Prepared for: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Office of Environment and Energy Washington, DC 20591


Research and Innovative Technology Administration John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center Acoustics Facility Cambridge, MA 02142


Wyle Report

WR 09-18

An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

Job No. T56128

November 2009

Prepared by:

Royce Bassarab, Wyle Laboratories Ben Sharp, Wyle Laboratories Brandon Robinette, Wyle Laboratories


An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

FINAL Prepared for FAA & US DOT/RITA/Volpe Center

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Wyle An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

FINAL Prepared for FAA & US DOT/RITA/Volpe Center

Table of Contents

1.0 Study Introduction ...... 1 1.1 Summary ...... 1 1.2 Introduction ...... 1 1.3 Description of Information in the Catalog ...... 3 1.4 Electronic Catalog ...... 5 1.5 Acknowledgments ...... 5

2.0 2008 Catalog ...... 6 2.1 Catalog Introduction ...... 6 2.2 Catalog ...... 6

3.0 Bibliography ...... 82 3.1 Bibliography Introduction ...... 82 3.2 Bibliography ...... 82

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An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

FINAL Prepared for FAA & US DOT/RITA/Volpe Center

1.0 Study Introduction

1.1 Summary

This report catalogs social surveys of residents' reactions to environmental noise in residential areas that have been located in English language publications from 1943 to December of 2008. This catalog replaces and expands upon a previous NASA catalog of 521 surveys published through 2000 (NASA report CR-2001-211257). All of the previous 521 surveys appear in the present catalog in the same form as they did in the previous catalog, except where additional publications and information has been evaluated and included. With this update, a total of 628 surveys are described. The publications and reports are listed in a bibliography. A companion Microsoft Excel database, which contains all 628 surveys, is included as part of this report, which replaces the need (as in previous catalog efforts) to provide multiple indexed versions of the data. While the previous catalog attempted to produce a comprehensive catalog of all noise sources, including blast and impulse noise, this update (generally, surveys that have been reported since 2001) has attempted to be comprehensive with respect to only transportation noise sources. 1.2 Introduction Social surveys have been widely used since the early 1960’s to assess the impact of environmental noise in residential areas. These surveys have usually measured impact on each surveyed individual (respondent) with some type of standardized questionnaire. These questionnaires have usually been personally administered by an interviewer in the home. In most studies, environmental noise levels have been either measured or estimated for each respondent’s residence. The results from these surveys have not been utilized to their full potential. The large number of surveys and publications may have contributed to their underutilization. Researchers find it difficult to locate relevant publications and, once located, find it difficult to determine which surveys are being referred to in the publications. This catalog of social surveys of environmental noise contributes to a fuller utilization by identifying the surveys and their publications. This report attempts to identify all social surveys of residents’ reactions to environmental transportation noise in residential areas that have been described in English language publications through December of 2008. A total of 628 surveys are described. It should be noted that this update only added studies after 2000 of noise from transportation sources, such as road traffic, aircraft activity, and rail traffic, among others. In many cases, the surveys also included references to impulse noises, ventilation, or other non-transportation noise sources; however, this update did not attempt to catalog those surveys after 2000 in which the primary sources studied were not transportation. Some social surveys have also been conducted on reactions to noise in the workplace, recreational settings and some other non-residential contexts. This catalog, however, only concerns the residential environment. The catalog was compiled with the goal of identifying all surveys about residents’ responses to environmental noise that had been mentioned in English language publications, regardless of the survey questionnaire language. An attempt has been made to include both well-known and obscure

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publications and reports. Foreign surveys are included even if the only English publication is an English language translation of a foreign language report. Some surveys from English speaking countries have been included even though they have only appeared in unpublished reports. Despite the effort to be broadly inclusive, some surveys from English speaking countries are not included, such as those that have only appeared in theses or other reports that could not be located. Surveys from other countries that have not been described in an English language publication have generally been excluded. Some surveys that have been briefly mentioned in publications are not included in the catalog if basic information about the sample size, study location, or study design has not been published. Other surveys have been included when direct communication with the survey investigator could provide needed information. A large number of published and unpublished sources were examined to identify surveys. Some of the most important sources are the following: Journal of Sound and Vibration, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America, Noise Control, Sound (through 2000), Noise Control Engineering, Proceedings of International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise (ICBEN) (1973–2008), Inter-noise proceedings (through 2008), NOISE-CON proceedings (through 2008), ICA proceedings (through 2007), a previously published Wyle Report on social surveys (Wyle, 1977), and three articles reviewing surveys (Schultz, 1978; Fidell, Barber, and Schultz, 1991; and Miedema and Vos, 1998). Although most surveys of reactions to noise in residential areas follow a common basic study design, other studies in this catalog have also explored a wide range of alternative data collection methods. The majority of the studies are based on either self-administered or interviewer-administered, structured questionnaires that ask about long-term reaction to relatively stable noise environments. These studies obtain respondents’ self-reported feelings about their noise environments. Other surveys in the catalog, however, have used such diverse methods as unstructured interviews, reports of behavioral changes, reports of disturbance during the immediately preceding hours, paper diaries of perceptions of noise events, web-based responses, and real-time instantaneous responses recorded on computers. Many studies have examined reactions to changing noise environments. Some studies have been based on longitudinal designs in which respondents are repeatedly interviewed. The present catalog only concerns the residential environment. The catalog does not list the lesser number of social surveys that have measured reactions to noise in other settings such as recreational areas, schools, or places of work. This catalog replaces and expands on three previous editions. The first edition of the catalog contained 200 surveys through 1980 (Fields 1981), the second revision contained 318 surveys through 1989 (Fields 1991), and the third revision contained 521 surveys through 2000 (Fields 2001). The surveys from those earlier editions also appear in this catalog of 628 surveys although some of the information for the previous surveys, such as the list of publications, has been updated. The large number of additions between the 1989 and 2000 catalogs (200) is partly explained by the number of new surveys conducted in the 1990’s. Other factors accounting for the 200 additions are the identification of more pre-1989 surveys (especially in Japan), the decision to include more studies with innovative data collection techniques for which the survey was a peripheral activity, and an intensive effort to upgrade insufficient published information through personal correspondence. This later effort resulted in the inclusion of information in the survey descriptions that has not appeared in publications. For this update to the catalog, an additional 107 surveys have been identified. Most of

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these studies were conducted in 2000 or later, although some studies conducted prior to the publication of the 2000 catalog have been identified and included. Section 2 of this report consists of the descriptions of the surveys. These descriptions are ordered alphabetically by country. Section 3 provides a bibliography of all of the associated publications and reports.

1.3 Description of Information in the Catalog

Each survey’s entry in the catalog consists of a basic description and a list of the survey’s publications and reports. Although each description is brief, it provides enough information to positively identify the survey and the primary characteristics of the survey design. Although statements about findings are sometimes included under the “Notes” heading, this catalog does not provide a systematic summary or review of study findings. Most studies have multiple findings. Any summary of these findings would have involved arbitrary judgments and have prohibitively increased the resources required for this catalog without relieving most readers of the necessity of consulting study reports. Each study’s entry consists of the following nine items of information: Survey Identification Number: Each entry begins with a two-part alpha-numeric code. The first part is three–letter abbreviation for the country. The second part is a serial number from 001 to 628 that uniquely identifies the survey. (The initial three-letter country abbreviation is attached as an aid in locating the survey within the catalog). : Each survey is identified with a unique, descriptive title. Any other widely used title for the survey follows in parentheses or is given under "Notes". The term "pilot" or "preliminary" are used only when the authors used the terms. Some "pilot" surveys are even larger than other "main" surveys. Date: The dates given are the years and, if known, months in which the social survey data were obtained from respondents. If the date of a survey is unknown, then the date is the earliest publication date and is listed as "Publication (Survey date not reported)". Associated noise measurement programs, if any, may have been conducted during a different time period. Source: The major sources of noise that are explored in the survey questionnaire are listed. All surveys are listed by their major noise sources in the noise source index. The four most often studied noise sources are aircraft, road traffic, railway, and community noise. Other less frequently studied sources are grouped under the heading of sonic boom, impulsive noise, interior noise, industrial noise, construction noise, and miscellaneous. The meaning of community noise and the distinctions between road traffic and community noise are not always clear. The "community" category is often not precisely defined and includes some studies that use a vague phrase such as "noise in this neighborhood" without clearly specifying the source. Some "community" studies have asked about each of a long list of noise sources without focusing either acoustical noise measurements or the questionnaire on one or two sources. The publications sometimes characterize a study as a "road traffic noise study" when road traffic is the dominant noise source, but unattended acoustical measurements included all noise sources. Some such “road traffic noise” studies are based on a noise annoyance question that only refers to noise in the neighborhood generally.

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Location: The country and city or airport where the survey was conducted are named. Most studies are confined to only a few, specially selected study areas within a city or near an airport. For studies with noise measurements such clustering of respondents reduces study costs. In a few instances that are noted, a probability sample of an entire area has been studied. Sample size (N=): This is the number of questionnaires available for the survey analyses. This number does not always match the number found in specific publications that are based on only subsets of the data sets. For studies in which some respondents were reinterviewed, the number of respondents is reported separately. Sample size information is usually presented separately for any supplementary studies of special groups (e.g. complainants). Noise Data: A "Yes" indicates that acoustical information about the respondent's noise exposure is available. The acoustical data may come from either noise measurements or some type of noise exposure model that estimates exposure from information about the noise source. No attempt has been made to evaluate the quality of the noise exposure information because published information is generally insufficient to evaluate the accuracy of the long-term average noise exposure about which the respondents have been asked. A few studies are classified as not having noise data available even if both social survey and noise exposure data were collected but the investigators did not coordinate either the data collection or analysis of the two types of data. Reference: The authors and dates of all known reports and publications are listed for each study. The complete reference for each publication is included in the bibliography section of this report. The availability of English translations is noted in the bibliography. Preliminary reports and short papers that appear in printed conference proceedings are included even though more complete reports are also listed for the same study. Papers that are presented in conferences, but not in published proceedings, are usually not listed. Publications that contain only secondary analyses or references to previously published data are not usually included. Notes: Information is presented about any unusual aspects of the survey. A comment is included if the survey departs from the modal methodology in which residents' opinions were obtained at a single point in time through face-to-face interviews using a fixed-format, interviewer-administered questionnaire. Any unusual aspects of the survey are described. Close linkages with other studies are noted. The study’s purpose or at least one study finding is briefly noted for most surveys.

Wyle 4 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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1.4 Electronic Companion Catalog

In addition to this published report, the Federal Aviation Administration is making available a companion database (in Microsoft Excel format) which includes all information provided in this published catalog, as well as additional data fields that are standardized and thus suitable for sorting and categorizing the surveys. The companion database includes the following additional fields: Survey Identification Number: The unique three-digit survey identification number. Country_forSorting: The country of origin of the survey. Year_forSorting: Study date or publication date of the survey. In most instances, this year represents either the year in which the social survey data collection began, or, if the survey date is unknown, the year of the first publication. Source_forSorting: Major sources of noise, such as AIR, ROAD, RAIL, COMMUNITY. Multiple sources may be listed for a single survey. Airport_forSorting: The IATA three-letter and ICAO four-letter airport code, completed for surveys which focus on noise from aircraft from a nearby airport.

1.5 Acknowledgments

Many thanks are owed to the researchers who gnererously contributed to the information presented in this catalog and the accompanying database. This update to previous catalog efforts of social surveys of residents’ reactions to environmental noise would not have been possible without the groundwork in survey collection methodology, documentation procedures, and overall institutional knowledge and assistance of James M. Fields.

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2.0 2008 Catalog

2.1 Catalog Introduction

The surveys are ordered by the full six-character, alpha-numeric . As a result, surveys are ordered by country. Multi-national surveys are reported separately for each country.

2.2 Catalog

AUL-036 AUL-214 1969 Sydney Airport Noise Survey 1978 Leichhardt Municipality Complaint Comparison Date: 1969 Date: 1978 (October, November) Source: Aircraft Source: Community Location: Australia: Sydney Airport Location: Australia: Leichhardt Municipality in Sydney N=: 296 main sample (also sample of 20 N=: 148 complainants) Noise Data: No Noise Data: Yes Reference: Avery, 1982 Reference: Mather, 1971 Notes: The sample survey data are compared with Notes: The study includes an additional sample of telephone complaints from the same area. 20 complainants. The complaints underestimated the AUL-209 annoyance rates and do not correctly rank 1979 Hornsby Rifle Range Survey the annoyance from different noise Date: 1979 (November) sources. Source: Rifle range AUL-226 Location: Australia: Hornsby (Suburb of Sydney) 1974 Brisbane S-E Freeway Study N=: 201 Date: 1974 (August, September) Noise Data: Yes Source: Expressway traffic Reference: Bullen, Hede, 1982; Bullen, Hede, 1983a; Location: Australia: Residents near a 2 km section of a Hede, Bullen, 1981; Hede, Bullen, 1982b freeway Notes: Alternative noise indices for assessing N=: 288 residents' responses to shooting ranges are Noise Data: Yes (for 142 respondents) evaluated. Reference: Brown, 1980b; Brown, Law, 1976; Brown, AUL-210 Law, 1978 1980 Australian Five-Airport Survey Notes: Only a narrow range of low noise levels (52 Date: 1980 (February to August) to 65 dB(A) LAeq) are included. Source: Aircraft AUL-227 Location: Australia: Five airports (Sydney, Adelaide, 1975-76 Australian Three-City Roadway Study Perth, Melbourne, Richmond Air base) Date: 1975 (October to December), 1976 (April, N=: 3,575 May) Noise Data: Yes Source: Road traffic Reference: Bullen, Hede, 1983a; Bullen, Hede, 1983b; Location: Australia: 19 areas near roads in Brisbane, Bullen, Hede, 1986; Bullen, Hede, Sydney, and Melbourne Kyriacos, 1986; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, N=: 818 1991; Hede, Bullen, 1982a Noise Data: Yes Notes: Noise indices are assessed. Personal, Reference: Brown, 1978; Brown, 1980a demographic, and attitudinal factors that Notes: None affect annoyance are identified. AUL-244 AUL-211 1979 Sydney Airport Pilot Survey 1979 Sydney Airport Study of Type of Noise Reactions Date: 1979 Date: 1979 (June) Source: Aircraft Source: Aircraft Location: Australia: Sydney airport Location: Australia: Sydney airport N=: 160 N=: 100 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Hede, 1980 Reference: Hede, 1980; Hede, Bullen, Rose, 1979 Notes: This was a pilot survey for the 1980 Notes: Annoyance is the main component in Australia Five-Airport Survey (AUL-210). reaction to aircraft noise, but other reactions are also important.

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AUL-247 AUL-285 Victoria Australia Entertainment Center Study 1986 Australian National Noise Survey Date: 1984 Publication (Survey date not reported) Date: 1986 (February) Source: Entertainment noise Source: Community Location: Australia: Victoria (residents near hotels, Location: Australia: National survey large music venues, restaurant, roller skating N=: 2,332 rink, reception center, recording studio) Noise Data: No N=: 27 Reference: Australian Government Publishing Service, Noise Data: Yes: inside and outside 1988 Reference: Parris, 1984 Notes: The six noise questions in this general- Notes: Residents also rated the noise during ten purpose, national omnibus survey found that minutes of their interviews. noise is one of the most serious pollution AUL-248 problems in residential communities. 1983 Melbourne Australia Simon and Garfunkel Concert Traffic noise and domestic noise are the Date: 1983 (February) biggest problems. Source: Outdoor concert by Simon and Garfunkel AUL-286 Location: Australia: Melbourne 1986 Brisbane Noise Survey N=: 442 Date: 1986 (March to May) Noise Data: Yes Source: Community, Road traffic, Aircraft Reference: Parris, 1984 Location: Australia: Brisbane (27 sites spread over 6 Notes: Residents of the area were interviewed by noise area categories) telephone in the three evenings following N=: 1,350 the concert. Noise Data: No (Sites are classified by type of noise area AUL-249 using density of transportation and extent of 1983 Melbourne Australia David Bowie Concert commerce and industry.) Date: 1983 (November) Reference: Duhs, Eddington, Renew, 1988 Source: Outdoor concert by David Bowie Notes: Road traffic noise is the most often Location: Australia: Melbourne mentioned noise problem. The study is N=: 402 based on a probability sample. Noise Data: Yes AUL-287 Reference: Parris, 1984 1986 Toowoomba Community Noise Survey Notes: Residents of the area were interviewed by Date: 1986 (May to December), 1987 telephone in the three evenings following Source: Community the concert. Location: Australia: Toowoomba AUL-264 N=: 600 (Approximate) 1980 Brisbane Traffic Noise Reduction Survey Noise Data: No (Sites are classified by type of noise area Date: 1980 (November) to 1981 (April) using density of transportation and extent of Source: Road traffic commerce and industry.) Location: Australia: Three locations in Brisbane Reference: Eddington, Eddington, 1988 N=: 152 (Most analyses exclude 11 new in- Notes: Road traffic noise is the most annoying migrants.) noise in all types of noise areas. Noise Data: Yes AUL-306 Reference: Brown, Hall, Kyle-Little, 1985 1988 New South Wales Power Station Survey Notes: Residents who experience a reduction in Date: 1988 (Winter) noise from a road bypass are compared to Source: Power station other residents with similar noise exposures. Location: Australia: Two power station sites in New This was part of a broader study of all South Wales environmental forces associated with living N=: 301 respondents in 12 areas near a roadway. Part of each questionnaire Noise Data: Yes was interviewer-administered and part was Reference: Job, Hede, 1989 left for respondents to answer. Notes: The response to power plant noise was AUL-265 similar to the response to aircraft noise at 1980 Brisbane Traffic Noise Increase Survey the same noise level found in a previous Date: 1980 (October), 1981 (May), 1982 (June) survey (AUL-210). Source: Road traffic AUL-307 Location: Australia: One roadway in Brisbane ¶1986 Sydney Aircraft/Road Traffic Survey N=: 20 (60 interviews) Date: 1986 (November, December), 1987 Noise Data: Yes (January, February) Reference: Brown, 1987 Source: Aircraft, Road traffic Notes: All 20 respondents were interviewed two Location: Australia: Sydney airport weeks before the traffic increased and at 7 N=: 426 and 19 months after the increase. Noise Data: Yes Reference: Lawrence, Putra, 1989; Putra, 1990; Putra, Lawrence 1991 Wyle 7 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Notes: Aircraft noise annoyance is affected by road AUL-384 traffic noise levels. The data come from 314 1992 Sydney Aircraft Noise Amelioration Attitudes Survey mail questionnaires and 112 face-to-face Date: 1992 (March to June) interviews. Source: Aircraft AUL-321 Location: Australia: Sydney (Kingsford Smith 1983 Sydney Artillery Range Survey Airport) Date: 1983 N=: 431 (about 100 from each of the four cells of Source: Artillery a design based on noise exposure) Location: Australia: areas near Holsworthy Artillery Noise Data: Yes Range (Sydney) Reference: Burgess, Zehner, 1993; Burgess, Zehner, N=: 1,626 1994a; Burgess, Zehner, 1994b Noise Data: Yes Notes: The study found that most residents Reference: Bullen, Hede, Job, 1991; Job, Bullen, preferred noise amelioration options that Hede, 1991 allowed them to stay in their homes. Most Notes: Artillery noise is more annoying than residents did not realize that noise intermittent, non-impulsive noise of the insulation schemes would require the use of same noise level. air conditioning. AUL-332 AUL-456 1991 Brisbane Traffic Noise Survey 1995 Sydney Airport Ku-ring-gai Noise Survey Date: 1991 Date: 1995 (August to October: Follows a change Source: Road traffic in operations in November 1994) Location: Australia: Brisbane Source: Aircraft N=: 1,038 Location: Australia: Ku-ring-gai ( low-density housing Noise Data: Yes areas 15 and 30 km north of Sydney Reference: Renew, 1993; Renew, 2000 airport) Notes: The study was designed for comparison N=: 1,138 (Some analyses use 1,018 responses) with previous Australian road traffic noise Noise Data: Yes studies. Reference: Bray, 1996; Gross, Sim, 1995; Gross, Sim, AUL-383 1997; Gross, Sim, 1998 1994-95 Sydney Airport Noise Change Survey Notes: Responses were obtained through a mail Date: 1994 - 1995 (Early 1994 for before-change questionnaire. A larger number of people survey. December 1994 - February 1995 for are affected at low aircraft noise levels after-change survey) because more people live at low noise Source: Aircraft levels. Location: Australia: Sydney (4 areas near Kingsford AUL-461 Smith airport) 1995-96 Four-Phase Sydney Road Traffic Noise Survey N=: 1,332 (1,015 before the change , 97 Date: 1995, 1996 (intervals of 4-6 months for a repeated before the change, 220 after the period of two years) Noise Data: Yes Source: Road traffic Reference: Carter, Job, Taylor, Peploe, Morrell, 1996; Job, Location: Australia: Sydney (several suburbs) Topple, Carter, Peploe, Taylor, Morrell, 1996a; N=: 48 responses from 12 respondents Job, Topple, Carter, Peploe, Taylor, Morrell, Noise Data: No 1996b; Hatfield, Job, Carter, Peploe, Taylor, Reference: Jeon, Fricke, 1995; Jeon, 1996; Jeon, Morrell, 1998; Hatfield, Job, Carter, Peploe, Fricke, 1998 Taylor, Morrell, 1999; Job, Hatfield, Carter, Notes: Respondents answered a mail survey at four Peploe, Taylor, Morrell, 1998a; Job, Hatfield, times over the two-year period. The noise Carter, Peploe, Taylor, Morrell, 1998b; Job, exposure appeared to not change and the Hatfield, Carter, Peploe, Taylor, Morrell, respondents' reactions did not change. 1999a; Job, Hatfield, Carter, Peploe, Taylor, AUL-547 Morrell, 1999b; Job, Hatfield, Carter, Peploe, Sydney Airport Sound Insulation Before and After Taylor, Morrell, 2000a; Job, Hatfield, Carter, Date: 2001 Publication (Survey date not reported) Peploe, Taylor, Morrell, 2000b; Job, Cuthbert, Source: Aircraft Hatfield, 2000; Hatfield, Job, Carter, Peploe, Location: Australia: Sydney Taylor, Morrell, 2000; Job, Hatfield, Carter, N=: 13 Peploe, Taylor, Morrell, 2001; Job, Hatfield, Noise Data: Yes Carter, Peploe, Taylor, Morrell, 2001; Hatfield Reference: Job, Hatfield, 2001a 2001; Hatfield, Job, Carter, Peploe, Taylor, Notes: Ten residences representing six dwelling Morrell, 2001; Hatfield, Job, 2004 types were interviewed on the basis of their Notes: Respondents answered a face-to-face, noise exposure to evaluate the perceived structured interview, then completed self- effectiveness of sound insulation installed administered questionnaires (Grossarth- following a runway reconfiguration. Noise Matticeck health risk questionnaire and measurements were made at each residence. POMS Depression, Anxiety, and Anger scale) while the interviewer waited. Wyle 8 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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AUL-589 AUS-329 2005-2006 Australia Nighttime Truck Noise Longitudinal 1989 Austrian Alps Road Traffic Noise Survey Survey Date: 1989 (Oct 1 to Nov. 30) Date: Four surveys Feb 2005 to March 2006 (later Source: Road traffic (may be other sources) extended by another round to November, Location: Austria: 5 communities in an area 2006) designated as sensitive to environmental Source: Road traffic (Nighttime truck noise) pollution Location: Australia N=: 1,989 N=: 152 in initial panel (reducing as Noise Data: Yes longitudinal studied continued) Reference: Lercher, 1992; Lercher, Widmann, 1993; Noise Data: Yes Lercher, 1996; Lercher, 1998 Reference: Brown, 2006; Brown, Troutbeck, Pitts, Notes: Perceived air pollution, noise sensitivity, 2007; Brown, Troutbeck, Pitts, 2006 and home ownership were related to noise Notes: Nighttime truck noise resulting from a traffic annoyance. management strategy was evaluated in face- AUS-487 to-face interviews two months, seven months, 1998 Inn Valley Road/Railway Noise Survey and 12 months following the implementation. Date: 1998 (July) Representative noise exposure was measured Source: Road traffic, Railway at each of the four survey dates. Location: Austria: rural areas in the Tyrol Alps AUS-014 N=: 2,007 1964 Vienna Road Traffic Noise Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 1964 Reference: Botteldooren, Verkeyn, Lercher, 2000a; Source: Road traffic, Aircraft, Railway, Trolleys Botteldooren, Verkeyn, Lercher, 2000b; Location: Austria: Vienna Lercher, Brauchle, Widmann, 1999; Lercher, N=: 400 (265 residents, 100 office workers, 35 2001; Sölder, 1998; Botteldooren, Verkeyn, teachers) Lercher, 2003; Botteldooren, Verkeyn, Lercher, Noise Data: Yes 2002a Reference: Bruckmayer, Lang, 1967; Fidell, Barber, Notes: Interviews were conducted via telephone. Schultz, 1991; Schultz, 1978 The study was conducted to identify Notes: Annoyance was the same in residences and recommendations for a health impact offices at the same noise levels and thus the assessment study. two types of ratings are not separated in the AUS-488 published tables. All respondents were 1998 Tyrol Children/Mothers Noise Survey employees or otherwise associated with the Date: 1998 (June) Vienna Technological Industrial Museum. Source: Road traffic, Railway AUS-093 Location: Austria: the Inn Valley (rural alpine area east 1973 Vienna Road Traffic Noise Survey of Innsbruck) Date: 1973 N=: 1,280 children (number mailed to mothers Source: Road traffic is not reported) Location: Austria: Vienna Noise Data: Yes N=: 2,624 Reference: Lercher, 2001; Lercher, Brauchle, Kofler, Noise Data: Yes Widmann, Meis, 2000; Roner, 1999; Reference: Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991;Lang, 1975; Roner, Roitner-Grabher, 1998; Sölder, Lang, 1976; Lang, 1977; Lang, 1978; 1998 Schultz, 1978 Notes: The study compared children's and mothers' Notes: Respondents are more annoyed if their most reactions to the same residential noise important rooms are on the noisy side of the environments. The self-administered house. questionnaires were completed by children AUS-178 in a classroom and by mothers at home. 1977 Austrian Road Traffic Survey AUS-521 Date: 1977 Austrian Transportation Noise and Blood Pressure Survey Source: Road traffic Date: 1998 (September to November) Location: Austria: 49 measurement points in both Source: Road traffic, Railway rural and urban areas Location: Austria: Inn Valley N=: 462 N=: 807 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Lang, 1978; Lang, 1980 Reference: Lercher, 2001;Lercher, Widmann, Kofler, Notes: Respondents in rural areas were more likely 2000; Sölder, 1998 to be in single family homes, to have Notes: This study used many of the same questions gardens, to be along highways, and to be that were used in AUS-487 and AUS-488. less annoyed by noise than urban Only about 10 of the same people were in respondents at the same noise levels. the other studies. The study took blood pressure readings and analyzed the relationship between noise level and blood Wyle 9 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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pressure. BEL-137 AUS-560 1976 Brussels Traffic Noise Survey 2006 Austria ALPNAP Traffic Noise Survey Date: 1976 (May to October) Date: 2006 Source: Road traffic Source: Road traffic, Railway Location: Belgium: Brussels Location: Austria: Unterinntal/Brenner Pass N=: 495 N=: 1,643 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Myncke, Reference: Lercher, Botteldooren, de Greve, Cops, Gambart, 1977; Myncke, Cops, Dekoninck, Rudisser, 2007; Lercher, de Steenackers, 1977; Myncke, Cops, Greve, Botteldooren, Baulac, Defrance, Steenackers, Bruyninckx, Gambart, Rudisser, 2008 Verleysen, 1977; Myncke, Cops, Gambart, Notes: Rail and road noise sources were evaluated Steenackers, 1979; Schultz, 1978 by a telephone survey to compare the effects Notes: Respondents who volunteered to take part of noise from combined sources on reaction, on the basis of a request letter (9% response sleep disturbance, cardiovascular disease. rate) filled out a self-administered Results were compared to those of a questionnaire. The study is quite similar to previous study in the same area (AUS-487). the 1975 Antwerp study (BEL-122). Some AUS-572 questions were different in the two 1998 Brisbane Community Noise Survey questionnaires. Date: 1998 (August) BEL-151 Source: Community 1977-78 Belgium Four-Airport Noise Survey Location: Australia: Brisbane Date: 1977, 1978 N=: 450 Source: Aircraft Noise Data: No Location: Belgium: Four airports (Helchteren, Reference: Henry, Huson, 2003 Grimbergen, Deurne, Middelkerke) Notes: As part of the development of the Brisbane N=: 150 Noise Management Strategy, a telephone Noise Data: Yes survey was conducted to determine Reference: Myncke, Cops, 1978 perceived sources of noise, to assess Notes: The four airports include one military community attitudes to noise, to determine airfield, one general aviation airport and two the impacts of noise, and to identify trends airports with both commercial and general from a previous study (AUL-286). aviation movements. BEL-107 BEL-288 Preliminary Leuven Traffic Noise Survey 1980s Brussels International Airport Noise Survey Date: 1976 Publication (Survey date not reported) Date: 1980 (June to November), 1984 (January to Source: Road traffic May), 1985 (January to May) Location: Belgium: Leuven Source: Aircraft N=: 247 Location: Belgium: Brussels (residents near 11 Noise Data: Yes measurement locations) Reference: Gambart, Myncke, Cops, 1976 N=: 677 (1,400 were asked to participate) Notes: The survey was conducted to design two Noise Data: Yes traffic noise surveys (BEL-122, BEL-137). Reference: Jonckheere, 1984; Jonckheere, 1987; BEL-122 Jonckheere, 1988; Jonckheere, 1989; 1975 Antwerp Traffic Noise Survey Jonckheere, Swalens, 1981 Date: 1975 (May to October) Notes: In 1980, 540 residents from the 1,000 Source: Road traffic sampled addresses participated. Residents Location: Belgium: Antwerp at rural sites are somewhat less likely to be N=: 1,319 affected. Noise Data: Yes BEL-539 Reference: Cops, Myncke, Gambart, Steenackers, 2001 Flanders (Belgium) Prediction Model Validation 1978; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Date: 2001 Myncke, Cops, Gambart, 1977; Myncke, Source: Road traffic Cops, Steenackers, 1977; Myncke, Cops, Location: Belgium: Flanders Steenackers, Bruyninckx, Gambart, N=: 3,207 Verleysen, 1977; Myncke, Cops, Gambart, Noise Data: Yes Steenackers, 1979; Schultz, 1978 Reference: Dekoninck, Botteldooren, 2002; Verkeyn, Notes: Respondents who volunteered to take part Botteldooren, 2002; Bottledooren, Verkeyn, on the basis of a request letter (about 14% 2002b; Botteldooren, Verkeyn, Lercher, 2003; response rate) filled out a self-administered Botteldooren, Lercher, 2004; Botteldooren, questionnaire. The study is quite similar to Dekoninck, de Greve, De Coensel, Lercher, the 1976 Brussels study (BEL-137). Some 2007 questions were different in the two Notes: As part of the Investigation of the questionnaires. Environmental Living Quality, residents of Wyle 10 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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ages 16 and above were contacted by interviews.) telephone and mailed a questionnaire Reference: Bolstad Engineering Associates, Inc., 1973 regarding the influence of odor, noise and Notes: The questionnaires were divided between excessive light on the living environment. 1201 face-to-face interviews and 3013 self- Noise measurements were made at 250 administered questionnaires. dwellings. CAN-078 BRA-474 1972 Calgary Noise Survey 1994 Porto Alegre Noise Survey Date: 1972 (February to October) Date: 1994 (September to December) Source: Community, Aircraft, Railway Source: Road traffic Location: Canada: Calgary Location: Brazil: Porto Alegro (southernmost capital N=: 1081 city) Noise Data: Yes N=: 321 Reference: Dunn, Jones, 1975; Dunn, Posey, 1974; Noise Data: Yes Dunn, Hanington, Wilk, Wilson, Dunn, Reference: Rott, 1995; Sattler, 1999; Sattler, Rott, 1996 1985; Jones, Li, McKee, 1973 Notes: Road traffic is a major source of annoyance Notes: Self-administered questionnaires were used for the population. Busses were the most for the "winter" (N504) and "summer" annoying source of road traffic noise. surveys (N226). A different questionnaire BRA-586 was used for the personal, face-to-face Curitiba Brazil Neighborhood Noise Survey interviews (N351). In addition to the Date: 2005 publication (Survey date not reported) residential data, information was collected in Source: Community hospitals, nursing homes, schools and Location: Brazil: Curitiba shopping areas. N=: 860 CAN-079 Noise Data: No 1972 Toronto Community Noise Survey Reference: Zannin, Diniz, Ferreira, 2005 Date: 1972 (March, April) Notes: A postal survey of urban noise sources was Source: Community carried out in a random sample of residents Location: Canada: Toronto and compared with previously modeled N=: 2,454 noise exposure to identify the primary Noise Data: Yes sources and annoyance reactions. Reference: Bremner, 1973 CAN-055 Notes: Interviews were completed near the noise 1971 Dorval Aircraft Noise Survey monitoring sites with both residents and Date: 1971 (June to August) some nearby workers who lived elsewhere. Source: Aircraft CAN-120 Location: Canada: Dorval Airport in Montreal 1975 Western Ontario University Traffic Noise Survey N=: 1,000 Date: 1975 (Summer and Fall), 1976 (May to Noise Data: Yes September) Reference: Canada Ministry of Transport, 1972 Source: Road traffic Notes: Interviews were conducted with Location: Canada: 47 sites in four cities (London, approximately 800 randomly selected Toronto, Tillsonburg, Ingersoll) residents and with subsamples of N=: 1,216 interviews with 1150 respondents approximately 150 specially identified Noise Data: Yes complainants and 150 anti-noise Reference: Bradley, 1976; Bradley, 1979; Bradley, organization members. 1980; Bradley, Jonah, 1977; Bradley, CAN-076 Jonah, 1979a; Bradley, Jonah, 1979b; 1972 London/Woodstock Community Noise Survey Bradley, Jonah, 1979c; Fields, Hall, 1987; Date: 1972-1973 Jonah, Bradley, Dawson, 1981 Source: Community Notes: Sixty-six respondents were interviewed Location: Canada: Ontario (London, Woodstock) twice. The same interview form was N=: 800 administered in two years in four locations Noise Data: Yes to study five types of area characteristics. Reference: Foreman, Dickinson, 1973; Foreman, CAN-121 Dickinson, 1974; Foreman, Emmerson, 1975-76 Southern Ontario Community Survey Dickinson, 1974 Date: 1975 (May to July), 1976 (Summer) Notes: Two forms of the questionnaire were Source: Community (especially road traffic) administered to study methodological issues. Location: Canada: Toronto area (Hamilton, CAN-077 Burlington, Mississauga) 1972 Edmonton Community Noise Survey N=: 1,786 Date: 1972 (Summer and early Fall) Noise Data: Yes Source: Community Reference: Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Hall, 1979; Location: Canada: Edmonton Hall, Birnie, Taylor, 1978a; Hall, Birnie, N=: 4,214 Taylor, 1978b; Hall, Palmer, Taylor, 1983; Noise Data: No (No noise data are analyzed with Hall, Taylor, 1976a; Hall, Taylor, 1976b; Wyle 11 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Hall, Taylor, 1977; Hall, Taylor, Birnie, Reference: Dixit, Reburn, 1980; Hall, Dixit, Taylor, 1977; Hall, Taylor, Birnie, Breston, 1980 Gertler, Moreau, 1977; Schultz, 1978; Notes: Annoyance with railway yard noise is Taylor, Birnie, Hall, 1978; Taylor, Gertler, greater than with road traffic or aircraft noise Hall, 1978; Taylor, Hall, 1977; Uptegrove, at the same noise levels. Hall, Taylor, Goulden, 1977 CAN-174 Notes: The questionnaire in the second year 1978 Canadian National Community Noise Survey obtained more information about road traffic. Date: 1978 (June to September) Some sites had noise barriers. Source: Community, Aircraft, Railway CAN-126 Location: Canada: National sample as well as special Toronto Railway Noise Survey samples near two airports (St. Hubert in Date: 1975 Publication (Survey date not reported) Quebec: Waterville in Nova Scotia) and four Source: Railway railway sites (Truro in Nova Scotia; Grand Location: Canada: Toronto Falls, St. Leonard, and Edmunston in New N=: 170 (approximately) N=: 8,838 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes (for 150 respondents) Reference: Hemingway, 1975; Hemingway, 1976 Reference: Peat Marwick and Partners, 1979 Notes: Ambient noise levels did not affect ratings of Notes: These data have not been analyzed but are railway noise. fully documented. The survey is sometimes CAN-136 labeled the "National Household Survey of 1976 Canada Impulse Noise Survey Noise Exposure." Date: 1976 (June to October) CAN-181 Source: Impulse noise from drop forging industrial 1979 Canadian Three Airport General Aviation Study plants Date: 1979 (July) Location: Canada: Welland, Port Colborne, Windsor Source: Aircraft N=: 607 Location: Canada: Three general aviation airports Noise Data: Yes (Oshawa, Buttonville, Maple) Reference: Seshagiri, 1979; Seshagiri, 1981 N=: 30 Notes: Residents rated industrial noise that could Noise Data: Yes be heard from their homes. The annoyance Reference: Taylor, Birnie, Hall, 1980 with drop forge noise is greater than with Notes: Some residents had also been interviewed in road traffic noise of an equivalent noise level. 1978 (CAN-168). A major study objective CAN-168 is to contrast three study methods: in-depth 1978 Canadian Four-Airport Survey interview, diary, and field experiment. Date: 1978 (Summer), 1979 (Summer) CAN-236 Source: Aircraft 1981 Southern Ontario Community Survey Location: Canada: Four airports (Toronto, Date: 1981 (Summer) Buttonville, Waterloo-Wellington, Oshawa) Source: Road traffic, Railway, Aircraft N=: 965 original interviews (212 repeated Location: Canada: Southern Ontario interviews in 1979) N=: 406 (57 study sites) Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Birnie, Hall, Taylor, 1980a; Birnie, Hall, Reference: Hall, Taylor, Birnie, 1983; Hall, Taylor, Taylor, 1980b; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, Birnie, 1985; Taylor, Hall, Birnie, 1984 1991; Hall, Birnie, Taylor, 1979; Hall, Notes: The probability of annoyance is predicted as Dixit, Taylor, 1980; Hall, Palmer, Taylor, a function of self-reported activity 1983; Hall, Taylor, 1982; Hall, Taylor, interference in a logit analysis. Birnie, 1980; Hall, Birnie, Taylor, Palmer, CAN-262 1981; Taylor, 1982; Taylor, 1984; Taylor, Canadian Party Wall Insulation Pilot Survey Hall, Birnie, 1979; Taylor, Hall, Birnie, Date: 1982 Publication (Survey date not reported) 1980; Taylor, Hall, Birnie, 1981; Taylor, Source: Interior noise Hall, Birnie, 1987 Location: Canada Notes: In 1979, 212 respondents were reinterviewed N=: 98 (49 pairs of adjacent neighbors) in Toronto. Three of the airports were Noise Data: Yes general aviation airports. Conclusions Reference: Bradley, 1982; Bradley, 1983a; Bradley, about the relative degree of annoyance at 1983b Toronto and a smaller airport differed for Notes: Annoyance with neighbors' noise is less in different noise impact indicators. residences with greater transmission loss for CAN-169 the party walls. 1978-79 Canadian Five Railway Yard Survey CAN-279 Date: 1978-1979 1976 Toronto Freeway 401 Privacy Fence Survey Source: Railway Date: 1976 (Spring and Autumn) Location: Canada: Five railway yards in Ontario Source: Freeway traffic N=: 544 Location: Canada: Four areas along the 401 freeway in Noise Data: Yes Toronto Wyle 12 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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N=: 251 CAN-606 Noise Data: No noise data described 2005 Canadian Transportation Noise Survey Reference: Andrew, Sharratt, 1976 Date: 2005 (October) Notes: Residents were interviewed about a privacy Source: Road traffic fence that had been erected in November Location: Canada: Nationwide 1974. No interviews were conducted before N=: 2,565 the installation of the fence. The survey was Noise Data: No conducted at two times to contrast reactions Reference: Michaud, Keith, McMurchy, 2008 to freeway conditions at two times of year. Notes: Residents were surveyed by telephone CAN-280 regarding road traffic noise annoyance, as 1978 Etobicoke/Ottawa Noise Barrier Study part of a larger public opinion survey Date: 1976, 1978 (Autumn in both years) covering a range of health-related issues. Source: Freeway traffic The results were compared with a previous Location: Canada: Etobicoke (2 areas on Route 401 Canada-wide survey (CAN-594). near Toronto) and Ottawa (near Queensway) CHI-230 N=: 1,194 1975 Beijing Traffic Noise Survey Noise Data: Yes (for some locations near barriers) Date: 1975 Reference: Schliewinsky, Adams, 1979 Source: Road traffic Notes: Interviews were conducted before and after a Location: China: 20 streets in Beijing barrier was installed in areas near the barrier N=: Not known and in nearby control areas. Some Noise Data: Yes respondents were reinterviewed. Noise Reference: Chang, 1981 levels decreased by 6 decibels in some Notes: Residents answered a self-administered locations. Results are not analyzed by noise questionnaire. level. CHI-386 CAN-322 1986-1989 Chinese Five-City Road Traffic Noise Survey 1990 Toronto Air Conditioner Survey Date: 1986 to 1989 (Year may differ by city) Date: 1990 (Summer) Source: Road traffic Source: Residential air conditioners, Heat pumps Location: China: 5 cities (Harbin, Tianjin, Shanghai, Location: Canada: Toronto Shijiazhuang, Fuzhou) N=: 550 with both survey and noise data N=: 2,969 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Bradley, 1991; Bradley, 1993 Reference: Zhao, Chen, 1992 Notes: Annoyance with air conditioners decreases Notes: There was no obvious difference in the as ambient noise levels increase. The reactions of respondents of different genders interpretation is uncertain because the air or ages to similar noise levels. conditioner noise level indicator includes CHI-457 ambient noise in some locations. 1986 Beijing City (Nagoya Comparison) Survey CAN-385 Date: 1986 (Spring) 1990s Vancouver Airport Noise Change Survey Source: Community, Road traffic Date: 1995 (August 17-20), 1998 (August 20-24) Location: China: Beijing Source: Aircraft N=: 353 Location: Canada: Vancouver International Airport (10 Noise Data: Yes areas) Reference: Kuno, Mishina,Hayashi, Oishi, Ikegaya, N=: 2,067 (1,000 in the year 1995, 1,067 in Zheng, Cai, Chen, 1987; Kuno, Oishi, Noise Data: Yes Mishina, Hayashi, Zheng, Cai, Chen, 1992; Reference: Grigg, Haboly, Cheng, 2000; Fidell, Kuno, Oishi, Mishina, Hayashi, Zheng, Silvati, Fletcher, 1995; Fidell, Silvati, Cai, Chen, 1993; Oishi, Mishina, Hayashi, 1998; Fidell, Silvati, Haboly, 2002 Okumura, Kuno, 1989 Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted in the Notes: Reactions to noise in Beijing, China were same area before and after a change in noise similar to those in a Nagoya, Japan study exposure. (JPN-294). CAN-594 CHI-514 2002 Canadian Transportation Noise Survey 1985 Student Noise Attitudes Study (Beijing/Tsinghua) Date: 2002 (Spring and December) Date: 1985 (September) Source: Transportation noise Source: Community Location: Canada: Nationwide Location: China: Beijing N=: 5,232 N=: 402 Noise Data: No Noise Data: No Reference: Michaud, Keith, McMurchy, 2005 Reference: Zheng, Cai, Tong, 1986 Notes: Randomly selected participants took part in Notes: University answered this written a telephone survey, completing either a questionnaire's general statements about health-care survey or a survey with specific neighbors' noise. There are some differences questions regarding noise exposure. between perceptions and attitudes toward Wyle 13 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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neighbors' noise in England, Germany and noise and some types of diseases. Japan. The questionnaire is nearly identical to DEN-075 questionnaires administered in Japan (JPN- 1972 Copenhagen Traffic Noise Survey 510), England (UKD-512), Germany (GER- Date: 1972 (August, September) 511), and the United States (USA-513). Source: Road traffic CHI-617 Location: Denmark: Copenhagen (28 study areas) Tianjin, China Road Traffic Noise Survey N=: 960 Date: 2008 Publication (Survey date not reported) Noise Data: Yes Source: Road traffic Reference: Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Kragh, 1977; Location: China: Tianjin Relster, 1975; Relster, 1981; Schultz, 1978 N=: Unknown Notes: The study was designed to test the effect of Noise Data: No housing type (apartments compared to other Reference: Ma, Yano, 2008 types) on response to traffic noise. Notes: 'Residents' attitudes to noise from road DEN-200 traffic and the acoustical condition of the 1979 Danish Railway Noise Survey environment were evaluated in Tianjin. Date: 1979 (August, September) CHI-624 Source: Railway Beijing, China Road Traffic Noise Study Location: Denmark Date: 2008 Publication (Survey Date not Reported) N=: 615 Source: Road Traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: China: University in Beijing Reference: Andersen, Kühl, Relster, 1980; Andersen, N=: 1,293 Kühl, Relster, 1983; Andersen, Kühl, Noise Data: Yes Relster, 1988; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, Reference: Li, Yu, Lu, Zeng, Nan, Zhao, 2008 1991; Kühl, 1980; Miljøstyrelsen, 1982 Notes: Students living in a high-rise university Notes: More than half reported that goods trains are dormatory were surveyed regarding a special problem. annoyance from road traffic noise. The DEN-333 results were compared with measurements 1992 CEC Wind Turbine Noise Study (Denmark) both inside and outside the facility. Date: 1992 (November) CHL-605 Source: Wind Turbine 2007 Santiago International Airport Annoyance Pilot Location: Denmark Date: 2007 N=: 199 Source: Aircraft, Miscellaneous Noise Data: Yes Location: Chile: Areas near Santiago International Reference: Wolsink, Sprengers, 1993 Airport Notes: Two similar studies were conducted in N=: 28 Germany (GER-335) and the Netherlands Noise Data: Yes (NET-334). Reference: Marzanno, Recuero, 2007 DEN-380 Notes: The pilot study randomly mailed a survey 1983 Copenhagen Kastrup Airport Survey of 28 questions--pertaining to noise effects, Date: 1983 (September) perception of noise levels outside the Source: Aircraft dwelling, and the impact of noise levels Location: Denmark: Kastrup Airport from community noise sources on the N=: At least 570 (total is uncertain) building interior--to residents surrounding Noise Data: Yes Santiago International Airport. Reference: Socialforskningsintituttet, 1987 CZE-109 Notes: None Bratislava Traffic Noise Survey DEN-381 Date: 1974 Publication (Survey date not reported) 1986 Copenhagen Kastrup Airport Followup Survey Source: Road traffic Date: 1986 (September 19 to 30) Location: Czechoslovakia: 12 streets in Bratislava Source: Aircraft N=: The survey was carried out for 340 Location: Denmark: Kastrup Airport Noise Data: No noise data described N=: At least 570 (total is uncertain) Reference: Radulov, 1974 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Annoyance is affected by the height of the Reference: Socialforskningsintituttet, 1987 apartment. Notes: None CZE-402 DEN-387 1995-97 Czech Noise/Public Health Survey 1999-2000 Øster Søgade Copenhagen Porous Asphalt Date: 1995, 1997 (April in 1997) Date: 1999 (March, before study), 2000 (March, Source: Community after study) Location: Czech Republic: (21 cities) Source: Road traffic N=: 24,277 Location: Denmark: Copenhagen (Øster Søgade) Noise Data: Yes N=: 329 (173 before change, 156 after change ) Reference: Sisma, 1998; Sisma, 2000 Noise Data: Yes Notes: The study reports a relationship between Reference: Larsen, Bendtsen, 2001 Wyle 14 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Notes: A questionnaire was left in the mailbox with this catalog.) The face-to-face interview a self-addressed return envelope. The study was modified somewhat between the first examined reactions before and seven and last interviews (from 1969 to 1976) in months after a road was rebuilt with a the three countries. The reports state that quieter road surface, porous asphalt. annoyance is less closely related to energy- DEN-388 based noise indices such as LAeq and FBN 1998 Danish Speed Bump Noise Survey than to indices based on peak noise levels Date: 1998 (April) and numbers of aircraft. Source: Road traffic (near speed bumps) DEN-527 Location: Denmark 1996-97 Danish Sønderborg Town Survey N=: 262 Date: 1996 - 1997 Noise Data: Yes Source: Road traffic Reference: Bendtsen, Larsen, 2000 Location: Denmark Sønderborg Town Notes: None N=: 1,067 DEN-389 Noise Data: No 1998 Danish Road Traffic Noise Barrier Study Reference: Hvidtfeldt, 1999; Larsen, Bendtsen, Date: 1998 (April) Mikkelsen, 2002 Source: Major roads Notes: Residents were surveyed regarding their Location: Denmark: 5 areas, two without barriers and attitude towards road traffic annoyance. three with barriers DEN-528 N=: 261 1999 Danish Three Community Traffic Noise Survey Noise Data: No Date: 1999 (May - June) Reference: Bendtsen, Larsen, 2001 Source: Road traffic Notes: A questionnaire was left in the mailbox with Location: Denmark: Århus, Odense, Randers a self-addressed return envelope. This was N=: 4,756 a pilot survey to learn about reactions to Noise Data: No noise barriers. Reference: Larsen, Bendtsen, Mikkelsen, 2002 DEN-390 Notes: A postal survey using a 6-point verbal scale 1999 Aarhus Road Traffic Noise Survey was mailed to residents to analyze Date: 1999 (May, June) annoyance with windows open or closed Source: Road traffic based on road traffic. Location: Denmark: Aarhus Municipality, including DEN-529 the second largest city (Aarhus), small 2002 Copenhagen Contingent Valuation Traffic Noise communities, and rural areas Date: 2002 (November) N=: 3,378 Source: Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: Denmark: Copenhagen Reference: Bendtsen, Larsen, Mikkelsen, 2000 N=: 1,149 Notes: A postal questionnaire was distributed. Noise Data: Yes DEN-519 Reference: Bjørner, 2004 Scandinavian Nine-Airport Noise Study (Denmark) Notes: A postal survey was mailed to both owners Date: 1971 and renters in Copenhagen to evaluate Source: Aircraft annoyance from road traffic using a 5-point Location: Denmark: Copenhagen and Billund airports verbal scale. Noise exposure data was N=: 1,119 from 12 areas (10 at Copenhagen and collected from the Copenhagen EPA. 2 at Billund) EGY-357 Noise Data: Yes Alexandria Tram Noise Study Reference: Åhrlin, 1988; Åhrlin, Rylander, 1979; Date: 1993 Publication (Survey date not reported) Berglund, Berglund, Lindvall, 1975; Source: Tramway Berglund, Berglund, Lindvall, 1987; Location: Egypt: Alexandria Berglund, Berglund, Jonsson, Lindvall, N=: 85 1977; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Noise Data: Yes Rylander, Björkman, Sörensen, 1993; Reference: Alim, Zaki, 1993a; Alim, Zaki, 1993b; Rylander, Björkman, Åhrlin, Sörensen, Alim, Zaki, 1994 Berglund, 1980; Rylander, Sörensen, Notes: Annoyance with noise and vibration was Alexandre, Gilbert, 1973; Rylander, studied at 10 sites. Sörensen, Berglund, 1974; Rylander, EGY-543 Sörensen, Kajland, 1972; Rylander, Assiut, Egypt Railway Noise Survey Sörensen, 1973; Schultz, 1978; Sörensen, Date: 2005 Publication (Survey date not reported) Berglund, Rylander, 1973 Source: Railway Notes: The 3,746 interviews from this and two Location: Egypt: Assiut other studies (DEN-519, NOR-520, SWE- N=: 714 035) have been analyzed as a single data set. Noise Data: Yes (They were represented as a single study, Reference: Ali, 2005 SWE-035, in the 1981 and 1991 editions of Notes: Residents in a downtown area, an industrial Wyle 15 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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area, a tourism area, and a residential area Location: France: Paris area were delivered a questionnaire, which was N=: 420 (370 were used in the analysis) returned either by mail or collection. Noise Noise Data: Yes measurements were made at multiple sites Reference: Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Lamure, representing varying land uses and speeds of Bacelon, 1967; Schultz, 1978 trains. Notes: None EGY-573 FRA-041 2002 Cairo Road Traffic Noise Survey 1969 Paris Road Traffic Noise Study Date: 2002 Date: 1969 Source: Road traffic Source: Road traffic Location: Egypt: Cairo Location: France: Paris area N=: 1,000 N=: 700 Noise Data: No Noise Data: Yes (for 500 interviews) Reference: Ali, Tamura, 2003 Reference: Aubree, Auzou, Rapin, 1971; Fidell, Notes: Residents from 21 sites in Cairo were Barber, Schultz, 1991; Schultz, 1978 surveyed to understand the level of nuisance Notes: Noise annoyance is related to other associated with noise from road traffic. evaluations of neighborhoods. FIN-625 FRA-045 1988 Metropolitan Helskinki Combined Transportation 1970 French Sonic Boom Survey Noise and Health Survey Date: 1970 (November 11 to 16) Date: 1988 Source: Sonic booms Source: Road traffic, aircraft, and railway Location: France Location: Finland: Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, N=: 2,848 main study interviews, also 283 Kerava.Tuusula complainants N=: 218 Noise Data: No (Only the number of booms is known.) Noise Data: Yes Reference: Bremond, 1974; Centre d'Etudes et Reference: Heinonen-Guzejev, Vuorinen, Kaprio, Recherches Psychologiques Air, 1971 Heikkila, Mussalo-Rauhamaa, 2000 Notes: The study includes a subsample of 283 Notes: The association between noise sensitivity complainants. and self-report of noise exposure was FRA-056 evaluated in metropolitan Helsinki. Noise 1971 Orly Aircraft Noise Survey exposure information was calculated for Date: 1971 (April 18 to May 17 for main study) aircraft, road traffic noise, and railway noise. Source: Aircraft FRA-016 Location: France: Orly airport (Paris) 1965 French Four-Airport Noise Study N=: 4,998 in main study. In-depth interviews Date: 1965 (November) to 1966 (April) were conducted with 39 respondents Source: Aircraft Noise Data: Yes Location: France: Four airports (Le Bourget (Paris), Reference: Francois, 1972; Francois, 1975a; Francois, Orly (Paris), Marseilles, Lyon) 1979b; Francois, Roche, 1973 N=: Approximately 2,000 Notes: The in-depth interviews are described in one Noise Data: Yes publication (Francois, 1972). Reference: Alexandre, 1970; Association FRA-063 dAnthropologie Appliquée, 1967; Centre 1972 Paris Area Railway Noise Survey Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, Date: 1972 (April) 1968; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Josse, Source: Railway 1969; Rylander, Sörensen, Alexandre, Location: France: Paris area Gilbert, 1973; Rylander, Sörensen, N=: 350 Berglund, 1974; Schultz, 1978 Noise Data: Yes Notes: None Reference: Aubree, 1973; Aubree, 1975; Fidell, Barber, FRA-017 Schultz, 1991; Gilbert, 1973; Schultz, 1965 French Regional Sonic Boom Survey 1978 Date: 1965 Notes: None Source: Sonic booms FRA-087 Location: France: both eastern and southwestern 1973 St Cyr L'Ecole General Aviation Noise Survey regions of France Date: 1973 (October) N=: 2,296 Source: General aviation Noise Data: No Location: France: Six areas around St. Cyr L'Ecole Reference: de Brisson, 1966 Airport Notes: The study included a subsample of residents N=: 401 who had complained about sonic booms. Noise Data: Yes FRA-019 Reference: Francois, 1975b 1965 Paris Expressway Noise Survey Notes: The study was designed for comparison Date: 1965 with the 1971 Orly Study (FRA-056). Source: Expressway traffic Wyle 16 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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FRA-092 FRA-124 1973 French Ten-City Traffic Noise Survey 1975-76 l'Hay les Roses Barrier Survey Date: 1973 (September, October), 1974 (January), Date: 1975-76 (October) 1975 (September) Source: Motorway traffic Source: Road traffic Location: France: l'Hay les Roses (South of Paris) Location: France: 10 cities N=: 700 N=: 1,200 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Vallet, Abramowitch, Lambert, 1977; Reference: IRT-CERN, 1976; Vallet, Maurin, Page, Vallet, Abramowitch, Lambert, 1979 Favre, Pachiaudi, 1978 Notes: Residents were interviewed six months after Notes: After the first set of interviews (in 1973 for the barrier was built about their evaluation nine sites and January 1974 for Lyon of the noise before and after the barrier was Villeurbanne) two of the sites (Nimes and built. Bourg) were revisited for 200 additional FRA-131 interviews (September 1975). Interviews 1976 Orly Medical Effects Pilot Study were not necessarily conducted with the Date: 1976 (June) same respondents. Source: Aircraft FRA-098 Location: France: One high noise area around Orly and 1974-75 Roissy Airport Before/After Opening Noise two comparative samples from low noise Date: 1974 (February 19 to 25), 1975 (March 17 areas to April 3) N=: 150 Source: Aircraft Noise Data: No Location: France: Charles de Gaulle airport (Roissy Reference: Francois, 1977c area near Paris) Notes: The standard interview is supplemented by N=: 1,174 interviews from 690 respondents a self-administered questionnaire and by a Noise Data: Yes medical examination. The study was Reference: Francois, 1975d; Francois, 1977a; Francois, designed to test the methodology for a 1979b medical effects survey. The study examined Notes: Interviews were conducted with the same the possibility that some of the variation in 484 residents just before and one year after attitudes could be related to physical opening the opening of Charles de Gaulle characteristics of respondents. airport on March 8, 1974. The study was FRA-146 especially designed for comparison to a 1977 French Light Aircraft Study 1975 Orly survey (FRA-113) and 1974 Date: 1977 (May 25 to June 22) French National Aircraft survey (FRA-099). Source: Light aircraft Information is available on 80 respondents Location: France: Four Paris-area airports (Chavenay, leaving the area in the first year of the Guyancourt, St-Cyr-l`Ecole, Chelles-le-Pin) airport's operation. N=: 800 FRA-099 Noise Data: Yes 1974 French National Aircraft Noise Survey Reference: Bremond, 1979b; Centre d'Etudes et Date: 1974 (December 9 to 20) Recherches Psychologiques Air, 1978 Source: Aircraft Notes: Aircraft noise annoyance is greatest on Location: France: Probability sample of France weekends. N=: 1,000 FRA-150 Noise Data: No 1977 Roissy Airport Survey Reference: Francois, 1975d; Francois, 1980 Date: 1977 (October 24 to November 21) Notes: This study was designed for comparison Source: Aircraft with the 1975 Orly (FRA-113) and 1974-75 Location: France: Roissy Roissy studies (FRA-098). N=: 943 FRA-113 Noise Data: Yes 1975 Orly Airport Noise Study Reference: Francois, 1979a Date: 1975 (March 3 to 15) Notes: Of the 943 respondents, 218 had also been Source: Aircraft interviewed in 1974 and 1975. The study Location: France: Orly Airport (Paris) was designed for comparison with an earlier N=: 997 Roissy study (FRA-098). Noise Data: Yes FRA-189 Reference: Francois, 1975d; Francois, 1977a; Francois, 1971 French Concorde Sonic Boom Study 1977b; Francois, 1979b; Francois, 1980 Date: 1971 (May) Notes: The study was designed for comparison Source: Sonic booms from Concorde with the 1974 French National Aircraft Location: France: Three areas from previous sonic Noise Survey (FRA-099) and the Roissy boom study (FRA-045) Airport Before-After Opening Noise Survey N=: 1,202 (FRA-098). Noise Data: No (Only the number of booms is known.) Reference: Bremond, 1971 Wyle 17 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Notes: Concorde flights generated three booms in 1986; Groeneveld, de Jong, 1984; the week preceding the interview. Groeneveld, de Jong, 1985a; Groeneveld, de Respondents regularly heard other sonic Jong, 1985b; Miedema, 1987; Rabrait, 1984 booms. Respondents compared reactions to Notes: This is part of a coordinated Commission of booms in the previous week to the booms European Communities joint study in normally heard. Germany (GER-253), Ireland (IRE-254) and FRA-197 the Netherlands (NET- 355). The study 1979 French Behavioral Effects of Road Noise Study results support at least a 15-decibel penalty Date: 1979 for impulse noise. Source: Road traffic FRA-289 Location: France: 15 areas in Lyon and Marseilles 1986-87 French National Transportation Noise Survey N=: 1,486 Date: 1986, 1987 Noise Data: Yes Source: Community, Road traffic Reference: Lambert, Plouhinec, 1985; Lambert, Location: France: Probability sample of the French Simonnet, 1980; Lambert, Simonnet, population Vallet, 1983; Lambert, Simonnet, Vallet, N=: 2,010 1984 Noise Data: Yes (for 375 respondents) Notes: The study measured annoyance as well as Reference: Maurin, Lambert, 1990; Lambert, Maurin, behavioral reactions (e.g.. closing windows, Boscher, Lebart, 1988; Maurin, Lambert, location of activities in the home and use of Alauzet, 1988; Maurin, Lambert, Alauzet, out-of-doors space) at different noise levels. Chapuy, 1988 Additional in-depth interviews and Notes: Noise is the nuisance that is most often observations were completed with 40 mentioned in this national study. respondents in five other sites (only FRA-323 individual housing). 1976 Nationwide Noise Survey of France FRA-218 Date: 1976 1975 Strasbourg Airport Noise Survey Source: Community, Road traffic Date: 1975 Location: France: National random sample of France Source: Aircraft N=: 1,000 Location: France: Strasbourg airport Noise Data: Yes N=: 405 interviews (9 other in-depth interviews) Reference: Maurin, Lambert, 1990; Maurin, Lambert, Noise Data: Yes Alauzet, 1988 Reference: Francois, 1974; Francois, 1975c Notes: Many aspects of the study were repeated in a Notes: The study was designed for comparison 1986 survey (FRA-289). Road traffic is the with an earlier study at Orly (FRA-056). most often mentioned noise nuisance. Detailed information is available for nine in- FRA-336 depth exploratory interviews conducted in 1991 TGV High Speed Train Pilot Survey December 1974. Date: 1991 (September) FRA-239 Source: Railway 1984-1986 French Combined Aircraft/Road Traffic Survey Location: France: 4 sites Date: 1984 (September) to 1986 (May) N=: 39 Source: Aircraft, Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: France: around Orly, Roissy, Nice, and Reference: Lambert, Champelovier, Vernet, 1993 Antibes airports Notes: The interviews were tape recorded, and N=: 1,032 (570, Orly; 281, Roissy; 101, Nice; conducted with open questions to aid in the 80 Antibes) development of the questionnaire for a large Noise Data: Yes scale survey. TGV operations were begun Reference: Diamond, Walker, 1986a; Diamond, one to two years before the study. Walker, 1986b; Vallet, et al., 1986; Vallet, FRA-342 et al., 1988; Miedema, Vos, de Jong, 2000 1992 French Home Insulation Survey Notes: This survey was jointly designed under Date: 1992 (July-September) Commission of European Communities Source: Community, Interior noise from other auspices for comparison with a Glasgow dwellings. Survey (UKD-238) and a Schiphol Survey Location: France: three regions (NET-240). N=: 453 FRA-252 Noise Data: Yes: sound insulation information 1982-83 CEC Impulse Noise Field Study (France) Reference: Aubree, 1993 Date: 1982 (December), 1983 (January to March) Notes: Acoustic properties were found to have Source: Impulse noise (Shooting range, Shunting improved during a 20-year period but a large Yard, Building Site), Road traffic minority of the owners were still not Location: France: Athis-Mons, Antibes, Saint-Denis satisfied. N=: 451 Noise Data: Yes Reference: de Jong, Commins, 1983; Groeneveld, Wyle 18 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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FRA-346 FRA-393 1991 French Before/After Noise Abatement Survey 1997 France Road/Railway Noise Survey Date: 1991 (January and March--before), (June and Date: 1997 (October, November) September--after) Source: Road traffic, Railway Source: Motorway Location: France: (62 sites along railway lines) Location: France N=: 700 N=: 75 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Joncour, Cailhau, Gautier, Champelovier, Reference: Vallet, Vincent, Champelovier, Vernet, Lambert, 2000 Annequin, Olivier, Baez, 1992 ;Vernet, Vallet, Notes: The purpose of the study was to determine Vincent, Champelovier, Annequin, Baez, the effects of combined noise sources. Olivier, 1992; Vincent, Champelovier, 1992; FRA-394 Vincent, Champelovier, 1993 1997 Besançon Road Traffic Noise Survey Notes: Road traffic noise was reduced through Date: 1997 (October) barriers and a low noise surface at two Source: Road traffic locations, but annoyance did not decrease as Location: France: Besançon much as expected. N=: 1,910 (total of 2,702 responses but analyzed FRA-364 only the 1,910 from types of areas with 1993-94 French 18-Site Time-Of-Day Study more than 30 responses) Date: 1993 (September) - 1994 (June) Noise Data: Yes Source: Road traffic Reference: Houot, 1999a; Houot, 1999b; Houot, 2000 Location: France: (18 sites) Notes: The self-administered questionnaires were N=: 895 analyzed responses (Of the 1,018 left in each respondent's postbox. The collected, the 66 with no noise data and 57 study is part of a project to link annoyance with incomplete or inconsistent annoyance levels to information available from data were not analyzed) geographical GIS data bases. Noise Data: Yes FRA-395 Reference: Vallet, Vernet, Champelovier, Maurin, 1998 Orly/Roissy Airport Noise Survey 1996; Maurin, 1996 Date: 1998 (Autumn) - 1999 (January) Notes: Annoyance was assessed at different times of Source: Aircraft day and for dwellings with and without all Location: France: Orly and Roissy airports (42 windows facing on the main road. locations in 32 communities) FRA-391 N=: 1,473 1998-99 Orly Airport Contingent Valuation Noise Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 1998 (October), 1999 (April) Reference: Vincent, Vallet, Olivier, Paque, 2000 Source: Aircraft Notes: The study was planned to test the French IP Location: France: Orly airport (6 districts of Val-de- index and to measure reactions where the Marne: Ablon, Boissy-St-Léger, Limeil- noise levels had increased at Roissy Airport. Brévannes, Orly, Valenton, Villeneuve-le- FRA-396 Roi) 1993 TGV High Speed Train Survey N=: 607 (It is not clear whether this includes Date: 1993 some pretests) Source: High speed railway (TGV Atlantique Noise Data: Yes railway line) Reference: Faburel, Luchini, 2000 Location: France: (25 rural sites) Notes: The exposure to aircraft noise and degree of N=: 260 aircraft noise annoyance affect the Noise Data: Yes willingness to pay for aircraft noise Reference: Lambert, Champelovier, Vernet, 1996; reduction. Lambert, Champelovier, Vernet, Annequin, FRA-392 Baez, 1994; Lambert, Champelovier, 1998 Paris "Zone 30" Noise Survey Vernet, Annequin, Baez, 1995 Date: 1998 (May, June, September) Notes: The purpose of the study is to determine Source: Many community sounds ( Some may be whether existing noise limit guidelines are generally be positively evaluated) suitable for high speed railways. Location: France: Two roads in Paris (Buttes-aux- FRA-524 Cailles-13éA and Nationale 13éA) 1997 French Railway / Road Traffic Noise Survey (Sleep N=: 400 Disturbance Study) Noise Data: No Date: 1997 (October - November) Reference: Rozec, Moch, 2000; Rozec, Rumeau, 2000 Source: Railway, Road traffic Notes: Respondents were interviewed on the street, Location: France: Nationwide but were asked about their reactions in their N=: 701 local homes as well as other locations. The Noise Data: Yes study examined reactions in specially Reference: Joncour, Gautier, Champelovier, Lambert, protected noise zones (zones 30). 2000; Cremezi, Lambert, 2001; Cremezi, Gautier, Lambert, Champelovier, 2001; Wyle 19 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Champelovier, Cremezi, Lambert, 2003 Notes: As part of the LARES (Large Analysis and Notes: A survey containing three questions about Review of European housing and health the perception of noise from road and Status) program, noise annoyance was railway sources and the annoyance evaluated as an environmental factor and the experienced from each was carried out relationship to medically diagnosed nationwide, and was accompanied by illnesses was evaluated in eight European acoustical measurements and noise cities (HUN-611, SLO-548, SWI-584, calculations. GER-579, POR-614, LIT-555, ITL-616). FRA-535 FRA-619 2005 France National Transportation Noise Survey 2002 Eurocontrol 5A Aircraft Annoyance Survey - Lyon Date: 2005 (Fall) Airport Source: Community Date: 2002 Location: France: Nationwide Source: Aircraft N=: >2,000 Location: France: Areas around Lyon Airport Noise Data: No N=: 208 Reference: Lambert, Philipps-Bertin, 2008 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Face-to-face interviews of a random Reference: Bristow, Batley, Wardman, Hullah, sampling of more than 2,000 residents of the Plachinski, 2005; Bristow, Wardman, French population addressed the assessment 2003; Bristow, Batley, Wardman, Heaver, of environmental factors on health, Plachinski, 2004; Hullah, Plachinski, including noise from transportation and Bristow, Wardman, 2005; Hume, Morely, community sources. The survey was an Callum, 2003; Bristow, Wardman, 2004 update to surveys completed in 1976 (FRA- Notes: Residents near Lyon Airport, Manchester 323) and 1986-87 (FRA-289). Airport (UKD-618), and Bucharest Airport FRA-562 (ROM-620) were surveyed regarding noise 2005 France Tramway Noise Survey from aircraft and other activity, disturbances Date: 2005 (August) caused by noise, variations in annoyance by Source: Railway (Tram) time of day, and socio-economic variables. Location: France: Nantes The results were compared to noise levels N=: 370 supplied by EUROCONTROL. Noise Data: Yes GER-034 Reference: Philips-Bertin, Champelovier, Lambert, 1969 Munich Airport Noise (DFG Aircraft Noise Study) Trindade, Legouis, 2007 Date: 1969 (February to June) Notes: Tramway noise was studied by face-to-face Source: Aircraft interviews to determine annoyance levels Location: Germany: Munich Airport during four periods of the day. Multiple N=: 660 main social survey interviews (also 115 long term (24 hour) measurements were repeated interviews, 152 migrant interviews) taken in each of the 12 survey areas. Noise Data: Yes FRA-570 Reference: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1974; 2001 France General Aviation Noise Survey Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Finke, Date: 2001 (April - June) Martin, 1974; Finke, et al., 1975; Martin, Source: Leisure Aircraft Rohrmann, Finke, 1973; Rohrmann, Location: France: Lyon, Corbas, Broon Schümer, Schümer-Kohrs, Guski, Finke, 1973; N=: 29 Schultz, 1978 Noise Data: Yes ¶Notes: This survey was one part of a multi- Reference: Lambert, Champelovier, Bruyere, 2003 disciplinary study. In addition to 660 main Notes: Noise from aviation activity near two interviews, 152 migrants were interviewed, general aviation airports was measured, and 115 retests were performed, 375 respondents face-to-face interviews were undertaken to had special psychological and physiological ascertain the perception of noise heard at tests, and 392 had medical tests. home, the times of day, week, and year GER-037 annoyance was felt, expectations of the 1969 Meppen Sonic Boom Field Experiment residents, and demographic variables. Date: 1969 (September) FRA-583 Source: Sonic booms 2003 Angers, France Housing and Health Survey Location: Germany: Meppen Date: 2002 - 2003 N=: 39 Source: Road traffic, Community noise Noise Data: Yes Location: France: Angers Reference: May, 1971a; May, 1971b; May, 1972 N=: 880 Notes: Respondents rated every sonic boom that Noise Data: No they heard as they went about their normal Reference: Maschke, Niemann, 2005; Niemann, activities. Bennefoy, Braubach, Hecht, Maschke, Rodrigues, Röbbel, 2006; Bonnefoy, Braubach, Davidson, Röbbel, 2007 Wyle 20 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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GER-114 Schümer-Kohrs, 1986; Schümer, Kasubek, 1975 German General Aviation Survey Knall, Schümer-Kohrs, 1981; Schümer, Date: 1975 (April) Schümer-Kohrs, 1983; Schümer, Zeichart, Source: Aircraft Schümer-Kohrs, 1988; Schümer, Zeichart, Location: Germany: Four airports (Egelsbach, Bonn- 1989a; Schümer, Zeichart, 1989b Hangelar, Karlsruhe-Forchheim, Notes: Road traffic is generally more annoying than Braunschweig) railway noise at the same noise level. N=: 398 Since the initial 1977-78 survey at 14 sites, Noise Data: No additional sites have been added. Reference: Rohrmann, 1975; Rohrmann, 1976 GER-231 Notes: It is concluded that disturbance is greater 1981 Blast Furnace and Road Noise Study (for the same noise level) at small airports Date: 1981 than at large airports. Source: Road traffic GER-134 Location: Germany: 2 areas 1976 Hamburg Urban Noise Survey N=: Approximately 35 Date: 1976 (August, September) Noise Data: Yes Source: Road traffic, Railway, Industrial, Aircraft, Reference: Ritterstaedt, Kastka, 1981 Construction Notes: The study compared reactions to road traffic Location: Germany: Hamburg noise and to less variable noise from a blast N=: 643 furnace. Noise Data: Yes GER-246 Reference: Finke, Guski, Rohrmann, 1980; Guski, 1985; 1977-78 German Six-City Traffic Change Panel Study Guski, Wichmann, Rohrmann, Finke, 1978; Date: 1977-1978 (Autumn both years) Rohrmann, 1978; Rohrmann, Finke, Guski, Source: Road traffic 1980; Rohrmann, Scharnberg, 1981; Rylander, Location: Germany: residential areas in 6 cities Sörensen, Berglund, 1974 N=: 3,405 interviews (1,709 before and 1,696 Notes: This is part of an interdisciplinary study after a change.) that included several other data collection Noise Data: Yes techniques. Reference: Kastka, 1980; Kastka, 1981 GER-135 Notes: Residents were surveyed both before and 1976 Stuttgart Railway/Road Noise Survey after changes had been made in traffic Date: 1976 (Summer) patterns for safety reasons. The mean Source: Railway, Road traffic change in noise level between the two Location: Germany: Stuttgart phases was about one decibel (with N=: 1,125 accompanying changes in numbers and Noise Data: Yes speed of vehicles) but there was a Reference: Heimerl, Holzmann, 1978 disproportionately large change in Notes: Railway noise is less annoying than road annoyance. traffic noise at the same noise level. GER-253 GER-164 1982-83 CEC Impulse Noise Field Study (Germany) 1973 Düsseldorf Traffic Noise Survey Date: 1983 (January to March) Date: 1973 Source: Impulse noise (Drop forges, Shooting Source: Road traffic range), Road traffic Location: Germany: Düsseldorf (8 streets) Location: Germany: Resse, Haan, Solingen, Plettenberg N=: 274 N=: 334 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Buchta, Kastka, 1977a; Buchta, Kastka, Reference: de Jong, Commins, 1983; Groeneveld, 1977b; Kastka, Buchta, 1977; Kastka, 1986; Groeneveld, de Jong, 1984; 1983; Kastka, Buchta, Paulsen, Ritterstaedt, Groeneveld, de Jong, 1985a; Groeneveld, de 1984 Jong, 1985b; Kastka, Langdon, 1985; Notes: The study examined the different sources of Kastka, Ritterstaedt, 1984; Miedema, 1987; annoyance. Ritterstaedt, Kastka, 1985 GER-192 Notes: This is part of a Commission of European 1977-83 German Road/Railway Noise Comparison Study Communities coordinated joint study in Date: 1977-1978 1983 (Winter, 1977 or Summer, France (FRA-252), Germany (GER-253), 1978 for most sites. Some sites added in Ireland (IRE-254) and the Netherlands (NET- 1983.) 355). The study results support at least a 10- Source: Road traffic, Railway decibel penalty for impulse noise. Location: Germany: 26 areas GER-256 N=: 1,651 Berlin Nighttime Noise Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 1985 Publication (Survey date not reported) Reference: Planungsbüro Obermeyer, 1983; Knall, Source: Road traffic Schümer, 1983; Möhler, 1988; Möhler, Location: Germany: 222 residential areas in West Knall, 1983; Möhler, Schümer, Knall, Berlin Wyle 21 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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N=: 683 GER-282 Noise Data: Yes 1979 Wuppertal/Düsseldorf Traffic Noise Barriers Study Reference: Guski, 1985; Scharnberg, 1985; Scharnberg, Date: 1979 Wühler, 1982; Scharnberg, Wühler, Finke, Source: Road traffic Guski, 1982 Location: Germany: Wuppertal and Düsseldorf Notes: Daytime disturbance levels are related to N=: 138 annoyance. Window closing behavior and Noise Data: Yes the location of sleeping rooms appear to Reference: Kastka, Buchta, Paulsen, Ritterstaedt, 1984; explain the low relation between noise level Kastka, Paulsen, 1979; Langdon, Griffiths, and sleep response. 1982 GER-275 Notes: The interviews were conducted after barriers 1986-87 Darmstadt Movers Survey had been erected in some areas where Date: 1986 (August) to 1987 (about November) interviews had previously been conducted in Source: Community 1976 or 1977 (GER-281). Location: Germany: Urban and suburban areas in GER-290 Darmstadt 1981 German Military Training Area Survey N=: 163 respondents providing approximately Date: 1981 400 responses Source: Cannon fire, Aircraft, Rifle fire Noise Data: No noise data described Location: Germany: 21 communities near five military Reference: Paechter, Rohrmann, Wertenbroch, Wetzel, training areas (Munster, Senne, Grafenwöhr, 1988 Bergen, Hohenfels) Notes: The sample consisted of 92 movers who N=: 427 were looking for new homes and a control Noise Data: Yes group of 71 residents who were not looking. Reference: Buchta, 1988; Buchta, Buchta, Loosen, 1986 Both groups received an initial face-to-face Notes: C-weighted indices of the noise environment interview and a final telephone interview. correlated only slightly better with the Movers evaluated the noise at their new annoyance scores than A-weighted indices. residence less favorably four months after This study was designed for comparison to moving in than they did before moving in. a road traffic and impulse noise study (GER- GER-278 278). 1980 German Shooting Range Survey GER-291 Date: 1980 (May to October), 1981 (April) 1984 Visual Context of Noise Survey (Germany) Source: Small firearms, Road traffic Date: 1984 Location: Germany: two military shooting ranges Source: Road traffic (Resse, Schepsdorf) and three civil shooting Location: Germany: Ratingen ranges (Bottrop, Datteln, Troisdorf) N=: 240 (approximately) surveyed but fewer are N=: 392 (about 80 from each site) used for many analyses Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Buchta, 1984; Buchta, 1988; Buchta, 1990; Reference: Kastka, Noack, 1987; Kastka, Noack, Mau, Buchta, Buchta, Koslowsky, Rohland, Maas, Conrad, Ritterstaedt, Hangartner, 1986 1982; Vos, Buchta, 2000 Notes: This is the German part of a German/Swiss Notes: Results from this field survey indicate that survey (SWI-312). Both mail and face-to- shooting range noise is the equivalent of face questionnaires were used in Germany. about 15 decibels more annoying than road The streets of the Swiss town were judged traffic noise. These findings are compared to to be more attractive. At the same noise a laboratory study that found a difference in exposure, the Swiss respondents were less reactions equivalent to approximately 6 annoyed than the German respondents. decibels. GER-335 GER-281 1992 CEC Wind Turbine Noise Study (Germany) 1976-77 German Highway Noise Study Date: 1992 (September, November) Date: 1980 (May to October), 1981 (April) Source: Wind Turbine Source: Expressway traffic Location: Germany Location: Germany: (4 towns with 5 sites with 2 to 4 N=: 216 study zones at each site) Noise Data: Yes N=: 359 Reference: Wolsink, Sprengers, 1993 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Similar studies were conducted at the same Reference: Kastka, Buchta, Paulsen, Ritterstaedt, 1984; time in Denmark (DEN-333) and the Kastka, 1983; Kastka, Hall, Noack 1983 Netherlands (NET-334). Notes: Distance from the highway has only a small GER-363 effect on noise annoyance after controlling for 1988 German Noise Barrier Evaluation Survey noise level. Some of these sites were Date: 1988 resurveyed in a later survey (GER-282). Source: Road traffic Location: Germany: Düsseldorf, Wuppertal, Krefeld, Neuss Wyle 22 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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N=: 293 Reference: Babisch, Fromme, Beyer, Ising, 1996 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Data were gathered through face-to-face Reference: Kastka, Buchta, Ritterstaedt, Paulsen, Mau, interviews and various physiological 1995 measurements. There was some evidence in Notes: Interviews were conducted after barriers had an analysis of a random subsample that been erected in some areas where interviews noise is related to neuroendocrine had previously been conducted in 1976 physiological reactions. (GER-281). Many, but not all, respondents GER-464 were interviewed both times. Oldenburg Noise Situation Investigation GER-372 Date: 1996 Publication (Survey date not reported) 1985-86 Ratingen Düsseldorf Road Traffic/Aircraft Source: Road traffic, Railway, Aircraft (mainly in Date: 1985 (December), 1986 (January) one area) Source: Aircraft, Road traffic Location: Germany: Oldenburg (2 areas) Location: Germany: Düsseldorf, Ratingen N=: 40 (approximate) N=: 564 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Nitsch, Schulte-Fortkamp, 1997; Schulte- Reference: Paulsen, Mau, Kastka, 1986; Kastka, Fortkamp, 1994; Schulte-Fortkamp, 1995; Borsch-Galetke, Guski, Krauth, Paulsen, Schulte-Fortkamp, 1996; Schulte-Fortkamp, Schümer, Oliva, 1995 2000 Notes: None Notes: Semi-structured face-to-face interviews GER-373 included some closed questions but 1987 Düsseldorf/Ratingen Aircraft/ Road Traffic Survey primarily open-ended questions for Date: 1987 (November, December) unstructured descriptions of experiences with Source: Aircraft, Road traffic noise. It was concluded that people form Location: Germany: Ratingen their impressions of noise within particular N=: 516 contexts defined by activities, location and Noise Data: Yes particular types of noise events. Reference: Kastka, Mau, Muth, Siegmann, 1996; GER-465 Kastka, Borsch-Galetke, Guski, Krauth, 1996-97 German Sleep Disturbance Survey Paulsen, Schümer, Oliva, 1995 Date: 1996 (Spring and Autumn), 1997 (Spring Notes: None and Autumn) GER-374 Source: Railway, Road traffic 1993 Greifswald Traffic Noise Survey Location: Germany: 8 locations within Northrhein- Date: 1993 ( June to August ) Westfalia and Hessen (i.e. two Source: Aircraft, Road traffic Bundeslanders) Location: Germany: Greifswald N=: 383 (377 used in the analyses) N=: 578 (61 streets) Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Griefahn, Deppe, Mehnert, Moog, Möhler, Reference: NONE Schümer-Kohrs, 1998; Griefahn, Deppe, Notes: The study was conducted in Griefswald, a city Mehnert, Moog, Möhler, Schümer, 1998; in the former German Democratic Republic, Griefahn, Schümer-Kohrs, Schümer, that experienced substantial changes in road Möhler, Mehnert, 2000 traffic after reunification with the German Notes: The participants were recruited using a Federal Republic. screening questionnaire that had been GER-454 administered to 1703 respondents. The 383 1991 German Artillery and Road Traffic Noise Survey study participants answered short self- Date: 1991 (Summer) administered questionnaires each evening Source: Large firearms, Road traffic and morning for 10 weekday study nights. Location: Germany: 2 military training fields (17 No relationship was found between residential areas near Bergen and Munster) objectively measured road and railway noise N=: 433 and body movements except for the self- Noise Data: Yes identified sensitive residents living near Reference: Buchta, Vos, 1998; Buchta, Vos, 1999; roads. Schomer, 1998; Vos, Buchta, 2000 GER-466 Notes: Face-to-face interviews were conducted to 1998 Düsseldorf/Dortmund Airport Noise Information compare the reactions to artillery and road Date: 1998 (February to July), 1999 (May to June traffic noise. for some reinterviews) GER-463 Source: Aircraft 1993-94 Berlin Women Environmental Health Survey Location: Germany: Düsseldorf International Airport Date: 1993-1994 (Winter) and Dortmund Regional Airport Source: Road traffic N=: 223 responses from 180 respondents (43 Location: Germany: Berlin (2 inner city districts) were reinterviewed in 1999) N=: 801 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Vogt, Kastner, 1999; Vogt, Kastner, 2000 Wyle 23 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Notes: The initial 180 interviews were conducted This study served as a pilot study for a in person. Respondents were then informed 1997-98 study (GER-479). about the airport noise information service. GER-472 After a year, 43 respondents were 1994 1996 Düsseldorf Activity Disturbance Study reinterviewed via telephone. There was not Date: 1994, 1996 (part of sample reinterviewed in evidence that the existence of the 1996) information service reduced annoyance. Source: Aircraft, Road traffic GER-467 Location: Germany: Düsseldorf (4 areas: high and low 1997 ICE High-Speed Railway Noise Survey exposure areas for both aircraft and road Date: 1997 (mid-October to November) traffic) Source: Railway N=: 3,530 responses from 230 respondents Location: Germany: along 2 sections of a new high- Noise Data: Yes speed railway line between Hannover and Reference: Felscher-Suhr, 1997; Felscher-Suhr, Guski, Wuerzburg (8 small rural communities) Hunecke, Kastka, Paulsen, Schümer, 1996; N=: 315 Felscher-Suhr, Guski, Hunecke, Kastka, Noise Data: Yes Paulsen, Schümer, Vogt, 1996; Guski, Reference: Zeichart, 1999; Zeichart, Kilcher, Herrmann, 1996 Hils,Gawlik, 2000 Notes: The study examined the relation between Notes: Reactions to high speed railway noise are immediate annoyance and the activity and consistent with that found for standard noise level during the activity. During the railway lines at the same noise exposure. main study, respondents were called on GER-470 mobile telephones up to ten times a day on 1996-97 German Road/Rail Traffic Noise Survey eight different days over a six-week period to Date: 1996 (Spring) to 1997 (Autumn) ask for their location, current activity, and Source: Railway, Road traffic degree of disturbance. The primary study Location: Germany: 8 areas (Kreuztal/Hilchenbach, period was preceded by one face-to-face Herborn-Seelbach/Herborn-Burg, Bottrop, interview. Two years after the main study, a Langenfeld, Rheda, Oelde, Bönen, Essen) structured telephone interview was N=: 1,600 interviews from 1,121 respondents conducted as well as a semi-structured face- Noise Data: Yes to-face interview that was tape recorded and Reference: Griefahn, Möhler, Schümer, 1999; Möhler, then analyzed. Liepert, 2000; Möhler, Liepert, Schümer, GER-473 Griefahn, 2000; Möhler, Liepert, Schümer, 1995 Düsseldorf Airport Noise Survey Schümer-Kohrs, Schreckenberg, Mehnert, Date: 1995 (July to September) Griefahn, 2000;Schümer-Kohrs, Schümer, Source: Aircraft Schreckenberg, Griefahn, Möhler, 1998 Location: Germany: 25 areas in communities near Notes: Some 479 of the 1,121 respondents were Düsseldorf airport (Ratingen, Hösel, Lintorf, interviewed a second time. Some 377 Homberg, Breitscheid) respondents participated in a later sleep N=: 750 (25 areas) study (GER-480). Rail traffic is less Noise Data: Yes annoying than road traffic at the same noise Reference: Kastka, Borsch-Galetke, Guski, Krauth, exposure as measured in LAeq. Paulsen, Schümer, Oliva, 1995; Kastka, GER-471 Mau, Muth, Siegmann 1996 1995-96 Germany Rail-Grinding Noise Reduction Study Notes: This survey's results have been compared (Pilot) with those from the 1987 Düsseldorf Airport Date: 1995 (early summer-before grinding), 1995 Noise Survey (GER-373). (Autumn - after grinding), 1996 (repeated in GER-479 summer in one location) 1997-98 Germany Rail-Grinding Noise Reduction Study Source: Railway (before and after rail grinding to (Primary) smooth the rail surface) Date: 1997 (November, December), 1998 (March, Location: Germany: 3 areas along the Munich- April) Rosenheim-Salzburg railway line Source: Railway (before and after rail grinding to (Vaterstetten, Bernau, Übersee) smooth the rail surface) N=: 443 interviews from approximately 194 Location: Germany: 3 sites in two areas along the respondents Munich-Rosenheim-Salzburg railway line Noise Data: Yes (Burlafingen/Unterfahlheim, Uhingen) Reference: Hegner, Möhler, Prestele, Schümer-Kohrs, N=: 751 (398 before rail grinding and 353 after) 1996; Hegner, Möhler, Prestele, Schümer- Noise Data: Yes Kohrs, 1997;Möhler, Hegner, Schümer, Reference: Liepert, Hegner, Möhler, Schreckenberg, Schümer-Kohrs, 1997; Schümer, Schümer-Kohrs, Schümer, 1999 Schreckenberg, 2000 Notes: Annoyance was reduced by the reduction in Notes: Annoyance was reduced by the reduction in noise level due to rail grinding. The noise level due to rail grinding. The effect methods for this study had been tested in a was still present a year after the change. pilot survey (GER-471). Wyle 24 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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GER-480 administered in Japan (JPN-510), England 1996-97 German Road/Rail Sleep Study (UKD-512), China (CHI-514), and the Date: 1996 (Spring and Autumn), 1997 (Spring United States (USA-513). and Autumn) GER-516 Source: Railway, Road traffic 1983 Apartment Noise Attitudes Study (Germany) Location: Germany: 8 areas (Kreuztal / Hilchenbach, Date: 1983 Herborn-Seelbach /Herborn-Burg , Bottrop, Source: General community noise including noise Langenfeld, Rheda, Oelde, Bönen, Essen) from neighbors in apartments N=: 377 Location: Germany Noise Data: Yes N=: 296 Reference: Griefahn, Möhler, Schümer, 1999; Möhler, Noise Data: No Liepert, 2000; Möhler, Liepert, Schümer, Reference: Schick, Kuwano, Namba 1984; Schick, Griefahn, 2000; Möhler, Liepert, Schümer, Zheng, Müller-Andritzky, Namba, Kuwano, Schümer-Kohrs, Schreckenberg, Mehnert, Chassein, 1992; Namba, Kuwano, Schick Griefahn, 2000 1986 Notes: All 377 respondents had been interviewed in Notes: The study's purpose was to compare a previous study (GER-470). A Japanese and German's attitudes toward questionnaire was answered after each night neighborhood noise problems. When that sleep was monitored. Rail traffic is less annoyed by noise from neighboring annoying than road traffic at the same noise apartments, this planned comparison with a exposure as measured in LAeq. Japanese survey found that Germans are more GER-502 likely than Japanese to contact those neighbors German Noise Change Part of CEC Sleep Study (JPN-516). Data were collected from Date: 1986 Publication (Study date not reported) university students using a self-administered Source: Road traffic questionnaire. Location: Germany GER-523 N=: 20 sleep study participants drawn from a 1999 German Railway / Road Traffic Noise (Sleep screening survey of 240 respondents Disturbance Study) Noise Data: Yes Date: 1999 publication (Survey date not reported) Reference: Griefahn, 1988; Griefahn, Gros, Source: Railway, Road traffic 1983;Griefahn, Gros, 1985; Griefahn, Gros, Location: Germany 1986; Griefahn, Gros, Kauth, Rehm, 1980; N=: Not known Gros, Griefahn, 1985a; Gros, Griefahn, 1985b Noise Data: No Notes: On the basis of replies on 240 mail Reference: Griefahn, Möhler, Schuemer, 1999 questionnaires, 20 subjects were selected to Notes: A survey on annoyance and sleep participate in a 12-night study in their disturbance from road and railway traffic was homes. The 20 participants filled out short undertaken in Germany. questionnaires on each of the 12 mornings GER-531 and evenings of the test. A reaction time 2005 Frankfurt Airport New Runway Annoyance Survey test was administered each morning and Date: 2005 (April - December) evening. One electroencephalogram (EEG) Source: Aircraft (new runway), Road traffic and two electrooculograms (EOG) were Location: Germany: Frankfurt, Rhine-Main region recorded each night. Latent effects of noise N=: 2,312 were found for the noisy, window-open Noise Data: Yes nights. Only the females, however, reported Reference: Schreckenberg, Meis, 2006; Schreckenberg, a change in sleep quality. Meis, 2007a; Schreckenberg, Meis, 2007b GER-511 Notes: Long term (in the last 12 months) and short 1980 Student Noise Attitudes Study (Germany) term noise annoyance (in the last hour) was Date: 1980 evaluated through face-to-face interviews, Source: Community with questions about the residential Location: Germany environment, environmental quality of life, N=: 457 and health issues. Noise levels from aircraft Noise Data: No activity during the six busiest months were Reference: Namba, Kuwano, 1986; Namba, Kuwano, modeled. GER-532 included respondents Schick, 1986; Thomas, Namba, Schick, from this survey. Kuwano, 1983 GER-532 Notes: University students answered this written 2004 German Time of Day Annoyance Survey and Diary questionnaire's general statements about Date: 2005 (August - November) neighbors' noise without direct reference to Source: Road, Rail traffic their present residence. There are some Location: Germany differences between perceptions and attitudes N=: 1,200 toward neighbors' noise in England, Noise Data: Yes Germany and Japan. The questionnaire is Reference: Schreckenberg, Guski, Schmaus, Möhler, nearly identical to questionnaires Schümer, 2004 Wyle 25 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Notes: Residents in four areas affected by road traffic Noise Data: Yes noise and two areas affected by railway Reference: Psichas, Vallet, Vogiatzis, 1993 noise completed an electronic diary on four Notes: Tourists were interviewed with a similar successive days and also completed a questionnaire in a non-residential survey. questionnaire in the morning and evening. GRE-587 Hourly Leq values were measured. GER-531 Thessaloniki Greece Road Noise Survey included respondents from this survey. Date: 2005 publication (Survey date not reported) GER-540 Source: Road, Other transportation noise Essen Germany Global Annoyance Judgment Survey Location: Greece: Thessaloniki Date: 2002 Publication (Survey date not reported) N=: 168 Source: Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: Germany: Three residential areas in Essen Reference: Nathanail, 2005 N=: 60 Notes: Residents along roads with progressively Noise Data: Yes decreasing traffic loads and variable building Reference: Hallmann, Guski, 2002 heights were surveyed by mail about the Notes: Face-to-face interviews were carried out in types of residences, annoyance caused by areas of varying road traffic levels. Leq levels noise, noise sources, periods of annoyance, were calculated for daytime and nighttime and activity disturbance. Noise exposure hours. was calculated and measured two meters GER-546 from the most exposed façade of each 1997 German Railway and Road Traffic Noise Survey participant's dwelling. Date: 1997, 1999 HKG-125 Source: Railway, Road traffic 1975 Hong Kong Fireman Environmental Noise Survey Location: Germany: Hannover, Berlin, Nurnberg, Erfurt Date: 1975 (April to October) N=: 256 and 210 Source: Aircraft, Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: Hong Kong: 12 fire stations (10 are near Kai Reference: Schreckenberg, Schümer, Möhler, 2001; Tak airport) Möhler, Liepert, Schümer, Griefahn, 2000 N=: 522 Notes: Residents near one existing and one Noise Data: Yes for inside the fire stations proposed railway line were interviewed Reference: Ko, Kwan, Chan, 1976; Ko, Chan, Kwan, before an extension and re-interviewed 1977 following the extension. The survey was Notes: Firemen answered a self-administered designed to test the hypothesis that the questionnaire. Reactions to both home and relationship between residents' annoyance fire station environments were obtained but and misfeasance by authorities are noise measures are only available at the fire strengthened under expected conditions of station. Firemen live at the station on change, and included measurements of road alternate days. and rail traffic during periods of day and HKG-187 night. Hong Kong Socio-Economic Area Road Traffic Survey GER-579 Date: 1980 Publication (Survey date not reported) 2003 Bonn, Germany Housing and Health Survey Source: Road traffic Date: 2002 - 2003 Location: Hong Kong: Two neighborhoods Source: Road traffic, Community noise N=: 180 Location: Germany: Bonn Noise Data: Yes N=: 946 Reference: Ko, Wong, 1980 Noise Data: No Notes: Residents in the higher socio-economic Reference: Maschke, Niemann, 2005; Niemann, neighborhood are more annoyed by noise at Bennefoy, Braubach, Hecht, Maschke, the same noise level. Rodrigues, Röbbel, 2006; Bonnefoy, HKG-208 Braubach, Davidson, Röbbel, 2007 Preliminary Hong Kong Fireman Noise Survey Notes: As part of the LARES (Large Analysis and Date: 1975 Publication (Survey date not reported) Review of European housing and health Source: Road traffic, Aircraft Status) program, noise annoyance was Location: Hong Kong: Two fire stations evaluated as an environmental factor and the N=: 68 relationship to medically diagnosed Noise Data: Yes illnesses was evaluated in eight European Reference: Ko, 1975 cities (HUN-611, SLO-548, FRA-583, Notes: The interviewer translated the questions SWI-584, POR-614, LIT-555, ITL-616). from English into Chinese during the GRE-331 interview. A comparison of these responses 1992 Rhodes Residential Noise Survey with some European data suggested greater Date: 1992 (Summer) annoyance for these firemen. The firemen Source: Community live at the station on alternate days. This Location: Greece: Rhodes study preceded a larger scale study (HKG- N=: 232 125). Wyle 26 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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HKG-569 Notes: A territory-wide telephone survey, followed 2000 Tokyo International Airport Noise and Health by two supplemental surveys regarding Date: 1999 (December) - 2000 (January) - 2000 aircraft noise, was undertaken to identify the (June - July) community impression of noise sources and Source: Aircraft attitudes towards improving the noise Location: Hong Kong: Tokyo International Airport environment, and to identify community N=: 646 attitudes and annoyance in the environment. Noise Data: No Participants from a previous survey (HKG- Reference: Kabuto, 2003 608) were included. Notes: Women within a control area and the HKG-608 WECPNL 75 dB noise contour were 1998 Hong Kong Kai Tak Airport Relocation Survey interviewed using both the THI Date: 1998-2000 (Before and after July, 1998, questionnaire and a general questionnaire when original airport closed) pertaining to demographic profiles, Source: Aircraft, Community environmental or noise problems, Location: Hong Kong: Kowloon City, Cha Kwo annoyance, noise sensitivity or medical Ling, Chai Wan history of diseases. N=: 400 HKG-597 Noise Data: No 2004 Hong Kong Ma On Shan Railway Experimental and Reference: Wong, Chau, Wong, 2002 Control Survey Notes: A correlation between NEF and the Date: 2004 (Summer), 2005 (Spring, December) percentage of respondents rating aircraft Source: Railway, Road traffic noise as the most annoying noise source Location: Hong Kong: Residential areas near East was observed. The survey represented a Rail, West Rail, and Ma On Shan railways subset of the population who participated in N=: 610 a previous survey (HKG-607). Noise Data: Yes HKG-612 Reference: Lam, Au, 2008a; Lam, Chan, 2007 2005 Ma On Shan Railway Survey Notes: The study aimed to measure the impact of Date: 2005 (July - October), 2006 (January - noise in a new town following the opening December) of an extension to the Ma On Shan railway. Source: Railway Mailed invitation letters resulted in fact-to- Location: Hong Kong face interviews with residents to ascertain N=: <6,000 the level of annoyance using a 7-point Noise Data: Yes numeric scale, satisfaction with their living Reference: Lam, Au, 2008b environment, impact of noise on daily Notes: Residents were surveyed on the potential activities, attitude towards road traffic and annoyance from the opening of the MOSR railway as a mode of transport, and whether railway, with the first survey administered 2 they were passengers of the rail line. Noise to 6 months before the opening of the exposure was mapped and measured in 15- railway (face to face), and the subsequent minute sound level measurements. surveys administered three months (face to HKG-602 face) and one year (telephone) after operation 2005 Hong Kong Railway and Road Annoyance Survey of the new rail line. Date: 2005 (April - July) HUN-458 Source: Railway, Road traffic 1995 Hungary Road Traffic Noise Survey Location: Hong Kong: Residential areas near East Date: 1995 (July to November), 1999 (November) Rail, West Rail, and Ma On Shan railways (Additional data collection was planned.) N=: 597 Source: Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: Hungary: 300 locations in 100 towns Reference: Lam, Chan, Chan, Au, Hui, 2009; Lam, N=: 860 (approximate number of responses Chan, 2007 processed by 2,000.) Notes: Multi-phase face-to-face interviews were Noise Data: Yes conducted to ascertain annoyance from noise Reference: Demeter, Berndt, 1996 from three railway lines. LIMA was used to Notes: The purposes of the study were to determine model noise exposure of all dwellings that areas were most affected by noise and whose residents completed the questionnaire to aid in identifying areas for noise (rated on a 7-point Likert Scale). insulation. HKG-607 HUN-611 1998 Hong Kong Territory-Wide Community Noise 2003 Budapest, Hungary Housing and Health Survey Date: 1998-2000 (LARES) Source: Road traffic, Community, Aircraft Date: 2002 - 2003 Location: Hong Kong Source: Road traffic, Community N=: 2,000 Location: Hungary: Budapest Noise Data: No N=: 1,086 Reference: Wong, Chau, Wong, 2002 Noise Data: No Wyle 27 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Reference: Maschke, Niemann, 2005; Niemann, Noise Data: Yes Bennefoy, Braubach, Hecht, Maschke, Reference: Jonsson, Kajland, Paccagnella, Sörensen, Rodrigues, Röbbel, 2006; Bonnefoy, 1969 Braubach, Davidson, Röbbel, 2007 Notes: This study was designed for comparison to Notes: As part of the LARES (Large Analysis and the 1967 Stockholm Comparative Traffic Review of European housing and health Noise Study (SWE-025). In spite of a Status) program, noise annoyance was higher traffic noise level (measured indoors) evaluated as an environmental factor and the in the Ferrara sample, those in the relationship to medically diagnosed Stockholm sample were more annoyed. illnesses was evaluated in eight European The sample consisted of residents living one cities (SLO-548, FRA-583, SWI-584, story above street level. GER-579, POR-614, LIT-555, ITL-616). ITL-350 IRE-254 1990 Modena Traffic Noise Survey 1982-83 CEC Impulse Noise Field Study (Ireland) Date: 1990 (June) Date: 1982 (December), 1983 (January to March) Source: Road traffic Source: Impulse noise (Shooting range, Shipyard, Location: Italy: Modena Scrapyard, Dairy), Road traffic N=: 908 Location: Ireland: Kileek, Rushbroke, Ringsend, Noise Data: Yes Blackpool, Churchtown Reference: Bertoni, Franchini, Magnoni, Tartoni, N=: 454 Vallet, 1993; Bertoni, Franchini, Lambert, Noise Data: Yes Magnoni, Tartoni, Vallet, 1994 Reference: de Jong, Commins, 1983; Groeneveld, Notes: A series of behavioral effects were found to 1986; Groeneveld, de Jong, 1984; be present above 60 dB(A) DNL. Groeneveld, de Jong, 1985a; Groeneveld, de ITL-592 Jong, 1985b; Hayden, Whelan, Dillon, Pisa Italy Urban Noise Annoyance Survey 1984; Miedema, 1987 Date: 2006 publication (Survey date not reported) Notes: This is part of a Commission of European Source: Road, Railway, and Aircraft Communities coordinated joint study in Location: Italy: Pisa France (FRA-252), Germany (GER-253), and N=: 2,200 the Netherlands (NET-355). The study results Noise Data: Yes support at least a 10-decibel penalty for Reference: Licitra, Nolli, 2006 impulse noise. Notes: Noise from various transportation sources IRN-459 was quantified using a self-reported method 1977 Tehran Community Noise Survey in residential areas in Pisa. Both noise Date: 1977 (February) measurements and modeling were Source: Road traffic undertaken. Location: Iran: Tehran (23 sites) ITL-616 N=: 608 (some households had multiple 2003 Forlì, Italy Housing and Health Survey (LARES) respondents) Date: 2002 - 2003 Noise Data: Yes Source: Road traffic, Community noise Reference: Bertlin Cooper McDonald, 1977 Location: Italy: Forli Notes: Face-to-face interviews were conducted at the N=: 1,157 door over a range of noise levels and Noise Data: No residential conditions in Tehran. Residents Reference: Maschke, Niemann, 2005; Niemann, were bothered by noise in many of the Bennefoy, Braubach, Hecht, Maschke, highest and moderate noise exposure areas. Rodrigues, Röbbel, 2006; Bonnefoy, IRQ-229 Braubach, Davidson, Röbbel, 2007 1980 Baghdad Street Noise Survey Notes: As part of the LARES (Large Analysis and Date: 1980 (Summer) Review of European housing and health Source: Road traffic Status) program, noise annoyance was Location: Iraq: Baghdad evaluated as an environmental factor and the N=: 329 residents and shopkeepers and 360 relationship to medically diagnosed pedestrians were interviewed illnesses was evaluated in eight European Noise Data: Yes cities (HUN-611, SLO-548, FRA-583, Reference: Al-Samarrai, Al-Jawadi, 1981 SWI-584, GER-579, POR-614, LIT-555). Notes: One type of interview was administered to JPN-005 pedestrians on the streets. Another type was 1953 Osaka/Amagasaki Industrial Noise Survey used for residents and shopkeepers. Date: 1953 ITL-318 Source: Industry 1967 Ferrara Comparative Traffic Noise Study Location: Japan: Osaka, Amagasaki Date: 1967 N=: 136 Source: Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: Italy: Ferrara Reference: Osada, 1971; Shoji, Kitamura, Takeuchi, N=: 166 Kitamura, Hiwatari, Tsuji, Horiuchi, 1953; Wyle 28 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Yamamoto, Takagi, Hashimoto, Yoneda, Matsumato, 1975; Nimura, Sone, Kono, 1970 1973; Nimura, Sone, Kono, 1981; Sone, Notes: Housewives were interviewed. Kono, Nimura, Kameyama, Kumagai, 1973; JPN-018 Takeshita, 1984 1965 Osaka Aircraft Noise Survey Notes: The study compares reactions to a newly Date: 1965 opened route (four months old) and a more Source: Aircraft established route (eight years old). Location: Japan: 27 sites near Osaka airport JPN-094 N=: 2,700 1973-74 Sendai Road Traffic Noise Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 1973 (December), 1974 (January) Reference: Kansai Toshi Soon Talsaku Iinkai, 1965; Source: Road traffic Osada, 1971 Location: Japan: Sendai City (20 areas) Notes: Most respondents were housewives. N=: 939 JPN-046 Noise Data: Yes 1970 Yokota Air Base Study Reference: Shibuya, Tanno, Sone, Nimura, 1975 Date: 1970 (July) Notes: Demographic and neighborhood Source: Aircraft characteristics that affect road traffic noise Location: Japan: Yokota air base annoyance are studied. N=: 991 interviews (from 1,000 households) JPN-101 Noise Data: Yes 1974 Sendai City Regular Railway Noise Survey Reference: Kodama, 1971; Osada, 1971; Rylander, Date: 1974 Sörensen, Berglund, 1974; Tokyoto Kogai Source: Railway Kenkyujo, 1971; Tokyoto Kogai Kenkyujo, Location: Japan: Sendai City 1972 N=: 717 Notes: Housewives were interviewed. Noise Data: Yes JPN-062 Reference: Kumagai, Kono, Sone, Nimura, 1975; 1972 Akishima City Aircraft Noise Survey Nimura, Sone, Kono, 1981 Date: 1972 (September) Notes: Residents are the equivalent of five-decibels Source: Aircraft less annoyed near four regular railways than Location: Japan: Ten areas in Akishima City near at similar noise levels in a high-speed Yokota air base Shinkansen noise study (JPN-064). N=: Approximately 1,000 JPN-123 Noise Data: Yes 1975 Yokohama Road/Railway Noise Survey Reference: Hayashi, Hayashi, Kodama, Kondo, 1973; Date: 1975 (October to December) Hayashi, Kondo, Kodama, 1974; Hayashi, Source: Railway, Road traffic Kondo, Kodama, 1978; Kondo, Hayashi, Location: Japan: Yokohama Kodama, 1975; Kondo, Hayashi, Kodama, N=: 356 (1975) 1978 Noise Data: Yes Notes: The Psychological Assessment of Aircraft Reference: Tamura, 1978; Tamura, Gotoh, 1977 Noise Index (PANNI) is described. Notes: Another survey was carried out in this area JPN-064 in 1976. 1972 Environmental Agency of Japan Shinkansen Noise JPN-138 Survey 1976 Kanagawa Ward Community Noise Survey Date: 1972 (November) Date: 1976 (October, November) Source: High speed railway Source: Community Location: Japan: The New Tokaido Shinkansen Line Location: Japan: Kanagawa Ward in Yokohama N=: 968 N=: 427 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: No noise data described in available English Reference: Environmental Agency of Japan, 1973; publication Kumagai, Kono, Sone, Nimura, 1975; Reference: Tamura, Gotoh, 1980 Nimura, Sone, Kono, 1981 Notes: None Notes: Residents are the equivalent of five decibels JPN-139 more annoyed near the high-speed 1976 Japanese Road/Railway Noise Study Shinkansen lines than near four regular Date: 1976 (December) railway lines (JPN-101). Source: Road traffic, Railway JPN-065 Location: Japan 1972 New Tokaido and New Sanyo Shinkansen Railway N=: 372 Date: 1972 (July) Noise Data: No noise data described in available English Source: High speed railway publication Location: Japan: The New Tokaido and New Sanyo Reference: Tamura, Gotoh, 1980 Shinkansen railway routes Notes: None N=: 424 Noise Data: Yes Reference: Kaku, 1994; Nimura, Sone, Ebata, Wyle 29 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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JPN-140 JPN-271 1977 Camp Fuji Noise Survey Japan Three-Site Construction Noise Survey Date: 1977 (October, November) Date: 1984 Publication (Survey date not reported) Source: Road traffic, Community, Artillery Source: Construction Location: Japan: Area around Camp Fuji Location: Japan: Abiko City, Tuchiura City, Misato N=: 342 City Noise Data: No noise data described in available English N=: 689 publication Noise Data: Yes Reference: Tamura, Gotoh, 1980 Reference: Sakai, 1984 Notes: None Notes: Construction noise annoyance was less in JPN-152 the area with a higher ambient noise level. 1977 Atugi Military Aircraft Noise Study JPN-292 Date: 1977 (November, December) 1984 Sapporo City Traffic Noise and Vibration Survey Source: Aircraft Date: 1984 (September, October) Location: Japan: Residential areas surrounding Atugi Source: Road traffic Base Location: Japan: Sapporo City (8 high vibration areas, N=: 345 5 low vibration areas) Noise Data: No noise data described in available English N=: 219 publication Noise Data: Yes: noise and vibration data Reference: Tamura, Gotoh, 1980 Reference: Sato, 1988; Sato, 1993; Sato, 1994 Notes: None Notes: Respondents are more annoyed by the same JPN-163 level of traffic noise in areas where there is 1972 Itami City Osaka Airport Noise Study greater vibration. The measured vibration Date: 1972 (November) to 1973 (January) levels are correlated with vibration Source: Aircraft annoyance. These data are combined in Location: Japan: Osaka Airport some publications with data from two other N=: 1,209 surveys (JPN-341, JPN-447). Noise Data: Yes JPN-293 Reference: Aircraft Nuisance Prevention Assoc., 1973; Osaka Aircraft and Environmental Noise Survey Itami City Airport Noise Pollution Date: 1987 Publication (Survey date not reported) Abatement Agency, 1973 Source: Aircraft, Community Notes: None Location: Japan: Areas near Osaka International JPN-177 Airport including Northern Osaka, Sennan, 1978 Kanagawa Ward Community Noise Survey Wakayama, and Awaji Date: 1978 (October, November) N=: 6,080 from 58 areas Source: Community Noise Data: Yes Location: Japan: Kanagawa Ward in Yokohama Reference: Hiramatsu, Takagi, Yamamoto, Yano, 1987 N=: 387 Notes: Both aircraft noise and environmental noise Noise Data: No noise data described affect ratings of aircraft noise. Reference: Tamura, Gotoh, 1980 JPN-294 Notes: None Nagoya City 1980s Cumulative Noise Survey JPN-190 Date: 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988 1956 Kyoto Traffic Noise Survey Source: Community, Road traffic Date: 1956 Location: Japan: Nagoya City Source: Road traffic N=: over 2,000 responses (as of 1998 publication) Location: Japan: Kyoto Noise Data: Yes N=: 956 Reference: Hayashi, 1987; Hayashi, 2000; Hayashi, Kuno, Noise Data: Yes Mishina, Ikegaya, 1987; Hayashi, Kuno, Oishi, Reference: Aoki, 1959; Osada, 1971 Mishina, Ikegaya, 1988; Izumi, 1988; Kuno, Notes: Questionnaires were left at households and Hayashi, Oishi, Mishina, 1988; Kuno, later collected. Mishina, Hayashi, Oishi, Ikegaya, Zheng, Cai, JPN-201 Chen, 1987; Kuno, Noro, Oishi, Mishina, 1975 Shinkansen Railway Survey Hayashi, 1997; Kuno, Ohara, Takeda, Mishina, Date: 1975 (March) 1986; Kuno, Oishi, Hayashi, Mishina, Ikegaya, Source: Railway 1985 Kuno,Oishi, Mishina, Hayashi, Zheng, Location: Japan: Shinkansen line in Nagoya City Cai, Chen, 1992; Kuno, Oishi, Mishina, N=: 1,187 Hayashi, Zheng, Cai, Chen, 1993; Kuno, Noise Data: Yes Omiya, Mishina, Oishi, Hayashi, 1996; Kuno, Reference: Yamanaka, et al., 1982 Omiya, Okumura, Hayashi, Mishina, Oishi, Notes: Self-administered questionnaires were used. 2000; Kuno, Zheng, Takeda, Ikegaya, Mishina, Questions concerned only health. 1984; Oishi, Mishina, Hayashi, Okumura, Community noise was not explicitly rated. Kuno, 1989; Omiya, Kuno, Mishina, Some of the 190 indicators of poor health Oishi,Hayashi, 1997;Omiya, Kuno, Mishina, were related to noise and vibration levels. Oishi, Hayashi, Okumura, 1998; Kuno, Oishi, Wyle 30 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Mishina, Omiya, Okumura, Hayashi, 2000 publications with data from two other Notes: Additional noise measurement locations and surveys (JPN-292, JPN-447). The effect on interviews were added at several times since noise annoyance of about 10 decibels in the first survey in 1982. Residents in vibration exposure (dBVL) is equal to about residential areas are slightly more annoyed 3.5 dB(A) LAeq in noise exposure. by the same noise level than are residents in JPN-343 predominant industrial or commercial areas. 1990-93 Tokyo Five-Area Traffic Noise Survey Date: 1990 (October, 1st area), 1992 (August; JPN-319 2nd, 3rd areas), 1993 (August-October; 4th, 1989 Muroran Road/Railway Noise Survey 5th areas) Date: 1989 (June 28 to July 24), 1990 (July 9-19) Source: Road traffic Source: Road traffic, Railway Location: Japan: Tokyo (five areas in and around Location: Japan: Muroran City Tokyo) N=: 204 in 1989, 166 in 1990 N=: 1,181 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Izumi, Yano, 1990; Takahashi, 1991 Reference: Ishiyama, 1993; Ishiyama, 1995 Notes: Road traffic annoyance is affected by the Notes: Road noise was the most serious presence of railway noise but railway noise environmental problem for residents near annoyance is not affected by the presence of main roads. road traffic noise. The 1990 questionnaire JPN-353 was answered by 166 of the 204 respondents 1992 Chatan Town Kadena Air Base Survey from 1989. In both years, questionnaires Date: 1993 Publication (Survey date not reported) were mailed to respondents who Source: Military airport subsequently provided their answers in Location: Japan: area near a U.S. air base on Okinawa telephone interviews. (Chatan Town) JPN-326 N=: 1,053 1991 Muroran Traffic Noise Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 1991 (September, October) Reference: Hiramatsu, Yamamoto, Taira, Ito, Nakasone, Source: Road traffic 1993; Hiramatsu, Minoura, Matsui, Miyakita, Location: Japan: Muroran City Osada, Yamamoto, 2000; Ito, Hiramatsu, Taira, N=: 96 Nakasone, Yamamoto, 1994; Miyakita, Matsui, Noise Data: Yes Ito, Tokuyama, Taira, Hiramatsu, Osada, Reference: Dankittikul, Izumi, Yano, Kurosawa, Yamamoto, 1998; Yamamoto, 1999 Yamashita, 1993 Notes: A self-administered health survey was Notes: A self-administered questionnaire was collected from respondents. delivered by staff who later collected it. A JPN-358 comparison with a Thai survey (THA-327) Central Tokyo Combined Residential and Personal Noise found strong cross-cultural similarities. Survey JPN-340 Date: 1988 Publication (Survey date not reported) 1983 Tokyo Railway Noise Survey Source: Neighborhood Date: 1983 (November) Location: Japan: Central Tokyo Source: Railway N=: 147 Location: Japan: 15 sites in Tokyo along 10 railway Noise Data: Yes lines Reference: Kono, Sone, 1988 N=: 830 Notes: Noise was measured outdoors at the Noise Data: Yes residence and on the person of the Reference: Nakamura, 1985; Nakamura, Uehara, respondent by a personal device for 24 hours Imaizumi, 1985; Nakamura, Yoshida, 1990; a day. All respondents were either Yoshida, Nakamura, 1988a; Yoshida, housewives or worked at home. General Nakamura, 1988b; Yoshida, Nakamura, road traffic annoyance and speech and 1989; Yoshida, Nakamura, 1994; Yoshida, conversation interference were predicted Tokuyama, Nakamura, 1994 better by the environmental noise than by Notes: The residents' annoyance is compared to the the personal noise exposures. annoyance in four other railway noise JPN-369 surveys. 1996 Kumamoto Road Traffic Survey JPN-341 Date: 1996 (May-July) 1989 Sapporo Traffic Noise/Vibration Survey Source: Road traffic Date: 1989 (September to November) Location: Japan: Kumamoto City (15 areas) Source: Road traffic N=: 837 (378 in detached houses; 459 in Location: Japan: Sapporo apartments) N=: 99 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Sato, Yano, Björkman, Rylander, 2000; Reference: Sato, 1993; Sato, 1994 Sato, Yano, Yamashita, Kawai, Rylander, Notes: These data are combined in some Björkman, Öhrström, 1998a; Sato, Yano, Wyle 31 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Yamashita, Kawai, Rylander, Björkman, Notes: A self-administered questionnaire was left at Öhrström, 1998b; Yano, Murakami, Kawai, homes where attempts were made to contact Sato, 1998; Yano, Sato, Björkman, inhabitants. Inhabitants of both public and Rylander, 2000; Yano, Sato, Kawai, private housing participated. Reactions Kurosawa, 1997; Sato, Yano, Björkman, were related to the estimated attenuation of Rylander, 2002 the floor above an apartment and to the size Notes: Self-administered questionnaires were of the family in the overhead apartment. completed. Indoor activity disturbance was JPN-382 similar in Kumamoto, Japan and 1997-98 Sapporo Road Traffic Noise Survey Gothenburg, Sweden (SWE-368) for similar Date: 1997 (October) - 1998 (October) noise exposures, but outdoor activity Source: Road traffic disturbance was greater in Gothenburg Location: Japan: Sapporo (SWE-368). Exhaust fume evaluations are N=: 780 related to noise evaluations. Noise Data: Yes JPN-370 Reference: Murase, Sato, Yano, Björkman, Rylander, 1994-95 Kyushu Railway Survey Dankittikul, 2000; Sato, Murase, Yano, Date: 1994 (May, June, September, January), Björkman, Rylander, Dankittikul, 2000; Sato, 1995 (May) Yano, Björkman, Rylander, 2000; Yano, Sato, Source: Railway Björkman, Rylander, 2000 Location: Japan: Kyushu Prefecture (including Notes: Self-administered questionnaires were Kumamoto and Fukuoka) distributed and then collected from each N=: 1,828 address. Respondents living in the colder Noise Data: Yes Sapporo area and the warmer Kumamoto Reference: Yano, Izumi, Yamashita, Tabata, 1997; area (JPN-369) are equally annoyed by road Yano, Murakami, Kawai, Sato, 1998; Yano, traffic at the same noise level. Respondents Sato, Kawai, Kurosawa, 1997; Yano, in detached houses in Sweden (SWE-368) Yamashita, Izumi, 1996; Yano, Yamashita, are more annoyed. Izumi, 1997 JPN-438 Notes: Self-administered questionnaires were 1991 Fukuoka Green Areas Noise Survey completed. A comparison with Date: 1991 (June) methodologically similar Japanese road Source: Community traffic surveys found that reactions to railway Location: Japan: Fukuoka City (8 residential areas that noise and road traffic noise were similar at include 18 parks) the same noise levels. Responses were N=: 624 used in reported analyses measured and compared for four types of Noise Data: No noise data described annoyance scales. Reference: Fujimoto, 1991; Fujimoto, 1993; JPN-376 Fujimoto, 1994;Imamura, Fujimoto, Kim, 1971-77 Chiba Multi-Family Dwelling Survey Nakamura, 1991; Kim, Fujimoto, Imamura, Date: 1971, 1974 to 1977 Nakamura, 1991 Source: Interior (apartment buildings) Notes: The study primarily focused on residents' Location: Japan: Chiba area near Tokyo (Multiple feelings about a park in the residential area buildings in 17 housing developments) but also asked about reactions to noise at N=: 3,765 their home. The self-administered Noise Data: Yes: Some information about neighbor questionnaire was mailed but then noise measured in 13 vacant apartments personally collected. Reference: Mitsuda, Kimura, 1980 JPN-439 Notes: TNEL is recommended as a noise exposure 1992 Fukuoka Green Areas Survey measure for noise from neighbors. Most of Date: 1992 (November) the noise annoyance was directed at the Source: Natural sounds heard in daily life apartment above the respondent. Location: Japan: Fukuoka City (8 neighborhoods) JPN-377 N=: 711 1992-95 Tokyo Multi-Family Dwelling Study Noise Data: No Date: 1992-1995 Reference: Kim, Fujimoto, 1994 Source: Interior (apartment buildings) Notes: Respondents answered a self-administered Location: Japan: Tokyo, Saitama and Chiba Prefectures questionnaire to describe their evaluation of N=: 3,294 the residential environment and green spaces Noise Data: Yes: attenuation to overhead apartment in the neighborhood. estimated JPN-440 Reference: Kimura, Inoue, So, Fujisawa, 1994;So, 1984 Fukuoka Road Traffic Noise Survey Kimura, 1998; So, Kimura, Inoue, 1995; Date: 1984 (September) So, Kimura, Inoue, 1996; So, Kimura, Sho, Source: Road traffic Suzuki, Kaji, 1996; So, Kimura, Sho, Location: Japan: Fukuoka city (27 sites along main Kaji, Suzuki, 1997; So, Kimura, Kaji, roads and 3 sites in other residential areas) Yukako, 1998 N=: 1,286 used in analyses Wyle 32 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Noise Data: Yes Osada, Yamamoto, 1998; Tokuyama, Reference: Fujimoto, 1991;Fujimoto, 1994; Fujimoto, Minoura, Hiramatsu, Matsui, Miyakita, Haruta, Sakata, 1986; Izumi, 1988 Taira, Osada, Yamamoto, 1998; Yamamoto, Notes: The Japanese respondents appear to give a 1999 more negative response to road traffic noise Notes: The self-administered questionnaire was left than would be expected from studies in at residences and later picked up by the other countries. researchers. Most of the respondents had JPN-441 participated in an earlier health survey (JPN- 1987 Fukuoka Railway Crossing Noise Survey 445). Date: 1987 (October) JPN-445 Source: Railway trains, Railway crossing alarms 1995-96 Kadena General Health Questionnaire Survey Location: Japan: Fukuoka City (30 areas) Date: 1995 (November) - 1996 (September) N=: 571 (555 used in some analyses) Source: Aircraft Noise Data: No Location: Japan: Okinawa (municipalities in the Reference: Fujimoto, 1991; Fujimoto, 1994;Fujimoto, vicinity of Kadena and Futenma U.S. Haruta, 1988; Haruta, Fujimoto, 1988 airfields, control area in Shimajiri district) Notes: The self-administered questionnaires were N=: 6,480 (combined with an additional 615 hand-delivered to residents living near from study JPN-353 in some analyses) railway crossings. Respondents disliked the Noise Data: Yes sound of railway crossing alarms. Reference: Hiramatsu, Matsui, Miyakita, Tokuyama, JPN-442 Ashimine, Taira, Osada, Yamamoto, 1998; 1987 Fukuoka 19-Area Community Noise Survey Hiramatsu, Minoura, Matsui, Miyakita, Taira, Date: 1987 (December) Osada, Yamamoto, 1998a; Hiramatsu, Source: Community Minoura, Matsui, Miyakita, Taira, Osada, Location: Japan: Fukuoka city Yamamoto, 1998b; Matsui, Nakada, N=: 1,034 (parents of students in 19 elementary Hiramatsu, Taira, Osada, Yamamoto, 1998; schools) Miyakita, Matsui, Ito, Tokuyama, Taira, Noise Data: No Hiramatsu, Osada, Yamamoto, 1998; Reference: Fujimoto, 1991; Fujimoto, 1994 Yamamoto, 1999; Hiramatsu, Matsui, Notes: Parents of fifth grade students were given Miyakita, Ito, Tokuyama, Osada, Yamamoto, self-administered questionnaires to report 2002; Miyakita, Matsui, Ito, Tokuyama, their impressions of sounds heard in daily Hiramatsu, Osada, Yamamoto, 2002 life at their residences. Notes: The self-administered questionnaire JPN-443 primarily addressed health issues. Some of 1993 Fukuoka 12-Area Community Noise Survey the respondents were later included in a Date: 1993 (May) standard noise annoyance survey (JPN-444). Source: Community It was left at residences and later picked up Location: Japan: Fukuoka City (12 areas) by the researchers. The study concluded N=: 1,248 (1,074 used in some analyses) that residents near the airfield may Noise Data: No noise data described experience both physical and mental effects Reference: Furuya, Fujimoto, Haruta, 1994 from aircraft noise. Notes: This self-administered questionnaire was JPN-446 used to investigate respondents' feelings 1994 Sapporo Traffic Noise Survey about their residential environments. Date: 1994 (April - October) JPN-444 Source: Road traffic 1996-97 Kadena/Futenma Military Aircraft Noise Survey Location: Japan: Sapporo (4 residential areas) Date: 1996 (November) - 1997 (March) N=: 260 Source: Aircraft (Conventional aircraft at Kadena Noise Data: Yes with more helicopters at Futenma) Reference: Sato, Yamashita, Yano, Kurosawa, 1997 Location: Japan: Okinawa (municipalities in the Notes: Respondents in detached houses were more vicinity of Kadena and Futenma U.S. annoyed by the same noise than those in airfields, control area in Shimajiri district) apartment houses. Respondents completed N=: 5,693 (3,560 from Kadena, 1,448 from self-administered questionnaires. Futenma, 685 from Shimajiri) JPN-447 Noise Data: Yes 1990 Sapporo Traffic Noise and Vibration Survey Reference: Hiramatsu, Minoura, Matsui, Miyakita, Date: 1990 (September - November) Taira, Osada, Yamamoto, 1998a; Source: Road traffic Hiramatsu, Minoura, Matsui, Miyakita, Location: Japan: Sapporo Taira, Osada, Yamamoto, 1998b; Matsui, N=: 266 Nakada, Hiramatsu, Taira, Osada, Noise Data: Yes Yamamoto, 1998; Minoura, Matsui, Reference: Sato, 1993; Sato, 1994 Miyakita, Taira, Hiramatsu, Osada, Notes: These data are combined in some Yamamoto, 1998; Miyakita, Minoura, publications with data from two other Matsui, Ito, Tokuyama, Hiramatsu, Taira, surveys (JPN-292, JPN-341). A 10-decibel Wyle 33 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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difference in vibration exposure (dBVL) has (Hokkaido district)) about the same effect on annoyance as a 3.5 N=: 268 (184 were screened by a belt of trees) LAeq, dB(A) difference in noise exposure. Noise Data: Yes JPN-448 Reference: Izumi, Dankittikul, Yamashita, Yano, 1994; 1987 Sapporo Railway Noise and Vibration Survey Yamashita, Yano, Izumi, 1996 Date: 1987 (September to November) Notes: Reactions to noise for the same noise Source: Railway exposure were less when the road was Location: Japan: Sapporo (This and a related survey screened by trees. Comparisons with a Thai (JPN-449) together covered 37 blocks in 13 survey (THA-327) found strong cross- areas along 3 railways.) cultural similarities. Self-administered N=: 154 (combined with 96 from survey JPN- questionnaires were completed. 449 in some analyses) JPN-453 Noise Data: Yes 1988-1990 Hokkaido/Kyushu Traffic Noise Survey Reference: Sato, 1994 Date: 1988 (September, October), 1989 Notes: This interview is similar to that used in (September, October), 1990 (March to May, another railway survey (JPN-449). October, November) JPN-449 Source: Road traffic 1991 Sapporo Railway Noise and Vibration Survey Location: Japan: Hokkaido District (Muroran, Date: 1991 (September - November) Asahikawa, Noboribetsu) and Kumamoto Source: Railway N=: 348 Location: Japan: Sapporo (This and a related survey Noise Data: Yes (JNP-448) together covered 37 blocks in 13 Reference: Izumi, Yano, 1991; Izumi, Yano, areas along 3 railways.) Yamashita, 1992; Yano, Izumi, Yamashita, N=: 96 (combined with 154 from survey JPN- Dankittikul, Kurosawa, 1993; Yano, 448 in some analyses) Yamashita, Izumi, 1991a; Yano, Yamashita, Noise Data: Yes Izumi, 1991b Reference: Sato, 1994 Notes: This survey was planned for a comparison Notes: This interview is similar to that used in to a Gothenburg survey (SWE-420) that has another railway survey (JPN-448). not yet been reported and another Muroran JPN-450 Japan survey (JPN-319). Reactions are about 1995-96 Kyushu Expressway Survey the same to at similar noise levels in warm Date: 1995 (June) - 1996 (October) and cold areas of Japan. Source: Expressway (Kyushu Highway) JPN-491 Location: Japan: Kumamoto Prefecture (Kumamoto 1996 Osaka International Airport Noise Survey City, Kikuyo, Mishigoshi, Ueki, Kikusui) Date: 1996 (January) N=: 387 (212 from sites with noise barriers, 175 Source: Aircraft without barriers) Location: Japan: Osaka International Airport (10 areas) Noise Data: Yes N=: 215 (148 questionnaires under takeoff paths Reference: Yano, Kurosawa, Kawai, 1997 and 67 under landing paths) Notes: Annoyance was lower at noise-barrier sites Noise Data: Yes than at non-barrier sites with the same noise Reference: Yamada, Kaku, 1996; Yamada, 2000 exposure. The self-administered Notes: The amount of annoyance with aircraft noise questionnaires were distributed and collected was reported to be similar to 25 years at respondents' homes by the researchers. earlier, even after a decrease in noise JPN-451 exposure. Questionnaires were distributed 1993 Kumamoto Road Traffic Noise Survey by mail. Date: 1993 (September, October) JPN-492 Source: Road traffic 1991 Yokohama Sound Environment Survey Location: Japan: Kumamoto (3 sites) Date: 1991 (October - December) N=: 155 Source: Overall sound environment Noise Data: Yes Location: Japan: Yokohama City Reference: Yano, Izumi, Rylander, Björkman, 1994 N=: 1,240 Notes: The annoyance reactions were similar for all Noise Data: No self-administered questionnaires whether Reference: Kashima, Tamura, Shima, Sawada, 1994; distributed by mail or by hand with Tamura, 1998 personal collection. Annoyance was lower Notes: Residents like to hear natural sounds. Mail at the same noise exposure than that questionnaires were used with two follow up previously observed in a Gothenburg, mailings. Sweden survey (SWE-420). JPN-493 JPN-452 1985-86 Shinkansen/Conventional Rail Noise Survey 1993 Tomakomai Road Traffic Noise Survey Date: 1985 to 1986 Date: 1993 (July) Source: High speed and standard railway Source: Road traffic Location: Japan: Kanagawa Prefecture (12 areas) Location: Japan: A major road in Tomokomai N=: 613 Wyle 34 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Noise Data: Yes predominant industrial area to a mixed Reference: Tamura, 1994 residential-industrial area. For 80 complaints, Notes: The Shinkansen (high speed train) is viewed the case was discussed with the government more negatively than ordinary railways. official who processed the complaint. Respondents completed self-administered JPN-498 questionnaires. In the following year, 55 of 1988-91 Setagaya Tokyo Environmental Complaints Survey the respondents were interviewed at length Date: 1988 (October) to 1991 (April) with open-ended questions. Source: Community JPN-494 Location: Japan: Setagaya City (Tokyo area) 1987 Odawara Sound Environment Survey N=: 136 Date: 1987 (September) Noise Data: No Source: Overall sound environment Reference: Suga, Oi, Kondoh, Miyamoto, 1994 Location: Japan: 8 areas in Odawara city (Kanagawa Notes: Respondents completed a postal Prefecture) questionnaire that included open-ended N=: 136 questions. A cluster analysis was conducted Noise Data: No of the words that 118 of the respondents Reference: Shima, Tamura, 1993 used to describe their problems. Notes: Most of the self-administered questionnaire JPN-499 focused on sounds, including positive Tokyo Four-Area Nighttime Road Traffic Survey sounds. Road traffic was often mentioned as Date: 1994 Publication (Survey date not reported) a sound heard at home. Source: Road traffic (nighttime) JPN-495 Location: Japan: Tokyo (4 areas) 1984-1997 Nagoya Neighborhood Noise Survey N=: 1,145 (1,037 questionnaires were used in Date: 1985 analysis because 117 respondents reported Source: Neighborhood hearing problems) Location: Japan: Nagoya city Noise Data: Yes N=: 1,194 Reference: Kabuto, Kageyama, 1994 Noise Data: No noise data described Notes: The study inquired about sleep quality with Reference: Oishi, Mishina, Hayashi, Okumura, Kuno, a postal questionnaire. Some 198 1989; Mishina, Asai, Oishi, Hayashi, respondents wore a sound exposure meter for Omiya, Kuno, 2003 24 hours. Notes: The study examined the awareness of noise JPN-500 in neighborhoods of Nagoya with face-to-face 1999 Osaka Aircraft Noise and Health Survey interviews. Date: 1999 (April-June) JPN-496 Source: Aircraft 1994-96 Tokyo Trunk Road Noise Survey Location: Japan: Osaka (areas at 3 noise levels under Date: 1994 to 1996 landing operations) Source: Road traffic N=: 390 Location: Japan: Tokyo (5 areas along 3 trunk roads) Noise Data: Yes N=: 1,880 Reference: Goto, Kaneko, Tokita, 2000 Noise Data: Yes Notes: None Reference: Hoshiyama, Kawaguchi, Yoshida, JPN-501 Yamamoto, Chiba, Osada, 1998; Osada, 1985 Kawasaki Life-Related Noise Survey Yoshida, Yoshida, Kawaguchi, Hoshiyama, Date: 1985 (October) Yamamoto, 1997; Yoshida, Osada, Source: Neighbors' equipment or voices Kawaguchi, Hoshiyama, Yoshida, Location: Japan: Kawasaki City (Tokyo area) Yamamoto, 1997 N=: 2,000 (approximate) Notes: A dose-response relationship was found for Noise Data: No noise level with annoyance, but not with Reference: Suzuki, 1994 illness. The questionnaire was mailed and Notes: About half the respondents reported that then collected by appointment at homes. they had experienced some annoyance from JPN-497 neighbors' appliances, audio equipment, 1992 Itabashi Tokyo Environmental Complaints Survey vehicles or other neighbor noises. Date: 1992 (Began in April, end date not reported)) Respondents were often aware that their Source: Industry audio equipment could be annoying but Location: Japan: Itabashi City (Tokyo area) a city relatively unaware that their car or pet's with a high concentration of industry sound could be annoying. The type of N=: 150 (approximate) questionnaire is not identified in the report. Noise Data: No JPN-503 Reference: Oi, Suga, Kondoh, 1994 1986 Tokyo Main-Road Traffic Survey Notes: A postal questionnaire that included open- Date: 1986 (November 6-23) ended questions was sent to residents, Source: Road traffic including new residents, who had complained Location: Japan: Tokyo about noise in an area that is changing from a N=: 176 (an additional 5 responses were not Wyle 35 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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analyzed) JPN-508 Noise Data: Yes Toyonaka City Free-Response Noise Survey Reference: Yoshida, 1987; Yoshida, 1991; Yoshida, Date: 2000 Publication (Survey date not reported) Tokuyama, Nakamura, 1994; Yoshida, Source: Any community sounds Nakamura, 1994 Location: Japan: Toyonaka City Notes: Face-to-face interviews were conducted N=: 176 JPN-504 Noise Data: Yes 1987 Tokyo Side Streets Noise Survey Reference: Minoura, Hiramatsu, 2000 Date: 1987 (October, November) Notes: Residents in apartments were asked to Source: Road traffic in narrow roads describe their sound environment with Location: Japan: Tokyo unstructured questions in a self-administered N=: 1,000 (Subsets of 376 or 885 have been questionnaire. used in some publications) JPN-509 Noise Data: No noise data described 1972-81 Kyushu Airport Opening Survey Reference: Kuga, 1989; Yoshida, 1991; Yoshida, Date: 1972 to 1981(Cooler months from October Nakamura, 1990; Yoshida, Nakamura, to March) 1994; Yoshida, Tokuyama, Nakamura, 1994 Source: Aircraft Notes: Some mixed evidence suggests a Location: Japan: 3 airports in Kyushu (Nagasaki, relationship between noise and mental Kagoshima, Oita) health problems. Face-to-face interviews N=: 9,819 (Kagoshima, 6,654; Oita, 1,539; were conducted. Nagasaki, 1,626) JPN-505 Noise Data: Yes 1993 Osaka Free-Response Industrial Noise Survey Reference: Miyahara, 1988 Date: 1993 (August) Notes: Questionnaire surveys were conducted in Source: All sources of sounds or noise two or three different years at each airport at Location: Japan: Sakai city (Osaka area) intervals of one to 11 years after the airports N=: 308 had opened. All respondents had lived in Noise Data: No the areas before the airports opened. The Reference: Minoura, Hiramatsu, 2000; Minoura, purpose was to determine if reactions Hiramatsu, Matsui, Takagi, Oi, 1997 changed over time after introducing aircraft. Notes: Respondents were asked to write a free Questionnaires were distributed to residents response to an open question about sounds and then personally collected. in their house and neighborhood. JPN-510 JPN-506 1980s Student Noise Attitudes Study (Japan) 1980s Yomahoko Community Noise Survey Date: 1980, (also 5 data collection periods Date: 1988 and five other years (Most data from between 1981 to 1985 and/or 1986) the months of July and August) Source: Community Source: Road traffic, Festivals and other community Location: Japan: Osaka area noise N=: 894 (434 in first year) Location: Japan: Kyoto (8 areas in Yamohoko-cho) Noise Data: No N=: 223 Reference: Florentine, Namba, Kuwano, 1986; Izumi, Noise Data: No 1988; Namba, Kuwano, 1986; Thomas, Reference: Hiramatsu, Minoura, 2000 Namba, Schick, Kuwano, 1983 Notes: The study examined how residents' Notes: University students answered this written responses varied with their connection to the questionnaire's general statements about sound source. The self-administered neighbors' noise without direct reference to questionnaires were left at the home and their present residence. There are some later picked up by the research team. differences between perceptions and attitudes JPN-507 toward neighbors' noise in England, 1996 Nishijin Textile Neighborhood Noise Survey Germany and Japan. The questionnaire is Date: 1996 (August, September) nearly identical to questionnaires Source: Community administered in England (UKD-512), Location: Japan: Nishijin area of Kyoto Germany (GER-511), China (CHI-514), N=: 208 and the United States (USA-513). Noise Data: Yes JPN-515 Reference: Minoura, Hiramatsu, 1998; Minoura, 1983 Apartment Noise Attitudes Study (Japan) Hiramatsu, 2000 Date: 1983 Notes: Respondents answered free-response, self- Source: General community noise including noise administered questionnaires that asked for from neighbors in apartments their description of the present and past Location: Japan: Osaka area sound environments in a traditional textile N=: 375 production area in Kyoto, Japan. Residents Noise Data: No with experience in textiles more often Reference: Schick, Kuwano, Namba 1984; Schick, mention textile industry sounds. Zheng, Müller-Andritzky, Namba, Kuwano, Wyle 36 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Chassein, 1992; Namba, Kuwano, Schick, 1986 and five-point verbal scales corresponds with Notes: The study's purpose was to compare that rated on the 11-point numeric scale by Japanese and German's attitudes toward percentages of the scale steps. neighborhood noise problems. When JPN-551 annoyed by noise from neighboring 2005 Narita International Airport Runway Opening apartments, this planned comparison with a Annoyance Survey German survey found that Japanese are less Date: 2005-2006 likely than Germans to contact those Source: Aircraft (new runway) neighbors (GER-515). Data were collected Location: Japan: Chiba Prefecture (near Narita from university students using a self- International Airport) administered questionnaire. N=: 6,527 JPN-517 Noise Data: Yes 1990, 1995 Japanese/English Questionnaire Testing Study Reference: Hayashi, Morita, Morio, Takaki, (Osaka) Yamashita, Ohashi, Iijima, Matsui, Date: 1990, 1995 (February, November) Hiramatsu, 2007 Source: community Notes: Existing residential areas underneath Location: Japan: Kansai region existing runway flight paths, underneath N=: 621 new runway flight paths, or away from flight Noise Data: No paths were delivered surveys to assist in the Reference: Kuwano, Namba, Florentine, 1996 determination of potential impacts of a new Notes: This questionnaire was developed for broad runway. Noise measurement data from the use by the Acoustical society of Japan and airport's noise monitoring stations was administered on a test basis in this study utilized. and one study in the United States (USA- JPN-556 518). 2002 Fukuoka Railway Noise Survey JPN-530 Date: 2002 (May - October) 2003 Kyushu Shinkansen Railway Survey Source: Railway Date: 2003 (April) Location: Japan: Fukuoka, Kyushu Source: Railway N=: 1,612 Location: Japan: Kyushu Noise Data: Yes N=: 724 Reference: Sato, Yano, Morihara, Masden, 2004; Sato, Noise Data: Yes Yano, Morihara, 2007; Yano, Sato, Reference: Yokoshima, Morihara, Ota, Tamura, 2008; Morihara, 2007; Yano, Sato, Morihara, Yano, Sato, Morihara, Hashimoto, 2004; Hashimoto, 2004 Morihara, Sato, Yano, 2008; Yano, Sato, Notes: Detached dwellings facing four railway lines Morihara, 2006; Sato, Yano, Morihara, 2004 participated in a self-administered survey Notes: Three residential areas near the Sanyo using four types of questionnaires (each Shinkansen line in Kyushu were surveyed using differing base descriptors). Noise and noise measurements were taken at levels from various types of trains were reference points near the railway to evaluate recorded at representative points, and noise annoyance. levels were then calculated using distance JPN-541 reduction formulas. 2001 Sapporo Hokkaido Railway Noise Survey JPN-563 Date: 2001 (August - September) 2004 Japan Kanagawa Railway Noise Survey Source: Railway Date: 2004 (October) - 2005 (October) Location: Japan: Sapporo, Hokkaido Source: Road traffic, Railway N=: 957 Location: Japan: Kanagawa Prefecture Noise Data: Yes N=: 601 Reference: Sato, Morihara, Yano, 2002a; Sato, Yano, Noise Data: Yes Morihara, Masden, 2004; Sato, Yano, Reference: Ota, Yokoshima, Kamitani, Tamura, 2006 Morihara, 2007; Yano, Sato, Morihara, 2007; Notes: Annoyance from combined road and railway Morihara, Sato, Yano, 2004a; Yano, Sato, noise was surveyed by mail, and compared Morihara, Hashimoto, 2004; Sato, Morihara, to noise measurements. Yano, 2002b; Morihara, Sato, Yano, 2002; Sato, JPN-564 2002; Morihara, Sato, Yano, 2003; Morihara, 2003 Japan Tokaido Shinkansen Railway Noise Survery Sato, Yano, 2004b; Morihara, Sato, Yano, 2004c Date: 2001 - 2003 Notes: Railroad noise survey in Hokkaido, Japan Source: Road traffic, Railway for comparison of 4-point and 5-point scales, Location: Japan: Kanagawa Prefecture, Tokaido based on the joint study by ICBEN Team Shinkansen Railway 6 on community responses. The study N=: 1,101 results included that there were no Noise Data: Yes systematic differences between the four-point Reference: Yokoshima, Morihara, Ota, Tamura, 2008; and five-point verbal scales, and the extent Ota, Yokoshima, Tamura, 2007; of noise annoyance rated on the four-point Yokoshima, Tamura, 2003; Yokoshima, Wyle 37 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Tamura, 2006 JPN-582 Notes: A postal survey was conducted from 2001 to 2002 INCE/J Social Survey Methodology Standardization 2003 in ten residential areas to evaluate the Survey annoyance caused by the Shinkansen railway, Date: 2000 - 2002 and the results were compared to noise Source: Road traffic measurements from each site. Location: Japan JPN-565 N=: 1,056 2006 Japan Kumamoto Airport Noise Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 2006 Reference: Kaku, Kabuto, Kageyama, Kuno, Kuwano, Source: Aircraft Namba, Sueoka, Tachibana, Yamamoto, Location: Japan: Communities around Kumamoto Yamashita, Kamigawara, 2004 International Airport Notes: Two types of questionnaires (delivered via N=: 416 face-to-face interview) were used to ascertain Noise Data: Yes noise annoyance and sleep disturbance in Reference: Yano, Sato, Morihara, 2007 areas where noise from road traffic was Notes: Five sites around Kumamoto Airport were dominant. Noise measurements at specific surveyed by distributing and collecting a points were used to predict noise levels at questionnaire, and noise measurements were each residents' dwelling. conducted in one house in each target area JPN-588 for five days. Abiko City Japan Illegal Muffler Annoyance Survey JPN-576 Date: 2006 publication (Survey date not reported) Fukuoka Airport Noise, Annoyance and Health Survey Source: Road traffic (illegal mufflers) Date: 2006 publication (Survey date not reported) Location: Japan: Abito City Source: Aircraft N=: 126 Location: Japan: 86 Communities around Fukuoka Noise Data: Yes Airport Reference: Tanaka, Fujikawa, Oshino, Kuwano, 2006 N=: 894 Notes: Questionnaires were distributed to Noise Data: No residences within 50 meters of a main road Reference: Kaneko, Goto, 2006; Kaneko, Goto, 2008 to examine community response to illegal Notes: Respondents were self-selected for a health muffler noise. Noise measurements were examination, and were stratified by noise performed near the road, and a laboratory levels. An annoyance questionnaire study was conducted. regarding aircraft, road, and railway noise JPN-596 was voluntarily returned during the visit. Kusatsu Japan Noise Sensitivity Scale Study JPN-577 Date: 2006 Publication (Survey date not reported) 2004 Kobe City Japan Elderly Noise Survey Source: Road traffic Date: 2004 Location: Japan: Kusatsu Source: Community (37 sources) N=: 301 Location: Japan: Kobe City Noise Data: Yes N=: 1,930 Reference: Matsui, Kishikawa, Uchiyama, Miyakawa, Noise Data: No Hiramatsu, , 2007; Kishikawa, Reference: Kuwano, Morimoto, Matui, 2005 Matsui, Uchiyama, Miyakawa, Hiramatsu, Notes: Participants of a city-sponsored lecture were Stansfeld, 2006 given a questionnaire on judging the Notes: Residential areas near two trunk roads with annoyance of 37 sounds, and the results heavy traffic during both day and night were were compared with a survey of young distributed questionnaires and day-night people. average sound levels were measured at 44 JPN-578 points in the study area. The study was Narita International Airport Health Effects Survey designed to evaluate the validity of Date: 2003 publication (Survey date not reported) statistical correlation between noise Source: Aircraft annoyance and noise sensitivity using Location: Japan: Areas around Narita International Weinstein's noise sensitivity scale. Airport JPN-613 N=: 1,326 2003 Narita International Airport New Runway Noise Data: Yes Epidemiological Study Reference: Koyasu, Yasuoka, Kabuto, Kono, Tamura, Date: 2003 Yamamoto, Noda, 2003 Source: Aircraft (new runway) Notes: Women were surveyed by mail regarding Location: Japan: Chiba Prefecture (near Narita health effects (psychological, emotional, International Airport) physical) of noise in both a noisy area and a N=: 179 control area near Narita International Noise Data: No Airport, as identified by WECPNL Reference: Miyakawa, Matsui, Hiramatsu, 2007 contours. Notes: Residential areas beneath flight paths from a new runway and in a control area unaffected Wyle 38 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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by aircraft noise were distributed surveys KOR-553 that included questions about general health, 2006 Korea Commercial and Military Aircraft Community noise sensitivity, the time of day of aircraft Noise Survey noise disturbances, and daily activities Date: 2006 - 2007 disrupted by aircraft noise. Source: Aircraft (Civilian and Military) JPN-615 Location: Korea: Suwon, Daegu, Gimpo and Gimhae 2006-2007 Japan GIS (Web-based) Transportation Noise N=: 1,784 Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 2006 (airport and rail) - 2007 (Road and Reference: Lim, Kim, Hong, Sun, Lee, 2005; Kim, Shinkansen) Kim, Hong, Lim, Lee, 2007 Source: Road traffic, Aircraft, Helicopter, Railway, Notes: Residents living near either a military or Industrial, Construction noise civilian airport participated in a face-to-face Location: Japan: Kyushu, Chugoku, Kansai, Chubu, questionnaire and noise measurements to Kanto, Tohoku ascertain difference in annoyance levels by N=: 5,405 source. Some results were compared with Noise Data: Yes the results from KOR-554. Reference: Kaku, Yotota, Namba, Ogata, Yamada, KOR-554 2007; Yamada, Kaku, Yokota, Namba, 2004 Korea Airport and Background Noise Survey Ogata, 2008 Date: 2004 (Measurements January - June, Survey Notes: Results from conventional questionnaire May - June) surveys were compared with the results of a Source: Aircraft web-based survey on various transportation Location: Korea: near Gimpo and Gimhae noise sources, from which the participants International Airports responded to advertisements and leaflets. N=: 753 Noise levels were calculated via prediction Noise Data: Yes models. Reference: Lim, Kim, Hong, Lee, Lee, 2007; Lim, KOR-295 Kim, Hong, Sun, Lee, 2005; Lim, Kim, 1987 Seoul Traffic Noise Survey Hong, Lee, 2008; Lim, Kim, Hong, Lee, Date: 1987 (February) Lee, 2006 Source: Road Traffic Notes: Social surveys and noise measurements were Location: Korea: Seoul carried out in an urban area near Gimpo N=: 351 (144 industrial area, 207 residential area) International Airport and a rural area near Noise Data: Yes Gimhae International Airport to investigate Reference: Yu, 1987; Yu, 1988 the effect of background noise in terms of Notes: Interviews were conducted with residents in dose-effect relationships between aircraft both a residential and an industrial area. noise levels and annoyance responses under KOR-475 real conditions. 1980s Seoul Multiple-Source Noise Survey KOR-590 Date: 1985 Publication (Survey date not reported) 2005 Gimpo International Airport Annoyance Survey Source: Aircraft, Road traffic, Railway Date: 2005 (August - September) Location: Korea: Seoul (3 residential areas.) Source: Aircraft N=: 646 (only 197 used in some reports) Location: Korea: areas around Gimpo International Noise Data: Yes Airport Reference: Lee, 1985;Lee, Lee, Cha, 1985 N=: 614 Notes: Responses are affected more by noise level Noise Data: Yes than by the measured personal variables. Reference: Son, Lee, Chang, Lee, Lee, 2006 KOR-550 Notes: Residents exposed to varying levels of 2004 Korea Honam and Gyungbu Railway Noise Survey aircraft noise exposure (based on previously Date: 2004 (June) published WECPNL noise contours) rated Source: Railway, Road traffic annoyance on a seven-step numerical scale. Location: Korea: 18 areas along Gyungbu and Honam The survey method was not reported. Railways LIT-555 N=: 724 2003 Vilnius, Lithuania Housing and Health Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 2002 - 2003 Reference: Hong, Kim, Lim, Lee, 2007; Lim, Kim, Source: Road traffic, Community noise Hong, Lee, 2006 Location: Lithuania: Vilnius Notes: Residents, mainly living in apartment N=: 1,793 buildings, within 50 meters of rail lines Noise Data: No were randomly selected and interviewed in Reference: Maschke, Niemann, 2005; Niemann, order to investigate community responses to Bennefoy, Braubach, Hecht, Maschke, railway noise. Noise levels were calculated Rodrigues, Röbbel, 2006; Bonnefoy, at two sites and measured at 18 locations, Braubach, Davidson, Röbbel, 2007 and the results were compared with those of Notes: As part of the LARES (Large Analysis and other countries. Review of European housing and health Wyle 39 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Status) program, noise annoyance was (NET-013). The survey preceded sound evaluated as an environmental factor and the insulation installation and can be compared relationship to medically diagnosed with a post-insulation survey (NET-149). illnesses was evaluated in eight European The survey occurred during an unusually cities (HUN-611, SLO-548, FRA-583, warm summer. SWI-584, GER-579, POR-614, ITL-616). NET-149 NET-002 1977 Schiphol/Marssum Sound Insulation Survey 1950 Netherlands Sound Insulation Effects Study Date: 1977 (September) Date: 1950 (April to July) Source: Aircraft Source: Neighbors in apartment buildings Location: Netherlands: Five areas around Schiphol and Location: Netherlands: Rotterdam, The Hague one area (Marssum) around Leeuwarden N=: Approximately 1,215 Military Airfield Noise Data: Yes: sound insulation information N=: 353 (304, Schiphol) (49, Marssum) Reference: Bitter, Horch, 1958; Bitter, van Weeren, Noise Data: Yes 1955; van den Eijk, Kasteleijn, Kosten, 1956 Reference: Bitter, 1980; Bitter, Willigers, 1979; de Notes: None Jong, 1981d; de Jong, 1981f; Lingen, NET-013 Voorn, 1979; Willigers, 1979 1963 Schiphol Airport Survey Notes: Interviews followed the installation of sound Date: 1963 (August, September) insulation in the same areas as a 1975 Source: Aircraft study (NET-115). Location: Netherlands: Eight areas around Schiphol NET-153 airport 1977 Netherlands Railway Noise Survey N=: 1,000 Date: 1977 (October) Noise Data: Yes Source: Railway Reference: Bitter, 1970; Bitter, 1972; Bitter, Location: Netherlands: (12 locations) Schwager, 1964; de Jong, 1981d; de Jong, N=: 671 1981f; de Jong, 1983a; Kosten, et al., 1967; Noise Data: Yes: inside and outside Rylander, Sörensen, Berglund, 1974 Reference: de Jong, 1979a; de Jong, 1983b; de Jong, Notes: This survey supported early Dutch aircraft Miedema, 1996; de Jong, Peeters, 1983; de noise regulations. Jong, Tukker, 1983; Peeters, 1981; Peeters, NET-106 de Jong, Kaper, Tukker, 1984 1974 Dordrecht Home Sound Insulation Study Notes: Inside noise measurements were made as Date: 1974 (April) and 1976 (April) well as outside measurements but did not Source: Highway Traffic correlate more highly with annoyance. Location: Netherlands: Dordrecht (Highway 16) NET-193 N=: 383 (before insulation), and 376 (after 1976 Netherlands Military Airfields Noise Study insulation) Date: 1976 (August, September) Noise Data: Yes Source: Aircraft Reference: Bitter, 1979a; Bitter, 1979b; Bitter, Kaper, Location: Netherlands: areas near three military Pinkse, 1978; de Jong, 1983b; van Dongen, airfields (Soesterberg, Twente, Volkel) 1981a; van Dongen, 1982 N=: 867 Notes: The study compares two sound insulation Noise Data: Yes situations: one before noise abatement; the Reference: de Jong, 1980a; de Jong, 1980c; de Jong, second, two years after noise insulation 1981f; de Jong, 1983a; de Jong, Beers, measures were installed in the homes as a 1980; de Jong, Groeneveld, 1983 result of residents' strong opposition to Notes: This study is designed for comparison to changes in nearby road traffic. The study three other studies: Schiphol, 1963 (NET- was designed for comparison with a similar 013); Schiphol/Marssum, 1975 (NET-115); later study (NET-238). Schiphol/Marssum, 1977 (NET-149). NET-115 NET-194 1975 Schiphol/Marssum Aircraft Noise Insulation Survey 1976 Netherlands Railway Noise Survey Date: 1975 (September) Date: 1976 (October) Source: Aircraft Source: Railway Location: Netherlands: Five areas around Schiphol and Location: Netherlands: 9 locations (5 near railways, 2 one area (Marssum) near Leeuwarden near tramways, and 2 near metro-tramways) Military Airfield N=: 65 (45 near railways, 10 near tramways, 10 N=: 434 (376,Schiphol) (58, Marssum) near metro-tramways) Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Bitter, 1980; Bitter, Willigers, 1979; de Reference: de Jong, 1977a; de Jong, 1977b Jong, 1981d; de Jong, 1981f; de Jong, Notes: Open, unstructured interviews were 1983a; Lingen, Voorn, 1979; Willigers, conducted as part of the planning for a larger 1979 railway survey (NET-153). Notes: The noise annoyance relationship had not changed since the 1963 Schiphol survey Wyle 40 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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NET-195 1984; Groeneveld, de Jong, 1984; 1977-78 Netherlands New Railway Line Survey Groeneveld, de Jong, 1985a; Groeneveld, de Date: 1977 (March, September), 1978 (September) Jong, 1985b; Groeneveld, 1986; Source: Railway Groeneveld, van den Berg, de Jong, 1985; Location: Netherlands: Zoetermeer Miedema, 1987 N=: 960: 425 (before railway opened), 299 (4 Notes: This is part of a Commission of European months after opened), 221 (16 months after Communities coordinated joint study in opened), 15 (new residents moving in France (FRA-252), Germany (GER-253), between 4 and 16 months after opening) and Ireland (IRE-254). The study results Noise Data: Yes support at least a 10-decibel penalty for Reference: de Jong, 1983b; van Dongen, van den Berg, impulse noise. 1980 NET-257 Notes: Respondents were interviewed several times. 1979 Netherlands Industrial Noise Pilot Survey NET-196 Date: 1979 (Summer) 1978 Dutch Homes for the Aged Environmental Noise Source: Industrial (includes railway shunting yards) Date: 1978 (September) Location: Netherlands: 50 locations Source: Road traffic, Airports, Railways, Industry N=: 308 Location: Netherlands: 57 locations (37 near roads and Noise Data: No 20 near airports, industries or railway tracks) Reference: Groeneveld, 1980 N=: 345 (228 road traffic, 117 other sources) Notes: Interviews were conducted by telephone. Noise Data: Yes This study was used as a pilot survey and Reference: van Dongen, 1980a; van Dongen, 1980b; as a basis for sample selection for the 1980 van Dongen, 1981b Netherlands Industrial Noise Survey (NET- Notes: Residents of homes for the aged were 232). interviewed. NET-258 NET-232 1975 Amsterdam Home Sound Insulation Study 1980 Netherlands Industrial Noise Survey Date: 1975 (March), 1978 (November) Date: 1980 (January) Source: Expressway traffic Source: Industry (include railway shunting yards) Location: Netherlands: the Einsteinweg area (along Location: Netherlands: 20 industrial and 6 railway National Road 10) in Amsterdam shunting yard areas N=: 622 (before insulation installed), 347 (after N=: 695 installed) Noise Data: Yes (for 297 respondents) Noise Data: Yes Reference: Groeneveld, 1981; Groeneveld, Gerretsen, Reference: Bitter, Holst, Kandelaar, et al., 1982; de 1984; Groeneveld, Verboom, 1981; Vos, Jong, 1981a; de Jong, 1981f; van Dongen, 1985 1981a; van Dongen, 1982 Notes: None Notes: This study was planned for comparison to a NET-240 similar earlier study (NET-106). 1984 Schiphol Combined Aircraft/Road Traffic Survey NET-259 Date: 1984 (Autumn) 1977 Netherlands Industrial Noise Pilot Survey Source: Aircraft, Road traffic Date: 1977 (October, November) Location: Netherlands: Schiphol airport Source: Industrial N=: 581 Location: Netherlands: Eerbeek, Geleen/Stein, Noise Data: Yes Hoogvliet, Wormerveer Reference: Diamond, Walker, 1986a; Diamond, N=: 40 Walker, 1986b; Miedema, 1987; Miedema, Noise Data: Yes Vos, de Jong, 2000 Reference: Hentenaar, 1978 Notes: This survey was jointly designed under Notes: A variable format, unstructured interview Commission of European Communities was administered. This is a qualitative auspices for comparison with an Orly pilot study for the 1980 Netherlands Survey (FRA-239) and Glasgow Survey Industrial Noise Survey (NET-232). (UKD-238). NET-260 NET-255 1980-81 Netherlands Pile Driver Impulse Noise Survey 1982-83 CEC Impulse Noise Field Study (Netherlands) Date: 1980-1981 Date: 1982 (September, October) Source: Industrial (Impulse noise from a pile driver) Source: Impulse noise (Shooting range, Shipyard, Location: Netherlands: The Hague Wormerveer Scrapyard, Metal Working), Road traffic N=: 56 Location: Netherlands: Bussum, Driebergen, Vught, Noise Data: Yes Bolnes/Ridderkerk, Reference: de Jong, 1981e; de Jong, van den Berg, H.I.Ambacht/Zwijndrecht, Sittard, Stolk, 1981 Lekkerkerk, Raamsdonksveer Notes: This is a pilot study initiated by the N=: 389 European Economic Community. Noise Data: Yes Reference: de Jong, Commins, 1983; Groeneveld, Wyle 41 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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NET-261 NET-354 1977 Netherlands National Noise Survey 1990 Marnewaard Shooting Range Residential Survey Date: 1977 (August 14 to September 14) Date: 1990 (October) Source: Community Source: Shooting range Location: Netherlands: Representative national sample Location: Netherlands: Marnewaard N=: 3,974 N=: 95 Noise Data: No Noise Data: Yes Reference: de Jong, 1980b; de Jong, 1981b; de Jong, Reference: van den Berg, 1993; van Dongen, 1991 1981b Notes: About 40% of the respondents who reported Notes: The study measures the extent of noise hearing shooting noise were annoyed by it. annoyance from a national probability Holiday makers were interviewed in a sample. A follow-up study (NET-356) was separate survey. also conducted. NET-356 NET-263 1987 Netherlands National Noise Survey 1982-1983 Netherlands New Dwelling Survey Date: 1987 Date: 1982-1983 Source: Community Source: Equipment in homes Location: Netherlands: Nationally representative Location: Netherlands survey N=: 193 (dwellings) N=: 4,062 Noise Data: Yes (some dwellings) Noise Data: Yes (for those respondents reporting Reference: van Dongen, 1984; van Dongen, 1985 regularly hearing noise from Notes: None highways/motorways) NET-269 Reference: de Jong, 1988a; de Jong, 1988b; de Jong, 1986 Netherlands Low-Level Military Aircraft Study Groeneveld, 1990; De Jong, Groeneveld, Date: 1986 (June) Halkes, 1990 Source: Military aircraft Notes: This study was created for comparison to a Location: Netherlands: Overijssel Province 1977 study (NET-261). Traffic noise is less N=: 625 annoying in areas that are otherwise quiet. Noise Data: Yes NET-361 Reference: de Jong, 1986a; de Jong, 1986b; de Jong, 1993 Netherlands National Environmental Survey Kok, 1987 Date: 1993 (June, July, September, October) Notes: Respondents were interviewed via Source: Community telephone. The study compares the Location: Netherlands reactions of those living under low-level N=: 4,038 military flying routes with those at various Noise Data: No distances from the routes and those living Reference: de Jong, Opmeer, Miedema, 1994; de Jong, near a military airfield. Some 43% living Opmeer, Miedema, 1995 under the routes are "very" annoyed. This Notes: This is the third in a series of national is unsatisfactory according to Netherlands probability surveys conducted in the noise criteria. Netherlands (NET-261). Noise is the most NET-276 annoying of all surveyed environmental 1983 Netherlands Tram/Road Traffic Noise Survey pollutants. Road traffic is the greatest source Date: 1983 (Summer) of annoyance. Source: Trams, Road traffic NET-362 Location: Netherlands: Rotterdam, The Hague, 1984-85 Arnhem Trolley Bus Introduction Survey Amsterdam Date: 1984 (May, June), 1995 (May, June) N=: 798 Source: Road traffic (special focus on busses) Noise Data: Yes Location: Netherlands: Arnhem on 35 streets in 3 Reference: Miedema, 1987; Miedema, van den Berg, areas 1985; Miedema, van den Berg, 1988 N=: 1,322 (Interviews were attempted at 550 Notes: Noise annoyance is lower near straight track residences.) than near curves or junctions at the same Noise Data: Yes (For 220 respondents who were noise level. interviewed in all three study waves.) NET-334 Reference: Ericz, Noordam, Schoonderbeek, 1986; 1992 CEC Wind Turbine Noise Study (Netherlands) Miedema, 1992; Schoonderbeek, 1986 Date: 1992 (June) Notes: Interviews were conducted just before, one Source: Wind turbine month after, and one year after electric Location: Netherlands trolley buses replaced diesel buses on one N=: 159 bus route. Annoyance was reduced after the Noise Data: Yes introduction of the trolley buses. Reference: Wolsink, Sprengers, 1993 NET-371 Notes: Similar studies were conducted at the same 1996-97 Schiphol Airport GES Survey time in Germany (GER-335) and Denmark Date: 1996 (November) to 1997 (February) (DEN-333). Source: Aircraft Wyle 42 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Location: Netherlands: within 25 kilometers of annoyance responses are needed for rating Schiphol criteria. N=: 11,812 NET-462 Noise Data: Yes 1997 Netherlands Home Insulation Survey Reference: Franssen, de Jong, Lebret, Miedema, van Date: 1997 (February, March, May, June) Poll, Vos, Walda, van Wiechen, 1998; Source: Neighbors in adjacent dwellings Franssen, de Jong, Lebret, Miedema, van Location: Netherlands: 23 municipalities (Both urban Poll, Vos, Walda, van Wiechen, 1999; and rural areas) Franssen, Lebret, Staatsen, 1999; Franssen, N=: 660 van Kamp, de Jong, 2000; Franssen, van Noise Data: Yes: sound insulation data were obtained Wiechen, van Poll, Kruize, de Jong, Reference: van Dongen, Vos, van Luxemburg, Miedema, Lebret, 1998; Miedema, Vos, de Raijmakers, 1998 Jong, 2000 Notes: About 10 percent of those surveyed are very Notes: The mail survey with a 39% response rate annoyed by the noise from adjacent was supplemented by a telephone survey of dwellings. The annoying noises are of both about 500 respondents that provided a basis mechanical and human origin. for adjustments to mail survey results. NET-468 Noise was related to noise annoyance, sleep 1998 Schiphol Sleep Disturbance Pilot Survey disturbance, perceived health, the use of Date: 1998 medication, and perception of quality of life. Source: Aircraft NET-378 Location: Netherlands: 2 areas near Schiphol airport 1998 Rotterdam-Ruhrgebiet Freight Railway Pilot Study (Rijsenhout, Spaarndam) Date: 1998 N=: 22 respondents, including one couple, Source: Aircraft participated for 27 consecutive nights Location: Netherlands: near a planned heavy-goods Noise Data: Yes: exterior measurements and, for some railway line in the Netherlands that connects nights, interior measurements Rotterdam (Netherlands) and Ruhrgebiet Reference: Passchier-Vermeer, van Gils, Vos, de Roo, (Germany) Verhoeff, Middelkoop, 1999 N=: 55 (approximate) Notes: A self-administered questionnaire was Noise Data: Yes completed in the evening and morning of Reference: Claassen, Katteler, Steenbekkers, de Jong, each of the 27 study nights. In addition, a 1999 face-to-face interview was conducted before Notes: The study tested the questionnaire for a the study and a self-administered main study among residents living in the questionnaire was completed after the study. vicinity of the so-called 'Betuwe-spoorlijn', Based on this pilot study, it was a projected heavy-goods-only line concluded that a study of 300 subjects for 12 connecting Rotterdam port with the nights would be sufficient to estimate Ruhrgebiet in Germany. dose/response relationships. NET-379 NET-522 1998 Groningen Eelde Airport Survey 2001 Schiphol Sleep Disturbance Study Date: 1998 (Spring, Autumn) Date: 1999 (November) - 2001 (April) Source: Aircraft Source: Aircraft Location: Netherlands Location: Netherlands: Amsterdam, areas around N=: 407 residents Schiphol International Airport Noise Data: Yes N=: 418 Reference: Van Dongen, Steenbekkers, Vos, 1999 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Other residents using recreation facilities Reference: Passchier-V ermeer, Vos, Steenbekkers, van near the airport were interviewed with a der Ploeg, 2002 different questionnaire as part of the same Notes: Nighttime noise exposure from aircraft project. activity was evaluated by respondents who NET-460 received an incentive to participate in both a 1993 Dutch Artillery Range Noise Annoyance and Startle self-completed questionnaire and a daily Survey diary. Date: 1993 (Autumn) NET-533 Source: Artillery (bangs from large and moderately 2002 Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Noise and Health large artillery: 25 mm guns, 81 and 120 Date: 2002 (April, June, September, November) mm mortars, 155 mm howitzers) Source: Aircraft Location: Netherlands: 't Harde military artillery range. Location: Netherlands: Residential areas around N=: 300 (divided evenly between areas near and Schiphol International Airport far from the artillery range) N=: 5,873 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Vos, 1999a; Vos, 1999b Reference: van Wiechen, Houthuijs, Breugelmans, van Notes: Since annoyance and startle responses were Kamp, 2003; Houthuijs, Breugelmans, van highly correlated, it was concluded that only Kamp, van Wiechen, 2007 Wyle 43 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Notes: A postal questionnaire survey on annoyance, Reference: Kroesen, Molin, van Wee, 2007 sleep disturbance, perceived health, and Notes: An Internet survey was designed to develop residential satisfaction was conducted during and test a structural equation model for four periods of the year to account for explaining noise annoyance. Residences seasonal variations, as part of Phase III of between the 45 dBA and 58 dBA Lden the Health Impact Assessment Schiphol contour around Schiphol were identified for Airport program (see also NET-371). participation, and Lden was calculated for NET-566 each residence. 2005 Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Noise and Health NIG-485 Date: 2005 Nigeria Eight-City Noise Survey Source: Aircraft Date: 1996 Publication (July to November survey Location: Netherlands: Residential areas around but year not reported) Schiphol International Airport Source: Noise in the neighborhood N=: 6,091 Location: Nigeria: 8 large cities (Benin, Omitsha, Port Noise Data: Yes Harcourt, Ilorin, Lagos, Ibadan, Kano, Reference: Houthuijs, Breugelmans, van Kamp, van Kaduna) Wiechen, 2007; Breugelmans, Houthuijs, N=: 577 van Kamp, Stellato, van Wiechen, Noise Data: No (Measurements were not linked to Doornbos, 2007 respondents' addresses.) Notes: As part of the Health Impact Assessment Reference: Saadu, Onyeonwu, Ayorinde, Ogisi, 1996; Schiphol Airport program, a follow-up Saadu, Onyeonwu, Ayorinde, Ogisi, 1998 survey was undertaken to evaluate changes Notes: Self-administered questionnaires were in annoyance caused by the opening of a distributed to workers, traders and adult new runway at Schiphol Airport. Modeled pedestrians who then completed questions Lden noise levels were evaluated for both about their home environments. Road traffic 2002 (NET-533) and 2005. and conversations of others are the most NET-575 important sources of annoyance. 2002 RANCH Airport Field Study (Netherlands) NIG-486 Date: 2002 (April - October) South-Eastern Nigeria Eight-City Road Traffic Survey Source: Aircraft, Road traffic Date: 2000 Publication (Survey date not reported) Location: Netherlands: Amsterdam, areas around Source: Road traffic Schiphol International Airport Location: Nigeria: 60 sites in 8 cities (Aba, Calabar, N=: 737 Enugu, Ikot Ekpene, Onitsha, Owerri, Port- Noise Data: Yes Harcourt, Uyo) Reference: van Kamp, van Kempen, Stellato, Fisher, N=: 2,892 Matheson, Asker, Haines, Clark, Stansfeld, Noise Data: Yes 2003; van Kamp, Nilsson, van Kempen, Reference: Onuu, 2000 Stellato, Lopez-Barrio, Davies, Stansfeld, Notes: Road traffic noise is a major environmental 2004; Stansfeld, Berglund, Clark, Lopez problem in South-Eastern Nigeria. The Barrio, Fischer, Öhrström, Haines, Head, method of administering the questionnaire is Hygge, van Kamp, Berry, 2005; Clark, not described. Stansfeld, Haines, Alfred, Davies, van NOR-311 Kempen, Lopez Barrio, 2005; Clark, Stansfeld, 1989 Oslo Airport Survey Berglund, Nilsson, Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, van Date: 1989 (April, September) Kamp, van Kempen, Lopez Barrio, 2006 Source: Aircraft Notes: Schoolchildren were surveyed to evaluate Location: Norway: Oslo (15 areas) exposure response relationships between N=: 3,337 chronic noise exposure and physical and Noise Data: Yes psychological health outcomes. Aircraft Reference: Gjestland, Liasjø, Bøhn, 1990; Gjestland, noise levels were obtained from 2000 data, Liasjø, Granøien, Bøhn, Gaustad, 1990; and noise levels from road traffic were Gjestland, Liasjø, Granøien, Fields, 1990; modeled based on national standard Aas, Kolbenstvedt, Bakketeig, Larssen, methods. Surveys UKD-610 and SPA-571 Clench-Aas, Solberg, Klæboe, 1991 were completed as part of the RANCH Notes: Residents were surveyed before and after a project as well. change in air traffic. The effect of flight-path NET-599 location on annoyance is studied. 2006 Schiphol Airport Model Validation Internet NOR-328 Annoyance Survey 1992-93 Bodö Aircraft Military Exercise Survey Date: 2006 (April) Date: 1992 (5 periods), 1993 (February) Source: Aircraft Source: Military aircraft Location: Netherlands: Amsterdam, Haarlemmermeer Location: Norway: Bodö (near Schiphol International Airport) N=: 4,303 N=: 646 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Bugge, 1994; Gjestland, Granøien, Liasjø, Wyle 44 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Bugge, 1993; Gjestland, Granøien, Liasjø, Kolbenstvedt, Lercher, Solberg, 1998; 1995; Gjestland, Liasjø, Granøien, 1994; Kolbenstvedt, 1998b;Kolbenstvedt, Gjestland, Liasjø, Granøien, 1995 Klæboe, Clench-Aas, Bartonova, 1999 Notes: Respondents were approached before Notes: Reactions were measured in the area before a (February), during the first short-term change in exposure that was examined in military exercise (March), after the first two later surveys (NOR-400, NOR-401). exercise (April, August), or at two times NOR-399 after a September exercise (October 1992, 1990 Vålerenga/Gamlebyen Road Traffic Survey February 1993). An identical questionnaire Date: 1990 (early Summer) was used in a similar study at Værnes Source: Road traffic (change due to construction of a airport (NOR-366). tunnel that reduced traffic in the area) NOR-366 Location: Norway: Oslo (Vålerenga/Gamlebyen area) 1990-91 Værnes Aircraft Military Exercise Survey N=: 500 (approximate) Date: 1990 (3 periods), 1991 (August) Noise Data: No noise data described Source: Military aircraft Reference: Aas, Kolbenstvedt, Bakketeig, Larssen, Location: Norway: Værnes airport (Trondheim) Clench-Aas, Solberg, Klæboe, 1991 N=: 1,424 responses from approximately 1,233 Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted to respondents study changes due to the construction of a Noise Data: Yes tunnel that reduced traffic in the area. Reference: Bugge, 1994; Bugge, Gjestland, Liasjø, NOR-400 Granøien, 1991; Gjestland, Liasjø, 1994 Vålerenga/Gamlebyen Road Traffic Survey Granøien, 1994 Date: 1994 (Autumn) Notes: Respondents were interviewed by telephone Source: Road traffic (change due to construction of a before (August 1990), during (September tunnel that reduced traffic in the area) 1990), immediately after (October 1990), Location: Norway: Oslo (14 areas in and one year later (August 1991). Some Vålerenga/Gamlebyen area) respondents were interviewed more than N=: 1,078 once. An identical questionnaire was used in Noise Data: Yes a similar study at Bodö airport (NOR-328). Reference: Bartonova, Clench-Aas, Walker, Tønnesen, NOR-397 Larssen, 1999; Clench-Aas, Bartonova, 1999 Oslo Contingent Valuation Noise Survey Klæboe, Kolbenstvedt, 1999; Clench-Aas, Date: 1999 (June, July) Bartonova, Klæboe, Kolbenstvedt, Source: Road traffic (406 selected based on only road 2000;Klæboe, 1998;Klæboe, 2000;Klæboe, traffic noise, railway, aircraft, or rifle range: Kolbenstvedt, Clench-Aas, Bartonova, 204 selected based on one or more of road, 1999; Klæboe, Kolbenstvedt, Clench-Aas, rail, aircraft, rifle range) Bartonova, 2000; Klæboe, Kolbenstvedt, Location: Norway: Oslo and Ullensaker (new Oslo Lercher, Solberg, 1998; Kolbenstvedt, airport) 1998b;Kolbenstvedt, Klæboe, Clench-Aas, N=: 610 (Oslo, 406; Ullensaker, 204) Bartonova, 1999 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted to Reference: Navrud, 2000 study changes due to construction of a Notes: The study used the contingent valuation tunnel that reduced traffic in the area. method (CV) to estimate that the reported NOR-401 willingness-to-pay (WTP) for noise 1996 Vålerenga/Gamlebyen Road Traffic Survey reduction was about 120 Euro per household Date: 1996 (November) per year. Source: Road traffic (change due to construction of NOR-398 new main road in neighborhood) 1987 Vålerenga/Gamlebyen Road Traffic Survey Location: Norway: Oslo (14 areas in Date: 1987 (September) Vålerenga/Gamlebyen area) Source: Road traffic (before change in exposure) N=: 1,079 Location: Norway: Oslo (8 areas in Noise Data: Yes Vålerenga/Gamlebyen area) Reference: Bartonova, Clench-Aas, Walker, Tønnesen, N=: 1,028 Larssen, 1999; Clench-Aas, Bartonova, Noise Data: Yes Klæboe, Kolbenstvedt, 1999; Clench-Aas, Reference: Aas, Kolbenstvedt, Bakketeig, Larssen, Bartonova, Klæboe, Kolbenstvedt, 2000; Clench-Aas, Solberg, Klæboe, 1991; Klæboe, 1998; Klæboe, 2000; Klæboe, Bartonova, Clench-Aas, Walker, Tønnesen, Fyhri, 1997; Klæboe, Kolbenstvedt, Larssen, 1999; Clench-Aas, Bartonova, Clench-Aas, Bartonova, 1999; Klæboe, Klæboe, Kolbenstvedt, 1999;Clench-Aas, Kolbenstvedt, Clench-Aas, Bartonova, Bartonova, Klæboe, Kolbenstvedt, 2000; Klæboe, Kolbenstvedt, Lercher, 2000;Klæboe, 1998; Klæboe, 2000; Solberg, 1998; Kolbenstvedt, Klæboe, Kolbenstvedt, Clench-Aas, 1998b;Kolbenstvedt, Klæboe, Clench-Aas, Bartonova, 1999;Klæboe, Kolbenstvedt, Bartonova, 1999 Clench-Aas, Bartonova, 2000; Klæboe, Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted to Wyle 45 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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study the reactions after changes due to (They were represented as a single study, construction of a new main road in the SWE-035, in the 1981 and 1991 editions of neighborhood. this catalog.) The face-to-face interview NOR-403 was modified somewhat between the first 1989 Horton Road Traffic Noise Survey and last interviews (from 1969 to 1976) in Date: 1989 (August) the three countries. The reports state that Source: Road traffic (before change in exposure) annoyance is less closely related to energy- Location: Norway: Oslo (Horten area) based noise indices such as LAeq and FBN N=: 500 (approximate) than to indices based on peak noise levels and Noise Data: No numbers of aircraft. Reference: Aas, Kolbenstvedt, Bakketeig, Larssen, NOR-544 Clench-Aas, Solberg, Klæboe, 1991 Norway Railway Vibration Annoyance Survey Notes: The study examined reactions to noise Date: 2007 Publication (Survey date not reported) before a change in noise exposure. Source: Railway NOR-404 Location: Norway 1986 Drammen Road Traffic Noise survey N=: 313 Date: 1986 (January) Noise Data: Yes Source: Road traffic Reference: Aasvang, Engdahl, Rothschild, 2007 Location: Norway: Oslo (Drammen area) Notes: The study explored the negative effects of N=: 1,000 (approximate) structurally radiated noise from railway Noise Data: Yes tunnels with respect to noise induced Reference: Aas, Kolbenstvedt, Bakketeig, Larssen, annoyance and sleep disturbances. Clench-Aas, Solberg, Klæboe, 1991 Questionnaires were mailed to participants, Notes: This was a preparatory study for three later and the results were compared with the Vålerenga/Gamlebyen Road Traffic Noise maximum radiated sound level using an studies (NOR-398, NOR-400, NOR-401). empirical formula based on Norwegian Information was also collected about air measurements of structure-borne noise from pollution. railway pass-bys. NOR-405 NOR-545 1997 Norwegian Survey of Living Conditions Oslo Nighttime Noise Survey Date: 1997 (September 22) to 1998 (January 9) Date: 2001 Publication (Survey date not reported) Source: Road traffic, Aircraft, Railway, Industry Source: Aircraft (Nighttime), Road traffic Location: Norway: National probability sample Location: Norway: Oslo, residential areas near N=: 3,663 Gardermoen International Airport Noise Data: No N=: 4,890 Reference: Kolbenstvedt, 1998a;Kolbenstvedt, Klæboe, Noise Data: No 1999; Sundvoll, Teigum, 1998 Reference: Aasvang, Engdahl, 2001 Notes: The survey obtained views from a nationally Notes: A socio-acoustical survey, consisting of representative sample. Road traffic noise is questions about noise sources and the environmental problem that affects the subjectively experienced sleep quality, was greatest number of Norwegians. conducted in residential areas where data on NOR-520 calculated noise levels from aircraft, road Scandinavian Nine-Airport Noise Study (Norway) traffic, and railway noise were available. Date: 1971 NOR-559 Source: Aircraft 2003 Norway Effects of Insulation Annoyance and Sleep Location: Norway: Oslo airport (6 areas) Disturbance Survey N=: 598 (6 areas) Date: 2003 (Questionnaire prior to insulation), Noise Data: Yes 2005 (Questionnaire following insulation) Reference: Åhrlin, 1988; Åhrlin, Rylander, 1979; Source: Road traffic Berglund, Berglund, Lindvall, 1975; Location: Norway Berglund, Berglund, Lindvall, 1987; N=: 1,033 Berglund, Berglund, Jonsson, Lindvall, Noise Data: Yes 1977; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Reference: Amundsen, 2007 Rylander, Björkman, Sörensen, 1993; Notes: Residents who had received insulation to Rylander, Björkman, Åhrlin, Sörensen, comply with environmental laws were Berglund, 1980; Rylander, Sörensen, surveyed to quantify reductions in noise Alexandre, Gilbert, 1973; Rylander, annoyance inside the home. Indoor and Sörensen, Berglund, 1974; Rylander, outdoor noise levels were calculated prior to Sörensen, Kajland, 1972; Rylander, insulation, while only indoor noise levels were Sörensen, 1973; Schultz, 1978; Sörensen, calculated following the installation of Berglund, Rylander, 1973 insulation. Notes: The 3,746 interviews from this and two other studies (DEN-519, NOR-520, SWE- 035) have been analyzed as a single data set. Wyle 46 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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NOR-598 villages of Ibra and Jibbal) 1998-1999 Drammen Norway Road Traffic Noise Survey N=: 647 Date: 1998 (June) - 1999 (June) Noise Data: Measurements were made to characterize Source: Road traffic large areas Location: Norway: Drammen Reference: Al-harthy, Tamura, 1997a; Al-harthy, N=: 1,591 Tamura, 1997b; Al-harthy, Tamura, 1997c; Noise Data: Yes Al-harthy, Tamura, 1999a; Al-harthy, Reference: Fyhri, 2001; Klæboe, Amundsen, Fyhri, Tamura, 1999b; Al-harthy, 2000 Solberg, 2004 Notes: Self-administered questionnaires were Notes: The purpose of the survey was to describe personally delivered to each study the environmental situation before a major household. The primary noise problem in rerouting of the traffic through the city, and Muscat is road traffic. surveys were undertaken at sub-areas along OMA-552 major roads and a random sample from the 2006 Oman Air Traffic Noise Survey whole city area. Noise calculations from the Date: 2006 (January - May) county were supplemented with dwellings Source: Aircraft exposed to lower levels of noise. Location: Oman: Muscat City, Residential areas near NOR-626 Seeb International Airport 2000 Norway Sleep Disturbance from Rail Traffic Study N=: 500 Date: 2000 (Autumn) Noise Data: Yes Source: Railway noise Reference: Harthy, 2007 Location: Norway: Oslo Notes: Social survey questionnaires were N=: 1,349 distributed to residents in nine Noise Data: Yes neighborhoods in order to evaluate the Reference: Aasvang, Moum, Engdahl, 2008 aircraft noise annoyance in the urban part of Notes: The relationship between railway noise and Muscat city. 24-hour Laeq noise sleep disturbance was evaluated through the measurements were included in the study. use of a questionnaire, and results were PER-591 analyzed with modeled noise data at the 2005 Lima Peru Damero of Pizarro Community Noise location of each respondent. Date: 2005 (November - December) NZL-538 Source: Road traffic, Community noise 2001 New Zealand Road Texture Traffic Noise Survey Location: Peru: Lima, Damero of Pizarro Date: 2001 N=: 248 Source: Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: New Zealand: Eight residential areas Reference: Llimpe, Moreno, Recuero, 2006 N=: 95 Notes: Neighbors, professors and students were Noise Data: Yes interviewed face-to-face to evaluate Reference: Dravitzki, Walton, Wood, 2002 annoyance due to road traffic noise. Notes: Residents living adjacent to roads being POL-184 resurfaced were interviewed in a 44-item Polish Railway Noise Survey survey to evaluate noise levels. Noise Date: 1979 Publication (Survey date not reported) measurements were made to quantify levels Source: Railway for the end of pavement life and for new Location: Poland pavement at each location. N=: 837 NZL-580 Noise Data: Yes 2002 Christchurch New Zealand Environmental Noise Reference: Koszarny, Szata, Gorynski, 1979; Koszarny, Date: 2002 Szata, Gorynski, 1980 Source: Aircraft, Road traffic, Industrial activities, Notes: None Community noise POL-198 Location: New Zealand: Christchurch 1974 Warsaw Aircraft Noise Survey N=: 1,755 Date: 1974-75 (Winter) Noise Data: Yes Source: Aircraft Reference: Moody, 2004 Location: Poland: Warszawa-Okecie Airport Notes: A general postal survey of four areas was N=: 511 conducted on various noise sources and their Noise Data: Yes impact on residents' quality of life, with an Reference: Koszarny, Maziarka, 1975; Koszarny, emphasis on identifying aircraft noise Maziarka, Szata, 1976 impacts. Notes: Some indications of links between health OMA-476 and noise are reported. 1996-98 Oman Sound Environment Survey POL-477 Date: 1996 (April for Muscat), 1998 (October for 1997 Warsaw Low-Frequency Interior Noise Study Ibra and Jibbal) Date: 1997 (April to September) Source: Overall sound environment Source: Low frequency noise (mechanical sources Location: Oman: 7 areas (5 in Muscat City, 2 in the either inside or outside building) Wyle 47 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Location: Poland: Warsaw (9 blocks of flats) relationship to medically diagnosed N=: 47 (at least 27 had complained about low illnesses was evaluated in eight European frequency noise to the authorities) cities (HUN-611, SLO-548, FRA-583, Noise Data: Yes SWI-584, GER-579, LIT-555, ITL-616). Reference: Mirowska, 2000; Mirowska, Mróz, 1999; PUR-188 Mirowska, Mróz, 2000; Mirowska, Mróz, San Juan Community Noise Survey Nidzinska-Mróz, 1998; Mróz, Nidzinska- Date: 1970's (Year of survey not determined) Mróz, Nejno-Borkowska, Mularczyk-Bal, Source: Community 1998 Location: Puerto Rico: San Juan Notes: All adults in each flat were personally N=: 642 interviewed. Low frequency noise that is Noise Data: No near the hearing threshold can be annoying. Reference: Snyder, 1977 POR-478 Notes: Both English and Spanish versions of the 1999 Lisbon Contingent Valuation Road Traffic Noise questionnaire were administered. Date: 1999 (June, July, September, October, ROM-620 November) 2002 Eurocontrol 5A Aircraft Annoyance Survey - Source: Road traffic Bucharest Airport Location: Portugal: Lisbon metropolitan area Date: 2002 N=: 412 Source: Aircraft Noise Data: Yes: inside and outside Location: Romania: Neighborhoods in Bucharest Reference: Arsenio, Bristow, Wardman, 2000; (Mogosoia, Buftea, Balotesti, Tunari, Arsenio, Patricio, Bristow, Pinelo, Silva, Otapeni) near Bucharest International Wardman, 2000; Arsenio, da Silva, 2003 Airport Notes: Computer-assisted, face-to-face interviews N=: 237 were conducted. A single answer was Noise Data: Yes agreed upon by all participants from a Reference: Bristow, Batley, Wardman, Hullah, household. A contingent valuation method Plachinski, 2005; Bristow, Wardman, was applied in which participants attached 2003; Bristow, Batley, Wardman, Heaver, an economic value to their apartment Plachinski, 2004; Hullah, Plachinski, relative to that of other apartments at other Bristow, Wardman, 2005; Hume, Morely, noise levels and positions within the same Callum, 2003; Bristow, Wardman, 2004 apartment building. Notes: Residents near Lyon Airport (FRA-619), POR-585 Manchester Airport (UKD-618), and 2004 Portugal Urban Highway Annoyance and Mitigation Bucharest Airport were surveyed regarding Survey noise from aircraft and other activity, Date: 2004 (July) disturbances caused by noise, variations in Source: Road traffic (VCI and local), Other annoyance by time of day, and socio- transportation noise economic variables. The results were Location: Portugal: Porto compared to noise levels supplied by N=: 800 EUROCONTROL. Noise Data: Yes SAF-028 Reference: Rocha, Carvalho, 2005 1968 South Africa Preliminary Aircraft Noise Survey Notes: Residents within 500 meters of a busy Date: 1968 (April) internal ring road were surveyed by mail to Source: Aircraft ascertain annoyance levels and potential Location: South Africa: Jan Smuts airport mitigation solutions. Noise levels were N=: 120 measured at control points and noise at each Noise Data: Yes building in the study area was modeled. Reference: Mauer, 1968; van Niekerk, Muller, 1969 POR-614 Notes: None 2003 Ferreira do Alentejo, Portugal Housing and Health SER-537 Survey (LARES) 2004 Belgrade Noise Annoyance of Urban Population Date: 2002 - 2003 Date: 2004 - 2006 Source: Road traffic, Community noise Source: Road traffic, Community Location: Portugal: Ferreira do Alentejo Location: Serbia: Belgrade City Center N=: 1,055 N=: 2,155 Noise Data: No Noise Data: Yes Reference: Maschke, Niemann, 2005; Niemann, Reference: Jakovljevic, Belojevic, Paunovic, 2008 Bennefoy, Braubach, Hecht, Maschke, Notes: All adult residents of every 10th flat in the Rodrigues, Röbbel, 2006; Bonnefoy, city center of Belgrade received a Braubach, Davidson, Röbbel, 2007 questionnaire pertaining to noise annoyance Notes: As part of the LARES (Large Analysis and from road traffic and other community noise Review of European housing and health sources. Daytime, evening, nighttime, and Status) program, noise annoyance was 24-hour Leq levels were calculated from 15- evaluated as an environmental factor and the minute noise measurements carried out in Wyle 48 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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all 70 streets of the municipality. Sobotová, Jurkovicová, Voleková, Ághová, SER-609 2000 Belgrade Subjective Noise Sensitivity Road Traffic Survey Notes: A face-to-face interview was conducted with Date: 2001 publication (Survey date not reported) these medical students during their training. Source: Road traffic The survey was the first of two surveys Location: Serbia: Belgrade City Center that were separated by ten years (SLO-407). N=: 413 SLO-407 Noise Data: Yes 1999 Bratislava Medical Student Survey Reference: Belojevic, Jakovljevic, 2001 Date: 1999 (March to June) Notes: Residents of roads with heavy traffic volume Source: Road traffic and, as a control group, roads in a quiet Location: Slovakia: Bratislava (one noisy dormitory area were interviewed in order to define the and one quiet residential area) variables influencing subjective noise N=: 857 (374 in noisy dormitory area, 483 in sensitivity in a urban population. Noise quiet area) measurements were included in the study Noise Data: Yes design. Reference: Sobotová, Ághová, Jurkovicová, Voleková, SER-627 2000a; Sobotová, Ághová, Jurkovicová, Pancevo Serbia Arterial Hypertension and Myocardial Voleková, 2000a; Sobotová, Ághová, Infarction Study Jurkovicová, Voleková, 2000b; Sobotová, Date: 2002 publication (Survey date not reported) Jurkovicová, Voleková, Ághová, 2000c Source: Road traffic noise Notes: A face-to-face interview was conducted with Location: Serbia: Pancevo these medical students during their training. N=: 2,874 The survey was conducted ten years after a Noise Data: Yes previous study (SLO-406) and found that Reference: Belojevic, Saric-Tanaskovic, 2002 noise annoyance had increased. Notes: Arterial hypertension and myocardial SLO-548 infarction was studied in a sample of 5% of 2003 Bratislava, Slovakia Housing and Health Survey the population of Pancevo, Serbia. (LARES) Additionally, questions relating to Date: 2002 - 2003 annoyance from road traffic noise were asked Source: Road traffic, Community noise and comparisons with noise measurements Location: Slovakia: Bratislava were made. N=: 892 SIN-622 Noise Data: No 2005 Signapore Public Housing Noise Survey Reference: Maschke, Niemann, 2005; Niemann, Date: 2005 Bennefoy, Braubach, Hecht, Maschke, Source: Community Rodrigues, Röbbel, 2006; Bonnefoy, Location: Signapore: Ang Mo Kio, Bukit Merah, Braubach, Davidson, Röbbel, 2007 Hougang, Punggol and Tampines Notes: As part of the LARES (Large Analysis and N=: 522 Review of European housing and health Noise Data: Yes Status) program, noise annoyance was Reference: Lee, Alam, Johnny, 2008 evaluated as an environmental factor and the Notes: Residents living in high-rise public housing relationship to medically diagnosed in five communities in Signapore were illnesses was evaluated in eight European surveyed regarding the relative quietness of cities (HUN-611, FRA-583, SWI-584, their living environment. Short term GER-579, POR-614, LIT-555, ITL-616). measurements were carried out at each SPA-272 residence following the conclusion of a face- 1981 Valencia City-Wide Survey to-face interview. Date: 1981 (January to July) SLO-406 Source: Road traffic 1989 Bratislava Medical Student Survey Location: Spain: Valencia Date: 1989 (March to June) N=: 400 Source: Road traffic Noise Data: No Location: Slovakia: Bratislava (one noisy dormitory Reference: García, Fajari, 1982; García, Fajari, 1983; and one quiet residential area) García, 1983; García, Romero, Alamar, N=: 511 (166 in noisy dormitory area, 346 in 1988 quiet area) Notes: Self-administered questionnaires were Noise Data: Yes distributed through personal channels Reference: Ághová, Voleková, Jurkovicová, 1990; available to the investigators. Ághová, Voleková, Jurkovicová, Sitár, SPA-273 1992; Jurkovicová, Sobotová, Aghova, 1982 Valencia Five-Site Survey Voleková, 2000; Sobotová, Ághová, Voleková, Date: 1982 (March to June) Jurkovicová, 1997; Sobotová, Ághová, Source: Road traffic Jurkovicová, Voleková, 2000a; Sobotová, Location: Spain: Valencia (five sites) Ághová, Jurkovicová, Voleková, 2000b; N=: 490 Wyle 49 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Noise Data: Yes SPA-315 Reference: García, Fajari, 1982; García, 1983; García, 1988 Pamplona Five-Site Noise Survey Romero, Alamar, 1988 Date: 1988 (Spring) Notes: Respondents completed a self-administered Source: Road traffic questionnaire. The survey was designed to Location: Spain: Pamplona (five sites) estimate the relationship between noise level N=: 496 and annoyance. Noise Data: Yes SPA-274 Reference: Arana, 1997; Arana, García, 1997; Arana, 1982 Valencia Single-Site Survey García, 1989; García, Romero, García, Date: 1982 (October to December) Arana, 1989 Source: Road traffic Notes: Road traffic was the most annoying noise Location: Spain: Valencia (one site) source in some areas. Bars, pubs and N=: 200 discotheques were most annoying in other Noise Data: Yes areas. Reference: García, Fajari, 1982; García, 1983; García, SPA-316 Romero, Alamar, 1988 1983 Valencia Traffic Noise Survey Notes: Respondents completed a self-administered Date: 1983 (October, November) questionnaire. The survey was planned to Source: Road traffic study socio-economic and demographic Location: Spain: Valencia (26 streets) differences in annoyance. N=: 600 (725 were distributed) SPA-302 Noise Data: Yes 1986 Valencia Five-Site Survey Reference: Daz, et al., 1987; Manglano, Gaja, Estellés, Date: 1986 (December) to 1987 (March) Belmar, 1984 Source: Community Notes: Residents were contacted who lived above Location: Spain: Valencia (five sites) the fourth floor of their buildings. N=: 263 SPA-317 Noise Data: Yes 1984 Gandía City-Wide Traffic Noise Survey Reference: Arana, 1997; García, Miralles, García, Date: 1984 (April) - 1985 (February) Sempere, 1988; García, Miralles, García, Source: Road traffic Sempere, 1990; García, Romero, Alamar, Location: Spain: Gandía (a beach resort) 1988; García, Romero, García, Arana, 1989 N=: 600 Notes: Satisfaction with the neighborhood is greater Noise Data: No in the quieter than the noisier areas. Reference: García, Romero, 1986; García, Romero, SPA-313 1987a; García, Romero, Alamar, 1988; 1984-85 Ganda Three-Site Traffic Noise Survey Romero, García, 1992 Date: 1984 (Summer), 1984-85 (Winter), 1985 Notes: Self-administered questionnaires were (Summer) distributed to permanent residents through Source: Road traffic personal channels available to the Location: Spain: Ganda investigators. This is a first of several N=: 543 studies in this coastal resort. Noise Data: Yes SPA-320 Reference: García, Romero, 1987a; García, Romero, Zaragoza City Noise Survey 1987b; García, Romero, Alamar, 1988; Date: 1993 Publication (Survey date not reported) García, Romero, García, Arana, 1989; Source: Community Romero-Faus, 1987 Location: Spain: Zaragoza Notes: Residents completed a self-administered N=: 700 questionnaire. The season of the survey Noise Data: No does not affect response, even though there Reference: Aguerri Sanchez, Celma Celma, 1993 is more traffic and residents are more likely Notes: Residents ranked noise fifth in a list of 18 to have windows open in the summer. general social problems. SPA-314 SPA-330 1987-91 Gandía Beach Resort Traffic Noise Survey Madrid Two-Site Traffic Noise Survey Date: 1987, 1988, and 1991 (Summers) Date: 1993 Publication (Survey date not reported) Source: Road traffic Source: Road traffic Location: Spain: Gandía (a beach resort) Location: Spain: Madrid (2 areas of subsidized N=: 400 housing) Noise Data: Yes N=: 800 Reference: Romero, García, García, 1989; Romero, Noise Data: Yes García, 1992 Reference: Lopez Barrio, Carles, 1993 Notes: Vacationers completed a self-administered Notes: Self-reported noise sensitivity was strongly questionnaire. Road traffic noise is the most related to road traffic noise annoyance. important source of annoyance in this beach resort.

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SPA-348 SPA-568 1989-90 Spanish Airport Survey Valladolid Spain Road Traffic Annoyance Survey Date: 1989 (December) to 1990 (March) Date: 2006 Publication (Survey date not reported) Source: Aircraft Source: Road traffic Location: Spain: Madrid, Palma, Barcelona, Sevilla, Location: Spain: Valladolid Valencia, Zaragoza N=: 296 N=: 1800 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Martin, Tarrero, Gonzalez, Machimbarrena, Reference: García, Faus, García, 1993 2006 Notes: Some important differences were found Notes: A social survey identifying the main sound between reactions at around different airports. sources, evaluating annoyance, and SPA-408 analyzing effects of noise was undertaken . 1994-95 Spanish Underground Railway Noise Survey Noise measurements were taken at differing Date: 1994 - 1995 periods. Source: Structurally radiated sound from SPA-571 underground railway traffic 2002 RANCH Airport Field Study (Spain) Location: Spain: Basque Date: 2002 (April - October) N=: 24 Source: Aircraft, Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: Spain: Madrid Reference: Vadillo, Herreros, Walker, 1996 N=: 920 Notes: Residents exposed to the lowest noise levels Noise Data: Yes (below 32 dB(A)) were not bothered by Reference: van Kamp, van Kempen, Stellato, Fisher, noise from the railway even though they Matheson, Asker, Haines, Clark, Stansfeld, could sometimes feel vibrations from a train 2003; van Kamp, Nilsson, van Kempen, passage. Stellato, Lopez-Barrio, Davies, Stansfeld, SPA-409 2004; Stansfeld, Berglund, Clark, Lopez Pozuelo de Alarcón Two-Area Acoustical Environment Barrio, Fischer, Öhrström, Haines, Head, Survey Hygge, van Kamp, Berry, 2005; Stansfeld, Date: 1996 Publication (Survey date not reported) Clark, Cameron, Haines, van Kamp, van ( noise measurements in December 1994, Kempen, 2004; Clark, Stansfeld, Haines, January 1995) Alfred, Davies, van Kempen, Lopez Barrio, Source: No information 2005; Stansfeld, Clark, Alfred, 2006; Clark, Location: Spain: Pozuelo de Alarcón, a small city on Stansfeld, Berglund, Nilsson, Gidlöf- the outskirts of Madrid ( 2 areas) Gunnarsson, van Kamp, van Kempen, N=: 354 (214 respondents in the "center" area Lopez Barrio, 2006 and 140 in the "station" area) Notes: As part of the RANCH project (see also Noise Data: Yes UKD-610, NET-575), schoolchildren were Reference: Recuero, Blanco-Martin, Grundman, 1996 surveyed to evaluate exposure response Notes: Noise sources that annoyed residents relationships between chronic noise included road traffic, railway, aircraft, and exposure and physical and psychological neighbors. health outcomes. In Spain aircraft noise SPA-410 assessment was based on predicted contours, 1999 Pamplona Contingent Valuation Noise Survey and road traffic noise was measured during Date: 1998 (December) - 1999 (December) the time interviewers visited the schools. Source: Community SWE-011 Location: Spain: Pamplona 1963 Linköping Airport Noise Study N=: 600 Date: 1963 (Spring), 1964 (September) Noise Data: No Source: Aircraft Reference: Barreiro, Sanchez, Viladrich-Grau, 2000 Location: Sweden: Linköping Airfield Notes: Interviews were conducted via telephone. N=: 448 interviews from more than 272 The contingent valuation method provides respondents estimates of residents' willingness to pay for Noise Data: No noise reduction. Reference: Berlin, Jonsson, Kajland, 1964; Cederlöf, SPA-411 Jonsson, Sörensen, 1967; Jonsson, 1998 Altet-Alicante Airport Noise Survey Sörensen, 1970; Jonsson, Sörensen, Date: 1998 (May, June) Arvidsson, Berglund, 1975 Source: Aircraft Notes: Some of the original 272 respondents were Location: Spain: Altet-Alicante Airport (3 areas) among the 176 respondents interviewed in N=: 107 1964 as part of an experiment on changing Noise Data: No noise data described residents' attitudes toward noise. An Reference: Mallebrera, Romero, Giminez, Marin, experimental group receiving positive Sanchis, 2000 information about the aircraft was less Notes: A related study was conducted of 28 workers annoyed than other residents. The area was in nearby areas. later resurveyed as the Linköping I site in Wyle 51 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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the Scandinavian Nine-Airport survey N=: 3,746 (SWE-035). Noise Data: Yes SWE-015 Reference: Åhrlin, 1988; Åhrlin, Rylander, 1979; 1964-70 Karlstad Artillery Range Noise Study Berglund, Berglund, Lindvall, 1975; Date: 1964-1970 Berglund, Berglund, Lindvall, 1987; Source: Artillery firing Berglund, Berglund, Jonsson, Lindvall, Location: Sweden: Karlstad 1977; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; N=: 427 Rylander, Björkman, Sörensen, 1993; Noise Data: No Rylander, Björkman, Åhrlin, Sörensen, Reference: Jonsson, Sörensen, Arvidsson, Berglund, Berglund, 1980; Rylander, Sörensen, 1975 Alexandre, Gilbert, 1973; Rylander, Notes: The original 1964 study (334 interviews) Sörensen, Berglund, 1974; Rylander, was repeated in 1970 (93 interviews). Sörensen, Kajland, 1972; Rylander, Sörensen, SWE-021 1973; Schultz, 1978; Sörensen, Berglund, 1966-67 Stockholm/Gothenburg Traffic Study Rylander, 1973 Date: 1966 (October, December), 1967 (August, Notes: The 3,746 interviews from this and two September) other studies (DEN-519, NOR-520, SWE- Source: Road traffic 035) have been analyzed as a single data set. Location: Sweden: Stockholm, Gothenburg (They were represented as a single study, N=: 443 (1966), 221 (1967) SWE-035, in the 1981 and 1991 editions of Noise Data: Yes this catalog.) The face-to-face interview Reference: Fog, Jonsson, 1968; Kajland, 1970; was modified somewhat between the first Schultz, 1978 and last interviews (from 1969 to 1976) in Notes: The 1967 results are included as a non- the three countries. The reports state that clustering survey in the review by Schultz annoyance is less closely related to energy- (1978: 395). based noise indices such as LAeq and FBN SWE-025 than to indices based on peak noise levels 1967 Stockholm Comparative Traffic Noise Study and numbers of aircraft. Date: 1967 SWE-054 Source: Road traffic 1971 Trängslet Sonic Boom Study Location: Sweden: Stockholm Date: 1971 (June, July) N=: 200 Source: Sonic booms from military aircraft Noise Data: Yes Location: Sweden: Trängslet Reference: Jonsson, Kajland, Paccagnella, Sörensen, N=: 391 1969 Noise Data: Yes (for the military sample) Notes: This study was designed for comparison to Reference: Rylander, Sörensen, Berglund, 1972 the 1967 Ferrara Comparative Traffic Noise Notes: The 179 questionnaires filled out by Study (ITL-318). Despite a higher traffic soldiers were self-administered. The 212 noise level (measured indoors) in the Ferrara civilian questionnaires are from a mail sample, those in the Stockholm sample survey. All booms occurred at night. were more annoyed. Residents living one Some of the military subjects indicated story above street level were interviewed. nighttime disturbance by pushing buttons. SWE-026 There was also a "bed-indicator" that 1967 Huddinge New Motorway Study showed movements during sleep. Date: 1967, 1968 SWE-100 Source: Motorway traffic 1970s Kungälv Noise Barrier Study Location: Sweden: The Stockholm suburb of Huddinge Date: 1972, 1975 N=: 144 interviews from 84 respondents Source: Road traffic, Expressway Noise Data: Yes Location: Sweden: The Kungälv area of Gothenburg Reference: Jonsson, Sörensen, 1973; Jonsson, N=: 161 (83 in Phase I and 78 in Phase II) Sörensen, Arvidsson, Berglund, 1975 Noise Data: No Notes: Annoyance did not decrease between the Reference: Holmquist, Claesson, Tuvegran, 1975 initial interview with 84 residents (six Notes: Interviews were carried out in 1972 before, months after a new motorway opened) and and in 1975 after a barrier was erected. the reinterview with 60 of the same residents SWE-108 one year later. Respondents who moved 1972 Burgsvik Sonic Boom Study from the area during the year were no more Date: 1972 (May, June) annoyed than those remaining. Source: Sonic booms SWE-035 Location: Sweden: Burgsvik on the island of Gotland Scandinavian Nine-Airport Noise Study (Sweden) N=: Approximately 346 interviews from Date: 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1974, 1976 approximately 200 people Source: Aircraft Noise Data: Yes Location: Sweden, Norway, and Denmark: 38 Areas Reference: Rylander, Sörensen, Andrae, Chatelier, around 9 Airports Espmark, Larsson, Thackray, 1974 Wyle 52 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Notes: After the main study period, 146 measured on four nights. respondents were reinterviewed. This was SWE-228 part of a coordinated laboratory/field study. 1978-80 Swedish Railway Study SWE-142 Date: 1978 (April), 1980 (May) 1976 Stockholm Visby Gothenburg Traffic Noise Study Source: Railway Date: 1976 (April, May) Location: Sweden: 15 areas in Stockholm and Malmö Source: Road traffic N=: 877 Location: Sweden: Stockholm, Visby, Gothenburg Noise Data: Yes N=: 1,377 Reference: Åhrlin, 1988; Åhrlin, Rylander, 1979; Noise Data: Yes Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Möhler, Reference: Åhrlin, 1988; Åhrlin, Rylander, 1979; 1988; Rylander, Björkman, Sörensen, 1993; Rylander, 1977; Rylander, Åhrlin, Sörensen, Hammar, 1983a; Sörensen, Björkman, 1977; Rylander, Sörensen, Hammar, 1983b Kajland, 1976 Notes: Face-to-face interviews were conducted with Notes: Peak noise levels from heavy vehicles are residents. especially closely related to annoyance. SWE-303 Gothenburg results are not included in the 1986 Gothenburg Sleep Disturbance Pilot Survey 1976 publication. Date: 1986 (February, March) SWE-165 Source: Road traffic 1976 Gothenburg Tramway Noise Survey Location: Sweden: Gothenburg Date: 1976 (April, May) N=: 106 (69 at high noise site, 37 at control site) Source: Tramway, Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: Sweden: Gothenburg (6 areas) Reference: Öhrström, 1988; Öhrström, 1989; N=: 464 Öhrström, Björkman, Rylander, 1988; Noise Data: Yes Öhrström, Rylander, Björkman, 1988; Reference: Åhrlin, Rylander, 1979; Fidell, Barber, Björkman, Levein, Rylander, Öhrström, Schultz, 1991; Rylander, Björkman, Åhrlin, 1988 Sörensen, 1977 Notes: After the initial interview, more detailed Notes: None information was collected from the 63 SWE-185 respondents who also completed a "sleep 1975 Gothenburg Rifle Range Survey and mood" questionnaire for three days. Date: 1975 (April, May) Reports of sleep quality and mood were Source: Civilian rifle range lower in the noisy area than in the control Location: Sweden: Gothenburg (9 sites in 4 areas) area. N=: 323 SWE-337 Noise Data: Yes Swedish Low Frequency Heat Pump Noise Study Reference: Sörensen, Magnusson, 1979 Date: 1993 Publication (Survey date not Notes: The relationship between peak noise levels determined.) and annoyance is studied. Source: Low frequency heat pump noise SWE-222 Location: Sweden Nausta Research Camp Sonic Boom Study N=: 93 Date: 1970 Publication (Survey date not reported) Noise Data: Yes Source: Sonic booms from military aircraft Reference: Persson, Rylander, 1993 Location: Sweden: Research camp in Nausta within a Notes: This pilot survey presents some information Swedish military testing area about the relationship between long-term N=: 198 exposure to low frequency noise and Noise Data: Yes annoyance. Reference: Rylander, Sörensen, Berglund, Brodin, SWE-344 1972 1988 Gothenburg Psycho-Social Wellbeing Traffic Survey Notes: The sample consists of 33 women from a (Pilot) testing program and 165 military recruits in Date: 1988 (May, June) road construction camps. Source: Road traffic SWE-223 Location: Sweden: 2 areas in central Gothenburg 1981 Swedish Sleep Disturbance and Sound Insulation N=: 248 Date: 1981 Noise Data: Yes Source: Road traffic Reference: Öhrström, 1991;Öhrström, 1993; Öhrström, Location: Sweden Rylander, 1989; Öhrström, Rylander, 1990 N=: 3 (annoyance was measured on 8 nights) Notes: Residents in two areas completed mail Noise Data: Yes questionnaires about annoyance, sleep, and Reference: Öhrström, Björkman, 1983 depression. Notes: Respondents were first interviewed in June SWE-345 before insulation was installed and then 1990 Gothenburg Psycho-Social Wellbeing Traffic Survey reinterviewed ten months later on seven (Main) consecutive nights. Bed movements were Date: 1990 Wyle 53 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Source: Road traffic Rylander, Dankittikul, 2000;Sato, Murase, Location: Sweden: Gothenburg Yano, Björkman, Rylander, Dankittikul, N=: 529 2000; Sato, Yano, Björkman, Rylander, Noise Data: Yes 1999; Sato, Yano, Björkman, Rylander, Reference: Öhrström, 1993 2000; Sato, Yano, Yamashita, Kawai, Notes: Mail questionnaires were used. Psycho- Rylander, Björkman, Öhrström, 1998a; social well-being and self-reported sleep Sato, Yano, Yamashita, Kawai, Rylander, disturbance were related to annoyance but Björkman, Öhrström, 1998b; Yano, Sato, not to noise level. Björkman, Rylander, 2000; Sato, Yano, SWE-359 Björkman, Rylander, 2002 Gothenburg 12-Area Traffic Noise Survey Notes: Respondents completed a mail questionnaire Date: 1990 Publication (Survey date not reported) about noise and environmental conditions. Source: Road traffic Noise level was represented by both LAeq and Location: Sweden: 12 areas in Gothenburg the highest noise event in one hour of N=: 785 observation. Respondents in apartments were Noise Data: Yes less annoyed at the same noise exposure than Reference: Björkman, 1991;Björkman, Rylander, those in detached or row houses. Comparable 1990; Rylander, Björkman, Sörensen, 1993 surveys were conducted in Japan (JPN-369, Notes: Respondents completed a mail questionnaire. JPN-382). SWE-360 SWE-412 Swedish Four-Site Shooting Range Noise Annoyance 1997 Sollentuna Road/Rail Noise Survey Date: 1988 Publication (Survey date not reported) Date: 1997 (April: questionnaire distribution date) Source: Light and heavy caliber weapons Source: Road traffic, Railway Location: Sweden: within 2 km of any of four Location: Sweden: Sollentuna municipality ten miles shooting ranges north of Stockholm N=: 299 residents provided 455 responses N=: 759 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Levein, Åhrlin, 1988 Reference: Bluhm, Nordling, 2000; Bluhm, Notes: Respondents completed a mail Rosenlund, Berglind, 1998; Bluhm, questionnaire. Of the initial 299 Nording, Berglund, 2004 respondents receiving a general Notes: Respondents completed a postal environmental questionnaire, 156 also questionnaire. Hypertension was related to responded to the second stage questionnaire road traffic noise exposure among women that was sent to only those who indicated but not among men. that they were annoyed by noise from SWE-413 shooting ranges on the first questionnaire. 1996 Kungsbacka Railway Noise Countermeasures Study SWE-365 Date: 1996 1989-93 Swedish Railway Survey Source: Railway Date: 1989 to 1993 Location: Sweden: Kungsbacka Source: Railway N=: 512 Location: Sweden: (15 areas) Noise Data: Yes N=: 3,216 (2,883 from first round: 333 from Reference: Öhrström, 1997a follow-up) Notes: Respondents completed a postal Noise Data: Yes questionnaire. Countermeasures against Reference: Öhrström, Skånberg, 1993; Öhrström, vibration were found to reduce annoyance Skånberg, 1995; Öhrström, 1996a; with vibration. Some 36 persons in this Öhrström, Skånberg, 1996; Öhrström, study also participated in a 1990 study 1997b (SWE-365). Some 330 respondents had Notes: A main postal questionnaire (2,883 been living in the house before the respondents) with a disguised focus was countermeasures introduced a change in followed by a second detailed postal exposure. questionnaire to those who were "rather" or SWE-414 "very" annoyed (338 respondents). Train 1995-96 Lund Railway Noise Barrier Survey noise is more annoying when there is also Date: 1995, 1996 (all were about two years after vibration. new noise barrier) SWE-368 Source: Railway 1996 Gothenburg Road Traffic Survey Location: Sweden: Lund Date: 1996 (January-June ) N=: 127 Source: Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: Sweden: Gothenburg (15 areas) Reference: Öhrström, 1996b N=: 1,316 Notes: A postal questionnaire was completed. The Noise Data: Yes study was conducted about two years after Reference: Björkman, Sato, Yano, Rylander, noise barriers had been installed near the 1998;Murase, Sato, Yano, Björkman, railway. A study had previously been Wyle 54 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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conducted in the same area (SWE-365). Location: Sweden: Stockholm SWE-415 N=: 741 respondents from 459 households 1997 Västre Bräckevägen Change Survey (Before) Noise Data: No Date: 1997 (October - December-- before the Reference: Berglund, Nilsson, 2000; Nilsson, tunnel opening in January 1998) Berglund, 2006 Source: Road traffic Notes: Self-administered questionnaires were Location: Sweden: Gothenburg (2 areas on Västre personally delivered to each household and Bräckevägen island) later personally collected. All adults in the N=: 142: a 3-day sleep questionnaire was household were asked to respond. completed by 116 people, 26 participated in SWE-419 a sleep-actimeter study 1988-93 Swedish Small Airport Noise Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 1988 (May, Landvetter airport), 1989 Reference: Öhrström, Agge, Björkman, 1998; (October, Säve airport), 1993 (May, Everöd Öhrström, Skånberg, 2000; Öhrström, airport) 2004b Source: Aircraft Notes: The self-administered questionnaire was Location: Sweden: Three small airports (Landvetter, personally delivered to one or two residents Säve, and Everöd (8 areas)) in each household. This is the first of three N=: 513 1997-1998 studies in the area (SWE-416 Noise Data: Yes SWE-417). Reference: Rylander, Björkman, 1997 SWE-416 Notes: The data were collected using a postal 1998 Västre Bräckevägen Change Survey (After) questionnaire. Date: 1998 (May, June -- Minor follow-up study SWE-420 on sleep after January 1998 tunnel opening) 1992 Gothenburg Road Traffic Survey Source: Road traffic Date: 1992 (November, December) Location: Sweden: Gothenburg (Västre Bräckevägen Source: Road traffic island) Location: Sweden: Gothenburg (2 sites) N=: 120 respondents (from among the 26 who N=: 115 (two sites) had completed a 1997 sleep-actimeter study) Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Yano, Izumi, Rylander, Björkman, 1994 Reference: Öhrström, Agge, Björkman, 1998; Notes: The data were collected using a postal Öhrström, Skånberg, 2000; Öhrström, questionnaire. 2004b; Öhrström, 2004a SWE-437 Notes: This is a small follow-up study on sleep Swedish Eight-Range Heavy Weapons Noise Survey issues that was conducted after the opening Date: 1996 Publication (Survey date not reported) of the road traffic tunnel in January 1998. Two Source: Artillery other studies were conducted in the same area Location: Sweden: 29 areas near 8 shooting ranges before and after the opening (SWE-415, SWE- N=: 1,483 (approximate) 417). The self-administered questionnaires Noise Data: Yes were personally delivered to one or two Reference: Rylander, Åhrlin, Lundquist, 1993; residents in each house. Rylander, Åhrlin, Lundquist, 1994; SWE-417 Rylander, Lundquist, 1996 1999 Västre Bräckevägen Change Survey (After, Primary) Notes: All respondents completed an initial postal Date: 1999 (April, May for this main study after questionnaire. Those indicating annoyance January 1998 tunnel opening) with heavy weapons noise were sent a Source: Road traffic second questionnaire with detailed questions Location: Sweden: Gothenburg (2 areas on Västre about heavy weapons noise effects. Bräckevägen island) SWE-526 N=: 120 respondents who previously participated 2002 Sweden Stockholm & Gothenburg Quiet Side in a 1997 study Residential Annoyance Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 2000 - 2002 Reference: Öhrström, Skånberg, 2000; Öhrström, Source: Road traffic 2004b Location: Sweden: Stockholm and Gothenburg Notes: The self-administered questionnaire was N=: 956 delivered to one or two residents in each Noise Data: Yes household. This was the main study that Reference: Öhrström; Skånberg, 2004; Öhrström, followed the opening of a new traffic tunnel Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, 2005; Öhrström, and is related to two studies conducted Skånberg, Svensson, Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, before the tunnel opened (SWE-415, SWE- 2006 416). Notes: As part of the Soundscape Support to Health SWE-418 research program, residents of apartments in 1999 Stockholm Noise Barrier Traffic Survey four residential areas exposed to different Date: 1999 (May, June) sound levels from road traffic were surveyed Source: Road traffic by mail to test the hypothesis that having Wyle 55 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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access to a quiet side of the dwelling construction of a barrier) enhances recovery and decreases annoyance Source: Road noise traffic (Effect of noise barrier) and other adverse health effects related to Location: Sweden: Stockholm noise. Both short and long term noise N=: 712 measurements were taken for each dwelling. Noise Data: Yes SWE-558 Reference: Nilsson, Berglund, 2006 2000 Gothenburg Quiet Side Low Frequency Annoyance Notes: The effects of the installation of a noise Survey barrier along a busy road were evaluated via Date: 2000 (August-September) a hand-delivered survey. Noise Source: Road traffic (primary), Ventillation noise measurements were performed both before (quiet side) and after the installation of the barrier. Location: Sweden: Gothenburg SWE-418 reported the results of the survey N=: 41 prior to the construction of the noise barrier. Noise Data: Yes SWE-600 Reference: Persson, Wayne, Bengtsson, Agge, 2002 RANCH Road Traffic Field Study (Sweden) Björkman, 2003 Date: 2002 (April - October) Notes: The residents of three buildings with flats Source: Aircraft, Road traffic facing busy streets on the outside and a Location: Sweden: Stockholm, Gothenburg and courtyard with fans or compressors, received Örebro hand-delivered surveys and were asked to N=: 320 return them by mail. The questionnaire, Noise Data: Yes masked as a general living environment Reference: Öhrström, Holmes, Svensson, satisfaction survey, was designed to measure Hadzibarjamovic, 2003; Stansfeld, Clark, annoyance on the 'quiet side' of the flats Cameron, Haines, van Kamp, van Kempen, when the residents experienced noise from 2004; Stansfeld, Clark, Alfred, 2006 transportation sources. 24-hour traffic noise Notes: Schoolchildren were surveyed to evaluate levels and noise from installations was exposure response relationships between measured indoors and outdoors. chronic noise exposure and physical and SWE-561 psychological health outcomes, and the 2004 Sweden Single and Combined Noise from Railway effects on sleep comparatively for school and Road Traffic Survey children and adults. Road traffic noise levels Date: 2004 (February - March) were calculated for each participant's Source: Road traffic, Railway, Aircraft dwelling by using the Nordic prediction Location: Sweden: Lerum (near Gothenburg) method. N=: 1,953 SWE-621 Noise Data: Yes 2002 Hypertension among Swedish Men Living Near Reference: Öhrström, Andersson, Skånberg, Barregard, Stokholm-Arlanda Airport 2007; Öhrström, Barregård, Andersson, Date: 2002 Skånberg, Svensson, Angerheim, 2007 Source: Aircraft Notes: A postal survey was conducted in residential Location: Sweden: Residential areas around Stokholm- areas to develop a method for determining Arlanda Airport individual noise exposure based on N=: 2,027 Geographical Information Systems Noise Data: Yes technology. Noise exposure was modeled for Reference: Bluhm, Eriksson, Pershagena, Hilding, road and rail sources at the most exposed Östensonb, 2008; Bluhm, Eriksson, side of numerous residential buildings. Pershagen, Hilding, Ostensson, 2008 SWE-574 Notes: Hypertension among Swedish men living in 2005 Sweden Quiet Asphalt and Earth Berm Effectiveness residential areas around Stokholm-Arlanda Survey Airport was studied in 1992-1994 and in Date: 2005 (September), 2007 (September) 2002/2004. The questionnaires included Source: Road traffic questions on annoyance from aircraft and Location: Sweden: Gothenburg other noise sources, and was correlated with N=: 270 (177 and 93) modeled noise exposure data from 1997. Noise Data: Yes SWE-623 Reference: Öhrström, Gidlof-Gunnarsson, 2008 2006 Swedish TVANE Annoyance, Vibration, and Health Notes: A longitudinal study investigating the Effects Study effects of a conventional earth berm and the Date: 2006 application of quiet asphalt was undertaken Source: Railway and Road Traffic via a postal survey, and compared with Location: Sweden: Villages of Falköping, Töreboda, noise measurements taken before and after Kungälv, and Borås the noise abatement measures were installed. N=: 2,000 SWE-595 Noise Data: Yes 2001 Stockholm Longitudinal Noise Barrier Traffic Reference: Jerson, Ögren, Öhrström, 2008 Date: 2001 (May - June, 15 months following the Notes: As part of the Swedish TVANE (Train Wyle 56 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Vibration and Noise Effects) project, the Notes: A self-administered questionnaire was used. relationship between adverse health effects, Special attention was directed at the costs including annoyance, and exposure to of noise and at evaluating alternatives for simultaneous noise and vibration from alleviating the effects of noise. railway traffic will be examined in the lab SWI-173 and in the field. Noise and vibration 1978 Zurich Time-of-Day Survey measurements are included, and a follow up Date: 1978 questionnaire to participants in a previous Source: Road traffic study (SWE-561) will be carried out. Location: Switzerland: Zurich and vicinity (18 study SWI-053 sites) 1971 Swiss Three-City Noise Survey N=: 1607 Date: 1971 (April - June), 1972 (May - June) Noise Data: Yes Source: Aircraft (all three cities), Road traffic (Basel) Reference: Nemecek, Wehrli, Turrian, 1981; Wehrli, Location: Switzerland: Zurich, Geneva, Basel Grandjean, 1979; Wehrli, Nemecek, N=: 3,939 1979;Wehrli, Nemecek, Turrian, Hofmann, Noise Data: Yes Wanner, 1978;Wehrli, Nemecek, Turrian, Reference: Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Graf, Meier, Wanner, Hofmann, 1978 Müller, 1974; Grandjean, Graf, Lauber, Notes: Respondents completed a mail questionnaire. Meier, Mueller, 1976; Graf, Müller, Meier, SWI-180 1974; Grandjean, Graf, Lauber, Meier, 1979 Swiss General Aviation Survey Mueller, 1973; Nemecek, Wehrli, Turrian, Date: 1979 (Late Summer) 1981; Schultz, 1978; Wehrli, Nemecek, 1979 Source: Aircraft Notes: None Location: Switzerland: Six general aviation airports SWI-133 (Bern-Belp, Birrfeld, Buttwil, Gruyeres, La 1976 Zurich Street Traffic Noise (Apartments) Survey Chaux-de-Fonds, Lugano-Agno) Date: 1976 N=: 1,428 Source: Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: Switzerland: Zurich Reference: Institut für Praxisorientierte Sozialforschung, N=: 800 1980 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Noise from general aviation was not Reference: Bakke, Wehrli, Wanner, Nemecek, Turrian, perceived to be the dominating noise Grandjean, 1977; Nemecek, Wehrli, problem except in the areas immediately Turrian, 1981; Wanner, Wehrli, Bakke, surrounding airports. Nemecek, Turrian, Grandjean, 1977; SWI-304 Wehrli, Nemecek, 1979; Wehrli, Huser, 1986 Swiss Multi-Story Building Sound Insulation Study Egli, Bakke, Grandjean, 1976 Date: 1986 (April, May) Notes: Women were interviewed who lived in Source: Community, Interior noise apartments built after 1962. Location: Switzerland: 11 groups of buildings SWI-158 N=: 447 1977 Zurich Pilot Traffic Noise Survey Noise Data: Yes: inside and outside Date: 1977 Reference: Rabinowitz et al., 1988 Source: Road traffic Notes: Mail questionnaires were used. Location: Switzerland: Four areas in Zurich Respondents' ratings of exterior noise, facade N=: 1,297 sound reduction and indoor sound Noise Data: Yes reduction are all related to the respective Reference: Bakke, Wehrli, Wanner, Nemecek, Turrian, measured acoustical criteria. Grandjean, 1977; Nemecek, Wehrli, SWI-312 Turrian, 1981;Wanner, Wehrli, Bakke, 1984 Visual Context of Noise Survey (Switzerland) Nemecek, Turrian, Grandjean, Date: 1984 1977;Wanner, Wehrli, Nemecek, Turrian, Source: Road traffic 1977; Wehrli, Nemecek, 1979 Location: Switzerland: Zug Notes: A mail questionnaire was used. Air quality N=: 240 (approximately) surveyed but fewer are was also assessed. used for many analyses SWI-159 Noise Data: Yes ¶1977 Swiss N-3 Motorway Study Reference: Kastka, Noack, 1987; Kastka, Noack, Mau, Date: 1977 (September) Maas, Conrad, Ritterstaedt, Hangartner, 1986 Source: Motorway traffic Notes: This is part of a German/Swiss survey Location: Switzerland: N-3 motorway in the vicinity (GER-291). Mail questionnaires were used of Sargans in Switzerland. The streets of the Swiss N=: 150 town were judged to be more attractive. At Noise Data: Yes the same noise level, there was less Reference: Nemecek, Grandjean, Baumgartner, Roth, annoyance for residents in the Swiss than Müller, 1978; Nemecek, Grandjean, the German town. Baumgartner, Müller, Roth, 1979 Wyle 57 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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SWI-469 Status) program, noise annoyance was 1999 Swiss Noise Barrier Survey evaluated as an environmental factor and the Date: 1999 (June, July) relationship to medically diagnosed Source: Road traffic illnesses was evaluated in eight European Location: Switzerland: 17 locations in 12 cities cities (HUN-611, SLO-548, FRA-583, N=: 509 GER-579, POR-614, LIT-555, ITL-616). Noise Data: Yes THA-327 Reference: Meloni, Fischer, 2000 1992 Songkhla Traffic Noise Survey Notes: Computer-assisted telephone interviews Date: 1992 (July, August) were conducted. Traffic noise annoyance is Source: Road traffic less with a barrier than at a similar noise Location: Thailand: two sites in Songkhla. One site level without a barrier. is a recently developed suburban area with SWI-525 low housing density, and one a densely Swiss Noise Study 2000 (2001 Survey of Zurich-Kloten populated urban area. Airport) N=: 232 (138 at urban site, 94 at suburban site) Date: 2001 (August - September) Noise Data: Yes Source: Aircraft (Civilian and Military) Reference: Dankittikul, Izumi, Yano, Kurosawa, Location: Switzerland: 60 communities around Yamashita, 1993; Izumi, Dankittikul, Zurich-Kloten Airport Yamashita, Yano, 1994 N=: 1,826 Notes: A comparison with a Japanese survey (JPN- Noise Data: Yes 326) found strong cross-cultural similarities. Reference: Wirth, Brink, Schierz, 2004; Wirth, Brink, A self-administered questionnaire was Schierz, 2003a; Wirth, Brink, Schierz, used. 2003b; Brink, Lercher, 2007; Brink, Wirth, THA-421 Schierz, Thomann, Bauer, 2008; Wirth, 1997-98 Bangkok Road Traffic Noise Survey Bröer, 2004; Wirth, 2004 Date: 1997 (July, August) - 1998 (August) Notes: A postal survey was conducted and the Source: Road traffic results were compared to a previous survey Location: Thailand: Bangkok (2 areas in 1997 and 4 (SWI-053). Noise annoyance from military areas in 1998) and civilian aviation activity was N=: 373 (approximate: 183 from detached and determined, and noise measurements were about 190 from attached row houses) calculated. SWI-534 is a follow-up study. Noise Data: Yes SWI-534 Reference: Murase, Sato, Yano, Björkman, Rylander, Swiss Noise Study 2000 (2003 Survey of Zurich-Kloten Dankittikul, 2000; Sato, Murase, Yano, Airport) Björkman, Rylander, Dankittikul, 2000 Date: 2003 (October) Notes: Questionnaires were distributed at homes Source: Aircraft (Civilian and Military) and then collected from each address. Location: Switzerland: Residential areas near Zurich- Residents in Bangkok were more annoyed at Kloten Airport the same noise level than were respondents in N=: 1,719 Japanese surveys (JPN-369, JPN-382). The Noise Data: Yes study was also designed for comparison to a Reference: Wirth, Brink, Schierz, 2006; AirBrink, Swedish survey (SWE-368). Wirth, Schierz, Thomann, Bauer, 2008 THA-455 Notes: As a follow-up to SWI-525, surveys were 1990-91 Bangkok Personal Noise Exposure Survey conducted by phone and mail to further Date: 1990 (November) - 1991 (October) assess the impact of aviation noise on Source: Community annoyance. Changes between 2001 and 2003 Location: Thailand: Bangkok (36 districts) included new restrictions on aircraft N=: 198 overflights for a sample of the population. Noise Data: Yes Noise levels were calculated. Reference: Phothiphichitr, 1994 SWI-584 Notes: Respondents carried exposure meters for 24 2003 Geneva, Switzerland Housing and Health Survey hours during all of their work and home (LARES) activities and then answered questions about Date: 2002 - 2003 their reaction to each noise environment. Source: Road traffic, Community noise TRK-283 Location: Switzerland: Geneva 1980-84 Istanbul Noise Survey N=: 710 Date: 1980 (10 sites), 1983-1984 (7 sites) Noise Data: No Source: Road traffic, Aircraft, Railway Reference: Maschke, Niemann, 2005; Niemann, Location: Turkey: Istanbul (17 sites) Bennefoy, Braubach, Hecht, Maschke, N=: 3,179 (1,460 traffic, 721 aircraft, 998 railway) Rodrigues, Röbbel, 2006; Bonnefoy, Noise Data: Yes Braubach, Davidson, Röbbel, 2007 Reference: Kurra, 1983; Kurra, 1988 Notes: As part of the LARES (Large Analysis and Notes: Considerable annoyance with noise is found Review of European housing and health in this city in a developing country. Wyle 58 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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TRK-367 Location: U.K.: One small Welsh village Istanbul Trans-European Motorway Survey N=: Several thousand interviews from Date: 1995 Publication (Survey date not reported) approximately 220 respondents Source: Motorway traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: Turkey: Istanbul (19 sites in one area) Reference: Webb, Warren, 1967 N=: 154 Notes: Four panels of respondents were repeatedly Noise Data: Yes interviewed. The level of annoyance Reference: Kurra, Tamer, Rice, 1995 decreased somewhat over the fourteen-week Notes: A random sample of residents from ages 18 study period. to 65 were interviewed who had lived in the UKD-024 area at least 6 months. Annoyance was 1967 Heathrow Aircraft Noise Study (Second Heathrow found to increase with increasing noise level. Survey) UKD-001 Date: 1967 (September) 1943 British Home Noise Survey Source: Aircraft Date: 1943 (November) Location: U.K.: London Heathrow Airport Source: Community, Interior noise inside dwellings N=: 4,699 main sample Location: U.K.: 40 cities in Great Britain Noise Data: Yes N=: 2,017 Reference: Directorate of Operational Research and Noise Data: No Analysis, 1971; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, Reference: Chapman, 1948 1991; Knowler, 1971; MIL Research, 1971; Notes: None Schultz, 1978 UKD-003 Notes: The study was designed for comparison 1952 Sound Insulation in Flats Survey with the 1961 Heathrow study (UKD-008). Date: 1952 (December), 1953 (March) The study includes a subsample of noise- Source: Interior insulated homes. Location: U.K.: London, Glasgow UKD-029 N=: 1,491 1968 Coventry Pilot Railway Noise Survey Noise Data: Yes: sound insulation of floors data Date: 1968 Reference: Gray, 1956; Gray, Cartwright, Parkin, Source: Railway 1958; Pickles, 1956 Location: U.K.: Coventry Notes: All respondents were housewives. Both N=: 85 airborne and impact noises from adjacent Noise Data: No flats are disturbing. Reference: Walters, 1970 UKD-008 Notes: Two different questionnaires were used. 1961 Heathrow Aircraft Noise Survey (First Heathrow UKD-030 Survey) 1967 B.R.S. London Traffic Noise Survey Date: 1961 (September) Date: 1967 Source: Aircraft Source: Road traffic Location: U.K.: London Heathrow Airport Location: U.K.: London Area (11 sites) N=: 1,731 Main study, (also a special sample of N=: 1,200 178 complainants) Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Griffiths, 1968; Griffiths, Langdon, 1968; Reference: Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; McKennell, Langdon, 1980 1963; McKennell, 1965; McKennell, 1969; Notes: The Traffic Noise Index (TNI) was derived McKennell, 1970; McKennell, 1973; from the survey's results. Schultz, 1978; Wilson, 1963 UKD-033 Notes: The NNI (Noise and Number Index) was 1969 Mixed Road/Aircraft Noise Survey derived from the analysis. The study Date: 1969-1970 (Winter) includes a subsample of complainants. Source: Aircraft, Road traffic UKD-009 Location: U.K.: London Heathrow Airport 1961 Central London Traffic Noise Survey N=: 315 (approximately) Date: 1961 (July, August) Noise Data: Yes Source: Road traffic Reference: Bottom, 1971a; Bottom, 1971b; Bottom, Location: U.K.: Central London Waters, 1971; Bottom, Waters, 1972; N=: 1,377 Waters, Bottom, 1971 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Residents in high road traffic noise Reference: McKennell, Hunt, 1966 environments are less annoyed by aircraft Notes: Traffic noise is the most important noise noise. heard by and bothering residents. UKD-038 UKD-010 1969 Central England Railway Survey 1963 Welsh Village Impulse Noise (Exercise Yellow Date: 1969 Date: 1963 (June to September) Source: Railway Source: Explosive charges at height of 500 feet Location: U.K.: Central England (simulating sonic booms from aircraft) N=: 258 Wyle 59 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Noise Data: No 1972 English Road Traffic Survey Reference: Hall, 1969; Walters, 1970 Date: 1972 Notes: None Source: Road traffic UKD-050 Location: U.K.: Probability sample of England 1970-71 Heston Noise Barrier Study N=: 6017 Date: 1970 (September) to 1971 (September) Noise Data: Yes (for 1,235 interviews) Source: Road traffic Reference: Hapuarachchi, 1980; Harland, 1977a; Location: U.K.: one site along the M14 motorway Harland, 1977b; Harland, Abbott, 1977; near Heston Hedges, 1973; Morton-Williams, Hedges, N=: 458 interviews (142 before barrier, 316 after) Fernando, 1978; Sando, Batty, 1975 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Noise is the most important disturbance Reference: Scholes, 1977; Scholes, Mackie, Vulkan, from traffic after pedestrian danger. Road Harland, 1974 traffic noise bothers more people in England Notes: Residents were first interviewed when a than any other noise source. relatively ineffective wooden fence was in UKD-073 place and later interviewed after an acoustical 1972 Birmingham New Motorway Study barrier was erected. Annoyance was Date: 1972 (April), 1973 (March) reduced by more than would be expected Source: Motorway traffic from previous studies of steady-state noise Location: U.K.: Bromford Bridge and Firs Estate in conditions. Birmingham UKD-052 N=: 363 interviews (189 in first wave, 174 in 1971 Gatwick Airport Noise Survey second wave) Date: 1971 (August) Noise Data: Yes Source: Aircraft Reference: Lawson, Walters, 1973 Location: U.K.: Gatwick Airport Notes: Residents were interviewed both before and N=: 1,030 after the motorway was opened in May of Noise Data: Yes 1972. Reference: Ollerhead, Cousins, 1975 UKD-074 Notes: This study was designed for comparison 1972 London Construction Site Survey with the 1961 and 1967 Heathrow surveys Date: 1972 (UKD-008, UKD-024). Reactions were Source: Construction similar in the three surveys. Location: U.K.: One construction site in London UKD-061 N=: 535 1972 Heathrow Airport Noise Pilot Survey Noise Data: Yes for construction and road traffic Date: 1972 Reference: Large, Ludlow, 1975; Large, Ludlow, 1976; Source: Aircraft Ludlow, 1973; Ludlow, 1976 Location: U.K.: London Heathrow Airport Notes: This postal survey achieved a 55% response N=: 600 rate with two reminder letters. The Noise Data: Yes questionnaires asked about many noise Reference: Ollerhead, 1973; Ollerhead, 1977b; sources. Construction noise was more Ollerhead, 1977c; Ollerhead, 1978; annoying than road traffic noise of the same Ollerhead, 1980; Ollerhead, Edwards, 1974; noise level. Ollerhead, Edwards, 1977 UKD-080 Notes: Nighttime annoyance was a major topic of 1972 Loughborough Interrupted Traffic Flow Survey this survey. Date: 1972 UKD-071 Source: Road traffic 1972 B.R.S. London Traffic Noise Survey Location: U.K.: 12 sites in England Date: 1972 (May to July) N=: Approximately 250 Source: Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: U.K.: London Area (53 sites) Reference: Jones, Waters, 1974 N=: 2,933 Notes: Residents completed a postal questionnaire. Noise Data: Yes Annoyance was slightly greater at the 6 Reference: Berry, 1983; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; interrupted-flow traffic sites than at the 6 Hood, 1977; Langdon, 1975; Langdon, free-flow traffic sites. 1976a; Langdon, 1976b; Langdon, 1977a; UKD-086 Langdon, 1977b; Langdon, 1978a; 1973 Kew Aircraft Noise Survey Langdon, 1978b; Langdon, Buller, 1977a; Date: 1973 Langdon, Buller, 1977b; Schultz, 1978 Source: Aircraft Notes: This investigation is similar in some Location: U.K.: Kew London respects to the Building Research Station's N=: 469 mail interviews, 28 face-to-face earlier 1967 B.R.S. London Traffic Survey interviews (UKD-030). Reactions were different for free- Noise Data: Yes flowing and congested traffic. Reference: Edwards, 1975; Edwards, Ollerhead, 1974; UKD-072 Ollerhead, Edwards, 1974 Wyle 60 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Notes: Respondents completed a mail questionnaire 1976; Garnsworthy, 1977; Phillips, 1978; about reactions to aircraft noise on the Richardson, 1976; Walker, Fields, 1977; previous evening. Walker, Fields, 1978; Walker, Fields, UKD-097 1980; Windle, 1977 1974 English Aircraft Noise Postal Survey Notes: The interview was administered in two Date: 1974 slightly different forms to test question order Source: Aircraft and question wording effects. A Location: U.K.: Three cities (London-Heathrow, comparison with previous surveys showed Manchester, Liverpool) that railway noise is less annoying than road N=: 725 traffic and aircraft noise at the same noise Noise Data: Yes levels. Reference: Ollerhead, 1977a UKD-118 Notes: The mail questionnaire concerned annoyance 1975-76 London/Liverpool Panel Survey with aircraft noise in the previous month. Date: 1975 (November), 1976 (January, March) The response rate was about 24%. Source: Road traffic Reactions at the airports differed. Location: U.K.: London, Liverpool UKD-111 N=: 738 interviews from 413 respondents 1975-76 English Mental Health Pilot Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 1975 (April, May), 1976 Reference: Griffiths, Delauzun, 1977a; Griffiths, Source: Aircraft Delauzun, 1977b Location: U.K.: Two locations near London Heathrow Notes: Of the 413 original respondents, 325 were Airport reinterviewed one year later. Variation in N=: 245 interviews from 208 respondents individual annoyance scores is due more to Noise Data: Yes random response measurement error than to Reference: Barker, Tarnopolsky, 1978; Hede, 1979; individual differences in sensitivity. McLean, Tarnopolsky, 1977; Tarnopolsky, Twenty-five of the respondents were also 1978; Tarnopolsky, Barker, Wiggins, given two self-administered personality tests McLean, 1978; Tarnopolsky, Morton- that were found to not be related to Williams, 1980 annoyance. Notes: Noise annoyance was related to psychiatric UKD-119 measures, but an association between noise 1975 Great Britain Interior Noise Survey and psychiatric measures was not widespread. Date: 1975 Experiments with question order were Source: Interior noise from adjacent dwellings included. Of the 208 respondents in 1975, 137 Location: U.K.: Great Britain were reinterviewed in 1976. N=: 3122 UKD-112 Noise Data: No 1975 Luton In-migrants Aircraft Noise Survey Reference: Langdon, Buller, 1977a Date: 1975 (August) Notes: Respondents lived in dwelling units sharing Source: Aircraft a common wall with another dwelling. Location: U.K.: Luton Airport Residents in newly constructed dwellings N=: 112 were not less annoyed than respondents in Noise Data: Yes surveys from earlier periods. Reference: Wrigley, 1976a; Wrigley, 1976b UKD-130 Notes: This is a study of new residents in an 1976 Heathrow Concorde Noise Survey airport area. Those living further from the Date: 1976 airport are more likely to report that the Source: Aircraft noise is worst than expected. Location: U.K.: London Heathrow Airport UKD-116 N=: 2,631 1975 British National Railway Noise Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 1975 (October) to 1976 (January) Reference: Large, Ludlow, 1977; McKennell, 1977; Source: Railway McKennell, 1978; McKennell, 1980 Location: U.K. Notes: Vibration is relatively annoying for N=: 1,453 Concorde noise. It was not possible to assess Noise Data: Yes the effect of Concorde noise on overall aircraft Reference: Berry, 1983; de Jong, Miedema, 1996; noise annoyance. Residents found Concorde Fields, 1977; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, flights were less annoying than they had 1991; Fields, 1979; Fields, 1983; Fields, expected. Tomberlin, 1978; Fields, Walker, 1977a; UKD-132 Fields, Walker, 1977b; Fields, Walker, 1976 Darlington Quiet Town Survey 1978; Fields, Walker, 1980a; Fields, Date: 1976 (June) Walker, 1980b; Fields, Walker, 1980c; Source: Community Fields, Walker, 1980d; Fields, Walker, Location: U.K.: Probability sample of Darlington 1980e Fields, Walker, 1982a; Fields, N=: 494 Walker, 1982b; Fields, Walker, Large, Noise Data: No Wyle 61 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Reference: Jupp, Sutton, 1976; Landon, 1976 1977 Hampshire Village Noise Study Notes: This is the before-treatment survey for the Date: 1977 (October) to 1978 (January) Darlington Quiet Town Experiment. Source: Community, Road traffic (Survey UKD-199 is the after-treatment Location: U.K.: 10 villages in Hampshire and survey.) About 20% were annoyed by road Wiltshire traffic noise at home (the most annoying N=: 756 source) but about 30% of those who work Noise Data: Yes were annoyed by noise at work. Reference: Hawkins, 1979a; Hawkins, 1979b; UKD-147 Hawkins, 1980; McEntagart, 1980; 1977 Heathrow Nighttime Pilot Survey Prescott-Clarke, 1978 Date: 1977 (December), 1978 (January to April) Notes: Residents are no more annoyed by traffic Source: Aircraft noise of the same noise level in these rural Location: U.K.: London Heathrow Airport (7 sites) areas than they were in an earlier survey of N=: 1,055 (279 face-to-face interviews, 776 the general population of England (UKD-072). postal questionnaires) Respondents liked some sounds in their Noise Data: Yes environment. Reference: Directorate of Operational Research and UKD-161 Analysis, 1978a; Directorate of Operational 1977 Southampton Hovercraft Noise Survey Research and Analysis, 1978b; Directorate Date: 1977 of Operational Research and Analysis, Source: Hovercraft 1978c; Directorate of Operational Research Location: U.K.: Neighborhoods near Southampton and Analysis, 1979; Prescott-Clarke, Water Stowell, 1983 N=: 241 Notes: Though there were some differences, broadly Noise Data: Yes similar answers were found on postal and Reference: Samra, 1978 interviewer-administered surveys. Notes: In some areas hovercraft noise was as UKD-148 disturbing as road traffic noise. 1977 West London (Heathrow) Psychiatric Morbidity UKD-162 Date: 1977 (April through Autumn) Greater Manchester Traffic Survey Source: Aircraft Date: 1977 Publication (Survey date not reported) Location: U.K.: West London area near Heathrow Source: Road traffic airport Location: U.K.: Greater Manchester area N=: 5,885 N=: 846 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Tarnopolsky, Hand, Barker, Jenkins, 1980; Reference: Berry, 1983; Rossall, 1978; Wilcox, 1978; Tarnopolsky, Jenkins, Watkins, Hand, Yeowart, Wilcox, Rossall, 1977a; Yeowart, 1980; Tarnopolsky, Morton-Williams, Wilcox, Rossall, 1977b 1980; Tarnopolsky, Watkins, Hand, 1980; Notes: Nighttime noise from vehicles aided in Watkins, Tarnopolsky, Jenkins, 1981 predicting reactions to noise. Notes: Reports of some psychiatric symptoms were UKD-175 related to annoyance within high noise 1978 Southampton Hovercraft Terminal Noise Survey level areas. Question order experiments Date: 1978 were conducted. A detailed follow-up Source: Hovercraft survey was conducted with 77 women Location: U.K.: Southampton area near Hovercraft (UKD-305). Terminal UKD-157 N=: 52 1977 London Area Panel Survey Noise Data: Yes Date: 1977 (December), 1978 (September) Reference: Hutton, 1978 Source: Road traffic Notes: Hovercraft noise is more annoying than Location: U.K.: London area (6 sites) other noise sources near the terminal area. N=: 1,363 interviews from 507 respondents The survey was designed for comparison Noise Data: Yes with the 1977 Solent Hovercraft Survey Reference: Atkins Research and Development, 1979; (UKD-161). Griffiths, Langdon, Swan, 1980; Langdon, UKD-176 Griffiths, 1982 1978 ISVR Lab/Field Comparison Survey Notes: The same interview questions were asked of Date: 1978 (June, July) a panel of respondents at different times of Source: Road traffic the year. Some 364 respondents were Location: U.K.: one neighborhood in Southampton, interviewed four times. Alternative question England wordings, question instructions, and N=: 60 question ordering were examined. The Noise Data: Yes monetary evaluation of noise nuisance was Reference: Flindell, 1979; Flindell, 1982 examined. Notes: As part of a laboratory/field comparison UKD-160 study, the residents were first interviewed at Wyle 62 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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home and then brought into a simulated Notes: Respondents completed self-administered living room listening facility to rate questionnaires on the morning following a recorded traffic noise. Annoyance in the night when noise data had been collected. laboratory was not affected by the home The questionnaire included questions about noise environment. that night's sleep experience. Findings UKD-182 about reports of sleep disturbance can be 1979 Heathrow/Gatwick Sleep Study compared to an earlier study around Date: 1979 (June to October) Heathrow and Gatwick (UKD-182). Source: Aircraft UKD-225 Location: U.K.: Two airports (17 sites near Heathrow, 1982 British Helicopter Disturbance Study 8 sites near Gatwick) Date: 1982 (August 20 to September 13) N=: 964 face-to-face, 3,188 postal Source: Helicopters Noise Data: Yes Location: U.K.: Five areas affected by the Gatwick- Reference: Davies, Brooker, Critchley, 1987; Heathrow helicopter airlink and two areas Directorate of Operational Research and near Aberdeen airport Analysis, 1980a; Directorate of Operational N=: 438 Research and Analysis, 1980b; Directorate Noise Data: Yes of Operational Research and Analysis, Reference: Atkins, 1983; Atkins, Brooker, Critchley, 1980c; Directorate of Operational Research 1983; Atkinson, 1983; Prescott-Clarke, and Analysis, 1980d; Directorate of 1983 Operational Research and Analysis, 1980e; Notes: None Directorate of Operational Research and UKD-233 Analysis, 1980f; Makinson, 1979 1980 British Flats' Sound Insulation Survey Notes: Both face-to-face interviews and postal Date: 1980 (August, September) questionnaires were used. The nighttime Source: Interior noise noise environment was measured. Some Location: U.K.: 63 sites with multistory residential questions were asked about experiences on apartments (England and Wales) the previous night. In Great Britain this N=: 709 survey is known as the "Aircraft Noise and Noise Data: Yes: sound insulation information Sleep Disturbance" survey. A large scale Reference: Langdon, Buller, Scholes, 1983 preliminary study was also carried out Notes: The main interest was in the sound (UKD-147). insulation from noise originating in other UKD-199 flats. Other sources of noise in the building 1978 Darlington Quiet Town Survey were also found to be important. Respondents Date: 1978 (June) were more annoyed by impact sounds from Source: Community overhead flats, than by airborne sound. Location: U.K.: Probability sample of Darlington Physical measures of the impact sound N=: 488 insulation were not related to occupants' Noise Data: No experiences. Comparisons are made with an Reference: Jupp, Landon, 1978 earlier survey of residents in other types of Notes: This follows an earlier study (UKD-132) of housing structures (UKD-220). the Darlington Quiet Town Experiment. UKD-237 After two years, most respondents were 1983-84 Southern England New Road Opening Survey aware of the quiet city campaign. Noise Date: 1983-1984 annoyance was not reduced in the Source: Road traffic neighborhoods. Location: U.K.: Eight sites with noise level UKD-220 reductions (Bedfordshire, Essex, Kent, 1978 British Interior Noise Survey Suffolk) or increases (Surrey, Alderney Date: 1978 (November) (Dorset)) Source: Interior noise from adjacent dwellings N=: 469 in "before" survey, 391 in "after" survey Location: U.K.: Great Britain Noise Data: Yes N=: 917 Reference: Griffiths, Raw, 1984; Griffiths, Raw, 1986; Noise Data: Yes: sound insulation information Griffiths, Raw, 1989; Raw, Griffiths, 1990 Reference: Langdon, Buller, Scholes, 1981 Notes: A total of 469 residents were interviewed Notes: None from one to four months before the opening UKD-224 of a new road (one site was in the process of 1982 Manchester Night Noise Survey changes). Of these, 391 were reinterviewed Date: 1982 (September 11 to September 26) two to three months after the opening of the Source: Aircraft new road. In a later study (UKD-297) 17 to Location: U.K.: Six sites around Manchester airport 22 months later, 90 were reinterviewed. N=: 595 UKD-238 Noise Data: Yes 1984 Glasgow Combined Aircraft/Road Traffic Survey Reference: Brooker, Nurse, 1983; Monkman, 1983; Date: 1984 (May, June) Morton-Williams, 1983; Nurse, 1983 Source: Aircraft, Road traffic Wyle 63 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Location: U.K.: Glasgow airport airport (Leavesden) is similar to large N=: 608 airports. Residents at the other general Noise Data: Yes aviation airports are less annoyed. Reference: Atkinson, Critchley, Devine, 1985; UKD-266 Diamond, Rice, 1987; Diamond, Walker, 1971-72 Alton By-pass Study (Residents) 1986a; Diamond, Walker, 1986b; Diamond, Date: 1971 (July), 1972 (July) Walker, Critchley, Richmond, 1986; Source: Road traffic Richmond, 1985; Walker, 1986; Miedema, Location: U.K.: Alton, Bentley (Hampshire) Vos, de Jong, 2000 N=: 388 interviews (fewer respondents) Notes: This survey was designed under Noise Data: Yes Commission of European Communities Reference: Dawson, 1973 auspices for comparison with an Orly Notes: Some 225 respondents from 135 homes Survey (FRA-239) and a Schiphol Survey were interviewed in July 1971. After the (NET-240). September bypass opening, 163 respondents UKD-241 from 97 homes were interviewed in July of 1982 Heathrow Combined Aircraft/Road Traffic Survey 1972. Some homes (48) were included in Date: 1982 (July, September) both studies. Some interviews came from Source: Aircraft, Road traffic areas unaffected by the bypass. A different Location: U.K.: London Heathrow Airport interview was administered to a sample of N=: 417 pedestrians and people in shops and offices. Noise Data: Yes UKD-267 Reference: Cooper, Diamond, Rice, Walker, 1984a 1970s Lake District A66 Traffic Change Study (Residents) Notes: The sample is located in five aircraft noise Date: 1973, 1977, 1978 (August and September areas with a high and low ambient noise site in all years) in each. This study was conducted as an Source: Road traffic extension of the 1982 Aircraft Noise Index Location: U.K.: Lake District (Vicinity of Study (UKD-242). Ambient noise does not Cockermouth and Keswick) consistently influence aircraft noise N=: 1,596 (794 in 1973, 775 in 1977/1978) annoyance. Noise Data: No (Information was only presented on UKD-242 numbers of vehicles.) 1982 United Kingdom Aircraft Noise Index Study Reference: Prescott-Clarke, 1974; Prescott-Clarke, Date: 1982 (July to September) 1977; Prescott-Clarke, 1979; Prescott- Source: Aircraft Clarke, 1980 Location: U.K.: 5 airports (Heathrow, Gatwick, Notes: Different samples of residents were Luton, Manchester, Aberdeen) interviewed in 1973 (construction started in N=: 2,097 1974) and in 1977 and 1978 shortly after Noise Data: Yes construction was completed. The changes Reference: Atkins, Nurse, Richmond, 1984; Brooker, in the road were seen as improvements by 1983; Brooker, Richmond, 1985a Brooker, both residents and visitors. Richmond, 1985b; Brooker, Critchley, UKD-268 Monkman, Richmond, 1985; Prescott-Clarke, TRRL Multiple-Site Road Traffic Flow Change Study 1983; Miedema, Vos, de Jong, 2000 (Residents) Notes: Results from a 1980 pilot survey were not Date: 1975-1976 for at least some sites (Tring: reported. LAeq provides a better weighting June 1975, September 1975, around of number of events than does NNI. A 1982 December 1976; Mere: May 1976, ambient noise survey (UKD-241) was September 1976; Boughton, Bridge, and conducted as an extension of this study. Dunkirk: 1976) The survey is sometimes labeled the Source: Road traffic "ANIS" study. Location: U.K.: Tring, Mere, Bridge, Lewes, East UKD-243 Grinstead, Ludlow, Leeds (2 locations), 1981 United Kingdom General Aviation Airport Survey Boughton (Only surveyed after change) Date: 1981 (Summer, Early Autumn) N=: At least 832 interviews from at least 582 Source: Aircraft respondents. (Tring: 132 before change, 126 Location: U.K.: Coventry, Kidlington, Leavesden, after change; Mere: 137 before, 123 after; Shoreham, Staverton Boughton: 165 after; Dunkirk 28 after; N=: 399 Bridge 113 [before and after combined]:) Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: Yes Reference: Brooker, 1982; Brooker, Davies, 1983; Reference: Griffiths, Raw, 1989; Langdon, Griffiths, Brooker, Davies, 1984; Diamond, Walker, 1982; Mackie, Davies, 1981; Mackie, Ollerhead, Critchley, Bradshaw, 1987; Griffin, 1977; Mackie, Griffin, 1978a; Directorate of Operational Research and Mackie, Griffin, 1978b; Mackie, Forster, Analysis, 1982b; Taylor Nelson & 1978 Associates, 1982; Monkman, 1981; Nurse, 1981 Notes: At most study sites, residents were Notes: Noise annoyance at one general aviation interviewed both before and after road traffic Wyle 64 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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flows changed. Traffic was reduced at most Notes: Noise from neighbors and other people sites by new bypasses. In Leeds, however, nearby was the most widespread source of a lorry control scheme decreased noise levels noise disturbance (i.e., even more annoying at one site and increased noise at another. than traffic noise). Noise disturbance was Five sites were reinterviewed 6 to 7 years measured on few questions included in a later in another study (UKD-298). multi-purpose, national omnibus opinion UKD-270 survey. 1983 English Road Traffic Vibration Survey UKD-297 Date: 1983 (April) 1985 Follow-up of 1983 New Road Opening Survey Source: Road traffic Date: 1985 (March, April) Location: U.K.: Southern England Source: Road traffic N=: 1,625 over 50 sites Location: U.K.: Coggeshall, Ampthill, Beccles Noise Data: Yes: noise and vibration data N=: 90 Reference: Watts, 1984; Watts, 1985; Watts, 1987 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Measured noise levels are analyzed with Reference: Griffiths, Raw, 1989 respect to vibration annoyance. It was not Notes: Respondents had previously been possible to determine whether measured interviewed before the reduction in noise vibration levels are significantly related to environment and at two to three months vibration annoyance. Noise was more after the change in noise environment (UKD- annoying than vibration at all surveyed sites. 237). In the present survey, 17-22 months UKD-277 after the change, annoyance was still higher TRRL Four-Road Laboratory/Field Comparison Study than predicted from some other surveys. Date: 1980 Publication (Survey date not reported) UKD-298 Source: Road traffic 1985 Follow-up of TRRL Multiple-Site Traffic Flow Location: U.K.: Four roads in Berkshire and Surrey Change Study N=: 173 Date: 1985 Noise Data: Yes Source: Road traffic Reference: Rosman, 1980 Location: U.K.: Boughton, Bridge, Mere, Lewes, East Notes: Respondents were recruited for a related Grinstead laboratory study. After arriving at the N=: 430 laboratory they answered a self-administered Noise Data: Yes questionnaire about their living experiences Reference: Griffiths, Raw, 1989 at home on their own road. They also rated Notes: After a gap of from seven to nine years, the other roads during a visual and auditory interviews were repeated in five of a previous presentation in the laboratory. Laboratory survey's study areas both before and after assessments were not affected by the subject's changes in traffic noise environments (UKD- own home environment. The laboratory 268). New residents are more annoyed than assessments were not substitutes for home those who experienced the change. assessments. UKD-305 UKD-284 1980-83 Noise Sensitivity Follow-up Survey 1983 English 11-Site Gypsy Traffic Noise Survey Date: 1980 (July-September), 1983 (November, Date: 1983 (February, March) December) Source: Road traffic Source: Aircraft noise Location: U.K.:11 temporary gypsy camp sites in Location: U.K.: West London areas near Heathrow Surrey airport N=: 149 N=: 137 (77 respondents, 60 reinterviewed in Noise Data: Yes 1983) Reference: Griffiths, Raw, Hill, Storrar, 1985; Surrey Noise Data: Yes County Council, 1983 Reference: Stansfeld, 1983; Stansfeld, 1988; Stansfeld, Notes: These gypsies lived in mobile homes and 1992; Stansfeld, Clark, Jenkins, were not permanently settled at the sites. Tarnopolsky, 1985a; Stansfeld, Clark, They reported less noise annoyance with the Jenkins, Tarnopolsky, 1985b same noise exposure than had a stable Notes: A total of 77 women participants in a 1977 population in a previous survey (UKD-157). Heathrow survey (UKD-148) were UKD-296 interviewed in 1980. In 1983, 60 of the 1985 Great Britain Neighborhood Noise Survey participants completed an additional self- Date: 1985 (November) administered questionnaire and provided Source: Community (especially noise from psychological and physiological data. Some neighbors) differences were found between high and low Location: U.K.: Representative probability sample noise-sensitive subjects. N=: 4,886 structured interviews (31 semi- UKD-309 structured, follow-up interviews) 1977 Hamble Airfield Survey Noise Data: No Date: 1977 (October) to 1978 (January) Reference: Utley, Keighley, 1988 Source: Aircraft Wyle 65 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Location: U.K.: Hamble N=: 900 households N=: 445 (probability sample within 3 miles of Noise Data: Yes airport) Reference: Hume, Thomas, 1993 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Responses were gathered using a computer- Reference: Directorate of Operational Research and aided telephone interview. Analysis, 1982a; Stowell, Makinson, 1979 UKD-351 Notes: The airfield is almost entirely a training 1988 TRL 35-Site Traffic Noise Survey center for single and twin-piston engine Date: 1988 (October to December) aircraft. Annoyance is not related to 12-hour Source: Road traffic NNI. Most respondents were below 35 Location: U.K. NNI. The amount of annoyance was similar N=: 1,646 to that below 35 NNI around London Noise Data: Yes Heathrow airport. Reference: Baughan, Huddart, 1992; Baughan, UKD-324 Huddart, 1993; Huddart, Baughan, 1993 1986 English General Aviation Survey Notes: This study's results provide a steady-state Date: 1986 (July to September) baseline for comparisons to changing noise Source: Aircraft environments in another study (UKD-325). Location: U.K.: Wycombe, Elstree, Shoreham, UKD-355 Southampton, Biggin Hill 1990 East London Docklands Light Rail Survey N=: 390 Date: 1990 Noise Data: Yes Source: Light railway Reference: Atkinson, Critchley, Devine, 1988; Location: U.K.: East London Diamond, Ollerhead, Bradshaw, Walker, N=: 149 Critchley, 1988; Diamond, Walker, Noise Data: Yes Ollerhead, Critchley, Bradshaw, 1987; Reference: Shield, 1992; Shield, Zhukov, 1992; Huswitt, 1987 Shield, Zhukov, 1993 Notes: Some evidence suggests that general Notes: Mail questionnaires were used at 16 sites. aviation noise is more annoying than The effect of low frequency noise is scheduled air traffic noise. investigated. UKD-325 UKD-422 1989-91 TRL 15-Site Traffic Change Study 1997 English Residential Soundproofing Survey Date: 1989 (February) to 1991 (January) Date: 1997 (July, August) Source: Road traffic Source: Interior (neighbors in flats) Location: U.K. Location: U.K.: many areas in England N=: 1,407 N=: 147 (approximately 200 conducted, but only Noise Data: Yes 147 analyzed due to uncertainty about Reference: Baughan, Huddart, 1992; Baughan, insulation conditions) Huddart, 1993 Noise Data: Yes: sound insulation information Notes: Noise reactions were different from those Reference: Grimwood, Tinsdeall, 1998 found for steady-state conditions in another Notes: The study concluded that residents do not study (UKD-351). rate the noise insulation properties of their UKD-339 dwellings directly, but rather base their 1991 United Kingdom Four-Airport Sleep Survey subjective impressions on the noises heard. Date: 1991 (March to August) UKD-423 Source: Aircraft 1991 England/Wales Environmental Noise Survey Location: U.K. Date: 1991 (November) N=: 1,636 Source: Many types of environmental noises Noise Data: Yes Location: U.K.: England and Wales Reference: Diamond, Reyner, Horne, Brooks, 2000; N=: 2,373 Jones, Ollerhead, 1992; Ollerhead et al., Noise Data: No 1992; Ollerhead, Diamond, 1993; Reference: Grimwood, 1993; Grimwood, Ling, Ollerhead, Jones, 1993; Pearsons, Wright, 1998 Tabachnick, Fidell, 2000; Porter, Kershaw, Notes: Respondents from a representative sample Ollerhead, 2000;Robertson, Flindell, were asked about many noise sources. No Jiggins, Wright, Turner, 2000 noise information is available. Notes: This social survey was part of a more UKD-424 extensive series of nightly observation of 1999 Bristol Community Noise Survey indicators of sleep disturbance patterns. Date: 1999 (July, August) UKD-347 Source: Many community noise sources 1990 Manchester Airport Sleep Survey Location: U.K.: Bristol Date: 1990 (May) N=: 543 Source: Aircraft Noise Data: No noise data described Location: U.K.: 9 communities around Manchester Reference: Diamond, Stephenson, Sheppard, Smith, Airport Hayward, Heatherley, Raw, Stansfeld, 2000; Wyle 66 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Smith, Rich, 2000; Smith, Hayward, Rich, their annoyance in their homes. The 2000; Hayward, 1999; Smith, Rich, questions were read to the children as a class Wilson, Nutt, 2001 group. Of the 340 children surveyed in Notes: The study investigates relationships 1996, 275 were surveyed again in 1997. between noise exposure, noise sensitivity, UKD-436 noise disturbed sleep, and health using a London/Birmingham Converted Flats Survey postal survey. A second phase survey was Date: 1991 Publication (Survey date not reported) conducted in 2000 but a report had not been Source: Interior noise, Exterior noise (limited issued by the end of 2000. information) UKD-425 Location: U.K.: London, Birmingham 1990s UK Road Resurfacing Survey N=: 422 (additional interviews were obtained Date: 1994 (June), 1995 (June), 1998 (June) ( road from 197 neighbors living above resurfacing between first two surveys) respondents) and 181 neighbors living Source: Motorway traffic Noise Data: Noise measurements were being made at the Location: U.K.: 4 rural villages time of the 1991 publication N=: 728 interviews from 182 respondents over Reference: Raw, Oseland, 1991 three survey years Notes: The study was conducted to determine what Noise Data: Yes factors influence response to noise in houses Reference: Baughan, Chinn, Harris, Stait, 2000; converted to flats. About 50 percent of the Baughan, Chinn, Harris, Stait, Phillips, respondents felt that the sound insulation 2002 between flats was poor. Notes: The study examined the effect of resurfacing UKD-481 with porous asphalt on road traffic noise UK 30-Site Noise Insulation Treatment Evaluation Survey levels and on residents' perceptions of those Date: 1983 Publication (Survey date not reported) noise levels. Source: Road traffic UKD-426 Location: U.K.: 30 sites in 10 cities UK Road Traffic and Ischemic Heart Disease Study N=: 882 Date: 1984 - 1988 (Caerphilly), 1982 - 85 Noise Data: Yes: measures of both exterior exposures (Speedwell) and attenuation Source: Road traffic Reference: Utley, Buller, Keighley, Sargent, Location: U.K.: Caerphilly(South Wales) and 1986;Utley, Keighley, Sargent, 1983; Speedwell (England) Sargent, 1984 N=: 3,997,(3,930 with complete information) Notes: Respondents gave their opinions about the Analyses for 3,930 men for whom complete sound insulation package that had been information was available. installed in their homes. Only about 8 Noise Data: Yes percent reported that the sound insulation Reference: Babisch, Ising, Elwood, Sharp, Bainton, package as a whole was unsatisfactory, but 1993; Babisch, Ising, Gallacher, 2000; many more disliked the ventilator part of the Babisch, Ising, Gallacher, Sweetnam, package. A separate pilot study was Elwood, 1998; Babisch, Ising, Gallacher, conducted with 94 respondents at three Sweetnam, Elwood, 1999; Stansfeld, sites. Gallacher, Babisch, Elwood, 1993; UKD-482 Stansfeld, Gallacher, Babisch, Shipley, 1999-2000 UK 5-Airport Night Noise Perception Survey 1996; Stansfeld, Gallacher, Sharp, Babisch, Date: 1999 (November) - 2000 (January plus a few 1993 outside this period) Notes: The primary objective is to study the Source: Aircraft relationship between road traffic noise and Location: U.K.: 20 sites at 5 airports (Heathrow, East Ischemic heart disease in men more than 45 Midlands, Gatwick, Manchester, Stansted) years of age. In the second phase of the study, N=: 1,531 face-to-face interviews were administered Noise Data: No when men came to a clinic. Reference: Diamond, Smith, Hayward, Heatherley, UKD-427 Sheppard, 2000; Diamond, Stephenson, 1996-97 Heathrow Area Children Noise Survey Sheppard, Smith, Hayward, Heatherley, Date: 1996 ( baseline), 1997 (follow-up) Raw, Stansfeld, 2000 Source: Aircraft, limited information on other sources Notes: The study was designed to identify the Location: U.K.: 8 primary schools near London nature and extent to which residents perceive Heathrow Airport their lives are impacted by noise at night. N=: 615 from 340 children(340 primary school This is a face-to-face interview survey, but a children in 1996: 275 were surveyed again related mail survey was also conducted in 1997) (UKD-489). Noise Data: Yes UKD-483 Reference: Haines, Stansfeld, 2000; Haines, Stansfeld, 1999 Manchester Nighttime Aircraft Noise Trial Job, Berglund, 1998 Methodology Study Notes: School children provided information about Date: 1999 (September) Wyle 67 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Source: Aircraft Notes: University students answered this written Location: U.K.: Manchester airport questionnaire's general statements about N=: 18 respondents on several nights (9 neighbors' noise without direct reference to respondents each from high and low noise their present residence. There are some areas) differences between perceptions and attitudes Noise Data: Yes: inside and outside toward neighbors' noise in England, Germany Reference: Flindell, Bullmore, Robertson, Wright, and Japan. The questionnaire is nearly Turner, Birch, Jiggins, Berry, Davison, identical to questionnaires administered in Dix, 2000; Robertson, Flindell, Jiggins, Japan (JPN-510), Germany (GER-511), China Wright, Turner, 2000 (CHI-514), and the United States (USA-513). Notes: This trial study was conducted for planning UKD-542 another study (UKD-339). The study tested 1999 UK National Noise Attitude Survey alternative methods for measuring the effects Date: 1999 (November) of aircraft noise during sleeping periods. Source: Road traffic, Railway, Aircraft, Community Subjects were instrumented each night and Location: United Kingdom: 51 districts in England then slept at their home. Awakenings were and Wales measured with instruments and with a N=: 5,410 questionnaire completed the next morning. Noise Data: No UKD-484 Reference: Ling, Wright, Grimwood, 2000; 1992-94 Great Britain Insulation Complaint Survey Grimwood, Skinner, Raw, Ling, 2002 Date: 1992 (April) to 1994 (March) Notes: As an update to a 1991 nationwide survey Source: Neighbors, Any interior sounds from (UKD-423), two groups were surveyed outside a flat using different questionnaires in order to Location: U.K.: England and Wales track changes in community attitudes to N=: 80 (one occupant and one neighbor for each environmental noise. of 40 flats) UKD-549 Noise Data: Yes 2000 West London Schools Survey Reference: Grimwood, 1997 Date: 2000 Notes: Residents who had earlier complained to Source: Community authorities about noise were interviewed. Location: United Kingdom: West London Many complainants live in dwellings with N=: 18 insulation below the generally accepted Noise Data: No standard, but some are dissatisfied even Reference: Haines, Brentnall, Stansfeld, 2001; Matsui, when the noise insulation standards were Stansfeld, Haines, Head, 2004; Haines, met. In some cases this is due to types of Brentnall, Stansfeld, Klineberg, 2003 noise that are not controlled by regulations. Notes: Children were interviewed regarding their UKD-489 reaction to noise sources at home, however 1999-2000 UK 4-Airport Night Noise Mail Survey home noise exposure was not estimated. Date: 1999 (November, December) - 2000 The relationship between cognitive (primarily in January) performance and aircraft noise exposure at Source: Aircraft home was analyzed statistically. Location: United Kingdom.: Areas around four UKD-567 airports (Heathrow, East Midlands, 2003 HYENA (Hypertension and Exposure to Noise near Manchester, Coventry) Airports) Study N=: 672 Date: 2003-2005 Noise Data: No Source: Aircraft Reference: Diamond, Smith, Hayward, Heatherley, Location: United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, Sheppard, 2000; Diamond, Stephenson, Netherlands, Italy, Greece Sheppard, Smith, Hayward, Heatherley, N=: 4,861 Raw, Stansfeld, 2000 Noise Data: Yes Notes: A postal questionnaire was followed by two Reference: Babisch et al, 2007; Jarup, Babisch, follow-up mailings. A related face-to-face Houthuijs, Pershagen, Katsouyanni, survey was also conducted (UKD482). Velonakis, Cadum, 2008 UKD-512 Notes: As part of the HYENA study (Hypertension Student Noise Attitudes Study (Britain) and Exposure to Noise near Airports), social Date: 1980 or/and 1981 surveys were carried out simultaneously in Source: Sounds from neighbors six European countries to assess the Location: U.K. relationship between aircraft noise and road N=: 110 traffic noise, and compared to modeled noise Noise Data: No contours. Reference: Florentine, Namba, Kuwano, 1986; Namba, Kuwano, 1986; Namba, Kuwano, Schick, 1986; Thomas, Namba, Schick, Kuwano, 1983 Wyle 68 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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UKD-581 2001; Skinner, Jackson, Grimwood, Raw, 2003 Merseyside Noise Survey 2001 Date: 2003 Notes: This study, which included a self-completed Source: Transportation noise questionnaire on various noise sources, Location: United Kingdom: Merseyside included a number of respondents to a N=: 1,170 previous survey (UKD-243). Noise Noise Data: Yes measurements were included as part of the Reference: Hepworth, Page, 2004 study, which concluded that changes in Notes: A study (survey and measurements) was noise levels and noise exposure between undertaken to ascertain the extent to which 1990 and 2000 were small in magnitude. people perceive noise (specifically UKD-604 transportation noise sources) to be a 2005 Attitudes to Noise from Aviation Sources in England problem and to identify which types of noise (ANASE) and noise sources are perceived to have the Date: 2005 (August) - 2006 (February) greatest effect on quality of life. Noise Source: Aircraft, Miscellaneous measurements were included (24 hours at 90 Location: United Kingdom: Areas surrounding the 20 locations). The results were compared with busiest commercial airports a previous survey completed in 1999 (UKD- N=: 2,132 603). Noise Data: Yes UKD-593 Reference: Le Masurier, 2007a; Le Masurier, 2007b; Le London Children's Noise Exposure at School and Home Masurier, 2007c; Flindell, 2007; Havelock, Date: 2004 publication (Survey date not reported) Turner, 2007 Source: Community (Classroom and home) Notes: Areas around the 20 busiest airports in the Location: United Kingdom: London United Kingdom were selected by N=: 2,036 evaluating the average event sound level and Noise Data: Yes number of aircraft movements. Residents Reference: Dockrell, Shield, 2004 were surveyed face-to-face regarding their Notes: A survey designed to assess children’s attitudes to transportation noise sources, awareness of environmental noise sources at such that the study could assess the home and at school, to evaluate the extent to correlation with Leq noise levels and which the child’s developmental stage impacts investigate the willingness to pay to address the perceptions of noise and relative noise exposure. Field measurements were annoyance, and to document children’s ability carried out at 19 of the sample survey sites. to differentiate good and poor listening UKD-610 situations in classrooms was undertaken in 2002 RANCH Airport Field Study (United Kingdom) areas covering a range of primary school Date: 2002 (April - October) environments. Source: Aircraft, Road traffic UKD-601 Location: United Kingdom: London, areas around 2000 Bristol Longitudinal Sleep Study London Heathrow Airport Date: 2000 N=: 1,182 Source: Community Noise Data: Yes Location: United Kingdom: Bristol Reference: van Kamp, van Kempen, Stellato, Fisher, N=: 275 Matheson, Asker, Haines, Clark, Stansfeld, Noise Data: Yes 2003; van Kamp, Nilsson, van Kempen, Reference: Smith, Rich, Wilson, Nutt, 2001 Stellato, Lopez-Barrio, Davies, Stansfeld, Notes: A longitudinal follow-up study was 2004; Stansfeld, Berglund, Clark, Lopez conducted 12 months following UKD-424 Barrio, Fischer, Öhrström, Haines, Head, to evaluate associations between noise Hygge, van Kamp, Berry, 2005; Stansfeld, exposure, sleep disturbance, noise Clark, Cameron, Haines, van Kamp, van sensitivity, and subjective health. Noise Kempen, 2004; Clark, Stansfeld, Haines, measurements were taken from 2300 hours Alfred, Davies, van Kempen, Lopez Barrio, to 0800 hours. 2005; Stansfeld, Clark, Alfred, 2006; Clark, UKD-603 Stansfeld, Berglund, Nilsson, Gidlöf- ¶2000 UK National Noise Incidence Survey Gunnarsson, van Kamp, van Kempen, Date: 2000 - 2001 Lopez Barrio, 2006 Source: Road traffic, Railway, Ttransportation Notes: As part of the RANCH project (see also sources NET-575, SPA-571), schoolchildren were Location: United Kingdom: 51 districts in England surveyed to evaluate exposure response and Wales relationships between chronic noise N=: 1,020 exposure and physical and psychological Noise Data: Yes health outcomes. Noise levels were based on Reference: Ling, Wright, Grimwood, 2000; Skinner, 16 hour Laeq noise contours for aircraft and Grimwood, 2002; Wright, Skinner, road traffic noise levels were both modeled Grimwood, 2001; Skinner, Grimwood, and measured. Wyle 69 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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UKD-618 Notes: A total of 1,043 respondents were 2002 Eurocontrol 5A Aircraft Annoyance Survey - reinterviewed. Both telephone and face-to- Manchester Airport face interviews were used for the reinterview. Date: 2002 Some interviews were carried out to test Source: Aircraft for reinterviewing effects and to test for Location: United Kingdom: Areas near Manchester differences between face-to-face and telephone airport interviewing. N=: 195 USA-012 Noise Data: Yes 1964 Oklahoma City Sonic Boom Study Reference: Bristow, Batley, Wardman, Hullah, Date: 1964 Plachinski, 2005; Bristow, Wardman, Source: Sonic booms from military aircraft 2003; Bristow, Batley, Wardman, Heaver, Location: U.S.A.: Oklahoma City area Plachinski, 2004; Hullah, Plachinski, N=: 8,997 interviews from approximately 3,200 Bristow, Wardman, 2005; Hume, Morely, respondents Callum, 2003; Bristow, Wardman, 2004 Noise Data: No Notes: Residents near Manchester Airport, Lyon Reference: Borsky, 1965; Hilton, Huckel, Steiner, Airport (FRA-619), and Bucharest Airport Maglieri, 1964; Maglieri, Sothcott, 1990 (ROM-620) were surveyed regarding noise Notes: Most original respondents were from aircraft and other activity, disturbances reinterviewed twice by telephone. Some caused by noise, variations in annoyance by interviews were conducted to test for time of day, and socio-economic variables. reinterviewing effects and to test for The results were compared to noise levels differences between telephone and face-to-face supplied by EUROCONTROL. interviews. Some changes occurred in the USA-004 questionnaire between waves. 1953 USA Eight-Airport Noise Survey USA-020 Date: 1953 (Spring and Fall) 1966 USA Three-City Community Noise Study Source: Aircraft Date: 1966 Location: U.S.A.: Eight airports in 7 cities (Atlanta, Source: Community, Road traffic Chicago, Memphis, Miami, Minneapolis, Location: U.S.A.: Los Angeles, Boston, New York Philadelphia, St. Louis, Idlewild (New N=: 259 York), La Guardia (New York)) Noise Data: No N=: 3,635 Reference: Bolt Beranek, Newman, 1967 Noise Data: Yes Notes: None Reference: Borsky, 1954; Borsky, 1961a USA-022 Notes: Fear and aircraft noise annoyance are related. 1967 USA Four-Airport Survey (Phase I Tracor Survey) USA-006 Date: 1967 (May to August) 1957 USA Air Force Base Noise Survey Source: Aircraft Date: 1957 (May to July), (Pilot in June, July Location: U.S.A.: 4 airports; Chicago, Dallas, 1956) Denver, Los Angeles Source: Aircraft N=: 3,590 Location: U.S.A.: One East coast and one West coast Noise Data: Yes Tactical Air Command Base (Also a pilot Reference: Connor, 1968; Connor, Patterson, 1972; study at a West coast Strategic Air Connor, Patterson, 1976; Fidell, Barber, Command base) Schultz, 1991; Hazard, 1968; Hazard, N=: 1,598 in main study, (732 in pilot study) 1971; Patterson, 1975; Patterson, Connor, Noise Data: Yes 1973; Schultz, 1978; Tracor, 1971 Reference: Borsky, 1961a; Borsky, 1961b Notes: This is the first of three surveys (USA-044, Notes: This is one of the first studies of reactions to USA-032). This first survey's questionnaire jet aircraft noise. Annoyance is increased differed substantially from the other two. by fear of aircraft crashes. One report USA-023 presents results from several rounds of 1967-68 SR-71 Supersonic Aircraft Noise Study preliminary unstructured interviews Date: 1967-1968 (Borsky, 1961a). Source: Sonic booms USA-007 Location: U.S.A.: Six metropolitan areas; Atlanta, 1961 St Louis Sonic Boom Study Chicago Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, Date: 1961 (November, December), 1962 Minneapolis (January) N=: 6,375 interviews (Some respondents were Source: Sonic booms from military aircraft interviewed more than once.) Location: U.S.A.: St. Louis Area Noise Data: No N=: Approximately 2,200 interviews from Reference: Tracor, 1970 approximately 1,157 respondents Notes: Some interviews were held before, during Noise Data: No and after the supersonic overflights. The Reference: Borsky, 1962; Nixon, Borsky, 1966; questionnaire was altered between interview Nixon, Hubbard, 1965 phases. The study includes a subsample of Wyle 70 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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complainants. N=: 325 (Five study sites) USA-027 Noise Data: Yes 1968 LAX Aircraft Noise Study Reference: Galloway, Clark, Kerrick, 1969 Date: 1968 (October) Notes: The relationship between noise level and Source: Aircraft annoyance was very weak but statistically Location: U.S.A.: Los Angeles International Airport significant. N=: 200 USA-044 Noise Data: No 1970 USA Small City Airports (Small City Tracor survey) Reference: Zamarin, Langdon, Gabriel, 1971 Date: 1970 (October) to 1971 (January) Notes: This was a qualitative planning study for Source: Aircraft the 1969 LAX study (USA-031). Location: U.S.A.: Two airports; Chattanooga, Reno USA-031 N=: 1,960 1969 LAX Aircraft Noise Study Noise Data: Yes Date: 1969 (Autumn) Reference: Connor, Patterson, 1972; Connor, Source: Aircraft Patterson, 1976; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, Location: U.S.A.: Los Angeles International Airport 1991; Patterson, 1975; Patterson, Connor, N=: 500 1973; Schultz, 1978 Noise Data: No Notes: This is the third of a series of three surveys Reference: Burrows, Zamarin, 1972; Zamarin, (USA-022, USA-032). The interview is Langdon, Gabriel, 1971 almost identical to the second survey's Notes: None interview (USA-032). USA-032 USA-047 1969 USA Three-Airport Survey (Phase II Tracor Survey) 1970 Minneapolis Freeway Noise Study Date: 1969 (July to November) Date: 1970 (July, August) Source: Aircraft Source: Expressway traffic Location: U.S.A.: Three Airports; Boston, Miami, Location: U.S.A.: Interstate Highway I35W in New York Minneapolis, Minnesota N=: 2,912 N=: 148 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: No Reference: Connor, Patterson, 1972; Connor, Reference: Bouchard, 1970; Lambert, 1971; Minnesota Patterson, 1976; Edmiston, 1972; Hazard, Dept.of Transportation, 1971 1971; Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Notes: The 1972 Minneapolis Freeway Noise Patterson, 1975; Patterson, Connor, 1973; Barrier Study (USA-069) was also Schultz, 1978; Tracor, 1971 conducted in this area. Notes: This is the second of a series of three USA-048 surveys (USA-022, USA-044). The 1970 C.R.P. Inglewood Community Noise Survey interview is almost identical to the third Date: 1970 (January) survey's interview (USA-044). Source: Aircraft, Community USA-039 Location: U.S.A.: Inglewood (California) 1969-70 San Francisco Three-Street Pilot Study N=: 5,500 Date: 1969-1970 Noise Data: Yes Source: Community Reference: Toward a Quality City, 1972 Location: U.S.A.: San Francisco Notes: A mailed survey was used (13% response N=: 36 rate). Noise Data: Yes USA-049 Reference: Appleyard, Lintell, 1972 1970 Cedar Rock Drive Neighborhood Noise Investigation Notes: This study explores a wide range of Date: 1970 reactions and behavior associated with many Source: Manufacturing plan aspects of traffic (including noise). Location: U.S.A.: one neighborhood in Pickens, USA-040 South Carolina 1969 Inglewood Community Noise Survey N=: 17 Date: 1969 (December) Noise Data: Yes Source: Community Reference: Hart, Reiter, Royster, 1972 Location: U.S.A.: Inglewood (California) Notes: Two of the 17 respondents were in business N=: 13,000 establishments. Only one question was Noise Data: Yes for aircraft asked of each person. The study was used Reference: Toward a Quality City, 1972 in a court case. Notes: The study is briefly described on pages 105 USA-051 and 106 in the publication. 1971 J.F.K. Dynamic Preferential Runway System Survey USA-043 Date: 1971 (August, September) Los Angeles Freeway Five-Site Study Source: Aircraft Date: 1969 Publication (Survey date not reported) Location: U.S.A.: John F. Kennedy Airport (New Source: Freeway traffic York) Location: U.S.A.: Los Angeles N=: 441 Wyle 71 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Noise Data: No Reference: Appleyard, Carp, 1973; Carp, Carp, 1982a; Reference: Patterson, Edmiston, Connor, 1972 Carp, Carp, 1982b; Carp, Carp, 1982c; Notes: Study areas were chosen to provide a closely Carp, Zawadski, Shokron, 1976 comparable sample to that from the 1969 Notes: The survey is part of a larger, multi-sample Tracor study (USA-032) to study changes in assessment project. Trains were running on reactions due to a new dynamic preferential a trial basis before the Bay Area Rapid runway system at J.F.K. The two-month Transit system (BART) opened to trial period was too short a time for an passengers. Noise annoyance is less for adequate evaluation. older respondents. USA-057 USA-067 USA Vehicle Noise Situation Survey 1972 Boulder Community Noise Survey Date: 1971 Publication (Survey date not reported) Date: 1972 (March, April) Source: Road traffic Source: Community Location: U.S.A.: Boston, Los Angeles, Detroit Location: U.S.A.: Boulder, Colorado N=: 1,201 (60 sites) N=: 917 Noise Data: Yes (for 20 sites) Noise Data: No Reference: Bolt Beranek, Newman, 1971a; Bolt Reference: Chanaud, 1972 Beranek, Newman, 1971b; Franken, 1971; Notes: Motorcycles, road traffic, and barking dogs Jones, 1971 are the most important noise problems. Notes: These telephone interviews followed a USA-068 loosely structured, conversational format. 1972 College Park Community Noise Survey The survey explored the "vehicle noise Date: 1972 situations that annoyed" respondents. Source: Community USA-058 Location: U.S.A.: College Park (Georgia) Philadelphia Community Noise Survey N=: 280 Date: 1969 Publication (Survey date not reported) Noise Data: Yes Source: Community Reference: Lambert, et al., 1973 Location: U.S.A.: Philadelphia Notes: Annoyance is not correlated with noise N=: 500 level. Noise Data: No USA-069 Reference: Bragdon, 1969; Bragdon, 1971 1972 Minneapolis Freeway Noise Barrier Study Notes: Length of residence does not affect Date: 1972 (June to August), 1973 (July, August) annoyance. Source: Expressway traffic USA-059 Location: U.S.A.: Interstate Highway I-35W at 1972 J.F.K. Airport Noise Survey Minnehaha Creek in Minneapolis, Minnesota Date: 1972 (February, March, August, October) N=: 272 interviews (from about 205 respondents) Source: Aircraft Noise Data: Yes (for the first three rows of houses) Location: U.S.A.: John F. Kennedy airport (New Reference: Lambert, 1978; Lambert, Bouchard, 1974 York) Notes: Residents were interviewed before and about N=: 2,930 interviews from 1465 respondents seven months after a barrier was installed. Noise Data: Yes The barrier reduced noise levels and Reference: Borsky, 1974b; Borsky, 1975; Borsky, annoyance. An earlier study (USA-047) had 1976a; Borsky, 1976b; Borsky, Leonard, been conducted in the same area. 1973; Leonard, Borsky, 1973 USA-070 Notes: The initial face-to-face interviews were 1972 Eastern USA Four-Community Highway Noise Survey followed by repeated interviews by Date: 1972 telephone. Source: Freeway traffic USA-060 Location: U.S.A.: Four communities (Bogota (New 1972 Portland Northshore Aircraft Survey Jersey), Towson (Maryland), North Date: 1972 (November) Springfield (Virginia), Rosedale (Maryland)) Source: Aircraft N=: 1,114 Location: U.S.A.: Portland, Oregon Noise Data: Yes N=: 303 Reference: Gamble, Langley, Pashek, Sauerlender, Noise Data: No Twark, 1973; Gamble, Sauerlender, Reference: Yaden, West, 1972 Langley, 1974; Humphrey, 1973 Notes: None Notes: The study examined both positive and USA-066 negative effects of highways (including 1972 BART Residential Impact Survey noise) on property values. Date: 1972 USA-081 Source: Suburban railway system (Bay Area Rapid Boulder Newspaper Community Noise Survey Transit system) Date: 1972 Publication (Survey date not reported) Location: U.S.A.: San Francisco area Source: Community N=: 2,541 Location: U.S.A.: Boulder (Colorado) Noise Data: No N=: 215 Wyle 72 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Noise Data: No Location: U.S.A.: Los Angeles Reference: Chanaud, 1972 N=: 696 from main sample (An additional 59 Notes: Readers selected themselves by mailing in a interviews from new freeway sites were not form printed in the Boulder Camera analyzed.) newspaper. Motorcycles, road traffic and Noise Data: Yes barking dogs were the most significant noise Reference: Jenkins, Pahl, 1975; Jenkins, Pahl, Carroll, problems. Alyassini, Heller, 1974; Small, Jenkins, USA-082 1982; Small, Jenkins, Carroll, 1976; Small, 1973 Los Angeles Airport Night Study Jenkins, Pahl, 1974 Date: 1973 (April to June) Notes: Subjective feelings about noise are more Source: Aircraft closely correlated with response to noise Location: U.S.A.: Los Angeles International Airport than behavioral measures. Residents are N=: 1,417 interviews, from 940 respondents annoyed by freeway noise even if they do Noise Data: Yes not report activity interference. Reference: Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Fidell, Jones, USA-089 1975; Schultz, 1978 1973 Portland-Multnomah Community Noise Survey Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted once Date: 1973 (September to November) before and twice after late night flights were Source: Community reduced. Interviews were conducted in both Location: U.S.A.: City of Portland and Multnomah English and Spanish. Annoyance was not County (Oregon) reduced by the reduction in nighttime noise N=: 59 exposure. Noise Data: No USA-083 Reference: MAN-Acoustics and Noise, 1975 1973 LAX Airport Noise Study Notes: Motor vehicle noise is the largest Date: 1973 (December) contributor to noise annoyance. Source: Aircraft USA-090 Location: U.S.A.: Los Angeles International Airport 1973 E.P.A. Community Noise Questionnaire Pilot Study N=: 880 Date: 1973 Noise Data: No Source: Community, Aircraft Reference: Olson Laboratories, 1976; Opinion Research Location: U.S.A.: Los Angeles, New York of California, 1975 N=: 179 Notes: None Noise Data: Yes USA-084 Reference: Sutherland, Braden, Colman, 1973 1973 J.F.K. Airport Noise Study Notes: The study was carried out in four diverse Date: 1973 (Autumn) types of areas to test an interview intended Source: Aircraft for general use by the U.S. Environmental Location: U.S.A.: John F. Kennedy Airport in New Protection Agency. York City USA-091 N=: 1,059 1973 Test of Real-Time Personal Annoyance Monitoring Noise Data: No Devices Reference: Borsky 1974a Date: 1973 Notes: The primary purpose of the field survey was Source: Community, Aircraft to recruit laboratory subjects. Location: U.S.A.: Los Angeles USA-085 N=: 11 1973 Seattle-Tacoma Airport Noise Study Noise Data: Yes Date: 1973 (May to July) Reference: Fidell, Jones, Pearsons, 1973 Source: Aircraft Notes: The primary data consisted of time-coded Location: U.S.A.: Seattle-Tacoma International ratings of individual noise events that Airport (three community areas) respondents sent using a wrist-worn F.M. N=: 716 transmitter. A summary questionnaire was Noise Data: Yes also used. Some subjects also described Reference: Fiedler, Fiedler, 1974; Fiedler, Fiedler, each noise event using a portable 1975; Hughes, Mabry, 1976 microphone. The participants produced data Notes: About half of the respondents (those in a that were consistent with detailed analyses. control group) were interviewed by USA-095 telephone. The number of open windows U.S. Census Bureau Annual Housing Surveys and presence of outdoor equipment were Date: 1976, 1977, 1979, 1981 1983 similar in high aircraft noise and other areas. Source: Community, Aircraft Two of the three study areas were far from Location: U.S.A.: National sample and selected the airport and served as control groups. Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas USA-088 (SMSA) 1973 U.S.C. Los Angeles Freeway Noise Study N=: Approximately 70,000 national Date: 1973 (July) to 1974 (January) representative interviews per year and Source: Freeway traffic approximately 5,000 to 15,000 additional Wyle 73 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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interviews in selected metropolitan areas. Noise Data: No Noise Data: No Reference: Appleyard, Gerson, Lintell, 1980 Reference: U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Notes: None Development, 1976 USA-110 Notes: This national survey included two noise 1975 J.F.K. Airport Noise Survey questions in 1976, 1977, 1979, 1981, and Date: 1975 (Autumn) 1983. The noise question wordings were Source: Aircraft not the same each year. The national Location: U.S.A.: John F. Kennedy Airport (New sample interviews were repeated in the same York) housing units each year. N=: 1,294 USA-096 Noise Data: No 1974 Fort Campbell Area Helicopter Noise Survey Reference: Borsky, 1977 Date: 1974 Notes: Interviews were conducted to support a Source: Helicopters laboratory study program. Location: U.S.A.: Near Fort Campbell in Kentucky USA-117 and Tennessee 1975 Boulder Noise Survey N=: 213 Date: 1975 (Summer) Noise Data: No (Some helicopter noise levels were Source: Community measured but not analyzed in publications.) Location: U.S.A.: Boulder (Colorado) Reference: Broderson, Edwards, 1976 N=: 184 Notes: The study evaluated proposed low-altitude Noise Data: Yes flights for 2,500 square miles surrounding Reference: Gourdin, 1975 Fort Campbell. Notes: Motorcycles, road traffic, and barking dogs USA-102 were the most significant noise problems. 1974 USA 24-Site Community Noise Survey USA-127 Date: 1974 (Spring) 1976-77 Dulles Concorde Noise Study Source: Community noise (neighborhood as well as Date: 1976 (May, December), 1977 (May) road traffic) Source: Aircraft Location: U.S.A.: 24 sites in seven cities Location: U.S.A.: Dulles International Airport N=: 2,037 (Washington, D.C.) Noise Data: Yes N=: 5,291 spread over three waves Reference: Fidell, 1977; Fidell, 1978; Fidell, Barber, Noise Data: No (Four noise impacted areas Schultz, 1991; Galloway, 1977; Simpson, werecharacterized with the verbal labels:" Pearsons, Fidell, Muehlenbeck, 1974; high, medium, low, non-impacted") Schultz, 1978 Reference: Bremond, 1979a; Committee on Notes: Interviews were conducted by telephone for Community Reactions to Concorde, 1977; 1834 respondents and in person for 203 Federal Aviation Administration, 1977; respondents. Kirschner Associates, 1976 USA-103 Notes: Telephone interviewing was conducted once 1974 Capital Beltway Survey before and twice after Concorde began Date: 1974 operations. Source: Freeway traffic USA-128 Location: U.S.A.: Suburb of Washington, D.C. 1976 Orange County Airport Noise Survey N=: 149 Date: 1976 Noise Data: No Source: Aircraft Reference: Humphrey, Bradshaw, Krout, 1978 Location: U.S.A.: Orange County (California) Notes: None N=: 666 USA-104 Noise Data: Yes 1974 Boston Economic Impact Pretest Reference: POS Associates, 1976 Date: 1974 Notes: The 1976 study was prepared for the Orange Source: Road traffic County Board of Supervisors. Some of the Location: U.S.A.: Boston Metropolitan Area questionnaire was used in a later 1977 N=: 60 survey (USA-145). Noise Data: No USA-129 Reference: Thorpe, Holmes, 1976 Albany/Louisville Aircraft Fear Study Notes: The questionnaire was tested for inclusion Date: 1975 (November, December: Louisville), in a large study of the economic welfare 1976 (June, July: Albany) effects of noise. Source: Aircraft USA-105 Location: U.S.A.: Albany (New York) and Louisville 1974 San Francisco Livable Streets Survey (Kentucky) Date: 1974 (June) N=: 200 Source: Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: U.S.A.: San Francisco Reference: Loeb, Moran, 1977; Moran, Gunn, Loeb, N=: 450 1981 Wyle 74 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Notes: Respondents were interviewed after aircraft 1977 Minnesota Five-Site Freeway Noise Barrier Study crashes in sites near and distant from the Date: 1977-1978 crashes in Albany (51 months after crash) Source: Freeway traffic and Louisville (six months after crash). Location: U.S.A.: 19 study areas in the Minneapolis- Respondents near crashes were more fearful St. Paul vicinity and more annoyed. N=: 756 questionnaires in the follow up survey, USA-143 a smaller number in the original survey 1977-78 Three-Phase J.F.K. Concorde Noise Study Noise Data: No Date: 1977 (October, November), 1978 (May, Reference: Minnesota Dept. of Transportation, 1980; June), 1978 (August, September) Orlich, 1979 Source: Aircraft Notes: Respondents complete a mail questionnaire Location: U.S.A.: John F. Kennedy Airport (New both before and after barrier installation in York) four areas and only after installation in 15 N=: 5,404 interviews from approximately 2,400 areas. The barriers were generally evaluated people positively. Noise Data: Yes USA-156 Reference: Borsky, 1978 1977 Ohio New Highway Survey Notes: Respondents were less annoyed during the Date: 1977 (three months before January 1978 one winter interview than during the two opening), 1978 (June), 1979(June) summer interviews. "No substantial Source: Road traffic differences" were found between those Location: U.S.A.: Ohio (a two-mile section along a reinterviewed and 400 new respondents. new motorway) USA-144 N=: 483 interviews (113 people interviewed 1977-78 F.A.A. J.F.K. Concorde Noise Study three times), 163 before opening, 163 for Date: 1977 (January to April), 1978 (January, first follow-up and 160 for second follow-up February) Noise Data: Yes: Noise data for after the highway Source: Aircraft Reference: Weinstein, 1980; Weinstein, 1982 Location: U.S.A.: John F. Kennedy Airport (New Notes: Residents were interviewed 3 months before York) and 4 months and 16 months after a new N=: 2,020 highway opened. Residents did not adapt Noise Data: Yes between the time of the 4-month and 16- Reference: Federal Aviation Administration, 1979 month interviews. A separate study of Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted nine public protest and home modifications was months before and three months after made at the last interview, but no references Concorde began operations. Respondents for this study are in the publications. disapproved of the decision to admit USA-166 Concorde more before than after operations 1978 Salt Lake Airport Noise Study began. Date: 1978 (May) USA-145 Source: Aircraft 1977 Orange County Airport Noise Study Location: U.S.A.: Salt Lake City (4 areas) Date: 1977 (January) N=: 353 Source: Aircraft Noise Data: Yes Location: U.S.A.: Orange County California Reference: Systems Control, 1978 N=: 400 Notes: Interviews were conducted by telephone. Noise Data: Yes (for 200 respondents) This was an Aircraft Noise Control and Reference: Opinion Research of California, 1977 Land Use Compatibility study. Notes: The study was prepared for the City of USA-167 Newport Beach. Some of the interview was 1978-79 USA Helicopter Survey of Selected Occupations designed for comparison with a 1976 study Date: 1978 (November), 1979 (February) (USA-128). Source: Helicopters USA-154 Location: U.S.A. 1977 Youngmann Highway Noise Abatement Study N=: 272 Date: 1977 (August) Noise Data: No Source: Expressway traffic Reference: Edwards, Broderson, Barbour, McCoy, Location: U.S.A.: Interstate Highway (I-290) in Johnson, 1979; Edwards, Broderson, Amherst (Buffalo), New York Johnson, 1980 N=: 160 Notes: Mail questionnaires were sent to wildlife Noise Data: Yes refuge managers, forest service employees, Reference: McColl, 1979 postmasters, and national park Notes: Interviews were conducted before superintendents. Information about their construction of a noise barrier. The major perceptions of other people's responses was noise problems were in the first two rows of also sought. Respondents reported about houses. reactions generally and thus may have USA-155 included work locations. Wyle 75 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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USA-170 Source: Aircraft 1978 U.S. Army Impulse Noise Survey Location: U.S.A.: Connecticut around Bradley Airport Date: 1978 (July to September) N=: 343 Source: Artillery, Helicopters Noise Data: Yes Location: U.S.A.: Vicinity of Ft. Bragg Reference: CH2M Hill, 1980 N=: 2,147 Notes: Randomly selected respondents were Noise Data: Yes interviewed by telephone. This was an Reference: Schomer, 1979; Schomer, 1981a; Schomer, Aircraft Noise Control and Land Use 1981b; Schomer, 1982; Schomer, 1983b Compatibility study. Notes: None USA-191 USA-171 1979 Philadelphia Aircraft Noise Survey 1978 Spokane Community Noise Survey Date: 1979 (November, December) Date: 1978 (Summer) Source: Aircraft, Community Source: Community Location: U.S.A.: Philadelphia International Airport Location: U.S.A.: Spokane County N=: 1,723 N=: 761 Noise Data: No Noise Data: No Reference: FAA, 1980 Reference: Perdue, 1979; Perdue, Coates, 1979 Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted. Notes: The study is based on a probability sample. USA-202 The survey showed support for a 1978-79 Time-of-Day Study with Annoyance Recording community noise control program. The Device interview was adapted from the Date: 1978 questionnaire developed for the U.S. Source: Aircraft Environmental Protection Agency. Location: U.S.A.: Burbank (California), Atlanta USA-172 (Georgia) 1978 Kentucky Urban Noise Survey N=: 46 Date: 1978 Noise Data: Yes Source: Community Reference: Horonjeff, Teffeteller, 1980 Location: U.S.A.: Kentucky (20 sites) Notes: Respondents were asked to push a personal, N=: 845 portable counter each time they were Noise Data: No (Respondents' exposures are not bothered by aircraft noise as they went about estimated from the collected noise data.) their normal daily activities. They were Reference: Broderson, Edwards, Hauser, 1979; also asked to report counter totals on a Broderson, Edwards, McCoy, Coakley, postcard four times a day. Brief pre-study 1981 and post-study questionnaires were also Notes: Self-administered questionnaires were used. completed. Surface transportation was the most USA-203 annoying noise source. 1979 Burbank Aircraft Noise Change Study USA-179 Date: 1979 (August) to 1980 (December) 1979 Oklahoma City Airport Noise Survey Source: Aircraft Date: 1979 (February) Location: U.S.A.: Four areas around an airport in Source: Aircraft Burbank, California Location: U.S.A.: Seven areas near Will Rogers N=: 5,041 interviews from more than 1,000 World Airport (Oklahoma City) Noise Data: Yes N=: 406 Reference: Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Fidell, Noise Data: Yes Horonjeff, Teffeteller, Pearsons, 1981; Reference: Systems Control, 1979 Fidell, Horonjeff, Mills, Baldwin, Notes: Interviews were conducted by telephone. Teffeteller, Pearsons, 1985; Fidell, This was an Airport Noise Control and Pearsons, 1985a; Fidell, Pearsons, 1985b; Land Use Compatibility study. Raw, Griffiths, 1985; Griffiths, Raw, 1985a; USA-183 Griffiths, Raw, 1985b 1979 Salt Lake City Community Noise Survey Notes: Interviews were carried out in four Date: 1979 (July, August) neighborhoods at five times: once before Source: Community closing one runway for repairs, three times Location: U.S.A.: Probability sample of Salt Lake City during the period the runway was closed, N=: 451 and once after the runway was reopened. Noise Data: No Both telephone and face-to-face interviews Reference: Fricks, 1980 were used. Notes: The interview was adapted from the USA-204 questionnaire developed for the U.S. 1981 John Wayne Airport Operation Change Study Environmental Protection Agency. Date: 1981 (September to November) USA-186 Source: Aircraft 1980 Bradley International Airport Noise Survey Location: U.S.A.: John Wayne Airport at Santa Ana, Date: 1980 (February) California Wyle 76 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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N=: 3,105 interviews from more than 800 people N=: 400 Noise Data: Yes Noise Data: No (Areas were characterized as "high Reference: Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Fidell, impact noise area" and "other".) Horonjeff, Mills, Baldwin, Teffeteller, Reference: Mid-Continent Surveys, 1972 Pearsons, 1985; Fidell, Mills, Teffeteller, Notes: Though there were some questions on Pearsons, 1982 noise, the main subject of the survey was Notes: Four rounds of telephone interviews were attitudes toward airport development. conducted. The second, third, and fourth USA-213 rounds were each conducted after the 1973 Chicago Construction Site Survey introduction of new flight departure Date: 1973 (June, July) procedures. Most respondents were Source: Construction interviewed for only one round. Neither Location: U.S.A.: 14 construction sites in the exposure nor annoyance changed appreciably Chicago area during the study. N=: 128 USA-205 Noise Data: Yes 1980 Bellevue Airport Noise Study Reference: Newman, 1973 Date: 1980 (May) Notes: None Source: Aircraft USA-215 Location: U.S.A.: Bellevue, Washington Airport 1974 Los Angeles International Aircraft Noise Survey N=: 27 Date: 1974 (Winter and Spring) Noise Data: No Source: Aircraft Reference: Mabry, 1982 Location: U.S.A.: Los Angeles International Airport Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted. This N=: 164 small survey was part of a larger study of Noise Data: Yes general aviation noise at four airports. The Reference: Gabriel, Langdon, Creamer, Kushner, 1981 larger study primarily focused on complaint Notes: None data. USA-216 USA-206 1978 Electrical Power Line and Transformer Noise Survey 1981 Alabama Three-Site Blast Noise Survey Date: 1978 (Spring) Date: 1981 (February) Source: Electrical transformers and transmission lines Source: Blasting (two surface coal mines and one Location: U.S.A.: 17 sites in Southern California quarry) N=: 133 Location: U.S.A.: Communities around 3 blasting Noise Data: Yes sites in Alabama Reference: Fidell, Teffeteller, Pearsons, 1979 N=: 1,042 Notes: Transmission line noise is less acceptable Noise Data: Yes: noise and vibration data than transformer noise of the same level. Reference: Bullen, Job, 1985; Fidell, Horonjeff, 1982; USA-217 Fidell, Horonjeff, 1985; Fidell, Horonjeff, 1980 Aircraft Rating Diary (Pilot) Study Schultz, Teffeteller, 1982; Fidell, Horonjeff, Date: 1980 (August to October) Schultz, Teffeteller, 1983; Kessler, 1985 Source: Aircraft Notes: Interviews were conducted either face-to-face Location: U.S.A.: Torrance Municipal Airport or by telephone. Annoyance was related to (California) ground vibration levels. An unsuccessful N=: 18 subjects provided over 920 aircraft noise attempt was made to measure annoyance ratings with individual blasts using postcards. Noise Data: Yes USA-207 Reference: Stearns, Brown, Neiswander, 1983 1980 John Wayne Airport (Orange County) Survey Notes: A face-to-face interview was used to recruit Date: 1980 (March) residents. The study evaluated a method for Source: Aircraft rating individual aircraft noise events. Location: U.S.A.: Communities around John Wayne Respondents kept a diary for five days by (Orange County) Airport noting some information about every aircraft N=: 310 noise event that bothered them when they Noise Data: Yes were at home. Both indoor and outdoor Reference: VTN Consolidated, 1980 noise measurements were made. Notes: Both telephone (240) and face-to-face USA-219 interviews (71) were conducted with a 1980 Salt Lake City In-Home Aircraft Rating Study random sample of residents. This was an Date: 1980 (Nov.) Aircraft Noise Control and Land Use Source: Aircraft Compatibility study. Location: U.S.A.: Salt Lake City Airport USA-212 N=: 100 people provided 1164 ratings of 1972 Minneapolis St Paul Airport Development Survey individual aircraft flyovers Date: 1972 (July) Noise Data: Yes for the individually rated noise events Source: Aircraft Reference: Dempsey, Stephens, Fields, Shepherd, 1983 Location: U.S.A.: Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport Notes: A self-administered questionnaire on the Wyle 77 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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long-term noise environment was answered Location: U.S.A.: Foster City and Fremont (San by respondents at the beginning of the rating Francisco area) session. The purpose of the study was to N=: 552 rate individual aircraft flyovers that occurred Noise Data: Yes during the one-hour rating sessions. Reference: Graeven, 1974 USA-221 Notes: Self-administered questionnaires were 1977 Allentown Community Noise Survey personally distributed to female residents. Date: 1977 Numbers of reported health problems are Source: Community related to aircraft noise annoyance but only Location: U.S.A.: Allentown (Pennsylvania) weakly, if at all, to aircraft noise levels. N=: 467 USA-299 Noise Data: No 1966 Edwards Air Force Base Resident Sonic Boom Reference: Levine, 1981 Date: 1966 (July) Notes: The study was used to develop community Source: Sonic booms from military aircraft noise study procedures for the U.S. Location: U.S.A.: Edwards Air Force Base Environmental Protection Agency. A final (California) report on the study's findings was not N=: 783 published. Noise Data: Yes USA-235 Reference: Kryter, Johnson, Young, 1968 1983 Controlled Exposure Helicopter Noise Study Notes: On-base residents returned a mail Date: 1983 (August to November) questionnaire to rate sonic booms and other Source: Military helicopters noise environments for June (approximately Location: U.S.A.: Newport News (Virginia) 10 booms per day, 1.7 p.s.f. median N=: 338 people provided a total of 6345 nominal peak overpressure) and for prior Noise Data: Yes (for the controlled noise exposure test months. Some 26% reported that the June days) sonic boom environment was unacceptable. Reference: Fields, Powell, 1985; Fields, Powell, 1987; USA-300 Powell, Fields, 1984 1975 Rutgers Freshmen Dormitory Noise Sensitivity Study Notes: The initial face-to-face interview was Date: 1975 (August), 1976 (April) conducted with 338 respondents. These Source: Noise inside college dormitory respondents were reinterviewed with a short Location: U.S.A.: A dormitory at Rutgers State interview on daily noise reactions on up to University (New Jersey) 22 additional days. The helicopter noise N=: 155 (55 participated in full study) exposure was controlled and measured on 17 Noise Data: No of the 22 follow-up study days. Reference: Weinstein, 1978 USA-245 Notes: A mail questionnaire on noise sensitivity 1970s LAX Six-Community Noise Survey was returned by 155 entering freshmen Date: 1972 (August) before beginning the school year. Later in Source: Aircraft the school year 24 high-sensitive and 31 Location: U.S.A.: Los Angeles International Airport low-sensitive students in one dormitory (Inglewood, El Segundo, Westchester, rated their disturbance from noise in the Emerson Manor, West Westchester, dormitory. Disturbance increased for the Lennox) sensitive but remained the same for the low- N=: 239 sensitive students. Noise Data: Yes USA-301 Reference: Clary, 1974; Goodman, Clary, 1976 1982 Westchester Airport Nighttime Noise Change Study Notes: This telephone survey examines factors that Date: 1982 (May 1-3, "before" phase; June 26-28, explain political activism with respect to "after" phase) noise. Source: Aircraft USA-250 Location: U.S.A.: Four areas around Westchester 1982 Decatur General Aviation Airport Survey Country Airport (New York) Date: 1982 (March) N=: 1,465 (725, "before round; 740, "after Source: Aircraft Noise Data: Yes Location: U.S.A: Decatur (Illinois) Reference: Baldwin, Fidell, 1982; Fidell, Horonjeff, N=: 234 Mills, Baldwin, Teffeteller, Pearsons, 1985; Noise Data: Yes Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991 Reference: Fidell, Barber, Schultz, 1991; Schomer, Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted before 1983a and about seven weeks after nighttime flight Notes: Interviews were obtained with both restrictions were changed. There was no telephone and face-to-face techniques. unusual observed change in nighttime USA-251 flights and, correspondingly, no observed Two-Neighborhood San Francisco Airport Survey change in noise reactions. Date: 1974 Publication (Survey date not reported) Source: Aircraft Wyle 78 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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USA-308 Noise Data: Yes 1979 Salt Lake City Stationary Noise Source Survey Reference: Fields, Moulton, Baumgartner, Thomas, Date: 1979 (June, July) 1994; Fields, 1996; Fields, 1997 Source: Stationary neighborhood noises (dogs, Notes: Interviews were conducted with residents in sirens, people, etc.) areas with long-term exposure to sonic Location: U.S.A: Salt Lake City booms. Some respondents were interviewed N=: 63 twice. Reactions were more severe in one Noise Data: No area than the other. Reactions were Reference: Alvord, 1988 generally more severe to sonic booms than Notes: Residents were re interviewed who had would be expected from conventional aircraft indicated in a 1979 survey (USA-183) that with the same exposure as measured in they were most annoyed by a common LAeq. neighborhood noise such as dogs, sirens, USA-428 garbage trucks, or people. The most 1996 Minneapolis-St Paul Aircraft Mitigation Preference annoying aspects of these sounds were Survey reported to be loudness, quality of sound Date: 1996 (May 15 to June 1) and time and frequency of occurrence. Source: Aircraft USA-310 Location: U.S.A.: Minneapolis-St. Paul International 1972 Los Angeles Airport Relocated Residents Survey Airport (19 geographical areas in 9 Date: 1972 (September, October) communities) Source: Aircraft N=: 2,880 (19 areas) Location: U.S.A.: Los Angeles Noise Data: Yes N=: 50 Reference: Fidell, Silvati, Howe, 1996 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Interviews were conducted by telephone. Reference: Clary, 1974; Goodman, Clary, 1976 Residents were asked about their preferences Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted with for future noise mitigation strategies. respondents whose homes had been USA-429 purchased by the airport. Some had moved 1999 Minneapolis-St Paul Airport Noise Survey away from the airport area and others Date: 1999 (June) remained in their homes. Source: Aircraft USA-338 Location: U.S.A.: Minneapolis-St. Paul International 1981 USA Air Force Base Study Airport Date: 1981 (Some interviews may have been in N=: 495 respondents 1982.) Noise Data: Yes Source: Aircraft Reference: Fidell, 2000; Fidell, Silvati, Pearsons, Location: U.S.A.: 7 air bases (Dover, Mather, George, Howe, Sneddon, 2000 March, Marana, Carswell, Pope) Notes: Interviews were conducted by telephone. N=: 942 USA-430 Noise Data: Yes 1994-95 Denver Airport Opening Sleep Disturbance Study Reference: Borsky, 1983 Date: 1994 (February - May), 1995 (February - Notes: Interviews were conducted near seven US April) Air Force bases. Source: Aircraft on test nights. USA-349 Location: U.S.A.: Denver (2 neighborhoods near Atlanta Airport Acoustical Insulation Survey Stapleton International Airport and one near Date: 1991 Publication (Survey date not reported) the new Denver international airport) Source: Aircraft N=: 2,717 nights of information about sleep from Location: U.S.A: Atlanta 77 subjects in 37 households N=: 937 Noise Data: Yes: inside and outside Noise Data: Yes Reference: Fidell, Howe, Tabachnick, Pearsons, Reference: Fidell, Silvati, 1991 Sneddon, 1995; Fidell, Pearsons, Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted with Tabachnick, Howe, 2000; Pearsons, residents of both treated and untreated Tabachnick, Fidell, 2000 homes. Treated residences had been noise- Notes: Test participants answered morning and insulated at least eight months before the evening questionnaires on a palm top survey. Annoyance was not lower in the computer that also registered reported noise insulated homes. behavioral awakenings during the night. USA-375 Actimeters were also used. There was not a 1993-95 Western USA Sonic Boom Study marked change in noise-induced sleep Date: 1993 (April, May, December), 1995 disturbance at either airport although aircraft (November) noise decreased greatly at subjects' Source: Sonic booms residences at one airport and increased Location: U.S.A.: Nevada (6 communities), slightly at the other airport. California (8 communities) N=: 1,573 interviews with 1,356 residents Wyle 79 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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USA-431 during the 1996 Olympic games) 1995 Seattle-Tacoma Airport Noise Survey N=: 25 Date: 1995 ( February 16 - 19) Noise Data: Yes: Noise data were available for inside the Source: Aircraft (following a period when noise sleeping room and outside the house. levels gradually reduced) Reference: Fidell, Howe, Tabachnick, Pearsons, Location: U.S.A.: Seattle-Tacoma International Silvati, Sneddon, Fletcher, 1998 Airport (6 areas) Notes: Respondents answered self-administered N=: 1,444 (1,236 from respondents with noise questionnaires about each night in the data from five communities) evening and morning. They wore a wrist Noise Data: Yes movement detection device (motility Reference: Fidell, Silvati, Pearsons, 1995; Fidell, measurement) and were instructed to press a Silvati, Pearsons, 1996 button each time they woke up. Behavioral Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted. awakening and arousal were found to be Despite an approximate 1.5 dB(A) DNL related to aircraft noise level, but motility decrease in aircraft noise exposure more was not related to noise level. residents believed there had been an increase USA-490 than a decrease in aircraft noise. 1993-94 USA Individual Sound Noticeability Study USA-432 Date: 1993 (May to October for CAFB & LAX), 1997 LAX Low-Frequency Noise Survey 1994 (Summer for APG) Date: 1997 (August) Source: Aircraft Source: Aircraft (LAX) Location: USA: Castle Air Force Base (CAFB), Location: U.S.A.: El Segundo, California (1000 to California; Los Angeles Airport (LAX); and 5000 feet south of LAX runway) Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), N=: 644 respondents from among the 1,262 Maryland. household with listed telephone numbers in N=: 25 (There were 11 subjects at CAFB and 8 the area at LAX, where 9 and 5, respectively, were Noise Data: Yes useful. 11 subjects at APG were analyzed.) Reference: Fidell, 2000; Fidell, Silvati, Pearsons, Noise Data: Yes Howe, Sneddon, 2000; Fidell, Silvati, Reference: Schomer, 1996; Schomer, Wagner, 1996 Pearsons, Lind, Howe, 1999 Notes: The noticeability of sounds was studied by Notes: Telephone interviews were conducted. A asking subjects to record their response to dose response relationship for the individual aircraft events on a hand-held relationship between annoyance and low computer as they went about their activities frequency noise is presented. at home. The subjects at CAFB and LAX USA-433 were all of the participants in a nighttime 1993 LAX/Castle AFB Behavioral Awakening Study study (USA-433) who were home during Date: 1993 (May to October) the day and willing to cooperate in this Source: Aircraft on test nights. study as well. Location: U.S.A.: Castle Air Force Base (Merced, USA-513 California) and Los Angeles International 1985 Student Noise Attitudes Study (Boston) Airport and other sites "Lacking appreciable Date: 1985 nighttime aircraft noise" Source: Community N=: 1,823 nights of information from 86 subjects Location: U.S.A.: Boston (82 were analyzed) in 45 households N=: 53 Noise Data: Yes: inside and outside Noise Data: No Reference: Fidell, Pearsons, Howe, Tabachnick, Reference: Florentine, Namba, Kuwano, 1986 Silvati, Barber, 1994; Fidell, Pearsons, Notes: University students answered this written Tabachnick, Howe, Silvati, Barber, 1995; questionnaire's general statements about Pearsons, Tabachnick, Fidell, 2000 neighbors' noise without direct reference to Notes: This study measured sleep disturbance with their present residence. There are some nine variables. Seven were obtained from a differences between perceptions and attitudes morning-after questionnaire and two from toward neighbors' noise in England, pushing a button when there was a Germany and Japan. The questionnaire is behavioral awakening. Sleep disturbance nearly identical to questionnaires was related to the noise level of the administered in Japan (JPN-510), England individual events measured within the (UKD-512), Germany (GER-511), and homes. China (CHI-514). USA-435 USA-518 1996 Olympic Games Aircraft Noise Sleep Study 1995 Japanese/English Questionnaire Testing Study Date: 1996 (July 2 to August 11) Date: 1995 Source: Aircraft Source: Community Location: U.S.A.: Atlanta (a neighborhood near Location: U.S.A.: Boston Georgia DeKalb-Peachtree Airport that N=: 100 experienced an increase in aircraft traffic Noise Data: No Wyle 80 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Reference: Kuwano, Namba, Florentine, 1996 2006b; Phan, Yano, Phan, Nishimura, Sato, Notes: This questionnaire was developed for broad Hashimoto, 2008 use by the Acoustical society of Japan and Notes: In order to support noise policy administered on a test basis in this study development in Vietnam, social surveys and one study in Japan (JPN-517). (face-to-face interviews) and noise USA-628 measurements (long term and short term) LaGuardia Community Wellness and Health Promotion were carried out in eight residential areas Survey (row houses and apartments) to assess Date: 2008 Publication (Survey date not reported) community annoyance due to road traffic Source: Aircraft noise. Location: USA: LaGuardia International Airport YUG-141 N=: Unknown Two-Area Belgrade Aircraft Noise Study Noise Data: Yes Date: 1976 Publication (Survey date not reported) Reference: Cohen, Bronzaft, Heikkinen, Goodman, Source: Aircraft Nádas, 2008 Location: Yugoslavia: Two settlements near Belgrade Notes: A Community Wellness and Health airport Promotion Survey was undertaken, along N=: Not known with noise and Particulate Matter (PM) Noise Data: Yes measurements, in residential areas Reference: Pravica, 1976 surrounding LaGuardia International Notes: The method of administering the Airport. questionnaire to residents is not known. An USR-042 abbreviated version of the Cornell Medical USSR 22-Settlement Aircraft Noise Survey Index showed more neurosis near the Date: 1969 Publication (Survey date not reported) airport. Source: Aircraft YUG-234 Location: U.S.S.R.: 22 settlements around 9 airports 1981 Split, Yugoslavia Airport Survey N=: Over 2,000 Date: 1981 (April) Noise Data: No (Noise data are not analyzed with Source: Aircraft responses.) Location: Yugoslavia: Split Airport Reference: Karagodina, Soldatkina, Vinokur, N=: 252 Klimukhin, 1969 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Disturbance with aircraft noise is related to Reference: Institut Saobracajnog Fakulteta, 1981; distance from airports. Zoric, Lukic, Gvozdenovic, 1982; Zoric, VNM-536 Miroslav, 1981 2007 Ho Chi Minh City Road Traffic Noise Survey Notes: None Date: 2007 (August) YUG-352 Source: Road traffic Pancevo Noise and Air Pollution Health Survey Location: Vietnam: Eight sites in Ho Chi Minh City Date: 1993 Publication (Survey date not reported) N=: 1,471 Source: Road traffic Noise Data: Yes Location: Yugoslavia: Pancevo Reference: Phan, Yano, Phan, Nishimura, Sato, N=: 224 (165 from center, 59 from industrial Hashimoto, Lan, 2008; Phan, Yano, Phan, Noise Data: Yes Nishimura, Sato, Hashimoto, 2008 Reference: Pjerotic, Nikolic, 1993 Notes: Residents from eight sites sharing similar Notes: Road traffic was reported to be the characteristics (high traffic, high residential predominant source of nervousness by density, and mixed row houses and respondents. apartments) were interviewed face-to-face YUG-434 regarding road traffic annoyance, the results 1994 Central Belgrade Traffic Noise Survey of which were compared to 24-hour and Date: 1994 (October, November) short term noise measurements. Source: Road traffic VNM-557 Location: Yugoslavia: Belgrade (a noise central area) 2005 Hanoi Road Traffic Noise Survey N=: 409 (252 in noisy area, 157 in control area) Date: 2005 (September) Noise Data: Yes Source: Road traffic Reference: Belojevic, Jakovljevic, Aleksic, 1997; Belojevic, Location: Vietnam: Hanoi Jakovljevic, Santric-Milicevic, 1997; Belojevic, N=: 1,676 Jakovljevic, 1998 Noise Data: Yes Notes: Reports of general sleep quality and specific Reference: Phan, Yano, Phan, Nishimura, Sato, sleep disturbances were greater in the noisy Hashimoto, Lan, 2008; Phan, Yano, Phan, (>65 dB(A) LAeq) than the quiet area (<55 Nishimura, Sato, Hashimoto, 2007; Phan, dB(A)LAeq. Behavioral reactions to traffic Hai Anh, Nishimura, Dang, Nguyen, Nai, noise were affected by personality traits of Hashimoto, Sato, Cuong, Yano, 2006a; subjective noise sensitivity and neuroticism. Phan, Hai Anh, Nishimura, Dang, Nguyen, Nai, Hashimoto, Sato, Cuong, Yano, Wyle 81 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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3.0 Bibliography

3.1 Bibliography Introduction

This bibliography includes all works referenced in this report. It does not include either secondary analyses of these data or other general publications on noise surveys. The availability of English translations is noted. Entries are ordered by authors’ last names, and within authors, by date of publication. The survey identification number follows each entry.

3.2 Bibliography

Aas,H.; Kolbenstvedt,M.; Bakketeig,L.S.; Larssen,S.; Al-harthy,I.; and Tamura,A.: 1997b. Survey on Sound Clench-Aas,J.; Solberg,S.; and Klæboe,R.: 1991. Traffic Environment of the Capital of Oman. Inter-noise 97, pp. and the Environment: A Trans-Institutional Research 827-830, Budapest, Hungary. Programme for Road Traffic, the Environment and OMA-476 Health in Urban Areas (NTNF). pp. 1-32, Institute of Al-harthy,I.; and Tamura,A.: 1997c. Survey on the Situation Transport Economics, Oslo. of Present Environment in the Capital of Oman NOR-311 NOR-398 NOR-399 NOR-403 NOR-404 (Muscat). Proceeding of International Conference on Aasvang,G.M.; and Engdahl,B.: 2001. Sleep Disturbance Environment Behavior Studies for the 21st Century, Due to Night-Time Noise From Railway, Aircraft, and pp. 201-206. Road Traffic: Presentation of a Longitudinal Project and OMA-476 Available Survey Data. Inter-noise 2001, The Hague, Al-harthy,I.; and Tamura,A.: 1998. Investigation on Noise The Netherlands. Environment at the Capital of Oman (Japanese Only). NOR-545 Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting, Aasvang,G.M.; Engdahl,B.; and Rothschild,K.: 2007. Architectural Institute of Japan, vol. 1, pp. 109-110. Annoyance and Self-Reported Sleep Disturbances Due OMA-476 to Structurally Radiated Noise From Railway Tunnels. Al-harthy,I.; and Tamura,A.: 1999a. Comparison of Applied Acoustics, 9, vol. 68, pp. 970-981. Community Response to Sound Environment In the NOR-544 Different Areas of Oman. Summaries of Technical Aasvang,G.M.; Moum,T.; and Engdahl,B.: 2008. Self- Papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Reported Sleep Disturbances Due to Railway Noise: Japan, vol. 1, pp. 95-96. Exposure-Response Relationships for Nighttime OMA-476 Equivalent and Maximum Noise Levels. Journal of the Al-harthy,I.; and Tamura,A.: 1999b. Sound Environment Acoustical Society of America, 1, vol. 124, pp. 257-268. Evaluation and Categorization of Audible Sounds--The NOR-626 First Survey of the Human Response to the Sound Aguerri Sanchez,P.; and Celma Celma,J.: 1993. Effects of Environment in Muscat City (Oman)--. Noise on the Citizen and Its Repercussions on J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn.(E), 5, vol. 20, pp. 353-364. Municipal Management. Noise and Man '93: Noise as a OMA-476 Public Health Problem (Sixth International Congress), Al-harthy,I.: 2000. The Oman Sound Environment Project vol. 2, pp. 323-326, INRETS, Arcueil, France. (Effect of Sound Through Sense of Humanness) SPA-320 (D.Eng.), Yokohama National University. Aircraft Nuisance Prevention Assoc.: 1973. Report on OMA-476 Investigation of Living Environment Around Osaka Al-Samarrai,H.S.; and Al-Jawadi,M.: 1981. Traffic Noise International Airport. Aircraft Nuisance Prevention Levels and Annoyance in Baghdad. Inter-noise 81, pp. Assoc.. 537-539. JPN-163 IRQ-229 Al-harthy,I.; and Tamura,A.: 1997a. Sound Environment of Alexandre,A.: 1970. Prévision De La Gêne Due Autour Des the Capital of Oman. Summaries of Technical Papers of Aéroports Et Perspectives Sur Les Moyens D'y Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan, vol. 1, Remédier. (Prediction of Annoyance Due to Noise pp. 977-978. Around Airports and Speculations on the Means for OMA-476 Controlling It). Doc. A.A. 28/70. pp. 1-151. FRA-016

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Ali,S.A.; and Tamura,A.: 2003. Road Traffic Noise As a Medical School of Kyoto Municipal University, 4, vol. Public Health Problem. The 8th Congress of the 65, pp. 635-679. International Commission on the Biological Effects of JPN-190 Noise, Foundation ICBEN 2003. Appleyard,D.; and Lintell,M.: 1972. The Environmental EGY-573 Quality of City Streets: The Residents' Viewpoint. Ali,S.A.: 2005. Railway Noise Levels, Annoyance and J.Amer.Institute of Planners, vol. 38, pp. 84-101. Countermeasures in Assiut, Egypt. Applied Acoustics, USA-039 1, vol. 66, pp. 105-113. Appleyard,D.; and Carp,F.M.: 1973. The BART Residential EGY-543 Impact Study: A Longitudinal Empirical Study of Alim,O.A.; and Zaki,N.A.: 1993a. Measurements of Environmental Impact, in W. F. E. Preiser (ed), Tramway Noise in Alexandria. Inter-noise 93, pp. 349- Environmental Design Research, Vol. II. pp. 296-306, 354. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg, EGY-357 Pennsylvania. Alim,O.A.; and Zaki,N.A.: 1993b. Subjective and Objective USA-066 Assessments of Tram Noise in City Alexandria. Inter- Appleyard,D.; Gerson,S.; and Lintell,M.: 1980. Livable noise 93, pp. 1153-1156. Streets. U.C. Press, University of California, Berkeley, EGY-357 California. Alim,O.A.; and Zaki,N.A.: 1994. Psychoacoustic Tests on USA-105 Tramway Noise. Noise-Con 94, pp. 151-156. Arana,M.; and García,A.: 1989. Community Noise Survey EGY-357 in Pamplona (Spain). Congress of the Federation of ALPNAP Project Consortium: 2007. Air Pollution, Traffic Acoustical Societies of , FASE 89, pp. 129-132. Noise and Related Health Effects in the Alpine Space: A SPA-315 Guide for Authorities and Consulters. Trento, Italy. Arana,M.; and García,A.: 1997. A Comparison Between the AUS-560 Noise Surveys Carried Out in Two Spanish Cities Alvord,L.S.. [Title Unknown]. NANCO. (Valencia and Pamplona). Inter-noise 97, pp. 819-822, USA-308 Budapest, Hungary. Alvord,L.S.: 1988. Annoyance Factors for Common SPA-315 SPA-302 Neighborhood (Stationary) Noise. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sozio-psychologische: 1973. (See vol. 84, pp. 780-781. Graf, Meier, and Müller, 1974). USA-308 SWI-053 Amundsen,A.H.: 2007. Effects of Facade Insulation on Arsenio,E.; Bristow,A.; and Wardman,M.: 2000. An Annoyance and Sleep Disturbances. Inter-noise 2007, Innovative Stated Preference Computer Survey Model Istanbul, Turkey. for Valuing Noise Impacts From Road Traffic. NOR-559 (Proceedings of Seminar F: Behavioural Modelling). Andersen,T.V.; Kühl,K.; and Relster,E.: 1980. European Transport Conference 2000, pp. 67-80, Beboerreaktioner Pa Togstøj. (People's Reactions to Cambridge, England. Railway Noise)(Translation Available in: Reactions to POR-478 Railway Noise in Denmark. Translation LK. National Arsenio,E.; Patricio,J.; Bristow,A.; Pinelo,A.; Silva,F.; and Agency of Environmental Protection, Denmark, March Wardman,M.: 2000. Measuring Households' Annoyance 1981). ÅBO 10-12.6. pp. 261-264. From Road Traffic: An Intermediate Step Within an DEN-200 Innovative Noise Valuation Model. Inter-noise 2000, Andersen,T.V.; Kühl,K.; and Relster,E.: 1983. Reactions to pp. 1626-1629, Nice, France. Railway Noise in Denmark. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 87, pp. POR-478 311-314. Arsenio,E.; and da Silva,F.N.: 2003. Responses to Traffic DEN-200 Noise: The Value of Quiet. The 8th Congress of the Andersen,T.V.; Kühl,K.; and Relster,E.: 1988. Reactions to International Commission on the Biological Effects of Railway Noise in Denmark: A Correction. J.Sound Vib., Noise, Foundation ICBEN 2003, Schiedam,the vol. 120, pp. 339-340. Netherlands. DEN-200 POR-478 Andrew,C.; and Sharratt,K.: 1976. Privacy Fence: A Survey Association d'Anthropologie Appliquée: 1967. Enquête Sur of Public Reaction to the Privacy Fence Located Along Le Bruit Autour Des Aéroports. (Investigation of the Highway 401 Within Metro Toronto Between Victoria Noise Around Airports). R-16-67. Association Park and Warden Avenues. Ministry of Transportation d'Anthropologie Appliquée, Paris. and Communications, Toronto. FRA-016 CAN-279 Atkins Research and Development: 1979. Subjective Effects Aoki,H.: 1959. Study of Urban Noises As Public Health of Traffic Noise Exposure: Reliability, Seasonal Effects Problems, Observed From Building Interior. Reports of Wyle 83 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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and Correlation With Noise Indices. Atkins Research FRA-063 and Development, Surrey. Aubree,D.: 1975. La Gêne Due Au Bruit Des Trains. UKD-157 (Annoyance Due to Train Noise). EN-SH-75.2. Centre Atkins,C.L.R.; Brooker,P.; and Critchley,J.B.: 1983. 1982 Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, Nantes. Helicopter Disturbance Study: Main Report. DR Report FRA-063 8304. Civil Aviation Authority, London. Aubree,D.: 1993. Regulations, Noise, and Discomfort. Noise UKD-225 and Man '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth Atkins,C.L.R.: 1983. 1982 Helicopter Disturbance Study: International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 335-338, INRETS, Tabulations of the Responses to the Social Surveys. DR Arcueil, France. Communication 8302. Civil Aviation Authority, FRA-342 London. Australian Government Publishing Service: 1988. UKD-225 Community Response to Noise in Australia: Results of Atkins,C.L.R.; Nurse,K.; and Richmond,C.: 1984. 1982 the 1986 National Noise Survey. Australian Aircraft Noise Index Study: Tabulations of the Environmental Council Report 21. Australian Responses to the Social Surveys. DR Communication Government Publishing Service, Canberra. 8312. Civil Aviation Authority, London. AUL-285 UKD-242 Avery,G.C.: 1982. Comparison of Telephone Complaints Atkinson,B.J.: 1983. 1982 Helicopter Disturbance Study: and Survey Measures of Noise Annoyance. J.Sound Tabulations of Noise Measurement Results. DR Vib., 2, vol. 82, pp. 215-225. Communication 8303. Civil Aviation Authority, AUL-214 London. Ághová,L.; Voleková,J.; and Jurkovicová,J.: 1990. UKD-225 Problematike Hluku v Obytnom Prostredí.(Problems of Atkinson,B.J.; Critchley,J.B.; and Devine,E.: 1985. CEC Joint Noise in Urban Environment). Acta Hygienica Study of Community Response to Aircraft Noise, 1984: Epidemiologica Microbiologica, vol. Suppl. 3, pp. 6-8. Noise Measurements Near Glasgow Airport. DR SLO-406 Communication 8506. Civil Aviation Authority, Ághová,L.; Voleková,J.; Jurkovicová,J.; and Sitár,J.: 1992. London. Psychohygienické Aspekty Hlukovej Zátaze v UKD-238 Urbanizovanom Prostredí. In: Psychológia v Rieení Atkinson,B.J.; Critchley,J.B.; and Devine,E.: 1988. General Ekologických Problémov (Psychohygienic Aspects of and Business Aviation Noise Study: Noise Exposures in Noise Effects in an Urban Environment. In: Psychology the Survey Areas. DORA Report 8711. Civil Aviation in Solving Ecological Problems). pp. 63-66, Institute of Authority, London. Experimental psychology, of the Slovak Academy of UKD-324 Sciences, Bratislava. Aubree,D.; Auzou,J.; and Rapin,M.: 1971. Etude De La SLO-406 Gêne Due Au Trafic Automobile Urbain: Compte Åhrlin,U.; and Rylander,R.: 1979. Annoyance Caused by Rendu Scientifique. (Study of Annoyance Due to Urban Different Environmental Noises. J.Sound Vib., vol. 66, Automobile Traffic: Scientific Report)(Translation pp. 459-462. Available in: Study of Annoyance Due to Urban SWE-035 SWE-142 SWE-165 SWE-228 Automobile Traffic: Scientific Report. NASA TM-77514, Åhrlin,U.: 1988. Activity Disturbances Caused by Different 1984; Study of Annoyance Due to Urban Automobile Environmental Noises. J.Sound Vib., vol. 127, pp. 599- Traffic. Annex 4: A Catalog of the Characteristics of 603. Noise at Different Measuring Points. NASA TM-77516, SWE-035 SWE-142 SWE-228 1984; Study of Annoyance Due to Urban Automobile Babisch,W.; Ising,H.; Elwood,P.C.; Sharp,D.S.; and Traffic. Annex 5: Sociological Study. NASA TM-77515, Bainton,D.: 1993. Traffic Noise and Cardiovascular 1984). D.G.R.S.T. No. 68-01-389. Centre Scientifique et Risk: The Caerphilly and Speedwell Studies, Second Technique du Bâtiment, Paris. Phase. Risk Estimation, Prevalence, and Incidence of FRA-041 Ischemic Heart Disease. Arch.Environ.Health, 6, vol. 48, Aubree,D.: 1973. Enquête Acoustique Et Sociologique pp. 406-413. Permettant De Définir Une Echelle Des La Gêne UKD-426 Eprouvée Par L'Homme Dans Son Logement Du Fait Babisch,W.; Fromme,H.; Beyer,A.; and Ising,H.: 1996. Des Bruits De Train. (Translation Available in: Elevated Catecholamine Levels in Urine in Traffic Acoustical and Sociological Survey to Define a Scale of Noise Exposed Subjects. Inter-noise 96, pp. 2153-2158, Annoyance Felt by People in Their Homes Due to the Liverpool, England. Noise of Railroad Trains. Technical Information Report GER-463 No. 88. Bolt Beranek and Newman. Cambridge, Babisch,W.; Ising,H.; Gallacher,J.E.J.; Sweetnam,P.M.; and Massachusetts). Centre Scientifique et Technique du Elwood,P.C.: 1998. The Caerphilly and Speedwell Bâtiment, Paris. Studies, 10 Year Follow-Up. Noise Effects '98: Noise as a Wyle 84 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Public Health Problem (Seventh International Man '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth Congress), pp. 230-235, Sydney, Australia. International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 585-588, INRETS, UKD-426 Arcueil, France. Babisch,W.; Ising,H.; Gallacher,J.E.J.; Sweetnam,P.M.; and UKD-325 UKD-351 Elwood,P.C.: 1999. Traffic Noise and Cardiovascular Baughan,C.J.; Chinn,L.; Harris,G.J.; and Stait,R.: 2000. Rural Risk: The Caerphilly and Speedwell Studies, Third Residents' Response to Reductions in Traffic Noise Phase - 10 Years Follow-Up. Arch.Environ.Health, vol. Caused by Resurfacing a Section of Motorway With 54, pp. 210-216. Porous Asphalt. Inter-noise 2000, pp. 3321-3324, Nice, UKD-426 France. Babisch,W.; Ising,H.; and Gallacher,J.E.J.: 2000. Association UKD-425 Between Noise Annoyance and Incidence of Ischaemic Baughan,C.J.; Chinn,L.; Harris,G.J.; Stait,R.; and Phillips,S.: Heart Disease in the Caerphilly and Speedwell Studies. 2002. Resurfacing a Motorway With Porous Asphalt: Inter-noise 2000, pp. 2065-2070, Nice, France. Effects on Rural Noise Exposure and Community UKD-426 Response. TRL536. TRL Limited, Crowthorne, UK. Babisch,W.; Houthuijs,D.; Pershagen,G.; Katsouyanni,K.; UKD-425 Velonakis,M.; Cadum,E.; Dudley,M.L.; Bluhm,G.; Belojevic,G.; Jakovljevic,B.; and Santric-Milicevic,M.: 1997. Breugelmans,O.; Charalampidis,A.; Dimakopoulou,K.; Influence of Personality Traits on Residential Behavior Savigny,P.; Seiffert,I.; Selander,J.; Sourtzi,P.; in a Noisy Urban Area. Inter-noise 97, pp. 1249-1251, Seiffert,W.I.; Selander,J.; Sourtzi,P.; Swart,W.; Vigna- Budapest, Hungary. Taglianti,F.; and Jarup,L.: 2007. Association Between YUG-434 Noise Annoyance and High Brood Pressure. Belojevic,G.; Jakovljevic,B.; and Aleksic,O.: 1997. Subjective Preliminary Results From the HYENA Study. Inter- Reactions to Traffic Noise With Regard to Some noise 2007, INCE, Istanbul, Turkey. Personality Traits. Env.Int., 2, vol. 23, pp. 221-226. UKD-567 YUG-434 Bakke,P.; Wehrli,B.; Wanner,H.U.; Nemecek,J.; Turrian,V.; Belojevic,G.; and Jakovljevic,B.: 1998. Traffic Noise and and Grandjean,E.: 1977. Annoyance of Road Traffic Sleep Disturbances With Regard to Age. Noise Effects Noise in Dwellings. 9th International Congress on '98: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Seventh Acoustics, Madrid, July 4-9, p. 49. International Congress), pp. 455-458. SWI-158 SWI-133 YUG-434 Baldwin,E.; and Fidell,S.A.: 1982. Evaluation of Noise Belojevic,G.; and Jakovljevic,B.: 2001. Factors Influencing Exposure and Community Response Due to Temporary Subjective Noise Sensitivity in an Urban Population. Reinstitution of Night Landings at Westchester Country Noise & Health, 13, vol. 4, pp. 17-24. Airport, Spring 1982. BBN Rep. 5083. Bolt Beranek and SER-609 Newman, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Belojevic,G.; and Saric-Tanaskovic,M.: 2002. Prevalence of USA-301 Arterial Hypertension and Myocardial Infarction in Barker,S.M.; and Tarnopolsky,A.: 1978. Assessing Bias in Relation to Subjective Ratings of Traffic Noise Surveys of Symptoms Attributed to Noise. J.Sound Exposure. Noise & Health, 16, vol. 4, pp. 33-37. Vib., 3, vol. 59, pp. 349-354. SER-627 UKD-111 Bendtsen,H.; Larsen,L.E.; and Mikkelsen,B.: 2000. Perceived Barreiro,J.; Sanchez,M.; and Viladrich-Grau,M.: 2000. How Annoyance From Road Traffic Noise. Inter-noise 2000, Much People Are Willing to Pay for Silence? A One and pp. 1622-1625, Nice, France. One-Half-Bound Dc Cv Estimate. Inter-noise 2000, pp. DEN-390 3408-3412, Nice, France. Bendtsen,H.; and Larsen,L.E.: 2000. Noise and Nuisance SPA-410 From Road Humps. Inter-noise 2000, pp. 864-867, Nice, Bartonova,A.; Clench-Aas,J.; Walker,S.E.; Tønnesen,D.A.; France. and Larssen,S.: 1999. Air Quality Modelling in DEN-388 Assessing Impacts of Traffic Measures in Oslo. 8th Bendtsen,H.; and Larsen,L.E.: 2001. Perception of Noise International Symposium "Transport and Air Reduction by Noise Barriers. Euronoise 2001. Pollution", pp. 15-23, Graz. DEN-389 NOR-398 NOR-400 NOR-401 Berglund,B.; Berglund,U.; and Lindvall,T.: 1975. A Study of Baughan,C.J.; and Huddart,L.: 1992. Effects of Changes in Response Criteria in Populations Exposed to Aircraft Exposure to Traffic Noise. 20th Annual PTRC Summer Noise. J.Sound Vib., vol. 41, pp. 33-39. meeting: Seminar B, vol. P354, pp. 115-126, PTRC SWE-035 Education and Research Services Ltd., London. Berglund,B.; Berglund,U.; Jonsson,E.; and Lindvall,T.: 1977. UKD-325 UKD-351 On the Scaling of Annoyance Due to Environmental Baughan,C.J.; and Huddart,L.: 1993. Effects of Traffic Noise Factors. Environmental Psychology and Nonverbal Changes on Residents' Nuisance Ratings. Noise and Behavior, vol. 2, pp. 83-92. Wyle 85 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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SWE-035 Bitter,C.; and Horch,C.: 1958. Geluidhinder En Berglund,B.; Berglund,U.; and Lindvall,T.: 1987. Geluidisolatie in De Woningbouw II: Sociaal- Measurement and Control of Annoyance, in H. S. Psychologische Aspecten Van De Geluidhinder. (Sound Koelega (ed), Environmental Annoyance: Nuisance and Sound Insulation in Blocks of Dwellings Characterization, Measurement, and Control. pp. 29-44, II: Social-Psychological Aspects of Sound Nuisance). Elsevier, Amsterdam. Report No. 25. Research Institute for Public Health SWE-035 Engineering, TNO, Delft. Berglund,B.; and Nilsson,M.E.: 2000. Total Annoyance and NET-002 Perceptually Discernible Noise Sources. Inter-noise Bitter,C.; and Schwager,K.W.: 1964. Enquete Reacties 2000, pp. 3541-3544, Nice, France. Bevolking Op Vliegtuiglawaai. (6 Parts)(The SWE-418 Translation Is Most Useful When Used in Conjunction Berlin,M.; Jonsson,E.; and Kajland,A.: 1964. Undersökning With the Full Dutch Report Because It Translates Only Rörande Expositioner Av Flygbuller I Vissa Delar Av Limited Sections and Representative Table Headings: Linköping. (Aircraft Noise Annoyance Study in Special Survey Population Response to Airplane Noise. NASA Areas in Linköping). National Institute of Public TM-75790). Institute for Environmental Hygiene, TNO, Health, Stockholm. Delft. SWE-011 NET-013 Berry,B.F.: 1983. LAeq and Subjective Reaction to Different Bitter,C.: 1970. La Gêne Due Au Bruit Des Avions. Noise Sources: A Review of Research. Inter-noise 83, (Annoyance Due to Airplane Noise)[This Same Report pp. 993-996. Appears in a Dutch Publication by C. Bitter (1972) and UKD-116 UKD-071 UKD-162 in an English Translation]. Revue D'Acoustique, 10, vol. Bertlin Cooper McDonald: 1977. Proposals for Noise 3, pp. 88-96. Control Legislation Based on a Pilot Study of Noise in NET-013 Tehran. Berlin Cooper McDonald, England. Bitter,C.: 1972. Geluidhinder Door Vliegtuigen. (Sound IRN-459 Nuisance Due to Aircraft Noise), in C. J. Lammers, M. Bertoni,D.; Franchini,A.; Magnoni,M.; Tartoni,P.; and Mulder, M. Schroder, J. van Straten, and R. van der Vallet,M.: 1993. Reactions of People to Urban Traffic Vlist (eds.), Menswetenschappen Vandaag: Twee Noise in Modena, Italy. Noise and Man '93: Noise as a Zijden Van De Medaille. pp. 251-268, Boom, Meppel. Public Health Problem (Sixth International Congress), NET-013 vol. 2, pp. 593-596, INRETS, Arcueil, France. Bitter,C.; Kaper,J.P.; and Pinkse,W.A.H.: 1978. Beleving ITL-350 Geluidwerende Voorzieningen in De Woonsituatie Bertoni,D.; Franchini,A.; Lambert,J.; Magnoni,M.; Langs Rijksweg 16 in Dordrecht. (Effects of Noise Tartoni,P.; and Vallet,M.: 1994. Gli Effetti Del Rumore Abatement Measures on Residences Alongside Dei Sistemi Di Trasporto Sulla Popolazione. (Effects on Highway 16 at Dordrecht)[Available in an English the Population of Noise Pollution From Transport Translation With the Same Report Number]. Report VL- Systems). Pitagore Editrice, Bologna, Italy. DR-14-01. Interdepartementale Commissie ITL-350 Geluidhinder, Leidschendam, Netherlands. Birnie,S.E.; Hall,F.L.; and Taylor,S.M.: 1980a. Community NET-106 Response to Noise From a General Aviation Airport. Bitter,C.; and Willigers,L.H.J.: 1979. Beleving Van Noise Control Engineering, 1, vol. 15, pp. 37-45. Geluidwerende Voorzieningen Tegen Vliegtuiglawaai CAN-168 in De Woonsituatie - Een Vergelijkende Studie Birnie,S.E.; Hall,F.L.; and Taylor,S.M.: 1980b. The (Experience of Noise Abatement Measures Against Contribution of Indoor and Outdoor Effects to Aircraft Noise on Residences - A Comparative Study). Annoyance in Residential Areas. Inter-noise 80, pp. 975- Report D42. IMG-TNO, Delft. 978. NET-115 NET-149 CAN-168 Bitter,C.: 1979a. Beleving Van Lawaai Van Wegverkeer En Bitter,C.; and van Weeren,P.: 1955. Geluidshinder En Van Geluidwerende Voorzieningen. (Experiencing Geluidsisolatie in De Woningbouw I: Geluidsisolatie Traffic Noise and Evaluating Noise Abatement Vereisten Voor Geluidshinder in De Woonsituatie Measures)(Also Published Under IMG-TNO Document (Sound Nuisance and Sound Insulation in Blocks of Number 671). Geluid En Omgeving (Noise and the Dwellings I: Sound Insulation Measurements, Environment), vol. 2, pp. 22-25. Considered in Connection With the Opinions of House NET-106 Occupants Regarding Noise Nuisance)[This Report Is Bitter,C.: 1979b. Perception and Experience of Traffic Noise Available in an English Publication Under the Same in a Residential District Along a State Highway (Also Number.]. Report No. 24. Institute for Public Health Published Under IMG-TNO Document Number 682). Engineering, TNO, Delft. Urban Ecology, vol. 4, pp. 161-177. NET-002 NET-106 Wyle 86 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Bitter,C.: 1980. Beleving Van Geluidwerende Bluhm,G.; Nordling,E.; and Berglund,B.: 2004. Road Traffic Voorzieningen Tegen Vliegtuiglawaai in De Noise and Annoyance - an Increasing Environmental Woonsituatie - De Enquête Vóór Net Aanbrengen Van Problem. Noise & Health, 24, vol. 6, pp. 43-49. De Geluidwerende Voorzieningen. Band 1: SWE-412 Tekstgedeelte, and Band 2 Tabellen. (Experience of Bluhm,G.; Eriksson,C.; Pershagen,G.; Hilding,A.; and Noise Abatement Measures Against Aircraft Noise on Ostenson,C.-G.: 2008. Aircraft Noise and Hypertension Residences - The Survey Before the Noise Abatement Among Men - A Study Around Arlanda Airport. Inter- Measures. Part 1: Text, Part 2: Tables)[Also Published noise 2008, Shanghai, China. by Ministerie Van Volksgezondheid En Milieuhygiëne SWE-621 As Interdepartementale Commissie Geluidhinder Bolstad Engineering Associates,I.: 1973. Edmonton Noise Reports ICG-LL-HR-14-01; ICG-LL-HR-14-02]. Report Survey. Bolstad Engineering Associates, Inc., D44. IMG-TNO, Delft. Edmonton, Canada. NET-115 NET-149 CAN-077 Bitter,C.; Holst,J.H.K.; and Kandelaar,H.A.C.: 1982. Bolt Beranek and Newman: 1967. Literature Search for the Beleving Geluidwerende Voorzieningen in De FHA Contract on Urban Noise. BBN Rep. 1460. Bolt Woonsituatie Langs Rijksweg 10 in Amsterdam. Beranek and Newman, Canoga Park, California. (Effects of Noise Abatement Measures on Residences USA-020 Alongside Highway 10 at Amsterdam). ICG-VL-DR-14- Bolt Beranek and Newman: 1971a. Community Noise 02. Ministerie van Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne, Measurements in Los Angeles, Detroit and Boston. BBN Leidschendam. Rep. 2078. Bolt Beranek and Newman, Canoga Park, NET-258 California. Björkman,M.; Levein,B.; Rylander,R.; and Öhrström,E.: USA-057 1988. Effekter Av Trafikbuller På Befolkningen Vid Bolt Beranek and Newman: 1971b. Motor Vehicle Noise: Bräkeleden I Göteborg (Effects of Road Traffic Noise on Identification and Analysis of Situations Contributing People Living Near Bräckeleden in Gothenburg). To Annoyance. BBN Rep. 2082. Bolt Beranek and Rapport 8/88. Department of Environmental Hygiene, Newman, Canoga Park, California. University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg. USA-057 SWE-303 Bonnefoy,X.; Braubach,M.; Davidson,M.; and Röbbel,N.: Björkman,M.; and Rylander,R.: 1990. Community Noise - 2007. A Pan-European Housing and Health Survey: the Importance of Noise Levels and Number of Noise Description and Evaluation of Methods and Events. Inter-noise 90, pp. 271-274. Approaches. Int.J.Environment and Pollution, 3/4, vol. SWE-359 30. Björkman,M.: 1991. Community Noise Annoyance: ITL-616 LIT-555 POR-614 GER-579 SWI-584 FRA-583 Importance of Noise Levels and the Number of Noise SLO-548 HUN-611 Events. J.Sound Vib., vol. 151, pp. 497-503. Borsky,P.N.: 1954. Community Aspects of Aircraft SWE-359 Annoyance. NORC Report no. 54. National Opinion Björkman,M.; Sato,T.; Yano,T.; and Rylander,R.: 1998. Road Research Center, Chicago. Traffic Noise Annoyance in Relation to the Individual USA-004 Noise Dose. Noise Effects ‘98: Noise as a Public Health Borsky,P.N.: 1961a. Community Reactions to Air Force Problem (Seventh International Congress), vol. 2, pp. Noise: Part I. Basic Concepts and Preliminary 539-542. Methodology. Wadd Tech. Rep. 60-689 (I). Biomedical SWE-368 Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Bjørner,T.B.: 2004. Combining Socio-Acoustic and USA-004 USA-006 Contingent Valuation Surveys to Value Noise Borsky,P.N.: 1961b. Community Reactions to Air Force Reduction, vol. SFC/DC/Gene/T/000215/2/B, pp. Noise: Part II. Data on Community Studies and Their 341-356, Copenhagen. Interpretation. Wadd Tech. Rep. 60-689 (II). Biomedical DEN-529 Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Bluhm,G.; Rosenlund,M.; and Berglind,N.: 1998. Traffic USA-006 Noise and Health Effects. Noise Effects '98: Noise as a Borsky,P.N.: 1962. Community Reactions to Sonic Booms. Public Health Problem (Seventh International NASA CR-57022. Congress), pp. 247-250. USA-007 SWE-412 Borsky,P.N.: 1965. Community Reactions to Sonic Booms in Bluhm,G.; and Nordling,E.: 2000. Traffic Noise and the Oklahoma City Area. NORC Report no. 101. AMRL Annoyance. Inter-noise 2000, pp. 2104-2106, Nice, Report no. AMRL-TR 65-37. AMRL, Wright Patterson France. Air Force Base. SWE-412 USA-012

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Borsky,P.N.; and Leonard,S.: 1973. Annoyance Judgements Botteldooren,D.; Verkeyn,A.; and Lercher,P.: 2002. Noise of Aircraft With and Without Acoustically Treated Annoyance Modelling Using Fuzzy Rule Based Nacelles. NASA CR-2261. National Aeronautics and Systems. Noise & Health, 15, vol. 4, pp. 27-44. Space Administration, Washington, D.C. AUS-487 USA-059 Botteldooren,D.; Verkeyn,A.; and Lercher,P.: 2003. A Fuzzy Borsky,P.N.: 1974a. Annoyance and Acceptability Rule Based Framework for Noise Annoyance Modeling. Judgements of Noise Produced by Three Types of J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 3, vol. 114, pp. 1487-1498. Aircraft by Residents Living Near J.F.K. Airport. NASA AUS-487 BEL-539 CR-142108. Botteldooren,D.; and Lercher,P.: 2004. Soft-Computing Base USA-084 Analyses of the Relationship Between Annoyance and Borsky,P.N.: 1974b. Evaluation of the Effects of One Year's Coping With Noise and Odor. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 6, vol. Operation of the Dynamic Preferential Runway System. 115, pp. 2974-2985. NASA CR-140488. BEL-539 USA-059 Botteldooren,D.; Dekoninck,L.; de Greve,B.; De Coensel Borsky,P.N.: 1975. Special Analysis of Community Bert; and Lercher,P.: 2007. Annoyance by Combined Annoyance With Aircraft Noise Reported by Residents Exposure to Noise From Road Traffic and Rail Traffic in the Vicinity of J.F.K. Airport-1972. NASA CR-132678. Discussed in the Framework of the Noticing Model. USA-059 19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Borsky,P.N.: 1976a. New Insights into Community Spain. Annoyance With Aircraft Noise. NOISEXPO '76, New BEL-539 York, March 29-31, pp. 30-46, Acoustical Publications, Bottom,C.G.; and Waters,D.M.: 1971. A Social Survey into Ohio. Annoyance Caused by the Interaction of Aircraft Noise USA-059 and Traffic Noise. [This Report Was Superseded by a Borsky,P.N.: 1976b. Sleep Interference and Annoyance by Later Report, Bottom and Waters, 1972]. TT-7102. Aircraft Noise. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 10, pp. 18-21. Loughborough Univ. of Tech., England. USA-059 UKD-033 Borsky,P.N.: 1977. A Comparison of a Laboratory and Field Bottom,C.G.: 1971a. A Social Survey Into Annoyance Study of Annoyance and Acceptability of Aircraft Noise Caused by the Interaction of Aircraft Noise and Traffic Exposures. NASA CR-2772. Noise (M.Sc. Thesis), Loughborough Univ. of Tech., USA-110 England. Borsky,P.N.: 1978. Community Annoyance Before and UKD-033 After Concorde Operation at J.F.K. Airport. Noise Bottom,C.G.: 1971b. A Social Survey Into Annoyance Research Unit, Columbia Univ., New York. Caused by the Interaction of Aircraft Noise and Traffic USA-143 Noise. J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 19, pp. 473-476. Borsky,P.N.: 1983. Integration of Multiple Aircraft Noise UKD-033 Exposures Over Time by Residents Living Near U.S. Bottom,C.G.; and Waters,D.M.: 1972. A Survey Into the Air Force Bases. Noise as a Public Health Problem Annoyance Caused by Aircraft Noise and Road Traffic (Fourth International Congress), pp. 1049-1060, Centro Noise. TT-7204. Loughborough Univ. of Tech., England. Ricerche e Studi Amplifon, Milano, Italy. UKD-033 USA-338 Bouchard,T.J.: 1970. An Interview Study of Traffic Noise Botteldooren,D.; Verkeyn,A.; and Lercher,P.: 2000a. Annoyance. Research Project No. 00-122. Minnesota Extracting Linguistic Rules to Model Community Department of Highways, Minnesota Dept. of Traffic Noise Annoyance. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 4, pp. Transportation. 2302-2307, Nice, France. USA-047 AUS-487 Bradley,J.S.: 1976. A Second Generation Noise Survey. Botteldooren,D.; Verkeyn,A.; and Lercher,P.: 2000b. What Inter-noise 76, pp. 377-380. Can Classical and Fuzzy Concepts Contribute to the CAN-120 Analysis of Masking Effects in Environmental Noise Bradley,J.S.; and Jonah,B.A.: 1977. A Field Study of Human Surveys? Noise-Con 2000, vol. 4. Response to Traffic Noise. SV-77-2. Faculty of AUS-487 Engineering Science, Univ. of Western Ontario. Botteldooren,D.; and Verkeyn,A.: 2002b. Fuzzy Models for CAN-120 Accumulation of Reported Community Noise Bradley,J.S.: 1979. Predictors of Adverse Human Responses Annoyance From Combined Sources. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., to Traffic Noise. ASTM Special Technical Publication 4, vol. 112, pp. 1496-1508. 692. American Society For Testing and Materials, BEL-539 Philadelphia. CAN-120

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Bradley,J.S.; and Jonah,B.A.: 1979a. The Effects of Site Bremond,J.: 1971. Enquete D'Opinion Effectuée a Selected Variables on Human Responses to Traffic L'Occasion Des Vols Experimentaux De Concorde Des Noise, Part I: Type of Housing by Traffic Noise Level. 11, 13 Et 14, Mai 1971. (Translation Available in: A J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 66, pp. 589-604. Study of the Effects on Public Opinion of Experimental CAN-120 Concorde Flights on May 11, 13, and 14, 1971). Centre Bradley,J.S.; and Jonah,B.A.: 1979b. The Effects of Site d'Etudes et des Recherches Psychologiques Air, Saint- Selected Variables on Human Responses to Traffic Cyr-L'Ecole. Noise, Part II: Road Type by Socio-Economic Status by FRA-189 Traffic Noise Level. J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 67, pp. 395-407. Bremond,J.: 1974. Reaction Des Populations Françaises Au CAN-120 Bang Supersonic (Translation Available in: Reaction of Bradley,J.S.; and Jonah,B.A.: 1979c. The Effects of Site the French Population to the Supersonic Bang. NASA- Selected Variables on Human Responses to Traffic TM-75487). Revue De Médecine Aéronautique Et Noise, Part III: Community Size by Socio-Economic Spatiale, 3rd. Qtr., vol. 13, pp. 208-213. Status by Traffic Noise Level. J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 67, FRA-045 pp. 409-423. Bremond,J.: 1979a. Evaluation De La Gêne Due Au Bruit De CAN-120 Concorde Autour De L'Aéroport International De Bradley,J.S.: 1980. Field Study of Adverse Effects of Traffic Washington-Dulles. Médecine Aéronautique Et Noise. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Third Spatiale, Médecine Subaquatique Et Hyperbare, 72, vol. International Congress), ASHA Report 10, pp. 571-579, 18, pp. 276-280. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, USA-127 Rockville, Maryland. Bremond,J.: 1979b. La Gêne Causée Par L'Aviation Légère. CAN-120 (Annoyance From Light Aircraft). Médecine Bradley,J.S.: 1982. Subjective Rating of Sound Insulation of Aéronautique Et Spatiale, Médecine Subaquatique Et Party Walls. Building Research Note No. 196. Division Hyperbare, 72, vol. 18, pp. 297-302. of Building Research, National Research Council, FRA-146 Canada. Breugelmans,O.; Houthuijs,D.; van Kamp,I.; Stellato,R.K.; CAN-262 van Wiechen,C.; and Doornbos,G.: 2007. Longitudinal Bradley,J.S.: 1983a. A Subjective Study of Party Wall Sound Effects of a Sudden Change in Aircraft Noise Exposure Insulation. Inter-noise 83, pp. 563-566. on Annoyance and Sleep Disturbance Around CAN-262 Amsterdam Airport. 19th International Congress on Bradley,J.S.: 1983b. Subjective Rating of Party Walls. Acoustics, Madrid, Spain. Canadian Acoustics, 4, vol. 11, pp. 37-45. NET-566 CAN-262 Brink,M.; and Lercher,P.: 2007. The Effects of Noise From Bradley,J.S.: 1991. Survey of Outdoor Air Conditioner Combined Traffic Sources on Annoyance: The Noise. Report No. CR-5954.2. National Research Interaction Between Aircraft and Road Traffic Noise. Council Canada, Ottawa. Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. CAN-322 SWI-525 Bradley,J.S.: 1993. Disturbance Caused by Residential Air Brink,M.; Wirth,K.; Schierz,C.; Thomann,G.; and Bauer,G.: Conditioner Noise. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., vol. 93, pp. 1978- 2008. Annoyance Responses to Stable and Changing 1986. Aircraft Noise Exposure. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 5, vol. 124, CAN-322 pp. 2930-2941. Bragdon,C.R.: 1969. Community Noise and the Public SWI-525 SWI-534 Interest. Sound and Vibration, vol. December 1969, pp. Bristow,A.; and Wardman,M.: 2003. Attitudes Towards and 16-21. Values of Aircraft Annoyance and Noise Nuisance: USA-058 Attitudes to Aircraft Annoyance Around Airports (5A) Bragdon,C.R.: 1971. Noise Pollution: The Unquiet Crisis. Survey Report. EEC/SEE/2003/002. Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. ROM-620 UKD-618 FRA-619 USA-058 Bristow,A.; Batley,R.; Wardman,M.; Heaver,C.; and Bray,V.: 1996. Opening of New Runway at Kingsford Smith Plachinski,E.: 2004. A Comparative Analysis of Airport, Sydney, Australia - Acoustic Impact. Inter- Annoyance From Aircraft Noise At Three European noise 96, pp. 2457-2460, Liverpool. Airports., Proceedings European Transport Conference. AUL-456 ROM-620 UKD-618 FRA-619 Bremner,R.M.: 1973. Noise Control Study; Volume I: Bristow,A.; and Wardman,M.: 2004. Valuation of Aircraft Summary and Policy Report; Volume II: Technical Noise Using Stated Preference Techniques. Inter-noise Discussion. Report to Committee on Public Works. 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. Toronto Noise Control Steering Committee, Toronto. ROM-620 UKD-618 FRA-619 CAN-079 Wyle 89 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Bristow,A.; Batley,R.; Wardman,M.; Hullah,P.; and Main Report. DR Report 8402. Civil Aviation Authority, Plachinski,E.: 2005. Modelling Annoyance From London. Aircraft Noise Using a Range of Indices: Lyon and UKD-242 Manchester Airports. Inter-noise 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brown,A.L.; and Law,H.G.: 1976. Effects of Traffic Noise: Brazil. South-East Freeway, Brisbane. ARRB Proceedings, vol. UKD-618 FRA-619 ROM-620 8, pp. 8-30, Victoria, Australia. Broderson,A.B.; and Edwards,R.G.: 1976. Environmental AUL-226 Noise Impact of Army Helicopters. J.Environmental Brown,A.L.: 1978. Traffic Noise Annoyance Along Urban Sci., vol. 19, pp. 9-18. Roadways: Report on a Survey in Brisbane, Sydney and USA-096 Melbourne. ARRB Internal Report AIR 206-6. Broderson,A.B.; Edwards,R.G.; and Hauser,W.P.: 1979. Australian Road Research Board, Victoria, Australia. Environmental Noise in Kentucky: A Comprehensive AUL-227 Study of Noise and Citizen Attitudes in Twenty Brown,A.L.; and Law,H.G.: 1978. South-East Freeway Kentucky Cities and of the Economic Impact of (Brisbane) Noise Annoyance Study: Report on the Regulation on Three Kentucky Industries. Watkins and Survey. ARRB Report No. 82. Australian Road Research Assoc., Inc., Lexington, Kentucky. Board, Victoria, Australia. USA-172 AUL-226 Broderson,A.B.; Edwards,R.G.; McCoy,D.F.; and Brown,A.L.: 1980a. Measuring Dose-Response Coakley,W.S.: 1981. Proposed State Noise Regulations- Relationships For Environmental Factors, in J. Morris An Urban Attitude Survey. Sound and Vibration, 12, (ed), Measuring Social Behavior in Road Research. pp. vol. 15, pp. 8-13. 109-119, Australian Road Research Board, Australia. USA-172 AUL-227 Brooker,P.: 1982. Reaction to Aircraft Noise Near General Brown,A.L.: 1980b. The Noise-Response Relationship Near Aviation Airfields: An Examination of Critiques of the a Freeway. ARRB Proceedings, 5, vol. 10, pp. 144-153. DORA Study. DORA Report 8213. Civil Aviation AUL-226 Authority, London. Brown,A.L.; Hall,A.; and Kyle-Little,J.: 1985. Response to a UKD-243 Reduction in Traffic Noise Exposure. J.Sound Vib., vol. Brooker,P.: 1983. Public Reaction to Aircraft Noise: Recent 98, pp. 235-246. U.K. Studies. Inter-noise 83, pp. 951-955. AUL-264 UKD-242 Brown,A.L.: 1987. Responses to an Increase in Road Traffic Brooker,P.; and Davies,L.I.C.: 1983. Reaction to Aircraft Noise. J.Sound Vib., vol. 117, pp. 69-79. Noise Near General Aviation Airfields. Noise as a AUL-265 Public Health Problem (Fourth International Congress), Brown,A.L.: 2006. A Longitudinal Study of Response to pp. 1139-1143, Centro Ricerche e Studi Amplifon, Night-Time Traffic Load. Inter-noise 2006, Honolulu, Milano, Italy. Hawaii, USA. UKD-243 AUL-589 Brooker,P.; and Nurse,K.: 1983. 1982 Manchester Night Brown,A.L.; Troutbeck,R.; and Pitts,D.: 2006. Logan Noise Study: Main Report. DR Report 8308. Directorate Motorway Night Time Truck Trial: Evaluation Report of Research, Chief Scientist's Division, Civil Aviation (Final Draft April 21 2006). QLD Department of Main Authority, London. Roads, Metropolitan District. UKD-224 AUL-589 Brooker,P.; and Davies,L.I.C.: 1984. Reaction to Aircraft Brown,A.L.; Troutbeck,R.; and Pitts,D.: 2007. Logan Noise Near General Aviation Airfields. Noise and Motorway Night Time Truck Trial: Evaluation Report Vibration Control Worldwide, vol. June 1984, pp. 147- Supplement (Final Draft). Department of Main Roads 149. Metropolitan District. UKD-243 AUL-589 Brooker,P.; and Richmond,C.: 1985a. The United Kingdom Bruckmayer,F.; and Lang,J.: 1967. Störung Der Bevölkerung Aircraft Noise Index Study: Part I -- Main Results. Durch Verkehrslärm. (Annoyance of People by Traffic Institute of Acoustics, April 1985 (York), pp. 323-329. Noise)(Translation Available in: Disturbance of the UKD-242 Populace by Traffic Noise. NASA TM-77723). Brooker,P.; and Richmond,C.: 1985b. The United Kingdom Österreichische Ingenieur-Zeitschrift, 8, 9, 10, vol. 10, Aircraft Noise Index Study: Part II -- Statistical Analysis pp. 283-384, 302-306, 376-385. of Disturbance and Noise Exposure. Institute of AUS-014 Acoustics, April 1985 (York), pp. 331-338. Buchta,E.; and Kastka,J.: 1977a. Belästigung Durch UKD-242 Autobahnlärm. (Nuisance by Highway Traffic). 9th Brooker,P.; Critchley,J.B.; Monkman,D.J.; and Richmond,C.: International Congress on Acoustics, p. 33. 1985. United Kingdom Aircraft Noise Index Study: GER-164 Wyle 90 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Buchta,E.; and Kastka,J.: 1977b. Relation Between the Building Research Establishment Ltd: 2002. The UK Annoyance of Traffic Noise and Physical Noise Level National Noise Incidence Study 2000/2001 (Scotland Data. Inter-noise 77, p. B731-B737. and Northern Ireland). NO01002. Department for GER-164 Environment, Food, & Rural Affairs. Buchta,E.; Buchta,C.; Koslowsky,L.; and Rohland,P.: 1982. UKD-603 Lästigkeit Von Schießlärm. (Annoyance Caused by Bullen,R.B.; and Hede,A.J.: 1982. Assessment of Shooting Noise). Forschungsbericht FE 82-105 01 314. Community Noise Exposure From Rifle Shooting. Umweltbundesamt, Berlin. J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 82, pp. 29-37. GER-278 AUL-209 Buchta,E.: 1984. Annoyance Caused by Shooting Noise and Bullen,R.B.; and Hede,A.J.: 1983a. Reliability and Validity Road Traffic Noise in a Field-Study and a Laboratory of Reaction Variables in Community Noise Research. Test. Fourth Congress of the Federation of Acoustical Noise as a Public Health Problem (Fourth International Societies of Europe, pp. 449-454. Congress), pp. 1105-1115, Centro Ricerche e Studi GER-278 Amplifon, Milano, Italy. Buchta,E.; Buchta,C.; and Loosen,W.: 1986. AUL-209 AUL-210 Lärmbelästigung in Der Umgebung Von Bullen,R.B.; and Hede,A.J.: 1983b. Time of Day Corrections Truppenübungsplätzen. (Noise Annoyance in the in Measures of Aircraft Noise Exposure. Vicinity of Military Training Areas)(Translation J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 5, vol. 73, pp. 1624-1630. Available in: Noise Stress in the Vicinity of Military AUL-210 Training Areas. 1989. NASA-TT-20741). Bullen,R.B.; and Job,R.F.S.: 1985. Re-Analysis of Data Forschungsbericht 86 - 10501 314 / 02. Presented in "Community Response to Blasting" by Umweltbundesamt, Berlin. Fidell, Et Al. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., vol. 78, pp. 799-800. GER-290 USA-206 Buchta,E.: 1988. Annoyance of Residents Through Low Bullen,R.B.; and Hede,A.J.: 1986. Comparison of the Frequency (Artillery) and High Frequency (Small Effectiveness of Measures of Aircraft Noise Exposure Arms) Impulse Noise. Noise as a Public Health Problem by Using Social Survey Data. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 108, (Fifth International Congress), vol. 3: Performance, pp. 227-245. Behaviour, Animal, Combined Agents and Community AUL-210 Responses, pp. 171-174, Swedish Council for Building Bullen,R.B.; Hede,A.J.; and Kyriacos,E.: 1986. Reaction to Research, Stockholm. Aircraft Noise in Residential Areas Around Australian GER-278 GER-290 Airports. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 108, pp. 199-225. Buchta,E.: 1990. A Field Survey on Annoyance Caused by AUL-210 Sounds From Small Firearms. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., vol. 88, Bullen,R.B.; Hede,A.J.; and Job,R.F.S.: 1991. Community pp. 1459-1467. Reaction to Noise From an Artillery Range. Noise GER-278 Control Engineering, vol. 37, pp. 115-128. Buchta,E.; and Vos,J.: 1998. A Field Survey on the AUL-321 Annoyance Caused by Sounds From Large Firearms Burgess,M.; and Zehner,R.: 1993. Aircraft Noise and Road Traffic. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 5, vol. 104, pp. Amelioration Study. Unisearch Ltd., Canberra, 2890-2902. Australia. GER-454 AUL-384 Buchta,E.; and Vos,J.: 1999. Response to "Comments on 'A Burgess,M.; and Zehner,R.: 1994a. Aircraft Noise Field Survey on the Annoyance Caused by Sounds Amelioration Schemes--Attitudes of Residents to the From Large Firearms and Road Traffic'"[J. Acoust. Soc. Options. Inter-noise 94, pp. 239-242, Yokohama, Japan. Am. 106, 1594-1597 (1999)]. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 3, vol. AUL-384 106, pp. 1598-1601. Burgess,M.; and Zehner,R.: 1994b. Attitudes of Residents JPN-454 Exposed to Aircraft Noise to Amelioration Measures. Bugge,J.J.; Gjestland,T.; Liasjø,K.H.; and Granøien,I.L.N.: NATO CCMS Symposium on Aircraft Noise Abatement 1991. Preliminary Results From a Study of Community Receiver Technology, Baltimore. Response to Noise From Military Aircraft Exercise. AUL-384 Inter-noise 91, pp. 203-206. Burrows,A.A.; and Zamarin,D.M.: 1972. Aircraft Noise and NOR-366 the Community: Some Recent Survey Findings. Bugge,J.J.: 1994. Community Response to Noise From Short Aerospace Medicine, 1, vol. 43, pp. 27-33. Term Military Aircraft Exercises at Airports Serving USA-031 Both Civil and Military Traffic. Inter-noise 94, pp. 243- Cailhau,D.: 2000. Comparison De La Gene Route-Rail: 246, Yokohama, Japan. Caracteristiques De L'Evolution De La Gene Due a NOR-328 NOR-366 Chaque Source De Bruit (Comparison of the Disturbance From Road and Rail: Characteristics of the Wyle 91 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Emergence of Disturbance From Each Noise Source). Recherches Psychologiques Air, St.-Cyr-L'Ecole; and SFC/DC/Gene/T/000215/2/B. SNCF, Paris. ARC, Paris. FRA-524 FRA-146 Cailhau,D.: 2001. Gene Ferroviaire De Nuit (Railway Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment: 1968. La Disturbance at Night). SFC/DC/0105/3400. SNCF, Gêne Causée Par Le Bruit Autour Des Aéroports: Paris. Rapport De Fin D'Etude. (Translation Available in: The FRA-524 Annoyance Caused by Noise Around Airports: Final Canada Ministry of Transport: 1972. Community Reaction Report. NASA TM-75784). Centre Scientifique et to Airport Noise-Dorval. Perspectives- Jeunesse, Vol. 1 Technique du Bâtiment, Paris. and 2. Project No. 267-4589. Canada Ministry of FRA-016 Transport, Montreal. CH2M Hill: 1980. Bradley International Airport Noise CAN-055 Abatement Plan. CH2M Hill, Newport Beach, Carp,F.M.; Zawadski,R.T.; and Shokron,H.: 1976. California. Dimensions of Urban Environmental Quality. USA-186 Environment and Behavior, vol. 8, pp. 239-264. Champelovier,P.; Cremezi,C.; and Lambert,J.: 2003. USA-066 Assessment of Annoyance From Combined Exposure to Carp,F.M.; and Carp,A.: 1982a. A Role for Technical Road and Rail Traffic Noises. INRETS Report 242. Environmental Assessment in Perceptions of FRA-524 Environmental Quality and Well-Being. J.Env.Psych., Chanaud,R.C.: 1972. Noise in Boulder, Colorado 1972. vol. 2, pp. 171-191. Engineering Dynamics, Inc., Littleton, Colorado. USA-066 USA-067 USA-081 Carp,F.M.; and Carp,A.: 1982b. Perceived Environmental Chang,C.L.: 1981. Vehicles Noise Criteria As a Noise Quality of Neighborhoods: Development of Assessment Control Procedure. Inter-noise 81, pp. 845-848. Scales and Their Relation to Age and Gender. CHI-230 J.Env.Psych., vol. 2, pp. 295-312. Chapman,D.: 1948. A Survey of Noise in British Homes. USA-066 National Building Studies, Tech Paper No. 2. HMSO, Carp,F.M.; and Carp,A.: 1982c. The Ideal Residential Area. London. Research on Aging, vol. 4, pp. 411-439. UKD-001 USA-066 Claassen,A.W.M.; Katteler,H.A.; Steenbekkers,J.H.M.; and Carter,N.L.; Job,R.F.S.; Taylor,R.; Peploe,P.; and Morrell,S.: de Jong,R.G.: 1999. Evaluatie Milieueffecten 1996. Progress Report on Sydney Airport Health Betuweroute 1998: Beleving Van De Woonomgeving En Studies, Phase 1. Inter-noise 96, pp. 2165-2170, Van Geluid., Deel 1: Pilot-Studie Havenspoorlijn Liverpool, England. (Evaluation of Environmental Effects Betuweroute 1988 AUL-383 : Experience of the Living Environment and Noise, Part Cederlöf,R.; Jonsson,E.; and Sörensen,S.: 1967. On the 1 Pilot-Study Havenspoorlijn). ITS/TNOPG: NS Influence of Attitudes Toward the Source on Railinfrabeheer, Utrecht. Annoyance Reactions to Noise: A Field Experiment. NET-378 Nordisk Hygienisk Tidskrift, vol. 48, pp. 46-55. Clark,C.; Stansfeld,S.A.; Haines,M.M.; Alfred,T.; Davies,H.; SWE-011 van Kempen,E.; and Lopez Barrio,I.: 2005. Implications Centre d'Etudes et Recherches Psychologiques Air: 1971. of the RANCH Study for Exploring Mechanisms of Attitudes De La Population Française a L'Egard Du Noise Effects on Cognition. Inter-noise 2005, Rio de Bang Supersonique. (Attitude of the People of France Janeiro, Brazil. Towards the Supersonic Bang)(Translation Available in: NET-575 SPA-571 UKD-610 Attitudes of the People of France Towards the Clark,C.; Stansfeld,S.A.; Berglund,B.; Nilsson,M.E.; Gidlöf- Supersonic Bang. NASA TM-76581). Centre d'Etudes et Gunnarsson,A.; van Kamp,I.; van Kempen,E.; and Recherches Psychologiques Air, St. Cyr L'Ecole. Lopez Barrio,I.: 2006. Psychological Restoration, Coping FRA-045 Strategies and Children's Cognitive Performance in the Centre d'Etudes et Recherches Psychologiques Air: 1978. La RANCH Study. Inter-noise 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, Gêne Causée Par L'Aviation Légère Enquête Effectuée USA. Autour De Quatre Aérodromes De La Région NET-575 SPA-571 UKD-610 Parisienne. (Translation Available in: Annoyance From Clary,B.B.: 1974. The Political and Social Impact of Aircraft Light Aircraft: Investigation Carried Out Around Four Noise on Four Urban Communities (Ph.D. Airports Near Paris. NASA-TM-75823. Nuisance Dissertation), University of Southern California. Caused by Light Aviation: Enquiry Conducted Around USA-245 USA-310 Four Aérodromes of The Parisian District: Appendix to Clench-Aas,J.; Bartonova,A.; Klæboe,R.; and the Main Report. NASA-TM-76532). Centre d'Etudes et Kolbenstvedt,M.: 1999. Quantifying Effect of Traffic Measures Using Individual Exposure Modeling. 8th Wyle 92 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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International Symposium "Transport and Air JPN-326 THA-327 Pollution", pp. 581-590, Graz. Davies,L.I.C.; Brooker,P.; and Critchley,J.B.: 1987. Noise NOR-398 NOR-400 NOR-401 Disturbance at Night Near Heathrow and Gatwick Clench-Aas,J.; Bartonova,A.; Klæboe,R.; and Airports: Critique of the Technical Issues Raised by Kolbenstvedt,M.: 2000. Oslo Traffic Study Part 2: Consultees During the 1986 Public Consultation. DORA Quantifying Effects of Traffic Measures Using Report 8715. Civil Aviation Authority, London. Individual Exposure Modeling. Atmospheric UKD-182 Environment, 27, vol. 34, pp. 4737-4744. Dawson,R.F.F.: 1973. Environmental Effects of Alton By- NOR-398 NOR-400 NOR-401 Pass. TRRL Report LR 589. Transport and Road Committee on Community Reactions to Concorde: 1977. Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, England. Community Reactions to Concorde: An Assessment of UKD-266 the Trial Period at Dulles Airport. National Research Daz,E.G.; Quiros,P.S.; Ibñez,F.B.; Belenguer,H.E.; Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, Pérez,A.G.; and Sanchis,A.M.: 1987. El Nivel Continuo D.C. Equivalente Como Indice De Molestia. Revista De USA-127 Acústica, vol. 18, pp. 5-16. Connor,W.K.: 1968. Community Reactions to Aircraft SPA-316 Noise: Noise Measurements. NASA -SP-189. pp. 649- de Brisson: 1966. Etude D'Opinion Sur Le Bang 659, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Supersonique. (Translation Available in: Opinion Study Washington, D.C. on the Sonic Bang. Royal Aircraft Establishment Library USA-022 Translation No. 1159, Farnborough, Hampshire, Great Connor,W.K.; and Patterson,H.P.: 1972. Community Britain). Study no. 22. Centre d'Etudes et d'Instruction Reaction to Aircraft Noise Around Smaller City Psychologiques de l'Armée de l'Air, Saint-Cyr-L'Ecole. Airports. NASA CR-2104. National Aeronautics and FRA-017 Space Administration, Washington, D.C. de Jong,R.G.: 1977a. Rail Traffic: A Preliminary Study on USA-022 USA-032 USA-044 Attitudes to Rail Traffic. Report ICB-RL-WR-03. Connor,W.K.; and Patterson,H.P.: 1976. Analysis of the Netherlands. [English version of a report]. Effects of Numbers of Aircraft Operations on NET-194 Community Annoyance. NASA CR-2741. National de Jong,R.G.: 1977b. Railverkeer - Orienterend Onderzoek Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, Met Betrekking Tot Belevingsaspecten Van Railverkeer. D.C. (Rail Traffic - Pilot Study to Aspects of Experience of USA-022 USA-032 USA-044 Rail Traffic). Report D 37. IMG-TNO, Delft. Cooper,P.J.; Diamond,I.D.; Rice,C.G.; and Walker,J.G.: NET-194 1984a. The Modeling of Source Specific and Total Noise de Jong,R.G.: 1979. Inventarisatie Van Geluidhinder in Annoyance Using Source Specific Noise Measurements. Nederland: De Eerste Resultaten. (Inventory of Noise Institute of Acoustics, 1984, pp. 301-308. Annoyance in the Netherlands: The First Results). UKD-241 Report D-40. IMG-TNO, Delft. Cooper,P.J.; Diamond,I.D.; Rice,C.G.; and Walker,J.G.: NET-261 1984b. A Study of the Influence of Background Noise de Jong,R.G.: 1979a. A Dutch Study on Railway Traffic on Annoyance Responses to Aircraft Noise. Report No. Noise. J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 66, pp. 497-502. AC510. Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, NET-153 Southampton, England. de Jong,R.G.: 1980a. Noise Annoyance in the Vicinity of UKD-241 Military Airbases. 10th International Congress on Cops,A.; Myncke,H.; Gambart,R.; and Steenackers,P.: 1978. Acoustics, pp. C2-5.3. Traffic Noise Measurements and Their Relation With NET-193 Annoyance. Inter-noise 78, pp. 605-608. de Jong,R.G.: 1980b. Incidents of Annoyance and BEL-122 Complaints Induced by Various Noise Sources. 10th Cremezi,C.; Gautier,P.E.; Lambert,J.; and Champelovier,P.: International Congress on Acoustics, pp. C2-15.1. 2001. Annoyance Due to Combined Noise Sources: NET-261 Advanced Results. International Congress on Acoutics, de Jong,R.G.; and Beers,C.S.: 1980c. Geluidhinder Rond Rome, Italy. Militaire Vliegvelden. (Noise Annoyance Around FRA-524 Military Airfields)(Part 1: Text, Part 2: Appendix)[Also Dankittikul,W.; Izumi,K.; Yano,T.; Kurosawa,K.; and Published by Ministerie Van Volksgezondheid En Yamashita,T.: 1993. Cross-Cultural Comparison of Milieuhygiëne As Interdepartementale Commissie Community Response to Road Traffic Noise in Japan Geluidhinder Reports ICG-LL-HR-16-01; ICG-LL-HR- and Thailand. Noise and Man '93: Noise as a Public 16-02][Translation Available in: Noise Annoyance Health Problem (Sixth International Congress), vol. 2, Around Military Airports. FTD-ID(RS)T-0998-89. pp. 197-200, INRETS, Arcueil, France. Foreign Technology Division, Air Force Systems Wyle 93 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Command. June 1990. Translation Available in: Noise in the Living Environment). Geluid En Omgeving Annoyance Around Military Airfields: Volume 2: (Noise and the Environment), vol. 6, pp. 11-14. Appendices. FTD-ID(RS)T-1030-89. Foreign Technology NET-153 Division, Air Force Systems Command. 1990.]. Report de Jong,R.G.: 1983b. Some Developments in Community D 51. IMG-TNO, Delft. Response Research Since the Second International NET-193 Workshop on Railway and Tracked Transit System de Jong,R.G.: 1981a. Beleving Van Geluidwerende Noise in 1978. J.Sound Vib., vol. 87, pp. 297-309. Voorzieningen Langs Rijksweg 10 (Evaluation of Noise NET-106 NET-153 NET-195 Abatement Measures Alongside Highway 10). Geluid de Jong,R.G.: 1983a. De Bruikbaarheid Van Kosten-Eenheid En Omgeving (Noise and the Environment), 1, vol. 4, En Bitter-Index Voor Het Bepalen Van Dosis- pp. 16-18. Effectrelaties Bij Militaire Luchtvaart. (The Utility of the NET-258 Kosten-Unit and Bitter-Index in Assessing Dose- de Jong,R.G.: 1981b. Community Response Surveys and the Response Relations for Military Aircraft)(Translation Dutch Noise Abatement. Inter-noise 81, pp. 787-792. Available in: Applicability of Kosten Unit and Bitter NET-261 Index to Determine Dose Effect Relationships in de Jong,R.G.: 1981c. Inventarisatie Van Geluidhinder in Military Aeronautics. 1989. NASA-TT-20494). TNO Nederland. (Inventory of Noise Annoyance in the Report D-72. Delft. Netherlands). Report ICG-BG-HR-18-01. Ministerie van NET-013 NET-115 NET-193 Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne, Leidschendam. de Jong,R.G.: 1986. Summary of the Preliminary Results of NET-261 the Joint CEC Pilot Project "Community Reactions to de Jong,R.G.: 1981d. Nederlands Onderzoek Naar Aircraft Noise-The Survey in the Netherlands-". Geluidhinder Door Vliegtuigen - Een Overzicht. Netherlands Institute for Preventive Health Care-TNO (Research on Noise Annoyance by Planes in the (NIPG-TNO), Leiden. Nederlands - an Overview)(An English Translation of NET-240 This Paper Is Available As: Some Highlights From the de Jong,R.G.: 1986a. Annoyance by Low-Flying Aircraft. Dutch Aircraft Noise Studies. IMG-TNO Document NATO CCMS (Committee on the Challenges of Modern Number 765). Geluid En Omgeving (Noise and the Society) Conference in Mittenwald, Federal Republic of Environment), vol. 3, pp. 228-232. Germany, September 22-26. NET-013 NET-115 NET-149 NET-193 NET-269 de Jong,R.G.; van den Berg,R.; and Stolk,J.W.: 1981e. de Jong,R.G.: 1986b. Geluidhinder Onder Laagvliegroutes Research on the Effects of Impulsive Sounds on Human in Overijssel. (Noise Annoyance Under Low Flight Beings - Subgroup 1: Field Enquiries and Routes in Overijssel)(Translation Available in: Noise Measurements (2 Volumes). IMG-TNO report D56. Annoyance Under Low Flight Routes in Overijssel. IMG-TNO, Delft. 1989. NASA TM-20489). TNO report 86024. NIPG-TNO, NET-260 Leiden. de Jong,R.G.: 1981f. Some Major Findings From Dutch NET-269 Studies on Aircraft Noise Annoyance. Inter-noise 81, de Jong,R.G.; and Kok,W.C.: 1987. Laagvliegen, Ernstige pp. 793-796. Hinder Bij 20 Ke. (Low Level Flying; Severe Annoyance NET-013 NET-115 NET-149 NET-193 NET-258 at 20 Ke). Geluid En Omgeving (Noise and the de Jong,R.G.; and Commins,D.: 1983. CEC Joint Research Environment), vol. December 1987, pp. 158-161. on Annoyance Due to Impulse Noise: Field Studies. NET-269 Noise as a Public Health Problem (Fourth International de Jong,R.G.: 1988a. Geluidhinder in Nederland: 10 Jaar Congress), pp. 1085-1093, Centro Ricerche e Studi Later. (Noise Annoyance in the Netherlands: 10 Years Amplifon, Milano, Italy. Later). Report No. 88050. NIPG-TNO, Leiden. FRA-252 GER-253 IRE-254 NET-255 NET-356 de Jong,R.G.; and Tukker,J.C.: 1983. Hinder Door de Jong,R.G.: 1988b. Geluidhinder in Nederland: Spoorweglawaai. (Annoyance by Railroad Traffic Rangordening Van Toestellen Naar Hinderlijkheid. Noise). NAG Report 67. pp. 48-59, TNO, Delft. (Noise Annoyance in the Netherlands: Rank Ordering NET-153 of Annoyance With Machinery in or Around the de Jong,R.G.; and Groeneveld,Y.: 1983. Geluidhinder Rond Home). Report No. 88049. NIPG-TNO, Leiden. Militaire Vliegvelden - Een Nieuwe Benadering -. NET-356 (Translation Available in: Noise Annoyance Around de Jong,R.G.; and Groeneveld,Y.: 1990. Annoyance at Low Military Airfields - A New Approach. 1989. NASA TM- Noise Levels. Noise-Con 90, pp. 221-224. 20488). TNO Report D-77. IMG-TNO, Delft. NET-356 NET-193 de Jong,R.G.; Groeneveld,Y.; and Halkes,H.J.C.: 1990. de Jong,R.G.; and Peeters,A.L.: 1983. Hinder Door Geluidneveaus InNederland (Noise Annoyance in the Spoorweggeluid in De Woonomgeving. (Railway Noise Netherlands). NIPG - 90.0605. TNO, Delft. Wyle 94 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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NET-356 Diamond,I.D.; Walker,J.G.; Critchley,J.B.; and de Jong,R.G.; Opmeer,C.H.J.M.; and Miedema,H.M.E.: Richmond,G.C.: 1986. CEC Joint Study of Community 1994. Hinder Door Milieuverontreiniging in Nederland. Response to Aircraft Noise 1984, Joint Report: The (Annoyance by Environmental Pollution in the Influence of Residual Noise on Disturbance From Netherlands). TNO-PG nr 94.056. TNO Prevention and Aircraft Noise. DR Report 8601. Civil Aviation Health, Leiden. Authority, London. NET-361 UKD-238 de Jong,R.G.; Opmeer,C.H.J.M.; and Miedema,H.M.E.: Diamond,I.D.; and Rice,C.G.: 1987. Models of Community 1995. Annoyance Caused by Environmental Pollutants Reaction To Noise From More Than One Source, in H. in the Netherlands. 15th International Congress on S. Koelega (ed), Environmental Annoyance: Acoustics, vol. 2, pp. 65-68. Characterization, Measurement, and Control. pp. 301- NET-361 312, Elsevier, Amsterdam. de Jong,R.G.; and Miedema,H.M.E.: 1996. Is Freight Traffic UKD-238 Noise More Annoying Than Passenger Traffic Noise? Diamond,I.D.; Walker,J.G.; Ollerhead,J.B.; Critchley,J.B.; J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 193, pp. 35-38. and Bradshaw,S.A.: 1987. Studying Community NET-153 UKD-116 Disturbance Around General and Business Aviation Dekoninck,L.; and Botteldooren,D.: 2002. Prediction of Aerodromes. Institute of Acoustics, Spring 1987 Noise Annoyance Due to Local Traffic Using (Portsmouth). Geographic Information and Traffic Modeling. Inter- UKD-243 UKD-324 noise 2002, vol. 111, Dearborn, Michigan, USA. Diamond,I.D.; Ollerhead,J.B.; Bradshaw,S.A.; Walker,J.G.; BEL-539 and Critchley,J.B.: 1988. A Study of Community Demeter,E.; and Berndt,M.: 1996. Population's Reaction on Disturbance Caused by General and Business Aviation Road Traffic Noise: a Field Survey. Inter-noise 96, pp. Operations. University of Southampton, England. 1883-1886, Liverpool, England. UKD-324 HUN-458 Diamond,I.D.; Reyner,L.; Horne,J.A.; and Brooks,V.: 2000. Dempsey,T.K.; Stephens,D.G.; Fields,J.M.; and Multilevel Discrete Time Hazards Models of Sleep Shepherd,K.P.: 1983. Residents' Annoyance Responses Disturbance Due to Aircraft Noise at Night. Inter-noise to Aircraft Noise Events. NASA TP-2121. National 2000, vol. 2, pp. 1353-1356, Nice, France. Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, UKD-339 D.C. Diamond,I.D.; Smith,A.P.; Hayward,S.; Heatherley,S.; and USA-219 Sheppard,Z.: 2000. Perceptions of Health Effects of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: 1974. DFG- Night Aircraft Noise. Inter-noise 2000, pp. 974-978, Forschungsbericht Fluglärmwirkungen: Eine Nice, France. Interdisziplinäre Untersuchung Über Die UKD-482 UKD-489 Auswirkungen Des Fluglärms Auf Den Menschen. Diamond,I.D.; Stephenson,R.; Sheppard,Z.; Smith,A.P.; (DFG-Research-Report Aircraft Noise: An Hayward,S.; Heatherley,S.; Raw,G.J.; and Interdisciplinary Investigation of the Effect of Aircraft Stansfeld,S.A.: 2000. Perceptions of Aircraft Noise, Noise on People)[The Translations Include the Chapters Sleep and Health., Dept. Social Statistics, University of and Corresponding Appendices Which Relate to Southampton. General Descriptions of the Project (Chapter 1,2, and 3), UKD-424 UKD-482 UKD-489 to the Social Survey (Chapter 4) and to the Inter- Directorate of Operational Research and Analysis: 1971. Disciplinary Parts (Chapter 8) of the Analysis: Aircraft Aircraft Noise in the Neighborhood of London Noise Effects: Part I: Basic Report. NASA-TM-75819; Heathrow Airport, 1967. DORA Report no. 7105. Dept. Aircraft Noise Effects: Part II: Annex Volume. NASA of Trade and Industry, London. TM-75818; and Aircraft Noise Effects: Part III: Social UKD-024 Scientific Supplementary Report. NASA-TM-75802]. Directorate of Operational Research and Analysis: 1978a. Harald Boldt Verlag KG, Boppard. Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance. DORA GER-034 Communication 7815. Civil Aviation Authority, Diamond,I.D.; and Walker,J.G.: 1986a. An International London. Study of the Influence of Residual Noise on UKD-147 Community Disturbance to Aircraft Noise. Inter-noise Directorate of Operational Research and Analysis: 1978b. 86, pp. 941-946. Night Noise Disturbance Study: Tabulations of the UKD-238 FRA-239 NET-240 Responses to the Pilot Administered Survey Conducted Diamond,I.D.; and Walker,J.G.: 1986b. CEC Joint Research Around London (Heathrow) Airport, December 1977. Project: Community Reactions to Aircraft Noise: Final DORA Communication 7813. Civil Aviation Authority, Report. ISVR, Univ. of Southampton. London. UKD-238 FRA-239 NET-240 UKD-147 Wyle 95 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Directorate of Operational Research and Analysis: 1978c. CAN-169 Night Noise Disturbance Study: Tabulations of the Dockrell,J.; and Shield,B.: 2004. Children's Perceptions of Responses to the Pilot Postal Surveys Conducted Their Acoustic Environment at School and at Home. Around London (Heathrow) Airport, Winter/Spring J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 6, vol. 115, pp. 2964-2973. 1978. DORA Communication 7814. Civil Aviation UKD-593 Authority, London. Dravitzki,V.; Walton,D.; and Wood,C.W.B.: 2002. Effects of UKD-147 Road Texture on Traffic Noise and Annoyance at Urban Directorate of Operational Research and Analysis: 1979. Driving Speed. Inter-noise 2002, vol. 111, Dearborn, Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance: Summary of Michigan, USA. Comments and Suggestions Received After the NZL-558 Preliminary Phase of the Study. DORA Report no. 7817. Duhs,E.; Eddington,N.; and Renew,W.D.: 1988. Noise Civil Aviation Authority, London. Annoyance Study - Brisbane. Noise as a Public Health UKD-147 Problem (Fifth International Congress), vol. 3: Directorate of Operational Research and Analysis: 1980a. Performance, Behaviour, Animal, Combined Agents Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance: A Description of and Community Responses, pp. 175-180, Swedish the Noise Measurement and Analysis Programme for Council for Building Research, Stockholm. the Main Phase of the Study; Aircraft Noise and Sleep AUL-286 Disturbance: Noise Climate Data for Sites Surveyed in Dunn,B.E.; and Posey,M.H.: 1974. Calgary Noise Survey the Main Phase of the Study. DORA Communication Vol. II: The Human Response to Noise. Calgary Univ., 8003. Civil Aviation Authority, London. Calgary. UKD-182 CAN-078 Directorate of Operational Research and Analysis: 1980b. Dunn,B.E.; and Jones,H.W.: 1975. Environmental Noise in a Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance: A Selection of Medium Size Canadian City. Inter-noise 75, pp. 421- Tabulations of the Responses to the Administered 424. Surveys for the Main Phase of the Study. DORA CAN-078 Communication 8006. Civil Aviation Authority, Dunn,B.E.; Hanington,C.E.; Wilk,H.A.; Wilson,S.A.; and London. Dunn,L.K.: 1985. A New Look at Noise Effects on Time UKD-182 Sharing Tasks. Inter-noise 85, pp. 981-984. Directorate of Operational Research and Analysis: 1980c. CAN-078 Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance: A Selection of Eddington,N.; and Eddington,I.: 1988. Environmental Tabulations of the Responses to the Postal Surveys for Noise Disamenity in an Australian Provincial City. the Main Phase of the Study. DORA Report no. 8007. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Fifth International Civil Aviation Authority, London. Congress), vol. 3: Performance, Behaviour, Animal, UKD-182 Combined Agents and Community Responses, pp. 181- Directorate of Operational Research and Analysis: 1980d. 186, Swedish Council for Building Research, Stockholm. Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance: Designated AUL-287 Night Data for Sites Surveyed in the Main Phase of the Edmiston,R.P.: 1972. Evaluation of Noise Pollution Level Study. DORA Report no. 8004. Civil Aviation Based Upon Community Exposure and Response Data. Authority, London. NASA CR-130920. National Aeronautics and Space UKD-182 Administration, Washington, D.C. Directorate of Operational Research and Analysis: 1980e. USA-032 Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance: Final Report. Edwards,R.M.; and Ollerhead,J.B.: 1974. A Survey of DORA Report no. 8008. Civil Aviation Authority, Aircraft Noise Annoyance in an Area of Invariant Noise London. to Eliminate the Effects on Annoyance of Varying Noise UKD-182 Exposure. Report TT 7405. Loughborough Univ. of Directorate of Operational Research and Analysis: 1982a. Tech.. Reaction to Aircraft Noise Around Hamble Airfield. UKD-086 DORA Communication 8105. Civil Aviation Authority, Edwards,R.M.: 1975. A Social Survey to Examine the London. Variance of Aircraft Noise Annoyance. J.Sound Vib., 1, UKD-309 vol. 41, pp. 41-51. Directorate of Operational Research and Analysis: 1982b. UKD-086 Reaction to Aircraft Noise Near General Aviation Edwards,R.G.; Broderson,A.B.; Barbour,R.W.; McCoy,D.F.; Airfields. DORA Report 8203. Civil Aviation Authority, and Johnson,C.W.: 1979. Assessment of the London. Environmental Compatibility of Differing Helicopter UKD-243 Noise Certification Standards. Report no. FAA-AEE-79- Dixit,A.K.; and Reburn,J.O.: 1980. Community Reaction to 13. Federal Aviation Administration. Railway Yard Noise. Inter-noise 80, pp. 883-886. USA-167 Wyle 96 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Edwards,R.G.; Broderson,A.B.; and Johnson,C.W.: 1980. Actual Noise Annoyance Measurement. Inter-noise 97, Helicopter Noise Impact. Sound and Vibration, vol. 14, pp. 1179-1182, Budapest, Hungary. pp. 20-25. GER-472 USA-167 Fidell,S.A.; Jones,G.; and Pearsons,K.S.: 1973. Feasibility of Environmental Agency of Japan: 1973. An Investigation on a Novel Technique for Assessing Noise-Induced the Shinkansen Train Noise. Special Pollution Division, Annoyance--Human Response to Community Noise Air Quality Bureau, Environmental Agency of Japan. Exposure. DOT-TST-74-3 (Bolt Beranek and Newman JPN-064 Report no. BBN-2423). Department of Transportation, Ericz,W.J.; Noordam,A.; and Schoonderbeek,W.: 1986. Washington, D.C. Trollificering Van Buslijn 9 in Arnhem. Onderzoek USA-091 Naar De Effecten Van Geluidhinder. (Trolley Fidell,S.A.; and Jones,G.: 1975. Effects of Cessation of Late- Conversion of Busline #9 in Arnhem. Research on the Night Flights on an Airport Community. J.Sound Vib., Effects on Noise Annoyance). Noise Series #GA-HR-12- 4, vol. 42, pp. 441-427. 1. Ministerie VROM, Leidschendam. USA-082 NET-362 Fidell,S.A.: 1977. The Urban Noise Survey. Report No. EPA Faburel,G.; and Luchini,S.: 2000. The Social Cost of Aircraft 550-9-77-100. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Noise: the Contingent Valuation Method Applied to Washington, D.C. Paris-Orly Airport. Inter-noise 2000, pp. 3401-3406, USA-102 Nice, France. Fidell,S.A.: 1978. Nationwide Urban Noise Survey. FRA-391 J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 1, vol. 64, pp. 198-206. Federal Aviation Administration: 1977. Concorde USA-102 Monitoring Summary Report Dulles International Fidell,S.A.; Teffeteller,S.R.; and Pearsons,K.S.: 1979. Initial Airport May 1976-May 1977. Department of Study on the Effects of Transformer and Transmission Transportation, FAA, Washington, D.C. Line Noise on People, Vol. 3: Community Reaction. EA- USA-127 1240, vol. 3. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Federal Aviation Administration: 1979. Concorde Palo Alto, California. Monitoring Summary Report J.F.K. International USA-216 Airport November 1977-November 1978. Department Fidell,S.A.; Horonjeff,R.D.; Teffeteller,S.R.; and of Transportation, FAA, Washington, D.C. Pearsons,K.S.: 1981. Community Sensitivity to Changes USA-144 in Aircraft Noise Exposure. NASA CR-3490. National Federal Aviation Administration: 1980. Effects of Airport Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, Noise on a Neighboring State: Report to Congress. D.C. Office of Environment and Energy, FAA, Washington, USA-203 D.C. Fidell,S.A.; and Horonjeff,R.D.: 1982. Dosage-Response USA-191 Relationships for Community Annoyance With Felscher-Suhr,U.; Guski,R.; Hunecke,M.; Kastka,J.; Blasting. Inter-noise 82, pp. 585-588. Paulsen,R.; Schümer,R.; and Vogt,J.: 1995. Störungen USA-206 Von Alltagstätigkeiten Durch Flug- Und Straßenlärm. Fidell,S.A.; Horonjeff,R.D.; Schultz,T.J.; and Teffeteller,S.R.: Eine Methodologische Vorstudie. Ruhr-Universität, 1982. Initial Field Studies of Community Response to Bochum. Blast Noise and Vibration. BBN Rep. 4731. Bolt Beranek GER-472 and Newman, Canoga Park, California. Felscher-Suhr,U.; Guski,R.; Hunecke,M.; Kastka,J.; USA-206 Paulsen,R.; and Schümer,R.: 1996. Disturbance of Every Fidell,S.A.; Mills,J.; Teffeteller,S.R.; and Pearsons,K.S.: 1982. Day Activities Due to Road Traffic and Aircraft Noise. Community Response to Three Noise Abatement Inter-noise 96, pp. 2321-2324, Liverpool, England. Departure Procedures at John Wayne Airport. BBN GER-472 Rep. 4743. Bolt Beranek and Newman, Canoga Park, Felscher-Suhr,U.; Guski,R.; Hunecke,M.; Kastka,J.; California. Paulsen,R.; Schümer,R.; and Vogt,J.: 1996. Eine USA-204 Methodologische Studie Zur Aktuellen Erfassung Von Fidell,S.A.; Horonjeff,R.D.; Schultz,T.J.; and Teffeteller,S.R.: Alltagstätigkeiten Und Deren Störungen Durch 1983. Community Response to Blasting. Umweltlärm (A Methodological Study on the J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 3, vol. 74, pp. 888-893. Measurement of Every Day Activities and Their USA-206 Disturbances Due to Environmental Noise). Zeitschrift Fidell,S.A.; and Horonjeff,R.D.: 1985. Reply to "Re-Analysis Für Lärmbekämpfung, vol. 43, pp. 61-68. of Data Presented in `Community Response to GER-472 Blasting'". J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 2, vol. 78, pp. 800-801. Felscher-Suhr,U.: 1997. On the Difference in the Evolution USA-206 of Judgements Depending on Either Retrospective or Wyle 97 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Fidell,S.A.; Horonjeff,R.D.; Mills,J.; Baldwin,E.; Fidell,S.A.; Silvati,L.; and Pearsons,K.S.: 1996. On the Teffeteller,S.R.; and Pearsons,K.S.: 1985. Aircraft Noise Noticeability of Small and Gradual Declines in Aircraft Annoyance at Three Joint Air Carrier and General Noise Exposure Levels. Inter-noise 96, pp. 2247-2252, Aviation Airports. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 3, vol. 77, pp. Liverpool, England. 1054-1068. USA-431 USA-203 USA-204 USA-301 Fidell,S.A.; Silvati,L.; and Howe,R.: 1996. Social Survey of Fidell,S.A.; and Pearsons,K.S.: 1985a. Comments on Reply Community Preferences for Aircraft Noise Mitigation to "The Effect of Changes in Aircraft Noise Exposure". Measures. BBN Report No. 8172. BBN Systems and J.Sound Vib., vol. 103, pp. 139-140. Technologies, Canoga Park, CA. USA-203 USA-428 Fidell,S.A.; and Pearsons,K.S.: 1985b. Comments on "The Fidell,S.A.; Howe,R.; Tabachnick,B.; Pearsons,K.S.; Effect of Changes in Aircraft Noise Exposure". J.Sound Silvati,L.; Sneddon,M.; and Fletcher,E.: 1998. Field Vib., 4, vol. 102, pp. 583-584. Studies of Habituation to Change in Nighttime Aircraft USA-203 Noise and of Sleep Motility Measurement Methods. Fidell,S.A.; and Silvati,L.: 1991. An Assessment of the Effect BBN Report 8195. pp. 1-108, BBN, Canoga Park, CA. of Residential Acoustic Insulation on Prevalence of USA-435 Annoyance in an Airport Community. Fidell,S.A.; and Silvati,L.: 1998. Evaluation of Community J.Acoust.Soc.Am., vol. 89, pp. 244-247. Response to Noise Following Completion of Runway USA-349 08L/26R at Vancouver International Airport. BBN Fidell,S.A.; Barber,D.S.; and Schultz,T.J.: 1991. Updating a Report No. 8247. Dosage-Effect Relationship for the Prevalence of CAN-385 Annoyance Due to General Transportation Noise. Fidell,S.A.; Silvati,L.; Pearsons,K.S.; Lind,S.; and Howe,R.: J.Acoust.Soc.Am., vol. 89, pp. 221-233. 1999. Field Study of the Annoyance of Low-Frequency AUL-210 AUS-014 AUS-093 BEL-122 BEL-137 CAN-121 Runway Sideline Noise. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 3, vol. 106, CAN-168 DEN-075 DEN-200 FRA-016 FRA-019 FRA- pp. 1408-1415. 041 FRA-063 GER-034 SWE-021 SWE-025 SWE-035 USA-432 SWE-165 SWE-228 SWI-053 UKD-008 UKD-024 UKD- Fidell,S.A.; Tabachnick,B.; Pearsons,K.S.; and Howe,R.: 071 UKD-116 USA-022 USA-032 USA-044 USA-082 2000. Effects on Sleep Disturbance of Changes in USA-102 USA-203 USA-204 USA-250 USA-301 USA-338 Aircraft Noise Near Three Airports. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., Fidell,S.A.; Pearsons,K.S.; Howe,R.; Tabachnick,B.; 5, vol. 107, pp. 2535-2547. Silvati,L.; and Barber,D.S.: 1994. Noise-Induced Sleep USA-430 Disturbance in Residential Settings. AL/OE-TR-1994- Fidell,S.A.: 2000. Developing a Criterion for the Annoyance 0131. Armstrong Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air of Low Frequency Aircraft Noise. Inter-noise 2000, Force Base. Nice, France. USA-433 USA-429 USA-432 Fidell,S.A.; Pearsons,K.S.; Tabachnick,B.; Howe,R.; Fidell,S.A.; Silvati,L.; Pearsons,K.S.; Howe,R.; and Silvati,L.; and Barber,D.S.: 1995. Field Study of Noise- Sneddon,M.: 2000. Studies of the Annoyance of Low Induced Sleep Disturbance. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., vol. 98, Frequency Aircraft Noise at Two Civil Airports. Inter- pp. 1025-1033. noise 2000, Nice, France. USA-433 USA-429 USA-432 Fidell,S.A.; Silvati,L.; and Pearsons,K.S.: 1995. Social Survey Fidell,S.A.; Silvati,L.; and Haboly,E.: 2002. Social Survey of of Community Response to Noise Exposure Near Community Response to a Step Change in Aircraft Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. BBN Technical Noise Exposure. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 1, vol. 111, pp. 200- Report No. 8070. Bolt Beranek and Newman Systems 209. and Technology, Canoga Park, CA. CAN-385 USA-431 Fiedler,F.E.; and Fiedler,J.: 1974. The Social Impact of the Fidell,S.A.; Howe,R.; Tabachnick,B.; Pearsons,K.S.; and Seattle-Tacoma Airport on the Community. DOT-FA73 Sneddon,M.: 1995. Noise-Induced Sleep Disturbance in NW-011. Residences Near Two Civil Airports. NASA CR 198252. USA-085 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Fiedler,F.E.; and Fiedler,J.: 1975. Port Noise Complaints: Hampton, VA. Verbal and Behavioral Reactions to Airport-Related USA-430 Noise. J.Appl.Psych., vol. 60, pp. 498-506. Fidell,S.A.; Silvati,L.; and Fletcher,E.: 1995. Social Survey of USA-085 Community Response to Noise Exposure Near Fields,J.M.; Walker,J.G.; and Large,J.B.: 1976. Designing a Vancouver International Airport. 8105. BBN Acoustic National Study of Railway Noise in Great Britain. Inter- Technologies Division, Canoga Park, California. noise 76, pp. 203-208. CAN-385 UKD-116 Wyle 98 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Fields,J.M.: 1977. Railway Noise Annoyance in Residential UKD-116 Areas: Current Findings and Suggestions For Future Fields,J.M.; and Walker,J.G.: 1982b. The Response to Research. J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 51, pp. 343-351. Railway Noise in Residential Areas in Great Britain. UKD-116 J.Sound Vib., vol. 85, pp. 177-255. Fields,J.M.; and Walker,J.G.: 1977a. A National Study of UKD-116 Railway Noise in Great Britain: the First Assessment of Fields,J.M.: 1983. Variability in Individuals' Responses to Its Design. Noise-Con 77, pp. 137-154. Noise: Community Differences. Inter-noise 83, pp. 965- UKD-116 968. Fields,J.M.; and Walker,J.G.: 1977b. The Effects of Railway UKD-116 Noise and Vibration on the Community. ISVR Contract Fields,J.M.; and Powell,C.A.: 1985. A Community Survey of Report 77/18. Univ. of Southampton, England. Helicopter Noise Annoyance Conducted Under UKD-116 Controlled Noise Exposure Conditions. NASA TM- Fields,J.M.; and Tomberlin,T.J.: 1978. Noise Survey Design 86400. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the Precision of Statistical Results: Further Washington, D.C. Evaluation of the Design of a National Railway Noise USA-235 Survey. Inter-noise 78, pp. 597-600. Fields,J.M.; and Powell,C.A.: 1987. Community Reactions UKD-116 to Helicopter Noise: Results From an Experimental Fields,J.M.; and Walker,J.G.: 1978. Reactions to Railway Study. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., vol. 82, pp. 479-492. Noise in Great Britain. Inter-noise 78, pp. 585-590. USA-235 UKD-116 Fields,J.M.; and Hall,F.L.: 1987. Community Effects of Fields,J.M.: 1979. Railway Noise and Vibration Annoyance Noise, Chapt. 3, in P. M. Nelson (ed), Transportation in Residential Areas. J.Sound Vib., vol. 66, pp. 445-458. Noise Reference Book. pp. 3-1-3/27, Butterworths & Co, UKD-116 London. Fields,J.M.; and Walker,J.G.: 1980a. Community Response CAN-120 to Railway Noise in Great Britain. 10th International Fields,J.M.: 1991. An Updated Catalog of 318 Social Surveys Congress on Acoustics, Sydney, pp. C2-9.2. of Residents' Reactions to Environmental Noise (1943- UKD-116 1989). NASA TM-187553. National Aeronautics and Fields,J.M.; and Walker,J.G.: 1980b. Comparing Reactions Space Administration, Washington, D.C. to Transportation Noises From Different Surveys: a Fields,J.M.; Moulton,C.; Baumgartner,R.M.; and Thomas,J.: Railway Noise Vs. Aircraft and Road Traffic 1994. Residents' Reactions to Long-Term Sonic Boom Comparison. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Third Exposure: Preliminary Results. NASA CP-3279. pp. 193- International Congress), ASHA Report 10, pp. 580-587, 208, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Washington, D.C. Rockville, Maryland. USA-375 UKD-116 Fields,J.M.: 1996. Measuring Residents' Reactions to Noise Fields,J.M.; and Walker,J.G.: 1980c. Reactions to Railway With a Magnitude Scale. Inter-noise 96, pp. 2382-2388. Noise in Great Britain: An Updated Report. Inter-noise USA-375 80, pp. 871-874. Fields,J.M.: 1997. Reactions of Residents to Long-Term UKD-116 Sonic Boom Noise Environments. NASA TM-20103. Fields,J.M.; and Walker,J.G.: 1980d. Reactions to Railway National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Noise: A Survey Near Railway Lines in Great Britain Washington, D.C. Vols. I and II. ISVR Technical Report 102. Institute of USA-375 Sound and Vibration Research, Southampton, England. Finke,H.O.; and Martin,R.: 1974. Fluglärm in UKD-116 Wohngebieten-Messung Und Beurteilung. Paper Fields,J.M.; and Walker,J.G.: 1980e. Traction Type and DGLR-74-27368. (Translation Available in: Aircraft Railway Noise Annoyance. ISVR Contract Report No. Noise in Residential Areas: Measurement and 8013. ISVR, Southampton. Evaluation. NASA TT-F-15,907. National Aeronautics UKD-116 and Space Administration, Washington, D.C.). Fields,J.M.: 1981. A Catalog of Social Surveys of Residents' Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft - und Raumfahrt, Reactions to Environmental Noise (1943-1980). NASA Symposium über Triebwerkslärm, Braunschweig, West TM-83187. National Aeronautics and Space Germany, February 20-21, pp. 1-8. Administration, Washington, D.C. GER-034 Fields,J.M.; and Walker,J.G.: 1982a. Comparing the Finke,H.O.; Martin,R.; Guski,R.; Rohrmann,B.; Schümer,R.; Relationships Between Noise Level and Annoyance in and Schümer-Kohrs,A.: 1975. Effects of Aircraft Noise Different Surveys: A Railway Noise Vs. Aircraft and on Man. J.Sound Vib., vol. 43, pp. 335-349. Road Traffic Comparison. J.Sound Vib., vol. 81, pp. 51- GER-034 80. Wyle 99 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Finke,H.O.; Guski,R.; and Rohrmann,B.: 1980. Betroffenheit Relationship Between Noise and Annoyance Around Einer Stadt Durch Lärm, Bericht Über Eine Inter- Orly. NASA TM-76573, 1981). Institut Français Disziplinäre Untersuchung. (Objective and Subjective d'Opinion Publique, Paris. Impact on a Town: Report of an Interdisciplinary FRA-056 Investigation). Umweltbundesamt, Berlin. Francois,J.: 1974. La Gêne Causée Par Le Bruit Des Avions GER-134 Autour De L'Aéroport De Strasbourg: Etude Flindell,I.H.: 1979. A Combined Laboratory and Field Exploratoire. (The Annoyance Caused by Aircraft Noise Study of Traffic Noise. Institute of Acoustics, Spring Around Strasbourg Airport: Exploratory Research). 1979 (Southampton), p. 20.N3.1-20.N3.4. IFOP/ETMAR, Paris. UKD-176 FRA-218 Flindell,I.H.: 1982. Community Response to Multiple Noise Francois,J.: 1975a. Incidences Des Modifications De La Sources (Ph.D. Dissertation), Institute of Sound and Methode De Calcul De L'Indice Psophique. (Changes in Vibration Research, Southampton, England. the Method of Calculating the Isopsophic UKD-176 Index)(Translation Available in: Incidences From Flindell,I.H.; Bullmore,A.J.; Robertson,K.A.; Wright,N.A.; Modification of the Computational Methods of the Turner,C.; Birch,C.L.; Jiggins,M.; Berry,B.F.; Psophic Index. NASA TM-76577, 1981). IFOP/ETMAR, Davison,M.; and Dix,M.: 2000. Aircraft Noise and Sleep Paris. -- 1999 UK Trial Methodology Study., ISVR FRA-056 Consultancy Services. Francois,J.: 1975b. La Gêne Causée Par L'Aviation Légère: UKD-483 Etude Menée Autour De L'Aéroport De St. Cyr L'Ecole. Flindell,I.H.: 2007. Community Response to Aircraft Noise. (The Annoyance Caused by Light Aircraft: Study UKD-604 Conducted Around the Airport of St. Cyr L'Ecole). Florentine,M.; Namba,S.; and Kuwano,S.: 1986. Concepts of IFOP/ETMAR, Paris. Loudness, Noisiness, Noise and Annoyance in the FRA-087 U.S.A., Japan, and England. Inter-noise 86, pp. 831-834. Francois,J.: 1975c. Le Bruit Et La Gêne Autour De JPN-510 UKD-512 USA-513 L'Aéroport De Strasbourg. (Noise and Annoyance Fog,H.; and Jonsson,E.: 1968. Traffic Noise in Residential Around Strasbourg Airport). IFOP/ETMAR, Paris. Areas. Report 36 E/1986. The National Swedish FRA-218 Institute for Building Research, Stockholm. Francois,J.: 1975d. Les Répercussions Du Bruit Des Avions SWE-021 Sur L'Equilibre Des Riverains Des Aéroports: Recherche Foreman,J.E.K.; and Dickinson,S.M.: 1973. Noise Menée Autour De Roissy Et D'Orly. (The Effects of Measurement and Attitudinal Surveys of the Cities of Aircraft Noise on the Equilibrium of Residents Around London and Woodstock. Report # 1. Univ. of Western Airports: Research Conducted Around Roissy and Ontario (Faculty of Engineering Science), London, Orly)[This Report Has Been Translated into English]. Canada. IFOP/ETMAR. Paris. CAN-076 FRA-098 FRA-099 FRA-113 Foreman,J.E.K.; and Dickinson,S.M.: 1974. Community Francois,J.: 1977a. La Prise En Compte De La Gêne Noise Survey of Typical Cities (London and Nocturne Dans Le Calcul De L'Indice Psyophique. Woodstock) in Ontario. Eighth International Congress (Taking Account of Night-Time Annoyance in the on Acoustics, p. 93, London, England. Calculation of N)(Translation Available in: Taking Into CAN-076 Account Nighttime Annoyance in the Calculation of the Foreman,J.E.K.; Emmerson,M.A.; and Dickinson,S.M.: 1974. Psophic Index. NASA TM-76580, 1981). IFOP/ETMAR, Noise Level/Attitudinal Surveys of London and Paris. Woodstock, Ontario. Sound and Vibration, 8, vol. 8, pp. FRA-113 FRA-098 16-22. Francois,J.: 1977b. Répercussion Du Bruit Des Avions Sur CAN-076 L'Equilibre Des Riverains Des Aéroports: Analyses Francois,J.: 1972. La Gêne Causée Par Le Bruit Des Avions Complémentaires De L'Enquête Realisée Autour Au Voisinage De L'Aéroport D'Orly Et Les Réactions D'Orly. (Translation Available in: Effects of Aircraft Des Riverains: Etude Qualitive. (Translation Available Noise on the Equilibrium of Airport Residents: in: The Annoyance Caused by Airplane Noise in the Supplementary Analyses to the Study Carried Out Vicinity of Orly Airport and the Reaction of Around Orly. NASA TM-76627, 1981). IFOP/ETMAR, Neighboring Residents: Qualitative Research. NASA Paris. TM-76575, 1981). Institut Français d'Opinion Publique, FRA-113 Paris. Francois,J.: 1977c. Répercussion Du Bruit Des Avions Sur FRA-056 L'Equilibre Des Riverains Des Aéroports: Test Et Mise Francois,J.; and Roche,J.P.: 1973. Liaison Entre Le Bruit Et Au Point D'Une Methodologie Nouvelle. (Translation La Gêne Autour D'Orly (Translation Available in: The Available in: Effects of Aircraft Noise on the Wyle 100 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Equilibrium of Airport Residents: Testing and Wiechen,C.M.A.G.: 1999. Annoyance, Sleep Utilization of a New Methodology. NASA TM-76628, Disturbance, Health Aspects, Perceived Risk, and 1981). IFOP/ETMAR, Paris. Residential Satisfaction Around Schiphol Airport; FRA-131 Results of a Questionnaire Survey. Summary. TNO-PG: Francois,J.: 1979a. Les Répercussions Du Bruit Des Avions 98.052; RIVM:441520011. TNO, Leiden/Bilthoven. Sur L'Equilibre Des Riverains Des Aéroports: Etude NET-371 Longitudinal Autour De Roissy, 3ème Phase. (Effects of Franssen,E.A.M.; van Kamp,I.; and de Jong,R.G.: 2000. Aircraft Noise on the Equilibrium of Airport Residents: Annoyance and Health Around Schiphol Airport and in Longitudinal Study Around Roissy, Phase a Control Area. Inter-noise 2000, p. 2103, Nice, France. 3)(Translation Available in: Effect of Aircraft Noise on NET-371 the Equilibrium of Airport Residents: Longitudinal Fricks,P.T.: 1980. A Social Survey of Community Attitudes Study Around Roissy-- Phase III. NASA TM-75906, Towards Noise. Bureau of Environmental Protection, 1981). IFOP/ETMAR, Paris. Salt Lake City, Utah. FRA-150 USA-183 Francois,J.: 1979b. Nature De La Gêne Et Relation Bruit- Fujimoto,K.; Haruta,C.; and Sakata,N.: 1986. Jidôsha Sôon Gêne Autour Des Aéroports. (Nature of the Annoyance No Nichijô Seikatsu He No Eikyô No Chôsa to Sono and Relation of Noise-Annoyance Around Bunseki. (Survey of Effects of Road Traffic Noise on Airports)(Translation Available in: Nature of the Daily Life). J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn., 6, vol. 42, pp. 432-440. Annoyance and Noise Annoyance Relation Around JPN-440 Airports. NASA TM-75873, 1981). Revue D'Acoustique, Fujimoto,K.; and Tsuru,K.: 1988. (No Romaji)(A Survey on vol. 48, pp. 70-78. the Impression of Sound: (1) Classification of Sounds by FRA-113 FRA-098 FRA-056 Using Cluster Analysis). Report of the Annual Meeting Francois,J.: 1980. Aircraft Noise, Annoyance, and Personal of the Acoustical Society of Japan, pp. 563-564. Characteristics. Noise as a Public Health Problem JPN-442 (Third International Congress), ASHA Report 10, pp. Fujimoto,K.; and Haruta,C.: 1988. An Investigation on the 594-599, American Speech-Language-Hearing Alarm Sound of Grade Crossings: A Survey of the Association, Rockville, Maryland. Opinions on Alarm Sound. WESTPACIII (Western FRA-113 FRA-099 Pacific Acoustics Conference III -- Shanghai), pp. 1059- Franken,P.A.: 1971. Urban Noise Problems and Potential 1062, Shanghai. Solutions. Seventh International Congress on Acoustics, JPN-441 vol. 1, pp. 233-236, Budapest. Fujimoto,K.: 1991. Relation Between Evaluation of USA-057 Residential Environment and Annoyance of Noise. Franssen,E.A.M.; van Wiechen,C.M.A.G.; van Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Acoustics Poll,H.F.P.M.; Kruize,H.; de Jong,R.G.; (Commemoration of 10th Anniversary of ASK), pp. 424- Miedema,H.M.E.; and Lebret,E.: 1998. Self-Reported 429. Health, Risk Perception and Residential Satisfaction JPN-438 JPN-440 JPN-441 JPN-442 Around Schiphol Airport, Netherlands. Noise Effects Fujimoto,K.: 1993. How Important Do People Think Quiet ‘98: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Seventh Is for a Residential Environment? Inter-noise 93, pp. International Congress), Congress Program and 1137-1140, Leuven, Belgium. Abstract book, p. 156. JPN-438 NET-371 Fujimoto,K.; Haruta,C.; and Furuya,H.: 1994a. (Helen's Franssen,E.A.M.; de Jong,R.G.; Lebret,E.; Miedema,H.M.E.; Romaji Not Copied Here)(Survey Research on City van Poll,H.F.P.M.; Vos,H.; Walda,I.C.; and van Environment Noise: Part 2: Fukuoka City's-- Something Wiechen,C.M.A.G.: 1998. Hinder, Slaapverstoring, -LOOSe Translation). Technical Report of the Kyushu Gezondheid En Belevingsaspecten in De Regio Branch Meeting of the Architectural Institute of Japan, Schiphol, Resultaten Van Een Vragenlijstonderzoek. pp. 33-36. (Annoyance, Sleep Disturbance, Health and Experience JPN-443 Aspects in the Schiphol Region: Results of a Survey). Fujimoto,K.; Haruta,C.; and Furuya,H.: 1994b. (No Romaji TNO -PG Report number 98.039, RIVM Report Number or Translation). Technical Report of the Kyushu Branch 441520010. TNO, Leiden. Meeting of the Architectural Institute of Japan, pp. 41- NET-371 44. Franssen,E.A.M.; Lebret,E.; and Staatsen,B.A.M.: 1999. JPN-443 Health Impact Assessment Schiphol Airport. RIVM Fujimoto,K.: 1994. How Important Do People Think Quiet 441520 012. RIVM, Bilthoven, Netherlands. Is for a Residential Environment? (Part 2). Inter-noise NET-371 94, pp. 967-972, Yokohama, Japan. Franssen,E.A.M.; de Jong,R.G.; Lebret,E.; Miedema,H.M.E.; JPN-438 JPN-440 JPN-441 JPN-442 JPN-443 van Poll,H.F.P.M.; Vos,H.; Walda,I.C.; and van Wyle 101 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Furuya,H.; Fujimoto,K.; and Haruta,C.: 1994. Survey on SPA-272 Environmental Noise and Human Response to García,A.: 1986. Influencia De Los Factores Sociológicos Environmental Sounds. Inter-noise 94, pp. 1161-1164. Sobre Las Respuestas Subjetivas Al Ruido Del Tráfico. JPN-443 (Effects of Social Factors on Subjective Responses to Furuya,H.; Fujimoto,K.; and Haruta,C.: 1994. (Helen's Road Traffic Noise). UNED, Valencia. Romaji Not Copied Here)(Survey Research on City SPA-274 Environment Noise: Part 1: Fukuoka City-LOOSe García,A.; Romero,J.; and Alamar,M.: 1988. Traffic Noise Translation). Technical Report of the Kyushu Branch Exposure and Annoyance Reactions in Spain: a Review Meeting of the Architectural Institute of Japan, pp. 29- of Three Surveys. Convegno Internazionale "IL 32. RUMORE URBANO E IL GOVERNO DEL JPN-443 TERRITORIO", pp. 199-206. Fyhri,A.: 2001. Road Package Drammen - People's SPA-272 SPA-273 SPA-274 SPA-302 SPA-313 SPA-317 Experience of the Environment in 1998/1999. TØI report García,A.; Miralles,J.L.; García,A.M.; and Sempere,M.C.: 549/2001. Olso. 1988. Noise Nuisance Caused by Road Traffic in Urban NOR-598 Areas. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Fifth Gabriel,R.F.; Langdon,L.E.; Creamer,L.R.; and International Congress), vol. 3: Performance, Behaviour, Kushner,D.C.: 1981. A Field Investigation of the Animal, Combined Agents and Community Responses, Relationship of Aircraft Noise Exposure and pp. 187-192, Swedish Council for Building Research, Annoyance. Report MDC J8528. Douglas Aircraft Co., Stockholm. Long Beach, California. SPA-302 USA-215 García,A.; Romero,J.; García,A.M.; and Arana,M.: 1989. Galloway,W.J.; Clark,W.E.; and Kerrick,J.S.: 1969. Highway Recent Studies on the Community Noise Response in Noise: Measurement, Simulation and Mixed Reactions. Spain. 13th International Congress on Acoustics, Report No. NCHRP-REP.-78. Highway Research Board, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, p. 7.5.1-7.5.4. Washington, D.C. SPA-302 SPA-313 SPA-315 USA-043 García,A.; Miralles,J.L.; García,A.M.; and Sempere,M.C.: Galloway,W.J.: 1977. An Assessment of the Relative 1990. Community Response to Environmental Noise in Importance of Sources of Urban Noise. Noise Control Valencia. Env.Int., vol. 16, pp. 533-541. Engineering, 2, vol. 9, pp. 68-73. SPA-302 USA-102 García,A.; Faus,L.J.; and García,A.M.: 1993. The Gambart,R.; Myncke,H.; and Cops,A.: 1976. Study of Community Response to Aircraft Noise Around Six Annoyance by Traffic Noise in Leuven (Belgium). Spanish Airports. J.Sound Vib., vol. 164, pp. 45-52. Applied Acoustics, 3, vol. 9, pp. 193-203. SPA-348 BEL-107 García,A.M.; and Romero,J.: 1986. Traffic Noise Survey in Gamble,H.B.; Langley,C.J.; Pashek; Sauerlender,O.H.; and Ganda. Convegno Annuale dell'Asociazione Italiana di Twark,R.D.: 1973. Community Effects of Highways Acustica, Sorrento, April, pp. 115-122. Reflected by Property Values. Report No. PB-233-157 SPA-317 (U.S. Department of Transportation Report no. DOT- García,A.M.; and Romero,J.: 1987a. A Social Survey on the FH-11-7800). Pennsylvania State Univ.. Effects of Road Traffic Noise in Urban Areas. USA-070 Federation of Acoustical Societies of Europe, FASE 87, Gamble,H.B.; Sauerlender,O.H.; and Langley,C.J.: 1974. pp. 173-176. Adverse and Beneficial Effects of Highways on SPA-313 SPA-317 Residential Property Values. pp. 37-48, Transportation García,A.M.; and Romero,J.: 1987b. Road Traffic Noise and Research Board, National Research Council, National Sleep Disturbance. Noise-Con 87, pp. 461-464. Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. SPA-313 USA-070 Garnsworthy,J.: 1977. A Study of Question Order and García,A.; and Fajari,M.: 1982. Respuesta Subjetiva Al Wording Experiments (M.Sc. Dissertation), Dept. of Ruido Del Tráfico En La Ciudad De Valencia. Social Statistics, Univ. of Southampton, England. (Subjective Response to Road Traffic Noise in the City UKD-116 of Valencia). Revista De Acústica, vol. 13, pp. 19-32. Gilbert,Ph.: 1973. The Effect of Train Noise on the SPA-272 SPA-273 SPA-274 Environment. Institute of Acoustics, November 13-14, García,A.: 1983. Subjective Response to Noise Exposure in 1973 (Southampton). Valencia. Inter-noise 83, pp. 939-942. FRA-063 SPA-272 SPA-273 SPA-274 Gjestland,T.; Liasjø,K.H.; Granøien,I.L.N.; Bøhn,H.E.; and García,A.; and Fajari,M.: 1983. Traffic Noise Survey in Gaustad,A.: 1990. A Noise Survey Around Oslo Airport Valencia. Eleventh International Congress on Acoustics, Fornebu. Inter-noise 90, pp. 451-454. Lyon-Toulouse, Paris, vol. 7, pp. 377-380. NOR-311 Wyle 102 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Gjestland,T.; Liasjø,K.H.; and Bøhn,H.E.: 1990. An Aircraft Gourdin,D.: 1975. Boulder Community Noise Program Noise Study in Norway. NASA-CP-3067. pp. 289-302, Attitudinal Survey, 12 August-17 September 1975. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U.S.E.P.A. Rocky Mountain-Prairie Region VIII, Washington, D.C. Denver, Colorado. NOR-311 USA-117 Gjestland,T.; Liasjø,K.H.; Granøien,I.L.N.; and Fields,J.M.: Graeven,D.B.: 1974. The Effects of Airplane Noise on 1990. Response to Noise Around Oslo Airport Fornebu. Health: An Examination of Three Hypotheses. J.Health Report No. STF40 A90189. ELAB-RUNIT, Trondheim, and Social Behavior, vol. 15, pp. 336-343. Norway. USA-251 NOR-311 Graf,P.; Müller,R.; and Meier,H.P.: 1974. Enquêtes Socio- Gjestland,T.; Granøien,I.L.N.; and Liasjø,K.H.: 1993a. Psychologiques Sur Le Bruit Des Avions Dans Le Community Reactions to Noise Around Bodø Airport: Périmètre Des Trois Aéroports Suisses De Zurich, Part 1: Simple Dose-Response Relationships. Filecode Genève, Et Bâle. Office fédéral de l'air, Bern. 40-NO030353. SINTEF DELAB, Trondheim. SWI-053 NOR-328 Graf,P.; Meier,H.P.; and Müller,R.: 1974. Sozio- Gjestland,T.; Granøien,I.L.N.; and Liasjø,K.H.: 1993b. Psychologische Fluglärmuntersuchung Im Gebiet Der Community Reactions to Noise Around Bodø Airport: Drei Schweizer Flughäfen, Zürich, Genf, Basel. Part 2: Reactions by a Panel of Respondents to (Translation Available in: Sociopsychological Airplane Variations in the Noise Situation. Filecode 40- Noise Investigation in the Districts of Three Swiss NO030354. SINTEF DELAB, Trondheim. Airports: Zurich, Geneva, and Basel. NASA TM-75787). NOR-328 Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sozio-psychologische Gjestland,T.; Granøien,I.L.N.; and Liasjø,K.H.: 1993c. Fluglärmuntersuchung, Bern. Community Reactions to Noise Around Trondheim SWI-053 Airport Værnes. Simple Dose/Response Relationships. Grandjean,E.; Graf,P.; Lauber,A.; Meier,H.P.; and Filecode 40-NO930352. SINTEF DELAB, Trondheim. Mueller,R.: 1973. A Survey of Aircraft in Switzerland. NOR-328 International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Gjestland,T.; Granøien,I.L.N.; Liasjø,K.H.; and Bugge,J.J.: Problem, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 13-18, 1973. 1993. Community Response to Noise From a Short USEPA 550-9-73-008, pp. 745-659, U.S. Environmental Term Military Aircraft Exercise. Noise and Man '93: Protection Agency, Washington D.C. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth International SWI-053 Congress), vol. 2, pp. 589-592, INRETS, Arcueil, France. Grandjean,E.; Graf,P.; Lauber,A.; Meier,H.P.; and NOR-328 Mueller,R.: 1976. Survey on the Effects of Aircraft Noise Gjestland,T.; Liasjø,K.H.; and Granøien,I.L.N.: 1994. Around Three Civil Airports in Switzerland. Inter-noise Response to Noise Around Værnes and Bodø Airports. 76, pp. 85-90. Report No. STF40 A94095. SINTEF DELAB, Trondheim, SWI-053 Norway. Gray,P.G.: 1956. Examples of Interviewer Variability Taken NOR-328 NOR-366 From Two Sample Surveys. Applied Statistics, 2, vol. 5, Gjestland,T.; Granøien,I.L.N.; and Liasjø,K.H.: 1995. pp. 73-85. Community Response to Noise From a Short Term UKD-003 Military Aircraft Exercise. 15th International Congress Gray,P.G.; Cartwright,A.; and Parkin,P.H.: 1958. Noise In on Acoustics, vol. 2, pp. 109-112. Three Groups of Flats With Different Floor Insulations. NOR-328 National Building Studies, Research Paper No. 27. Gjestland,T.; Liasjø,K.H.; and Granøien,I.L.N.: 1995. HMSO, London. Community Response to Noise From Short-Term UKD-003 Military Aircraft Exercises. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 182, pp. Griefahn,B.; Gros,E.; Kauth,H.; and Rehm,S.: 1980. Sleep 221-228. Latency, Sleep Quality and Usual Traffic Noise. 10th NOR-328 International Congress on Acoustics, pp. C.2-15.4. Goodman,R.F.; and Clary,B.B.: 1976. Community Attitudes GER-502 and Action in Response to Airport Noise. Environment Griefahn,B.; and Gros,E.: 1983. Disturbance of Sleep - and Behavior, 3, vol. 8, pp. 441-470. Interaction Between Noise, Personal, and Psychological USA-245 USA-310 Variables. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Fourth Goto,K.; Kaneko,T.; and Tokita,Y.: 2000. Annoyance and International Congress), pp. 895-904, Centro Ricerche e Mental Health Status of People Around an Airport in Studi Amplifon, Milano, Italy. Japan. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 2, pp. 1379-1381, Nice, GER-502 France. Griefahn,B.; and Gros,E.: 1985. Zur Wirkung Von JPN-500 Straßengeräuschen Auf Den Schlaf. Ergebnisse Einer Feldstudie. (The Effect of Street Noise on Sleep. Results Wyle 103 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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From a Field Study). Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin and Seasonal Effects. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 71, pp. 227- Präventivmedizin, vol. 20, pp. 73-77. 240. GER-502 UKD-157 Griefahn,B.; and Gros,E.: 1986. Noise and Sleep at Home, a Griffiths,I.D.; and Raw,G.J.: 1984. Subjective Response to Field Study on Primary and After-Effects. J.Sound Vib., Decreases in Traffic Noise Exposure. Fourth Congress 3, vol. 105, pp. 373-383. of the Federation of Acoustical Societies of Europe, pp. GER-502 343-346. Griefahn,B.: 1988. Schlafverhalten Und UKD-237 Straßenverkehrslärm (Sleep Behavior and Street Traffic Griffiths,I.D.; and Raw,G.J.: 1985a. Author's Reply. J.Sound Noise). Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Vib., vol. 102, pp. 585-587. Präventivmedizin, vol. 5, pp. 119-120. USA-203 GER-502 Griffiths,I.D.; and Raw,G.J.: 1985b. Author's Reply. J.Sound Griefahn,B.; Deppe,C.; Mehnert,P.; Moog,R.; Möhler,U.; Vib., vol. 103, pp. 140-141. and Schümer-Kohrs,A.: 1998. Intermittent Versus USA-203 Continuous Noises. Their Influence on Sleep Latency Griffiths,I.D.; Raw,G.J.; Hill,C.A.; and Storrar,J.M.: 1985. and Motility During the Night. Inter-noise 98, pp. 1013- Gypsies' Response to Road Traffic Noise. J.Sound Vib., 1016, Christchurch, New Zealand. 1, vol. 101, pp. 107-115. GER-465 UKD-284 Griefahn,B.; Deppe,C.; Mehnert,P.; Moog,R.; Möhler,U.; Griffiths,I.D.; and Raw,G.J.: 1986. Community and and Schümer,R.: 1998. What Nighttimes Are Adequate Individual Response to Changes in Traffic Noise to Prevent Noise-Effects on Sleep? Noise Effects '98: Exposure. J.Sound Vib., vol. 111, pp. 209-217. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Seventh UKD-237 International Congress), pp. 445-450. Griffiths,I.D.; and Raw,G.J.: 1989. Adaptation to Changes in GER-465 Traffic Noise Exposure. J.Sound Vib., vol. 132, pp. 331- Griefahn,B.; Möhler,U.; and Schümer,R.: 1999. 336. Vergleichende Untersuchung Uber Die Lärm Wirkung UKD-237 UKD-268 UKD-297 UKD-298 Bei Strassen Und Schienenverkehr. SGS, Munchen. Grigg,A.J.; Haboly,E.F.; and Cheng,M.C.: 2000. Evaluation GER-523 of Community Response to Aircraft Noise Following Griefahn,B.; Möhler,U.; and Schümer,R.: 1999. Completion of a New Runway at Vancouver Vergleichende Untersuchung Über Die Lärmrwirkung International Aiport. Inter-noise 2000, pp. 596-600, Nice, Bei Straßen Und Schienenverkehr: Abschlussbericht. France. (The Relative Noise Effects Caused by Road and CAN-385 Railway Traffic. Final Report.). München. Grimwood,C.J.: 1993. Effects of Environmental Noise on GER-470 GER-480 GER-523 People at Home. BRE Information Paper IP22/93. Griefahn,B.; Schümer-Kohrs,A.; Schümer,R.; Möhler,U.; Building Research Establishment, Watford, UK. and Mehnert,P.: 2000. Physiological, Subjective, and UKD-423 Behavioural Responses to Noise From Rail and Road Grimwood,C.J.: 1997. Complaints About Poor Sound Traffic. Noise & Health, vol. 3, pp. 59-71. Insulation Between Dwellings in England and Wales. GER-465 Applied Acoustics, 3/4, vol. 52, pp. 211-223. Griffiths,I.D.: 1968. A Note on the Traffic Noise Index and UKD-484 the Equivalent Sound Level. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 8, pp. Grimwood,C.J.; Ling,M.K.; and Wright,P.: 1998. Incidence 298-300. of and Attitude to Environmental Noise in England and UKD-030 Wales. Inter-noise 98, pp. 879-882, Christchurch, New Griffiths,I.D.; and Langdon,F.J.: 1968. Subjective Responses Zealand. to Road Traffic Noise. J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 8, pp. 16-32. UKD-423 UKD-030 Grimwood,C.J.; and Tinsdeall,N.J.: 1998. Occupant Opinion Griffiths,I.D.; and Delauzun,F.R.: 1977a. Individual of Sound Insulation in Converted and Refurbished Differences in Sensitivity to Traffic Noise. J.Sound Vib., Dwellings in England and the Implications for National 1, vol. 55, pp. 93-107. Building Regulations. Inter-noise 98, pp. 1727-1732, UKD-118 Christchurch, New Zealand. Griffiths,I.D.; and Delauzun,F.R.: 1977b. Individual UKD-422 Differences in Sensitivity to Traffic Noise. Institute of Grimwood,C.J.; Skinner,C.J.; Raw,G.J.; and Ling,M.K.: 2002. Acoustics, May 1977, p. 12.3.1-12.3.4. The UK National Noise Attitude Survey 1999/2000 - UKD-118 Preliminary Findings. Inter-noise 2002, vol. 111, pp. Griffiths,I.D.; Langdon,F.J.; and Swan,M.A.: 1980. 1627-1632, INCE, Dearborn, Michigan, USA. Subjective Effects of Traffic Noise Exposure: Reliability UKD-542

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Groeneveld,Y.: 1980. Karakterisering En Beoordeling Van Anwohnern Von Straßen Mit Hoher Verkehrsdichte Industrielawaai, Fase 3.a: De Telefonische Enquête. (Normal Sleep Quality and Noise Disturbance to (Characterization and Evaluation of Industrial Noise, Residents in Streets With High Traffic Density). Stage 3A: the Survey by Phone). IMG-TNO-D 45. Delft. Zeitschrift Für Lärmbekämpfung, vol. 32, pp. 100-107. NET-257 GER-502 Groeneveld,Y.: 1981. Characterization and Judgment of Gros,E.; and Griefahn,B.: 1985b. Subjektive Und Objektive Industrial Noise. Inter-noise 81, pp. 797-802. Ermüdungserscheinungen Als Folge Lärmgestörter NET-232 Nachtruhe (Subjective and Objective Tiredness As a Groeneveld,Y.; and Verboom,W.C.: 1981. Karakterisering Consequence of Noise-Induced Sleep Disturbances). En Beoordeling Van Industrielawaai, Fase 3C: De Zeitschrift Für Arbeitswissenschaften, vol. 39, pp. 243- Mongelinge Enquête. (Characterization and Evaluation 247. of Industrial Noise, Phase 3C; the Face to Face GER-502 Interview Study). IMG-TNO D54. IMG-TNO, Delft. Gross,E.M.A.; and Sim,A.-B.: 1995. Aircraft Noise in Ku- NET-232 Ring-Gai: A Survey of Community Reaction. Groeneveld,Y.: 1984. CEC Joint Research Project: Effects of AUL-456 Impulse Noises on Human Beings - The Main Results of Gross,E.M.A.; and Sim,A.-B.: 1997. Aircraft Noise in the Field Study in the Netherlands. 13th AICB Sydney: Community Reactions in Areas Between 15 Conference (Sarajevo, 1984), p. 1.6.1-1.6.6. and 30 Km North of the Airport. Proceedings of the 5th NET-255 International Congress on Sound and Vibration, vol. 5, Groeneveld,Y.; and Gerretsen,E.: 1984. Karakterisering En pp. 2581-2592, Adelaide. Beoordeling Van Industrielawaai - Samenvattend AUL-456 Rapport. (Characterization and Evaluation of Industrial Gross,E.M.A.; and Sim,A.-B.: 1998. Community Reaction to Noise - Summary Report). ICG report IL-HR-09-02, Aircraft Noise in Sydney: A Pilot Study on the IMG-TNO report D64. TNO, Delft. Monetary Value of Activity Disturbances. Noise Effects NET-232 '98: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Seventh Groeneveld,Y.; and de Jong,R.G.: 1984. CEC Joint Research International Congress), pp. 511-514. Project "Effects of Impulse Noise on Human Beings" AUL-456 Main Results of the Field Survey. [This Replaced Guski,R.; Wichmann,U.; Rohrmann,B.; and Finke,H.O.: Reports D-75 and D-78]. Report D91. Netherlands 1978. Konstruktion Und Anwendung Eines Institute for Preventive Health Care - TNO, Leiden. Fragebogens Zur Sozialwissenschaftlichen FRA-252 GER-253 IRE-254 NET-255 Untersuchung Der Auswirkungen Von Umweltlärm. Groeneveld,Y.; van den Berg,R.; and de Jong,R.G.: 1985. (Translation Available in: Construction and Application Effects of Impulse Noise on Human Beings; The Field of a Questionnaire for the Social Scientific Investigation Study in the Netherlands. (Two Volumes)(Also of Environmental Noise Effects. NASA-TM-75492, May Published As Report GA-HR-04-01). IMG-TNO report 1980). Zeitschrift Für Sozialpsychologie, vol. 9, pp. 50- D84. Netherlands Institute for Preventive Health Care 65. IMG-TNO, Delft. GER-134 NET-255 Guski,R.: 1985. Is There Any Need for Quiet Periods in Groeneveld,Y.; and de Jong,R.G.: 1985a. CEC Joint Project Discontinuous Noise? Inter-noise 85, pp. 985-988. on Impulse Noise: Overall Results of the Field Survey. GER-134 GER-256 Inter-noise 85, pp. 905-908. Guski,R.: 1996. Activity Interference and Noise Annoyance: FRA-252 GER-253 IRE-254 NET-255 Contradictory Results and Possible Interpretations. Groeneveld,Y.; and de Jong,R.G.: 1985b. CEC Joint Inter-noise 96, pp. 2357-2362, Liverpool, England. Research Project "Effects of Impulse Noise on Human GER-472 Beings" the Field Survey. NIPG-TNO publication 85008. Haines,M.M.; Stansfeld,S.A.; Job,R.F.S.; and Berglund,B.: Netherlands Institute for Preventive Health Care - 1998. Chronic Aircraft Noise Exposure and Child TNO, Delft. Cognitive Performance and Stress. Noise Effects '98: FRA-252 GER-253 IRE-254 NET-255 Noise as a Public Health Problem (Seventh Groeneveld,Y.: 1986. CEC Joint Research Project: Effects of International Congress), pp. 329-335, Sydney, Australia. Impulse Noise on Human Beings: Results of Secondary UKD-427 Analysis of Field Survey Data. [Intended As a Haines,M.M.; and Stansfeld,S.A.: 2000. Measuring Supplement to the Main Report 85008]. Report No. Annoyance and Health in Child Social Surveys. Inter- 86013. Netherlands Institute for Preventive Health Care noise 2000, pp. 1609-1614, Nice, France. - TNO, Leiden. UKD-427 FRA-252 GER-253 IRE-254 NET-255 Haines,M.M.; Brentnall,S.L.; and Stansfeld,S.A.: 2001. A Gros,E.; and Griefahn,B.: 1985a. Habituelle Qualitative Study of Aircraft Noise Annoyance in Schlafqualitätseinschätzung Und Lärmbelästigung Bei Wyle 105 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Children: Theoretical Implications. Inter-noise 2001, With Non-Noise Factors. J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 71, pp. The Hague, The Netherlands. 361-381. UKD-549 CAN-168 Haines,M.M.; Brentnall,S.L.; Stansfeld,S.A.; and Hall,F.L.; Birnie,S.E.; Taylor,S.M.; and Palmer,J.E.: 1981. Klineberg,E.: 2003. Qualitative Responses of Children to Direct Comparison of Community Response to Road Environmental Noise. Noise & Health, 19, vol. 5, pp. 19- Traffic Noise and to Aircraft Noise. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 6, 30. vol. 70, pp. 1690-1698. UKD-549 CAN-168 Hall,F.L.; and Taylor,S.M.: 1976a. Community Response to Hall,F.L.; and Taylor,S.M.: 1982. Reliability of Social Survey Noise in the Toronto-Hamilton Urban Corridor. Dept. Data on Noise Effects. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 4, vol. 72, pp. Geography, McMaster Univ., Canada. 1212-1221. CAN-121 CAN-168 Hall,F.L.; and Taylor,S.M.: 1976b. Predicting Community Hall,F.L.; Taylor,S.M.; and Birnie,S.E.: 1983. Development Response to Surface Transportation Noise: Preliminary of a Model to Predict the Effects of Environmental Findings From the Hamilton-Toronto Urban Corridor. Noise on Residential Communities. Dept. Geography, Acoustics Noise Control in Canada, vol. 4, pp. 9-18. McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario. CAN-121 CAN-236 Hall,F.L.; Taylor,S.M.; and Birnie,S.E.: 1977. Community Hall,F.L.; Palmer,J.E.; and Taylor,S.M.: 1983. The Use of Response to Road Traffic Noise. Dept. Geography, Time-Above Measures to Predict Speech Interference McMaster Univ., Canada. From Aircraft and Road Traffic Noise. Inter-noise 83, CAN-121 pp. 851-854. Hall,F.L.; Taylor,S.M.; Birnie,S.E.; Breston,B.; Gertler,M.; CAN-121 CAN-168 and Moreau,R.: 1977. Final Report, Experience '77 Hall,F.L.; Taylor,S.M.; and Birnie,S.E.: 1985. Activity Project: Community Effects of Road Traffic Noise. Dept. Interference and Noise Annoyance. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. of Geography, McMaster Univ., Canada. 103, pp. 237-252. CAN-121 CAN-236 Hall,F.L.; and Taylor,S.M.: 1977. Predicting Community Hall,N.C.: 1969. Annoyance Caused by Railway Noise: Response to Road Traffic Noise. J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 52, Second Phase Study Interim Report. Architectural pp. 387-399. Science Dept., Birmingham School of Architecture, CAN-121 England. Hall,F.L.; Birnie,S.E.; and Taylor,S.M.: 1978a. Noise Impact UKD-038 Prediction: Some Comparisons of Community Hallmann,S.; and Guski,R.: 2002. What Residents Have in Response Measures and of Noise Metrics. Inter-noise Mind When Asked for Scaling Noise Annoyance. Inter- 78, pp. 601-604. noise 2002, vol. 111, Dearborn, Michigan, USA. CAN-121 GER-540 Hall,F.L.; Birnie,S.E.; and Taylor,S.M.: 1978b. The Hapuarachchi,K.P.: 1980. Investigation Into Validity of Effectiveness of Shielding in Reducing the Adverse Kish and Frankel's Conjectures on Complex Statistics Impacts of Highway Traffic Noise. 57th Annual by Using Annoyance Data From Road Traffic and the Transportation Research Board Meeting, McMaster Environment Survey (M.Sc. Dissertation), Dept. of Univ., Canada. Social Statistics, University of Southampton, England. CAN-121 UKD-072 Hall,F.L.; Birnie,S.E.; and Taylor,S.M.: 1979. Comparisons Harland,D.G.: 1977a. A Survey of Noise and Traffic of Response to Road Traffic Noise and Aircraft Noise. Nuisance at Homes in England. Institute of Acoustics, Dept. Geography and Dept. Civil Engineering, 1977 (Bath), pp. 12-1-1-12-1-5. McMaster Univ., Ontario. UKD-072 CAN-168 Harland,D.G.: 1977b. Exposure and Response to Traffic Hall,F.L.: 1979. Living With the Barrier: The Community's Noise. Inter-noise 77, p. A-115-A-121. View. Report No. DOT-FH-11-9490. pp. 77-79, Federal UKD-072 Highway Administration, Washington, D.C. Harland,D.G.; and Abbott,P.G.: 1977. Noise and Road CAN-121 Traffic Outside Homes in England. TRRL Laboratory Hall,F.L.; Dixit,A.K.; and Taylor,S.M.: 1980. A Comparison Rep. 770. Transport and Road Research Laboratory, of Community Responses to Rail Yard, Road Traffic, Crowthorne, England. and Aircraft Noise. Inter-noise 80, pp. 799-802. UKD-072 CAN-169 CAN-168 Hart,F.D.; Reiter,W.F.; and Royster,L.H.: 1972. A Hall,F.L.; Taylor,S.M.; and Birnie,S.E.: 1980. Spatial Patterns Community Noise Problem/Resolution. Inter-noise 72, in Community Response to Aircraft Noise Associated pp. 44-48. USA-049 Wyle 106 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Harthy,I.H.A.: 2007. Aircraft Noise Levels Survey and Its Havelock,P.G.; and Turner,S.W.: 2007. Attitudes to Noise Effect on Residents of Muscat City, Oman. Inter-noise From Aviation Sources in England: Non SP Peer 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. Review. CAA - 4ER/2/1/11, BV – OMA-552 NGGX0072/st/07/76. Environmental Research and Haruta,C.; and Fujimoto,K.: 1988. An Investigation on the Consultancy Department, Acoustics and Vibration Alarm Sound of Grade Crossings: The Effects on Group. Inhabitants. WESTPACIII (Western Pacific Acoustics UKD-604 Conference III), pp. 1055-1058, Shanghai. UKD-160 JPN-441 Hawkins,M.M.: 1979a. Human Response to Domestic Haruta,C.; Fujimoto,K.; and Furuya,H.: 1994. (HNo Appliance Sound. Inter-noise 79, pp. 861-864. Romaji)(Survey Research on City Environment Noise: UKD-160 Part 3: Citizen Opinion (or Knowledge?) With Respect Hawkins,M.M.: 1979b. Subjective Evaluation of Noise in of Environmental Noise -LOOSe Translation). Technical Areas With Low Ambient Levels. Institute of Acoustics, Report of the Kyushu Branch Meeting of the Spring 1979. Architectural Institute of Japan, pp. 37-44. Hawkins,M.M.: 1980. An Exploratory Study of Response JPN-443 To Sound (Including Noise) Occurring in Rural Hatfield,J.; Job,R.F.S.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and Hampshire and Wiltshire. ISVR Contract Report 80/11. Morrell,S.: 1998. Attitude-Mediated Reaction to Noise Univ. of Southampton, England. Influences Physiological Responses: Evidence UKD-160 Supporting Causality. Inter-noise 98, pp. 1163-1166, Hayashi,A.: 1987. Study on Noise Exposure Level of Christchurch, New Zealand. Residence in Urban Area and Reaction of Inhabitants in AUL-383 Different Land Use. J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn., vol. 43, pp. 786- Hatfield,J.; Job,R.F.S.; Peploe,P.; Carter,N.L.; Taylor,R.; and 792. Morrell,S.: 1998. Demographic Variables May Have a JPN-294 Greater Modifying Effect on Reaction to Noise When Hayashi,A.; Kuno,K.; Mishina,Y.; and Ikegaya,K.: 1987. Noise Exposure Changes. Noise Effects '98: Noise as a Study on Noise Environment of Residence and Reaction Public Health Problem (Seventh International of Inhabitants. Inter-noise 87, pp. 867-870. Congress), pp. 527-530. JPN-294 AUL-383 Hayashi,A.; Kuno,K.; Oishi,Y.; Mishina,Y.; and Ikegaya,K.: Hatfield,J.; Job,R.F.S.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and 1988. Study on Environmental Quality Standards for Morrell,S.: 1999. General Sensitivity to Stimulation Noise Based on Equivalent Sound Level. Noise as a Influences Sensitivity to the Psychological and Public Health Problem (Fifth International Congress), Physiological Effects of Noise Exposure. Inter-noise 99, vol. 3: Performance, Behaviour, Animal, Combined pp. 1231-1236, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Agents and Community Responses, pp. 201-207, AUL-383 Swedish Council for Building Research, Stockholm. Hatfield,J.; Job,R.F.S.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and JPN-294 Morrell,S.: 2000. Personality Type and Psychological Hayashi,A.: 2000. Reaction of Inhabitants to Environmental Outcomes Among Noise Exposed Residents. Noise. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 5, pp. 2848-2851, Nice. Proceedings of Westprac VII, pp. 919-924, Kumamoto, JPN-294 Japan. Hayashi,C.; Hayashi,F.; Kodama,H.; and Kondo,S.: 1973. AUL-383 Construction of PAANI by the Statistical and Hatfield,J.; Job,R.F.S.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and Psychological Idea. Proceedings of the Institute of Morrell,S.: 2001. The Value of the Importance of Statistical Mathematics, 1, vol. 21. Activities When Predicting Reaction From Activity JPN-062 Disturbance. Inter-noise 2001, The Hague, The Hayashi,C.; Kondo,S.; and Kodama,H.: 1974. Psychological Netherlands. Assessment of Aircraft Noise Index. 8th International AUL-383 Congress on Acoustics, vol. 1, p. 121. Hatfield,J.; Job,R.F.S.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and JPN-062 Morrell,S.: 2001. The Influence of Psychological Factors Hayashi,C.; Kondo,S.; and Kodama,H.: 1978. Psychological on Self-Reported Physiological Effects of Noise. Noise Assessment of Aircraft Noise Index. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., & Health, 10, vol. 3, pp. 1-13. vol. 63, pp. 815-822. AUL-383 JPN-062 Hatfield,J.; and Job,R.F.S.: 2004. Examination of Perceived Hayashi,N.; Morita,I.; Morio,K.; Takaki,K.; Yamashita,K.; Air Pollution As a Moderator of Reaction to Aircraft Ohashi,S.; Iijima,T.; Matsui,T.; and Hiramatsu,K.: 2007. Noise. Inter-noise 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. Questionnaire Study Conducted Around Narita AUL-383 International Airport - Effects of Aircraft Noise and

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Validity of Noise Indices. Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Study)(Preliminary Report). Möhler & Partners, Turkey. Munich. JPN-551 GER-471 Hayden,B.; Whelan,B.; and Dillon,M.: 1984. EEC Joint Hegner,A.; Möhler,U.; Prestele,G.; and Schümer-Kohrs,A.: Research Project on Impulsive Noise. Field Study 1997. Lärmbelästigung Durch Schienenverkslärm Vor Report, Volume 1- Main Report. Institute for Industrial Und Nach Dem Schienenschleifen. Pilotstsudie an Der Research and Standards, Ireland. Strecke München-Rosenheim-Freilassing IRE-254 Akzeptanzbefragung. (Noise Annoyance From Railway Hayward,S.: 1999. Perceptions of Aircraft Noise From the Noise Before and After Rail Grinding: Pilot Study on Bristol Noise, Sleep and Health Study. Centre for the the München-Rosenheim-Freilassing --Acceptability Occupational and Health Psychology, Cardiff Study). Report No. 103-370. Möhler & Partners, University, Cardiff. Munich. UKD-424 GER-471 Hazard,W.R.: 1968. Community Reactions to Aircraft Heimerl,G.; and Holzmann,E.: 1978. Ermittlung Der Noise. Report No. NASA-SP-189. pp. 661-672, National Belästigung Durch Verkehrslärm in Abhängigkeit Von Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, Verkehrsmittel Und Verkehrsdichte in Einem D.C. Ballungsgebiet. (Straßen-Und USA-022 Eisenbahnverkehr)(Summary of This Work Is Hazard,W.R.: 1971. Predictions of Noise Disturbance Near Translated As: Determination of Traffic Noise Nuisance Large Airports. J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 15, pp. 425-445. As a Function of Traffic Type and Density in a Heavily USA-022 USA-032 Populated Area. NASA TM-75414). Hede,A.J.: 1979. "Comment on Assessing Bias in Survey of Verkehrswissenschaftlichen Instituts an der Universität Symptoms Attributed to Noise" (Letter to Editor). Stuttgart. J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 59, pp. 285-289. GER-135 UKD-111 Heinonen-Guzejev,M.; Vuorinen,H.S.; Kaprio,J.; Hede,A.J.; Bullen,R.B.; and Rose,J.A.: 1979. A Social Study Heikkila,K.; Mussalo-Rauhamaa,H.; and of the Nature of Subjective Reaction to Aircraft Noise. Koskenvuo,M.: 2000. Self Report of Transportation NAL Report 79. National Acoustic Laboratories, Noise Exposure, Annoyance, and Noise Sensitivity in Commonwealth Dept. of Health, Canberra, Australia. Relation to Noise Map Information. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. AUL-211 232. Hede,A.J.: 1980. Psychological Scaling in the Assessment of FIN-625 Subjective Reaction to Aircraft Noise. 10th International Hemingway,J.R.: 1975. The Assessment of Annoyance Due Congress on Acoustics, pp. C2-7.5. to Train Noise. Presented at Canadian Acoustical AUL-211 AUL-244 Association Symposium on Applied Acoustics, October Hede,A.J.; and Bullen,R.B.: 1981. Community Reaction to 1975. Pollution Control Branch, Ministry of the Noise From Hornsby Rifle Range. NAL Report 84. Environment, Ontario. National Acoustic Laboratories, Commonwealth Dept. CAN-126 of Health, Canberra, Australia. Hemingway,J.R.: 1976. The Assessment of Annoyance Due AUL-209 to Train Noise. Acoustics and Noise Control in Canada, Hede,A.J.; and Bullen,R.B.: 1982a. Aircraft Noise in 4, vol. 4, pp. 13-20. Australia: A Survey of Community Reaction. NAL CAN-126 Report 88. National Acoustic Laboratories, Henry,F.D.; and Huson,W.L.: 2003. Brisbane Community Commonwealth Dept. of Health, Canberra, Australia. Noise Survey 1998. The 8th Congress of the AUL-210 International Commission on the Biological Effects of Hede,A.J.; and Bullen,R.B.: 1982b. Community Reaction to Noise, Foundation ICBEN 2003, Schiedam,the Noise From a Suburban Rifle Range. J.Sound Vib., 1, Netherlands. vol. 82, pp. 39-50. AUS-572 AUL-209 Hentenaar,F.: 1978. Industriegeluiden: Karakterisering En Hedges,B.: 1973. Road Traffic and the Environment: Beoordeling Van Industrielawaai. Fase 2: Kwalitatief Methodological Report. SCPR no. 230/2. Social and Vooronderzoek. (Characterization and Evaluation of Community Planning Research, London. Industrial Noise. Stage 2: Qualitative Pilot). IMG-TNO- UKD-072 D 38. IMG-TNO, Delft. Hegner,A.; Möhler,U.; Prestele,G.; and Schümer-Kohrs,A.: NET-259 1996. Lärmsanierungsstudie. Pilotstudie an Der Strecke Hepworth,P.; and Page,J.: 2004. A Comparison of the München-Rosenheim-Freilassing. Akzeptanzbefragung Results of a Regional Survey of Attitudes to Ambient (Noise Cleaning. A Pilot Study on the München- Noise With Those of a National Survey in the United Rosenheim-Freilassing Route -- Acceptability Kingdom. Inter-noise 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. Wyle 108 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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UKD-581 and the Factor Score. J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 250, pp. 139- Hilton,D.A.; Huckel,V.; Steiner,R.; and Maglieri,D.J.: 1964. 144. Sonic-Boom Exposures During FAA Community- JPN-445 Response Studies Over a Six-Month Period in the Holmquist,A.; Claesson,T.; and Tuvegran,I.: 1975. Oklahoma City Area. NASA TN D-2539. National Ströningar Från Motörvagen Genom Kungälv Triko II. Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, (Disturbance From the Motorway Through Kungälv: D.C. Phase II). Länslåkarorganisationen, Göteborgs och USA-012 Bohus Iän, Sweden. Hiramatsu,K.; Takagi,K.; Yamamoto,T.; and Yano,K.: 1987. SWE-100 A Field Survey on Human Response to Aircraft Noise Hong,J.; Lim,C.; Kim,J.; and Lee,S.: 2006. Assessment of Around the Osaka International Airport --A Method for Sleep Disturbance on Night-Time Railway Noise From Rating Aircraft Noise in the Presence of Background the Field Survey. Inter-noise 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, Noise. Inter-noise 87, pp. 1121-1124. USA. JPN-293 KOR-550 Hiramatsu,K.; Yamamoto,T.; Taira,K.; Ito,A.; and Hong,J.; Kim,J.; Lim,C.; and Lee,S.: 2007. Comparative Nakasone,T.: 1993. Response to Questionnaire on Study on Sleep Disturbance From Railway and Road Health Around a Military Airport. Noise and Man '93: Traffic Noise. Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth International KOR-550 Congress), vol. 2, pp. 473-476, INRETS, Arcueil, France. Hood,R.A.: 1977. Annoyance and Noise From Road Traffic. JPN-353 (Letter to the Editor). J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 53, pp. 455- Hiramatsu,K.; Minoura,K.; Matsui,T.; Miyakita,T.; Taira,K.; 457. Osada,Y.; and Yamamoto,T.: 1998a. Annoyance and Its UKD-071 Related Responses of the Residents Around Kadena Horonjeff,R.D.; and Teffeteller,S.R.: 1980. Initial Study of U.S. Airfield in the Ryukyus. Noise Effects '98: Noise as the Immediate Annoyance of Aircraft Noise As a a Public Health Problem (Seventh International Function of Time of Day. NASA CR-159167. National Congress), vol. 2, pp. 590-593 (Identical copy on pp. Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, 594-597). D.C. JPN-444 USA-202 Hiramatsu,K.; Minoura,K.; Matsui,T.; Miyakita,T.; Taira,K.; Hoshiyama,Y.; Kawaguchi,T.; Yoshida,Y.; Yamamoto,K.; Osada,Y.; and Yamamoto,T.: 1998b. Evaluation of the Chiba,T.; and Osada,T.: 1998. Community Response to Residential Environment by the Inhabitants Around an Traffic Noise Along Trunk Roads in Tokyo. Noise Air Field in the Ryukyus. Inter-noise 98, pp. 1167-1170. Effects '98: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Seventh JPN-444 International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 586-589. Hiramatsu,K.; Matsui,T.; Miyakita,T.; Tokuyama,T.; JPN-496 Ashimine,K.; Taira,K.; Osada,Y.; and Yamamoto,T.: Houot,H.: 1999a. Approche Géographique Des Nuisances 1998. General Health Questionnaire Survey Around Sonores Urbaines - Méthodologie D'Aide à La Prise En Kadena U.S. Airfield in the Ryukyus - an Analysis of Compte Des Nuisances Sonores En Aménagement the Discriminant Score and the Factor Score. Noise Urbain : Application à La Ville De Besançon, Effects '98: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Seventh (Geographical Approach to Urban Noise Pollution) International Congress), vol. 1, pp. 280-283. (Ph.D.), 1-326, Université de Besançon. JPN-445 FRA-394 Hiramatsu,K.; and Minoura,K.: 2000. Response to Urban Houot,H.: 1999b. Elaboration Et Utilisation D'Un Outil Sounds in Relation to the Residents' Connection With Pour La Prise En Compte Du Bruit Dans the Sound Sources. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 4, pp. 2292- L'Aménagement De L'Espace Urbain : L'Exemple De 2296, Nice, France. Besançon"(Noise and Urban Planning : a Decision JPN-506 Making Tool Used in Besançon). Maîtrise du bruit dans Hiramatsu,K.; Minoura,K.; Matsui,T.; Miyakita,T.; l'environnement urbain, pp. 81-94, l'Agence de Osada,Y.; and Yamamoto,T.: 2000. An Analysis of the l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie et le General Health Questionnaire Survey Around Airports Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire et de in Terms of Annoyance Reaction. Inter-noise 2000, pp. l'environnement. 2089-2093, Nice, France. FRA-394 JPN-444 JPN-445 Houot,H.: 2000. Geographical Approach of Annoyance Due Hiramatsu,K.; Matsui,T.; Miyakita,T.; Ito,A.; Tokuyama,H.; to Noise Transportation. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 5, pp. Osada,Y.; and Yamamoto,T.: 2002. Population-Based 2844-2847, Nice, France. Questionnaire Survey on Health Effects of Aircraft FRA-394 Noise on Residents Living Around US Airfields in the Houthuijs,D.J.M.; and van Wiechen,C.M.A.G.: 2006. Ryukyus-Part II An Alaysis of the Discriminant Score Monitoring Van Gezondheid En Beleving Rondom De Wyle 109 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Luchthaven Schiphol (Monitoring of Health and of Sound and Vibration Research, Southampton, Perceptions Around Schiphol Airport). RIVM rapport England. 630100003/2006. RIVM. UKD-175 NET-533 Hvidtfeldt,H.: 1999. Byens Brugere Og Bymiljoet - Houthuijs,D.; Breugelmans,O.; van Kamp,I.; and van Dokumentation Af En Sporgeskemaunders Gelse i Wiechen,C.: 2007. Burden of Annoyance Due to Aircraft Sonderborg (Town Users and the Urban Environment - Noise and Non-Acoustical Factors. Inter-noise 2007, Documentation of a Questionnaire Survey in Istanbul, Turkey. Sonderborg). Danish Forest and Landscape Research NET-533 Institute, Horsholm, Denmark. Huddart,L.: 1993. The Extent of Traffic Noise at Different DEN-527 Times of the Day and Night. TRL Research Report. Imamura,Y.; Fujimoto,K.; Kim,B.-C.; and Nakamura,H.: Transport Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, England. 1991. Acoustical Environment of Residential Area From UKD-351 the View-Point of Soundscape: Part II Relation Between Huddart,L.; and Baughan,C.J.: 1993. The Effects of Traffic Identity in Residential Environment and Acoustical Changes on Perceived Nuisance. TRL Research Report. Environment in Open Space. Korea-Japan Joint Transport Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, England. Symposium on Acoustics (Commemoration of 10th UKD-325 UKD-351 Anniversary of ASK), pp. 414-417. Hughes,T.L.; and Mabry,J.E.: 1976. The Relationship JPN-438 Between Aircraft Noise Annoyance and Duration Institut für Praxisorientierte Sozialforschung: 1980. Above Specified Noise Levels: Final Report. Contract Störwirkungen Durch Den Lärm Der Kleinaviatik. No. DOT-FA75WAI-559. Man-Acoustics and Noise, (Translation Available in: Annoyance Caused by Light Seattle. Aircraft Noise. NASA-TM-76533). Bundesamt für USA-085 Umweltschutz, Bern. Hullah,P.; Plachinski,E.; Bristow,A.; and Wardman,M.: SWI-180 2005. Analysis of Goodness of Fit of Different Noise Institut Saobracajnog Fakulteta: 1981. Studija Uklapanja Indices to Respondents' Willingness to Pay Around Aerodroma "Split" u Okolinu Sa Aspekta Buke Koju Manchester and Lyon Airports. Inter-noise 2005, Rio de Generise Vazdusni Saboracaj Aerodroma. (Study of the Janeiro, Brazil. Environment of the Airport of Split From the Aspect of ROM-620 UKD-618 FRA-619 Air Traffic Noise). Institut Saobracajnog Fakulteta, Hume,K.I.; and Thomas,C.: 1993. Sleep Disturbance Due to Beograd, Yugoslavia. Aircraft Noise at a Rapidly Expanding Airport YUG-234 (Manchester Airport). Noise and Man '93: Noise as a IRT-CERN: 1976. Aspects De La Gêne Due Au Bruit De La Public Health Problem (Sixth International Congress), Circulation Routière: Résultats D'Enquêtes Sur 10 Sites. vol. 2, pp. 563-566, INRETS, Arcueil, France. (Parts of the Report Have Been Translated As: Aspects UKD-347 of Annoyance Due to Noise of Road Traffic: Survey Hume,K.; Morely,H.; and Callum,T.: 2003. A Review of Results at 10 Sites. NASA TM-76561, May 1981. The Complaints and Social Surveys at Manchester Airport. Questionnaire Has Been Translated and Is Available EEC/SEE/2003/004. As: Study of the Effects of Noise on Residents. NASA ROM-620 UKD-618 FRA-619 TM-76578, May 1981). IRT-CERN, Bron. Humphrey,C.R.: 1973. Community Effects of Highways FRA-092 Reflected by Property Values, Volume III: Annoyance Ishiyama,T.: 1993. A Social Survey of Community With Interstate Traffic in Suburbs. Report No. DOT-FH- Responses to Road Traffic Noise. Noise and Man '93: 11-7800. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth International D.C. Congress), vol. 2, pp. 375-378, INRETS, Arcueil, France. USA-070 JPN-343 Humphrey,C.R.; Bradshaw,D.A.; and Krout,J.A.: 1978. The Ishiyama,T.: 1995. Factors Affecting Annoyance Caused by Process of Adaptation Among Suburban Highway Road Traffic Noise. Inter-noise 95, pp. 1009-1012, Neighbors. Sociology and Soc.Res., 2, vol. 62, pp. 246- Newport Beach, CA. 266. JPN-343 USA-103 Itami City Airport Noise Pollution Abatement Agency: Huswitt,C.: 1987. Business Aviation Working Group Study 1973. Report on the Effects of Aircraft Noise Pollution of General and Business Aviation Noise Disturbance From the Osaka International Airport on People's 1986: Tabulations of Response to Social Survey. DR Health and Environment. Itami City Airport Noise Communication 8709. Pollution Abatement Agency, Itami, Japan. UKD-324 JPN-163 Hutton,R.W.: 1978. Hovercraft Noise Annoyance in the Ito,A.; Hiramatsu,K.; Taira,K.; Nakasone,T.; and Southampton Terminal Area. ISVR Memo. 584. Institute Yamamoto,T.: 1994. Health Effects on the Residents Wyle 110 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Due to Aircraft Noise Around Kadena U.S. Airbase in Jeon,J.Y.: 1996. Predicting the Effects of Noise Exposure on the Ryukyus. Inter-noise 94, pp. 247-250, Yokohama, Activity Disturbance. Journal of the Acoustical Society Japan. of Korea, 4E, vol. 15, pp. 58-64. JPN-353 AUL-461 Izumi,K.: 1988. Recent Studies on Community Response to Jeon,J.Y.; and Fricke,F.R.: 1998. Developing Sensitivity Noise in Japan. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Fifth Criteria for Road Traffic Noise in Residential Areas. International Congress), vol. 3: Performance, Behaviour, Inter-noise 98, pp. 1063-1066, Christchurch, New Animal, Combined Agents and Community Responses, Zealand. pp. 209-214, Swedish Council for Building Research, AUL-461 Stockholm. Jerson,T.; Ögren,M.; and Öhrström,E.: 2008. TVANE - Train JPN-294 Vibration and Noise Effects: Presentation of a Swedish Izumi,K.; and Yano,T.: 1990. A Survey on the Community Research Project. Inter-noise 2008, Shanghai, China. Response to Road Traffic Noise in the Mixed Noise SWE-623 Environment. Inter-noise 90, pp. 279-282. Job,R.F.S.: 1989. [No Date]. Community Reaction to Noise JPN-319 From Power Stations. Department of Psychology, Izumi,K.; and Yano,T.: 1991. Community Response to Road University of Sydney, Australia. Traffic Noise: Social Surveys in Three Cities in AUL-306 Hokkaido. J.Sound Vib., vol. 151, pp. 505-512. Job,R.F.S.; and Hede,A.J.: 1989. Community Reaction to JPN-453 Noise From Power Stations. Inter-noise 89, pp. 865-868. Izumi,K.; Yano,T.; and Yamashita,T.: 1992. Social Surveys AUL-306 on Road Traffic Noise in Hokkaido and Kyushu; Cross- Job,R.F.S.; Bullen,R.B.; and Hede,A.J.: 1991. Community Regional Comparison of Community Response to Road Reaction to Impulsive Noise: A Study of an Army Traffic Noise. Part 1 (in Japanese, Abstract in English). Artilery Range. Inter-noise 91, pp. 891-894. Journal of Archit.Plann.Environ.Engng, AIJ, 442, vol. AUL-321 Dec, 1992, pp. 1-7. Job,R.F.S.; Topple,A.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and JPN-453 Morrell,S.: 1996a. Public Reactions to Changes in Noise Izumi,K.; Dankittikul,W.; Yamashita,T.; and Yano,T.: 1994. Levels Around Sydney Airport. Inter-noise 96, pp. Cross-Cultural Study on Community Response to 2419-2424, Liverpool, England. Traffic Noise (1): Surveys in Songkhla, Thailand and AUL-383 Tomakomai, Japan. Inter-noise 94, pp. 1145-1148. Job,R.F.S.; Topple,A.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and JPN-452 THA-327 Morrell,S.: 1996b. Test-Retest Reliability of Jakovljevic,B.; Belojevic,G.; and Paunovic,K.: 2008. Psychological Scales (Sensitivity and Attitude) Related Acoustical Factors Influencing Noise Annoyance of to Community Reaction to Noise. Inter-noise 96, pp. Urban Population. The 9th International Conference on 2413-2418, Liverpool, England. Noise as a Public Health Problem, pp. 639-643. AUL-383 SER-537 Job,R.F.S.; Hatfield,J.; Peploe,P.; Carter,N.L.; Taylor,R.; and Jarup,L.; Babisch,W.; Houthuijs,D.; Pershagen,G.; Morrell,S.: 1998a. Negative Attitudes to Noise Exposure Katsouyanni,K.; Velonakis,M.; and Cadum,E.: 2008. Have a Pure Modifying Effect on Noise Reaction. Noise Acute and Long-Term Effect on Blood Pressure of Effects '98: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Seventh Exposure to Noise Near Airports - The HYENA Study. International Congress), pp. 631-634. Inter-noise 2008, Shanghai, China. AUL-383 UKD-567 Job,R.F.S.; Hatfield,J.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and Jenkins,A.; Pahl,J.; Carroll,F.T.; Alyassini,N.; and Heller,S.: Morrell,S.: 1998b. Relationship Between Reactions to 1974. Community Response to Freeway Noise in Los Aircraft Noise, Psychological Health and Sleep Angeles County. Final Report. Safety Systems Disturbance. Inter-noise 98, pp. 1079-1082, Management Research Center, University of Southern Christchurch, New Zealand. California, Los Angeles, California. AUL-383 USA-088 Job,R.F.S.; Hatfield,J.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and Jenkins,M.A.; and Pahl,J.: 1975. Measurement of Freeway Morrell,S.: 1999a. Reaction to Combined Noise Sources: Noise and Community Response. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 6, The Roles of General and Specific Noise Sensitivities. vol. 58, pp. 1222-1231. Inter-noise 99, pp. 1189-1194, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. USA-088 AUL-383 Jeon,J.Y.; and Fricke,F.R.: 1995. Sensitivity to Road Traffic Job,R.F.S.; Hatfield,J.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and Noise. Proceedings of Australian Acoustical Society Morrell,S.: 1999b. Reaction to Noise: The Roles of Conference, pp. 49-51, Perth. Soundscape, Enviroscape, and Psychscape. Inter-noise AUL-461 99, pp. 1309-1314, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. AUL-383 Wyle 111 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Job,R.F.S.; Hatfield,J.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and and Community Responses, pp. 327-332, Swedish Morrell,S.: 2000a. Comparison of Reaction Council for Building Research, Stockholm. (Dissatisfaction, Annoyance Etc.) To Aircraft Noise BEL-288 Among Shift Workers and Non-Shift Workers. Inter- Jonckheere,R.E.: 1989. Evaluation of Noise Exposure and noise 2000, pp. 617-622, Nice, France. Annoyance Around Brussels Airport: Energy AUL-383 Descriptor Versus Exceedance-Duration Descriptor. Job,R.F.S.; Hatfield,J.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and Noise Control Engineering, 3, vol. 32, pp. 93-98. Morrell,S.: 2000b. The Influence of Activity Disturbance BEL-288 on Reaction the Sydney Aiport Health Study. Inter- Joncour,S.; Gautier,P.E.; Champelovier,P.; and Lambert,J.: noise 2000, pp. 2098-2102, Nice, France. 2000. Annoyance Due to Combined Noise Sources. AUL-383 Inter-noise 2000, Nice, France. Job,R.F.S.; Cuthbert,P.; and Hatfield,J.: 2000. Personality FRA-524 and Reaction to Noise: Field & Lab Studies. Joncour,S.; Cailhau,D.; Gautier,P.E.; Champelovier,P.; and Proceedings of Westprac VII, vol. 2, pp. 913-918, Lambert,J.: 2000. Annoyance Due to Combined Noise Kumamoto, Japan. Sources. Inter-noise 2000, pp. 3545-3550, Nice, France. AUL-383 FRA-393 Job,R.F.S.; and Hatfield,J.: 2001. Home Insulation As Jones,C.J.; and Ollerhead,J.B.: 1992. Aircraft Noise and Countermeasure Against the Effects of Increased Noise Sleep Disturbance: A Field Study. Euro-Noise 92 (I.O.A. in the Vicinity of Sydney Airport: A Survey of Vol. 14, Part 4), pp. 119-127. Effectiveness and Concerns. Inter-noise 2001, The UKD-339 Hague, The Netherlands. Jones,G.: 1971. A Survey of Annoyance From Motor Vehicle AUL-547 Noise. BBN Rep. 2112. Job,R.F.S.; Hatfield,J.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and USA-057 Morrell,S.: 2001. General Scales of Community Reaction Jones,H.W.; Li,P.L.; and McKee,A.C.: 1973. Calgary Noise to Noise (Dissatisfaction and Perceived Affectedness) Survey: The Noise Environment. Alberta Dept. of Are More Reliable Than Scales of Annoyance. Environment, Canada. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 2, vol. 110, pp. 939-946. CAN-078 AUL-383 Jones,R.R.K.; and Waters,D.M.: 1974. Traffic Noise Near Job,R.F.S.; Hatfield,J.; Carter,N.L.; Peploe,P.; Taylor,R.; and Light Controlled Intersections. Dept. of Transport Morrell,S.: 2001. General Scales of Community Reaction Technology, Loughborough University of Technology, to Noise (Dissatisfaction and Perceived Affectedness) Loughborough, England. Are More Reliable Than Scales of Annoyance. UKD-080 J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 2, vol. 110, pp. 939-946. Jonsson,E.; Kajland,A.; Paccagnella,B.; and Sörensen,S.: AUL-383 1969. Annoyance Reactions to Traffic Noise in Italy and Jonah,B.A.; Bradley,J.S.; and Dawson,N.E.: 1981. Predicting Sweden. Arch.Environ.Health, vol. 19, pp. 692-699. Individual Subjective Responses to Traffic Noise. ITL-318 SWE-025 J.Appl.Psych., vol. 66, pp. 490-501. Jonsson,E.; and Sörensen,S.: 1970. Relation Between CAN-120 Annoyance and Attitude to Source of Annoyance. Jonckheere,R.E.; and Swalens,Y.: 1981. Noise Survey in the Public Health Reports, December 1970, vol. 85, pp. Vicinity of the Brussels International Airport. Inter- 1070-1074. noise 81, pp. 525-528. SWE-011 BEL-288 Jonsson,E.; and Sörensen,S.: 1973. Adaptation to Jonckheere,R.E.: 1984. Noise Assessment Around the Community Noise--A Case Study. (Letter). J.Sound Brussels International Airport. Fourth Congress of the Vib., vol. 26, pp. 571-575. Federation of Acoustical Societies of Europe, FASE 84, SWE-026 pp. 317-320. Jonsson,E.; Sörensen,S.; Arvidsson,O.; and Berglund,K.: BEL-288 1975. Reliability of Forecasts of Annoyance Reactions. Jonckheere,R.E.: 1987. Energy Descriptor or Duration Arch.Environ.Health, vol. 30, February 1975, pp. 104- Descriptor for Aircraft Noise Exposure. Inter-noise 87, 106. pp. 45-48. SWE-011 SWE-015 SWE-026 BEL-288 Josse,R.: 1969. La Gêne Causée Par Le Bruit Des Avions. Jonckheere,R.E.: 1988. Noise Exposure, Annoyance, (Translation Available in: Disturbance Caused by Pollution and Defensive Behaviour Correlations in Aircraft Noise. NASA TM-75454, April 1980). Report Relation With Aircraft Operations. Noise as a Public no. 100. Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment, Health Problem (Fifth International Congress), vol. 3: Paris. Performance, Behaviour, Animal, Combined Agents FRA-016

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Jupp,V.R.; and Sutton,J.S.: 1976. Noise in Darlington. Dept. Report-Effect of Aircraft Noise (In Japanese). Kansai of Behavioral Studies, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Toshi Soon Talsaku Iinkai, Japan. Polytechnic, England. JPN-018 UKD-132 Karagodina,I.L.; Soldatkina,S.A.; Vinokur,I.L.; and Jupp,V.R.; and Landon,L.: 1978. People and Noise in Klimukhin,A.A.: 1969. Effect of Aircraft Noise on the Darlington. Dept of Behavioral Studies, Newcastle- Population Near Airports. Hygiene and Sanitation, 4-6, Upon-Tyne Polytechnic, England. vol. 34, pp. 182-187. UKD-199 USR-042 Jurkovicová,J.; Sobotová,L.; Aghova,L.; and Voleková,J.: Kashima,N.; Tamura,A.; Shima,R.; and Sawada,J.: 1994. 2000. Noise Exposure Risks in Two Noise Annoyance Social Survey of Public Opinion on Sound Environment Surveys After Ten Years. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 5, pp. in Yokohama. Inter-noise 94, pp. 1157-1160. 2852-2855, Nice, France. JPN-492 SLO-406 Kastka,J.; and Buchta,E.: 1977. Analysis of Traffic Noise Kabuto,M.; and Kageyama,T.: 1994. Nighttime Road Traffic Annoyance by Survey Method. Institute of Acoustics, Noise and Sleep Quality. Inter-noise 94, pp. 1041-1046. May 1977, pp. 12-5-1-12-5-4. JPN-499 GER-164 Kabuto,M.: 2003. Aircraft Noise and Health in the Vicinity Kastka,J.; and Paulsen,R.: 1979. Untersuchung Über Die of the New Tokyo International Airport. The 8th Subjektive Und Objektive Wirksamkeit Von Congress of the International Commission on the Schallschutzeinrichtungen Und Ihre Nebenwirkungen Biological Effects of Noise, Foundation ICBEN 2003, Auf Die Anlieger. (An Investigation of the Subjective Schiedam, the Netherlands. and Objective Effectiveness of Noise Protection and Its HKG-569 Effectiveness for the Requester). Institut für Hygiene, Kajland,A.: 1970. Traffic Noise Investigation, in J. D. Universität Düsseldorf. Chalupnik (ed), Transportation Noises: A Symposium GER-282 on Acceptability Criteria. pp. 327-330, Univ. of Kastka,J.: 1980. Noise Annoyance Reduction in Residential Washington Press, Seattle. Areas by Traffic Control Techniques. 10th International SWE-021 Congress on Acoustics, pp. C2-12.2. Kaku,J.: 1994. Community Response to Railway Noise - GER-246 Comparison of Social Survey Results Between Japan Kastka,J.: 1981. Zum Einfluß Verkehrsberuhigender and Other Countries. Inter-noise 94, pp. 121-124, Maßnahmen Auf Lärmbelastung Und Lärmbelästigung. Yokohama. (The Influence of Traffic Calming on Traffic Noise and JPN-065 Its Nuisance Effect). Zeitschrift Für Lärmbekämpfung, Kaku,J.; Kageyama,T.; Kabuto,M.; Kuno,K.; Kuwano,S.; vol. 28, pp. 25-30. Namba,S.; Sueoka,S.; Tachibana,H.; Yamamoto,K.; GER-246 Yamashita,M.; and Kamigawara,K.: 2004. Kastka,J.: 1983. An Empirical Model of Noise Annoyance Standardization of Social Survey Method in Japan. Reaction. 11th International Congress on Acoustics, Inter-noise 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. Lyon-Toulouse, Paris, vol. 3, pp. 191-194. JPN-582 GER-164 GER-281 Kaku,J.; Yotota,T.; Namba,S.; Ogata,S.; and Yamada,I.: Kastka,J.; Hall,G.H.; and Noack,R.H.: 1983. On the 2007. Availability of a Newly Developed Social Survey Relationship of Highway Noise Annoyance and Method on Noise Using the Internet and the Distance to Highways. Inter-noise 83, pp. 943-946. Geographic Information System (GIS). Inter-noise 2007, GER-281 Istanbul, Turkey. Kastka,J.; and Ritterstaedt,U.: 1984. Joint Research Project JPN-615 on Effects of Impulse Noise on Human Beings -German Kaneko,T.; and Goto,K.: 2006. Noise Annoyance, Stress and Study - (Final Report). Medizinisches Institut für Health Around an Airport in Japan. Inter-noise 2006, Umwelthygiene, University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. GER-253 JPN-576 Kastka,J.; Buchta,E.; Paulsen,R.; and Ritterstaedt,U.: 1984. Kaneko,T.; and Goto,K.: 2008. Dose-Respone Relationship Vergleichende Untersuchungen Zur Lärmbelästigung Between Aircraft Noise and Annoyance Around an Von Autobahnen Und Anderen Straßen. (Comparative Airport in Japan. The 9th Congress of the International Studies on Noise Nuisance Emanating From Autobahns Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise, pp. 571- and Other Highways). Number 432. Forschung 575, Foxwoods, Connecticut, USA. Straßenbau und Straßenverkehrstechnik, Bonn. JPN-576 GER-164 GER-281 GER-282 Kansai Toshi Soon Talsaku Iinkai: 1965. Survey Report on Kastka,J.; and Langdon,F.J.: 1985. CEC Joint Project on Aircraft Noise in the Vicinity of Osaka Airport: Second Impulse Noise: Non-Acoustic Determinants of Impulse Noise Annoyance. Inter-noise 85, pp. 901-904. Wyle 113 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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GER-253 Family Dwelling Sound Environment. Kastka,J.; Noack,R.H.; Mau,U.; Maas,P.; Conrad,U.; J.Archit.Plann.Environ.Eng., AIJ, 466, pp. 1-8. Ritterstaedt,U.; and Hangartner,M.: 1986. Comparison JPN-377 of Traffic-Noise Annoyance in a German and Swiss Kirschner Associates: 1976. Results of an Opinion Survey Town: Effects of the Cultural and Aesthetic Context, in Concerning the Limited Operations of the Concorde A. Schick, H. Höge, and G. Lazarus-Mainka (eds.), Supersonic Airplane at Dulles International Airport. Contributions to Psychological Acoustics. pp. 313-340, Contract Report. Federal Aviation Administration, Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany. Washington, D.C. GER-291 SWI-312 USA-127 Kastka,J.; and Noack,R.H.: 1987. On the Interaction of Kishikawa,H.; Matsui,T.; Uchiyama,I.; Miyakawa,M.; Sensory Experience, Causal Attributive Cognitions and Hiramatsu,K.; and Stansfeld,S.A.: 2006. The Visual Context Parameters in Noise Annoyance, in H. S. Development of Weinstein's Noise Sensitivity Scale. Koelega (ed), Environmental Annoyance: Noise & Health, 33, vol. 8, pp. 154-160. Characterization, Measurement, and Control. pp. 345- JPN-596 362, Elsevier, Amsterdam. Klæboe,R.; and Fyhri,A.: 1997. Peoples Choice of Words for GER-291 SWI-312 Describing Noise Reactions. Inter-noise 97, pp. 1095- Kastka,J.; Buchta,E.; Ritterstaedt,U.; Paulsen,R.; and 1098, Budapest, Hungary. Mau,U.: 1995. The Long Term Effect of Noise Protection NOR-401 Barriers on the Annoyance Response of Residents. Klæboe,R.: 1998. The Combined Effects of Road Traffic - J.Sound Vib., vol. 184, pp. 823-852. Implications for Environmental Guidelines. Noise GER-363 Effects '98: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Seventh Kastka,J.; Borsch-Galetke,E.; Guski,R.; Krauth,J.; Paulsen,R.; International Congress), pp. 264-267. Schümer,R.; and Oliva,C.: 1995. Longitudinal Study on NOR-398 NOR-400 NOR-401 Aircraft Noise Effects at Düsseldorf Airport 1981-1993. Klæboe,R.; Kolbenstvedt,M.; Lercher,P.; and Solberg,S.: vol. 4, pp. 447-451, 15th International Congress on 1998. Changes in Noise Reactions - Evidence for an Acoustics, Trondheim, Norway. Area-Effect? Inter-noise 98, pp. 1133-1136, Christchurch, GER-372 GER-373 GER-473 New Zealand. Kastka,J.; Mau,U.; Muth,T.; and Siegmann,S.: 1996. NOR-398 NOR-400 NOR-401 Standings and Results of the Research on Aircraft Noise Klæboe,R.; Kolbenstvedt,M.; Clench-Aas,J.; and - Longitudinal Study at Dusseldorf Airport 1987-1995. Bartonova,A.: 1999. A Holistic Approach to Assess Inter-noise 96, pp. 305-310, Liverpool, England. Traffic Measures. 8th International Symposium GER-373 GER-374 "Transport and Air Pollution", pp. 573-580, Graz. Kessler,F.: 1985. Comments on "Re-Analysis of Data NOR-398 NOR-400 NOR-401 Presented in 'Community Response to Blasting'" and Klæboe,R.: 2000. Analysing the Impacts of Combined "Reply to Re-Analysis of Data Presented in 'Community Environmental Effects - Can Structural Equation Response to Blasting'". J.Acoust.Soc.Am., vol. 78, p. Models (SEM) Be of Benefit ? Inter-noise 2000, Nice, 1905. France. USA-206 NOR-398 NOR-400 NOR-401 Kim,B.-C.; Fujimoto,K.; Imamura,Y.; and Nakamura,H.: Klæboe,R.; Kolbenstvedt,M.; Clench-Aas,J.; and 1991. Acoustical Environment of Residential Area From Bartonova,A.: 2000. Oslo Traffic Study Part 1: an the View-Point of Soundscape: Part I Relation Between Integrated Approach to Assess the Combined Effects of Amenity in Residential Environment and Acoustical Noise and Air Pollution on Annoyance. Atmospheric Environment in Open Space. Korea-Japan Joint Environment, vol. 34, pp. 4727-4736. Symposium on Acoustics (Commemoration of 10th NOR-398 NOR-400 NOR-401 Anniversary of ASK), pp. 409-413. Klæboe,R.; Amundsen,A.H.; Fyhri,A.; and Solberg,S.: 2004. JPN-438 Road Traffic Noise - the Relationship Between Noise Kim,B.-C.; and Fujimoto,K.: 1994. Amenity of Environment Exposure and Noise Annoyance in Norway. Applied in Residential Area on the Basis of Sound and Green. Acoustics, 9, vol. 65, pp. 893-912. Inter-noise 94, pp. 993-996. NOR-598 JPN-439 Knall,V.; and Schümer,R.: 1983. The Differing Annoyance Kim,K.; Kim,J.; Hong,J.; Lim,C.; and Lee,S.: 2007. Levels of Rail and Road Traffic Noise. J.Sound Vib., 2, Comparison of Community Annoyance From vol. 87, pp. 321-326. Commercial and Military Aircraft Noise. Intern-noise GER-192 2007, vol. 209, pp. 3361-3367, INCE. Knowler,A.E.: 1971. The Second Noise and Social Survey KOR-553 Around Heathrow, London Airport. 7th International Kimura,S.; Inoue,K.; So,M.; and Fujisawa,K.: 1994. Analysis Congress on Acoustics, Budapest, vol. 2, August 18-26, of Occupancy Evaluation and Behavior As to Multi- 1971, pp. 525-528. Wyle 114 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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UKD-024 Kono,S.; and Sone,T.: 1988. Residents' Response to Ko,N.W.M.: 1975. Responses of Firemen to Aircraft and Environmental and Neighborhood Noise. J.Sound Vib., Traffic Noise. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 40, pp. 287-292. vol. 127, pp. 573-581. HKG-208 JPN-358 Ko,N.W.M.; Kwan,A.S.H.; and Chan,W.T.: 1976. Further Kosten,C.W.; de Zwaan,G.W.; Steenbergen,M.H.; Investigation in the Responses of Firemen to Noise. Falkenhagen,C.A.F.; de Jonge,J.A.C.; and van Os,G.J.: J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 49, pp. 575-591. 1967. Geluidhinder Door Vliegtuigen. (Translation HKG-125 Available in: Aircraft Noise Abatement. NASA TT-F- Ko,N.W.M.; Chan,W.T.; and Kwan,A.S.H.: 1977. An 12,093). TNO, Delft. Elementary Study on the Responses of Firemen to NET-013 Aircraft Noise. J.Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2, Koszarny,Z.; and Maziarka,S.: 1975. Uciazliwosc Halasow vol. 4, pp. 354-374. Lotniczych w Najblizszym Otoczeniu Lotniska HKG-125 Warszawa-Okecie. (Annoyance of Aircraft Noise in the Ko,N.W.M.; and Wong,V.L.P.: 1980. Responses to Road Closest Proximity of the Warszawa-Okecie Traffic Noise: A Socio-Economic Approach. (Letter to Airport)(Translation Available in: Aviation Noise the Editor). J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 68, pp. 147-152. Overload in the Immediate Proximity of the Warsaw- HKG-187 Okecie Airport. NASA TM-75892). Rocznik Kodama,H.: 1971. Psychological Effect of Aircraft Noise Panstwowego Zakladu Hygieny, 1, vol. 26, pp. 1-9. Upon Inhabitants of an Airport Neighborhood. 17th POL-198 International Congress of Applied Psychology, Liege, Koszarny,Z.; Maziarka,S.; and Szata,W.: 1976. Wplyw Belgium. Halasu Samolotowego Na Micszkancow Rejonow JPN-046 Przylotniskowych Lotniska Okecie w Warzawie. Kolbenstvedt,M.: 1998a. Miljøbelastninger Og Levekår. (Translation Available in: The Effect of Airplane Noise Noen Resultater Fra Levekårsundersøkelsen 1997 on the Inhabitants of Areas Near the Okecie Airport in (Environmental Stressors and Living Conditions. Some Warsaw. NASA TM-75879). Rocznik Panstwowego Results From the 1997 Survey of Living Conditions). Zakladu Hygieny, 2, vol. 27, pp. 113-121. 1104/98. Institute of Transport Economics, Oslo. POL-198 NOR-405 Koszarny,Z.; Szata,W.; and Gorynski,P.: 1979. Ekspozycja Kolbenstvedt,M.: 1998b. Miljøkonsekvenser Av Na Halas Kolejowy I Jego Uciazliwosc Dla Hovedvegomlegging Oslo Øst. Oppsummering Av Mieszkancow. (Exposure to Railway Noise and Its Studier 19871996.(Environmental Consequences of Nuisance for the Population). Rocznik Panstwowego Main Road Diversion in Oslo East. Summary of Studies Zakladu Hygieny, 4, vol. 30, pp. 387-395. 1987-1996). TØI Rapport 405/98. Transportøkonomisk POL-184 institutt, Oslo. Koszarny,Z.; Szata,W.; and Gorynski,P.: 1980. Weryfikacja NOR-398 NOR-400 NOR-401 Kryteriow Oceny Halasu Kolejowego. (Verification of Kolbenstvedt,M.; and Klæboe,R.: 1999. Environmental Railroad Noise Criteria). Rocznik Panstwowego Annoyances in Norway 1997. Inter-noise 99, pp. 1343- Zakladu Hygieny, 2, vol. 31, pp. 209-216. 1346, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. POL-184 NOR-405 Koyasu,M.; Yasuoka,M.; Kabuto,M.; Kono,S.; Tamura,A.; Kolbenstvedt,M.; Klæboe,R.; Clench-Aas,J.; and Yamamoto,K.; and Noda,K.: 2003. Survey on the Health Bartonova,A.: 1999. Environmental Impacts of Traffic Effects of Aircraft Noise on the Residents Around New Diversion Measures in Oslo: Study Design and Main Tokyo International Airport (Narita Airport). Inter- Results. 8th International Symposium "Transport and noise 2003, pp. 1697-1702, Seogwipo, Korea. Air Pollution", pp. 7-13, Graz. JPN-578 NOR-398 NOR-400 NOR-401 Kragh,J.: 1977. Analyse Af Sammenhængen Mellem Kondo,S.; Hayashi,C.; and Kodama,H.: 1975. A New Reaktioner På Vejtrafikstøj Og Fysiske Mål for Støjen. Method Suggested For Estimating the Psychological (Analysis of the Correlation Between Reactions to Road Effect of the Aircraft Noise at an Airport. Inter-noise 75, Traffic Noise and Physical Indices of the Noise). Report pp. 433-436. no. 5. Acoustical Laboratory, Danish Academy of JPN-062 Technical Sciences, Lyngby. Kondo,S.; Hayashi,C.; and Kodama,H.: 1978. Annoyance of DEN-075 Aircraft Noise in Relation to Background Noise. Kroesen,M.; Molin,E.J.E.; and van Wee,B.: 2007. Acoustical Society of America and The Acoustical Understanding Aircraft Noise Annoyance and the Society of Japan Joint Meeting, November 27 to (in)Effectiveness of Dutch Aircraft Noise Regulations. December 1. Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. JPN-062 NET-599

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Kryter,K.D.; Johnson,P.J.; and Young,J.R.: 1968. Acoustics, pp. 205-220, Bibliotheks und Informations Psychological Experiments on Sonic Booms Conducted System der Universitat Oldenburg, Oldenburg. at Edwards Air Force Base (Final Report). Contract AF- JPN-294 49(638)-1758. National Sonic Boom Evaluation Office, Kuno,K.; Omiya,M.; Okumura,Y.; Hayashi,A.; Mishina,Y.; Arlington, Virginia. and Oishi,Y.: 2000. Survey and Analysis of Dose- USA-299 Response to Community Noise. WESTPRACVII Kuga,S.: 1989. On a Survey to Inquire Noise Environments (Seventh Western Pacific Regional Acoustics Among the Old Housing Districts in Tokyo (In Conference), pp. 901-906. Japanese). Journal of INCE Japan, vol. 13, pp. 42-46. JPN-294 JPN-504 Kuno,K.; Oishi,Y.; Mishina,Y.; Omiya,M.; Okumura,Y.; and Kumagai,M.; Kono,S.; Sone,T.; and Nimura,T.: 1975. A Hayashi,A.: 2000. Criteria for Environmental Noise Consideration on the Rating of Train Noise From Based on Neutral Reaction of Inhabitants. Ordinary Railways. Inter-noise 75, pp. 429-432. J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn., 6, vol. 21, pp. 349-353. JPN-064 JPN-101 CHI-457 JPN-294 Kuno,K.; Zheng,D.; Takeda,K.; Ikegaya,K.; and Mishina,Y.: Kurra,S.: 1983. Analysis of Environmental Noise and 1984. Study on Noise Environment of Residence in Determination of Highest Acceptable Noise Levels Urban Area. Inter-noise 84, pp. 953-958. With Regard to Noise Control in Istanbul. Inter-noise JPN-294 83, pp. 671-676. Kuno,K.; Oishi,Y.; Hayashi,A.; Mishina,Y.; and Ikegaya,K.: TRK-283 1985. Analysis and Classification of Residential Noise Kurra,S.: 1988. Analysis of Traffic Noise Problems in Exposure Patterns. China-Japan Joint Symposium on Developing Countries With Reference to a Case Study Acoustics, pp. 34-37. in Residential Areas. Noise as a Public Health Problem JPN-294 (Fifth International Congress), vol. 3: Performance, Kuno,K.; Ohara,K.; Takeda,K.; and Mishina,Y.: 1986. Behaviour, Animal, Combined Agents and Community Residential Noise Exposure and Reaction of Inhabitants Responses, pp. 215-221, Swedish Council for Building Around Roadside Area. 12th International Congress on Research, Stockholm. Acoustics, pp. C4-2. TRK-283 JPN-294 Kurra,S.; Tamer,N.; and Rice,C.G.: 1995. Environmental Kuno,K.; Mishina,Y.; Hayashi,A.; Oishi,Y.; Ikegaya,K.; Noise Pollution Research Project Report. Istanbul Zheng,D.; Cai,X.; and Chen,T.: 1987. Survey on Technical University, Istanbul. Environment of Residence in Urban Area -- TRK-367 Comparative Study Between China and Japan. Inter- Kuwano,S.; Namba,S.; and Schick,A.: 1985. Cross-Cultural noise 87, pp. 871-874. Survey on Noise Problems in Apartment Houses. Inter- CHI-457 JPN-294 noise 85, pp. 937-941. Kuno,K.; Hayashi,A.; Oishi,Y.; and Mishina,Y.: 1988. A GER-516 JPN 515 Consideration of Environmental Quality Standards for Kuwano,S.; Namba,S.; and Florentine,M.: 1996. Noise in Japan. J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 127, pp. 565-572. Introduction to Experiences With Efforts to Standardize JPN-294 Social Noise Surveys. Inter-noise 96, pp. 2047-2052. Kuno,K.; Oishi,Y.; Mishina,Y.; Hayashi,A.; Zheng,D.; JPN-517 USA-518 Cai,X.; and Chen,T.: 1992. Study on Reaction of Kuwano,S.; Morimoto,M.; and Matui,T.: 2005. A Inhabitants to Environmental Noise (Nagoya-Beijing). Questionnaire Survey on Noise Problems With Elderly 14th International Congress on Acoustics, pp. E1-7, People. Acoustics Science and Technology, 3, vol. 26, Beijing. pp. 305-308. CHI-457 JPN-294 JPN-577 Kuno,K.; Oishi,Y.; Mishina,Y.; Hayashi,A.; Zheng,D.; Kühl,K.: 1980. Togstøjprojektet: Arbejdsrapport. (The Cai,X.; and Chen,T.: 1993. Comparison of Noise Railway Noise Project: Working Paper) Volume I and Environment of Residences in Nagoya, Japan and II. Miljøstyrelsen, Copenhagen. Beijing, China. Applied Acoustics, vol. 40, pp. 153-167. DEN-200 CHI-457 JPN-294 Lam,K.C.; and Au,W.: 2008. Human Annoyance Response Kuno,K.; Omiya,M.; Mishina,Y.; Oishi,Y.; and Hayashi,A.: to a Step Change in Noise Exposure Following Opening 1996. Measurements and Ratings of Environmental of a New Railway Extension in Hong Kong. The 9th Noise in Japan. Inter-noise 96, pp. 2037-2042. International Conference on Noise as a Public Health JPN-294 Problem, pp. 662-669. Kuno,K.; Noro,Y.; Oishi,Y.; Mishina,Y.; and Hayashi,A.: HKG-597 HKG-612 1997. Analysis and Prediction of Personal Reaction to Lam,K.C.; and Chan,T.C.: 2007. Effects of Information Bias Environmental Noise. Psychological Acoustics: Results and Frequency of Riding on Annoyance Response to a of the 7th Oldenburg Symposium on Psychological Wyle 116 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Newly Operated Railway Line. Inter-noise 2007, Congress of the International Commission on the Istanbul, Turkey. Biological Effects of Noise, Foundation ICBEN 2003, HKG-602 Schiedam, the Netherlands. Lam,K.C.; Chan,P.K.; Chan,T.C.; Au,W.H.; and Hui,W.C.: FRA-570 2009. Annoyance Response to Mixed Transportation Lambert,J.; and Philipps-Bertin,C.: 2008. Perception and Noise in Hong Kong. Applied Acoustics, 1, vol. 70, pp. Attitudes to Transportation Noise in France: A National 1-10. Survey. The 9th Congress of the International HKG-602 Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise, pp. 576- Lambert,J.; and Simonnet,F.: 1980. Comportements Dans 582, Foxwoods, Connecticut, USA. L'Habitat Soumis Au Bruit De Circulation. (Translation FRA-535 Available in: Patterns of Behavior in Lodgings Subject Lambert,R.F.: 1971. Noise Survey and Abatement to Traffic Noise. NASA TM-77750, 1984). Research Procedures. Project 00-122. Office of Research and Report no. 47. IRT-CERNE, Bron, France. Development, Minnesota Dept. of Transportation, St. FRA-197 Paul, Minnesota. Lambert,J.; Simonnet,F.; and Vallet,M.: 1983. Patterns of USA-047 Behavior in Dwellings Exposed to Road Traffic Noise. Lambert,R.F.; and Bouchard,T.J.: 1974. Experimental Noise as a Public Health Problem (Fourth International Evaluation of a Freeway Noise Barrier: I-35W at Congress), pp. 1115-1124, Centro Ricerche e Studi Minnehaha Creek, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Project 00- Amplifon, Milano, Italy. 132. Office of Research and Development, Minnesota FRA-197 Dept. of Transportation, St. Paul, Minnesota. Lambert,J.; Simonnet,F.; and Vallet,M.: 1984. Patterns of USA-069 Behavior in Dwellings Exposed to Road Traffic Noise. Lambert,R.F.: 1978. Experimental Evaluation of a Freeway J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 92, pp. 159-172. Noise Barrier. Noise Control Engineering, 2, vol. 11, pp. FRA-197 86-94. Lambert,J.; and Plouhinec,M.: 1985. Day and Night USA-069 Annoyance: A Comparison. Inter-noise 85, pp. 941-944. Lambert,S.R.; Blood,J.H.; Callen,M.A.; Germano,A.T.; FRA-197 Quinn,D.H.; Neislar,R.; Sherrill,D.G.; and Bragdon,C.R.: Lambert,J.; Maurin,M.; Boscher,F.; and Lebart,L.: 1988. 1973. College Park Noise Study. Georgia Institute of Perception and Sensitiveness of the French Population Technology, Atlanta. to Road Traffic Noise. Noise as a Public Health Problem USA-068 (Fifth International Congress), vol. 3: Performance, Lamure,C.; and Bacelon,M.: 1967. La Gêne Due Au Bruit Behaviour, Animal, Combined Agents and Community De La Circulation Automobile: Une Enquête Auprès De Responses, pp. 333-338, Swedish Council for Building Riverains D'Autoroutes. (Translation Available in: The Research, Stockholm. Nuisance Due to the Noise of Automobile Traffic: An FRA-289 Investigation in the Neighborhoods of Freeways. NASA Lambert,J.; Champelovier,P.; and Vernet,I.: 1993. TM-75812). Cahiers du Centre Scientifique et Technique Annoyance From High Speed Train Noise: An du Bâtiment 88. Centre Scientifique et Technique du Exploratory Field Study. Noise and Man '93: Noise as a Bâtiment, Paris. Public Health Problem (Sixth International Congress), FRA-019 vol. 2, pp. 389-392, INRETS, Arcueil, France. Landon,L.: 1976. Noise in Darlington: Processing and FRA-336 Analysis of Results. Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Polytechnic, Lambert,J.; Champelovier,P.; Vernet,I.; Annequin,C.; and England. Baez,D.: 1994. Community Response to High Speed UKD-132 Train Noise in France. Inter-noise 94, pp. 125-128, Lang,J.: 1975. Über Den Zusammenhang Zwischen Yokohama, Japan. Objektiven Meßergebnissen Und Subjectiv FRA-396 Empfundener Störung Von Verkehrslärm. (Translation Lambert,J.; Champelovier,P.; Vernet,I.; Annequin,C.; and Available in: On the Correlation Between Objective Baez,D.: 1995. Impact Du Bruit Sur Les Riverians Du Measurements and Subjectively Felt Disturbance From TGV Atlantique (Impact of Noise on Residents From Traffic. NASA TM-75486). Berufspaedagogisches TGV Atlantique). INRETS no. 196. Institut des Vienna. FRA-396 AUS-093 Lambert,J.; Champelovier,P.; and Vernet,I.: 1996. Lang,J.: 1976. Zusammenhang Zwischen Objektiven Annoyance From High Speed Train Noise: A Social Meßergebnissen Und Subjektiv Empfundener Störung Survey. J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 193, pp. 21-28. Von Verkehrslärm. (Relation Between Objective FRA-396 Experimental Results and Subjective Experienced Lambert,J.; Champelovier,P.; and Bruyere,J.: 2003. Annoyance From Traffic Noise). 9th AICB Congress, Annoyance From Leisure Aviation Noise. The 8th Budapest. Wyle 117 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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AUS-093 UKD-220 Lang,J.: 1977. Criteria for Road Traffic Noise Due to Langdon,F.J.; and Griffiths,I.D.: 1982. Subjective Effects of Subjective Response. 9th International Congress on Traffic Noise Exposure, II: Comparisons of Noise Acoustics, Madrid, 4-9 July 1977, p. 29. Indices, Response Scales, and the Effects of Changes in AUS-093 Noise Levels. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 82, pp. 171-180. Lang,J.: 1978. Lärmbelastung An Strassen, Wirksamkeit UKD-157 UKD-268 GER-282 Und Kosten Von Lärmschutzmassnahmen. (Translation Langdon,F.J.; Buller,I.B.; and Scholes,W.W.: 1983. Noise Available in: Noise Levels Near Streets, Effectiveness From Neighbors and the Sound Insulation of Party and Cost Abatement Measures. NASA TM-75814). pp. Floors and Walls in Flats. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 88, pp. 156-162, Technical Conference of the OEAL, Vienna. 243-270. AUS-093 AUS-178 UKD-233 Lang,J.: 1980. Lärmbelastung An Straßen, Wirksamkeit Large,J.B.; and Ludlow,J.E.: 1975. Community Reaction To Und Kosten Von Lärmschutzmaßnahmen. Report 150. Construction Noise. Inter-noise 75, pp. 13-20. Bundesministerium für Bauten und Technik UKD-074 Straßenforschung, Vienna, Austria. Large,J.B.; and Ludlow,J.E.: 1976. Community Reaction to AUS-178 Noise From a Construction Site. Noise Control Langdon,F.J.: 1975. Noise Nuisance Caused by Road Traffic Engineering, pp. 59-65. In Residential Areas. Inter-noise 75, pp. 395-398. UKD-074 UKD-071 Large,J.B.; and Ludlow,J.E.: 1977. Community Response to Langdon,F.J.: 1976a. Noise Nuisance Caused by Road Concorde Flights Round London (Heathrow) Airport- Traffic in Residential Areas: Part III. J.Sound Vib., 2, Noise Exposure Prediction Methodology. Port vol. 49, pp. 241-256. Authority of New York and New Jersey. UKD-071 UKD-130 Langdon,F.J.: 1976b. Noise Nuisance Caused by Road Larsen,L.E.; and Bendtsen,H.: 2001. Perception of Noise Traffic in Residential Areas: Parts I, II. J.Sound Vib., 2, Reduction by Porous Asphalt. Euronoise 2001. vol. 47, pp. 243-282. DEN-387 UKD-071 Larsen,L.E.; Bendtsen,H.; and Mikkelsen,B.: 2002. Traffic Langdon,F.J.: 1977a. Noise Nuisance From Road Traffic In Noise Annoyance: a Survey in Aarhus, Odense and Residential Areas. 9th International Congress on Randers. 5. Danish Transport Research Institute, Acoustics, Madrid, 4-9 July 1977, p. 32. Lyngby, Denmark. UKD-071 DEN-527 DEN-528 Langdon,F.J.: 1977b. The Effects of Traffic Noise in Urban Lawrence,A.B.; and Putra,A.: 1989. The Combined Effect of Areas. Institute of Acoustics, May 1977, p. 12.2.1-12.2.3. Road Traffic and Aircraft Noise on People. Inter-noise UKD-071 89, pp. 891-894. Langdon,F.J.; and Buller,I.B.: 1977a. Party Wall Insulation AUL-307 and Noise From Neighbors. J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 55, pp. Lawson,B.R.; and Walters,D.: 1973. The Effects of a New 495-507. Motorway on an Established Residential Area. Dept. of UKD-071 UKD-119 Architectural Planning and Urban Studies, Univ. of Langdon,F.J.; and Buller,I.B.: 1977b. Road Traffic Noise and Aston, Birmingham, England. Disturbance to Sleep. J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 50, pp. 13-28. UKD-073 UKD-071 Le Masurier,P.: 2007a. Attitudes to Noise From Aviation Langdon,F.J.: 1978a. Effects of Road Traffic Noise. Institute Sources in England: Executive Summary for of Acoustics, October 1978, pp. 18-2-1-18-2-4. Department for Transport. UKD-071 UKD-604 Langdon,F.J.: 1978b. Monetary Evaluation of Nuisance Le Masurier,P.: 2007b. Attitudes to Noise From Aviation From Road-Traffic Noise: An Exploratory Study. Sources in England: Final Report. Environment and Planning A., vol. 10, pp. 1015-1034. UKD-604 UKD-071 Le Masurier,P.: 2007c. Attitudes to Noise From Aviation Langdon,F.J.: 1980. Reliability of Estimates of Annoyance Sources in England: Technical Appendices. With Road Traffic Noise. Noise as a Public Health UKD-604 Problem (Third International Congress), ASHA Report Lee,S.E.; Alam,S.M.; and Johnny,W.L.H.: 2008. 10, pp. 567-570, American Speech-Language-Hearing Establishment of an Acceptable Indoor Noise Level for Association, Rockville, Maryland. Residential Developments. Inter-noise 2008, Shanghai, UKD-030 China. Langdon,F.J.; Buller,I.B.; and Scholes,W.E.: 1981. Noise SIN-622 From Neighbors and the Sound Insulation of Party Walls in Houses. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 79, pp. 205-228. Wyle 118 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Lee,S.-W.: 1985. A Study on the Evaluation Model of Brenner Rail Track, North Part, Lower Inn Valley With Environmental Noise Impacts in Urban Residential Respect to Hygiene and Health). Innsbruck. Areas. pp. 1-144. AUS-487 AUS-488 AUS-521 KOR-475 Lercher,P.; Botteldooren,D.; de Greve,B.; Dekoninck,L.; and Lee,S.-W.; Lee,K.-H.; and Cha,I.-W.: 1985. A Subjective Rudisser,J.: 2007. The Effects of Noise From Combined Response Model for the Traffic Noise in Urban Traffic Sources on Annoyance: The Case of Interactions Residential Area. WESTPAC II (Second Between Rail and Road Noise. Inter-noise 2007, Western/Pacific Regional Acoustics Conference), pp. Istanbul, Turkey. 96-101, Hong Kong. AUS-560 KOR-475 Lercher,P.; de Greve,B.; Botteldooren,D.; Baulac,M.; Leonard,S.; and Borsky,P.N.: 1973. A Causal Model for Defrance,J.; and Rudisser,J.: 2008. The Effect on Relating Noise Exposure, Psycho-Social Variables and Annoyance Estimation of Noise Modeling Procedures. Aircraft Noise Annoyance. International Congress on The 9th Congress of the International Commission on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Dubrovnik, the Biological Effects of Noise, Foxwoods, Connecticut, Yugoslavia, May 13-18 1973. USEPA 550-9-008, pp. 691- USA. 705, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, AUS-560 Washington, D.C. Levein,B.; and Åhrlin,U.: 1988. Annoyance Caused by USA-059 Shooting Range Noise. J.Sound Vib., vol. 127, pp. 589- Lercher,P.: 1992. Auswirkungen Des Straßenverkehrs Auf 592. Lebensqualität Und Gesundheit (Effects of Road Traffic SWE-360 on Quality of Life and Health). Abteilung Levine,N.: 1981. The Development of an Annoyance Scale Sozialmedizin, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck. for Community Noise Assessment. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. AUS-329 74, pp. 265-279. Lercher,P.; and Widmann,U.: 1993. Factors Determining USA-221 USA-822 Community Response to Road Traffic Noise. Noise and Li,H.-J.; Yu,W.-B.; Lu,J.-Q.; Zeng,L.; Nan,L.; and Zhao,Y.- Man '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth M.: 2008. Investigation of Road Traffic Noise and International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 201-204, INRETS, Annoyance in Beijing: A Cross Sectional Study of 4th Arcueil, France. Ring Road. Inter-noise 2008, Shanghai, China. AUS-329 CHI-624 Lercher,P.: 1996. Road Traffic Noise, Self Medication, and Licitra,G.; and Nolli,M.: 2006. The Response of Population Prescriptions: a Community Study. Inter-noise 96, pp. to Urban Noise: the Results of a Socio-Acoustic Survey 2171-2176, Liverpool, England. Performed in a Residential Area of Pisa. Inter-noise AUS-329 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Lercher,P.: 1998. Deviant Dose-Response Curves for Traffic ITL-592 Noise in 'Sensitive Areas'? Inter-noise 98, pp. 1141-1144, Liepert,M.; Hegner,A.; Möhler,U.; Schreckenberg,D.; Christchurch, New Zealand. Schümer-Kohrs,A.; and Schümer,R.: 1999. AUS-329 Lärmbelästigung Durch Schienenverkslärm Vor Und Lercher,P.; Brauchle,G.; and Widmann,U.: 1999. The Nach Dem Schienenschleifen. Zwischenbericht Zur Interaction of Landscape and Soundscape in the Alpine Hauptstudie Akzeptanzbefragung. (Noise Annoyance Area of the Tyrol: An Annoyance Perspective. Inter- From Railway Noise Before and After Rail Grinding -- noise 99, pp. 1347-1350, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Acceptability Study). Report Nr. 101-707. Möhler & AUS-487 Partners, Munich. Lercher,P.; Widmann,U.; and Kofler,W.: 2000. GER-479 Transportation Noise and Blood Pressure: the Lim,C.; Kim,J.; Hong,J.; Sun,H.; and Lee,S.: 2005. Importance of Modifying Factors. Inter-noise 2000, vol. Community Annoyance From Civil Aircraft Noise in 4, pp. 3071-3075, Nice, France. Korea. Inter-noise 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. AUS-521 KOR-553 KOR-554 Lercher,P.; Brauchle,G.; Kofler,W.; Widmann,U.; and Lim,C.; Kim,J.; Hong,J.; Lee,S.; and Lee,S.-W.: 2006. The Meis,M.: 2000. The Assessment of Noise Annoyance in Relationship Between Civil Aircraft Noise and Schoolchildren and Their Mothers. Inter-noise 2000, vol. Community Annoyance in Korea. J.Sound Vib., vol. 4, pp. 2318-2322, Nice, France. 299, pp. 575-576. AUS-488 KOR-554 Lercher,P.: 2001. Dokumentation Der Zusatzerhebungen Lim,C.; Kim,J.; Hong,J.; and Lee,S.: 2006. The Relationship Zur Uve Der Eisenbahnachse Brenner Zulaufstrecke Between Railway Noise and Community Annoyance in Nord Unteres Inntal Für Den Teilbereich Hygiene Und Korea. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 4, vol. 120, pp. 2037-2042. Gesundheit. (Documentation for Additional Required KOR-550 Studies for the Environmental Assessment of the New Wyle 119 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Lim,C.; Kim,J.; Hong,J.; Lee,S.; and Lee,S.: 2007. The UKD-050 Relationship Between Civil Aircraft Noise and Mackie,A.M.; and Griffin,L.J.: 1977. Before and After Study Community Annoyance in Korea. J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. of the Environmental Effects of Tring By-Pass. TRRL 299, pp. 575-586. Report LR 589. Transport and Road Research KOR-554 Laboratory, Crowthorne, England. Lim,C.; Kim,J.; Hong,J.; and Lee,S.: 2008. Effect of UKD-268 Background Noise Levels on Community Annoyance Mackie,A.M.; and Forster,M.: 1978. Environmental Effects From Aircraft Noise. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 2, vol. 123, pp. of Traffic in Ludlow, Salop. TRRL Report SR 245. 766-771. Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, KOR-554 England. Lingen,W.K.; and Voorn,W.J.M.: 1979. Het Proefprojet Voor UKD-268 Geluidwerende Voorzieningen Aan Woningentegen Mackie,A.M.; and Griffin,L.J.: 1978a. Environmental Effects Vliegtuiglawaai in Relatie Met Sanering. (Test of By-Passing Small Towns - Case Studies at Boughton, Investigation into the Application of Noise Abating Dunkirk and Bridge. TRRL Report SR 349. Transport Measures in Houses Against Airplane Noise). Report and Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, England. LL-HR-11-01. Interdepartementale Commissie UKD-268 Geluidhinder, Leidschendam, Netherlands. Mackie,A.M.; and Griffin,L.J.: 1978b. Environmental Effects NET-115 NET-149 of Traffic: Case Study at Mere, Wiltshire. TRRL Report Llimpe,C.E.; Moreno,J.N.; and Recuero,M.A.: 2006. SR 428. Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Subjective Study of Environmental Noise in Oldtown, Crowthorne, England. Lima, Peru. Inter-noise 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. UKD-268 PER-591 Mackie,A.M.; and Davies,C.H.: 1981. Environmental Effects Loeb,M.; and Moran,S.V.: 1977. Annoyance by Aircraft of Traffic Changes. TRRL Report LR 1015. Transport Noise and Fear of Overflying Aircraft in Relation to and Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, England. Attitudes Toward the Environment and Community. UKD-268 Technical Report 7701. Performance Research Maglieri,D.J.; and Sothcott,V.E.: 1990. Summary of Sonic Laboratory, Univ. of Kentucky, Louisville. Boom Rise Times Observed During FAA Community USA-129 Response Studies Over a 6-Month Period in the Lopez Barrio,I.; and Carles,J.L.: 1993. Subjective Response Oklahoma City Area. CR 4277. National Aeronautics to Traffic Noise: The Importance Given To Noise and Space Administration, Washington D.C. Environment In Choosing A Place Of Residence. Noise USA-012 and Man '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth Makinson,C.: 1979. Sleep Disturbance: Technical Report. International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 205-208, INRETS, Project 560. Social and Community Planning Research, Arcueil, France. London. SPA-330 UKD-182 Ludlow,J.E.: 1973. A Noise Survey at an Underpass Mallebrera,M.; Romero,J.; Giminez,A.; Marin,A.; and Construction Site. Institute of Physics, Acoustics Group Sanchis,A.: 2000. Annoyance Produced by the Noise of Meeting, February 8 1973, United Kingdom.. the Airport of Altet-Alicante, on the Cities of Altet, UKD-074 Torremolinos, and Elche. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 3, pp. Ludlow,J.E.: 1976. A Survey of the Effects of Noise Around 1375-1378, Nice, France. a Construction Site. ISVR Memo 553. Univ. of SPA-411 Southampton, England. MAN-Acoustics and Noise: 1975. City of Portland and UKD-074 Multnomah County System Noise Management Ma,H.; and Yano,T.: 2008. Study on Sound Environment Program. MAN-Acoustics and Noise, Seattle. and Community Response to Noise in Tianjin, a USA-089 Chinese City. The 9th Congress of the International Manglano,J.L.; Gaja,E.; Estellés,H.; and Belmar,F.: 1984. Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise, p. 1, Community Response to Traffic Nose in Valencia City. Foxwoods, Connecticut, USA. Inter-noise 84, pp. 725-728. CHI-617 SPA-316 Mabry,J.E.: 1982. A Study of General Aviation Community Martin,M.A.; Tarrero,A.; Gonzalez,J.; and Noise Impact and Annoyance. NASA CR-165945. Machimbarrena,M.: 2006. Exposure-Effect Relationships National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Between Road Traffic Noise Annoyance and Noise Cost Washington, D.C. Valuations in Valladolid, Spain. Applied Acoustics, 10, USA-205 vol. 67, pp. 945-958. Mackie,A.M.: 1972. A Social Survey of the Effects of a SPA-568 Traffic Noise Barrier. Transportation and Road Martin,R.; Rohrmann,B.; and Finke,H.O.: 1973. Psycho- Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, England. Acoustic Results of an Interdisciplinary Study on Wyle 120 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Effects of Aircraft Noise on Man. Inter-noise 73, pp. Maurin,M.; and Lambert,J.: 1990. Exposure of the French 289-297. Population to Transport Noise. Noise Control GER-034 Engineering, vol. 35, pp. 5-18. Marzanno,A.; and Recuero,M.A.: 2007. Application of Pilot FRA-289 FRA-323 Survey in Population Exposed to Noise Levels Maurin,M.: 1996. Some Ways to Process Raw Data Coming Produced by Air Operations of the International From Community Noise Surveys. Inter-noise 96, pp. Airport Arturo Merino Benitez of Santiago - Chile. 19th 2537-2540, Liverpool. International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Spain. FRA-364 CHL-605 May,D.N.: 1971a. Startle Due to Sonic Booms Heard Maschke,C.; and Niemann,H.: 2005. Health Effects of Outdoors As Functions of Overpressure and Rise Time. Neighbourhood Noise-Induced Annoyance . Inter-noise (Letter to the Editor). J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 18, pp. 144- 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 145. ITL-616 LIT-555 POR-614 GER-579 SWI-584 FRA-583 GER-037 SLO-548 HUN-611 May,D.N.: 1971b. The Loudness of Sonic Booms Heard Mather,C.E.: 1971. A Study of Aircraft Noise in an Urban Outdoors As Simple Functions of Overpressure and Area. Physical Environment Rep. PR4. Dept. of Rise Time. J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 18, pp. 31-43. Architectural Science, Univ. of Sydney, Sydney. GER-037 AUL-036 May,D.N.: 1972. Sonic Boom Startle: A Field Study in Matsue,A.; Fujimoto,K.; and Tsuru,K.: 1988. (No Romaji)(A Meppen, West Germany. J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 24, pp. Survey on the Impression of Sound: (2) Factor Analysis 337-347. of the Impression of Souind). Report of the Annual GER-037 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan, pp. 565-566. McColl,W.: 1979. Youngmann Highway Experimental JPN-442 Noise Abatement Project: Social and Attitudinal Matsui,T.; Nakada,M.; Hiramatsu,K.; Taira,K.; Osada,Y.; Survey. DOT-FH-11-9490. New York State Dept. of and Yamamoto,T.: 1998. Monitoring and Analysis of Transportation. Aircraft Noise Exposure Around Military and Civil USA-154 Airfields in the Ryukyus. Inter-noise 98, pp. 917-920. McEntagart,D.J.: 1980. Sample Design For Community JPN-444 JPN-445 Noise Surveys in Rural Areas (M.Sc. Dissertation), Matsui,T.; Stansfeld,S.A.; Haines,M.; and Head,J.: 2004. Dept. of Social Statistics, Univ. of Southampton, Children's Cognition and Aircraft Noise Exposure at England. Home - The West London Schools Study. Noise & UKD-160 Health, 25, vol. 7, pp. 49-58. McKennell,A.C.: 1963. Aircraft Noise Annoyance Around UKD-549 London (Heathrow) Airport. S.S.337. The Government Matsui,T.; Kishikawa,H.; Uchiyama,I.; Miyakawa,M.; Social Survey, Central Office of Information, London. Hiramatsu,K.; and Stansfeld,S.A.: 2007. Noise Senstivity UKD-008 and Subjective Health - Questionaire Study Conducted McKennell,A.C.: 1965. Correlational Analysis of Survey Along Trunk Roads. Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. Data. Sociological Review, vol. 13, pp. 157-181. JPN-596 UKD-008 Mauer,M.C.: 1968. Inwoners In Die Omgewing Van McKennell,A.C.; and Hunt,E.A.: 1966. Noise Annoyance in Lughawens Se Reaksie Op En Opinies Oor Central London. S.S.332. The Government Social Vliegtuiggeraas. (Reactions to and Opinions of Survey, Central Office of Information, London. Residents in the Vicinity of Airports to Aircraft Noise). UKD-009 Nasionale Instituut Vir Personeelnavorsing McKennell,A.C.: 1969. Methodological Problems in a Wetenskaplike En Nywerheidnavorsingsraad, Survey of Aircraft Noise Annoyance. The Statistician, 1, Johannesburg, South Africa. vol. 19, pp. 1-29. SAF-028 UKD-008 Maurin,M.; Lambert,J.; and Alauzet,A.: 1988. Enquête McKennell,A.C.: 1970. Noise Complaints and Community Nationale Sur Le Bruit Des Transports En France. Action, in J. D. Chalupnik (ed), Transportation Noises: (National Study of Transportation Noise in France). A Symposium on Acceptability Criteria. pp. 228-244, INRETS Report N 71. Laboratoire Energie Nuisances University of Washington Press, Seattle. (LEN), Bron. UKD-008 FRA-289 FRA-323 McKennell,A.C.: 1973. Psycho-Social Factors in Aircraft Maurin,M.; Lambert,J.; Alauzet,A.; and Chapuy,P.: 1988. Noise Annoyance. International Congress on Noise as a French Population Exposure to Transport Noise: Public Health Problem, May 13-18, Dubrovnik, Current Situation and Future Outlook. Inter-noise 88, Yugoslavia. USEPA 550-9-73-008, pp. 627-644, U.S. pp. 1293-1296. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. FRA-289 UKD-008 Wyle 121 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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McKennell,A.C.: 1977. Community Response to Concorde Miedema,H.M.E.; and Vos,H.: 1998. Exposure-Response Flights Round London (Heathrow) Airport. Social and Relationships for Transportation Noise. Community Planning Research, London. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 6, vol. 104, pp. 3432-3445. UKD-130 AUL-210 CAN-168 FRA-016 FRA-239 NET-240 NOR- McKennell,A.C.: 1978. Reactions to Concorde Flights by 311 NOR-328 NOR-366 SWE-035 SWI-053 UKD-024 Heathrow Residents. Inter-noise 78, pp. 573-578. UKD-242 UKD-238 USA-022 USA-032 USA-044 USA- UKD-130 082 USA-203 USA-204 USA-338 CAN-120 CAN-121 McKennell,A.C.: 1980. Annoyance From Concorde Flights CAN-168 BEL-122 BEL-137 FRA-092 FRA-239 FRA-364 Round Heathrow. Noise as a Public Health Problem GER-192 GER-372 GER-373 NET-106 NET-240 NET-258 (Third International Congress), ASHA Report 10, pp. NET-276 NET-361 NET-362 SWE-142 SWE-165 SWI-053 562-566, American Speech-Language-Hearing SWI-173 UKD-071 UKD-072 UKD-157 UKD-242 UKD- Association, Rockville, Maryland. 238 FRA-063 GER-192 NET-153 NET-276 NET-361 UKD-130 SWE-165 SWE-228 SWE-365 UKD-116 McLean,E.K.; and Tarnopolsky,A.: 1977. Noise, Discomfort Miedema,H.M.E.; Vos,H.; and de Jong,R.G.: 2000. and Mental Health. A Review of the Socio-Medical Community Reaction to Aircraft Noise Time-of-Day Implications of Disturbance by Noise. Psychological Penalty and Tradeoff Between Levels of Overflights. Medicine, vol. 7, pp. 19-62. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 6, vol. 107, pp. 3245-3253. UKD-111 NET-371 UKD-242 UKD-238 FRA-239 NET-240 Meloni,T.; and Fischer,F.: 2000. Factors Moderating the MIL Research: 1971. Second Survey of Aircraft Noise Effect of Noise Barriers. Noise-Con 2000. Annoyance Around London (Heathrow) Airport. SWI-469 HMSO, London. Michaud,D.S.; Keith,S.E.; and McMurchy,D.: 2005. Noise UKD-024 Annoyance in Canada. Noise & Health, 27, vol. 7, pp. Miljøstyrelsen: 1982. Reaktioner På Togstøj: En Analyse Af 39-47. Interviews Blandt Beboere Langs Danske Jernbaner. CAN-594 (Reactions to Railway Noise: An Analysis of a Social Michaud,D.S.; Keith,S.E.; and McMurchy,D.: 2008. Survey Among People Living Along Danish Railways). Annoyance and Disturbance of Daily Activities From Environmental Projects Report No. 42. Miljø-Projekter, Road Traffic Noise in Canada. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 2, vol. Miljøstyrelsen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 123, pp. 784-792. DEN-200 CAN-606 Minnesota Dept.of Transportation: 1971. Highway Traffic Mid-Continent Surveys: 1972. Airport Area Adults' Noise Survey and Analysis. Project 00-122. Minnesota Attitudes Toward Airport Noise and Airport Location: Dept. of Transportation. A Public Opinion Poll. Mid-Continent Surveys, Inc., USA-047 Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minnesota Dept.of Transportation: 1980. Minneapolis-St. USA-212 Paul Metropolitan Area Noise Barrier Attitude Study. Miedema,H.M.E.; and van den Berg,R.: 1985. Hinder Door Minnesota Dept. of Transportation, District Nine Geluid Van Tram- En Wegverkeer. (Noise Nuisance Planning. Caused by Trams and Road Traffic). Report GA-HR-08- USA-155 02. Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Minoura,K.; Hiramatsu,K.; Matsui,T.; Takagi,K.; and Oi,K.: Ordening en Milieubeheer (Ministry of Housing, 1997. An Intensive Survey on Community Response to Physical Planning and Environment), the Hague. Sonic Environment in a Residential-Industrial Mixed NET-276 Use Area. J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 205, pp. 481-492. Miedema,H.M.E.: 1987. Annoyance From Combined Noise JPN-505 Sources, in H. S. Koelega (ed), Environmental Minoura,K.; and Hiramatsu,K.: 1998. An Acoustic- Annoyance: Characterization, Measurement. pp. 313- Ecological Survey on Community Response to 320, Elsevier, Amsterdam. Residential and Sonic Environment in an Area of NET-255 FRA-252 GER-253 IRE-254 NET-240 NET-276 Traditional Textile Industry. Inter-noise 98, vol. 2, pp. Miedema,H.M.E.; and van den Berg,R.: 1988. Community 1151-1156. Response to Tramway Noise. J.Sound Vib., vol. 120, pp. JPN-507 341-346. Minoura,K.; Matsui,T.; Miyakita,T.; Taira,K.; Hiramatsu,K.; NET-276 Osada,Y.; and Yamamoto,T.: 1998. Sleep Disturbance Miedema,H.M.E.; 1992. Response Functions for Reported Around Kadena U.S. Airfield in the Ryukyus. Environmental Noise in Residential Areas. NIPG Noise Effects '98: Noise as a Public Health Problem Report Nr. 92.021. NIPG-TNO, Leiden. (Seventh International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 463-466. NET-362 JPN-444 Minoura,K.; and Hiramatsu,K.: 2000. Comparing Soundscapes Based on Free Response Questionnaire Wyle 122 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Surveys. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 5, pp. 2829-2832, Nice, JPN-353 JPN-445 France. Miyakita,T.; Minoura,K.; Matsui,T.; Ito,A.; Tokuyama,T.; JPN-505 JPN-507 JPN-508 Hiramatsu,K.; Taira,K.; Osada,Y.; and Yamamoto,T.: Mirowska,M.; Mróz,E.; and Nidzinska-Mróz,W.: 1998. The 1998. Is Residential Sound-Proofing an Effective Influence of Low Frequency Noise on the Health of Measure in Reducing the Effects of Aircraft Noise? Exposed Inhabitants. Noise Control '98, vol. 5, pp. 289- Inter-noise 98, pp. 925-928, Christchurch, New Zealand. 296, Central Institute for Labour Protection, Warsaw. JPN-444 POL-477 Miyakita,T.; Matsui,T.; Ito,A.; Tokuyama,T.; Hiramatsu,K.; Mirowska,M.; and Mróz,E.: 1999. Wp»Yw D»Ugotrwa»Ego Osada,Y.; and Yamamoto,T.: 2002. Population-Based Oddzia»Ywania Ha»Asu Niskocz"StotliwoÑiowego Na Questionnaire Survey on Health Effects of Aircraft Zdrowie Mieszka½Ców w Ñwietle Bada½ Noise on Residents Living Around US Airfields in the Ankietowych (Influence of Long-Term Effect of Low Ryukyus-Part I An Alaysis of 12 Scale Scores. J.Sound Frequency Noise on Health of Dwellers in Light of Vib., 1, vol. 250, pp. 129-137. Questionnaire Investigation)(In Polish). Building JPN-445 Research Institute - Quarterly, 1, vol. 109, pp. 55-62. Monkman,D.J.: 1981. General Aviation Noise Study: POL-477 Tabulations of Noise Measurement Results. DORA Mirowska,M.: 2000. Evaluation of Low-Frequency Noise in Communication 8202. Dwellings. New Polish Recommendations. Proceedings UKD-243 of 9th Internation Meeting: Low Frequency Noise and Monkman,D.J.: 1983. 1982 Manchester Night Noise Study: Vibration, pp. 117-124, Aalborg, Denmark. Tabulations of Noise Measurement Results. DR POL-477 Communication 8307. Civil Aviation Authority, Mirowska,M.; and Mróz,E.: 2000. Effect of Low-Frequency London. Noise at Low Levels on Human Health in Light of UKD-224 Questionnaire Investigation. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 5, pp. Moody,T.: 2004. Social Impacts of Noise and Formal 2809-2812, Nice, France. Complaints - a Survey in Christchurch, New Zealand. POL-477 Inter-noise 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. Mishina,Y.; Asai,A.; Oishi,Y.; Hayashi,A.; Omiya,M.; and NZL-580 Kuno,K.: 2003. Some Remarks on Indices of Dose- Moran,S.V.; Gunn,W.J.; and Loeb,M.: 1981. Annoyance by Response to Community Noise. Inter-noise 2003, pp. Aircraft Noise and Fear of Overflying Aircraft in 1707-1712, Seogwipo, Korea. Relation to Attitudes Toward the Environment and JPN-495 Community. J.Auditory Res., vol. 21, pp. 217-225. Mitsuda,Y.; and Kimura,S.: 1978 Transactions of the USA-129 Architectural Institute of Japan, 10, vol. 272, p. 75. Morihara,T.; Sato,T.; and Yano,T.: 2002. Comparison of JPN-376 Dose-Response Relationships Between Railway and Mitsuda,Y.; and Kimura,S.: 1980. Evaluation of Inhabitant Road Traffic Noises: Social Surveys in Hokkaido and Noise in Multifamily Dwellings Using TNEL. 10th Kyushu (In Japanese). N-2002-15. Technical Report of International Congress on Acoustics, pp. C1-3.5. Noise and Vibration Committee of Acoustical Society of JPN-376 Japan. Miyahara,K.: 1988. An Investigation of Secular Change of JPN-541 Social Response to Aircraft Noise. Noise as a Public Morihara,T.; Sato,T.; and Yano,T.: 2003. Comparison of Health Problem (Fifth International Congress), vol. 5: Dose-Response Relationships Between Railway and New Advances in Noise Research Part II, pp. 415-420, Road Traffic Noises: The Effect of the Distance From Swedish Council for Building Research, Stockholm. Noise Sources to Residences (In Japanese). N-2003-23. JPN-509 Technical Report of Noise and Vibration Committee of Miyakawa,M.; Matsui,T.; and Hiramatsu,K.: 2007. Acoustical Society of Japan. Relationship Between Psychiatric Disorder and JPN-541 Disturbances of Daily Life to Aircraft Noise Exposure - Morihara,T.; Sato,T.; and Yano,T.: 2004a. Comparison of Epidemiological Study Around Narita International Community Response to Railway and Road Traffic Airport. Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. Noises by Structural Equation Model (In Japanese). JPN-613 J.Environ.Eng, 585, pp. 1-6. Miyakita,T.; Matsui,T.; Ito,A.; Tokuyama,T.; Taira,K.; JPN-541 Hiramatsu,K.; Osada,Y.; and Yamamoto,T.: 1998. Morihara,T.; Sato,T.; and Yano,T.: 2004b. Comparison of General Health Questionnaire Survey Around Kadena Community Responses to Railway and Road Traffic U.S. Airfield in the Ryukyus - an Analysis of the 12 Noises Using Structural Equation Model. Inter-noise Scale Scores. Noise Effects '98: Noise as a Public Health 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. Problem (Seventh International Congress), vol. 2, pp. JPN-541 608-612. Wyle 123 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Morihara,T.; Sato,T.; and Yano,T.: 2004c. Comparison of Möhler,U.; Liepert,M.; Schümer,R.; and Griefahn,B.: 2000. Community Responses to Railway and Road Traffic Differences Between Rail and Road Traffic Noise. Noises in Hokkaido and Kyushu: The Validity of the J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 231, pp. 853-864. Railway Bonus in Japan (In Japanese). J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn., GER-470 GER-480 vol. 60, pp. 165-175. Mróz,E.; Nidzinska-Mróz,W.; Nejno-Borkowska,U.; and JPN-541 Mularczyk-Bal,M.: 1998. (Annex 1: Influence of Low Morihara,T.; Sato,T.; and Yano,T.: 2008. Influence of Frequency Noise Existing in Domestic Environment on Attitudes to Noise Sources on Annoyance. The 9th the Health of Dwellers. Questionniare Study IN Congress of the International Commission on the Investigation of Noise, in Frequency Range From 2 to Biological Effects of Noise, pp. 679-683, Foxwoods, 125 Hz in Building Engineering, in Order to Develop Connecticut, USA. the Noise Assessment Criteria and a Degree of Noise JPN-565 JPN-530 Annoyance) (In Polish). 714/T07/95/09. Building Morton-Williams,J.; Hedges,B.; and Fernando,E.: 1978. Research Institute (ITB) , Warsaw. Road Traffic and the Environment. Social and POL-477 Community Planning Research, London. Murase,S.; Sato,T.; Yano,T.; Björkman,M.; Rylander,R.; and UKD-072 Dankittikul,W.: 2000. Comparison of Path Models of Morton-Williams,J.: 1983. 1982 Manchester Night Noise Road Traffic Noise Annoyance in Sweden, Japan, and Study: Methodological Report. Social and Community Thailand. WESTPRACVII (Seventh Western Pacific Planning Research, London. Regional Acoustics Conference), vol. 2, pp. 939-942, UKD-224 Kumamoto, Japan. Möhler,U.; and Knall,V.: 1983. Correlation of Acoustic SWE-368 JPN-369 JPN-382 THA-421 Indices and Disturbance Reaction Factors on Railway Myncke,H.; Cops,A.; and Gambart,R.: 1977. Traffic Noise and Road Traffic Noise. Inter-noise 83, pp. 989-992. Measurements in Antwerp and Brussels. Part II: GER-192 Enquiry Concerning Annoyance. 9th International Möhler,U.; Schümer,R.; Knall,V.; and Schümer-Kohrs,A.: Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, 4-9 July, p. 169. 1986. Vergleich Der Lästigkeit Von Schienen- Und BEL-122 BEL-137 Straßenverkehrslärm. (Comparison of the Annoyance Myncke,H.; Cops,A.; and Steenackers,P.: 1977. Traffic Due to Railway and Road Traffic Noise). Zeitschrift Für Noise Measurements in Antwerp and Brussels. Part I: Lärmbekämpfung, vol. 33, pp. 132-142. Physical Measurements. 9th International Congress on GER-192 Acoustics, Madrid, 4-9 July. Möhler,U.: 1988. Community Response to Railway Noise: BEL-122 BEL-137 A Review of Social Surveys. J.Sound Vib., vol. 120, pp. Myncke,H.; Cops,A.; Steenackers,P.; Bruyninckx,W.; 321-332. Gambart,R.; and Verleysen,P.: 1977. Studie Van Het SWE-228 GER-192 Verkeerslawaai in Steden En De Hinder Ervan Voor De Möhler,U.; Hegner,A.; Schümer,R.; and Schümer-Kohrs,A.: Bevolking. (Study of Urban Traffic Noise and the 1997. Effects of Railway-Noise Reduction on Resulting Annoyance Felt by the Population). Annoyance After Rail-Grinding. Inter-noise 97, pp. Laboratorium voor Akoestiek en Warmtegeleiding, K. 1021-1026, Budapest, Hungary. U.-Leuven, Ministerie van Volksgezondheid en van Het GER-471 Gezin, Dienst Milieuhinder. Möhler,U.; Liepert,M.; Schümer,R.; and Griefahn,B.: 2000. BEL-122 BEL-137 Differences Between Railway and Road Traffic Noise. Myncke,H.; and Cops,A.: 1978. Vliegtuiglawaai in De J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 231, pp. 853-864. Omgeving Van Vliegvelden En De Hinder Ervan Voor GER-546 De Bevolking. (Airplane Noise in the Surroundings of Möhler,U.; and Liepert,M.: 2000. Differences in the Airports and Its Annoyance for the Population). Annoyance Between Rail and Road Traffic Noise in Laboratorium Voor Akoestiek en Warmtegeleiding of Relation to the Acoustic Situation. Inter-noise 2000, pp. the Catholic University of Leuven. 4088-4093, Nice, France. BEL-151 GER-470 GER-480 Myncke,H.; Cops,A.; Gambart,R.; and Steenackers,P.: 1979. Möhler,U.; Liepert,M.; Schümer,R.; Schümer-Kohrs,A.; Traffic Noise Measurements in Antwerp and Brussels Schreckenberg,D.; Mehnert,P.; and Griefahn,B.: 2000. and Their Relation With Annoyance. Arch.Acoustics, Vergleichende Untersuchung Über Die Lärmwirkung vol. 4, pp. 11-26. Bei Straßen- Und Schienenverkehr. (The Relative BEL-122 BEL-137 Annoyance Caused by Road Traffic and Railway Nagata,I.; Fujimoto,K.; and Tsuru,K.: 1988. (No Romaji)(A Noise). Zeitschrift Für Lärmbekämpfung, 4, vol. 46, pp. Survey on the Impression of Sound: (3) Likes and 144-151. Necessity of Sound). Report of the Annual Meeting of GER-470 GER-480 the Acoustical Society of Japan, pp. 567-568. JPN-442 Wyle 124 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Nakamura,S.: 1985. Community Response of Noise in Near ITL-616 LIT-555 POR-614 GER-579 SWI-584 FRA-583 Area of Railway. Noise Control, vol. 9, pp. 314-319. SLO-548 HUN-611 JPN-340 Nilsson,M.E.; and Berglund,B.: 2006. Noise Annoyance and Nakamura,S.; Uehara,Y.; and Imaizumi,N.: 1985. Activity Disturbance Before and After the Erection of a Community Responses to Noise in Near-Area of Roadside Noise Barrier. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 4, vol. 119, Railways. pp. 155-185. pp. 2178-2188. JPN-340 SWE-418 SWE-595 Nakamura,S.; and Yoshida,T.: 1990. Relationship Among Nimura,T.; Sone,T.; and Kono,S.: 1973. Some Consideration Noise Indexes in Community Reactions to Railways on Noise Problems of High-Speed Railways in Japan. [Sic] Noise. Inter-noise 90, pp. 1137-1140. Inter-noise 73, pp. 298-307. JPN-340 JPN-065 Namba,S.; and Kuwano,S.: 1983 Japanese Noise Control, 3, Nimura,T.; Sone,T.; Ebata,M.; and Matsumato,H.: 1975. vol. 7, p. 52. Noise Problems With High Speed Railways in Japan. GER-511 JPN 510 UKD-512 Noise Control Engineering, 1, vol. 5, pp. 5-11. Namba,S.; and Kuwano,S.: 1986. The Reliability of a Cross- JPN-065 Cultural Study on Noise Problems. Inter-noise 86, pp. Nimura,T.; Sone,T.; and Kono,S.: 1981. Evaluation of 995-1000. Train/Railway Noise. Inter-noise 81, pp. 803-812. JPN-510 GER-511 UKD-512 JPN-065 JPN-064 JPN-101 Namba,S.; Kuwano,S.; and Schick,A.: 1986. A Cross- Nitsch,W.; and Schulte-Fortkamp,B.: 1997. Cultural Study on Noise Problems. J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn.(E), Geräuscheinwirkungen in Stadtvierteln. Eine Sozio 5, vol. 7, pp. 279-289. Und Psychoakustische Feld Und Laborstudie ( Noise GER-511 GER-516 JPN-510 JPN-515 UKD-512 Effects in Residential Areas. A Socio and Psycho Nathanail,C.: 2005. Urban Environmental Noise in Greece: Acoustical Field and Laboratory Study), in U. Loeber- a Social Survey . Inter-noise 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Pautsch, W. Nitsch, R. Rieß, B. Schulte-Fortkamp, and GRE-587 D. Sterzel (eds.), Quer Zu Den Disziplinen (Across the Navrud,S.: 2000. Economic Benefits of a Program to Reduce Disciplines). Offizin, Hannover. Transportation and Community Noise - a Contingent GER-464 Valuation Survey. Inter-noise 2000, pp. 3395-3400, Nice, Nixon,C.W.; and Hubbard,H.H.: 1965. Results of USAF- France. NASA-FAA Flight Program to Study Community NOR-397 Responses to Sonic Booms in the Greater St. Louis Area. Nemecek,J.; Grandjean,E.; Baumgartner,K.; Roth,A.; and NASA TN D-2705. National Aeronautics and Space Müller,T.: 1978. Lärmschutz an Der Autobahn N3- Administration. Fallstudie. (Noise Protection on the Highway N3- A USA-007 Case Study). Sozial-Und Präventivmedizin, vol. 23, pp. Nixon,C.W.; and Borsky,P.N.: 1966. Effects of Sonic Boom 303-304. on People; St. Louis, Mo., 1961-1962. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., SWI-159 5, part 2, vol. 39, p. S51-S58. Nemecek,J.; Grandjean,E.; Baumgartner,K.; Müller,T.; and USA-007 Roth,G.: 1979. Lärmimmissionen an Der Autobahn N3 Nurse,K.: 1981. General Aviation Noise Study: Tabulations Im Raume Mels-Sargans: Ausmass Der Störung, of the Responses to the Social Surveys. DORA Lärmschutzmassnahmen Und Kosten. (Noise Pollution Communication 8201. on the Highway N3 in Area of Sargans: Degree of UKD-243 Disturbances, Noise Protection and Its Costs). Nurse,K.: 1983. 1982 Manchester Night Noise Study: Schweizer Ingenieur Und Architekt, 7, pp. 105-109. Tabulations of the Responses to the Social Surveys. DR SWI-159 Communication 8301. Civil Aviation Authority, Nemecek,J.; Wehrli,B.; and Turrian,V.: 1981. Effects of London. Street Traffic in Switzerland, a Review of Four Surveys. UKD-224 J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 78, pp. 223-234. Oi,K.; Suga,S.; and Kondoh,Y.: 1994. Management of SWI-053 SWI-133 SWI-158 SWI-173 Complaints Caused by Noise and Other Pollution Newman,J.S.: 1973. Subjective Community Reactions to Phenomena Filed By Residents Flowing Into Industrial Construction Noise (Thesis), Dept. Civil Engineering, Areas. Inter-noise 94, pp. 1141-1144, Yokohama, Japan. Northwestern University, Illinois. JPN-497 USA-213 Oishi,Y.; Mishina,Y.; Hayashi,A.; Okumura,Y.; and Niemann,H.; Bennefoy,X.; Braubach,M.; Hecht,C.; Kuno,K.: 1989. Data Storage System for Noise and Maschke,C.; Rodrigues,C.; and Robbel,N.: 2009. Noise- Vibration. J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn.(E), 3, vol. 10, pp. 169-174. Induced Annoyance and Morbidity Results From the CHI-457 JPN-294 JPN-495 Pan-European LARES Study. Noise & Health, 31, vol. 8, Ollerhead,J.B.: 1973. A Pilot Survey of Some Effects of pp. 63-79. Aircraft Noise in Residential Communities Near Wyle 125 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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London (Heathrow) Airport. TT-7302. Loughborough Ollerhead,J.B.; and Jones,C.J.: 1993. Aircraft Noise and Univ. of Tech., England. Sleep Disturbance: A UK Field Study. Noise and Man UKD-061 '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth Ollerhead,J.B.; and Edwards,R.M.: 1974. Measurement of International Congress), vol. 3, pp. 353-358, INRETS, Aircraft Noise Impact in Residential Communities Near Arcueil, France. Airports. 8th International Congress on Acoustics, UKD-339 London, p. 122. Olson Laboratories: 1976. Los Angeles International UKD-086 UKD-061 Airport Environmental Impact Report (Supplement A, Ollerhead,J.B.; and Cousins,J.M.: 1975. A Survey of Over-Ocean Operations). Olson Laboratories, Inc., Reactions to Aircraft Noise Around London (Gatwick) Anaheim, California. Airport. TT/NG/SCC/2. Loughborough Consultants USA-083 Ltd., Loughborough, England. Omiya,M.; Kuno,K.; Mishina,Y.; Oishi,Y.; and Hayashi,A.: UKD-052 1997. Comparison of Community Noise Ratings by L50 Ollerhead,J.B.: 1977a. A Comparison of Annoyance Caused and LAeq. J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 205, pp. 545-554. by Aircraft Noise Near London, Manchester and JPN-294 Liverpool Airports. TT-7706. Loughborough Univ. of Omiya,M.; Kuno,K.; Mishina,Y.; Oishi,Y.; Hayashi,A.; and Tech., England. Okumura,Y.: 1998. A Consideration of Criteria for UKD-097 Environmental Noise Based on Dose-Response. Noise Ollerhead,J.B.: 1977b. Alternative Measurements of Aircraft Effects '98: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Seventh Noise Nuisance. 9th International Congress on International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 598-601. Acoustics, 4-9 July, Madrid, p. 249. JPN-294 UKD-061 Onuu,M.U.: 2000. Road Traffic Noise in Nigeria: Ollerhead,J.B.: 1977c. Variation of Community Noise Measurements, Analysis and Evaluation of Nuisance. Sensitivity With Time of Day. Inter-noise 77, pp. 692- J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 2333, pp. 391-405. 697. NIG-486 UKD-061 Opinion Research of California: 1975. A Public Opinion Ollerhead,J.B.; and Edwards,R.M.: 1977. A Further Survey Study of the Area Surrounding Los Angeles of Some Effects of Aircraft Noise in Residential International Airport in December 1973. Opinion Communities Near London (Heathrow) Airport. TT- Research of California, Long Beach, California. 7705. Loughborough Univ. of Tech., England. USA-083 UKD-061 Opinion Research of California: 1977. A Study Among Ollerhead,J.B.: 1978. Variation of Community Response to Residents of Orange County Relative to Operations at Aircraft Noise With Time of Day. Noise Control Orange County Airport. Opinion Research of Engineering, 2, vol. 11, pp. 68-78. California, Long Beach, California. UKD-061 USA-145 Ollerhead,J.B.: 1980. Accounting for Time of Day and Orlich,G.P.: 1979. Community Attitudes, Before and After Mixed Source Effects in the Assessment of Community Barrier Construction. DOT-FH-11-9490. Minnesota Noise Exposure. Noise as a Public Health Problem Dept. of Transportation. (Third International Congress), ASHA Report 10, pp. USA-155 556-561, American Speech-Language-Hearing Osada,Y.: 1971. Koshu Eiseiin Kenkyu Hokoku (Translation Association, Rockville, Maryland. Available in: Community Reactions to Aircraft Noise in UKD-061 the Vicinity of Airport: A Comparative Study of the Ollerhead,J.B.; Jones,C.J.; Cadoux,R.E.; Woodley,A.; Social Surveys Using Interview Method. NASA-TM- Atkinson,B.J.; Horne,J.A.; Pankhurst,F.; Reyner,L.; 75439). Bulletin of Institute of Public Health, Tokyo, vol. Hume,K.I.; Van,F.; Watson,A.; Diamond,I.D.; Egger,P.; 20, pp. 119-127. Holmes D.; and McKean,J.: 1992. Report of a Field JPN-005 JPN-046 JPN-018 JPN-190 Study of Aircraft Noise and Sleep Disturbance. Osada,Y.; Yoshida,T.; Yoshida,K.; Kawaguchi,T.; Department of Safety, Environment and Engineeering: Hoshiyama,Y.; and Yamamoto,K.: 1997. Path Analysis Civil Aviation Authority, London. of the Community Response to Road Traffic Noise. UKD-339 J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 205, pp. 493-498. Ollerhead,J.B.; and Diamond,I.D.: 1993. Social Surveys of JPN-496 Night-Time Effects of Aircraft Noise. Noise and Man Ota,A.; Yokoshima,S.; Kamitani,J.; and Tamura,A.: 2006. A '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth Study on Evaluation Methods of Combined Traffic International Congress), vol. 3, pp. 373-376, INRETS, Noises, Part 2: Community Response to Road Traffic Arcueil, France. and Conventional Noises. Inter-noise 2006, Honolulu, UKD-339 Hawaii, USA. JPN-563 Wyle 126 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Ota,A.; Yokoshima,S.; and Tamura,A.: 2007. Comparison of Areas Exposed to High Levels of Road Traffic Noise. Dose-Response Relationships Among Different Traffic Noise and Man '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem Noises - Social Survey on Residential Areas Exposed to (Sixth International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 209-212, Combined Noises. Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. INRETS, Arcueil, France. JPN-563 JPN-564 SWE-344 SWE-345 Öhrström,E.; and Björkman,M.: 1983. Sleep Disturbance Öhrström,E.; and Skånberg,A.B.: 1995. Effekter Av Before and After Traffic Noise Attenuation in an Exponering För Buller Och Vibrationer Från Tågtrafik - Apartment Building. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 3, vol. 73, pp. Undersökningar i 15 Tåttorter. (Effects of Exposure to 877-879. Noise and Vibrations From Railways Traffic). Report SWE-223 1/95. Department of Environmental Hygiene, Öhrström,E.: 1988. Primary and After Effects on Noise University of Gothenburg. During Sleep With Reference to Noise Sensitivity and SWE-365 Habituation-Studies in Laboratory and Field. Noise as a Öhrström,E.: 1996a. Community Reactions to Noise and Public Health Problem (Fifth International Congress), Vibrations From Railway Traffic. Inter-noise 96, pp. vol. 5, pp. 53-63, Swedish Council for Building 2339-2344, Liverpool, England. Research, Stockholm. SWE-365 SWE-303 Öhrström,E.: 1996b. Effekter Av Åtgärder Mot Buller Från Öhrström,E.; Rylander,R.; and Björkman,M.: 1988. Effects Tågtrafik - Undersökning Vid Bullerskårm i Lund of Night Time Road Traffic Noise--An Overview of (Effects of Countermeasures Against Railway Noise a Laboratory and Field Studies on Noise Dose and Study of a Noise Barrier in Lund). 7/96. pp. 1-32, Subjective Noise Sensitivity. J.Sound Vib., vol. 127, pp. Department of Environmental Hygiene, University of 441-448. Gothenburg, Gothenburg. SWE-303 SWE-414 Öhrström,E.: 1989. Sleep Disturbance, Psycho-Social and Öhrström,E.; and Skånberg,A.B.: 1996. A Field Survey on Medical Symptoms--A Pilot Survey Among Persons Effects of Exposure to Noise and Vibration From Exposed to High Levels of Road Traffic Noise. J.Sound Railway Traffic, Part I: Annoyance and Activity Vib., vol. 133, pp. 117-128. Disturbance Effects. J.Sound Vib., vol. 193, pp. 39-47. SWE-303 SWE-365 Öhrström,E.; and Rylander,R.: 1989. Psyko-Sociala Öhrström,E.: 1997a. Community Reactions to Railway Konsekvenser Av Exponering För Vägtrafik: Resultat Traffic - Effects of Countermeasures Against Noise and Från Utprovning Av Frågeformulär i En Pilotstudie Vibration. Inter-noise 97, pp. 1065-1070, Budapest, (Psycho-Social Consequences of Exposure to Road Hungary. Traffic: Results of Testing of Questionnaire in a Pilot SWE-413 Study). Rapport 5/89. ISSN 0280-2600. Institution för Öhrström,E.: 1997b. Effects of Exposure to Railway Noise-- Hygien, Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg, Sweden. A Comparison Between Areas With and Without SWE-344 Vibration. J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 205, pp. 555-560. Öhrström,E.; and Rylander,R.: 1990. Psycho-Social Effects SWE-365 of Traffic Noise Exposure. Inter-noise 90, pp. 1193-1196. Öhrström,E.; Agge,A.; and Björkman,M.: 1998. Sleep SWE-344 Disturbances Before and After Reduction in Road Öhrström,E.; Björkman,M.; and Rylander,R.: 1990. Effects Traffic Noise. Noise Effects '98: Noise as a Public Health of Noise During Sleep With Reference to Noise Problem (Seventh International Congress), pp. 451-454. Sensitivity and Habituation: Studies in Laboratory and SWE-415 Field. Env.Int., vol. 16, pp. 477-482. Öhrström,E.; and Skånberg,A.B.: 2000. Adverse Health SWE-303 Effects in Relation to Noise Mitigation - a Longitudinal Öhrström,E.: 1991. Psycho-Social Effects of Traffic Noise Study in the City of Göteborg. Inter-noise 2000, pp. Exposure. J.Sound Vib., vol. 151, pp. 513-517. 2112-2115, Nice, France. SWE-344 SWE-415 Öhrström,E.; and Skånberg,A.B.: 1993. The Effect of Öhrström,E.; Holmes,M.; Svensson,H.; and Exposure to Noise and Vibrations From Trains - Field Hadzibarjramovic,E.: 2003. Adverse Effects of Road Surveys in Areas Exposed to Different Number of Traffic Noise: Comparison Between Young Children Trains and Different Levels of Vibrations. Noise and and Adults. The 8th Congress of the International Man '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise, International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 403-406, INRETS, Foundation ICBEN 2003, Schiedam,the Netherlands. Arcueil, France. SWE-600 SWE-365 Öhrström,E.; and Skånberg,A.B.: 2004. Annoyance and Öhrström,E.: 1993. Long-Term Effects in Terms of Psycho- Activity Disturbances Caused by Road Traffic Noise - Social Wellbeing, Annoyance and Sleep Disturbance in Wyle 127 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Field Studies on the Influence of Access to Quietness. Disturbance. Pilot Study. TNO-98.040, RIVM 441520013. Inter-noise 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. TNO Prevention and Health, Leiden. SWE-526 NET-468 Öhrström,E.: 2004a. Longitudinal Surveys on Effects of Passchier-Vermeer,W.; Steenbekkers,J.H.M.; Changes in Road Traffic Noise Effects on Sleep Waterreus,M.J.A.E.; and Dam,P.J.C.M.: 2001. Sleep Assessed by General Questionnaires and 3-Day Sleep Disturbance and Aircraft Noise; Tables, Figures, Logs. J.Sound Vib., vol. 276, pp. 713-727. Pictures. 2001.206. TNO-PG, Leiden. SWE-416 NET-522 Öhrström,E.: 2004b. Longitudinal Surveys on Effects of Passchier-Vermeer,W.; Steenbekkers,J.H.M.; and Vos,H.: Changes in Road Traffic Noise—Annoyance, Activity 2001. Sleep Disturbance and Aircraft Noise: Disturbances, and Psycho-Social Well-Being. Questionnaire, Locations and Diaries. 2001.205. TNO- J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 2, vol. 115, pp. 719-729. PG, Leiden. SWE-415 SWE-416 SWE-417 NET-522 Öhrström,E.; and Gidlöf-Gunnarsson,A.: 2005. The Passchier-Vermeer,W.; Vos,H.; Steenbekkers,J.H.M.; van Influence of Courtyard Quality on Annoyance and der Ploeg,F.D.; and Groothuis-Oudshoorn,K.: 2002. Well-Being in Noise-Exposed Urban Residential Areas. Sleep Disturbance and Aircraft Noise Exposure: Inter-noise 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Exposure Effect Relationship. 2002.027. TNO-PG, SWE-579 Leiden. Öhrström,E.; Skånberg,A.B.; Svensson,H.; and Gidlöf- NET-522 Gunnarsson,A.: 2006. Effects of Road Traffic Noise and Passchier-Vermeer,W.; Miedema,H.M.E.; the Benefit of Access to Quietness. J.Sound Vib., vol. Steenbekkers,J.H.M.; Houthuijs,D.; and Reijneveld,S.: 295, pp. 40-59. 2002. Slaapverstoring En Vliegtuiggeluid (Sleep SWE-579 Disturbance and Aircraft Noise). TNO-PG002.028: Öhrström,E.; Andersson,E.; Skånberg,A.B.; and RIVM 441520019. TNO-PG, Leiden. Barregard,L.: 2007. Relationships Between Annoyance NET-522 and Exposure to Single and Combined Noise From Patterson,H.P.; Edmiston,R.P.; and Connor,W.K.: 1972. Railway and Road Traffic. Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Preliminary Evaluation of the Effect of a Dynamic Turkey. Preferential Runway System Upon Community Noise SWE-561 Disturbance. NASA CR-125821. National Aeronautics Öhrström,E.; Barregard,L.; Andersson,E.; Skånberg,A.B.; and Space Administration, Washington, D.C. Svensson,H.; and Angerheim,P.: 2007. Annoyance Due USA-051 to Single and Combined Sound Exposure From Railway Patterson,H.P.; and Connor,W.K.: 1973. Community and Road Traffic. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 5, vol. 122, pp. Responses to Aircraft Noise in Large and Small Cities in 2642-2652. the U.S.A. International Congress on Noise as a Public SWE-561 Health Problem, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 13-18. Öhrström,E.; and Gidlof-Gunnarsson,A.: 2008. The USEPA 550-9-73-008., pp. 707-720, U.S. Environmental Effectiveness of Quiet Asphalt and Earth Berm in Protection Agency, Washington D.C. Reducing Annoyances Due to Road Traffic Noise in a USA-022 USA-032 USA-044 Residential Area. The 9th Congress of the International Patterson,H.P.: 1975. Documentation Handbook NASA Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise, Studies of Community Response to Aircraft Noise. Doc. Foxwoods, Connecticut, USA. no. T75-AU-9533U@. TRACOR, Austin, Texas. SWE-574 USA-022 USA-032 USA-044 Paechter,M.; Rohrmann,B.; Wertenbroch,K.; and Wetzel,S.: Paulsen,R.; Mau,U.; and Kastka,J.: 1986. Zur Störwirkung 1988. The Relevance of Noise for Evaluating and Von Fluglärm Und Verkehrslärm Auf Die Anwohner. Selecting Residences. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Disturbance to the Residents by Aircraft and Traffic (Fifth International Congress), vol. 3: Performance, Noise). Medical Institut Für Umwelthygiene, Behaviour, Animal, Combined Agents and Community Düsseldorf. Responses, pp. 71-76, Swedish Council for Building GER-372 Research, Stockholm. Pearsons,K.S.; Tabachnick,B.; and Fidell,S.A.: 2000. GER-275 Summary of Findings of Recent Field Studies of Noise- Parris,N.: 1984. Community Response to Entertainment Induced Sleep Disturbance in the United States. Inter- Noise. Fourth Congress of the Federation of Acoustical noise 2000, pp. 979-983, Nice, France. Societies of Europe, pp. 167-170. UKD-339 USA-430 USA-433 AUL-247 AUL-248 AUL-249 Peat Marwick and Partners: 1979. Data Base of the Results Passchier-Vermeer,W.; van Gils,K.; Vos,H.; of a National Household Survey of Noise Exposure. Miedema,H.M.E.; de Roo,F.; Verhoeff,E.; and Peat, Marwick and Partners, Canada. Middelkoop,H.A.M.: 1999. Aircraft Noise and Sleep CAN-174 Wyle 128 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Peeters,A.L.: 1981. Annoyance Due to Railway Noise in Phan,H.Y.T.; Yano,T.; Phan,H.A.T.; Nishimura,T.; Sato,T.; Residential Areas. Inter-noise 81, pp. 821-826. Hashimoto,Y.; and Lan,N.T.: 2008. Social Surveys on NET-153 Community Response to Road Traffic Noise in Hanoi Peeters,A.L.; de Jong,R.G.; Kaper,J.P.; and Tukker,J.C.: and Ho Chi Minh City. The 9th International 1984. Hinder Door Spoorweggeluid in De Conference on Noise as a Public Health Problem, pp. Woonomgeving. (Railroad Noise Annoyance in 699-706. Residential Areas)(Also Published As ICG Report RL- VNM-536 VNM-557 HR-03-03). IMG-TNO Report D 60. IMG-TNO, Delft. Philipps-Bertin,C.; Champelovier,P.; Lambert,J.; NET-153 Trindade,C.; and Legouis,T.: 2007. Perception and Perdue,W.D.: 1979. The Oppression of Noise: A Public Annoyance Due to Tramway Noise. Inter-noise 2007, Opinion Survey of Spokane County Citizens on the Istanbul, Turkey. Problem of Destructive Sound. Center for Social FRA-562 Research, Eastern Washington Univ.. Phillips,B.R.: 1978. The Analysis of Social Science Data--The USA-171 Ordinal-Interval Controversy (M.Sc. Dissertation), Perdue,W.D.; and Coates,R.: 1979. Noise: Attitudes and Dept. of Social Statistics, Univ. of Southampton, Action: A Quantitative Analysis of a Public Opinion England. Survey of Spokane County Citizens on the Problem of UKD-116 Destructive Sound. Center for Social Research, Eastern Phothiphichitr,W.: 1994. Analysis of 24-Hour Noise Washington Univ.. Exposure on Bangkok People. Inter-noise 94, pp. 1021- USA-171 1026, Yokohama, Japan. Persson,K.; and Rylander,R.: 1993. A Pilot Study Assessing THA-455 Long-Term Effects Among People Exposed to Low Pickles,A.T.: 1956. Standards of Sound Insulation in Level, Low Frequency Noise in Their Homes. Noise Buildings. Second ICA Congress, Cambridge, and Man '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth Massachusetts, June 17-23, p. 155. International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 407-410, INRETS, UKD-003 Arcueil, France. Pjerotic,L.; and Nikolic,M.: 1993. Impact of Noise and Air SWE-337 Pollution on Health. Noise and Man '93: Noise as a Persson,K.; Wayne,J.; Bengtsson,A.; Agge,A.; and Public Health Problem (Sixth International Congress), Björkman,M.: 2003. A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study vol. 2, pp. 283-286, INRETS, Arcueil, France. of Annoyance From Low-Frequency Noise Installations YUG-352 in an Urban Environment. Noise & Health, 20, vol. 5, Planungsbüro Obermeyer: 1983. Interdisziplinäre pp. 35-46. Feldstudie II Über Die Besonderheiten Des SWE-558 Schienenverkehrslärms Gegenüber Dem Phan,H.A.T.; Yano,T.; Phan,H.Y.T.; Nishimura,T.; Sato,T.; Straßenverkehrslärm, Kurzfassung, Band I, Band II. and Hashimoto,Y.: 2008. Community Response to Road (Interdisciplinary Field Study II of the Differences Traffic Noise in Vietnam - Social Surveys in Hanoi and Between Railway Traffic Noise and Street Traffic Noise, Ho Chi Minh City. Inter-noise 2008, Shanghai, China. Summary, Volume I, Volume II). Planungsbüro VNM-536 VNM-557 Obermeyer, Munich. Phan,H.Y.T.; Hai Anh,P.T.; Nishimura,T.; Dang,P.N.; GER-192 Nguyen,P.D.; Nai,L.V.; Hashimoto,Y.; Sato,T.; Porter,N.D.; Kershaw,A.; and Ollerhead,J.B.: 2000. Adverse Cuong,T.D.; and Yano,T.: 2006a. Community Response Effects of Night-Time Aircraft Noise: Review of 1992 to Road Traffic Noise in Hanoi: Part I Outline of Social Uk Findings and Introduction to New Uk Work. Inter- Survey and Noise Measurement. Inter-noise 2006, noise 2000, pp. 963-967, Nice, France. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. UKD-339, USA-435 VNM-557 POS Associates: 1976. Airport Community Survey: A Phan,H.Y.T.; Hai Anh,P.T.; Nishimura,T.; Dang,P.N.; Survey of Orange County Residents Relative to the Nguyen,P.D.; Nai,L.V.; Hashimoto,Y.; Sato,T.; Orange County Airport. POS Associates, Santa Ana, Cuong,T.D.; and Yano,T.: 2006b. Community Response California. to Road Traffic Noise in Hanoi, Part II Effects of USA-128 Moderators on Annoyance. Inter-noise 2006, Honolulu, Powell,C.A.; and Fields,J.M.: 1984. Community Annoyance Hawaii, USA. Due to Controlled Helicopter Noise Exposures. Fourth VNM-557 Congress of the Federation of Acoustical Societies of Phan,H.Y.T.; Yano,T.; Phan,H.A.T.; Nishimura,T.; Sato,T.; Europe, pp. 313-316. and Hashimoto,Y.: 2007. Row House and Apartment USA-235 Residents' Reactions to Road Traffic Noise in Hanoi. Pravica,P.: 1976. Aircraft Noise Around the Belgrade Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. Airport. Inter-noise 76, pp. 95-98. VNM-557 YUG-141 Wyle 129 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Prescott-Clarke,P.: 1974. People Roads and Countryside. Noise": Final Report). Société d'Etudes pour le SCPR Report 09.289. Social and Community Planning Développement Economique et Social, Paris. Research, London. FRA-252 UKD-267 Radulov,S.: 1974. The Disturbing Effect of Street Traffic Prescott-Clarke,P.: 1977. Keswick and Cockermouth By- Noise on the Population of Housing Quarters. 8th Passes: The Environmental Effects. SCPR Report 09.473. International Congress on Acoustics, London, p. 127. Social and Community Planning Research, London. CZE-109 UKD-267 Raw,G.J.; and Griffiths,I.D.: 1985. The Effect of Changes in Prescott-Clarke,P.: 1978. Rural Noise Aircraft Noise Exposure. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 101, pp. Survey/Methodological Report. SCPR Report-P.477. 273-275. Social and Community Planning Research, London. USA-203 UKD-160 Raw,G.J.; and Griffiths,I.D.: 1990. Subjective Response to Prescott-Clarke,P.: 1979. Upgrading the A66: The Changes in Road Traffic Noise: A Model. J.Sound Vib., Environmental Impact on Lake District Countryside. vol. 141, pp. 43-54. SCPR Report 09.504. Social and Community Planning UKD-237 Research, London. Raw,G.J.; and Oseland,N.A.: 1991. Subjective Response to UKD-267 Noise Through Party Floors in Conversion Flats. Prescott-Clarke,P.: 1980. People and Roads in the Lake Applied Acoustics, vol. 32, pp. 215-231. District: a Study of the A66 Road Improvement Scheme. UKD-436 TRRL Report SR 606. Transport and Road Research Recuero,M.; Blanco-Martin,E.; and Grundman,J.: 1996. Laboratory, Crowthorne, England. Study of the Acoustical Environment of a City. Inter- UKD-267 noise 96, pp. 2367-2370, Liverpool, England. Prescott-Clarke,P.: 1983. 1982 Aircraft Noise Index Study SPA-409 and 1982 Helicopter Disturbance Study: Relster,E.: 1975. Traffic Noise Annoyance, The Methodological Report. Social and Community Psychological Effect of Traffic Noise in Housing Areas. Planning Research, London. Polyteknisk Forlag, Lyngby, Denmark. UKD-225 UKD-242 DEN-075 Prescott-Clarke,P.; and Stowell,R.: 1983. Night Noise Relster,E.: 1981. Støjdaempning i Boligområder. (Noise Disturbance by Aircraft: Methodological Report. Social Reduction in Residential Areas). University of and Community Planning Research, London. Copenhagen, Copenhagen. UKD-147 DEN-075 Psichas,K.; Vallet,M.; and Vogiatzis,C.: 1993. A Social Noise Renew,W.D.: 1993. Attitudes to Road Traffic in Brisbane. Survey In The Holiday-City of Rhodes. Noise and Man Noise and Man '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth (Sixth International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 213-216, International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 615-618, INRETS, INRETS, Arcueil, France. Arcueil, France. AUL-332 GRE-331 Renew,W.D.: 2000. Responses to Road Traffic Noise in Putra,A.: 1990. The Effect of Ambient Noise Levels From Brisbane. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 5, pp. 2841-2843, Nice, Road Traffic on Community Response to Aircraft Noise France. (Ph.D. Thesis), Graduate School of the Built AUL-332 Environment, University of New South Wales, Rice,C.G.: 1985. CEC Joint Research on Annoyance Due to Kensington, Australia. Impulse Noise: Comparison of Field and Laboratory AUL-307 Studies. ISVR Memorandum No. 659. Institute of Sound Putra,A.; and Lawrence,A.B.: 1991. The Effect of Ambient and Vibration Research, Southampton, England. Noise Levels From Road Traffic on Peoples Responses FRA-252 GER-253 IRE-254 NET-255 to Aircraft Noise. Inter-noise 91, pp. 899-902. Richardson,I.G.: 1976. A Study of Factors Causing Railway AUL-307 Noise Annoyance (M.Sc. Dissertation), Dept. of Social Rabinowitz,J.; Bakonyi,M.; Bocquet,J.J.; Meyer,G.R.; Statistics, Univ. of Southampton, England. Olivetti,R.é.; and Rey,P.: 1988. Effects of Noise in Multi- UKD-116 Storey Buildings. Noise as a Public Health Problem Richmond,C.: 1985. CEC Joint Study of Community (Fifth International Congress), vol. 3: Performance, Response to Aircraft Noise 1984. Tabulations of Behaviour, Animal, Combined Agents and Community Response to Social Surveys Near Glasgow Airport. Responses, pp. 247-252, Swedish Council for Building DORA Report 8509 (Second Edition). Civil Aviation Research, Stockholm. Authority, London. SWI-304 UKD-238 Rabrait,J.M.: 1984. Etude "Gêne Due Aux Bruits Impulsifs": Rapport Final. (Study "Discomfort Due to Impulse Wyle 130 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Ritterstaedt,U.; and Kastka,J.: 1981. On the Difference in Documentation of Data and Additional Studies]. Annoyance Between Road Traffic Noise and Industrial Umweltbundesamt, Berlin. Plant Noise. Inter-noise 81, pp. 817-820. GER-134 GER-231 Romero-Faus,J.: 1987. Evaluacion De La Respuesta Ritterstaedt,U.; and Kastka,J.: 1985. CEC Joint Project on Subjetiva Producida Por El Ruido De Trafico En La Impulse Noise: A New Definition of Impulsiveness of Ciudad De Gandia. (Evaluation of the Subjective Environmental Noise. Inter-noise 85, pp. 917-920. Response to Road Traffic Noise in the City of Gandia) GER-253 (Ph.D. Dissertation), University of Valencia, Spain. Robertson,K.; Flindell,I.H.; Jiggins,M.; Wright,N.; and SPA-313 Turner,C.: 2000. Night-Time Aircraft Noise and Sleep - Romero,J.; García,A.; and García,A.M.: 1989. Noise Survey the 1999 UK Trial Methodology Study Using Both Field in a Holiday Beach Resort. Congress of the Federation and Laboratory Methods. Inter-noise 2000, pp. 968-973, of Acoustical Societies of Europe, FASE 89, pp. 125-128. Nice, France. SPA-314 UKD-483 Romero,J.; and García,A.: 1992. Noise Survey in a Medium Rocha,C.; and Carvalho,A.: 2005. Social Acoustic Survey Size Spanish Town. 14th International Congress on and Noise Mitigation Solutions on a Portuguese Urban Acoustics, pp. E1-6, Beijing. Highway. Inter-noise 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. SPA-314 SPA-317 POR-585 Roner,A.; and Roitner-Grabher,E.: 1998. Vergleiche Rohrmann,B.; Schümer,R.; Schümer-Kohrs,A.; Guski,R.; Zwischen Den Schulen: Interner Bericht Des Institut Für and Finke,H.O.: 1973. An Interdisciplinary Study on the Sozialmedizin Zur UVP - Unterinntaltrasse. Effects of Aircraft Noise on Man. International (Comparisons Between Schools: Internal Report of the Congress on Noise as a Public Health Problem, Institute for Social Medicine on the Lower Inn Valley Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 13-18. USEPA 550-9-73- Environmental Assessment). Institute for Social 008., pp. 765-776, U.S. Environmental Protection Medicine, Universität Innsbruck. Agency, Washington D.C. AUS-488 GER-034 Roner,A.: 1999. Verkher, Umwelt Und Lebensqualität Bei Rohrmann,B.: 1975. Die Gestörtheit Der Bevölkerung Kindern Kinderstudie 1: Interner Bericht Des Institut Durch Den Flugbetrieb Auf Landerplätzen. (The Für Sozialmedizin Zur UVPUnterinntaltrasse Disturbance of the Population by Aircraft Operations at (Transportation, Environment and Quality of Life for Airports)(Unpublished Report Prepared for Children, Children Study 1: Internal Report of the Bundesministeriums Des Innern, Bonn)(Translation Institute for Social Medicine on Lower Inn Valley Available in: Disturbance to the Population Due to Environmental Assessment). Institute for Social Flight Operations at Landing Fields. NASA-TM-76531, Medicine, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck. 1981). Hamburg, Germany. AUS-488 GER-114 Rosman,P.F.: 1980. Subjective Responses to the Rohrmann,B.: 1976. Community Reaction on Non- Environmental Effects of Traffic in Real Life and Commercial and Sporting Aviation. Inter-noise 76, pp. Simulated Environments. TRRL Laboratory Report 911. 427-430. Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, GER-114 England. Rohrmann,B.: 1978. Design and Preliminary Results of an UKD-277 Interdisciplinary Field Study on Urban Noise. J.Sound Rossall,A.W.: 1978. The Measurement and Analysis of Vib., vol. 59, pp. 111-113. Road Traffic Noise (M.Sc. Dissertation), University of GER-134 Salford, England. Rohrmann,B.; Finke,H.O.; and Guski,R.: 1980. Analysis of UKD-162 Reactions to Different Environmental Noise Sources in Rott,J.A.: 1995. Mapa Simplificado De Ruídos Para a Residential Areas (An Urban Noise Study). Noise as a Cidade De Porto Alegre (Simplified Noise Map for the Public Health Problem (Third International Congress), City of Porto Alegre) (M.Sc.), Universidade Federal do ASHA Report 10, pp. 548-555, American Speech- Rio Grande do Sul. Language-Hearing Association, Rockville, Maryland. BRA-474 GER-134 Rozec,V.; and Moch,A.: 2000. Towards a Comfortable Rohrmann,B.; and Scharnberg,T.: 1981. Betroffenheit Einer Outdoor Sound Environment. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 3, Stadt Durch Lärm: Bericht Über Eine Interdisziplinäre pp. 1467-1470, Nice, France. Untersuchung (Projekt BSL) Band 2: Daten- FRA-392 Dokumentation Und Zusatzstudien. [Objective and Rozec,V.; and Rumeau,M.: 2000. L'Évaluation De Subjective Noise Impact on a Town: Report on an L'Ambiance Sonore En Quartiers Tranquilles Ou Zones Interdisciplinary Investigation(Project BSL) Vol. 2: 30 (The Evaluation of Sound Environment in Quiet

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Area or "Zone 30"). Acoustique & Techniques, vol. 20, Importance of Overflight Frequency and Noise Level. pp. 30-38. J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 69, pp. 583-595. FRA-392 SWE-035 Rylander,R.; Sörensen,S.; and Berglund,K.: 1972. Sonic Rylander,R.; Åhrlin,U.; and Lundquist,B.: 1993. Annoyance Boom Effects on Sleep--a Field Experiment on Military From Artillery Shooting Range Noise. Noise and Man and Civilian Populations. J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 24, pp. '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth 41-50. International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 605-608, INRETS, SWE-054 Arcueil, France. Rylander,R.; Sörensen,S.; Berglund,K.; and Brodin,C.: 1972. SWE-437 Experiments on the Effects of Sonic-Boom Exposure on Rylander,R.; Björkman,M.; and Sörensen,S.: 1993. Dose- Humans. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 2, vol. 51, pp. 790-798. Response Relationships for Environmental Noises. SWE-222 Noise and Man '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem Rylander,R.; Sörensen,S.; and Kajland,A.: 1972. Annoyance (Sixth International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 225-227, Reactions From Aircraft Noise Exposure. J.Sound Vib., INRETS, Arcueil, France. 4, vol. 24, pp. 419-444. SWE-035 SWE-228 SWE-359 SWE-035 Rylander,R.; Åhrlin,U.; and Lundquist,B.: 1994. Strörningar Rylander,R.; Sörensen,S.; Alexandre,A.; and Gilbert,Ph.: Av Buller Från Skjutfält För Tunga Vapen - Samband 1973. Determinants for Aircraft Noise Annoyance--A Mellan Exponering Och Störning (Annoyance From Comparison Between French and Scandinavian Data. Shooting Range Noise for Heavy Weapons - Relation J.Sound Vib., vol. 28, pp. 15-21. Between Exposure and Annoyance). 1/94. Institutionen SWE-035 FRA-016 för Miljömedicin, Gothenburg. Rylander,R.; and Sörensen,S.: 1973. Aircraft Noise SWE-437 Determinants for the Extent of Annoyance Reactions. Rylander,R.; and Lundquist,B.: 1996. Annoyance Caused by International Congress on Noise as a Public Health Noise From Heavy Weapon Shooting Ranges. J.Sound Problem, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 13-18 1973. Vib., 1, vol. 192, pp. 199-206. USEPA 550-9-73-008., pp. 661-667, U.S. Environmental SWE-437 Protection Agency, Washington D.C. Rylander,R.; and Björkman,M.: 1997. Annoyance by SWE-035 Aircraft Noise Around Small Airports. J.Sound Vib., 4, Rylander,R.; Sörensen,S.; Andrae,B.O.; Chatelier,G.; vol. 205, pp. 533-537. Espmark,Y.; Larsson,T.; and Thackray,R.I.: 1974. Sonic SWE-419 Boom Exposure Effects--A Field Study on Humans and Saadu,A.A.; Onyeonwu,R.O.; Ayorinde,E.O.; and Animals. J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 33, pp. 471-486. Ogisi,F.O.: 1996. Community Attitudinal Survey and SWE-108 Analysis of Eight Nigerian Cities. Applied Acoustics, 1, Rylander,R.; Sörensen,S.; and Berglund,K.: 1974. Re- vol. 49, pp. 49-69. Analysis of Aircraft Noise Annoyance Data Against the NIG-485 DB(A) Peak Concept. J.Sound Vib., vol. 36, pp. 399-406. Saadu,A.A.; Onyeonwu,R.O.; Ayorinde,E.O.; and FRA-016 GER-134 JPN-046 NET-013 SWE-035 Ogisi,F.O.: 1998. Road Traffic Noise Survey and Rylander,R.; Sörensen,S.; and Kajland,A.: 1976. Traffic Analysis of Some Major Urban Centers in Nigeria. Noise Exposure and Annoyance Reactions. J.Sound Noise Control Engineering, 4, vol. 46, pp. 146-158. Vib., 3, vol. 47, pp. 1-6. NIG-485 SWE-142 Sakai,T.: 1984. Community Reaction to Construction Noise. Rylander,R.: 1977. Traffic Noise Annoyance With Relation Inter-noise 84, pp. 783-788. to Vehicle Pattern. Institute of Acoustics, May 1977, p. JPN-271 12.6.1-12.6.4. Samra,S.: 1978. Hovercraft Noise Annoyance in the Solent. SWE-142 ISVR Memo 580. Univ. of Southampton, England. Rylander,R.; Åhrlin,U.; and Björkman,M.: 1977. Traffic UKD-161 Noise Annoyance With Relation to Vehicle Pattern. Sando,F.D.; and Batty,V.: 1975. Road Traffic and the Report 1-77. Department of Environmental Hygiene, Environment. Social Trends, 5, pp. 64-69. University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. UKD-072 SWE-142 Sargent,J.W.: 1984. The Effectiveness of Insulation Rylander,R.; Björkman,M.; Åhrlin,U.; and Sörensen,S.: Measures Against Traffic Noise. Institute of Acoustics 1977. Tramway Noise in City Traffic. J.Sound Vib., 3, Spring Conference 1984, pp. 317-321, Swansea. vol. 51, pp. 353-358. UKD-481 SWE-165 Sato,T.: 1988. The Effect of Vibration on Annoyance of Rylander,R.; Björkman,M.; Åhrlin,U.; Sörensen,S.; and Noise: A Survey on Traffic Noise and Vibration in Berglund,K.: 1980. Aircraft Noise Annoyance Contours: Sapporo. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Fifth International Congress), vol. 3: Performance, Behaviour, Wyle 132 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Animal, Combined Agents and Community Responses, JPN-541 pp. 259-264, Swedish Council for Building Research, Sato,T.; Morihara,T.; and Yano,T.: 2002a. Comparison of Stockholm. Community Responses to Railway Noise Obtained JPN-292 With Different Rating Scales Constructed in the Joint Sato,T.: 1993. A Path Analysis of the Effect of Vibration on Study by ICBEN. Inter-noise 2002, vol. 111, Dearborn, Road Traffic Noise Annoyance. Noise and Man '93: Michigan, USA. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth International JPN-541 Congress), vol. 2, pp. 411-414, INRETS, Arcueil, France. Sato,T.; Morihara,T.; and Yano,T.: 2002b. Comparison of JPN-292 JPN-341 JPN-447 Community Responses to Railway Noise Obtained Sato,T.: 1994. Path Analyses of the Effect of Vibration on With Different Rating Scales: A Survey in Hokkaido (In Road Traffic and Railway Noise Annoyance. Inter-noise Japenese). N-2002-14. Technical Report of Noise and 94, pp. 923-928, Yokohama, Japan. Vibration Committee of Acoustical Society of Japan. JPN-292 JPN-341 JPN-447 JPN-448 JPN-449 JPN-541 Sato,T.; Yamashita,T.; Yano,T.; and Kurosawa,K.: 1997. Sato,T.; Yano,T.; Björkman,M.; and Rylander,R.: 2002. Comparison of Community Responses to Road Traffic Comparison of Community Response to Road Traffic Noise Between Detached and Apartment House Noise in Japan and Sweden - Part 1: Outline of Surveys Residents: a Survey in Sapporo, Japan. Inter-noise 97, and Dose-Response Relationships. J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. pp. 1257-1260. 250, pp. 161-167. JPN-446 JPN-369 SWE-368 JPN-370 Sato,T.; Yano,T.; Yamashita,T.; Kawai,K.; Rylander,R.; Sato,T.; Yano,T.; and Morihara,T.: 2003. Relationships Björkman,M.; and Öhrström,E.: 1998a. Cross-Cultural Between Rating Scales, Question Stem Wording, and Comparison of Community Responses to Road Traffic Community Responses to Railway Noise. The 8th Noise in Gothenburg, Sweden, and Kumamoto, Japan, Congress of the International Commission on the Part I: Outline of Surveys and Dose-Response Biological Effects of Noise, pp. 398-399, Rotterdam, the Relationships. Noise Effects ‘98: Noise as a Public Netherlands. Health Problem (Seventh International Congress), vol. JPN-540 JPN-541 2, pp. 561-564. Sato,T.; Yano,T.; Morihara,T.; and Masden,K.: 2004. JPN-369 SWE-368 Relationships Between Rating Scales, Question Stem Sato,T.; Yano,T.; Yamashita,T.; Kawai,K.; Rylander,R.; Wording, and Community Responses to Railway Noise. Björkman,M.; and Öhrström,E.: 1998b. Cross-Cultural J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 277, pp. 609-616. Comparison of Community Responses to Road Traffic JPN-556 JPN-541 Noise in Gothenburg, Sweden, and Kumamoto, Japan, Sato,T.; Yano,T.; and Morihara,T.: 2004a. Community Part II: Causal Modeling by Path Analysis. Noise Response to Noise From Shinkansen in Comparison Effects ‘98: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Seventh With Ordinary Railways: A Survey in Kyushu, Japan. International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 565-568. 18th International Congress on Acoustics, pp. 279-282, JPN-369 SWE-368 Kyoto, Japan. Sato,T.; Yano,T.; Björkman,M.; and Rylander,R.: 1999. JPN-530 Comparison of Community Responses to Road Traffic Sato,T.; Yano,T.; and Morihara,T.: 2004b. Effects of Noise Among Residents of Different Types of Housing. Situational Variables on Community Response to Inter-noise 99, pp. 1321-1326, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Shinkansen Noise: A Survey in Kyushu, Japan. Inter- SWE-368 noise 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. Sato,T.; Murase,S.; Yano,T.; Björkman,M.; Rylander,R.; and JPN-530 Dankittikul,W.: 2000. Comparison of Community Sato,T.; Yano,T.; and Morihara,T.: 2007. Relationships Response to Road Traffic Noise in Sweden, Japan and Between Several Noise Descriptions for Railway Noise Thailand. WESTPRACVII (Seventh Western Pacific and the Extent of Annoyance. Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Regional Acoustics Conference), vol. 2, pp. 907-912, Turkey. Kumamoto, Japan. JPN-541 JPN-556 SWE-368 JPN-369 JPN-382 THA-421 Sattler,M.A.; and Rott,J.A.: 1996. Social Survey on Traffic Sato,T.; Yano,T.; Björkman,M.; and Rylander,R.: 2000. Noise for the City of Porto Alegre, Brazil. Inter-noise 96, Comparison of Community Response to Road Traffic pp. 2371-2374, Liverpool, England. Noise in Japan and Sweden, Part I: Outline of Surveys BRA-474 and Dose-Response Relationships. Inter-noise 2000, vol. Sattler,M.A.: 1999. Urban Noise Survey for the City of 5, pp. 3189-3194, Nice, France. Porto Alegre, Brazil. ASA/EAA/DEGA Meeting SWE-368 JPN-369 JPN-382 (Published on a CD of voluntary submitted papers), Sato,T.: 2002. Cross-Regional Comparison of Community Berlin. Response to Noise (In Japanese). Architectural BRA-474 Acoustics and Noise Control, No.118, pp. 51-56. Wyle 133 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Scharnberg,T.; Wühler,K.; Finke,H.O.; and Guski,R.: 1982. USA-250 Beeinträchtigung Des Nachtschlafs Durch Lärm. (Sleep Schomer,P.D.: 1983b. Time of Day Noise Adjustments or Impairments Caused by Road Traffic Noise). "Penalties". J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 2, vol. 73, pp. 546-555. Umweltbundesamt, Berlin. USA-170 GER-256 Schomer,P.D.: 1996. Penalties for Assessing Helicopter Scharnberg,T.; and Wühler,K.: 1982. Beeinträchtigung Des Noise Annoyance--There Is None? Noise-Con 96, pp. Nachtschlafs Durch Lärm. Materialienband. (Sleep 581-586, Seattle, Washington. Impairments Caused by Road Traffic Noise. Annex). USA-490 Umweltbundesamt, Berlin. Schomer,P.D.; and Wagner,R.L.: 1996. On the Contribution GER-256 of Noticeability of Environmental Sounds to Noise Scharnberg,T.: 1985. Sleep Impairments Caused by Road Annoyance. Noise Control Eng.J., 6, vol. 44, pp. 294-305. Traffic Noise in Cities. Inter-noise 85, pp. 953-956. USA-490 GER-256 Schomer,P.D.: 1999. Comments on "A Field Survey on the Schick,A.; Kuwano,S.; and Namba,S.: 1984. Cross-Cultural Annoyance Caused by Sounds From Large Firearms Examinations of Noise in the Neighborhood. Inter- and Road Traffic"[J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 104, 2890-2902 noise 84, pp. 967-970. (1998)]. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 3, vol. 106, pp. 1594-1598. GER-511 JPN-510 GER-454 Schick,A.; Zheng,D.; Müller-Andritzky,M.; Namba,S.; Schoonderbeek,W.: 1986. Akoestisch Onderzoek Naar De Kuwano,S.; and Chassein,J.: 1992. Audibility and Effecten Op De Geluidbelasting Door Invoering Van Annoyance As a Factor in Residential Neighbourhoods. Trolleybussen Op Buslijn 9 in Arnhem. (Acoustical A Comparison Between China, Germany and Japan. Research on the Effects on Noise Exposure From the 14th ICA, pp. H1-8, Beijing. Introduction of Trolley Buses on Busline #9 in GER-516 JPN-515 Arnhem). Van Dorsser bv Report Nr. 3880.A. Van Schliewinsky,F.; and Adams,M.J.: 1979. Analysis of Noise Dorsser bv, Arnhem. Barrier Impact on Dissatisfaction With Freeway NET-362 Annoyances. Ministry of Transportation and Schreckenberg,D.; Schümer,R.; and Möhler,U.: 2001. Communications, Toronto. Railway-Noise Annoyance and 'Misfeasance' Under CAN-280 Conditions of Change. Inter-noise 2001, The Hague, The Scholes,W.E.; Mackie,A.M.; Vulkan,G.H.; and Netherlands. Harland,D.G.: 1974. Performance of a Motorway Noise GER-546 Barrier at Heston. Applied Acoustics, vol. 7, pp. 1-13. Schreckenberg,D.; Guski,R.; Schmaus,I.; Möhler,U.; and UKD-050 Schümer,R.: 2004. Annoyance and Disturbances Due to Scholes,W.E.: 1977. The Physical and Subjective Evaluation Traffic Noise at Different Times of Day. Inter-noise of Roadside Barriers. Inter-noise 77, p. A144-A153. 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. UKD-050 GER-532 Schomer,P.D.: 1979. The Growth of Community Schreckenberg,D.; and Meis,M.: 2006. Effects of Aircraft Annoyance With Loudness of Events and With Noise on Noise Annoyance and Quality of Life Around Frequency of Occurrence of Events. TM N-83. U.S. Frankfurt Airport. pp. 1-18, Regional Dialogue Forum Army Corps of Engineers. Frankfurt Airport, D-64625 Bensheim. USA-170 GER-531 Schomer,P.D.: 1981a. Community Reaction to Impulse Schreckenberg,D.; and Meis,M.: 2007a. Effects of Aircraft Noise; Results of the First Survey. CERL Technical Noise on Noise Annoyance and Quality of LIfe Around Report N-100. Construction Engineering Research Frankfurt Airport. Regional Dialogue Forum Frankfurt Laboratory, Champaign, Illinois. Airport, Bensheim, Germany. USA-170 GER-531 Schomer,P.D.: 1981b. The Growth of Community Schreckenberg,D.; and Meis,M.: 2007b. Noise Annoyance Annoyance With Loudness and Frequency of Around an International Airport Planned to Be Occurrence of Events. Noise Control Engineering, 1, Extended. Inter-noise 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. vol. 17, pp. 30-37. GER-531 USA-170 Schulte-Fortkamp,B.: 1994. Geraeusche Beurteilen Im Schomer,P.D.: 1982. A Model to Describe Community Labor. Entwicklung Interdisziplinaerer Response to Impulse Noise. Noise Control Engineering, Forschungsmethoden Und Ihre 1, vol. 18, pp. 5-15. Forschungssoziologische Analyse (Assessing Noises in USA-170 the Laboratory. Developing Interdisciplinary Research Schomer,P.D.: 1983a. A Survey of Community Attitudes Methods and Their Sociological Analysis). VDIVerlag, Towards Noise Near a General Aviation Airport. Düsseldorf. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., 6, vol. 74, pp. 1773-1781. GER-464 Wyle 134 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Schulte-Fortkamp,B.: 1995. Loudness Judgments of GER-192 Environmental Sounds. Validation by a Study in Schümer,R.; and Schreckenberg,D.: 2000. Änderung Der Laboratory and Field. Inter-noise 95, pp. 889-892, Lärmbelästigung Bei Maßnahme Bedingter, Newport Beach, CA. Stufenweise Veränderter Geräuschbelastung: Hinweise GER-464 Auf Einige Befunde and Interpretationsansätze. Schulte-Fortkamp,B.: 1996. Combined Methods to Zeitschrift Für Lärmbekämpfung, 4, vol. 46, pp. 134- Investigate Effects of Noise Exposure and Subjective 143. Noise Assessment. Inter-noise 96, pp. 2351-2356, GER-471 Liverpool. Seshagiri,B.V.: 1979. Impulsive Noise From Forging GER-464 Operations. Reaction of Some Communities in Ontario. Schulte-Fortkamp,B.: 2000. Noise Annoyance and Decisions Noise Pollution Control Section, Ontario Ministry of Concerning Measurement on Combined Noises. Environment, Toronto, Canada. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Slovenian CAN-136 Acoustical Society, pp. 295-302, Portoroz, Slovonia. Seshagiri,B.V.: 1981. Reaction of Communities to Impulse GER-464 Noise. J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 74, pp. 47-60. Schultz,T.J.: 1978. Synthesis of Social Surveys on Noise CAN-136 Annoyance. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., vol. 64, pp. 377-405. Shibuya,A.; Tanno,S.; Sone,T.; and Nimura,T.: 1975. Road AUS-014 AUS-093 BEL-122 BEL-137 CAN-121 DEN-075 Traffic Noise and Community Response in Sendai City. FRA-016 FRA-019 FRA-041 FRA-063 GER-034 SWE-021 Inter-noise 75, pp. 425-428. SWE-025 SWE-035 SWI-053 UKD-008 UKD-024 UKD- JPN-094 071 USA-022 USA-032 USA-044 USA-082 USA-102 Shield,B.M.: 1992. Investigation of Noise Annoyance USA-203 USA-204 Caused by Urban Light Rail Systems: Final Report. Schümer-Kohrs,A.; Schümer,R.; Schreckenberg,D.; UKD-355 Griefahn,B.; and Möhler,U.: 1998. Annoyance Due to Shield,B.M.; and Zhukov,A.N.: 1992. Correlation Between Railway and Road Traffic Noise: First Results of an Annoyance and Noise Level on an Urban Light Rail Interdisciplinary Study. Noise Effects '98: Noise as a System. Euro-Noise 92, pp. 413-419. Public Health Problem (Seventh International UKD-355 Congress), pp. 487-490. Shield,B.M.; and Zhukov,A.N.: 1993. Community Response GER-470 to Low Frequency Noise From an Urban Light Rail Schümer,R.; Kasubek,W.; Knall,V.; and Schümer-Kohrs,A.: System. Noise and Man '93: Noise as a Public Health 1981. Reactions to Road and Railway Traffic Noise in Problem (Sixth International Congress), vol. 2, pp. 415- Urban and Rural Areas. Inter-noise 81, pp. 827-830. 418, INRETS, Arcueil, France. GER-192 UKD-355 Schümer,R.; and Schümer-Kohrs,A.: 1983. The Influence of Shima,R.; and Tamura,A.: 1993. Survey on Sound Some Non-Acoustical Factors on Reactions to Road and Environment of the Central Part of Odawara. Railway Noise. Inter-noise 83, pp. 935-938. J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn.(E), 3, vol. 14, pp. 181-187. GER-192 JPN-494 Schümer,R.; Zeichart,K.; and Schümer-Kohrs,A.: 1988. Shoji,H.; Kitamura,Z.; Takeuchi,R.; Kitamura,O.; Structural Models for the Effects of Road and Railway Hiwatari,S.; Tsuji,K.; and Horiuchi,K.: 1953. Studies on Noise. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Fifth the Permissible Sound Levels for City-Noise, Part I: The International Congress), vol. 3: Performance, Behaviour, Permissible Value for Noise Levels Outside Factories. Animal, Combined Agents and Community Responses, J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn., 4, vol. 9, pp. 255-264. pp. 315-319, Swedish Council for Building Research, JPN-005 Stockholm. Simpson,M.A.; Pearsons,K.S.; Fidell,S.A.; and GER-192 Muehlenbeck,R.H.: 1974. Social Survey and Noise Schümer,R.; and Zeichart,K.: 1989a. Strukturanalysen Zur Measurement Program to Assess the Effects of Noise on Reaktion Auf Verkehrslärm: Teil I: the Urban Environment. BBN Rep. No. 2753. Bolt Untersuchungsansatz. (Structural Models for the Beranek and Newman, Canoga Park, California. Reactions on Road and Railway Traffic Noise: Part I: USA-102 Study Methods). Zeitschrift Für Lärmbekämpfung, vol. Sisma,P.: 1998. Monitoring of Influence of Environmental 36, pp. 12-18. Noise on Health. Noise Effects '98: Noise as a Public GER-192 Health Problem (Seventh International Congress), pp. Schümer,R.; and Zeichart,K.: 1989b. Strukturanalysen Zur 289-292. Reaktion Auf Verkehrslärm: Teil II: Ergebnisse. CZE-402 (Structural Models for the Reactions on Road and Sisma,P.: 2000. Health Significance of Data on Annoyance Railway Traffic Noise: Part II: Results). Zeitschrift Für by Ambient Noise. Inter-noise 2000, pp. 2107-2111, Lärmbekämpfung, vol. 36, pp. 41-48. Nice, France. Wyle 135 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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CZE-402 Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, pp. Skinner,C.J.; and Grimwood,C.J.: 2001. The National Noise 495-500. Incidence Study 2000/2001 (United Kingdom): Volume JPN-377 1 - Noise Levels. BRE Client Report No: 206344f. So,M.; Kimura,S.; Kaji,Y.; and Suzuki,H.: 1996. Research UKD-603 into the Formation of Resident Awareness of Sound Skinner,C.J.; Jackson,T.; Grimwood,C.J.; and Raw,G.J.: Environments in Multi-Family Dwellings Through 2001. The National Noise Incidence Study 2000/2001 Analyses of Freely-Offered Opinions. (United Kingdom): Volume 2 – Self Completion J.Archit.Plann.Environ.Eng., AIJ, 485, pp. 1-8. Questionnaires. BRE Client Report No: 206345f. JPN-377 UKD-603 So,M.; Kimura,S.; Suzuki,H.; and Kaji,Y.: 1997. Analysis of Skinner,C.J.; and Grimwood,C.J.: 2002. The UK National Occupant Evaluations of the Overall Dwelling Noise Incidence Study 2000/2001. Noise Forum Environment and Sound Environment in Multi-Family Conference, London. Housing Complexes. J.Archit.Plann.Environ.Eng., AIJ, UKD-603 493, pp. 9-15. Small,A.M.; Jenkins,A.; and Pahl,J.: 1974. Community JPN-377 Response to Freeway Noise in Los Angeles County. So,M.; and Kimura,S.: 1998. Analysis About Occupant Inter-noise 74, pp. 445-448. Awareness Regarding the Multi-Family Housing Sound USA-088 Environment. Noise Effects ‘98: Noise as a Public Small,A.M.; Jenkins,A.; and Carroll,F.T.: 1976. Health Problem (Seventh International Congress), vol. Methodological Concerns in an Environmental 2, pp. 548-551. Psychology Study. Western Psychological Association JPN-377 Meeting. So,M.; Kimura,S.; and Kaji,Y.: 1998. Analysis of the USA-088 Structure of Occupancy Awareness Regarding the Small,A.M.; and Jenkins,A.: 1982. Methodological Concerns Multi-Family Housing Sound Environment. in a Freeway Noise Study. Human Factors Society J.Archit.Plann.Environ.Eng., AIJ, 506, pp. 1-7. Bulletin, 10, vol. 25, pp. 1-3. JPN-377 USA-088 Sobotová,L.; Ághová,L.; Voleková,J.; and Jurkovicová,J.: Smith,A.P.; and Rich,N.: 2000. Noise Exposure, Noise 1997. The Impact of Road Traffic Noise on Citizens in a Sensitivity, Sleep and Subjective Health: Results From a Large City. Transcom ´97, vol. 3, pp. 207-210, University Community Sample. Inter-noise 2000, pp. 2094-2097, of Zilina, Zilina. Nice, France. SLO-406 UKD-424 Sobotová,L.; Jurkovicová,J.; Voleková,J.; and Ághová,L.: Smith,A.P.; Hayward,S.; and Rich,N.: 2000. Perceptions of 2000. Psychohygienic Aspects of Noise: Comparison of Aircraft Noise Exposure, Noise Sensitivity? Sleep Two Noise Annoyance Surveys Performed in an Disturbance and Health: Results From the Bristol Noise, Interval of Ten Years. Homeostasis, vol. 40, pp. 144-146. Sleep and Health Study. Inter-noise 2000, pp. 984-987, SLO-406 SLO-407 Nice, France. Sobotová,L.; Ághová,L.; Jurkovicová,J.; and Voleková,J.: UKD-424 2000a. Hodnotenie Rizika z Hlukovej Expozície v Smith,A.; Rich,N.; Wilson,S.; and Nutt,D.: 2001. Subjective Súbore Vysokokolákov (Evaluation of the Risk of and Objective Assessment of the Effects of Noise, Noise Exposure to Noise in a Group of University Students). Sensitivity and Noise Disturbed Sleep on Health. Inter- Hygiena, vol. 45, pp. 109-118. noise 2001, The Hague, The Netherlands. SLO-406 SLO-407 UKD-601 Sobotová,L.; Ághová,L.; Jurkovicová,J.; and Voleková,J.: Snyder,J.C.: 1977. Environmental Data Analysis of Results 2000b. Noise Annoyance Risk Estimation Possibilities - of a Survey in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Project E-17-615. Results From Two Surveys. Noise and vibration in Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. practice. Proceedings of the 5th International Acoustic PUR-188 Conference, pp. 7-12. So,M.; Kimura,S.; and Inoue,K.: 1995. Necessity of Heavy- SLO-406 SLO-407 Weight Soft Impact Source for Impact Sound Insulation Sobotová,L.; Ághová,L.; Jurkovicová,J.; and Voleková,J.: Performance Tests: Floor Impact Sound Insulation 2000c. Road Traffic Noise and the Effect on Health. Performance of Floor Slab (Part 1). Inter-noise 95, pp. Proceedings of the International Conference on 731-734. Dynamics of Civil Engineering and Transport JPN-377 Structures and Wind Engineering, pp. 63-66. So,M.; Kimura,S.; and Inoue,K.: 1996. Analysis of SLO-407Socialforskningsintituttet: 1987. Flystøjsgener i Occupancy Evaluation As to Multi-Family Housing Kastrup.[Annoyance by Aircraft Noise at Kastrup). Sound Environment. Third Joint Meeting of Acoustical Socialforskningsintituttet (Institute for social sciences), Copenhagen. Wyle 136 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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DEN-380 DEN-381 Stansfeld,S.A.; Clark,C.R.; Jenkins,L.M.; and SOFRES: 1997. Multiexposition - Rapport Methodologique. Tarnopolsky,A.: 1985b. Sensitivity to Noise in a internal report. SNCF, Paris. Community Sample: II. Measurement of FRA-524 Psychophysiological Indices. Psychological Medicine, Son,J.H.; Lee,K.-H.; Chang,S.I.; Lee,K.; and Lee,Y.S.: 2006. vol. 15, pp. 255-263. Effect of Ancillary Variables on Aircraft Annoyance UKD-305 Response in Korea. Inter-noise 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, Stansfeld,S.A.: 1988. Sensitivity to Noise--Source of Error or USA. Stable Personality Characteristic? Convegno KOR-590 Internazionale "IL RUMORE URBANO E IL Sone,T.; Kono,S.; Nimura,T.; Kameyama,S.; and GOVERNO DEL TERRITORIO", pp. 57-64. Kumagai,M.: 1973. Effects of High Speed Train Noise UKD-305 on the Community Along a Railway. (Translation Stansfeld,S.A.: 1992. Noise, Noise Sensitivity and Available in BBN Technical Information Report 87. Bolt Psychiatric Disorder: Epidemiological and Beranek and Newman, Cambridge). J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn., Psychophysiological Studies. Psychological Medicine, vol. 29, pp. 214-224. Monograph Supplement 22. Cambridge University JPN-065 Press. Sölder,M.: 1998. UVP Lärmmessungen, Einreichung Bei UKD-305 Der UVP Behörde, Messbericht Teil 1- 5. Im Auftrag Stansfeld,S.A.; Gallacher,J.E.J.; Babisch,W.; and Der BEG (Environmental Assessment Noise Elwood,P.C.: 1993. Road Traffic Noise, Noise Sensitivity Measurement Report: Submission of the Environmental and Psychiatric Disorder: Preliminary Prospective Assessment Office, Measurement Report Parts 1- Findings From the Caerphilly Study. Noise and Man 5,Commissioned by the Brenner Eisenbahn '93: Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth Gesellschaft.). BEG. International Congress), vol. 3, pp. 268-274, INRETS, AUS-487 AUS-488 AUS-521 Arcueil, France. Sörensen,S.; Berglund,K.; and Rylander,R.: 1973. Reaction UKD-426 Patterns in Annoyance Response to Aircraft Noise. Stansfeld,S.A.; Gallacher,J.E.J.; Sharp,D.S.; and Babisch,W.: International Congress on Noise as a Public Health 1993. Road Traffic Noise, Noise Sensitivity and Problem, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 13-18. USEPA Psychological Disorder. Psychological Medicine, vol. 550-9-73-008, pp. 669-667, U.S. Environmental 23, pp. 977-985. Protection Agency, Washington D.C. UKD-426 SWE-035 Stansfeld,S.A.; Gallacher,J.E.J.; Babisch,W.; and Shipley,M.: Sörensen,S.; and Magnusson,J.: 1979. Annoyance Caused 1996. Road Traffic Noise and Psychiatric Disorder: by Noise From Shooting Ranges. J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. Prospective Findings From the Caerphilly Study. BMJ, 62, pp. 437-442. vol. 313, pp. 266-267. SWE-185 UKD-426 Sörensen,S.; and Hammar,N.: 1983a. Annoyance Reactions Stansfeld,S.A.; Clark,C.; Cameron,R.M.; Haines,M.M.; van Due to Railway Noise. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 87, pp. 315- Kamp,I.; and van Kempen,E.: 2004. Aircraft and Road 319. Traffic Noise Exposure and Children's Mental Health in SWE-228 the RANCH Study. Inter-noise 2004, Prague, Czech Sörensen,S.; and Hammar,N.: 1983b. Störingsreaktioner Republic. Vid Exponering För Tagbuller. (Annoyance Reactions NET-575 SPA-571 UKD-610 to Railway Noise). Environmental Protection Board, Stansfeld,S.A.; Berglund,B.; Clark,C.; Lopez Barrio,I.; Stockholm. Fischer,F.; Öhrström,E.; Haines,M.M.; Head,J.; SWE-228 Hygge,S.; van Kamp,I.; and Berry,B.F.: 2005. Aircraft Stansfeld,S.A.: 1983. Noise Sensitivity and Psychiatric and Road Traffic Noise and Children's Cognition and Disorder in a Community Sample. Noise as a Public Health: a Cross-National Study. The Lancet, vol. 365, Health Problem (Fourth International Congress), pp. pp. 1942-1949. 703-706, Centro Ricerche e Studi Amplifon, Milano, NET-575 SPA-571 UKD-610 Italy. Stansfeld,S.A.; Clark,C.; and Alfred,T.: 2006. Night Time UKD-305 Aircraft Noise and Children's Cognitive Performance Stansfeld,S.A.; Clark,C.R.; Jenkins,L.M.; and and Health in the RANCH Study. Inter-noise 2006, Tarnopolsky,A.: 1985a. Sensitivity to Noise in a Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Community Sample: I. Measurement of Psychiatric NET-575 SPA-571 UKD-610 Disorder and Personality. Psychological Medicine, vol. Stearns,J.; Brown,R.; and Neiswander,P.: 1983. A Pilot 15, pp. 243-254. Study of Human Response to General Aviation Aircraft UKD-305 Noise. NASA CR-166053. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C. Wyle 137 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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USA-217 JPN-123 Stowell,R.; and Makinson,C.: 1979. The Solent Study: Tamura,A.; and Gotoh,S.: 1980. Comparative Study of the Technical Report. Social and Community Planning Structure of Attitude to Noise Problem. 10th Research, London. International Congress on Acoustics, Sydney, pp. C2- UKD-309 7.6. Suga,S.; Oi,K.; Kondoh,Y.; and Miyamoto,S.: 1994. Study on JPN-152 JPN-138 JPN-177 JPN-139 JPN-140 Annoyance and Trouble Caused by Pollution in a Tamura,A.: 1994. Comparison of Community Response to Residential Area in a Megalopolis by Analyzing Free Oudoor Noise in the Areas Along Shinkansen and Response Data. Inter-noise 94, pp. 1169-1172. Ordinary Railroad. Inter-noise 94, pp. 815-820. JPN-498 JPN-493 Sundvoll,A.; and Teigum,M.: 1998. Samordnet Tamura,A.: 1998. An Environmental Index Based on Levekårsundersøkelse 1997 - Inhabitants' Recognition of Sounds. Noise Effects '98: Tverrsnittsundersøkelsen.(The 1997 Survey of Living Noise as a Public Health Problem (Seventh Conditions – The Cross-Sectional Study.). Working International Congress), pp. 556-559. Paper 98/34. Statistics Norway, Oslo. JPN-492 NOR-405 Tanaka,M.; Fujikawa,T.; Oshino,Y.; and Kuwano,S.: 2006. Surrey County Council: 1983. Survey of Gypsy Attitudes to Community Responses to Noise From Road Vehicles Sites With Particular Reference to Road Traffic Noise. Equipped With Illegal Mufflers. Inter-noise 2006, Surrey County Council, England. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. UKD-284 JPN-588 Sutherland,L.C.; Braden,M.H.; and Colman,R.: 1973. A Tarnopolsky,A.: 1978. Effects of Aircraft Noise on Mental Program for the Measurement of Environmental Noise Health. J.Sound Vib., vol. 59, pp. 89-97. in the Community and Its Associated Human UKD-111 Response: Vol. I--A Feasibility Test of Measurement Tarnopolsky,A.; Barker,S.M.; Wiggins,R.D.; and Techniques. DOT-TST-74-5. Department of McLean,E.K.: 1978. The Effect of Aircraft Noise on the Transportation, Washington, D.C. Mental Health of a Community Sample: A Pilot Study. USA-090 Psychological Medicine, vol. 8, pp. 219-233. Suzuki,T.: 1994. Complaints and Opinions on UKD-111 Neighborhood Noise in Kawasaki City. Inter-noise 94, Tarnopolsky,A.; Watkins,G.; and Hand,D.J.: 1980. Aircraft pp. 1173-1176. Noise and Mental Health: I. Prevalence of Individual JPN-501 Symptoms. Psychological Medicine, vol. 10, pp. 683- Systems Control: 1978. Airport Noise Control and Land 698. Use Compatibility Study for Salt Lake City UKD-148 International Airport. Systems Control, Inc., Anaheim, Tarnopolsky,A.; Hand,D.J.; Barker,S.M.; and Jenkins,L.M.: California. 1980. Aircraft Noise, Annoyance, and Mental Health: A USA-166 Psychiatric Viewpoint. Noise as a Public Health Systems Control: 1979. Will Rogers World Airport: Noise Problem (Third International Congress), ASHA Report Control and Land Use Compatibility Study. Systems 10, pp. 588-593, American Speech-Language-Hearing Control, Inc., Anaheim, California. Association, Rockville, Maryland. USA-179 UKD-148 Takahashi,Y.: 1991. A Study on the Community Response Tarnopolsky,A.; Jenkins,L.; Watkins,G.; and Hand,D.J.: to the Combined Noises of Railway and Road Traffic. 1980. Prospects for Research into the Effects of (In Japanese Only) (Master of Engineering Thesis), Environmental Noise on Health. Inter Research Council Muroran Institute of Technology. Seminar on Noise Pollution, Institute of Sound and JPN-319 Vibration Research, Southampton. Takeshita,S.: 1984. A Thermodynamics-Like Theory of UKD-148 Annoyance. J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn.(E), 4, vol. 5, pp. 263-266. Tarnopolsky,A.; and Morton-Williams,J.: 1980. Aircraft JPN-065 Noise and Psychiatric Disorders. Social and Tamura,A.; and Gotoh,S.: 1977. Community Response to Community Planning Research, London. Outdoor Noise at the Sites Exposed to Road or Railway UKD-111 UKD-148 Noise. 9th International Congress on Acoustics, Taylor Nelson & Associates: 1982. Survey of Public Madrid, 4-9 July, p. A29. Reaction to General Aviation Methodology. TN Report JPN-123 100/763. Taylor Nelson Group Limited, Surrey, Tamura,A.: 1978. Community Response to Outdoor Noise England. at the Sites Exposed to Road or Railway Noise. UKD-243 Architectural Acoustics and Noise Control, 21, January, pp. 47-52. Wyle 138 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Taylor,S.M.; and Hall,F.L.: 1977. Factors Affecting Thorpe,R.; and Holmes,T.: 1976. Economic Welfare Impacts Response to Road Noise. Environment and Planning A., of Urban Noise. USEPA 600 5-76-002. U.S. vol. 9, pp. 585-597. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. CAN-121 USA-104 Taylor,S.M.; Birnie,S.E.; and Hall,F.L.: 1978. Housing Type Tokuyama,T.; Minoura,K.; Hiramatsu,K.; Matsui,T.; and Tenure Effects on Reactions to Road Traffic Noise. Miyakita,T.; Taira,K.; Osada,Y.; and Yamamoto,T.: 1998. Environment and Planning A., vol. 10, pp. 1377-1386. Disturbance of TV and Telephone Use by Aircraft Noise CAN-121 Reported Around an Airfield in the Ryukyus. Inter- Taylor,S.M.; Gertler,M.; and Hall,F.L.: 1978. Regulatory noise 98, pp. 921-924. Implications of Individual Reactions to Road Traffic JPN-444 Noise. 57th Annual Transportation Research Board Tokyoto Kogai Kenkyujo: 1971. Yokota Kitchi Shuhen Soon Meeting, McMaster Univ., Canada. No Jumin Seikatsu e No Eikyo Ni Tsuite. (Effect of CAN-121 Noise in the Vicinity of Yokota Airbase on the Taylor,S.M.; Hall,F.L.; and Birnie,S.E.: 1979. A Comparison Populace). Tokyoto Kogai Kenkyujo, Japan. of Community Response to Aircraft Noise at Toronto JPN-046 International and Oshawa Municipal Airports. Tokyoto Kogai Kenkyujo: 1972. Investigation on Aircraft Presented at the Canadian Acoustical Association, Noise Around Yokota Airbase. Tokyo Perfect Pollution Windsor, Ontario, October 25. Research Agency, Tokyoto Kogai Kenkyujo, Japan. CAN-168 JPN-046 Taylor,S.M.; Hall,F.L.; and Birnie,S.E.: 1980. Effect of Toward...: 1972. "Toward a Quality City" Inglewood, Background Levels on Community Responses to California. Inglewood, California. Aircraft Noise. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 71, pp. 261-270. USA-040 USA-048 CAN-168 Tracor Inc: 1970. Public Reactions to Sonic Booms. NASA Taylor,S.M.; Birnie,S.E.; and Hall,F.L.: 1980. Annoyance CR-1665. National Aeronautics and Space Due to General Aviation Noise. Dept. Geography, Administration, Washington, D.C. McMaster Univ., Canada. USA-023 CAN-181 Tracor Inc: 1971. Community Reaction to Airport Noise. Taylor,S.M.; Hall,F.L.; and Birnie,S.E.: 1981. A Comparison vol. I, NASA CR-1761; vol. II, NASA CR-111316. of Community Response to Aircraft Noise at Toronto National Aeronautics and Space Administration, International and Oshawa Municipal Airports. J.Sound Washington, D.C. Vib., 2, vol. 77, pp. 233-244. USA-022 USA-032 CAN-168 Traweger,C.; and Ravanelli,B.: 1998. Taylor,S.M.: 1982. A Comparison of Models to Predict Repräsentativerhebung Zur UVP 98 (Representative Annoyance Reactions to Noise From Mixed Sources. Survey for the Environmental Assessment 98). J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 81, pp. 123-138. Innsbruck. CAN-168 AUS-487 Taylor,S.M.: 1984. A Path Model of Aircraft Noise U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development: 1976. Annoyance. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. 96, pp. 243-260. Annual Housing Survey. [Reports on the Annual CAN-168 Housing Survey Were Issued Each Year 1976-1983]. Taylor,S.M.; Hall,F.L.; and Birnie,S.E.: 1984. Applications of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: a Probabilistic Model of Transportation Noise Office of Policy Development and Research; U.S. Dept. Annoyance. Fourth Congress of the Federation of of Commerce: Bureau of the Census, Washington, D.C. Acoustical Societies of Europe, pp. 347-350. USA-095 CAN-236 Uptegrove,S.; Hall,F.L.; Taylor,S.M.; and Goulden,K.: 1977. Taylor,S.M.; Hall,F.L.; and Birnie,S.E.: 1987. Transportation Road Traffic Noise and Community Response in the Noise Annoyance: Testing of a Probabilistic Model. Toronto-Hamilton Region. Final Report: Experience '76 J.Sound Vib., vol. 117, pp. 95-113. Project. Dept. of Geography, McMaster Univ.. CAN-168 CAN-121 Thomas,J.R.; Namba,S.; Schick,S.; and Kuwano,S.: 1983. A Utley,W.A.; Keighley,E.C.; and Sargent,J.W.: 1983. Cross-Cultural Study on Noise Annoyance: A Insulating Dwellings Against Road Traffic Noise. 11th Comparison Between Britain, Germany and Japan. International Congress on Acoustics, Lyon-Toulouse, Noise as a Public Health Problem (Fourth International Paris, vol. 7, pp. 245-248, Paris. Congress), pp. 871-874, Centro Ricerche e Studi UKD-481 Amplifon, Milano, Italy. Utley,W.A.; Buller,I.B.; Keighley,E.C.; and Sargent,J.W.: GER-511 JPN-510 UKD-512 1986. The Effectiveness and Acceptability of Measures for Insulating Dwellings Against Traffic Noise. J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 109, pp. 1-18. Wyle 139 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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UKD-481 van den Berg,R.: 1993. Noise From the Marnewaard Utley,W.A.; and Keighley,E.C.: 1988. Community Response Shooting Range A Review of Sound and Annoyance to Neighborhood Noise. Noise as a Public Health Measures. Inter-noise 93, pp. 1145-1148. Problem (Fifth International Congress), vol. 3: NET-354 Performance, Behaviour, Animal, Combined Agents van den Eijk,J.; Kasteleijn,M.L.; and Kosten,C.W.: 1956. and Community Responses, pp. 283-288, Swedish Review of the Netherlands Study of Noise Control in Council for Building Research, Stockholm. Multiple Dwellings. Second ICA Congress, Cambridge, UKD-296 Massachusetts, June 17-23, p. 155. Vadillo,E.G.; Herreros,J.; and Walker,J.G.: 1996. Subjective NET-002 Reaction to Structurally Radiated Sound From van Dongen,J.E.F.: 1980a. Bejaardenoorden En Underground Railways: Field Results. J.Sound Vib., 1, Geluidhinder - Met Afkomstig Van Het vol. 193, pp. 65-74. Wegverkeer. (Houses for the Aged and Noise SPA-408 Annoyance - Especially From Road Traffic). Report D Vallet,M.; Abramowitch,J.M.; and Lambert,J.: 1977. Impact 49. IMG-TNO, Delft. Des Ecrans Anti Bruit Sur La Gêne Des Riverains. NET-196 (Impact of Noise Barrier Applications on the van Dongen,J.E.F.: 1980b. Noise Annoyance Due to Road Annoyance of People). Institute de Recherche des Traffic Noise in Homes for the Aged. 10th International Transports, Bron, France. Congress on Acoustics.. FRA-124 NET-196 Vallet,M.; Maurin,M.; Page,M.A.; Favre,B.; and van Dongen,J.E.F.; and van den Berg,R.: 1980. De Pachiaudi,G.: 1978. Annoyance From and Habituation Gewenning Aan De Nieuwe Spoorlijn Te Zoetermeer. to Road Traffic Noise From Urban Expressways. (The Habituation to the Noise of a Newly Opened J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 60, pp. 423-440. Railroad at Zoetermeer)(Translation Available in: FRA-092 Habituation to the Noise of a Newly-Opened Railroad Vallet,M.; Abramowitch,J.M.; and Lambert,J.: 1979. Impact at Zoetermeer. FTD-ID(RS)T-0999-89. Foreign of Noise Barrier on People Annoyance: Case Study at Technology Division, Air Force Systems Command. L'Hay Les Roses. Inter-noise 79, pp. 865-868. January 1990). Report D 50. IMG-TNO, Delft. FRA-124 NET-195 Vallet,M.; Pachiaudi,G.; Bruyere,J.; Signolles,C.; Tanguy,Y.; van Dongen,J.E.F.: 1981a. Evaluation of Noise Abatement Depitre,A.; Fischl,M.; Francois,J.; and Measures. Inter-noise 81, pp. 813-816. Abramowitch,J.M.: 1986. Réactions De La Communaute NET-106 NET-258 Au Bruit Des Avions. (Translation Available in: van Dongen,J.E.F.: 1981b. Geluidhinder in Reactions of the Community to Aircraft Noise. NASA Bejaardenoorden. (Noise Annoyance in Homes for the TT-20513). INRETS-Laboratoire Energie Nuisances, Aged). Report ICG-VL-DR-24-06. Ministerie van Bron, France. Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne, Leidschendam. FRA-239 NET-196 Vallet,M.; Pachiaudi,G.; Depitre,A.; Tanguy,Y.; and van Dongen,J.E.F.: 1982. Beleving Van Geluidwerende Francois,J.: 1988. Community Reactions to Aircraft and Voorzieningen Tegen Snelverkeerslawaai in De Residual Noise. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Fifth Woonsituatie -Een Vergelijkende Studie-. (Evaluation of International Congress), vol. 3: Performance, Behaviour, Noise Abatement Measures Against Highway Traffic Animal, Combined Agents and Community Responses, Noise - A Comparative Study -). IMG-TNO report D-65. pp. 289-294, Swedish Council for Building Research, IMG-TNO, Delft. Stockholm. NET-106 NET-258 FRA-239 van Dongen,J.E.F.: 1984. Horen En Hinder Van Sanitaire Vallet,M.; Vincent,B.; Champelovier,P.; Vernet,I.; Geluiden En Installatiegeluiden Binnen En Tussen Annequin,C.; Olivier,D.; and Baez,D.: 1992. Efficacite Nieuwgebouwde Eensgezinswoningen En Gestapelde Des Barrieres Acoustiques Routieres Pour Les Riverains Woningen. (Hearing and Annoyance of Sanitary and (Efficiency of Road Noise Barriers With Respect to Installation Noises Within and Between Newly Built Residents). Proceedings of 17th AICB Congress, pp. 25- Terraced Houses and Apartments). IMG-TNO Report D 32, Prague. 76. IMG-TNO, Delft. FRA-346 NET-263 Vallet,M.; Vernet,I.; Champelovier,P.; and Maurin,M.: 1996. van Dongen,J.E.F.: 1985. Noise Annoyance From Sanitary A Road Traffic Noise Index for the Night Time. Inter- Appliances, Ventilators and Gas Burner Furnaces in noise 96, pp. 2345-2350, Liverpool, England. Dwellings. Inter-noise 85, pp. 1017-1020. FRA-364 NET-263 van Dongen,J.E.F.: 1991. Belevingsonderzoek Naar Geluidhinder in De Omgeving Van De 25mm Wyle 140 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Schietbaau Bij Marnewaard (Lauwersmeer). [Survey of Vincent,B.; and Champelovier,P.: 1992. Attente Et Vecu Des Noise Annoyance Perception in the Surroundings of the Ecrans Acoustiques. Eurosymposium: Maitrise du Bruit 25 Mm Shooting Range Near Marnewaard Routier en Milieu Urbain (Acoustical Screens: (Lauwersmeer)]. Report NIPG 91.011. Netherlands Expectations and Experiences The Mitigation of Traffic Institute for Preventive Health Care - TNO, Leiden. Noise in Urban Areas), Nantes. NET-354 FRA-346 van Dongen,J.E.F.; Vos,H.; van Luxemburg,L.C.J.; and Vincent,B.; and Champelovier,P.: 1993. Changes in the Raijmakers,T.M.J.: 1998. Dosis-Effect Relaties Voor Acoustic Environment: Need for an Extensive Geluid Van Buren (Dose-Effect Relations to Noise From Evaluation of Annoyance. Noise and Man '93: Noise as Neighbours). TNO-report 98.002. TNO Prevention and a Public Health Problem (Sixth International Congress), Health, Leiden. vol. 2, pp. 425-428, INRETS, Arcueil, France. NET-462 FRA-346 van Dongen,J.E.F.; Steenbekkers,J.H.M.; and Vos,H.: 1999. Vincent,B.; Vallet,M.; Olivier,D.; and Paque,G.: 2000. De Kwaliteit Van Deleefomgeving Rond Groningen Evaluation of Variations of the Annoyance Due to Airport Eelde (The Quality of Life Around Groningen Aircraft Noise. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 3, pp. 1382-1385, Airport Eelde). PG/VGZ/99.031. TNO Preventie en Nice, France. Gezondheid, Leiden, The Netherlands. FRA-395 NET-379 Vogt,J.; and Kastner,M.: 1999. Sustainable Airport van Kamp,I.; van Kempen,E.; Stellato,R.K.; Fisher,P.F.; Development: Investigating Psychological and Health- Matheson,M.; Asker,R.; Haines,M.; Clark,C.; and Related Noise Effects and Potential Counter-Measures. Stansfeld,S.A.: 2003. Annoyance Reactions to Air and Inter-noise 99, vol. 2, pp. 1223-1226. Road Traffic Noise of Schoolchildren, Their Parents and GER-466 Teachers; Comparing Exposure-Response Curves: The Vogt,J.; and Kastner,M.: 2000. The Role of Information RANCH Study. The 8th Congress of the International Policy in Annoyance Generation and Reduction. Inter- Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise, noise 2000, Nice, France. Foundation ICBEN 2003, Schiedam,the Netherlands. GER-466 SPA-571 UKD-610 NET-575 Vos,J.: 1985. A Review of Field Studies on Annoyance Due van Kamp,I.; Nilsson,M.E.; van Kempen,E.; Stellato,R.K.; to Impulse and Road-Traffic Sounds. Inter-noise 85, pp. Lopez Barrio,I.; Davies,C.H.; and Stansfeld,S.A.: 2004. 1029-1032. Combined Effects of Aircraft Noise and Road Traffic NET-232 Noise on Annoyance; the RANCH Study. Inter-noise Vos,J.: 1999a. Startle Response to Shooting Sounds. Inter- 2004, Prague, Czech Republic. noise 99, pp. 1255-1260, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. SPA-571 NET-460 van Niekerk,C.G.; and Muller,J.L.: 1969. Assessment of Vos,J.: 1999b. Veldonderzoek Naar Schrikreacties Ten Aircraft Noise Disturbance. The Aeronautical Journal, Gevolge Van Schietgeluid (A Field Survey on Startle vol. 73, May 1969, pp. 383-396. Reactions to Shooting Sounds). TNO Report TM99A041. SAF-028 TNO Human Factors, Soesterberg, The Netherlands. van Wiechen,C.M.A.G.; Houthuijs,D.J.M.; Breugelmans,O.; NET-460 and van Kamp,I.: 2003. Monitoring Environmental Vos,J.; and Buchta,E.: 2000. Quantification of Context Health Around Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. The 8th Effects in the Determination of Source-Specific Congress of the International Commission on the Annoyance Ratings for Shooting and Road-Traffic Biological Effects of Noise, Foundation ICBEN 2003, Sounds. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 3, pp. 1597-1602, Nice, Schiedam, the Netherlands. France. NET-533 GER-278 GER-454 Verkeyn,A.; and Botteldooren,D.: 2002. The Effect of Land- VTN Consolidated: 1980. Airport Master Plan- ANCLUC Use Variables in a Fuzzy Rule Based Model for Noise Plan for John Wayne Airport, Orange County, Volume Annoyance. Inter-noise 2002, vol. 111, Dearborn, II: ANCLUC Plan Draft Report. VTN Consolidated, Michigan, USA. Inc.. BEL-539 USA-207 Vernet,I.; Vallet,M.; Vincent,B.; Champelovier,P.; Walker,J.G.; and Fields,J.M.: 1977. Preliminary Results of Annequin,C.; Baez,D.; and Olivier,D.: 1992. Efficacite the Effects of Railway Noise on Nearby Residents. ISVR Des Barrieres Acoustiques Routieres Pour Les Riverains Tech. Report No. 90. Institute of Sound and Vibration (Translation Available in: Efficiency of Road Noise Research, Southampton, England. Barriers With Respect to Residents). Proceedings of UKD-116 Euro-noise 92, vol. 1, pp. 97-104, Institute of Acoustics, Walker,J.G.; and Fields,J.M.: 1978. Railway Noise: Noise St. Albans. Measurement Techniques and Annoyance Reactions. FRA-346 Wyle 141 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Institute of Acoustics, September 1978, pp. 17-16-1-17- Wehrli,B.; Huser,S.; Egli,H.; Bakke,P.; and Grandjean,E.: 16-4. 1976. Wohnen Im Neubau - Eine Interdisziplinäre UKD-116 Untersuchung Über Die Wohnbedingungen in Zürcher Walker,J.G.; and Fields,J.M.: 1980. Community Response to Neubauwohnungen Und Deren Beurteilung Durch Die Railway Noise in Great Britain. Acoustics 80: Institute Bewohner. (An Interdisciplinary Investigation of the of Acoustics Meeting, April 8-11 1980, pp. 85-88. Living Conditions in New Dwellings in Zurich and UKD-116 People's Judgement to These). Verlag Paul Haupt, Bern. Walker,J.G.: 1986. CEC Joint Study of Community SWI-133 Reactions to Aircraft Noise: Residual Noise Wehrli,B.; Nemecek,J.; Turrian,V.; Wanner,H.U.; and Measurements in the Vicinity of Glasgow Airport. ISVR Hofmann,R.: 1978. Störwirkungen Des Memorandum no. 661. ISVR, Univ. of Southampton. Strassenverkehrslärms in Der Nacht. (Annoyance by UKD-238 Traffic Noise by Night). Institut für Hygiene und Walters,D.: 1970. Annoyance Due to Railway Noise in Arbeitsphysiologie, Eidgenössische Technische Residential Areas, in D. V. Center (ed), Architectural Hochschule, Zürich. Psychology. pp. 56-61, R.J.B.A. Publications, Ltd., SWI-173 England. Wehrli,B.; Nemecek,J.; Turrian,V.; Hofmann,R.; and UKD-029 UKD-038 Wanner,H.U.: 1978. Auswirkungen Des Wanner,H.U.; Wehrli,B.; Bakke,P.; Nemecek,J.; Turrian,V.; Straßenverkehrslärm in Der Nacht. (Translation and Grandjean,E.: 1977. Effects of Road Traffic Noise on Available in: Effects of Street Traffic Noise in the Night. Residents. Inter-noise 77, p. B698-B702. NASA TM-75495). Kampf Dem Lärm, vol. 25, pp. 138- SWI-158 SWI-133 149. Wanner,H.U.; Wehrli,B.; Nemecek,J.; and Turrian,V.: 1977. SWI-173 Die Belästigung Der Anwohner Verkehrsreicher Wehrli,B.; and Nemecek,J.: 1979. Effects of the Noise of Strassen Durch Lärm Und Luftverunreinigungen. Street Traffic in Switzerland, a Review of Four Surveys. (Translation Available in: Annoyance Due to Noise and Dept. of Hygiene and Applied Psychology, Swiss Air Pollution to the Residents of Heavily Frequented Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich. Streets. NASA TM-75496). Sozial-Und SWI-173 SWI-158 SWI-133 SWI-053 Präventivmedizin, vol. 22, pp. 108-115. Wehrli,B.; and Grandjean,E.: 1979. Die Wirkungen Des SWI-158 Strassenverkehrslärms: Grundlagen Für Massnahmen Waters,D.M.; and Bottom,C.G.: 1971. The Influence of Und Planung. (The Annoyance by Traffic Noise: Basis Background Noise on Disturbance Due to Aircraft. 7th for Measurement and Planning). 6th Saguf-Symposium International Congress on Acoustics, Budapest, vol. 2, on 4 November 1978. Institute für Hygiene und pp. 521-524. Arbeitsphysiologie Eidgenössische Technische UKD-033 Hochschule, Zurich. Watkins,G.; Tarnopolsky,A.; and Jenkins,L.M.: 1981. SWI-173 Aircraft Noise and Mental Health: II. Use of Medicines Weinstein,N.D.: 1978. Individual Differences in Reactions and Health Care Services. Psychological Medicine, vol. to Noise: A Longitudinal Study in a College Dormitory. 11, pp. 155-168. J.Appl.Psych., vol. 63, pp. 458-466. UKD-148 USA-300 Watts,G.R.: 1984. Vibration Nuisance From Road Traffic - Weinstein,N.D.: 1980. Individual Differences in Critical Results of a 50 Site Survey. TRRL Report LR 1119. Tendencies and Noise Annoyance. J.Sound Vib., 2, vol. Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, 68, pp. 241-248. England. USA-156 UKD-270 Weinstein,N.D.: 1982. Community Noise Problems: Watts,G.R.: 1985. Subjective Responses to Traffic Noise and Evidence Against Adaptation. J.Env.Psych., vol. 2, pp. Noise Induced Vibration Effects in Dwellings. Inter- 87-97. noise 85, pp. 1009-1012. USA-156 UKD-270 Wilcox,D.J.: 1978. Community and Individual Reactions to Watts,G.R.: 1987. Traffic Induced Ground-Borne Vibrations Noise Exposure From Flowing, Congested, and in Dwellings. TRRL Report RR-102. Transport and Road Motorway Traffic (M.Sc. Dissertation), Electrical Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, England. Engineering Dept., University of Salford, England. UKD-270 UKD-162 Webb,D.R.B.; and Warren,C.H.E.: 1967. An Investigation of Willigers,L.H.J.: 1979. Verantwoording Proefproject - the Effect of Bangs on the Subjective Reaction of a Meetresultaten in De Deelprojecten. (Review of the Community. J.Sound Vib., 3, vol. 6, pp. 375-385. Research Project - Results of the Measurements Taken UKD-010 in the Sub-Projects). Report LL-WR-11-11.

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Interdepartementale Commissie Geluidhinder, Wales). BRE Client Report 203938f. Department for Leidschendam, Netherlands. Environment, Food, & Rural Affairs, Watford, UK. NET-115 NET-149 UKD-603 Wilson,A.: 1963. Noise: Final Report. Cmnd. 2056. HMSO, Wrigley,N.: 1976a. An Analysis of the Aircraft Noise London. Expectations of Migrants into an Area Around Luton UKD-008 Airport. ISVR Research Memo 560. Univ. Southampton, Windle,R.E.: 1977. Investigation of Non-Response in an England. Interview Survey (M.Sc. Dissertation), Dept. of Social UKD-112 Statistics, Univ. of Southampton, England. Wrigley,N.: 1976b. Distance From an Airport and the Noise UKD-116 Expectations of Migrants. J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 49, pp. Wirth,K.; Brink,M.; and Schierz,C.: 2006. Lärmstudie 2000 137-140. Schlussbericht Zur 2.Befragungsstudie Vom August UKD-112 2003 [Noise Study 2000: Final Report for the 2nd Yaden,D.V.; and West,D.L.: 1972. Portland International Questionnaire Study From August 2003]. Airport Runway 2-20 Study: Survey of North Shore SWI-534 (Clark County) Residents. Yaden and West, Portland, Wirth,K.; Brink,M.; and Schierz,C.: 2003a. Aircraft Noise Oregon. Annoyance Around the Airport Zurich-Kloten. The 8th USA-060 Congress of the International Commission on the Yamada,I.; and Kaku,J.: 1996. Changes in People's Biological Effects of Noise, pp. 351-353, Foundation Attitudes Toward Airport Resulting From Decrease in ICBEN 2003, Schiedam, the Netherlands. Number of Flights. Inter-noise 96, vol. 4, pp. 2079-2084. SWI-525 JPN-491 Wirth,K.; Brink,M.; and Schierz,C.: 2003b. Swiss Noise Yamada,I.: 2000. Issues of Airport Noise in Japan Early in Study 2000: Aircraft Noise Annoyance in the the 21st Century. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 5, pp. 2777-2783, Neighborhood of the Airport Zurich-Kloten. Inter-noise Nice, France. 2003, pp. 4425-4432, Seogwipo, Korea. JPN-491 SWI-525 Yamada,I.; Kaku,J.; Yokota,T.; Namba,S.; and Ogata,S.: Wirth,K.: 2004. Lärmstudie 2000: Die Belästigungssituation 2008. A New Method of Social Survey on Im Umfeld Des Flughafens Zürich. pp. 1-233. Transportation Noise Using the Internet and GIS. The SWI-525 9th Congress of the International Commission on the Wirth,K.; and Bröer,C.: 2004. More Annoyed by Aircraft Biological Effects of Noise, Foxwoods, Connecticut, Noise Than 30 Years Ago? Some Figures and USA. Interpretations. Inter-noise 2004, Prague, Czech JPN-616 Republic. Yamamoto,T.; Takagi,K.; Hashimoto,K.; and Yoneda,A.: SWI-525 1970. Survey Report on Intermittent Industrial Noise Wirth,K.; Brink,M.; and Schierz,C.: 2004. (Second Report), Reaction of the Populace Based on Fluglärmbelästigung Um Den Flughafen Zürich- Written Response. Nihon Koeishi, 5, vol. 17, pp. 261- Kloten.(Noise Study 2000: Aircraft Noise Annoyance 268. Around Airport Zurich-Kloten). Zeitschrift Für JPN-005 Lärmbekämpfung, 1, vol. 51, pp. 48-56. Yamamoto,T.: 1999. A Report on the Aircraft Noise As a SWI-525 Public Health Problem in Okinawa (English Summary Wirth,K.; Brink,M.; and Schierz,C.: 2006. Lärmstudie 2000: Available at Schlussbericht Zur 2. Befragungsstudie Vom August Http://Www.Pref.Okinawa.Jp/Okinawa_Kankyo/Sou 2003. ETH Zürich, Zentrum für Organisations- und on/Pdf_e/Index.Html). Department of Culture and Arbeitswissenschaften. Environmental Affairs, Okinawa Perfectual SWI-525 SWI-534 Government, Okinawa. Wolsink,M.; and Sprengers,M.: 1993. Windturbine Noise: A JPN-353 JPN-444 JPN-445 New Environmental Threat? Noise and Man '93: Noise Yamanaka,K.: 1982. Criteria for Acceptable Levels of the as a Public Health Problem (Sixth International Shinkansen Super Express Train Noise and Vibrations Congress), vol. 2, pp. 235-238, INRETS, Arcueil, France. in Residential Areas. J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 84, pp. 573- DEN-333 GER-335 NET-334 591. Wong,C.L.; Chau,W.; and Wong,L.W.: 2002. Environmental JPN-201 Noise and Community in Hong Kong. Noise & Health, Yamashita,T.; Yano,T.; and Izumi,K.: 1996. Effects of a Belt 16, vol. 4, pp. 65-69. of Trees on Road Traffic Noise Annoyance. Inter-noise HKG-607 HKG-608 96, pp. 2307-2310. Wright,P.; Skinner,C.J.; and Grimwood,C.J.: 2001. The JPN-452 National Noise Incidence Study 2000 (England and

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Yano,T.; Yamashita,T.; and Izumi,K.: 1991a. Community Problem (Seventh International Congress), vol. 2, pp. Response to Road Traffic Noise in Kumamoto. J.Sound 582-585. Vib., vol. 151, pp. 487-495. JPN-369 JPN-370 JPN-453 Yano,T.; Sato,T.; Björkman,M.; and Rylander,R.: 2000. Yano,T.; Yamashita,T.; and Izumi,K.: 1991b. Comparison of Comparison of Community Responses to Road Traffic Community Response to Road Traffic Noise in Warmer Noise in Japan and Sweden, Part II: Causal Modeling and Colder Areas in Japan. Inter-noise 91, pp. 903-906. by Path Analysis. Inter-noise 2000, vol. 5, pp. 3195-3200, JPN-453 Nice, France. Yano,T.; Izumi,K.; Yamashita,T.; Dankittikul,W.; and JPN-369 JPN-382 SWE-368 Kurosawa,K.: 1993. Cross-Regional Comparison of Yano,T.; Sato,T.; Björkman,M.; and Rylander,R.: 2002. Community Response to Road Traffic Noise in Comparison of Community Response to Road Traffic Hokkaido and Kyushu, Japan. Noise and Man '93: Noise in Japan and Sweden - Part 2: Path Analysis. Noise as a Public Health Problem (Sixth International J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 250, pp. 169-174. Congress), vol. 2, pp. 217-220, INRETS, Arcueil, France. JPN-369 SWE-368 JPN-370 JPN-453 Yano,T.; Sato,T.; Morihara,T.; and Hashimoto,Y.: 2004. On Yano,T.; Izumi,K.; Rylander,R.; and Björkman,M.: 1994. the Percentage Highly Annoyed in Community Cross-Cultural Study on Community Response to Responses to Noise As Measured by the ICBEN 5-Point Traffic Noise (2): Surveys in Gothenburg, Sweden and Scale in Japanese. Inter-noise 2004, Prague, Czech Kumamoto, Japan. Inter-noise 94, pp. 1149-1152. Republic. JPN-451 SWE-420 JPN-541 JPN-536 Yano,T.; Yamashita,T.; and Izumi,K.: 1996. Social Survey on Yano,T.; Sato,T.; and Morihara,T.: 2006. Impact of Vibration Community Response to Railway Noise - Comparison on Railway and Road Traffic Noise Annoyance. Inter- of Responses Obtained With Different Annoyance noise 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Scales. Inter-noise 96, pp. 2299-2302. JPN-530 JPN-370 Yano,T.; Sato,T.; and Morihara,T.: 2007. Dose-Response Yano,T.; Izumi,K.; Yamashita,T.; and Tabata,T.: 1997. Relationships for Road Traffic, Railway and Aircraft Comparison of Community Response to Railway Noises in Kyushu and Hokkaido, Japan. Inter-noise Noises Obtained With Different Category Scales. (In 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. Japanese Only). J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn., 1, vol. 53, pp. 13-23. JPN-565 JPN-370 Yeowart,N.S.; Wilcox,D.J.; and Rossall,A.W.: 1977a. Yano,T.; Kurosawa,K.; and Kawai,K.: 1997. Effects of Noise Community Reactions to Noise From Freely Flowing Barriers on Annoyance Caused by Road Traffic From Traffic, Motorway Traffic and Congested Traffic Flow. Kyushu Highway. Inter-noise 97, pp. 1253-1256. J.Sound Vib., 1, vol. 53, pp. 127-145. JPN-450 UKD-162 Yano,T.; Yamashita,T.; and Izumi,K.: 1997. Comparison of Yeowart,N.S.; Wilcox,D.J.; and Rossall,A.W.: 1977b. Community Annoyance From Railway Noise Evaluated Nuisance Caused by Traffic Noise in Urban Areas. by Different Category Scales. J.Sound Vib., vol. 205, pp. Institute of Acoustics, May 1977, p. 12.4.1-12.4.4. 505-511. UKD-162 JPN-370 Yokoshima,S.; and Tamura,A.: 2003. Community Response Yano,T.; Sato,T.; Kawai,K.; and Kurosawa,K.: 1997. to Shinkansen Railway Noise. Inter-noise 2003, pp. Comparison of Community Response to Road Traffic 4397-4404, Seogwipo, Korea. and Railway Noises. (In Japanese Only). JPN-564 J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn., 7, vol. 54, pp. 489-496. Yokoshima,S.; and Tamura,A.: 2005. Combined Annoyance JPN-369 JPN-370 Due to the Shinkansen Railway Noise and Vibration. Yano,T.; Sato,T.; Kawai,K.; and Kurosawa,K.: 1997. Inter-noise 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Comparison of Community Response to Road Traffic JPN-564 and Railway Noises (Japanese). J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn., 7, vol. Yokoshima,S.; and Tamura,A.: 2006. Interactive Effects 54, pp. 489-496. Between Shinkansen Railway Noise and Vibration on JPN-369 JPN-370 Annoyance. Inter-noise 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Yano,T.; Izumi,K.; Yamashita,T.; and Tabata,T.: 1997. JPN-564 Comparison of Community Response to Railway Noise Yokoshima,S.; Morihara,T.; Ota,A.; and Tamura,A.: 2008. Obtained With Different Category Scales (Japanese). Reanalysis of Dose-Response Curves of Shinkansen J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn., 1, vol. 53, pp. 13-23. Railway Noise. The 9th Congress of the International JPN-370 Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise, pp. 724- Yano,T.; Murakami,Y.; Kawai,K.; and Sato,T.: 1998. 730, Foxwoods, Connecticut, USA. Comparison of Responses to Road Traffic and Railway JPN-530 JPN-564 Noises. Noise Effects ‘98: Noise as a Public Health Wyle 144 An Updated Catalog of 628 Social Surveys of WR 09-18 (November 2009) Residents’ Reaction to Environmental Noise (1943-2008)

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Yoshida,T.: 1987. Effects of Road Traffic Noise on Residents Zeichart,K.; Kilcher,H.; Herrmann,W.; Hils,T.; and (In Japanese). Proceedings of the Spring Meeting of the Gawlik,M.: 2000. Untersuchung Zur Lästigkeit Von Acoustical Society of Japan, pp. 433-434. Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen Am Beispiel Der Neu- JPN-503 Und Ausbaustrecke Hannover-Göttingen - Kurzfassung Yoshida,T.; and Nakamura,S.: 1988a. Subjective Ratings of - (Study of the Nuisance Caused by High-Speed Trains Health State and Railway Noise. J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn.(E), With Reference to the Hanover-to-Göttingen Newly- vol. 9, pp. 181-190. Built/Upgraded Line). Deutsche Bahn AG, München. JPN-340 GER-467 Yoshida,T.; and Nakamura,S.: 1988b. Subjective Ratings of Zhao,P.; and Chen,G.: 1992. The Subjective Reaction to Health Status and Railway Noise. J.Sound Vib., vol. 127, Roadtraffic Noise. 14th International Congress on pp. 593-598. Acoustics, pp. E5-8, Beijing. JPN-340 CHI-386 Yoshida,T.; and Nakamura,S.: 1989. Effect of Noise Events Zheng,D.; Cai,X.; and Chen,T.: 1986. Chinese Definition of on Inhabitants' Reactions to Railway Noise. Loudness, Noisiness and Annoyance and the Attitude J.Acoust.Soc.Jpn.(E), 6, vol. 10, pp. 339-348. Towards Noise. Inter-noise 86, pp. 855-860. JPN-340 CHI-514 JPN-510 Yoshida,T.: 1991. A Study on Noise and Health of Zoric,D.; and Miroslav,H.: 1981. Reactions of the Inhabitants(In Japanese). Proceedings, Acoustical Inhabitants of the Neighboring Residential Areas of the Society of Japan, vol. 91-36, pp. 1-7. Airport Split to the Aircraft Noise. Jugoslovenski JPN-503 JPN-504 Aerokosmonauticki Kongres, Belgrade. Yoshida,T.; and Nakamura,S.: 1994. Community Noise and YUG-234 Health of Inhabitants. Inter-noise 90, vol. 2, pp. 1125- Zoric,D.; Lukic,D.; and Gvozdenovic,S.: 1982. Noise 1128, Gothenburg. Control Programme For the Airport "Split" Based on the JPN-504 Interviewing of the Residents in the Surrounding Yoshida,T.; Tokuyama,H.; and Nakamura,S.: 1994. Noise Settlements, Analysis of the Existing Take-Off and and Subjective Symptoms of Inhabitants. Inter-noise 94, Landing Procedures and Direct Aircraft Noise pp. 1137-1140. Measurements. Inter-noise 82, pp. 539-541. JPN-340 JPN-503 JPN-504 YUG-234 Yoshida,T.; Osada,Y.; Kawaguchi,T.; Hoshiyama,Y.; Yoshida,K.; and Yamamoto,K.: 1997. Effects of Road

Traffic Noise on Inhabitants of Tokyo. J.Sound Vib., 4, vol. 205, pp. 517-522. JPN-496 Yu,W.: 1987. Accuracy of Measurement for Assessing Human Response to Noise. Inter-noise 87, pp. 985-988. KOR-295 Yu,W.: 1988. Disturbance of Daily Activities Due to Traffic Noise. WESTPAC III (Third Western/Pacific Regional Acoustics Conference, Shanghai, China, November 1988), pp. 541-544. KOR-295 Zamarin,D.M.; Langdon,L.E.; and Gabriel,R.F.: 1971. A Summary of Two Community Surveys on the Effects of Aircraft Noise. Report No. MDC J5033. Douglas Aircraft Co.. USA-027 USA-031 Zannin,P.H.T.; Diniz,F.B.; and Ferreira,J.A.C.: 2005. A Survey of Urban Noise Annoyance in a Large Brazilian City: the Importance of a Subjective Analysis in Conjunction With a Objective Analysis. Inter-noise 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. BRA-586 Zeichart,K.: 1999. Noise Annoyance From High-Speed Trains in Germany. Inter-noise 99, pp. 1337-1342, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. GER-467

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