EDITORIAL BOARD Editor, and Chairntan of the Editorial Board Wrsr-ry Srlr.orroN Assistantlo the Editor Htr,w F. Scnurcnnn As.;istantEditors: Asunv J. Fnrsron . for Resources Section Pnyr-r,ts A. RrcHruoNn , peul Brnnrsronn , for Catalotr;ing and Classification Section Menv PouNn for Serials Section FneNcts F. Spnnrrzrn for Reproduction of Library Materials Section BnucE LeNcnon Abstracts and Reviews Editorial Aduisers: Meunrcn F. Teusrn (for Technical Services) Jeurs Sonsrnn (for Regional Groups) Library Resources 'b Technical Seraices, th,e quarterly official publication of the Resources and Technical ServicesDivision of the American Library Association, is pub- lished at l20l-05 Bluft St., Fulton, MO 65251. Editorial Office: Ametican Library Association, I'r0E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. AduertisingTraffic Coordinator': I-.eorl.v Swiech, Advertising Office, ALA Headquarters, S0 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Cr'r- culation and, Business Office: Central Production Unit/Journals, ALA Headquarters, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Subscription price: to members of the ALA Re- sources and Technical Services Division, $5.00 per year, included in the membership dues; to non-members, $10.00 per year; single copies $3.00. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices. ZRTS is indexed in Library Literature, Library dt Information Sci,enceAbstracts, Current Ind,ex to Journals in Education, and. Science Citati.on Ind,ex. lts reviews are included in the Book Reuieu Digest, Book Reuieu Index, and Reaieu ol Reuiews. Contributors: Manuscripts of articles should be addressed to th.e Editor.' Wesley Simonton, Library School, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Each manuscript should be in two copies, typed in double space, with illustrative matter in finished form for the printer.
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