ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCH.COM 50 ¢ NEWSSTAND | 40 ¢ HOME DELIVERY WEDNESDAY | JUNE 20, 2018 City contractor appointed to CLW board general contracting for build- “I had sworn off doing any- Councilman Box opposes Edwards’ ing construction. thing (public service related) appointment due to ‘conflicts of interest’ Another of his companies, locally. ... I do stuff statewide BH Properties, focuses on and nationally,” Edwards told HAnnAH GRECO five-year term. He will replace affordable housing projects, The Dispatch after his appoint-
[email protected] Tiffany Sturdivant Turner, who which he has undertaken lo- ment. “It’s tough doing stuff in decided not to seek reappoint- cally and in other areas of the your own community due to A split vote Tuesday placed a ment. His term will begin July state and Southeast region. He cynicism. But now I am offer- city contractor back on the Co- 1. has completed such a project in ing myself up to my communi- lumbus Light and Water board Edwards served on the CLW Edwards Box Northaven Woods and is plan- ty and my city.” of directors. board from 2004-12, including with which the city contracts ning a mixed-use neighbor- Councilmen appointed Ed- City councilmen voted 5-1 a stint as chairperson. He also as its project manager — in- hood development in the Sand- wards over two other appli- to appoint Jabari Edwards to a owns J5 Global, the company cluding for street work and field area of south Columbus. See EDWARDS, 8A Teen arrested DAWGS KEEP ON WINNING for holding two people at gunpoint Suspect charged with kidnapping in Brooksville Gardens incident in Starkville DISPATCH STAFF REPORT A 14-year-old is in jail after his arrest on Tuesday for a sus- pected kidnapping.