Weaponry After the Gulf War - New Equipment Requirements for Restructured Armed Forces
DOCUMENT 1272 14th May 1991 ASSEMBLY OF WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION THIRTY-SEVENTH ORDINARY SESSION (First Part) Weaponry after the Gulf war - new equipment requirements for restructured armed forces REPORT submitted on behalf of the Technological and Aerospace Committee by Sir Dudley Smith ASSEMBLY OF WESTERN EUROPEAN UNION 43, avenue du Pr6srdent-Wrlson,75775 Parrs Cedex 16 - Tel. 47 235432 Document 1272 14th May 1991 Weaponry after the Gulf war - new equipment requirements for restructured armed forces REPORT I submitted on behalf of the Technological and Aerospace Committee 2 by Sir Dudley Smith, Rapporteur TABLE OF CONTENTS DRnpt Rrcoptrr,trNonttoN on weaponry after the Gulf war - new equipment requirements for restructured armed forces ExpLnNetonv MruonnNouru submitted by Sir Dudley Smith, Rapporteur I. Introduction II. Revision of doctrines and strategies in NATO III. Future allied force structures IV. The restructuring of national armed forces V. Lessons from the Gulf war VI. The ballistic missile threat VII. Developments in main European collaborative equipment programmes VIIL New equipment requirements l Adopted in committee by 12 votes to 2 with 0 abstentions. 2. Members ol. the commrttee Mr. Stegagnini (Chairman); MM. Garrett (Alternate: Larnbte), Lopa: Henares (Alternate for Pedregosa) (Vice-Charrmen); MM. Atkrnson, Biefnot (Alternate: Llyttendaele\, Mrs. Blunck, MM. Bcihm. Caccia. Conceiqao, De B6nd{, bimmer, Mrs. Francese, MM. Lagorce, Le Grand, Lenzer, Lopez Valdrvielso (Alternate: l'a:que:\. Malfattr (Alternate: Prerall), Menzel, I[orerra, Palacios, Parry,Lord Rodney (Alternate: Srr Dudlcy Srruth\, MM. Tummers (Alternate: ..Iarr.s), Vallerx, Verbeek. Worms. N.B. ?'lre natnes of those taking part tn the rote are pnnted tn rlalics.
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