Portland Daily Press: June 17,1864
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VOLUME FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 1864. III. PORTLAND, 17, *WHOLE NO. 608. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, ed to send William's division. This was done MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CAKDS. previous to the attack and the reinforcements WANTS, LOST.FOUND CLOTHING. JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor. were just in time. Gen. Hooker's entire BRADLK1', MOULTON A MILLINERY._ corps PAPER BOX MANUFACTORY. ROGERS, LoM. • at No. EXCHANGE 81 BEET, by UNION n. IEJ M o Va t. published 82* was now moved to the left and afterwards sup- WHOLKSALB DEALERS IB Thursday Evening, a Breast Pin, with da- A CO. ttLNN Ac PALMER N • A. FOSTER ported by Schoiileld. The 14th corps cover- Mutual Life Co. J. I*. ONguerreotyp of m deceased friend, with hair en- Insurance Libby, closed in tbe hack; also abound the Whoever leave to eili the attention of Un trade cmmt* the The next MANUFACTURER OF Grain and pin. ing space they vacated. day Flour, Provisions, will return tbf game at No 3 Atlantic street,will be JOSIAH BEGally to their large and Tub Portland Daily PrbssIs published st 18.00 INCORPORATED BURLEIGH the by the STATE OF MAINE 88 Commercial street, Thomas sui ably rewarded. It is the if in advance, a discount ol Hooker made an assault upon enemy's Paper Boxes, Block. prized very highly by ■ At BBMOVKD TO /ear. paid strictly Charter 1849. owner. WELL SELECTED STOCK made. Perpetual. Organized, Of «uch as ROBKHT Junel6d$t 8»r1.(10 will be right, supported on his left by Sco/leld, and on every dercriptlon, BRALBY,) NEW Hingle copies three cents. Shoe Boxes, Boxes, o. x. MouLTtN, PORTLAND, MR. STORE, EVANS’ bis DIRECTOR’S OFFICE, sfewelry Boxes, Druggirt BLOCK, Tub MaivbStat* Pitnesis published every Thurs- right by Howard. Collar Boxes. bhulf Bmx*h, Cone uoloaical Boxes, A. U. ROUKU8. ) Wimted, morning,at 92.00 per annum, in advance; 92.26 68 State Dos 8cc. Nos. 141 A day The was of the kind.— Street, ton, Mask. PowderBoxes, Card Cases, Cigar Boxes, maySdtf YOUNG man of ability and desires 143 Middle Street. MILLINERY if within nix and be fighting sharpest experience Purchased GOODS, months; 92.60,If payment A a situation as clerk or Is an accu- forCAoil.ot test importing and auo* paid 144 Middle St.y Portland, Me* book-keeper tiou dalayod beyond the year. Hooker carried a portion of our line oi President-HENR V CROCKEIl. (Up Stairs) rate accountant. Good reference iiouams in New York, t-oeh u their ex per kneo given. in the four The losses Vice-President—DANIEL SHARP. juoeldSm W. W. CARR & Direct to J B. C P. 0. JOSIAH husiiifiis, *„.< itcil tie# for obtaining good*, works and captured guns. CO., Portland, tnejr uel in b* Rates of Advertising: Secretary— W. 11 HOLLISTER. Havliig taken the Fruit Store June IS—dlw# BURLEIGHj tuny confident inf abt*- to swecossfolijr formerly occapiotf b> compote with *« were heavy iu Butterfield's and Williorn's di- Wholesale and Retail Dealer la au> tiri« in New England. One inch of space in length of solumn, oonstitntea n. G. WILSON, Dana & Co. «. SAWYER. *» pains taken to keep a lull steak ef a “auoAitB.’* visions. The former is composed of the troops Lost. *‘wl *®<1 Lao.es bKJRTS. General in the New Tailors’ •1.60 i>er square first week; 76 oents week Manager of Agencies England No. 9 the 8d of a Jet CothlBr.Cotiu, Trimmiiijcs, daily per all heroical- Friday, June, Bracelet. ___ juneldlm of the 11th corps. They fought •states. Exchange Street, lady’a after; tnreo insertions or less, 91.00; continuing eve- Fish and S a ON'on State street between Spring itre<t, and tbe -AND- sent a division to cross 11, Are ry other day after first week, 60 cents. ly. McPherson the prepared to offer to the trade a large and well Beaton end Maine Depot. 1 he Under will be euila- STRAW (iOOes. Half three insertions or loss. 76 one 31 it selected rewarded if left at square, oents; Oostenauia and if cut the Bail Assets, December, 1833, $H5?,088.4l stock of bly No. 63 State itreet. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING week, 91.00; 60 cents per woek after. below, possible Jaue 11—dlw» GOODS, daily receiving iron Ik* Dote* Losses Paid to date, $730,030.00 Luther Dana. Portland, THEhi raw *ukJ«rib«ri4 Works. Under head of Amusbmbvts, 92.00 per square per road. The division crossed in and had , Foxboro, Mass ail the new and safety Dividend Paid in Cash to date, $340,036.00 Woodbpry Dana, ; and Domestic Fruit I Nos. 141 * 143 .Uieldle Street. “* week; three insertions or less, 91,60. John A. Foreign “,1** L“li“ • *■»»', nadtafoE? some but failed to reach the Rail- S. Dana ) "I ill I1C* Hats!1* graoiAL Notices, 91.76 per square first week, skirmishing, Wholesale and Retail $45 Reward ! three insertions or less, 91.26 ; Jnneldtf •1,00 per square after; road. McPherson close Resac- films offers advantages toper- from the subscriber on Tuesday Even- Straw half a one pressed upon Company peculiar Orange*. Spruce Gum, square, three insertions, 91.00; week, sons in Luxengel STOLENing, while in Pierce’s auction room, a Calf Skin JOSIAH Bonnets, X iuteuding to insure tntir lives, its sa.ety Genian*. BURLEIGH, Of all •1.26. ca, so that his could reach the Railroad Canary Seed, Caudle*. Pock< t i|Tvalirle». Alao na guns and stability, a.quired in its lourteeu J. Smitli cb Co., Bowk containg SM in money, a note against for eoaataclly baad a larce Advertisements inserted in tho Maivb 8tatb years’experi- Clue*. Ceinon Syrup, Charles Agent Grover k Baker’* celebrated • lec* of French and American but the with- ence; iu i supses, which, (without its capital of Haney, lioegdon, Gorham, for SCO.and one against flower, back**. Prbbs (which has a circulation in every of bridge, following night Johnson manufacturers of Franca, Coco* Nat*. Charles Head Ore.ee., A* which lie a ill large part SlU ,000.) amounts to over three-quarters of a million Fig*. Hooper for S12. The above reward will be ,ell at tb* lowest the for 60 oents in addition to the Citran, Nut*, all lor tin* JOH.r E PALMfH State) per square drew his army, crossing at several bridges and ot dollars, being more than two hundred thousand kind*. Date*. psid recovery of the propeity and the detec- prime. above for each insertion. Olive*, tion ef the thief. Sewing Machines, Juneldlm 144 Middle rates, dollars in excess of its liabilities for tbe reinsurance Leather Card Ralaia*, Tvbneia, # airvat, Portlacd. Lboal Notices at usual rates. fords fnrtber to our left and out of of Belting, Clothing. sight of all out-standing risks; in tne facilities Sardine*, Tune 8.—tf GEORGE BECK. Hos. 141 4; 143 Transient advertisements must be for In ad* presented Cigar*. Kiddle Street. paid McPherson. iu its accommodating system of payments of premi Loom Belt Leather Bachs asd Sides, Fancy Candle* of all ranee Straps, description, uni*; in the large number, divernli-d conditions and octfi dtf NEW MILLINERY STflRR. Busikbp* in reading columns, 12 oents iu the LEATHER slOO REWARD. Nonces, Kirly morning of the 10th, Thomas’s yeeupations, ratio us ages and localities of lives in- THIS/MINUS, 4c., line for one insertion. No oharge less than fifty from the subscriber. a NATHAN per sured, giving the largest requisite scope for tbe ope- May 23th, valua- OOOLD c jnts for each insertion. army marched on to Resacca, Gen. Howard Hanson's fllook, 144 Middle 8t., Portland, ble Gold W'a'ch and < haiu and «40 in New ration of tbe laws of avorage mortality, and the am- STOLEN money, Will *a7 to hit friends that he be Goods! IRA a man to the name may found at Bur- gy All communication* Intended for the paper with the 4th corps, was the first to cross and plest guarauty to the insured for the benefits there- Or at the Card Clothing Manufactory, Lewiston. WINN, Agent, by auswering of Henry West- real name lienrr West Davis Ine thief is sfJ 1 at leigh’*, No. 141 k 143 Middle street, where he will shonld be directed to the “Kdit or of the Press, and of; in *he division of profit-, the annual apportion- JI. M. ROSKRThfO, ha* like, the New flora. press the rear. He reached Cal- Brewer, (jnld3m) b. F. Noyes ISTo. 11 large, mud $100 will be for his He be to wait No. A..31 Fret those of a business character to the Publiihert. upon enemy’s ment of which having for the past fjurteeu years Union St., paid capture is pleased upon his former customer*. MV Street, earner qf tenter, and hd0 I. to faruiih about 30 years of age. six leet high, bald, •elected a Assortment MT*Job Pbivtiro ol every description executed houn that Next Xewtou’s division averaged Forty per Cent, of the premiums paid. prepared nearly Portland, March 24.1864. dtf Superior of night. day dark brown hair and arm marked in With dispatch. Policies are issued upon all tbe pla. s usual with JOII % T. KOLitKf* A biueeyes, ladla 4lh CO., Ink with monument decorated with f, Tracy* Traveling Agent. corps, was in the lead, and skirmished Life Insurance Companies, and at as low istts as is bTEAM ENGINES and flags. Also UommiMsion BOILERS, bracelet in India Ink round wrist. consistent with a view to equity and solvency. Merchants, of nrioH eiiee and right with the rear guard all the pattern#, Je7 dkf J. H. & Summer Stoc k MILLINERY, way,using artillery Parties desiring Ageucic* in owns where the com- AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IK OXNARD.