Texas As a Province and Republic 1795-1845 Reel Listing
Texas as a Province and Republic 1795-1845 Reel Listing Advocate of the People's Rights, Brazoria. Alsbury, Horace A., d. 1847. Extra. Brazoria, Wednesday, March 27, 1834. To the People of Texas. [Brazoria: Printed at the Office of the Advocate of [Brazoria: Printed by F.C. Gray]. [1835] the People's Rights]. [1834] 53; [Text begins:] Arriving this day from Monterray 42; [Published "for the sole purpose of laying before [sic] ... [continues with] information which I possess the public" a letter from Stephen F. Austin to the in regard to the designs of the Mexican Government Ayuntamiento of San Felipe de Austin dated towards the people of Texas ... [Signed and dated at "Monterry [sic], Jan. 17, 1834.", but including a end:] Horatio A. Alsberry [sic]. Columbia, August number of other items. Text begins:] The present 28th, 1835.; Broadside in two columns. 19.3 x 15.4 Extra closes the career of the "Advocate," until the cm.; This handbill, from which Dr. Barker in Johnson return of Oliver H. Allen, the Editor, who is now and Barker, Texas and Texans, quotes at considerable absent in the U.S. of the North ...; Broadsheet, both length in Vol. I, p. 243, gives a report from Alsbury, sides in three columns. 45.5 x 30 cm.; This is one of just back from Mexico, that the Mexican government the letters written by Austin after his arrest at Saltillo plans to establish an "arbitrary despotism" in Texas, on January 3, 1834, when on his way back to Texas "drive from the country a number of our principal from his mission to Mexico City.
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