaeo. *8.00 dry Notes, other the least equal if not superior to the Wholesa’e Dea'ers in turn-downco’lar,—they flfteen public pDceinthis 1 participation Ladies' of years ton. too claims due the y estimated at Serge Congress Boot*, 2.25 A8 OUTttlDE,—and therefore free and Dropsy standing by aches- oitv. until the owner or of such or Par six 1 Comp 104,964 61 cornua Die#. perfectly keeper dog, the meakhs. ,(>0 Premium Ladies'Serge Congress Boots, 2.50 to the neck. far. I hare bora to in bead o the family, or the keeper of the house Notes and Hills Receivable, 8,171,376 88 Office No. 102 Middle St. Firework*, Chinese Lantern*, Torches Ac. easy physicians Boston, Hew York store, Teeleks ef fsarer mere all to the Cash in 1 he Garotte Collar has a smooth aad In- shop, office, or other place where such is Bank, M 412 88 CHARLES HOLDEN, Pres. THE NEW UNION LANTERN I Julies' I’nion Hoot*. evenly aad Philadelphia. They all told me that seal I dog kept same post office, each. ished edge on both bidic*. they or harbored, shall have paid the City Marshal two 1.7» EDWARD SHAW, Sec. do for me. anises Total amount of Red. Whit* and Blue, for Political Processions. Lae redeemed and paid to the holders there- June 1st, 1864. juuellw ones of 10 each.—the latter a Bay6<12m HKALD. itv Marshal. Co., PBoraiaroaa. On the a regard to my disease. of. or their legal reoresentativi a, ou and after 1st day of November, A. D. 1.863. as required very handy package tor Travellers, Army and They Anally persuaded me Portland June 1, 18*14. dtf Tues- Navy j day, the becoud of next, from by the Laws of the State of Maine. Officers to go and see Mrs. Manchester. She examined me subscriber gives notice to all February which date LIGHTNING hereby public all interest thereon will cea*e. FLY-KILLER, IT* EVERY COLLAR is “Qiat'I concerned, that he has been The certificate* to be stamped and told ms my case exactly. THE duly appointed and ! at tbe time rht Capital Stock A WINSLOW S MACHINE WORKS Patiit Molded Collab.” taken himself the NOTICE. produce ol nay meat, and cat>oelle commenced the 1 issued, amount to Mortgage 831,9*0 00 Brick, shapes sizes, for furnaces required to Steam Eugiues. Steam Boilers, Shafting Pulleys taking mediolae, had over three CALEB HODS of SAWYER k WHITNEY. 914.328,880 Atlantic Mutual Ins. E is hereby that it it the DON, Gorhsm. Co's scrip, 1862-8, 16,886 60 j stanu the most iuten-e heat also Furnace Blocks Geariug, aud all kinds of Machinery. Also YOTK given, intention of water me in seven aad Portland, June 6, 1804. Additional front 1st Jan., 1883, to 1st of gallons pass boars; my fol- Portland, June 7, 1864. w3w24* JunelSdSw and Blabs. Locomotive Fire Blocks. Bakers'Oven Low aud High Pressure M»*am Heating Ap- IN the City Council to layout a new street or January, 1664, 2.630 000 low safeirert may be assured that It was a rebel j Total Assets, *3,026.879 74 and Greenhouse Tiles, Clay It-torts aud paratus tor Factories. Public Public Way for the use of tho City,—beginning at great necessary Buildings the terminus subscriber notice to all Amount of Liabilities for Losses not Tiles to set them. Fire Cement, Fire and Kaolin and Dwelling Houses. In th.s De- of Preble street on KenoeUck street, to me. I had not been able to lie dowa to bed at hereby gives public 1o?al profits for 21} years. 916,958,880 Clay and due or adjusted, e« has continuing to the channel of Hack Cove, IIHEconcerned, that she hat* been duly appointed and Coal The Certificates to *176.411*4 par.nieut the ablishment paral- night before this for two years. Mow 1 can it#doe and Wood! previous 18o2, have Amount at risk, lel with Elm street. Also to d sceatinu* Alder st taken upon herself the trust of AJmiuisttratrix ol the been redeemed estimated, 116.616,479 Of ^he undersigned will give their special attention been uncommonly »uccee»ful. subscriber by ca^b, 11.690,210 i TUGS. A. north of Keunebeck street to the channel with perfect ease. 1 bare taken her mad Icier estate of having purchased tbs Btock of ALEXANDER, President. that alt orders tor the above mauufacture are execu- Steam Cocks, Valves Whistles, aud M*am. Water j of Back JOHN B. THECoal and Woo.i, and taken the stand Lucius J. Hari>kk, Secretary. ted with and Gas aud conuectious at Cove. months, aad am as well as mu soaif t TATLOR, recently Net earnings remaining with the Com- promptness. Pipe furnished sight aay late of Searboro*. in the occupied bv Messrs Lawyer g head of Hartford, Nov. 7, 1863. wholesale or retail. And the Standing Commit fee of the City county of Cumberland, de- Whitney, pany. ou 1st 1864. 95 263 670 ! Joiaf to be. aad ao signs or 1 would advk. Maine Wharf, ere now to January. JAMES E MONO ACO. Counoil. on out new streets. In ol dropsy. ceased, by giving bond as the law directs; she there- pirnartd supply their order of th* Board, laying pursuance formor and tha By ttud an order of the Council, on the 6th day that are sick to go aad ecasalt Mn. Massehsn for# requests all persons who are indebted to the said pations public generally, with a W. J OWN.SEN D Sxi.i.ino AonxT*. 13 Liberty Square, Boston, Repuiring promptly faithfully Dose. City passed Hue a-eortmeut of JONES, Secretary JVC. of June, will meet for said ru the iron deceased's estate, to make immediate payment; and t CHURCHILL, Agent, me ft 11 eod6rn purposes Friday If they hare been given up by ether pi those who have any domauds In conn ction with the above establishment i« an seventeenth day of June, at 3«.’clcek iu tho af- thereon, to exhibit tha WELL PICKED ASD SCRRBKED TR18TEE8. No. 4 Iron Block, Portland Pier. Ainas 1 hare seat her a aember ef eases efnL aame for settlement to TO SHIP III ILDKHS. Iron Foundry, with a large assortment of patterns, ternoon. at the terminus of PrJhle street, the John D. Jones, David Lane, deotdtf and a Planing Mill, where wood of all kinds I place of »nd *h#a and there to dhctiei. aad she Use eared them also Mo aad _ MEUITABLK TAYLOR Old planing beginning. proceed | Company Lehigh, Charles James F. be done. view and out said new street, and discontinue toe I Scarborough, June ., 1854. w2w26* Dennis, ltry-e, a. & J. K IIUOKINS, may may2dtf lay yoaraeires. had as •kith, bat now my few* Mountain W. 11. II. Moore Wm. j Alder street. All persons intsieetwd will Inks no- Spring Lehigh, Sturgis. Jr., /COMMISSION MKRCHAN rs.and whole.ateand eaaaet be shaded to her skLi in aad Thos. li tice and govern themselves tolling earing At a Court of Probate held at Tileston, K.Hogert, VV retail dealer, iu Ship Iimbkk akd Plank. aecofdioz’y. Portlaud, within and Locoat Mountain. Insurance CITY OF PORTLAND^ on this disease. Henry Celt, A. A. Low, Dirigo Company Have for .ale at tlieir Given under oar bands Mb day of Juno. A. Catalan ■ Hxamen, for the County of Cumberland, on the first T ies- Wharf, Ckntual Squakk, Joha’a, W.C Pickers gill, Wm E. or tub virr or portlakd. E«RT D 1*64. Sanaa B. day of June, in the of our Lord | Dodge, Horton. 250,000 locust and Oak Treenails, committee on Isaacs, year eight- LewisCurtis, Deunis Highways Ac., will receive JACOB Md.KI.UX, | een hundred and White and Red Aah, Perkins, 2,000 Hackmatack Knees, planed Also Whitk Oak A sixty-.our, Chas II J. THEsealed propoefils for furnishing ten thousand STEVENS SMITH Maas fllsawA l{u*Nell. s. Gaillard, jr Office No. 98 l'LANK and R t -__ E. ILS LEV, named Devisee in a certain Diamond and Exchange nireet. riMBIIt,CRRRmtlT ltOAUL and PLANK tons Sea Island paving stones the months of WM H 1 •• fl—yr Marne, 4pm Id QAHaiI Lorberry, Low 11 Holbrook. J. Henry Hurgy, Whitk Pink. during STEWART, k} Instrument purp>rtlug to be th* last will and Ukck-Plank. He. Particular at- May June and each mouth. JSO. D. with the beet of P. A. Hargous. Cornelius Griunell July—equal quantities AND WEAR, * testament of Sarah II Battels, late of Together quality tuntion paid to Kuril i.hiug Oak /’lank hy the Cargo. The New Streets Oaob-a Hocus- rvom t A w ail» P. M- Portland, in K W Weston, li. A. Hand, | parties proposing will please tate what portion WM G. AOUI.lt, •aid county, widow, deceased, Capital $200,000 mch24 d3m 1 of said stones—if less than eael? (eh-eta idly having presenw-d Rotall’help, Waits Sherman, the whole amount—tb*y C. fc- LADD. the same for Probate: al»o her that (Cumberland Coal ! is now to issue will furnish as above. petition praying Caleb Barstow, E. K. Morgan. Company prepared policies I Proposals will be received Portland, Juae 1364. administration w>tb th*» Will auiiexed. on on all kinds of j. w. s\Kt:s. uniil June 10, 4td said es- A Superior C\tal/or Blacksmiths, A P. Pillot. B, J TUM property lusurable against lire 3*1,18s>4. The committee reserve the right tate may be granted tn tie0' E B. Howland, at ourrent rstes to or Jackson, of s*id Leroy M Willey. PnrchuRer lor Eastern Accuml reject any all proposals not deemed for the in- Portia d, Will am W. BenJ. Babcock. K. terestoi Woodburv, the Executor ▲Uo, Hard and Soft Wood, Danie S. Fletcher A SUL’RTLKF, President. the city. Per order OITV or POKTLAVD. & uamed in said filler, We* tray, or JAMES EDMOND CO. Will, having iu writing declined said H.T, Nic <1', H. B JEREMJAll DOW, J.E DONNELL. Chairmen. trnst, Delivered to order in of the Minturn.Jr., Secretary, to ca'lr d le (MiM 3* mebchants. iny pirt eity. Josh'aJ. G. W. j LOUR. DRAIN, SEEDS, PROVISIONS, LARD, April ldtli, l>u*4. ap'JDdkwtd of Ito Or- commission It was Henry, Burnham, Ordered, That the said Devisee no- BUTfKE and WESTERN VTTCKTIONdinaac- lucpec'ing lRl.rn.Bta. give 1 The former customer# of Messrs. Siwyer k Whit- Geo. G. Hobson, Fred. Di nacrous. PKOOCCK .. tlce to all Chauncey, If Mnoi thill to do- Iron* to moro 13 LIBERTY SQIARB, BOSTON persons interested, bf causing notice to be ire invited to us cill. James Lew. J. B. E. 8, any oat af tho three weeks ney respectfully give Brown, Spring, D. W. Clark, generally. subscriber gives notice to all thr successively iu the Maine ; hereby public City body of a drcaacaj pacaaa for lalermaat. published State RANDALL. McALLISTER k CO. JOHIf D JONES. President. J. B. Carroll, Jonn Lynch, H I Robinson. and Are prepared to order at favorable rates, COLT* Press, printed at Portland, that thev 1 | Partlcnlar attention to by nnlcke.t 17J1F.concerned.that lie has been duly h* .hall make to iba may appear at Portland, June 18 CHARLES given shipping appointed application faperlntendrat of BEAM and (ILBXO Alt MOCK a Probate Court to be held at 1884.—dly DrNNlS, Vice President. and route.. No. taken him*.* It the trust of Administrator of BariaU fur to ta said Portland, on the 11 oheapo.t 153 SOUTH WATER ST. upon do. aad Raid Mtporlo- W. H MOORE. 24 Vice President. Tbusthks. the estate of po-tnireloa first Tuesday of next, at ten of the clock \-—- I t adcut ahnll great Ra-b ncrmuwion If ao rauao Rball July St. P.O. Boa 471. Illicit Illinois. If. in the forenoon, and show ean«e, if John Smith. go, BAMIKL KING. appear for -Itahuldta, tho Rotor, aad a ball attoad PIG any they have Evergreen Cemetery. II. M. II. IRON, the saia instrument should not be forwarded and Orsn Policies Payson, C. Haskell, in the Count? of Cumberland, de- to aachrcmoraJ la or oar why proved ap- ! mUE Superintendent of Evergreen will ! Applications late of Portland, itrrooa. employ of tba un and allow* das the last will and 1 ('emetery Dy Andrew Spring, N. O. Cram, Rifirsmcb*—Messrs. Mavnard k Sons; □ fc W. bond a* the law directs; he there- I ■It rtakrra of tit* to attoad thereto Also. BAR, SHEET, t BOJLKR PLATE IRON, proved, testament X be it his office, lu New City Bui entrance procured e ased, by giving city Pana ty lor of and ding, Philip U Brown, H. N. Jo.e, ChickeruiK. A Co G % loiation of thi, aaid deceased, administration granted as on from W. C.H.CouRaga j S. Bovrdlear fore all p^nwo* who are Indebted to the said urdiaaaoo uot tcoa thaa dr,’ aor Mvrtle Street, 12 o'clock M. to 8 o’clock I*. JOHN HUNGER, Agent, Jere. G. W request* of English and Scotch Manufacture. foria aaid Dow, Woodman, k Co.; Charles A. Stone; Davis k of '■ * estate, to make Immediate and more than twenty dollar. prayed petition M., every day, except Sundays, to attend to calls UaJWtt, Co., deceased payment. JOHN A any No. 100 Fore street, head of II. J. H. J. Mass. Cashier Elliot buy All violation, Weahalleoutiuue to in WATERMAN, Judge. in connection with said Lone Wharf, Libby, Robinson, Boston, Bank.B'Mton. J.N. those who hat• demands thereon, to exhibit the of tbto Oreloanca will b, rrruai nti il receive, addition to oar Cemetery. J. N. Wiuslow. 8. C. Chase. President American Brick, a of A true copy, attest, Orders be left at the office at time, PORTLAND, MM. Baoon, Esq., Newton Bank. Jewton. C. same for settlement to according to law LOl’lS SIS OK regular supply may any Alvah Conant, Wm. Moulton. k 21 wfiw* EUGENE HUMPHREY, * B. Coffin; Warren Ellis Bons, New York F. KiNG. Baportntaodaat I EHULISH. fc WELCH Register i tpttdtoaug 1 U. C. BABB, Superintendent, 1 June 8. — Cttv. MAKQL18 of Bnrtalt. SCOTCH, F1RX BX1CX w2wkeedtoJau29 Portland, May 4,1864. may6dtt I jy» ’63 dly. rortltad lUyl*. 1«4. BOWwxUw* * I'ortlaad, Jana 10, lMt.—dim i mot.ll tvddm