ABDERRAMAN II., Persecution Under, 194 Acheen, Factory
INDEX ABDERRAMAN II., persecution under, Aldhelm, his work in praise of virginity, 194 175, 176 Acheen, factory established at, 222 Aldulf, brother of St. Cuthbert, 176 Adalbert, abbot of Heidenheim, 185 Alencon, Duchess of, 79 Adalgudis, foundress of Limours, 163 Alger, Mr., 121 Adalhard, abbot of Corvei, joint Aliscamps, nunnery founded at, 142 founder of monastery at Herford in Almain, 105, 109, III Saxony, 187 Alt Minister, church at Wessobrun, Adalwald, King of Lombardy, 189 188 Adamnan, monk of Coldingham, 172 Althorp, Lord, 128 Adela, abbess of Pfalzel, 184 Amalarius' rule for nuns, 187 Adelphius, abbot of Remiremont, 152 Amatus, organised monastery at Remire- Ado, joint founder of monastery at mont, 152 Jouarre, 153, 154 Amboyna, massacre at, 226, 227 Adulf, 156 Amsterdam, 235 Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, Pope Anabaptists, 33, 57 Pius II., 105, 109 Andelys, double monastery at, 154, 169 Aette, abbess, 178 Angilbert, minister of Charlemagne, Agatha, disciple of Lioba, 187 IS4» 163 — nun of Wimborne, 186 Anne, Queen, 118 Agatho, Pope, 171 Annesi (village near Neo Caesarea), Agaun, monastery at, 152, 154 nunnery at, 140 Agde, council of, 141, 142, 1.44 Anstrude, 155 Agibod, 189 Antwerp, 239 Agilus, abbot of Rebais, 154 Arks, double monastery at, 141-145, Agnes, abbess of Poitiers, 147 148. 153 Agrestius, 151 Arnegesil, 146 «. Ahmedabad, factory established at, 222 Artemia, abbess of Cuteclara St. Mary, Aidan, Bishop, 167, 169, 170 I9S Akehurst, Alexander, 28 n. Asella, 141 Alban (Chell Ailbe), 167 Asquith, Mr., 134 Alchfrith, King of Northumbria, 176 Augsburg, merchants of, 238, 239 Alcuin, 178, 181 Aurelian, successor to St.
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