Sample file Sample file THE The cosmology of the Norse mythology stands on nine realms: DFWXDOO\WKHÀUVWWRVHWWOHWRWKLVYHU\ODQG , Alfheim, Helheim, Jotunheim, , , There are many gods and goddesses in the Norse mythol- 1LÁKHLP6YDUWDOIKHLPDQG9DQDKHLP7KHVHUHDOPVUHVLGHRQ ogy. Yet, as Svilland is a place that is relatively new-settled by , the tree of life. the children of the Allfather, neither all the deities nor Asgard is the home of the gods. Odin and most of his pan- all the realms are known to them. There are 9 major deities theon reside here. The famous hall of is in Asgard, in the pantheon. They have gathered up many believers and greeting warriors of worth to the endless feast. Alfheim is LQÁXHQFHWKHUHDOPGHDUO\ the realm of light . They are beautiful creatures ruled by Additionally, there are 4 smaller deities: Heimdall, Ran, JRGGHVV)UH\MD$OWKRXJK)UH\MDLVYHU\LQÁXHQWLDOLQ6YLOODQG Skadi, and . They have not gathered many followers yet there is no passage to Alfheim from this land. and thus have not established themselves or distinct domains Helheim is the realm of the dishonorable dead. Those who of divine power in Svilland. are not worthy of Valhalla come here when they die. Helheim Odin the Allfather is the god of gods. He rules over Asgard. is ruled by . Jotunheim is the realm of giants, frost and Aegir is the giant-god of the seas. Balder is the god of poetry mountain jotnar came from here. and beauty. is the son of . He is the giant wolf god Midgard is the realm of mere mortals. It is surrounded of blood and savagery, waiting to be released in Ragnarok, and and protected by Jormungandr, the serpent of time. Svilland murder Odin. is the wife of Odin. She is the goddess of UHVLGHVLQ0LGJDUG0XVSHOKHLPLVWKHUHDOPRIÀUH)LUHJLDQWV nature and fertility. Hel is the daughter of Loki. She is the god- and the Ragnarok-bringing inhabit and are sealed here. dess of death and the dead. Loki is the blood brother of Odin. 1LÁKHLPLVWKHUHDOPRIFROGDQGPLVW He is the god of trickery. is the son of Odin. He is the god Svartalfheim is the realm of the dvergar. Dvergar that came of thunder and enemy of the frost jotnar. Tyr is the god of WR6YLOODQGWU\WRÀQGWKHLUZD\EDFNWRWKLVUHDOP9DQDKHLP justice and war. is the realm of . The conquered Vanir of Svilland were


villand is a land of last resort. People have escaped here from the deadly Black Winter of the north. Their escape from frost jotnar conquerors resulted in their bloody conquest over the Vanir and kuning. Through Sthe ages, they may have founded civilizations, kingdoms. Yet, Svilland will always remain as a land of people that are at the edge of massacre by a new forthcoming horde. The cycle keeps repeating itself as the new replacing the old, and those who settle are never relieved from their survival instinct. Unlike many other Dungeons and Dragons games, Svilland Campaign Setting has an atmosphere that is ruthless, grim, and dark. Heroes here become so with bloody challenges of the mortal and the divine alike. The pantheon of Odin the Allfather does not provide protection and power out of lightly love of some D&D gods. The gods and JRGGHVVHVRI6YLOODQGHUVGHVLUHEORRG\VDFULÀFHVDQGZHDYHYLFLRXVWHVWVRYHUPRUWDOVWRVHHWKHLUZRUWK'LYLQLW\LV not inherent, it is earned, often through deadly means. 7KHFXOWXUHVRI6YLOODQGUHÁHFWWKLVFRVPRORJ\DVZHOO.LQJVDQGTXHHQVQHHGWREHWRXJKDQGZRUWK\RIZDUDV much as they need to be respected by their kin. As kingdoms are not fully established and rather are gatherings of warlords, political struggle and raids on villages are a common part of Svillanders’ way of life. Consequently, adventurers in Svilland are not well-greeted everywhere. Because of the mistrust between dif- ferent races, or even clans, commoners in a town don’t often greet strangers with a warm welcome. Still, bardship DQGVWRU\WHOOLQJDUHFRPPRQDUWVRIWKHODQG$VDQDGYHQWXUHU\RXUDFFRPSOLVKPHQWVPD\TXLFNO\ÀQGWKHLUZD\ to the tongues of people. Reputation is hard to earn, but it is well-respected once it is earned. As many places are in constant threat by hostile clans, jarls, or monsters in the wilderness, there is always a ÀJKWWKDW\RXFDQSURYH\RXUVHOIZRUWK\WR9DOKDOOD2QWKHRWKHUKDQG\RXVKRXOGQRWORVH\RXUYLJLODQFHZKHQ you areSample travelling. You should keep an eye on the horizon and set up patrols among yourfile party. Those who are ar- rogant enough to underestimate their opponent or hunt may become the hunted quite fast. campaign setting


VOLUNTEER DESIGNERS: Apostol Apostolov, Sharif Adam Thank you so much for your help guys!

EDITORS: Aysegül Gürzumar, Burak Türköz




© 2019 Dream Realm Storytellers. Svilland Campaign Setting is published by Dream Realm Storytellers, under the Open Game License version 1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Dream Realm Storytellers logo, Svilland Campaign Setting and 5e logos are trademarks of Dream Realm Storytellers. All characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are property of Dream Realm Storytellers.

3URGXFW,GHQWLW\7KHIROORZLQJLWHPVDUHKHUHE\LGHQWLÀHGDV3URGXFW,GHQWLW\DVGHÀQHGLQWKH2SHQ*DPH/LFHQVHYHUVLRQDDQGDUHQRW2SHQ Content: All trademarks, proper names, dialogues, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress.

Test Players: Andrew Wikstrom, Andrew Wilkins, Apostol Apostolov, Calum, Churchill, Gavin Baumber, GavinRuneblade, Grace /XNHQV -DFN %RRWK -RVKXD :RRGURIIH .DLWO\Q .RUND- lot, Lenin Tapia, Mason Siebert, Nathaniel Wright, Robert Soderquist, Shane, Sharif, Stefan Ligety, ryan treangen, shawn, Suat Deniz Vural, Onurhan Ekinci, Görkem Demir, (PUHg]PHUW(FH.DOHQGHU7XƎFDQ%LOPH]([RPDOLV$WLOOD Özkaplan file Table of Contents

History...... 1-2 Alsvartr ...... 137 Austere Woods...... 29 Campaigns in Svilland Iron Sands...... 32 Monsters and Sea Shield...... 34 the Wilderness Deities of Svilland North Assembly...... 35 Aegir...... 3 Riverside...... 36 Monsters Balder...... 3 West Vale...... 39 Fenrir...... 4 Cursed Warrior...... 142 Freyja...... 4 Green Lights of the East Draugrs...... 143 Hel...... 4 Dvergr of Gulbolrhum...... 147 Loki...... 5 Drundanland...... 41 Isa Worm...... 148 Odin...... 5 Eastern Look...... 42 Hel’s Spring...... 149 Thor...... 5 Forest of Rengorn...... 43 Tormented Soul...... 150 Tyr...... 5 Riverburn...... 46 Hel Staghead...... 151 Lesser Deities...... 6 Southern Shores...... 46 Hel Brute...... 152 Thora...... 48 Hel Beast...... 153 Races of Svilland Huldra...... 154 Austri...... 7 New Character Options Humanoids...... 155 Dvergr...... 7 Giants...... 161 Half Jotun...... 8 Runewalker...... 51 Groove Guardian...... 163 Kuning...... 10 Seidr...... 56 Spirits...... 164 Mithal...... 10 Dream Realm...... 63 Troldfolk...... 167 Vestri...... 11 Alle Oaths...... 64 ...... 169 Barbarian Archetypes...... 69 Vanir Beast...... 171 Cults of Svilland Bard Traditions...... 71 Wyrms...... 172 Faceless...... 13 Fighter Archetypes...... 74 Fangs of Fenrir...... 13 Domains...... 77 The Wilderness...... 174 Loki’s Bastards...... 14 Ranger Archetypes...... 91 Weather Conditions...... 179 Mesiah Devoted...... 14 Sorcerous Origins...... 94 Odd’s Oath...... 15 Friends and Foes Odin’s Vargr...... 16 Backgrounds Rune Keepers...... 16 Destined...... 101 Bergljot Denildottir...... 181 Shield of Tyr...... 16 Thrall...... 102 Gudrick...... 182 Temple of Freyja...... 17 Karl...... 103 Hanlon the Real King...... 183 Tyr’s Judges...... 17 Reverend...... 103 ...... 184 Remnants of Vanir...... 18 Aleson the Arisen...... 185 Small Organizations...... 18 New Feats...... 105 Arnlaug Meadbane...... 186 Aukan Skollson...... 187 Lands of Svilland Spells and Rituals (HUR7R×YRQHQ Kingdom of Nionaem Harald Droggarson...... 190 Gunborg Danica...... 191 Bjargfold...... 19 Spell Lists...... 107 %DW×NDQ7KH:DQGHUHU East Range...... 22 Spell Descriptions...... 108 Odleaf...... 23 SampleItems and Equipment file Sea’s Breath...... 24 Sea Horn...... 27 Armor and Shields...... 123 Magic Items...... 124

+LRPMBSARšML here is a land of frozen winters and endless howling winds. A land whose people value iron, gold, fame and the gods above else. They sail and raid for the sake of wealth and honorable death. Those who falter Tvisit the grim and dark halls of Helheim, and the others win everlasting riches and fame in the golden halls of Valhalla. This land is called Svilland.


Svilland Campaign Setting is a Norse themed, dark and grim fantasy book made for D&D 5e. :LWKLQWKHVHSDJHVERWKWKH'XQJHRQ0DVWHUDQGSOD\HUVZLOOÀQHRQ0DVWHUDQGSOD\HUVZLOOÀQGGDJXLGHWRWKHOLIHDQGFXOWXUHRI6YLODJXLGHWRWKHOLIHDQGFXOWXUHRI6YLO- ODQGHUV:KLOHUHDGLQJ\RXZLOOÀQG\RXUVHOIEHWZHHQZDUULRUV\RXUVHOIEHWZHHQZDUULRUVZZLWKZROYHVLQWKHLUKHDUWVZKRVHOXVWIRUZDULWKZROYHVLQWKHLUKHDUWVZKRVHOXVWIRUZDU pride, wealth and freedom could be mmatchedatched bbyy no Here is a summary of the chapters in tthishis bobook;ok; History of Svilland: 7KLVFKDSWHUH[SODLQVDOOWKHWKUHHDJHVDQGWKHLPSRUH[SODLQVDOOWKHWKUHHDJHVDQGWKHLPSRU- tant historical events within them. CHAPTER 1 - Campaigns In Svillandand: AlAlll the ininformationformation ababoutout dedeitiesities of Svilland, races living on this land, oorganizationsrganizations anandd cucultslts foformedrmed bbyy these races and the geography they arere llivingiving on ccanan bbee fofoundund in tthishis chapter. CHAPTER 2 - New Character Optionsions: New clclass,ass, archetype, feat and background optionsons are wwaitingaiting fforor both DMs and players to be chosen inn tthishis chchapter.apter. AAllll ooff these options will make you feel a partrt of tthehe SvillanSvillandicdic culture and Norse mythology. CHAPTER 3 - Spells and Rituals: SpSpellsells iinn ththisis cchapterhapter UHÁHFWWKHP\VWHULHVDQGPLUDFOHVLQ1RUVHP\WKRORJ\1RUVHP\WKRORJ\ Also, there are rituals used by the cultsts in SvillSvilland.and. They are hard to complete, demand toooo much and reward abundantly in return. CHAPTER 4 - Items and Equipmentnt: Both magical and nonmagical equipment aarere llistedisted in this chapter. Weapons and armors araree remade for the sake of historical accu-u- racy. Additionally there is a new typee ooff magic items: runestones. They invokee sspellspells relevant to the inscribed on them.em. CHAPTER 5 - Monsters and Wilder-er- ness: While adventuring through Svilland,lland, yyouou wiwillll face many merciless monsters, from ddraugrsraugrs to wyrms. Also, not only monsters but alsolso ththee lalandnd and weather itself can be the enemy ssometimes.ometimes. '0VFDQÀQGDOOWKH\QHHGWRPDNHWKHLUSOD\HUVKHLUSOD\HUV drown in pain and sorrow in this chapter.pter. CHAPTER 6 - Friends and Foes: Iss ththereere no oonene in these frozen lands that will help youou in yyourour quest? Of course there are. Still, beware,are, youyou shouldshould not trust everyone. 7KLVERRNLVWKHÀUVWELJVWHSLQRXUSURIHVVLRQDOUSURIHVVLRQDO TTRPG lives as Dream Realm Storytellers.lers. WWee ggladlyladly thank to everyone who stands with uss iinn this adventure. We hope that you willl enjoy this book as much as we did writingiting itit!! DREAMSample REALM STORYTELLERS file History he history of Svilland is old, there are few who knows about it, and they tell the story as a myth. It did not begin with the Svillanders, it dates back to the chaotic times of old Vanir gods. Svillanders came across the wild and ruined lands Tafter crossing ’s Lash. Although the name given by Vanir to this land is unknown, they have called it Svilland, the land of ice. The story you will read is the story of Svilland’s three ages. The past is forgotten in Vanirs’ ruins and ancient legends. Second Age

Before Svilland Both sages; older ones and the spirits tell the stories of the Second Age. At the beginning of this age, the only authority The elderly tell the story of an old war. It was such a war of the land was Eastern Horn. In the west, on the other hand, that reigned from the grey waves of northern seas to the there were rebellious groups, raiders and crowded nomads. highest skies, fought from the majestic mountains to peace- Slon reunited these groups into the beginning of a large IXOSODLQV$QGLWÀQDOO\VWUXFNWKHZKROH

First Age Last march of the bear king Sages of old told us that this was an age of gods, of myths, of courage and strength. During this era, the northern shores Bear up, my warriors! Bear up! of the land began to freeze, which was the sign of the incom- Arise from the mountains and sea! ing Black Winter. $ULVHIURPIRUHVWVDQGÁDWODQGV&KDUJHDQGNLOOIRU At the beginning of this age, the tyrant frost jotunn Odd the king! Maybe the sun is shining one last time for ruled supreme over all living beings. As Black Winter spread, XVPD\EHZHZRQ·WULVHRXUD[HVWRDLUDJDLQ Odd gained power and folks started to ran away from dark Believe, my warriors! Believe! and cold. Yet, Odd was impaled by his own half-jotunn We will meet in Valhalla! brother Volli, who was gifted with a spear from Balder. We will drink to glory! Charge! Deep within the North Mountains, Odd was imprisoned Run and die for the king! with powerful runes of ancient times and large chains, For the king! forged deep in the bowels of Svartalfheim. $WWKHVDPHWLPHWKHÀUVWNLQJGRPVRI6YLOODQGVWDUWHG to emergeSample in the west and the east. However, fate was cruel file and Balder was killed by Odin’s brother Loki. He fell to THE AWAKENING OF ODD Helheim and the spear started to lose it’s power. His priests started to weaken as well, losing their beauty with their The weakening power of Balder’s spear could no longer con- god’s . WDLQWKHPLJKWRI2GGDQGWKHIURVWMRWXQQÀQDOO\DZDNHQHG

1 The power of the Black Winter became even greater and it Third Age kept getting stronger and stronger. High Seidr Council could manage to contain both Odd and the Black Winter, and keep After the wars between east and west and then between WKHLULQÁXHQFHDZD\IURPWKHVRXWKQRORQJHU Svillanders and Odd, there was no authority left in the 7KH%HDU.LQJVWDUWHGWRWKLQNWKDWWKH\FRXOGVWRSWKH land. Some soldiers tried to take control, but everything %ODFN:LQWHURQO\LIWKH\VDFULÀFHWKH+LJK6HLGU&RXQFLOWR was changed. Svilland got divided into three regions. Great the gods. So in this belief, he marched with his soldiers one winds of the north started to sweep the borders of three night, and murdered all of the high seidrs. kingdoms; Nionaem, Alsvartr, and Green Lights of the East. This was seen as blasphemy by the eastern people. So EHJDQWKHJUHDWFRQÁLFWZKLFKVHZWKHVHHGVRIKRVWLOLW\ NIONAEM DQGGLVFRUGEHWZHHQWKH%HDU.LQJDQGWKH(DVWHUQ+RUQ$ NLRQDHPXQLWHGXQGHU.ODNNUWKHNLQJRIWKHZHVW+HZDV FRQÁLFWWKDWZRXOGFRQWLQXHIRUDJHVVHWWOHGLQWKHPLQGVRI DVWURQJVROGLHUDQGIROORZHGWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKH%HDU.LQJ the present three kingdoms. He was a respected leader among people. After his death, his The unknown thing is, the council was aware of what was middle child Ingmar succeeded to the throne. coming: Did they just let it happen, turned a blind eye to +HDOVRIROORZHGWKHSDWKRIWKH%HDU.LQJ

Aegir is the oldest COMMANDMENTS (GOOD) of the Aesir. He is a • Do not fall for the tricks of evil. Search for means of God who could only bringing light to even the darkest of souls throughout be described as “wild your entire life. as the seas and as • Show endurance to pain. Show your God unprecedented deadly as storms”. loyalty. Unlike most gods, • Even in the darkest of times, search for the light. Even- he does not live in WXDOO\\RXZLOOÀQGLWZLWKLQ\RXUVHOI Asgard, his throne is in the bottom of Alignment: Chaotic Evil Domain: Mein, Vengeance, Wicked the deepest pit of the sea. Those who believe Balder must seek revenge in Svilland, He destroys ships for ways to bring their God back. They show no mercy to that dare cross his those who did not share his pain. Enemies of Balder will fall, VHDVZLWKRXWPDNLQJDVDFULÀFH+HWHUURUL]HVWKRVHZKRSample file DQGZKHQ+HOLVVDWLVÀHGVKHZLOOUHOHase Balder from his have no respect for sea-life, or the life of the sea. But if you chains and earth will cherish once more. recognize him and his seas as equals and offer an equally YDOXDEOHVDFULÀFHKHPD\OHW\RXSDVVWKHVHDVZLWKRXW trouble. 3 COMMANDMENTS (EVIL) She blesses the soil, as well as men • Realize the tricks of liars and realize their ends with any and women. Her touch heals sickness means necessary. and disease. Freyja also protects the • Face your fears, own them, do not resist them. Give in to dead, particularly women, in her hall agony, and let it strengthen you. Then use all of this to of Sessrumnir. avenge your God. Freyja’s worshippers are farmers, • Your pain is a part of your humanity. Do not be afraid to healers and guardians. Mainly, the embrace it and use it. Temple of Freyja protect the Svil- land in her name, using her magical FENRIR, God of Blood and Savagery wisdom.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil Domains: Wicked, Fury and COMMANDMENTS Vengeance • Help those who are in need, love everyone, and cherish the earth. Fenrir, or Hrodvitnir, is a giant • 5HVSHFWEDWWOHIRUWKRVHZKRÀJKWLQDEDWWOHWRSURWHFW wolf who is destined to kill Odin, your home from destruction. according to the Prophecy of Ragnarok. Legend says that Tyr HEL, Goddess of the Dead and Helheim chained Fenrir to stop Ragnarok, with the help of other Gods. Disre- Alignment: Lawful Evil Domain: .DOGU:LFNHG spected and humiliated, Fenrir’s rage grows day-by-day. He sleeps Hel is the terrifying Goddess of Helheim. and awaits the day when he will Those who die of sickness or of old age, break his shackles. as well as those who die as criminals, are When Ragnarok comes, Fenrir destined for her realm of the dead where will rise from his prison and his they shall suffer eternally. Helheim is children Skoll and Hati Hrodvit- WKHH[DFWRSSRVLWHRI9DOKDOOD+HO·VSRZ- nisson will grow in size, so much so that they are able to eat ers are greater than all other Gods and the Sun and the Moon while Fenrir himself devours Odin. Goddesses, when in Helheim. His desire to destroy, abolish and put an end to the hypo- Worshipping Hel is a taboo, yet FULWLF*RGVZRQ·WHYHUEHVDWLVÀHGDVKHLVDEHLQJRISXUH creatures do worship her in secret. Hel darkness. believes all beings deserve to be pun- His followers, who are outcasts, will walk on his path of ished by a dishonorable death. Followers QRQH[LVWLQJPRUDOVDQGEORRGOXVW/HJHQGVD\V)HQULULV RI+HOXVXDOO\PDNHVDFULÀFHVWRDSSHDVH VRELJWKDWKLVGURROÁRZHGGRZQWRFUHDWHWKH9DQ5LYHU their God, by killing people by poisoning His followers search for this river to meet their God, and to them, to prevent them from going to Valhalla. set him free. They don’t fear Ragnarok, in fact, they see it as the day of salvation COMMANDMENTS • Do not be afraid of death. Everything dies. COMMANDMENTS • 7KHUHLVQRKRQRUDEOHZD\RIÀJKWLQJ$OOLVIDLULQZDU • See the fear in the eyes of those who side with traitor • To understand life and its meaning, you need to under- Gods. stand death, and the afterlife. • 6HL]HWKHHQGRIEHLQJXQWLOWKHH[LVWHQFHGLVVROYHVLQWR nothingness. LOKI, God of Mischief and Trickery • Through your inner rage, show the undeserving world its righteous torture. Alignment: Chaotic Evil Domain: Lies, Wicked, Vengeance

FREYJA, Goddess of Fertility and Love Loki is the unwanted God of Asgard, as he is the father of evil who will cause Ragnarok. He has neither Alignment: Neutral Good Domain/LIH6DFULÀFH  the respect of other Gods, nor of most of Svil- Traust, Virtue land. He is the genius behind every trick that causes chaos. He favors assassins, thieves and Freyja is the only Vanir-born God in Asgard. She taught the generally mischievous people. Loki’s reasons Aesir Gods Vanir magic when she was forced to come to for causing chaos are not known even by the AsgardSample to marry Odin. Even though she was a prisoner in file wisest of Gods; Odin. Asgard, Freyja’s pure soul kept her from keeping grudges. Many claim that he, and not Odin is the She maintained all her special qualities that distinguish her Allfather. Loki wants the throne for himself from the Aesir; such as her elegance, and her nourishing because he is the most intelligent, self-re- personality. served deity, who attracts the most amount of attention. 4 Followers of Loki are usually hired weapons and thieves Thor is the son Odin, and the because praying to Loki is a taboo. They have no intention of heir to the throne of Asgard. His clearing his name though; in fact, they like his trickery, and mighty hammer, Mjolnir, fright- want to be more like him. After a crime, a follower of Loki ens his enemies with the thun- wants everyone to know that the sin was their doing, and it der it brings. The vehemence in was done in the name of Loki. Thor’s eyes makes his enemies tremble. His almighty presence COMMANDMENTS gives strength and will to those who follow him, and stops the • Trust no one, including yourself. Trust only the plan. heart of every ill-thought being. • Laugh at all those who laughed at you even once and He is the greatest warrior in every aspect. Those who rise those who are deceived by you. DJDLQVWWKH$HVLUPXVWÀUVWJHWWKURXJK7KRUKLPVHOIZKLFK • If you want to do something and there’s a rule that everyone knows is impossible. According to legend, in the forbids it, ignore it. Rules are written by those who want times of the Ragnarok he will face with the World Serpent, to control you. Jormungandr and the serpent will swallow him. ODIN, God of Knowledge and Allfather Those who follow Thor, are warriors who want to be respected or feared. They believe that Thor protects Svilland Alignment: True Neutral Domains5XQ6DFULÀFH from evil beasts, and that they should follow in his footsteps ([HFXWLRQ and protect this land.

Odin is the Father of all beings, and the Aesir. He oversees COMMANDMENTS those who die in battle, from his throne in glorious Valhalla. • Fight evil for the protection of all. +HKDVVDFULÀFHGRQHRIKLVH\HVWR • 1HYHUÁHHDÀJKWDQGGRQRWJRHDV\RQWKRVHZKRÀJKW gain more wisdom and knowledge. dirty. The ravens Muninn and Huginn • A mighty heart could be just as useful as a mighty strike Á\RYHU6YLOODQGWRLQIRUP2GLQRI in bringing your enemies down. all that is happening. According to the Prophecy of Ragnarok, Odin is TYR, God of Justice and War destined to be killed by Fenrir when the time comes.Allfather’s will and Alignment: Lawful Good Domain7UDXVW6DFULÀFH wisdom keep his opponents at bay, at all times. Every entity respects his Tyr is the proverbial hammer of justice of the Aesir. He powers and his glories that are beyond words or measure. shares his wisdom in battle, and keeps wars He knows, and controls all. fair. He was the brave Aesir that captured Fen- Followers of Odin can be anyone who is not afraid to die rir and lost his hand in the process. According by sword. They always demonstrate great power and great WROHJHQGKHZLOOÀJKWZLWKKLPLQ5DJQDURN responsibility, because they know that Odin sees everything. when Fenrir breaks loose. Some of them have raven companions to catch Odin’s atten- 7\ULVWKHPRVWPRGHVWÀHUFHDQGUHVSHFWHG WLRQDQGKRSHWREHEOHVVHGE\2GLQ5DLGHUVPD\VDFULÀFH of all of the Aesir. His abilities are beyond com- themselves to defeat strong enemies, by hanging them- prehension, and he never breaks a promise. He selves, naked, in the name of the Allfather. For Odin himself represents honor, dignity, respect and justice. once felt the agony of Death, to gain its knowledge, by hang- Followers of Tyr are people who don’t resort ing himself upside down. to trickery under any condition. Honor and dig- nity mean everything to them. It is not uncom- COMMANDMENTS PRQDPRQJVRPHWRFXWRIIWKHLUULJKWKDQGVDQGVDFULÀFHLW • .QRZZKDW\RXPXVWNQRZDQGDFWZKHQ\RXPXVWDFW to Tyr, to show that they are tools of justice in his hands. • /HWWKHJORU\RIEDWWOHVÀOO\RXUVRXO1HYHUIHDUGHDWK for Valhalla’s doors are opened for those who die by COMMANDMENTS sword. • Raise your weapons only when you are certain of your • $VDFULÀFHIRUNQRZOHGJHDQGSRZHULVQHYHUXQQHFHV- enemy’s guilt. sary. • Fear not from the coward enemies, face them with the might in your heart and justice in your mind. THOR, God of Thunder and The Skies • Live to the fullest. Risk whatever necessary, and never Samplegive up. file Alignment: Chaotic Good Domain([HFXWLRQ6PLGU

5 Lesser Deities

Although not as dominant as the major deities, the lesser deities are also prominent. These deities have believers not only worshipping them, but also living as their visage or champions.

HEIMDALLR, GOD OF LIGHT Alignment: Lawful Good

Heimdallr is the luminous God who watches over Asgard. He has a horn, , that he will sound when the en- emies of the Aesir rise, according to legend. But before that, he drinks his mead in the heavenly gardens of Asgard where the bridge of realms, Bifrost, connects Asgard to the rest of the universe. Because he protects the Bifrost and watches the gates of Valhalla, Heimdallr knows who is worthy of being king or jarl as well as who must fall. The God of Light wields the sword named Hofund, which means “head”, and people EHOLHYHWKDWVZRUGKDVYRƳFHVƳ̃ QƳ̃ WWKDWKHOS+HƳ̃ PGDOOUƳ̃ QKƳ̃ Ṽ battles. ,QWKHÀQDOEDWWOHRI5DJQDURN+HLPGDOOUDQG/RNLDUH destined to kill one another.


Ran is the wife of Aegir. She is known to drown lone sailors with her inescapable net and sink ships. Then she collects all valuables to add them to Aegir’s treasure but she keeps the dead bodies of the sailors to herself. She lives in the seas with Aegir and their nine daughters known as the Waves. Aegir may be their father but he is too busy to tend them so Ran took control over the Waves and she terrorizes those who sail with gold with the help of her daughters. It is known that Ran gave her net to Loki once but only gods know what he has done with it.


Skadi is a jotunn who is accepted by the Aesir, and wel- comed in the realm of Asgard. People of Svilland believe that she is the one skiing down all the way from the peak of the highest mountains of the realm, and forming snowy paths that cover them. She is an archer who would give Ullr a run for his coin, but Skadi prefers using javelin-like weapons to hunt. Unlike Ullr, who hunts in forests, she hunts in the mountains SampleULLR, ARCHER GOD OF THE HUNTfile AND HUNTERS Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

3HRSOHRI6YLOODQGGHÀQH8OOUDVDQH[FHOOHQWDUFKHUDQGD relentless hunter. He is the protector of the hunters who hunt in his name. 6 races KHUHDUHVL[UDFHVLQ6YLOODQG$XVWULVPLWKDOVDQGYHVWULVDUHWKHFRPPRQIRONZKRDUHNQRZQDV6YLOODQGHUV.XQ- ings are the ancient habitants of the land known for their association to spirits and perhaps to Vanir. Half-jotnar are Toffsprings of jotnar and other races. Dvergar are small and bulky folks coming from a different realm but trapped in Svilland.

naval forces but when our forces strike like a green lightning, all AUSTRI ZLOOIDOO7KHLUWLPHZLOOFRPH«EXWIRUQRZOHWWKHPNHHSÀVKLQJµ

AustriA Names

MaleM Names: Asmund, Bergvid, Eiwald, Grimwald, Hamund, ,DUO-DUOHEDQNH.ROEHLQ0RGROI2GLQTDU2WKUDT5DJL,D Thorwald,T Ulfjolt, Varsvir. FemaleF Names$VWULG%HUJOMRW'DOOD)ULMGD*\GD.DWOD Luta,L Mina, Oline, Rita, Sigrun Tanja, Ygritte, .

AustriA Traits

AbilityA Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 anda your Wisdom score increases by 1. Age.A Austri live nearly 70-90 years and they become adults Proud Austri mostly live in the Green Light of the East. Be- when they are 19. hind the walls of the capital city Thorath, they are building Alignment. They can be anything, most of the Austri tend to a civilization, the likes of which no one has ever seen in Svil- be lawful. land. Armies in green cloaks, wander in the wild to protect Size. The Austri average is in between 5-7 feet and 125-250 the people of the kingdom. They are the most honorable pounds. humans in the Nordic lands, if you ask them. Their hair is Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. generally blonde, and they are generally pale. Languages. Austris (Common). Quick Thinking. You have a +1 bonus on initiative rolls. Long Live the Kingdom Kingdom Arsenal.'XHWRFRQVFULSWLRQ\RXDUHSURÀFLHQW with shortsword, longsword or warhammer. Life in the Green Light of the East has different hardships, Civilized. You know how things work in a civilized society. compared to other regions. People generally don’t struggle You have advantage on your Charisma (Deception) or Cha- with nature, but with other people. In this region, instead risma (Persuasion) checks. of hunting a wild animal you can easily buy its pelt, but bar- JDLQLQJFDQEHMXVWKDUGDVKXQWLQJLQWKH.LQJGRP%XUHDX- cracy keeps things in order in the cities of the region, but it also slows things down. DVERGR 2QFHQDPHG.LQJGRPRI(DVWHUQ+RUQ*UHHQ/LJKWRIWKH (DVW.LQJGRPKDVDOZD\VEHHQLQZDUZLWKWKHSHRSOHZKR opposed them. Their crusade in the name of Odin, Tyr and Thor is still going strong.


Dvergr “Good blacksmiths but not a trustworthy folk. They are from another land, so they should let us keep this one for our- selves.” Half-Jotunn “Bunch of uncivilized monsters. The Half-Jotnar are not welcome in our empire. Their savagery cannot be overlooked.” Mithal “Once a great and honorable enemy, now a broken kind. With the Bear King dead, the Mithal are divided, but one must DvergrD are alsol kDknown as Darkk ElElves iin SSvilland. ill d TTheirh ii origini never underestimateSample them. They have a potential to rise up.” is different from other living beingsfile in Svilland. Humans in Kuning “They once lived in peace with our people, now they the Svilland never met a Dvergr until the frost jotunn Odd wander Svilland aimlessly. They denounced our Gods, so they had awakened... The Dvergr came to these lands through a form it coming.” of trickery, the mechanics of which were known to them and Vestri “Ignorant seamen. They think they are invincible with their

7 them alone. Their homeland is Svartalfheim in common Relations tongue, or “Nidavellir” in their language. They are short, and hairy and the color of their skin is blueish Austri “Self-loving bastards. They aren’t welcoming to us, even outside of their regions. If they come for us, we will be prepared.” Crafters from Another Realm Half-Jotunn “A folk of outcasts, just like us. We do not think much of their problems, but can’t help them because they are always on Dvergar are famous for their blacksmithing. They are the move. The Half-Jotunn have a home with us, but they need to masters of making weapons and armor. The great dvergr stop being so reckless all the time.” ancestors, & are the blacksmiths of the god and Mithal “They took us in, gave us places to stay, started trade with goddess. Brokkr & Eitri helped Dvergr come to these lands. us, and left us be. What more can a Dvergr ask for?” But now they are stuck here until their mission is complete, Kuning ´:KDWWKH\GLGWRXVLVXQIRUJHWWDEOHEXWWKHLUVDFULÀFH because the only one who can send them home is Balder means a lot to Svilland. So maybe it can be forgiven. They may himself. have denounced our Gods but that doesn’t mean they are bad people at heart... I guess?” Vestri “The Vestri have always treated us like equals. Sometimes, Giantslayer Spear, Oddbane we think they don’t even notice we are blue and small. But maybe they are not so bright.” Brokkr & Eitri made a spear with the help of the Dvergr in the Svartalfheim for Balder, because he wanted to kill Dvergr Names Odd; but Brokkr & Eitri were sly. They knew that there was a great metal source in the depths of Svilland, with which Male Names: Brokkr, Dudri, , Eitri, , Hemer, Idi, humans didn’t even know could be worked; the black ice. .RUL.XOGL0DJJLQ1LGUU2UL6LQGUL7LQJL:DQGU In return for the spear, Brokkr & Eitri wanted a gateway Female Names: Ai, Bendr, Durri, Duma, Forgi, Glori, between Svartalfheim and the depths of Ymir’s Lash, Svil- *RPLQQ,GXQQ.RQQLQ0RNNX3HPP5XJJD6RNNL7LOZD land. Balder opened the gateway but he also sensed that the Uminn, Ylda Blacksmiths were cunning. He magically made it so that the gateway would close if Odd were to wake up. Dvergr came Dvergr Traits to these lands through the gateway. They built towns in the depths of the mountains. When the spear broke into pieces, Ability Score Increase. Your Strength or Constitution score Odd woke up and the gateway closed. The Dvergr never met increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1. with humans before the gateway closed. Age. Dvergar live nearly 180-190 years and they become DGXOWVWKH\EHFRPHDGXOWVLQWKHLUÀIWLHWK\HDU Closing the Gateway Alignment. They can be anything but the Dvergr usually live by a code, so they tend to be lawful. After the gateway was closed, the connection between Svar- Size. Dvergr average is around 4-5 feet tall and weigh about talfheim and Ymir’s Lash was lost. The Dvergr, who mine 125-250 pounds. Your size is medium. black ice on the depths of Ymir’s Lash never saw their home- Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. land again. To them, it was a great tragedy. But the Dvergr’s Darkvision. Living underground can alter your vision. You crooked fate was not yet sealed. After the High Council of can see within 60 feet in dim light as if it were bright light, 6HLGUZDVVDFULÀFHG'YHUJDUZHUHDWWDFNHGE\WKHGDUN and you can see in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t spirits. Dvergar were shocked because they had no idea what see colors in the dark, only shades of gray. these things were, and how they could defeat something Runic Sense. Svartalfheim is a realm full of magic and Dver- that could not be hurt by weapons. And so, they fought the gar are used to it. You can sense the presence of a rune in a spirits for many years, until their numbers started to grow 30 feet radius, but can’t identify which rune it is. thin. Then, the king of Dvergr convinced others to migrate Black Ice Immunity. Normally touching black ice burns skins outside the mountains. They did their king’s bidding, but but you have developed an immunity to it. Black ice does not as soon as they arrived in the outskirts of Ymir’s Lash, they KDUP\RXXQOHVVLWLVUHÀQHGDQGZRUNHGLQWRDZHDSRQ came across Hanlon the Real king and his armies. Languages.

OQFH7KH.XQLQJOLYHGSHDFHIXOO\ZLWKRWKHUUDFHVDQG Kuning Traits kingdoms. Their ways were respected and sometimes even feared. They walked freely in cities, and helped people who Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and were in need. When the Black Winter threatened all of Svil- 'H[WHULW\VFRUHLQFUHDVHVE\ land, the High Council of Seidrs gathered. This council was Age..XQLQJVOLYHWREHQHDUO\\HDUVROGDQGWKH\EHFRPH IRUPHGPDQ\\HDUVDJRE\.XQLQJKLJKVHLGUVWRSURWHFW adults when they turn 15. everyone both there, and in the afterlife. Alignment. They can be anything, but they tend to be neu- $OO.XQLQJVDZDLWHGWKHFRXQFLORUGHUVDOODURXQG6YLO- tral. land. Meanwhile, other kingdoms and races planned their Size..XQLQJVDYHUDJHDURXQGIHHWWDOODQGZHLJKDURXQG own strategies against the Black Winter. High Council of 125-250 pounds. Their size is medium. Seidrs tried to stop Black Winter with the help of spirits but Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. WKH%HDU.LQJZDVFRQYLQFHGWKDWWKH\PXVWEHVDFULÀFHG Languages.$XVWULV &RPPRQ DQG.XQ to a much more powerful being, Odin. All of Svilland was Spirit Ancestors..XQQLQJVKDYHDIÀQLW\WRVSLULWVDQGXQ- ÀJKWLQJDJDLQVWWKLVFDWDVWURSKHLQWKHLURZQZD\MXVWOLNH deads so you can’t be frightened by the Undead. .XQLQJV2QHGD\%HDU.LQJDQGKLVDUP\PDUFKHGWRWKH Eyes of the Heart.


Austri ´+XQWHUVDQGÀVKHUPHQ1RWKLQJPRUHQRWKLQJOHVV2QFH we get the Alsvartr back on their feet the Austri better watch out.” Dvergr “Northern Mithal: A Different but loyal folk. They really KHOSHGXVLQRXUULJKWHRXVÀJKWDJDLQVWWKHIDOVHNLQJ:HNQRZ that they are stuck here but that does mean they have to suffer. They generally live on the west shore of Svilland, Nionaem. Southern Mithal: They do not belong here, and they don’t Vestri are mostly naval raiders, sailors and ship makers. deserve anything from us. Everything they own here, is ours Some of them live in the woods, away from the sea. Being to take.” away from the sea is usually a bad sign for a Vestri, so living Half-Jotunn ´0RQVWHUVZKRFDQWDONDQGÀJKW1RWDOORIWKHP in the woods is a taboo. are bad but we must be cautious around them all the time. Having Vestri often have blueish eyes and they tattoo their bod- them around our homes is out of the question.” ies with their family symbols Kuning “Bear King respected their powers, and so do we. The Gods may not be on their side, but they were still able to survive, and Blessing of the Sea that in itself is honorable.” Vestri “They are forcing us to be the bad guys but, in this story, As they have a high supply of sea resources, the Vestri are they are the oppressors. They’re ignorant fools who think we can’t always on the water. Some Vestri may prefer working as ÀJKWEXWZLWKRXWXV6YLOODQGZRXOGEHQRPRUHµ ÀVKHUPHQEXW1LRQDHPLVIDPRXVIRULWVQDYDOUDLGHUVDV well. Svillanders know that nothing can defeat a Vestri on Mithal Names water. It is said that Aegir himself blessed the Vestri and Nio- Male Names: Björn, Bjarki, Carmund, Davel, Gjabard, naem with his generous gifts. One of these gifts was a king +DWQDU+MDONL-RNUDU.DVDUN/MDQG0DYUD2WDUN5DPHOSamplewho was reborn in the sea and whofile had come to rule the Sorma. land. From that moment forth the Vestri knew that their Female Names: Arna, Arja, Cathil, Derkha, Elira, Genma, destiny was not set in stone like other races of Svilland, but Hilde, Irena, Naselja, Orma, Salin, Tulja, Uma was written in the sea by storms.


AustriAustri “They“They believebelieve in theirtheir KingdomKingdom farfar too much,much, sometimessometimes even fanatically.fanatically. ButBut not allall ofof themthem thinkthink thethe samesame way.way. HavingHaviingn bigbig citiescities andand “being“being civilized”civilized” areare notnot whatwhat makemake a man.”man.” DvergrDvergr “Stubborn“Stubborn andand grumpy,grumpy, yetyet theythey are stillstill thethe bestbest crafts-crafts- PHQ\RXFDQÀQG,I\RXGRQ·WDQJHUWKHPWKH\PLJKWHYHQEHPHQ\RXFDQÀQG,I\RXGRQ·WDQJHUWKHPWKH\PLJKWHYHQEH friendly…friendly… MightMight be.”be.” Half-JotunnHalf-Jotunn “A differentdifferent andand dangerousdangerous folk.folk. ContraryContrary to AustriAustri beliefs,beliefs, theythey are not monsters, though.though. BeingBeing friendsfriends withwith one ofof themthem cancan savesave youryour lifelife in thethe wilderness.”wilderness.” MithalMithal “Mit“Mithalhal mademade poorpoor decisionsdecisions andand foundfound themselvesthemseelvl es inin con-con- ÁLFWVWXFNEHWZHHQWZRUXOHUV:HSLW\WKHP7KH\KDYHVRPXFKÁLFWVWXFNEHWZHHQWZRUXOHUV:HSLW\WKHP7KH\KDYHVRPXFFKK in commoncommon withwith us.”us.” KuningKuning “A folkfolk on theirtheir own andand whowho areare betterbetter ifif leftleft alone.alloone. TheyThehey are justjust differentdifferent fromfrom thethe rest ofof thethe realm.realm. SomeSome thinkthink theirthheieir con-ccon- nectionsnections withwith thethe spiritsspirits defydefy ourour gods,gods, andand thatthat theythey arearre justjusu t asas hereticheretic as thethe mythicalmythical Vanir.Vanir. Still,Still, I havehave not seenseen themthem dodo anyany wrong.”wrong.”

VestriVestri NamesNames

MaleMale NaNames:mes: Agnar,Agnar, Bodvar,Bodvar, DaDag,g, FForni,orni, GaukGauk,, HoHolmfast,lmfast, .DEEL/MRW0DQQL2UQ5HI6NDS7RÀ7UXG8QQ.DEEL/MRW0DQQL2UQ5HI6NDS7RÀ7UXG8QQ FemaleFemale NNames:ames: Annete, AsaAsa,, BrBrida,ida, DDagny,agny, EllaElla,, Grima, +HOOD,QJULG.DULQ0DWKLOGD5XWK6\QQH7KRUKDOOD9LOGH+HOOD,QJULG.DULQ0DWKLOGD5XWK6\QQH7KRUKDOOD9LOGH Yvonne.Yvonne.

VestriVestri TraitsTraits

AbilityAbility SScorecore IncreIncrease.ase. Your Constitution scorescore increasesincreases byby 2 andand yyourour Wisdom score incrincreaseseases bbyy 1. AgeAge. The VestriVestri live nearlynearly 70-9070-90 yearsyears and theythey bebecomecome adultsadults whenwhen theythey are 16. AlignmentAlignment. ThTheyey ccanan be of ananyy aalignment.lignment. SizeSize. TheTheyy aveaveragerage aaroundround 5-6 feet ttall,all, aandnd wweigheigh aaroundround 125-250125-250 pounds.pounds. Your ssizeize is Medium.Medium. TundraTundra PPredator.redator. YourYour basebase walkingwalking speedspeed isis 35 feet.feet. LanguagesLanguages. AuAustrisstris ((Common)Common) aandnd VVestris.estris. SurviveSurvive

The Prophet

Vestris seseee theirtheir rulerruler as thethe prophetprophet ofof AAegir.egir. He hhasas nnearlyearly suprsupremeeme cocon-n- troltrol overover Nionaem.Nionaem. DetailsDetails ooff AlAlesoneson tthehe ArisenArisen aarere iinn ththee FrFriendsiends anandd Foes ssec-ec- Sampletiontion (p.(p. 136).136). file cults of 5TšJJ?LB eligion has an important role in Svilland. Most people try to act within the dogmas of the gods or goddesses they follow all the time. Cults following a deity fanatically are shown too much respect by the people sharing the same Rreligious opinions. Additionally, the deities also manipulate them to make their moves on the realm of the mortals

can be found in certain towns and cities, however The Face- FAC E L E S S less aim for them to spread all over Svilland. FANGS OF FENRIR Balder is the God of Light. He brings goodness to the lands of Svilland and to the hearts of Svillanders. He is known for having stopped Odd with his minions and having destroyed Fangs of Fenrir are born of hate. Hate against all gods countless evil beings to protect the mortal lands. All of H[FHSW7\U7KHLUKDWHFRPHVIURPWKHDFWLRQVRIWKH*RGV Balder’s and alles had been searching for the very They think that the Gods have falsely accused Loki of being meaning of light and good, before Balder fell to Helheim. In a trickster, when they were the real manipulators. They the present, even though he struggles to stand tall against GHFHLYHGWKHSRZHUIXOVRQRI/RNL)HQULUDQGWKH\ÀOOHGWKH the pain, and the unimaginable torture he is subjected to in heads of their subjects with lies indicating Fenrir and Loki as Helheim Balder is changing. Balder’s feelings also affect his enemies. Therefore, the right thing to do is to hate the Gods believers directly, and therefore his followers are changing DQGWRÀJKWDJDLQVWWKHP with him. Their faces become unrecognizable, twisting in The cult’s origin dates back to the First Age. The Fangs of a way that is both frightened and frightening. Some of his Fenrir believe that they are liberating people’s minds from more fanatic believers cannot stand even a single moment their chains forged by other gods, and they do this by killing of Balder’s pain, and become corrupted; solely aiming to them. The Fangs of Fenrir do not see themselves as mindless spread that pain. Others who can stand it try to prove they slaughterers. Their true enemies are the Gods and they can are different than the corrupted fanatics, and believe that RQO\UHDFKWKHPWKURXJKWDNLQJH[WUHPHDFWLRQV there is yet hope for their beloved god, and therefore, for The organization’s activities are mostly done in secret. themselves. Thus, those worshippers who stood tall against Their actions are mostly untraceable. Their numbers are the terrible events formed a new cult of Balder and called high enough to be seen as a threat by cults who worship themselves Faceless. other Gods. According to them, other Gods hold Fenrir in contempt because of his power. So, the organization chooses Goals its members among people who are shunned by society; the way Fenrir was by the Gods. The cult shows these people Faceless still want to bring light and good to the lands that the reason for society’s attitudes towards them is that and its inhabitants as their God once did. They think that they are powerful, and therefore that they inspire fear. The Balder’s pain should be kept hidden, and out of sight. Cult feels like home to its members, and other members feel Hence, they wear a blank mask. They want to help people, like family. This ensures that the members defend the Cult and spread Balder’s wisdom. They are not warriors, like with their lives. the worshippers of other Gods.; they are the ones who give The organization has werevargrs among their high-rank- orders to the warriors of good. ing members. Most of them are not born with that power, They know that Loki is the one who caused Balder’s pain, they acquire it. They see lycanthropy as a gift and bestow it but they believe that Loki and his followers are simply in upon their most fanatical and promising members. need of the goodness and wisdom of Balder; same as every- one else. They do not seek revenge against them; instead, Goals they try to understand Loki’s twisted ways. They think that their chance of bringing Loki and his followers over to the Their main goal, of course, is to liberate Fenrir. They con- path of the good is higher, if they know more about Loki’s stantly watch for the signs of Ragnarok, and although they methods. do not know how, they have observed that their actions bring Ragnarok, and thus Fenrir’s freedom, closer. They Relationship know that their father Fenrir will be released from his chains eventually and that they will help Fenrir’s conquest Some of the Faceless collaborate with dvergar to combine as he destroys realms and kills Odin. Most of them are ready dvergar’ master weapon craftsmanship and Balder’s sacred to die for this glorious, raging cause, because they know that blessing.Sample It is said that these weapons are most effective going to go “There is no glory withoutfile danger” against monsters related to frost and cold. Most adventur- ers want this blessing before embarking on their journeys, Relationship but Faceless masters grant this blessing to the good, and for good reasons that are only known to them. Faceless temples Fangs of Fenrir sometimes cooperate with Odd’s Oath. They 13 have a secret pact. Both organizations serve the same pur- unless all of us have been offered. pose, in different ways. Because of their organization’s se- -A cult initiation line crecy, they are not easy to recognize. Only the Tyr’s Judges are able to sense them. Also, the members especially hate Light Fingers dvergar because it was dvergar, who made the chains that have been holding Fenrir Light Fingers is a widespread organization throughout the realm, but they are mostly seen in the Green Lights of the LOKI’S BASTARDS East. No one really knows who founded this organization or why and when it was founded. It is ruled by local groups. Each of the leaders of the local crews are in contact with one This abstract structure contains different organizations who another, and every single one of them are devoted to Loki. dedicate their doings to Loki. Despite the fact that each of them are separate organizations, people generally refer to GOALS all two of them as Loki’s Bastards. Dead Tongue of Loki and The main purpose of Light Fingers is to steal from the rich, Light Fingers are the most renowned organizations that are EXWWKH\DOVRH[FKDQJHLQIRUPDWLRQLQYDULRXVWHUULWRULHV within this group. While the lower ranks don’t have direct relationships with the priests of Loki, the leaders are connected to the other Dead Tongue of Loki cults of Loki. The organization provides towns and cities ZLWKVHFUHWWHPSOHV,WLVGLIÀFXOWWRULVHLQWKHUDQNVVLQFH All Gods are tricksters and liars, and Loki is the king-trick- the leaders work with the priests directly, and are blessed ster among them. The members of this cult see Loki as their with Loki’s talents. A portion of the stolen goods are ‘do- king and try to walk on his path. They want to be noticed by nated’ to the Temple of Loki, and the Temple continues its their king. To that end, they try to manipulate everyone and H[LVWHQFHWKDQNVWRWKLVLQFRPH everything around them; kings, earls, trees, spirits, warri- ors; and most importantly, death itself. They are aware that Svilland is not a home for living beings alone. RELATIONS Legend says that one day Loki went to Helheim to offer The organization is the master of stealth and chooses mem- Hel a gift. As they were talking, Loki said that he can craft a bers from the lower castes of the people for various works. pathway from Helheim to the realm of the living. Hel asked This makes people see them as saviors, since no one else Loki what he wants in return. Loki, a clever god, wanted a gives them proper work. Light Fingers members are in con- man whose soul had been suffering in Helheim for thou- tact with every kind of underground organization and try to sands of years. Hel accepted the offer because she was a stay away from other religious cults Goddess without followers, and she wanted believers living in the mortal realms. The man’s name was Herlu and he had MESIAH DEVoTED a unique knowledge about the language of the dead, about death and about Helheim. Loki kept his promise, and created a tunnel, taking the man with him as a price. No one knows The sea is one of the most important factors for the Svil- what happened to him, what he looks like, or whether or not lander for many reasons. For many people, the sea is what he died. It is only known that this man has founded this cult, keeps their belly full, and the way of earning their living. and the cult only knows that its powers originated from that So, it is not surprising that many people, especially in the man. Nionaem, worship Aegir, The God of the Seas. This cult was founded for the ones chosen by Aegir. It used to be governed GOALS by four different priests of Aegir who worked for four differ- ent lords, but since the coming of the messiah, everything Most of the cult masters use dead bodies as puppets. They has changed. PDQLSXODWHSHRSOHLQKLJKSODFHVVWURQJZDUULRUVDQGÀJ- The Messiahs rose up when Hignar, the lord of Herlz, the ures of legends to serve their own interests. The cult thinks PRVWSRZHUIXOFLW\RIWKH1LRQDHPVDFULÀFHG0HVVLDK$OH- that Odin has been harvesting the bravest warriors in the son (p.185), before he marched to his campaign to conquer lands, in order to prepare for Ragnarok. Therefore, in re- Alsvartr along with other lords. turn, they are building another army to kill Odin and Thor; Aleson was a simple boatbuilder when his wife was led an army of dead astray by Hignar. He tried to kill Hignar, however he failed DQGZDVLPSULVRQHG%HIRUHKLVFDPSDLJQ+LJQDUVDFULÀFHG RELATIONS Aleson to Aegir. But...sometimes hate overcomes death. The Gods have been torturing Loki and his children. So, the Aleson was drowned, and then reborn with the help of Ran, cult hasSample good relations with Fenrir and other followers of the cold goddess of sea. With his fileresurrection in the same Loki. They try to stay hidden because they are hunted by waters caused his death, Aleson gathered the four priests of many organizations. The cult masters generally meet and Aegir to his side, and sat upon the throne after killing Hig- communicate with other masters in burial chambers. nar. Unfortunately, Aleson is now doomed to spend most of We mixed our blood together. his life in Ran’s dungeons deep in the sea and getting out of Now one shall never drink ale them once in a month to sit upon the throne as the cham- 14