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Political Information Jan 24, 2014 - Africa’s bad omen of world war Political Information Jan 24, 2014 - US NGO Uncovered in Ukraine Protests Translations - Others Jan 24, 2014 - Italian: Sa-Ra 18: Auto-Umiliazione Translations - Candace Jan 24, 2014 - Italian: DOPO ENLIL Political Information Jan 24, 2014 - Irish Origins of Modern Civilisations (Repost) Ron: Food for thought. Whether Irish inhabitants were Atlantaen remnants that migrated to Scythia and Egypt et al or not it does seem that Moses and the Israelites were Hyksos related and that the deep hatred of true religion and gentiles stems from the expulsion from Egypt of the Hyksos (Shepherd Kings) and their Miletian entourage and allies and that the Atonist "Israelites" (however described) have been the source of the secretive Talmudic control of humanity ever since. It is not clear to me just how the Irish derived Scythians and Atonists related to Enlil's rule in Egypt and the world but I assume that they have always opposed his rule and what it represented. No doubt we will find out soon enough.

Political Information Jan 23, 2014 - War gear: Weaponry & armor of rioters in Kiev (PHOTOS) Ron: This is how the Jews started their Bolshevik COUP in Russia in 1917. Most Russian Christians DID NOTHING! They just watched the Jews murder the Russian Christians who resisted them. First the Jews came for the Police; then they came for the government officials; then they came for the Tsar and his family, and finally they came for the Russian Christians who had just watched the proceedings. The result? Alexandr Solzhenitsyn says that five million Jews murdered 66 million Russian Christians and starved to death 10 million Ukrainian Christians in the Holodomor. Amerikkans who smugly think that it won't happen to them need to think again, The Bolshevik Jews who are organising this bloody pseudo revolution (ie COUP attempt) in Kiev actually live in the US and control it and so YOUR turn is coming USans. For some insight into how the Jews who control the US organise and create pseudo "democratic" coups in foreign countries see eg: How Wall Street Manipulates & Manufactures Atrocities (and the articles referenced therein) at Manufactures-Atrocities.shtml See also: Aung San Suu Kyi: complicity with tyranny at with-tyranny.shtml.As regards what Jews do whan they obtain power, Alexander Solzhenitsyn , Nobel Prizewinner and author of The Gulag Archipelago, in a speech in Washington in 1975 said of the Soviet Bolshevik Soviet system which was deemed worthy of recognition as an Alliy fighting 'for Democracy' against 'Dictators' in WWII: "This was a system which, in time of peace, artificially created a famine causing SIX MILLION PERSONS to die in the Ukraine between 1932 and 1933. They died on the very threshold of Europe. And Europe didn't even notice it. The world didn't even notice it. SIX MILLION PERSONS!" (Alexander Solzhenitsyn Speaks to the West (1978) p 16)

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Ukrainians would do well to remember the Holodomor and what happened to their brother Russians under the Jews. ].

Rosie Jan 23, 2014 - Seraphin Message 169: MEDITATION TO DRAW YOU AWAY FROM THE SAME "Remember the glorious scenes you have been given, the vistas of endless opportunity and realise the potential for change, for every little detail you have seen will have meaning for you in your life on earth. Hold this memory in your heart as you re-enter the archway and gaze down at the myriad avenues of your past with new eyes. Place your seal of gratitude on this experience, for you have accessed the precious GOD OR GODDESS WITHIN who has given you these insights"

Political Information Jan 23, 2014 - The Unacknowledged Victims of Violence Political Information Jan 23, 2014 - The Culture of Greed and the Suicide of Evil. They see humanity as chattel. Of course, a prominent group of players in this environment believe the arguably Satanic preachings of The Talmud ...and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, clearly state where these characters are coming from. You hear from affiliated sources that 'the protocols' are a fabrication. Since they mirror to a precise degree the actual and observable behavior of this group and since the historical record also corroborates much of their previous activities, I'm in the camp that believes it is legitimate. - Les Visible

Political Information Jan 23, 2014 - The ‘King of the Jews’ Is Dead Political Information Jan 23, 2014 - ’s ‘shameful betrayal’ for Palestinians It is estimated, according to the Financial Times and other sources, that Saudi Arabia and Qatar have funnelled more than $9 billion into Syria over the past three years to pay wages and supply weapons to the extremist brigades, such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Jabhat al Nusra and the . Ironically, for the UN humanitarian appeal for Syria, held in Kuwait earlier this week, both Saudi Arabia and Qatar pledged a combined total of $120 million. In other words, these two Persian Gulf monarchies have spent 75 times more on fuelling conflict and destruction in Syria than what they are now pledging in “humanitarian assistance”. - Finian cunnngham.

Political Information Jan 23, 2014 - Michael Tsarion - The Irish Origins of Civilization - 3/6 Ron: Michael Tsarion is wrong when he suggests that Esu Immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ) was a fiction but he is correct in saying that the christian religion was set up by Romans and Pharisees. He is also probably correct in saying that and that the Hyksos, the shepherd kings of Egypt, were the Israelites and that they were NOT slaves but rulers in Egypt. They were in Egypt for over 300 years before Moses and his 'Levite' people were expelled for AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 3 their crimes and oppression of Egyptians. Sound familiar? The Levites were not necssarily priests nor did they have an allotted part of Canaan to occupy. The True Exodus - Thus began an orgy of looting and violence as the departing Hyksos- Israelites stripped the land bare. It was destruction on an unprecendented scale and it prompted the Theban pharoah, when he saw the ruins of Avaris, to declare that this was not just greed, but avarice! - Ralph Ellis Tsarion's views on the origins of the Sychians and Irish history are speculative and he ignores the fact that the Annunaki sowed the seeds of civilisation in Sumer and Egypt.

Political Information Jan 23, 2014 - ISRAEL STEALS PALESTINIAN HERITAGE & HISTORY Political Information Jan 23, 2014 - Jewish Tyranny and Anti-Semitism Through the Ages Ron: I haven't checked and annotated this article but post it because it contains much true information. There are some inaccuracies and ommissions that require considerable time to insert which i don't have currently. Be aware though, that the Judeans that the Romans expelled from Judea and Galilee (Palestine) were Temple worshippers aka Pharisees and Saducees. The Romans virtually eliminated the Sadducees but the Pharisees continued and morphed into the neo-Pharisees after the Khazars adopted the Pharisees Judaic beliefs and practices. This author does not mention that the Rothschilds created the Illuminati and that the Illuminati then organised the French Revolution. To include everything the author would have to write a very large book. Never the less, this effort is well worth study. And of course the jews have exposed their criminal arrogance much more in the last ten years ie after the period studied in this article.

Political Information Jan 23, 2014 - Cops on fire as Molotov cocktails flare, flash and bang over Kiev Ron: Can you imagine the US, British or any other Jew controlled Western government allowing this sort of violence and treasonous insurrection by CIA and other foreign financed and controlled thugs attacking their government offices in capital cities? I can't. In the US you can get beaten up and murdered for J walking, whittling a stick in public or failing to take your meds and causing a domestic disturbance. Next time the Jewmedia tells you that the Ukrainian cops are brutally suppressing peaceful (Jew-organised) demonstraters in Kiev remember these videos. Question: WHY aren't these violent mobs treated like TERRORISTS, which they obviously are? THIS is how the JEW-centric USraeli and EU initiated their attacks on Libya and Syria. Also, Ukrainians need to be reminded that this is the sort of insurrection that led to the Bolshevik Jews' RED REVOLUTIONARY coup in Russia in 1917. Query whether Ukrainians want to repeat that scenario which resulted in the Holodomor? The CAUSE of these EFFECTS is the fear that the 103,000 Jews in the Ukraine have of losing their control of the country. See: Jews tremble at the rise of the far-right in Jew controlled Ukraine - the-far-right-in-Jew-controlled-Ukraine.shtml In contrast with the restrain of the Ukrainian police, in Amerikka the cops will shoot to kill IF they SAY they THOUGHT you might hurt them.

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Russia Today says: Reports from Maidan said the protesters have been divided over the role of the aggressive radicals in protests, some arguing they are necessary to bring down the government of the President Viktor Yanukovich, and others saying such riots only undermine the movement that started last year in protest of Yanukovich’s refusal to sign the EU association agreement. The police opted for tear gas and stun grenades to contain the rioting crowd, which the Ridus website estimated at around 2,000 people. See: Note also. that the global Jewmedia does not mention that a mere 2,000 violent thugs are beseiging the Ukrainian government, having already hospitalised some 200 police and counting. The global media seeks to imply that the Ukrainian population, ie 45 million people, want to reject non usurious Russian financial and economic assistance in favour of usurious Jew bankster loans and austerity measures similar to those applied in Greece, Spain, Portugal. Ireland et al. Ukrainians live in a sea of lies as do we. ALL mass media in the Ukraine is controlled by Jews.

Environment/Science Jan 22, 2014 - Quantum Theory Proves That Consciousness Moves to Another Universe After Death Ron: Discernment required. This article gives some idea of how mainstream science is moving but the actual conclusions suffer the usual distortions and inaccuracies. Suggesting that every choice creates a new universe makes existance absurd and implicitly discredits the thinking involved. Presumably mainstream scientists are allowed to postulate these things because they distort the truth.

True US History Jan 22, 2014 - Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax “[T]he names and ‘contextually identifying information of involved children’ were withheld, including descriptions of the children, their clothing and their belongings”–Reuben F. Bradford, Commissioner, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Remarkably, the report does not even include the names, the ages or the sex of the alleged victims of the shooting. There is no actual identification of any of the dead. Even the Danbury, CT, Newstimes found it unsatisfying. And the 52 “autopsy photos” that accompany the report are redacted.. Anyone with the inclination can comb through hundreds of years of American crime reports and will not find an instance in the which the names, the ages or the sex of the victims is not given–with the exception of victims of sex crimes. - Vivian Lee, Sofia Smallstorm, James Tracy, Jim Fetzer and the Sandy Hook Research Group

Political Information Jan 22, 2014 - Kevin O'Leary says 3.5 billion people living in poverty is 'fantastic news' Ron: This is why humanity has to lose the money meme asap. Oxfam says that the wealth of the world's 85 richest people is equal to the three and a half BILLION poorest people and Kevin O'Leary says on TV that that is a CELEBRATORY FACT, as it implies that IF poor people work hard they may be stinking rich some day. He also says: "Don't tell me that you want to redistribute wealth again. That's never gonna happen."

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Prima facie: IF the Celestials don't "redistribute" the said richest people AND their fuckwitted minions and supporter like Kevin O'Leary to some other primitive planet very "soon", they will be shredded by humanity on this one.

True US History Jan 22, 2014 - How And Why An American Military Coup Could Save The World horse 237: Lichtenstein has 73,700 holding or so-called ‘letter box’ companies that will need to be seized. Lichtenstein also has foundations which are financial entities created to increase the privacy of nonresident foreigners’ financial holdings. Some of these are 3 and 4 generations family trusts for people who have exploited mankind for more than a century. There are bullion deposits and safe deposit boxes. It should be emphasized that we will not be seizing all assets but just those from criminal families and organizations. The big banks launder a trillion dollars a year in drug and gun running money. Asia Times told us that 500 billion dollars a year in bribes for the world’s politicians. The bankers are allowed to steal between 3 and 4 billion dollars a week from federal spending which we are not allowed to properly audit. You do remember Donald Rumsfeld saying on 9-10-2001 that 2.3 trillion dollars was missing from the Department of Defense? There is also the question of the ruling families having lied us into WW I, WW II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars. These people need to make restitution for more than 100 years of their lies, thefts, and wars. Ron: I don't endorse these recommendations but many of the facts stated need to be known and understood and many actions along similar lines to those outlined need to be implemented. For instance I think that a complete debt and elimination of usury appear to be essential in order to reset the global economy and to give humanity a fresh start.

True US History Jan 22, 2014 - 2014: The Year The Lies Stop Working? The Underlying Lie that no harm will come to you and your family is wearing a little thin. The Lie was always some form of the belief that if I say nothing then they will never harm me. “They” can kill people by dropping bombs on unarmed civilians, but they will never harm me. “They” can force poor people in the United States or Africa or Latin America to sell their public utilities to the Bilderbergers, but they will never harm me. “They” can kill my President or my favorite political candidate or even the most noted civil rights leader in the United States, but they will never harm me. “They” can salt the earth with Depleted Uranium, but they will not harm me. - horse 237

True US History Jan 22, 2014 - The Russo-Chinese Pincer Movement Against The US Treasury and The FED Ron: There seems to be a lot of truth in this article and the associated video. I understand that Chinese interests have owned the Federal Reserve System since some time in 2010. Presumably China largely owns the US already. Why isn't the US being identified as a terrorist organisation? - Dr Jim Willie

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Political Information Jan 22, 2014 - Jewish Crypsis -- The Name Game Parts 1-3 Ron: Ever notice that, as with all Jewish crimes and deceptions, Jews reckon its the fault of non-Jews that Jews change their names in order to deceive non-Jews. for instance Theresa Staurosa says: 'Until recently I've always appreciated having an ambiguous name. Its nice to reveal your ethnicity when YOU feel like it when it feels safe. WHEN ITS YOUR CHOICE.' - Theresa Staurosa Ron: As with everything else, its all about what benefits the Jews... of hiding behind a name that's not identifiably Jewish. By pretending not to be a Jew. Thus the Jewish FIFTH COLUMN throughout the world has both overt and covert operatives.

Political Information Jan 21, 2014 - Jews tremble at the rise of the far-right in Jew controlled Ukraine Ron: The CONTINUING fate of the Ukraine gives you some idea of what a godsend Putin has been for Russia and WHY Putin still has to treat Jews with great care both within Russia and globally. Parasitic Jewish oligarchs STILL control much wealth and most media assets in Russia and of course Jews totally dominate mainstream global media and Western politics. THAT is why all you ever hear from the global media is anti-Putin, anti-Russian and anti- Ukrainian government rhetoric including total bullshit about the Kiev protesters and whinging from sodomites and Pussy Rioters who are no longer allowed to corrupt and pollute Russian society and its religious and public venues. And PLEASEE don't tell me that its anti-Semitic to criticise the fact that Jews (ie 0.2% of the Ukrainian population) control ALL Ukrainian TV and mass media and almost 40% of the seats in the Ukrainian Parliament. In effect, 103,000 Jews dominate and control 45 million Ukrainians. Is it any wonder that Jews, AS A COLLECTIVE, are arrogant pricks? The situation in Britain, France, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the US and many other nations, is just as bad, and it is even worse in Germany where genocide and almost 70 years of total Judaic oppression and mind control has convinced many Germans that Jews are victims rather than the vicious, parasitic oppressors. Incidentally, when you hear mention of the Russian Mafia, KNOW that that is a euphemism for JEWS of Russian origin which libels the Russian people!

Environment/Science Jan 21, 2014 - Graphene - Material of the future

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Modern marvel: A piece of graphene. Photo: Getty Images

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jan 21, 2014 - Von nun an Mutter Maria durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Education Jan 21, 2014 - The Terra Papers, Pdf We are posting these for comparison to other material but there is a great deal of misinfo in this one.....

Translations - Others Jan 21, 2014 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 168: RICOLLEGARE LE VOSTRE MENTI AL DIVINO Translations - Others Jan 21, 2014 - Italian: Messaggi da Seraphin 2013, Pdf. Par Candace Jan 21, 2014 - French: APRÈS ENLIL Par CM, Esu, Enki, et Enlil par Candace, traduit par Marie-Louise.

Telepathische Nachrichten (Candace) Jan 20, 2014 - Nach Enlil Christus Michael, Esu, Enki und Enlil durch Candace, Übersetzung Harald Kühn und Kathy

True US History Jan 20, 2014 - From Austerity to Prosperity: Why I Am Running for California Treasurer True US History Jan 20, 2014 - GAY [Ron: ie Homosexual] SAN FRANCISCO SPITS IN PUTIN'S FACE; DISHONORS HEROIC RUSSIAN SAILORS AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 8

Ron: Another victory for Jewish sodomites. RUSSIAN SAILORS DIE FIGHTING THE FIRE Russian heroism saves hundreds of lives, and the city itself. The Russian fleet loses 6 brave men that day. Every year, for the past century and a half, San Francisco has commemorated the disastrous fire and the supreme Russian sacrifice. “At the last minute, I got a message from the City Hall of San Francisco saying that the municipality ceases all plans to participate in this event, and the same message was received by the Russian Consulate General. Why? Because the gay community threatened the San Francisco City Hall to hold a protest against Russia at the event.” - Leonid Nakhodkin, Russian-American Organizer It should be remembered that, when saving the lives of San Francisco residents, the Russian sailors did not differentiate among sexual orientation and saved everyone they could.” Public recognition of perversion is OK, but remembering Russian heroism is not.

Political Information Jan 20, 2014 - China's Empty Cities House 64 Million Empty Apartments Vast new cities are being built across China at a rate of ten a year, but they remain almost completely uninhabited ghost towns..."There are around 64 million empty apartments in China," claims analyst Gillem Tulloch. Ron: I wonder whether the Chinese government is building huge inland cities to cater for population movements from coastal areas in the event that Earth changes innundate highly populated coastal and lowland areas? It's hard to believe that the Chinese elite would just encourage the building of huge cities if they didn't expect anyone to occupy them. That would be as stupid as continuing to sell goods to Amerikka in return for worthless fiat US dollars...

Human/Animal Rights Jan 19, 2014 - Possibly the Most Eye Opening 6 Minutes Ever on Film Ron: We havta stop eating meat Pilgrims. AND we havta realise that consumerist materialism is killing us as well as the planet and every creature on it.

True US History Jan 19, 2014 - Russia Turns Christian …America Turns Jewish

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Political Information Jan 19, 2014 - Esau, Edomites, Phoenicians, Canaanites & Jews Ron: Arguably the Levite priests who wrote the Pentateuch some 800 years AFTER the life of Moses, lied and blood libelled Moses and others in order to establish their vicious, seperatist, genocidal ideology with a g-d to match. The lying plagiarists who wrote the Torah cannot be believed as to matters of fact any more than their ideological descendants today can be believed as regards the HoloHOAX and everything else they say. But there's no denying the effectiveness of the mind control mechanism they established by writing the Torah and Talmud, and socially engineering those who subsequently had the misfortune to be born into the artificial "tribe" they developed using them. The Pharisees were also successful in corrupting the teachings of Esu immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ) by establishing a Christian religion (which was not Esu's intention) and INSERTING the scurrilous portions of the Old Testament into it camoflaged by being coupled with valuable ideas from earlier Sumarian religious teachings and valid information from Israelite prophets. Finally, neo- Pharisees (ie Jews) managed to organise and publicise the Schofield Bible and have it's lying sidenotes widely accepted as truth so that today fundamentalist Christians are closet Talmudists.This article gives some potted history of today's neo-Pharisees ie Jews, aka the Black Nobility, who are the ideological descendants of the Edomites and Phoenicians n'e Canaanites. The Pentateuch which was written 800 years and more AFTER the life of Moses is a total distortion of what the historical Abraham and Moses heard from God, taugh and did. Moreover, the vicious genocidal g-d Yahweh [probably based on Nephelim mythology] was a concoction by the said Levites designed to enslave the simply peoples of Judah. The best of the Israelite prophets rejected the mores and practices of the Canaanites which secretly pervaded the thinking of the authors of the Torah and later, the Talmud. Also, the Israelites actually LEFT Palestine (they did not live in Judea) in captivity, being enslaved by the Assyrians, a century or more BEFORE the crypto Canaanite Levites in Judah even started to write the Pentateuch.

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Political Information Jan 19, 2014 - Israeli kids in the army museum - Itamar Rose Ron: Yet again Jews are crying out in pain as they bash the Palestinians! Jews have been busy genociding and ethnically cleansing Palestinians for 70 years but THIS Jew is telling us that Jews ARE VICTIMS of Palestinian AGITATION AND HATE! Are Jews just THICK or what? They incarcerate, maim and slaughter Palestinians, destroy their homes, gardens, livilhoods and basic water, sewage, electricity and related services year after year while raucously complaining that Jews are being victimised by Palestinian HATE and AGITATION? Really?! Sooo, are Jews just congenitially stupid or do they have some other excuse? Sometimes it seems as if Jews couldn't find their way home if their path wasn't paved with stolen money and the blood of goyim. This video gives you a glimpse of Judaic mind control conditioning processes used from cradle to grave to create mindless Judaic zombies willing to lie, steal and kill to preserve their Talmudic ideology and their hidden bankster masters.

Translations - Others Jan 19, 2014 - Italian: Lo Spirito Creatore di Venere chiama di nuovo Italian Jan 19, 2014 - Italian: Messaggi Mirati Messaggi Mirati Per favore, cari Fratelli Oscuri, ricongiungetevi alla Fratellanza Cosmica citazioni da IL LIBRO DI URANTIA Dic 27, 2013 - 7:47:27 PM Il Libro di Urantia >> Fascicolo 142 >> La Pasqua a Gerusalemme (1604.6) 142:7.11 6. Amore e misericordia. - "Un padre compassionevole perdona generosamente; i padri non nutrono idee di vendetta contro i loro figli. I padri non sono simili né a dei giudici, né a dei nemici, né a dei creditori. Le vere famiglie sono costruite sulla tolleranza, la pazienza ed il perdono".

NON ci può essere Pace nel Cuore o Progresso nella Mente se non ci si innamora con tutto il cuore della Verità e degli IDEALI delle Realtà Eterne. L'umanità è in cammino verso un nuovo e rivelato destino planetario. Il Libro di Urantia >> Fascicolo 160 >> Rodano di Alessandria (1773.5) 160:1.8 1. La filosofia greca di Rodano - ...... (frase estratta dal paragrafo 1.8)...... "La soluzione dei problemi della vita richiede coraggio e sincerità".

Translations - Candace Jan 19, 2014 - Italian: ANDANDO AVANTI Translations - Others Jan 19, 2014 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 167: ESAMINARE SINGOLI FOTOGRAMMI ALLA FINE DEL GIOCO Shellee-Kim Jan 19, 2014 - Sa-Ra 18: Self-Abasement

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"At this juncture, beloveds, there is no time and no energy to be further wasted on defending of (particularly to yourself) or apologising for the attitudes, behaviours and responses of others. And most particularly those closest to you. Truthfully, those not in strength enough within of who they are - and even those that are many a time - dealing with such is extremely self-defeatist. And is nothing short of self- abasement." Sa-Ra

[ Visit Website ]

Political Information Jan 19, 2014 - First world war: an imperial bloodbath that’s a warning, not a noble cause Ron: This is just another superficial analysis in which the author is unable to mention the "Jew" word.

Political Information Jan 19, 2014 - Israel’s Efforts to Limit Use of Holocaust Terms Raise Free-Speech Questions Political Information Jan 19, 2014 - Pope Francis fires all but one cardinals who run Vatican bank just 11 months into their five-year term Political Information Jan 19, 2014 - Thailand: Wall Street to the Rescue Political Information Jan 19, 2014 - Vladimir Putin: gay people at Winter Olympics must 'leave children alone' Political Information Jan 19, 2014 - Judge denies homeschoolers custody of their four children, so they can’t flee German schools “Germany is an occupied country and it will stay that way.” - President Barach Obama ( – 27.April 2012) To understand why such Talmudic attitudes prevail in Germany read: The Federal Republic of Germany, A Rothschildian Financial Agency - Germany-A-Rothschildian-Financial-Agency.shtml And: West German Justice and So-Called National Socialist Violent Crimes. See: Called-National-Socialist-Violent-Crimes.shtml

True US History Jan 19, 2014 - RETURN OF AL-QAIDA Speaking of Afghanistan, former Pentagon chief Leon Panetta admitted that there were no more than 25 to 50 al-Qaida members in Afghanistan. But now, al-Qaida has popped up in Pakistan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, across North Africa, Nigeria, Mali, Central African AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 12

Republic, and so on. Somalia’s anti-western resistance group, Shebab, is also branded “al- Qaida linked.” Back in the Cold War, almost all groups opposing western domination were called communists. Today, al-Qaida has replaced communism as a hot button name. - Eric Margolis

Political Information Jan 19, 2014 - Lobby: ‘Thou shalt not sell Mein Kampf’ Ron: Hitler was right about Jews. Read Mein Kampf and you will agree, unless of course you are a lying, racist, Jew who doesn't want the truth to be known.

Environment/Science Jan 19, 2014 - The Peoples’ Hemp Bank: the Future of Economics?T Political Information Jan 18, 2014 - Israel Executes 3 Little Girls and it Doesn't Matter. Political Information Jan 18, 2014 - Takfiri extremists wage war on Islam True US History Jan 18, 2014 - Does Rothschild own all Central Banks? The REASON that fractional reserve banking is "incredibly unstable" is that it is an inherently fraudulent system in which the "money" supply has to be consistently EXPANDED forever, in order to create enough "money" (ie fiat debt tokens) to enable borrowers to acquire "money" to PAY the interest (usury) required by the banks for previously providing the debt token loans created out of thin air. WHY? Because the banks NEVER create the "money" needed to pay the interest they damand for having created the "money" out of thin air which they purport to "lend" to borrowers. THINK about that. Having to create ever more "money" which MUST (and can only) be created by being lent at interest (usury) into the economy, has to lead to inflation and it does. The US dollar buys no more (and probably less) today than three cents bought in 1913 when the Fed was established. BUT of course the banks do not create ever more "money" at a uniformly accellerating rate to meet the ever increasing demand for interest payments, or at all. The result is booms and busts which destroy lives and businesses and enable the banks to foreclose and acquire homes and other assets at pennies on the dollar which is the aim and intention of the Jew banksters. Every nation has the sovereign ability and responsibility to create its own money supply and distribution arrangements rather than relying on fiat debt tokens (which are not money) created by Jew banksters out of thin air for which the banksters charge interest (usury).

True US History Jan 18, 2014 - Ghost government and the slave state Political Information Jan 18, 2014 - Philippines: Tens of thousands of children sexually abused for Internet revenue Political Information Jan 18, 2014 - Battles between Syrian rebels, jihadists kill at least 1069 Political Information Jan 18, 2014 - Thailand: Protests Neither a "Class Divide" Nor "Anti-Democratic" AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 13

There is no question that an accused mass murderer and convicted criminal hiding abroad from a 2 year jail sentence, multiple arrest warrants, and a long list of pending court cases, is illegally running Thailand by proxy. Being unelected, Thaksin Shinawatra is by all accounts a dictator, and his "government" a regime, however cleverly they try to dress it up. Elections in any other nation on Earth featuring a convicted criminal openly running a contending party would be unacceptable - and in Thailand as well, they are equally unacceptable until after reforms that prevent such a abuse from occurring again. -

Political Information Jan 18, 2014 - JESUS AND JUNG "We all must do what Christ did. We must make our experiment. "We must make mistakes. We must live out our own version of life. "And there will be error. If you avoid error you do not live." - Carl Jung

Political Information Jan 18, 2014 - Fear and the Artificial Landscapes of Terror. Fear is very important to the ruling junta; that strange and poisonous amalgam of Satanists, Zionists, corporatists and all the running dog lackeys that assist in their agendas for a meal ticket, or some semblance of personal power. Fear narrows the borders of the mind. It constricts one's freedom of thought. It puts you in the camps and behind the wire before you are actually there. - Les Visible

Political Information Jan 18, 2014 - Rabbi committed sexual crimes with minors in a synagogue Political Information Jan 18, 2014 - Russia may hit back at KSA for Volgogard attacks Ron: At some point Russia (and the rest of the non-Talmudic world) needs to STOP turning the other cheek, otherwise it will eventually lose its head.

True US History Jan 18, 2014 - American Taxpayers Subsidizing Racial Jewish Supremacists around the World through “Aid to Israel”

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As US “aid” to Israel now reaches well over $3 billion per year, American taxpayers will be interested to know that at least a third of that money–$1 billion—will be spent by the Israeli government on “strengthening the Jewish identity of Diaspora Jews” all over the world. - David Duke Ron: That's hardly surprising since Jewish communities are a vital FIFTH COLUMN in the Jews' covert conspiracy for Talmudic world domination. Moreover, they're much cheaper and far more effective at subverting and controlling gentile nations than the thousand or so US military bases.

Health and Nutrition Jan 18, 2014 - Snake Noodling – What real men do! Ron: I'm applying to be "the puller" but if you’re interested, the position of "hole guy" is open. Maybe standing in line at the grocery store isn't as bad as it seems... although the food is more poisonous. Jokes aside, let's hope "The One" gets his act together "soon" so that people don't have to continue to do this sort of thing to get something to eat.

Political Information Jan 17, 2014 - Jews Should Get Over The Holocaust a What Was The Holocaust... What Actually Happened? It wasn't a lie. It was my imagination. And in my imagination, in my mind, I BELIEVED IT. EVEN NOW I BELEIEVE IT. Yes, it's not true, but in my imagination it was true. - Herman Rosenblatt (Jewish HoloHoaxer). Ron: Rosenblatt says he made the story up to give people hope and to promote understanding about the "Holocaust". My Question is: WHICH PEOPLE? The HoloHoax continues to destroy the psychic and physical lives of 80 million Germans today and that has been continuous for 69 years and counting. It has also been used to extort and steal billions of USD from Germans, Amerikkans and many others.To understand the fucked up morals of Jews which enables them to rationalise such lying, thieving and inhumanity towards Germans and all non-Jews see eg: Yom Kippur and the Kol Nidrei Liar's Liturgy at Nidrei-Liar-s-Liturgy.shtml And: Kol Nidre - Judaism's License To Lie - To-Lie.shtml

Political Information Jan 17, 2014 - What is the "Holocaust" story really all about? The entire WWII narrative, including the fake Holocaust story, is basically the exact opposite from what we've been told and taught. - John Friend Germany is an occupied country and it will stay that way. - President Barach Obama ( – 27.April 2012) Ron: Query whether the Pharisees and neo-Pharisees produced their fraudulent money creation, usurious banking and global enslavement systems; AND Holocaustianity, all by themselves or whether they had help? If, as seems probable, they had help, was it from "the ONE" or Lucifer and Satan et al, or both; and given that Lucifer and Satan have been AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 15 removed and adjudicated, and THE ONE says he's switched sides, who is now running the Talmudic ship? Just askin'...

Articles Jan 17, 2014 - French: La mystérieuse tête de pierre Télécharger Pdf: La mystérieuse tête de pierre du Guatemala, Pdf

Spanish Jan 17, 2014 - Mensaje 167: EXAMEN DE LAS FOTOS INDIVIDUALES AL FINAL DEL JUEGO Serafín a través de Rosie

Spanish Jan 17, 2014 - Serafín, Mensaje 166: EL NACIMIENTO DE UN PARAISO Serafín a través de Rosie

Spanish Jan 17, 2014 - Avanzando por la Madre María La Madre María a través de Shellee Kim

Environment/Science Jan 17, 2014 - Amazing! Scientists: Our DNA is Mutating As We Speak! We Are Developing 12 Strands! Ron: This seems to be a reasonable discussion of this subject. It is certainly time that scientists and the medical profession admitted that DNA changes are occurring. however, it seems that the Alfie Clamp story is "SUSS". See eg: bin/forum.cgi?noframes;read=296920

Political Information Jan 17, 2014 - Israeli settlers set mosque on fire as UN says settler attacks have quadrupled in last 8 years Ron: MSM style terminology such as "settler" and "price tag" is deliberatly misleading. Such attacks are RACIST HATE CRIMES and the perpetrators are TERRORISTS! How would you feel if they did it to YOU all year round? It really is time that people stopped accepting the Jews' false, distortion, LYING language which invariably labels gentiles as racists and HATE CRIMINALS but never labels the true perps, ie Jews, as such.

Rosie Jan 17, 2014 - Seraphin Message 168: REWIRING YOUR MINDS TO THE DIVINE "These are times of great distress for those who have no firm anchor, who float like abandoned ships upon every wave of fear, swept into every storm, unable to dock in a safe harbour. This is because they rely on old paradigms and concepts and beliefs to guide them, and these no longer have the desired effect. So here you float as flotsam and jetsam, riding on the edge of change and screaming as you do so. Strange bodily feelings and feeling “at a

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 16 loss” or “in another dimension” are part of this MAJOR REWIRING presently occurring. You are being REWIRED TO THE DIVINE"

Political Information Jan 17, 2014 - Iraq’s Bloody Day: 115 Killed, 145 Wounded Ron: Apart from the fact that USrael and their allies have killed two million Iraqis and caused the unnecessary deaths of additional millions of Iraqi women, children and old people through starvation, malnutrition, lack of medical supplies and equipment and diseases caused by dirty water etc, the 20 year long US bombardment, invasion and occupation of Iraq is STILL causing much death and injury via covert terrorism even after its formal military has left the country. Contrast this situation with the domestic peace and prosperity that obtained in Iraq under Saddam Hussein (other than when the US was fomenting a war between Iraq and Iran with a view to destroying both nations). Get a grip on the truth in these matters Pilgrims, because if you don't you'll have to relive this 3d experience elsewhere after stasis until you DO raise your consciousness sufficiently to understand them. Increasing consciousness is what life is all about.

True US History Jan 17, 2014 - Afghanistan accuses US of killing woman, 7 children in airstrike Ron: IF a Palestinian rocket was to even injure ONE Israeli Jew the Jews would bombard Gaza and maim and kill civilians and destroy basic infrastructure like power, water and sewerage services needed for living. That is a war crime in itself. WHY is it OK for Amerikans to bomb Aghhan civilians in the middle of the night, killing women and children without Afghans being able to stop them or retaliate? THE AMERIKKANS ARE THE TERRORISTS, Pilgrims! They are also absoluter BARBARIANS.They do this EVERY DAY in various countries and ALL of those countries are on the other side of the world from the US and their peoples have done NOTHING to harm Amerikka or Amerikkans. To add insult to injury these FKN Amerikkan terrorists have the temerity to bombard the rest of the world with bullshit about how the Germans invaded Poland (which they only did to protect ethnic Germans, as Bolshevik Poles had brutally murdered 62,000 Germans in 1939 BEFORE Hitler felt compelled to invade). The Jew controlled Soviet Union ALSO invaded Poland in 1939 and occupied the half of Poland not occupied by Germany (because the German military was merely protecting Germans in that part of Poland that used to belong to Germany before the Versailles Treaty.). WHY don't YOU know about that? And WHY didn't Britain and France go to war with the Soviet Union since it had also invaded Poland? Moreover, the Soviet Jews also invaded and occupied Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland at the same time. WHY was that OK with Britain, France and Amerikka? In fact Germany freed those countries from Bolshevik Jewry during Operation Barbarossa. How villainous was that?!?

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jan 17, 2014 - Sa-Ra 17: Eigenständigkeit Sa-Ra durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

True US History Jan 17, 2014 - Ellen Brown runs for Treasurer in California! AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 17

Political Information Jan 17, 2014 - List of Banks owned by the Rothschild family Ron: Dunno about the validity and provenance of this list but it certainly indicates the substance of the problem. One of the traps for young players when assessing this matter is that they may not realise that governments are corporations AND those corporations have covert owners. For instance the US corporation and Commonwealth of Australia corporation have owners, and they are NOT the so-called citizens of those countries. For instance, the Reserve Bank of Australia was established as a statutory corporation by the Commonwealth of Australia which actually means that those who OWN the Commonwealth of Australia corporation OWN the statutory corporation called the Reserve Bank of Australia. And so it goes... Dunno what the situation is with these banks now, especially as a Chinese group has apparently acquired control of the US Federal Reserve System in recent years. That probably means that the Rothschilds no longer beneficially own the Fed and the People’s Bank of China. The list includes the Central Bank of Cuba. IF that bank is owned by the global matrix controllers - whoever they now are - that could account for the fact that Cuba has not received the same destructive, genocidal Jew bankster treatment that Germany, Japan, Iraq and Libya have received. Similarly, the Central Bank of Russia is on the list having been taken over by the Jews after their successful coup in October 1917. I suspect though, that it may no longer take orders from the global matrix controllers even if they ostensible OWN it under their meretricious and unlawful colour of law system. DITTO re the Bank of Sudan. Also, I am surprised that there is no listing for a new Central Bank for South Sudan which USrael has recently carved out of Sudan for the global matrix controllers and their corporations. It is also surprising to see the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the list. Given 34 years of hostile USraeli threats and sanctions against Iran I would expect that Iran, not the Jew banksters, will control Iran's central bank. As one would expect, North Korea and Somalia are not on the list.

True US History Jan 16, 2014 - CDC Not Legally Required to Tell the Truth About Anything, Including Vaccines Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - Dr Frankenstein’s Monster, by JB Campbell Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - Humanitarian Warfare: “Stabilizing” Central Africa for the Multinationals Ron: For those being maimed, murdered or displaced in Africa, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan or Yemen and elsewhere, a change of heart by those who control the global matrix is NOT apparent. Should it be?

Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - Thailand: Thaksin Supporters Threaten to Kidnap & Kill Daughters of Army Chief '... in 2004, Thaksin Shinawatra oversaw the killing of 85 protesters in a single day during his mishandled, heavy-handed policy in the country's troubled deep south. The atrocity is now referred to as the "Tak Bai incident." AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 18

In April of 2009 gunmen would fire over 100 rounds into the vehicle of anti-Thaksin activist, protest leader, and media mogul Sondhi Limthongkul in a broad daylight assassination attempt. He was injured but survived. On April 10, 2010, heavily armed professional militants deployed by Thaksin Shianwatra and his "red shirt" front targeted and assassinated Colonel Romklao Thuwatham who was at the time commanding crowd control operations near Bangkok's Democracy Monument. In August of 2013, businessman and outspoken Thaksin opponent Ekkayuth Anchanbutr was abducted and murdered. -

Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - “Politicians are cowards” on Israel, says prominent Australian scholar So, the federal court case now only proceeds against Jake because of this direct link. All of this is part of the overall “lawfare” campaign to enable the Israeli government to win the public opinion battle, that is to identify Israel as an open, democratic but victimized society and Palestinian supporters as unreasonable, if not dangerous. If numerous witnesses are called in the legal proceedings — and remember we have over 4,000 signed up as co-defendants from sixty countries — and if the media gives appropriate coverage to the case, the public will learn more about the meaning and merits of the BDS movement. The outcome of the case could be a real test of freedom of speech and a significant opportunity to redefine what is meant by academic freedom. - Samah Sabawi

Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - Zionists covered up Sharon's horrific words, deeds During the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, Sharon vented his real feelings in public. In a Hebrew- language interview with Israeli writer Amos Oz, Sharon said: “Even today I volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug out from underneath the feet of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up a few synagogues, I don’t care. And I don’t mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal… What your kind doesn't understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it.”

Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - Zionist perversion of history threatens world peace Ron: Some individuals are responsible for directing the Talmudic distruction of the German and Russian nations last century and dozens of other peoples in the last three centuries; and indeed for millenia before that. As I understand that Lucifer and Satan were removed and adjudicated in 1987 or thereabouts, this destruction must now be master minded by lesser beings. If those "master-minds" don't cease their genocidal activities they need to be removed. Moreover, those erstwhile perps who repent need to pull their finger out and make amends, pronto. No? Why not? Those who conceal truth and organise genocide and planetary destruction are exercising free will. WHAT about the free will of their billions of victims? Isn't it time that someone started to kick arse instead of turning the other cheek, especially when the cheek(s) belong(s) to others?

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True US History Jan 16, 2014 - America resembling anti-democratic regime - Russia's moment to lead

The U.S. Military has now been authorized by the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2011 to indefinitely detain American citizens without due process and kill them without trial - a direct and egregious violation of the U.S. Bill of Rights. Despite federal courts ruling these new powers unconstitutional and voiding the provisions of the (NDAA) that gave effect to these measures, President Obama is arguing in courts to have "indefinite detention" restored. - John Griffing

Candace Jan 16, 2014 - After Enlil Ok, the long awaited piece I wrote of as an announcement. This is not really an update of what is upcoming, its a teaching with some history.. I worked with CM, Esu, Enki and Enlil. Posted Jan 14, 2013 -Candace I am redating this simply to point out an big typo I made which some did not understand and also to remove a personal to myself in it. I have bolded the word that might need replacing in translations and also for some of you who were confused and went looking the violet races in the Urantia Book, etc. I had type violet,, instead of violent....

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jan 16, 2014 - Seraphin Botschaft 166: WIE WIR DAS PARADIES ERSCHAFFEN Spanish Jan 16, 2014 - Después de Enlil CM, Esu, Enlil y Enki a través de Candace

- Phoenix Journals - PDF in German Jan 16, 2014 - Phoenix Journal 84, Das "Projekt Monarch", Teil 1 Auszug aus PJ 84

Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - Margrit Kennedy dies Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - Iraq: “Devastating” Dossier Alleging British War Crimes Lodged with the International Criminal Court. A “devastating” two hundred and fifty page document: “The Responsibility of UK Officials for War Crimes Involving Systematic Detainee Abuse in Iraq from 2003-2008″, has been “presented to the International Criminal Court, and could result in some of Britain’s leading defence figures facing prosecution for “systematic” war crimes” the (London) Independent on Sunday has revealed.(i)... Among those named, states the Independent, are two former Defence Ministry supremos, Geoff Hoon and Adam Ingram, Defence Secretary and Minister of State for the Armed Forces, respectively, under Tony Blair’s premiership, during the planning and invasion of Iraq and for most of the UK’s occupation. General Sir Peter Wall, head of the British Army is also named.Shocking allegations have been compiled from the testimonies of four hundred Iraqis: ‘representing “thousands of allegations of mistreatment AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 20 amounting to war crimes of torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.” - Felicity Arbuthnot

Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - The Legacy of Ariel “The Bulldozer” Sharon Today, Sharon’s military philosophy is reflected in the Israeli army’s Dahiya doctrine – its policy in recent confrontations to send Israel’s neighbours in Gaza and Lebanon “into the dark ages” through massive destruction of their physical infrastructure. - Jonathan Cook

Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - Israel's appalling crimesheet for 2013… Killed 56, injured 1385, carried out 8636 raids and attacks, demolished 172 homes… Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - Thailand: Anti-Regime Protesters Tell Their Side of the Story Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - Global Terrorism and Saudi Arabia: Bandar’s Terror Network Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - 2014 Of Departing Monsters and Serious, Transformative Change. ... regardless of how insensitive, dumb and clueless you may be where you can be convinced that rural farmers are your enemy, once returned from the battlefield, the horrors you committed will follow you. They will hound your steps and give you no peace because sensitivity will be raised up in you and you will suffer accordingly for the terrible crimes you committed in foreign lands, under orders of international bankers (second down on the left). The Apocalypse; uncovering, revealing. The magnitude of your deeds is revealed to you in these times. There are many who have yet to feel the weight of their crimes. They are being permitted to continue because their crimes are much graver than the crimes of those they sent out on errands of malice and mischief. The time will come however and there will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide from the thoughts in their heads that will burn them like fire. - Les Visible

Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - Rejection of Zionist Hegemony Goes Viral in France There is nothing the Illuminati hate more than a grassroots movement they didn't originate. French comedian Dieudonne ("God given") has spoken truth to power and power doesn't like it.

Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - 7 Differences Between Galilee and Judea in the Time of Jesus AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 21

“To read Matthew in blissful ignorance of first-century Palestinian sociopolitics is to miss his point. This is the story of Jesus of Nazareth.” - Prof. R. T. France

ed note–I post this for all those ‘Jesus was a Jew’ types who swallow this nonsense without understanding the inherent fallacies and/or dangers associated with such statements.

Political Information Jan 16, 2014 - NY TIMES HEADLINE: OCTOBER 6, 1940 'NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS' Targeted Messages Jan 15, 2014 - Target to READERS From CM: Please be prepared for "shit to hit the fans" beloveds... Potentials are high for impending quakes and other potentials.

True US History Jan 15, 2014 - Inherent Autonomy "Girlie Man" Culture of Government Schools

Political Information Jan 15, 2014 - George Carlin - The Rothschilds Control America This 3' 01" video was published by Anthony Alegro on Jul 30, 2012: Related Article: who-exposed-Steubenville-rapists-facing-more-jail-time-than-sex-offenders.shtml

Environment/Science Jan 15, 2014 - Make a Lamp from an Orange in 1 minute. True US History AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 22

Jan 15, 2014 - Anonymous hacker who exposed Steubenville rapists facing more jail time than sex offenders Ron: Perhaps those responsible for the situation in the US that produces these results would like to EXPLAIN why they organised the relevant conditions and what, if anything, they intend to do to eradicate the resultant attitudes and behaviours in future? OR, is the attitude of rapist Ma’Lik Richmond and his family considered appropriate? Inquiring minds would like to know.

True US History Jan 15, 2014 - Sn-Oops! 'NSA spying fails to prevent terrorist attacks' This 2' 41" video was published by Russia Today on Jan 13, 2014: Publisher's comments: The US National Security Agency has gone to staggering lengths to hoard the private data of millions of people. But all that effort seems to have been in vain. An independent study now suggests that information has simply failed to produce actionable results in averting terrorist attacks. READ MORE: RT LIVE

German Jan 15, 2014 - Gezielte Botschaft an unsere Leser Von CM: Bitte seid vorbereitet, denn bald „wird die Kacke zu dampfen anfangen“, Geliebte. Die Potentiale sind hoch für bevorstehende Erdbeben und andere Geschehen.

Shellee-Kim Jan 15, 2014 - Going Forward by Mother Mary "YOUR work, for many of you committed Ones, has taken the form of resolving and bringing into greater balance your inner world and Selves; your perceptions. This has been your priority and reason for your varied experiences. This preparation work has been a vital bridge in preparing you for the NEW YOU about to E-MERGE."

Mother Mary [ Visit Website ]

Articles Jan 15, 2014 - French: Les familles royales, Part 4 - Pdf. Télécharger Pdf: Les familles royales: Écrit par le duc Mehal Rockefeller: Crimes et arnaques des entreprises et liens avec les nazis: PARTIE 4.

Articles Jan 15, 2014 - French: L’HISTOIRE DES ANNUNAKI SELON LES PHOENIX JOURNALS Translations - Others Jan 15, 2014 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 166: NASCITA DEL PARADISO AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 23

Translations - Others Jan 15, 2014 - Italian: Sa-Ra 17: Autonomia Spanish Jan 15, 2014 - Dirigido a los LECTORES De CM: Por favor, estén preparados para que "la mierda golpee el ventilador", amados ... Las probabilidades para terremotos inminentes y para otras probabilidades, son altas.

Rosie Jan 14, 2014 - Seraphin Message 167: EXAMINING INDIVIDUAL FRAMES AT THE END OF THE GAME "We can only say that THE GAME IS BEING PLAYED OUT AND THAT THERE WILL BE THAT FINAL WHISTLE BLOW, because this is in the nature of a game: THAT IT ENDS, that both sides assess themselves and ask themselves where they went wrong and how they can improve. This intermission which is coming to you will be one of the greatest learning opportunites you have known, catapulting you into a whole different space"

Health and Nutrition Jan 14, 2014 - Rabbis to court: Uncircumcised boy will suffer ‘serious psychological damage’ Human/Animal Rights Jan 14, 2014 - 80K Germans sign petition against teaching 'sexual diversity' in schools

Ron: The covert Jewish influence is obvious not only in this education program BUT in the comments featured with this article. To suggest that Kinsey was an honest and accurate scientific researcher is beyond ridiculous. He was a fraud, a pervert and a paedophile. He tortured babies and children and used criminal pervertds in his so-called research; and published totally fraudulent results. See eg: Sexual anarchy: The Kinsey legacy. - legacy.shtml And Kinsey's Secret: The Phony Science of the Sexual Revolution. See: Science-of-the-Sexual-Revolution.shtml And: The Sexual Subversion of America, Parts 1 & 2. - Subversion-of-America-Parts-1-2.shtml And Sex Plague. See: And: Against Art, Parts 1 & 2. See: 2.shtml And Break up the Family by Replacing Love with Lust. See: Replacing-Love-with-Lust.shtml See also the 'related articles' listed at the end of this article.

Political Information Jan 14, 2014 - Police State UK: At last, a law to stop almost anyone from doing almost anything AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 24

The existing rules are bad enough. Introduced by the 1998 Crime and Disorder Act, antisocial behaviour orders (asbos) have criminalised an apparently endless range of activities, subjecting thousands – mostly young and poor – to bespoke laws. They have been used to enforce a kind of caste prohibition: personalised rules which prevent the untouchables from intruding into the lives of others.... Asbos have been granted which forbid the carrying of condoms by a prostitute, homeless alcoholics from possessing alcohol in a public place, a soup kitchen from giving food to the poor, a young man from walking down any road other than his own, children from playing football in the street. They were used to ban peaceful protests against the Olympic clearances. Inevitably, more than half the people subject to asbos break them. As Liberty says, these injunctions "set the young, vulnerable or mentally ill up to fail", and fast-track them into the criminal justice system.They allow the courts to imprison people for offences which are not otherwise imprisonable. One homeless young man was sentenced to five years in jail for begging: an offence for which no custodial sentence exists. Asbos permit the police and courts to create their own laws and their own penal codes.All this is about to get much worse. On Wednesday the Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill reaches its report stage (close to the end of the process) in the House of Lords...The bill would permit injunctions against anyone of 10 or older who "has engaged or threatens to engage in conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to any person".It would replace asbos with ipnas (injunctions to prevent nuisance and annoyance), which would not only forbid certain forms of behaviour, but also force the recipient to discharge positive obligations. In other words, they can impose a kind of community service order on people who have committed no crime, which could, the law proposes, remain in force for the rest of their lives.The bill also introduces public space protection orders, which can prevent either everybody or particular kinds of people from doing certain things in certain places. It creates new dispersal powers, which can be used by the police to exclude people from an area (there is no size limit), whether or not they have done anything wrong... ipnas can be granted on the balance of probabilities. Breaching them will not be classed as a criminal offence, but can still carry a custodial sentence: without committing a crime, you can be imprisoned for up to two years. Children, who cannot currently be detained for contempt of court, will be subject to an inspiring new range of punishments for breaking an ipna, including three months in a young offenders' centre. - George Monbiot

True US History Jan 14, 2014 - Towards the Privatization of Public Education in America. Imposing a Corporate Culture Other Spiritual Pieces Jan 14, 2014 - You May Wake Up… But Will You Get Out of Bed? It is not Truth until it willingly comes face to face with all that captures, oppresses, diverts and subdues the genius of human creativity and love – and determines to overcome it – in service to [Ron: the Creator,] humanity and to this planet which is our garden. This is the year when we leave behind our story telling and move right into the story itself – forging its destiny through millions of real, pragmatic, on-the-ground purposeful actions.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 25

Actions that refuse to be thwarted, even by the most heinous plans, laid in stealth by the sterile operatives of a moribund status quo. This is the year when ‘we the people’ take back our destinies and join together in mending the broken limbs of this planetary home – of which we are the true trustees and guardians. - Julian Rose

Political Information Jan 14, 2014 - French Farrakhan loses to Jewish Lobby Political Information Jan 14, 2014 - ADL to Ukraine: Don’t Link YOUR Holocaust with OURS Spanish Jan 14, 2014 - Anuncio 13 de enero 2014 - Avance sobre el Nuevo documento.. Acabo de terminar casi 3 horas de trabajo con CM, Esu, Enki y Enlil .... Me piden no publicarlo hasta mañana (Lunes el 13.), en algún momento. Habrá adiciones, parte 2 y parte 3...más adelante... Uno de ellas tratará de la planificación, etc, y la otra, docente, con más detalles sobre los Anunnaki, etc, que la tengo en un paquete especial que me han dado para que lo publique... así que en algún momento de mi mañana tendré la parte 1 lista, ya que no sólo me quedan por corregir los errores tipográficos, sino algunos comentarios adicionales al mismo... Estoy cansada, siempre lo estoy después de una transmisión energética larga...-Candace

Political Information Jan 14, 2014 - Language – The War Behind All Wars Ron: An erudite discussion but the author carefully avoids identifying "the globalists".

Political Information Jan 14, 2014 - The Plundering of South Sudan Ron: Anyone paying attention will NOTICE that what is happening in and around South Sudan, HAPPENS ALL OVER AFRICA, THE MIDDLE EAST and the rest of the world, namely Anglo- USraeli, French and NATO fostered VIOLENT interference in the domestic affairs of sovereign peoples. Note also, that although the ostensible reason for such interference is to steal resources, the primary (if unstated and even unrealised by many protagonists) objective of this Jew instigated global violence is actually the genocidal death toll it creates along with economic and societal collapse and financial enslavement, using Jew controlled central banks. These outcomes are created by constant covert financial, societal and cultural disruption allied with terrorism (Operations Gladio, Ajax and similar) backed up by overt military violence, invasion and occupation where necessary. In other words, economic exploitation is merely a pretext for the Talmudic destruction and enslavement of the gentile world. Apart from finance and banking, the only thriving economic activity in the US is war and war related. USans NOT employed in those activities are suffering a downward spiral of unemployment and economic loss which incresingly lowers standards of living. That process is designed to reduce US living standards to levels already imposed on nations occupied by the

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 26

US military and their Jewish bankster masters. The End Game is to reduce all gentiles to a situation in which they will do anything for food and survival.

Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - French fox in African hen house Ron: The misery and death being bestoed on the Cenrtral African Republic is being currently repeated in many other places like, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Mali, Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq. Afghanistan, Pakistan and on and on... But never mind, eventiually those who organise and fund these genocides will tire of the sport and stop: OR, if humanity is lucky, someone will pull the plug on the computers that control the chips in the heads of relevant politicians and others.

True US History Jan 13, 2014 - Jew-Bought Kills Iran Deal

Spanish Jan 13, 2014 - Serafín Mensaje 165: RETIRAR EL EMBALAJE DE PLÁSTICO Serafín a traves de Rosie

Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - Germany's Not Just Faking Holocaust Contrition Ron: How much longer O Lord, must we put up with this Jewish SHIT?! Who benefits from the endless pack of Talmudic lies that is drowning humanity? Surely the Jews don't? Each time they repeat their lies they reinforce their own false paradigm making it harder for them to confront the truth.

Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - Holocaust Remembrance: What's Behind the Campaign? Ron:This is a piss weak and inadequate analysis. Every time anyone talks about the Holocaust without noting that it is a Blood Libel LIE, they REINFORCE the FRAUD. Sooo, ALL Jews who pretend to be critical of how the mythical Holocaust is misused by Jews to obtain

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 27 money, political or other advantage, are actually REINFORCING the FRAUD! Given that Jews keep insisting that they are more intelligent than gentiles, that must be deliberate in many cases. But whether it is, or whether the Jew mouthing the obvious Blood Libel Holocaust LIE, is simply stupid, the negative effect of the endless repetition of the LIE acts like subliminal advertising. For instance, this article repeats the LIE several times and an ignorant reader might tend to believe it simply because it is repeatedly stated as if it is a fact. In effect the endless repetition of the Holocaust LIE is just another Talmudic mind control mechanism.

Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - Thailand: Regime Scrambles to Rebrand "Red Shirts" to "White Shirts" Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - Thailand: Regime Power Grab Runs into Judicial Brick Wall Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - A Soulless, Digitally Concussed Western World Rosie Jan 13, 2014 - Seraphin Message 166: BIRTHING PARADISE "All this will be BIRTHED BY YOU, as you turn your eyes beyond the area they presently scan, searching instead for chinks of light in the dense thicket. You will ask “Who has blazoned the comfortable path in the opposite direction, paved with smiling (lip-service paying) guards who partition off deviating paths with ropes, who erect signs alerting travellers to DANGEROUS AREAS NEARBY WHERE WILD ANIMALS ROAM, who usher you into areas of deep darkness away from the light and away from the thicket dividing you from it?” They have pushed you in one direction, and they have encouraged the thicket to grow behind you. You have but to turn your heads. You have but to investigate what is growing underneath the moss. You have but to move with determination in a new direction"

Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - Basra: Profiting from their Destruction, the British are Back “When will there be justice in Athens? There will be justice in Athens when those who are not injured are as outraged as those who are.” Thucydides (460 BC – 395 BC.) Ron: Ya can't make an omlette without breaking eggs can ya? But don't tell the chooks that. Anyway, lots of very intelligent beings have been beavering away for aeons to achieve these results. 'Heaven forbid' that their efforts should be curtailed.

Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - CANADA IS FAMOUS - FOR CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE

According to the Christian Science Monitor, in 1997, Vancouver is a "a pedophile paradise", with a "notorious sex trade", and an international reputation "as a city where it is easy to find a child for sex." In 1999, UNESCO named Vancouver one of the world's top three centres for sex trafficking, child porn and pedophilia because of "suspected judicial protection for child sex offenders."

Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 28

Jan 13, 2014 - Canada appoints racist Jew ambassador to Israel Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - How about moving American Jews to Canada “I am an Arab citizen who lives in the community of Baqa Baqa al-Gharbiyye in the Triangle [near the Green Line], a region that Israel has proposed hand over. Every month about half my wages are taken by state in taxes so that the Prime Minister would have the ability to buy ice cream for 10,000 shekels per annum, scented candles for 6000 and allow himself to squander water to the tune of 80,000 shekels (not to mention the half million spent on that bed for Thatcher’s funeral etc.). The taxes that I’m compelled to pay by law, financed the construction of the settlements. Over the same period, my community and other Arab communities rarely saw anything in return for those taxes. All Israeli governments over the years have been meticulous in channelling the money to the settlements and not to those places which were in need of it. Now, as a New Year “present” , they are going to move me and my family, deprive me of my citizenship (do they have the legal right to do it?) and all that in order to keep the settlement blocs as part of Israel,” - Afif Abu Much

Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - The Long History of Zionism in Canada Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - Iran is on the rise in 2014, but dangers abound AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace) Jan 13, 2014 - Fortschritte beim neuen Stück... Ankündigungen Ich habe soeben eine beinahe dreistündige Arbeit mit Christus Michael, Esu, Enki und Enlil fertiggestellt. Ich bin gebeten worden, diese nicht eher als bis im Laufe von morgen (Montag, der 13.) zu veröffentlichen. Es wird Nachträge geben, einen zweiten und dritten Teil, die aber noch anstehen. Der eine wird die Planung, usw. behandeln, und der andere wird Belehrungen mit mehr Einzelheiten über die Anunnaki, usw., enthalten, über die man mir ein spezielles Päckchen zum Öffnen gegeben hat. Also werde ich irgendwann an meinem morgigen Tag den ersten Teil bereit haben, denn ich muss nicht nur die Tippfehler korrigieren, sondern auch einige zusätzliche Kommentare beifügen. Ich bin müde, wie immer nach einer langen energetischen Übertragung. –Candace

Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - Saudi regime intensifies war against Ron: The truth is plain as dog's balls as regards who creates, funds, arms, trains, organises and facilitates the transportation and death dealing activities of Muslim mercenaries and death squads throughout the Middle East, Africa, Asia and everywhere, but for some reason no one retaliates against them ... not wanting to look anti-Semitic and anti-Anunnaki I suppose. No doubt that is very "Christian" of everyone but the problem with endlessly turning the other cheek is that thousands of people get tortured, maimed and murdered every month and thousands die of starvation and preventable disease EVERY DAY, so that those who run the planet can feel comfortable. That's a recipe for sainthood for some victims but not a viable way of terminating the problem. Never mind though, those responsible for global genocide and carnage will eventually see the light, IF we just wait long

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 29 enough... Meanwhile let's NOT allow the truth to be broadcast to the masses because they might get upset and kill the perps before they can repent.

Environment/Science Jan 13, 2014 - 44 Reasons Why Evolution Is Just A Fairy Tale For Adults Ron: For some detailed scientific analysis disproving Darwin's "Theory of Evolution" see the On Line copy and/orfree PDF of The Greatest Story Never Told by Lana Cantrell at:

Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - "MONUMENTS MEN" = MONUMENTAL BULLSHIT! JEWISH PROPAGANDA MOVIE ALERT! Hitler respects ancient Rome as one of the cultural pillars of Europe. As the Americans and British approach Rome from the South, Hitler orders his troops to evacuate. Knowing that an Allied air and ground attack would destroy many of its cultural icons, The “Eternal City” is left open for the Allies to march in uncontested. Hitler’s decision to leave Rome as an undefended "Open City" saves the great city from ruin. Athens and Florence are also declared Open Cities... In the months, years, and decades the war, endlessly repeated propaganda has elevated the OSS-CIA fable of “looted Nazi art” into a virtual reality in the minds of the brainwashed public. However, as is the case with so many other elements of the “official story" of World War II, this too is a lie.-

Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - HITLER'S WRITINGS - DIGITAL EDITION Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - The public prosecutor once again extends investigation against Bolshevik criminal Bela Biszku Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - A light unto the nations

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 30

Isaiah 61 continues: Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, And the sons of the foreigner Shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers. But you shall be named the priests of the Lord, They shall call you the servants of our God. You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles This is the world Jews dream of: one where the Jews have enslaved the Goyim and annihilated all who would oppose such a development. To be a “light unto the nations”, then, does not mean being a moral example for the world – unless you believe Jews are being moral when they enslave the world for their own benefit. - Streicher's Ghost

Political Information Jan 13, 2014 - A cake of soap was laid to rest Ron: To understand JEW SPEAK it always helps to check out the Kol Nidrei. See eg: Yom Kippur and the Kol Nidrei Liar's Liturgy at Nidrei-Liar-s-Liturgy.shtml And: Kol Nidre - Judaism's License To Lie - To-Lie.shtml ].

Political Information Jan 12, 2014 - Even Jewish children want to murder non-Jews Ron: Please don't criticise Jews and their children for wanting to kill you and your children. That would be HATE SPEECH.

Other Spiritual Pieces Jan 12, 2014 - PASARILE PARADISULUI Birds of paradise - Peter Sue _ Marc Other Spiritual Pieces Jan 12, 2014 - BOLE: I dreamed I met an Angel AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 31

Translations - Others Jan 12, 2014 - Italian: EPILOGO - Monjoronson tramite Benjamin Translations - Others Jan 12, 2014 - Italian: Sa-Ra 16: UN ANNUNCIO Translations - Others Jan 12, 2014 - Italian: Okay…. – Va bene…. Translations - Others Jan 12, 2014 - Italian: Nebadonia Messaggio 20: FELICE SIA OGNI NUOVO GIORNO Translations - Others Jan 12, 2014 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 165: RIMOZIONE DELL’IMBALLAGGIO DI PLASTICA Spanish Jan 12, 2014 - Sa-Ra 17: Autosuficiencia Sa-Ra a través de Shellee Kim

Announcements Jan 11, 2014 - Important Announcement Please read post #236 here: Targeted-Messages-Discussion

Political Information Jan 10, 2014 - All in a day's work for the Jews Ron: Jewish Settlers' Anthem: 'This is my land. God gave it to me. FUCK YOU.' - Tell me again why you trust information on Jew controlled Wikipedia:

Political Information Jan 10, 2014 - Hilltop Jews; Terrorists and Scumbags Ron: Why is it compassionate to allow Talmudic brutalising and genocidal behaviour to continue all over the world in order to give the perpetrators endless chances to repent? In what respect do average Palestinians, Syrians, Libyans, Afghanis, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Yemenis, Sudanese, Somalians, Congolese, Nigerians, South Africans, and Haitian, Bangla Deshi, Chinese sweat shop workers and billions of others, HAVE FREE WILL? Being given the choice to lovingly accept misery, torture and death, and those who inflict it, is a bit limited don'tcha think? Surely those capable of that are already evolved beings, but billions aren't. For billions of people their misery would appear to have no meaning. How will they benefit from continuing this situation?

Rosie Jan 10, 2014 - Seraphin Message 165: REMOVING THE PLASTIC PACKAGING "You will see all and consider all. You will be able to make educated choices, whereas previously your judgement was clouded. You will ponder every detail and assess how you have fitted into, abetted, contributed to, detracted from, or opposed the diabolic plans in sway on earth up to this point. You will see your position on the scale of stupidity and gullability to AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 32 integrity. You will re-learn FREEDOM OF CHOICE. You will redefine your world and WHAT IS WORTH CHOOSING. You will create your future with INTENT TO DO GOOD TO ALL. You will no longer be content to COMPROMISE. You will sing a new song, guided by new guides"

Political Information Jan 10, 2014 - Zionists Tighten Screws on the ABC In the context, I searched the ABC's website around 10 years ago for references to the attack on the USS Liberty. I have gone backed and checked again over the years - the most recent occasion being a few weeks ago. I have never once found a reference online to that incident - except in comments by the public under articles about other topics. I believe the same applies to the Lavon Affair - a completely blatant Israeli false flag attack in the 1950s, with obvious (potential) relevance to 9/11. The Zionist bias in the ABC is subtle. Pro-Palestinian views are permitted - but only within clearly defined (although rarely articulated) boundaries. - Syd Walker

Political Information Jan 10, 2014 - Just how dangerous is it to investigate the child porn network? In court, Dutroux testified that this “Zionist-Jew child sex ring” is a subset of an international porn cartel which was protected by both French police and French politicians. Dutroux further alleges that French officials has been bribed by France’s powerful Zionist lobby. Eight Jewish people of Italian origin and three Jewish people of Russian extraction were arrested and charged by Italian police for kidnapping, raping and murdering non-Jewish children between the ages of two and five years, obtained from Russian orphanages. [Ron: Remember the global Jewmedia's rancid furor about Putin banning Amerikkans "adopting" Russian orphans and taking them to the US?!] The children were raped and then murdered as part of a series of snuff films. Prosecutors estimate that as many as 1700 children were victimized in this heinous fashion and an undetermined determined number of American pedophiles paid $20,000 per film to watch these young children raped and murdered on film. -

Political Information Jan 10, 2014 - All in the Family: David Cameron’s Jewish Roots and the Coreligionists Who Brought Him to Power Three years ago the Jewish Chronicle published a list of Jewish MPs in Britain’s Parliament, naming 24. The Jewish population in the UK at that time was – and probably still is – around 280,000 or just under 0.5 per cent. There are 650 seats in the House of Commons so, on a proportional basis, Jews could expect three seats. But with 24 they were eight times over-represented. Which meant, of course, that other groups were under-represented. The UK’s Muslim population is about 2.4 million or nearly 4 per cent. Similarly, their quota would be 25 seats but they had only eight – a serious shortfall. If Muslims were over- represented to the same extent as Jews (i.e. eight times) they’d have 200 seats. Imagine the hullabaloo. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 33

Succeeded by David Cameron, the previous leader of the Conservative party, Michael Howard, is also Jewish,(7) as is the current leader of the UK Labour party, Ed Miliband.(8) Not bad going for a group that constitutes less than 0.5% of Britain’s population... If the interests of the Zionist regime and the powerful Jewish community were to conflict with those of the United Kingdom, who would David ‘I’m a Zionist‘ Cameron really represent? If the recent wars on Libya and Syria are anything to go by, this question need not be asked. - Martin Iqbal

Political Information Jan 10, 2014 - Mandela and Gaddafi: the myth of the Saint and the Mad Dog True US History Jan 10, 2014 - Will the Duck Dynasty controversy awaken Americans to the homofascist juggernaut? True US History Jan 10, 2014 - Jews are Prominent in Pedophile Bust Political Information Jan 10, 2014 - The Catholic League on the Weinstein Brothers Ron: Sooo, WHY are these films by the Weinstein Brothers not politically incorect and indeded HATE SPEECH?!

Shellee-Kim Jan 10, 2014 - Sa-Ra 17: Self-Reliance "It is our advice that you watch to see how your choices and thus your actions are informed by the influences of those closest to you...those who you depend upon and who YOU rely upon. And while advice might be sound from some of these ones, please beloved ones, it is quite imperative that your choices be ENTIRELY of YOUR OWN CREATION. And this is what we mean by self-reliance." Sa-Ra

[ Visit Website ]

Spanish Jan 10, 2014 - Anuncio importante Por favor, lee el post # 236 aquí (en ingles): showthread.php?130-P-Targeted-Messages-Discussion Y en español aquí

Political Information Jan 10, 2014 - African truth of Israeli apartheid Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 34

Jan 10, 2014 - Living in a Time of Darkness on a Sea of Madness. True US History Jan 9, 2014 - THREE TIMES EVIL JEWISH LEADERS FLED AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace) Jan 9, 2014 - Über den "Einen" Wichtige Ankündigung von Candace, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Health and Nutrition Jan 9, 2014 - COMMUNISTS & HOMOSEXUALS: WHAT'S THE CONNECTION? Ron: Arguably Talmudists (however described) have destroyed empires from Ur and Babylon through Rome, Venice, Spain, Portugal, Holland and Britain up until today when they are in the process of destroying the Amerikkan (Anglo-US) empire in order to usher in One World government. Since the Talmudists took over the Kingdom of the Khazars they have used and abused most European nations and empires; and the peoples of the New World where they dominated the slave trade as they had done in Europe prior to that time. They have done that by undermining the moral, social and political fibre of each nation or empire in turn. With the exception of the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire. The Byzantine Empire steadfastly refused to allow Talmudists to get their hands on the levers of political power, education and medicine. As a result the Byzantine Empire lasted 1200 years - much longer than any other known empire. From the Byzantines, Pound derived his no-violent formula for controlling the Jews… enting_Jewish_conques_4333.shtml

Rosie Jan 9, 2014 - Meditation 100 Steps to Peace English/German All problems can be solved - not through increased wealth, but through CHANGES IN BEHAVIOUR. When watching the video, ask yourselves how each quality can be INCREASED in your daily lives. Please join us in this, the SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION which will change the face of the planet. Love Rosie MEDITATION: 100 Steps to Peace (9 minutes) from the UNITY TAROT

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 35 MEDITATION: 100 Schritte zum Frieden (9 Minuten) aus dem UNITY TAROT

Other Spiritual Pieces Jan 9, 2014 - Why Complaining Is Holding You Back & How To Stop It seems that it is easier for people to say something negative and get a good response than it is to say something positive. People also complain because they want validation for their negative thoughts, they want to know that other people agree with what they are saying. - Alanna Ketler.

Health and Nutrition Jan 9, 2014 - ADHD Is A Fake Disorder Claims Neurologist-Turned-Author Richard Saul is a neurologist who has had a long career in examining patients who have been having trouble with short attention spans and inability to focus. From his first hand experience, he feels that ADHD is nothing more than a fake disorder that is really only an umbrella of symptoms and not actually a disease. He strongly feels that it should not be listed as a separate disorder in the American Psychiatric Association s Diagnostic & Statistical Manual, all detailed in his book which is set to release in February 2014. As it stands, ADHD is defined as a psychiatric disorder that is neurodevelopmental.- Joe Martino. [Ron: Arguably ADHD is a bogus diagnosis dreamed up by the Jews to suppress the abilities of star seed children.].

Political Information Jan 9, 2014 - French Dissidents Defy Jewish Tyranny Ron: It's time the BKN Jews shut up and pulled their BKN heads in (or stuck them up their own derrieres) don'tcha think?

Political Information Jan 9, 2014 - Israeli drone strikes southern Gaza

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 36 an Israeli drone fired a missile into the coastal enclave on Thursday, leaving three Palestinians, including a child, injured... According to Palestinian medical sources, Israeli troops shot and wounded at least 15 in the occupied West Bank on January 8. The sources said the incident took place after the Israeli forces invaded the al-Arroub refugee camp, north of the city of al-Khalil. The Israeli regime frequently bombs the Gaza Strip, claiming the attacks are being conducted for defensive purposes. PRESS TV

Political Information Jan 9, 2014 - Turkey political crisis turns economic situation from bad to worse Political Information Jan 9, 2014 - Turkish “conspiracy theories” are true When you see the Zionist-dominated mainstream media all reading from the same script, deploying the weaponized term “conspiracy theorist” against the same target, you can be sure that the “conspiracy theorist” they’re targeting is telling the truth. - Dr Kevin Barrett

Political Information Jan 9, 2014 - THE DEVIL TAKES MANY FORMS IN HIS EFFORT TO DESTROY CHRISTIANITY. THE BEATLES WERE HIS HIS FINEST ANTICHRISTST Articles Jan 9, 2014 - French: Les familles royales, Part 3 - Pdf. Par le duc Mehal Rockefeller, traduction Marie-Louise. Télécharger Pdf: Les familles royales: Écrit par le duc Mehal Rockefeller: Crimes et arnaques des entreprises et liens avec les nazis: PARTIE 3.


“THE ETERNAL JEW” Anti-Semitic cartoon, 1937 AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 37

The German version of this 25,000 word essay, Deutschland und die Judenfrage, was published in Berlin in 1938. This is no longer easy to find on the internet.* A roughly translated English version by Knud Erikson was also freely available; but this appears to have mysteriously disappeared. Fortunately, another version of this historic reference work by an unknown translator has just been sent to us by a correspondent; we have therefore decided to reissue it here before it vanishes from sight completely. The essay is a treasure trove of useful information on the Jewish takeover and domination of Germany. Another reason we wish to make this key document available to the general public is that Lasha Darkmoon has quoted from it extensively, not only in a recent article entitled The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany but in a forthcoming 4-part series of essays on the Jewish problem. * We have just received the German version from a correspondent. Here it is: Deutschland und die Judenfrage — John Scott Montecristo, Editor

Environment/Science Jan 8, 2014 - Lead Developer Of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam Political Information Jan 8, 2014 - ‘Haaretz’ says many Orthodox are taught to see non-Jews as ‘not quite human’ According to Samuel Katz, "... boys in the community are taught that non-Jews aren’t quite don’t see commonality with people who aren’t Jewish. There is a completely different taxonomy of people. There are Jews and then there are non-Jews, who don’t have souls. When the messiah comes, “every boy is taught that the bad goyim will be killed and the good gentiles will have the privilege of serving us, of being our slaves,”...The way Stark dealt with tenants is part of that world view… It’s not taking advantage of them, [rather] that is the world order you’re taught to expect. It informs your moral compass. Like all good people Stark was benevolent and generous to the people who he saw were like himself,” - Debra Nussbaum Cohen

Environment/Science Jan 8, 2014 - PROJECT CAMELOT: INTERVIEW WITH MT KESHE RE FUKUSHIMA Ron: Discernment required. Dunno what is required at Fukushima. It would be nice to see some Keshe technologies in action. From about the 50 minute mark onward Keshe outlines what the Foundation is going to do this year - absent preventative action from Celestial sources or others.

Political Information Jan 8, 2014 - Who knew? Obama has a Jewish brother True US History Jan 8, 2014 - Planned Parenthood Rep - Christianity 'Going Down' Political Information Jan 8, 2014 - Israel’s abortion law now among world’s most liberal

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 38

Political Information Jan 8, 2014 - Review of Roger Schlafly’s “How Einstein Ruined Physics” Ron: IMHO this review is entirely too lenient in its appraisal of Einstein and his effects on humanity. Einstein was a Jew and THAT is the reason that he has been promoted, eulogised and sanctified. In truth he was not only a pragiarist but he was wrong in fundamental ways and steered physics in a false direction for a century. He was also instrumental in facilitating the creation of the atomic bomb and hence, with Oppenheimer, Harry S(olomon) Truman and other Jews, he was responsible for Hiroshima and Nagasaki and 60 years of US fostered nuclear terrorism of the global population. For realistic assessments of Einstein see eg: THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF SAINT EINSTEIN. See: SALE-OF-SAINT-EINSTEIN.shtml And: Albert Einstein was a FRAUD. - FRAUD.shtml

Political Information Jan 8, 2014 - Thailand: More Throw-Away Propaganda From NYT Other Spiritual Pieces Jan 8, 2014 - Surfing Through Success Political Information Jan 8, 2014 - US, UK guilty of complicity in Sri Lanka genocide True US History Jan 8, 2014 - Israeli Heroes – American Enemies Ron: This appears to be a pastiche of mis-disinformation.

Political Information Jan 8, 2014 - John Pilger: The media's act of hypnosis that keeps the crimes of our leaders out of sight In 2010, Wikileaks released a cable sent to US embassies by the Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. She wrote this: "Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support for Al Qaeda, the Taliban, al Nusra and other terrorist groups... worldwide". And yet the Saudis are our valued allies. They're good dictators. The British royals visit them often. We sell them all the weapons they want. - John Pilger

True US History Jan 8, 2014 - Al-Qaeda’s real origins exposed Political Information Jan 8, 2014 - Al-Qaeda, NATO’s Timeless Tool Al-Qaeda has always fought the same enemies as the Atlantic Alliance, as reveals once again the scandal currently shaking Turkey... According to the Turkish police and judges who revealed this information and incarcerated the children of several ministers involved in the case, December 17, 2013 - before being divested of the investigation (relieved of their duties) by the Prime Minister -, Yasin al-Qadi and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had developed an extensive system of diversion of funds to finance al-Qaeda in Syria. - Thierry Meyssan

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 39

Hazel Jan 7, 2014 - Lecture by Hazel in Jamaica Political Information Jan 7, 2014 - The Killings Fields of Gaza *Why does the international community and UN allow Israel to and besiege a tiny strip of land called Gaza for near seven years with absolute impunity? *In a related vein, why is Israel allowed to commit piracy in international waters to prevent unarmed merchant ships reaching Gaza under the nose of NATO naval fleets operating in the Eastern Mediterranean? *Were the asymmetric assaults on Gaza in 2008/9 and again in 2012 genuinely a response to Qassam rocket attacks or carefully planned attacks for other reasons? *Could the siege and attacks actually be about testing of new weapons, testing of new missile defence systems, field trials of new strategies of population control and control of the immense energy resources found in the Eastern Mediterranean? ... Israel’s armoury serves as the ultimate extension of Western hegemony in the region. That and the Western military-security-industrial complex being served by Israeli weapons and the opportunity to develop and test weapons in the Palestinian Territories makes the assaults on Gaza and the ongoing repression a case study in what is rapidly becoming Global Palestine – the “palestinization” of us all. For the Gazans are only the guinea pigs. We are the end-recipients. In that sense we all are, truly, Palestinians. - Colin Green

True US History Jan 7, 2014 - Omaha, NE Police using excessive force Ron: Your taxes at work. Where would Amerikkans be without the Welfare State? At least nine police cars and three support vehicles and crews assault, batter and kidnap two US citizens on the pretext that a small truck was allegedly parked in the wrong part of a street or some such. IF each local community was responsible for its own policing and general security requirements the resources required to man a dozen "Police" vehicles would not be available or needed in situation such as this. Centralisation of governance arrangements destroys enuine community cohesion and control of services provision and ensures thuggery, unacountability, corruption and waste. You don't believe me? Try this for size:

Political Information Jan 7, 2014 - Why Berlin is active on behalf of the Russian oligarch Khodorkovsky Political Information Jan 7, 2014 - Psychological Support Systems of Two Chosen People Political Information Jan 7, 2014 - In India, a spectre for us all, and a resistance coming Ron: None of the poverty, misery and violence in India and everywhere is necessary. BUT the Western popular ignorance and complacency that allows it to happen will continue until the Jews' current stranglehold on news and information dissemination is broken. IF the "demonstration" of global excesses and rapacity is not widely televised and broadcast constantly, it only "happens" to those directly affected. In such circumstances, victims always blame themselves and nothing changes. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 40

Political Information Jan 7, 2014 - Correcting German Textbooks Ron: No hide, no Christmas pudding. The Jews are whinging about the fact that German chool textbooks do not eulogise Rothschildslandia (Israel) enough and so they want the German people to rewrite school textbooks to portray Israel as an essential ally of Germany, yadda, yadda, yadda. They also want German school teachers to get more Jew friendly "training" so that they will be more Jew friendly to israel. And since Jews actually run Germany, and the US military enforces Judiac control, the Jews expect to get what they want.

True US History Jan 7, 2014 - What's Wrong With Violence? In this time of the known intent of the federal government, which has authorized itself to arrest us without charge, hold us indefinitely, disappear, torture and kill us – all according to laws such as the PATRIOT Act and NDAA – in times such as these we don’t require any more scare stories that do not have recommendations attached to them. Such scare stories should be shunned if they don’t include proposed solutions because they only serve the federal PSYOP program of demoralization. We don’t need any more “news.” We don’t need any more analysis. We are in information overload and, like the NSA itself, we are all clogged up with both metadata and content. J B Campbell

Political Information Jan 7, 2014 - Salafi ‘smart power’ of Saudi Arabia Ron: HOW does exporting the Saudi's hate-filled, conflict-provoking, intolerant religious ideology to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Malaysia and elsewhere with the tacit blessing of the US and Israel; and funding terrorism by Salafi mercenary terrorists, constitute either SOFT or SMART power?!

Political Information Jan 7, 2014 - From God’s mouth to their ears… Ron: WHY is this genocidal shit included in the Bible which is supposedly the teachings of Esu Immanuel (aka Jesus the Christ)? This anti-divine and anti-human garbage is the doctrine by which Jews (the neo-Pharisees) live. It is diametrically opposed to Esu's message of love and Oneness. It also defames the Israelites as well as the Creator.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 41

True US History Jan 7, 2014 - Jewish Role in African Slave Trade Admitted by Rabbi in New Jewish Book Ron: David Duke grossly underestimates the total number of Black African slaves shipped to the Americas. About 110 million slaves were involved and some 100 million died during the enslavement and shipment process. Jews dominated the trade AND instituted its replacement, namely free range serfdom aka "wage slavery". Use of direct force was deemed obsolete as a human livestock management technique by the global human livestock owners, namely the Jew banksters, during the American Civil War. They decided to ditch the system of chattel slavery in favour of free range serfdom which is the typical control mechanism used today. Free range serfdom reduces the owners' costs while increasing their serfs' productivity. The rationale for free range wage-slave workers was spelt out in the Hazard circular sent by London banksters to US banksters in July 1862, in the middle of the American Civil War. It said:

`Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattels slavery destroyed. This I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborers, while the European plan, led by England, is that capital [the banksters] shall control labor by controlling wages. This can be done by controlling the money. The great debt (national) that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war, must be used as a means to control the volume of money. To accomplish this the war bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting for the Secretary of the Treasury to make this recommendation to Congress.'

The US Congress passed the National Bank Act of 1863 giving the banksters power to create money as debt, but not exclusively. In 1872 Horace Greeley said of the Act: `We have stricken the shackles from four million beings and brought all laborers to a common level, not so much by the elevation of the former slaves as by practically reducing the whole working population, white and black, to a condition of serfdom. While boasting of our noble deeds we are careful to conceal the ugly fact that by our iniquitous money system we have nationalized a system of oppression which, though more refined, is not less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery.' Today everyone, black or white, is a slave to the Jews' corporatist, monetary, banking and governmental system.

Political Information Jan 7, 2014 - Syria’s Hospitals targeted by NATO-backed Armed Groups Since 2011 NATO-backed armed groups have systematically attacked more than two thirds of Syria’s public hospitals, and have murdered, kidnapped or injured more than 300 health workers.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 42

Syria’s Health Minister Dr Sa’ad al Nayef told a visiting Australian solidarity delegation on 22 December that foreign backed terrorists had detonated two truck bombs, completely destroying the hospital. All health workers inside were killed in the blast. Dr Malek Ali, Syria’s Minister for Higher Education told Syria’s SANA news agency that Al-Kindi, was a functioning educational hospital co-managed by his ministry. The Health Minister also gave the delegation details of the 26 November 2013 terrorist attack on Deir-Ateya Hospital in Rural , where 11 medical staff (2 Anesthesiologists, 3 Resident doctors, 4 Nurses and 2 Drivers) were stabbed to death. Health services have been free in Syria and the Health Ministry says that “despite all the pressures and the economic siege” the ministry continues to provide free medical and health services, with “nearly 4.5 million citizens” visiting public hospitals in the last year and “more than 30 million” free consultations, treatments and other health services. - Prof. Tim Anderson

Environment/Science Jan 6, 2014 - Grow your own Food - One Million Gardens Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jan 6, 2014 - Seraphinbotschaft 164: Die Engel sehnen sich das ganze Jahr nach euch Environment/Science Jan 6, 2014 - European Commission To Ban Heirloom Seeds – Criminalize Plants Not Registered With Government Ron: Please explain to me WHY you think that we need governments criminalising home gardners and indeed virtually everything any sovereign, ensouled human may wish to do. Are YOU sooo insecure and/or stupid that YOU need someone else to tell you what to do and how to live? Are YOU really unable to discern for yourself what is good for YOU and your family and community? Being HUman (Higher Universal MAN) entails the ability to think and exercise FREE WILL ie choose how to live. IF you do not want to exercise those abilitiities YOU are forfeiting your humanity and YOU deserve what those YOU allow to "govern" YOU, choose to do to YOU. YOU are a slave with a mentality to match. Sooo, stop whinging and learn to love the Jews.

Articles Jan 6, 2014 - French: Découvertes archéologiques dissimulées (1-3) David Hatcher Childress

Environment/Science Jan 6, 2014 - Archaeological Cover-Ups? by David Hatcher Childress tm

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Jan 6, 2014 - Nebadonia Botschaft 20: Jeder neue Tag ist ein glücklicher Tag Environment/Science Jan 6, 2014 - In the icy grip of fear that global warming is claptrap AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 43

Environment/Science Jan 6, 2014 - GLOBAL WARMING HOAX FOR DUMMIES Political Information Jan 6, 2014 - ‘Cutting the nose, lips and ears’: Brutality against Afghan women at record level Ron: This article is supposed to make you feel that the US military is in Afghanistan to protect women and their rights and if they leave Aghjan women will suffer. This article mentions the plight of Afghan women TODAY ie after 10 years of Amerikkan "freedom and democracy." Michel Chossudovsky: 'Education in Afghanistan in the years preceding the Soviet-Afghan war was largely secular. The US covert education destroyed secular education. The number of CIA sponsored religious schools (madrassas) increased from 2,500 in 1980 to over 39,000 [in 2001]'. Ron: Zbigniew Brzezinsk says that on 3 July 1979 'president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.' In other words the Soviets WERE fighting against a secret PRIOR US interference in Afghanistan. Moreover, unknown to the American public, the US spread the teachings of the Islamic jihad in textbooks “Made in America” developed at the University of Nebraska: The primers, which were filled with talk of jihad and featured drawings of guns, bullets, soldiers and mines, have served since then as the Afghan school system’s core curriculum. Even the Taliban used the American-produced books… Before the Taliban came to power, Afghan women lived a life in many ways similar to that of Western women See eg: From Afghanistan to Syria: Women’s Rights, War Propaganda and the CIA - Women-s-Rights-War-Propaganda-and-the-CIA.shtml Afghan women have the US to thank for their misery due to barbaric ideologies foisted on Afghanistan when Zbigniew Brzezinski precipitated the Soviet incursion at the request of the legitimate Afghan government on 24 December 1979. See eg: The CIA’s “Founding” of Al Qaeda Documented - CIA-s-Founding-of-Al-Qaeda-Documented.shtml Sooo, Pleaseee don't believe the Jewmedia bullshit that the Amerikkan military must stay in Afghanistan to ensure freedom and democracy and to protect women and their "rights".

Afghan women in the 1970s before the CIA-led intervention

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True US History Jan 6, 2014 - Bombings, Invasion, Misery: Fallujah, Symbol of Iraq’s Unending Tragedy Political Information Jan 6, 2014 - Micro-credit and the return of debt bondage for world’s poor Ron: I know continuance of this dystopic world is for the purposes of demonstration but sometimes i wonder who is benefitting from the demonstartion. Every day in every way more and more people are being screwed, many beyond endurance. And frankly I don't buy the argument that humanity is just reaping what it has sown and should just pull itself up by its bootstraps and change everything. Rather than "with one leap" Jack being free, he's actually falling down and breaking his crown, and Jill has come 'tumbling after'. The money system is the root cause of the problem and the sooner it is eliminated the better. In the meantime humanity will never be free until it "hangs the banksters" and anyone who seeks to emulate them. I used to think that usury was the source of all evil but I now see that the monetary system itself is the prime source of scarcity consciousnes and hence human ego- centricity which leads to separation, division, competition and loss of awareness of the connectedness and Oneness of all things. Without a sense of connecteness and Oneness we lose the impetus to serve others and become isolated and alone. Sooo, we must wean ourselves off the idea of money.

Human/Animal Rights Jan 6, 2014 - 90% of new AIDS cases among college students in Chinese mega-city due to homosexual sex Political Information Jan 6, 2014 - Thailand: Civil War is Impossible Political Information Jan 6, 2014 - Proof: Zio Warmongers Seek Syrian Genocide! Political Information Jan 5, 2014 - BRITAIN'S SPIES OUTWITTED BY THE JEWS

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The Jewish terrorists had a plan to bomb the UK parliament from the air. According to Calder Walton, Britain lost the war in Palestine. [Ron: Well of course it did! Given that the Rothschilds covertly ran the UK government, MI5 et al were never going to be allowed to prevent the Jews from achieving their goals.]. Zionists had infiltrated MI5 and MI6. [Ron: Well, DUH!!!]. The [King David Hotel ] bombing was planned by the Nobel peace Prize winner Menachem Begin. [Ron: Pleaseee stop telling me how FKN intelligent and special Jews are because they get awarded NOBEL PRIZES by other Jews.].

Political Information Jan 5, 2014 - West, Saudi Arabia relieved at death of al-Majed Political Information Jan 5, 2014 - The battle for human survival Environment/Science Jan 5, 2014 - ARGUS Drone Spots You from 20,000 Feet - with Camera-phone Sensors Political Information Jan 5, 2014 - JEREMIAH – AND THE HARSH DAMNATION OF THE JEWS BY GOD

True US History Jan 5, 2014 - Gov SWAT Teams Target “Rugged Individuals” Who Grow Their Own Food, Produce Their Own Electricity Ron: The ethnic cleansing of Antelope Valley, California is being directed by Los Angeles County Government Supervisor MIKE ANTONOVICH. Tell me again why you think that the Bolshevik Jews didn't migrate to the US at the invitation of the Rockefeller Jews, when the Bolsheviks were expelled from the Soviet Union in the late 1970s. See eg: Dr Peter Beter's Audio Letters, especially Nos. 26 t0 29 and 36 to 43. While you are at it, explain to me WHY you think that the US today is not run by Bolshevik Jews.

Environment/Science Jan 5, 2014 - UN Report Says Small-Scale Organic Farming Only Way to Feed the World The findings on the report seem to echo those of a December 2010 UN Report in many ways, one that essentially said organic and small-scale farming is the answer for “feeding the world,” not GMOs and monocultures... Diversity of farms, reducing the use of fertilizer and other changes are desperately needed according to the report, which was highlighted in this article from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. It also said that global trade rules should be reformed in order to work toward these ends, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 46 which is unfortunately the opposite of what mega-trade deals like the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the U.S.-EU Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are seeking to accomplish. The Institute noted that these pending deals are “primarily designed to strengthen the hold of multinational corporate and financial firms on the global economy…” rather than the reflect the urgent need for a shift in agriculture described in the new report.

Health and Nutrition Jan 5, 2014 - The Divorced Couple: Informed Consent and Water Fluoridation Political Information Jan 5, 2014 - Volgograd and the Conquest of Eurasia: Has the House of Saud seen its Stalingrad? True US History Jan 5, 2014 - Don't Hold Your Breath... Political Information Jan 5, 2014 - NAZIS [Ron: This title should read: "AshkeNAZIS']. Ron: Tell me again why you hate Germans and love Anglo-Amerikkans. Personally putting an end to all this shit can't come quick enough. But then, what would I know.

Political Information Jan 5, 2014 - Anti-Semitism: Why Does It Exist? And Why Does it Persist? American politicians and educators, and virtually the entire US mass media, promote “diversity,” “multiculturalism” and “pluralism,” and portray those who do not embrace these objectives as hateful and ignorant. At the same time, influential Jewish-Zionist organizations such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) insist that the US must recognize and defend Israel as a specifically Jewish ethnic-religious [Ron ie apartheid] state. /17 Pluralism and diversity, it seems, are only for non-Jews. What’s good for Jews in their own homeland, Jewish-Zionist leaders seem to say, is not pluralism and diversity, but a tribalistic [Ron: Apartheid] nationalism. - Mark Weber “I bet you 85 percent of those [social- political] changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense,” he said. “Jewish heritage has shaped who we are – all of us, us, me – as much or more than any other factor in the last 223 years. And that’s a fact,” - Joe Biden

Political Information Jan 5, 2014 - The Future of Money: A Matter of Functions Four, a Medium, a Measure, a Standard, a Store! Ron: Discernment required. I couldn't be bothered analysing this article.

True US History Jan 5, 2014 - Is America About To Reach A Breaking Point? Anger Grows As Unemployment Benefits Get Cut True US History Jan 5, 2014 - Haiti: Drones and Slavery Political Information Jan 5, 2014 - More Than Meets the Eye Behind Cambodia's Growing Unrest AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 47

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Jan 5, 2014 - Nederlands: SA-RA 16: EEN AANKONDIGING Shellee-Kim

Political Information Jan 5, 2014 - Attack on Iran's Beirut Embassy Masterminded by Saudi Prince Bandar

German Jan 5, 2014 - DAS JAHR DES AUFSTIEGS eingestellt am Neujahrstag 2014 durch Kibo

Political Information Jan 5, 2014 - Understanding Zionist new world order: My perspective Ron: This analysis is naive and simplistic but the author means well.

Environment/Science Jan 5, 2014 - Latest Rense Promoted Fukushima Radiation Hysteria Video Illustrative of the Triumph of Ignorance Over Informed Observation and Analysis, Part 1 Since March of 2011, I've posted at least 35 or 40 articles debunking the myth of Fukushima radiation as having any influence at all on the people, fish, or atmosphere of North America. Fukushima radiation hysteria is a an Illuminati contrived psy-ops. just like Global Warming and Peak Oil were contrived out of whole cloth, having no basis in reality. A frequent mantra you hear from Fukushima radiation hysteria promoters is the false allegation that Fukushima was worst than Chernobyl. That's simply not true, as this video will demonstrate.- Ken Adachi

Political Information Jan 4, 2014 - The Jewish War Against Christmas Political Information Jan 4, 2014 - Putin vows to totally destroy terrorists after bombings Environment/Science Jan 4, 2014 - KESHE PATENTS WITHDRAWN !! The application is deemed to be withdrawn on 01.04.2014 Ron: As Mehran Keshe and the Keshe Foundation have freely GIVEN Keshe's discoveries to the whole world the only point of having lodged patent applications was presumably to prevent anyone else stealing the information and patenting it so that it couldn't be used by humanity generally. There is NO POINT in maintaing the patent applications now.

Political Information Jan 4, 2014 - 2014, the year of the change for the Humanity Ron: It appears that Mehren Keshe and his Foundation are about to change the face of humanity on this planet, UNLESS the Celestials either pull their finger out and beat him to it; OR prevent him from so doing. Prevention would appear to constitute interference with humanity's free will. Alternatively, I suppose its possible that Mehren Keshe is a fraud.

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True US History Jan 4, 2014 - Petrodollar Scam Breaking Down

True US History Jan 4, 2014 - Inconsistencies and Unanswered Questions: The Risks of Trusting the Snowden Story Political Information Jan 4, 2014 - Israeli warplanes strike Gaza Strip: Military German Jan 4, 2014 - Mandela ist gegangen, aber in Australien ist die Apartheid immer noch gesund und munter John Pilger, Übersetzung Remo Santini

German Jan 4, 2014 - Das Europäische Menschenrechtsgericht hat entschieden, dass das Bestreiten des wahren armenischen Völkermords kein Verbrechen sei, dass aber das Bestreiten des ERFUNDENEN Holocausts eines sei, Übersetzung Remo Santini

Political Information Jan 4, 2014 - Going behind the scenes of Russia's terrorist blasts Ron: For some reason this commentator doesn't mention the fact that since 1979 the CIA has been organising and funding Al Queda Muslim mercenary terrorists to kill Russians and others (mostly civilians) in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, syria, Tunesia, Mali, Yemen and many other places. According to the official version, the CIA's support for the Mujahideen began in 1980, i.e. after the Soviet army's [alleged] invasion of Afghanistan on 24 December 1979. But the reality, which was kept secret until today, is completely different:Actually it was on 3 July 1979 that president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets... This secret operation was an excellent idea. It lured the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 49

Russians into the Afghan trap, and you would like me to regret that? On the day when the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote president Carter, in essence: 'We now have the opportunity to provide the USSR with their Viet Nam war.' Indeed for ten years Moscow had to conduct a war that was intolerable for the regime, a conflict which involved the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet Empire. - Zbigniew Brzezinski See: Documented.shtml

True US History Jan 4, 2014 - EFSA Godfather, "Ain't No Aspartame Crime Around Here." The first thing that Dr. Alemany said to me was "Betty, aspartame will murder 200 million people". - Betty Martini, D.Hum

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Jan 4, 2014 - Nederlands: EPILOOG Monjoronson via Ben

True US History Jan 4, 2014 - Boy Scouts ready for move to allow gay scouts from 2014 Political Information Jan 4, 2014 - The Year of Living Dangerously with Mr. Apocalypse Political Information Jan 4, 2014 - Celestial Empire won't let America to Asia Political Information Jan 3, 2014 - The Balkanization of Sudan: The Redrawing of the Middle East and North Africa Either directly or through proxies in Africa, the U.S., the E.U., and Israel are the main architects behind the fighting and instability in both Darfour and South Sudan. These outside powers have assisted in the training, financing, and arming of the militias and forces opposed to the Sudanese government within Sudan. They lay the blame squarely on Khartoum’s shoulders for any violence while they themselves fuel conflict in order to move in and control the energy resources of Sudan. The division of Sudan into several states is part of this objective. Support of the JEM, the South Sudan Liberation Army (SSLA), and other militias opposed to the Sudanese government by the U.S., the E.U., and Israel has been geared towards achieving the objective of dividing Sudan. It is also no coincidence that for years the U.S., Britain, France, and the entire E.U. under the pretext of humanitarianism have been pushing for the deployment of foreign troops in Sudan. They have actively pushed for the deployment of NATO troops in Sudan under the cover of a U.N. peacekeeping mandate. - Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

Political Information Jan 3, 2014 - Inside Israel’s Apartheid State Ron: By falsely vilifying Germans as "Nazis"THIS author continues the Jews' Blood Libel and demonisation of the noble German nation. He is therefore PART OF THE PROBLEM dispite his realistic appraisal of what the Jews are doing in Palestine. ALSO, what is Max AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 50

Blumenthal's rationalisation of the Torah's genocidal commands written by Levite LIARS and plagiarists 2600 years ago? There were NO Germans around to vilify in those days. Sooo, what exactly is Blumenthal's explanation of and justification for the sacred injunction in the Jews' holy books to KILL all goyim except females who have never had sexual intercourse. According to the Mosaic law such females can be used and abused at will by Jews but all other non-Jews must be killed and their property stolen. Arguably Blumenthal IS at the top of the field of those Jews whose job it is to misdirect global public attention away from the one issue that will destroy Israel and the global Judaic conspiracy to enslave humanity, namely the HoloHoax. IF (when) the HoloHoax is exposed globally as a fraudulent Blood Libel of the German nation, Holocaustianity and Jewish control of the Anglo-US, UK and EU will end because those ideological edifices are built on that mostrous calumny. The Jews' constantly distract the stupid goyim and misdirect all debates by controlling BOTH (all?) sides of every important controversy and, where necessary, creating controversies artificially as in this case. The information in Blumenthal's book is sooo bloody obvious to ANY impartial observer that to pretend to create a furore over it is ridiculous.

Political Information Jan 3, 2014 - Australia: Former Labor minister to assist Holden shutdown Ron: Some insight into how Australian governments handle the hollowing out of manufacturing industries and the off-shoring jobs.

True US History Jan 3, 2014 - Screen Propaganda, Hollywood and the CIA “There’s a symbiosis between the CIA and Hollywood” - ex-CIA agent Bob Baer Ron: The reason for that symbiosis should be obvious - BOTH are controlled by Jews. Failure to mention let alone emphasise that fact is a serious flaw in this article.

True US History Jan 3, 2014 - Lights, Camera… Covert Action: The Deep Politics of Hollywood Ron: As with most "exposures" of the truth about Hollywood and the US Police State apparatus, this article assiduously FAILS to even mention the word "Jew" or Rockefeller. The net effect is therefore a LIE. Endless denunciation of the nebulous "CIA" tells the reader nothing, just like the endless denunciations of the "Illuminati", or the "Masons" or 'the "Vatican" et al. The authors might just as well have referred to "the Bogeyman" instead of the CIA.

Political Information Jan 3, 2014 - Putin & the Iran Problem Political Information Jan 3, 2014 - Is Holocaust denial anti-Semitic? Ron: Dunno what Paul Eisen is really saying but his main contribution seems to be to publicise Deborah Lipstadt's ad hominem attack on critics of the Holocaust hoax. As there was NO Holocaust of Jews in WWII, denying that fact cannot be anti-semitic or anti anything. It is just a fact. Moreover, as Jews are NOT Semites, denying what they say cannot be legitimately said to be antisemitic. It doesn't even necessarily evidence an anti-jewish or AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 51 anti Judaic state of mind. IMHO both Paul Eisen and Deborah Lipstadt evince typical rabbinic thinking.

Political Information Jan 3, 2014 - Guillaume Garot – “Antisemitism is not an opinion; it is a crime”

Political Information Jan 3, 2014 - Top 10 Anti-Semitic Slurs of 2013, edited by Pandora Pushkin Commentators that compare Jews to “Nazis”unwittingly support the Jew’s own myth of the “demonic Nazi,” the German as penultimate evil. There is no need to make such comparisons as the present day Jew is of the very same ilk that brought about the genocidal slaughter in Russia. Thus the present day Jew is not LIKE the Soviet murderers who massacred some 66 million indigenous Russians, they ARE the very same people. No need to make comparisons when one has a first hand example of what is being dealt with. As for the evil, totalitarian “Nazi” state, that barely lasted twelve years, it wasn’t even in the running when compared with the Soviet terror state that lasted over seventy years. The “Nazis” supposedly terrorized their people, a claim that doesn’t wash when one cares to interview German citizens of the National Socialist period. I have never spoken with a German citizen alive during that period who even hinted at having any fear of the much ballyhooed German Gestapo. By contrast, Russians of the Soviet era frequently and openly speak of the terror experienced at the hands of the Checka/NKVD/KGB state police, an agency created by Jewish commissars. Death camps in Germany? Even the Yad Vashem agrees there were none, but what about the Soviet death camps invented by Matvei Berman and Naftaly Frenkel, two Jews who founded the Gulag system? Virtually every unverified, fanciful claim of German atrocities in German camps was verifiable fact within the confines of the Soviet gulag system. Cattle car transportation, (instead of “suffocating” in the German “cattle cars” as Jews claim, Russian prisoners froze to death as cattle cars are made with slats to prevent cattle from – suffocating) slave labor, starvation, summary execution et al., it’s all there save perhaps the mythical gas chambers. Better still, this was all fact long before Hitler took power, so the Jewish myth makers had years of horror stories of their own creation to use in making up lies about the German camps. It’s time to stop comparing present day Jews with the eeeevil Nadzees of yesteryear and time to start laying the true evil of their Soviet terror state squarely at their feet. To paraphrase that great hick-from- the-sticks president, Bill Clinton – It’s the Soviet Jews stupid! - Arch Stanton

Political Information Jan 3, 2014 - New Year, New History. Israel: "Warsaw Ghetto a Myth" The name "Warsaw Ghetto" is Jewish. The Nazis [Ron: ie German government] had created in October 1940 the "Jüdischer Wohnbezirk" or "Wohngebiet der Juden," both translate as "Jewish Quarter."... The ghetto was divided in two areas the "small ghetto," inhabited by rich Jews and the "large ghetto," where the poor lived; both were linked by a footbridge. The following November 16, the ghetto was closed with a barbed wire topped wall. Armed guards overlooked it; escapees could be shot on sight. The division of the ghetto into economical classes is not casual; the internal administration of the area was performed by the "Judenrat" (Jewish Council), led by an "Ältester" (the Eldest). This administrative body AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 52 was a close collaborator with the Nazis to the extent that it can be considered as an extension of the Nazi administration... Can you imagine growing up in a place where all your teachers keep saying that your grandparents—or those of the kid sitting next to you—were made into soap? Do you understand what such a kid sees whenever he uses a soap bar? Can you understand what happens when he discovers later in life that no human genes were ever found in those soap bars? Can you understand what he feels after finding that everything was an evil emotional manipulation performed by a control-freak regime interested in keeping its citizens frightened forever?... Eli Gat is a Jewish survivor of the site, an Israeli citizen, and a former IDF officer. He says that the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was a myth. Those claiming otherwise should clean their mouths with soap. "Around 50,000 people were left in the ghetto; they were spared death at the time because they were skilled professionals who worked in German factories both inside and outside the ghetto. These people never thought about revolt, they thought about survival. "Only a small group of young people revolted, whose size and efforts were inflated to mythic proportions in Israel after the state was established in 1948. More importantly, the uprising, which started on April 19, 1943, contradicted the survival strategy of the masses of Jews who remained in the ghetto... "The uprising was also inflated by a blurring of the numbers: the number of German casualties, the number of ghetto fighters and the length of the uprising. In the first works after the Holocaust, writers talked about hundreds of Germans killed. But the daily reports sent out by the commander who destroyed the ghetto later came to light. Based on these reports from SS Gen. Jurgen Stroop, which no one questions, 16 Germans were killed in the fighting. After these reports came to light, the original writings on the uprising were filed away and never mentioned. "A second murky figure is the number of people who took part in the uprising, ... Prof. Israel Gutman, who took part in the uprising and wrote a book after doing separate research, put the number at only 350. "Just two days of hard fighting..." - Rov Tov

Political Information Jan 3, 2014 - Thailand: CONFIRMED - "Men-in-Black" Gunmen Were Regime Police Then the policemen shot tear gas for fighting against the demonstrated and there were many men in black on the top of the ministry of Labour buiding, who were suspected as who shot some protester and one policeman died.more than 150 protester injured in the situation. this woman and her friend were voluntary nurse who wanted to help injured protesters.the policemen were so cruel and hurt the protesters, moreover they destroyed many vehicles , they came toward this nurse's car, and began destroying her car, even she and her friend said " no no don't do that please. they didn't care ,destroyed her car with cruel intention..furthermore, one of them stole some stuff of her.. There were more than 6 million protestors in Bangkok and many protestors in many big city,they want to reform Thailand, - Thaisong lover

Spanish Jan 3, 2014 - Nebadonia Mensaje 20: FELICIDADES PARA CADA NUEVO DÍA Nebadonia a través de Rosie

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True US History Jan 3, 2014 - Billy Graham’s son Franklin: Homosexuality is ‘a sin,’ and ‘I want to warn people’ Ron: God doesn't judge us, we judge ourselves. The word "sin" really just means "error", "missing the mark". It is used in a judgmental, perjorative sense by many righteous and religious people and that misdirects the debate. Homosexual practices like sodomy, are inappropriate as they are contrary to nature and hence contrary to divine law. That simply means that wilfully indulging in such practices is harmful physically, psychically and spiritually, as are many other human activities. Those who indulge in practices that are contrary to nature and divine law are thereby not growing spiritually in respect of them. Accordingly it is inappropriate to encourage homosexual practices or for society to condone proselytising by homosexuals.

Human/Animal Rights Jan 2, 2014 - Ep. 18: From the Depths of Hell to Happiness with Teal Scott Ron: Please listen to this audio interview. Teal Scott is an awesome Indigo Star Seed whose teachings are truth. Moreover she has been there and DONE IT and escaped from a particularly virulent version of our 3D hell planet's satanic mind control system. She says we have to learn to love ourselves, That's the key to merging with our eternal selves. Nothing more is required. The inner child never grows up We just get better at parenting it. The universe MUST give us what we truly DESIRE. The key to enlightenment is to learn to understand and focus positive desires. Living without fear requires constantly adjusting our thoughts to focus only on positive desires not negative possibilities and outcomes. This requires questoning every REACTION you have. Strong emotional reactions are bio-chemical physical effects that indicate that you have ego attachments which are much stronger (louder?) than intuitive reactions which are very quiet. Fully questioning your thoughts and perceptions is the most important thing you can do. It helps you to listen to your intuition which increases non attachment ability. Worry is a sign of negative perceptions and attachments. We can find joy and live without fear if we change the meaning of experiences by looking for aspects that benefit us. There is a wealth of wisdom in Teal Scott's message in this interview. She is living proof that it is possible to escape and deprogram after 15 years of satanic mind control.

Kibo Jan 2, 2014 - THE YEAR OF RISING posted New Years day, 2014

Environment/Science Jan 2, 2014 - Breaking the Chains in 2014 Political Information Jan 2, 2014 - Sunni Monarchs Back YouTube Hate Preachers A recent study of dead rebel fighters in Syria by Aaron Y Zelin of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation indicates that jihadi death notices revealing country of origin show that 267 came from Saudi Arabia, 201 from Libya, 182 from Tunisia and 95 from Jordan. The great majority had joined Isis and the al-Nusra Front, both of which are highly AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 54 sectarian organisations. A deeply dangerous development is that the foreign fighters, inspired by film of atrocities and appeals to religious faith, may sign up to go to Syria but often end up as suicide bombers in Iraq, where violence has increased spectacularly in the past 12 months.There is now a fast-expanding pool of jihadis willing to fight and die anywhere. - Patrick Cockburn

True US History Jan 2, 2014 - Academic Zionist agents in US go public But academia infiltration and co-option at the top was an area where the Zionist lobby always wanted to stay below the radar to lessen the chances of any grassroots blowback from the grassroots majority. Once you control the top university people, that gives you the tools needed to publicly lynch vocal and visible critics of Israel by having their tenure denied and even being fired. This has literally been their campus terror campaign... to keep your mouth shut or else. - Jim W Dean

Human/Animal Rights Jan 2, 2014 - The "Monarch project" - SEXUAL SLAVE ALTERS Rosie Jan 2, 2014 - Nebadonia Message 20: HAPPY EVERY NEW DAY "As the DIVINE BREATH approaches your planet, all patterns and rhythms will be affected by this. Then again I will hold you, Beloved Children, should you call upon me, so that you are in a safe environment of stillness from which you can adjust to the VIBRATION OF DIVINITY. Thus will all else fall away. Recalibration or re-placement according to your choice"

True US History Jan 2, 2014 - CHILDREN's BOOKS GLORIFY HOMELAND SECURITY Ron: Still, children should be able to intuit the truth shouldn't they? And anyway, I blame the parents. Although, because of fraudulent adhesion contracts and such, it could be argued that parents are not responsible because Government corporations (and hence the Jew bankers) actually OWN the children don't they?

Political Information Jan 2, 2014 - Politicized Nobel Prize. Rewarding Those Who Best Contribute to War, Chaos and Crimes against Humanity Ron: The shit is being shovelled deeper and deeper. Never mind tho, we'll just keep waiting for the Darkside to have their fill and give it away... Besides, in the meantime those being killed, maimed, tortured, emisserated or mind controlled into robotic slavery etc, probably had it coming. And if they didn't, they'll benefit from the pain and suffering in the long run won't they? Anyway, most humans are plain ignorant which is a serious offence and their own fault because their fear prevents them understanding what the Darkside is doing to them. On the other hand, those who DO know what they are doing must be allowed to continue fucking humanity and the planet until they get over their fears.

Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 55

Jan 2, 2014 - The Move to Muzzle Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala The Bête Noire of the French Establishment In the last twenty years, while religious faith and political commitment have declined drastically, the Holocaust, called the Shoah in France, has gradually become a sort of State Religion. Schools commemorate the Shoah annually, it increasingly dominates historical consciousness, which in other areas is declining along with many humanistic studies. In particular, of all the events in France’s long history, the only one protected by law is the Shoah. The so-called Gayssot Law bans any questioning of the history of the Shoah, an altogether unprecedented interference with freedom of speech. Moreover, certain organizations, such as LICRA, have been granted the privilege of suing individuals on the basis of “incitement to racial hatred” (very broadly and unevenly interpreted) with the possibility of collecting damages on behalf of the “injured community”.In practice, these laws are used primarily to prosecute alleged “anti-Semitism” or “negationism” concerning the Shoah. Even though they frequently are thrown out of court, such lawsuits constitute harassment and intimidation. France is the rare country where the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement against Israeli settlement practices can also be attacked as “incitement to racial hatred”. The violence-prone Jewish Defense League, outlawed in the United States and even in Israel, is known for smashing books shops or beating up isolated, even elderly, individuals. When identified, flight to Israel is a good way out. The victims of the JDL fail to inspire anything close to the massive public indignation aroused when a Jewish person falls victim to wanton violence... constant reminders of the Shoah serve as a sort of protection for Israel from the hostility aroused by its treatment of the Palestinians. But the religion of the Holocaust has another, deeper political impact with no direct relation to the fate of the Jews... Auschwitz has been interpreted as the symbol of what nationalism leads to. Reference to Auschwitz has served to give a bad conscience to Europe, and notably to the French... By placing Auschwitz as the most significant event of recent history, various writers and speakers justify by default the growing power of the European Union as necessary replacement for Europe’s inherently “bad” nations. Never again Auschwitz! Dissolve the nation-states into a technical bureaucracy, free of the emotional influence of citizens who might vote incorrectly. Do you feel French? Or German? You should feel guilty about it – because of Auschwitz.- DIANA JOHNSTONE

German Jan 2, 2014 - Okay..... Seufz..... Von Kibo, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

German Jan 2, 2014 - Israel öffnete die Tore von zwei Dämmen. Nun wird Gasa überschwemmt Rana Alshani, Übersetzung Remo Santini

French Jan 2, 2014 - French: PJ #30 " LE RETOUR DU PHENIX ", CHAPITRE 10 & 11. GYEORGOS CERES HATONN, traduction Marie-Louise.

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Political Information Jan 2, 2014 - In recent Israeli survey, Moses considered the most popular character from the bible

True US History Jan 2, 2014 - Overthrow the Speculators Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Jan 2, 2014 - Nederlands: ER IS SLECHTS EEN -- EN DAT BEN IK !, ATON! Sananda, Germain, Michael en Aton in PJ's.

Political Information Jan 2, 2014 - Thailand: Protest Leaders Demand Justice for Fallen Protesters and Policeman True US History Jan 2, 2014 - U.S. Uses 40 Tons of Antibiotics a Day Just to Grow Food True US History Jan 1, 2014 - The "Monarch project" Human/Animal Rights Jan 1, 2014 - Jewish libertarian Murray Rothbard about children Ron: Here's yet another example of an anti-human "ism' created by Jews. Here are some comments on Jewish Libertarian, Murray Rothbard's views on children. Liberterians are as sick as Liberals/Neoconservatives/Marxixts… all Jewish constructs. Too many on our side get side tracked by their nonsense. Jews peddle this REACTIONARY selfishness to keep the Goyem selfish,and seperated from personal family,and family of humanity,so they can unite,concentrate and rule.. They give calls to greed,’hard

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 57 work”individual inititive’cliches so none of us collect together to advance our children,or community LIKE THEY DO.leaving us all enslaved,poor,and in the dust ! While they help each other to rule,and get rich ! - Dante Ardenz The economist places nature and morality below a proposed free market where children are the commodity. With this in mind perhaps we should remember Rothbard with the same reluctance as we do those individuals who traffic children for sexual exploitation and slavery. Horrific. - europeaninlondon ews telling the Goyim what their values of freedom and morality should be. To think even Ron Paul is doctrinally close to this jewish reformulation . . . - MisterCan

Political Information Jan 1, 2014 - The End for Erdogan and AKP – Financial Fraud and Money Laundering Political Information Jan 1, 2014 - ‘West wants to keep Syria in crisis’ Political Information Jan 1, 2014 - False-flag terror targets Middle East ... and then we have the main-stream media news who as far as I can see share a hand in the state-sponsored terrorism by covering up or deflecting any real questions about it. An accessory after the fact is someone who knows that a crime has occurred but nonetheless helps to conceal it. Today, this action is often termed obstructing justice or harboring a fugitive. I think that the actors and talking-heads in the main-stream media and the insider politicians who know something about it are just as guilty as those who did it by covering up for them and helping them to escape prosecution for the crimes of mass murder and crimes against humanity. - Leonard Meltonin

Environment/Science Jan 1, 2014 - The Diamond Empire Ron: Why am I not surprised? This film appears to be about 20 years old since it talks about South Africa just before Mandela became Preisdent. Accordingly it doesn't note that the situation of South African mine workers have actually deteriorated under the new Black indigenous government which De Beers and Oppenheimer et al covertly sought to instal. This 1 hour 20' 58" video was published by Scott Webb on May 30, 2011:

True US History Jan 1, 2014 - Why Jews Must Be Purged From Power “We Are Bringing America The Plague,” Sigmund Freud told his colleagues when disembarking in New York in 1909 from Austria. Freud soon established an elite…a kind of ‘apostolic succession.’ This succession began with the Jew, Alfred Adler, who established a psychoanalysis professorship at the Long Island College of Medicine in America in 1932. Adler continued Freud’s subtle legitimizing of “bisexuality.” And thus the so-called ‘Gay Rights Movement’ was born from the perverted Jewish hearts of Freud and Adler...

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 58

Materialism is the “Jewish spirit” that the Germans of the Weimar period complained so bitterly about. Jewish materialism gives birth to its bastard daughters: Racial Supremacism, Avarice, Vengefulness, Utilitarianism, Endless Acquisitiveness, and Moral Relativity and Moral Bargaining, so evident in the Talmud... We can either have a Christian America or a Jewish America. There is NO in between. - Br Nathanael Kapner

Political Information Jan 1, 2014 - Bank Corruption Down Under Ron: The global financial and banking RESET can't come quick enough for many Australians as wella as others.

Political Information Jan 1, 2014 - Spreading Separatist Views Now a Criminal Act in Russia Political Information Jan 1, 2014 - The Heart of Darkness The masthead of Murdoch's 'flagship' paper in this country, The Australian, loudly proclaims itself to be The Heart of the Nation. Now I'd only be inclined to go along with that claim provided that the adjective 'dark' preceded the noun 'heart'. Or, even better (and with apologies to Joseph Conrad), that it was replaced altogether with the words ' The Heart of Darkness', as befits the paper's status as the mouthpiece of the Abbottoir and all that is vile and retrograde in this country. - MERC

True US History Jan 1, 2014 - 9/11: NYT gives Israel a blow job Announcements Jan 1, 2014 - Happy New Year Everyone um=internal_email&utm_source=pickup&utm_campaign=receivercontent

Click on linky!

Political Information Jan 1, 2014 - 'Saving Mr. Banks': There Probably Won't Be Any Nazis In Disney's Latest Movie Ron: This commentator libels Walt Disney without providing a scrap of evidence for his Jew propaganda assertions. In truth Walt Disney had good reason to criticise Jews and what they did to his endeavours, to the people of the US, and to the world. Rather than read this third rate set of calumnies of the German nation and a great Amerikkan, why not read: Walt Disney versus The Hollywood Jews, at Hollywood-Jews.shtml

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 59

Targeted Messages Dec 31, 2013 - An Invitation This is a short letter written to the "One" we have been addressing and all those associated another of us of AH. YOU ARE LOVED. Read inside.

True US History Dec 31, 2013 - Subverting the Disney Legacy 'Have you ever met an atheistic Jamaican Christian? Or a secular Hungarian Muslim? Of course not. Only the Jews can screw you into believing that they are somehow above both race and religion. [Ron: While also convincing you that they are "g-d's chosen" and that only Jews can be citizens of Israel.] You believe this crap because you and your kids have been watching Hollywood garbage since the day your grandmother became a brainwashed Zionist Baptist.'- Michael James

Political Information Dec 31, 2013 - Out of the horse’s mouth–Peres: ‘It is impossible to Separate Judaism from the State of Israel’ Ron: Sooo, the Jews DEMAND that their "state" must be an apartheid "state" in which "church" and "state" are inseperable while also DEMANDING that the US and ALL non- Jewish states MUST separate their religions from their governments, laws and public discourse. Their demands are soo intrusive that the Jews running Amerikka now demand that non-Jews must not publicly display Christian symbols or make public mention of Christianity or Christmas. WHY do Amerikkans and everyone else put up with such shit from such a racist, satan worshipping political cult.?

Political Information Dec 31, 2013 - How the IAEA Basically Helped Assassinate Iranian Nuclear Scientists

Ron: Can you imagine the FKN furore that would resound throughout the Jewmedia and Western governments IF a similar number of senior Anglo- USraeli scientists were assassinated by anti-Jewish forces in this way? How much longer must Iran and the non-Jew controlled world put up with this shit? What irritates me the most though, is the ululations and Talmudic whinging that arises throughout JewMerikka and global Jewmedia when these Jew agents and terrorists are apprehended, tried and incarcerated or executed. The "heart rending" concern for Jew funded Pussy Rioters and Green Peace hooligans invading Russian oil platforms that have NOT created oil spills (unlike BP in the Gulf of Mexico) pale in comparison to the concern the West expresses for its major (financial) terrorists like Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

Political Information Dec 31, 2013 - Thailand: Violent, Homophobic Regime Supporters Plan "Secession" Ron: WHY must otherwise reasonable analysts regurgitate Jewish LIES about Hitler's "Brown Shirts" when discussing a completly different situation in Thailand in the 21st century?! The Brown Shirts were a genuine National Socialist organisation that had to AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 60 literally FIGHT Bolshevik Jewish Communists (who murdered some 62,000 ethnic Germans in Poland) and who were trying to subvert the German nation and instal a Jewish COUP leadership ie a Bolshevik regime LIKE THE SOVIET BOLSHEVIK REGIME THAT WAS MURDERING 66 MILLION RUSSIAN CHRISTIANS AND 10 MILLION UKRAINIAN CHRISTIANS and many others AT THE TIME that the Brown Shirts were defending Germany against the same Bolshevik Jewish Communists. In effect the Brown Shirts SAVED Germany FROM the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks under Rosa Luxembourg had already attempted a Jewish COUP (a la the Russian Red Revolution in 1917) which failed in Berlin in 1918-19. The situation in Thailand today is that the so-alled "elite" protesters who are, in fact, the equivalent of Thailand's "National Socialists"and who are trying to prevent Thaksin Shinawata's Jew funded RED SHIRTS (Notice the "RED" colour's prominence again as in Russia in 1917). Equating the Brown Shirts with an anti-nationalist coup reverses the truth. They were patriots defending their nation from a virulent genocidal threat from foreign Jews. Similarly, Thailand's current protesters against the illegitimate and corrupt current Shinawata government are emulating the national socialism of the Brown Shirts. They are defending Thailand's independence from Jew funded Anglo-US Wall Street corporations and subversive Jew controlled NGOs and Foundations and the global Jewmedia. Failing to understand the truth about Germany between WWI and WWII is unacceptable in a would-be legitimate commentator in the 21st Century. Tony Cartalucci needs to get it right or leave it alone as his false analogy assiste the Jews to perpetrate their LIES about German National Socialists AND their subversion of Thailand and its genuine 'national socialists' (however described).

Environment/Science Dec 31, 2013 - WORLDS FASTEST TRAINS - MAGLEV "capable" of 3,500 km/h Political Information Dec 31, 2013 - Bailing Out The Vatican Bank... The Ice Cream Headache* True US History Dec 31, 2013 - CIA BUSY IN RUSSIA? Political Information Dec 31, 2013 - Now Comes that Most Welcome and Unwelcome Year. Chomsky is a fraud! He’s a traitor to the nation! He is an enemy combatant!... People, Chomsky is an intellectual terrorist and should be in Guantanamo. If the world is in danger of Nuclear War, it is as a direct result of the intentions of the people he works for. He should have a big tattoo on his head that says, 100% Tribe Owned and Operated... The corporations own the politicians and the Central Bankers cast their long shadow over the corporations. It’s all a single mentality and it is reaching its logical conclusion... This New Year is going to be a pivotal period in our times. Nothing is going to be the same, when we arrive at this same point, a year from now. - Les Visible

True US History Dec 31, 2013 - IMAGINE – IF YOU CAN, AMERICA WITHOUT JEWS True US History Dec 31, 2013 - WHY AMERICANS LOVE THE JEWS WHO RUIN THEM Ron: Joe's a bit excessive with his language but his heart and soul is in the right place.

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Political Information Dec 30, 2013 - Israël: Racisme anti-Africains "Fier d'être racistes..." Ron: Anglo-Amerukkans, Europeans and Western gentile nations generally are told by the Jews that they MUST accept migrants and assylum seekers from anywhere and everywhere. Moreover, Jewmedia and Jew pressure groups keep screeching that USans and other nations are racist bigots whenever they try to limit immigration from Third World and under developed nations. But of course g-d's self chosen ones cannot be expected to accept non- Jewish migrants and asylum seekers can they? Jews are special and cannot be expected to do as lesser mortals do. They have an apartheid state and are busy ethnically cleansing the original inhabitants so they don't want ANY goyim "cattle" in their neighbourhoods. Although they are immigrants to Palestine themselves it seems that the irony and hypocrisy escapes them. But then, Jews are not intrinsically very bright are they? If they were, they wouldn't be Jews. For instance, a female Jewish protester shouts: 'We're racist because we want to preserve our lives and our sanity. So I'm proud to be a racist! - And its our right to be racist! And what about the Palestinians whose land these Jews have stolen and occupy with murderous violence?

Health and Nutrition Dec 30, 2013 - Rabbi Sued After Baby Injured During Circumcision Llewellyn handles cases involving injury during circumcision – injury brought on by both doctors in the hospital and mohels in religious ceremonies. “Your average pediatric urologist probably spends about 20 percent of his or her time repairing children who have been circumcised,” Llewellyn says. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, one in every 500 newborn boys experience significant acute complications as a result of circumcision. “This is pretty much unregulated,” Llewellyn said. He says there is no regulated standard for training or certification of mohels, or any place for reporting injuries from circumcision. “There’s virtually no regulation of this any place in the United States that I know of,” Llewellyn said. “I think the government probably should require some sort of training if this is going to be done.” - Marty Griffin

Political Information Dec 30, 2013 - National Socialism - The one and only true way to free ourselves from enslavement Political Information Dec 30, 2013 - Saudi ‘gift’ to hide its terror hand

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Ron: IF the Celestials don't see fit to actively intervene it would appear to be time for Russia to sort out Saudi Arabia. It's bad enough that Saudia Arabia foments death squad terrorism throughout Syria and other smaller nations BUT to threaten and then continue to blatantly bomb and kill Russians after what they did to Beslan and in the Chechen Wars, is TOO MUCH. It really is time that Russia stopped turning the other cheek and gave the Jews a hiding. Either Russia gives the covert Jews running Saudia Arabia some of their own medicine so that they and their covert USraeli backers get the message or Putin needs to stop pretending Russia is independant of the Jew banksters.

Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 30, 2013 - Lost in the Snowy White Limbo? Political Information Dec 30, 2013 - Japanese War Crimes: I’m Sorry? Ron: The real hate literature that pours out day and night from JewMerikka, the UK, UN, EU and NATO, and global JEWmedia, always demonising Germans, Iraqis, Afghanis, Syrians, Libyans, Africans and Muslims generally et al, and on and on. WHY for instance, is it OK to vilify Hitler and Germans when in fact the Jew controlled US, UK, French and Soviet empires genocided 20 million Germans most of them civilians or POWs during and after WWII? Indeed, WHY is it politically correct to vilify SOME nations but not others; OR even to criticise the Jews who organise the genociding of nation after nation?! See eg: Criticize Israel – Go to Jail! See: Jail.shtml And: What To Do With Germany. See: Germany.shtml The Morgenthau Plan for Israel. See: -Plan-for- Israel.shtml The Zionist Destruction of Germany. See: Germany.shtml Documentary: Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps – A Deliberate Policy of Extermination. - Eisenhower-s-Rhine-Meadows-Death-Camps-A-Deliberate-Policy-of- Extermination.shtml Dachau - The fraudulent stories of "extermination" and "homicidal gas chambers". See: _The_fraudulent_stories_of_extermination_a_3963.shtml GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany Costly-Attempt-To-Exterminate-The-People-of-Germany.shtml And: The Federal Republic of Germany, A Rothschildian Financial Agency See: Germany-A-Rothschildian-Financial-Agency.shtml

Political Information AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 63

Dec 30, 2013 - Ukraine opts for Russian bailout instead of EU treaty Political Information Dec 30, 2013 - Putin Throws Down Gauntlet To IMF Political Information Dec 30, 2013 - Russia backs its neighbours: Ukraine, Belarus timely getting loans Russia will also grant a 15 billon dollar loan to Ukraine, so Kiev will pay off all the National Bank and Finance Ministry debts, and will also stabilize the national economy in the next two years. The loan has helped Kiev avoid default. Ukraine needs the funds for a budget band- aid, says Yaroslav Lissovolik, Deutsche Bank Chief Economist, Russia, and elaborates. "The money will be mostly spent on social programmes, to take the pressure off the public sector. This will also reduce the market pressure on the Ukrainian economy". Ukraine has been looking for foreign financial backing throughout 2013, but the economic crisis in Europe prevented Brussels from granting any loans to Kiev, so what alternatives Kiev remained with were financial markets, the IMF and Russia. But the market value of a debt burden is too heavy for Ukraine to shoulder, so Kiev gave up financial markets from square one. The IMF was prepared to give a loan on extremely tough conditions, it insisted, for example, on devaluing Ukraine’s currency hryvnia by a third or a half. By contrast, Russia made no conditions in exchange for purchasing Ukraine’s bonds, points out a Raiffeisenbank bond market analyst Denis Poryvai, and elaborates. "Russia has bought Ukraine’s sovereign bonds, which are a fiduciary debt. In other words, Russia has made no stipulations as to how Ukraine should use it and how it should build its economy". Russia’s financial aid has prompted international analysts to change their forecast for Ukraine’s credit rating from negative to stable.

Spanish Dec 30, 2013 - Sa-Ra 16: UN ANUNCIO Sa-Ra a través de Shellee Kim

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Dec 30, 2013 - Nederlands: VERGEET NIET, DE SITUATIE IS VLOEIEND Moeder Maria via T..

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 30, 2013 - Sa-Ra 16: EINE ANKÜNDIGUNG Sa-Ra durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Dec 30, 2013 - Nederlands: SA – RA 15 ; OP UW PLAATSEN, KLAAR EN ….. Shellee-Kim.

AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace) Dec 30, 2013 - Vertrauen und Glaube sind ein und dasselbe Gezielte Botschaft HABT VERTRAUEN IN DAS, WAS ANGEBOTEN WORDEN IST, DENN ES IST WIRKLICH ECHT UND VON GOTT, DER IMMER VERTRAUENSWÜRDIG IST. DIES IST TATSÄCHLICH DIE BEDEUTUNG DAVON, VERTRAUEN ZU HABEN. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 64

Für ein bisschen mehr, siehe auf der Innenseite. –Candace

Ben Dec 30, 2013 - EPILOGUE Given December 29, 2013 I have posted this on Talk It Up Forum in the Monjoronson Thread with some explanation of who Monjoronson is for new readers. MONJORONSON

Shellee-Kim Dec 30, 2013 - Sa-Ra 16: AN ANNOUNCEMENT

"As you now move into your own activation of all that YOU are, you may now take centre stage without fear of retribution for your efforts. The Darkies are being rendered completely powerless as we speak. No more shall you KNOW yourself to be limited and remaining in the shadows. For you were not designed nor have you CHOSEN to live your lives in shadow. You are our glorious Starseeds of MAGNIFICENT LIGHT and LIGHT you shall BE, you shall HAVE and you shall DEMONSTRATE that all the world WILL KNOW IT." Sa-Ra

[ Visit Website ]

Political Information Dec 30, 2013 - Concerning Gilad Atzmon And Jewish Power His Majesty’s Jewish Government fought two Opium Wars against the Chinese people (1839- 1842 and 1856-1860). Today the Too Big To Jail Banks launder a trillion dollars a year in illegal weapons and drug money with these consequences for Gentiles... Court documents in Chicago revealed that the CIA brings drugs into Chicago and other cities by the plane load. They sell these drugs to street gangs who destroy our cities. A lot of heroin on the streets comes from Afghanistan courtesy of the Defense Department and the people who think they own the U.S. government... Selling drugs and laundering all that money is just one source of Jewish Power. Who cares if 80,000 Mexicans were killed over drug war profits? None of those people were Jewish... Banks have the right to create money out of nothing and to charge us interest. That transfers wealth from Gentiles to Jews. That is good for all Jews because Jewish Power is supposed to trickle down from the top to the bottom. Compounding interest on money created from nothing leads to Unpayable Debts. This is the cause of Depressions. Depressions are periods in our history when Debts are cancelled. There are three ways out of a Depression. One is Hyperinflation as in the Weimar Republic. The second way of cancelling Debt is what happened from 1929-1939 in America. Declare bankruptcy. Shut down factories and businesses. Lay off workers. Foreclose on farm loans and mortgages. Contract the money supply. This lead to more than 7 million Americans disappearing from society. At least 3 million Americans (out of a total population of 125 million) starved to death according to the Soviet demographer Borisov. Americans live much

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 65 further away from farms today than 80 years ago so I would expect a higher death rate during the next Depression. - horse 237

Spanish Dec 30, 2013 - EPÍLOGO Monjoronson a través de Ben

Political Information Dec 30, 2013 - Bloodshed In Gaza and Beyond–Israel’s National Orgasm And the important thing to remember about this is that there has never been a repudiation of these things [Jewish crimes against humanity] by the Jewish community. Not once has there been an official proclamation (as other religions are forced to do viz a viz their history of “anti-Semitism”) where breasts are beaten, apologies are issued and reparations are paid. Because, you see, with every bomb that falls and kills a gentile, it is a reaffirmation that God still loves them. With every Palestinian child maimed–physically or mentally–it is like “Big Blue”–meaning the cultural/religious version of the Viagra tablet–that helps them deal with their impotence as a nation. To “God’s chosen people,” blowing the arms and legs off innocent gentile children is no different than the class sicko who likes pulling wings off of flies. Call it crude or crass or whatever, but it is what it is, and we ignore it to our own peril, fellow earthlings. And no, I don’t think ALL Jews by virtue of their religious nature are violent- minded sadists, just 99.9999999999999999999% of them. [Ron: Pleseee, dear reader, don't start in with bullshit about not judging others at this juncture. It is what it is. Esu Immanuel said that Pharisees were whited sepulchres. Judaism is neo-Phariseeism which is a genocidal ideology that denies humanity to everyone except Jews. And those Jews who profess to being Judiacs and who remain SILENT in the face of Jewish crimes and lies are thereby complicit. If one takes the benefit of crimes committed by others one is an accomplice after the fact, if not before. AND by publicly professing that you are a Judiac you are telling the world you endorse the Talmud and Torah and what is being done in accordance therewith by fellow Judiacs. Polls indicated that 94% of Israel Jews supported the Cast Lead genocidal assault on Gaza. How many US Jews condemned it? DITTO re the HoloHoax? If the cap fits, wear it.].

Political Information Dec 30, 2013 - World standing idle as Palestinians suffer Targeted Messages Dec 29, 2013 - To the ONE again…….. We do not "negotiate" in this case. No tit for tat. There are no special benefits incurred for the parties concerned. We work as a team together...... as it should be done because its the RIGHT WAY. The benefits go to the People and their Planet. -Candace

Political Information Dec 29, 2013 - Walled in by Zionist Ugliness Ron: WHY does humanity put up with these lawless Jews? These brigands who torture, maim, slaughter and dispossess non-Jews with impunity, stealing the lives, livilhoods and property of Palestinians on a daily basis. Are 7.2 billion gentiles really sooo scared of 14 million Jews that they feel they must put up with this endless Jewish shit? First it was the Russians, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 66

Lativans, Lithuanians, Estonians and Ukrainians; then it was the Germans, Poles and Japanese; then it was the Palestinians, and after them the Koreans, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Chinese et al. THEN it was the Iraqis, Afghanis, Libyans, Syrians et al. NOW they are coming for Amerikkans. SOON, they'll be coming for YOU!

Targeted Messages Dec 29, 2013 - Remember...your choice will always be honored This one is not from Candace dearly beloved dark brothers, but another walking the planet who feels also love and concern....I will leave the name off for protection which still seems necessary at times. Read inside.

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 29, 2013 - Epilog Von Monjoronson durch Ben, Übersetzung Harald Kühn

True US History Dec 29, 2013 - Any more US ‘stabilization’ and Africa will collapse Ron: Why do people endlessly put up with Jewmedia reports of anglo- USraeli and NATO "stabilisation" and "humanitarian" bombing of countries all over Africa and Asia yet mindlessly repeat Jewish LIES about how Hitler and Germany wanted to conquer the world? Germany NEVER attacked and/or subverted nations like the USraelis and NATO do routinely. NEVER! History is all lies Pilgrims. BELIEVE IT!

Political Information Dec 29, 2013 - Thailand: Regime Appeals to Same "International Consensus" That Green-Lighted Iraq Invasion True US History Dec 29, 2013 - 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson will remain on show, A&E says Ron: It looks as if the US worm has turned... Why not go to says-2D11812709 and vote in the poll in that article. Indicate what YOU think about Jewmedia destroying a man's livilhood and reputation because he disagrees with the Jews' (a)moral code. It's the least YOU can do, isn't it?

Political Information Dec 29, 2013 - Gotchaland and the Angels of Retribution. I'm certain Mr. Apocalypse pushed Satanyahoo into bombing Gaza on Christmas. We know that it was only another Israeli shooting that Israeli in order to provide provocation for applied genocide and it was Mr. Apocalypse who forced the Crass Media into reporting on it and the murder of the 3 year old girl. Regardless of it not being readily apparent, I assure you that millions of people noted what was taking place. Where was the proof of who shot the Israeli and what kind of proof was it? The usual false flag.*.. Every day I get up hoping that the monsters among us have vanished from this Earth and every day I see now evidence of their presence but it will not always be so. We must endure and we must never despair or give up. By my count, we are almost there. - Les Visible

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 67

*Ron: See also eg: The Myth Of The Palestinian Suicide Bomber. - Palestinian-Suicide-Bomber.shtml And: False Flags: The Myth Of The Palestinian Suicide Bomber. See: The-Myth-Of-The-Palestinian-Suicide-Bomber.shtml

Political Information Dec 29, 2013 - Spanish government attacks abortion rights Ron: Here is a typical Talmudic journalistic approach to the abortion issue.

Political Information Dec 29, 2013 - Lithuania: ‘Jews use Holocaust for money’! Ron: As part of their global control matrix the Jews always keep a strategic community of Jews in every country to assist Mossad and to provide "intelligence", disruption and control of the local economy and culture; and hasbara and sayanim recruits etc, for the global Jewish conspiracy to enslave the rest of humanity, aka The New World Order. Your Jewish "best friend" is a Talmudic FIFTH COLUMNIST, Pilgrims! Get used to it. And pleasee don't tell me s/he isn't because s/he would have TOLD you!

Political Information Dec 29, 2013 - "Holocaust survivors" and psychological terrorism True US History Dec 29, 2013 - Vladimir Vladimirovich and the Grey Lady Ron: You would have to be an idiot or a Talmudist to take the New York Times (NY Times) or any other Jewmedia seriously. It amazes me that commentators like this writer bend over backwards to be reasonable when critiquing FKN Jewish hypocrisy such as the matters discussed in this article. IF readers of the NY Times need their egos massaged to the degree evidenced here, in order for them to even contemplate the truth, then they are beyond stupid.

Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 29, 2013 - Celtic Woman - A Spaceman Came Travelling Lisa Lambe - A Spaceman Came Travelling :

Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 29, 2013 - Celtic Woman - Awakening This 5' 46" video was uploaded by Mateo Palmer on Jan 24, 2012:

True US History Dec 29, 2013 - AIPAC’s Fed Candidate Stanley Fischer on a Warpath against Iran Brian: Joke of the day ... " AIPAC, Fischer’s co-author of harmful U.S. economic policies on behalf of Israel, likely sees the Fischer appointment as an important test case

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 68 to assess American tolerance for openly dual Israeli-American citizens running key U.S. federal agencies." - Grant F. Smith

True US History Dec 29, 2013 - Top Trends For 2014?

Political Information Dec 29, 2013 - Beirut murder: Dirty tricks get dirtier True US History Dec 29, 2013 - Americans Killed by Cops Now Outnumber Americans Killed in Iraq War Political Information Dec 29, 2013 - Little Hala and the Herods of Israel Ron: I've said it before and I'll say it again: The one thing that children cannot forgive is the FAILURE of parents and those in loco parentis, to state limits for moral conduct and duly punish infractions. Endless repetition of threats without "follow through" is counter productive. The net effect of failure to punish small infractions is their escalation which necessitating ever more drastic preventative action. A merciful parent will not spare the rod if the effect is to spoil the child.

Political Information Dec 29, 2013 - Bangladesh: ‘Islam under attack’ German Dec 29, 2013 - Nochmals an den EINEN... Gezielte Botschaft Wir „verhandeln“ nicht in diesem Fall. Kein „Wie du mir, so ich dir“ für dies. Für die betroffenen Parteien fallen keine besonderen Gewinne an. Wir arbeiten als ein Team zusammen – wie man das immer tun sollte, denn dies ist die RICHTIGE Art und Weise. Die Gewinne gehen an die Völkerschaften und ihren Planeten. -Candace

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 69

German Dec 29, 2013 - Denkt daran... eure Wahl wird immer respektiert werden Gezielte Botschaft Diese Botschaft ist nicht von Candace, innig geliebte Dunkle Brüder, sondern von jemandem anderem, der auf dem Planeten weilt und ebenfalls voller Liebe und Besorgnis ist. Da dies zurzeit immer noch als notwendig erscheint, werde ich den Namen aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht angeben. Lest auf der Innenseite.

Articles Dec 29, 2013 - French: Les familles royales, Part 2 - Pdf. Télécharger Pdf: Les familles royales: Écrit par le duc Mehal Rockefeller: Crimes et arnaques des entreprises et liens avec les nazis: PARTIE 2

Other Channels Dec 29, 2013 - French: Finalement, VOUS verrez, que le modèle est éculé Par Christ Michael à travers Kibo, traduit par Marie-Louise.

Spanish Dec 28, 2013 - Recuerda tu elección siempre será honrada Éste no es de Candace, amados hermanos oscuros, sino de otro caminando por el planeta que siente también amor y preocupación....voy a dejar el nombre sin poner por protección, que todavía a veces, parece necesario. Leer en el interior.

Others Dec 28, 2013 - To the ONE who is Reading these "Targets" Shall we meet? -Candace

Spanish Dec 28, 2013 - Recuerden Hermanos Oscuros El que ha visto al HIJO Creador, ha visto al Padre. Hagan clic y lean lo que fue transmitido en 2010 por ese Hijo Creador realmente RETORNADO. No puede ser de otra manera,,,,si algún día cada uno de ustedes desea CONOCER al Padre y "VER" un día al Padre en el Paraíso. Yo tomé ese viaje en mis eones personales... Sé de lo que hablo... Desde esa perspectiva de haber estado allí/hecho. Yo soy TESTIGO del Viaje y soy testigo de ello ante USTEDES hoy y de que tienen la elección de libre albedrío para descartarlo o participar en el amor. -Candace. Miren dentro de este escrito....

Political Information Dec 28, 2013 - Thai military hints at a coup Political Information Dec 28, 2013 - Thailand: Another Protester Killed as Regime Thugs Do Drive-By at Rally Site Political Information Dec 28, 2013 - On the Doorstep of a New World. AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 70

Those behind this nonsense are the same people behind some the worst atrocities in memory and the bigger the atrocity, the more likely they were behind it. Anyone who may be confused about, or annoyed at my opinion of a certain psychopathic subsection of the world's people need only read this, then perhaps you can come and explain to us what it really means. Carefully read the article and add in to that the Bolshevik mass murders, the Ukrainian mass murders, the Armenian mass murders and so many more and throw in the large majority of all terror incidents taking place in past decades and still that's only some of it. Throw in all the banking holocausts, the world wide drug industry, the human trafficking business, the organ harvesting industry and certainly not least, the cartel of criminal international bankers. It goes on and on and on. Take anything mentioned here and put their country, or the name of their people into a search engine and see what happens... Some would find my commentary an example of intolerance. It is what it is. It is proven so. It's all in the historical record. Many of them admit to much of it. They glorify themselves in their capacity to carry it out and they laugh at their victims for being so stupid as to permit it. They kill and blackmail with impunity and then they do it again and again and again. Judgment is coming and given the span of time across with these crimes have been committed and given the number and severity of these crimes, judgment is likely to be severe... Let's look on the bright side. There's a new world coming and if you measure up to the needs and demands of that new world, your life will change just as this world is bound and determined to change. - Les Visible

Political Information Dec 28, 2013 - Lest We Forget–The Hanukah Massacre on Gaza–Judaism in its Finest Hour Ron: While correct as to substance, arguably this analysis is flawed in that it assumes that because the authors of the Pentateuch SAID that Abraham and Moses et al, SAID and did certain things, those statements must have been truly said by them and the actions described must have occurred. You only have to look at what the Jews SAY today to realise that the Old Testament is a pack of lies and that Abraham and Moses have been blood libelled. The Levites and subsequently the Pharisees, have totally "verballed" Abraham and Moses to justify their rapacious control over their artificially created "tribe" of Judiacs in order to conquer and enslave humanity. The Torah is a pastiche of Levite LIES interwoven with truths plagarised from earlier Sumarian religious ideas and genuine insights and condemnations by Israelite prophets. In other words the Old Testament is a FRAUD just as narratives purveyed by Judiacs are today.

Political Information Dec 28, 2013 - HITLER visits OPRAH Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Dec 28, 2013 - Nederlands: GABRIEL 1 EN 2 Gabriel van Nebadon via Hazel.

True US History Dec 28, 2013 - How economic warfare killed the People's Bank

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 71

The call now is as stark as that declared by Britain's wartime leader Sir Winston Churchill on 18th June 1940: "The Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization." - Tony Gosling Ron: Winston Churchill's mother was a Jewess and he was a vicious, genocidal, Talmudic, war criminal AND an agent for the Jews. He was instrumental in causing WWII and the subsequent genocide of 20 million Germans, most of them civilians or POWs. In fact, the victory of the Jew dominated Western and Soviet military in WWII DID virtually eliminate Christian civilisation in the UK, US and Europe but subsequently Christian Russians clawed back Russia for the Christ light. The rest of Anglo-US and European civilisation is still largely under the Talmudic yoke. Sooo, YES, Churchill was right but typically his true meaning was the reverse of what his listeners thought he meant.

Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 28, 2013 - Caught On Camera: Angel Saves Dying Child In Hospital? AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace) Dec 28, 2013 - An den EINEN, der diese gezielten Botschaften liest Gezielte Botschaft Sollen wir uns treffen? -Candace

AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace) Dec 28, 2013 - Bitte, Dunkle Brüder, schliesst euch der Kosmischen Bruderschaft an Gezielte Botschaft „Ein mitfühlender Vater vergibt rückhaltlos; Väter bewahren keine nachtragenden Erinnerungen an ihre Kinder. Väter sind nicht wie Richter, Feinde oder Gläubiger. Wahre Familien sind auf Toleranz, Geduld und Vergebung gebaut.“ Es kann keinen Frieden im Herzen oder Fortschritt im Geist geben, es sei denn, jemand verliebe sich von ganzem Herzen in die Wahrheit und die IDEALE der ewigen Wirklichkeiten. Die Menschheit ist auf dem Weg in ein neues und unenthülltes planetares Schicksal. „Die Lösung der Lebensprobleme verlangt Mut und Aufrichtigkeit.“ (verbunden mit himmlischer Hilfe, Dunkle Brüder)

True US History Dec 28, 2013 - Has A&E awakened a sleeping giant? This time, millions of Christians and other Americans, even some enlightened gays [Ron: ie homosexuals] , said, enough is enough. We've had it with your bullying.[Ron: Arguably "bullying" doesn't adequately COVER loss of livelihood, reputation etc. DOES IT?]. We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore. The left [Ron: Surely it is time to NAME the enemy?! At least ever since MARX, and probably since the French Revolution, the so-called "Left" has been organised, financed and controlled by JEWS. Sooo, if commentators and activists etc WANT to identify and solve these problems they need to NAME their source correctly. Otherwise readers will remain confused and their efforts diffused.] was stunned, reeling backward in defeat. For the first time in a long time, they are not reloading, they are retreating. [Ron: These are "End Times"

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 72 and the Jews are in retreat in ALL fields as the Apocalypse takes them by the throat and shakes them, vibrationally speaking.

AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace) Dec 28, 2013 - Bewusstsein kann nicht in einem Fischglas festgehalten werden Gezielte Botschaft Liebe Dunkle Brüder – ihr haltet euch selbst in einem Fischglas fest, wisst ihr. Bewusstsein, das dem Geist entgegenwächst, kann nicht in EUREM Fischglas in Schach gehalten werden. Es wird darüber hinauswachsen, und mit Wut, sollte es notwendig sein, damit es schwimmen kann. Denn dies ist die Art des Vorgehens des Geistes. – Candace spricht erneut zu euch. Werdet ihr zuhören? ICH BIN, WAS ICH BIN, und Wesen von Bewusstsein MUSS FREIER HANDLUNGSSPIELRAUM GEGEBEN WERDEN, DAMIT SIE ALLES IHNEN MÖGLICHE WERDEN KÖNNEN, damit sie sich eines Tages hinstellen und verkünden können: ICH BIN, WAS ICH BIN. WER ZUM TEUFEL SEID IHR, UM DIES ZU VERHINDERN? KLETTERT AUS EUREM EIGENEM FISCHGLAS HERAUS – DENN WENN IHR DIES NICHT TUT, werdet ihr nie für euch selber verkünden können: ICH BIN, WAS ICH BIN.

Spanish Dec 27, 2013 - Por favor, queridos Hermanos Oscuros, reincorporaros a la Hermandad Cósmica "Un padre compasivo perdona libremente; los padres no alimentan recuerdos vengativos contra sus hijos. Los padres no son como los jueces, los enemigos, o los acreedores. Las verdaderas familias se basan en la tolerancia, la paciencia y el perdón..." No Puede Haber Paz en el Corazón o Progreso en la Mente, a menos que uno caiga de todo corazón enamorado de la Verdad y de los IDEALES de las Realidades Eternas. La humanidad está en marcha hacia un nuevo destino planetario no revelado. "La solución de los problemas de la vida requiere coraje y sinceridad." (junto con la ayuda celestial,,, queridos hermanos oscuros)

Targeted Messages Dec 27, 2013 - Please dear Dark Brothers, rejoin the Cosmic BrotherHood "A compassionate father is freely forgiving; fathers do not hold vengeful memories against their children. Fathers are not like judges, enemies, or creditors. Real families are built upon tolerance, patience, and forgiveness." There Can Be NO Peace in the Heart or Progress in the Mind unless one falls wholeheartedly in love with Truth and IDEALS of Eternal Realities. Mankind is on the march toward a new and unrevealed planetary destiny. "The solution of life problems requires courage and sincerity." ( coupled with celestial assistance,,, dear dark brothers)

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 73

Targeted Messages Dec 27, 2013 - Consciousness cannot be contained in a fish bowl Dear Dark Brothers... you have contained yourselves in a fish bowl you know... Consciousness that is growing in the Spirit cannot be contained by YOUR fishbowl.... It will grow out of it,,, and in anger if necessary,, so that it may swim. For that is the way of Spirit...... Candace speaks again to you. Will you listen? I AM THAT I AM and beings of consciousness MUST BE GIVEN FREE REIGN TO BECOME ALL THEY CAN BE,, so they can stand one day and state I AM THAT I AM.... WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO PREVENT THAT? CLIMB OUT OF YOUR OWN FISHBOWL.....For never will you state for yourselves I AM THAT I AM IF YOU DO NOT.

Political Information Dec 27, 2013 - Poetry in Motion, Wave upon the Ocean. Some of us, like the Israelis celebrate Christmas according to their own traditions in a very different way. Let me explain how that works. Depending on the demiurge or deity that you serve, different forms of service and appreciation are required. If you serve The Lord of Light then generosity to your fellows, service to humanity and other similar acts are expected. If you serve a bloodthirsty demon then violence, outrage and most especially, horrific assaults against the defenseless are de rigueur. If the Israelis had a website like mine, they would have the faces of their victims in descending bubbles, most prominently that 3 year old girl they blew to bits a couple of days ago ... In some places, Christmas isn't welcome at all. It's become official policy to censure even the mention of it. It's become against the law to wish someone Merry Christmas! - Les Visible

Political Information Dec 27, 2013 - Lebanon security disruption, new US-Israel plot: MP Political Information Dec 27, 2013 - Yemen: Victim of US, Israel and “Al-Qaeda” Both the US and Israel fear Yemen’s Shia Houthi movement which controls parts of the north and is now engaged in reconciliation talks with Sana’a after nine-year armed resistance. On November 22, 2013, Houthi lawmaker Abdul Karim Jadban was gunned down by Israeli Mossad agents. The Yemenis voiced their anger with the Zionist regime during his funeral. procession. -

True US History Dec 27, 2013 - America's new crusade in Yemen Political Information Dec 27, 2013 - London church blocks its facade with replica of Israeli wall around Bethlehem Political Information Dec 27, 2013 - Bethlehem story, present reality Today, Bethlehem, as for other parts of the Palestinian Occupied Territories, continues to be under an illegal and brutal siege. The town of some 22,000 inhabitants is cut off from the outside world by an eight-meter concrete wall built illegally by the Israeli regime.This regime, based in Tel Aviv, has violated countless international laws since 1948 until today, AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 74 including the UN Charter and Geneva Conventions, to dispossess more than 95 per cent of historic Palestine and to turn that entire territory into an apartheid police state, where Palestinian Christians and Muslims are killed, kidnapped, imprisoned and thrown out of their homes with total impunity. That duress includes Palestinian babies born literally on roadsides and in makeshift dwellings because of heinous, inhumane Israeli travel blocks. On Christmas Day this week while the world was “celebrating” the historic birth of Jesus, a three-year-old Palestinian girl, Hala Abu Sbeika, was being buried. Hala was killed the day before by an Israeli air strike on the Gaza strip - Finian Cunningham

True US History Dec 27, 2013 - Assault on Christianity can be traced back to Jewish-initiated lawsuits

Though AA claims to be opposed to all religions, their roots are distinctively Jewish. In a recent interview with this AFP reporter, Dr. E. Michael Jones—author, historian, former college professor and current editor of “Culture Wars” magazine—said that the contemporary assault on Christianity can be traced back to Jewish-initiated lawsuits that just so happen to coincide with the birth of AA. “There were two Supreme Court decisions in the late 1950s and early 1960s that were orchestrated by the American Jewish Committee (AJC),” said Dr. Jones. “Both Engel v. Vitali and Abington School District v. Schempp codified the assault on Christianity by outlawing Bible readings and prayer in public schools. This eventually morphed into the whole attack on Christmas and any manifestation of Christianity.” -

Political Information Dec 27, 2013 - Israel Launches Air Strikes Against Gaza on Christmas Eve


Translations - Others Dec 27, 2013 - Italian: Sa-Ra 15: Ai Vostri Posti, Preparatevi e .. Translations - Others AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 75

Dec 27, 2013 - Italian: Seraphin Messaggio 164: GLI ANGELI SONO CON VOI TUTTO L’ANNO Translations - Candace Dec 27, 2013 - Italian: La Coscienza non può essere contenuta in un acquario. Translations - Others Dec 27, 2013 - Italian: PER SAPERE CHI NOI SIAMO Translations - Candace Dec 27, 2013 - Italian: SOLO L’AMORE CREA Spanish Dec 27, 2013 - SABER QUIENES SOMOS por CRISTO MIGUEL CM a través de Shellee Kim

Spanish Dec 27, 2013 - SOLO EL AMOR CREA Candace

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 27, 2013 - Erinnert euch, Dunkle Brüder Derjenige, der den Schöpfersohn gesehen hat, hat den Vater gesehen. Klickt darauf und lest, was 2010 durch eben den ZURÜCKGEKEHRTEN Schöpfersohn mitgeteilt wurde. Es kann keinen anderen Weg geben – wenn einer von euch wünscht, eines Tages den Vater zu kennen und eines Tages den Vater des Paradieses zu „SEHEN“. Während meiner persönlichen Äonen habe ich diese Reise unternommen. Ich weiß, wovon ich spreche. Von der Perspektive des Da- Gewesen-Seins/Vollbracht-Habens aus. Ich bin Zeuge dieser Reise, und ich bezeuge dies heute vor euch und das, was ihr den freien Willen habt zu verwerfen oder in Liebe anzunehmen. – Candace. Werft einen Blick auf den Artikel.

AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace) Dec 27, 2013 - Nur die Liebe erschafft Eine ziemlich lange gezielte Botschaft an unsere geliebte Dunkle Bruderschaft,von Candace

Environment/Science Dec 27, 2013 - Artist uses brainwaves to manipulate the motions of water Ron: Go to the original article at brainwaves-to-manipulate-the-motions-of-water/9104 for the videos.

Political Information Dec 27, 2013 - Rouhani Congratulates Christians on Christmas, New Year Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 27, 2013 - WISSEN WER WIR SIND Christus Michael durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Political Information Dec 27, 2013 - 2013: The Year Russian Diplomacy Ascends to the Grand Master’s AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 76

Level Political Information Dec 27, 2013 - ‘Turkey targeted by Zionist plots’ Political Information Dec 27, 2013 - Thailand's Upcoming Sham "Elections" True US History Dec 27, 2013 - 15 Quotes About The Duck Dynasty Controversy That Every American Should See What is being done to Phil Robertson shows just how far America has fallen. The thought police are waging an all-out campaign to take down one of the biggest names in the United States, and if they are successful none of us will ever be safe again. We are becoming a nation that is governed by bullying, intimidation and unwritten speech codes, and if you happen to say the “wrong thing” you could lose everything. Liberal pundits [Ron: They're NOT "Liberal pundits" they're JEWS or their Talmudic henchmen.] are gleefully declaring that making statements such as Robertson made “should get you fired from most jobs“. That means that they believe that unless you conform to their version of morality (or keep your mouth shut forever) you should lose your job... In the future, if you do not conform to their politically correct Big Brother speech code, you will be unemployable and you and your entire family will be outcasts from society. That is why the Duck Dynasty controversy is so important. This is a “line in the sand” moment, and if the thought police are successful than those that refuse to abandon Biblical morality will soon be forced underground. - Michael Snyder

True US History Dec 27, 2013 - Mr. Snowden, It’s Time to Come Out and Take a Stand Publicly as to Your Intentions f Ron: To date the Snowden saga seems to be mostly piss and wind. Has he revealed any truly Earth shaking truths that Blind Freddy and his dog couldn't at least guess? There MUST be plenty of real Earth shaking information in the NSA archives. And what's with the Glenn Greenwald and Julian Assange connections?

True US History Dec 27, 2013 - House Resolution Denounces War on Christmas Targeted Messages Dec 26, 2013 - Remember Dark Brothers... He who has seen the Creator SON has Seen the Father. Click and read that which was given back in 2010 by that very RETURNED Creator Son. It can be no other way,,,,if each of you wishes to one day KNOW the Father, and one day "SEE" the Father on Paradise. I took that trip over my personal eons... I know of what I speak... From the been there/done that perspective. I am WITNESS TO the Journey, and I witness before YOU today of it and that which you have the free will choice to throw away, or engage in Love. -Candace Look with the post....

Kibo Dec 26, 2013 - MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 77

The whole of the Galactic Federation Of Light relays this message thru Kibo MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! SEE YOU SOON!!!!


Shellee-Kim Dec 26, 2013 - TO KNOW WHO WE ARE by CHRIST MICHAEL [ Visit Website ]

Targeted Messages Dec 26, 2013 - LOVE ONLY CREATES A longish "target" for our beloved Dark BrotherHood....By Candace

Spanish Dec 26, 2013 - La conciencia no puede estar contenida en una pecera Queridos Hermanos Oscuros ... os habéis encerrado vosotros mismos en una pecera, ya sabes ... La conciencia que está creciendo en el Espíritu no puede estar contenida en VUESTRA pecera ....Va a crecer fuera de élla,,, y con ira, si es necesario, para que pueda nadar. Porque ése es el camino del Espíritu ...... Candace os ha hablado de nuevo. ¿Habéis escuchado? YO SOY EL QUE YO SOY y a los seres con conciencia DEBEN DEJÁRSELES REINAR LIBRES PARA QUE LLEGUEN A SER TODO QUE PUEDEN SER,, así ellos se mantendrán firmes en el día y en el estado de YO SOY EL QUE SOY .... ¿QUIÉN COÑO ERES TÚ PARA EVITARLO? SAL DE TU PROPIA PECERA..... Porque nunca vas a declarar por tí mismo YO SOY EL QUE SOY SI TÚ NO LO ERES.

Political Information Dec 26, 2013 - Why I Cannot Blame Russia and India for Taking on the Gays {Ron: ie homosexuals] Ron: There is nothing "extreme" about the Russian legislation that bans public proselytising by homosexuals who seek to entice others to join them in their activities. EVERY community has a moral obligation to protect young people from being enticed into harmful, physical, psychic and spiritual practices that destroy lives and, if rampant, could destroy the viability of society itself. For instance even the Jews' Torah warns against Canaanite practices. Of course the irony in relation to the Torah is that the Pharisees became the ideological descendants of the Canaanites and have concealed that fact, using the Torah to pretend that they were opponents of the Canaanites and their despicable moral and sexual practices

Political Information Dec 26, 2013 - Pissing On Jesus–Just a “Drop in the Bucket” as Far as Jewish Interests are Concerned Ron: A blast fron the past, but highly relevant.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 78

Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 26, 2013 - The real terror is that there will be no Christmas I chafe at the things people don't know, don't realize. I was like that for most of my life, absorbed in my important endeavors and oblivious to the vexations of others... The only thing you ever really have is what you give away. - John Kaminski

Political Information Dec 26, 2013 - Thousands of Christians banned by Israel from entering Bethlehem for Christmas Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 26, 2013 - FROHE WEIHNACHTEN!!!!!!!! Die gesamte Galaktische Föderation des Lichts übermittelt folgende Botschaft durch Kibo:




Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 26, 2013 - Ich fordere euch auf, alle selbst erschafften Hindernisse zu entfernen Von einem Repräsentanten von Christus Michael durch Hazel, Übersetzung Bernd

Environment/Science Dec 26, 2013 - Air-Purifier Bike Spanish Dec 26, 2013 - Les invito a eliminar cualquier barrera que hayan creado Un representante de CM a través de Hazel

Political Information Dec 26, 2013 - Push of a Button: This Is How Fast They Can Lock Down the Entire Banking System Ron: Make sure you have plenty of cash on hand in smallish notes Pilgrims because one way or another you are likely to need it if (when) the banks close prior to initiating REAL currency and banking ckabges.

True US History Dec 26, 2013 - U.S. Furious With Israel After Sale of Advanced Military Technology to China Ron: IF the US was really furious would not there be REAL repercussions?

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 79

Political Information Dec 26, 2013 - 'Twas the Night Before a Future Christmas Political Information Dec 26, 2013 - UN forces to protect oil in South Sudan: Randy Short Ron: Gosh I'm sick of these bloody UN and Western hypocrits pontificating about the "problems" supposedly created by violent local peoples in Africa and Asia. Randy Short gives us the truth of this matter. He says: 'Well they are broke and the mystery of Western success is stealing from African or black people and from Muslims and from others. The white countries are at the end of their economic rope and in order to continue their hegemony, they must re-impose Victorian Era direct rule. That is what this is and it is not just South Sudan. I mean you have RENAMO (the Mozambican National Resistance) that has been reactivated in Mozambique which is aimed at Zimbabwe and Mozambique. This is all over Africa. France is in trouble, America is in trouble. So what we are dealing with is the ugly visible return of white supremacy of the 19th century that is on steroids.

The white countries are at the end of their economic rope and in order to continue their hegemony, they must re-impose Victorian Era direct rule. That is what this is and it is not just South Sudan. I mean you have RENAMO (the Mozambican National Resistance) that has been reactivated in Mozambique which is aimed at Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

True US History Dec 26, 2013 - EXPOSED: The Why and What of Pono Choices Ron: Jews have dominated and controlled the US Education system since the Rockefeller's funded the Teacher's College in New York at the beginning of the 20th century (see eg: Dumbing Down US Education: Part II – Wundtian Psychology & Rockefeller Finance. See: _Psychol_3877.shtml) and today the results are devastating. This is just one example.

Political Information Dec 26, 2013 - 'There doesn't seem to be an end to the violence in Iraq' What most people don’t understand is that the violence in Iraq is daily. Normally we turn on TV and if there happens to be a major attack, it is reported and we hear about it. But the

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 80 daily violence we don’t hear about. At the best of times in Iraq, 300-400 civilians lost their lives in a month that was at its quietest. That is completely unacceptable. We won’t accept it in the UK, in the USA or anywhere else in the world and now we have come to disregard it or not be interested in it, but through my work I have come to know... The main targets, especially in the last few years, have been those who are seen as agents of the state – police, security forces in general, also politicians and in the past year attacks against the Shia have tripled... I can say that it is what they call Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Al-Qaeda in Iraq has taken advantage of the discontent both in Iraq and in Syria against their government. They have directly attacked the states of Syria and Iraq, and that’s been since April in Iraq.- Lily Hamourtziadou

True US History Dec 26, 2013 - 2013, bad year for United States hegemony Ron: Many other factors such as the growing economic and political power of China, Russia and the BRIC economic alliance are contributing to the collapsing of Amerikkan hegemony but are not mentioned in this article..

Political Information Dec 26, 2013 - NY Times: U.N. Chief Urges Steps to Calm South Sudan’s Growing Conflict Political Information Dec 26, 2013 - US and UK pursuing a ‘massive land grab’ in South Sudan Political Information Dec 26, 2013 - Iran at Geneva II ‘non-negotiable’ Ron: Why do Russia, China, Iran and Syria put up with this shit?

Hazel Dec 25, 2013 - I invite you to remove whatever barriers you have created He invites each person to remove the canker of fear at all levels of their awareness for it is only then that you can truly experience the light in its glory.

True US History Dec 25, 2013 - Obama Family Christmas Card: No Mention of Christ or Christmas Ron: Being "offended" is, at best, EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL Pilgrims. GET OVER IT! If anyone wants to be "offended" by what Christians do or say I suggest they read about what the Talmudists did to Germany, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and dozens of other nations after they fomented, created and had the Anglo-US and French empires execute WWI; and then, with help from the Soviet Bolsheviks, WWII. A small selection of relevant articles about the genociding and enslavement of the German nation is listed at the end of this article.

True US History Dec 25, 2013 - Army: Don’t say Christmas Ron: Sooo, tell me again why Jews, as a collective, are lovely people whose exquisite politically correct sensitivities require that Talmudic celebration of past Jewish massacres of goym AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 81 demands prevention of ANY public mention or display of Christian symbols, or celebration of Christmas. While you are at it, please explain WHY granting EQUAL RIGHTS to Jews to celebrate their culture necessarily requires suppression of public expression of the Christian and other non-Jewish cultures of 98.2% of Amerikkans.

True US History Dec 25, 2013 - Saudi Arabia, US teamed up to invent Takfirism: Book In June 1998, he said, forty Chechens were “quietly brought to a secret military camp located seventy-five miles southeast of Riyadh” to undergo military training for four months. “A lot of time was set aside for indoctrination into Wahhabi Islam. [Prince] Salman, the governor of Riyadh and the full brother of [then Saudi ruler] King Fahd, was the camp’s sponsor,” writes Baer... “For American arms makers, Saudi Arabia is an industry subsector all its own, with its own peculiar rules. We buy oil from Saudi Arabia, refine it, and put it in our automobiles, and a certain small percentage of what we pay for it ends up funding terrorist acts against America and American institutions at home and abroad,” wrote Baer. - PRESS TV

Political Information Dec 25, 2013 - Home Secretary Straw Man brought in a law to make it illegal for children 'in care' to complain about being abused Political Information Dec 25, 2013 - Obama, the Pope, and the Faithful Ron: This article appears to be a convoluted rabbinical style attack on supposedly covert Papal Marxism which the author contends is a socialist redistribution mantra. IMHO the article is a farrago of sound and fury signifying nothing but meant to seriously mislead readers into thinking that the Pope really wants to advocate a fairer distribution of worldly wealth and the betterment of the poor. As the Pope and the Vatican are controlled by Talmudists the pseudo conflict this author wants us to engage with, is bullshit. IF the Catholic Church wants to change our world and upgrade the situation of billions of poor and deprived people it would not just issue more Papal "bull"but rather it would be specific and condemn the Jews' money creation monopolyies and usurious banking systems that perpetuate poverty and warfare. Pope Francis and his Church doesn't do that. So this article is piss and wind.

Political Information Dec 25, 2013 - Turkish government corruption scandal True US History Dec 25, 2013 - Well, another American icon irredeemably tarnished….. '... much of the cultural onslaught in favor of the perverse is about their always present need for affirmation. That affirmation serves to quell those pangs of conscience that afflict the souls lost in these sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance. But it is never enough. That is why this homosexual advocacy will be the vehicle of the coming persecution, there is a tendency among these folks to need not just continual, fawning affirmation, but a need to utterly crush any opposition that could serve as a reminder of their sin. The Church, obviously, will be a major target.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 82

But even with the constant affirmation available today, we still see that especially men lost in this sin tend to have disastrous trends in life-outcomes. Alcoholism, drug abuse, suicide, incredibly risky sexual activity (if not deliberately seeking self-destruction through acquisition of venereal disease), profound psychological problems, etc., are all massively over- represented in the so-called homosexual population. This is a circle that cannot be squared. - tantamergo

Political Information Dec 25, 2013 - Israel to Abbas: No, Jesus was not a Palestinian Political Information Dec 25, 2013 - What’s wrong with this picture? Political Information Dec 25, 2013 - Lest We Forget–The celebration of Christmas began with the Iranians: First Iranian Wise Men who visited New Born Jesus

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 25, 2013 - Sa-Ra 15: Auf die Plätze, fertig und... Sa-Ra durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 25, 2013 - Sa-Ra14: Die Bedeutung des Lebens Sa-Ra durch Shellee-Kim, Übersetzung Karin

True US History Dec 25, 2013 - Rick Warren won’t change on gay ‘marriage,’ because ‘I fear God’s disapproval’ not CNN’s Ron: Fundamentaiist Christians distort the truth in that there is no reason to fear that God disapproves of our actions. Sodomy and unloving or inappropriate sex and such, is contrary to divine law, ie a MISTAKE, opposed to the the way the Cosmos IS. Accordingly, acting

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 83 contrary to WHAT IS, has negative consequences. Those consequences are NOT acts of God nor do they evidence divine disapproval. They are simply EFFECTS arising from CAUSES which humans create. The process is simply a learning experience. Eventually humans learn that certain thoughts, actions and activities are harmful and unrewarding etc, and so they change their thoughts and behaviours. With issues like homosexual practices and other inappropriate sexual behaviours, any active societal condonation of those practices and behaviours will harm rather than assist needed learning processes. Discernment is about separating out valid considerations from specious claims and emotional blackmail such as claims of being "judgmental" and denying "equal rights" etc. "Sodomy IS personally and socially harmful and it is not "unkind" or "unChristian" to say that. After all we don't say that other anti-social pracrices like say, highway robbery or murder are OK. WHY then, is it inappropriate to disagree with the societal condonation of sodomy?

Political Information Dec 24, 2013 - Quote Ron: National Socialism in Germany or anywhere else is incompatable with Jewish domination and control of a nation. And as free speech is conducive to discovery of truth the Jews HAVE to prevent free speech wherever they can. With Germany the Jews created WWII and used the military of four Jew controlled Empires to genocide 20 million Germans between 1939 and 1950 in order to destroy National Socialsim there and to ensure that the US military would occupy Germany until today in order to enable the Jews to totally control and enslave the German nation and extract endless "tribute" from those slaves using the HoloHoax as a pretext. See eg: What To Do With Germany. See: Germany.shtml The Morgenthau Plan for Israel. See: -Plan-for- Israel.shtml The Zionist Destruction of Germany. See: Germany.shtml Documentary: Eisenhower’s Rhine Meadows Death Camps – A Deliberate Policy of Extermination. - Eisenhower-s-Rhine-Meadows-Death-Camps-A-Deliberate-Policy-of- Extermination.shtml GRUESOME HARVEST The Costly Attempt To Exterminate The People of Germany Costly-Attempt-To-Exterminate-The-People-of-Germany.shtml

The Federal Republic of Germany, A Rothschildian Financial Agency See: Germany-A-Rothschildian-Financial-Agency.shtml Allied War Crimes 1941-1950. See: 1950_3566.shtm And: The Deliberate Starvation of Germany. See:

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 84 Germany.shtml Criticize Israel – Go to Jail! See: Jail.shtml

Political Information Dec 24, 2013 - Surfing the World's of Light in the Footsteps of The Master. Political Information Dec 24, 2013 - The Morgenthau Plan for Israel Ron: It really is time that the shit stirring, genocidal Judaic COLLECTIVE was removed from the world stage. IF ALL Jews guilty of crimes against humanity in all their forms (including those responsible for promulgating the HoloHoax, the Talmud and all Judaic propaganda as well as actual Jewish war criminals and their ilk) cannot be prosecuted and incarcerated they need to be removed from the planet by divine power. And they will be. And before anyone starts in with the usual Judaic EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL about this article and its subject, PLEASEEE note that this is simply a regurgitation of what the Jews planned for and had the Anglo-amerikkans, French and Bolshevik Jews carry out against the blameless German nation. To get up to speed pleae read: What To Do With Germany. - Germany.shtml Those who can't be bothered getting acrosss the relevant literature have NO right to enter into this discussion. The time for irrelevant contributions from fuckwits is past. So be it.

Political Information Dec 24, 2013 - Glaring Western hypocrisy on human rights notion The Canadian government that circulated the draft resolution against Iran is said to be one of the major violators and abusers of human rights in the Western world. In a December 2012 report, the Amnesty International noted that committees on racial discrimination, prevention of torture and children’s rights found “a range” of “ongoing and serious human rights challenges,” especially for indigenous peoples in Canada. “By every measure, be it respect for treaty and land rights, levels of poverty, average life spans, violence against women and girls, dramatically disproportionate levels of arrest and incarceration or access to government services such as housing, health care, education, water and child protection, indigenous peoples across Canada continue to face a grave human rights crisis,” it said... In December 2012, the Saudi forces raided a house in the province of al-Jouf and detained 41 people for “plotting to celebrate Christmas.” - Kourosh Ziabari

Environment/Science Dec 24, 2013 - There is No Such Thing as a Safe Vaccine and There Never Will Be “The doctor was never taught in medical school how to take care of an immune system, so what you end up with is a whole society, from start to finish, that doesn’t know how an immune system works, that doesn’t know how to take care of it, does not know how to

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 85 replenish the nutrients and minerals that are needed, when it fails, it’s God’s fault. We need a vaccine. They think Mother Nature is flawed.” - Dr. Suzanne Humprhies

Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 24, 2013 - Hot-housing the Orchid of Love Ron: Wishing everyone a Happy and Holy Christmas and a Christed New Year. Here's a blast from the past from Les Visible.

Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 24, 2013 - Being Alone Together: Reclaiming Our Connectivity True US History Dec 24, 2013 - Sheriff takes a stand; announces department will no longer assist A&E during filming Douglas County Sheriff Phil Miller posted the following statement on his personal Facebook page Friday announcing his own “business decision, saying, “It is time for someone other than Hollywood and the news media to stand up for what is right!”:

Environment/Science Dec 24, 2013 - Tesla Technology: 5 Bladeless Turbines About to Revolutionize Energy Production Kibo Dec 24, 2013 - Okay…… Sigh….. Kibo went into a lot more detail than I did, Dark Brothers and you still cannot fix your mess by continuing to be dark.... and thus delaying or ENDING your eternal promise? As he has posted before,,, there is all the new creation going on out there. Learn well...... and perhaps a little faster? this is really good DB's. And you know your toys are out of commission now, right? So what is there to do? Except come back home? What better time than say TOMORROW on Christmas Day... Why not make this a real CHRIST MASS. Posted by Kibo initially on December 23, 2013

Spanish Dec 24, 2013 - Sa-Ra 15: Preparados, Listos y ... Sa-Ra a través de Shellee Kim

Shellee-Kim Dec 24, 2013 - Sa-Ra 15: On Your Marks, Get Set and ... "That each is to be given fair opportunity to KNOW and with that will come a response- ability that each has to Self. And then will the telling times unfold as we watch each making the choices that will take him or her further towards their evolution on the eternal path of the soul. Or making a choice that takes them further away from that goal, if only momentarily." Sa-Ra

[ Visit Website ]

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Rosie Dec 24, 2013 - Seraphin Message 164: THE ANGELS LONG FOR YOU ALL YEAR LONG "Do not look for golden harps and wings, Beloveds; search for the golden truth they sing, the nuggets of insight which they gift to you. See the wisdom in their measured words, the grace in their movements, the awareness in their eyes, their sensitivity to your predicament, their focus on you rather than themselves, the way they are able to touch something deep inside yourselves, the way they reawaken your deepest longings, sustaining you and encouraging you until you bloom like the perfect rose, until YOU YOURSELF ARE SO FAMILIAR WITH THE WORDS AND THOUGHTS AND MOTIVATIONS OF AN ANGEL THAT YOU TURN INTO ONE YOURSELF"

True US History Dec 24, 2013 - Reality Bites Gays [Ron: ie Homosexuals]. Political Information Dec 24, 2013 - Immortalizing the Myth Comparing Zionist Apartheid Israel to Nazi Germany Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Dec 24, 2013 - Nederlands: WETENSCHAPPELIJKE UITLEG VAN MEDITATIE-2 True US History Dec 23, 2013 - Oren calls on Congress to blacklist boycotters, because they’re ‘bigoted’ against Jews Michael Oren: In 1977, Congress passed a series of laws making it illegal for U.S. companies to cooperate with any boycott of Israel and imposing stiff penalties on those that did. The boycott, Congress concluded, was not only racist against Israelis but all Jews. [Ron: Soo, what about: WORLD WAR II The JEWS Declared War - AGAINST Germany! NOT the Other Way Around! See: Declared-War---AGAINST-Germany-NOT-the-Other-Way-Around.shtm?]. Michael Oren: Laws could be passed withholding federal or state funding from any academic program that knowingly blacklisted Israeli scholars or institutions or cooperated with associations that did. While an organization like ASA might prefer punishing Israel to receiving government funds, other academic bodies—including universities—most likely will not. At the very least, lawmakers on the local and national level can go on record expressing their unequivocal opposition to such boycotts. [Ron: Sooo, what about the USraeli boycotts that caused 500,000 unnecessary deaths of Iraqi children under five in the five years from 1991 to 1996. AND similar numbers thereafter? See eg: Madeleine Albright - 60 Minutes - Minutes.shtml What was the Jews' justification for that? And what, specifically is the justification for USraeli and EU boycotts of Iran today? And what about the boycotts of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Libya and Syria et al? The FKN Jews are hypocrits but what excuse do Anglo-Amerikkans and Europeans have for boycotting and starving dozens of nations while aiding and abetting the Jews' ethnic cleansing of Palestine?!

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Political Information Dec 23, 2013 - Rolf Harris faces three new sexual assault charges Environment/Science Dec 23, 2013 - Cannabinoid Science – A Path Towards Optimum Health Political Information Dec 23, 2013 - Criticize Israel – Go to Jail! Canada’s Supreme Court, 44% of which consists of Jewish judges, recently upheld a segment of Canada’s anti-free speech, thought-crime legislation. On behalf of the Supreme Court Judge Marshall Rothstein wrote that “not all truthful statements must be free from restriction”. In other words a truthful statement uttered about Canada’s influential Zionist community could land you in prison in Canada. There is great selectivity displayed when it comes to criminalizing people for their speech in Canada. In almost every instance Canada’s Orwellian Human Rights Commissions (which seemingly exist to deny and negate the Human Rights of free-speech, freedom of expression and freedom of the press) target poor, vulnerable white, Christian men such as Mr. Topham. The recent Whatcott ruling, critically analyzed here, effectively makes the bible criminal.

Political Information Dec 23, 2013 - Israel opened the gates to two dams. Now Gaza is sinking Ron: Gazans must have done a lot of bad shit in previous lives and have a lot of karma to expunge. Query though, what about the "karma" veing heaped up every day by sooo many Jews - and not merely Israeli Jews. Israel opened the gates to two dams. Now Gaza is sinking Rana Alshami Sott Net December 20th, 2013 Reader Views: 1,935 Comments (34) - See more at: gaza-is-sinking_122013#sthash.UmetObPY.dpuf

True US History Dec 23, 2013 - Duck Flap: Truth Is ‘Hate’ To Those Who Hate Truth Political Information Dec 23, 2013 - Khodorkovsky: Myths, hagiography and the pardon Swedish Translations Dec 23, 2013 - ISON target för läsare True US History Dec 23, 2013 - A Glimpse into Washington’s Barbaric Crimes in Iraq since 2003 Illegal Invasion Political Information Dec 23, 2013 - Propaganda, misinformation real face of evil in Syria

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True US History Dec 23, 2013 - Jewish Lobby against Muslim immigration Political Information Dec 23, 2013 - Boycott Israel movement nears tipping point Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 23, 2013 - Denkt daran, die Situation ist fliessend Von Mutter Maria durch T..., Übersetzung Harald Kühn

Political Information Dec 23, 2013 - "Holocaust" satire Ron: I feel this satire does not do justice to the sheer absurdity of the HoloHoax in that ALL reports thereof read like satire. John Friend: I have received some feedback privately from a few trusted and respected friends who have criticized my use of the term "Nazi" in the article. Of course, the word "Nazi" is a pejorative term used to slander and demonize Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. I do not approve of or even use the term "Nazi" when I speak and write about WWII, Hitler, and National Socialism. I used the term in this article for satirical purposes.

Political Information Dec 23, 2013 - Israel Emerging as a Giant Energy Player Political Information Dec 22, 2013 - Lockerbie convict’s family to appeal against conviction Spanish Dec 22, 2013 - Recuerda, la situación es fluida. Mama María a través de T

Others Dec 22, 2013 - Remember, the situation is fluid.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 89

Personal update given to T..... December 21. from Mama Maria (Mother Mary)

Translations - Others Dec 22, 2013 - Italian: Ricordati, la situazione è fluida Altri Dic 22, 2013 - Ricordati, la situazione è fluida . Aggiornamento personale dato a T...... il 21 Dicembre, da Mamma Maria (Madre Maria)

Translations - Others Dec 22, 2013 - Italian: Gli Schemi DEVONO saltare, Fratelli Oscuri Targeted Messages - Messaggi Mirati Dic 21, 2013 - Gli Schemi DEVONO saltare, Fratelli Oscuri Solo una semplice richiesta da Candace...... alla Fratellanza Oscura.

Translations - Others Dec 22, 2013 - Italian: I Piani Monetari non reggeranno. Targeted Messages - Messaggi Mirati Dec 19, 2013 - I Piani Monetari non reggeranno.

Oscuri Fratelli, i vostri Piani Monetari NON REGGERANNO. Rendetevi conto che NOI SORVEGLIAMO e NOI SAPPIAMO e che VOI NON AVETE alcun Potere Per Attuarli. Noi siamo David Righter e Esu Immanuel Inoltre, cari Oscuri Fratelli,,,avete 24 ore per recedere da questo tema monetario, in caso contrario interveniamo noi. È il Michael che parla. NON è questo il MODO.

Translations - Others Dec 22, 2013 - Italian: KiboDabi: 12132013 = 13 Dicembre 2013 True US History Dec 22, 2013 - The Traitors within US Translations - Others Dec 22, 2013 - Italian: Sa-Ra 14: Il Significato della Vita Political Information Dec 22, 2013 - Jewish hypocrisy on immigration — again Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 22, 2013 - Seeking the Key to Happiness? Research Suggests Taming the Wandering Mind True US History Dec 22, 2013 - American Christian Zionism In Perspective Ron: This analysis is naive and irrelevant in that what has happened in the US is similar to what happened in Russia in 1917, namely that five million Jews have orchestrated a COUP financed by the Jews' control of the monopoly right to create money and hence control the US (and global) money supply and distribution. For instance WHO decides who will get the trillions of USD created in so-calle "bail-out" and quantative easing money issuance And AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 90

WHO decides how US government funding will be distributed? In both instances Jews control the money creation and supply system AND the US Administration's distribution of the money allocated by Congress. Moreover, Jews in the Pentagon and US Treasury etc, control the government's ability to audit and account for use of money by the Pentagon and all government agencies so that trillions of USD have been siphoned off to fund Black projects without amerikkans knowing or objecting. The Jews do not need to have a supportive numerical majority in the US community to ensure that they CONTROL the US, all they need is Talmudists in key positions in Congress, the Administration, the Judiciary (eg there are four Jews on the US Supreme Court), and the military- industrial-security complex. THEY HAVE THAT! So, even if, which is NOT the case, 22.4 million USans vehemently oppose Zionism, they cannot overthrow the Jews' covert COUP without much violence in which they would be slaughtered. Read some history. Fewer than five million Jews conquered the Russian Empire and, according to Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, slaughtered 66 million Christian Russians. They also starved to death seven million Ukrainian Christians in the Holodomor. Once the Jews gain power, vehement opposition to them brings torture and death. See eg: In the Shadow of Hermes - Juri Lina (Full Length) Genocide of 65 Million - Juri-Lina-Full-Length-Genocide-of-65-Million.shtml And: Political Correctness Exposed! Marxism Communism Frankfurt School: End of Freedom- Marxism-Communism-Frankfurt-School-End-of-Freedom.shtml].

True US History Dec 22, 2013 - What’s Wrong with America’s Kids? A Look at Christmas Then (1913) and Now (2013) I came across an article about the Christmas wish lists in 1913 versus this year’s wish lists, and I believe that the list says it all. The differences illustrated in these two lists define our society, then and now. In 1913, the yearned-for items were mostly simple ones. Many of them could be homemade by a loved one who cared enough to take the time to do so. The toys on the lists were “imagination toys” that required kids to playact scenarios in their minds. If you look to your electronic devices for companionship and entertainment, you can’t fully develop a love and empathy for your fellow man. Those random people on the street simply become a character in the video game that is your life, and causing them pain and harm means as little to you as pushing the buttons on your video game controller. Children who grow up with traditions and with families who are present do not grow up to punch innocent strangers in the face or mow down pedestrians without regard. They develop qualities like empathy and kindness. They become productive members of society. - Daisy Luther

Let’s face it: There is something very, very wrong with kids today. It seems as though there are hordes of young psychopaths running around, wreaking havoc on others. Two recent examples, and the reasons that I refer to these young people as psychopaths, are the “Knockout Game” in which a mob of youths target a random victim and punch him or her in the face, hoping to knock them unconscious with one blow, and the boy in Texas who

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 91 got away with the murder of 4 innocent people because he was too wealthy to be punished like a normal person would have been. Psychopathy is defined as either an aspect of personality or as a personality disorder, characterized by enduring dissocial or antisocial behavior, a diminished capacity for empathy or remorse, and poor behavioral controls or fearless dominance. (source) Lots of research has been done exploring whether psychopaths are born or created by circumstances. In the case of these teens, I believe that our society has created them. They have been raised with an entitlement mentality. They have parents who either ignore them and are not present, or who give in to every whim and constantly try to give them the “wow” factor, forever upping the ante with bigger and better gifts and experiences. Kids, even those who are mainly ignored and neglected are still constantly stimulated with television programs, movies, the internet, and cell phones. Their needs are met electronically and this removes the very vital element of empathy from their lives. When every day is a trip to Disneyworld, how are you going to be satisfied with climbing a tree and finding animals in the clouds that float by? When your entertainment consists of stealing cars, running down hookers, and shooting into crowds of people, like one popular video game, how will you be entertained by going skating or taking a walk in the woods? I came across an article about the Christmas wish lists in 1913 versus this year’s wish lists, and I believe that the list says it all. The differences illustrated in these two lists define our society, then and now. In 1913, the yearned-for items were mostly simple ones. Many of them could be homemade by a loved one who cared enough to take the time to do so. The toys on the lists were “imagination toys” that required kids to playact scenarios in their minds. 1. Candy 2. Nuts 3. Rocking horse 4. Doll 5. Mittens/gloves 6. Toy train 7. Oranges 8. Books 9. Handkerchiefs 10. Skates Fast forward to 2013. The most popular toys on the list are electronic stuffed animals that dispense affection and companionship on command. Personally, the only items on this list I would have ever gotten my kids were the dollhouse, the Nerf Gun, and the Lego. 1. Furby Boom 2. Teksta Robotic puppy 3. LeapPad Ultra 4. Flying Fairy 5. Bug Hugs Elmo 6. Barbie Dream house 7. Giggly Monkey 8. Nerf Gun 9. Ninja Turtles AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 92

10. Lego When you are forever seeking a greater “wow” factor in your belongings and your experiences, you’re doomed to either be completely unsatisfied or to turn into the kind of little psychopath that we see every time we look at the news. If you are always looking for some type of excitement and stimulation that tops the last episode, then you will never be content with simplicity. If you look to your electronic devices for companionship and entertainment, you can’t fully develop a love and empathy for your fellow man. Those random people on the street simply become a character in the video game that is your life, and causing them pain and harm means as little to you as pushing the buttons on your video game controller. This Christmas, instead of going broke and focusing on the number of extravagant packages under the tree, focus on experiences. Focus on small simple things that you can’t buy from the store. Homemade candy and cookies. Singing Christmas carols together. Going out with hot cocoa and looking at Christmas lights in a brightly decorated neighborhood. Have a snowball fight. Children who grow up with traditions and with families who are present do not grow up to punch innocent strangers in the face or mow down pedestrians without regard. They develop qualities like empathy and kindness. They become productive members of society. - See more at: christmas-then-1913-and-now-2013-12202013#sthash.WM0j3qJN.dpuf

Political Information Dec 22, 2013 - SYRIA: Adra massacre: Militants show photos of those they beheaded

Ron: Be aware that ths latest bloody is NOT exceptional. It has been the modus operandi from the beginning as was the case in Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Iraq, the Congo and Africa, Asia and generally. Moreover, bloody atrocities and wholesals slaughter have been the modus operandi of the Anglo-Amerikkans and French since, at least the 17th Century when they taught gullible Amerindians to scalp enemies in order to recieve a bounty payment. Be aware also, that these bloody conflicts and wars are instigated FOR AND ON BEHALF OF the Jews who contol the City of London, the EU, Wall Street and Washington DC. Moreover, those who tell you that these conflicts are about oil and resource acquisition and/or war profits are deceiving you, either through ignorance or by design. The ONLY possibly explanation for the grossly excessive brutality, misery, terror, disease and starvation created by the Jew controlled Anglo-US and EU economic empires is Talmudic hatred. Profits and control of resources DO NOT require the torture, starvation and sadistic killing of millions upon millions of people. The only rational explanation for what the Western organised and paid Muslim terrorists have done in Libya, Syria and many other places is that they are directed and financed to do what they do by Jews who seek to terrorise, enslave and exterminate non-Jews. Historically the pattern is starkly obvious. The Rothschild controlled Jacobin terrorists tortured and beheaded French Catholics in the 18th century. The Rothschild controlled British aristocracy starved 6 million Irish Catholics and maimed and murdered millions of others in the 19th Century. The Jews, Lenin and Stalin, were financed by Rothschild and Rockefeller Jews to arrange the Bolshevik slaughter of 100 million Christian Russians, Poles and Germans lin the 20th Century. After WWII Mao Tse AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 93 tung was financed by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to murder some 60-80 million Chinese people while the Rockefellers ensured that after Hiroshima and Nagosaki,the US slaughtered over four million Koreans, and a similar number of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians. And on and on...The British torture and murder of Kenyans, the "Necklacing" of opponents of Mandela's Jew created ANC, the senseless, random torture and humiliation of US prisoners in Guantanamo, Bagram, Abu Graib and dozens of other secret tortue centres, and the Jews' slow extermination of the Palestinian peoplei is deliberate and counter productive in rational terms. It is done for Talmudic purposes. Think about it. It would be far cheaper to pay Africans and everyone else a fair price for their resources than to spend trillions of USD waging overt and covert wars to steal those resources. The Jews are choosing to destroy humanity and the planet. The economic imperative mantra about needing to invade and occupy the rest of the world in order to steal oil and other resources is BULLSHIT! The Jews, as a collective, are killing, maiming and emiserating humanity because they enjoy doing it.

Spiritual Nuggets by the Masters Dec 22, 2013 - The Dam Is Destined To Burst rare new message thru Ed Young by AA Michael

Health and Nutrition Dec 22, 2013 - BATTLE TO COVER-UP CHILD ABUSE AND MURDER Political Information Dec 22, 2013 - Lord Greville Janner's home searched as part of child sex investigations, say police Janner, a prominent speaker on Jewish rights who was President of the Board of British Jews, has been hailed for his efforts to see Holocaust victims receive compensation... On his official website... It also says he is a member of the Magic Circle and the International Brotherhood of Magicians.-

Political Information Dec 22, 2013 - Thailand: Protesters Must Stay Out of the Gutter The regime of Thaksin Shinawatra built itself upon a foundation of corruption, deceit, fear, intimidation, bigotry, violence, and mass murder. Its followers, the "red shirts," are notorious thugs, having barricaded schools threatening teachers and parents, slapping university lecturers, and even going as far as hacking their opponents to pieces, committing massive city-wide arson, and armed insurrection. Though they only represent at most 7% of the population, with a mere 35% of all eligible voters having cast their ballots for the current regime, the silent majority fears them. - Tony Cartalucci

Political Information Dec 22, 2013 - France offloads cost of African crimes Ron: We are told that everything's getting better and better BUT it mustn't FEEL like it for many people. Although, of course, existance fot those actually murdered by the global controllers' thugs could be said to be a lot more satisfactory on the other side of the veil. Perhaps if this terrorist, ersartz sectarian SHIT started happening in the US, UK and France (instead of Libya, Syria, Mali, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, the AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 94

Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cote d’Ivoire and the Central African Republic et al) a few more sleeple might wake up and STOP "supporting the troops"!

Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 22, 2013 - Finding the Christ in Christmas AH Mitgliederbeiträge (Candace) Dec 22, 2013 - Die Kisten MÜSSEN weg, Dunkle Brüder Gezielte Botschaft Nur eine kleine Bitte von Candace - an die Dunkle Bruderschaft True US History Dec 22, 2013 - Political Correctness Exposed! Marxism Communism Frankfurt School: End of Freedom Ron: The signal WILL get out. This is a reasonable partial analysis except that it pretends that the Frankfurt School, Marxists and Communists et al are just "leftists". THEY AREN'T! They are Jews and Jewish fellow travellers, minions and puppets. And it is Talmudism that underpins Masonism, Marxism, Illuminism, Communism, Capitalism, Feminism and all the other "isms" manufactured by Jews over the centuries to conceal the covert assault by Jews on gentiles in generally and White societies in particular. Failure to NOTE let alone emphasise this fact is a fundamental flaw in this video narrative. In fact failure to identify the true source of the "political correctness" narrative driving US society into the ground is PART OF THE PROBLEM and hence one has to question whether this video is meant to enlighten or confuse.

Podcasts, Radio Shows, Video by AH Dec 21, 2013 - HayHouse Interview with Hazel Hazel completed a radio interview with Hay House on her Book,,, The God Within. See inside for details.

Targeted Messages Dec 21, 2013 - The Boxes HAVE to go Dark Brothers Just a little request from Candace.... to the Dark Brotherhood.

Spanish Dec 21, 2013 - Las Cajas TIENEN que Irse, Hermanos Oscuros Candace

Human/Animal Rights Dec 21, 2013 - A Brand new politics: Russell Brand interview with Mehdi Hasan Ron: Russell Brand is a wide awake Star Seed who has experienced life on both sides of the tracks. His message is magnificent but he is so verbally and mentally quick that you need to listen carefully to "get" the nuances of what he says. I thoroughly recommend a caredful listen to his talk. See:

Health and Nutrition Dec 21, 2013 - Jose Mujica: 'I earn more than I need'

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My definition of poor are those who need too much. I am frugal not poor. Because those who need too much are never satisfied... Freedom is having time to live. Living frugally is a philosophy of life but I am not poor.,, if we continue tossing out things naturakky a great part of humanity will never have anything.. I don't oppose consumption. I am against waste... - Jose Mujica

Human/Animal Rights Dec 21, 2013 - Black swans enjoy Gold Coast surf This 1[ 08' video was published by Anita Ohmeis on Dec 13, 2013: Publisher's comments: December 13, 2013: Several black swans have been filmed frolicking just off shore near the Gold Coast, catching waves in and out several times before darting off. Ron: Riding the waves of the Apocalypse?

Environment/Science Dec 21, 2013 - 300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia Ron: Presumably Jewmedia and their tame Talmudic scientists will say these artifacts were created by swamp gas or some such and homo (not so) sapients will believe them.

True US History Dec 21, 2013 - NY TIMES ATTACKS PUTIN & HIS ALLIES Political Information Dec 21, 2013 - Criticism of Falk's comments about Israeli atrocities exposes imperialist agenda "Genocide" has also been misused within the imperialist agenda to justify foreign intervention and collateral damage. However, any application of the term to Israel's extermination of Palestinians is deemed abhorrent by the same nations and organisations which have justified various massacres in the name of protection and peace. The same trend is evident in academia, wherein the [Ron: Fraudulent, Blood Libel of the German nation] Holocaust is deemed the epitome of genocide, while ignoring other atrocities inflicted upon indigenous populations to consolidate colonial conquests. The genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinians, notably in 1948, does not feature in Western academic discourse, enhancing complicity and impunity while glorifying abstracts such as fundamental values, a phrase featuring in Baird's alleged concern about Falk's alleged misrepresentation of Israel.- Ramona Wadi

Political Information Dec 21, 2013 - Perverted Jewish pornographer Al Goldstein, dead at 77 Al Goldstein, the scabrous publisher whose Screw magazine pushed hard-core pornography into the cultural mainstream, died on Thursday at a nursing home in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. He was 77. Mr. Goldstein did not invent the dirty magazine, but he was the first to present it to a wide audience without the slightest pretense of classiness or subtlety. Sex as depicted in Screw was seldom pretty, romantic or even particularly sexy. It was, primarily, a business, with consumers and suppliers like any other... AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 96

“He clearly coarsened American sensibilities,” Alan M. Dershowitz, the civil liberties advocate and Mr. Goldstein’s sometime lawyer, said in 2004. Pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking, and the systematic promotion of sexual deviance, promiscuity, and debauchery (not to mention homosexuality and transgenderism) are all Jewish in their inspiration. As Dr. David Duke has documented, pornography and the systematic promotion of sexual deviance are weapons used by the organized Jewish community in their on going cultural, spiritual, and psychological war against traditional White Western Christian civilization. In Dr. Duke's book Jewish Supremacism, he cites an article published in the winter 2004 edition of The Jewish Quarterly, "a leading literary, cultural and political journal" in the Jewish academic world, where Jewish professor Nathan Abrams openly documents the Jewish role in promoting pornography as a means to debase, corrupt, and ultimately destroy White Western Christian civilization. Professor Abrams describes pornography as "a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged." Professor Abrams goes on to explain that: Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. What are Jews saying about Goldstein's death? An article appearing in the popular Jewish newspaper, The Jewish Daily Forward, argues that "our culture will be poorer without" the subversive perverted pornographer Goldstein:

Al Goldstein was a leading figure in the subversion, corruption, and destruction of traditional American morals, sexual practices, and culture, and major Jewish newspapers are lamenting his death, arguing that American "culture will be poorer without" radical, debauched deviants like Goldstein. Could it be any more obvious how hostile towards and contrary to traditional White Western Christian civilization Jews truly are? These people must be excluded from our society, once and for all. - John Friend

Political Information Dec 21, 2013 - Saudi Arabia behind surge of violence in Iraq Environment/Science AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 97

Dec 21, 2013 - What a Year: 45 Fossil Fuel Disasters the Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know About Other Spiritual Pieces Dec 21, 2013 - The Missing Fullness If love is intentional, can we open up to deep and connected intimacy with our current partner? Well, that would depend on the intention of both of course. Communication is needed, and in this matter, words really don’t carry that much importance. Most communication is non-verbal… it is a visual/audio read and an energy read. We know what we know just by feeling, and it’s pretty accurate. That’s why our personal work on allowing, accepting, respecting and going to a place of reverence is so vital. -

Telepathische Nachrichten (div.) Dec 21, 2013 - Seraphin Botschaft 163: SÄUBERT DIE ARENA DES ABSURDEN Political Information Dec 21, 2013 - The Post-colonial Imperial Agenda: America and France Join Hands in the Destabilization of the African Continent Gekanaliseerde berichten Anderen Dec 21, 2013 - Nederlands: DE ESSENTIE VAN MEDITATIE True US History Dec 21, 2013 - The Marshall Scam: Birth of the Communist EU True US History Dec 21, 2013 - The Fed’s Pipeline To Israel

Political Information Dec 21, 2013 - Anti-white terrorist Nelson Mandela was trained by Mossad Political Information Dec 21, 2013 - Israel declares there was no Holocaust Extermination: 27 million Jews survived the holocaust In the year 2000 Israel said there were one million holocaust survivors still alive and many are in financial need. That number is corroborated close enough[3] by other Jewish sources. Survivor implies something escapes by the skin of one's teeth and it certainly is terrible that so many are in financial need. Cue the extortion music. As we know the average life AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 98 expectancy giving a number of people alive in a year is the same as giving the percentage alive in that year to a first order approximation. In giving a number Israel also gave the percent... Elementary algebra[4] says if there were one million alive in the year 2000 then there were 3.75 million holocaust survivors alive in 1945. That is a huge number... If the Nazis killed those unable to work it gets worse. Lets assume 13 years old is old enough to work. So in 1945 the youngest survivor was 13. That means it is as though there were one million survivors in the year 2012. As that is 67 years after it ended then 67/75ths have died and one million represents 8/75ths of the survivors in 1945. That means there were roughly 9.375 million holocaust survivors in 1945... In 2004 Israel issued a more refined number still alive in that year, 1,092,000, for the purpose of actually filing lawsuits. So 59 years after the event 16/75s were still alive. That leaves us with 5,118,750 alive in 1945 if none were killed for inability to work and the birthrate were the same as peacetime. If we go with those under 13 being killed we have 27,300,000 holocaust survivors alive in 1945. This is nearly twice as many Jews as were in all the world in 1938. - Matt Giwer

Political Information Dec 21, 2013 - Israel declares there was no Holocaust Extermination: 27 million Jews survived the holocaust II In the year 2000 Israel said there were one million holocaust survivors still alive and many are in financial need. That number is corroborated close enough[3] by other Jewish sources. Survivor implies something escapes by the skin of one's teeth and it certainly is terrible that so many are in financial need. Cue the extortion music. As we know the average life expectancy giving a number of people alive in a year is the same as giving the percentage alive in that year to a first order approximation. In giving a number Israel also gave the percent... Elementary algebra[4] says if there were one million alive in the year 2000 then there were 3.75 million holocaust survivors alive in 1945. That is a huge number... If the Nazis killed those unable to work it gets worse. Lets assume 13 years old is old enough to work. So in 1945 the youngest survivor was 13. That means it is as though there were one million survivors in the year 2012. As that is 67 years after it ended then 67/75ths have died and one million represents 8/75ths of the survivors in 1945. That means there were roughly 9.375 million holocaust survivors in 1945... In 2004 Israel issued a more refined number still alive in that year, 1,092,000, for the purpose of actually filing lawsuits. So 59 years after the event 16/75s were still alive. That leaves us with 5,118,750 alive in 1945 if none were killed for inability to work and the birthrate were the same as peacetime. If we go with those under 13 being killed we have 27,300,000 holocaust survivors alive in 1945. This is nearly twice as many Jews as were in all the world in 1938. - Matt Giwer

Political Information Dec 21, 2013 - Former Jewish school worker jailed for child sex abuse offences The Yeshiva college has been widely criticised for not acting earlier on complaints against Cyprys. Manny Waks, who campaigns against child sex abuse, said outside the court that he will take civil action against the college after being given court approval to publicly declare that he was one of Cyprys' victims... AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 99

Cyprys is the second paedophile to be convicted of abusing students at Yeshivah. In July, Rabbi David Kramer was jailed for abusing four boys at Yeshivah in the early 1990s. Victoria Police criticised the school for helping Kramer escape to the US. -

Political Information Dec 21, 2013 - What’s New? I’m Glad You Asked… Political Information Dec 21, 2013 - Globalization: Fast Track To Nowhere Environment/Science Dec 21, 2013 - Fracking could be allowed under homes in Britain without owners' knowledge Political Information Dec 20, 2013 - Somewhere in Recent History, Normal Killed Itself. Political Information Dec 20, 2013 - Thailand: Fighting the "Superpower" Political Information Dec 20, 2013 - Ed Griffin admits the Bankers own all the Gold and that Usury is the issue Ron: Apparently Ed Griffin and Anthony Wile reckon that banksters own all the gold and yet are against gold monetary reform. WHY would banksters do that? IF they own all the gold they own BOTH sides of the issue. Of course the banksters always control both sides of every argument and typically attack one side to create the illusion of "real" conflict. On this issue though, perhaps the banksters have a real problem because the OITC (however described) owns most of the gold. Moreover, the new money system will not involve usury.

Political Information Dec 20, 2013 - ‘Economic cooperation can unite Muslims’ The D-8 organization unites the Muslim-majority nations of Iran, Nigeria, Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Bangladesh. These nations taken together possess vast human and material resources. Their net population is over one billion. The D-8 is a sort of Islamic version of the BRIC axis of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. And though the D-8 is currently well behind the BRICs in GDP, it may be joining them in the not- too-distant future. Turkey and Malaysia have registered impressive economic growth comparable to that of the BRIC countries; Iran has realized amazing technological, educational and economic achievements under the forced self-reliance of sanctions; and the other five members of the D-8 likewise have tremendous potential.- Kevin Barrett

Political Information Dec 20, 2013 - Democracy, Deception, Deceit - they're all the same Ron: THIS is the truth Pilgrims. KNOW IT, and pray that humanity's current enslavement will soon be dissolved justly and without chaos, violence and bloodshed.

True US History Dec 20, 2013 - The Gates Foundation's Hypocritical Investments Bill Gates Says Global Vaccination Program is "God's Work" AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 100

Dees Illustration

In a recent interview with the London Telegraph, Bill Gates has now claimed that his Foundation’s massive push for vaccination is not just an exercise in philanthropy but that it is, in fact, “God’s work.” - Brandon Turbeville

Spanish Dec 20, 2013 - Gabriel 2 Gabriel a través de Hazel

Political Information Dec 20, 2013 - The New Face of Multiculturalism in NSW 'To this day I have this passion to promote respect for every person irrespective of the colour of their skin, the accent they may have, the language they speak, the faith they belong to, the culture which they represent,' Mr [Vic] Alhadeff said." (Multicultural body gets new chairman, The Australian, 18/12/13). Alhadeff has neglected to mention that he's also a political Zionist, indeed arguably Australia's most active Israel lobbyist. As such he's a vigorous defender of an exclusive, Jews-only ethnocracy predicated on the ethnic cleansing of Palestine's indigenous Arab majority in 1948 - the very antithesis of an inclusive, non-discriminatory multiculturalism where neither ethnicity nor creed are allowed to stand in the way of citizenship. - MERC

Political Information Dec 20, 2013 - How Homosexuality Became Normalized Ron: As a collective Jews are liars which figures, since the Kol Nidrei ritual makes lying to non-Jews a central tenet of their belief system. This Jew is an excellent exponent of the art. His spiel is every bit as good as any rabbi's. Essentially Jews "push" key words that imply positive sounding conclusions which are not only unsupported but typically reverse the truth. Moreover, they always PRETEND that political and socio-cultural changes that Jews have covertly organised, are spontaneous politico-cultural developments when the reverse is true. This article is full of such half arse assertions. Although it is tedious, I have included a few references which expose the devious mistruths David Rosen is attempting to foist upon the unsuspecting reader. Before you believe David Rosen, or any Jew, examine the veracity of the nuances in what they say. Our world is as it is today because most people do not do that.

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 101

Political Information Dec 20, 2013 - Jewish Journalists should think of themselves as members of Israeli Army?! Ron: Jews are Talmudists. Their holy book dictates that they can and should LIE to gentiles. See eg: Kol Nidre - Judaism's License To Lie. See: To-Lie.shtml And: Tough to Put the Kibosh on Kol Nidre. See: Kol-Nidre.shtml For instance see: Jewish Journalists should think of themselves as members of Israeli Army?! - "... I'm a Jew before being a journalist, before someone pays me to write," "If I find a negative thing about Israel, I will not print it and I will sink into why did it happen and what can I do to change it." [and even if he eventually wrote about negative incidents that happen in Israel, he tries to find a way] "to shift the blame." - Uzi Safanov, a writer at the Seawanhaka newspaper of Long Island University in New York

AbundantHope Front Pages Pdf 15-- Page 102