Great Barrier Reef Committee
Reports of the Great Barrier Reef Committee VOL. IV. PART I. j With Seven Plates. i i ISSUED 15th May, 1933. FRED ERICK P H IL L IP S, Government Printer, Brisbane. Great Barrier Reef Committee, List oí Representatives of various Institutions, etc., and other Members who form the Committee. OFFICERS: Patrons .. Sir Matthew Nathan, P.C., G.C.M.G., and Sir Leslie Orme Wilson, G.C.S.T., G.C.I.E. C.M.G., D.S.O. Chairman . Professor H. C. Richards, D.Sc. Hon. Treasurer W. M. L’Estrange, M.I.E.E. Hon Secretary Dr. E. O. Marks, B.A., B.E., M.D. Assistant Secretary Miss H. F. Todd. Hon. Editors H. A. Longman and Dr. E. O. Marks. Office : Rooms of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, comer Ann and Edward streets, Brisbane. MEMBERS REPRESENTING INSTITUTIONS. Representative. Institution. Thomson, Dr. J. P., C.B.E. Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (Queensland) Richards, Professor H. C., D.Sc.. University of Queensland Bryan, Dr. W. H., M.C., D.Sc. Royal Society of Queensland Longman, H. A., F.L.S., C.M.Z.S. Queensland Museum, Brisbane Roberts, Captain T. F. H. Marine Department, Brisbane Herbert, Dr. D. A., D.Sc. Queensland Naturalists’ Club L’Estrange, W. M., M.I.E.E. Institute of Engineers, Queensland Hill, Colonel J., B.Sc. Department Public Instruction, Queens land Ball, L. C., B.E............................................. Geological Survey, Queensland Cowlishaw, I. M., B.E. Commonwealth Lighthouse Service Andrews, E. C., B.A., F.G.S. Geological Survey, New South Wales Sussmilch, C.
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