Japan In2050
JapaneseJapaneseSociety Society ofCulturalof Cultural Anthropology 2010 Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology Award Lecture Japan in 2050: An Anthropological Imagination of Japan's Future through the Dreams of Filipina Migrants YAMAsHITA Shinji Graduate Sehool ofArts and Sciences, The University of Tbkyo [[lrranslated by John ERTTi Kanazawa University and TANAKA Maki University of Califbrnia, Berkeley What will Japan look like in 2050? By 2050, Japan's current population of a27 million will decline to 9" million, due to its ]ow birth rate. The number of people aged 65 or older will increase to 40.5 percent of the total population by 2055. This is an ultra-aged society never experienced before in human history. Within such a "import" demographic framework, Japan may be forced to foreign labor for the survival of its economy. Thus, some foresee that Japan will have 1O million foreign residents by 2050, accounting for 1ri percent of the total population, a$ compared with 2.2 mirlion, or 1.7 percent, as of 2008. That necessarily leads to the scenario of Japan becoming multicultura[. Agai,nst the background of such a future soc[o-demographic change in Japanese soc[ety, thi$ paper examines transnational migration into Japan and the Japanese way of IMng together in a multicultural environment, Particularly focusing on the dreams of Filipina migrants, the paper discusses the culturai po[itics of migration, including the issues of citizenship and human rights, and seeks the possibility of establishing a public anthropology directed toward the future Japanese society. Key words: Japan's future, aged society with a low birth rate, transnational migration, multioulturalism, publicanthropology Introduction My career as an anthropolegist began in 1970, fbrty years ago, as an undeTgraduate student at the University of [Ibkyo, As a graduate student at [[bkyo Metropolitan UniversitM my dissertation was an ethnographic study of rituals of the [[braja in Sulawesi, Indonesia, which was later published as a book (YAMAsHITtrt 1988).
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