"TS” 1870 Publican Party As Unusual His Lecture
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Administrators THE PILOT. IN PROBATE;—Manitowoc County Court x In the matter of the esUite of Henry Ber"' Few Words with the Farmer- ner, deceased Notice is given, by virtue and Steady on hi! hereby ths# the fa in pursuance of an order of license, made in From the country, and especially said matter, tn the 13th day of December, A. rom the wetf, comes a wail ol dispair. D. 1869, by the County Court of said County, the undersigned the estate down ! Administrator of Wheat down— —down of Henry Berner, deceased, will, on Monday Everywhere the farmer and producer, the 24 U day of Jammiy, A. D. 1870. wt ten ®l|o in omplain and suffer because of’ the alarm o’clock the forenoon ofsaid day. at the otHvo in the of Mnuf-t ng production in the price pi of the County Judge, Village of wheat. One fill towoc, in said Contty, offer for sale, at public • ear ago they sold for a dollar and a half a vendue, the following described, lands, to-wit: aushel, and made nothing. Now they can All that part of the east half ofthe ?< mh east ;etbut little more than fifty cents! quarter of section No twenty-five {2b} of town- ship No nincteon(l9 north ot range No twenty- what the gets By , This is Western farmer E. B. TREAT. IIANITOWOC, WISCONSIN, 1809. VOL. 11—KO. 28. three (23) erst except a part deeded by B or giving his vote to the bondholders, to DECEMBTR 30. Jones to F. Reideick of thirty seven and on* half (37 I-i) acres, and another he money gamblers,and policy excepting those whose piece deeded George Bcftogurt of twenty Itrms, tis to heap high upon the shoulders of Up to the time that he became a member toaic A Happy New Yf.au! Harbor Appropriations. News x-anitowoc Market. (20) acres, also excepting lots fifteen and six- he and farmer the of he was a demo- General Humphreys, chief of the onci- —S. M. Felknr and others on trial at teen (15: nd fi in Berners re-suh-divydop of mechanic crushing Mr. Lincoln’s cabinet, Corrected t (be weekly by W H. Horn,- dealer in lots one and two ( I and 2 ) in the subdivision ▼eight taxes crat, and an ardent partisan. Before the Locals are like hen’s teeth this week neer corps of the army, recommends Detroit for conspiring to kill Allan Pinker- of and tariffs. Dry Good, Groceries and Provision?. Hays of the south east quarter of said section Ni* And here comes this distress and di-as- breaking out of the rebellion, he warmly —few and far between. following appropriations for the n w Mosul ton, have been acquitted. all f rm produce at the highest price. twenty-live (25). year expended western —By er even before Grant has been a year sympathized with the men who were lead- lumbering to be on harbors an order of the Secretary of State The terms of sale wiM be made known at Business in the districts woiks; WII FAT, White Winter— 98, the time and place of sale. a ers in the secession movement, and greatly and rivers, and othei Jefferson the time for presenting claims against Mex- ‘resident. One year ago bushel of wheat do Red do —9O. ... is very brisk, MARTIN Rl , VGLLENDG _ barracks, Superior city harbor, expire on Ist. do Adm,niMr to*- vould have purchased three pounds of admired Jefferson Davis. It has been i $11,000; ico will March Spring do —7sc. CHARLES HA IKOHL. ( tPy, ferget ; Ontonagon, SBO,OOO ; Eagle, Hon. Hayes, distinguished CORN—Si 00. Dated at 13th day of De- •offee ; now it takes a Ludiel of wheat to charged, became of these facts, that his Don’t the ball at Turner Hall' $75,000 8. S. a citi- Manitowoc, the (‘ATS—37c. cember. A. D. 1539. 23- grand ; Marquette, $91,000; Bay, zen of Chicago, was stricken down * juy one pound et coffee, and two or three alliance with the republican pany was on to-morrow evening. It will be a $100,000; Green with POT TOES—SOc. Sheboy- Tuesday night. §2 00.,3 ouehels to gee a pound of tea, and nearly a prompted by selfish and ambitious rather affair. -*17,500; Manitowoc, $31,000; heart disease on BEANS— 00. HA R LEV —9O c. than patriotic motives, but in such days of gan, $31,000 ; Milwaukee, $54,000 ; Ra- —Jos. Biown’was ii.stantly’killod on Fri- Notice, hundred bushels for a suit ofeiotnes. Ladies who wear the shortest skirts HAV, per ton—§9.oo. ? convuslion and strile as those through cine, £40,000 ; Manistee, $70,000 ; Pent- day, by being caught in a belt at Sherman Is hereby given that an election v>R beheld What ithall ice Jo somehow have small feet and nice fitting FLOUR, White Winter—?s.so. country passing & Co.’s packing house, in Chicago. do do on Wednesday, the 12tb day of January next, The evil is upon the farmer, and the which the was when he water, $4,000 ; Muskegon, 30,000; Grand Rye —§4.50. boots. do Spring extra §4 50. at the Library Room of the Jones' Library became secretary of war, changes of polit Haven, SIOO,OOO ; Black Like, $10,000; —Dubuqe has been ordered by the Unit- fanner must take the Lest means to get do Superfine —S3 50. Association of Manitowoc, in the- village of to .Manitowoc, thre* out ical opinions were so frequent that it nay 86L. How lung a goose on Sungaiue, $74,000 ; South Haven, $72,- ed States Court levy a tax, of $76,000, FINE CORN for the purpose of electing most quickly of it. can stand one MEAL—§2.OO. J. SO,OOO to of PORK,' Mess, per bhl.—§ >2.00. directors of said association, in place of steady, cool, and determined. be supposed Mr. Stanton’s conversion was foot? Try it and see, that’s the way the 000; St. Juscj h, ; St. Mary’s riv- pay money borrowed Riggs. Be arid do Fresh, per hundred—§9.ooalO.CO Richards. Henry Baetz and Henry Bihree, one. er, $60,000 AuSabia river, $20,000 ; —Henry A. Allen, keeper of the Sub- The farmer is monarch of the land. lie, a genuine goose found out. ; St. S.\ LT 2.75. whose term of office will expire on that day, Treasury building and one in U. Smith, with the laborer and mechanic, makes the In the war office lie was abso’ute. On Clair flats, $15,000 ; Cleveland harbor, in New York, lias been HITTER—2c. afso director place of G. EgL. Buy your goods of man resigned. The polls of said elect 5 * A wiU bo of lie utu-.t know one occasion President Lincoln said he had the .who $39,000 ; Conueaut harbor, $45,900 ; sur- arrested and held in SIO,OOO bonds, for EGGS—2Sc wealth all countries. Hrow n—l2al 6c. kept open from 2 to 8 o’clock, p in* Mr. Stan- advertised; it is a good rule, and strict vey of the Upp"2r Mississippi and building presenting fraudulent receipts to the gov- SUGAR, Hid understand this. no inflcnce in the war office, and do Crushed and Refined—lßc. HENRY MULHOLLAND, Sec. adherence to it will save money. If it were not for the farm where would ton’s whole course as secretary proved that snag boats, $76,000; Wisconsin river, erment. COF F EE. Rio—2sa3oc. do bo our cities? where would be our railroads the president told the truth. It needed at $150,000; Rock Island bridge, $300,000; —The President has signed the bill pass- Java—3sc. Notice, Happy is the man who pays the LUMBER, Common—§B OO.i 12.00. that u man the war department who improvement ofDos Muir.esrapi 1 s, on gen- ed by Congress on Tuesday last to reim- Is hereby given that will be mooting and steamships? where would be our pros- time in printer, for his days may be long and his do Second Clear—§2o.oo. there a perity and greatne>s? could think clearly and rapidly, act inde- era! Wilton’s plan,$1,000,000; Buck Island burse loyal owners ofsteamboats, and other do First do —§3s. QO. of the member of the Jones’ Library Associa- peaceful. tion on the I of slumbers rapids,* $360,000 improvement up by SHINGLES Common—§ 1.00 Wednesday day January Steady, then, on pendently, and with peculiar faculties for of the vessels taken the United States dar- IBll> at 3 the farm! do Warranted—§l.so. o'clock p m , at the Library Room mouth the ing war. ;id Surrou noting him the farmer has all organization. The secretary was that man, Christmas was one of (lie most of Mississippi, $365,000; en- the late The claims under the do Sawed—§2.so. ofs association in the village of Manitowoc, fo the purpose of the of tho greatness, and, hud he employed all his energies and largement of the Louisville and bill amount to $ tU.OuO. LATH—§3.SO. receiving reports the attributes of fie lias his lovely days of the season, everybody and Hoard of Directors and the Treasurer, and the purpose of crashing Portland canals, $450,000; general War exists between the Missouri Pa WHITE FlSH—i7.ooaß.oo. cattle, and horses, andjsheep. He has his capacity for single his sweetheart being out enjoying a sleigh TROUT—7.OO for the transaction of such other business us home and his family, who con-ticutc a sov the rebellion, bis memory would now be ride.