Elephant Fish
Best Fish Guide 2009-2010 How sustainable is New Zealand seafood? (Ecological Assessments) Produced and Published by Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand, Inc. PO Box 631, Level One, 90 Ghuznee Street, Wellington. www.forestandbird.org.nz November 2009 Acknowledgements Forest & Bird with to thank anonymous reviewers for their peer review comments on this draft. We also thank Peta Methias, Annabel Langbein, Martin Bosely, Margaret Brooker, Lois Daish, Kelder Haines, Dobie Blaze, Rohan Horner and Ray McVinnie for permission to use their recipes on the website. Special thanks to our Best Fish Guide Ambassador Dobie Blaze, keyboard player with Fat Freddy’s Drop. Editing: Kirstie Knowles, Barry Weeber and Helen Bain Technical Advisor: Barry Weeber Cover Design: Rob Deliver Cover fish (Tarakihi): Malcolm Francis Photography: Malcolm Francis: blue cod, blue moki, blue shark, butterfish, groper/hapuku, hoki, jack mackerel, john dory, kahawai, kingfish, leather jacket, moonfish, paua, porbeagle shark, red gurnard, red snapper, scallop, school shark, sea perch, snapper, spiny dogfish, tarakihi, trevally and trumpeter. Peter Langlands: blue warehou, cockles, elephantfish, frostfish, lookdown dory, oyster, pale ghost shark, queen scallops, red cod, rig/lemonfish, rubyfish and scampi. Ministry of Fisheries: albacore tuna, bigeye tuna, blue mackerel, pacific bluefin tuna, skipjack tuna, southern bluefin tuna and swordfish. John Holdsworth: gemfish, striped marlin and yellowfin tuna. Kirstie Knowles: sand flounder and rock lobster. Department of Conservation: kina and skate. Quentin Bennett: mako shark. Scott Macindoe: garfish. Jim Mikoz: yellow-eyed mullet. Forest & Bird: arrow squid, dark ghost shark, orange roughy, smooth oreo, packhorse lobster, paddle crabs, stargazer and white warehou.
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