, *. ■ ;" V ' ’''■ ■ -'''’■ '. "• -V.' ' ' ■'•■'* *'.'?iAS(-'^«&ii><.V.iiia!’ ■ ^,\'. dIattrI|»Binr Eitntbts JImiOt ATERAGB DAILT OnCDLATION W B A T a n a< D. Wanthar for the Month of Angnet, 1M1 H artford

itl^G ieen Stamp! , ^i^Green Siiimps Oieiemny fhir tan^hti m ^ 5 ,8 6 1 doody Sondnyt alewt/ iWag C ttren ' Given Member of the AndH pemMve. Bnrena ef CIrealatioaB MAyOHESTER — A CITY OF VTLLAGE CHARM WHli Gtoh Salea With Cadh Sales VOL. LVIh n o . 298 ; m rage lA). MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE TBREB CBI ROOSEVELT POSHES Three Candidates For Legrion Leadership BRITISH DESTROYER SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 COURT OBJECTIVESi One Big Day of Store-Wide Bargains. Be Here Early and Shop As Long As You IS BOMBED BY PLANE Wish. There’s Bargains for Eve^ne. TO TOUR IN WEST ' Dollar Day Sale of New Fall TOWEL VALUES In ConstilntioD Day Speech ()FF COAST OF SPAE \ JAPS DRIVE ON SILK* FROCKS He Stands Finn in De­ Here’s a ipecial concession from for Dollar Day TOWARDCHINA’S ENUSTEDMEN our ready-to-wear department. ^ O Q mand for Change; "Is New silk frocks are being put on Admiralty Also Probing; sale for one day only a t ...... ~ Regular 29c, 20” x 40” SoUd Color MAIN DEFENSE OF LEGWH SEEK Bale’s 69e -Popular Needed Now,” He Says. Two-Way, Latest Styles — Smartest Materials — New Fall Shades. M. K. M. Sizes 14 to 20 and 38 to 48. TURKISH TOWELS Coffee o f TO N M HEAD torpedo Attack Reporlj P in t Quality Silk Stretch Drip-O-Lators $1 Washington, Sept 18.— (A P )— Beat Back Local Troops In New------shape-— —..-.jT China m President Rooeevelt'a outspoken de­ each for ^ pot 8-cup size. mand for an Interpretation of the Gose-Out o f Children’a 27c 4 North Bot Soon Will Meet 22 War Officers Have Been lane Drops Exploiives B i| | HOSIERY GIRDLES Oonatitutton sufficiently broad to JUSTICE BLACK u t r i y make demoersu^ "work" turned po­ Ocaubie a-OuTter BfNGLESS and as: c Trained Armies; Shang­ Commanders But Nerer a Iboy Miss Wardnp; Sheer Cluffon RAINCAPES and RAINCOATS litical attention today to his an­ DRAWS m s PAY Semi and Servloe Wetshts 18” X 36” Heavy Cannon RAINBOW BOWL SETS nouncement of a western lour be­ hai War Brings New Peril Reports Do Not Oar Beet SrUliiK Boon. Special! PANTIE Regularly $1.25 and $1.98, for in oolors. 5" - 6” - 8” - 9”—4-Bowl Sets ginning neat week. Plain Doughboy or Gob; Not all sizes or colors. $1.00 Within an hour, he gave empha- tle notice last night c t a continuing Five Did Not Get Overseas ’M I D m U R S T Whether A nti- GIRDLES TURKISH TOWELS fight for the objMtIves sought in his Peiping, Sept 18.—(AP)—Japa­ p r . $ 1 . 2 5 Sewed In and detachable crotch. court reorganization program and nese military authorities announced Small, medium and large. ' announced a trip through Montana, that a triple-headed thrust deep In­ Gmu Were Used; Dollar Day Only! CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS New York, SepL 18.— (AP) — HamOton Deprecates Parti- 2 2 c each 5. for $ ^ , 0 0 in blue, red and green. 5-Set f o r ...... Wyoming and other states repre­ to the Chinese central Hopeh prov­ Ladies* sented by some of the leading foes ince lines today pushed the defend­ TTiese men, each seeking the highest post In the American Legion, that of national commander, are shown Doughboys who were doughboys all Developments on Sub-Standards o f Regrular $1.39 One of our largest selling towels—heavy double thread, all white Of his Judiciary proposal. dM ng at a pre-convenUon luncheon In New York city. Left to right, Stephen A. Chadwick of SeatUe, Ray­ sanship, Liberty Leafoe Nedll with colored borders In blue, gold, peach, green, and orchid. ers back toward a fortified line through the war and tars who got $1.00 A huge crowd, eattmated at more which neutral observera believed mond J. Kelly of Detroit, and Daniel J. Doherty of Woburn, Mass. ( no further than swabbing decks atiU than 80,000 persons, and a nation­ would see the decisive battle of the are waiting their chance to name terranean Front HANDBAGS wide radio audience heard the Pret- Head Critical; Gov. Bibb • Hale’s Fineqnm SHEETS Heavy Hand Size COOKIE JARS Slno-Japonese conflict Despite one of their number aa bead man of Ident'a outdoor address commeiho- Simulated leather, Suede-A-Lope in colors with decoratimi. 9 ' deep. fierce resistance, the Japanese de­ the American Legion. Since that aad Bilk bofs in all the new top Fine Quality Rayon Taffeta 81" a 99" — 72" x 108" — 72” a 99” — 63” z 99” ratlng the ISOth anniversary of tits clared their forces had swept on ‘ KNIGHTS OF SWORD’ winter day In Paris tn 1919, when Graves Under Discussion. BULLETIN. handle atylea. Colom: Navy, Once in a great while we can obtain these sub-standards in the signing of the Constitution. past Cbochow, the walled city 40 CITY, COUNTY AND STATE a small group of warworn soldiers Brown, ^ a c k . Wine. regular Hale’a quality. Nothing to impair the wearing qualities— TURKISH TOWELS Cool Evening miles south of Peiping which fell went to a dinner and came away In­ The evening was so cool that Mr. Malta. Sept. 18.>~(AP) SLIPS slight mls-weaves or oU spots. Itollar Day only at this low prlcel late yesterday, and taken new po­ spired with the Idea of an organiza­ Washington. Sspt 18.— (A P )— Roosevelt wore a topcoat as be sitions along the railway lines NEW SECRET ORDER tion of veterans, 22 men have been — A seerjt naval tnqnlzjr in plain and brocade, guaranteed WATER SETS stood in the moonlight on the Fresh outbursts of criticism each for vritb Upped pitcher and alx glasses. Crystal with south. A Q TO END BIG STRIKE honored as commanders of the Le­ alxmrd the aircraft ear* each seams, tearoae only. Sizes 34 to 19c 6 ,00 h^u^ Washington Monument grounds. support o f Justice Hugo L. Black, 44. ship decoration, also red floral design. Regular $1.25. The righb wing was said to bo 20 gion. None has come from the ranks $1.00 Sub-Standards of Regular 31c and 33c Two patterns—white with colored borders—solid color with white In bis speech. Interrupted more miles west of Chochow and the cen­ alleged to be a life member of the rier Gloriooa led todav tm frequently by responsive laughter of the enlisted men. borders. Heavy, practical towels, double thread; that are so handy ter wing at Kuanllchuaiw. eight French Police Uncover An­ Frank N. Belgrano, Jr„ at San Ku Klux Klan, cams today from a belief that British aaval^ Hale’s Finespun ^ for kitchen use or for a face and hand towel. than by applause, the President aald miles southwest of the a&M city, these public fla res: • New FaO Fabric Federal Forces Also May Be ARREST iODNAPER Francisco, and EMward A. Hayes, of officials wera aceking that to av^d dictatorship the na­ after beating (Siineae troops back 1. Republican Chairman John taih^ of a reported tion must "meet the Insistence of other Society Desenbed Decatur, RI., started In the ranks, Hamilton termed It Inconceivable $ 1.00 TUMBLER SETS toward Lalshui on the railway spur but worked up to commissions tn PILLOW CASES 4 for $ 1 .0 0 Solid Color Turkish In Ciystal. decorated. 6 iced tea, 6 Ubie tumblers, 6 fruit the great moss of our people that from KaopelUen toward the hiUs. Called Into Action in that Preaident Roosevelt "would attadi on that nnit Juice glasses. 18-Fleoe S e t...... economic and social security and the service, and then attained the knowingly have appointed n Klaas- Britain’s anti-piraejr GLOVES 42” a 86” — 42 a 88)/,” The Japaneee left wing had slow­ OF RICH IMPORTER highest honor their comrades coula Smart alip^on styles in suede An- the standards of American living be er going, however, and failed to keep man to ths Suprems Court.'' troL raised.” pace because of deep mud caused by Hartford Area; Qniet Dur­ bestow In times of peace. 2. Presldeat Jouatt ghousa at lih, also double woven with over- HAND TOWELS Neither of them, by colncUanea, ,_No pfflciil. tafi •eam aad saddle stitch. "I believe,” he added, “that these the autumn rains. The eastern the American.- UbMty Lai PRINT APRONS Dollar Day Only! things can be done under the Con­ forces pushed to a point 13 miles ing Early Honrs of Day. Chained in Cave for Eight Parts, Sept. 18— (A P )— A sec­ saw service oversesA Belgrano en­ wlilch fought Mr. Rooiavelfa was forthcoming aa a Theoe dainty prlnta come in GLASS RELISH DISHES stitution, without the surrender ol from Tingbsing, the next railway ond outlaw secret society, described listed In 1917 as a private and bis- election, contended the Chief Bhcec- salt o f the fauiairjr. wl neckband and coverall atyles. Reg­ each came a second Ueutenar. before the 15c 7 for $ 1 .0 0 with five compartments. a single one of the civil and reli­ station below KaopelUen, intending by the Surete Natlonale as a revolu­ utlve must havs known of Black's was coaelnded late y( ularly 39c. gious liberties it was Intended to to cut off the Chinese retreat to Honrs Victim Is Finally war ended. Hayes Joined the navy alleged afflUatloA, It was tba pair Gandlewick Bath Mat ^ The bandy hand size. Solid colors In blue, green, orchid, rose, and Hartford. Sept 18.—(AP)—Oty, tionary arms nmnlng ring, was re­ aa an apprentice seaman and roaa to day, and anthorittes evai^' $1.00 gold, with novelty checked border. safeguard. their base at PaoUngfu. 80 miles League's first atatement since the Firm la HU Stand below Peiping. county, state and Federal law en­ ported uncovered today In connec­ ensign rank In 1918. Hla service was od direct qncsUoaa. Oolors: Navy, Black, Brown, 1986 campalgA “ And I am determined that under F I^its U V^glanalVr*L Troops forcement agendas today had omvsd Released to Get Ransom. tion with the Investigation of "The at toa Great Lakes Naval Trabring Infonned porwas Vaa. Hooded On«A” 8. Banator Caanally 3for'$1 .00 Lid Cover Sets Sub-Standards o f Regular 69c 22” x 44” « the OonsUtuUoo those things ohoU Thus far JaVUi baa met largely Into the 11-daya truck atrlkA statloB. declared the furore was a hovroTor, thcrie was ^ d k ThCMThese RCtBsets are worth 11.79.$1.79. SolirfSolid rnlnmcolors inIn n^nrhpeach, blue, orchid, FLOWER VASES be dcaw.” regional Chlneaa forces on the Aa the official machinery tuned, Four Bsembera of "The Hooded Two Navy Men CornmandeTS Ones” (Lea Cagoulards), arrested In of politics, apparently an aOort to reason to boliovo that s i gold, and green with black floral design. Buy these for your own Heavy Weight Turkish in various shapes tmd colors. "Only tn that way,, he said, "can march south, but neutrals believed the sitriken dropped Into compara New York, Sept. 18.— (A P )—A c­ Hayes was one of two navy men embarrass tha Presldeat.~ ildei 39c Rayon bathroom or for gifts. Dollar Day only! they would clash aoon with far raids that turned up caches of ma­ who have been national Legion torpedo aras flred at tha America dlaaipate the Illusion that live quiet cused of abducting a 63-year-oJd chine guns, grenades and other 4. Senator Olaas (D., Va ). who the necessary price of efficiency U sterner foes—the hotter trained and Little except routine picketing commanderA The other was Edward Gwrloos Thonday or#, equipped regiments of the centred wine Importer and resort owner and iriunttlons two days ago, were still opposed Black's oonfirmatlon, aald dlctatorahip." He added; was to be attempted, at least until B. Spafford, of New: York, who has ha stlU conoldera the Justice unfit ning, narrowly miaaiag BRASSIERES BATH TOWELS Chinese government Mayor SpeUaey bad addressed tbn chaining him for eight hours In under questioning in connection UNDERWEAR 18” X 36” Cannon Miracle "That Is why I have been saying with their mysterious, antl-Com- "regonUeoa of the Ku Klux Klan her. The craft had boea and $1.49 Curtain Stretchers for months that there U a crisis in Chinese sources said two armies union this afteraoon, said John J. man-made cave while he haggled (OMtlaoed oo Page Bight) Kallrette chalk Snlsh and saUn of Nanking's forces totaling 68,000 munist organization when the fresh ehargea.” with easel back and rustless pins, 2" apart. American affairs which demanda Murphy, secretary-treasurer ami 8. Senator lAe (D., OklA), tann­ warned, pf Jh o attaA . tat stripe rayon underwear. were being transported to poaitlona business agent of Local 671, Truck over ransom terms, Franz Hana- disclosure was made. Vests • rantiee • Step-ins • Briefs 2 for $^,00 action now—a crUU particularly The second group, known aa "The ed tha Klan charges "only n smoke Mokoota-f on aa aseoai* dangerous because Its ezternal and Drivers' Union. wald, 86, on apartment house Jani­ Special! Extra heavy weight towels that have slight Imperfections which (Ueattnaed Ud Page rwo) Knights of the Sword” (Lea Cheval­ acreen” laid down by peraqaa who panying destroyer, the BANDEAUS 1 DISH TOWELS 6 f o r 8 8 c Internal difficulties re-enforce each The semi-truce fonowed the most tor, was held by state police today A large assortment to choose do not Impair the wearing qualities. Beautiful quality with colored on a kidnap charge. iers du Glaive),, was said to have LYNCH IS DROPPED; dlaUked Black's championship of Comet, it was said. other." bitter day of the strike. operated in southern France In con- from. Regularly 39c. These are regularly 6 for $1.00. Large size. 18" x 36” . Dries borders In most colors. Halting of store delivery trucks The vlcUm, Julius Redlich, Identi­ ths UUUtiea Holding Company blU more dishes and dries them faster. Leaves no lint. Colored borders Old English No-Rub Wax Outfit $| Not once did the Preaident men­ .Junction with 'The Hooded Ones” In and wage and hour legislaUoA tion hU proposal for "rejuvenation” would be dropped today, Mr. Mur­ fied Hanawald, a former employe, London, Sept. 18.— (A P) • In blue, gold, green, and red. phy said, except In Instances where Paris. Haariltoa Moderato Regular 25c A B C Fast Color 1 Quart Wax, 1 Wax AppUeiw-(Pair)...... I of the Judiciary except in the post GENERAL PERSHING as the maeked man who awakened Detectives asserted both groups REPLACED BY DALY The British destroyer Fo drivers or firms had been "antagon­ him In bis Wlngdale, N. Y., home HamUton'a statement, more mod­ tense. He left the inference that wem engaged in shipping arms to erate than the commenta of some reported today to I^ndofi aai 2 .»$1.00 istic." Sept. 4 and forced him at gunpoint secret branches In France "for however be obtained bU objectives No Complaints RepubUcan congressmen, said: "In 70” X 80” Heavy All White "under the Constitution” he would to accompany him 20 miles to ulterior use If the opportunity pre­ authorities that it had been ai Snuui New Fall PREPARES ADDRESS State and local police. In contrast lonely woods near MUlbrook, N. Y. an Issue of such seriouaneaa affect PERCALE PRINTS yd. 9 ^ FELT-BASE FLOOR RUGS be satisfied. sented Itself.” Their ultimate pur­ lov. Cross Increases by tog aa It does the Integrity of our tacked by a bombing plana ( With Colored Borders, “Two Stork” \ to yesterday, this morning had re­ Redlich told police a barrowing pose, the investigators said, prol>- But the Chief Executive, In plain fundamental institutions, there Gijon, Spain. BABY SHOP 100 patterns and colon in all types of designs in both large and Green or blue. 4V4 x 6 f t ceived no complaints. story of being forced Into a cave ably was to assist any uprising words, served notice that if the ob­ The Railway Express Agency, no proper place for partisan criti­ Six heavy bombs fell do NECKWEAR small figures. Patterns for dresses, aprons, smocks, housecoats and BO small he had to lie down, chained against the French Republican gov­ Four Democrats Among ail purposes. 36" wide. jectives were blocked be was ready Just 77 He Is Now Bnsy prevented yesterday from delivering cism. to the Fearless bat the OoOar and Cuff Sets SHEET to fight. and handcuffed to stakes, while be ernment. freight, today was experiencing no Old Royallats ■All must hops that Mr. Roose­ stroyer was not struck. in pique and satin with Irish lace CINDERELLA He characterized the Constitution difficulty. argued for hours to force bis kid­ the Comity Commissioners velt wlU be successful In finding trim. V and round necks. os a "layman's document, not naper to lower bis $20,000 ransom The officers declared 'The Dollar Day Only! All Our Regular 39c With Legion Speech He Through trucks, Mr. Murphy said, Knights of the Sword" sprang from solution of this difficult problem Having completed the $1.29 CHENILLE RUGS lawyer's conb-act” In the drafting were not being molested, nckets deman dA compatible at once with the dignity tack, the plane flew BLANKETS 36” New Fall Fast Color o f which the framers 'used broad Exhausted and near collapse, be the old Royalist Action Francalse DRESSES Real heavy weight sheet blankcta in “Two Stork" quality which and Rag Ruga with chenille border. 24” x 48” . had Instructions to stop only truck League following the government's of the Supreme Court and of his Gijon, leading to a belief and general language capable of Will Radio from Paris. cargoes bound In or out of Hart­ was finally taken to a highway and HarUord, Sept, 18.— (A P )—Gov­ Printed percales and plain col­ Is one of the beat. All white with colored borders In pink and blue. dissolution of the organisation aa ernor Cross today reappointed Sena­ own high offICA" each ored broadcloths in blue, rust, red meeting evolution and chaise.” ford. released on bis promise to pay $1,- London that the plane ___ $ 1.00 Buy several at this price. result of an attack Feb. 13, last tor Joseph P. Cooney a county com­ and navy. Sizes 3 to 6’i. Regu­ PIaid$ find Hollywood Cluntz Print$ ^ ^ "You will find no Justification,'' he The mayor was to make his sec­ 000 later at bis Manhattan office, he year, on the then Premier Leon (OBBttonari aa Page BKbt) have been a Spanish govnaai| larly $1.19. sold, 'in any of the language of the Alx-en-Provence, France. Sept. ond attempt aa peacemaker at 2 p. said. missioner but dropped a veteran Blum. Democrat in New Haven county, ment craft. ^ Constitution for delay In the re­ 18— (A P )—The graying chief ol Disregard Threats The death of Maurice Julf at the 52” X 52” Fast Color Novelty 3 yd. $1.00 UiiHW m m . I forms which the mass of the Amer­ America's World War EhcpedlUonary (Contlnneil oo Page Eight) Disregarding threats be and hla Alexander S. Lynch, who Is succeed­ Gijon is the govemmeafil hand of an oasaastn or assassins ed by Senator 'datthew A. Daly. ican people now demand. Force, General John J. Pershing, wife would be killed if he called in last December at San Remo, Italy, last important port on the ! "Tet nearly every attempt to meet baa stopped having birthdays now The governor increased Demo­ CONSTmiTION DAY DRUG DEPT. $ The new plaids look exactly like wool and every girl wdll want police, Redlich walked two miles to and the disappearance of Paul Jean. of Biscay. There are ne 1.00 those demands for oocial and eco­ that he Is 77. a farmhouse and reported the Baptiste—both believed by the In cratic representation In the eight concentrations of insur LUNCH CLOTHS a plaid dutfit for Fall. Also the new patterns in Hollywood Chintz nomic betterment has been Jeopard­ Another anniversary has come counties by four. Heretofore 20 of which Is pre-sbrunk, fast color and has the Neva-Wet process. GALE APPROACHING crime. vestigatora to be linked with the troops and planes. Aspirin ...... 50c O’CEDAR MOPS ized or actually forbidden by those and gone—he was 77 Tuesday—but (Confronted by Redlich, bis wife, secret organization^—brought the tba 24 county commissioners were STIRS UP ORATORS Boys’ Button-On Large size in dusting mop or triangular shape who have sought to read Into the the general, busy with a strenuous and hla son John, 34, after hla ar­ Surete Natlonale Into the case In Republicans. The governor reap­ The attaidc took pUeo 59c each 2 29c New Fall CcnatltuUon language which the program of public appearances and cooperation with Italian and Bel­ pointed four Democrats and replac­ noon yesterday. oil mop. speeches, Including a trana-AUanUc rest last night, Hanawald, a thin, framers refused to write Into the LOUISIANA COAST taciturn man, mumbled; gian police. ed four more Republicans by Demo­ The Fearleoa carriad tha rs| & ...... $1.00 A sihart new pattern with plain center and novelty striped bor­ address to the American Legion's i Constitution." “I did it—I'm sorry. I don't know Other Dlssppearanree crats, so that there are eight Demo­ Roosevelt's Court BiD Theme UoD Identiflcatlon as a British ' $1.25 Haliver Oil -| £ POLO SHIRTS der In blue, gold, green, and red. These wash beautifully and wear Dlvldsd Opinions national convenUon in New York Two other men, believed to have cratic county commissioners and 16 In navy, brown and red stripes. for yeara. TWEEDS and PRINTS next Monday, decllnea to give birth­ why." craft and In addition the tor. Chiding lawyers for dUagree- been members of "The Hooded Republicans. turret was painted red, white Capsules...... V A a O O Sizes 4 to 10 years. Come with menta over the meaning of the Con­ days a place on bis calendar any Redlich owns the Berkshire Coun­ $1.49 Aluminiim 8-Way Cooker el SmaU Boats Scurry for try Club in Wlngdale, approximate­ Ones,” vanished in 1936 and still Copimisrioner Albert Cavanaugh of Many Speeches Deliv blue. sport collar with zipper or button stitution, and the Supreme Court for more. are sought tn connection with 50e Ipana front. Can be used as a saucepan, French fryer, baking •' Instead he baa abandoned a pro­ ly 80 mllea north of New York, a of Windham county failed to win TDie destroyer has heavy 4 yd*- $3.*00 pan. Etc. J L divided opinions, the President said series of arms seizures In Belgium reappointment, although be la aircraft armament but It waa Tooth Paste...... 0 4 C the “odd man” on the court had posed rest in southern France to Shore in Gulf of Mexico; Manhattan wine importing firm and and France. ered Throughout Nation. Smart new twreed effects which look exactly like wooL Four often decided vital Issues. prepare his Legion speech and to a Miami, FIa , hotel. Democrat. He la succeeded by Mrs. dlscloaed whether aha opanad Economy Package Julf was slain and hts body dump­ O B her attacker. 75c P ep ^ en t ( i d e a smart colors. Fine quality prints In neat designs. In conclusion, Mr. Roosevelt ask­ plan other public actIviUes. enva Located Elizabeth Swain of Pomfret, ed Into a canal at San Remo, de­ Democrat. The governor's office In­ Tha attadi waa anothar « f Antiseptic...... 0 9 C ed those who have faith In ths Con- "I'm Just going to alt down at Larger Vessels Warned. The cave In which be was held tectives said, because be had not 1.00 my typewriter," Pershing said to­ dicated that the failure of the Wind­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS almost countless Inddents ' $ stitutlon'a capacity to '^vork out the captive, located by t e use of blood­ $1.25 Cake and Pie Container turned over large suros of money to Pleas to keep a dictatorship from have occurred on tha Bay ef 35e Vick’s .0 ^ 4 r Dollar Day Only! 25 Smart Patterns In problems of Democracy” to "Justify day. "but the speech probably won’t hounds, bad been carefully eon- superiors In the arms running ring. ham county committee which Is In­ Vapo-Rub...... m 4 C Wondersoft KOTEX with spring carrying handle. Green or Ivory. that faith by making It work now be done until Sunday." vestigating the Putnam Hohie for supplanting the American democra­ cay and the MedUemnaon sines l 39” Spun Rayon New Orleans. Sept. 18.— (AP) — cy which has endured for 180 yeara Spanish civil war broka out rather than 29 long years from From Hotel Boom storm bearing winds up to gale (UBsttnaed On Page Two) (OontlBiied On Pngs *'ea) Children to make Its report prevent­ $1.00 New £ 5 0 .# * now." Perohlng'a words to th^ Legion­ ed him from reappointing (Java- echoed today from ths oratory months ago. force (80 m. p. h.) rode the Gulf of Tha attack, hoaravar, was naCf Gem R azor...... 0 9 C QUICKER He urged them to give fealty "to naires In New York win be carried Mexico early today some 280 mllea naugh. (Constitution Day. CHALUE and . C Q the ConsUtutloD Itself and not to from hla hotel room here where he Charles P. Harrington, of Kent, They sprang from the controversy ■trictly of that Und o f guexlUa wat.|l 48 In Pkg. 7 5 c came after attending the LmidOD south of the centnl Louisiana coast. fora which Britain and tba othavj REFRIGERATOR SETS its mislnterpreters.” The disturbance sent small craft a teacher In the Kent school, suc­ ver President Roosevelt’s pro­ UNIONSUITS' ’ The President nmde no mention OoronaUon and supervising the In­ ceeds Harry B. Morse of Litchfield, posal to reorganize the Federal Nyon powers are trying to Mineral Oil ...... PRINTED CREPES O * ' ' in white enamel with glass covers. 3-Dish Set . . auguration of a aeries of American scurrying to cover lost night but Post Office Dept. Mural 50c 10% ’ wool, short sleeves and Regularly S9c jrard. A beautiful range of patterns of all types the current controversy over al­ today Its future course remained un­ a Republican. judiciary, to obtain what bs called out in tha Mediterranaaa. leged Ku Klux Klon membership war memorials In PYance. He Is loot night a layman’s Interpretation Nyon protocal called for prot 50c Lyon’s O C trunk leg In boys' or girls' atylea, with the new dark backgrounds In maroon, dark green, brown, block, scheduled to speak for six minutes certain. Ernest H. Woodward, of Coven­ lastez back. E!asy for the children Dollar Day Only! Odd Balls and Skeins and navy. Wool cballle effects and the larger flor^ and paisley de- by hla only nominee to the Soprei The Weather Bureau In adviaories try, takes the place of Hubert P. of the Constitution rather than a of commercial shlpA not war Tooth Powder...... <3 9 C to wait on themselves. Regularly Oxirt. Asapeiate Justice Block. atarting at 11:80 a m . e.a.t. Mon­ Very Tough On Ladies legalistic concept. sals. dgns. Guaranteed washable. day. last Bight and ht 2 a m. (c. a t.) Collins of COlumblA in Tolland Tha Nyon powers, for $1.19. Sizes 3 to 6 years. Qravea On Platforas today la attended by "shifting winds county, and Joseph, P. Bransfleld of Whether the speakers were align­ 500-Sheet Package O O GARBAGE PAILS He expressed regret at not being backed by a mighty aan aad Tltooe in the front of the crowd. to moderate gales and local heavy Portland succeela to n e o s ever popular Hoovsrettes larly ase. HERE HERE wreath on tha Tomb of the Dn- warned of the approaching storm ba'a runnlBg. Another baa Just unclothed.'' $18,736,239.08; reoslpto tee I skm of Congress In the faU. There known Siridier. by Ooaot Guard cutters and planeA Bounces that of the eight appoint­ solve the probleme of overproduc- year (rtnoa July 1), $ 1 / are avmllahia la three aisca: Small, wlneed a tormentor. It aounda n little Irisarre, but Uoo, undetconsumpUon of unem- SAT. SAT. still oms no hint from the Wbite He probably win oddreos them Lata yesterday the disturhanee As for the mall, why, It Isnt even ertUcs grant the nude sheep herding ments two are reappointmentA AU 90; expendltorea, $Le4S,T medium aad large. Hundreds of Bouse, however, of the Presldent'i appointments arc to flU vacanelaa ployiment,” be said. women who wear these for all The -I W .I U L C CORK Oct. 7 at tha dedkatlco o f this was reported moving northeastward baing tooebed. Bright nave happened. What frou includliic $4Se,79«.00L 99 of AND WIRE RUBBISH BURNERS pions In this direction. Most Be lariepeodeat «ck wlU weleome this AND Chateau nilerry war nwmorlal. at a rate of about 18 mllaa par T to mural, painted by Prank hies them la wlmt became of the from Oct. 1, 1937, untU the sixth gency axpendlturao; 2 SAVE! M A M C H I S T I R . C O M N ' SAVE! Large aixe with ^pper cover. J j^ Some informed persons aaggsated Deapita his rigorous program hour, but R. A. Dyke, chief fore­ Kachan, baa gone up in one at the ladles' dotbeA Wednesday of tba next LeglalaturA Aa long as tha Independence of pendltureA $8443MAM j88; the Prosidenf a Jouniey to the this summer, Pershing dedarad caster at the Weather Barean harA curving corridors abova Postmaster 'Tba Indiana don't have them. Mr. Harrington la ehnlnnari of tha the Judicial, executivs and legiato' debt. $S7.110.034,S1A 47. coast might show whether there oraa feeUag la tha beat of health. said during the night that the storm Oenaral Farley'a otfloe and la sup­ They aren't lying around, any board of trustoes of the Falrfleld tlve bTaoebes of government la pre­ of $94,206,881.94 balow tha ; was arach sentiment for a a However, he aaao'JBced emphatic. center was *7>ot very definite- and posed to depict bardaUpa at eany place. State hospital. Mr. Woodward, new served, Wheeler said, there is no day; gold imeta. $11 any *Tve stopped having falrth- that be was unalde to prediet wbate BMlI dallvericA Aad BO pillaging squaws are prea- induding $ L m ,t t 7.738M (t Oa Page C**) d a ^ * It aright strike land. It hadn’t been up aa hour bofora ■it. (OtoUaead on ffbgs Twe) (C on ra g . B (M ) activa foM. d

■5ft- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN,, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 18.1987 U O I T W O " ^ auuvcausnnBK svsm M c b e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , o o n n . Sa t u r d a y , Se p t e m b e r is , isst

■oelety are hMdtag a Rummage • WseUy I plaudsd when he noted the Consti­ Sale tn tbe eld Post Office on tution did not specifically give tbs Thursday, October 7. Donations TRY SntlKE ARREST COUPLE OBSERVES Local Couple Observe Anniversary ARMY’S BAND FUND court tbs right of judicial review TO GET DUCK FARM : may be call4d for by notifying Mrs. How the American Legion ELECTRIC HOME and did not ta the size of the tribu­ L. B. Burt or Mra^. C L Balcb. Choices In A Nation’s Life nal. CASK ON SEPT. 24 40HI ANNIVERSARY DRIVE OPENS O a . 18 Those who really believe In tbs COMPLAINT MONDAY ' EMANUEL LUTHERAN By WM. E. O O R O Y, D. D. AquenesA Wrong and ovU oouisaa la Came To Be Organiz^i TO OPEN TOMORROW Constitution, the President said, K. B. Ertekaon, Pastor Editor of Advance modern America ara just as sure to "cannot seriously be alarmed” at curse American aociety aa they The teachings o f this lesson on were in the life of an ancient people, As the Ameriesa Legton pta- cries of ''unoonsUtutlonal'' because THE CENTER CHURCH SOUTH CHURCH Sunday sebool and Bible classes W e deckled to hold two m eetliigVI the side walls and second floor ceil­ “such cries have always been with at 9:80. Almost all were present choices and ,their consequences while the t'uning of our hearts and Conrt to Be b Special Ses­ paree to opea Ha 19th annoal one In Paris and the other Mr. and Mrs. Joseph RoDa- Pbns Laid at Selectmen to Hear Protests (Oongregatia Msttaidlst Eptsoopsl minds to right principles and sound ing. A"8upecfex warai air hesUng us—and, ultimately, they have al­ R«v, last Sunday. W# hope for perfect in a nation's life are set convention In New York Men' Ueally clmultoneouely In the U oltetfl Sed” House on West Watson Woodrnir, DJJ. »v. Bari B. Story. DJ>„ SHnlstar. conduct will bring us blessing just day, Tkeodoce Roosevelt teds: I and air conditioning eyetem baa ways been overruled.’’ attendance In all classes tomorrow. forth very clearly and simply. The States. Bennett C la^ Brie Woos! been installed by the Oould Com- Swedish service at lOMS. Ser­ as truly aa the blessing that aver sion for Trial of 19 Cases in the following article hew the and a number o f othera took r6>j son of WashingtoD Street Meeting in Hotel Sheridan He listed several governmental of Nine Residents; Other' 10:60 — ^Morning Worship. Chorus 10:46 a. m.— Morning worship and children of Israel were facing tbe fell upon any people devoting them­ C a te r Street R ad y for j i u y of Southington, Conn. The ar­ mon; Humbled or Ehcalted. organizatloa was tonned. proposals in ths last century which Choir, Sermon by the minister. sermon with Dr. Story preaching. prospect of entrance Into the selves heart and soul to truth and sponalbillty for the Paris caucoA rangement of wall space in each had been called ufleoastitutional, but The music: Subject: “Ths RlghU of Soctety", a livening service at 7:00. Sermcai: b Cloak Strike. had been ordered home and agraad; Celebrate Event Qnietiy. Last Evening. Bnsiness Before B c a ri promised land. It offered them the right. By THEODORE ROOSEVELT P lb ic hspecdon; Has room baa been devised with the Idea later found co..8tltutlonal, winding Prelude—Anthem ...... Kohlmann sermon In keeping with the Sesqui- The Unity of the Spirit. Appropri­ opportunity of a land flowing with Sound laws and obedience to to arrange the cauens at honiA of' giving the greatest flexibility in up With ths minimum wage laws. Anthem—Praise tbe Lord O My Centennial o f the Constitution. Mu­ ate music at both services. milk and honey; it was a land at them, the setting of the welfare of New York, Sept. 18.— No one men The Paris meeting went ^ Ih 'sj furniture arrangement. “For 20 years,’’ the President Soul ...... Watson sical program: Members of the Board of Admin­ hills and valleys, with fruitful fields all against the welfare of the few, All of the arreeta that have been can claim to be the founder o f the splendid ahapA BveiTotM was k f i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph RoIIason, of B e a Bdlt by AnsaldL Wallace M. Hutchinson of Man­ Oas month from today, October said, “ ths odd man on the Supreme Complaints of nine residents of Hsrmn Anthem — The Spacious Prelude— “Legende” ...... Heatings istration are reminded at the meet­ watered by the rain of heaven. regard for justice that may be doiie American Leglom 1 got the idea tereeted and enthuslaatlA A ll untts’ j 71 Washington street, celebrated mode in connection with the strike chester, is responsible for all the 18, the first campaign for public Court refused to admit that state Phelps road and one resident etch Firmament on High .... Haydn Anthem—“Bleae the Lord". .Hailing ing In Portland next Tuesday night. But the children of Israel were to the lowliest person In society, from a wounded sergeant in a were represented, and privates their 40th wedding anniversary ment on High ...... Haydn at tbe Independent ao a k (tompony woodwork and carpentry at the Red donations for ManchMter's only minimum laws for women were “Thanks Be to Thee” ...... Handel We will meet at the church at 7:15 facing this land with its opportun­ consideration for the weakest and hospital. He said we should form an T’F«U “ generate were delegatSA In- at Starkweather and Woodhrtdge PosUude—Harvest ...... WiUiama wdll be beard at a special session of Seal home, which Is of two story Sunday, September 12, with a tur­ band, ths Salvation Army unit, 'or constltutionaL Poetlude— “Festal M arch"___ Grey and go together. ity with two c le u choices before moat in need, tbe use o f God’s cldentally, there waa no troubte Ml i ''Pomontnr » t S p. ra. Manchei- streets that the duck and poultry 9:80—The Church school. Super­ the Town (fourt to be held Friday, organization of veterana of the war, brick veneer construction. The key dinner for members of the fami­ tbs purchaae ot liew instruments, A friendly church with a cordial The annual Luther League straw them, and with the alternative plain­ bounty to supply the widest and getting delegmtea to go. Parte w aa« Rad Seal aU electric home will "A few months ago, after my farm of Burton T. Allen at 37 Doane intendent, Clyde Beckwith; Inter­ adding, “we have stuck together In I kitchen, with cemented linoleum ly at their home. music and equipment, will gM under welcome to aU. ride wjll be held Tuesday nlghL ly stated eg blessing or of curse. 11 deepest human needs— these are the September 24 at U o’clock In the a lode stonA epee Its doors for public inapectlon. message to the Congress on the re- mediate superintendent, Mrs. Hoad- morning. the tlmea: let’s stick together lim te d at IIT West Canter street I floor, has been equipped with built- Mrs. Rollaaon, the former Miss way, beaded by Osnsral Chairman juvenlatlon of the judiciary, the odd street, tbe street eaat of Phelps 9:80 a. m.—Church school with John Johnson is In charge of all toey gave themselves to the com­ things that bring blessing in the In the good ones.” Thte group adopted ths n Isy Willes; Jirotor superlnteitdcnt- mandments of God and other ob­ With the five arrests that result­ IB erhat is known as the Bluenelds in Napanee kitchen cabinets, which Sarah Ann Orten of Quarry Bank, Charley Ray, preaidant aad general man admitted that the court had road, constitutes a nuisance and a classes for aU agiiis. arrangements. A good crowd Is life of a people. These are tbe things American Legion. Hie name Mrs. Watson Woodruff: primary | servance of right principles, there ed In the last two days tbe total -After tbaL I talked with numbers Ttmct, the home has been built by give the greatest convenience for Staffordshire, England and Joseph n-anager of the Rogers Paper Com­ been wrong—for all those twenty health menace because o f a smell 6 p. m.— Epwortb League. A cor­ qxpected. ^ that are associated with a proper been used by my father bsfws ths- superintendent, Mrs. Louis Marte; V.OS before them the prospect ol number of caeca now scheduled to of people, many of whom had been Andrew Auaaldi tc Company and is worklnx and storage space. All Rollaaon were married on Sunday, pany. The plan of organizing and years— and overruled himself. they allege emanates from tt. will dial welcome extended to all young Sunday, September 26, will be recognition of God and a manifesta­ war when he formed a group ef^ Beginners superintendent. Miss blessing; i f they turned from these tion of bis goodness. he heard by the court bs« reached thinking on these lines. The prob­ ■ndw offered for sale at an attractive doors in the home are six-panel September 12, 1887, in the parish- campaign organlaatlon was advanc­ be made to tbe Board of Selectmen - people. W alter Holman, leader. Rally Day at Emanuel, both In Stut- Americana who hod experlsms.; “Whenever legalistic Interpreta­ Laura House. Opening session. All Dr. Story, speaker. commandments to selfish and evil How can one teach and proclaim 10. One J, person has been arrested lem was to get the organisation un­ ''price. Curtis doors, the flnest to be had. church of Quarry Bank by the pas­ ed laat night at a dinner meeting during Its meeting Monday night - day school snd church. Bveiyone which qualified them to serve in.1 tion has clashed with contemporary members return for the first ^meet­ The Week vmys, if they established corrupt these things so that they will take der way. The Armistice had been ' The name Rad Seal has been ap> tor at that time, ths Rev. J. Sidney attended businasa and taduatnai some of tbe complainants reported is urged to come to church at least three times, and two others on two the army in ease of need. Anderson A Johnson local plumb­ leaders at the Hotel Sheridan. sense on great questLns of broad ings. New scholars invited. Monday, 7:45 p. m. — Wesleyan worship in place of truth and rlghL deeper hold of our life today and declared, and I wAi sent to Paris to pRad to this home because it has Fowler. They came to Mancheeter today. Sunday, 7:30— A joint meeting of once and better still, come both occasions. It Is expected that the MeanwhllA I returned to this ing and heating eontracton install­ Frank Cheney, Jr., Is honorary national policy, ultimately the peo­ PrevlouBly this month. Prank Guild. Mrs. Arthur Olbscm leader there was for them only a curse, turn the hearts of our people from have an old wound treated. I asked the finest of alectrle wiring, InataU- more than 80 years ago and Mr. tbe church committee And the morning and evening. session o f tbe court will last well country and, with some other vet-: ed all braas plumbing in the home. chairman. ple aad the Congrees have had their Phelps, developer of the Phelps road of devotions. Several members of rather than a blessing. aelflabneas and Inconslderateneos to Into tbe afternoon, if finished by some Regular Army friends at Q. ad to spaciflcatkms furnished by Rollaaon who was a shoemaker, as way. But that word ’ulUnuitely’ heads o f all church organizations in It turned out in the history ot erans, arranged for a cauctiA W s. With the same idea of permanance Major Ralph Miller of Hartford, tract, where ten houses have been the Guild will speak on the general SWEDISH OONORBOATIONAU devote themselves more truly to tbe that time. Senator Joseph Oooney H. Q. if civilian soldiers from each eers of the dectrlc company. was hla father, Thomas Rollaaon. covers a terrible cost." the parlor. Israel exactly aa these prophetic hired an office in N «w York dCYv^ in mind, the home baa been built Salvation Army dlstHct leader for built BO far this year, and nearly a topic: “Vacation Eeboee”. Ths Rev. S. B. Oreen, Psetor. seeking of God’s blessing oh our na­ Is representing aU of the arrested of the American dlvlstons then Iq TA m speclflcatlona called for the was aasoclated with hla brother The Week: and got In touch with sz-servtes' " with all-steel supporting beams In this area ouLlned the proposed plan As one costs, the President listed dozen other residents of the section Mtzpah Group will serve refresh­ words foretold. Ruin and destruc­ tional life? France could be ordered to Paris to .gMatast oonvsnlenee and safety in Thomas who bad already establish­ the Civil war. Monday, 8:45— Junior choir. Mrs. tion came upon the people when they strikers and others not strikers who men in every state, aaUng them to the basement, which give the home and gave those In attendance some­ appealed to the local Board of ments. Sunday services as follows: A nation’s choice has its roots tn discuss tbe IdcA They told me they t. mSi li>f Outlets have been provided ed a shoe shop on Depot Squafe. On Paul Mozley. leader. First meeting. forgot God, and turned to their own have been arrested for vlolatlODS at organize the soldtera and sailors in the greatest supporting strength. A thing o f the history of the musical “We will no longer be penhitted Health, but were notified, it is un­ Tuesday, 7 p. m.— Boy Scouta. 10:30 A m.— Swedish. the choices of individuals, yet indi­ could not do that directly, but that tb the greatest number and the ar- the death of hla brother, Joseph AU Junior choir members come af­ selfish and evil ways. Yet, in exile viduals are Influenced by the whole the mill or in iu vicinity. tile bathroom with shower and organisation that haa served Man­ to sacrifice each generation in turn derstood. that the members of tbe 7:30 p. m.— Cecillan club. 11:10 A m.— English. their community, elect detegatSA .raBgement of switches represenU RoIIason took over the bu.slnees and ter school. and In adversity, when tbe people attitude of the society tn which they they could order such a group to downstairs lavatory are part of the chester and Manchester people for while the law catches up with life,” Roard of Health were not able to Wednesday, 2 p. m. — Aabury 12 noon—Sunday school. and come to SL Loute on M ay 6, the moet modem wiring practice. has continued It since that time. His the past 48 years. Tuesday, 6:30 — Cub Pack, really turned to God, a glory shone live. Sound choices are inextricably meet in Paris and discuss the modem conveniences of the Red he said. find that the duck and poultry farm Group. 7:00 p. m.— Ehzenlng service. 1919. Everyone worked like beavsroj AO Wiring at the home was install- cider eon John, who died during the Major Miller suggested a alogan conotltuled either a menace or a Charles L 3mn, leader. upon the nation even in Its seeming associated with right Ideas and morale of the American troops. Seal home. Laundry quarteri are in Insisting that no one "cherishes Saturday, 6:46 p. m.—Choir i Rev. Oreen and his family re­ and tbe meeting in SL Loute was ' ad by Johnson Brothers, local elec- influenxa epidemic that followed the foi the drive, to be: "A man Uiat nuisance. Tuesday, 7:00—Choir rehearsal. d riest Ideals. Here is where education We held the meeting on morale. the basement, together with a two Mr. and Mia. Joeeph Rollaaoa more djeply than I the civil and re­ Thursday, 8:00 — The executive hearsal. turned last night from a vacation STAFFOmPRINGS attended by delegates from ’ M eal contractors. World War, was following In the blows a horn will not blow a sate." Other business expected to be and religion have a profound parL -Afterwards, at a dinner, we du- car garage with overhead doors. ligious liberties achieved by so much board of the Women’s Federation Notes trip to California.and the pastor statA T he boma itself la of American line of bis forbears. In cooperation with the Salvation brought before tbe selectmen Mon­ Plans have been made for the These things have not changed. to play— in so teaching and inspir­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gilman and cusaed plans for a veterans’ organi­ All painting and decorating at the blood and anguish through the wiU meet with the president, Mrs. will be in charge o f an servicea to­ We confirmed the actions tsksn OAlonial design with six rooms and Mr. and Mrs. RoIIason have two A . my, all local churchee have day night includes consideration of Rally Day and Promotion Day pro­ Nations and peoples today are con­ ing men that they may value things fam ilyaccom panied by Mrs. Joseph sation. All agreed on certain prlnd- home was done by John McCann mente. Chlneae lourcee declared many centuries of Anglo-Aroeiican Hoadlsy Willes, 54 Fairfield streeL morrow. by the Paris caucus, such as ths open aldo porch. 100 percent rock other children, Mrs. Herbert Alley agreed to deelgnate Stmday, Octo­ the annual appropriation for street grams to be held next Sunday, Sep­ fronted with exactly the same choice rightly and choose the things that Russell and daughter, Eleanor, of pleA The first was that no differ­ their airmen, too, bad made exten- history, the Precldent added: Friday, 6:80—Girl Scouts, Misa^ This will be tbe first session of selection of the name. Am eriesa - wool Insulation has been used In loccJ painter and decorator. Colors of Washington street, and Thomas ber 17 aa “ Salvation Arm y Sunday" lights, the petition of several dozen tember 28, at the regular Church and with exactly the same conse- bring blessing. Brown avenue, were recent visitors ence should be made between those and flnlehea are ail in good taste. alve raid*. Inflicting heavy damage “The present government of the Emily Smith, captain. First meet-' the Sunday school for the faU sea­ Legioii, and adopted a decteratlan E. RoIIason, a teller at the Man­ JAPS DRIVE ON in the churches, at which time Sal­ persons for the construction of .a . school hour. ‘ writh relatives in Norwich. who half served overseas and those on the Shansi column. United States has never taken away Ing of the season. son. of faith and a temporary constitu­ Stone and concrete work at the chester Trust company. They have vation Arm y leaders will speak municipal auditorium, possible can­ The first Church Supper of the Miss Ida Smith of WUlimanUc U who had not—aa the desire to serve First Chlneae Planes and never will take away any liber­ Saturday, 9:80—Troop III. Boy NotoA tion. W e provided an organizatloa home has been the work of the from the various churches in ad­ didates for appointment to a pro­ year wlU.be served by the Asbury will officiate, assisted by two other the guest of Mrs. Jennie Harris at was what counted. The second, that three grandchUdren, Robert Alley, Japan’s army is within 20 miles ty from any mthoiity, unless it be Scouts, Ernest Irwin, scoutmaster. Tonight, members of the Young to carry on unto the fall, when the . builders and owners, Andrew An- a senior in Manchester High school. vance of the opening of the drive posed Zoning commission, proposals, Group on Wednesday evening, Sep­ priests. Burial Will be in St. Ber­ her home in Stafford for several the Legion waa to be a democratic Teacher of Piano TOWARD CHINA’S of the eastern end of the long Chi­ for funds. a minority which abuses its liberty that the annual town meeting be Saturday, 6:30— Choir rehearsal. People’s society will attend the an­ first real convention waa eaUed la saldl A Company. The spacious liv­ Miss Marlon Alley a Junior at the as to do positive and definite harm Notes. tember 29. nard's cemetery. dayA organization, in which there ahould ing room baa a fine colonial t)rpe nese defense line but to the west The amount to be sought through asked to establish a town planning nual banquet of the (Covenant Young ROCKVILLE Tennis Chib Flnlshce Season Hihneapolte. There representattvaa Mr. aad Mfa Charles Magill of Mildred S. Willes same acbool, and Ruth, a student at It is still 100 miles away. public channels Is $7,2oo, of which to its neighbors constituting the commission, that Indoor and out­ The Men’s League, Women’s People SocleUes o f Connecticut at be DO question of rank, and privates of both Parte and SL Loute meet- flreplace with built-in book cases. the Hollister street echool. majority. Class and the. C T P club will begin The Rockville Girls’ Tennis club JamalCA N. Y „ have been visiting would get a full chance to tell the 54 FUrfleld Street The owners laid the flagstone walk MAIN DEFENSE The appearance of Chinese planes amount 85,000 would he for purchase door recreation be placed under the_, THE SALVAnON ARMT the new dining ball oa the Confer­ closed ita season with a meeting at ings would be, and the Am eriesa Mrs. RoIIason la a past chief of “But the governraont of the Unit­ the first Sunday In October. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C P. generals what they thought of them. in the front in six Inches of cement, was the first on the northern front, of 38 new band Instrumenta, and control of the Board of Park com-' AdJL and Mrs. George B. Aneeonlie ence grounds at CromwelL It will the home of Manager SL Louis on Bradway o f West Stafford. Legion could tske final form. TeL 6807 Memorial Temple Pythian Sisters where China thus far had fought ed States refuses to forget that the start at 6:80 o’clock. Third and tesL the organization and also the concrete driveway to (Omtlnued from Page One) 82,200 for uniforms, music and mlssloners and a suggestion for an­ Friday evening at which time plans A Joint Field Day and Steak A t Minneapolis on Novwabsr 10 ^ and of the Past Chiefs' club of that without aircraft and with virtu^ly band equipment. Bill of Rights was put into the Con­ should concern itself with policies, the garage in the rear. other charter revision study. ‘ - SECOND OONOREGATIONAL Sunday meetings:^ Tbe Executive Board of the 19 MADE CITIZENS were completed for the annual ban­ Roast wriU be held by the members our convention assembled. W s steet- : lodge, and a member of the Wo­ no artillery. The Japanese appar­ stitution not only to protect minori­ Representatives of tbe Manchee­ not with partisan pollUcA on the formjdsble defense line— a During the meeting last night, Rev. Ferris E. Reynolds, Ph. D. Company meetlng'at 9:80 a. ra. church win meet Monday evening quet to be held amn. of Grace church Men’s club and tM ed ss commander PrankUa K. Eaectrlc appliances, such as re­ man's Beneflt Association. Her maze of concrete blockhouses and ently expect stronger Chinese air­ William Perrett, 15 year-old coraet- ties against intolerance of majorl- ter division of the Connecticut Minister Public meetings at 11 a. m., aad at 7:80 o'clock. The next move was to arrange the D’OUer of New Jersey, adopted frigerator, range, washing machine ties, but to protect majorities IN COURT SESSION In the first division Eleanor W est Stafford Men’s club at Sweet­ "myetery” lady In the Past Chiet trenches— which has bmn under forces on this front, for quantities 1st of the band rendered two excel­ Power company will attend the at 8 and 7:80 p. m. Midweek service will be held mechanics for bringing ths associa­ permanent conotltutlOA sad tbs Li against the enthronement of mlnorl- Huebner finished first, Mary He- heart .Lake, today, September 18, and Ironer have been furnished by J. club, learning of the anniversary, construction across central Hopeh of anti-aircraft equipment was be­ lent aoIoB, accompanlsd by Harold meeting to discuss the street light- Morning worship at 10:45. Ser­ Hospital vUlUtlon at 2 p. m. Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock. tion into being. gton came into being. W. Hale Co., and the Manchester Uea." Cusker second, and Rita SL Louis beginning at 1 o’clock. A ll men of Special 35c-50c sent her a beautiful bouquet. Her for the past year. ing rolled up. Turhlngton, band leader, on the ln„' schedule. mon by the minister on the sub­ Open air meeting at 7 p. m. A ll are invited to attend our serv- An organization committee waa If I wished to describe tbs Le­ EHectric Division of the Connecticut piano. It was also reported that organ­ Two Ca.ses Continued for Fur­ third. In the second division, Mar­ the T>arlih are cordially invited to grandchildren contributed a large That main Chinese line runs from ject: “A Preface” . Special music The Week IceA appointed. Erie Fiaber Wood woa gion In a phrssA I would say It was Business Men’s Power Company installed the auto­ Details of the drive will be work­ izers of the International choir. ther Investigation; James P. jorie Little waa first, Frances attend. (Committee on arrange­ basket of gladiolus, and gifts of cur­ Tsnagehow, 60 miles south of Tient- Tuesday, CJorps Ctadet elasaes at ments for Grace church Men’s club: named eecretary, Bennett d ark, to­ composed o f men who intended to matic electric heater In the base­ rency and other articles were pre­ eln. to Shihchlachuang, about 160 ed out by general chairman Charles Garment Workers union will ask iWude—Moderato .... Karganoff Dillon of Hartford Examiner. Scbmelske second and Elva (Jostello Lunch 7:80 p. m. Band practice at 8 p. m. GOSPEL HALL third. Edith Preuas wma first in Larry Hansen, Roland Simpson, For­ day Senator from Missouri, vies Justify tn time of peace ths ttUs o t ment sented to the couple by membere ot miles below Peiping—a wall of men LYNCH IS DROPPED; Ray and campaign manager Ad­ the aelectlhcn to renew its previous Anthem—Holy Ghost Infinite .... HEAVIEST EXPRESS Wednesday, the Home League 418 Center Stret the third division, Bessie Devlin rest Belcher, William Robinson and chairman, and I ehalrmoA servics m «i earned ia ths war. The lot itself Is BTxl40 and In­ the family and friends who were and fortlflcatlons on which China jutant George Anscombe at meet­ efforts to settle tbe six-weeks old ...... SheUey Rockville. SepL 18.—Judge Ed­ will resume its fall and winter second and Gladys Burch third. Dan Haigh. The steak roast will be U D A N HOTEL cludes a tan foot right of way In the aware of the ruby wedding. apparently stakes her hope of halt­ ings of the steering group during strike of some of the employees of Poetlude—March . . . . Klelnmtchel REDUCED BY DALY the next few weeks. ’The Salvation the Independent Cloak company. The Sunday Schedule schedule with a rally meeting, .at 10:45— Breaking of bread. ward J. Quinlan of Norwalk presid­ In the second half o f the season, held in the clubhouse at Sweetheart rear to Victoria Road. It has been Mr. RoIIason li prominent In ing the Japanese advance. ths Army sad Navy Clab last FrI-J Army citadel will be the headquar­ BULK IS RECEIVED 9:80— Church School. 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Major AbbotL rer- 12:15— Sunday oebooL ed at the session o< the Tolland Mary McCusker led and woa the lake la case of rain. Those who are beautifully landscaped by the own­ Pythian activities, being a past Approximately 100,000 Chinese merly of Manchester, will be the 7:10—Gospel meeting. day night with aU organisations be­ troops already are in contact with ters for the drive. The remainder 10:45— Nursery during the morn- County Superior Court on Friday championship ot tbe. league, Rita ploimlng to attend are requested to ers and altogether presents as line grand chancellor of the etate or­ (Oratlnoed from Page One) guest and will address the gather­ 7:45—Tuesday, prayer meeting. notify one of the committee mem­ ing rspresented. A full : Japan’s forward thrust, and as many of the drive organization will be teX service. afternoon when nineteen persons St. Louis was second and Eleanor an appearance as wiU be seen any­ ganisation and of Memorial Lodge, 7:45— Friday, Bible study. bers or the rector. ' 7 m the carnival was given by i thousands more are fighting In other completed soon. 8:80—Christian Endeavor. ing. were admitted to citizenship, and Neff was third. Mildred Farr woe where. No. 38, Knights of Pythias. He le Tolland county commissioner. Is a LEGION DEEGATES Wednesday, at 7:80 p. m., the Eklwiard Ostrowsld, eon of Mr. and Edward Copeland aad each nearby areas. manufacturer, and Mi. Bransfield Is It was voted to canvas all places The Week two cases were continued. first in the second division Xlta The public is cordially Invited to also a member of the Knights of the of business,. homes, factories by Shipments In and Oat by Young People’s Legion under the ST. JOHN’S POU8B NATIONAL Mrs. Joseph Ostrowski o f West Mala satioa received Its diieek as ■laiHinroe Clnlm Trap a well known buslne.sa man. Monday at 4:00— Girl Scouta. James P. DUIon of Hartford, ex­ Schllphack was second and Edith SHUN visit the Red Beal home tomorrow Maccabees and the Manchester Im ­ teams to be made up from civic, leadership ot William Hall, will Oolwsy Street street, and Theodore Placek. Jr., son pert of ths profits rseslved from i Japanese d'-clnrcd capture of the Monday at 7:00— Boy Scouts. aminer. questioned the various can­ Preuss was third. FILMS after 2 p. m., altho arrangements provement association. Appointees* Records fraternal and church organizations. have ita first meeting after the Rqy. Joeeph ZMm of Mr. and Hra Theodore Placek of carnival. The asKdatlon win : walled cuy of Choclicw had Isolated Rail Largest in Years LEAVE ON SUNDAY Notes didates for admission at the natu­ DBVEU)PED AND may be made for an earlier view by Cash and pledges, the latter to be summer recess. A special program Deniocystlo Women Met Westford avenue, both graduates of again within a few weeka whsa tkai] five Chinese divisions— 60,000 men— Mrs, Howard for'fo u r years has TTie Women’s League win bold a ralization sesalon. Buddies PRINTED calling the owners at Manchester Although expert flyers, bats can paid quarterly, will be sought. A 8:80— Morning Worship. The Federation of Democratic Stafford High school In the June election pf officers wUl taka along the railway north of that city, been Invcatlgator for the Welfare Wayside Auction on the grounds at is being arranged. Those admitted included Joseph' 7078. neither glide nor sail. complete card system will be used Owing to Truck Strike. tbs rear of the church, September Thursday and Saturday nights, 9:04— Sunday school. Women held its first meeting of tbe class, wdll enter Connecticut State and plana made for aetlvltlaa' S4-HOUR SERVICE threatening to exterminate them be­ Department In Norwalk. Mrs. Swain Boron, (Jtarence J. Sucheckl. Stanls- during the campaign. 80, starting at 1:00. The League is open air meetings on Main street at 10:30— High mass and sermon. fall season on Friday evening In the college at Storrs this month. DUworth-Coraell Unit American the Incoming year. tween two Japanese plncer columns. Is a leader In the Windham County Win Go by Bos to Convention law Kadelskl, Joseph Lipke and Lil­ Film Ocpofiit Box At Those present at the dinner meet­ soliciting aU kinds of ^ a b le Birch street at 7:30 p. m. Superior (Jourt room. Mrs. Emma There will be a special meeting of Legton Auxiliary held ita first busi­ A cordial ip'vitatton boa bow The Japanese advance across the League of Women Voters, a mem­ lian A. MazzellA all of Rockville; Store Entrance Pelping-Hankow railway was said ber of the Porafret Board of Fkluca- ing were: Major Ralph Miller, The bulk of express matter ar­ articles from members and friends Friday, Holiness meeting at 7:30 LLsk, chairman of the group pre­ the Stafford Republican club at their ness meeting of the year on Mon­ celved from our good comradss Charles Ray, Adjutant George Ans­ of tbe church. These may be left at Gertrude P. Seaman, Rosalie Tesar, sided snd plans for the fall activi­ rooms tn the Arnold block on Main day evening, ‘SeptemMr IS, In the the General AUenby Foot of to have IcU ao retieat open except tlon and former candidate for the riving at the Manchester station in New York City; Leave p. m. Archie Bourque. Mary E. Leroux, Into mountains of Shansi province combe, R. K. Anderson, Clarence the church during these hours: SepL ties were diacuseed. street, Monday, September 27. State Armory. The annual reports nla to be with them at th ^ ; State Legislature. Luplen, Robert J. Smith, Edward this morning on the 9;2i9 train was WAPPING all of Somers; Frank Glgmond, Jo­ to the west and even that exit was Senator Daiy was chairman of the 28 and 29 from 2-4 and from 7-8, Kllssion to Start Fred Wasserman has resumed bis of the presidenL historian aad unit Installation of officers which ' Elmore Watkins, William Perrett, the largest that has come to the P. 6. at 2:30 p. m. and SepL 30, from 9:00 a. m. The ST. BfARY*S CHURCH seph S. Carpene, Pietro TonoU, ail studies at Boston University after KEMP'S endangered by the rapid advance of Sz-nate Committee on Appropria­ activities chairman were read held on Saturday, OcL 2, la ths Clt; Eldred J. McCabe, Samuel Kemp. station In several years. The usual public u invited tq attend the auc­ Rev. James Stosrt Nelli, Rector of Stafford Springs; Katarzyna The Jesuit Fathers will conduct a spending the Jewrish holiday at the showing that the year I9S8-’87 was a veteran Japanese column, driving tions during the 1937 session, and A daughter was born to Mr. and Hell, Ansonls.' A supper trill Jr., William Rublnow, William J. time allowed for unloading of ex­ tion. KalinowskI, Alexander BlssetL Jan mission at SL Bernard’s (Jathollc heme of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. a most successful one in every way. down from the north farther Inland also a member of the 1935 Legisla­ Sunday, Sept. 19th—Seventeenth Mrs. Elarl Hyson of South Windsor church starting on Sunday, Septem' served and a good time te pr iPeaches-Peaches Shea, Rev. E. E. Story, Ernest Bant- press matter is five minutes, but this Tlic vanguard of Dllworth-Cornell The Go-to-Church Band will be­ Wolff, all of Mansfield: Roland Bel- Dave Wasserman of High streeL Tbe resolutions and amendments to from the Peiping battle area. The ture. He la a former State W PA ly, Herbert B. House, Dr. D.C.Y. morning the train was held for nine Sunday after Trinity. at tbe Manchester Memorial hospi­ ber 19. There has not been a mis­ all attending. % ^ trapped Chinese are part of General gin tbe first quarter of the jrear, lerose, South Coventry, and Werner Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Grant tbe department oonsUtutlon and by­ Canning Time Is Here Again I director. Moore. minutes. Even then It required tbu Post. American Legion of Manches­ tal last Thursday. sion St the church for several years. A letter of thanks has also basB^ Sun Llen-Chung's 30th army. Sunday morning, October 8. 8:00 a. m.-^Holy Oommunioa. Hanl, Ellington. have returned to their home in Cteld- laws which were adopted at the de­ The reappointment of Senator A broiled swordfish dinner was osslstance of two additional men at ter will leave by bus tomorrow af­ Mrs. Harry P. Piles snd Mrs. received from the Lord Kit The advancing Japanese tn Shansi Parents with small chUdren, wloh- 9:80 a. m.— (Church school. Men’s The two cases continued were To Visit Norotoa well, N. J., after visiting writh Mr. partment convention Were read GET YOUR ELBERTAS NOW AT Cooney for his second term in the served the members by the hotel the local office and an additional ternoon at 2:30 for the National to attend the morning service Bible class. EraesUns Sullivan and small daugh­ Post of Waterbury la which they asserted they had captured Lalyuan- ter. Barbara Ann. and Harry P. those of Luigi O. Pandozl of Rock­ Members of Marla Newell TenL Grant’s sister, Mrs. Frank Anderson from the department bulletin. M rs 13,000 post, was generally expect­ management. helper on the express car. may leave the children at the nurs­ 10:45 a. m.— Morning prayer aad ville whose case was continued express thslr keen spprsclatlaB to USED CAR hslen, only 50 miles northwest of Convention In New York. The dele­ Files, Jr., who have all been spend­ Daughters of Union Veterans of the of Stafford Hollow. Ida Woodbouse, welfare chairman, ed. However, the dropping of Lynch In the hurry of unloading a heavy gation win meet Ht that hour at the ery. sermqn. Sermon topic: “The Chief while proof of his residence for a Civil War, have made plana to vlalt Mrs. White o f New (janaan is read ber semi-annual report of the the Mons-Ypras Post fo r briagtaff Psotlngfu. the Chinese concentration crate was dropped on a carton con­ ing the summer at their camp at point which was severely bombed in New Haven removes from the postofflcc. Chairman W. Henry Pharleee.’’ period in Brooklyn was secured, and the Soldiers’ home at Noroton spending some time with her son work which has been done with tbe ths Manchester Fife Band to W a­ NovellVs Orchards New Haven comml.sslon an ally of ROOSEVELT PUSHES taining a dozen bottles of whiskey 7:00 p. m.—Evening prayer snd Bonney Eagle lake at West Buxton, poppy fund. terbury where they recently h M by Japanese airmen three times In Weir has several seats left In the CHURCH OP THE NAZARENE Maine, returned to their home at that of Frank Be mat of Stafford- Heights on Sunday. There will be a and daughter-in-law. Rev. and Mrs. SALE! .National Committeeman David E. consigned to a Rockville man. The bus and these may be reserved this sermon. Sermon topic: “ SL Mat­ vllle for further study. basket lunch at noon. Sterling White, at the parsonage in their Memorial church oerrios and an effort to disorganize troop moye- result was the Inevitable one. Wapplng Center last ITiursday The officers proposed by the nom­ M t Road — End of South Main Street FitzGerald and la a political victory afternoon and evening by Legion­ thew.” Grange Sunday Outing Sunday Afternoon West Stafford. parade. The parade would not ha's* 1986 Oldmobile Touring Se- COURT OBJECTIVES; Among those who received an ex­ 9:00 a. m.—Morning prayer. afternoon. inating committee for tbe year I for Senator Frank G, McDermott, naires. Monday, 7:30 p. m.—Girls Friend­ Grange Sunday will be observed The Frank Badstuebner PosL V. Mrs. Anna Mullins, accompanied 19S7-M were unanimously elected been so succassful without ths 4ar« radio and Phone 6997 ceptional amount of express was 9:80 a. m.— Church Bible sebool— Frtmk Hitchcock, who has been now in the Public Works Depart­ Due to the fact that insufficient Classes for all ages. ly Society. at the Ellington (Congregational F. W., will hold an outing on Sun­ by her mm, John, have left for New by the members praaenL band, the letter sayA and somshotr the Independent Cloak ^m pan y to reservations were obtained for tha~ ill at the home of bis son. Charlie koater...... ^ Men’e ■ Women't ■ Chlldren'e ment. who for j-eara has been bat­ TO TOUR IN WEST 10:45 a. m.— Morning worship— Tuesday, 7:00 p. m.—Boy Scouts; enurch on Sunday. The members of day afternoon at the Arthur Gteil Hampshire, where MrA Mullins will They are as follows; PresjdenL Its presence seemed to put os sU la which was consigned more than -M) Monday bus, no delegation will Hitchoock, for several monthA was' the best of British oomradsslitp. HAIR ( UTS - 25c. tling the Lynch forces In West Ha­ bolts of cloth for coats. Service in charge of Prof. F. J. 7:30 p. m., choir rehearsal. ths Ellington Grange will attend grove off South itreeL During the spend a few dayA Mrs. Grace Pitkin; first vice-presi- 1936 Dodge Touring Sedan, ven and the county. leave Monday for New York. taken worse Thursday afternoon the morning worship at 10:45 afternoon there will be a program Jack Patten o f Edgewrood street dent, Mrs. Beatrice Thomas; second Thanks, Waterbury, for your atoa Clip this advertisement for discount. S Barbers — No Walttogl (Oonttnoed frore Page One) Nearly all the business houses re­ Shields from Eastern Nazarene col­ and Doctor R. D. Lublin of East radio and The New Haven county post also Tbe local post and band will take o'clock. Tbe pastor. Rev. Roscoe F. of games and refreshments. Peter will return to hla studies at WUbra- vlee-presidenL Mrs. Edna Keating; latter. You may rest sawirsd w* ceived shipments. A truck load ot lege. MANCHESTER AND VERNON Hartford waa called. pays 83,000 a year, Litchfield 8600; part In tbe Legion parade, the band PARISH Metzger, will have an appropriate Teabo la chairman of the eommlt- bam Academy this month. recording secretary, M z a Marjorie were happy ws were able to htip. heater...... 9 a iL O T T A ’S lesilon to enact a crop control pro­ velvet also arrived at the station In the 40 and 8 fun-fest on Monday 6:00 p. m.— Young People’s pray­ MIsa Emily Whiton of Hazard- Tolland. 8600; Middlesex, 81,000; (Methodist Episeopal) sermon and there will be special tee in chargA j Mr. and Hra Herbert Glazier of Bradley; financial secretary, MrA gram. this morning from Cheney Brothers night on Eighth Avenue and band er meeting. vUIe, who has been spending several Ths Waterbury Post win dpsa tto 1935 Dodge Touring Sedan, BARBER SHOP 84 Oak 81 New London, 81.500; Fairfield. 82,- Rev. WlUiam T. Wallaoe. Minister music. West Stafford, accompanied by Mr. Hilda Kennedy; treasurer, Mrs. The President w-lll leave tonight to go on the noon train for New and post members again In tbe 6:80 p. m.— Yoimg People’s Hour. days at the home of her friend, Mrs. New Schedule for Supernumerary fan actlvlUea on Saturday, Ssptsza- 500. and Windham, 81.200 York. The Young People's Society of and MrA Paul HIU of Hartford, were Helen Griffin; chaplain. Mrs. Lydia for Hyde Park, N. T., and will start convention parade Tuesday after­ 7:30 p. m.— Evangelistic service Josephine Q. Foster, returned to her The police committee, Alderman ber 28. This is going to be opW All of tbe chain stores received Sunday at Vernon: recent gueste o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wlgren; historian, Mrs. Letitla h i ^ ...... hla western trip from there next noon. The local post will join ths In charge at Prof. Shields. home last Thursday afternooA the Ellington Congregational Robert Davies, Oouncilmen Eben H. house for aU British W ar Vats and freight by track this morning. It 9:30 A m.— Morning worship church will meet at six o'clock for Cobb and (Jharles Underwrood, has Newton and MrA Della Fuller In Rady; sergeant-at-arma, Mrs. Hollle the Moos-Ypres Post aad AmUlarF Wednesday. Marvin H. Mointyre, Connecticut delegation for the vari­ The Week Mr. and Mra Fred Webber left Stevenson. was badly needed aa the shelves service with the pastor tn chargA a supper meeting followed by a dla- approved a new schedule in the pay BennlngtoA VL era invited to be prassaL 1935 Plymouth Coach, radio Dining — Dancing one of hla secretaries, said no set ous parades. Wednesday at 7:30 p. ra.—Mid­ the first of ths week for AtlantA The Unit voted to Join with the were showing a lack of stock. Sunday at Manchester: cussion of plana and programs for of the local supernumerary police­ Mr. and Mrs. Uorrta Oreen and ARREST KIDNAPER speeches have been arranged, but Re.servatlona for the N ew York week prayer meeting. OeorglA They expect to be away Post for its installation ceremonies Moas-Tpres extend coegratuto- ^ ^ S t a t e Fruits, vegetables and other perish­ 9:80 A m.—Regular session ot the coming year. All young people men for the city while they are en­ Bona have returned to their home in there probably wdll be “ eeremoDlas" stay for the band have been made at for a week or tea daya which srlll take place tbe latter part Uon to President M rs Btaks aad to SJto,..... $ 4 9 5 TONIGHT able food supplies have been coming th- Hotel Roxy. West 42nd street. the Sunday sebool. are welcome. _ gaged ia private duty. Brooklyn, N. T., after visttlng Mr. at some stops. In. but heavy freight has been held 10:45 A m.—Hom ing worship Mrs. John A. Collins bad as her Green’s uncle, Carl Green, In Staf­ of the month. 'The committee from aU her officers who were sleeted to Inspection^' OF RICH IMPORTER To View Project* ZION LUTHERAN Sunday Services During the past the city has paid office laat Wednesday nlghL May 1935 Ford Coach, ^ Q Q C f up all wreek by the track strike. High and Cooper St. servics, with special music aa fol­ guest for two days recently, Mrr ford. the Auxiliary, which will work with Free Clam Chowder Mr. Roosevelt wdU Inspect sever­ Rev. J. Arthur Eklwarda, pastor the supernumerary $5.00 per day ths Poet committee in planning for they, and the members, have a very (2) ...... Have Your Car Checked Rev. H. F. R. Stechholz, Pastor lows; Mabel A. Bennet at DuranL OU a Miss Carol Valentines. Miss Peg­ (Ootitinned from Page One) al government projects, such as the HIES {22,322 OF DEBTS of the Rockville Methodist church, while on duty s">< no change has the Installation, is aa follows: successful year. Get Acquainted! Prelude— “Prelude In F’’4ackson. She Is the mother of M ra David will have the second in bts series of gy Valentine and Richard Valentine, 1934 Plymouth A A . and Repaired At . . . Bonneville, Fort Peck and Grand Anthem—“Lord of Our Life”, been made In this respecL Chairman, Mrs. Beatrice Thomas; Sunday school at 8 30 a. m. (Jarter and came home with Mr. and sermons “ In tbe Mountains of God," accompanied by Jock Makemson of stnicted In advance. Tt was eight Coulee dams. Bremerton Navy Flemming. Previously tbe police officers re­ Mrs. ArvlllaH ale, Mrs. Dotson, Mrs. Sedan ( 2 ) ...... $ 4 \ / U BALLANTINE’S A.ND BUDWEISER BEER WITH ASSESTS OF {200 Service in English at 9:30 a. m. Text Mrs. Carter from a vacation spent on Sunday morning. Tbe subject of Fort Lauderdale. FloridA have re­ Moss-Ypies AozUtefy feet ions, six feet wide, only two Yard, and Yellow-stone National HOSPHAL NOTES Offertory— ’’Consolation’’, Men­ with their relatives there. ceived 82.50 while on duty at pri­ Elizabeth raess. Mrs. Hilda Ken­ ON T.\i* OR iiV BOTTLES of sermon: Eph.-4, 1-6, Theme: Why his sermon will be "The Retormer turned followrtng a motor trip to The annual meeting of ths Moas- 4»feet deep and concrete-lined. The Park. A t Seattle he and Mrs. delssohn. .The South Windsor A . C. held vate dances, outings. High school nedy, Mrs. Marjorie Bradley. 1934 Oldamobile ^ y| ^ C ABEL'S Christians should be diligent to keep who needed to be Reformed." There Center Harbor, Lake Winnipesaukee, Ypres Auxiliary waa held In tbe * i.k'l’s Go! Oumranteed ClectricBJ and I entrance, well hidden, was through Roosevelt will visit their daughter. Mrs. Mary Kanehl of Manchester Poatlude— “ Poatlude In D " ,. Har­ their annual meeting Wednesday dances, weddings, football games New Hampshire. A few Auxiliary members have Tonring Sedan.. ^ 4 0 0 the unity of tbe Spirit in tbe bond will also be special music. A-rmy and Navy <3ub last Wedaaa- Mechanical .Autn Kcpalrlns I the rim of a washtub set In the Mrs. John Boettlger. Admitted yesterday: Claire |has filed a petition In bankruptcy In ris. evening aad it was election of offi- and various other events. An in­ Mrs. Prank ■ Anderson bad as been working very bard during the of peace? (1) Because they form Tbe Church school of the Rock­ day evening, SepL 16. A very tergs Bear 26 C4>opcr Street ground. Young trees had been placed The party probably will return to Andre, 14 Ridgefield street. Mrs. ■I which she lists liabilities of 822,822. Sermon topic: ’“The Choice.” cerA Donald McLaughlin was crease has been made from 82.60 to guests at her home In Stafford Hol­ past week on a task which will 1933 Chevrolet Sedan, one congregation. (2) Because they attendance waa prasenL FoUowtag CaUNlRbed 1921 In the dirt-covered rave roof aa a the capital Oct. 7 or 8. although the Bridget Doran, 12 Depot Square, : Her occupation la given as a house- Notes elected aa prestdent and the other ville Methodist church will meet for 84.00 for any public or private func­ low, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Mc­ surely be appreciated by every very Beech Tree Diner detail^ Itinerary has not been Martin Amderaon. 27 Hackmatack confess one Lord. (3) Because they Ita opening session on Sunday tion such as ouUngA weddlAgs and member of the UniL As you prob­ the bustnesa sezMon'the election W camouflage. ] w-lfe. Ass-ts are listed at 8200 Tbe first meeting of the Epworth officrs are as Callows: first vice Dowell of Red Bonk, N. J. Officers took place. 'The offlesrs for clean...... v O i S s O 865 Middle Turnpike F]ast — Manchester Green completed. street, Maurice Rondeau, Wauregan, [Those listed as her largest creditors have one God and Father. League will be held Sunday night at morning at 9:15 o'clock. Emil Kroy- public events. Miss Veronica Fisher, daughter of ably know, our chairman on consti­ State police, who kept the kidnap Conn. presidenL John Hartnett; second 1937-88; PrealdsnL Mrs Henrietta secret, traced Hanawald, to a A tiny rostrum was erected In are: Jacob Turner, 8600; Annie Holy Communion in German will 8 o’clock in the Social Rmeo. Tbla vice presidenL Adam Bajoraals; man will be the superintendent. All The High school will be charged Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Fisher of West tution and by-lawA Mrs. Mary Dan 1932 Plymonth ^ t Q E! Discharged yesterday: Mrs. Flor­ naher, has been planning for some Kane: secretary, Mt a Ella Hamit- Honesdale, Pa., farm wifere Hana- the pit of a natural amphitheater ' Baudre. 8300; J. H. Stannsky. he celebrated on Sunday, Sept. 26. meeting la open to all young people secretary, Tbomoa Dwyer: treasur­ officers, teachers and scholars are the old fee of 82.50 for its dances, Main street, and Miss Rose Sbamy ence Brooks, 112 Woodland street, time to present each member with ton: financial secretary, M rA Mary Conpe...... wsld hnd worked, then to a farm for the President's speech last S1.500: Susana Stannsky. 81.500: Cjonfessional service at 9 a. m„ who are In high schoifi or of high er, E2Imund (Gilbert; athletic direc­ requested to be preeent. sports events, no Increase being of West Main street are students at Have Your Michael Biggin, 2 Congress street. a revised copy of the constitution Hall; treasurer, Mrs. Ann Rtelqr; 1931 Chevrolet ^ Q C near Wtngdale and Anally to an nIghL He reviewed the drafting of Ke.tle Zwtek, 82.900; Michael Zwtek. regular service at 9:16 a. m. achobl agA The opening meeting tor, Joseph PUkin. David Smith, Rally Day will be observed at the made for the student body. the Hartford Academy of Hairdress­ Birth: Today, a daughter to Mr, 82900: John Kline, 83.500; Anna and by-laws. However, the printing chaplain, MrA Elizabeth Stannoge; apartment house In upper Manhat­ the Constitution and quickly com­ of the Fireside Forum will be held manager of aeveral teams in tbe Union O>ngregatlonal church and The money paid tbe supernumer­ ing In Hartford. 1st conductor, MrA Ethel Jnwss; Conpe, clean...... ^ 7 0 and Mrs. John Fischer, 224 School Kline, 83,500; H. E. Seaman. 8222: next Sunday evening at 8 o’clock In sebool on Sunday moratng.- Materi­ of these was postponed until after tan. where he was at work when mented that dictitors "laugh at all CONCORDLA LUTHER.\N past in the town has been elected ary policemen for private evente is Stafford Grange, No. 1, will have eecood conductor, Mt a JuUa Btnlm; street. George C. Lessner, 8500, all of Man­ the Social room. This group Is for the department convention in order 1931 Ford ^ Q C arrested. Constitutions, predict the copying 1 Garden and Winter Street* manager of the baaketball team for al for etudy is at hand, all classes given to them and at times many "Boosters Night" on Tuesday eve­ sergeant-at-arma, MrA Nan Tag­ of their own methods, and prophesy Discharged today: Warren Ellis, chester and all unsecUr^ She Is older people who are out ot high are organized, and teachers ap­ hours have been spent on duty for that they might correspond with TIRES Slate Police Inspector F. 8. Mc- 32 Gerard street. K. Richter, Pastor tbe coming season. U r. Smith ning, September 21, with a special gart; planiaL Mra. M. Maxwell; the wife of August KanehL a local sebool, and will meet a real need. pointed. Certificates of promotioo the revised department constitution. Garvey said Hanswald, who came the early* end of democracy will alao manage the South Wind­ B very small sum. program. Each member Is allowed tniotecA Mra. Ellaabeth Cordy, Mt a 1931 Studebaker d* Q C The *Good Word* Is Census: Flfty-sIx patients. painter. Standard Bearers will meet Mon- will be awarded to the kindergarten This task is now completed and eitcb Retreaded here from Germany In 1926 and throughout the world.” 8:50 a. m.— Sunday sebool and sor Bulldog team. Eklmund Col- to bring a friend. Jennie Dowd. Sedan...... day svaning at 7:80 at the parson' department and Bibles will be giv­ member will receive her copy of the jumped ship, told him he had plan- Those Wro sUil believe In democ­ Bible classes. Alfred Lange, super- belt, a coach or manager of local Hector Houle has returned to Tbe officers will ba installed Oct­ age. en to thoee who advance from the constitution and by-laws very For Inspection ned you know school Is now practicing and sx- M t a Mazy Blcsiadeckl, 85, of 10 canventloD as a delegate from Ooo- your government's mind." end daughter, BarbarA o f New­ of the Edith CaveU Command, llSj psets to play at laast 12 gamas this Morriooo sbeeL widow of Martin nceticuL In ber latest bulletin was State StreeL Hs wrarned hla audlencs that It castle, IndlanA who have been vtalt- the following Ust of radio programs Make arrangrements N O W for your sup­ , MORNING WORSHIP— 10 :S0. -'Bason. BlesladeckL died on Friday at her The unit was very pleased to asa li takes "even more foresight, IntelU- Tbs Missionary eommlttsa held bom A She wmm born in Poland but BOLTON ing with Mr. Howard’s parsnU, Mr. to be broadcast from tbs natlopal snd Mrs. Holcomb R Howard of Mi a Sarah Croakey pressBt to ply of RANGE and FUEL OH. and be as­ gence and patience to meet the sub­ thslr meeting at the home at the had been a restdent of Rockville for eoaventkia. September 20th— 8:80 IVNaoiTow is Siniday— Let’s Go To Church! James Rogers and Richard Rud- East V«in streeL have left for New meeting last Wednesday evening tle attack which spreading dictator­ chairman. Miss Kata U . WIthrel thirty yeaiA to 4:00 p. m.. program from Aszll- sured of PROMPT and EFFICIENT DE­ dell of Benton streeL Manchester, Jersey enroute to their home. The sir*Illary committee to mes6! MANCHESTER ship makes upon tbs morale of a last Thursday svenlng. She leaves three sons, VtncenL iary OonvenUon HaU, WJZ. Ni are vlsiUng In Ipswich and Lewis­ Jamea Klub and Mt a Mary Heln- with tbe men are vtee-prealdaEL’il Sunday LIV ER IES throughout the year. democracy." THE CHURCH SCHOOL BEGINS AT 9:30. W alter and John, all o f Rockville; York. September 22nd—10:80 to Mra. C. Kane, M ra Henrietta Biak% j Denouncing "plutocratle dictator­ ton. Maine. Sunday Fire Chief Al sohn and children of Wllllngton ars 11:00 A m., program from AuziUary U R BEtUNS AT 46 three daughteiA MrA Julia Kanskl M i a E. Staimish, Mt a Ann PlsIlT f lotor Sales, Inc. Foy and Charlie Rogers o f Man­ spending a vacation at the Stafford OoavsDtioo Han, WABC, N. T. PRINCESS Dinners Range burners cleaned and adjusted, reasonably, by ship" and “proletarian dictatorship" Register Your ChiklreB On tbe First Sondsy. FtMt FABM MULE. aad Mt a Michael Hyjek, both of chester will Join them on a week’s Springs hotcL as equally dangerous, the President RockviUA and Mrs. John Ciesulcsyk M rA Beatrice TbomoA has an- | *TMir (HdamobUe Dealer” experienced workmen. flqhing trip to Bridgeton, Maine. Mr. and M t a wnUara Oomiaa nouaeed plana tor a food sale to bs said ths course of the preeent ad- Set Thena A Good Example Ry Coming Yontselfi Fladlay, O.— (A P )—^Thad Moor- of UzbridgA Mass., and 12 grand- Just aa most famous Untra 20 Eaat Center Street RESTAURANT Fine Wines, mlnlstratloa was against both. - The regtstrarA town clerk and have returned to thslr home In Cam­ held next Thursday rooming tn botate have one special sat to ro hsad. fannsr ttving was! of Fladlay, children. first selectman are tn session today bridge, Maas., after vlaitlag with ‘T h e BeeMhy Place Xh Bet Outlining the Ooostitutkai’* ta wnmlsrlng bow long R takea to Hate’s store. Members win ba calted set asids for the “bridal sulto," SchaOcr Liquors and The funeral will be held on Mon­ at tbe basement ot tbe Center friends and relaUvas in tow A , upon for help by dnnsting food. aad DriMt” BOLAND OIL CO. vlslona, hs drew a laugh when W ’ out a mulA Hs wys "Old day moraia^ at 8:30 o’clock from huge new plans bstaig bunt Jamea Gorman said “even the Supreme Court was churdi tmtu 6 p. m. Mr. aad Mrs. Alexander H. Wllsoo American service across the Mata Street A t P e «1 Strw t Beer Pad Ofl 369 Center Street Range Ofl • Strangsre Wekomod. la" has Just turned 41 and ia her boiae aad at nina o'clock from Miss Lorraine Hart of New have bad aa gueste at tbelr home In British War Veteraas treated writh that purposeful ladt stU deteg kar riiara et tba farm SL Joseph’s church. Rev. Siglsmuad tie win bars one ctoto that Is of ^wctflcatloa." The crowd ap> ENDS TODAY; “boat Horizon" and “GIrta Can Haven la the guest o f Mt a R. K. Stafford. Mr. and M t a Richard Hie Maacbester Veterans' A sk>- BtelMd mors hizurionsly thi Weroetodd, pastor o f tbs ebufctL. JODSA CSoik o t Mortli SdtoatA R L ■isttoB held a regntez M sttaff PAUB POim' MANCniESTEK EVENINCJ HKKALD. MANCHESl'ER. CONN^ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1981 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, OONN^ SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 18,1933L PAcnf

the conflict In tba nor’ hem prov­ about tha garment otrike tad the flattrl^palpr inces, merely accepting for what truckora* war, put away the dOem- m BLACK AND WHITE Legion conventlwi— Opening ses­ W hat It Means! sion, WABC-CBS 9:45 a. m., and they are worth the frequent claims ma of Tammany in NeuuTOrk and DAILY RADIO PROGRAM GLASGOW RESIDENT W BAF-NBC 10:45 a. m., latter &rnbt9 Bpralb by tbs Japanese o f Important vle- tbe cootroversy over tbe control of broadcast including Gen.'^J. J. '__ PUBUHRKU BT TBB torles, though the rather steady highways in Connecticut; because Counting America *s Unemployed fiATURDAV. SCPTfiMfiER IS (Central aad Eesten BUndard Time) Pershing from Fronee; address oy BnCKALD FKINTINU OJMPANI, INC. progress o f the Japanese armies In­ all the courage and all tbe fortitude fhitUnpt in Standard tima, DatUffHt Uma ona hour tatar) GIVES IMPRESSIONS Commander Horry W. Colmery, I« UlaMlI WJZ-NBC 11:30 a. ro,; Legion Aux­ M4inch»»t«i. CviiH. to Interior cihine would seem on the and all tbe stamina o f Amorloa By MORGAN M. BBATTV ^census by trained oeasus bureau Notsi All proermns ta ksr end basic eliainc or xroups tlicrsof unless cpccl- AP Featura Servioa Writer men would cost |25.000.000i>—a sum fled; coast to coast t Momb bv blAii ...... I cago Gold Coast. WJZ-NB(>^1:80 far to seek. It docs not, really, Thto, Indeed, to the end! Just Hare are three Ug points to kesp eral government to eonoamed to natworkc): BASIC — Beet; wlw wfca 1:45— 4:45—Chridran’e Corner S la mind: $4J)00,000. Then he figured oat a naan work weal; MIdnaati wood wcl 4:00— 0:00—Ban Paid and Hit Orchat. (^oost Guard graduation, Jossph P. nsiA Cobp ...... I 01 make much difference bo the Chi­ as we were aU oongiatulatlng wsbf wbow webc Icaoo kano. OTH8R 4:35— S:30—Praaa-Radio Ntwi Ptrlad pAiUAfAd rttiA Tbar ...... •>"* L The count will not be a eea- tentative plan to have the statea,. OPTIONAL STATIONS — Ctnadlani 4:SIV- S-ZO—Bporta, Paul Oouslaa and Mise Effle Wilson o f Glasgow, Kennedy and others; 3, Club Mati­ nee. nese cause, bow many Japanese ourselves that, coma Armageddon sua in tbe commonly accepted fxmntles, and towns set up aleottoa eret efef: Cantrell well wtmj wiba Scotland, who has been spending her MBMflfCN o r THE AWOCIATEtT^ wday kfyr: Sauthi wtar wptt wts wjax 4;4£^ McMIm YMter- FKfeMt dlvtsims march about through the or udiatevsr, coma devastation and meaning of that word. It will be machinery for an "emptoyment wfia-ncun wlod wsoe wfbe wwnc w i « vaceUon of a month in thto country, T M AAboeUIAA Pr#AA IB AtClUAiVAl) rather aa official legtotratlon ot census day" late this year aad pra- t iOO' Count 4 OrchMtra Some Monday short waves: RNE ln.menae areas of Interior Oiina. tha annihilation of peoples else­ waVo warn wmo web wepi wiinb w ju •t14— 6 il»—Sen§ Tima at Mieraahon# the major part of the Ume with her •timiAd lA »bA MBA Of rAOuhlU*AMon tba dtiseas who want, or are wis­ sumably bear the eoat ttaemselvea. kvao wiT wfaa wbap kpro w<^ kthe Moscow 4 p. m.. Review of Week; • f All fiAWB diAt»«t<‘hf» er#GitAd to i* nor what cities or towns they take, where In the world, destiny beck­ IrJO"* •:)!>—4aeQM«if Jolat and Piana schoolgirl friend, Mrs. Devld Hamtl- ing, to elasaify themselves as un­ (Election machinery usually costs ksbx ktbe kark kzne; Meuntalni w r •lOO— 7:0&—Tha Saturday tw ln f Club JZK Tokyo 4:45 Sbamlaai Songs; At not othorwiAA orMitAil to tbi* ksbl ktar kob: PeeUlc: k(bk kwg kmj ton of North Main street, soils to­ provided that they cai^iot stay oned America along flowered paths employed. about a dollar a v ote.). 7i30—Jehfiny 4 ituaa Morgan— DJD Berlin 5:16 Music by Mbzort bor a m aloo ibo l«>rAl oowa oab kern baalo: Waak-Knd fM pourrl—waat night on the Franconia o f the h«d noroiA there Indefinitely. And there Into the happy Vale of Peace and odd 9:15 Italian Serenades; 3RO 3. The pell will mark the first CenL saet. 7 ( 0 ^ Quia 4ulaaaa~to eat Cunord Une for Greenoch. Miss RAll nghta or j rAbubneactonB oi axpsriment by the United States A Cagey Appointment 7 :9 ^ tiaa—Holtywaad’a thaw Caaa Rome 6 America’s. Hour; OLR4A •ponai dionovebAB bortin ora oloo rt« seems to be a large confidence on Proaperlty, crash goes the whole 12t40— 1)00—Your Hoet from Buffalo t:00— TH« Hit Parada"w-e to eat Wilson speaks with enthusiasm of ItilO — lisq—Oeldcn Maledlat, Orehas. Prague 7:55 Selections from Czeoh •orroA the part qf the Nanking govern­ roseate structure of our bopee and government In this kind o f census- That little trick will leave tSe •i4b-* g>l6—Patti Chapin and Sanga the places she has visited on this Bolt aorvlOA ollant of N C A Sonr- taking. federal government free to spend 1:0q— SKUb-Thc Mlnlaturaa Ceneert t:0 0—I0 i00«» ^hii Napataan Orehaatra Operas; VV5RC Ctoracos 8 CKpitol lilO— 3:30—Revua for the Weak Bnd >:|4—10t>0" ‘Oiaia Nalaen 4 Orehaatra side and of Manchester, which she lAA lAA ment that the Japanese plan of we are a stricken race In a stricken S. The eo-egUed census to an ex­ 84.000.000 for: tiSIb- SiSa—i'e Be Anneuncae (30 m.) orchestra; LEK Buenos Aires 8:30 10:dQ—11:04-Plogar Pryar*a Orehaatra sstd was all that Its slogin implies: Jozs orchestra; TPA4 Paris 10 ^ MoriiOAt AtnortrAn NAwanApor k'ab- ipilttary occupation of China Is land, stripped of our one Ineffable cellent example of bow the voice of 1—All poll by extra rural mall IlOO— Cioq—Tom Tarrli Advanturat 10:9b— Qanny Oeadman Orehaat. "A City With Village Charm," while liab«ra Aoao«*ution the American (ubUc can make It­ carriers In cctmtry districts; 3:30— 4dO—KInSarsartan via Radia —baalc: Fa Maatara Orthaa.—wait cordlnga; GSG (388 liindon 10:35 simply unworkable— that there Is glory—Lindbergh! 40)0— 6:00—Top Hattera A Orehaatra 11:00 19;OO^Haraca Handarton*# Orah* her naUva Glasgow has a population English Folk flonts; JZK Tokyo self beard between national elec­ 3—A recheck of tbs 8,000,000 4i3b— S:3fr-Praaa-Radio News Parled PAbhatitra MfprAatntA»»*af' Ti»* no possibility that they can hold Woe, woe to us! Long and NBC-WJZ (IL U C ) NETWORK of more than 1400,000 and is a 12:15 Mixed orchestra. ibitoa MathAwa fii*oriAl A atnt'vN oo tions. persons listed with the federal em­ 4i3K- Si3»—Perd Band—waat: Alma great shipbuilding and industrial any considerable part of the terri­ weary and desolate the years KItahall,’ Sanse—network •A tte — Eaati wiM WbB*WbSA wbal Torh ChiAAAo. |t#»rolt and ib'Aton For It wss a recurring public out­ ployment service; 4i4S— 8:45—Tha Art af Living, Talk wham kdkA w* ap wjta center. tory over which they are operating ahead—with no Lindy. Black and cry that brought both parties into 3— Elimination la the returns of SiSA- S:00—Spanlah Revue Orehaatra wrap] wdl waby wabr wcky w a ^ wapp On her return from New York city MKMHP^n AUUtt B U R B ^ OP S:30— S:3q—Tha Singing Boya—waaf: wtec wlau: Midwaatt wear wla kwk koU CIRt^l’I^TluNA and planning to operate. drear and empty our future; pros­ the open on tbe question of aa un- 1,800,000 persons now receiving to- Jimmy Kampa^ sense—network wran wmt kao wowo wtan: Cauthi thto week, a Herald reporter Inter­ And this belief appears to be trate our pride and empty our glory emplojrment census. So widely lief, and their relatives; and - Si45— Si44—Two-Plana Team Prog, wrtd wnbr krgy kfdm wrol krla wjbo viewed her as to her reacUons and AUGUST PERMITS Tho Mafaid pnPfiottna C«inipNhp Inc varying were the estimates of un­ 4— The huge accounting Job re­ S:0q- riOO—Meredith Wlllaan Orehea. wdsu w pfp wign kxya: Mauntpim klo ASAAinba no Ahanrtal rAip*'tiA*i'iMi| kTod k fh f; Paeifitt kgo kfad kas kpa comparisons with the new and the ------shared by many of tbe foreign ob­ tank! Oh, grief! Oh, lamenta­ quired to keep th. totals from get­ SitO— Ti30—Linton Walla, Cemndint «fgitgrapnicAl ormro tonAAnnB in employment that people began to dies— Tiea-NBC CanaarS Hour kacp lyr ' old country, conditions hare and In oorfloomAnta to tba IfanAhAAtot servers. tion; oh, gol-darn! wonder, and ask, why the federal ting diluted or clipped off by book­ 7i30— Si30—Spaalil Oellvary, Serial (N O TE : 8aa W EAF-NCC for apUanpI Scotland; Shs found the metropolis Hat o f atPtlana.) LESS THAN JULY, ftvoifitriA Hcraii government ^ d n t find out how keeping accidents. SiOO— 4:00—NBC’a Chlaege Jsmberaa moat Interesting and In size compar­ There are ao few railroads and And yet: Cant. East. y many people actually were unem­ Than tba President promptly put tdlO—lOiOO—Csriaa Malinta Orahaatrs able with London, although New SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 highways In China, much of the Never was storm so black that ti30—10:30—Bmary Oautaeh OrehaaL 13:99— 1:90—Don Farnanda Orehaatra ployed. Newspi per editorials on political critics at a dUadvantsge 100X^11:00—Caatia Parma Orahaa 13:44— 1:4^^h leaga Cadata Quartat York has not the historic Interest country la of such difficult nature, behind It the sun did not shine; this subject were appearing at the by Inviting a Toledo, O., Repub­ 10:30—11:3(h—Wm. Pirmar'a Orehaatra 1:90— 3:0(^>Tha Whitnay Enaambla that London holds for the traveler. TEN TOWNS GAIN that the conduct of a great cam­ never was night so dark that tbe CBS-WABC NETWORK 1:9I>* 3:99—Riearde 4 Hia Cabailarea She looked upon this country as vir­ FOREDOOMED rate of five or six a week lost Jan­ lican to administer the “ census." 3:04— 3:09—Caturday’a Club Matinaa paign' far from seaboard bases of dawn did not bring light; never was uary. By tbe time tbe leaves were He is John Biggens, a suOceasful BASIC—Bait: wabejrade woko wcae 3:09— 4iO ^Littla Varaity thaw tually a melting pot of the world's weal wur wkbw wkro whk wjr wdro A T*t7 nice man named John D. budding, the rate woe 50 a week. busineu execut ve. 1 0 avoid other nesn w)aa wpro wfbl wjav: MIdwtet: 9:34— 4*r99—Laa Brown 4 Orehaatra peoples, and fuUy confirmed that Building permits Issued by Ckin- supplies bccomea a task of enor- sorrow so keen that .ts edge did 4:09— 1:04—Nawat Caneart at Fiona cpinlon while in New York. B lners, bead of the Libby-Owens- snipers, the President Insisted the wbbm w'fbm kmbo kmox whaa kfeb 4;06 ■ 8 M —Nlekalodaont Movia Flay necticut cities and towns dropped moua magnitude even If tbe Invad­ not finally dull. Never was ruin krnt She volunteered the remark that Ford Olaae Company of Toledo, A Blank Check tally must be voluntary aad there­ KAST—wbne wps whp whee wore etrb 4:34— 1:34—FraaO" Radio Nawo Fariad In valuation during tho month of ers have the luck to be always vic­ so absolute that there was not some Last Spring young Henry Cabot fore possessed ot no powers to ckec wlbx wmee wees wnbf wlbe wkbn 4:39— 9:35—Jahn T. Howard Fregram they were enjoying a boom In Scot­ faoea the Job of making a oentus of "giOd— 3:04—4 Mtaaaga of laraal Froga land and hopied It would losL She August Kibatanttally below those torious In batUs. The lines ot tiny bit of salvage. If it were only Lodge, Jr., Republican senator "brand" citizens. (That' voluntary whlo wtbt 9:34— 3:30 — Unela Jim'a Quarlaa— tba naemployed peraona of the na- 01X11—wsit wefa wbre wqam wdod said the middle class here lived on communication become Impossibly half a brick out of a court house. from Mossach'.’zetts, slipped an provision makes the tally resemble Ura wrae wlae wwl wtoe arid ktrh apst; Bddia Varaaa Orehaat.—watt of July, and for the first Ume this amendment into the annual relief a straw vote.) ktsa waco'homa wdbo wbt wdae wbit 3:90— 7tO(^Tha Hamatownara FrPg. a higher scale than persons employ­ ttoo. It la reported that Ifr. Blg- Pertiaps there may be Just the 3:14— 7:14—Ntia Day and Har ^ n g year the total feU below that of the long—and every foot ot them must bill providing for a oompicte cen­ wdbl wwva wmbg weje wmbr wala ed In similar lines in Glasgow. While gara haa oomplated tba Hrat blua- ktui kzko wcoa wdne wnoz kwkh know 3:30— 7:30—Neraaman Quartat tbs wealthy con afford to run auto­ oorroapondlng month of 1936. It to bo guarded when tbe entire popu­ most minute fragment of solace In sus of the unemployed by tbe cen­ It Has Ita Fsolte wmmm wjno webe wpar wmaa wcoo 7:04- 3^)0—Darn Dane# an tha Radio IH )4- 3:00—To Da Announead U hr.) mobiles and furnish their homes shown In the monthly building sur­ prlBt o t tbia plan tor making tbe lation bas beoome so bitterly hos­ tbe expectation that the youth of sus-bureau. WltliOut warning, be A critic would find bimsslf la pito- MIOWStT — wmbd wlan wlbw kfh 3:00—10:00—Nawai Cadalban*a Mutia with the newest and moat conveni­ vey token by the Department -ot faglatratloB, wtaleh la to be by called for a vote and gat it. sesaion of a lot of arguing material wkbb wUq wkbh woeo wabt kacj wnax —bpaie: Darn Oanea—waat rapaat tile as the Chinese now are toward America will now cease being told ent household appliances, the rank Soles and Traffic Development of amana of a nation-wide diatrlbutlon Bello, aergeants-at-arms and sen­ by charging that any census of the wee 3:30—10:30—Jarry DIaina'a Orehaatra tbe Japanese. that for a sulky, self centered boy. MOUNT.—kror kla koh ka1 k m kfbb 10:0(4-11:04—Faul Whiteman 4 Dand and file ore unable to do ao. The the New Haven Railroad, and made atorial secretaries startled the Po­ unemployed to s negative, and air queatlr^maira blaaka raachlng COAST—knx koln kol kipy kvt icafo koy 10:34—11:30—Hat Kamp and Orehaatra wage scale will not warrant It. The pubUc today by W. J. London, sales Obviously there would soon come freakishly endowed with the sense tomac countiydda Immediately therefore, relatively pointless thing. every family In tbe eountry. Tbe older women ore slow to adopt and service agent a time when any further extension of a bird, to bet hls Ilfs against a with aa emergency call to the For Instance, I f the medlcitr pro­ labor-saving devices, but tbe young The railroad survey, token among Poet Offtea artU be tba main member Pemocratte faithful. Breathless sen­ fession wanted Information ebout of Japanese operations would be money stake that he can fly the A t­ Perhaps you are referring to ebol- housekeepers ore ambitious to ob­ 25 communlUee along Its lines, t t tba cioaui structure. ators reached their eeats In time to tretb-brnshlng. It would not ask well nlgb Impossible even If there lantic—and win the stake— conatl- eoystltis. This means an Inflam­ tain and make use of all sorts of showed that permits toausd by One of tba moat daatrabla of HeaU!i and Diet mation of the gall bladder and a m AND GREEN turn osida Mr. Lodge and bis bow many people do not brush electric conveniences. Small electric were no considerable opposition tiitee the loftiest possible aspira­ amendment. 48 to 80. A fter all. those oommuniUes in August bod a tblnga and one of tba moat eaaentlal dieting regimen should piove help- their teeth. The question would be, WDRC heaters ore popular, as they may be WTIC total voluoUon of $3,945,641. wUch force to be reckoned with. Aod tion of 'the human soul, makes him a Democratic administratlob “ Do you wash your teeth?” Simi­ fu If tbia disease la present. 1 have 338 BarMord, Oeno. 1880 easily switched on or off when chill wss 3843446 less than ths \^ue of to any lateUigent atepa toamrd eoo- A d v i c e shouldn’t let Republicans get the larly, In a horoi^ census the ques­ there are considerable. opposing tha greatest American and Justifies an article on "Sick" Gall Bladder Bertforfi, Oonn. demands it, the temperature In win­ the permlU granted by the same Bomlc and aoela) atabUlty is a com- ARE B.ACK AGAIN popular end of public (juesLons. tion would be, ‘'Are you. em­ Eesteni DeyBglit Tims farces everywhere. hto being erected into a deml-god By UR. FR A N K McOUV which 1 will be glad to send to any ter never reaching os low as In New conununlUes In July. Tbe August reader requesting lU wbo writes to The Democratio leadership - then ployed.?’’ ' SBtBOB W. 1040 K. a 3 8 M SL ftabwialvi kaowladga on tba part EhlgIsnd. • figure was also lower than the $8,- It la not at all Ineonceivabls that for all boys and girls to take as ms In care of this newspaper and got busy and framed a bill giving And the question would be put EBsteni DejUght TIz m at govanunent aa to tba number M FACKINQ LUNCHES Satardsy, Beptepdiei 18 Asked about hair and dress styles 009,389 total of tba same group of the Japanese In the north may ttaeir model. encloses one large, self-addreseed the President a blank check and to every citizen, not merely to P. M. and women’s activities. Miss Wilson ciUes and towns tn August 1936. la tba country who need In other words, let tbe British stamped envelope. The article will Leading Playwrights Come unlimited power to take almost those persons who actuMly ere, or eventually be defeated by the very Along about this time of year. Saturday, Beptsmliei 18 1:15— Behind the Bight Bell with said there was very little difference. Hartford headed the August Ust and arould be able to fill Joba provide you with helpful in forma­ sny kind o f unemployment count may be, or think they are unem­ conditions of their campaign, even kids take their turn at being Mothers become Interested In the P. ¥ • OU Beyek—News of Radio There ore the church and fraternal with permits valued at 3981,623, a tion regarding the conservative that appealed to him. The measure ployed. K they eould get them; who they Lindbergh. Oure have long had lunch problem due to the fact that 1:30—Musical Interlude. Stora aodetles Just os there ore here, and figure for In excess of that of any as Napoleon's Moscow campaign treatment of gall bladder dis­ to New York for Opening slid through Uke greased light­ are. bow many depardenta they they must again begin packing Admittedly the scheme to not 1:80— W P A Dance Orchestra. 1:30— Buffalo Presents. plenty of opportunity for welfare other municipality tn tbs State. deatroysd itself— let alone the a eurfelt ot that diet. orders by diet ning. perfect, but It to quite possible that 2:00— Madison Ehisemble. work and social service. Housing have, if any, and arhat kind o f Job lunches for tbe children to take 3:00—“ Your Host to Buffalo." West Hartford and Greenwich were chance of Its 'esulUng In disaster We etui can find some unexpatri- to achool. However, there are many of the Season. ' the states, clUes, and the federal 3:80—“Qqlden Melodlee.” 2:15— Ann Leaf et the Organ. conditions o f Gtoagow's very poor or Jobs each o f them la qnalt&ed to Carotin Tbe President's Problem second and third, reepecUvriy. A at the bands of ths myiisds of des­ Bted flag-pole sitter to whom wc who find the lunch question an government will get a good 84,- 8:00—Concert Miniatures. * 3:45— Tours tn Tone. people, which formerly were deplor­ month ago, Hartford also topp^ gn. The President had to keep tn 000,000 worth of Information about able, have been greatly Improved, perately combative defenders ot can make our prayer If stunttol all-year problem as they regularly Question: L. F. writes: "Recent­ 8:80— Week-end Revue. 8:00—Down by Herman’s—From the survey list; and West Hartford carry their lunches to work with ly you stated In this column that mind the fact that a complete unemployment. . thousands of old buildings have been V But wa have never bellavad that idol we must have. I New York. Sept. 18.— (A P ) _ At 4:80—WiUtc Bryant's Orchestra. waa third. Chinese soil. them. carrots eaten every day would give 3:30—Waltzes o f the World. rated and more sanitary dwellings It waa peaaibla, under our ayatem I tho beginning of this new theatrical 5:00— Vagabond Adventures with Only 10 o f the 35 munlcipaliUea USE OAS TO HEAT YOtJR noM EI You, too. muy uao So It to not entirely Illogical to The lunch carried on any ona a yellowish tint to the complexion. Tqm Terries. < 8:45—Dictators. erected. reported building permits gains in and under our laws, to obtain thia How may this be avoided?" season, the most hopeful sign Is the As for historic public buildings, view the' North China eltuatlon aa day shou'd be considered In rela­ the folk songs and dances, the known to do each other bodily harm 8:80— Keltenmeyer’s Kindergarten 4:15—Doncepators. August os compared with .July. this inozponBivo fu sl o£ tom orrow in srour ^om o today* Nto, ‘I* tofocinatlon with a percentage of Answer: The yellow coloring Btammy lullaby, tbe belted, the fid­ the moat ancient to the cathedral vroethlng that will take care of It­ tion to the other meals of that return of first rate ptoywflrhts during a mutual mtounderetaadlng. ... 64)0—News. 4:45—George Olsen’s orehestre. They were Danbury, Bast Hartford at a cost whioh comparaa favoraUy with ordinary fuala. aeeuracy and oompletanesa that day in order that a well-balanced matter of carrots is called carotin. Promised arc penitent pilgrims from dle, the banjo, the knocking bones But, then again, they say that Fred 8:18— BaoeboU Scores and High­ 6:15—Greet Lakes Revue. founded In 1450 and named for self, while the world watches the Wa^himigton Some people can eat a large Glasgow’s patron saint, Mungo, and Hartford, Manchester, Meriden diet may bs used but In this H(ilj^-OQd studios. Hermit Eugene and the country church organ. They Astaire and Ginger Rogers weren’t lights. 5:45— News Servlcs. You ean ehanga your prsaant haating sjrBtam to oom« I wuuld Btaka it worth a boot in tbe amount of carrots without tbe yel­ were as nativs and Integral to the atm In an excellent state o f preser­ New London, South Norwalk, Shanghai conflict and guesaea at article 1 am going to suggest some Isolated Ulands and talking off the Idt a while back. 8:80— WrightvUla Oarion. 6:00— Ben Feld’s orchestra. gaik. lowish tint showing In their skin, Ilfs ot the psople among whom I vation. Glasgow University was Stamford. Stratford and Torring ths expenditure of manpower, mu­ Daybook good specimen lunches which you stiidlM. Paul Green from a North 6:45— "Behind the Scenes.”— Paul 6:25— News Servlcs. ton. plots automatie gas hsat at small cost. An astimata of but. If you ara essTly affected, you Carolina campua. lived aa the Bible, ths hymn-book, founded In 1450 but the present And particularly does It aeem Im- By FKESI'UN UKUVEK may uee. and will let you arrange Mlnakys—Remember t Lucas. 6:30— Chesterfield Football Revue nitions and resources that Japan to must simply cut down on the thp hoe, tbe rake, tbs plough aind the buildings were erected In the 1860’s. Despite tbe fact that the general your haating rsquirsmsnts will bs mads for ths asking, pnbable that It can be obtained your other meals accordingly. It Is Invigorating to Broadway to 7:00— El CSdco. —Eddie Dooley— Paul Doug- making there— and bow long Nip­ amounts of both raw and cooked axe." Perhaps you’ve wondered (and Glasgow to rich in colleges, second­ total of August permits was slight­ The following are some good wficomo again not only the glldeU 7:80— Jimmy Kemper and Co. lee. and with no cost to you. through the Pest Offices by msana Washington. —Commercial Wash­ carrots you are eating until your perhaps you haven’t), since New ary and technical schools and acad­ ly less than that of ths correspond­ pon can stand IL lunches which will proVe both sat­ overnight scenarists of the cinemas, 7:48—Sports of ths Week—Jack 6:45— "Fighting O lm e"— Samuel ing month lost year, 15 of the clUes t t m questionnaire campaign. ington Is crying for a special ses­ color becomes normal. However, but the faithfuls like O’Neill, Max­ York banished burlesque from Its emies, and recreational clubs and isfying and highly nutritious. Stevens. Seebury. and towns enjoyed Increases In their aa far as we have been able to as- well Anderson, also a prolific drama­ midst, what has become of the Mln- fields. It 1a tbe port of Lanarkshire Tbara la a considerable army of sion of congress. Number 1: Two or three sand­ 8:00—Meredith WUtoon's orchestra 7:00— Count Beaie’e orchestra. LOSE A POT, WIN A BIGGER ceitaln, tbere la no harm to tbe tist, has finished "The Star Wagon" skys. Well, the Mlnakys, whose and Is situated on both banks of the permits os compared with August, Boaters with whom the Post Office You’d think the place bad suf­ wiches of whole wheat bread filled In New York 7:15—Song Time—Betty Greble health from this coloring. to follow ols trio of plays, "w in g­ monopoly of burlesque became sp- 8:30—Program from New York. Clyde river with many picturesque 1936. They were Bridgeport, Bris­ fered enough, what with an eight- with peanut butter and lettuce. Do _____By Georgs Ross haa no means of maintaining con­ Premier Mu.isollnl having had his less Victory ”, "High ’Tor " and "’a e narent when they wer'’ forbidden to 9:30— “ Special Delivery." end John Payne— From Holly­ hills In the background, which no tol, Danbury, Derby, East Hartford, month eesston that left the poliucai not put the lettuce and peanut but­ tact. There are Innumerable fam- bluff called In the matter of tbe Masque of Kings" of last season. use their names in connection with 10:00— Jamboree. wood. doubt gave It the old Celtic name of Hartford, Manchester, Meriden part of the city Jumpy and- shell­ ter In the sandwiches. Slice the New York.—Few profeaaions tn 11:00— News. 7:30— Jacque Joles— Pianist. New Haven, New London, Strat­ flies that never get any mall, of Mediterranean piracy hunt, and the shocked. But 531 congressmen The return of a playwright antici­ a new theatrical enterprise because “ Glesco,” meaning green spot. ^cad before packing to the lunch ths entertainment world have 11:1:5—Carlos Molina’s orchestra. 8:00— Saturday Nlgbt Swing Club ford, Torrlngton, West Haven. with 310.000-a-yesr Incomes make a pated with most sympathetic curi­ it was synonymous writh tba art of whom their local Post Offices are pot In that particular Instances -And wrap It In waxed paper so Overnight News achieved such velvet prestige aa 11:30— Emery Deutach’s orchestra. 8:30— Johnny Presents Russ Mor­ Wethersfield and WlljUmonUc. nice buying public. Take any city osity la that of Paul Green, tbe pro- the strip-tease, are sUII around.. owwara. Tbe Poet Office eras having been scooped In by the that the slices will remain fresh ballroom dancing. Tbe rewards, And active. And somewhat sub­ 12:00—Weather Report. gan’s orchestra, (Tharles Mar. OunporaUve buUdlng permit In the country ^ o d suddenly snatch and moist. Take along a small Jar fetsor at the University of North saver planned aa a liaison agency Franco-BritUb combination, II Dues Of Connecticut Carolina who came up to Greenwich once a couple dicks among the dued After withstanding a munici­ 12:02— Castle Farms orchestra. tin. stsUatlcs for August, 1937, and for out 5dl of Its SlU,UUU-a-ycar men ot fresh butter and also one of smarter cllentsles. are large. And bstarean tba government and tbe Is reported to be about to play hU ana you will undtrstand better how (By Associated Press) Village In 1927 to win the Pulltxer pal siege of purity. 12:30— WUllom Farmer’s orchestra. 9:00— Professor Quiz—Arthur God' August, 1936, were reported In the peanut butter, and some bead let­ the smartest and best-known teams frey. railroad survey aa follows: Washington feels about it. tuce, wrapped In a moist cloth. pr.ze with hls stirring story of They, tho Brothers Minsky, 1:00— Silent people and bas very Imperfect facll- next hand out of a new deck—one earn paychecks that usually arc (there are two), have resigned 9:30— Hollywood Showcase— Lud RADIO August August Moreover, the members ot con­ When ready to eat your lunch, New Haven.—Mayor John W. southern nogro life, "In Abraham s TonniTow’e Program I ttica tor functioning aa such. There with which he Is so fan.tliar that Bosom". From that be went to made out -to top-notch Hollywood themselves to the unpopularity of Gluakins’ orchestra. * a t y 1937 1936 gress are not the only public spend­ spread the butter on tbe bread, Murphy headed the Democratic stars. A. M. Eastern Standard Time I la room for a wlda margin of tall- her -knows where the aces are and ers who desert Washington Imme­ then add the peanut butter and a ticket again today for a fourth term Hirlljrwood where be wrote several having their feminine stars undress­ 10:00—Your Hit Parade. Bridgeport .... .1184,945 $155,665 pictures, then returned to Broadway The report was that when ths De ing In pullc. To remain well wrlth- 8:48—News. 10:45— Patti Cfbapln— Songs Bristol . . . y .,. . 41.511 30,900 I .■ ura right there. Intends to do tha dealing himself. diately after the gavel falls. Etocb plentiful supply of lettuce leaves. os this city's chief executive. He 9 00— Harold Nagel’s Rhumba or­ New York, Sept. 18.— (A P I — bouse member Is allowed 35.U00 e in 1932 for hls stirring drama ot Marcos, one of tba most- elegant In the new laws and to keep thslr 11:00— Sports— News, Danbury ...... 25,(X)0 13.323 Worse yet, there are Innumerable Italy’s next move. It is firmly be­ Any lettuce wUch la left over may was nominated along with all but year for clerical bire, which means southern family life, "The House ot oouples on the dance floor, filled a playhouse occupied, they oow have chestra. 11:15— Bunny MerofTs orchestra. Just what schedule to to be follow­ Derby ...... 7,805 1,180 also be eaten. two of the party Incumbents at a 9:30—Concert Ensemble. ed by the networks In world series ^ people who do not know oow and lieved In Europe, to to be the dis­ at least two clerks each. Top pay city convention last nlgUt. Connelly", it waa thin that be and Uoronation engagemant, they earned splurged with a show called ‘The 11:80— Ossie Nelson’s orchestra. East Hartford .. . 63,710 34.310 Or, carry wcU-waa’-ed celery 10:00— ’'HigbligbU of the Bible. ” broadcasting this year has not yet I art net likely to find out whether patch of no less than 150,00 first to fixed by law at 83.900 Senators New Haven. — Detective Capt Lynn Riggs, Oklahoma author ot 88,000 a week. Which to bis; money French Follies." It may sound 12:00— Roger PryoFs orchestra. Greenwich ...... 192.850 395,828 with you which bas been wrapped 1C :S0—Society of Ancient Instru­ been revealed. ’Ihe games be^n are allowed 813.000 a year for James J. Oesgan said Earl Clark, western p’.ays, were hailed by crit­ In any branch of tepslchore. Vaioz risque, but it isn’t. And there is 12:30— Red Norvo’s ercbeetra. Hamden ...... 81,075 37,330 they rata aa employad or unem- class troops, with full complement In waxed paper and sat the celery the first week la October. clerks, which ^muit be split among 27. of Brldgsport, has been arrest­ ics as the two most likely prospects and Yolanda, another svelte pair, nothing In tbe Mlnsklan entertain­ ments. Hartford ...... 981,623 468,252 I yleyad for tha purposes of a count of heavy guns, planes, tanks— and along «vlth the sandwiches. earn aa many thousand for a week's 11:00—Musical Interlude. Tomorrow's Program In foot there has been no an­ five, with 83.000 to the head clerk. Number 2: Use the same whole ed after a View street resident to dramatise American pioneer life ment to remind you of the naughtier Manchester .... . 93,415 21,770 o t this Und. Part-Umara, aeaaoa- chemical warfare outfits—to Spain caught him In hls home. The charge with the artful intensity of O’Neill. work in a smart Manhattan night salons of Paris. 11:05— Word and Muzzy, pionlsu. A. M. nouncement that the closing classic Meriden ...... 86,680 40,590 wheat bread as for tbe peanut but­ U:18r-"Bravest of tbe Brave." 9:80—Church In the Wildwood— would be on the air, but broadcast­ al workeira, people who finished a for the purpose of bringing tbe war Man Oet Prettied Up ter sandwiches, but vary the rilling was technical Idleness and the bond From Broadway and Hollywood dub. If the others do not approx- Thto enterprise, howovar, to pri­ Middletown .... . 30,475 43.304 Green returned to his Carolina Imats such handsome returns, they vately held by the Mlnskys to lie 11:45— Peerless Trio. Hymn Sing. ers say they have little doubt that Job the week before registration there to an end before winter be­ Besides that. If a member Is used. Any of the following may be set at 810,000. Clark will be ques­ Naugatuck ,.,. . 32,300 34.495 chairman of a committee, he usuaTy tioned concerning burglaries In this classes, but he will have two of hls do well enough for a graceful ga­ temporary. They sincerely believe 13:00—"Musical Souvenirs." 9:48— News Service; some arrangement will be made for time but expected to^iave another taken; almond nut butter; minced New Britain .... . 47,738 59,723 gins, In a complete victory for the Is allowed ona or more extra clerks. I eggs; minced ripe olives; cheese; city. piaya produced on Broadway this votte or a la ^ waltz In a midnight that the reform wavs will pass; end 13:15—Studio Program. 10:00—Church of the Air.—Or. boll-strike description on a basis New Haven ...... 169,714 137,771 presently; Ignorant people who are Insurgents. All In all. It runs up to about 1.500 I roast beef: or chicken. Any of Tbompsonvills.—The carnet work­ lall. The first 1a one that Chsryl setting. that tbe public wilt rise In favor of P. M. Cole— MethodUL aimUor to that o f the post. The New London .... . 82,782 15465 aeries has been on the otr almost aupersUUously susplcloui of govern­ In such an enterprise there would clerks, male and female. And It Is these make excellent fillers for ers' union voted to ratify a new Crawford, formerly ot the Theater Ramon and Renita eommand bUI- nudity and tbe double entondre. 12:30— "Ones Upon A Ttme"—Lit­ 10:30—Romany Troll-W ith Emery Norwich ...... 10,859 40458 no secret that tbe female clerks are working agreement with tbe Blge- Guild and tbe Group Theater, will Ing over other performers when they are biding their Ume and their Deutsch and hto orchestra. every yoor since radio began. ment Inquiries, fearing some kind bs no bluff whatever. So far In I the wholewheat bread sandwiches. tto Rad Hen. South Norwalk . . 91,430 701,458 missed most sorely along the shop­ If you wish, you may take one or low-Sanford Carpet company here present aa her first Independent pro­ they appear In a local cabaret, and theater until that happy day arrives 13:45^Newa ll:00-r-Young Folks Program with Delay In reporting plans appar­ Stamford ...... 94,175 liM>,556 o f taxatloo; on-and-off relief peo- hls career II Duce haa been more ducing effort. It la a story of mod­ ently to due to the fact that a spon­ ping front 1 two eandwlches having a "hearty’’ but announced that the eltuatlon Dark) and Diane can usually rout and their strip-tease erttoL: ran get 1:00—Variety Program. ‘Daddy* Couch. Stratford ...... 116,710 76,385 ern education on a college campus, sor to awaited. For the lost three LOWER YOUR OAS RATE! In your own homo it PJ«; relief workers whe fear the succeaaful-ea good deal more suc- These little girls do take on a ^ filling such as roast beef, and In was not entirely satisfactory. Tbe out a section of Perk Avenue when Into e draught again. 1:30—Dreams of Long Ago. 13:00—Major Bowes’ (^pitol Fami­ Torrlngton .... . 71,076 63411 commercial glow when they hit the a modification of Green’s 'T h s En­ years Henry Ford bas paid the way affect of a queatlonnalrs, oot a faw I cetsful—In the employment of force I addition the third sandwich may union’! demand for 15 per cent In­ they turn up et a fashlonabls, mid­ 2:00—“ Sunday Drivers." ly- Waterbury .... . 98,600 103,650 big city — and Washington shops chanted Maze" which , was produced at tbe annual rate of arotmd 3250,- pays to uae gas for cooking, automatic water heat­ contain a vegetable rilling ot finely crease In wages was rsjacted. town address. For oi.e of the PRESTO—FRESH AIR 3:30-!-Tbatcher C olt Detective. 13:30— Lost Minute News Flashes. West Hartford .. . 374,497 378,395 who are too poorly educated to un- j than In tha employment of diplo­ fatten on I t The nncolffeured at tbe University of North Carolina 000 for broadcast rights and net­ : chopped lettuce and celery, or a Waterbury. — Judge EMwin C. stocks-tn-trede of e beUroom donee 3:00—Tapestry of Melody, 12:45—Tbe Modernettes—Girls Trio West H a v e n ___ . 34,717 I darstand the government’s quei- tresses on capltol bill at any given iwc years ago. Hls second play to work faclUtiea. So far there has 32,300 ing, refrigeration, and house heating —all four—be^ macy. In the totter he la less mixture of chopped celery and Dickenson of the Superior Court re­ couple to e fashionable end spend­ McCook, Neb.—A ir conditioning 3:80—Widow’s Sons. 1:00— Oiurch of the A ir —Pres. Wethersfield ..... 88440 63.220 moment could be wrapped around "(^lumbla". which he describes as a been no Indication that he would do tlona, or too stupid to answer them 1 adept than he Is often credited with ! ground carrots. Sometimes the served decision after a hesrlng on thrift following. They have their In reverse will stop the odors from 4:00— Romance Melodlee. O’Hara. Notre Dome— OothoUc WUUmooUe .... 3,135 460 cause your gas rate lowers with each additional uae. f latalllgenUy. Probably nfteeo ur your finger. There are more waves vegetable sandn-lch will provide a mandamus action brought by tbe jslcry of "the struggles of a typical devoteee aa swing bends have theirs; the McCook Rendering Company 1:80— Poet's Gold— David Roee and ao again In 1837. being. L i the former he to com­ there than on the Chesapeake, and I American democrat, who believes In 4:30— World to Yours. a refreshing additloo to tbe more Waterbury Merit System association end they always can trust their plant, engineers promised completn- Um niTtibitn. f . taranty par cent of the replies re- pletely at home. they cost more. j the equality of opportunity, to live 8:00— Paul Martin’s Orchestra. I nutritious fillings. When ths cbop- to have the question of adoption of friends to turn up et any place ing cltlienz. 3:00— Radio Voice of Religion. Smiling Ed McConnell, Injured In edvsd arlll not convsy ths Informa- That leads to something else. .Not I out hls life on the American eeene." 8:30—Roy Shield Encore Music. There is no likelihood that there I ped vegetables are used, ths sand­ a merit system placed on the voting where they ere eppeering. They explained tbe doors end 2:15—Nadine Stanley—Bongo an automobile aeddant this week all the fancy hair waving and dyc;. I Green, of al) pla.vwrighta today r.-indows of the buUdtng will be 8:00— OltboUc Hour. tton sought. will he any interference from any wich should be prepared at home machlnee In tbe eomlng city elec­ 3:30— Living Dramas ot the Blbto. and believed to be recovering aatto- TOLLAND I I Ing Is confined to the female clerl- j excepting Eugene O NellT, haa that Eca;cd tlghUy. Fresh air wUI be 6:30— News. faetorily, will be unable to broad­ llic re are almost numberiess rea- ' and carried ui the lunch box wrap­ tion. Golden N 3:00— Evorybody’s Music. IT’S AS SIMIPLE AS A-B-C source sidth this plan to make an I cal help. Sitting In the senate gal­ ped In waxed paper. I ability to fuse hls dramas with both admitted through special openings, 6:48—Baseball Results. cast on Sunday on WJZ-NBC after } aoaa arhy this kind of s registration As e general rule, ballroom danc­ 7:00—Jane Frohmon with D'Artl- 4:00—Conference on World Co­ The Tolland Grange speesored Italian province of Spain—which is lery during a session, you couldn t I Number 3: One pint of certified I thoughtful Issues of discuaoloa and ers are not married couples al­ and before It Is released to tte out­ all. Pneumonia developed and be count on your fingers the number go’b orchestra. operation. a public whist party at the Com­ j o f tbe unemployed la bound to be a what s io-callcd Ins-irgcnt victory . milk, together with any kind of I thu theatrical dressings of light and though tbsy muat be Inseparable In side world It will be washed, clean was rushed to a Grand Rapids, gW ith but ona major gas applianes, sithar rangs, storags>typa- of stately beads of hair made I sound. ed and de-odorUed. 740—FlreaMe Redtat 0:15—Corleton Ketosy and orches­ munity House last svsnlng. Priass fltols or appears to be, at all at this lata day w-ould amount to fresh fruit desired, such as apples, Deaths Last Night their work, travel together, dine to­ Mich., hospltaL gorgeous by the deft touch of the oranges, peaches, ttc. Tbe com­ "To my way o f thinking," Green , 7:45— "Sunset Dreams."— - tra. were awarded and refreahmsnts watsr hoatsr or rs^gsrator. you havs tha "A ” Rats. events. Mussolini la not going to give the waving iron and tbe dye pot. . gether end forever link their first 5:30— Guy Lombardo’s orchestra. served. bination ot fruit and milk will di­ I says, "music, lighting, dancing and names la their careers. PERSONAL ITEM 8:00— EMgar Bergan and W. C. On ths Saturday night list: Talks A s a matter of fact a census of ; pantomina are just aa Integra) part 6:00—Anson Wseks and orchestra. Mrs. Francas Bushnell motored Spanish government Its death blow gest perfectly If no other food Is New York—Herman L. Cant- Fields. —WABC-CBS 6, Harry W . Col- TbeyNe Aaful Partlcnlar j ot drama aa ths spoken word." A first namo. Incidentally, be­ Delavan. Wto. — Will 0:30— Our Amsricen Neighbors— to Monsoo Wednesday and svas the g With any two major gas sppliancss. you sam tha lowsr **B’’ Rata. this character, anything like accu­ merely for the sake ot re-estgbllab- used at the same time. Or. as s voort, 50, former theatrical produc­ 0:00— "Manhattan Merry Go mery, American Legion commander, To a degree the bouse also dyes I . He beat expressed this view with comes a valuable property to a local fanner, reported et a newz- Dominion o f Ctonoda. guest of her slstar aad family. rate, might be practicable la a variant, use dates and buttermilk, er, actor and song writer. ballroom dancer once It achieves Round." OB ’"The Constitution and Its Inter­ Ing the Spanish Dona. Hs Is going and eriropi: but being a eomewhat or dates with fresh milk. I hto symphonic play, *Tha Lost Cor- paper office here yesterday be-bed 6:45—Columbie Workshop—From Mr. aad Mrs. 1. Ttlden Jesrett New York—Allan H. Fagan, 4T. 0:30— “American Album o t Fomi- preters"; WABC-CBS 9:48, Sen. A. ceuatry where every cltlsca Is ua- tn get something for Italy—and younger family, tha men there find Number 4; Cold broiled or roast ; tsin" which was p ^ orm sd all sum- enj^'degree of fams. Take the case Inst another finger, anA Dublin, Ireland. srara Sunday guests of relatives m g With thrsa, you snjoy ths "C ” Rats — still lowsr in avsrags cost. actor-brother of Ina Claire of the et Raaaon aad Renita: sever^ years lor Musle." H. Vanderbera of Miehlgaa oo ’"The ' dar constant aurvellUnce by aa leee need nf It. ebieken, or cold roast best, string < mer on Roanoks Island tn North due publicity. 7:80— Good Gulf Sunmier ■tara^ HUvoka, Maas something more than mc.-e prefer- movies. ago, Ramdn waa mat8d.~ both m 10:00—"Sunday Night Party" with Republican Otallenge," from Bay OBsnlpraaent potlea—srhara tbe rec­ One beauty operator says the beans (either canned or fresh), and I Carolina’s commemoration of ths "You see I have lost four flajjsn 8:00—To be announced. The annual meeting ot the Ladles encas tn trade and Spanish raw ma- New York—Thomas W. Walsh, dapee routines and In life, to tbe James Melton. a ^ , Mich. Aid aoctoty and Union Missionary gW ith all four major gas applianeaa installsd in your horns, you number of male customers bas In­ salad materials ot lettuce, toma­ S80th anhiveraary of tbs birth of now and cannot wrrtte to my frienJz 8:80—To be announced. ords o f every d ty ward or election teriala. And It is extremely un­ 88, father of Raoul Wakh, motion kmly and Latin Roilta. They were U:00— News. W EAF-liNBC—8, Spantob Rarua; sodeties met at the parsonage creased since President Rooaeve t toes and cucumbers. Tba string : English-speaking clvUtoaUon In about IL Better let me have ten 0:00—Ford Sunday Evening Hour ars sntitlsd to tha “D” Houas Haating Rata — lowast of all — i ' diatrlet or police precinct and every picture director, and of George dtvorccdl And legal action was 11:15— Russ Morgan’s orchestra. 7, Meradlth Wlltooo muste; 7:4^ this week and the following officers likely that aayone will so much aa pointed a finger of auaplelon at tbs beans may be left over from the j America. copies of the paper to send to —John nisrtos Tbomas, Bari- ablUtlea of gentltman of 70 and up. Walsh, star of tbe silent films. threatened when one of the several them," be said. 1140—Musical Intorluds. Saratoga Spa muaieal feattval; wars atocted for the snauTng year. which brings you gai as low as fiva cants par hundred euhie fast. alflaga er rural achool district con- say "boo!" to him about it. nlgbt before and mav be heated at I "In that play," he asld, ws ooia- 8'-80, Special DaUvery, aeftal; 9, Gray balr. by that edict, waa made breakfast and Immediately put Into Hollywood—Clifford Smith, 81, twain acquired a -new partner and Duestcr said the last finger was U 4 5 —Corloa Molina’s orchestra, t artlsa A id ofneers ivero aa fouowa: tsiaa tbe doaaler of every dtlsea— I hired drama, music, dancing, pasta- 10:05—P n v Isw o t Amartean Laglon ChiBigo Jamboree; 10:80, Emery IX.' Then, when he has 8p«in neatly lass popular, and the beauty shops a thermos bottle, which will keep director of William 8. Hart’s early mine. scenic and lighting effects. In trted to oontlnue under the trade- lost tn a corn binder. 1340—Waother Rsport Preatdant, Mrs. L Ttlden Jewatt; bat it's a tarrtbla cbora ta tba Ualt- Oonvontkm. Deutsch orchestra. tucked away in the Fascist bank­ helped make tt leas prevalsnt them warm until noon. The lettuce, films and other "Westerns." It I have parbaps eems naarest to aatne of Ramon A Roalta. A eom- . 13:03—Barney Rapp's orcbectro. vlce-preaideat, Mrs. V. 8. Altocn; (a 11:00—Sporta—Nows. WABC-CBS—8:80, Amaricaa La- treaaurar for the oongrsgaUon « d States. roll. be can tough at ths trivial In­ Men customers are perenieklty as tomatoes and cucumbers should he my Idaal of symphonic drama." m m iae was reached. Tbsreofter, 13:30—Andy Kirk’s orchestra. 11:15—Benny M m ir s orchestra. glea eoBvantioa preview; 7. S a rl^ branch, Mrs. Marion A. Baker; K r. BIggars Is aralconaa to his Job. all get out, says thto operator taken wrapped tn a moist clotb The Greeks were the first with Rosita was mated on ths dance floor 1 :00—fluent cident of a called bluff' over the PWA SPEEDS CP A GENUINE 11:80—Jay Frasmon’s orchestra. club; S. Prof. Quto; 840, HoUjnraod traaaurar fbr the Methodist branch, Women taka balr dyeing aa a mat­ and the salad prepared fresh when tbe symphonic dratma. but thto qulst with Fontana, and Ramon acquired I t la dottbtfiU if bs arlU get out of it piracy buslnesa. Ths lofty stack CUPID’S WORK 13:00—Frankto MosteFa orehastro. Sbowcaas; 9, W t Parade; U , Roger M rs. Ij. Bniast Hall; secretary, M rs Manchester Division ter of course. They don’t fuse about ready to eat Renita. And both teams b Ll to spoken North Carolina profataor ap­ B U m DBIVEB FINED Pryor orchestra. John R, Steaie. Union Missionary •aae tba aatlafaeUon of tbe knowl- that *he shoved Into the center of a mLror Imperfection or a trifling T ry some of these suggestions pears to be the one wbo may rtviM start all ever again, buUdlng their 13:80— Bob Croabjr's nrrheetTS •ggs i t a task wall done. Nobody flaw that may or mav not give and see bow much better you feel Omaha. Neb. (A P )—When offi­ raopective repiitatlonz. BUT HE DOESN’T OABB WJZ-NBC—7, Homs Townara; aoctoty omeera: PrealdeBt, Mra. ^ Hartford Gas Co. the table was all srhtts ehlpa. It with most effsctlvsness la modsni NORGE 7:45, Nola Day, aooga; 3. Bam Chariss Oimtbsr. cials told Donald Butler, 33, cf APPUB CBOP INCBBAflM BOBld do It. away tba dyeing Job. But If a spot when you use a healthful lunch. drama. Ha haa used ths dsvtos be­ In tha glare of the spotlight, ball­ anyhow. In Spain be eriu take Sen Jobs. ca H f— (A P )—It cost Danes (srast repeat 10); 9, Oun Twcaty-nlna msmbtra o t ToBand ot dye or a tell-tale blemish shows Omaha, he couldn’t get a PW A job fore, In “ Shroud My Body Down" room daneere are romantic figures. WASHER 78% OVEB 1888 down half a peck of blue ones. up In ths hair of a statesman. It QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS because be didn’t have a wife, nc Aa they gyrate gracefully about the Horry A . Ounlep, I t , a dollar to Smoke Law, drama; 9:30, Gems ot Granga ware present at tha East In 19S3. In "RoO Sweet Chariot" In RANGE Csntral Pomona Grange Na 3, takes on tbe proportions of an In- Cboleem title want right out and got m arried- floor, the dancers gaze zwooolngiy drive eight miles an hour along the WaahlngtOQ.— (A P )—M you Light Opefo; 11, Paul Whltaman CHINA WAR 1934 and In “Johnny Johnson", GoldaB Jubitos eslabration bald at 0 tarnaUonal toddant. Queetlon; Mrs. Verno J. wrltaat something he had wanted to do Into each otheFa ayaa, appear en­ highway, but ha said tt waa worth lievo tn on apple a day, you may ba which bad soma succass on Broad- REFRIGERATOR I t North Oovsntiy. Wsdnsaday, Sept­ fm tito SKpartoneed forelgB aalll- BRACE YOURSELF Now don't svrita In for namaa of “1 am Just recovtring from a mlid for some time. raptured In eome spiritual seance able to get two thto yaor for tha WAV lAMt nmnn "You sae, I was driving a young ember 18. wtio are watching eongressioaal dyed-beads. Ws won't attack of clodoeystltto and would His bride 'was li-year-otd Au­ price o t one herstefore. Sunday to to bring A merican Bhisrvsrs stop weeping ever China and lu t t as O'Nstn neesBtuatad hto SM entwined In a beautiful ro­ tody basne", bs szplalnsd to tbe give 'eta. Wa YUlua our own brtottoa Uke to know what to best for me drey Mae Eden They had to go mance. The bureau o t agricultural gkm eoBventioo—WJZ-NBC 10::06 grngrsus o t tha war la China Spain, e u t p ^ your indignation early plays with stm agt tunas from Judge. "Ths faster I want tha toss toe much. to eat to prevent Ita return. Have to Iowa to be wed as Nebraaks tow far-off ports, so Grssa makes lad- It, to imt always ao behind tbe Pettertoo & Krab reports prosneetiv i a. BL. tote iYtowa ot arriving data- b e g in y o u r a l l -g a s h o m e t o d a y i I AslaMn points appear to oe ttma r d h im with bar." Alr-eendlUoeed ears raosnUy over JusOoa Hugo Black's member- you any literature m the su bj^?’’ sets the feminine marriage .gt dcatal musle a vital part ot hto aoanee. for ballrooa dancers can oe A t the Center 88fi MeM Bt. deeitaea, with the i m apple crap gatas: WJZ-NBC 740 p. at-. Memo­ Borscht to n Ruadaa soup. It OAosta testified Dunlap's alow shout 75 per emt greeter than ' mads airaUabto tor Orst-ctoas psa- islattvely littto attenttesi to •h lf tn tba JCu Ktus Kton. foigat Answer: You have evidently mto- Umtt at K avao with parantF oon- plays o f southern Ufa. aa temperamental aa Sbakaspear- PhOM 8781 rial aerriM: WABC-CBS 9, Ossieett siagsia ea the Cbnital FHiisaa. asav ha oasud atthar ^ or cold. drivtiig aeariy caused severe) eod- ysoFs and IS per cent above the re­ A spelled the name of the dtosMS. "A s a child," ha axplatsa, *1 taoall by Pittston, Pa. Legion band. cent Borasel. which makes ths 360-mlle run “90- Itaiday ezpeetatJona: American twasa flhanghal and Naaktng. -•_ r.l4’<.^-.


CAST OF CHABACmaM "You’U have to tan the police FBI801LLA FIEBCE— barotoo MANCHESTER’S BUSINESS SPOTUGH just what your mother aaw,” CUly yoimg waoMui attoraay. said emphatically. “They believe it , ABfY KEBlt" ClUyls toounoate to be s u id d a ....” P agin g P o licin g and mnrderer'a vtoOm. "But I really don’t want to go to JIM KBRUOAM—CUIy*a flaaee. the poUee—not untU I get In touch HABBY HUTOBINS — Amy** with my husband, anyway." IN “BLACK AND WHITE” ■teango vtaltor. “I'm afraid youTl have to, Mrs. M r4 B lack P ow ers 8BBOEANT DOLAN—officer na- Corbett,” CUly Insisted. “Becausd, Concerns 6t “ The (aty ot Village Charm” Noted for Rendering Good and Faithful Service— (kmveniently Arranged Here for Your Convenience—They Deserve Your Patronagew dgnad to Mrivo tbo morder of Ainy you sat, I wUl have to teu them ot TJUGO L, BLACK wm iwom P THE six world powers be­ Barr. your visit this morning, and natural­ a u sides the United Ststes, three X In a Supreme Court lue- Teetnday: The clipping wtnen ly they wUl want to qusatlon you tlce a week after the President Ohave felt cremped. These are It would bo much bsttsr, I think if tiUy had takan from Amy's hand you want to them yourself.” nominated him. Then he left for Japan, Germany and Italy. Eaidi provos to bo news notes from a How American Cartoonists Teach Modern European History has tried stretehing. ■man town Utah paptr. Unrlonaiy PTOMETRIST ,LECTRICAL' Europe. ‘T hate to ba mixed up with the PRINTING IS VITAL IN BUSINESS The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette That has disturbed the other , Omy la eatamlnlng it when abe hanrt police.” Mrs. Corbett whined. "It o .CONTRACTORS three, Britain, France and Rusais. 'tho *dnmbwmlter paaaing bar apait- might have been some gangster. -akA itM aveiniuHT this week, published a series of meot. Who would operate It et thle TOMOBBOW—DEPENDS ON articles charging that he belonged Now this trio ha. united in exasper­ "You need only tell the police Printing has been vital to bust-,AH. Schleldge of 135 Spruce street Your Electrloal Ne ation. (Note the date, September early morning hour, ebe wonder* T WHAT YOU DO NOW" . where they can get "Printing That to the Ku Klux Klan. Instantly sen­ what you have told me. You can ness life in this country for many safely made by the Jobaeon I 14, 1937; your children may have to CHAPTER rv Be sure that your eyesight Is not COMPLETE STOCKS Satisflea." ators reopened the debate over this phona from here, if you wish. Ask Impaired— have your eyes exam- ysart. Since its introduction it hsa DEPOT GRILL FOOD know it to pass history exams.) turned the entire owrent of the Hare you can also find what you We will gladly give you < accusation that had begun shortly CtUy awakened with a atari next for Sergeant Dolan. He ia-handUng Ined. If* the only way to find oat. want In the line of office auppllea after his nomination. Others chimed At Nyon, Switzerland, these three morning to an Inalatent ringing. tbe case." Olaaaea Properly Fitted AT CORDIAL SHOP hutizleas worid so that upon print­ and stationary. OF FINE Q U A L in in. The New York Times, for in­ powers and six lesser nations, re­ She eat up In bod aleepUy. It bad "Sergeant Dolan. I guasa J'U wait Eyes Examined ing depends moat of the transac­ tions which are carried out each JOHNSON BROTHERS stance, noting: solved: boon a fitful night. Tha little clock until I get home, Mias Pieroe. Par- WALTER OUVER Now that summer la over and tbe day throughout this country and TRAILER TRAVELERS **. . . unless Mr. Justice Black “Whereas, arising out of the < 4 0 ^ 0 dreeslng table pointed to baps I can Just aak him to stop m When a new rettnuraat or grill Eleotrlo Baagea — ffiW. Hurriedly, she jumped out of Optometrist and Optician leaves are beginning to fall from the entire world. GET A BREAK. endears Itaelf in the henrta of the can avail himself of the oppor­ Spanish conflict, attacks recently and aee ma. Pd much rather teu St. h one 6020 the trees, people awaken to tbe fact bod. him about It at borne.... I’ve never 81* Main St. For Instance, let us oonsldsr the realdenta of the vicinity, there must gt CHatou SL TeL- 6337 or 76 tunity, thus fai refused, of dis- have been committed in the Medi- that the fall and winter aecial eea- part ebecki play la the business sc- terraneen. . . and whereas, these Bfight-thirty! She'd overslept a been to a police atatlon." Sacramento, Calif.—(AP) —Com­ be aeme reason for tbto endearment clainilng his association with the son are near at hand. It wifi not ba tlvlUea of the nation. How. many plaints of trailer dwellers have re­ attacks are violationa of the rule Whole hour. They'd both be verj’ late "Of eourae." Good food and excellent aarvloe are Ku Klux Klan, his appointment long now before bridge clubs wifi be thousands of dollars change bands ceived an official answer from the generally tha foremost reasons tor 'b y the President will indeed cause , of international law... it is necee- for work. She turned around to CUly saw Mrs. Corbett to the again resuming their card partlea each day through tha medium ot awaken Amy. Then, in a flash, the door; unoonacloualy abe bolted it California leguiature. a restaurant's suceass, while good a loss of prestige oy the court sary to agrge upon certain collec­ 4 4 4 and lodges will again be meeting. this email printed piece of paper? Under a law now In effect, iall food and exeaUent service plus de­ l e c t r i c tive measures • against piratical whole ghastly nightmare came back after her. Amy murdered! It G a s Now la tbe time to stock up on Yet this la only one laataace in and do far more to widen a chasm to her. Incredible. trailer camps must be licensed and licious drinks go to make a grill acts by submarines ...” your wines and liquors that you are which printing plays a part regularly inspected. ^ tron a are popular with tbs people ot tbe com­ RANGES between the court and people It wasn't a dream, then. Amy "PU have to teU people," CUly going to serve at tbese partlea. No than all that has gone before.” Before the mk was on the paper, Think of all the forms of docu­ guaranteed camp sites at leaat 20 munity. E was gone. The All Purpose Fuel For . e British and French fleet at 200 thought mechanleeUy. "in have to gathering Is complete nor can your ments which are used in the trans­ by 25 feet, adequate clean water Tbe Depot Square OrlU located at The President said he only knew Again the bell rang. Thoroughly tell Jim— and Harry Hutcbtne—and guests be at their ease without the action of a myriad of business eacb Ask About Our what bo read in the papers and warships was on its way. Rusaia and • ROUSE BEATINO and a shower bath to every 30 per­ 14 Depot Squsre has bean estab­ awake now, CUly raoognlxed it. The Mr. Ames.” • OOOKINO presence ^ a dellciout wine or day. AU of these ara made possi­ sona lished only etnee tost March hut would have no further comment the junior partners were to help. mixed drink to break the toe and Reconditioned doorbeU. She slipped on her kimono It waa 10 minutaa past 9, accord- • WATEB HEATINO ble by tbe printing prate. How much <5n their part, trallerltes who since that time the people of Man- imtil Black returned. Italy and Germany had ahunnfidlg^ —the same Japanese kinu>no aha ing to the banjo clock on the wall. • BEFKIOEBA'nON make tha guests feel welcome.. more tedious business would be chance to assist in arranging this camp beside the road must get at ehaator have ooma to look upon It Trial Ranffe Reporters for days had been pag­ bad worn last night to Interview Mr. Amea was probably looking for The Cordial Shop located at 535 without these printed forma. Hew aa tbs best plaos to go whan hun- police work. Even so, Italy was in­ Main street has qot been astabltah- much Icaa bualneaa would be trane- least 30 feet sway from tha trav­ ing Mr. Justice Black. He com^ Sergeant Dolan and the doctor— A n v thia very minute. First, how­ Maaehestffir Divtsttm eled part of the highway. y and thirsty. Thsy know that plained to a London hotel manager vited to patrol her own coast and went to the door. It was Ser­ ever, CiUy dialed tha number of aU ■artlerS Oaa Ce. ed for any great length of time, aeted without them. ey can depend upon ths high qual­ THE MANCHESTER about *Tack of privacy” and left by But Mussolini was on his high geant Dolan now, perhaps. but during tbe short time It bee Local businessmen have learned S Jim's hotel. Perhape she could catch • ^ _r> Since the war to end wars, thsre ity of the liquors that go to make a ELECTRIC DIVISION auto for the English countryside. horse and demanded a bigger as- But it was not Sergeant uolan him before he left for the office. been eziatlng, the proprietor baa that for good printing which they delleioua mixed drink and they MHM ta Biekmond Timt»-JUipateh come to know the damanda of bis require they should go to WUUam have been 17 de facto wars. I Of The 0>nn. Power €•• • • • SsenM r <• Omaha World-BaraU ntapatHeh Bt. Loula Patl-DItpatch Torh i» LaaUvma Tim aignment Russia was opposed to at the door. It was a woman, a “Mr. Kerrigan, please." know that ths now equipment of the New York City Primary *Whatla Itr Trom L ifer that So diplomats had to scratch patrons and has restocked bis shop Depot Squsre Orlll goes to make the •Who, M er ‘Shtpa That Psar nervous, Indeflnlte little woman She waited whUe the operator with all ths popular brands of ENATOR ROYAL S. COPE- y s t e r i o u s aubmarina attaclu on u s s i a accused Italy of piracy before the their heads some more. wlwm CUly did not recognize. rang Jim’s room. bear served thers more healthful u s s o l i n i indignantly denied he was guilty u t British and French warships steamed wines and liquors. Here you can and tasty. I LAND, running for mayor In ahipa In the Mediterranean caused diplomats could get anything done about • • • “Good morning,” the UtUo wtS- “Sorry, Mr. Kerrigan does not get almost anything you desire in­ M R M knd refused to attend the Nyon parley be­ out to restore order while the League of man said in a frightened, shy man- I L 4 4 4 The wife Of one of the partners NewS York (where there are many Britain, France and Russia to confer . . . the mystery . . . B The League’s Plight answer. Any message?" cluding domeetle and imported u il d in g cause Russia was represented there . Nations puttered along. ner. 'T m sorry to get you up like "Never inind, thazUc you.” OTEL" makes spaghetti real Italian style Catholics, Jews and negroes), de­ STEP had been taken at Nyon, wines as well as beers, chsmpsgnea SHERIDAN BURNERS and this feature of the CiUI baa this—but I had to see you right Jim had left for the office, than. and all popular brands of glra and OS Band lo a n manded that Black resign so ttie however, toward a balaaoe of away, rm Mrs. Corbett, from across Perhaps she’d bettor wait a few We Carry a Oemplete Line ot Completely Renovated and Up-to- Super Saf A— taken the town by storm. Every- country would not bo “embar­ A wblsMee. where you go people are asking if power, an old way of preserving tha way." • mlnutea before calling him there. Stationery and Office Supplies The owner maintains a free de­ dato la Evety OetalL BIASTEB KRAFT OIL BURNER NEW SHARES OPEN rassed.” peace. After the war 20 years ago, As WeU As Banderlng A you have tasted ths spagbetti He seldom got In before 9:8U. livery aervlee for the eonvenienca With the Borkontrol Imperial Wizard Hiram W. Evans At Home Movies Peace Policies Around The World (3Uly opened tha door wider. "WUl served at the Denot Square OrlU.' OCTOBER 1,1987 the European democracies had She wanted, aha suddenly real­ of hla ratrona. Phone your order Ftaturlag Daily Luaebeena. and the Tripalator If you aa yet have not partaken of the klan couldn’t recall that Charlie Chaplin has aban­ turned to a new way, the League of you coma In. Mrs. Corbett?” she ised, more than anything else to PRINTING SERVICE In to 7718 and ha will be glad to Vaitefi MMus to Seleet Frem Black was a member and laid the of thia detlelouB dish, betaks your­ Rghf For A Fortune doned his baggy pants and tiny American Nations. Invited. hear Jtm'a reassuring voice, to have SOe. L ean aU the facts ou tide rs- self immediately to 14 Depot Square mustache to make an all-talking European Ailatic Article X of its covenant reada: "Thank you. You're Miss KerrT' him teU her that tha woild bad net THAT SATISHES (Special Sunday Dinnera.) aaarkable Burner. Msnehester Building f t ! Sitting tight in tha 16-room Foster We are going to do Bvtrgthlng and make up for the time you have pictura. We don’t toant to do anything Expamion . , . Is the Japanese “The members of the league CUUy paled. gone suddenly mad, that Amy waa Catering to Parties, Baaqueta, mansion at fashlonablt Tuxedo Park, toe can . . . to keep us out of toar. qgaimt anybody. — REICHS- loet in gatttog there. You will not Aseodstioo Vittorio ‘ MnaMtlnl, D Duce's people's heaven-decreed desttnv.— undertake to respect and preserve "No. Tm eorry, but Misa Kerr Is alive and waU, and it bad all been a Ete. ANDERSON & JOHNSON be disappolntsd. N. Y,, a butlar and a maid have been —PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. TVEHRER HITLER. tilROZO MORI, Tokyo financier. WILUAM H. SCHIELDGE SELECT CLIENTELE WMing a court battle for $1,300,000. son, has become president of an as against external aggression the not here....” weird, unbelievable nightmare. For­ 188 Spruce St Yet 86M Beeervationa Tel. 3302. Plumbing, Heating and Tinning Eetsbllshed April. 1891 American film company's Italian Specifically, America this week Germany will pretend to be it war To explain to the world that Chi­ Mrs. Ckirbett put her band up to tunately for her, perhape, abe could Edward J. MacKalght, Mn< 3$ CUntou SL TeL 6Si4 'Tne servants contend the late Mrs. next week. Auto headlights will be territorial integrity and existing Julia Marshall Foster left them her subsidiary that intends to make forbade 37 government-owned ships nese are simply standing in heaven’s her mouth apologetically, as If ad­ not foreaee the Infinitely more ter­ dimmed, streets and homes darkened way and thereby forcing Japan to independence of all members of ATBHIIE’SSHOP entire fortune. But an earlier will be­ a Laurel and Hardy parody on to haul more arms to China and Ja­ the league . . monishing herself not to make rifying surprisea which abe would MACHINES MENDED "Rlgoletto.” as planes maneuver. Why? Der Fueh­ fight, Tokvo this week prepared to another blunder. face before she heard Jim's voice queaths each servant only $38,000 and pan. Owners of other American ves­ rer foresees lasting peace only if and That was the pledge China cited A woman's crowning glories ere fives the lion's share to a nephew of sels were told they could take such send socia l envoys to the United "Oh, Tm very sorry. She must again. when: (1) Germany gets back col­ States, France and Britain. against Japan as closely guarded be the other o n e ....I didn't know. ber bslr and dress. Therefore AT BRAITHWAITE’S Mrs. Foster's husband. cargoes only at their own risk. There onies she lost in the World war. (3) (To Be Oootinned) I h s u r a h c e BllUe's Besuty Shop of 33 Depot The butler and maid have found It J a p a n’s ambassador to China diplomats chatted thia week in the I Just looked at the names here W e l d o h b e a u t y s a l o h was talk■■ of if includingI ...... cotton among Insurgents' isurgents win in Spain. phrases it this way: “Anti-Japanism corridors of Geneva’s old municipal Square hss been of considerable aid hard to keep the place running with­ the embargoed1barge war materials. Such above the bell. Hera was the top INSURANCE The hunting season win som ba Regarding colonies. Hitler and communism must be stamped building which the league ia oc­ to umny particular women of Man­ Hotel Sheridsa Building, Msnehester Dial 5009 Many of Our Liquors Can out funds, so their lawyer has asked Women phases of U. S. policy have been kept tends:' (1) They are necessary if the one. You’re Miss Pierce, thenT"^ PROTECTION OF EVERY open for the enjoyment of hunters Found Nowksea Else la tha that a temporary administrator be out.” That is Japan's program for cupying pending completion of its chester and vicinity as here they Men delight in the thbught of ris­ on “a 24-hour basis." is to have ampl peace; how long it will tal CUly nodded, leading the way DESCRIPTION can have beauty culture in all Its lacindlag appointed. 'This week the wine cellar In general. America favors inter­ “Palace of Peace.” into the Uvlng room. She notteed ing early to tbe morning, taking Second Engagement (2) They were taken from Giermany bassador does not know. Your Insurance proUanaa wtS be branchss. CHARM BEGINS WITH REST the faithful dog, and starting out to Imported aad Domeetle Beu. was atill well stocked, but the pantry national self-restrunt, observance of unfairly. China’s illustrious Dr. Wellington that the bridge table waa atUl eet Wlaae aad Champa gnea was empty. Miss Anne Clark was a Boston To speed it up, a Japanese eco­ eflieieatly solved here — Expert This business la eonducted by the forests and plains to shoot-dear agreements, orderly modification of RMarding Spain, Hitler argues: nomic planning bureau has been set Koo declared: “If the day should up as It had been the night before: aervlee youza for tiie asking. Mias Mildred Wolf who baa bad Busy women depend upon the relaxation Aa Wen Aa Bum debutante in '35, and was to have treaties, more international law. more (1) German commercial interests arc come — which God forbid! — when the ashes bad not bean removed. She and other animals married Samuel Stevens Sands, up in the portion of North China al- practical experience In every branch of an Eaude (Cologne bath to renew them However, no matter how good The "Hard-to-flad" Squeia Fumes Over Ether economic security and less armament. vital there, too. (2) Europe must be raady conquered. That brings Japan Japan would be able to lay her must tidy the houaa immediately. JOHN L. JENNEY of beauty treatments. She has al. Georgia and Maiaachuaetti grandson of Mrs. This is part of Secretary Hull’s 14- saved from the “mercenaries of Mos­ into still sharper conflict with other Amy's Aunt Harriet would be here. INSURANCE AGENCY after a tiring day. man's aim to, be to only as irood aa William K. Van-1 hands on a great part of what China OVXS-AOnVX PANCBEAS BB- ways served s clientele that esrea hie gun. If bto gun to not In the Dallvary Servtoa. scrapped this summer over chain-- point permanent policy. cow.” powers' interests in Chinsu possesses in mar. power and natural She drew a chair for Mrs. Corbett. 7 tl Main S t 10 Depot Square most for Its personal appearance Ctome in and let us show you the gener- gang fugitives. Now they're pulling derbllt, Jr., last! 8CLTS IN TOO MUCH INSULIN Tel. 6M6 TeL 8880 beet of oondltlod, it to liable to lock THE CORDIAL SHOP i June but broke thel resources, then she would feel her­ "It'a about her—about the other BEWO BECBBTED FOB BODY which la Indicative of a high merit 6us size Contoure bottle for $1.25. etch other's hair over ether. which she baa earned in thle pro­ at tbe most inopportune time just TtL 771S 888 Ma engagement last) self so much stronger as to chal­ young lady—I wanted to talk to when a deer to In ths right place and Georgia’s board of education can­ April 1. lenge the treaty rights and the teiw you," Mrs. (Corbett said, aeaung fession. celed ill contract to buy a public By DB. MOBBIS F1BHBEIN Every branch of beauty culture to unaware of tbs hunter’a presenoa. Hay Kanaaa City Mtar This week her! ritorial possessions of Europe and herself on tbe edge of the chair. Editor, Journal of the Amertesa Oun jamming to most Inconvenient school text because tbe book said Abroad Coming Up Wars "It’s about what happened last is aocompliahed here exactly aa Is nibaieha Got on Cndemeath, Hngor ether was first used as an anesthetic mother, a banker'sl America in the South Seas and the Medical Aaaoclatloa, and of Bygeie, and aggravating. widow, announced! night." required by tbe trade—factela, in Massachusetts. The board said Sunday Pacific as well as on the mainland the Health Magesine A n t i q u e s nunlcuree, ecalp treatment sbam- M > l k However, you ean avoid tbto P h o t o g r a p h s ruckus wholly to the New York ether's usefulness in surgery was dis­ Miss Clark’s en-| Czechs' Hero Die$ Jewish Feast of Succoth be­ of America.” "YaeT" trouble by taking your gun to J. R gagement to John Chinese Reds' Idea pooing and many other aervlcea situation. He added that he con­ covered by Georgian Crawford W. gins at sundown. "I teU you. Mias Pierce, Pm ao in the dlewiaalons of diabetes Braithwalto before you go fcimtlng. Aspinwall .Roose­ When the World War redrew Eu­ China’s communist army once re­ Tokyo’s foreign office retorted: If you have e “lure” tor Antiques pertaining to milady's beauty. In PLUMBINO, TINNING AND “ BETTER MILK FALL sidered Copeland "the best candi­ Long in 1842. Massachusetts mediea rope's map and Czechoslovakia was Monday "The league will only aggravate the upset I don’t know vdiat to do. that have already bean published, permanents Billie's Beauty Shop ii He erfii inepeot it thoroughly and velt, t h e Presl- treated hundreds of miles from the And my mother'a .a an awful stats. HEATINO OONTBAOTOB8 FOB PARTICULAR PEOPLE" date in the bad lot.” said maybe so, but that two Boston r a n t e a national independence. American Legion convention central government’s bigger army, situation.” And Japan’s spokesman mention has been msde of the rele- here’s the "haven of aatisfaetioa” very proficient, spiciallsing In ma- see that everything to repaired on WEDDING PICTURBE dent's only un- You sea, I Uve over there, In the AND SHEET BfETAL WOBB Our products sro aU ths slogaa iL including a thorough cleaning. There to no dnpUoatiag wfea Copeland was in both the Demo­ men, W. T. Morton and J. C. Warren, homas G. Masaryk achieved a boy­ opens. New Yorlt. but still was able to kidnap General at Geneva said even friendly medi­ tlonsblp of the Islands of Longer- chtneleaa methods. ImpUes. You too, should Isern |ave the discovery to the world in married son. The f Bt. Ann apartment, on the fifth Mr. Bralthwatta also epectollMs can do today—tomorrow. cratic and Republican primaries, wedding is to fol­ hood ambition. His efforts In tha Tuesday Chiang Kai-shek and make him ation efforts would be ignored. bans In the pancreas to the cause ot BOUGHT — SOLD Customers here are always as­ W'a are enjoying a reputalloa ot why so many peopls liultt on and had A1 Smith and a majority of Allied capitals during the war had promise to fight Japan. That red army Boor. My mother Uvea with me, and sured of the maximum of aervlee at in all kinds of key end lock srork Hwtelallse la photograplqr low his graduation New Jersey primary election. • • • that disease. The psneross has not QnsUty Wora In aU these West Bids Dslry ProdneUH—deltv and to an expert at opening safea Tammany's chiefs behind him. made statehood possible for the of 200,000 marched back this week to this wsek Mr. Corbstt is out of only an externsl seertUon which reasormble prices. A first of the branches. will Uve throoglioat Ola yooi from Harvard next Friday Spaaiard’a Waiuliig EXPERTLY REPAIRED seed fresh to you dally. when ba to oaltod upon to do IL Ha Postmaster General Farley and Le$$on$ By Radio June. Anns Clark Czechs. help him do it. (See map.) town. W s were both akma last night. goes Into ths Intsstlnss, siding in week apedal gives you a ibampoo MILK AND CREAM “ If It’s A FaUot Fletiwa ■■' This week the *Tlttle father of Interstate Commission on N THE president’s chair when the W s went to bed early—about 10:80, and ftaqisr wave for only eeventy- Oet Our Estimate. rspalra all kinds of machines and Itli Good Photography.* other New Deal Democrats backed With achoola atill closed because of Crime meets, Kansas City. Communist planners last year vis­ ths digestion of piotatn, but also an (Pastoutiaed) vacuum cleaners Jeremiah T. Mahoney. Mrs. Jones' Admirer Czechoslovakia” died in Praha at the ioned victory over Japan by “a war league assembled was Or. Juan I gueaa. Mother wasn't feeling ao internal secretion which is vltsl in V. HEDEEN flvs cents or a finger wave and Infantile paralyala, 318,000 Chicago chateau his people had given him. I well.” manicure for the same price. Serv­ JOHNSON A LITTLE WEST SIDE DAIRY J. R Braithwalte to located at 53 THE FALLOT STUDIO' Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia youngsters found their letiona in the As the woman who has contrib­ of maneuver”—that ii, swift concen­ Negrin, premier of the Spanish the handling of ths stigar by ths 37 Hollister S t Phone 5333 Pearl street and hto telepbona num­ He was 87. He had been Czechoslo­ trations and dispersala, quick at­ CUly listened attentively. ing eacb cuetomer quickly and 10# Osntor SL TsL 8873 53 MoKee SL TeL 7706 478 Blala SL TaL 1 was Copeland's rival in the Repub­ newspapers and heard their teachers uted most to America in the last cen­ vakia's president from its birth in overnment which has been flgbt- body. It has bssn provad that re­ ber to 4300. lican race. He said little. He already on the radio. The first day, sixth grad­ tacks and withdrawals, over difficult "Bhe has asthma." Mrs. Corbett moval of the pancreas surgically eourteoualy, the ibop has won tbe tury, 80 out of 300 essay writers In 1918 until the end of 1938. Then his gig for its life against insurgenta, patronage of those who know and had been nominated by the Ameri­ ers reviewed their spelling, practiced a recent national terrain. Germans and Italians. eontindsd. ‘“Tarribla attacks of it. raaulta In death within three weeks, disciple and colleague, Edouard Business In the north, China has tried that WaU, last night I guess 1 must have appreciate exclusive workmanship. can Labor party and City Fusion arithmetic and heard a talk on T h e [contest named Bones, took over. because at tha tremendous Increase game. So the invaders got their Pointing to the "astronomical faUsn asleep right away, but mother UN ^ ^ ^ - New and more modern equipment party. Mediterranean Today.” Eighth grad­ Jane Addams of Mrs. Masaryk was a Brooklyn girl sums” being spent on arms, he said ot blood sugar in the body. MOTORIST SAVED horses out this week for i felt badly. Bhe couldn’t get her In 1933, Banting and Best, aldsd la being Inatalled to ’ meet tbs de­ ers studied equations, reviewed spell­ Chicago's Hull Stocks And Bonds powerful forces were bent on “de­ REPAIRING CREAM lin e RILL P a d i o s ing and heara talks on “China and [House. drive. They planned tbe gn______breath—you know how it is with by McLeod and CoUlp, were able mands of an ever-growing clientele. Tbe O oram on’ Meeting War scaras were believed to be the fensive since their war with tha czar. struction of the League of Nations The Lure of the Hunting Season Hera you can be aaeured of tbe ut­ Japan” and “World Trade Today.” But the $800 first Arctic Accident asthma. Bo sha got up and aat at to devel^ tbe secretion of tbe (e- Win Seen Be Here — Obeek Up EVER V BODY’S TALHINO WHENCARDIVES h e Im klux controversy also spark that touched off last week's At Shanghai, where cholera added and all those who support it” most aervtos. Phene 7978 for an MADE ElOBT Parents were urged to listen, toa rize went to Miss If the six Soviet airmen lost in the tha window to gM more a ir....sh e Isnda of Lsngarbsna in pure form. On Your "Alme" HERE IN MANCHESTER ABOUT WHAT7 SINCE 1922 . . . helped put the annual gover­ lorotny Taylor of Arctic were still alive this week, series of stock market breaks, tha to the deviltry, Chinese withdrew Ruuian, British and French anna, waa aitUng there when It happen­ This secretion is known as insuttn. sppotntiXMnt to avoid the Ineon- The Italian Spagbettl end KeviaS T B widest In several years. But later de­ (after suffering 38,000 casualties in vatUence of waiting. nors' conference (at Atlantic City) Brooklyn who their food supply must have been however, were helping his cause. ed." Insulin ia now ussd, as I have al­ Expert Ounanlthlng Hay and Tbe loe Oeem That to A that we era aarving have at 35e OFF DRAWBRIDGE BESTl Reviving Sea Trade nominated "Mrs. two-thirds gone unless replenished velopments Indleatcd Wall Street contrast to Japan’s 10,000) and set­ Russia had supplied loyalist Spain Leek Work at All Klnite I a earvlng. into headlines. Alabama’s Governor might primarily be taking precau­ tled down in defenses out of range ready described, in tha control of "ROYAL TREAT” TERMS TRAD] Bibb Graves was attending and ho Uncle Sam has big plans to rebuild Jones” o f Texas by game. with the latest type of war tools. "You mean—she saw bar faUT" dlsbetee. IVa taenpUng alweyi end ei Handley’a and Wetale On Tap Osklsnd. Ctolif.— (A P )—Many aa hla merchant marina and recapture tha and lauded her as In the search for them recently, tions about fall businass. of Nippon's navy. But gunfire still Vacuum Cteaneis Bepairad Befreahlng at the admitted hei was a former klans- The bond market already was splattered over foreigners, who uked Many of the merchantmen Britain Mrs. Corbett shook hsr head. She SAVE EXTRA COST daUetoua. sutotot haa wonderad what would SERVICE rich North Atlantic trafilc onca domi­ a mother. “Mrs. a hydroplane was crushed between and France were bustling to pro­ leaned forward and lowered her TIm All-Around 'Tlz-lt" Man. happen If the drawbridge acroaa man, but didn’. remember ever nated by New England clippers. Tha two icebergs off the northern coast weak. Business demands had left both sides to take better aim. Blnoa thase fundamsntal dlsoov- , DEPOT SQUARE GRILL .»5l Jones” turned out voice dramatically. "Bhe didn't fall. tbe Oakland ahlp channel srent up aoeiM Black at meetings. merchant marine now carries but 7 to be Mrs. Thomas of Alaska. But Us pilot, Basil Zad- banks with lets surplus money to tect in the Mediterranean had been eiias warn made, another condition J. R. BRAITHWAITE ROYAL ICE CREAM CO. I John Oavagnaro BARSTOW8 PflTcially the state executives lend. To get more, thev bad to sell carrying coal to Negrin’t side. And Miss Plsres," shs whispered. "She SSPenrI .St TeL 4300 BY WELDING TOOLS »L A. OrfIteU, Ctiaiiea Kanoagni while he was driving across. Keith per cent of the world’s tonnsge and Lyon of San An­ koff, escaped and was picked up by Spain's Triple Front baa been found related to the pan- Singleton now knosrs. RADIO SHOP were mors concerned about federal less than 38 per cent of American car­ tonio who has sev­ the Russian icebreaker Krassin. And governmentovemment bonds or borrow from the new Nyon pact granted no bel­ was thrown off that roof. A man 37 Wa SL ■Ti. 14 Depot'Square TeL 3835 cress which hss to do with over- Oxesrts, ersdlas and fisils were Singleton waa trapped there encroachments on their business. goes. en grown children. more Russian airmen arrived in S^e Federal Reserve Banks. To induce The goal of Spanish insurgents pre­ ligerency rights to the insurgent pickad her up bodUy and threw her activity of this gisnd. Instead of an them to borrow, the reserve board sumably hat been consolidation of off." the main farm Implements half a when a breaking cable aeparated A bill in congress to appropriate Plans call for a fleet of 300 to 380 _ • And Miss Tay- Alaska to press on. Spaniards. insufficient amount of insulin re­ century ago. Today ths tractor, new vessels, SS of which will be built Osrethy Taylor according to had lowered the rate. Then, thia week. their forces for a final, decisive at­ As the league's new president, tha "Oh, my Ood!” sulting In diabetes, there may be him from a towcar which was tak­ $100,000,000 to aid local schools had Uncle Sam released “sterilized'' gold, tack. But thia week they were itUl R A V E L ^ ^ mowing machlns and conveyor have EXPERT * • PALMER ^ ing hla aedan to a garage. At the at once. The flagship will be a big her friends, is engaged to one of Aga Khan was chosen. Already "I know, it'a terrible. Pve asked too much insulin eecrsted by ths many worried. which eventually Increases bank de- divided into three parti— battling replaced them. Stel, iron and other ■ame time a tug and gssollne-iaden liner to replace the Leviathan. Bids them. “Mrs. Jones’ ’ ' son John. Britain’s hold on her Asiatic jewd my mother a dosea times this gland. Thia occura, for axampis, BUREAU metals bsvs taken the place of wood HIROPRACTlDR “Certain it Is," said Nebraska’s on it were opened this week. poaita, thereby supplying the banka near Oijon in the noraweat, on the morning if sha's sure. But she .in- WeLDIHC barge approached an a swift tide [ A U M o n v depended, in no small degree, on when there is a tumor at tha pan­ Stonea, stumps, furrows and gen- R. L. Cochran, "that federal appro­ Beauty Prefers School with more lendable fundi and reduc­ Aragon front in the northeast, and iUta on i t Thera was a ship down WE CAN PLAN YOUR BUS end whistled for the bridge to be priations for education carry with Labor ing the prcMure on bonds. around Madrid in central Spain. his power as a religious ruler of creas or whan thara is tnflamm sral bard usage often break the ARE YOU SUFFERING? tha bay swlngini its saarehligbt tion with overstimulation. In thia TRIP ANYWHERE GAS AND ELECTRIC < lifted. A Laundry Service That Miss America India. And his money and race metal parts of this machinery. theip federal control to some ex­ hack and forth. And mother says Remove the cause and yen win Fearing an explosion if the barge this year is 8H feet horses bad made him famous every­ oonditlcn the content at the blood Tour tievelliig probtesns een Frletlon of metal to metal bearings WELDING Satisflea Week In and tent.” France's Foreign Bombs just as that Ugfiit passed the r ^ , get relief. Look Into Chiropractic crashed, the bridge tender shoutad high and weighs where. ^ ■ in Insulin U also Inersssad. eaaily be salved here. Bus tripe eventually wears down even the Week Out “ We should be Jealous of indi­ Science 120 pounds (bust, Headquarters of two employen’ she aaw It p la l^ . Then 1 woke up In mild casss, charscterlatlc hardest surfaces. Farmers thars- adjastmeato aa thousands of to Singleton to run for hla Ufa and vidual liberty in education as we The Roundabout Route O f The Reds 'Tia said that ha can speak a w ry f to all perts ot the eoustry. Radistor and Fender 33 inches; waist, organizations in France were nombed —tha noise of tbe fall, I guess. And symptoms ara muaeular waakness, fore spend rrmny doUsrs ssch year others hm-e. than started tha beliUng me«JMUi- Have Your Laundry Froblsaia are . . . in religion,” thought South language of Europe without a trace everybody shouting out of tbstr Olgarottae — Magaslnea Repairing tom. The motortot get to safety, the To Halt The Plague 36; hipt, 36). She is last weekend. Two policemen were svsrslon to work, dln in sss, ravtn- buying saw parts, often loaing Bolvdd A$ ths Carolina's Olin D. Johnston. blue-eyed Bette killed. Fifteen similar bombs—a for­ of accent. windows. But mother had fainted. ous hunger, pslpltsUon, irritsblUty Newspepere weeks waiting for them to arrive Dr. Geo. A. Caillouette barge passed aad the soden tum­ But Hoosier M. Clifford Townsend Europe's bubonic plague 400 years Cooper, 17. of eign type—had been reported found I thought she waa having another and sweating. Ihe intolerable and from the factory. Why spend money A. ft C. WELDING CO. l i t Center 81. Tel. 1878 bled into the bridge's supporting Telephone 7007 MANCHESTER LAUNDRY j observed: “Th-» federal government ago was carried by rats. That sort of H a ckettstown, within six months. attick, sad I was too busy with her ravenous hunger is aomsUmea the and lose time when you can save Phone 4393 Duraat SL Hartford Offioe; 2 Congreea SL framesrork. It took a crane to get It certainly never did tbe state of In­ danger is ‘‘progressively disappear­ N. J. So, despite Premier Chautemps* Ethiopian Empery At the Center • E. Burbeek, Prop. it? Joe Hettinger, Prep. out. Fred Bare, 3lgr. to pay much attention to xrhat was most obvious symptom. TeL 6-1054 73 Maple SL TeL 84MJ diana any harm when it meddled ing. saya Dr. K. F. Meyer, University Three young admonitions to keep eooL French Haile Selassie still h u “faith" in g o l^ on ovsr bare.” * Tbs affects on ths mind and '( Oxy-Acetylene welding eaves with roads.” of California scientist. But fleas bear­ men whisked her eonservativM loudly blamed com­ the League of Nations, but from his "Murdered! Amy murdered!' the oonsdousnees are also impor­ eounUeas dollars and valuable time CLUB LEADER LIKES ing the plague have been found on home from Atlan­ munists. and the latter warned lest exile In England he was unable to CUly gasped. tant. They ara ssaetly the same for the fanner eacb year. All Mnda TO BE CALLED OLD MAID chipmunks, ground souirrels and tic City after her the bombings be a “pretext,” like send a delegate to thia week's aes- of broken implemente can be re­ H IG H GRADE prairie dogs In western America, and historic announce­ But ot couraa that was it. Amy as thoss which oequr whan a per­ RETHREAD the burning of the Reichstag in (3er- ■Ion. Since Italy was not represented son has had too nuieb insulin m- paired as good as new by the oxy- e a t i n g ^ ^ Farmers Vs. Utility the public health service now is bat­ ment: “ No movies, many. to deliver France to fascism. would never have takan heg own Waahlngton. — (AP) — Found: either, the league skipped tbe ques­ t Ufa. Bhe had everything for which jactsd becausa at dlsbstas. In audi acetlyene welding process. RINTINC A woman who likes to call beraelf A WPA play in New York last year tling to pres’ent the "black death's” radio or vaudeville An Italian anarchist” subsequently tion of expellmg Ethiopia. There Is no delay while waiting SYSTEMS Ti newspaper pro- to live. cases, thsy may mantfast first T. P. HULLUltiVA E aa old maid. (T o w.■er," i a •Tiving i spread eastward. . . . back to school was arrested in connection with the H for a new part to come. Tbe cost of Italy ttus week was pondering "Am y BUtfdared!” CUly repeat­ symptoms Uks thoss at diunkan- JOB AND COBlMERaAL Let the She to Utoa Erlane White, presi­ KELLEY SPRINGFIELD ' duction) showed farmers and elec- The cause for concern, according for me!” Satta Coopar bombings. plans to crown King Victor in Addis Funeral Hone wdldlng is less than the price of the ON BUDGET trie companies battling. This week a to Dr. Meyer, is that “we know so lit­ ed Um words duUy. Again she had ness, evaotusi kws at conscious- Electric Furnace Man dent of tho National AaseelaUon of Ababa next year. Tha conquarors nsas altogether. Whan there Is too Ideally kwated ocnvenkeit and new p ^ . Small parts are re-made PRINTING Cualnesa and Profeeaional Women, (No Flndaoe Chargee) scrap of that sort nearTireside, Ohio, tle about it” Old-Timers Scolded that faMlng of unreality, of utter In a few minutes. No part Is toe wound up in court after the farmers have taken charge of the country’! much Insulin In ths body ths away trom the busy thorough­ Look After Your Heating and. tneldentalty, poatmtotresa at Re-Tread Tires • Battery TiouM The printers' union, with nearly Coptic Christian church, but may dishaUef. It was aU a Unibla mis* l a i « or too small for this process. Freutpt and ESIelent Fztotiag bad cut down poles and left wires Exploring America taka. Nobody could have murdered amount at sugar In the blood falla fare. DlsUaetivo Servtee — Mod- Thia Winter. Ask Ua. the United States senate. Out of Gas - Plata ffs IsfctaS In Short.. 80.000 members, is one of America • have the Roman Catholic apoctoUe greatly. era FaoiStiae. IDUu your farm tmpismenta, ai ot AS Kinda Dtocussing her single state, this Telephone 4139 ta b led along the roadside. dalegate do the crowning. Amy gentla klndhearted Amy. It waU aa any housshold Impleroeats fl>e farmers feared the private In the Grand Canyon there is a oldest. Without quitting A F L it let Obviously, it ia sxcsedingty im­ twinkle-eyed funster defined an old Shell OaeollM and Motor Otls.>t plateau hitherto unexplored. Scien­ The French franc fell to its low­ its president, Charles P. Howazdl, be­ waa all ao Unpoasibto. ASfBULANCE SERVICE that you may have, to tha A. A C. power company's new line was going Mrs. Corbett fidgeted nervously portant for s doctor to msks a COMMUNITY PRESS G. E. WILLIS ft SON, INC. maid thua: tists think the deep chasm has iso­ est level for a decade. come CIO's secretary. Nari Nemegis? DAY ANDfaOBT W e ld ^ company, now located on "A woman who knows all tbe an­ CAMPBELL to keep them from participating in OB the edge of bar chair. competent examination which will Durant atrdet. where the phone A. E. Botanea J. W. Bare tbe New Deal's rural electrification lated it from the rest of the country Fifteen peraons were injured by No change in nazi intentions indicate tha amount ot blood sugar swers. but has never been asked the SERVICE STATION for 38.000 years. ‘T m aura I don't know what 17S Oantor St. number to 4393. 351 Ne. Mela SL T«L 5737 2 Main St. TeL 5125 program. explosions and fire in a Weehaw- toward churches was Indicated at the that is present. This is important questions." 373 31aln SL. Msnchssb What animals were stranded there ken. N. J^ drug factory. Iirj[ ' recent Nurnberg gabfest, to the do about It," aba aald. "Beams as liam Green. “There It room in Amer­ cauae eometimee sntrsssive m- when nature carved the canyonf Loyalist Spain prepared to deal Pope’s nawspper splashed a warn­ if I had to taU you, Mlaa Pterce. Next Year's Crops What has happened to them? ica.” he shouted, “for but one unified, It’s such a tarribla crlm a .... and aulln or byperinsuUnlsm ia mlstak- Plans to restrict the acreage of cot­ with the problem of foreigners’ solidified labor movement.” ing this week on its front page: The SB for drunkannaas, hystsrls. er Having wondered for years, natu- losses in the civil war there. "fatal union of the state with forces Tight hers on Bt. Ann's avenue. ton. com. tobacco, peanuts, potatoes ralisU this week set out to ascend to Then alone came Phillip Murray, We've lived hare for seven years, atmllsr mstitsl dlsturbsness. lEAUTY " '« and rice next year rt. being drasvn In Argentina’s presidential elec­ hostile to Christianity” meant that In peopls who suffer raguisrty aiieries ovihc that lonely “island in the sky” and leader of CIu steel workers, saying, nests’ blood may be shed in the and ira aleraya been the nicest, B II I M | [|XfSf'; this week by farm leaders, called to see. tion. former President Marcelo de “I think a review of the reasons for with a sUght amount at erneae o< TOvU UATlkMV FBUBLEMS ^ CU LTU RE Washington from all over . i nation. Alvear. radicaL took the lead from elch “as it was in Spain." quietest neighborhood. But now .. . . Insulin, it in nscisssBry to provide You are aure of a good "Sato" starting CIO and some of the things S I don’t want to stay here another are aaaily aalved here — have H . CALLING ALL “ MEN” FIRST-GF-I HE-\VB£K FALL PAINTING They were considering national goals, Roberto Ortiz, conservative. that have happened since, svill be extra sugar. If thase people Indulge remeral If you have . . . BEAUTY SPECIALS ^ A Metorteg Eevelatloa Inside Stuff Polish Yom Kippur night. I tMl you—" eeivloed here regularty. Play Yea, ilr! That* la a traatmeut IS HERE or llmita, on each crop, which would William H. Parsons, whose wife sufficient reply.’ ’ * in any muscular activity, such as a lafe! AUSTIN CHAMBERS aajoysd right bars In be subdivided into goals for every Communists and fascists, Japanese “Have you told the poUceT” CUly that wOl help balfineae the new Shampoo and Finger Wave . .75a. For qoaSty aad and Chinese were among the 2.000 was thought kidnap^ from her Yom Kippur brought a fresh out­ gams of golf, they must bava more Have yea trtod tha m w , nMdtn Do It for you It pays to ptoy with a Peseta er Btata, county and faim Long Island home weeks ago, said Intemiptcd. aafa, Finger Wave and Bfaaloare. .76a. why not have B « X-ray and radium specialists who' Roogevelf And Lewis burst of anti-semiUe terrorlm In sugar sunfiiefi during tha museulsr fnel In your ear yet? XEBVAO TREATMENTS Want ta taaLis w byf 7 he believed she was dead. Czcladz. Poland. Rioters stoned a Mrs Corbett’s pals ayes sridenad activity. MOVCfO, PACKINO, SHIFTINO met this week in Chicago to compare For months relations between Pres­ in horror. “Ob, no! I couldn’t ' do OAB on Learn About Our Marhlnwleaa Prtesa-I Going Up tricks. These included: Making Lawrence Connery, ' Democrat ident Roosevelt and CIO Chief John crowded synagogue, broke ell the ITy ttl Sea tha DtttarmMe! Dally Expreae: Hartford, A erlentMte thnnuputia method Parmaiient Wave. Tbe eocnmaret department expects X-rays turn comers. X-ray guns to and Edward D. Sirois. Republican, windows, beat the panic-stricken that! Why, Pve never had any deai- Btato health departments in sev­ abaator, Bockvllla. tor Mlwenlitlsa hnto growth. L Lewis have been a matter of spec­ Inga with the police and Pm aura AOAMY*8 tbe M tioael iaeomc this year to ba prevent gas gangrene deaths, and a won in Massachusetts’ primary con­ ulation. This sreek Lesvls called at the Jews as they fled. eral ststea now oeeignato sultsble Agunt: Katianal DeL . fniOOOJIOOJXlO: in UM it «ras S62.- new robot-pil^ method of eliminat­ test for.the scat of the late Con- Mr. Corbett wouldn't want ma to areas as being free of pollen tb ^ SERVICE STATION Natiou-WMo Mnvets White House. He said afterwards it I Ohlna’s ted army ran away so H coiUd eema back to flght today...... r : r Car. Spruoe and EMHdgn Stranto | p $ ^ 0 0 0 : ta U3BAT8,17LOOOJ)0^ ing guaaawork in X-ray treatments. gressmgp William P. Connery. was “a very pleasant confarenoc." dee-TFers-.J get mixed up in a—a murder." esuaee hay fever. UANCHESnnCR EVBNTNO HKRALD. MANCHESTrCR. CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 8 ,198T ^ A O T - I EIGHT flANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, OONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,198T

ard Ricking, brother of the bride­ bltratlMi this afternoon waa to be groom. the fourth such effort. FORMER U W YE R HERE ABOUT TOWN The bride waa attired in a du- The mayor had intended to ed- Collins’ Return Peps Up The Cubs’ Pennant Dri B U C K bonnet print dress with navy blue dreas the strikers lest night, but be­ n VETERANS ROSPrTAl Mrs. Riebud HUbto and her redlngote and navy acceaaories. Mre. cause of the short notice given the daughters Elalna and Edna of 70 Ccwles wore a thiatle colored gown D.eeting and tha reeultant compara­ DEATHS Ridge street left this morning for a IW SIOSPAY with navy acceaaoriet. tively email attendance, it was post­ Raymond Carmody of Winated visit with lelatlvea In Shenandoah, A fter October 1, Mr. and Mrs. poned’ to thla afternoon. John Both Pa., Baltimore, Md., and Washing­ Is Patient at Newington; John Roth of 59 Cooper street Hlcking will be at borne to their He said bs would not ask ■ the TITLE SERIES M AY WIND UP TOMORROW ton, D. C. - LEADS CHI TO VICTOR OUTBURST died early this morning at the Hart­ frienda in their newly furnished union to submit any issue to arbi­ Gives Up His Practice. > ford hospital sifter several months' Miss Eleanor Robertson home at 38 North Sam street Both tration unless the employers agreed Tha meeting of the Board of Di­ bride and bridegroom were gradu­ to do Ukewlae. Friends Of Raymond Carmody, a « « n o o m ) illness. Union C3ty of the Kitty League ^bury Informants pens the followmg Mr. Roth was bom February 39, rectors of the Orange Han Corpora­ ated from Manchester High acbool The deadlock centered about the former attorney In Manchester, but OVER PHILS AS G1 tion, which waa called for Saturday, SWAT RACE SEEMS had no trouble at all tn copping the ’ yarn from the National Amateur Just borne from Europe 1978, In Austria and came to this To Wed This Afternoon with the Claes o f 1928. Mrs. Hlck­ closed shop Issue. The strikers' twro for the past seven years residing In BLUEFIELDS AFTER McCluskey Seeks Record League bunting but It waa a differ-1 Baseball Touriiament being held m September 18, has been postponed to ing has been employed by the Trav­ o'her major demands, a 10 cents Wipsted, will learn with regret that I had BO personal knowledge country at the age of nine and has ent story when It came to the play-' Dayton, 0 ...... 1 note In hla story the third Saturday in Octobw. eler’s Insurance company and Mr. per hour Increase In pay and a he has been compelled to give up ither BUek was a Klansnuu) made his residence In Manchester offs, despite the fact that Manches- that the t^’aterhury newspapers are Hirklng ta a clerk at the Pratt Sc longer running time to New York practice and is now a patient at the HOLD NATIONAL MARI : “But T distinctly lemem- for the past 14 years. He was em­ THIRD VICTORY OF For The Three-Mile Run ALL BUT OVER NOW tar'a Mickey Ketkaveck played , trytog to kid the public by usmg Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schuetx of Whitney Aircraft factory. City, It la underatood could have Veterans’ hospital In Newington. wltea ha was elected tn the ployed for several jiears at Cheney brUllant ball for tbe Cardinals' farm , the names of Segal, Haase and Bro- Brothers and for the past few years Summer street will spend the next been settled through arbitration. After leaving Manchester Mr, from JUabsius lu 1^26 his team....Mayfield, tied for fourth; berg Instead of Ekl Kovls, Red Hen- has managed bis own grocery store ten days In AtlanUc City. Strike Leader Murphy indicated Carmody, who had an office In Man­ was hailed as a great Klan Joe Meauahay. who haa beeng He wae first In a three-mlla road place to the final standing, defeated | neasey and Ray Volpl.... here’s Cheney-Gray today for the flrst, time that the chester with William J. Shea, moved BASEBALL CLASSIC ’Itipper” May Be Bac on Cooper street. Of Interest locally la the marriage running aa well aa ever thla summer rase at Philadelphia back in May He Is survived by his wife, Kath­ Mrs. Domenica Lagues and daugh­ closed shop Issue might be compro­ to Winated and was prosecuting at­ Gehringer of Tigers and Union City to three etraight games part of the letter; "For your tolor- Roosevelt, then as now o f Mias EDeanor Gray, daughter of tn the good time of 14;4l. In June erine, one son, Albert, five daugh­ ter Ann, have left for a week’s stay torney of the court in that place despite the fact that ha’a been eam- ...,the flrst went 11 Innings to a, matton,' Segal ta Ekl Kovls; Art iBtarasted In politics, was Mrs. Arthur R Gray and the late mised. he aet a Met AAU record of 14:27.4 ters, Mrs. Max Schubert, Mrs. Carl In New Jersey where they are visit­ "You can’t keep banging your when taken 111 and compelled to give palgnlng on the cinder path for al­ 4-3 score....the second went 12 to- | Haase is Red Hennessey; Ray Vol- Late to Help Cai stionably familiar with the Mr. Gray, and David Cheney, son of (or three miles, breaking a 29-year Medwick of Cards Loom ntoga to a 10-9 count... .the third pi Is Gus Broberg: and I guess that listing Black as a Wlgisnowski, Elsie, Frieda and Mar­ ing relatives. head agalnat a atone wall,’’ be said. up practice. Green Determined to Even most a decade now, will seek to es­ old mark. In August he covered the S ta n d in ^ d at i i r . tha, three brothers, George o f Man- Howell Cheney of Forest street His wife and child are now living ended 6-4 to regulation innings. those are all that are travelling nator. It seems Incredible whicb took place at 13 o'clock to­ The mayor’s flrst attempt at ar­ tablish a new Amerlean record for distance tn 14:30.4. 'The winged foot Pace Setters Ip a trailer which has been brought Incognito.” ; these dreumstances eould have cheater, JuUua of Syracuss, N. Miss Bhther M.' Johnson will leave day, at St Philip'! church, Gar- bitration waa unsucceaaful. Ihe As Batting Champions. , TESTEBDAT’S RESULTS and Michael of Mildred. Pa. Three to Buckland which makes it poMlble Count and Force Fifth the tbrea-fnlle run In the 70tb an­ veteran will give handicaps to Blno Mr. Roosevelt’s mind when this evening, for a month’s vacation rison-on-the-Hudaon, N. Y., home of union voted dowm hla proposaL Katkaveek caught all three game* National grandsons are also bis survivors for her to be nearer to the hospital nual fall handicap games at the Pentti o f the MUlroae A. A., national The Orioles, town football champs, to be spe» on the Pacific Coast. the bride’s mother. In Springfield, It waa reported, for Union City and was credited New York 6, C8nctonatl 8. Signs of Crackni considering Mr. Black for He was a member of Concordia where her husband Is a patient and New Tork Athletic club at Travers 10,000 meter champion;’' Ronald will practice at Hickey's Grove to­ Ruprsme Court." She will board the 9:10 train at truckers and employers have signed NSW Tork, S ep t 18.— (A P )—The with 21 putouta and three aaalsta Chicago 10, Philadelphia 2. L4)theran church and of the Brother­ Spiingflsld for Chicago and from where she can visit him often. Clash; Nenbaner to Op­ Island in New York today. The rec­ Stillwell, Columbus (^uncU, K. ot morrow morning at 10 o'clock, at an agreement to arbitrate their dif­ ord of 30 minutes end two seconds C.; J.- Errol Vaughn of the New major league batting races appeared with only one error....he went to Plttaburgb 10, Brooklyn 4. hood of that church. Ha waa also that city will proceed to Seattle, Smith-Tassillo ferences. While In Manchester Mr. Carmody which time a definite decision will 8t. Louis 2, Boston 0. son Nears End; very interested In the Blueflelds Washington. A t Seattle aba will be was the lawyer that prepared the was aet 34 years ago by Hannes York A. C., national Junior lO.UUU today to be all but over. bat 15 times and collected five hits, be made ae to who'll be coach and Mias Peggy TaaetUo, daughter of pose BoreQo or Zapatka. batting to two runs.... the series America* Baseball club of which he waa also Joined by her cousin and her hus­ cose for the Taxpayers’ association Kolemalnen of Finland. meter champ;. and George De From tbe looks of things tn manager for the coming season . . tCYOISTHURT Mr. and Mrs. WUUem B. TesalUo actually went four games aa the Cleveland 4, Boston 1. Bees, hdians Bent a member. band, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry M of Coventry and Hartford, waa In their opposition to the division of MoQuakay ta convinced that be George, another NYAC runner. either league during the past week. It is reliably reported that Walter third was washed out by rain to th4 (Other games postponed.) The funeral win be held Monday Pasadena, Cal. They will motor married this- forenoon to Robert the school districts without proper cam qraek the Finnish runner’s mark McCluskey baa been enjoying It -seems all that's necessary to “Cunnln' ’’ Crockett, outstanding leisurely down the coast, stopping Maaebsidar Oroen'a baaebaU tbam fourth toning with Ma^eld on the n SKIDDING CRASH afUmoon at the HoUoraa Funeral Armlngton Smith of Hartford. The M anchester returns being allowed for the .cred­ and has alao convinced 'Tom Rellley, marked succeae in hla track cam­ make It official la to crown Charley south end wlogman, la seeking a STANDINGS at p ls M interest eo route. The baa bean baatan back to ita last long end of a 7-3 s co re .. . . By SID FTOCT Homs on Center street and at Con­ at ceremony wraa performed at the its on the different schools NYAC athletic chairman, of the paign this season, winning many Gehringer, the strong silent man of berth with the north endera. National major part of the time Hiss John­ cordia churdi at 2:80. Rav. Karl Munlcipti buildup by Juatics of the D ate Book line of defense and In order to he same thing. Tbe Manchester ace, races at distances ffom one to three the Tigers, In the American League W. L. 1 Aaaoelatml PrcM Sports ' .M snriee B. Rondeau, 19, o f IT Richter, pastor o f tha church, will son will be tha guest of relatives m Peaca TOomaa A. Brennan of Bla- returned a winner tn the annual bolder of 18 national titles at vary­ miles. He captured bis 18th national Earl Ballalcper was defeated to The Ripper's back folks; Chestnut street, Wauregan, and Ducky Medwick, mauler of the If there's any truth to a report New York ...... 83 52 offlciata Burial will be In East Pasadena ^ sell street. A large reception and classic for the town title must take ing dlstanoes, has run In three-mile the first round of play In tba second are looking up again. or of a motorcjrele, was Oomlng Events crown when he eatabllabed a new Cardinals In the Na'.lonal. carried by tbe Bristol Press, Ed Chicago ...... 81 97 cemetery. Please omit flowers. wedding bremkfaet followed in Hart­ PU6UC RECORDS the next two games, the one tom'if- raeas three times this season and national record In the 9,000 meters division of the Hartford district golf QueoUon before tha houMJ to the pavement at Center The committee named by Camp­ Sept. 39.—First dance of fall and Although both lost ground during Kovls, Manchester's well known St. Louis ...... 75 63 ford where the bride la a popular row and on the following Sunday. claims the American dtlsen record tn 16:41 In July. He’s after 39 titles the seven-day span, Gehringer, with championships yesterday at Tumble Pittsburgh ...... 73 65 whether Rip Collins im ’t I Pine streets shortly after 5 p. bell Council K. of C„ for the an­ winter season at local Country Club. side-arm twlrler, has been to Day- member of the younger set. Billy Neubauer will be Ty Hoi- for the distance. a .384 average, held a 31 point Brook . . . he was beaten 2 and 1 Boston ...... 69 69 too late to do th* Cube yesterday when his motorcycle nual outing o f the Ootmcil to be held Oct. 3.—Salvation Army musical before be retiree. ton, Ohio, this past week as a mem­ W'arrantee Deeds land’a choice to pitch. That' la ai- bulge on his nearest American by Ben Levinsky, who is district Jun­ Brooklyn ...... 67 77. to their National Loagoa dded on the wet trolley- tracks tomorrow have reservations ta f festival at cltadeL ber of the Waterbury team to the Manchester Building and Loan most a sure bet. Zapatka has a League rival. Lou Gehrig, today, ior champion. . . . Levtosky went Philadelphia . . . . 54 83 diaoe after the Olanta, eolUdsd with a ear driven by ENLISTED MEN ovar 100 members. The outing will Oct. 3.—Confirmation and Church dtiolca to' make and If he wise be is national amateur bueball tourney Association, Inc., to Salvatore while Medwick, with 375. sported on to eliminate BUI Tecch to the sec­ Cincinnati ...... 53 83 Still SH gamM baklnd iABen J. Kinaella 40 Ten Acre be held at Hantelll's farm In Bol­ POUCE COURT rededlcatlon at St. Bridget’s church a t Clrinna, property on the west side right and If be loses he gui a 21 point edge over tbe deadlocked ..Waterbury went aa far.aa the ond round, one up. American Yorkers, and with only 12 : ton and members will leave the club­ Oct 4—Town election at State srrong. Tbe choice seems to M with sad. New Britain. of Harrison street. second-place pair, Paul Waner of eemt-final* and waa ellmtoated W. L. the Cuba are rapidly At Memorial hospital Dr. Le* house St 11 o’clock. A lunch will The man arreated late Thuraday Armory and towm meeting at High hlms£f on tba hill but that is only OF LEGION SEEK schooL Nicholas Waskelewlc* to Annie the Pirates and Gabby Hartnett of Thursday by Wetrton, W. Va., 9-2.. The Blucfielda will practice at the New York ...... 61 44 of ball games. And the way' ne Holmes who examined Ron* be served when they strive and night by Officer David Qalllgan who guessing. The game will start at Rhody Suspends License West Side Oval this afternoon from Terry Terriers are tee------clam chowder will be served from Nov. 14.—Annual Conflrmand RO' Waskelewlce, property at Birch and tho CJubs, In the National. Detroit ...... 81 99 eu reported that his back was gave the name of Timothy Shea apd 3:45 o’clock with the same umpires, Here's what Chuck MeCJarthy 2 to 5 o’clock and all players are re­ dpeant seem to be any 11:30 on. The chicken dinner will tmlon at Emanuel Lutheran church. Cottage streets. All members of thla group found Ctoicngo ...... 77 99 bis home as being In WlUlmai^c, Dwyer at the plate, O'Leary at flrat writes; "One of my trusty Water- quested to be on hand. for the Cuba than there TO N M HEAD be at 3:30. the going tough during the week. Boston ...... 71 62 waa not Timothy Shea, but Bldwrard and Ruasell at third. Once again the Cleveland ...... 72 64 Hail* Belaosle (remem ber J. Goddard. When Chief of Police Gehringer, although traveling at a Wait Bids Oval will be the scene of Waahtogton ...... 64 72 OolUna* return to aettv* i (Oenttnned from Page Oae) A Ford roadster parked on Main Samuel G. Gordon took a look at the Of ’ Gansett Race Track .888 cUp, drop p ^ throe polnto. tbe battle With aU tbe odds favor­ terday, to t the first Unw street near Mettsr'a Smoke Shop Medwick. snapping partially out of Phlladaipbia .... 44 90 DESTROYER man in the cell room yesterday he OPEN SEASON ON EATING I ing tbe Blueflelds to 'win tbs game St. Louis ...... 41 96 broke u ankle — and _ been the only graduate of either the cuught fire late yesterday afternoon recognised him aa Goddard and so irs and aariat. his batUng slump, sritb IS hits tn toe tba track made repeated otajec- Grimm’s heart—on August naval or military academy to bold but the blase waa extinguished with recorded the finding on the erreat Reymander’s Gives You the Best Anything Oao Wepp**, 39 chances, also loat three points. TERRY STILL MYSTERY marked by tha beat gensnlid, AHACKED BY BOMBER slight damage by Officer Walter Uona to the course of teetlmony. Ob­ But considering that Gehrig and TODAY’ S OABKES , the highest Legion rank. blank that goes to the prosecu­ All this guessing looks good on Rolins EffediTe Tonight National on life part of th* Cubs Cassells with an extinguisher from tor. There Is In the Line of Eats paper but the game must be played servers took this to mean that the Hartnett dropped 11 points each Spafford waa graduated at An­ New York at Clnctonati. Botb offensively snd the F. T. Bltsh store. In court laat night Goddard plead­ RAVlOU - ROAST CHICKEN - STEAK - SPAGHETTI out on the field and nine players oo aaeociation, in the event ot aa ad­ and Waner laat ten, there doesn’t OFF COAST OF SPAIN napolis In 1901. aerved In the navy verse decision, would seek a writ of PbUadelphla at Chicago. they were a far differeut eoD to 1914 and became a lieutenant- ed guilty to intoxication and a fine Plenty of Steameil Clams — Soft Shell Crabs each side will participate. As any­ to Contnne Indefinitely; seem to be much to It any more. MANAGER OF BASEBALL In imor.klng off the PhlUlsa^ i ocrUofari from the state Supreme Brooklyn at Pitfaburgb. Sates at'the Manchester Auction of $5 and coats wrae Imposed. Not thing can himpen In baseball, and Heaviest clubber among tha lead- commander. He re-entered the serv- OYSTERS R IN SEASON—And We Have ’Em! Court (or a review of the coke. Bostoo at St. Louts. that they were in dropitiaff (Contmoed from Page Oae» ica In that rank la 1917. and retir­ Market yesterday as reported by R being able to pay ha was held for usually does, the unlooked for might ere was Detroit’s Gerry Walker. He out of four to th* BeM j^M j M. Reid 3 Sons totaled 896S.8U transpire tomorrow. The Men of Alto Order OHara’s Re- Considering the "liar" ebarge at n n /«• . t SB . f ^ fiiey hTe. hhln the American League by collect­ Some Say Giants Mentor Is | <>«• • ^ Detroit at Philadelphia (3). OMIins tosrim I 89^.70. Cauliflower was high yes­ laat man admits that It la a ttlff evidence la undisputed that th f vile [aqt the jdratleel attacks on aht|v nevar aaw aervlca overseas. Besides Richard Kittler of Blast Hartford, noTal As Managmg Di- ing 15-for-29 to boost his mark 13 St. Louis at Washington (2). Although the^^fM ow terday bringing $208.39 for 103 driver of the ahtomoblle that badly handicap but feel confident that U and blasphemoua language charged points to .890. Dolph Gamilit of Tided by Larry Frwsch, wtti Hayea and Belgrano, they were: RETMANDER'S TAVERN by HI* ^ cclle n cy appeared In the thinking clubs to the pennant, It Cleveland at Boston. copy of the nine-power pact crates with a high of $1.99 and a Miss Eleanor May Robertson, She Will carry a colonial bouquet of Injured Emeat Hulander on Wednes­ Borello la sent back to tba mound tho Phillies, bitting lS-for-39 cllmb- Greatest Ptiot Anybody' hitter, and Gabby Ha Paul V. McNutt of Blimmlngton. Star Tribune of- September 8, 1937, waa easy to point out u r l Hubbell, ' aet up a complete eystem of low o f $1.30. Tomatoee also held daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William gardenias and lilies o f the valley. day night, had bla caae continued 85 Oak Street Chas. Reymander, Prop. again ha will be ratuntod a winner. ‘ rector, Gnity of Fiye od eight points to .341 In the Na­ three hits snd five runs' ^ Ind., who entered the war aa a cap­ T ^ y say that last Sunday waa one a newspaper of general drculatlon Hal Schumacher end Freddie Flts- Colllns 'ws* on hsnd^ss tbs^ agalnat unidentlfled eub- tain and waa discharged as a Ueu- prices high. The 79 basketa offered Warner Robertson of 68 Henry The maid of honor will wear a for a month because of the condition tional L«aigue race, coming up from o f Mr. Hulander. A bond of $200 of “tboae” days where noUiing went published by the Providence Tribune ninth to sixth. Ever Saw, Others Claim almmons, three emoktog-hot pitchers dangerous epsrk that the i aurface vesaeli. and planea tenant-colonal; tha lata O. L. Boden- sold for a high o f $1.05 and a low street will be married this afternoon period style gown of ashes of rosea moire and an off-the-face bat of was posted. right. Mebba ao, msbbe ao. Charges. Company. at that time, and aay; "All Terry’s Racing Notes been mlailng stno* ha i have strewn the eealanes with bamer o f ESdorado, A rk„ a captain of 79 cents for a total of $111 and to Clifford Arthur Treat, son of Standing of the top ten positions got to do is send those guys out 814 half buahds of peaches sold for dubonnet velvet. Her colonial bou' Clarence Mason, of Hasel street, Astute "Ty” Holland has been O’Hara Responelble In each league: ’ hospital brigade. He and deatnictlon in recent In 1917 and a major In 1919; and He’s Jnst Plain Lucky; there In turn. He Inherited them (By Aaaoetated PreM) Mrs. Gertrude Manning Treat "Bf quet will be of brown daisy type arrested on the charge of speeding b i^ all week getting his plana AMERICAN LEAGUE. oae hit yesterday, but that I lacks was ssnt to Rome. the present commander, Harry $942. ~ ready for this, he bopea, tbe final 'Tt staUs In unmistakable lan­ from McGraw, didn’t be?" 113 Blast Center street and the late ^ m p om s and delphiniums. on Blest Center street on Thuraday EAT WHERE YOU GET VARIETY! PnMdaaoa, R. L. sept 12.— (AP) guage what purports to be- the an- AB R H Pet E. R. Bradley’s BUlIpnaire, of la th* thick of the Oubff Original lavltatloa Colmery of Topeke, Kan., a second gams. He baa been the boss all sea­ Must Have Something flrat Innlv rally, aad didn’^ With thla "courteay” outline of Mrs. Elsie Retnke Wamock, of Robert Vance Treat. The ceremony The ^ bridesmaidsonaesmatas willwui beoe similarly night, pleaded guilty to a charge —The bugle eummoned horses and awera of Walter B. O'Hara to tbe Gehringer. Detroit 463 130 188 .384 Hasn’t Sought Popularity. which much WM expectefi early to lieutenant In IDlt who rose to Oral Lobsters — Crabs — Scallops — Ojrsters son and through hla capable efforts bit of harm. ' 'vY-ii the Nyon nations Intended to Manchester, was yesterday granted » 4ii ..I.-. i„ Ik. ' attired In period style gowns of of violation of the rules of the road Jockaya to tba poet at Narraganoett charges filed against the respond­ Gehrig, New York 910 125 180 .898 That hardly' gdea ' down now. the aeaaon, finally has chalked up a lieutenant. Colmery la the flrst will take place In the garden at the v^th off-the-face and waa fined $9 and coats. ' ■ Home Made Ravioli ...... there now rests a ehanca to oop a though. There have been a lot of victory. Running id a olalmlng race Ptodtag the t eras understood, went a ra- a divorce from Howard Wamock, double, the Twilight Leagite cham- race track today aa the state pre­ ent corporation on September H, DiMaggio, N. Y. 947 139 193 .351 commander the air corps has given Robertson home at 4 o’clock. Rev. hats of royal blue velvet Their changes in the Giants, and Terry (or tha first time to hla career, the with the Olanta, _ atlon of the original invitation also of Manchester, by Judge Arthur And Any Number of Other Good Things. ploiuhlp and tbe town title. Guiding 1937, by the division o f horse rac­ Walker, Detroit .593 101 197 .350 Now York, Sept. 18.— (A P ) — the Legion. Watson Woodruff of the Center Con- | colonial bouquets will be of Johanna pared to suspend Jie track’s lioanae has made them. Hubbell this year three-year old son of Black Toney Tuesday, and tha flnaT weelMi Premier HuaeoUnl laat Tuea- F. Ells, sitting in the civil aide oT HIGHBALLS — COCKTAILS — BEER the destinies at e semi-pro team ta ing. (Commission 1. The respondent Travla, Wash. ...456 62 160 349 Thla being the time o f year It la, during which tha Olanta gregatlonal church who will offi­ Hill roses and dark blue delphini­ at tha condualon of the last race Greenberg, Det. ..929 139 184 .348 hasn't exactly overpowered the spread aagled a field of sprinters rajeeted aa not commensurate the Superior Court of Hartford S lU , PAPER WORKERS Bumetblng that few big Vaagua man­ O'Hara did not appear to deny the and the Giants out there to front with tha doublehaadar ums. The flower girl will wear an i FINE WINES AND LIQUORS aad remove Walter B. O'Hera as Bonura, Chicago 416 76 142 .341 enemy alnce hla great winning yesterday at Belmont Park for hla Italy*a Intareeta In the Medi- County. The divorce was granted on ciate will use the single ring serv­ agers have experianced. in tact managing dlreetor on or before charge that ha was responaihle for on four straight dmra. It old-faabloned frock of tea rose taf­ Bell. St. Louie ..574 74 194 .33a again, baaeball'a totelllgentata la la­ streak waa broke, Schumacher was flrat triumph to alx starts. Hq ran NON-STRIKERS’ HOME the grounds of habitual intemper­ ice. Stand-np Drinking Allowed. such a task orould be beyond them Sept. 80. . •tatemants having besn published, tUa writing that u e Cub feta with long, bouffant skirt, closa- MAKE SURE OF VOTES Vosmlk, S t Louts 927 73 178 .338 boring once more with that vital a complete wash-out (or a long second tn two races at Keenland and other devclopmenta atirred ance. Charles B. House, who repre­ Miss Marion E. Robertson, will flttlng bodice and matching bonnet. because they do not h^va the un­ ‘The double berrelad dedaloa. at a X a Therafore, the dlvtaion (eela spell, and Fttsatnunona 'is ducking most certain to win up attend her slater as maid of honor- usual altuatiofas to face tbat’6 semi- that Mr. O'Hara must be held re- Radellff. Chi...... 917 99 174 .337 question: Is Colonel Bill Terry the then wound up lest to • the derby. c faars that the original sented Mrs. Wamock. had his wit Her old-faabloned bouquet will be of the Rhode Island racing eommleslon pop bottles over In Brooklyn. Tbe than second. STONED SECOND TIME The bridesmaids will be Miss An­ pro leader does. Stone, Wash...... 489 79 169 .337 The Bradley colt could have been aocord agalnat pirate aub* net* testify that they were married brown pompoms and light blue del­ was announced late laat night by aponslble for such publication Inso­ greatest manager anybody ever Giants, though, still are out front. The Giants, waU oo the nette Service of Sharon. Pa., and Numerous Among Those Seek­ O A K GRILL However, Holland has stamped NATIONAL LEAGUE. had for $9,000 but nobody claimed and ita broadening yestar- on April 5, 1623. phiniums The mother of the bride Chairman Francis J. Klsman who far os hie relations with this divi­ aaw, or Is he just plain lucky? This Terry must have something their most enjoyable Mias Jeanette Dawless of Hamden. ing to Be “ Made” at Elec­ hlmaelf as one of the beat to handle AB R H Pet Gkneva to Liclude all maraud- will be gowned In royal blue velvet so Oak Street Formerly Oak S t Tavern said tha vote of the three members sion are concerned." It's really a consuming problem, you can't buy at the flve-and-ten. the bad-legged aprtotar, which rated at th* year, won their Salata Dwelling on Florence Conn., classmates of the bride at a purely local team In many moons Medwick. St. Louis 966 103 3l3 .375 warcraft, bad not wiped out the The Queen of Itily Society will and the mother of th" bridegroom in tors Board Meeting. waa unanimous Tbe suspension, The eommleslon declared 'it U overshadowing to a way tha Na­ Putting a finger on it Is some­ high among the Juveniles last year. tory to five starts to the I Connecticut College for Women, and bis work bee given the Blue- P. Waner, Pltu. .960 83 168 .354 wjwiptant threat of a second world Street Again Target for hold Its sixth anniversary banquet delphinium velvet. effective at 7 tonight, will remain In hot denied that Mr. O'Hara was tbe tional League race Itself. What thing else. There Is a large per­ yesterday and stayed well New London; Miss-Agnes Donahue Of the new voters who ware nelda one of Us eeaaona since Hartnett. Chicago 322 42 114 .354 w iia r' Miaailes; No Damage. November 7. Dancing will follow A reception for 150 guests will effect until further notice from tbe admitted publisher of the Star makes It a hotter subject of debate centage of the population willing to War Admiral, the "triple crown" front. Harry Gumbert got] and Miss Doris Mahoney. Susanne made tbli morning during the first being organized. commission. Tribune on tbe date end occasion In Mizc, St. Louis ..497 86 175 .352 than It might be under normal con­ a shaky start, but tlghtena’ r -Baporta from Balamanca. gen- the dinner, the. music being furnish­ follow In the home of the bride’s Real Teat Ahead contend, with gaeturea, that these winner with victories to the Ken­ For the second time during the ilx Robb, niece of the bridegroom, will parents. The mother of the bride­ two hours of the seaslon o f the se­ Two Weeks Fight question" and found that "wbUc Lombardi, cm. ...8 2 2 38 111 .349 ditions Is tbe fact that the Giants' so-ceiled baseball master minds are allowed only thro* hits t' ju p a t headquartera o f the Spanlah ed by the Du Baldo orchestra. The be flower girl. Thomas H. John­ The real teat comes tomorrow. If tucky Derby, Preaknaea and Bel­ weeks of the strike at the Independ­ groom and the parents of the bride lectmen and town clerk e large per­ The decUioB ollmaxed a two said utterances and publlcatloo CamUU, Phlia. ...4 2 5 86 149 .341 peerless leader haa not gone out of tbe prize gold bricks of tbe age; last eight Innings as tba i ^ M u rgen ts, said Qenerallsalmo Fran- committee In charge Is headed by ston, Jr., of Blast Center street will be can pilot the Bluefltlds to a win Whitney, Phils. ..490 91 153 .340 mont stakes, wUl return to oompetl- ent Cloak company, atones were Mrs. Censina Amadeo aa chairman will assist In receiving. Later the centage ere employed, or are rela­ weaka fight by Governor Robert B. wars made the respondent O'Hara his way to make himself popular that there's no such animal. ped th* Rede, 6-8. '^^alKo Franco had formally accused be best man and the uahera will be over the Green he will have ac- Vaughan. Pitts. ..417 64 140 .338 person ^ y. tion to tha mils and a sixteenth ot thrown last night at the home of and the follwotng members: Ceclla young couple will leave on an un­ tives of persons employed, as allk Quinn to rsmove O’Hara from hla waa acting as an official of the Cleveland’a Jittery pilot, Steve Thla pair of reoutts loft •PBaviet Russia, one of the Nyon J. D. Robert.son. brother of the compUabed a record, locally, win­ poet and (ollowsd within a few Herman. Chicago 499 94 167 .339 Opinions Differ the $10,000 Potomao Handicap at nant parade Just as It aran^ Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Salata at Zanlungo, Anna Patelll, Adele Zan' announced wedding trip. The bride worker* or papermakera. who are Narraganaett Racing Association, O'Neil, agreed the other day that fo m a n , of submarine piracy. bride; Carl Hultlne, Frank Simon ning a double title. But tbe Green hours Judge James E. Leighton's Manuah, Brooklyn 436 54 145 .333 Tboae on whose toes the big oil Havre de Grace next Saturday, ac­ Bhape: 111 Florpnce street. lungo, Adelina Pola, Domenica will wear for traveling a black vel­ unusually Interested In the annual Inc ’’ you might have taken the names of ' n a charge was In the nature of Mrs. Salata and three daughters and Arthur Davis, all of Manches­ is not going to taka a licking wttn- nndmg probebi* eaus* to held Klcm, Phlia...... 394 68 118 .333 man from the south baa trod are cording to his trainer, Georgs Con­ Fachettl. Marjorie Coma. Aasunta vet dress, black coat with sliver fox town election next month because Tbe commission, then, ordered ell the big league roenagera at tbe way. • already burled at Italy by Kua- are among the employees of the ter. o t t a itruggle. Eivery rooter from O'Hara (or th* grand Jury on a convinced be waa boro with a four- W 1* Agostlnelll, Genuine AnuIU, Le- collar and black antelope bat. On three silk workers and a papermak- that tight little oorner of Manches­ the associaUon to remove O'Hara beginning of the season, abaken '^'aia. It was tha Rusaian accusation Cloak company which did not go Mlu Marilyn Klein, cousin of the ^ tl.elr return they will occupy their crim l^ libel complaint brought leaf clover to his glove hand and Giants .. 88 02 ^^tbat Italian submarines bad sunk tlzla BelletU. er are candidates on the Democratle ter will be on the sidelines tomor­ "as an employe or official of the them up Id a bat and aialgned them out with the strikers. bridegroom, will pl.iy the ILohen­ I furnished home In ^Columbia. ticket for election to tbe Board of by Qulim. under a star that .ays you can't Thanks to a disqualiflcation, Hal Cube .... 81 87 SH >tSIO Soviet freighters that caused row fully detaralned to lend their Narraganaett Racing Association, to tbe various clubs, and that the No damage waa done last night grin bridal march aa the bridal and will be at home to their friends Selectmen. Over the traek. which ends Ita Inc.," on or belore Sept. 80. GRID BRIEFS mias. Hla admirers contend that standing now would have been Headley is batting 1.000 to the fea­ Cards 1 ,, Italy to refuse last week's Invita- Bruce Mathew Gowens of 37 Mad' moral support to the entire team. The Cardtoalf, doing the) because since a stone waa thrown party proceeds to Its place through after October 19. During the first hour ten new current ■aason today but haa sched­ In conclusion the commission Terry has proved himself a stem- about the same as they ara la ture racei at Belmont Park. After '~;'tton to the anti-piracy conference at Ison street, who was flva weeks old Zapatka faces e real problem in get back into the thlu through a kitchen window earlier an aisle of evergreens. The bride was graduated from voters, five women and five men, uled another meet beginning Octo­ said: Worcester, Maas., Sept. 18.— winding genius since he took over actuality. winning tbe fall lightweight handi­ o t' ^^Myon. Bwtlterland. In the strike wire screens have been laat Tuesday, sails this afternoon the selection of hie pitcher. Borello from tbe ailing and discouraged stretched their undefeated i The bride who will be given tn Colby Junior College, New London. were given the elector's oath. The ber 18, alao bung a receivership "These charges which show an (A P)—Two tackle problems plague But If that's true, how are you cap on tbe, opening day with Pre­ Startling Report placed to protect the windows. from New York for Bermuda, to has done excellant work. Held up petitloo by Henry Crowe, a minor­ John McGraw five years ago. seven games—inoludlag *28"$ Join his father who la a chef there marriage by her father will wear a N. H„ and attended Connecticut new voters Included Dr. Sidney by Hedlund this youngater bee im­ absolute dlaregerd on respondent Dr. Elddle Andtrson tea he primes going to account for thla fellow eminent, he Bent the four-yeat old Tha other atartllng report In a The police were Informed that the gown of ecni peau d’ange lace cut College for Women at New London. ity stockholder, who charged that Both camps, anxious to support BUI Terry? You can account, all Sparta out after the mile test (or oLd a tie— an<> they did it at J stones were thrown shortly belore and resldea at Belmont Manor. The Aiken, physician and surgeon with proved wonderfully during the past O'Hara's pari aa president and gen­ hU Holy Cross Crusaders for next pens* of no lea* a terror .|nnae situation came from Bntlsb on princess lines, with sweetheart Conn. The bridegroom Is a gradu­ officsa In the Odd Fellows building thrsataned revocation of the Ueanoe their respective theories, ar* spend­ right, (or Joe McCarthy, whose flillsa and mares yesterday. Urs. aaval sources at the Malta base, m 10 p. m. last night and that the young man Is accompanied by his summer aad hat a i«al future. aodongerad tha track’s “principal eral manager of the Narraganaett week’s Important opening gams ing most of the Urn* sneaking too's Bees. Lou Petto gav neckline. Ifrr Madonna veil will ate of HUl school, FHjttstown, P a S t the Center and a resident of Yankees the Giants likely will meet Emil Denemark's Genie Paiatina thrower disappeared Immediately mother, Mrs. Olivia D. (Matchett) Lovett, .Bemardl, Patriae and Racing AasoclaUon, Inc., (or the au­ with the St. Anselm's Hawks, who around behind "them Giants" and Ula* tbe high hard on* in thd4 tiM Maditerranesn—that two 8pan- fall from a cap of peau d'ange lace. 1 and attended Wesleyan College. Maachester more than tsro years. . Zapatka will ha the inner defense. aeaata." to the World Series. Joe's club has Qnlabcd to front by a half-length Into East cemetery which is nearby Gowena O’Hara declined to comment on thority of the racing division and held the Purple forces to a scoreless trying to discover what's holding and Johnny did Juirt as ■Hi insurgent submarines bad been The outfield ta a quaatlon that win tie laat year. the biggest pocketbook in tbe game. but waa dlaquallfied. Sparta, moved Sighted under the escort of Italian the oommiaelaD’s dectaion assert- also show a plain intent to conduct them up. Mostly they wind up as with it. so the Qaa Houea^^ A Kenneth O. May, Daniel M. Pender not be eolved until Just before game the raee track in an arbitrary and It buys its DlMagglos. Terry, up to the head of the list, waa ■Bd Qarmarf destroyers 90 miles oS Mr. and Mrs. J. R Reddy of Pius SnsTAHtlAL m c£ EDUCTIONS lag bs would "ooafer with counsel." Anderson appears satUfled with bewildered ae when they started. cam* through, 2-0. Kingston, OnL, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson-Miller 1 and Benjamin W. Ranney, Jr. O TY, COUNTY AND STATE time. Zapatka would not oommant Improper manner regardleea o t lew- tha work of BUI Shlalda who was though, heen't spent thet kind of favorite at 17 to 10 for her fifth II'’ Malta. Bui Quinn Inunedtately declared They say confusedly: "WeU, there money. He has taken tbe players PIttsburgb'a pathstto REIDS TO SE U NOTED Samuel Whaley of Delta. Ont., were Miss Edna Miller, daughter at A reception will follow at the except to say that ha Is not ready fuUy oonetltuted authority, cannot shifted from end, in the right aide 'Victory to 18 races thla aeaaon. a big alght-nin seventh The Fascist governments of botb be would ‘‘enforee any orders of tbe he eould get, and they have come vtsltors last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. PhUlp W. Miller o f home of the bride's parents which VIIEt FIEE silk Iks rtsulitial itw to pve out any advanc* Informa­ be disregarded. of the Une but be has been experi­ slaughtered the Dodgera. 10 Italy and Germany have sympatbls- commlaaloa, whatever they ore." through for him. They make the Town Clerk and Mrs. Samuel J. ' has been decorated with faU flow' ACT TO END BIG STRIKE tion.' Ha naturally fecla that laat ‘Tt la the declston of this division menting with three left Uckles, Sonny Workman, the Washington Rain washed out three ad with the insurgent cause In Spam South Glastonbury, and William G. Tbe eomraleetOQ’s decision sms best teams to baseball to watch, ANTIQUE COLLECnON Turklngton of 137 Henry street. era. Hra. Miller win receive In i Sundajr’s game waa a nightmare that the respondent corporation Is John Delaney. Pete Manoll and D. C. veteran, la showing a return Amerieen League gameo, aa openly as Communist Russia baa Wilson, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ MBW 4«lin KIMSVIORS $11 COASVEIS but thinks that tbe record of the baaed on five at etgbt allegations providing you are not a confirmed Mr. Roddy was formerly the owner gown of blue velvet with matching (OBBttnoad from Fags OoeJ mad* against tbe Narraganeatt guilty as charged In the various Walter Waleskle without discover­ RIGHT AT HOME to hie old-time form at Belmont tbe spotlight to (ail excluti favored the Valencia Republican FSrlN% k* sl*<*4 ta sm r a*« Ursw Usrl Green club la something to feel addict of the Yankee's toe-hold R M. Reid A Sons will sell at of Tollgate, famous pacing race liam Wilson of Arch street, will be turban and corsage o f yellow rosea R a i^ Aeaoeiatloa. lae., a week age oomplalnts preferred, against said ing who U best suited for that po­ Park. HU handling of C. V. Whit­ Johnny Alien, who atretehed'l .ment with which Franco has als, Bst salj css ym bar Arswlisae'a rsiMBs Air CsssIcT Ur* for It proud of. stednglDg school. auction on Wednesday of next horse. 'The couple wiU leave for e wred- m. He was to ask a mass msetlng Ihas isaslir pricss — ksl r*a wtl gri. raw lab* AKSOLUTELY FREE! Vse and on srbicb boaringa have besz raspondant oorporation. Tbe divi­ sition. ney's Dauber and Singing Top on defeated pitching winning • 1^ ^ war Just 14 months. ding trip to Maine, the bride wear­ Never Three Straight Fights Kept Private 12 straight with a four-hit week a collection of antiques from of strikers In Labor Temple to let mat Uw b**4. sf - esatas.------Hsfs’s------jrssr yssr rbaac* Is gri lb* best la Urs* at bar- “Stop aad eonatdar a . mlauta", bald tba past tbraa days. sion deems these ceusea to be suffl- the opening day, Thursday, was a the Skidmore collection whicb for The condition of Ernest Hulandsr, ing an Ehiglish tweed suit o f tan th* strike be settled by arbitration. gate them . . . aad a lab* frs* srhb *arb Ur*. ItesX sila thi* sspctlaally. OaOed Qotaa lia r elent reason (or the suapentlon of Cambridge, Maas., Sept. 18.— Terry'i succeae. say hla admirers, fine exhibition of horsemanship. Ha gffve the Indiana a 4-1 da ' said Joe. "not ta the six years that Is due partly to the fact that most the Red Sox. the past two years has been on ex­ 97, of. 104 Ridge street and Joan and browm, trimmed with beaver, Meanwhile, tbe strike had drawn I have besn connected with thla Tba eommlaolon found O'Hara the Ueense of aald respondent cor­ (A P )—Having perfected Individual brought Dauber up to finish second hibition under the directions of the Straugb, 89, o f 66 Spencer street, and brown accessories. They will tn United States District Attorney E gjn.iiii'j.n M H OMte "g^ty*‘ of a ebarge that ba called poration.” aaalgnmanta In a brief contact drtU, of his controversies ere private. He ^ s r m m o N d a y ■naiHa Taw team have we aver lost three gamaa back pf Specify and bad Singing DA.R, in King's Manor, Jamaica, both seriously Injured this week m be at home after October 15, at 60 Robert P. Butler, the Federal BU' vm nm itooUi Ttncnn Quinn "a Her." It was on tbia ao- How Fight Started Coach Dick Harlow today planned doesn't dress down his players be­ Top, A bad poet actor, away on top. automobile accldenta, remained re* mes fcm ; In e row. Many tlmas we have mat fore the rabble. He bee quiet but L. I. Clark street, Milford. reau at Investigation, Governor iw«te** leaf 1kE4T«fe» Mdf a m two. won one aad loat tw o mere hut ssrtlon. publlabad In an extra sdl- Preceding laat night’s deeialen to put bis Harvard squad through a The latter was unable to hold her LastNi^fsFii STIRS UP ORATORS The collection was considered one critical at the Manchester Me­ Croas, State Police Commlasiooer I8A6 IIAI 6A4 sA S -iy tlon of tba Star Tribune of which was taro weaka of swiftly moVlng 90-mtaute acrimmag* and permit contented performers on his aide. morial hospital today. Both men never three in a row." There's never a hint of friction on advantage, however. He's slated to of the best In the Long Island sec­ Anthony Sunderland, Attorney Gen­ ISAn HAT « A t ■ A s-ia ltA 6 i4 .ta 4.4S Ha admitted that his club waa on O’Hara la publiohar, that Quinn davalopmMta. scoring. suffered serieus Injuries whan they the Giant bench. Tbe players, ap­ ride the C3ilef to the CMmpagne By ASSOCIATED ___ tion, but beesuse it was necessary Felber-Magruire eral Edward J. Daly and Hartford I9AS- 18.18 4.78 SAtelT ta.a* ie.on «.t9 the short end of tba bettiim for to­ baaed bis Ubol eemplalnt. Oovemor Quinn ordered O’Hara's Georg* Roberta, a lettorman half­ were struck down by automobiles. ISM 14A8 4AS parently. like and respect Terry, stakes today. Boston — Ralph Zannalll, (ODOttaoecl rirtx Pace Dae) to settle the estate the articles were Coimty State’s Attorney Hugh M. SAS-in 88A8 ITAT • all morrow’s game but add^ that ‘Tn our opinion tba pubgeation removal on the g.ound that ba had back, Jotoed the squad yesterday Hulander at Ceoper and West Miss 'Mary E. Maguire, daughter IS A t ISAS 6AI SAS-IT 8 8A t 1 7 M •.at and they play hard for him. Providence, R. I,, outpointed turned over to the Reids for dla- Aleora. eometlmas long shots win. He said and use of such language concern­ intimidated a stats steward In the and the only CMmeonite who has Banger of a dictatorship. But, be Center streets Wednesday nlgbt at Robert Maguire of 107 H Spruce aiA S I8A8 ■AT S A a -is- 86.Tn ttoM Perbapa that'* why Terry baa Peter Jackson, 187H. Boe ' p o^ . The stock was brought to the iUka Pederal Probe S8AS I8AS BAS that if the Green were beaten to^ ing the Governor of the state of not srorked out Is Captain Rues Al­ Several Jockeys hs've left New and Straugh in East Hartford, Just street was married this morning to Mr. Butler announced be would SAtelS MAS ISAS latter's performance of bis duty. that new $40,000 contract, while ( 10). ’ ’-Mded: Reid’s Auction Auditorium by truck tA a.IT 86.T8 M A 4 •.41 morrow It would be only because Rhode Island bring tbe Ugbeet len, who Is etui nursing an~ Infected York to ply their trade tn Maryland. and because of the truck strike It over the line on Spencer street Mon­ Francis Falber, son of Mrs. Lucy O'Hara took the order to the Steu ■ome of bla National League rivals Chicago—Varlaa UlUlng, « *“rhe slightest Inroad on our Brennan of Broad Brook. The care- ask the G-men to InvesUgete alleged asA s ISAS SAT TAS-18 tbe Blueflelds bed more fight and eflnee In tbe etate into rtdicula and The principal ones to leave the was necessary to cross the Connec­ day night. Interferonce with Interstate eom' Supreme Court where tt was quash­ leg. Tbe teem physiclM, however, are'wondering where thriH next con­ Chicago, drew arlth Jiataay ( political and personal liberties can­ mony waa performed at 10 o’clock 8SA8 ISAS SA2 TAS.IS 8 a .is S8Aa 7JSf determination. .All weak long be, qontompt and is a breach of tbe Metropolitan area were Johnny ticut River at Saybrooli and take TAtelT ed. cartlfled him oe fit (or eervlca on tract wHlI come from. 182, Chicago, (10), not be permitted. Our liberties have in tbe rectory of St. Cetharlne’s meree. asA s S8At like Holland, has been getting the ^bUo peace, and la sufficient res- Weetrope and George Seebo. Neither the route Into East Hampton, back Miss Catherine Patten wae given T A telt 88.11 M.2S The commleeloa countered with Monday but it U likely that he will Detroit—Maxi* Roeaeb been achieved with too great sacti- church in that piece by tbe Rev. "So far as I am eonoenied' 7JS7 detella for tbe game in shape. eon ef itself for suspension or seemed to get going at tbe New into Oolcbeiter, Hebron, Andover a Burpriae personal shower at her TAtelT 64A1 88.88 Its eight allegatlona end ordered the not be given contact work unUI lata Lot Angelca, outpointed iM to be frittered away by bounti­ John Oostello. liie sttendents were said, "criminal interference on The usual admlaaioD priaa, five revocation of tbe license’’, the com- York ovale. Hilton Dabaon, who won and to Bolton, to the auditorium In home Uet night by her fellow work­ association to "show cause" why la the week. Adamlck, 188, Midland. U ld L ,: ful promises of economic security Miss Margaret Brerman, sistar of part o f anybody with Interstajnststo dollars, will ha awarded to tha bold­ mlaeion, eaid In Its declaion. the Narraganaett special with Bolton. er! In McLeUan’e etore. The gifte commerce wtlt not be tolerated for On a eharge that th* traek had Ita Uoenae should not bs revoked. St. Louie—Jackie Wilson, Boar." tbs bridegroom ettd Herbert er o f tba lucky ticket. Fans who Then came O'Hara’s published Providence, R. L. Sept. 18.— (AP) WRESTLING Calumet Dick, U another Jockey Pitteburgb, and Lao Rodak, .An administration spokesman, The sale is expected to attract an were arrenged under a pink and a moment.' Eftry irivtr kitui park tbalr ears In left field ara aak- unlawfully used money due holders unusually large number of persons MeguirA, brother o f the bride. denial of the allegations and his —The Brown varsity football aquad that haa Joined tha Havre de Grace Chicago, drew, (IS). QBaerstary ■Ickes, voiced the charge blue umbrella. The unuaual gift Ha apparently referred to plekste’ ed to potet the front ellgfatly ta tha Q( wlhalng pari-mutuel Uekets, the interested In antiques. of a bride book afforded many The bride wore-a princess style subaaquant arrasi aad arraignment WlU launch Its final drive for next By AS.SOC1ATED PRESS riding colony. Hollywood. CteUt. — ^|tet the Supreme Court baa set tt- halting of through trucks. ■outbwast IB order to avoid tha oommiselcn found "money waa laugha. Oamea and dancing were gowm at wrhlta esUn, with short Governor Cross yesterday called tkil “ Thft last law on a complaint brought by Quinn Saturday's opener with Connecticut Ramey, 134, Grand Rapidn, 11 aalf up aa “a Super Legislature." glare o f the tun flaehlng Into the withdrawn from tbe aald fund by>a North Bergen, N. J.—Jack Ken­ enjoyed by all. A buffet lunrii waa halo veil and carried a bridal bou­ together the law enforcement offl. smes cheek peysble" to the aesodation ehaiglng criminal Ubal.'O'Hsra waa State today by engaging in a full- Ratoland, one of the season's itopp^ Joey Alcanter, 186(4,1 quet KUlamcy roses. The brides- .. ^ fielder’s eyes. nedy, 217, Iowa, pinned Rudy aaa City, (7). serv^ by the bride-to-be's mother at ciale of tbe state, city and cotmty. ■ilasaktaiMtk, wan and mingled "with other funds tn freed on ball. The bearings oo tbe game scrimmage. Dusek. 218, Omaha. Neb., 29:39. busiest campaigners from the Ltoi- MRS. BAYNFS ESTATE mald’e gowrn wraa of pink satin, with San Fi^cioco — Sonav and sistar. Twenty state poliM wars sent out 6ASAI 7 M tb>- eo-called nratuel bank rail used "show eause" order foUosred. While Although be has not derided up­ Newark. N. J.— Yvon Robert, 220. cago-owned Bhandon farm, la prov­ tiara to match aad arm bouquet of to patrol the roads and prevent un­ SAtean TAS t j n they progress, the receivar- on a definite lineup. Coach Tum Mc- ing hlmaelf a difficult horse to beat Walker, 209, Phoenix, A rtn .-' 4A *A I IIA 6 •.14 t3 1 liras «rt iaagaraat In eenneetlon with tbe operation of were in Montraal, threw Henry Kulkowtch, INVENTORY FILED Luther Leaguer* of the Emanuel Briarcilff roses. Tbe ceremony was lawful picketing. shlp petitloo was filed. Laughiy appealed assured of aa- on any track. Whan be came through pointed Eddie Simms, 126, ” Special 35c-50c married this afternoon at 3:80 in followed by a small reception (or 4.TS-I6 I1A6 SM ^ ( t a g u a tts race track." 198, Poland. 16:18, land, (10). Lutheran chur^ who plan to attend CTteM HAS In finding O'Hars guilty ef an. temhUnj’ an eleven averaging 199 Salt Lake City, Utah — Vincent with a length and a baL decision tha Congregational church of South the bridal party and close (rienda. Miami Beach, Fla.—Rap Business Men’s the annual straw ride Tuaaday night Mr. Aleom said he would do 8A»>lt 18A6 •.at Wilis’*. Avfii tka other charge that ba oaUed lie u - pounds, (or hla current squad ta on* Lopez, 239, Los Angeles, defeated over A. G. Vanderbilt's Speed to Glastonbury, which Is decorated On their return from a trip •.aftaM 186. Akron, O.. eutpolntn riled today In Manchester Fro- ar* aakad to notify John Johnson, everything tn his power to uphold 18A6 SA4 o t the heaviest to Broam'a football Tiny Roebuck, 290, Oklahoma City, Spare to the Susquehanna handicap with gladiolus against a back­ through tha Whits Mountains, Mr. SASAI I8A6 ■A l tonant Oovemor Raymond E. Jor­ MltcheU, 146, Miami, (10). Lunch bate Court, the inventory of tha es­ chairman at the decorating com­ the law In Hartford county. in g tra n wilts! dan and other Rhode Island dtlaans Yesterday's Stars history. two o f three falta. at Havre de Grace yetterday. It waa tate of Mrs. Helen Cbeaey Bayne ground of palms and ferns Rev. aad Mrs. Fclbcr will live ta Bro^ BAtelT ISAS SAB .Atlantic City. N. J.—Paul mittee, ae aooQ aa poaMble. It la Mayor SpMlacy tidd Hartford Po­ SASAS ISA6 MAS “Vila and abuNse" newee la a tale- Newton. Maea, Snt 18— (AP) hla aavanth victory to' 80 starts ana totaled 839.489.29, consisting of John Remaker will perform the Brook, where tbe bridegroom U em­ lyn, 160V4. Net BHERIDAN HOTEL planned to leave the church at 7 lice Chief Farrell to cancel all po­ ■Ateia ISAS ISAS a-is GOBVGmtiOO tlM OOBUSUm IOQ By ASSOCIATED n S IS ** etlfr scrimnuMS, the 17th time to which be bad 819398.78 In stocks. 812.000 In ceremony. ployed by the Broad Brook Woolen tAS-aa I4A « MA6 NATIONAL LEAOCK 'Tigar Reed, 160, o'clock. lice leavao if neeesaaiy end to keep S31 Battlna — Medvrtek, Cardtnals. Mid tba eerporatlan “tolarattag aad Coach Gil Ooble haa convinced him- HISTORIC BOUSE finished to the money. Coming oS a mortgage notes, 8160.73 In Manches­ The bride, who win be given in company. The bride wrae graduated ■ A M I 14A6 HAS liie Safely M Larry French and Oabhy Hart- GOING ON CRUISE Baby Kid Chooolnto, 166,' at work as many supemumerarlaa ■AtelT 18.18 S1A6 3TS; pTwaacr, Ptratea, and Hart- am pley^ Mid reapeodMt O’Hara Mtt, Cube—Former pltohsd flve- Mlf that his beet Boston ooUega recent victory at Aqueduct, the ter real eatats, 8806 in Jewelry, marriage by her father, will wear a from Maachester High ach ^ la the phis, and Johnny Pu iIiia IOSlH 8T. JOHN’S CBCBCH AUT1VTITE8 as might be rsqidred. 8Atel6 1SA6 llA a 4.95 nett. Cubs. *864* la aa officia] capacity, by taking no hlttor fanning seven, aa Hartnett backfleld combination is C utm son o f crack brigade waa allt choice 81,45130 In bouaeimld funJture and Hattie Carnegie gown ivory aat- class of 1936 and baa been employed Warsaw. — (AP) — Tha German delphla, drewTTk). at "We will add to tba poBea fores ■An.16 ISA6 ILTS 4.95 Rune—Medwlek, GBitUnaU, 108; aeti^ tnfcreatlally eenfimiM bis hit triple, double, single, drivtag in TMy Dinatale at quarteilaek, with the Vandarbllt entry of Speed fumlahlnga, 8896 tai sUverwaro, in, fashioned on princess Unas, with by the Underwood-Elllott naber such a numb«r of men aa win so- SAteie ITA8 U .I8 R.1S ftlllSTR SN fiS house to which tha late Merthel Have Your Josaph Orsyb, chainnan o f tha company. Galan,' Cuba. 100. conduct aa afersoaid.'* five runs in 10-2 win over PhUUsa. Atidy Biamareh and Vito Ananla at to Spare and Oianeevlew at 87.10 glassware and chlns^ $130737 In a long train. Her tufle van win ($11 able the chief poUca to ado- ■■■n It ITA6 ISAa Pllaudekl ones araa a prisoner U Hanover, N. R., Sept Bingo commutes, and oo-workars, Of l6An ISAS Runs batted bi-Medwlck, Card­ _ The Other OhargM Johnny Allen aad "Bod Newt" tha hahraa and A1 HorafalL full- for $2. the hank, 89 in cash and $833 rs^ from a satin cap, and she win carry quaUly estforea every law o f tbe going on a eruUe. —A fuU-game ■crtinmasi'jl Pardo and Eatuy Bungard, W l MAO 1SA8 S t w 01 S i l l inals, 142; Demarse, Cuba, 104. Tbs oommimfcB convieted the ate Hals. Indians—Allen stopped Red aebedulad for todny kgr BteiE i fund d>M on aafa deposit account. elated by the crosrd that attandsd gardenias aad valley UUea state a t Oaonecticut", tbe mayor ItaM 11.78 Hits—Medwtek, Cardinals, 213; •odatioa without cnenmoat on two During a recent vUtt ef th* Pol TBs real estate boMInga include a Hicking-Foster SoK 4-1 *Mth four Jilts, fsanlag five; Dohle Indleatod that he had much Ub veterans’ leader. General Ro­ Galea Ferry, Conn., Sept. Ifi.— Earl Blaik to deteratinn kia i tha flrst game In the pariah hall laat M rs John Q. Goodrich, aletar at ■aid tn daclartng that outside ss- HAS ltA 8 P, Waller, PItatea. 198. otber obargee; that tba aaeodatloa Hale hit hoifler sdth two aboard to to do befOro ha eould select hie TIRES OBs one-bundrcd-aad-elgbtietb in- alsteoce was not needed. - I M t man GoracU, tha lord mayor of (A P I— Tbe Yale footbiall ^ u a d en­ Dartmouth liasup ter night Mias Alma FbtUr, daughter of the brlda and Mrs. Kenneth G. witliFREETIBES Triples—Vaughan, Pirates, 16; preventad a eommtaelon agent from t.l> game. starting forwards but be enthuMd gaged today to Us flrst eootaet opener with Bates. tsrast In tha Chaney Homestead This afternoon at 4 o'clock quar­ Mr. aad Mr*. John Rush Foeter of Tbe offMaie eooferred yesterday Handley, Ptratea, 12. making aa audK on Sopt. 2 and 2 Magdeburg oBereS the bouse to May, sister of the bridegroom, who oog* gauBg lb* bcsl ■ tiics H a n y •Oumbert, Olantd — WMd - ovar the punting of eevaral of his work o t thrtralntog period. Ooaeb Retreaded property, valued at 8834. terly communion will be bald with North Elm street, waa married this after aevoral tnetaaeas of vtolanco Home runt—Oth Olanta, 81; and that Ihoaua Harrop, ooeretaiy Poland ae a chlvalroua gesture. Prod BoUii«wnrai sard Fhll^ Cheney sad Robert E. win attend the bride wlU be gown- is INSURED! D m t m Is4 ^ . pad R ^ 6-3 with five hita. player* in yeeterday'a serlfflmag*. The house ii to be taken a p ^ tn Ducky Pond put hie Blue warrior* Cbrtatianaaa. tw o Umetm puUie rnnfaeeinti toolch t at 7 3 0 ad ta deep wine velvet with match- forenoon at 10:19 to Franda Edward bad bean reported. Medwick, Cardtnals. 22. at tho comwllnn. was dMlad ad- Johnny MIse and -SI Johnson, Fbr Inspection Hathaway were the appraisers who In New Ravon, redaral Judge whirii was r^eto with 49 aad 60- Magdabuig and loaded on bargee tn the first tentative Uaeup through eonslderahl* earvtea laat; and communion tomorrow morning lag Jackets. Their turbans win be Hlcking, son at Mrs. JuUa HleUng Stolen bases — Galea. Cuba, 21: Bdmfen to tha aaooelation ofBoa, Cardinals—Mlxe’a two-run homer prepared the tnvaatory. at tha 6:30 mass. of 46 Westminster Road. Tha CatToU C. Hlncka adjourned until FILL TOUR TANK WITH GOODRICH GAS yard booU. which wilT carry it up the Elba to five tackling drilla during the morn­ bMn ^***^*^y at the seme sheds with nose veils, Heaoett, Dedgera, end HadL Cube. Durtag tha hoartags the oeat- bMt Bees 3-0; Johnaon pttobad ala- Xetherlno RewU. greet little At 1 o’clock tomorrow aftamooB ceremony waa performed in the rec­ Toeaday a hearing on a petition by 14. Hamburg. Thenee the diamembered ing, (onoaring it up with a super- ateko on tho ground Omw I CAMPBELL’S and timy wiU carry yellow efarysaa- The Better Gaeallne— Sold Exdnaively At . . . mieelmi d te ta M d two othor ehargsi hit shutout Ainorican swinruacr, dons native a m soocT n e w s tha dramatic dub will rehaarse for tory of St. James’s church by the Mamechneettsitrucldng companies PttchliM—Httbben. Olaats, 12-7; buUdtog win travel via tha North viasd-aerimmog* later In tha day. to Jo* (Sottono and C SERVICE 43e itarttord gie*, drove u two runs and Mbred Providence, R. I., kaoched out I at home during hor exIubiUon T reafs 1. 8, 8. 6 aad 8 win aseet row evening at Rev. Joaaph Janses H. WUson will be beat men Slagle ting serriee. Tbe bride was vent the uaioB from stop^g' LaagtM Ooasig, and from Dansig up tbe to th* workout were 'veteran letter- hoeo trytng- to am Ibreugboet tha heajMg om m CM> Id 10-4 win over Dodgera. TTeaw YStry, SfiO. Mow Tetk, (21. Vlatala to at the same piaea aad at the same Homik's church. They. will leave far hie brother, end the ushers, attended ^ her sister. Mrs. El Dana through truch*. VAIN O STATION «ur a( Japamy WazMW. Krona thn tatt wtnE bartfeT Car Mssmteh nt » o it t e lf . ■ohart W . WUaen. aaothar brother, OowlsA aad tbs best man was Lsoo- Mayor BptOsetrm tttm tpt a t ar- • v . . -i ’* ..=,\ -'.IS-—l.-i'i ■• ..... > J-vAhL;^-m>,>tdAW.w..

HA1TOHB8TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONNn SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 198T 7 BIANCHBSTER EVENTNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, C0NN„ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,193? ^ V K(K)TS AND HER BUDDIES There Go The Profits 6 XXI W V4A6 MCKCl CV TO alh KLVlMfS A WUNV. VOCt M E V8VVEM .AVJ.TVWft O.V(.,«OOYb—NOO KSEEOM'r V\X AMyTHlMA TD BUY REMT/yf^z^//^^ CLASSIFIED WfiLP MX OOt M'6 \v) 6 M E A . ««E% AROONO —tH'YEUAS YW *, WE’U . iOS>’ HEl.9 OORbEvVlES CHAMCE 'Y'CATCH O P OW .M if «V109P\M TVKCE A b MOCW *\ W X PC* A ORN TODAV ,AVLtESftlCr'.vaEU..Y The less a wife knows about her Taxi Driver—rU have a job find­ husband’s' actions tha more auapl- ing the other quarter change for ^ '?0 0 M i c m SU R E 0 6 E T>\' W clone she Is o f him. you. ~ Scotchman—Ah, weel, the night’s Young—I Bay, why la Pennington young. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 pacing up and down outalds bis REPAIRING 23 HELP WANTED-FEMALE 85 HELP WANTED— ELECTRICAL APPUANCES MACHINERY AND TOOLS 52 FARMS AND LAND house like that? READ IT OR NOT— 19M PONTIAC COACH palnUd M ALE . 8 6 RADIO 49 FOR SALE 71 Jenkins—He’s awfully worried The first automobile advertise­ LA W ^ MOWERS put In 8rst elasa WANTED— GIRL FOR general PURCHASE YOUR enMlage cutter ment was placed In the Satur^y fray, mohair trim, factory built in housework. Call 8863 or apply at about his wife, poor chap. working condition; vacuum clean* RELIABLE MAN TAKE care store REFHIGBIRATORS — Remanufac­ from our stock of Dellinger Inter­ FOR SALE—DAIRY farm, with Evening Poet In 1900. trunk, good tires, motor excellent, 28 Gerard street route. Distribute, collect. New Young—Why—what has she got 7 era cleaned, rapalrad; key making, tured, Just like new. Guaranteed 1 nationally famous silo Silers. Dub­ 325 quart milk route, yielding $80 low mileage, safety glass. $676. products. No selling. Earn excel­ Jenkins—The car. lock and gunsmlthlng. Braith- year. Weatlnghouse, Frlgldalre, lin Tractor Oo., Wllllmantlc. dally Income. Price reasonable. In­ AS LONG -XS THERE’S A Terms to suit. Cole Motora—6468. walta, 62 Paarl street PERMANENT POSITION for high lent weekly-income. B. A W, Nut General E3ectrlc, Kdvlnator and vestigate. E. Southward, 260 DIRTY MAN. A DIRTY FAC­ grade woman open October 1st Oo., St. Paul, Minn. Clipped from the Greensboro, O*. FOR 8 AUC—PRIVATELY owned with InteraationaUy known insti­ Grunow. Prices start at $5960. See Pleasant street, WlUlmantlc. Tel. TORY, OR A DIRTY KITCHEN IN EXPERT RADIO REPAIR service these values today. Brunner's APARTMENTS—FLATS— Herald-Journal; "The cost of the THE WORLD. THERE IS ROOM 1984 V-8 Ford coupe, $826. Can be tution. Educational advisory work. 616-J. on an makes. Let lis give you an depression has been placed at $149,- FOR IMPROVEMENT. seen at 888 Main street. Will pay successful applicant $1,-' Radio Dept. 80 Oakland street. t e n e m e n t s 63 000,000,000, which doesn’t Include estlmaU oe your ladto. Phone WANTED—MESSENGBn boy, six­ Phone 6191. 6191, Bruimer's Radio Dept, .8 0 800 a year, with opportunity for teen. Apply Western Union. FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM tene­ LEGAL NOTICES 73 the. number of abandoned two-car Jeff—If I remember correctly, BUSINESS SERVICES Oakland street advancement. A ge 28-45. Good HOOVER VACUUM cleaner, late ment, at 87 North street. Telephone ffarqge*” yrou’re an optimist, aren't you? education essential. Teaching ex­ model, reasonable price, original 6540. LiaVOB PERMIT OFFERED 18 BOTICB OP APPLICATION Kegg— Yes, after a -aort. I be­ perience an advantage. Must re­ POULTRY AND SUPPUES 43 price $80. Will saeiilice for $36. Junior—Daddy sent me for lieve the world la getting better Toonerville Folks BUSINESS fined, ambitious, executive type, un­ This !■ to vivo Dotlco that I, Prod By Fontaine Fox MOTH ROLES, bums, tears, etc. Year free service. Dickerson’s, Murphy o f 24 WoBt iitreot. Manchoi* piece of rope like tht* every day, but I’m not so ture about Auto and furniture upholstery re­ OPPORTUNITIES 82 incumbered. Give full information ROASTINO CHICKENS. Broilers, TeL Hartford 8-0894. BUSINESS LOCATIONS to;*. Conn., have flUd an application Storekeeper—How much rope the nights. In first letter. Personal interview dated 14th of September, 1927 with does ha want? woven.. 75c and up. Work called FOR RENT—IN BUSINESS seo- fowl and roasting duck. Also dusk FOR RENT 64 fef~ and dellveired. Stiles Textile arranged. Write Box Y, Herald. ELECTROLUX VACUUM _ cleaner, the Liquor Control CommUelon for a Junior—Ob, just enough to reach OUR BOARDING HOUSE doo, ortek mercantUa DUlidlng eggs. B. T. Allen, 37 Doane street. Restaurant Permit for the sale of DON’T THINK A MAN 18 A. Weaving, 48 Thomas street, Rock­ In good condition. Cost $69.76 cesh. trom this goat to the fence. ' with 8000 ft 01 ground loor spxce. WOMEN TO FORM Towel, Blanket Telephone 7616. — alcoholic liquor on the^ premises of FOOL JUST BECAUSE HE IS ville. Telephone 1078. used very little. Will sacriflee for FOR RENT—STORE at 996 Main 991 Main etreeL^^Manchester, Conn. NOT EDUCATED. SOME OF Sultabia for Ugbt baanufactunng. clubs. Clinton Towel Co. Clinton, FANCY QUALITY broUera, roast­ $36. Year free aervica. Phone Hart­ atreet. Apply IMward J. HoU. The business Is owned by Fred Mur­ WAX? 1 Apply Edward J. Boll. EVERY AUTOMOBILE'' ACCI­ THE SMARTEST MEN WE EVER Mass. ing chickens and fowl, drssssa. ford 8-0894. phy of 24 West street, Manchester, S U M O P A 1 0 W E V , ponn.. and will be eondueted by Fred DENT CONCERNS EVERY MO­ MET HAD TO TAKE OFF THEIR FUIKISTS— NURSERIES 15 Fresh aggs deUvsred direct from Murphy of 24 West street. Manches­ TORIST. ‘ IT AFFECTS THE SHOES AND SOCKS TO COUNT OOMPREHeN’D VOUR IM- Certeon A Son Poultry Ferm. Tele­ ter, Conn., as permlttss. UP TO TWENTY. KARLSEN'S CHOICE gladiolus, m GARDEN—FARM- RATE OF HIS AUTOMOBILE IN- <5UISITlVEWeSS BUT THe phone 4217. “ KNIGinS OF SWORD’ FRED MURPRT .SURANCE. bloom. Beautiful flowars at 86c, DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 Dsted 14th of Sept., 1927. , P A C T t h a t it IB M E R E L Y 60e. 76o dosen. Now booking bulb H-B-lS-27. M V T I E — w h o s e SEWTIMEWTAU orders for later delivery.' 716 No. BOB SMITH Offers- FOR 8 ALI&—CONCORD and CUn- There Is occasionally a man who DID YOU KNOW TH AT- ARTICLES FOR SA LE 45 NEW SECRET ORDER VALUE COULD BB OP WO Main. Phone 7886. ON E A ST SIDE—r5-Room Single; lot 50 x 175. Price ton grapes. F. McClelland, 81 Is lika a motor with one or two vi­ street. Telephone 3639. priated In Paris and In raids alas- tal parts left out. He can make Saul was the first king of Israel. IWTEREST TO VOU'-----LEAPS only $3500. He began bis reign In 1026 B. C. FOR SALE—GOING OITT o f buM- (Ooatliioad from Page Om ) wbere In France could be decipher­ quite a bit of noise, and so long as ME TO THE COWCLUSlOW PA I NT! N(;— PAPERING 21 T A N N E R ST.— Elizabeth Park— Juat completed, a beau­ neM. Entire atock of wall paper, ed. he Is brought to no teat, he makes Garlic salt gives a piquant fla HOUSEHOLD GOODS 61 vor to lamb. ' EaAD— THAT ow e OP PROPERTY OWNERS— Attentkm tiful 6-Room Colonial, tile bath, extra lavatory, at­ Dupont palnte, ladden and plat­ Jean-BapUste was said to have van­ On the order of the ministry of quite an Impressive showing. forms. Francii Johnston, East ished after a flght with purchasers the interior, which administers the Tbe first Bowing machine was In­ abbtevlatiens $6.96 repapers room, calling paper­ tached heated garage, charming kitchen, full of Curtis 66 FOR SALE—USED gas range, also Y(D u p i l f e r e d r r, a w p Centsr street. who found he was over-charging national police organisation,' tba ‘P»' repeat: at tbs first sign of vented in 1662. I eeeal as a word eaS aewpeesd ed or kalaomined. Matailai. labor cabinets and up-to-date appliances. Lot 64 x 180. s o m e coal range. Cheap If taken at once. them for guns. Surete, eight piiaoners were quei- drowsiness When driving, get out, The basis of eateen Is cotton. ILL B^ALLEW rr/ is as twe werta Mlalaew seat Is eomplata lasida, outside painung, I eS thiee Uaea. House open for inspection. See it— your time will be Inquire at 140 Oak street. A secret code of "The Hooded tinned...... at Nice, aald to be one o1 f tbe relak'' for a few minute* A moment Real satin la made entirely of pure SPUT;T’“ - SPU TT r targe aavinga Work gnarantead. well spent. Onee," seized In one of the Paris principal centers of activity for of sleqp behind the wheel may be silk. Lange. Phone 8693. FOR SALE—MODERN 8 piece wal­ Raids, was subjected to Intensive ‘The Hooded Onea" and Tha deadly for the driver as well as hla A few drops of glycerine added $6000 for a 6-Room Single now being completed, includ­ nut dining room set. in A-1 condi­ study, operatives eatd. One agent Knights of the Sword." psssengera. to top-of-the-bottle cream will Chanre ing a garage. House hqs fireplace, nun parlor, steam tion. Telephone 7210. ■ su asserted if be found the key a large Other Inquiries were under way make the cream whip better. 1CU heat, choice of decorations if sold before painting and amount of correspondence appro­ at Marseille and Montpelier. Gus—Tha horn on your ear must DePauw University la In Green- . - J eta papering starts. Easy terms. FOR SALE—LARGE GREY enamel Fairmmmt Royal kitchen range. be broken. castle , Ind., forty miles w»st of tor toraaralar tasertloBS Six R oom Indianapolis. ^ — ^ at the ese Uwa rata Complete with oil bumer, $36.00. 'Sam—No, Its Just Indifferent. , . M I for Isas lane evarv ROBERT J. SMITH, INC. Inquire 88 Wetherell etreet. “ G us-7lndlfferent? What do you Appropriations by Congress for ' esveetlslas Sl*aa apea raoaest. TRAVEURS meanT the suppression of countsrfeiUng ‘^aatasfod befers the Ulid or Bfth 963 Main Street Phones: 3450-5746-5343 FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia Sam—R just doesn’t give a hoot. were first made In 1861. fee aharsse e o lj tor the ae- ACCIDENT ■bar at tfaioa the ad appear ‘There is no place like home if you own it” -core. IM7 BY Nil stavicf. let r e. n a n. a nt. wr. A pavement of black and brown at the rata aarsad ha INSURANCE THE - TRAILER ISN’T THE rubber which was laid aa an ex­ ar rafaads aaa „ _ Colonial ONLY THma THAT FOLLOWS periment In Moscow Is said to be ads stepped attar 26% down on thla nice Mngia For Sale THE MOTOR CAR, THERE IS meeting tbe testa of heavy traffic. dMrMds-i dteplav Uaea eat ALSO ___ THE FINANCE COM­ Canada’s foreign trade during house with 2 -oar garage leaves a 6 -Rooffi Single, hot water PANY. the first half of this year was high­ win aat bs laapaaslbla balance that can be paid off very beat, good location. er than for any corresponding pe­ ■-----1 aaa faaerraat latartloa ANTIQUES at AUCTION riod since 1930. advartSsaaMBt ardarsd t An old negro approached the min­ At Reids’ Auction Auditorium, U. S. Route 6, Bolton, Ct. easily aa monthly rent You ean $ 3 3 0 0 ~ ^ * ^ ister cautiously and lightly tapped As the result of 40-honr week Ikiadvartaat awlaalea ad taaan (8 MUce Eaet of Haacheeter) own this home. Steam heat, him on the shoulder. legislation recently enacted ■“^■■tloa at advartislag will ba 6-Boom Single, on heat, Old Negro—Parson, suh, Ah France, Saturday Is now recog­ ------alp bp aaaaallatlaa at tba Wednesday, September 22, 1937, At 10 A. M„ D. S. T. beautifni white and black large lot. ~> *S8» trr tha ssrrtas raadaiad Fine adBOrtment of antlquew Including the NOTED SKIDMORE wants jro'sll to pray fo’ me. Ah’s nized aa a legiU holiday. _edTattlasaaaU mast aoaferm OOIXECnON (Ellewqrth R. Skidmore) which has been on view trimmed bathroom, ffniahed floors In a bad way, suh. Although nearly all spices used aspp aad tppecraphp arttb $ 3 7 5 0 " ^ ^ Minister—^Well, Brudder Rsatua, In the country are imported from aafaroad bp tba pablUb- Blnoe 1914 at King's Manor (Mnseum eponsored by D. A. R .), and woodwork. Interior deoorar — ■—W raserva tbs riebt ta Jamalce, Long Island. Thia rnUectlon oomprlsee some rare Eng- 8-Boom Single, garage, all what’s arrong with you? Europe and the Orient, most of raJaet aap aapp aoa> Ueh pleM Including: Communion Table, Hall Clock, Carved tions very pleaeing: good clooeto Old Negro— Suh, Ah’s got a them are ground In modern mills “ abJaatloaabU. BrldM Chest, Welsh Sideboard, Carved Oeblnet, Tip Table. B«an- floatin’ kidney, suh. In this country. ROUlU— CUastflad ads and large atUe; shade trees. looatlon. $4500 Jad aaiu dap mast ba pa. tlfnl Queen Anne Chair, Walnaoot Chair, Prince of Wales Chair, Minister—But, Brudder Raatus, I Venice is planning to institute ’ Id a’alaak nooa: Satardapa Snely carved. Pewter including Communion Cups, Teapot, .Plat­ 7-Room Single, Weet Side; can’t pray for ph3rslcal things like a system of one-way traffic on ter, Warming Pans, Andlronn, CandledUrkii. Some Sne Itenw In Full price only $4960. Mortgage steem heat, large lot. that; I only pray for spiritual those of the city's historic canals y o u t i Oiinai Crown Darby Teapot, White Rose Cup, Willow Platter*, arranged nithoul extra coat A things. which are reserved for motor 1SLKPHONB TOUR {i,j and some Lustre Including: Pitchers, Communion Cups. Bowls, $4000 Arranged. Old NegSo—You'all can’t pray for boat* etc. reasonable down payment wlU a floatin’ kidney? Den how coma The Swedish stSU and private SroRCHY SMITH W A N T ADS 2-FamlIy, 12-Room Hoose, Ready For A Rattling Reception You Take Another Step In addition to the above collectkm this sale offers many other ’all prayed last Sunday fo’ de railways give language courses for give you a n-arrantee deed. House garagee, extra large lot: ^ t e i s p ^ Intereotlng and unusual Items: Small Empire Lo>-e Seat, Empire 8 * livers? their employee. Courses whlcn Isst ____ :■— RAT* glVM above Telephone 7433 Is ready to move Into today. In A-1 condition. Central C T he f a in t p u l s a t in g tmunperofan STTK-gb t».advertlsef«. bnt Secretary, Cherry Drop Leaf Table with carved legs, 2 Windsor 18 months are given In English APPROACHING LOCOMOTIVS ECHOES DOWN “J F J 5 A S ? be eeeested ms > fA Y M ta n If paid at tbe best- Bow Back Rockers, 2 Windsor Arrow Back Chairs, Bmton Rock­ ___$7000 UNUSUAL MARRIAGE CER­ and German. THE CANYON...... wu's MEN SCATTER TO et before tbe eeveatb er, Drearing Table, 2 Shelf Clmke, Banjo Clock, C. A I. Prints, TIFICATE: Foimd In the archives Germany leads the world in the THEIR POSTS...... tbe Srst leeertlee ef OM Fleturo Frames, What-Not Stand, Silverware, ChlM’s Hltch- Hava many other ffeod of tha poun.y Clerk of Fulton Coun-' msaufsetiira of motoveydas, its 1 CHAKOn Earle S. Rohan eock Chair, Mirrors, Belgian Oriental Rugs In various sizes. real eeteto bargain* Terraa ty, Lewistown, tlllnots, period about production In the last year oeing J w ® be eollecteA Ne respeasl- ROBERT J. 1$4U. - - see errere la Ulepbeeed ade 517 Hartford Road China. Glassware, etc., etc. On salee day aet-eral other lots will to ault your Income. 161,000 units out o f s world total ■ be eeseaed ead tketr aeoataar be included. State of Illinois, of 816,000. 'Great Britain -anked lot be . Manchester Peiiora county—s* second with a production of 75.00U AUCTIONEERS’ NOTICE: TMs sale presents the rare oppor­ IN D EX OP SMITH, Inc. To all the world, greeting: The Emperor Nero was tind ol Sepieawitlna TlllTRAVILinB, H.rtfwd tunity to purchaae true muarum pieces at auction. If yon haw George L. Know yo that John Smith and playing a pipe organ operated by CLASSIFICATIONS that “Urge for Antlquen" we urge yon to attend this sale. 968 Main Street Polly Myers Is hereby entitled to go water power. The hydraulic irgan Luncheon Served." Phones: 8460-6848-5746 Oraxiadio together and do aa old folks does continued In use for many cen­ ete K Rents — Real Eeteto anywhere inside Coppers precinct turies after Nero's reign, bellows Insurance ROBERT M. REID & SONS, Auctioneers Real Estate Auctioneer and when my commlsalon comes I being Introduced In the Middle _ot Tbaaks ••••••••••••••• S I Steamship Tickets 109 Henry St. Tel. 6278 am to marry them good and date A ge* Main 81. Mancheeter. Conn. Phone 8198 ------>•«••••••••••••««■ F 201 you’re up to mischief. Mis* Prisa’ them back to cover accident* ’’Dick's Folly" la an abandoned, which have you been readin’—my minalor o my mail?’ EMERGENCY (Signed) half-finished mansion aerbu the O. M. R., Justice of Pesc* Hudson river from West Point. >Mlaa ter Sale 4 tor Kzehsnxe .... t CALLS Aasessorlw—Tlr.a ...... • gepelrtex—Psletlsx ..... t TEXT BY WILUS THORNTON FRE( KLEIS AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser ^ ’.ASHINGTON TUBBS ffabeele ...... T-A POLICE By O iA N E OUT OUR WAY bv T ra ck ...... • THE STORY OF THE CONSTITUTION ILLUSTRATIONS BY ED GUNDER VOUR ^AEM SET FIR6 INDIAN WHAT^ T5la,>DU 6 K K M T O TO THE SHB>5 AND , NOTHIN'S W R 0N 6! •t's t>ie b e s t dang coffee 'l e a v e m e I \ f VEH7 U H -0 ^ I GUESS OL' • ■•rvtoe Otorsce ...a . 1« CHOW WRONG 1 ANO OATMEAL MONEY WN BUV.' TWEV'RE JUST HAYE OSCAA'S DIS* THBJJ ■JtlU QUIT WORK.. WOT M O600Q CDWGRATULATE \ W E L L ’- PAVE AIMT TH' releo—Bterelcc ...... i j 434 S WITH IT?, AN ORNEEV, CANTANKEROUS RACKA POLECATS, Aotoe—Wotorcyelcc .... II N o. 6 — ^Amendments Bring Women Suffrage and Repeal* APPEARAMCK ALL OtKaHTA kCfJCW THE SAM HILL'S THE V O U , P A V E - 1 WELL... H A T WAVIIvJ' “n sea PrerMsIeesl acrrtaee —__ , BIS lt?EA7 y o U B . 0 O V THAT'S KIFJD. E H ? •errlecs Offeree ...... It FIRE PIQURED. OUT ? W H ERE HE 61T BACK TO WORK! lie •arvleaa Offeree . . . , l t - A H A » B E.EW SWELL. T A K E S IT 'poBtreetlBff ...... South IS I ' PfZO M C TfB O T O AW' HIM KIKIOA U K E --Breerlee ...... A FFOBEMAU - JUST THERE MIGHT PlrMtOFR eseeeeaeeeaa** rr WAS JUST -Flombla#~Rooflac - m 4321 \ A K I D - / , s e A B u e e , •eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea 19 PUT UP CXI • X > r w m s k l n r ...... I—-reeklbr—Storase «## 90 North TH' BOLLET/FN B«nrlcb...... 10. a BOARD. ‘ F m P b r l l l J eoaeeaaoaaa* 11 «aeaaoaa*a U 5432 eeoeeaeaeeeeee. esa an* 19 —m ’X>y«lnr—CltRBlnf 26 tloMa see Berriee ...... tt lelBeis Samea _ . . . . M AMBULANCE i aoe CUeaea ...... (Dougkn) uatraetlona ...... t| t .tt-A i—Dremetlo ...... it S690 ...... M (Holloran) PIsaaeial -zT--*—Hortraeae ...» n (^portBBltUs ...... II 3 0 6 0 / "■ » ese aiteeUeea (Quiah) IT TA3,TWY AND BEAST? ___ IHAOIME YtNJR- YOU ^ ALL THE THIWOS T r r A R E SOU LONCS AS I'M RUNNING THIS OUTFIT, • “ a;*—...... — »»I X A V E S A I ’LL RUN IT - 1 Z 7 C 3 D S E L F DOHsKS WHAT 'VtDU’D HAVE D O N E ! IN IN THE M W utae ...... II.A CXSWHI^ HAWT OF MV (OWN WAV. W raue—UeJa ev PaBtsIa.. II 4 3 4 0 ' C 3 THAT WAtV, W E CAM TO PIIJD OSCAR DIDfvtXJ SLUGGING s W e e ^ ...... IT.A RE-COMSTRLXrr THE Iff? ... It ROOM IN 7MC ARCMives BULDING A DO EXACTLY SOUR WHERE CONSTinm ON S T O BE KEPI. D o w K e y WHAT YOU WOULD WHOLE THIWa AND EMPUOVEES? I16 It HAVE tX>NE IKI POSSIBLY PINO we*^^*. ••••••••••aaa 61 "Votes for women’ had been an objective of re- During the World War, women assumed a mors HIS PLACE ■ OSC3AR ? ...... 4 9 National oonstltuUonal prohibition, aa "experi­ Lnteet of the changee In the ConaUtuUon U the aae Soppllas ...... 41 formera for many years, and by 1914 women bad prominent place In tha country's aSaln, lending ment noble in purpose.” was carried on for more 20th, ratlfled also la 1933. Thla abolished tha achieved the vote in II state* Tbe states are strength to their caus* Woodrow Wilson sup­ than a decade. There was rising diasatlafaetioa "lame duck" sessions of Congreu In which a Con­ gress defeated at tbe polls sat for another aee- atUL except for certain reatiictlona in tbe OonsU- ported it actively before Congress, and In 1920 with It because o f , racketeering, tmeontroUed sion. Oongreesmea now take their seats within tuUon. judges of who shall vote within their bor­ the 19tb Amendment provided that no person'! " drinking, and loss of tax revenue* A determined ders. Constant parades of ’’Suffragettes” before right to vote shall be abridged by the United two months after election. A permanent place campaign eecurad its repeal in 1933, reorauwg of exhibit awaits the original draft of tha ConsU- the White House kept the issue in tbe papers, States or by any state, on accoimt of sex. Women out the 18th Amendment by means of the 21aL aad a lively lobbiflng campaign was sraged. took their p la ^ at tha ballot box beside men. tuUon in tbe new Archives BuUdlw in Wsahlnx- This 1$ the only amendment ever repealed. ton. THE ttND.

Rasrs To Riches By THOMPSON AND COLL IMC. T.M.SIO.U.S h r m ? a* ifM Btirvtcc m «fa patjd#?. / " F T OOP CM, M iSd MOeiH • They Won’t Find Out From Foozy ^ 0 0 COMB ad.* IVE CERTAJMLY?'ttoO DO WELL,PIRSr lb HAVE S O MUCM I MMsTT 'ra.. ^ VEH-t (suess^, fLOOK! A GlBL/i CAN HEAB 'HEBE THEy/VEH,BUT WHAT THERE HE « ' WHAT VO U WDULO HAVE OOMETDTHE kTOMPY ( T s G eniN T WE’D B6TTER BE I AM' A MAWI- f MODP A u v5 ,10 SAY TO MX).' COME,TWO/a b o u t TH’ REST HE POPPED UP/ DOME— AMD DOMV- l«a32Y KANDY KmrMBN . IMRK,OOPjrM\^rmM'6A^ AN' KNOCKED| LEAVE OUT AMY DE- AM' K»JO(=t

r ■wsriasM ,