MS-603: Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum Collection, 1945-1992
MS-603: Rabbi Marc H. Tanenbaum Collection, 1945-1992. Series D: Internationalional Relations Activities.Activities. 1961-1961 1992 Box 58, Folder 4, FFalashas,alashas, 1978-1979,1978-1979, 1985.1985. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 (513) 221-1875 phone, (513) 221-7812 fax 3 CD 3 THE AMERICAN MITT8& 0 January , 1985 (vi~ FAX January 10) .. date a ~re .Tan . bawn/Geor9e ·Gruen :s to Q, from M. Berna Resnikoff c subject The new Ethio ia 3 There ha been so much news, controversy, misinformation and wr gling with-respect to the rescue operation. of Ethiopia Jews t~at it was decided to devote so~e time to c refully study the matter. The meth d chosen was ~o solicit and re- ceive an invitation t join a 9roup ·of local and " foreign correspondent ,who were taken on a day-lonq tour of installations created f9r Ethiopian Jews · that took place on Ja uary 6. We visit d absorption centers, reception centers, we spoke to ewish Agency offic1als, to absorp- tion center directors ~ducators, social workers, psychiatrists and do~ ors. We were free to speak to any a~d all Ethiopian , provided, of_ course, that there was a common language We visited classrooms, assorted ulpanim for different levels, we observed baby cli'nics, syn~qogues, dining ro m balls, assembly rooms and even stockrooms. There we e no apparent obstacles to seeking any and al~ informati the only limitation being that of language. · • One of t e principal findings of this trip is that thi·s is, by f r, the most difficult absorption of any group of Jews.
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