From: Otago Regional Council To: Pests Subject: Anonymous User completed Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan P301 Date: 14 December, 2018 6:27:20 AM Anonymous User just submitted the survey 'Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan' with the responses below. Contact details Please note: all information contained in a submission, including names and addresses for service, becomes public information. Full name Fionna McCormick Organisation submission is on behalf of (if applicable) No Answer Contact phone 02102906686 Postal Address 71 Carlyle Road, Mosgiel, 9024, Dunedin Email
[email protected] Contact name for service of person making submission (if different from above) No Answer Postal address for service of person making submission (if different from above) No Answer Public hearing - please choose one of the following options: I do not wish to be heard in support of my submission Signature Please note a signature is not required when making a submission by electronic means. Please ensure you include the following information in your submission. Submissions should state: □ The specific provisions of the Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan to which the submission relates; □ Whether you support or oppose the specific provisions, giving reasons; and □ The precise details of the decision you wish ORC to make. You can use the below space to write a submission on the Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan or you can attach your submission below. I am writing to oppose the inclusion of feral cats as a pest species covered under the Regional Pest Management Plan. I find this particularly problematic in residential and urban areas as the definition of a "feral cat" is too loose and measures taken to control them other than live capture that includes a careful search for each individual cat's owner will inevitably result in the death of people's beloved pets.