Sample file Sample file THE NORSE MYtHOLOGY The cosmology of the Norse mythology stands on nine realms: DFWXDOO\WKHÀUVWWRVHWWOHWRWKLVYHU\ODQG Asgard, Alfheim, Helheim, Jotunheim, Midgard, Muspelheim, There are many gods and goddesses in the Norse mythol- 1LÁKHLP6YDUWDOIKHLPDQG9DQDKHLP7KHVHUHDOPVUHVLGHRQ ogy. Yet, as Svilland is a place that is relatively new-settled by Yggdrasil, the tree of life. the children of Odin the Allfather, neither all the deities nor Asgard is the home of the gods. Odin and most of his pan- all the realms are known to them. There are 9 major deities theon reside here. The famous hall of Valhalla is in Asgard, in the pantheon. They have gathered up many believers and greeting warriors of worth to the endless feast. Alfheim is LQÁXHQFHWKHUHDOPGHDUO\ the realm of light elves. They are beautiful creatures ruled by Additionally, there are 4 smaller deities: Heimdall, Ran, JRGGHVV)UH\MD$OWKRXJK)UH\MDLVYHU\LQÁXHQWLDOLQ6YLOODQG Skadi, and Ullr. They have not gathered many followers yet there is no passage to Alfheim from this land. and thus have not established themselves or distinct domains Helheim is the realm of the dishonorable dead. Those who of divine power in Svilland. are not worthy of Valhalla come here when they die. Helheim Odin the Allfather is the god of gods. He rules over Asgard. is ruled by Hel. Jotunheim is the realm of giants, frost and Aegir is the giant-god of the seas. Balder is the god of poetry mountain jotnar came from here. and beauty. Fenrir is the son of Loki. He is the giant wolf god Midgard is the realm of mere mortals. It is surrounded of blood and savagery, waiting to be released in Ragnarok, and and protected by Jormungandr, the serpent of time. Svilland murder Odin. Freyja is the wife of Odin. She is the goddess of UHVLGHVLQ0LGJDUG0XVSHOKHLPLVWKHUHDOPRIÀUH)LUHJLDQWV nature and fertility. Hel is the daughter of Loki. She is the god- and the Ragnarok-bringing Surtr inhabit and are sealed here. dess of death and the dead. Loki is the blood brother of Odin. 1LÁKHLPLVWKHUHDOPRIFROGDQGPLVW He is the god of trickery. Thor is the son of Odin. He is the god Svartalfheim is the realm of the dvergar. Dvergar that came of thunder and enemy of the frost jotnar. Tyr is the god of WR6YLOODQGWU\WRÀQGWKHLUZD\EDFNWRWKLVUHDOP9DQDKHLP justice and war. is the realm of Vanir. The conquered Vanir of Svilland were THEME AND ATMOSPHERE villand is a land of last resort. People have escaped here from the deadly Black Winter of the north. Their escape from frost jotnar conquerors resulted in their bloody conquest over the Vanir and kuning. Through Sthe ages, they may have founded civilizations, kingdoms. Yet, Svilland will always remain as a land of people that are at the edge of massacre by a new forthcoming horde. The cycle keeps repeating itself as the new replacing the old, and those who settle are never relieved from their survival instinct. Unlike many other Dungeons and Dragons games, Svilland Campaign Setting has an atmosphere that is ruthless, grim, and dark. Heroes here become so with bloody challenges of the mortal and the divine alike. The pantheon of Odin the Allfather does not provide protection and power out of lightly love of some D&D gods. The gods and JRGGHVVHVRI6YLOODQGHUVGHVLUHEORRG\VDFULÀFHVDQGZHDYHYLFLRXVWHVWVRYHUPRUWDOVWRVHHWKHLUZRUWK'LYLQLW\LV not inherent, it is earned, often through deadly means. 7KHFXOWXUHVRI6YLOODQGUHÁHFWWKLVFRVPRORJ\DVZHOO.LQJVDQGTXHHQVQHHGWREHWRXJKDQGZRUWK\RIZDUDV much as they need to be respected by their kin. As kingdoms are not fully established and rather are gatherings of warlords, political struggle and raids on villages are a common part of Svillanders’ way of life. Consequently, adventurers in Svilland are not well-greeted everywhere. Because of the mistrust between dif- ferent races, or even clans, commoners in a town don’t often greet strangers with a warm welcome. Still, bardship DQGVWRU\WHOOLQJDUHFRPPRQDUWVRIWKHODQG$VDQDGYHQWXUHU\RXUDFFRPSOLVKPHQWVPD\TXLFNO\ÀQGWKHLUZD\ to the tongues of people. Reputation is hard to earn, but it is well-respected once it is earned. As many places are in constant threat by hostile clans, jarls, or monsters in the wilderness, there is always a ÀJKWWKDW\RXFDQSURYH\RXUVHOIZRUWK\WR9DOKDOOD2QWKHRWKHUKDQG\RXVKRXOGQRWORVH\RXUYLJLODQFHZKHQ you areSample travelling. You should keep an eye on the horizon and set up patrols among yourfile party. Those who are ar- rogant enough to underestimate their opponent or hunt may become the hunted quite fast. campaign setting DESIGNERS: (NLQ7RSDQRƎOX$OLFDQ'HYHOLRƎOXƼ]HOƼUHP$\G×Q8PXWdRPDN%DUN×Q7RNDODNDQG %DUWX$ƎFD VOLUNTEER DESIGNERS: Apostol Apostolov, Sharif Adam Thank you so much for your help guys! EDITORS: Aysegül Gürzumar, Burak Türköz INTERIOR ART: g]JH*QJ|U)DWLKg]WUNgPHU7XQo8PXWdRPDNDQG7LWKL/XDGWKRQJ ART DIRECTOR: 8PXWdRPDN LAYOUT AND GRAPHIC DESIGN: 8PXWdRPDN © 2019 Dream Realm Storytellers. Svilland Campaign Setting is published by Dream Realm Storytellers, under the Open Game License version 1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Dream Realm Storytellers logo, Svilland Campaign Setting and 5e logos are trademarks of Dream Realm Storytellers. All characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are property of Dream Realm Storytellers. 3URGXFW,GHQWLW\7KHIROORZLQJLWHPVDUHKHUHE\LGHQWLÀHGDV3URGXFW,GHQWLW\DVGHÀQHGLQWKH2SHQ*DPH/LFHQVHYHUVLRQDDQGDUHQRW2SHQ Content: All trademarks, proper names, dialogues, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress. Test Players: Andrew Wikstrom, Andrew Wilkins, Apostol Apostolov, Calum, Churchill, Gavin Baumber, GavinRuneblade, Grace /XNHQV -DFN %RRWK -RVKXD :RRGURIIH .DLWO\Q .RUND- lot, Lenin Tapia, Mason Siebert, Nathaniel Wright, Robert Soderquist, Shane, Sharif, Stefan Ligety, ryan treangen, shawn, Suat Deniz Vural, Onurhan Ekinci, Görkem Demir, (PUHg]PHUW(FH.DOHQGHU7XƎFDQ%LOPH]([RPDOLV$WLOOD Özkaplan Samplewww.dreamrealmstorytellers.com file Table of Contents History.........................................1-2 Alsvartr Runestones..................................137 Austere Woods...........................29 Campaigns in Svilland Iron Sands.................................32 Monsters and Sea Shield..................................34 the Wilderness Deities of Svilland North Assembly..........................35 Aegir........................................................3 Riverside....................................36 Monsters Balder......................................................3 West Vale..................................39 Fenrir.......................................................4 Cursed Warrior................................ 142 Freyja.......................................................4 Green Lights of the East Draugrs..............................................143 Hel...........................................................4 Dvergr of Gulbolrhum...................147 Loki..........................................................5 Drundanland.........................41 Isa Worm......................................148 Odin.........................................................5 Eastern Look..........................42 Hel’s Spring..................................149 Thor.........................................................5 Forest of Rengorn..................43 Tormented Soul............................150 Tyr...........................................................5 Riverburn...............................46 Hel Staghead................................151 Lesser Deities.........................................6 Southern Shores....................46 Hel Brute......................................152 Thora.......................................48 Hel Beast.......................................153 Races of Svilland Huldra..........................................154 Austri......................................................7 New Character Options Humanoids...................................155 Dvergr.................................................... 7 Giants...........................................161 Half Jotun.............................................. 8 Runewalker...................................51 Groove Guardian..........................163 Kuning...................................................10 Seidr..............................................56 Spirits...........................................164 Mithal................................................... 10 Dream Realm.............................63 Troldfolk.......................................167 Vestri.....................................................11 Alle Oaths......................................64 Valkyrie........................................169 Barbarian Archetypes..................69 Vanir Beast...................................171 Cults of Svilland Bard Traditions............................71 Wyrms..........................................172 Faceless.................................................13 Fighter Archetypes.......................74 Fangs of Fenrir.....................................13 Gothi Domains..............................77 The Wilderness...........................174 Loki’s Bastards.....................................14 Ranger Archetypes.......................91 Weather Conditions....................179 Mesiah Devoted...................................14 Sorcerous Origins.........................94 Odd’s Oath............................................15 Friends and Foes Odin’s Vargr.........................................16 Backgrounds Rune Keepers.......................................16
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