Fundamentals of Slovenian Paremiology
FUNDAMENTALS OF SLOVENIAN PAREMIOLOGY PETER GRZYBEK This article discusses some major theoretical issues concerning Razprava obravnava nekatera glavna vprašanja dokumen- the documentation and study of proverbs in general, and tacije in raziskovanja pregovorov na splošno in še posebej of Slovenian proverbs in particular. The author argues slovenskih pregovorov. Avtor zagovarja tesno vzajemno in favor of a close interplay between paremiography and povezavo med paremiografijo in paremiologijo. Pri tem paremiology, and places particular emphasis on empirical prikaže in komentira prve izsledke empiričnega študija methods in paremiology. Some initial results of an empirical seznanjenosti s slovenskimi pregovori ne le z ozirom na nji- study on familiarity with Slovenian proverbs are presented hov pomen za paremiografijo, temveč tudi za jezikoslovne, and discussed with regard to their relevance not only for poetične in druge analize. paremiography, but also for linguistic, poetic, and other Ključne besede: pregovor (teorija, definicija, klasifika- analyses. cija), paremiografija, paremiologija, empirični prijemi, Keywords: Proverb (theory, definition, classification), metode. paremiography, paremiology, empirical approaches. INTRODUCTION Slovenian proverbs have been the object of numerous scholarly studies. On closer exami- nation, most of these studies have focused on the history of documenting and collecting Slovenian proverbs; that is, they are primarily oriented towards paremiography [cf., among others, Grafenauer 1952, Rode 1989, Stanonik 2000]. In comparison, paremiological stud- ies (i.e., scholarly analyses of proverbs themselves) represent only a minority of approaches; in addition, they are positivistic and symptomatic, rather than systematic – for example, Förster’s [1992] linguistic analyses. In this sense, Grafenauer’s [1952: 17] early statement that the scholarly study of Slovenian proverbs has not yet been carried out satisfactorily remains true.
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