JANUARY 1st 2014 $2.99 Free American Jan. 1 2014 1 Publisher’s Corner

Volume 9 January 1 - 2014 CRD Publishing PO Box 215 Seadrift, TX 77983 520-413-2397 Cell 512-767-4561 505-908-9498 SKYPE Address: freeamerican69 Free American Hour and Magazine Clayton Douglas, the Free American A Voice for Liberty for 25 years. Editorial Viewpoint Psycho Politics Updated The Free American remains committed to bringing the truth to the American people. We be- By Clayton R. Douglas lieve that in a free society, it is the job of the press to be the watchman of the government. It then Word Count 6235 falls upon the people, being fully informed, to decide what actions they must take to preserve and There has been a tremendous amount defend their liberty. The Free American is unabashedly, pro-American. Too many of our ancestors of work done on this website, my radio fought and died to protect our Constitution, the oldest in the world, to insure that we would retain show and the restoration of the Free Ameri- those liberties spelled out in our Bill of Rights. Based on the knowledge we have compiled over the can Magazine. Through cooperation with last years of publication, we believe there is a verifiable, well documented plan to force Americans other webmasters, activists, authors and the into a Global Government, complete with one world banking, a global ID system, an international first rate guests I have had the pleasure of police force, and a disarmed populous. This is unacceptable to us personally and incompatible with interviewing, I have managed to build the our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Those who advocate such a global system and the dismantling audience and level of support I needed to of our Bill of Rights, are either misguided, uninformed or, if totally knowledgeable, traitors to this restore the Free American Magazine as an country. We will expose them. The Free American is not affiliated with any political party, religious online publication that may actually be bet- sect, secret society, cult, club or movement. We do not advocate violence but we stress the right of ter and more effective that the hard copy, self-defense and the individual’s right to bear arms, to be free of intrusive government, to privacy nationally distributed edition I published and the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. for ten years that ended with my accident Table of Contents January 1 2014 - 9th edition in 2004. Publisher’s Column Psycho Politics Page 2 One of the people I have been working Table of Contents Page 2 with asked me to do a time line. This is it. WE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY Page 8 Over 40 years ago, I went out to Ari- WE ARE YOUR ENEMY Page 9 zona and California after they passed a Banks and the State by John Kaminski Page 11 helmet law in my home state of Texas. In The Banksters Are Now Setting Up the Crash of 2016 Page 13 later years, as a well known, controversial, Who is America’s Moriarity? By Bret D. Landrith Page 14 publisher and broadcaster, I have been de- Bankers Arrested, Civil War Averted, by Dave Hodges Page 16 monized, labeled, libeled and slandered by Iceland The World’s Center of Democracy. Page 16 a wide range of opposition. From the days Uruguay makes history by legalising entire marijuana market Page 17 of Rush Limbaugh mocking us as “Black Saudi militants killed in army op Page 18 Helicopter Types” and “Militia” to today’s It’s Putin vs Bandar Bush on the Syrian chessboard Page 19 attacks on activists in the Tea Parties, Ron Syrian rebels execute over 80 Civilians outside Page 20 Paul, his supporters and Veterans, this is JP Morgan Limits Cash Withdrawals & Purchaes Page 20 merely history repeating itself. These at- An Act of War: CIA Leak Gives “Incontrovertible Evidence” tacks were once limited to high profile and That 9/11 Was State Sponsored Page 20 loud activists, writers and publishers like Uruguay makes history by legalizing marijuana market Page 22 Bill Cooper, John Kaminski and myself, Cartels flood US with Cheap Meth Page 23 today they are going after our readers, lis- This Makes Everything Obsolete by Nick Hodges Page 25 teners or fans. Remember being considered Killing Pat Tillman by J. Bruce Campbell Page 31 to be a terrorist if you had a Constitution Oklahoma Cops Think Falling Glitter Might Be A BioChemical Attack Page 33 on your dash or a Ron Paul Sticker on your Praying for Psychopaths by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster Page 34 bumper? But I was labeled a “Conspiracy Charles Lincoln Foreclousure Melinda Pillsbury-Foster Page 36 Theorist” when I tried to warn you of what Jewish Subversion of Christmas Page 42 was to come based on suppressed history. Operation Trojan VK Durham Page 51 I have always told you that you should Looking for Saint Nicholas Page 54 consider me the canary in the coal mine.

2 Free American Jan. 1 2014 It is no theory that many of the things that would do the same in the Free American. part of the response of the covert agency’s I warned about 15 years ago are occurring Bill Tyree even used my 800 number to call agenda or just a poor business decision on right now in our country. It is not like it in to a few shows. both our parts? hasn’t happened before. Then a biker I had seen around showed Before my family and furniture arrived, For many years I was a happy, success- up to tell me that he was with the CIA. He we introduced the new Indian Motorcycles ful businessman, author, writer, film maker said they were a little upset but all of that in Tingley Coliseum in Albuquerque. I was and producer. I had a chemical busi- information had been vetted with Noriega’s talking to Cyril Batten, the man who de- ness and a distribution company in the Par- trial but the word was, “We will let you signed and built the motor I had been pro- aphernalia industry. I had to deal with the live, this time, don’t publish anything like moting. “How many are you building for DEA and FDA. I hired the Broward County that again.” us Cyril? Sheriff’s chemist. I worked with NORML, J. Edgar Hoover once stated, “The in- He looked me in the eye and said, distributed and advertised in High Times. dividual is handicapped by coming face “Two, those two in the Coliseum.” My distribution reached into K-marts, to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he “But Wayne Baughman has got a lot 7-11s and smoke shops (Head Shops in the cannot believe it exists.”Suddenly, this is of orders?” The new Indian dealers, most good old days). The sixties were roaring. what I felt I was faced with. of whom I knew, were in town and being I sold peace symbols, pipes and smoking I had been in two bike clubs. One be- chauffeured between the Coliseum and the stone jewelry. came the Bandidos, the other the Hell’s An- “empty factory” where the Indians were to . We stopped a war. Then Tommy gels after I left the clubs. In my magazine, be built. The only problem was IMMI was Chung’s arrest for buying a bong factory I covered Outlaw runs and the Vietnam operating out of Wayne’s Sheepskin Outlet put things in a new light, one with a lot of Vets events. We were all aware of govern- and not a single tool or assembly line had heat. ment interest in us. Just a part of biker life. been readied. This statement by the builder I started publishing a nationally distrib- . .but this was different. And that difference put a bad light on the whole affair. uted Motorcycle magazine called Rider’s would become more apparent. “I was contracted to build two motors. Xchange in Miami. While covering the St- Life in Miami was as close to normal There they are!” urgis Rally, I was given a copy of a docu- as that of most Americans. I had multiple When I walked into the building on ment that should have been labeled “Top businesses, boats, cars, trucks, and a Har- Monday, Wayne called me to his office and Secret”. It was the notarized statement of ley motorcycle. I had a home on a canal, a asked why I was talking to Cyril. “I am in Col. Edward P. Cutolo, commander of the beautiful wife and two smart, strong sons. charge of PR. I talk to everyone.” Special Forces unit in Ayer, Massachusetts. Then Waco happened. I remember tell- “You are fired.” I had done nothing It was handed to me by a Vietnam Vet ac- ing my wife that I could never sit back and wrong. His tone and attitude told me the tive in the POW/MIA issue with the admo- watch something like that happen again matter was not open to negotiation. My nition, “Let’s see what kind of balls you without doing something. But after the Cu- involvement in anything has always been have!” tolo article ran, things began to go strangely open to the public. I put my picture in the The document is reprinted in its en- wrong. publisher’s column of my magazines. This tirety in my book, “Mystery Babylon, the The distribution of my magazine was perhaps the most In-Your-Face assault. New World Order Unveiled”. It documents through Harley Dealerships was cut off by It had not been a good time to sell my house a CIA/Mossad operation called Operation the main office. in Miami. This was not the first nor the last Watchtower that CIA director George Bush A Jewish employee who wanted a piece time someone I trusted turned on me. authorized while covering for the Mossad of the action for his writing skills started This was the news that met my wife and operatives, pretty much the way he did for a competing newspaper when I turned his sons when they arrived in Albuquerque. the Mossad/CIA involved in 9-11. I read it, idea of a partnership down. I wasted no time grieving. I started became just a little paranoid until I assured I was sued by Rider Magazine for in- talking to others involved with the project. myself that the transfer of the document fringing on their trademark. The man that was supposed to be in charge was not witnessed and I was not followed A man I met in Sturgis, Wayne (Wood- of the Just In Time manufacturing process back to Miami. This operation involved en Indian) Baughman offered me a job as Wayne was going to use in the production, George Bush, Ollie North, Bill Clinton and the PR director for IMMI. He was going to the engineer working at Sandia doing the Manuel Noriega. It ran parallel to “Iran restore Indian. I viewed it as an opportu- animated commercials and others that had Contra”. Toss in one old biker from Texas nity. been terminated also. I talked with Cyril who likes to read and write. It did not occur to me at that time there at more length and learned that he had not William Tyree was a major figure in was anything wrong. I closed my magazine been paid and there was no plan for pro- Cutola’s document. Tyree’s wife was mur- down in Miami a short while after chang- ducing more engines. The next stories I dered, Tyree framed for it and sentenced to ing the name to Renegade Express. It didn’t sold to Easyriders and Motorcycle Industry life in Walpole Prison. I read the document have the same ring and I didn’t want to sealed the fate of that Indian attempt. The carefully and started tracking down leads spend money on lawyers. I was writing for subsequent article I wrote for Motorcycle for confirmation that this was real. I man- Motorcycle Industry, Easyriders, and oth- Industry and Easyriders put IMMI out of aged to locate mother of William. She got ers. business. I showed up at the last dealer me in contact with Bill Tyree. I followed I would chronicle the formation of meeting and was met with considerable and aired the story of his bugged trial with IMMI through them. hostility from the dealers. “Why did you do the help of a local librarian and wrote a I closed my businesses, sold my home that?” they asked? story on it for Riders Xchange. Later, I on the canal and moved to NM. Was this “You know who I am and that I always Free American Jan. 1 2014 3 tell the truth. I have been publishing and ADL and SPLC intensified their care- people. We believe that in a free society, writing for a long time and have never been fully crafted libelous reports. “Clay Doug- it is the job of the press to be the watch- sued for libel or slander. What would you las started and advertised for the Militias in man of the government. It then falls upon want me to do? Cover up for Wayne and al- his magazine.” the people, being fully informed, to decide low him to lure in more suckers like you?” Why wouldn’t I? Every able bodied what actions they must take to preserve and I continued writing for the biker maga- male between 18 and 45 is a member of the defend their liberty. zines, doing a series for Motorcycle In- Militia and can be called up by the Gover- The Free American is unabashedly, dustry and Easyriders entitled, “Made in nor. I did it with the Governor’s full knowl- pro-American. Too many of our ancestors America”. I covered the Illusion, Victory edge. In case of an emergency, we were at fought and died to protect our Constitution, and Ultra being built by Rey Sotello. his command. Gary Johnson ran for Presi- the oldest in the world, to insure that we Another article on South County Mo- dent last year. would retain those liberties spelled out in torcycles and a phone call to the bank- In a forerunner to the Ron Paul Revo- our Bill of Rights. ruptcy attorney suggesting they allow Rey lution, Charles Collins was the first to sign Based on the knowledge we have Sotello to produce the Indians Baughman up as a Presidential Candidate in the Re- compiled over the last years of publica- had taken a deposit on, resulted in the pro- publican Party in 1996. I featured him. He tion, we believe there is a verifiable, well duction of Indians once more…for a time. wanted to buy back the Federal Reserve. documented plan to force Americans into (Another Story another time) He was a Rhodes Scholar, former banker, a Global Government, complete with one From those days to this, it appears that land owner and brilliant man. world banking, a global ID system, an in- I have been under attack. Why, for one sto- Charles and I, along with hundreds ternational police force, and a disarmed ry, a story that could have sold to another of Patriotic Americans were demonized populous. This is unacceptable to us per- magazine for several hundred dollars? in reports like “False Patriots” and “40 to sonally and incompatible with our Consti- Would they have published it? Was every- Watch” by the SPLC and “Armed and Dan- tution and Bill of Rights. thing business as usual or was something gerous” by the ADL. Their criticism in the Those who advocate such a global happening outside of normal business? early days was mild. The Rhetoric would system and the dismantling of our Bill of Perhaps I should have taken the CIA intensify in the future as I uncovered more Rights, are either misguided, uninformed warning more seriously. Jewish involvement in World Affairs and or, if totally knowledgeable, traitors to this After Indian, I worked for an investor history. These Jewish owned and operated country. We will expose them. The Free to produce motorcycles in Vegas, under organizations send their reports to the FBI American is not affiliated with any politi- contract. He tried to put his brother-in-law and Homeland Security. Just like the Jew- cal party, religious sect, secret society, cult, in over me as the president. When I told ish owned media, where the Palestinians club or movement. We do not advocate vio- the investor his brother-in-law was an id- are always the terrorists, the FBI listed me lence but we stress the right of self-defense iot, he fired me and sued me to keep me and my magazine in their “Guide to Right- and the individual’s right to bear arms, to from doing a story on them. I counter-sued wing Extremists”. Gov. Johnson recalled be free of intrusive government, to privacy and won. I then started the Free American the booklets from every police station is and the pursuit of life, liberty and happi- Magazine and the Militia in New Mexico New Mexico. ness. working with the “Wake Up America group ADL Segment on Clay Douglas. I believed that in 1994 and I believe in Albuquerque. It was hardly the Terror- “As in neighboring Arizona, the orga- that today. But my magazine was gone. ist Threat the ADL, SPLC and BATF tried nization of militias in New Mexico is in the The attacks in the form of “reports” shifted to paint it as. We were just a bunch guys nascent stages. Thus far, the most visible into high gear. SPLC went after “Sovereign spending a few hour on an NRA range with manifestation of pro-militia sentiment in Citizens” or anyone who happened to be- a certified instructor. My teenage sons in- New Mexico has been found in The Free lieve we are supposed to be free and inde- cluded. They out shot everyone! American, a monthly newspaper published pendent. The Militias were formed with the ap- privately by Clayton R. Douglas and his When I talk about the ADL and the proval of Gov. Gary Johnson in his office. wife, Jan Douglas. The September 1994 is- SPLC, I am not putting down or blaming He and the Chief of Police of the New sue contained an advertisement declaring: all Jews for the criminal behavior of a few Mexico State Police and every state repre- “It’s Time To Take Matters Into Our Own wealthy families. These are well funded, sentative in NM got a copy every month. Hands. It’s Time To Protect Our Constitu- private propaganda machines designed to I had national distribution for The Free tion! Join The New Mexico Unorganized eliminate all opposition. They are hiding American. It was selling in Barnes and No- Militia.” The accompanying phone number behind the Jews they sacrificed in Russia, bel, Books a Million, Hasting and more. for more information was the number of Germany and Poland to drive others to I started my Free American radio show the newspaper itself.” “Armed and Danger- Palestine, a Rothschild Colony at the time. on Truth Radio and WWCR Shortwave. ous” by the ADL. There is a detailed time line in my book! Then OKC happened. The BATF was That much is true. Here is the stated I need the help and support of all of absent. One agent was standing across reason for my work that they appear to be my readers and listeners. We have to make the street who just happened to have been so afraid of. This heading has appeared on moves and we need advertising, donations training on White Sands with the type of all of the thousands of copies of my maga- and books sales. Both John Kaminski and ANFO explosives in Timothy (Still in the zine over the years. myself have been forced into poverty. Be- Army) McVeigh’s truck. So he was able to Editorial Viewpoint cause we could not be silenced, intimidated call Dallas and tell them what was used to The Free American remains commit- or compromised like Alex Jones, we have blow up the building. ted to bringing the truth to the American been neutralized through Economic means. 4 Free American Jan. 1 2014 No one wants to support a terrorist, so these drugs. psychiatrists to see if I was competent to organizations, all Jewish owned, have to I ran them off with the caveat, “Well, handle my own affairs. They determined I paint us when we are the ones that want thanks for the high boys, but it wasn’t near was eccentric but sane. Guardianship was to uphold the Constitutional Republic we as good as the acid you brought in to us in denied. were guaranteed by the Constitution. This the Sixties.” My wife and sons believed the doctors is an old war and we are warriors getting I considered the excessive drugging the who told them I might never be the same old. It is time for all of you reading this to second attempt on my life. again. They did not believe I had been ap- support those of us willing to risk death, There was a third. proached by the CIA. Neither were they imprisonment and demonization to fight A woman showed up with an eight aware that was the second time I had been for your Liberty. inch syringe filled with a purple liquid and threatened by that agency. After I had been publishing the Free a 3 inch needle. The first time had been after I printed American for ten years I put building #7 “Hi, Mr. Douglas. I need to give you the story of George Herbert Walker Bush on the cover of my nationally distributed this injection.” and Bill Clinton’s drug smuggling “Op- hard copy magazine in March of 2004. In “Oh yeah? What is that?” eration Watchtower” in my Miami based April of 2004 the story broke in the New “It is just a tranquilizer,” she told me. “Rider’s Exchange” magazine. York Times that Bush had allowed the NSA “Well, lady, I don’t feel like being tran- “We are going to let you live, this time, to tap our phones. On May 20th mine was quil today. I’ll pass.” Clay. That was vetted during Noriega’s tri- tapped, an accident arranged and I was sent “You have to. I have to give this to al. But don’t do anything like that again.” to the hospital where a ¾ million dollar you!” I suppose putting Building #7 on the hospital bill was created by drugging me “No ma’am, I don’t know what that is, cover of my March 2004 Free American for 3 months. They told my family I had a I don’t know who you are, the doctor did was the straw that broke the camel’s back. severe brain injury and fed me Morphine, not prescribe that to me and I have the right Or perhaps it was my reference to 9-11 on Halcyon, Haldol and Valium in such quan- to refuse medication!” the air, as an exaggerated case of “Jewish tities I have no memory of three months “ I have to give this to you. I am going Lightning” When I got of the hospital, the of my life in three hospitals. My sons and to go get Security and they will hold you Free American was no longer in publica- wife kept the magazine we had started in down while I give this to you.” tion. My son’s had not been able to keep Arizona the year before going while I lay “Go get them!” I told her. that going. The property in New Mexico drugged in the hospital. My sons finally And she did. She returned with four was shut down. It took less than a month told the third hospital to take me off the St. Joesph Hospital Security guards in uni- for my family to abandon me. I was angry drugs and they did. A few days later, I was form. and became hostile as I found out about the up, walking, fully conversational, having to I took them aside and pulled off the best attempts to get me committed and to get carry my coffee in my right hand because bluff of my life. Keep in mind that I had not guardianship and them trying to make ar- of the three broken ribs and broken collar eaten anything for 3 months. They had been rangements for “long term care”. The doc- bone injured in the “accident”. There was feeding me intravenously and I had lost 50 tors had to try to justify their procedures little evidence of the effects of the “severe pounds or more. I might not have been able and the massive hospital bill. My sons did brain injury” I had supposedly sustained. to do what I told them I would do but I was not want me getting back in the business. I was having severe hallucinations at still 6’4” and still had my biker attitude. They feared with justification, that I would times, but I said nothing to my family, the “A couple of things you need to know try to bring the Free American back. doctors or the nurses about them. boys. I am NOT taking that shot! When I My wife of 24 years had a profound Then two men showed up and asked me was in Special Force they taught me how calming effect on my life. I met her while if I was having hallucinations. I confirmed to hurt people. Here is what is going to working with her father, James T. Ralph. I I had been. They said, “You can thank us happen if you try to hold me down. You, went from Seattle to Sacramento to meet for that!” Chubby, I am going to rip out your throat. him in the largest mansion in the capitol. They told me they were with the CIA. I You, I am going to break your legs, you I I went there to take over and run a pipe asked, “What are you doing in this country am going to break both your arms and you, business he had bought for Janet, American and why are you fucking with me?” Shorty, I am going to smash your kneecaps Horse. I was told they did not like me publish- but you may never walk again!” Her father was one of the political elite ing Arizona’s Thunder Riders Magazine. They did not try to hold me down. The administrator types. A colonel in the army, “It is just a motorcycle magazine, why woman disappeared. A week later I was al- James T. Ralph became the Secretary of would you care about that?” lowed to leave the hospital. But they had Agriculture of California. Under Kennedy/ The answer to that was not apparent to told my family to get guardianship, make Johnson, James Tyree Ralph was Assis- me at that moment. I had only been con- arrangements for long term care and to tant Secretary for Agricultural Stabiliza- scious for a few days and was not aware make sure that I continued to take medica- tion, January 1961-March 1962 (fired for that my brilliant and talented sons had “fig- tion like Depacote. The contraindications accepting gifts from Billie Sol Estes; Sec. ured out” my software and programs and told me that it could cause heart attacks. Freeman subsequently shook up the USDA had kept the motorcycle magazine going. I told my family the only medication I assistant secretary responsibilities) The “problem” in their eyes, was that I needed was a joint and a Harley. I mention this only because he was still had a source of income and was still My wife thought the doctors had saved partially responsible for me loosing every- alive despite what I considered an attempt my life. I told her they tried to kill me. The thing. to overdose me with their pharmaceutical court sent out investigators and sent me to After I met Janet and fell in love, she Free American Jan. 1 2014 5 showed me where and how he was cooking background includes publishing three term, and history has long ago revealed books and doing fraudulent transactions to magazines and writing for most major mo- how he engineered Pearl Harbor to get us get money out of me. We left. He didn’t torcycle Publications like Easyriders, Mo- into WW II, which killed 57 million. come to our wedding. I told him I was a torcycle Industry and American Free Press Just before World War I, the sentiment firm believer in family and if he wanted to of Washington, D.C. in America was decidedly pro-German, and be a father to his daughter and a grandfa- Gaylen Brotherson, CEO of MBA Hold- more the half of all the immigrants com- ther to our sons, we should just let the past ings, stated that, “We are happy to give a ing to this developing land WERE Ger- go. We did that for 24 years. But after my voice to National Motorcycle Dealers As- man. Nobody wanted to get involved in a “Accident” Janet went out to visit her sister, sociation and Thunder Riders gives us a European war. But the media, owned by the staying with her father in Tennessee. Her platform to showcase and promote our same people who were making the weap- sister was ill and died within a few weeks. Blue Sky, Street Eagle, Rent 2 Ride, and ons, convinced us, apparently, by suddenly She stayed for the funeral then told me she WorldWide rental divisions nationwide. and savagely telling hair-raising false sto- wanted a 6 month separation. I filed for a The paper will also help meet the needs ries about the Germans. divorce. Later I learned that her father had of our dealers and agents to promote all of This is the great fact Americans contin- told her, if she came back to me, he would our insurance products and new products in ue to ignore. Instead of understanding that disinherit her. the future. It is a good acquisition for our bankers create the wars, we prefer to believe Without her and my sons to help me, company, and our company’s bottom line the prejudicial hate-speak that emanates I ran through the usual supply of greedy, to help build MBA Holdings.” from American media that our enemies are lazy or just plain dishonest employees. The The matters set forth in this press re- “krauts,” “gooks,” and “ragheads,” without advertising and the quality of Thunder Rid- lease are forward-looking statements within remembering, as the great suppressed writ- ers stayed high and I made a deal with a the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions ers have told us, that the folks who control publicly traded company to sell part of my of the Private Securities Litigation Reform the money also control everything else. magazine with the intention of restarting Act of 1995. These forward-looking state- Slowly, we are learning that our real en- the Free American. We made the deal on a ments are subject to risks and uncertainties emies are really the misanthropes making Thursday. The put out the following press that may cause actual results to differ mate- those statements, the bigwigs who control release on a Friday. I went into my new of- rially. These risks are detailed from time to the flow of real wealth with imaginary rules fice on Monday. It was virtually a reenact- time in the company’s periodic reports filed that are nothing but blatant crime schemes. ment of my encounter with Baughman. with the Securities and Exchange Commis- We are learning that these anti-human bil- The CEO was white and shaking. “I sion including the company’s Annual Re- lionaires — whose income is derived en- can’t go through with this Clay. Every port, Quarterly Reports, and other periodic tirely from legalized crime — are the true stockholder has been contacted and told filings. These forward-looking statements enemies of all civilized people. what a right wing, racist, anti-Semite you speak only as of the date hereof. The com- And worse, we are learning that our are. My stock is crashing like a rock. They pany disclaims any intent or obligation to leaders are owned by these people, these are threatening to impeach me from my update these forward-looking statements. billionaires, who run the world anonymous- own company!” Contact: ly from behind the scenes, and use puppets My hear sank but I walked out and did Gaylen Brotherson CEO like Obama, Putin, Castro and Chavez to not threaten him with legal action. Within (480)860-2288 ext # 317 convince the gullible goyim that there are two months, my advertisers started drop- John Kaminski is a regular on my actually competing political philosophies ping out. shows. I urge you to tune in. He sent me in the world, when in fact there are not. the following information. I want you to Republicans/Democrats, two wings of the MBA Holdings, Inc Acquires Thunder do more than just listen. Another war is same bird! C.R. Douglas Riders MagazineSCOTTSDALE, AZ -- planned and imminent! We must prepare Why war is inevitable http://johnkamin- (MARKET WIRE) -- November 1, 2005 on the home front without relying on a gov- -- MBA Holdings, Inc. (OTC BB: MBAH) ernment that is behind and profiting from Jonathan Williams recorded in his Le- is pleased to announce that it has acquired millions of deaths and misery for millions. gions of Satan (1781) that General Corn- the assets of Arizona’s Thunder Riders Mo- There is a way! wallis revealed to General Washington dur- torcycle Magazine and other related maga- ing the signing of the Article of Capitulation zines and products. The current publisher To make a Donation via PayPal to Clay signed by Cornwallis at Yorktown that: “A and owner Clay Douglas sold the majority Douglas [email protected] holy war will now begin on America, and of the company in a cash and stock sale. CLICK HERE when it is ended America will be suppos- A new Limited Liability Company was Excerpt from Mystery Babylon here edly the citadel of freedom, but her mil- formed called MBA Publishing, LLC. Mr. EXCERPT FROM MYSTERY BABY- lions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to Douglas will retain the title of Publisher LON ABOUT WHAT THEY HAVE the Crown.” Cornwallis went on to explain and a percentage of ownership and stock in TRIED TO DO TO CLAY DOUGLAS what would seem to be a self contradiction, the company. The Arizona company, with “Your churches will be used to teach the current offices in Phoenix, Arizona, will “Just before World War I, Woodrow Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred move its headquarters to MBA’s offices in Wilson was the peace candidate, but later years the whole nation will be working for the near future. lit the fuse that killed 25 million people. Divine World Government. That govern- Clay Douglas has been the publisher Franklin Roosevelt said he’d keep us out ment that they believe to be divine will be of Thunder Riders for three years. His of war just before he was elected to a third the British Empire. All religions will be 6 Free American Jan. 1 2014 permeated with Judaism without even be- large number of people who are not nearly after “Sovereign Citizens” or anyone who ing noticed by the masses, and they will all as knowledgeable as you and get all their happened to believe we are supposed to be be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the news from the controlled mainstream. That free and independent. When I talk about the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.” General is why I am asking for your support finan- ADL and the SPLC, I am not putting down Cornwallis to General Washington as re- cially. or blaming all Jews for the criminal behav- corded by Jonathan Williams, ‘Legions of ior of a few wealthy families. These are Satan’, 1781. To make a Donation via PayPal to Clay well funded, private propaganda machines I have always maintained that a war is Douglas [email protected] CLICK designed to eliminate all opposition. They being waged right now with the real En- HERE are hiding behind the Jews they sacrificed emies of Liberty operating within our bor- Excerpt from Mystery Babylon here.. in Russia, Germany and Poland to drive ders. Even the mainstream is repeating that EXCERPT FROM MYSTERY BABYLON others to Palestine, a Rothschild Colony at observation these days but they would have ABOUT WHAT THEY HAVE TRIED TO the time. There is a detailed time line in my you believe that people like me are the en- DO TO CLAY DOUGLAS book! emy. As the Elitists expand their definition To make a Donation via PayPal to Clay I need the help and support of all of of “Enemies” the battle will begin to be Douglas [email protected] my readers and listeners. We have to make bloody. CLICK HERE moves and we need advertising, donations NDAA was the prelude to Martial Law and books sales. Both John Kaminski and by suspending Posse Comitatus, much as Editorial Viewpoint myself have been forced into poverty. Be- NAFTA contributed to the Exodus of Mexi- The Free American remains commit- cause we could not be silenced, intimidated can farmers as drug mules into this country. ted to bringing the truth to the American or compromised like Alex Jones, we have My film, “True Face of FEMA” warned of people. We believe that in a free society, been neutralized through Economic means. their plans for forced inoculations and the it is the job of the press to be the watch- No one wants to support a terrorist, so these use of troops in case of a major natural di- man of the government. It then falls upon organizations, all Jewish owned, have to saster over ten years ago. Lecturing Law the people, being fully informed, to decide paint us when we are the ones that want Enforcement in Albuquerque, FEMA of- what actions they must take to preserve and to uphold the Constitutional Republic we ficial Col. John Brinkerhoff, referred to a defend their liberty. were guaranteed by the Constitution. This long war on Terror and he said it will be The Free American is unabashedly, is an old war and we are warriors getting fought here and may be longer than the pro-American. Too many of our ancestors old. It is time for all of you reading this to Cold War. “And the Enemy is weak.” fought and died to protect our Constitution, support those of us willing to risk death, In 30 years of publishing and broadcasting the oldest in the world, to insure that we imprisonment and demonization to fight I have never been sued for libel or slander. would retain those liberties spelled out in for your Liberty. Clayton. R. Douglas It has never been more important to inform, our Bill of Rights. To make a Donation via PayPal to Clay organize and oppose this NWO plan for Based on the knowledge we have Douglas [email protected] Global control. Their plans for total control compiled over the last years of publica- CLICK HERE are almost in place. Only committed people tion, we believe there is a verifiable, well Excerpt from Mystery Babylon here working together and supporting each oth- documented plan to force Americans into EXCERPT FROM MYSTERY BABY- er and or rights as individuals can this grim a Global Government, complete with one LON ABOUT WHAT THEY HAVE vision be forestalled or prevented. We have world banking, a global ID system, an in- TRIED TO DO TO CLAY DOUGLAS the minds and plans to regain sovereignty ternational police force, and a disarmed www, and restore liberty. populous. This is unacceptable to us per- Their tactics, and their attacks on me are sonally and incompatible with our Consti- included in my latest book, “Mystery Bab- tution and Bill of Rights. ylon, the New World Order Unveiled” that Those who advocate such a global covers my history in the Patriot Movement system and the dismantling of our Bill of including the suspicious accident, drugging Rights, are either misguided, uninformed in the hospitals and disruption of day to day or, if totally knowledgeable, traitors to this business. As soon as this book came out, country. We will expose them. The Free rumors about me that had no basis in real- American is not affiliated with any politi- ity began flying all over Tucson. Meetings cal party, religious sect, secret society, cult, were disrupted; supporters and advertisers club or movement. We do not advocate vio- continue to be harassed. I had five bank ac- lence but we stress the right of self-defense counts closed down by a million dollars in and the individual’s right to bear arms, to hot checks that came in as investments and be free of intrusive government, to privacy donation. My website is blocked in most and the pursuit of life, liberty and happi- libraries and major companies around the ness. country. Their serious attacks on me con- tinue until this day. These are designed to I believed that in 1994 and I believe impoverish and handicap me both socially that today. Now my magazine is back and and on a business level. They have tried to affordable. The attacks in the form of “re- destroy my ability to communicate with the ports” shifted into high gear. SPLC went Free American Jan. 1 2014 7 WE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY people through lies, fear, and intimidation. deem inconvenient. While at the same time The A message to the world We have also fallen to a Financial United States Government points the finger at by Chuck Smith Elite with no loyalty to anything but wealth. other Regimes who have done the same, but The transcript of the viral Video As has happened in the past to other Na- where it is still (technically) against the law.