Frances Sleap Edited by Omer Sener Paul Weller Dialogue Theories The Dialogue Society is a registered Dialogue Theories charity, established in London in 1999, with the aim of advancing social cohesion by connecting communities, empowering people to engage and contributing to the development of ideas on dialogue. It operates nation-wide with regional branches across the UK. Through discussion forums, courses, capacity building publications and outreach it enables people to venture across boundaries of religion, culture and social class. It provides a platform where people can meet to share narratives and perspectives, discover the values they have in common and be at ease with their differences. First published in Great Britain 2013
[email protected] Tel: +44 (0)20 7619 0361 © Dialogue Society 2013 Dialogue Society All rights reserved. No part of this 402 Holloway Road publication may be reproduced or London N7 6PZ transmitted in any form or by any means or stored or made available on any information storage and retrieval system or on any website without prior written permission from the publisher. Registered Charity No: 1117039 ISBN 978-0-9569304-7-7 In loving memory of my mother Angela, and for my father Peter, Esme, Georgie, and Sam Frances Sleap Dedicated to my family, friends and colleagues, in respect, love and friendship Omer Sener In gratitude for Marie Adenau and for life’s past, present and future, in the year of our marriage Paul Weller About the authors and editor Authors: Frances Sleap studied Philosophy and Theology at the University of Oxford, graduating with first class honours.