Mandalay Region, Myanmar

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Mandalay Region, Myanmar MyanmarInformation Manage meUnit nt KyaukpadaungTownship MandalayRegion, Myanmar 95°0'E 95°10'E 95°20'E 95°30'E 21°10'N 21°10'N (! Ngathayauk / ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Taungtha ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Township ! ! ! ! ! !HtaukShar ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Nyaung-U ! ! ! ! ! Township ! ! ! !SaingKhaung ! KharPat ! ! ! ! MyinThar Taung ! ! ! ! SeikTein (North) ! KanHpyu ! ! SeikTein (South) ! ! ! ! ! Kye eKan ! ! ! !YGyi ar Taw(East) ! ! !Y oneKyin YGyi ar Taw(W e st) !ThanPin ! ! ! ! ! Su HpyuSu Kone ! GonTaw Htan PaukHtan Kone ! ! MyinChan Kone ! ! ! KyarNay Aint ! !Y aeNgan ! ! ! ! ! LelYar Chauk!Htan ThaPinNat Pin (a) ! !ThaYeTaw t ! LelGyi Myauk ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !KhwayTaukKone ! LayPin(North) MyaukKone MaGyi Su ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! KanKone ! ! !ThanGyi Kone LayPin(South) ThaYeCho t Kone DeeDoke Kone ! ! 21°0'N ! 21°0'N KonePaw! Net !TheeKone (W e st) ! ! SonKone Mahlaing ! HlaingThar ! ! !TheeKone (East) ! ! !DaungLel PinPu ! Township KanBarTe (North) ! !MaSoe Yain ! ! !ThoneEinKone ! KanBarTe (South) ! KyaukGarTa ! ! ! ! ChaungChar ! TaungHla ! ! MyaukTaw ! Kan Zat KoneKanZat ! Chaing ! SinSin ! ! ! !LelKu SarKyin ! !ShweSiTaing (Shwe SeTaing) !TaungPaw (North) ! ! Ku NgarKoneYant !Y warThitKaLay ! !TheePin ! ! ! TaungPaw(South) ThanKone ! KyaukKhwet ! ! PopaLwin ! !Y aeLayKa !LelDi ! !TawZar Chaung Popa ThaPyay Kaing ! ! !NaYwe Taw ! KyinGaung Nat KanLel!Nat ! !KyunKhin Gyi !ThinPaung TaungLatKa ! !ChaungHpyar ! ThanBo Ywar Thit ! ! PyinMaGyi (North)(Lel Kyin Khaung) ThanBo ! !PyinMaGyi (South) !ThitTein ! ! Se !KyatKhweHnit ! !KyaukChaw !HlyawTaw LayTaing Sin Inn Chaung Inn ! ! SePauk ! NyaungKan ! ! BoTe ! !SePeik !SeeMa(Se Ma) Ta Gar!Ta Gyi !MyinThar Ta NgaTa Kan ! ! SinMyint ! PanPinLet ! !AingLun ! ! KanNi AhLel !MaTet(Myay Sun) GaungYe ! Me iktila Y warOh ! ! ! ShweNauk San AingMa(North) Y warThit Kyaukpadaung ! Township !Aye ! !HpoSu ! TeiChaung !ThetKei Kyin NyaungKanDaunt ! TaungHla Y warThit ! ! Htan TawGyiHtan TaungZin ! ! GwayKone AingMa(South) KyatHtaung ! PanAintLet ! ! TaungNauk ! Township ! !HpetTawYae ! Sa BaiSaPin !WMa eHtauk t In Taing (WIn e st) ! MoeNanKyin Kyaukpadaung ! KhwayTaukPin ! WYon ar Kone Ywar Thit !WThar e Chin t ! ! KanPauk !LeGwa Kan ! !( TaungHla ! In Taing (East) In LelKanPat No.1(Nyaung Hpyu Pin) ! ! BeMyar Yin(Si Su) ! ! KanSintHnit !DaWar ! ByiSinInn WYon ar Kone ! ! ! SinTaing Kan KoneTe OHmone hnt Yoe ! ! KyaukPon (North) ! Su TatSu No.2(Khaw Mon Kone) ! !PeinHne Taw ! 20°50'N ! ! 20°50'N !SanKyaw ! KyaukPon (South) LelYar Pyar No.3(Sat Kyin) NyaungChaing (North) ! SanHla ! ! Sin Tat Kyin SinTat ! ! ! KyanSoe t Taw In ! !NyaungChaing (South) TaungU SeinPanKone ! TaungChay Y aeHtwet ! WChoke e t Kone (North) ! ! Ta GarTa Ma ! ! ! ! Y warMa ! PanPyarLet (North) Y warPu ! ! ! In TawKye In i PanPyarLet (South) ! WChoke e t Kone (South) PyaytWa MaGyi Taing ! ! ! YThayt aTaung Y aeNgan !NyaungPinThar ! ! Hta NaungHta Kyin ! SiPinThar ! ! KinMunChon KyinDant Kaing ! ! ! SiPauk Kan ThaPyay Yoe HnawPin ! Y warLu ! !YMar in Kone HlePye Taung t ! ! ! TeiPinTe ! WGyi e Kan t ! Chauk Pin In PaukThit ! KyaukGarTa Y warLat ! O eAing ! ! ! ! TaungPawBa Lon ! ! KyePyit t BinGwa Township ! Htan Taw!YoeHtan !KyeHpyu t Te ! Y oeChar TwinHpyu ! !TeKone ZTaungLin a ! PanTawKyin !ZTaungLin a ! Htan TawSuHtan ! ! ! TheaBoke Ma ! PyiThar Yar KanYe KyiKone ! ! ! Aye ! NyaungThar MyaingThar Yar !KyeTawSu t KyoePinThar! t HpoKone ! ! Z ayKone !KoneDaHat !Son SanTwin Gyi NyaungHto(W e st) ! Z e eHpyu Kone ! ! ! Kan ! NyaungHto(East) ! !KyaungDu ThuHtayKone 8)(No. ! SanPwint In PinGyi ! In Inn Gaung !Inn KhaPaung Kone ! Ta KhunTa Taing MinGaung (North)(Shar PinHla) ! KheGyi Kone Ta Laing Kan (a) KaZiLaing Ta Kan(a) ! ! Chaing(Kyauk Tan) ! ! !AhTarYwar Thit Lin YawLin San MaHlwa Pin ! ! MyayNiKone ! KyaukKanSit !TaungTharYaik Yar(a) Aye ! Y warThitKone ! ! Htan ChanHtan (Gwa) !NyaungPinThar NgaThaYauk ! ! AungChan Thar 9)(No. ! SiThar ! !SanKone NyaungPinThar Y warKauk ! ! ! AhTarYwar Ma ! MinGaung (South) PayTaw ! ! ThaYeTaw t ! AhTar(East) KoneLin!Ta ! HpoKone !KyaungSu ! ! O keShitKone PaukPinSun SeeKan ! !HpaYar Gyi Kone AhTarKone Thar !SinGaung KyatTwin Kan ! EinOh KyunBoe KoneYarHnit Thi(Sat Pin) ! ! !LwinPinKone (Khway Kya Twin) !ThoneEin NaBeTan ! !MonKan Thit Sat Pin!ThitSat Let PanKyinLet Thee Kone ! ! LelGyi Taung SarTone ! PanKyaing Let PanKyinLet Nyaung ! ! !AhHmyaung Kan SanMyaing Aye ! ! ! PaukTaw(East) !KanLwin (North) PanKyinLet (Midd le) Let PanKyinLet (South) ! ! PaukTaw(Midd le) KanYin WMin in Kan ! ! ! ! AingLyar (North) PaukTaw(W e st) KanLwin (South) ChaungChar Su(North) ! In PinSan ! In Y one ! ! ! ! AingLyar (South) ! SanPya ChaungChar Su(South) Y warThar Yar ! ! KanBarNi MaGyi Kone ! ! HinKhwet Aing ! SharPinHla !NaBe Kone Htan PinHtanLint ! NyaungPinThar ! TawUHtan ! MyaungU ! MaHlwa Kone ! HteinLin ! ! TatSu ! MyaungWa Htan ThoneHtan Gwa! 20°40'N 20°40'N KanNiYwar Thit ! In Taw In ! ! !MeDee KanNi ! KyweKan KyweYwarLinShweTa Thit(a) Koke Kan ! !Kyaung !KyweYwarLinTa Oh ! KhinMun !MaGyi Ngoke To ! PwayKyitTatSu NaungHta Kone ! NgarShan Taung SiThar ! !ShweOe BoBo (a) Kone ! !TawKa MaGyi Yoe ! PweKhin Ywar Thit ! O keHpo PweKhin (Midd le) ! ! ! PwayKyitYwar Thit !TaungTawHtan PweAukKhin Chaing (South)(a) ! ! PaukSan !HponThar Y warThit SanSu ! ! !MaHlwa Kone Magway Y aeSone ! Natmauk Region Township !KyweKu !YinU SiPin ! SharTawSu ! Y e nangyaung Township 0 2 4 8 Km 20°30'N 20°30'N 0 1 2 4 Miles 95°0'E 95°10'E 95°20'E 95°30'E Map ID: MIMU154v05 Legend Prod uctionApril20Date: 2020 PapeSize r A1 : Towns/ Village Boundary Projec tion/Datum:Ge ographic/WGS84 ! Basemap: MIMU, OSM \ UnionCapital TownshipBoundary Boundaries:MIMU Sagaing Region .! State/RegionCapital State/RegionBoundary Elevation:MERIT DEM !( MainTown InternationalBoundary PlaceName Ge s: neralAdministration Departme (GAD)and nt field sourc Place e s. name onthisprod s are uct linein with thege neralcartographic practice reto flecthename t of ssuch place deas s signated bythegovernme conce nt rnedTransliteration . byMIMU. Some place name could s benotdisplaye donthismap due spaceto limitations. Chin (! O theTown r State Hydrography Theinformation contained on thisprod provideis uct d“asforis”, re fe re ncepurposes only, based on curre available nt information. The United Nations and the MIMU spe c ificallydo notmake any Shan ! warrantiesor re pre sentationsthetoacc as uracyor completeness of such information nor doe imply it s official endorseme or acc nt e ptancebythe United PleaseNations.. share upd on atesany errors or Village State RiverandStre am omissionsmaps@thevia Transportation W aterBod y Thismap has bee pre n pare dfor informational purposes only, supportto humanitarian and de velopmeactivities nt inMyanmar. doe It renot s pre senton-thean -groundresurvey. preIt sentsonly the o approximatere lativeloc ationof village and sboundaries. The renoiswarrant theeithedatais complete r or acc urate. (! Airport TheMyanmar Information Manage MIMU me Unit/ servicea is nt of the Office of the UN Reside and Humanitarian nt Coord inatorsupportto the information manage menee nt dand s de c ision-makingof Mandalay Magway humanitarian,de velopmeand pe nt ace -foc usedactors across Myanmar. Region RailRoad Region MainRoad © 2020 Myanmar Information Management Unit. MIMUprod are ucts fornot sale and can beused fre eof charge with Forattribution. more information see Thisnotice cannot bemod ifiedor re moved . Sec ondaryRoad Email:[email protected] W ewww.the bsite: Rakhine Disclaimer: Theboundaries and thename shown s and thede signationsused onthismap do implynot official endorseme or acc nt e ptancebythe United Nations. TertiaryRoad State NayPyi Taw !(.
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