, *. ■ ;" V ' ’''■ ■ -'''’■ '. "• -V.' ' ' ■'•■'* *'.'?iAS(-'^«&ii><.V.iiia!’ ■ ^,\'. dIattrI|»Binr Eitntbts JImiOt ATERAGB DAILT OnCDLATION W B A T a n a< D. Wanthar for the Month of Angnet, 1M1 H artford itl^G ieen Stamp! , ^i^Green Siiimps Oieiemny fhir tan^hti m ^ 5 ,8 6 1 doody Sondnyt alewt/ iWag C ttren ' Given Member of the AndH pemMve. Bnrena ef CIrealatioaB MAyOHESTER — A CITY OF VTLLAGE CHARM WHli Gtoh Salea With Cadh Sales VOL. LVIh n o . 298 ; m rage lA). MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE TBREB CBI ROOSEVELT POSHES Three Candidates For Legrion Leadership BRITISH DESTROYER SATURDAY, SEPT. 18 COURT OBJECTIVESi One Big Day of Store-Wide Bargains. Be Here Early and Shop As Long As You IS BOMBED BY PLANE Wish. There’s Bargains for Eve^ne. TO TOUR IN WEST ' Dollar Day Sale of New Fall TOWEL VALUES In ConstilntioD Day Speech ()FF COAST OF SPAE \ JAPS DRIVE ON SILK* FROCKS He Stands Finn in De­ Here’s a ipecial concession from for Dollar Day TOWARDCHINA’S ENUSTEDMEN our ready-to-wear department. ^ O Q mand for Change; "Is New silk frocks are being put on Admiralty Also Probing; sale for one day only a t ................. ~ Regular 29c, 20” x 40” SoUd Color MAIN DEFENSE OF LEGWH SEEK Bale’s 69e -Popular Needed Now,” He Says. Two-Way, Latest Styles — Smartest Materials — New Fall Shades. M. K. M. Sizes 14 to 20 and 38 to 48. TURKISH TOWELS Coffee o f TO N M HEAD torpedo Attack Reporlj P in t Quality Silk Stretch Drip-O-Lators $1 Washington, Sept 18.— (A P )— Beat Back Local Troops In New-------- shape-— —..-.jTChina m President Rooeevelt'a outspoken de­ each for ^ pot 8-cup size. mand for an Interpretation of the Gose-Out o f Children’a 27c 4 North Bot Soon Will Meet 22 War Officers Have Been lane Drops Exploiives B i| | HOSIERY GIRDLES Oonatitutton sufficiently broad to JUSTICE BLACK u t r i y make demoersu^ "work" turned po­ Ocaubie a-OuTter BfNGLESS and as: c Trained Armies; Shang­ Commanders But Nerer a Iboy Miss Wardnp; Sheer Cluffon RAINCAPES and RAINCOATS litical attention today to his an­ DRAWS m s PAY Semi and Servloe Wetshts 18” X 36” Heavy Cannon RAINBOW BOWL SETS nouncement of a western lour be­ hai War Brings New Peril Reports Do Not Oar Beet SrUliiK Boon. Special! PANTIE Regularly $1.25 and $1.98, for in oolors. 5" - 6” - 8” - 9”—4-Bowl Sets ginning neat week. Plain Doughboy or Gob; Not all sizes or colors. $1.00 Within an hour, he gave empha- tle notice last night c t a continuing Five Did Not Get Overseas ’M I D m U R S T Whether A nti- GIRDLES TURKISH TOWELS fight for the objMtIves sought in his Peiping, Sept 18.—(AP)—Japa­ p r . $ 1 . 2 5 Sewed In and detachable crotch. court reorganization program and nese military authorities announced Small, medium and large. ' announced a trip through Montana, that a triple-headed thrust deep In­ Gmu Were Used; Dollar Day Only! CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS New York, SepL 18.— (AP) — HamOton Deprecates Parti- 2 2 c each 5. for $ ^ , 0 0 in blue, red and green. 5-Set f o r ................. Wyoming and other states repre­ to the Chinese central Hopeh prov­ Ladies* sented by some of the leading foes ince lines today pushed the defend­ TTiese men, each seeking the highest post In the American Legion, that of national commander, are shown Doughboys who were doughboys all Developments on Sub-Standards o f Regrular $1.39 One of our largest selling towels—heavy double thread, all white Of his Judiciary proposal. dM ng at a pre-convenUon luncheon In New York city. Left to right, Stephen A. Chadwick of SeatUe, Ray­ sanship, Liberty Leafoe Nedll with colored borders In blue, gold, peach, green, and orchid. ers back toward a fortified line through the war and tars who got $1.00 A huge crowd, eattmated at more which neutral observera believed mond J. Kelly of Detroit, and Daniel J. Doherty of Woburn, Mass. ( no further than swabbing decks atiU than 80,000 persons, and a nation­ would see the decisive battle of the are waiting their chance to name terranean Front HANDBAGS wide radio audience heard the Pret- Head Critical; Gov. Bibb • Hale’s Fineqnm SHEETS Heavy Hand Size COOKIE JARS Slno-Japonese conflict Despite one of their number aa bead man of Ident'a outdoor address commeiho- Simulated leather, Suede-A-Lope in colors with decoratimi. 9 ' deep. fierce resistance, the Japanese de­ the American Legion. Since that aad Bilk bofs in all the new top Fine Quality Rayon Taffeta 81" a 99" — 72" x 108" — 72” a 99” — 63” z 99” ratlng the ISOth anniversary of tits clared their forces had swept on ‘ KNIGHTS OF SWORD’ winter day In Paris tn 1919, when Graves Under Discussion. BULLETIN. handle atylea. Colom: Navy, Once in a great while we can obtain these sub-standards in the signing of the Constitution. past Cbochow, the walled city 40 CITY, COUNTY AND STATE a small group of warworn soldiers Brown, ^ a c k . Wine. regular Hale’a quality. Nothing to impair the wearing qualities— TURKISH TOWELS Cool Evening miles south of Peiping which fell went to a dinner and came away In­ The evening was so cool that Mr. Malta. Sept. 18.>~(AP) SLIPS slight mls-weaves or oU spots. Itollar Day only at this low prlcel late yesterday, and taken new po­ spired with the Idea of an organiza­ Washington. Sspt 18.— (A P )— Roosevelt wore a topcoat as be sitions along the railway lines NEW SECRET ORDER tion of veterans, 22 men have been — A seerjt naval tnqnlzjr in plain and brocade, guaranteed WATER SETS stood in the moonlight on the Fresh outbursts of criticism each for vritb Upped pitcher and alx glasses. Crystal with south. A Q TO END BIG STRIKE honored as commanders of the Le­ alxmrd the aircraft ear* each seams, tearoae only. Sizes 34 to 19c 6 ,00 h^u^ Washington Monument grounds. support o f Justice Hugo L. Black, 44. ship decoration, also red floral design. Regular $1.25. The righb wing was said to bo 20 gion. None has come from the ranks $1.00 Sub-Standards of Regular 31c and 33c Two patterns—white with colored borders—solid color with white In bis speech. Interrupted more miles west of Chochow and the cen­ alleged to be a life member of the rier Gloriooa led todav tm frequently by responsive laughter of the enlisted men. borders. Heavy, practical towels, double thread; that are so handy ter wing at Kuanllchuaiw. eight French Police Uncover An­ Frank N. Belgrano, Jr„ at San Ku Klux Klan, cams today from a belief that British aaval^ Hale’s Finespun ^ for kitchen use or for a face and hand towel. than by applause, the President aald miles southwest of the a&M city, these public fla res: • New FaO Fabric Federal Forces Also May Be ARREST iODNAPER Francisco, and EMward A. Hayes, of officials wera aceking that to av^d dictatorship the na­ after beating (Siineae troops back 1. Republican Chairman John taih^ of a reported tion must "meet the Insistence of other Society Desenbed Decatur, RI., started In the ranks, Hamilton termed It Inconceivable $ 1.00 TUMBLER SETS toward Lalshui on the railway spur but worked up to commissions tn PILLOW CASES 4 for $ 1 .0 0 Solid Color Turkish In Ciystal. decorated. 6 iced tea, 6 Ubie tumblers, 6 fruit the great moss of our people that from KaopelUen toward the hiUs. Called Into Action in that Preaident Roosevelt "would attadi on that nnit Juice glasses. 18-Fleoe S e t.......................... economic and social security and the service, and then attained the knowingly have appointed n Klaas- Britain’s anti-piraejr GLOVES 42” a 86” — 42 a 88)/,” The Japaneee left wing had slow­ OF RICH IMPORTER highest honor their comrades coula Smart alip^on styles in suede An- the standards of American living be er going, however, and failed to keep man to ths Suprems Court.'' troL raised.” pace because of deep mud caused by Hartford Area; Qniet Dur­ bestow In times of peace. 2. Presldeat Jouatt ghousa at lih, also double woven with over- HAND TOWELS Neither of them, by colncUanea, ,_No pfflciil. tafi •eam aad saddle stitch. "I believe,” he added, “that these the autumn rains. The eastern the American.- UbMty Lai PRINT APRONS Dollar Day Only! things can be done under the Con­ forces pushed to a point 13 miles ing Early Honrs of Day. Chained in Cave for Eight Parts, Sept. 18— (A P )— A sec­ saw service oversesA Belgrano en­ wlilch fought Mr. Rooiavelfa was forthcoming aa a Theoe dainty prlnta come in GLASS RELISH DISHES stitution, without the surrender ol from Tingbsing, the next railway ond outlaw secret society, described listed In 1917 as a private and bis- election, contended the Chief Bhcec- salt o f the fauiairjr. wl neckband and coverall atyles. Reg­ each came a second Ueutenar. before the 15c 7 for $ 1 .0 0 with five compartments. a single one of the civil and reli­ station below KaopelUen, intending by the Surete Natlonale as a revolu­ utlve must havs known of Black's was coaelnded late y( ularly 39c. gious liberties it was Intended to to cut off the Chinese retreat to Honrs Victim Is Finally war ended. Hayes Joined the navy alleged afflUatloA, It was tba pair Gandlewick Bath Mat ^ The bandy hand size.
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