Marvin S. Antelman to Eliminate the Opiate Vol 1
TO ELIMINATE — OPIATE aaah Read about... Jacob Frank, to whom sin was holy. Adam Weishaupt. the Jesuit priest who founded the Iluminati on May Day 1776, from which the Communist Party emerged. How Weishaupt's Iluminati and Frank's Frankists worked hand in hand to destroy religions and governments. The connection between the Frankists. Illuminati, Jacobins and the French Revolution that changed society. Why Jewish-born Karl Marx was an anti-Semite and wrote A World Without Jews. The 18th Century roots of the Women's Liberation movement. How the Illuminati founded artificial Judaism. Why the Frankists provided the leadership for the Reform and Conservative movements. How Judaism was labeled iOrthodoxi in order to destroy it. How the Lubaviteher Rebbe foiled a mass assimilation conspiracy in Russia. The plot to destroy the Torah through the field of Biblical criticism. Why today’s Reform clerics gravitate to Communism, Communist causes, and support Black anti-Semitic groups Why the wealthy financed Communist revolutions. Why Black civic leader Elma Lewis sued the author for a half million dollars and Lost. The true sources for the Frankenstein Monster. The significance of mystical designs on the American dollar bill. TO ELIMINATE THE OPIATE VOLUME | By Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman IN MEMORIAM This book is dedicated to the memory of members of my family who perished in the Holocaust of the National Socialist Party of Germany, during World War Il. They met their death in the environs of Sokoran, in the province of Bessarabia, Rumania. Their names are as follows: My grandfather, Alexander Ze'ev Zisi Antelman My grandmother, Golda Antelman My uncle, Baruch Antelman My aunt, Sima Antelman Their 8-year-old daughter, my cousin, Rivka Antelman My aunt, Rivka (Antelman) Groberman My uncle, Mayer Groberman Their 13-year-old son, my cousin, Moshe Groberman Their 17-year-old daughter, my cousin, Rachel Groberman My 2-year-old cousin, Hadassah Antelman And a total of 60 of my cousins' uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents.
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