Brussels Software CLUSTER
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Brussels Software CLUSter Edition 2010 The software industry is at the centre of product innovation, affects organisations, leisure activities and daily life. In Brussels, the software market has become a dynamic network of innovative companies, start-ups and research centers. This brochure gives an overview of the software vendors based in the Brussels-Capital region as well as the academic key players and the support organizations involved in the software sector. Are you looking for a partner or have a project in the Brussels area do not hesitate to contact directly the companies, the universities, the institutions or us: the Brussels enterprise agency (Bea) Serge Kalitventzeff Phone: +32 2 422 00 41 fax: +32 2 422 00 43 e-mail: [email protected] 1 CoNTENtS software Industry in the Brussels-Capital region 4 Index by function 8 Profiles of software Vendors 13 software Technologies in the research Area landscape 87 software Industry - Brussels support Organizations 99 Index 109 3 Software INdusTry in the Brussels-CapitaL regIoN The Brussels-Capital region with its central location in europe has an intensive economic activity (Brussels produces 19% of the Belgian gross national product). The region has about one million inhabitants (about 9% of the population of Belgium) of whom 30% are non-Belgians. even though Brussels has a total surface area of 162 km² (about 0.5 % of the total area of Belgium), 30% of the Belgian ICT sector activity is concentrated in the region. Brussels-based ICT companies have a proven track record of delivering state-of-the-art solu- tions that are commercial winners and a particular success with applications for niche markets. The ICT sector in Brussels is significantly growing with the presence of large ICT multinationals as well as many small high tech companies. As Capital of europe, Brussels offers real business opportunities to its ICT companies. The dynamism of the ICT sector in Brussels also results from a proactive approach developed by the region in order to support innovation, competitive- ness and employment. the ICt sector in Belgium the software industry and the Brussels-Capital region The software industry is defined as the companies that ICT companies significantly contribute to a country’s develop and market software. In general, it includes economy, either directly or indirectly. They lead to the software production and software distribution but may creation of jobs and increases in productivity, added value also incorporate software services such as consulting, and exports. documentation, training and maintenance. As such, in Belgium the ICT sector’s contribution to software product firms earn at least 60 to 80 % of their growth is estimated at 20%. About one third of this per- revenues from developing software, licensing it for centage is generated in the Brussels region, which has sale and receiving maintenance fees for updating that unique growth potential thanks to the high concentration software. of ICT companies and its central location in Belgium. There are three mains types of software: The ICT sector in Brussels is clearly growing. Between ■ System software 1997 and 2007, the number of related jobs increased by This category of software helps run the computer 30%, which is well above the total job growth. The sector hardware and computer system. It includes bios, accounts for 8.5% of jobs in the private sector and 30% desktop environment, devices drivers, servers and of the jobs in the Belgian ICT sector. utilities. The Brussels regional government strongly supports ■ Programming software the ICT sector in Brussels, and the region’s Contract for This category of software provides tools to assist a economy and employment designates the ICT sector as software developer in writing computer programs. It one of the three key innovative sectors in Brussels. principally covers text editors, debuggers, compilers As indicated in the regional Plan for Innovation, the NICT and linkers. (New Information and Communication Technologies) ■ application software business unit of the Brussels enterprise Agency has been This category of software allows end users to requested by the Brussels region to set up and manage accomplish specific tasks. It involves many subtypes clusters in order to increase synergies between players of application software: enterprise software in the ICT sector. (erP, CrM, sCM, etc), enterprise infrastructure A global, coherent ICT policy focussed on training ICT software, information worker software, content professionals through the creation of the ICT reference access software, educational software, simulation centre “evoliris”, the strengthening of financial aid and software, media development software and product reduction of taxes (elimination of the PC tax), accompany engineering software these actions. Gartner estimates the worldwide software industry at $220.1 billion in 2009, compared to $221.9 billion in 2008. A slow but steady improvement in the macroeconomic 4 s OFTWA r e I N B r u s s e l s the software industry in the Brussels-Capital region According to datamonitor, Belgium software market ac- counts for 3.3% of the european software market. This report shows that Belgian software market grew by 3.8% in 2008 to reach a value of $3 billion and considers the software market to be one of the fastest growing in Belgium. In 2013, the Belgian software market is fore- cast to have a value of $3.8 billion, an increase of 28.3% since 2008. The software development and production sector is identified by Agoria, the Belgian trade association of the technology industry, as one of the main growing sectors in Brussels. “It is in this sector that companies have the most potential for development, not only nationally but in particular internationally”. In Brussels, the software industry is very dynamic. There are 121 companies active in the software sector. Among them, 60% produce and commercialize their own pack- aged software or internet-based software. Brussels companies are doing more than just follow- ing the international trend of the saas model. In fact, Brussels has real pioneer companies in the field. This model continues to grow since it represents 57% of the Brussels-based software editors. Based on a classification used by IdC, software produc- environment should support a return to a modest growth tion activities in Brussels are distributed as follows: of 4,9% in the software market in 2010. The united states Application development (29%), end-user application holds 49% of the market, europe 31% and Asia 20%. (14%), Collaborative environment (10%), CrM software In the ICT sector, there is a new growing trend: « Cloud (10%), Business Intelligence (9%) and engineering soft- Computing ». This concept is the general term for any- ware (9%) are the most represented sub-categories in thing that involves delivering hosted services. Cloud which Brussels companies are active. Computing generally incorporates 3 categories of serv- The “software in Brussels” brochure provides an over- ices: Infrastructure-as-a-service (Iaas), Platform-as-a- view of the software vendors in Brussels. service (Paas) and software-as-a-service (saas). More particularly, saas is a software delivery method that provides access to software and its functions re- motely as a web-based service. This method will become 8% 29% increasingly popular in the longer-term for its ability to 5% simplify deployment and reduce customer acquisition 4% 2% costs. Another advantage of saas is to allow developers 9% to support many customers with a single version of a 9% 10% product. “The adoption of saas continues to grow and 10% evolves within the enterprise application markets as 14% tighter capital budgets in the current economic environ- ment demand leaner alternatives, popularity increases, and interest for platform as a service and cloud com- puting grows” said sharon Mertz, research director at Gartner. ERP/SCM software CRM software Worldwide saas revenue is forecast to reach $7.5 billion System Management software End-user application in 2009, a 17.7 percent increase from 2008 revenue of $6.4 billion, according to Gartner. The market will show Security Collaborative environment consistent growth through 2013 when worldwide saas Network / OS Business Intelligence revenue will total over $14 billion for the enterprise ap- Engineering software Application Development plication markets. 5 Brussels, an ideal place think europe– act from Brussels for developing innovative It projects According to the “City Monitor Annual survey” (Cushman Counting on a high concentration of ICT and research and Wakefield, 2007) Brussels ranks 6th in the list of the activities, Brussels offers a dynamic environment that is european business cities. favourable to the development of innovative, high-tech One of the principal reasons for the status of Brussels companies. in the european economic sphere is that it is a centre of The Brussels regional Investment Company (BrIC), political decision-making. decisions affecting the life of Business Angels networks (BeAngels), venture capital more than 450 million people are taken here every day, funds active in the seed or early stage (sherpa Invest), the and this is why Brussels has also become the home of Participation Fund, the Warranty Fund and commercial many multinational headquarters. banks based in Brussels offer numerous financing op- The city is increasingly becoming a hub of international tions for start-ups and high-growth companies. business. lobbyists, international