Clement Jonquet’s CV – July 2021 CLE M E NT JONQUET PHD IN INFORMATICS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF MONTPELLIER & ASSOCIATE RESEARCH SCIENTIST, INRAE ORCID: 0000-0002-2404-1582 CONTACT & PROFESSIONAL SITUATION Born May 26, 1980, Nîmes (Gard), FranCe, married, 2 Children, FrenCh nationality. INRAE – MISTEA University of Montpellier – LIRMM 2 place Pierre Viala, 34060 Montpellier Cedex 161 rue Ada, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5 – 2 France TEL: (+33/0) TEL: (+33/0) 467 41 97 43 § Skype: clementpro – Email:
[email protected] – § Twitter: @jonquet_lirmmWeb : – § PubliC profiles: Google SCholar, MiCrosoft, ResearchGate, DBLP, HAL, PubMed, CiteSeer. CV STRENGTHS § Multidisciplinary research activities: ontologies, semantiC Web, ontology repositories, biomedical informatics, semantic annotation, text mining, service-oriented computing, Web sCienCe, agents. § Experience in applied research (biomedicine, agronomy), software engineering & transfer skills. § (Co)author of 125 publications or communications cumulating more than 3180 citations, including 26 international journals in multiple domains, 6 as first author, 4 as last, and 63 conf/workshop artiCles. § Collaborative work experience, project funded research (EU, ANR, NIH), management skills (project leading, outsourcing, supervision). § PrinCipal investigator of 2 ANR projects (one Young researcher program), Co-PI of 2 ANR projects, reCipient of H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant. § 9 years of various academic teaching (~1400h ~TD) in InformatiCs/CS to different grades.